#OC lore dump
gojicorps · 19 days
I've been trying to make this post for a while... This is my OC "master post"
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This is Ltw, if you dig stories of super heroes with a bunch of teenager drama and high school tropes, this isn't the story for you! Sorry, but this gender is already really saturated so I tried to mix and match different tropes across the medias to create a weird love letter to Comics, Tokusatsu and anything that I really enjoy. It's a coming of age story about Hart Lee Valentine, who chose to left his father house to live with his uncle in a city called Saint Expedite, famous for crimes, urban legends and some of the worst pizza you can ever imagine, an absolute paradise for someone who really wants to have a fresh restart in life.
The cast consists mainly of this 5 characters.
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Hart Lee Valentine: He's the son of the smartest man alive... But this is just a media claim, his father helped cure one of the weirdest illness know to mankind. But that doesn't matter at all, Valentine is already living under the shadow of his only parent alive (wink, wink) he starts as a calm and collected person but gradually starts loosing his manners, becoming an unhinged not so crazy science. He has an odd sense of justice but he's MOSTLY a pacifist who will try to talk before throwing hands around.
His favorite animals are moths and ducks, dor different reasons, in his opinion moths are our saviours from the monstrosities called butterflies. And ducks because he loves how versatile they are, he identifies with that Jack of all trades style.
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Sadako Atsuko: She's the local emo weirdo girl of the class, nobody knows much about her and her brother Helis, they live together in a mansion in the middle of the city, she's always tired, not in the best mood and usually sassy. People don't know but she's actually heiress of The Atsuko family, one of Japan's most advance tech companies, she's also a city vigilant who uses fear to stop crime... Yeah she's basically my universe version of the Batman, her character is driven by masks and alter egos, she feels incapable of leading a normal life since she's shattered between personas, not knowing who's the real her, not knowing how to express her true self. Those burdens started to get louder to the point she started playing instruments, as a therapy, but this basically turned into another problem, her days are getting too short to accomplish all her desires.
Her favorite animal is the bat, the long eared ones! So yeah she's basically using a fursuit to fight crime.
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Helis: Sadako's adoptive brother, he's basically the group heart, trying to make their maniacal schemes be a little more unhinged, he's the protector and the tallest one of them. Those responsabilities are instantly forgotten when he's near Valentine, something about him makes Helis adopt a more act first think later persona, but they usually have fun with that. He's the one that gives unsolicited advices with the bestest intentions he wants to know more about his origin and maybe who's his real family but that's more a monkey palm situation that doesn't goes well when he meets his father and sister. He usually helps Sadako in her schemes, usually to treat her wounds while calls her irresponsible, dummy or anything in between those lines (she doesn't even get a cute animal band-aid...) oh he has an abnormal strength and light based power's, but that doesn't matter much to him.
His favorite animals are giraffes, he likes that they have the strongest kick, and besides their pattern is beautiful.
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Ettore Zanchini: the definition of overcompensate! He simply is a tryhard in absolutely everything, he has a rivalry with Helis, Sadako and sometimes even Valentine, everything he does is trying to be the best. He likes classy outfits and good manners, he's a true gentleman with a short temper and overachiever, even though he doesn't need to prove himself that much. He's the best athlete of the school and won several fencing medals, he usually fights using two rapiers for the simple reason that this is a really dumb idea, so it's a good exercise.
He really likes Wolves and Stags, specially because they're the princes of the forest, he definitely cried with Bambi but keeps it hidden.
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Stefanny: Starting as a villainess, Stef is the last one to join the crew, she's really unused to a bunch of stuff the others enjoy but tries her best to get ahold of everything, she's not the warmest person and can be really misunderstood, she's gruff and goes direct to the point in most of her interactions, some have the audacity to call her impolite, BUT SHE'S NOT! She's just not used to have conversations longer than 45 seconds or with people that aren't psycho's, she and Sadako get along pretty well, perhaps because of all their battles and training, oh and even though she's all cool and collected... She has fire powers, yeah they are neat I guess.
Her favorite animal are salamanders, she loves those little moist dragons!
