#OC: Menace the Gecko
iamapoopmuffin · 1 year
I don't know a lot about Sonic but I want to know! 29 and 30 for ask game.
Aight, you didn't specify an OC so I'm gonna do a random one!
29. How would you describe their personality?
Menace is, as his name suggests, an absolute menace. He's energetic, eccentric and spooky. He loves all things horror and delights in scaring others, though he can recognise when he's gone too far. He has a nurturing side, as any of his companion chao will let you know. He has a very morbid sense of humour. Also if you threaten his chao, he won't hesitate, bitch. As well as this, a love of making money is definitely a facet of his personality. Opportunities to advertise his haunted house are taken in an instant. He's a good showman, and a good horror actor. The eccentric high energy spoop-tastic vibes are kind of Lilia vibes if you're a Twisted Wonderland fan.
30. What is their main goal/motive?
So far, Menace's goals and motives are pretty simplistic. Earn money, perform in haunted house with his spooky pets, scare the bejeebus out of people. The haunted house he does is very much just scare actors and scary atmosphere though, just an attraction for kids. What Menace would love is to one day travel to an actual haunted location and meet real ghosts. He knows they're out there, but he's never been able to get to the right places. He would take one look at King Boom Boo and go 'aw yeah new best friend'. Incidentally, Menace doesn't have many friends beyond his chao at the moment. More friends would be nice.
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quicksilverdaisyday · 7 months
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realizing now that i don’t think i ever shared bonnie’s little sister… this is maria :) i wonder which parent named her /s
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terrah-lee · 4 months
So part of me wanted to wait to post this until I was willing to do more than the most basic of shading ever on Mikey and Donnie’s tails… but I wanna talk about my boys so fuck that lmao.
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The boys!! You can probably guess which ones are Mikey and Donnie, but for the other two: left is Leo, right is Raph.
I had so much fun trying to design these guys while trying to combine a couple of *very* heavily patterned animals. Raph in particular was difficult, because most Lionfish are red. You’d think that would be great since he’s the red guy, but every time I tried to think about going that route it just… didn’t look great. The current design does have red in it, but it’s not so in your face.
Now random facts Time!
he’s a 22 year old, 6’4” tank of a mutant who loses like 80% of his intimidation factor when he lets his brother cling to him like geckos
He has two partners: Sol and Mona; Mona is pretty self explanatory, but Sol is a male OC that was created by complete accident and wouldn’t leave
If not already obvious, the guy is bi
He tends to act as both an older brother and a bit of a parent to his younger siblings since he is not only seven years older than them, but was only found by Splinter when he was 17
Raph isn’t actually a ninja and does not have the usual color-coded bandana or his sais
He can do a bunch of knife tricks though
This also means he doesn’t patrol, but for certain reasons this… isn’t really a bad thing
He’s the second oldest at 15 and 5’6”; he’s probably hiding behind Raph anytime they’re in public
Yes, he does have a crush on a certain rabbit that he goes to school with
He has some pretty bad social anxiety, so while he’s great at planning and does “lead” on patrols it’s usually Donnie and Mikey doing most of the talking when necessary
Plays a lot of video games— he has every high score in that household
He also spends a lot of time taking care of plants with Raph and Splinter
14 years old and 5’4”; do not leave him and his twin Donnie unsupervised for too long or something *will* blow up
The fastest out of all of them even if only by a tiny margin over Donnie
Loves chemistry— yes, he and Donnie have made bombs
Very outgoing, but being nice and a menace are possible at the same time
Actually a very capable ninja and he’s most likely to split off on his own from the others
14 and 5’4” just like Mikey; probably the one you actually want to talk to if you like living
Quiet but confident; he might not approach you first but can and will talk your ears off if you get him going
Works with Mikey on a lot of his inventions, which leads to a lot of ah… hidden features
Has modified his bo partially out of necessity because while Raph is by far the strongest they all have a tendency to break normal weapons
Just do not piss this kid off he will hunt you and your family down for sport
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idioticsky · 10 months
Shhh I have yet to figure out everything, but I'm getting there-
