#OC: Gerhardt
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Soup for the Soul and Sanguinala
Author's note: More of Husbandry with Jophiel. Thanks to @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric. Thanks to @c-u-c-koo-4-40k for letting me borrow Khopesh and Lullaby. Thanks to @felinisnoctis for letting me borrow Asariel, Gerhardt, Felix, Batsy, Mic, Malachai, Job and Tercelle.
Author's note 2: Slight edit- Khopesh is BS-ing Lullaby A bit more. Sorry for not adding it before. Stupid Tumblr messaging system.
Summary: Jophiel helps cook and process a bunch of pigs and helps make a bone broth soup with bovine, pig and other large bones.
Warning: Food, cooking, mentions of cannibalism.
tagged: @sleepyfan-blog @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @i-am-a-dragon34 @ms--lobotomy @jaghatai-khock
tagged: @kit-williams @whorety-k @bleedingichorhearts @thevoidscreams @gra93fruit-blog
Tagged: @felinisnoctis @bispecsual, @egrets-not-regrets @finchly-tintinnabulation
Jophiel is humming to himself as he has finished adding in all of the bones to the water as he is heating up the water to help boil the bones into broth. He hands in various aromatic vegetables and will wait on adding in more than salt and pepper for seasonings for after the soup is mostly ready. 
It takes a lot of time and patience to make really good bone broth, which felt like it takes forever to make as the bones are softened and the collagen and calcium are leached out the bones and into the liquid, once they are soften enough the bones are cracked and the marrow is is scrapped out and roasted in the oven for extra flavor. 
He's going to grind the bones into a fine meal powder and sprinkle them back into the soup base, adding back in the roasted bone marrow as well. He adds in more seasoning and flavors as the slow cooked beef is easily shredded and added back into the soup.
For vegetables and spices, he uses to round out and enhance the dish are; celery, onion, carrots, some cream, butter and eggs to give it added richness, garlic, ginger, scallions, some lemon and lime juice, olive oil was used in roasting off the veggies, oregano, tomato, basil, corn, beans, and both bell peppers and some spice peppers were used to sweeten and bring heat to the dish, some lemongrass and potatoes to help enhance the flavor and bulk out the soup-stew thing he was making.
Claude is making bread for the soup-stew and is in the process of kneading the dough. He's being careful because over kneading, it can happen with how strong Astartes can be Primaris Marines doubly so. Kerubiel is making a compound butter to go with the bread. Thressl is pretty excited because his first batch of homemade alcohol is ready to be drunk by others, and the flavor profile turned out great, and it would compliment the soup-stew that Jophiel is making.
"It's really nice of Nanael, Olly, and Cedric to have bought those pigs and a couple of large bovine to help us make a feast of food to thank our older brothers and cousins for all that they do to help us." Jophiel says as he sings a song under his breath.
Ramiel nods as he continues to help tend to the barbecue pit that was dug, with permission outside to smoke and cook a vast majority of the pigs and cow meat. He had come in briefly to grab something and spoke up, "It is wonderful that we are able to do something big to help show our appreciation. And it's in time for the festival of Sanguinala too.”
"Mhm!" Jophiel says with a grin, "I am curious to know what Nanael, Cedric, and Olly are cooking up together in the other kitchen, I say a bunch of sweet ingredients. I wonder if Cedric will make more jam? It is so good... and caused quite the stir.”
Some of the bones that Nanael gave him to cook with were oddly shaped. And Nanael had one of those Intense looks on his face. Jophiel wisely didn't ask any questions as he thanked Nanael for the ingredients to make the soup. Jophiel knows Nanael likes to go hunting with Cedric sometimes.
Once everything was ready they called in the rest of their fellow Primaris who aren't in the med bay to eat a bit of the food, including Nanael, Cedric, and Olly who brought out some excellent jam and sweets. Olly was experimenting with using ginger bug to make a slightly fermented and fizzy drink.
It's quite good in Jophiel's opinion. Once they finished their small celebratory feast together they packed up the food into various clam-shell food boxes to carry off and give to anyone who requested some of the delicious food. Jophiel has a couple of boxes of food for Khopesh and Lullaby and he calls out to the pair of them.
“Lullaby! Khopesh!” He says as the two of them turn to look at him as he gives them both a big smile that covers his teeth, “Happy Sanginala! I made extra food- it’s safe for baselines and Astartes to eat. If you want some.”
He peers down at both of them with cheerful mahogany eyes as he offers the food to both of them. Lullaby smiles back at him, “thank you for the food… What’s Sanguinala?”
Jophiel hands over the food to both of them and says, “Sanguinala is a celebration that Astartes celebrate- it’s a time to remember the fallen and cherish those who are still alive. A time for feasting and boasting of stories.”
He skips over the part about the grieving of the death of The Holy Primarch Sanguinius and the burning of the effigy of The Arch Traitor Horus. A deep spark of rage flickers and he closes his eyes and breathes out and opens them again as he focuses on Older brother-cousin Khopesh and Lullaby.
“Do you know where Karlsor is?” Jophiel asks, “I’ve got plenty of food to give out and I want to give some to him- to thank for his help in training Claude and helping out with stuff.”
“He’s at base.” Khopesh says.
“Thanks Khopesh!” Jophiel says with a cheerful grin as he heads out.
Later- once Lullaby and Khopesh are back in Lullaby’s home, Khopesh explains certain things to Lullaby- to warn them about certain… dubious parts of the food. Jophiel doesn’t know for certain that there are some Astarte’s in the food, but he suspects- due to how… certain bones are and how some of the meat looks. But Jophiel doesn’t say anything- after all, waste not, want not on such things. Also, he’d seen the healing injuries on Olly’s face and knows that something happened recently.
