#OC au: New Vegas
callsignbaphomet · 1 year
I'm kinda not doing anything at school right now (I started this big bitch on Wednesday lol) so I'm just gonna spam about my babies. To be specific their Fallout versions.
To recap Loke and Jelani are originally from Washington (Capital Wasteland). Both born and raised near Megaton. Their parents were originally from other parts but ran off together and landed there.
To recap Sanaa (Loke and Jelani's mother) was born into the Enclave where she racked up ranks like it was a video game. She wasn't just a sniper. She was THE MOTHERFUCKING SNIPER. One shot, one kill; no luck, all skill type of sniper. She was a magician with any weapon she got her hands on but she was a goddess when she got her hands on a sniper. She was also incredibly adept at infiltration and hacking. It just came naturally to her. By 8 she was hacking complex security systems and getting into rooms she had no business being anywhere near. Yes, she got into a lot of trouble.
Ingvarr (Loke and Jelani's father) came from a very long line of NCR veteran rangers. Like, the family has been serving since the NCR was first established. So the Haakonsons have a bit of a rep in the NCR. Ingvarr handles lots of weapons rather well but once he gets his hands on a shotgun it's like an extension of him. He's also gifted in hand to hand combat and there is no bomb or explosive he can't make or dismantle. At 7 he was making bombs and setting them off. It was also the same age where he had one go off and burned his right leg and is completely deaf in his right ear with a little bit of loss on his left.
Sanaa left the Enclave after her parents passed away. She wandered for a while until she settled in a small settlement who unfortunately was harassed by raiders. They reached out to the NCR but they denied helping them because it wasn't in their best interest and they couldn't be bothered to help a little settlement of less than 20 people. So they gave the excuse that they were stretched too thin. Ingvarr was just completely disgusted. He was already disillusioned with the NCR as a whole and this was the straw that broke the camel's back. So he (basically having earned his black armor recently) grabbed all his shit, his dad's helmet and some extra bullets, went awol and went to help the settlement.
See, Ingvarr was the embodiment of joining to help and protect innocent people and seeing the powerhouse that is/was the NCR just ignore innocent folk in their time of need just made him rabid. So he quit.
He and Sanaa teamed up and cleaned house in the blink of an eye. He settled in this tiny ass little tin can of a building in the settlement and he and Sanaa were like the security. They worked together for a while and naturally got close and before the year was over Ingvarr moved in with Sanaa. Then they got married. They found some suitable replacements and they just had a little adventure of their own and settled near Megaton and then Loke happened.
Now! In their original versions Loke is actually from Ingvarr's first marriage and they look really similar to Ingvarr's first wife. She's not around anymore obviously. Loke was an accident and she never ever wanted kids but she never really said anything to anyone. She just felt like it was something she HAD to do so she kept putting it off until she got pregnant. The entire pregnancy for her was horrible, she was uncomfortable, angry, depressed but her stupid ass didn't say anything so no one knew how she really felt. Unfortunately like a week after giving birth she grabbed Loke and was gonna drown him but she was stopped in time. While they attended Loke she ran away and was never found again. But then 4 months later Sanaa showed up and the rest is history. Loke is her stepson but that's her fucking son and she is their one and only mother. Also they are fully aware of the woman that birthed them but they want ZERO to do with her. To Loke Sanaa is their mother and they are her son, nothing else matters in that aspect of their life.
So for all the au versions we'll just have to suspend a little disbelief for any of them to make sense so just go with it lol
Now, being the son of an Enclave officer (idk what the ranks are. I'll look later) and an NCR veteran ranger meant that from the very moment Loke was able to stand on his own two feet he was trained and educated like his parents were. He learned how to read, write, first aid, medicinal basics, radiation prevention and treatment, trigger discipline, how to handle weapons, how to clean weapons, how to dismantle and put back weapons, maintaining weapons and armor, how to cook, clean, hunt, clean food, basic repairs, history, maths, science, navigation, and anything and everything else they knew. Basically they wanted to prepare him to survive the wasteland.
Then 14 years later Jelani came around. Unfortunately, when Jelani was 3 years old some folks from Megaton had made a bit of a mess when they pissed off some slavers who followed them back to Megaton to start some shit. So some folks who weren't afraid to fight back gathered and with the family in Megaton that day Sanaa and Ingvarr caught wind of what happened and wanted to help. This time their desire to help was just a tiny bit selfish because slavers were sniffing around the area and they sure as fuck didn't want that kinda garbage around their tiny babies.