Buuuuuuut, I will give some basic info if you wish my dear friend Cherry :]
Oldest out of him and his brothers (17)
Florida softshell turtle
The technical team leader, but Leo just says everything that he says but louder (he doesn't really care too much tho-)
Still got his low empathy from rise
Still the tech genius of the team, spends most of his time in the lab
5'9 (tallest he'll get is like 5'11)
Still uses his Bō staff
Really hasn't been the same after the "incident"
Second oldest (16)
Painted turtle
The team parent, he's trying to keep everyone together and stop Leo and Raph from fighting 24/7. The one making sure Donnie gets some food most days since he never leaves his lab
Draws and cooks to help relax after a long day
ADHD baby
5'5 (tallest he'll get is like 5'9-5'10)
Still got his nunchucks
Doesn't like to think about the incident
Middle child and twin with Raph (both 13, will explain the middle child bit in a sec after I get done with Raph)
Still a Red-eared slider
Still the face man and "team leader" but bro's just a goof who tries to show off to every cute guy or girl he gets the chance to talk with (he's a horrible flirt)
team medic as well since I love the idea of him being all jokes then serious when someone gets injured pretty bad
5'6 (tallest he'll get is like 6'3)
Also got ADHD baby
Still got his katanas
Really too young to remember the incident other than bits and pieces
Middle child (13)
Green sea turtle
Really nice and kind to people who aren't family, but he can be a menace to his fam
Likes to cook with Mikey and take care of his pet cat that his little sister promptly names Snickers cuz the cat constantly made the sound when they found them
Loose canon on missions sometimes
ADD boy
He got both his tonfa and sai
With Leo on barely remembering the incident
Now, explaining the middle child nonsense. I have an oc that I made a bit ago names Amelia (named after Amelia Earhart since I really liek the history with her), she's the turtles baby sister. Do I have a drawing of her? No- no I don't. Will I have one at some point? No idea man, anyway info time for her
Youngest (8)
Cape dwarf gecko/common dwarf gecko
Really sweet and loves to tinker with things, she'll soon become the mechanic and works on anything that Donnie doesn't have time for (*cough cough* turtle tank *cough cough*)
About 2'5 (so smoll, tallest she'll get is about 5'5)
She'll learn hand-to-hand combat when she's older, like boxing and stuff
Girl got a NASTY right hook
She was a baby when the incident happened
Now, this little incident that happened is the reason we don't got info for Splinter. What happened was Donnie and Mikey were out grabbing some groceries and were followed home by Bishop and his crew. They had gotten a few reports of turtle kids roaming around and needed to check it out. Needless to say, Splinter was captured and killed that night, but at least she (yes in this iteration she's their mom and not their dad) got her children out safe. They've been living in their new lair ever since.
But yeah! This is the basics! Hope you like em Cherry! :D
(Don't mind me also writing headcanons for Danny and Leo that I'll post later)
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1cat200 · 2 months
Rise kids:Next gen-part 5
This is now going to be about my rottmnt ocs Cathy Hamato (bengal tiger mutant) and Tanjiro Takahashi (human samurai vigilante). For more info about them you can check it out on my Tumblr and my rottmnt Tiger Sister au. Next week on Tuesday will be about April and Sunita's kids. Enjoy!
•Cathy and Tanjiro's adopted son.
•Used He/They pronouns.
•15 years old.
•Cathy found him as a baby when she was investigating about an illegal government lab making illegal experiments and found Oliver inside of a test tube and took him home.
•Cathy named Oliver after one of her favourite classical novels "Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens".
•Oliver looks completely human but is actually an artificially made mutant with multiple powers abilities and even has blue blood.
•Oliver's powers include electric manipulation, fire control, healing factor, shape shifting, crystal shields and night vision.
•Oliver can only shape shift into a few type of animals such as a wolf,puma,otter,gecko,fox,turtle even a Harpy (he only has falcon wings and talons whenever he shifts into his Harpy form).
•This is what Oliver looks like as a turtle:
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•Oliver is bisexual and is a complete mama's boy.
•He can even meow like a cat thanks to him being so close to Cathy.
•His weapon of choice is a wakisashi.
•He's the oldest of his siblings and loves them a lot.
•Is a My Hero Academia fan boy (and totally does not have a fanboy crush on Deku 😏).
•Wants to be a hero like his mom someday.
•Oliver's birthday is May 18th.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological son.
•Uses He/him pronouns.
•14 years old.