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graves-doodles · 11 months
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Time for an Earth explanation! I had my friends vote on who they wanted to hear about first since I'm gonna have to do so at some point so might as well now! I'm not much of a writer though oop
So this guy, right? A man out of his era and the Princess' body guard/best friend. Something terrible happened in his past that ended with him asleep under the ground just in some stasis. A young completely different than his own Zelda found him when she ran off to play in the sacred forest. So she wakes the funny dirt man. He woke up not really knowing what happened, but the sense that he absolutely watched himself fail his Princess. Since this tiny princess definitely doesn't belong in the forest he attempts to escort her back to where she needs to be. Of course with this duo's luck they get ambushed right before they reach the destination and Lil Zelda is kidnaped while Earth takes chase. He finds her and frees her but not unscathed. She got a large wound on the same side of her face as his scars lie. He feels a bit awkward trying to care for a Zelda when he failed his own, but he definitely gave a good impression. All her entourage is extremely worried about her and showing up with this dirt covered man definitely has some alarm bells but she explains what happened and Earth is taken to the palace for her to thank him all proper or what not. He sticks around and foils many attacks against her until he's finally just made into her body guard since even the actual Hero for the era doesn't do as good a job. The era's hero is definitely jealous, but cant deny the dude's good at his job. There is no Ganondorf, very odd. That's all I really got so far for lore tbh, but traits for Earth are: He's excellent with the sword (because of course), oh no he's a tall Link my god, his voice is very scratchy, but that's what you get when you were practically breathing dirt for a century or something. He scowls a lot but he's definitely a sweet heart and a paragon. He only scowls so people dont mess with him or his lil charge. Zelda is really the only one who can tell him what to do because he takes no crap from anyone. He's extremely proper though and is almost certainly going to be a leader type for when all these lads get mashed into each other's business.
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pinkiegiu · 5 months
so a few days ago, while looking for muzan images to use as reference, i found some ai generated ones from craiyon
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so, feeling inspired, i decided to be silly and save this dude from ai hell and make him an actual oc! So behold: Hanagane Aoto
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info and lore under
First name: 碧秋 (Aoto; 碧 meaning blue, 秋 meaning autumn)
Last name: 花金 (Hanagane; 花 meaning flower, 金 meaning metal/gold)
Age: 19
Gender: Genderfluid, AMAB
Pronouns: He/any
Height: 1.68m (5'6)
Ethnicity: Mixed Japanese (father) + Thai (mother)
Sexuality: Aroace
Breathing style + weapon: Iron breathing (derived from ice breathing, inspired by stone breathing) + double bladed kusarigama (think black star's weapon in soul eater)
Aoto is not an emotive person, and, despite his bluntness, a man of few words. Their face is completely neutral more often than not, and their voice flat and devoid of emotions. Not much is known of them by the Demon Slayer Corps, not even Kagaya himself could crack the young man's shell.
I usally don't give my kny ocs any ties to canon kny characters but for this one i decided to be la little Cringe™~ (/j) I decided to make Aoto Muzan's (non biological) son hehe :33 daddy issues + daddy with issues! They have a kinda complicated relationship where they don't really LOVE eachother, but Aoto sees Muzan as a father since he raised them. Muzan is very torn on how he views Aoto; on one hand they're a demon slayer, they're going against him by killing other demons, and they don't reveal anything about the corps, not to mention that they're human. But at the same time they don't talk about him to the corps, they're not aggressive towards Muzan, and they actively search for the blue spider lily.
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apotheoseity · 5 months
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(image credit: @fawfulydoo )
Polly Summerset is a character in my + my friends' shared setting Superverse! She was born on June 20th, 2003 as a human being, without any actual powers (somewhat uncommon, in the setting). She was a fairly normal kid, shy (and autistic), and given access to unrestricted internet access from a young age.
She stopped being a normal kid just after her 13th birthday, when she was on a tour of the FlavorCrest® Drink Factory with her parents. FlavorCrest® is a semi-popular drink brand within Superverse, most well known for their fruit-flavored sodas, though they also make energy drinks and iced teas. During the tour, Polly fell into an open vat of FlavorCrest®'s Peach Tranquility flavored soda. This, paired with her lack of any powers herself, radically changed her on a molecular level.
Now made entirely of the drink, she was widely believed to be dead. She wasn't, though, and the company thought that she could be useful to them. When her parents were alerted, they almost sued, but when they were told that "she" (read: her parents) would be paid to work as FlavorCrest®'s mascot, they decided that that would be the better course of action.
A year later, the controversy around the factory accident was all but forgotten with the launch of FlavorCrest®'s new mascot, Polly Peaches.