Sadly there was a traitor within the group and they were all killed. Oh, they went down fighting. Haaaaaard. But sadly they went down. So that meant that a 17 year old Loke was left all alone to raise his 3 year old baby brother.
No, it wasn't easy. That first year Loke was just heavily depressed, barely ate, barely slept and barely left the house. He was just in a numb state where he felt he couldn't breathe. It wasn't until one morning a few weeks after their parents died that Loke heard little whimpers outside of the house so when he went to investigate Jelani had been playing outside, fell and scrapped his knee and was crying. The image of his baby brother sitting on the ground with a bloody knee and crying just freaked him the fuck out and he realized he had to take care of his brother so he shaped up and basically took to the role.
Everything his parents taught him he taught to Jelani and then some. From that day forward it was like a military school. On top of what Loke taught him Jelani also found that hacking came almost naturally to him and he was a prodigy with a sniper. By 8 he was training with the .50 cals. Unlike Loke Jelani had some free time to also just be a kid. There were several kids in Megaton that he played with but he was really fond of three girls he got along with: Latoya, her girlfriend Jade, and Madison. To say the 4 of them constantly got into trouble was an understatement.
Overall they did a pretty good job at surviving on their own and to be perfectly honest Loke is an amazing father figure but he was always afraid of losing Jelani so he was kind of a "helicopter dad" which greatly annoyed Jelani.
Honestly Jelani doesn't have any memories of his parents. What he knows he got from Loke's stories and anecdotes. So he kind of doesn't understand his need to constantly be looking over Jelani's shoulder to see if he's okay. What 8 year old does?
So some time goes by and Jelani is now 12 and Loke decided they could do with a change of scenery. They pack their things as well as their dad's helmet and their mom's sniper and leave Washington and head West.
This took a while. Mostly because both siblings got hit with a severe case of wanderlust and just felt at home wandering from place to place and exploring old ruins. If the weather was fair they had no problems sleeping under the star lit skies of the wasteland while munching on gumdrops and drinking Nuka Cola. It was honestly really nice.
Then when Jelani was 14 and Loke was 28 they just so happened to walk into New Vegas specifically Primm with its weird little robot sheriff and surprisingly a group of NCR soldiers camped near the town.
From there they wander a bit and gather intel on the area as a whole. Loke isn't too keen on settling there but sheltered, bright-eyed and rebellious 14 year old Jelani is enamored with the place. Tbh Loke would've preferred to look for somewhere else but he liked that Jelani liked the place so he came upon an abandoned place in Freeside, fixed it up and they stayed there. Now, Sanaa and Ingvarr left them a lot of caps. Like, almost a ridiculous amount which they barely touched cuz both of them were self-sustainable. Loke saw there was a high demand for mercenaries...mostly because many of them outright died on the job...so he dug into their savings, upgraded their stash of weapons, got more ammo, got some really good armor which he modified and soon both of 'em were constantly sought out for all kinds of jobs but in particular very discreet hits and assault and battery.
Loke always took Jelani with him because he knew Jelani would insist. Plus it wouldn't hurt to let him earn his own way too. Loke will always take care of him until the day he dies but it was a good idea to teach 'im other ways to sustain himself and to keep his skills sharp. Pluuuuuus it would help in keeping his little ass out of trouble cuz honestly teen Jelani in this setting is a handful to say the least.
At 15 Jelani was always getting into trouble. The only person this fucking kid ever listens to and obeys is Loke. He's the only one that can put the fear of god into this kid. With everyone else Jelani is kind of difficult to assess...if they're like minded they'll get along famously. An example would be AJ (Alejandro Javier) from the Khans. Sure at first it was because they were fucking (side note: they both lost their virginities to each other) but then Jelani discovered chems through AJ. AJ would sell 'em to him at a discount but he knew Loke would kill him if he knew he was doing chems so it was only ever done when away from Loke. The only thing Jelani did in front of Loke was drink and even then he had to restrain himself because Loke wouldn't let him drink too much...even tho Loke could easily drink a whole bottle of whiskey like it was water and the son of a bitch can easily keep going...
As for Loke he is very well aware that he has/had a drinking problem. Losing both parents at such a young age really affected him and not only did he lose his parents he basically became a father to his 3 year old brother. So on top of the depression he was overwhelmed by the pressure to take care of his brother. He didn't really have time to properly mourn which led to late nights drinking himself into a blackout after putting Jelani to sleep to just forget about life in general. This later escalated to cutting himself up, mostly areas that Jelani wouldn't be able to see. Those 2 years they spent travelling were really healing for both of them but Loke still had his demons.