•Transmasculine and gay as a rainbow 🏳️‍🌈.
•Is the second oldest of his siblings.
•Acts like Leo when he was a teenager and Makoto can be a little cocky and overconfident at times.
•Came out mostly human except for his tiger ears and tail and his stripe birthmarks on his shoulders down to his elbows.
•Athlete and is the fastest kid you'll ever meet.
•Has been recently having a few nightmares and weird sensations which feels like their from.....another life?
•He and Casey are besties and love causing occasional chaos.
•Often is a bit of a punk.
•Has an extreme fear of needles and the smallest mention or sight of a needle will make him scream so loud that glass windows will shatter into pieces and will pass out for 2 hours.
•Makoto still doesn't currently have any mystic powers of his own yet which upsets him a bit.
•His weapon of choice is a katana.
•Makoto's birthday is June 23rd.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological daughter.
•Uses She/Her pronouns.
•14 years old.
•Complete goth gal.
•Makoto's identical twin sister.
•Autistic twin while Makoto is the undiagnosed ADHD twin.
•Is a little shy at times and didn't speak until she was 5 years old.
•Her mystic powers are ghost like and similar to witchcraft.
•Loves horror films.
•Halloween is like a second birthday to her.
•Heather can also speak to ghosts which sometimes scares the crap out of her family.
•Her weapon of choice is Kamas.
•Do NOT under any circumstances leave her and Makoto alone for more then 1 hour or they will get bored and plot chaos in less the 2 minutes!
•She and Makoto are like the junior Disaster Twins if the family.
•Heather's birthday is June 23rd.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological daughter.
•Uses she/her pronouns.
•11 years old.
•Artistic sweet heart with a heart filled with pure gold.
•Her mystic powers are wind manipulation and control.
•She adores penguins and is absolutely crazy about penguins.
•Is more of a lover then a fighter.
•Isn't into violence and prefers cuddles.
•Because of this,Kana doesn't do ninja training and instead practices art with Mikey.
•Is an absolute menace to her siblings.
•Looks a lot like Cathy.
•Can be mischievous and has an extreme sweet tooth (be very careful with sugar around her!).
•Surprised everyone when she was born as a white tiger. After some tests it turned out that it was a hidden genetic from Cathy's tiger DNA.
•Is super friendly which leads to her older siblings being very protective of her.
• Kana's birthday is April 8th.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological child.
•Uses she/him pronouns.
•10 years old.
•Is usually shy and reserved.
•Is a huge fan of cute and fluffy animals.
•Is a vegetarian and if he sees meat then he will faint.
•Can shift from tiger mutant to human at will like Cathy.
•His mystic powers are to communicate with animals.
•Often sneaks stray pets into the house.
•His brothers and sisters are very protective of her and will destroy anyone who tries to harm him.
•Is in ninja training so she doesn't have any weapons of his own yet.
•Loves his family a lot.
•Is a sensitive kid and usually goes to Heather and Kana for comfort whenever he feels down or has a bad day.
•Sam's birthday is coincidentally the same day as Kana's (Kana refers to her and Sam being semi twins sometimes because of it).
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unholycourier · 1 year
Fallout OCs Masterpost!
Read about my scrumblos below the cut. 💛 Character ref/art included.
Quinn Higuchi Verger - Courier 6
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Quinn Higuchi is the Courier 6 of the Mojave Wasteland. An orphaned child, Quinn eventually grew up to be a small town doctor that located near the border of California in Utah, Quinn took up odd jobs as courier for the Mojave Express a few times to afford more expensive treatments and further medical supplies for the resident of his town.
At one point, Quinn was known to be a passive man with little to say and little to show in expression— preferring to keep to himself and carry on with his job. Eventually, all of that changed when he was to deliver the Platinum Chip and was intercepted by Benny Gecko.
The shot to his head did irreparable damage to his brain, and thus, flipped a switch in him. Not only did he suffer amnesia, forgetting his entire life prior being shot, but the small town doctor Quinn became a menace afterwards. Selfish, sarcastic, and reckless (as well as extremely frivolous); Quinn did things his own way the way he saw them fit. Messing with the NCR, killing Caesar, and joining up forces with Yes Man.
