#Nyunyu :3
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[Some quick drawings before i go to class-]
[Somes Husogi-Friends, i will remake it]
[Husogi belong to me!]
[Nightmare [Two Moons AU] belong to @asterclaw]
[Nyshyu belong to @unkn0wn-nys]
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bu-chan has like, two friends and an egg
#flip flappers#text post!!!!#bu-chan#and by that i'm referring to#pink hair guy#and of course#nyunyu#the egg would be uxekull#:3
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How would you rank the Flip Flappers characters in terms of power/strength?
I don’t really know if you mean how I’d rank them in relation to each other, or how I’d rank them just like, in general among anime characters. That second thing is really hard though and power-scaling stuff isn’t something I want to do, so I’m just gonna answer this with characters in relation to each other.
First thing I’m gonna say is that we’re never given much reason to assume Papika is stronger than Cocona or vice versa. Thus I’m gonna assume that in all of their forms, those being base, the incomplete transformations they get in episodes 1 and 2, the complete transformations from episode 3 onwards, and their magical wedding dress transformations from the last episode, the two are exactly as strong as each other. I mean Papika’s probably stronger in base, when the giant Mad Max dude from episode 3 smashes her with a hook she’s able to deflect it with just one finger, but whatever, transformed they’re probably the same.
Now we get to compare them to Yayaka. Yayaka has way less forms, with just a base form, an equipment variant that’s technically not another form, and her complete transformation. There are countless fights throughout the entire show between the Asceplius trio and FlipFlap, and in all those fights, Yayaka, with only her equipment, seems capable of matching Cocona and Papika transformed. Toto and Yuyu likewise hold up. We can’t really get an idea if Yayaka’s using her 100% in most of these fights, but since the twins most definitely are and Yayaka can keep up, she’s probably stronger than them with equipment. It is really hard to gauge if she’s stronger than transformed Papika or Cocona since they also don’t really use their 100% against this trio, but I think it’s fair to conclude that they’re about equal, and so we can say that when she does transform, Yayaka easily outperforms most other characters in the show.
Anyway then we get Mimi who has control over Pure Illusion which should absolutely place her as the strongest character in the show, and since she’s able to merge Pure Illusion with the real world she’s functionally a god. So uh, yeah. Wedding dress Cocona and Papika will probably be stronger than Yayaka because like, main character’s final transformations, but honestly I don’t even know if they’d be stronger than Mimi, it seems the reason they’re able to win the fight is because of Salt going inside Mimi’s consciousness or whatever and teaching her a lesson.
That was all really rough and probably not that easy to follow so I think the general tier list in strength would be something like
Actually god - Mimi
Really fucking strong - Wedding dress Cocona and Papika
Really strong - Transformed Yayaka
Strong - Transformed Cocona and Papika, Yayaka
Maybe a tad less strong - Toto and Yuyu
Less strong than that - untransformed Cocona and Papika
Actually just humans - Salt, Hidaka, Sayuri, Iroha
?????? - Uexküll, Nyunyu, Asclepius droids, Welwitschia, Bu-chan, Bu-chan Idiom Mode
And that’s all I’ve got. Feel free to correct me, anyone.
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Menjadi adik kecil semua orang, menjadi kakak tetua semua orang (:
Tentu kita, harus siap dengan perubahan. Tentu kita, harus siap ditempa dan ditempatkan dimanapun tanganNya menempatkan. Tentu adaptasi ini, harus dirasakan. Meski sering sekali di berbagai sisi menuai rindu.
Awal 2017
Sebulan sudah aku menghabiskan waktuku di tengah kota di Jawa Timur itu. Masih ada dua bulan kedepan, dan kabarnya siang ini kawanku yang baru pulang ke Indonesia setelah 5 tahun kuliah di Mesir akan berkunjung kemari. Belajar bahasa inggris sepertiku, di tempat kursus yang sama, meski berbeda kelas.
Aku melihatnya datang menggunakan kedurung corak bunga bunga dan wajah tulus seperti biasanya. "Keishaaaaa.." pelukk. Lama sekaali. Terakhir saat kelas 3 Aliyah aku sekamar dengannya, terpisah 5 tahun hingga kami bertemu lagi di Pare ini. "Cimeeeyyy.." Suara memanjakan yang aku rindukan. Seperti biasanya, keish mengunyel unyel pipiku dan wajahnya gemas gemas sendiri. Sebuah hal yang nampaknya sudah lama tak kurasakan, dan hanya bisa kudapatkan dari kekawan satu pondok dulu.
