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misguided-spiritcat · 2 days ago
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My Shayla (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
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whoisspence · 1 month ago
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my shayla :(
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bozowha · 2 months ago
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so polite!!
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berryliciouspie · 1 month ago
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stompandhollar · 2 months ago
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basira packed his clothes, she found 90% of it at a thrift store and just mailed a trashbag to the safe house.
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tinyslyme · 11 days ago
Oh my god it's him it's my favorite white boy
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Why is he the only character that wears this stupid hat?
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chefskisslol · 2 months ago
TFP AU where instead of the Decepticons finding Skyfire on Earth, the High Council becomes intrigued by the frantic report of a seeker asking for assistance looking for their shuttle research partner on an ice planet.
They don’t help the seeker of course, because it’s a seeker. They are conniving and deceptive in nature, so obvious he must’ve killed the shuttle on that ice planet and is now asking for help for sympathy points. That sort of evil can only be done by a Decepticon, so they promptly accuse the seeker of killing the shuttle. Obviously they have no proof so they can’t charge him of anything, but they CAN strip him of his certificates and exile him.
Now with the Decepticon out of the way, they focus their efforts onto the ice planet. A shuttle.. that would be very useful in the war against the Decepticons. Large and powerful, even if a shuttle themselves aren’t smart they more than make up for it with their great strength.
It takes a while to find the shuttle, but when they do, they are quick to start with their project. They transport the shuttle back to Cybertron in secret, and have their finest scientists start working on it. The shuttle awakens and is distressed, asking them where his research partner is. They don’t answer, instead asking him to join the Autobots, emphasizing that with his size and strength, they would have the advantage over Decepticons and be able to win the war easier.
Unexpectedly, however, the shuttle refuses, once again asking for them to let him leave so he can go find his research partner.
It’s annoying, but it’s not a problem.
They promptly put him into forced stasis. It doesn’t matter if the shuttle refuses, while they were asking to be nice, it ultimately had no say in this. It’s a shuttle after all. It’s not like it was doing much before this.
They alter its processor, making sure to condition it into being their greatest secret weapon. With a long conditioning (torture and mindbreak) it finally learned to work with them. It shouldn’t had made things so difficult, honestly. It would have been easier if it just let them, but whatever they did after it refused, it was ultimately on the shuttle for not doing what they asked.
Skyfire is extremely distressed and disoriented, one moment he was with his conjunx and then crashing into the snow, and the next he was in the custody of the High Council acting as their lab experiment.
He didn’t want this. He didn’t want to fight. Not for them, not for the Autobots, not for Decepticons, not for anyone. He just wanted to go back to Starscream. He wanted to go back to sitting at the table having energon while watching a crappy action show together. He wanted to just live his life with his mate unbothered.
That’s all he wanted.
But in the end, what he want didn’t matter. Not to them. They got what they wanted.
The first time Skyfire tried to refuse, the High Council realized that if they actually want to be able to use him effectively, they would have to.. condition him.
And so they do.
They force the shuttle into forced stasis and, with a (not so) heavy spark, performed Empurata on him.
By the end of it, it had became obedient, willing to follow any and every order a handler gave him.
It would then go on to be ordered to take down Decepticon bases on other colonies and it would do so without a moment of delay. Any hesitation was swiftly punished. It razed Decepticon colonies to the ground, no matter who or what stood in its way. No matter what sort of internal conflict Skyfire had with himself.
He had no control over his body.
He was a soul trapped in his own corpse.
It was perfect.
Jetfire was perfect.
The one of the greatest assets to the Autobots.
Many, many stellar cycles later, when Cybertron was dead and Optimus Prime and his crew was nowhere to be found, the High Council finally got a comm from the Prime asking for backup on some sort of dirt ball called Earth with Decepticons.
And when dull blue optics met familiar, surprised red optics from a smaller silver seeker for the first time in centuries, it did not smile or cry. It didn’t look surprised nor angry. It did not acknowledge it’s forgotten conjunx he longed for all those centuries ago.