Still, despite this and his rather immature behavior, Quinn is neither good nor evil; he is chaotic, but on the neutral side. He’ll be your best friend and your worst enemy, he’s as mischievous as much as he is a powerhouse and a threat. Regardless, hes smart, cunning, and very well versed in laser weapons and medical and engineering, and he’s not a complete asshole; he does care for certain people a whole lot. One of those very few people being a man known as Andres Gutierrez, who is now his husband, who he will 100% kill for without hesitation and loves him very much. (Side note: Andres Gutierrez is my bf’s oc (@/valentineenjoyer), who is also a courier six!)
Overall, he’s more on the unhinged and immature side, a jokester and a silly little menace of a man. He never gets back his memories, aside from Ulysses reminding him of his crimes. He lives for a *very* long time thanks to the cybernetic augmentation the Think Tanks so gracefully gave him.
Rattle - Quinn Higuchi's pet / companion Nighstalker
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Rattle was the runt of her mother’s litter. Unable to produce venom and being smaller than her siblings, she was left behind to fend for herself and eventually perish. She was found next the side of a road by Quinn, and though eventually standoffish, she failed to scare Quinn and was taken in. Quinn *absolutely* adores her, so he tamed and raised her to give her another chance at life. Lo and behold, she becomes Quinn’s pet and companion Nightstalker.
She’s scarily smart, but also has her dumb dog moments, and like her owner; she’s very compulsive as well as easily distracted outside of combat. She’s fond of scavenging, often bringing Quinn little gifts or showing off her latest find. Rattle is also a lap dog and a very cuddly one!
Agnes Higuchi Verger (alias Agnes Doyle) - Mercenary / Seamstress
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Agnes Higuchi is the twin sister to the Courier 6 Quinn Higuchi. While she avoided the Benny Gecko Special Treatment, she was unfortunately experimented on by the Think Tanks which resulted in the loss of an arm, being replaced with a fully functional prototype cybernetic arm.
While she managed to escape the horrors of Big MT and made a speedy recovery, she would be caught dead if she even considered setting foot up there again.
But before all that, Agnes was, and still is, a seamstress for the Strip and a mercenary for hire around Freeside. Her parents— hers and Quinn’s— actually had to give up one of their children to make ends meet so both could be provided with the best lives, which is why Agnes is also known by the last name Doyle. Eventually, she figured out who her parents were later on in life only to discover they went missing along with caravaners. This is how she first heard the rumors of another kid, her brother, but by that time Quinn was already a tall tale to most. It’s not until two years after the events of the Mojave that she meets Quinn, but it takes her (and Quinn) a whole month to realize that they’re twins despite looking exactly the same.
During that time, Agnes became a very accomplished clothes maker and a strong bodyguard, hired by the Followers. She’s far less off the walls than Quinn, but she still has some of that touch of unhinged in her; she’s sweet and gentle, but cold blooded if needed. She’s the girlfriend of my boyfriend’s oc, Del Rey.
Sycamore Higuchi - Vault 76 Dweller
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Sycamore is the ancestor to the twins Quinn Higuchi and Agnes Higuchi. Hailing from West Virginia from Vault 76, Sycamore follows the same trend of unhinged that the rest of the Higuchis share.
Sycamore joined up with the Enclave for their own gain at first, later betraying the organization in order to dismantle and take them down from the inside. At which point, their plan was found out and they were ran out. Between all of this, Sycamore married the former raider Beckett and had a set of twins of their own.
Sycamore was, then, killed at the age of 39. Leaving Beckett and two kids behind. Lo and behold though, the aliens known as Zetan took particular interest in their immunities to radiation and revived them; constructing their whole missing half of their head and keeping them suspended in cryogenic pods for a little over 200 years. They wake up, eventually, crash landing an escape pod somewhere in the Commonwealth. With their whole life turned upside down again, in the same year that Sycamore crashed in the Commonwealth (2292), they pick up an odd job as a mortician where they also help with proper burials.
Rowan - Sycamore Higuchi’s pet / companion Deathclaw.
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Rowan was Sycamore’s trained Deathclaw. Raised from a hatchling, Rowan was a formidable force to be reckoned with. Listening to Sycamore and only Sycamore. Though rough and very snappy, Rowan was protective of the human that took him in and their family, and even if he wasn’t able to use human speech, Rowan showed intelligent thought, recognition and communication patterns; mostly portrayed through the clicks of claws and hisses and huffs. He was first shot down by Sycamore’s killer just a moment before they were, too.