"If you want to partake in Sanguinala food, there's a chance dead astarte bones are used in the soup base."
"Huh!?" Lullaby says incredulously her eyes going wide.
"It's a matter of culture for the Astarte making it. The idea of those that pass or who are lost can still go on to sustain the living. And with so many chapters involved I'm just saying there's a Chance of that being the case." Khopesh explains hurriedly. "If you do not wish to partake, I will consume it instead."
Lullaby bites their lip, looking down at the soup nervously. "So it...it's considered, honoring the dead right? Like...I'm eating this and...it's like, even though they're gone they'll still be a part of the life of the living?"
Khopesh nods, "Yes, and I can say that from experience..."
He licks his scarred lips nervously. "Many a Nightlord who fell was honored this way. Our fallen brothers sustained those like me. So we could go on fighting when supplies could not be replenished otherwise!"
Khopesh swears, reaching out to touch his mates face. Lullaby leans into his hand, and the next part he can say with full honesty. "Without them...I may never have met you. So I am even more grateful for them..."
"...Okay," They nod. "I'll...I'll eat a little and if it gets to be too much...I'll stop." They say.
"And I can finish whatever you do not. But if you are uncomfortable you don't need to-" Khopesh begins.
"But it's culture to you! And...as long as no one is being needlessly killed to fulfill that tradition, then I want to partake in your culture too." Lullaby assures him. "Besides...the idea of veneration for the lives taken to sustain ours is something I try to abide by when I consume other meats, so...I should be willing to do this too." They ladle some soup onto their spoon and pop it into their mouth cautiously.
"Well?" Khopesh leans in, curious. He was only slightly lying to Lullaby about all of this, cannibalism is a practice of both the Night Lords and The Blood Angels at times.
"It...just tastes like beef stew." Lullaby hums incredulously, and takes another bite. "I don't know what I expected."
Khopesh snorts. "What did you expect? You'd drop on all fours and become a slavering cannibal?"
"Hey if the Donner Party could go through having to eat dead people to survive And go on to keep living with a much more awful trauma, then I can honor a possibility passed Astarte by eating his boiled bone juice." Lullaby taps back, eating another spoonful. "Besides it might just be beef or...Pork in here so maybe there's nothing like that to worry about." They shrug.
Khopesh grins as he dips into his own bowl. Partially in relief but also...
Oh he feels a little bad but also so, so, So Excited. It's not like the wholesome warmth he feels with his mate. This is trembling and twisted and Wicked. He hasn't felt like this since his last execution! His Lullaby taking his culture in stride is one thing but beneath that is a dark Dark satisfaction.
The Bastard who had caused all of them such a headache, who made his sweet one Cry is now Feeding them. (Provided he's correct about Who's bones are in this soup and it's not that Jophiel just Happened to make some after the incident.)
Why settle for yanking out teeth when you can Remove an issue completely and turn those teeth and bones into a nourishing broth for others? Khopesh purrs as Lullaby eats, and wraps an arm around them as they eat the warm soup on the chilled day. They lean into his side.
"Waste not want not." They say as they finish then clasp their hands briefly. "To whatever or whoever went into this, Thank You."
Khopesh smiles, and does the same. "Indeed, Thank You."
Jophiel heads to Rot Bone base and gives out food to any brave- or hungry enough Chaos Cousins to want such things. He makes sure to give food to Karlsor, Shattering, Ghosk- and some of the other cousins who have been rather helpful to them this year. He even gives some to that Slaaneshi asshole Zaarius.
He then heads out to where The Chaos Trio- where Batsy, Felix and Mic are, he still has… some… complicated feelings about the three of them. But he likes being able to fly and hang out with Batsy- the color of his armor, he knows gives Nanael… complicated feelings about, but … Chaos Sons of Sanguinius, while rare, happen.
“Happy Sanguinala Batsy, Mic, and Felix,” Jophiel calls out as the trio of Chaos Primaris Space Marines.
Batsy comes over first saying, “ooo! Food.”
Jophiel smiles and hands over the box of food to Batsy and nods towards his cousin. He turns to Felix who nods towards him and takes the box of food from Jophiel and says with a small smile, “Thank you cousin!”
Mic makes a grumpy face, but he grabs a box of food from Jophiel despite grumbling about the tradition. Jophiel happens to notice a few hours later that all three of the trio are eating the food that he and his fellow brother-cousins made which makes him happy.
Jophiel goes around handing out the food to everyone who asks for it and he heads to the medical bays at Stone Flame base- after checking in with Cedric and the Apothecaries on duty, he hands out the homemade food to those who are allowed such food items.
“I checked with the Apothecaries and they said you could eat this,” He goes over to Tercelle’s medical room and calls out, “Happy Sanguinala, Tercelle!”
Tercelle turns to look at him and tilts his head asking, “Sanguinala?”
Jophiel then remembers that Tercelle is from before the fall of the Lord Sanguinius as he somberly explains, “Lord… Lord Sangiuiniuis was murdered by the Arch Traitor Horus- during the Heresy… and… and Sanguinala is.. It’s a holiday that was made to honor his sacrifice… and the sacrifices of all those who have fallen defending the Imperium from Chaos. And to celebrate those who yet survive.”