Behind the scenes, though, Polly was deeply unhappy with the situation. She never enjoyed being on camera, but was (and is, for the foreseeable future) contractually obligated to be featured in photo shoots and commercials as the company saw fit. Unfortunately, though, the broader public isn't aware that she's an actual person, and not simply a fictional character akin to other popular brand mascots. Years into the gig, she's eventually gotten used to both being on camera, and the unwanted online attention as she is obligated to run branded social media accounts as well.
Eventually, though, her very private room is broken into by @pbjpuppy's character Andi Galexi, a malfunctioning android made by a tech company as a prototype for a mass produced companion product. Andi, however, is violent, lustful, and doesn't listen to anyone but herself. In essence, everything that Polly wishes she had the opportunity to be, foils. Andi allows Polly an escape from the stagnant, crushing loneliness of her fame, and Polly allows Andi a space to allow people in without the threat of a loss of control. Though neither are fully out of the grasp of their parent companies yet, and though it can only exist in secrecy for Polly, they have each other.
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arrowmoose · 2 months
Aito Lore Drop
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Aito had a daughter
P: “Aito, have you ever had any children?”
A: “Yes…”
A: “Her name was Shiloh.”
Pio (the curly hair) is @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling’s OC, not mine
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soullessseraphim · 5 months
For those who asked :D
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Liam (my mc)-°-o-°-o-°-o-°-o-°-o.
Liam is my mc, meaning he's Asra's apprentice, and so, a magician. While he's been following Asra's teachings faithfully, he's found a liking in forbidden practices, and therefore necromancy. The practice of necromancy is actually forbidden amongst magicians, mainly because it is a type of dark magic that feeds on the magician's life essence to be more effective (meaning it has been deemed highly dangerous), and so he has to practice in secret. Hence why his left arm is bandaged : due to his frequent practice, necrosis has started to spread onto him. However, it isn't organic necrosis, but magical necrosis, meaning it doesn't smell nearly as foul, doesn't deal as much damage as if it were organic, but also cannot be cured by amputation or by removing the source of the infection or the necrotic tissues. It also means that bugs and maggots are not something to worry about. However, Liam can manage to keep the progression of the necrosis relatively slow by regularly changing his bandages and dipping them in a potion ; in addition, he wraps talismans around his arm, to give himself more time. Because yes, if he continues practicing or lets the necrosis spread too much, he will be gone as fast as in five weeks (without the bandages or talismans).
But why does he practice then ? Well, Liam has not felt a call / wasn't drawn towards any other type of more conventional (and authorized) magic. While he isn't incompetent, he was lacking that intimate link necessary to specialize in certain fields of magic. However, with necromancy, he feels as if he has to furnish much less efforts ; everything just flows more naturally, and it just feels... right, somehow.
In the context of the game, during the various books, the love interest (Julian) once they learn about Liam's practices will try their best to persuade him to quit (to keep him from fucking dying, obviously), however the outcome of that persuasion will variate depending on the endings :
Upright ending : Liam will eventually give up necromancy, and actually find another field of magic he is drawn towards (that is actually not forbidden or dangerous) : Conjuring magic (I've played Skyrim, can you tell?), although he will as well dip into Voodoo practices (and other types of 'pagan' magic), though safely since he's going to be watched closely by the love interest and Asra (he's got friends on the other side now too- ok I promise I'll stop my references there) ; and so he lives happily ever after with the love interest.
Reversed ending : (now, I've not finished any route yet, and so I don't exactly know how accurate to lore this is, so it's very possible that all this might be... impossible. But I bend reality to my will and I do whatever the fuck I want, I'm an artist) Liam, devastated by having lost his love interest in some way, will fully give in to his forbidden practices, but to survive and save them, he will actually find a way to become the new patron arcana of Death (or at least a second one) and wage war on the Devil with his undead troupes, in order to free his beloved from their deal and set them free, and hopefully keep everyone out of danger in the process by making the Devil busy fighting skeletons. He will find a way to save (Julian) them.
Victim of the Red Plague, Delicatessen's original name is unknown. If he's being honest with himself, he's forgotten it. He was simply another patient with a number attached to him. Patient n°056. He was "lucky" being in the first few batch of the victims, because in his final moments, doctors still had the patience and strength to accompany him. However, he did not want this to be the end. He may not have a cure, but he had something much more unique and morally ambiguous means to survive : if he was dying, then he'd be reborn.