Rowan is deceased.
Lecter D. Longfellow - Far Harbor Hunter and Tour Guide
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Lecter Devlin Longfellow is the adopted son of Old Longfellow. Orphaned when his parents and baby brother were attacked by a Fog Crawler, he was shortly taken in and adopted by Old Longfellow and raised as his own, while also making him his apprentice.
Lecter is a terribly anxious, shy man, and he remained that way when Original Lecter was replaced by the Lecter we know today; Synth Lecter. Lecter had no idea he was a synth until one fateful day, when helping in Acadia, he injured himself only to discover that he was made up of not only flesh, but metal and wires.
He’s a skilled hunter, knowledgeable in tracking, marine life (and general animal life) and rifles. Despite his timid personality, Lecter is very charismatic man who seeks to help and provide comfort. He calls Old Longfellow dad and he would be devastated if something happened to him.
Lecter’s synth model is that of a mix match between Gen 2 and 3, and has been dubbed a prototype. Pertaining all the flesh and blood of a Gen 3, most of Lecter’s internal structure is made up of wires and metal. Synth name L1-33, Original Lecter was kidnapped off the island by the the tail end of the Institute’s reign of terror, when they started to suspect Far Harbor of holding Synths and intended to make Lecter their spy.
That did not work out at all, and Lecter’s personality overrode his shoddy framework and whatever coding they attempted.
One of his best friends is Deacon and his romantic partner is Hancock.
M. Graham Hoolahan - Railroad Agent / Former Brotherhood of Steel Soldier
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Full name Miranda Graham Hoolahan, Graham is a Diamond City born resident hailing from the Upper Stands. He never got along with his parents who pressured him to join the Brotherhood of Steel, in which he did in order to get away from them when he turned 20. Previously he worked for Bobrov brothers in their bar as a cleaner, much to his parents’ chagrin.
He went on to join up a branch of the Brotherhood up in Alaska and was shortly transferred to the Capital Wasteland branch, where he met Danse and became a Lancer-Sergeant. Piloting an old Vertibird model named Ebonswift, Graham was amongst the best pilots in the Brotherhood of Steel and even became a certified trainer for cadets.
For almost 6 years, he was a Brotherhood soldier; but for two of those years he had also become a Railroad Agent, working as a spy in the Prydwen under the name code name Smoke.
Graham never enjoyed the views the Brotherhood of Steel later adopted. Later on becoming far more closeted in his bisexuality, Graham dealt with his environment by cannibalism. A habit he later kicks for the sake of Danse, who he falls in love with.
Graham is Paladin Danse’s romantic partner.
Abigail Chambers - Institute Scientist
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Abigail Chambers is what the Institute refers to her as an “Incubated Baby.” Taken from her mother’s womb, a woman who hailed from California and was traveling through the Commonwealth, Abigail was raised within the Institute, later on becoming an accomplished scientist under the Biological Science wing.
Despite the views of the Institute, Abigail doesn’t agree with them; but having no family and nowhere else to go, she does as told. She also helps Synths escape.
She’s a workaholic but bubbly gal who packs a mean punch but doesn’t know when or how to rest proper.
Egan - Semi Aquatic Deathclaw
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A hybrid between a Fog Crawler and a Deathclaw, it’s not hard to tell whose parent’s gene was more dominant. Egan is a Far Harbor Deathclaw that can be found roaming bodies of water, minding his own business.
Despite his fearsome appearance, Egan is not hostile unless provoked or shot at. Egan is actually an intelligent Deathclaw capable of speech; though he only speaks to a select few people. One of those being Lecter, who found him washed ashore and injured some time ago.
Rory Lavender - Former Vault-Tec Scientist
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Rory Lavender is a pre-war ghoul that formerly worked for Vault Tec. In an unidentified vault somewhere in Utah, Rory and his coworkers were to experiment the effects of radiation on the Vault Dwellers. But when the bombs dropped, Rory started having second thoughts and that, in turn, made his coworkers turn on him and use him as a guinea pig.
Later on, he’s kicked out from the vault and left to fend for himself. He managed to make a living out of weapon modifications and set up shop in the same town Quinn used to live.