Tercelle listens, nodding a little bit as he says, “A fitting holiday. I only saw him once but he was striking. Fangs pulled back as the blood of the battle soaked his armor and wings. Blocking strikes with his spear before the enemy could even start them.”
Jophiel’s eyes sparkle in awe and excitement as he hears Tercelle speaking of Lord Sanguinius. He loves hearing Tercelle’s stories about the battles he’s been in- especially about the times he’s fought with the Primarchs. Or had seen those Demi-god sons of the God Emperor fight.
Tercelle is not surprised that Lord Sanguinius fell during The Heresy it’s something that fills him with sorrow, but Sanguinius is not the first Lord Primarch he’s heard fallen to the blades of traitors, when he’s from is after the Death of Ferrus Manus at the hands of his traitor Primarch Fulgrim.
Jophiel knows that Claude is going to give more Food to Anrir and the rest of the Night Lord Claw who’s adopted him. He just managed to find Khopesh and Lullaby first to give them some well wishes and food. He’s headed to where older brother Asariel and older cousin Gerhardt are staying while they recover together.
“Happy Sanguinala Brother Asariel, Cousin Gerhardt,” Jophiel says, warning them of his presence, as he knows being around Psyker’s causes them stress. “I made a Gift of Food for both of you.”
Asariel turns to Jophiel and says, “Thank you, Jophiel.”
Jophiel beams at his understandably cautious older brother and hands a specifically made food gift to him. He’d tried his best to make the flavors of the food the Baal-ite version of Sanguinala food, but Ancient Terra didn’t quite have the same spices, but he’s hopeful that it’s close enough.
He hands over the gift of food to Gerhardt who seems a bit skeptical as in his experience, no one ever just gives him things. Not without a cost. Jophiel notices the slight suspicion that the Ultramarine gives the food to him and Jophiel explains, “Olly, me, and the others made way too much food for us to finish on our own- so we are gifting food to everyone as a Sanguinala present. I hope you enjoy the food.”
Jophiel is going to head to Chaplain Malachai and Brother? Cousin? Job’s farm, he makes sure that the cooler with their food gift is properly secured as he makes sure to send a message ahead of his arrival that he’s coming over. He looks around and grumbles at the Stupid Evil Goat that likes to try to eat his wings.
Jophiel lands and calls out, “Brother Chaplain Malachai? Honored Older Brother Job?”
The large first born Lamenter Chaplain comes out and Jophiel grins as he says, “Happy Sanguinala Chaplain Malachai. I brought you and Honorable Older Brother Job The Gift of Food.” 
“I insist that you stay for dinner, Jophiel.” Malachai says warmly as he gestures for the younger Son of Sanguinius to come into his home. “And happy Sanguinala.”
“Thank you older brother!” Jophiel chirps, “I’d be honored to stay and have dinner with you and Job.”
He nods towards Job who nods back. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“I am making soup.” Job says, “Help with cutting the soup.”
Jophiel nods and helps Job make the soup and hums a little as he cuts and dices, slices and adds in the vegetables and meat as Job dictates him to wash his hands and the cutting board and utensils he used. The scraps that weren’t going to be put in the soup gets put into the scrap pile to turn into fertilizer.
Jophiel hands over the boxes of food that he and the other Primaris Marines made for Sanguinala Supper. Jophiel helps them set up their dinner- with the additions of the food that Jophiel brought that he and his brother-cousins made as well. He talks and listens to Malacahai and Job.
Malacahai hands him a notebook bound in embossed lambskin and a warm look in his eyes as he hands over the gift, “A gift for you, Young Jophiel.”
“Thank you for the gift Brother Chaplain,” Jophiel says with a bright happy grin as he gently takes the notebook and gently pets the soft lambskin cover and hugs it to his chest.
“You are welcome.” Malacahai says as he glances out the window. “It’s late. Why don’t you stay over?”
“Thank you,” Jophiel says as he sees how dark it’s gotten. He’d figured that he’d stay over with Brother Chaplain Malachai for a while and had planned accordingly with the food gifts he was handing out to others.
He rather suspects that Cedric is going to give food gifts to Arnault, Roland and their Bonded humans. Or Ramiel will, or one of the others who are Black Templar Primaris Marines who have met the two first born brothers.
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felinisnoctis · 5 months ago
Bonded Pairs: Food and Fondness
Zariel belongs to @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan and Cedric is @sleepyfan-blog's of course. They're a good apothecary duo.
And of course @nightshade-victorian for the bonded boys.
Tags: @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @egrets-not-regrets @sleepyfan-blog @kit-williams
“Hi, I need to speak to Apothecary Zariel?”  The ultramarine at the desk eyed the baseline human standing in front of him.  They were carrying a large cooler that to astartes senses smelled of meat and bread and onions.  “I have a delivery for some of his patients.” It was late, and the waiting room was nearly empty.
“Please have a seat in the visitor lounge, I will ask him to come down when he has a moment.”  The ultramarine sent a quick message off to the apothecary, who came down to the lounge after several minutes.  “I have a break in my rounds?  Oh, that smells good.”
Robin nodded.  “I made some astartes-sized chicken pot pies for Gerhardt and Asariel, if it’s ok for them to have.  There’s a couple marked for you and the other staff here too.  They’ll just need heating up real quick before you eat them, I made sure to make them in cardboard trays so they can be microwaved.”
Zariel smiled.  He’d already deduced that this baseline was bonded to Gerhardt, and it looked like the bond was settling in well.  “I’m sure they’ll be happy to know you’ve been thinking about them.  And thank you for thinking of us apothecaries as well, I’ll be sure to deliver these appropriately.”