Coming to New Vegas and dealing with a teenager and the challenges it meant made him take up drinking and cutting again. It was mostly frustration and fear of fucking up. Having said all of that Loke never once raised his hand at Jelani, never disrespected him, was never abusive in any way or even blamed him for anything. Despite his fears and frustrations and whatever else was affecting him he still loves his brother more than anything else in the world and he constantly made sure that Jelani knew he was loved and always showered him in affection. He may not be perfect but damn it the man is trying his best.
Jelani was super patient though but he was snippy and condescending about it. Tbh he didn't really understand it because while Jelani's aware he lost his parents he was only 3 when it happened and he barely has any memories of them. Loke on the other hand has clearer and better memories of them. He still clearly remembers the day Simms informed him of his parents' deaths.
Some months before his 16th birthday Jelani got sick. Like, really fucking sick. Like, a fever of 106 with a massive headache, stiff neck, constant vomiting, and uncontrollable shakes and shivers. Loke knows some basics but he's not a trained medic (unlike his original version. Actually don't remember if I mentioned this but Loke and Sanaa spent a few years in med school. Sanaa is actually a doctor and Loke chose to pass the exams but would rather stick to being a nurse. If and when they retire from Oracle they can fall back on that. In the mean time they're more than happy tending to wounds in the ao). He knew about the Followers of the Apocalypse so he took his brother over to them. Took a while but they managed to lower his temperature. I'm not sure about illnesses in the Fallout universe per say so I'm choosing to keep it vague. Jelani did recover from the infection but that meant that Loke "hi i'm so overprotective i'm basically a helicopter dad" Haakonson was constantly checking Jela's temperature and symptoms. This led to a few fights, like, understandable no one wants their temperature taken every morning and night, or checking in with how they feel constantly but whether he ever wants to admit it or not Loke was going through a crisis. He already lost his parents, he sure as fuck did NOT wanna lose the only person he had left in the world. Just the mere thought of losing his brother was traumatizing enough.
At 17 Jelani was tasked with escorting a kid to Goodsprings. Usually Loke would never let Jelani take a job on his own but 1. It was a simple escort of a 10 year old kid who was kidnapped by slavers. Some people raided and killed the slavers in their little hideout and freed the victims. One of them was a little girl who was kidnapped from Goodsprings so one of the people from the raid looked for Loke but he'd already agreed to do a job. An admittedly far more dangerous one but one that paid really well. Loke had made up his mind to not take Jelani with him on that specific job so instead of turning down the escort job he said his brother could do it. That wasn't a problem as the Haakonson brothers had garnered a bit of a high reputation amongst the rest of the population.
Eventually Loke calmed down and everything went back to normal. But from the day the FotA helped him and his brother Loke always made time to help them out or donate items or caps.
This was also around the time Loke met Uthroim and honestly it was kinda love at first sight for him. *cue the most adorable and steamiest side of Loke you can muster and that's how it goes down*
Job went off without any problems at all. Jela found the kid to be adorable and they mostly just chatted along the way while he shared his gumdrops with her.
***whenever I play Jelani in any Fallout I always keep 1 gumdrop pack in his inventory. Dorky, I know, but the immersion just calls for it lol.
He was gonna head back to Freeside but he saw there was a bar and he was by himself so that meant he could drink to his heart's content without Loke being there to limit his drinks. So he went into the bar. Bar was full but he noticed 3 people at the bar that caught his attention. 3 NCR veteran rangers decked out in their black armors and their helmets neatly placed on the bar in front of them. Jelani suddenly remembered that his dad used to be one but he wasn't sure of what unit or even where the unit was stationed. He sat at the other end of the bar and ordered a bunch of drinks.
As the hours went by he did notice that one of the rangers just kept staring at him. It was an older white woman around her mid to late 60s. It got to the point where Jelani was getting both irritated and uncomfortable so being the smartass little shit that he is he asked her what the fuck was her problem.
The woman got up and sat close to him to get a better look at him. Now, Jelani has several features that you could sorta, kinda say are unique. For a 17 year old he was TALL, like taaaaaaaaaaall. This kid was already 6'4" and he was still growing. He has really long, raven jet black straight but thick hair down to the middle of his back, very rich and dark skin and a particular set of eyes. They're a very pale blue, so pale you could mistake them for white/gray in certain lights. That is what the white woman was focusing on. She directly told Jelani he looked very familiar and asked if his father was in the NCR. He said he used to be and left it at that. She continued to press him though and was getting noticeably agitated. Even her friends were trying to get her to back off but she wouldn't budge.