"Mbak, misi. Ini nanti ada rapat family gathering kan ya?" seorang laki laki berkacamata lewat bertanya kepadaku. "Kamu divisi apa emangnya? Kalau acara iya nanti sore. Yang non acara malam setelah kelas MM.." kuberkata kepadanya. Dia menunduk pamit. Aku acuh, tanpa memperhatikan Keish yang sangat memperhatikanku.
Esok esok banyak yang bertanya ini itu. Tentang kementoran, tentang latihan real test. Apalagi anak laki laki yang berkoordinasi tentang layout dan dekorasi acara, padahal hari itu ingin kuhabiskan mengobrol dengan Keish di teras. "Mba im, bisa pinjem buku..?" tanya salah seorang anak.. Lalu kawanku yang perawakannya lebih dewasa datang, "Mbak, nanti malam denger aku setoran greenbook ya.." ujarnya. Aku mengiyakan.
"Aku mau ajak mbaeh makan ketan susu ajaa deh. Atau mbaeh suka kopi? ada warkop endeus, langganan abang2 tukang bangunan. Kopinya pake jagung, dah manis darisananyaa.." aku berujar. Yang kuajak bicara menatapku lamat lamat. Sudah tiga minggu dia disini bersamaku. Bertemuku di beberapa saat kami dapat mengobrol dan bernostalgia.
"Aku jetlag cim.." katanya singkat. "Eh?" aku keheranan. Tentu bukan jetlag pesawat yang dimaksud. "Masih jetlag ayam disini kecil kecil padahal di mesir porsinya lima kalilipat?" aku meledek hal hal yang diceritakannya tentang kembali beradaptasi dengan budaya Indonesia. Dia menggeleng, tersenyum canggung. Sebelum menjawab, "Aku jetlag liat kamu disini dipanggi kakak, jadi mbak semua orang, dihormati bahkan sama mizu mizu. Rasa rasanya, kemarin kamu masih adik kecil internasional yang jalannya lucu, ndusel, ngebocah, ngelakuin hal ceroboh, tanpa ada bijak bijaknya sama sekali." Dia mulai tersenyum, mungkin telah lama memendam selama melihatku disana berkeseharian. Melanjutkan, "Cime ku sudah besar ya.. tapi kayanya aku ngga mau kehilangan. Kamu tetep adik kecil semua orang seperti dulu.. dimataku." ujarnya.
Tanpa benar benar menanggapi aku yang langsung terdiam seribu bahasa dan berfikir panjang sekali.
Oktober 2019
Mobil yang kutumpangi masuk ke komplek perkemahan dengan beberapa gedung sederhana di ujung Bogor itu. Ada pelatihan, besar. Aku tidak tahu percis berapa jumlah pesertanya, atau ini itu forum apa. Aku hanya sedang dalam perjalanan menuju diriku sendiri yang samasekali tidak kukenali saat itu, dan aku harap aku menemukan hal hal yang kubutuhkan untuk meringankan kesesakan ini disini. Agustus lalu baru ikut pelatihan yang mengikat di Bandung, sampai sudah bertahun tahun rasanya aku eneg ikut ini itu demi 'menyembuhkan' rasa sesak ini. Tapi ini yang terakhir, kubilang pada diriku. Ini yang terakhir, dan semoga aku dapat menghandle keramaian ini. Mengingat masa masa itu aku sangat mual berada diantara keramaian dan berkenalan dengan orang dalam jumlah yang besar.
Ditunjukkan ke asrama putri, mencari cari nama diriku sendiri. Masuk, berkegiatan.
Esoknya aku bertemu Jabira. Jabira yang meracuniku untuk ikut ini, yang bersemangat karena temannya sesama HK ada yang masuk. Bertemu didepan asrama putri. "Ciimeee~" Panggilan sayang itu kembali kudengar. "Pireee~" aku mebalas, berjoget bollywood. "Seneng banget kamu bisa join." ujarnya.
Usai platnas hari hari berlalu cepat, dan aku tiba tiba sudah menjadi bagian dari forum yang ternyata tidak kecil ini. Dan tiba tiba sudah berkoordinasi sedikit sedikit di grup. Mengisi yang bisa diisi. Melakukan yang bisa dilakukan dengan sisa sisa energi.
Tiba tiba pesan dari jabira masuk. "Cim, gue ngerasa kocak.." katanya. Heran, kutanya. "Kocak pegimane?" Yang disana ngakak. "Gue baca di grup, di IG. Ya kocak ajaa. Kamu kan bocil ciim, heran aja disini dihormati semua orang. Jadi kakak semua orang. Sejak kapan kamu yang cimit cimit jadi orang yang dituakan dan yang dianggap dewasa kek gini? Kamu bukannya nyunyu masih bocah bangeet. Sampe sekarang aja masih gitu di mata akoh" tanyanya santai.