He lifted the styrofoam cooler onto one shoulder and headed back towards Gerhardt’s room, smacking away the hands of some of his grabbier brothers on the way.  “These are for my patients, not for you.  You’re not suggesting that you’d like to take food away from your injured brother-cousins, are you?”  He reached Gerhardt’s room and entered.
The room was empty.  Shit.  He’d just found Asariel and now his other patient was gone?  He sent out a quiet alarm call to the other medical staff, indicating anyone who wasn’t urgently busy should help  him look for the patient, and then rushed over to check on the newly returned blood angel.
The mystery was solved as he opened the door.  Asariel was in his bed, dark eyes burning holes in him.  Gerhardt was slumped next to the bed, fast asleep with his head against Asariel’s chest as the other’s arms wrapped around his shoulders.  Zariel sighed and cancelled the alert and called for someone to move Gerhardt’s bed into the room.
“If I keep you two in the same room will you please stay in bed?” he scolded, beginning to examine his patient to ensure there was no further damage from his escapade.
“Yes sir.  I just need to be with him.  Especially when he has his seizures.”  Gerhardt sounded apologetic but Zariel could tell he’d do the same again if they were separated.
An assistant entered with Gerhardt’s bed and Zariel carefully eased Gerhardt back into it.  Asariel scooted over to the edge of his bed and reached a hand across to his brother, eyes still watching Zariel suspiciously.  Zariel sighed again.  He might need to speak to the salamanders about having a double sized bed made.  And maybe see if one of Cedric’s brother-cousins could be spared to keep an eye on these two.
“Robin brought you some meat pies, would you like one?” He said, instead of what he was thinking?
“Wait, why would they do that?” Gerhardt sounded legitimately bewildered.  “You’ll have to ask them later, but they smell good,” Zariel replied, dodging the question for the moment.  “Shall I have some heated up for you two?”.
Gerhardt thought for a moment, before responding “Yes please.”  After another long moment and a suspicious look, Asariel signed “Yes” as well.  Soon the pair were both settled back eating; the protein and carbs would do them some good.
Zariel settled back into his office to eat his own treat, calling Cedric in to talk to him.  The young apothecary gave a very wide-eyed hungry look at the meal.  “Yes, there’s one reserved for you as well.  Come in, I have a favor to ask of some of your brother-cousins."
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nanukanal · 1 month ago
hello tsfv fandom did you miss me 😔🗣️ (also no i can't do edits. um fight me??)
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i thought about explaining the context but to me it's so much more funny just to post this without it
watch me give life to mine and @ulec-elec 's creation of this 4 year old lore dumpster fire
some might recognize these characters I haven't drawn them in years lol
baby august and worst dad of the year belong to oleander btw 🫶🏼
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wenmistry · 6 months ago
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rye doodle. bonus jethro under the cut
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lynnsartsworld · 6 months ago
Lynn Meeting her Characters for the first time!
I’m going to post parts of my personal story that I’ve been making for while now and a lot of it is like really sad; sorry it’s just stuff that I’ve been going through and my characters to make me feel better and always there for me even though.
I feel alone, I always have them near me Please don’t take it the wrong way because I love them so much and I have like an emotional attachment to them.
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guthearse · 8 months ago
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22 ☥ they/them ☥ your resident vampire fiend
i’m a gothic artist/writer. i enjoy reading horror + sci fi; listening to goth post punk, dark wave, doom metal; going grave hunting; & conjuring up mixed media art.
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years ago
🖋 for Aros (+Benji?) & Nerys
Most of the headcanons I have about them you already know. However I recently decided that Long Long Time by Linda Ronstadt is now one of their ship songs. Is it solely because of the Last of Us episode? You bet 😌Also maybe they go for regular trips to the beach or countryside with Apollo for picnics?
As for Nerys I headcanon that she loves to bake pies. She lives in a small cottagecore house out in the countryside before she meets Leo so either they live there or they find their own place that is similar. I headcanon they have a cottage life and hang their laundry outside and grow a garden and bake pies and read books by the fire and maybe raise chickens or sheep??
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julyinjanuaryfest · 28 days ago
That's a Wrap!
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July in January Fest 2025 has officially come to an end.
The AO3 collection is now closed, and there is a total of eight works available to read. Additionally, eight pieces of fanart were posted on Tumblr. In total, 17 canon Fargo characters were featured during the month!
Here's a complete list (not including mentioned characters or OCs):
Simone Gerhardt (3)
Satchel Cannon (2)
Bear Gerhardt (2)
Dodd Gerhardt (2)
Rabbi Milligan (2)
Ole Munch (2)
Mr. Wrench (2)
Bill Budge
Gloria Burgle
Nathan Burgle
Charlie Gerhardt
Dodd Gerhardt's Wife
Rye Gerhardt
Dot Lyon
Mr. Numbers
Webb Pepper
Skip Sprang
Thank you so much to everyone who participated!
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hifargoweek · 10 months ago
That's a Wrap!
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Highly Irregular Fargo Week 2024 has officially come to an end.
The AO3 collection is now closed, and there is a total of ten works available to read featuring twenty-eight characters, five of whom received the first work for their tag!
In addition to those ten fics on AO3, there were also two pieces of fanart posted on Tumblr!