Long ago, his father had saved a noble's life. In return, he'd gotten this gift, and intricately carved golden needle, with a sort of tiny vial at the tip of it, which contained a crimson liquid similar to blood. It was quite obvious that once poked with the needle, the blood would be transferred to whatever was poked... There was a letter as well, with the needle, inside the neatly decorated wooden box :
"in your last hour, after the sun has set, stare at your reflection, for it is the last time you will see it ; let go of who you were, for you will wither away ; place the needle to your neck, and rejoice in the sacrifice, for you know it will allow you to be reborn"
He remembered his father telling him he refused to ever use the gift, for he thought it was more of a curse. Delicatessen doesn't want to live forever either. But he certainly doesn't want the Plague to be his end. And so, Delicatessen poked his neck with the needle, and opened his eyes again as the moon rose high into the sky. He then left the room he'd been left to die in, and went into the streets of Vesuvia, leaving behind him an impossible to solve mystery for the doctors : "the vanished corpse of patient n°056"
After the end of the Plague, a new, more discreet disease hit the darkest streets of Vesuvia : people who'd passed out drunk during the night would wake up with missing limbs, only to find them later all dried of their blood in the streets. Naturally, it frightened absolutely everybody. Taverns were forbidden to open at night and the civilians were highly encouraged to stay inside no matter what. It went on for months, and the culprit had been nicknamed Delicatessen, because of how it looked like they were considering people as meat markets. Patient n°056, now a vampire, actually stuck with the name, finding it quite funny and fitting.
But as violently as those horrendous amputation started, they stopped. Delicatessen had disappeared, remaining a mystery to Vesuvia. Deli (yes you can nickname him that) had actually entered a sort of slumber, hidden away, and he wakes up around the same time mc arrives to the Palace for the first time. But he didn't go back to his life of crime. oddly enough, he'd found a new passion (which he suspects he always had, but his transition to un-death and his time as a sick patient might have broken what was holding him back from actually doing it (moral compass)) : in his hideout, he experiments, stitching animal parts together to make chimeras. His first successful experiment is Eve, a cat to which he attached great bat wings. She's his most precious creation.
Baron Vultur-°-o-°-o-°-o-°-o-°-o.
Cursed to eat human flesh to survive, Baron Vultur is a relatively new face in Vesuvia. As a new courtier, he raises a few suspicions amongst the others : who the fuck is this guy and what the hell is he doing here? (he's just a lil guy) Hailing from abroad, Vultur had to flee his unfortunately crumbling kingdom, and so his previous Court. Nadia was kind enough to welcome him to the court, despite the initial disapproval of the other courtiers (how dare this guy bother our devilish schemes hrhrhrggrrhg) ; however, they quickly realized that Vultur might not be too much of a bothersome asset. As a demon himself, he actually has a few things in common with them. Like being kinda funky in the brain. Or having sharp teeth. But he's a lil fucked up, like all of 'em. Initially not very talkative and simply letting his new environment sink in, Baron Vultur eventually warms up to the other courtiers, having a few more affinities with Valdemar and Vulgora, with whom he hangs around more from then on.
As they grew more friendly, Vultur actually mentioned the lung surgery he went through, months back. His old kingdom now crumbled, it's only natural he has no doctor to have routine checkups with. And so he asked Valdemar who, to his surprise, accepted. However, the Quaestor did NOT expect Vultur's stitches to be so... uhm... it wasn't in a good state. They'd even commented "I don't know who was your doctor before, but this is butcher work", before proceeding to schedule an appointment with the Baron where they'd fixed the previous intervention's damage. And so, Vultur now has frequent checkups with them. It is also during one of those checkups that he was forced to explain his peculiar diet, since he'd gotten a rib stuck in his throat, and had asked Valdemar for help. He'd went outside that night, finding fresh corpses to scavenge on, and his demonic form for some reason had not thrown up the full skeleton. This is how it was brought to the Quaestor's attention that Vultur needs to consume human flesh to survive.
That does explain his carnivore like teeth. But what- who does he feed from? Baron Vulture actually attends weekly public executions, and once the crowd has cleared out, steals the criminal's body to feed off of it (whether it's during the daytime or the evening) ; sometimes he saves it for later, when he wants the meat cooked in a particular way, or just feels like eating a fancy dish. This is why servants have seen him in the kitchen a few times, making his own meals for dinners, instead of taking those already prepared. But he does like it raw at times ; Vulgora had surprised him devouring a piece of meat (which they didn't know was human, it was impossible to guess) ravenously, drenching his chin, neck and the collar of his clothes in blood once. That did stir unknown feelings in them.