Sebuah hal santai yang samasekali tidak santai buatku.
Menjadi idola remaja (begitu mereka mengatakannya), saat di pesantren sungguh sesuatu untukku. Menjadi adik semua orang disana. Manja manja sama kakak kelas yang lebih tua, sama teman seangkatan, bahkan sama adik kelas yang sudah dewasa adalah hobiku yang dulu teledor dan bebas sekali. Tidak tahu pun apa sebabnya, sehingga semua orang selalu memanggil "cime" dengan irama memanggil anak kecil. Bahkan saat kuliah, junior satu pesantren tiga tahun dibawahku masih memanggilku dengan cara demikian. Membuka tangan di ujung lorong gedung kampus seolah olah akan menangkap anak kecil yang sedang belajar jalan.
Tapi tiba tiba waktu bergulir sangat cepat. Kejombloan ini adalah wasilah Allah menjadikanku mau tak mau yang paling tua di banyak lingkaranku. Menjadi yang ditanyakan untuk solusi komunitas saat ada masalah. Menjadi yang ditanyakan terkait hal hal yang berfaedah. Menjadi yang dicari jika banyak yang sedang galau. Dan teman temanku, kakak kelas dan adikku, tiba tiba beranak sampai seribu.
Ada kekosongan yang biasanya aku isi dengan keceriaan sisi kanak kanakku yang mau tak mau tergerus dengan waktu. Mungkin itu makanya kalau ketemu teman teman yang masih jomblo satu pesantren aku cenderung berlaku seperti anak kecil. Bisa ngomong sesukanya, ndusel dan manja sesukanya. Tidak samasekali memunculkan sisi dewasaku bersama mereka. Karena bau baunya, "menjadi adik kecil semua orang" akan punah dari hidupku--dari diriku.
Aku tahu aku tidak bisa kembali menjadi adik kecil semua orang. Karena mungkin Allah menginginkan aku menjadi seperti ini, menuntunku yang tidak sadar tiba tiba sudah menjadi sosok yang berbeda. Memasang badan di segala kondisi. Menjadi dewasa dan mengasah sisi yang ini terus menerus. Dan malah memiliki banyak adik dimana mana :"
Tentu tidak ada yang salah, dan tidak ada yang aku kesalkan dengan hal ini. Tapi kemarin, tiba tiba aku hanya rindu bermanja manja dengan kawan pondokku. Menjadi adik kecil semua orang. Tersenyum seperti dulu, melompat lompat seperti masa masa itu tanpa takut baju kotor atau satu gerombol akan meneriakiku, lalu repot repot mengurusiku seperti adik mereka. Tentu jika aku berlaku demikian didepan teman teman lingkaranku, mereka akan canggung dan jetlag dengan keanehan itu. Tydac pantas ferguso :(
Kemarin video call dengan kawan kawanku yang anaknya sudah satu, dua, tiga, empat.. lalu menyadari bahwa semua memang bermetamorfosa. Menjadi wanita yang Allah inginkan. Membangun generasi yang Allah ingin mengamanahkannya kepada kami. Padahal sebelum vcall mau ngomong manja, tapi tiba tiba melihat lusinan ponakanku aktif mengganggu kamera ibu mereka, aku memilih diam. Sudah bukan masanya lagi, bukan? Aku akhirnya hanya tersenyum ramah kepada semua, perlahan menerima bahwa ada hal hal yang memang perlu berubah. Dan mungkin memang sudah habis perannya untuk bisa seperti itu lagi, meski sekarang bentuk cintanya masih sama besarnya. Ekspresinya sudah beda frekuensi :)
Kemarin telepon keish dan abisyau, ke keduanya cerita hal yang sama. Herannya, sampe gemeter suaranya. Bukan lelah sih jadi kakak semua orang, tapi apaya-- sebelum pandemi dan sebelum teman teman tetiba menikah, aku biasa menjalankan kedua peran itu secara bersamaan. Di lingkaran A menjadi 'kakak', saat bersama teman pondok siapapun itu auto jadi 'adik'. Sekarang, perannya tinggal satu, dengan frekuensi yang sering bertemu. Sedang lingkaran 'menjadi adik'nya sudah menyempit sekali.. sampe hampir ngga ada. Jadi kehilangan saja. Kehilangan panggilan manja semua orang, "cimeee~ cimbooliii~ cibool~ utukutukutuuk~ Adek aku~ wkwk" sekarang jadi "aunty cimeh", "amah cimee", "tante cimee", "teteh", "bunda"..."