The character with the most works shared this week is Hanzee Dent, with four. Here’s a complete list of tagged characters (not counting mentioned characters or OCs):
Hanzee Dent (4)
Rye Gerhardt (3)
Bear Gerhardt (2)
Dodd Gerhardt (2)
Mike Milligan (2)
Virgil Bauer - *1st work*
Peggy Blumquist
Ricky G - *1st work*
Charlie Gerhardt
Floyd Gerhardt
Otto Gerhardt
Simone Gerhardt
Danish Graves
Sonny Greer
Constance Heck
Gale Kitchen
Hank Larsson
Lorraine Lyon
Indira Olmstead
Lars Olmstead - *1st work*
Ben Schmidt
Jordan Seymore - *1st work*
Lou Solverson
Molly Solverson
Ollie Stein - *1st work*
Linda Tillman
Noreen Vanderslice
Karl Weathers
Thank you so much to those who participated and followed along!
Special shoutout to @gerhardtz, who shared a work for every single prompt on the schedule this week... Bravo! ⭐🏆🏅
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cursedvaultss · 2 years ago
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HPHL OC Profile: Cordelia Duncan
“Autumn is an interesting season, even in the metaphor of life, is a time of decline, of loss, but also intense and haunting beauty. Some places, like some people, never are or have been, as beautiful in their fall."
Name: Cordelia Annalise Duncan
Nicknames: Cordy
Birthdate: April 22nd, 1875 (or depending on the timeline)
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Blood Status: Unknown, possibly Muggleborn
Nationality: British
Sexuality: Bisexual
I haven't actually played Hogwarts Legacy and I'm not exactly planning to, but I'm not above stealing the cool aspects of the story and using them for my own purposes, so that's what Cordelia is here for!
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Dark brown/black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 175.3 cm (5ft 9)
Weight: 55kg 
Faceclaim: Sofia Wylie
Home: An orphanage in London and Hogwarts
Cordelia is an orphan and she doesn't know who her parents are. As she grows up, she wants to find out the identities of her mother and father and whether or not they're alive or if she has any other relatives left alive.
House: Slytherin
11-17: Hogwarts Student 
17->: tbd
Personality & Attitude
Cordelia can be a little complicated. On one hand, she wants to be a good friend and kind, but on the other, she often puts her own goals ahead of those around her. She knows many people around the school and can be sociable and fun, but she doesn't let people really close to her easily. She has developed a hard exterior during her life living in the orphanage and having to fend for herself. She probably gets along best with people who can understand or even relate to her circumstances. Priorities: Making her goals a reality, success, helping her friends
Strengths: Ambitious, cunning, sociable, adaptable, wants to do good and be good
Weaknesses: Single-minded, self-centered, guards her true emotions closely
Stressed: When she feels stuck, either with her goals or physically
Calm/Comforted: While studying, while with her friends
Colours: gold, green
Weather: Clear skies, sun
Fashion: Cordelia doesn't have a lot of money so she starts out wearing whatever she has been given at the orphanage but during her time at Hogwarts she acquires a few more extravagant pieces which she values and takes good care of.
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Significant Other/Love Interest: OPEN
Sebastian Sallow
Anne Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Cecilia Balinor by @endlessly-cursed
Zelda Cairncross, Lillian Brokenshire, Sidonie Lewis, Benji Gerhardt, and Galen Stagg by @cursebreakerfarrier
Lettie Heyes, Milo Foy, and Ambrose Penvellyn by @cursedlegacies
Atticus Doherty, Fred Graham, Anastasia and Florence Osada by @hphmmatthewluther
Danny Gibson by @catohphm
Logan Rosseto, Haldir Eilphyra, Johnny Tazar Jr., Ayas Perphyra, Elyon Vamaer, and Elisen Chaeyra by @nicos-oc-hell
Brianna O’Rourke by @unfortunate-arrow
Sebastian Sallow
Cordelia enjoys fashion, although she hardly had money to spend on clothes. She knows how to make her own clothes either by hand and later with the help of magic.
When she grows up, she wants to do something to help other children who come to the Wizrding world with no money and no clue what's going on.
She cares about people deeply, although she doesn't often show it.
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 6 months ago
Meant to reblog this before.
Damn these lads have been through hell. Not worth it? Those seem like words that were trained into them and it Sickens me.
Hopefully Zariel and the other medics can help.
Bonded Pairs: Apothecary pt 2
CW: Depression/self-hatred, mentions of past abuse/torture
Language guide: Gothic Battle Sign
More thanks to @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan for the use of Zariel, I hope I did your boy justice with some difficult patients.
Both marines heard the heavy steps on the stairs to the basement. A voice called out to them from around the corner. “Ultramarine Apothecary Zariel, I was told there were a couple of brothers in need of care here?” As he rounded the corner the apothecary could see one of the marines curled up in a corner under a heavy knit blanket. The other was…ah, on top of the fridge, reddish eyes and bared fangs glaring down at him.
Asariel watched the apothecary’s entrance carefully, waiting for him to fully enter the door before signing to him, not shifting out of a wary crouch on top of the fridge.
Why are you here? And where is here?
The blood angel was in enough control to communicate rather than attack at least. You are on Terra, but in a different time. What year is it the last you knew?
Not sure. Been in the warp a few centuries. Not nearly long as my beloved has been though. Early M42 last I knew. This is Terra you say?
Terra in M3.
Asariel tilted his head for a long moment, considering all this information, still poised to attack.
My brother. Can you help him?
I will try. Another moment of consideration, then Asariel jumped from the fridge to land next to his companion, tapping a message rapidly onto the blind ultramarine’s shoulder. Gerhardt was shivering despite the blanket but tapped something in response, leaning back against his companion’s chest. His breathing was shallow and labored as Zariel moved closer.