But what about his demon form, then ? Baron Vultur actually turns into a sort of chimera : easily the most massive and imposing of the demon courtiers, he has a humanoid face, though he still has carnivore like teeth (just like in his humanoid form) ; he has panthera front paws ; vulture wings, hind legs, and tail, and a long feathery neck as well, like one of a vulture (because... because his name is Vultur haha get it ? Ok I shut up). He can actually fly, though due to his size, it would most likely get the attention of more than one fellow, so he doesn't do it often. (I actually plan on drawing it later jehehehejjehej)
Do they all know each other ?
Liam and Delicatessen actually came to know each other in one stupidly on time coincidence : they had both sneaked into Valdemar's dungeons. Liam needed a corpse for his necromancy practices, and Delicatessen needed blood to feed as well as surgical equipment. And Valdemar found the both of them. Stupidly on time coincidence I was saying. That means there are actually only two people that know of Delicatessen (and honestly maybe it's better like that). Baron Vultur does know of Liam, but isn't exactly invested in getting to know him too much, unless it's absolutely necessary.
Tag for those who asked🧡@lunumochi ; @mosssummoner Disclaimer ! : I haven't finished the first route yet, so if there are lore inaccurate infos, it's not on purpose and I apologize
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alcohol1maid · 5 months
Sad days 🌧
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"Sofia linkina, the daughter of one of western Europe's biggest stars ever lived and her father, the ceo of Germans biggest technology company. She's a popular German child star, appearing in many different movies and TV shows worldwide!
She's also won many beauty pageants ever since she was 5 years old, and is currently living in japan for 2 years due to her father's business.
However, deep in that facade that was basically given to her by her parents, deep down there's a girl that strives to be 'normal', strives to go to public school and not face the pressures of being famous, to be a normal child that doesn't feel expoilted for her talent.."
AAAA, I'm actually so proud of this! This is more of an 'experiment' drawing, with me messing with shading and filters.
I haven't drawn sofia in a while, especially like this! So why not fix that?
I hope yall like it! <33
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turquiosescales · 2 months
YUELIANG LORE DUMP (aka Birdy oc loredump)
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copy pasted it from discord cuz i dont want to type it all down again.
" she was born from a shooting star and landed on the moon, being a temporary companion for Chang'e, for she was lonely and weeping her husband. That was before her little rabbit mechs arrived. Those 2 would spend a lot of time together, their relationship almost like mother and daughter. She had to give her up to Peng and the Peacock because, who else knows how to take care of a mystic bird, than another mystic bird? Despite that, they kept little remnants of Chang'e on her, the most noticable would be the lil moon clips on her hair !! Peng takes her to visit Chang'e every now and then. "
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" Yumao is the companion of Yueliang given by Chang'e. He was custom made to be a bird, a giant contrast from Chang'e's usual robots, which were bunnies and such. Chang'e gave Yumao to her as a gift to remember her, and for Yue not to be lonely. This was kept secret from Peng as she just didn't want to show a random robot coming out of her arms. He's often sleeping, singing, and dancing around for entertainment, despite that, he is an excellent and loyal companion to Yue. Kind of like a pet. "
Nengguang lore will also drop soon B]
@tamaruaart since you wanted to know more about the bby, sorry for the ping TvT
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gigimarvels · 5 months
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Today lets talk about Thymes younger half brother Thorn (Full name Thornapple) Thorn and Thyme share the same father, different mother, his bug tail people just think its a beetle but its actually a firefly, he just doesn't like when his tail glows Thorn is the teams engineer, he loves tinkering within the engine room of their moving base. Thyme love's and parades how smart his brother is, to the dismay of Thorn (he always gets flustered)
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^-- Thorn's first draft design, i liked it but i kinda wanted him to be more heavy set, mostly for me to get out of my comfort zone with character body typed
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^-- His redesign in May, that just STUCK WITH HIM
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thorn isn't a big fighter, but he will jump in when necessary. he mostly does that to make sure his brother doesn't loose anymore of his body parts (already lost his left hand, left leg is all scar tissue and nerve damage, left ear has a chunk out of it) If i had to pinpoint Thorns personality it would be Jolly, he can be awkward and quiet but he's extremely jolly and friendly (maybe to counteract Thyme's Personality)
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Thorn is 6 years younger then Thyme, and was 6 when Thyme's Parents Died (his father Ginger Root and Thyme's Birth mother Rosehip) Thyme became his protector and guardian, even now he's extremely protective of his little brother he just wants him safe. fun/silly facts -at some point in his life Thorn broke his nose -Thorn loves playing the trumpet -he lives in the engine room, his actually room in the base is empty -His name is based off a poisonous Pixie traditions
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mermaidchan05 · 1 month
Vesuvia Weekly: The Burden of Secrets Whispered in Sleep
The prompts "What Nobody Else Knows" and "Sleepy Mumblings" merged together in my head to bring you 740 words of both a lore dump for Apprentice Meleia and some Asra angst.