Laa quwwata illaa billaah :""""" Aku cuma rindu.. itu saja.
Tentu ini hanyalah postingan melepaskan keruwetan suara dalam benakku yang tak berfaedah ini. Kekagetanku bahwa satu peran dalam hidupku perlu aku lepaskan di hari hari ini, kekagetan bahwa untuk hal kecil begini saja aku belum siap betul dan perlu adaptasi. Namun aku ingin menutupnya dengan yang kemarin abisyau bilang sebagai "air yang tinggal setengah yang ada dalam gelas." Ada hal hal yang kita sudah ngga punyai lagi, dan itu ngga apa apa. Sekarang tinggal gimana kita maksimal sama setengarh air mengisi dalam gelas ketimbang setengah kosongnya, melakukan sebaik mungkin karena itu tetaplah anugerah yang sama besarnya-- dan mensyukurinya selapang hati. Mumpung air itu masih ada, mumpung sekarang dianugerahkan dan belum hilang perannya dalam hidup kita :")
Alaa kulli haal, alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillaah bini'matihi tathimmusshalihaat. Terimakasih Allah, Engkau sudah mengizinkanku merasakan keduanya. Kalaupun satu sisi itu harus kulepas, maka temani aku dalam prosesnya dan ridhai adaptasiku yang lambat sekali ini. Maaf ya Allah, semoga aku selalu bisa menjadi hamba yang bersyukur. Maaf juga sudah beberapa hari kebelakang seperti kehilangan diri sendiri jadi malah loss di banyak tempat :(
Ya Allah, semoga hatiku ridha Engkau bentuk menjadi aku versi lebih paripurna di mataMu, karena aku nggak tahu hakikat baik buruk yang merupakan ilmuMu. Titip ya Allah, ingatkan aku terus ini demi kebaikan tidak hanya aku sendiri namun banyak orang. Maaf masih suka lupa sama hal ini.
Ya Allah, aku hanya rindu. Itu saja.
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Kojah (1)
Baru sadar aja, ternyata tumblr sudah nggak aman lagi buat blabbering-blabbering dan menumpahkan segala rasa blablabla nanana.
Yang nyata mulai bergerilya. Yang maya jadi nyata. Yang dinyata sekaligus maya jadi meledak dan heboh sendiri. Chaosable. Mana sekarang teman tumblr disadari atau tidak, udah banyak yang jadi teman fesbuk lagi. Aaaaak gatau deh.
Kayaknya musti balik ke zaman smp aja, bikin common place diary gembok ala-ala. Nulis dengan enjoy-nya tanpa perlu mikir-mikir bakal kena dosa jariyyahnya apa enggak. ._.
Well, jan-jane setuju sama Bu dosen Dea @deamahfudz, beliau nge-suggest buat bikin akun kloningan random gitu. Bukan nggak mau sih, cuman trauma aja pernah ada masalalu pahit yang superngisin-ngisini. Pernah nyoba hal serupa dan malah ketahuan. Karena Nai orangnya tak bakat menjadi pasukan serbia(?). Jadi agak parno mau bikin lagi. Wkwk.
Toh nanti cepat lambat bakal tetep ada kemungkinan bisa keakses oknum-oknum metropolitan yang ‘embuh’. Kalau beli diary gembokan ala-ala kan paling cuman keakses mamah dan adek atau mbak. Selain itu juga ndak harus effort dulu beli kuota. Cuman butuh pena :3
Dunia paradoks memang brutal.
Tapi anyway bahas tumpah-tumpahan rasa gini nggak tau kenapa tiba-tiba jadi terasosiasi sama ceritanya Ibunda Aisyah.
Konon, pada suatu malam yang sunyi shohabat ‘Umar ada keperluan diluar rumah. Terus pas kebetulan lewat rumahnya Ibunda Aisyah (hujroh sih lebih tepatnya, soalnya emang seems like kamar sekotak doang gitu), beliau denger isak tangis Bunda Aisyah sambil merapal ayat yang tentang waktu Nabi Ya’qub kehilangan Yusuf karena dibuang sama sodara-sodaranya itu tuh. Disuroh Yusuf. Coba recek, Nai lupa ayat berapanya~
..innamaa asyku batstsi wa huzniii ilallaah.