An ultramarine apothecary, of all the things to find. You shouldn’t be wasting your time with me.
That’s my job, to patch brothers up. Zariel was getting close enough to listen to Gerhardt’s vital signs. He heard the sounds of twin hearts beating rapidly, and a single lung working to bring oxygen in. What happened to your lungs? I can only hear one of the three. For the moment he opted to ignore the implications of Gerhardt’s statement, other than to mentally file a note to recommend a chaplain.
Gerhardt made a noise that could almost have been a laugh but came out more like a sob. Removed to make me less dangerous. Along with several other things. One hand touched the blindfold covering his eyes thoughtfully. The owner of this place. Can you tell me what they look like? Asairel thinks I’m being foolish. Asariel shot a grouchy look over his brother’s shoulder at that remark, wrapping his arms around Gerhardt’s shoulders protectively. Gerhardt leaned back with a slight smile, nestling his shoulder in the opening of Asariel’s robe. Something about the shape of the robe looked wrong to Zariel - he would need to examine the blood angel as well of course.
They’re young, with long red hair and dark green eyes. When I came here they were wearing a grey t-shirt and black jeans and some kind of striped jacket. And sensible boots. Was the ultramarine bonded to this human? Zariel almost hoped so, since it would make his recovery and adjustment so much easier. Especially with a human who was already used to astartes.
They sound delightful. I wish I’d had a chance to know them back when I was useful. They worry too much; they need someone they don’t have to worry about.
Ok so “making recovery easier” might be relative here. I need to take a look at your chest. May I shift the blanket off? Gerhardt nodded at Zariel’s request, even as Asariel looked ready to pounce. Under the blanket he was shaking despite a heating pad and the relative warmth of the basement. Zariel reached out a hand to check on muscle tone and felt Gerhardt tense and try not to flinch.
Asatartes-grade painkillers. He’s in withdrawal. The blood angel signed over his brother’s head. Zariel signed back an acknowledgment. Addiction was more difficult in Astartes, but it wasn’t impossible.
If he’s in withdrawal, and with this much damage, he really needs to be in a clinic where he can be monitored.
Gerhardt pulled the blanket back over himself. No clinic. Not worth it anyway. The blood angel pulled him in closer to his chest, before signing back Will it help him?
He’s stable for the moment, but he needs to be somewhere where someone can keep a closer eye on him. And perhaps also find more answers as to what the hell had happened to these two, but Zariel wasn’t going to say that out loud. I’ll go see what the transportation options available are.
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taylor-titmouse · 1 year ago
If you woke up as one of your ocs, which would you most want, which would you least want, and why
conrad from house gerhardt would be pretty good to be isekaied into. he's the guy i draw with the vampire ladies. he doesn't have to work he just has to get laid all the time by hot vampire ladies. sounds like a dream. he does not appreciate how great that is the way i would
and i think i'd least like to be vee. her situation is Unideal to me lol. hot in concept. would not want to live it myself
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wenmistry · 6 months ago
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Was originally going to shade this, but I like it how it is. I promise I'll update their fic soon :')
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lynnsartsworld · 7 months ago
Thank you for voting. I know it’s a little late. I apologise but I will draw something. HL related I promise and I might draw Poppy and April, I haven’t drawn these witches for while so I’ll probably enjoy them really soon. Sadly enough, I’ve been obsessing over Bing AI; but I promise I will draw Poppy and April really soon love you all!!
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kathrynalicemc · 3 years ago
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Aros Varangr | HPHL | Slytherin | Werewolf | Herbologist & Alchemist | FC: Luke Evans
Tagging @cursebreakerfarrier because her boy Benji is his bestie 😌
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very-unskilled-hunter · 4 years ago
Chronicles of Agrewannar, “The inner demons” Chapter II
       The weight of the day was untenable. The air filled with characteristic coolness, and the Grey Fortress was surrounded by thick fog. Thick grey clouds swept through the sky abpve the castle. However, they were not alone in their journey. That day they were accompanied by ravens, who circling over the castle, made some narration noises. The stone walls were filled with silence. Everything seemed dead.
      Surrounded by the walls of her own chamber, Eugenia von Holstein sat on the Edge of a fur-covered bed. Looking towards the fire slamming in the hearth, she felt nothing but pain and grief. Clenching her jaw, she recalled the fateful day she lost her friend. All the while, she ha dan approaching cotton watt in front of her eyes which fell on them like an avalanche killing everything. In her ears, the sound of screaming and tearing flesh sounded. She still felt a strong jaw clenched on her leg and stabbing pain. The worst, however, was the image of thane Ulfric Gerhardt whose neck was clenched wolf’s muzzle. An empty look, leaking blood and paind that couldn’d been described have accompanied her for almost a week. It manifested itself when only it could, in the course of sleep, food, rest… always. Exhausted, she tied her face in her hands, trying to take a break from the images that haunted her for a while. It didn’t even help. Grief squeezed her throat. Clenching her teeth, she walked up to the mirror in the room. Tall, skinny with red hair and a remorse-induch pythoned face. Taking a deep breath, she straightened up and hurried to the door. As she walked out into the hallway, she felt the cold of raging draught. As she walked in front of her, she felt more and more bitterness. Heading towards the courtyard, she looked straight ahead. She couldn’t let herself be distracted. Through the open door she was able to see the funeral pyre. Sorrow squeezed her throat once more. Gritting her teeth, she parried directly at the group of people gathered around the pyre.