Mads Black - Former Movie Star
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Mads Black is a pre-war ghoul who’s all talk and bite. Shit at bartering, he’s still very charismatic. He used to be a movie star along with Dean Domino, who was his boyfriend for a time until becoming bitter scorned lovers who end up being on each other’s throat every time they interact.
I don’t have much for Mads yet as he’s my newest oc, but these are all the guys I have right now!
Gomez Sinclair - Lone Wanderer
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Gomez Sinclair is the Lone Wanderer of The Capital Wasteland along with his twin sister, Asriel Sinclair ( said lone wanderer is owned by my bf).
A reference for Gomez Sinclair Post-Vault 101/During FO3 Events and Post-FO3 Main Events. Gomez is a rather timid and somewhat closed off individual, even as he was being raised in Vault 101– only really talking to most at length with Asriel, Amata, Jonas and James. After James left the Vault 101, and Gomez and his sister were more or less exiled, Gomez only grew to be more of a nervous wreck and somewhat of a recluse.
With the sudden change in environment and every other wasteland aspect he was barely prepared to face, let alone deal with it himself. Surprisingly, Gomez is charismatic person despite his shyness and often stumbling over his words; a natural silver tongue that makes his awkwardness charming.
Though he’s good with small guns and exclusively hunting rifles, his proficiencies lie within science just like James, Gomez favors energy weapons. Medicine, too, is one of his strong suits, though wouldn’t consider himself to be on a doctor’s level.
The travel through the wasteland to find his dad wears him down significantly, and when James dies right in front of him right after finding him, he doesn’t get any time to mourn his death given the Enclave invading the Jefferson Memorial and the lethal levels of radiation; both him and Asriel having to escort the rest of the scientists through the tunnels + survive the Enclave attack sobers right up but for the worst, since he ends up bottling up James’s death for the sake of taking Project Purity back from the Enclave and take them down.
When it all comes to a head, Gomez, along with his sister, convinces President Eden to destroy the base, and soon enough, the final showdown presents itself and Gomez kills Colonel Autumn. The revenge brings him no relief, only hurt.
After activating Project Purity, Gomez suffers a head injury that requires the Brotherhood of Steel to perform surgery and install brain transplants to save his life.
Gomez bears Colonel Autumn’s uniform as a power move over the Enclave, bearing the uniform to spite and as some sort of reminder.
After some time, Gomez and his sister eventually go on about to do their own things. Gomez becoming an accomplished a scientist, and a lead scientist to keep the clean water production running throughout the Capital Wasteland, in memory of his parents. Some more pass and tensions grow with the Brotherhood of Steel’s presence becoming more present and oppressive, and constantly butting heads with them, disagreeing over a number of things including spreading the clean water throughout the rest of the wasteland like Gomez wanted, he left the project in search of the new Elder of the Brotherhood, Maxson, so he travels the wasteland in search for him— which ends him up in various places. The Mojave, California, even The Commonwealth.
And there is a sense in freedom in this. Not being known as the Lone Wanderer is relieving, having the spotlight on him never felt right nor warranted, despite his accomplishments and following in his dad’s footsteps. 29 year old Gomez is more confident and mature than 19 year old Gomez, still he keeps to himself and retains some of that timidness.
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uh insert a portal opening sound effect from mortal kombat 2 here, thank you, i dont know how to do that so just, use your imagination!!
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That's right, bracket 3? it was incomplete, you all saw, but no longer
see it WAS gonna be like this bc I got stressed about the brackets being too much to handle, but, I started to think, you guys have all been really supportive of my two bracket blogs, and I felt "maybe I AM good enough to handle the bracket being as big as I wanted it"
So, not only is Bracket 3 growing, you might get another portal of secret fighters later down the line :] but for now, bracket 3 will expand with two groups of SECRET FIGHTERS!!
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Anyways, as I said, there will be ONE group at a time now as it'll be easier & less anxiety inducing for me to manage. So, group 1 of bracket 2 is approacing, behold!
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Oh, hey yheah uh, btw, there is another OC of mine on this bracket besides Zoey :D hope you guys don't mind, allow me to introduce you to my OC, AXEL!
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So, I'll tell y'all more info about him in the poll, but lemme tell you some stuff now.