Despite Skyfire’s desperate attempts to make his body stop, Jetfire raised its gun, and fired.
(And in the end, when Jetfire loomed dangerously over its enemy, Skyfire realized he was no longer the mech Starscream married)
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necroart · 2 months ago
Today I woke up half an hour before the alarm BECAUSE OF A NIGHTMARE ABOUT STARSCREAM
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The Decepticons were losing the fight, so they decided not to fall into enemy hands at all. Everyone, that is, except Starscream.
He watched the death of his comrades, who were jumping down from some high tower. Then the ghost of Skyfire came to him and in a gentle, friendly tone also offered to extinguish his spark, get rid of his suffering and join them.
And DAMN IT. Starscream reacted so violently to this that his hysteria and tears scared me and made me wake up.
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agent-44mc · 2 months ago
this is such a big step. *shoves away my unfinished plot that needs serious work*
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bettyphernelia · 2 months ago
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hes so beautiful jm gonna combust. . . i lav you frank
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eijiriott · 1 month ago
I witnessed a tweet, I received a vision.
Click image for marginally better quality yahoo!! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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anticapitalistclown · 2 months ago
I miss Jake so much
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chattychatty4 · 2 months ago
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Random sir sparklepuff survives AU doodles
Maybe in another universe they’re all a happy little family :(
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superg1rl-newsiesnerd · 2 months ago
Tw: eating disorder (kinda), su!c!dal thoughts, SH, PURE ANGST (kinda projecting onto my baby)
Can we just talk about how HORRIBLE Jack Kelly’s life has been. My baby. My baby. MY BABY!!!
The fact he says “I’m dead if I can’t count on you today” in Santa Fe, it’s been widely spread (possibly canonical) that that’s implying suicidal thoughts.
And he’s had these thoughts probably ever since his father died. But he didn’t give in, he COULDN’T give in because, he’s the leader of the newsies and they’d fall apart if he died. He’d be at fault if he died. He couldn’t leave them because he had to steal and provide for them. That was his purpose.
That also took over a lot of his thoughts. Is he anymore than just their way of living? Their leader? Or was he actually meaning something to them? He always though of himself as just their provider and they never cared for him as a person (which couldn’t be more wrong)
Back to the suicidal thoughts, it doesn’t help that he lives on a ROOFTOP. Some nights when it would get really bad and crutchie was asleep, he’d just sit and cry and look over the edge, contemplating the jump.
And those thoughts didn’t help anymore when crutchie got sent to the refuge. He got really bad after that. He spent his whole time ever since he knew crutchie making it his goal to NOT. LET. CRUTCHIE. GO. TO. THE. REFUGE. The place he has so much trauma from. But he does, and it makes him feel so completely and utterly useless and like such a failure. He would’ve been gone if it wasn’t for Medda letting him into the theatre.
But then davey came along. (By no means when I say this do I mean davey doesn’t have it hard, he IS poor.) davey who was used to three meals a day and eating normally, seeing Jack, who gives his food to the newsies and barely ever eats a crumb, and was just so, so skinny. It triggered something in him, that this boy wasn’t okay.
He would start asking him “have you eaten today sweetie?” Or “what did you and the newsies have for dinner? If you didn’t get anything for yourself I’m gonna take you home with me and shove the food down your throat” /j or “come over to my house for dinner tonight. Okay? Mom’s a great cook, she’d love to have you.”
And then slowly Jack starts to realize how much he had been putting on himself. He starts realizing how bad things are.
But davey, oh davey. Davey makes him feel LOVED. he makes him feel like more than just a provider and leader. Like a human being he deserves love.
And slowly, he gets healthier and slowly, he gets happier with himself and life. And eventually, he’s happy for once.
…can you tell I rewatched newsies
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hopeful-kath · 4 days ago
just broke down in tears thinking about jason todd yeah I'd say I'm pretty normal about him what do mean??
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wh00reforhorror · 2 months ago
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As a religious trauma girl with no friends & crippling social anxiety, she means the world to me.
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