       When she got close enough, the people parted allowing her to pass. She looked at her dead friend’s face and turned away from him. She looked at the gathered crowd and couldn’t imagine that they could feel the same pain. They did not know what she knew, nor did they witness what she had the opportunity to see. They knew nothing, and yet they were here. The mourning sheep lined up one by one to say their final goodbyes. Looking at them she felt nothing but anger. She didn’t wat them here. But could she blame them? Could she have hated them for saying goodbye to a dead friend the way she was saying goodbye to a thane? She looked at his face once more and, turning towards them, began her speech.
-Resident of the Gray Fortress domain – she began. – Recent events have brought us together here to say goodbye to thane Ulfric Gerhardt. He was a man of honor, brave and valorous, fearless, but also full of kindness and warmth toward all who ever inhabited these lands. With his help, the area surrounding the Grey Fortress has opened up to change. It is because of him that we are where we would only get in many years by ourselves. He let us take from his wisdom as much as we needed, he brought the place, its people and even the castle he lived in to life. Unfortunately – she continued – we will never be able to listen to his advice, enjoy his company or fight by his side again. Let’s let him go and hope that each of us can meet him in Valhalla. Because by dying a hero’s death, he showed that heroism is not just a fairy tale invention. He showed that a true hero does not wear shining armour. He showed what fidelity and nobility are, and we should all strive to let the spark that guided him through life glow in us as well.
       At this point she paused. She was unable to speak further. She turned away from the crowd and placed her hand on his, clasped on his sword.
- Farwell my friend – she whispered.
Holding back tears she walked over to the hearth, in whose basket was a torch. She took it and put the fire under the pile.
       Hours passed and she stood in one place the whole time. Every moment fewer and fewer people were in the courtyard. Finally, she was left all alone. Looking at the catching ashes, she tried to keep herself in check. She couldn’t stop the tears though. She clenched her eyelids and, turning away from the pile, moved toward the Fortress.
       As she walked through the empty hallways, she paid no attention to the sculptures and paintings she passed. All she wanted was to be in her bed again. She reached her chamber and, being behind a closed door, sat down on her bed and gave herself fully to mourning. Tears flooded her face, and she didn’t even try to stop them. She sat back against the table and slowly calmed herself as she stare dat the sword lying on the table. The weapon absorbes all her attention. Looking at the double – edged blade, she tried to chase the horrifying memory away from her. However, she felt herself losing control over her body. Her muscles refused to obey and herm ind slipped into unconsciousness. She didn’t want to fall asleep. She longed to remain conscious, but the moment her head settled on a table, darkness fell before her eyes and she lost consciousness. When she woke up she felt the same pain she had felt before falling asleep. She couldn’t stand up to it. The next few days passed in a melancholy she could not cope with. Every sleep ended in the same nightmare. Months passed, and the thought of her friend’s death kept her awake.
       „Wolves! Be careful… They’re chasing us… Wolves… No! Kill them! Ulfric… No! No! No!”
- No! – she shouted waking up violently. Horrified, she pulled her head away from the pillow only to find that nothing was happening. To her surprise, the fatigue and pain substiyuded. It had been months since she’d felt rested. She lazily rose from the bed and walked over to the mirror. She looked into her own eyes. „Would he want that?” she thought. „To see me like this? Get a hold of yourself. Remember him, but don’t nurse your grief. You have responsibilities to live up to damn it! You can’t break down now.” She felt determination fill her. She knew she had to get back to normal wether she wanted to or not.
       While in the courtyard, Eugenia stormed into the stables. As she walked toward her horse’s stall she kept thinking about her promise. Determination ensured her confident gait. Reaching the mount, she quickly saddled it and left the Grey Fortress. Rushing towards the Wolf Forest, she couldn’t wait to talk to her dead friend, whose soul would make one last appearance in the world of the living. She knew that this would be her last Chance and she would not be able to let herself and most of all Ulfric down.
       However, running up the path didn’t feel right. Excitement gave way to anxiety. Even the horse didn’t want to go any further. She left him in a clearing near the enterance to the forest. She went on alone. She felt something was wrong. She walked Ahead with her sword drawn. Usually calm regions, now seemed downright, distrustful and unpredictable. Like there’s something there that shouldn’t be. Every muscle in her body was tensed and ready to attack. As she entered the Ancestral Glade, she noticed what was causing the thick atmoshpere. This was the same pack that was responsible for killing Ulfric. Suddenly rage bubbled up in her. The beasts whose only desire was to inflict pain were now vulnerable and didn’t expect her. As she prepared to attack, she noticed that they were surrounding the Spirit Tree. „I will not allow these beasts to destroy anything else. Summoning up her unnatural courage, she rushed at the wolves with a roar. She cut blindly, and each of their attacks seemed to be slower than usual. Filled with raw kind of strength and determination, she attacked with increasing ferocity. In the heat of the battle, however, she noticed something else. It was a ghost. The ghost of her friend. He was the one directing her sword. She realized that this was their last fight. It was their last destined meeting. She didn’t feel regret for meeting him like that. She didn’t feel the need to talk. She knew and was proud that he was now with her and helping her avenge his death. However, she noticed that with each wolf killed, the spirit faded.
       When the last of the beasts fell, the ghost was gone. She stood alone in the middle of the clearing, surrounded only by trees and the sounds of the forest. Even though the threat had passed, she continued to listen in anticipation of other dangers. When the tension subsided, she walked over to the Spirit Tree and knelt by it. She felt exhausted. Age was making its presence known. Trying to chase away the feeling of fatigue, she removed the glove from her right hand and, touching the bark, thanked her frien for his help. After a moment, she raised the head pressed to her chest and laughed sincerely for the first time in months.