It’s no secret that Meleia talks in her sleep. It doesn’t happen every night, but it’s something that Asra has always listened for, even before Meleia began her second chance at life.
Some nights, her little mumblings are adorable. The non-sequiturs are always amusing, and Meleia’s completely-asleep voice is one of the cutest things Asra has ever heard. He loves telling her about everything she said the next day, and they both love having a good laugh over it… even if Meleia still playfully denies that she ever sang a little nonsense song about noodles in her sleep.
But some nights are much, much harder.
Ever since he first discovered Meleia’s amnesia, and the consequences of the deal that brought her back, Asra has been all too aware that he knows more about Meleia than he could safely share. Now that the Devil is defeated and they can truly start a new life together—the life both of them have wanted for so achingly long—he wants nothing more than to share everything with her. But sometimes, her sleep talk tells him things that he doesn’t even know if he can ask about.
Meleia never told him about the place she used to call home before she moved to Vesuvia. Her life before staying in her Aunt’s shop doesn’t seem to be that happy of a story, whatever it may have been. So Asra never pried. But some nights, he almost wishes he had more answers.
Some nights, as she did so often when she first woke up, Meleia speaks in a language Asra doesn’t recognize. Early on he learned the general feeling of a few words—particularly the difference between peaceful mumbles and genuine, nightmare-stricken cries for help. But there are some things, too many things, that he still doesn’t understand.
One word pops up fairly often in Meleia’s dreams: a name. A name that doesn’t seem to belong to a family member. As secretive about her past as she was, Meleia had mentioned her parents before, and Asra knew her aunt (though there were many reasons Meleia didn’t like to talk about her). But this name didn’t match any of the ones Asra knew.
The name always haunted him, even as it slipped from Meleia’s thoughts when she woke up.
Things got a bit easier once Meleia bonded with Forge and the little fox’s dreamwalking abilities manifested. Forge has seen echoes of memories that still linger in Meleia’s dreams, even if she doesn’t recall them in the waking world. And Forge has shared some of those images with Asra.
They’ve seen gorgeous beaches with pristine waves… somewhere very far from Vesuvia.
They’ve seen hidden caverns with pools much like the cave in the forest that Asra took Meleia to, but somehow different in every way.
They’ve seen a tall building, almost shaped like a flower, with walls that shine like crystals.
And, eventually, Forge found the source of the name that Meleia has mumbled in her sleep. It’s the name of an old friend… but not a human.
A fairy.
Wherever Meleia is from, there are fairies there. Many of them. And one fairy in particular might still be waiting for Meleia to come home.
And Asra has no idea how to tell Meleia about that.
He wants to. Someday. When it’s safe enough. And it seems like that day might be getting closer and closer. Meleia is starting to remember things on her own… but whenever she wakes up, all of it simply vanishes from her mind.
For now, Asra has to believe that it might be best to let her dream a little bit longer before doing anything drastic. Maybe the knowledge that she left a friend behind somewhere far away, somewhere they don’t know how to reach, will hurt her more than help her.
Forge hasn’t said anything about it to Meleia yet. So for now, Asra’s keeping this knowledge close to his chest.
He’s kept so many other secrets. All to keep her safe. What’s one more?
And someday, someday, he’ll let it all out. And they’ll find her old home. They’ll find her friend again. Together. As a family. Asra, Faust, Meleia, and Forge, off on a daring, mysterious adventure.
That’s the promise that Asra whispers to her while she’s still deeply asleep, when he knows she can never truly hear him.
It’s a promise that Asra is determined to make a reality.