She outright asked Jelani if his father was named Ingvarr Haakonson and seeing her state he denied it. She asked what his surname was but Jelani paid for his drinks and left knowing that the situation was not ideal and knew he was a bit of a hothead so best thing to do was leave. As he reached for the door the woman yelled out a word in a language he recognized and was fluent in. Her pronunciation was very off but he understood it. He didn't know what it was called but his father taught Loke the language and Loke taught it to him. Both could speak, read and write in both English and that other language. He froze for a minute but decided to leave.
It was late at night but he just wanted to get home and sleep off the buzz. On his way out of Goodsprings he noticed what looked like a dead animal on the side of the road and as he passed by it he saw it was a really small nightstalker. The closer he got he could hear small whimpers coming off the animal. He didn't see any blood on or near it but he noticed its eyes were sunken, the scaly face was dry and flaky, the eye caps were cracked and its saliva was very thick. It was dehydrated so feeling sorry for it and being a massive animal lover Jelani propped up its head carefully and little by little gave it water. He was in no hurry so he sat next to it and kept giving it water until he fell asleep. In the morning he woke up to the nightstalker curled up on his lap. It looked far better than it did the night before. As he got up he woke the nightstalker up who perked up its ears and frantically wagged its tail at him. He gave it more water and some food he had on him and left but noticed the snake coyote dog was following him. Unsure of what to do he gently shooed it away but it kept following him. It followed him all the way home and he'd gotten attached to it already so when Loke came home he asked if he could keep her. Loke was hesitant at first...mostly because it looks weird...he offered to get him a regular dog but Jelani was already attached to her and had already named her Dagny. He agreed but only if Jelani promised to train her and take good care of her. He did and since day one he and the weird little snake coyote dog thing named Dagny were inseparable.
Life continued and neither of them had much to complain about. Hidden within Freeside's outskirts is a bar (not sure what to name it) that was full of queer people though the majority were men. Nowhere in New Vegas were they denied entry or anything but that was like their own hangout. Friday and Saturday nights drag queens would take center stage. No one really knew who the owner was but the bartender was a man named Trevor. Naturally both Loke and Jelani frequented that specific bar a lot and Jelani being an absolute gay as fuck whore constantly flirted with Trevor and that naturally led to them fucking. Totally without Loke knowing cuz he woulda put a stop to a 17 year old trying shit with an adult. Basically Jelani lied and said he was older and ended up getting together with Trevor for a while. Through this he discovered 2 things: he definitely IS a bottom and he likes violent sex.
That's one of the biggest differences between Loke and Jelani. Jelani is dominating, really aggressive borderlining on violent and likes to take charge (power bottom). Loke is super submissive, loves to be completely dominated and he'll switch but prefers to bottom. Jela will fuck any guy he's attracted to while Lo is more reserved.
The woman that Jelani had that hostile interaction with back at the bar in Goodsprings bumped into Jelani and Loke in The Strip and this time she started talking all sorts of nonsense about Ingvarr. Obviously it upset the boys but more so Loke. For once Jelani showed some self control and tried to get Loke to calm down and go with him but the woman, Iain, started to come after them as they walked away but eventually she caught up to them and threw Loke to the ground and started to kick him hard. Jelani tackled her and started beating on her. Some NCR troops and securitons rushed over to stop the fight but Loke got Jelani away. As she was being escorted out she kept cursing them and their father out. She also quickly reached for her gun and aimed it at Loke but as she pulled the trigger Jelani pushed him out of the way and caught the bullet in the side and actually ruptured the right kidney.
A whole mess followed. Having been near the NCR outpost Jela was quickly taken in and stabilized while Iain was locked up.
Iain's entire beef with the Haakonsons was that the day Ingvarr went awol the unit he was in was ambushed and Iain was the only survivor. She got it into her head that if he'd been there they would've survived. Whether that's true or not no one really knows. Maybe one extra soldier coulda made the difference or maybe not but in Iain's head it would have and since that day she held a grudge. Ingvarr wasn't there but his sons were and to her it was fair.
Jelani survived though he was one kidney short and Loke made him swear he'd never do anything like that ever again. He'd rather die than see any harm come to Jelani. After Jelani was okay and moving on his own again Loke went to the NCR and basically demanded they serve Iain's head on a platter. In short, all she got was a slap on the wrist which obviously didn't sit right with Loke and after making a few demands he was told that what happened was unfortunate but if Jelani hadn't attacked her she wouldn't have felt the need to defend herself. Basically blaming Jelani for getting shot. On top of that they let Loke know that they knew who they were and that the Haakonson legacy was tainted the day Ingvarr went awol and that a decorated soldier like Iain was more important than a deserter.