- Friends even after death, huh?
- I know you’re listening. You always listened. Even when I was coming off as the worst kind of bitch. – The thought made Eugenia laugh again. – You,re finally at peace. That’s good. You deserve it. You know what?
She waited a few moments, as if waiting for an answer, but met no response. Silence all the time.
- Thank. Take care of yourself. See you, Ulfric.
Saying these words, she pressed her forehead against the Tree and, clenching her eyelids tightly, restrained herself from crying.
       After the while she rose from her knees and spent a few more hours sitting and chatting with Ulfric, who could not be heard, but she could feel that he was listening. She discussed all sorts of topics and only when dusk came did she realize how much time had passed. Lighting the torch, she took one last look at the Tree. It stood large and unmoved by human emotion. Letting out the air in her lungs, she slowly turned and started down the trail towards the clearing where her horse was waiting. Only silence and the thud of hooves accompanied her on her way to the Grey Fortress. After a few hours, she reached the castle, led her horse to the stables, and set off toward the chamber. Once again she felt a piercing fatigue, so as soon as she opened the heavy oak door her eyes wandered to the bed. As she lay there, she kept thinking about the events she had witnessed. She felt proud. Again a sort of forlorn joy accompanied her, and she gave herself up to the embrace of sleep without trying to fight for consciousness.
       After a few hours she woke up, but when she got up she felt too light. Something wasn’t right. Turning toward her resting place, she noticed that her body was still immersed in sleep. Gazing at herself, she couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed. Suddenly she heard a strange sound, as if calling out. Momentarily forgetting her conditio she left the chamber to search for the source of the voice. Trying to locate it seemed an almost impossible taks, as it seemed to be coming simultaneously from everywhere and from nowhere. Circling the stone corridors, she was able to hear the mysterious noise more and more accurately.
      Eventually, hearing led her to the entrance of the crypt where her ancestors rested. „Why here?”. Walking down the Winding stone staircase, she felt no fear or even anxiety. She felt that there was something waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs that could change her life. The way down seemed to be longer than usual. Eugenia had the gray stone in front of her eyes the whole time. When she finally reached her destination, a shimmering figure standing at the end of the room appeared to her eyes. Getting closer and closer, her eyes recognized new details of the spectrum. When she was close enough, she reached out in hopes of touching the Phantom. To her surprise, her fingers didn’t go all the way through, but stopped at the thick fur coat, which was warm and soft to the touch despite its ethereality.
- Ulfric? – She asked.
Hearing these words, the Phantom turned, and to her eyes appeared the familiar image of tall, powerful man witha a short, elegantly trimmed beard and a laughing eyes.
- Hello friend – he said spreading his arms, which gave a clear sign of willingness for physical contact. Without thinkinng much, Eugenia threw herself into her friend’s embrace
- It’s really you! But how? How come you’re there? You’re dead.
- Just because you can’t see me doesn’t mean I’m not there – he laughed. – Besides we didn’t get a Chance to talk at the Tree, we’ll do it here.
- Cozy��
- I know it’s not the best place, but seeing two ghosts talking in the middle of the hallway is probably not pleasant.
- You’ve got the point – she replied smiling.
Suddenly the ghost’s face clouded. The smile dissappeard from Ulfric’s lips, and there was concern in his eyes.
- I was worried about you. You weren’t yourself.
- I know, but I had plenty time to think. It got me who I am and what my responsibilities are. Besides, I knew it wasn’t something you wanted to see. – Saying these words, a faint smile crept onto her lips.
- Never mind – his eyes took of their characteristic expression again. – I’m glad you’re okay. After all, someone has to be here and in chargé hasn’t she?
- You’re right. Tell me, are you always here?
- As long as you are. I decided I’d still be useful here. And someone has to watch over you.
- What about Valhalla?
- Feasting and fighting without you is no entertainment – he said. – I’ll wait for you.
- I’m guessingnyou won’t change your mind?
- No – he replied and smiled widely. A familiar spark ignited in his eyes. – I have to ask you something though
- I’m listening. What is it?
- Your Reign has been a golden age for the Grey Fortress domain. All I ask is that it stays that way.
- I’ll do my best – she replied, smiling. – I promise.
Suddenly Ulfric’s figure began to flicker. The ghost itself seemed to be getting paler by the second.
- Ulfric? You disappear. What’s going on with you?
- Dawn is coming. Don’t worry. Every night we can get together. Besides, I’ll still be with you during the day, you just won’t see me.
- It was nice to see you again. – she said smiling.
- You too.
Eugenia noticed that her frien wasn’t the only one who was starting to disappear. She herself was also slowly dissolving into thin air. She felt herself waking up. She looked at him once more, and the last sight he gave her was his teethe bared in wide grin.
- See you around.
She rolled off the bed and, catching her breath, couldn’t believe her luck. She knew she hadn’t dreamed it. It was too real. Sitting among the furs, she began to laugh. „He is here.” She assured herself in spirit. Looking around the room, her gaze fell on a table near the bed where they had spent many an evening. „Next time, I’m not going down to the crypt. Chairs are better.” Laughing in her spirit she jumped out of the bed and dressed in light armor, with her sword by her side and her cloak over her shoulders she moved towards the largest hall where she was accustomed to sit. She knew that nothing would be the same from that day forward. Taking her place on the central throne, jarl Eugenia von Holstein was bubbling with pride and energy that had not been in her body for a long time.
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