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autism-purgatory · 3 months
OC deep dive tag
thanks for the open tag @the-golden-comet! I’ll pick Tors and Feron :)
Phobias: Tors doesn’t have any, Feron has Megalophobia (fear of large things)
Other fears: They both don’t like spiders and hawks.
Pet peeves: Snobbishness (which is hilarious coming from Feron)
3 items you can find in their bedroom: For Feron, a board full of ancient maps and records, a houseplant that reaches the ceiling, and a few stray books. For Tors, an extremely messy bed, ceremonial swords hung up on the wall and a few monster heads mounted up.
First thing they notice in a person? Both of them immediately try to see if someone has a secret weapon on them.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? Tors is a 10, he could lose his whole hand and passing out from blood loss would be a bigger problem than the pain. As for Feron, I’d say a 6. He’s pretty average when it comes to pain tolerance.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Tors is instant fight, Feron is flight, but in a pissed off cat in a corner way.
Does he come from a big family/are they a family person? Feron has an older brother, and was adopted by his grandparents after his parents died during a storm, and he is very much not a family person. Tors’ parents are Odoan, the former Royal Guard of Neretia, and Izara, a noblewoman from southern Heoa. He has a twin brother named Taos. Tors is a lot more affectionate to his mother than his father due to him being too busy as the Royal Guard to properly be in his life.
What animal represents them best? A great white shark for Tors and a Honduran white bat for Feron
What is a smell that they dislike? They both haaaaate the smell of raw meat, despite the fact that they slay sea monsters almost every day.
Have they broken any bones? Yes. Feron breaks his hand at some point.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? Feron is a night owl and Tors sometimes has to force him to sleep, no matter how fascinating those ancient maps seem. Tors is an unwilling morning person, because he spends a good chunk of his mornings training royal squires like Feron.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? For Tors, minty, for Feron, bitter. Chocolate and cacao pods are heavily traded to other places from Neretia since they’re the only place that can grow them. Chocolate usually takes a liquid form and is rather bitter.
Do they have any hobbies? For Feron, it’s cartography and reading, for Tors, does skinning and harvesting sea monsters for food count?
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Feron would be pleasantly surprised and isn’t too taken aback by it. Depending on how they surprise him, Tors might end up accidentally punching someone.
Do they like to wear jewelry? Nope, neither of them do. There’s actually a scene where Tors has to where bejeweled ceremonial armor and it feels like SHIIIIIIT.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? Both very neat.
What are the two emotions they feel the most? For Tors, Grumpy, for Feron…I dunno what’s the emotion version of being a sad wet cat?
Do they have a favorite fabric? Both of them like how fur feels, despite its rarity in Neretia since most of the wildlife is reptilian/amphibious.
What kind of accent do they have? Both british, I imagine Tors sounds like Ghost from COD and Feron sounds like Prince Lothric from Dark Souls 3. I’m too lazy to add video clips.
Open tag!
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sjaudios · 4 months
an idea i had for Eevra's naga species based off of some of @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid's ideas!
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"When nagas are in a state of great anger, anxiety, despiar, or in fear for their life, they can take on a transformation that turns them more snake than human-like. they grow scales on their back, shoulders and face, their fangs become more pronounced, with some producing venom. their eyes become more snake-like, with their pupils rapildly dialiting. Nagas do not speak in this stage, trading out language for animilistic screeches and hisses. Lower-class/common nagas can be interacted with in this stage, although it is highly discouraged. there is no record of any creature or human surviving an attack from naga royalty in this stage."
I'm actually really happy with this, and I'm hoping to use this in his series! what do y'all think?
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corysarchive · 3 months
Random lore dumb or somethin. I don't know, I've been bad at writing lately so hopefully I cooked.
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boa35 · 6 months
The time has finally come!!
Anti's Backstory!!^^
Special thanks to @kachikirby for helping me out!^^
(Zoom in for better quality)
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apotheoseity · 5 months
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(art credit: @angelsamidraws )
Scarlet Fever is (yet another) character in Superverse! She was previously "employed" at Scelestic, but has since left. Born Cyrus Trottwood to two loving parents, at the age of 6 she was kidnapped by Scelestic while playing a little too far from home with a friend.