To say that man was furious when he left that office was an understatement.
From that day Loke started to plan to leave New Vegas and Jelani agreed. There was too much NCR presence everywhere and they both knew that if they stayed there would be more encounters like the one at The Strip and it could end badly for both of them. They avoided The Strip and any NCR infested settlements but kept going about their lives.
However, they were both bitter about Iain and wanted nothing more than payback. The opportunity did arise when they were just finishing up a hit on a specific viper gang member and were returning home. Iain and two other veteran rangers ambushed them a few miles East of Nipton. Fight broke out but despite the odds Loke and Jelani overpowered Iain and her friends. They managed to kill the two rangers and brought Iain down. Killing her seemed too fast so they broke both of her legs and both arms and left her in the middle of nowhere to die from either critters in the area, ferals, raiders or the elements. But not before Jelani took her armor as a price and called it even.
Both brothers were aware they couldn't stay in New Vegas as given their known history with Iain the NCR would seek them out so they rushed home, packed their essentials, and left.
On their way out of New Vegas AJ accompanied them and through him they learned the NCR put out a shoot to kill order on both of them so they left just in time. AJ stayed because he didn't wanna leave his family behind but he wanted to make sure the boys got out safely and to say goodbye.
So Loke, Jelani and Dagny left New Vegas. Several miles outside of New Vegas they bumped into a caravan of families also moving out of New Vegas being protected by some shady mercs but the caravan offered them a place with them so they would trek on their own as more numbers meant it was safer. Loke and Jelani agreed and soon they were off.
*** A lot happened during this trip but it bleeds into Boston and I feel like this will be better as a different post cuz it's really packed with a lot of details. So I'll be making that post later.
If you read this far into this monster of a post I love you and you officially own my soul.
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ljesak · 1 month
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i wanna finish this eventually but!! here they are
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krokaxe · 2 months
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Yeehawgust 24: Undead Cowboy
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w98pops · 2 months
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I've seen your face in better days
How times have changed
The seasons come and go, even so, it's strange
You're looking just the same
You've come around again
To claim, and call in what I owe you
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0donto1nsanity · 22 days
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Yes-man the friendly courier and Zephyr the asshole Securitron
Expect a lot of fluff of doodles soon, gonna mellow out my feed b4 we get to the sad stuff xP
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papakhan · 4 months
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trying to improve horse drawing skills with the power of centaur au... ngl I kinda love him this way
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kyngsnake · 1 year
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there’s that stranger who just won’t die right
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xykcta · 1 year
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Ignacio please he have like 2 endurance he's here only to steal all first aid kits
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monetscreature · 15 days
Dangerous business ...
In Frank's version of new Vegas he hunts Benny down and the two hookup before frank steals the chip back and threatens to put Benny six feet under with no return ticket. Benny strikes a deal with Frank that in exchange for the chip, and his loyalty, he'll make sure he's a star in Vegas again. Frank takes that deal and Benny eventually takes the strip - and hey, even makes good on his word. The hey-hey was that good!
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ajmontyb · 2 months
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urgurggdhfhf,fg.... late night art....
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starset-sarsaparilla · 2 months
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character for a new vegas ttrpg my friend runs ❤️ his name is nikolai and he lives with the night stalkers in bloodborne cave
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supernovamt · 3 months
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atomicowboy · 5 months
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i falloutified two of my main ocs :) this is addison “hawk” baxter (left) and vincent “hound” bradshaw. lore and extra sketches under the cut
after only a few weeks of being out on the surface after leaving his vault, hawk was attacked, robbed, and left to die by a group of raiders. being both deaf and a vault dweller, he looked every bit the easy target, but there was no way he’d let them take advantage of him like that. so he tracked the gang down and took one of their members as ransom, hoping that when they’d come back looking for him, he’d get his things back and they’d know not to mess with him. unfortunately they cut their losses never showed and hound, the (now ex-) raider, was stuck working with him. even though he was literally being held hostage, he was treated better by hawk than he’d ever been by the gang (good old vault sentimentalities) so when he realized they weren’t coming back for him and hawk let him go, he stuck around anyway and helped teach him a little more about the ways for surviving on the surface
and then they fall in love etc etc
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yeehawknight · 1 year
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Boy, did you grew up.
Wanted to see his evolution through the years and I'm still surprised at how much I still like him.
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w98pops · 10 months
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sparkbird — envy
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0donto1nsanity · 14 days
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I’ve been cooking up an AU for my fnv stuff recently and here’s the main protags 4 it X) I’ll be writing up a synopsis for it soon, I’m calling it Fallback: to New Vegas.
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