-25 Years Old, He/Him
-Axel is one of Zoey's best friends, Zoey sees Axel as something of an older sibling that she looks up to.
-Axel is a bit of a ass on the outside, he's irritable, cranky, doesn't like to talk about his emotions a lot of the time, and is just really hard to get through to as you have to really put in the effort to get through to him. But deep down, he's a big loving teddy bear.
-He cares immensely about his loved ones, it's just that he doesn't show it outwardly & uses his bad temper as a way to manage with his emotions. He's a good hearted soul, just one that's got a lot of thorns covering it.
-Oh also, he's REALLY good at punching, he's able to punch hard enough to shatter boulders & tree trunks.
-He's got a very thick new zealand accent
-My headcanon voice for him is just Hypnopotamus from ROTTMNT
-He's big into cars, he's an incredibly skilled (but wreckless & with a bit of a daredevil attitude who, when given the option, WILL take the most dangerous & death defying path entirely because he just loves the pure addrenaline fueled rush of doing some fucking holy-shit-you're-a-fucking-menace-behind-the-wheel level tricks) driver who knows damn well how to function behind the wheel of anything on wheels, does he do boats and aircrafts too? Eh, not so much. Especially boats, he thinks boats are lame.
Anyways, see you guys at Group 2! Oh & my other tournament, @weird-al-song-tourney is starting tomorrow! so see you for that too <3
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rigorousdoor21 · 5 years
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dominique shine. you are a menace to society. STOP fucking benny gecko STOP IT
[ commissions r open! ]
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Unnamed fakemon design based vaguely off an oc that became its own concept, enjoy, information under cut.
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So this Fakemon was based off of Zep initially as its kinda agreed she's very geckoy in nature climbing walls skittering tongue going blep and with how Sheps virus belonging to @rjshepherd affects people the vague links to an animal fit
The specific kind of gecko she's based off of is the Strophorus genus or the gecko family that shoots a foul smelling liquid from their tails to ward off predators and thus this gecko is a poison type.
Since gecko are famed for dropping their tails I decided that since I would have them be a ghost type anyways (on account of, ya know Zep being a zombie therefore technically dead therefore ghost) I decided to mix the concept of dropping a tail with the 'white hand' referenced in Pokemon. Thus the evolution literally drops a white (ish) hand on your shoulder.
Absolutely menaces they very much have Tokay gecko behaviour they bite and they squeal and they get in your house somehow and eat your cheese. Need professionals to remove the baby stage, evolved stage is a lot more aggressive and hard to move.
All very mischievous by nature the babies often lick being that they'll eventually turn into ghosts. They will always regrow their tails eventually.
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vennilavee · 4 years
I feel like either Levi or tattoo artist oc would love to have a resident pet at their shops. Like, Levi with a cat that stays in the lounge/eating area (no animals in the kitchen, no ma'am) and OC with a reptile like a snake or gecko (or bird? idk what kind of pet person she is rn). Anytime Levi comes in OC is just excited to show him her babie and Levi brings lil polaroids of the cat for her (and a tea sample). Also, OC BEGS to tattoo levi, cause he has perfect skin and high pain tolerance
hell no oc would not have a bird bc birds are menaces im so sorry (this is my own personal vendetta against birds coming through) LMAO okay so i dont know what the protocol is for pets in tattoo shops, like is it acceptable? do tattoo shops have to get inspected and do pets break code or something? since this is a fictional world i will say that the tattoo shop has a back area for her pet(s) to hang out
none of our levi’s or oc’s have had dogs yet so im giving oc a german shepherd 😌 levi would def have a black kitten that has their own space and their own toys and boxes to play with <3  the first time levi meets oc’s german shepherd, he nearly tackles levi bc it’s luv at first sight (as with erwin’s dog in tbah, animals just luv levi)
when oc begs to tattoo levi, he’s like “is this how u get all ur clients or what” and oc’s like no babes just you and levi is :O
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bearballing · 4 years
i dont like tagging oc stuff on posts with not many notes cuz idk
gecko pecko: dom black menace: vilius pointy boi: brass stabo the crabo: grappler monky bizness: sazabi rhino threat: granox cock with a glock: jeffrey siege: madnug hopper with a chopper: zapper cat with a gat: slyger
and this is thaddeus
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