While at Scelestic, she was forcibly trained into being the groups personal lackey, someone expendable to do dangerous dirty work and fights, stripped of her name and her agency. Unfortunately, this sort of "training" was.. heavily traumatic, to say the least, especially from such a young age. Thankfully, she was under the care of Betty Miller, also known as Kitten Smiles, a kind-hearted woman working for Scelestic out of circumstance. She took a liking to the young Scarlet, and really only stayed with the villain group in order to keep her safe.
Raised into being the personal weapon of Snake Eyes, Scarlet was often the one made to kidnap people for the group. With her powers, the ability to show people their fears (great or small), it was easy for her to incapacitate unprepared supers and restrain them for "harvesting."
At one point, in late 2020, she was made to do so for one of the most famous heroes in the country, the Golden Guardian ( @pbjpuppy's character, also known as Bailey Goodfellow), and managed to succeed after a scuffle. Bailey, however, wasn't kidnapped to be harvested, but rather for information due to her connections to other famous superheroes, like President Man, the president. Being kept with and under watch of Scarlet, the two managed to bond over being young people in a bad situation (though, at the time, Scarlet hardly considered herself a person), and Scarlet and Betty eventually allowed and aided Bailey in her escape.
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on who you ask), Bailey wasn't able to stop thinking about Scarlet after her escape, and subsequent faking of her suicide, and went back for her. Scarlet was hesitant, to leave somewhere that (to her knowledge) was the only place she'd ever known, and especially to do that with someone who she was told was the enemy. Urged by Betty, though, Scarlet decided to go with her, and the two moved out into a remote cabin in the woods together.
Eventually, despite their differences, they managed to get closer, falling in love. Bailey, as well, helped Scarlet adjust to being a "normal" person, with hobbies and interests, rather than just a weapon. A few years out, they're trying to reintegrate back into society together, with fake identities.
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specialshinytrinkets · 2 months
The funniest part about my OCs is that, out of all characters, Kee has the most normal parents (others I just didn't get much into-)
Like. There are three somewhat main characters: Derres, Lioo and Kee (like Sonic the Hedgehog). There's also Ies, but her deal is kind of Complicated™, since they're not quite. Someone to have parents. Cuz. She's a demon-
But anyways (warning for death mention):
Derres doesn't want to remember his parents much to not let the grief and trauma resurface, but he idolises them a lot. However, his speech about them is more often than not very... vague, prioritising the feeling of him missing their company than any specific memory. And I don't blame him, because, if you actually dig in, there aren't many niceties to remember! Being a witcher in a secluded place, from a dynasty of sorts, it was inevitable that a lot of responsibility would be put onto him, especially considering he is the youngest, most recent holder of the amplifiers. So, the pressure resulted in an odd dynamic where young Derres knew that he is loved (he must be loved), but would dismiss his own feelings to prioritise what is important, so that he would be given attention (the way to earn love). Of course, it does not mean the parents were cold to him all the time, but it was not an ideal dynamic. And sadly, one that could not be prevented or, at least, mended. Not now...
Lioo, on the other hand, despises her mom, namely because of how she handled her proposal to become Derres' apprentice. Now, obviously, she was 18 when she left home to do what she wanted, so you need to take this with a grain - or a cup - of salt. However, her decision had somewhat reasonable roots: she saw how much Derres provided for the community, stressing himself out every day, and wanted to easen up his job. Her mom did not take it well, though, shutting down the idea at every possibility. Think of "Blow My Brains Out" by Tikkle Me, specifically the chorus (lyrics):
Lucky is she who lives unaware Doesn't get bothered by those who don't care Lucky is she who lives unaware Who doesn't get bothered by all that's unfair Unlucky me who knows way too much Who fights to make changes and music and such Unlucky me, aware of the pain All 'cause I happen to have some brain
Mixing together teenager maximalism and seeing the indifferent response to trying to fix the issue is bound to create fire. And it wasn't put out, even after drowning. In fact... The rift deepened. Since, who else can be blamed for your daughter's death, but the man who "took her away with witchcraft"? Who else can be yelled at for ruining your child? For making a deal with a demon? Who else?
And then we have Kee, who has been fully supported by his parents throughout his entire life. Said parents tried their best to help him adjust to the prosthetics and reach out when their son suddenly isolated himself and left the city. He's gonna regret that, alright.
All in all, very funny how the guy you'd expect to have fucked up upbringing actually has it fine, he just got hurt much later in life than the rest, hence why his coping isn't very good. And well. We are witnessing it in real time, and not as a memory. Trauma is messy
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