“ …bahwa aku mengadukan kesusahan dan kesedihanku kepada Allah”
Ayat tersebut diulang-ulang terus sama Bunda Aisyah. Kemudian waktu ‘ shohabat Umar selesai keperluannya kan lewat hujroh Aisyah lagi. Nah, shohabat Umar masih aja denger isak tangis Bunda Aisyah dalam keadaan masih pula merapal ayat yang sama. it’s the real contemplation indeed.
Yagitudeh, basically, kalau sedang sedih dan kehilangan harusnya ceritanya paling baik ya ke Allah aja. Tapi ya level ketauhidan setiap manusia kan beda-beda. Terkadang ada sebagian manusia yang butuh partner atau media tumpahan rasa gitu biar lega. Yang bisa ngingetin kalau Allah itu masih peduli. Makanya ada istilah best friend until jannah eaaak.
Yawes deh, pankapan beli buku diary pinky nyunyu bergembok. XD
Eh, sekitaran limabelas menit lagi ada gerhana kata Mamah tadi. Barangkali ada mau sholat gerhana, Nai nitip do’a, ya. :” huehehe.
Btw, syahdu juga gelaran karpet bareng temen-temen KKN di teras lantai dua gini sambil ngeliat kereta api lewat setiap limabelas menit. Dipadu hamparan langit malam beserta gemintang yang menakjubkan, hatiku bahagia bersama segelas kopi torabica.
Kenapa Nai jadi embuh gini ya wakakak.
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今~~!?て感じなんですがチケットとったのがかなり前で…ある程度警戒はしてましたが問題なく楽しく過ごせました~ 飛行機の便が激減したと聞いてはいたんですがそれでも現地にはめちゃくちゃ日本人いたし…(そういう場所へあえて行ってるせいですが)
今回は買い物するぞが目的だったので常に荷物が重たかった…化粧品はまだ買い足りないです 服は満足できたけど…もう一度行きたいお店もたくさんあるしまだ行けてないお店も行きたいし…
明洞・ブランチの鮑がゆを食べるついでに化粧品を見て(イニスやスキンフード、エチュードもまとめて買いました 特にスキンフードは日本と比べると破格で物もよかった…)パイが有名な駅前のカフェ(untold sweets)に行きました マスカットミルクティーがおいしかった!また行きたい…本当にマスカットの味がするミルクティーでした
弘大・とにかく安い服や雑貨を買いまくった~!かわいいものたくさん あとは今年できたばっかりのコスメブランド・STONE BRICKに行きました めちゃかわいかった!口紅とティント買いました そのあと町歩きしてカフェを2軒ほどさらにしばいて、絶対行くぞと決めていたCAFE DINGAとCAFE SKONに行きました DINGA最高でした…夢のような店だった(是非ググってみてください)SKONのレモンケーキも美味しかった~!家族へのお土産にも買いました
高速ターミナル駅・GOTOモールで死ぬほど服買いました 子供がいる友人への子供服買ったり、友達の家族へ服買ったり、自分の服買ったり、靴下20足買ったりもうめちゃくちゃ 新世界デパートも見たかったけど全く余裕がなくてそのまま帰っちゃった…今度は新世界も見たいです
イクソンドン・たまたまホテルのすぐそばで歩いて3分くらいの場所だったので、帰りの飛行機の時間までそこをぶらついてました~めっちゃかわいいお店いっぱいある!そこでもカフェ行って…ellieってカフェでお茶しました ここは町歩きするだけでも楽しい場所でした おみくじ引いたり人生写真(韓国の観光地によくあるプリクラみたいなやつ)撮ったりベタな観光しました~
どこも楽しかったな~しばらく情勢が落ち着くことがなさそうですが…様子を見��つ近いうちにまた行きたいです 来年は韓国以外ももう1国くらい遊びに行きたい…
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“Megismertem és tudtam, többé nem kell senki más”
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Shout Out Of The Week
1. @thedragonlover 2. @nyunyu-chan 3. @starrstivers 4. @nopeachesforme
I meant to do this yesterday but I forgot, sorry. Thank you so much for supporting this blog as much as you do. You guys are great. ~Mod Sinpai
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[28 Ramadhan: Bukber 9/21 of Kanca Sak Lawase :) ]
Alhamdulillah, walaupun cari tempat makan yang buka buat bukber H-2 lebaran itu susah, pada akhirnya nemu juga. Tahun depan reuni aja deh bukan bukber. :)) Dari: Ulul Buat: Nourma Pesan: Tak contoh deh kerajinanmu dalam ngaji & nykripsi. Semangat :D Dari: Ulul Buat : Vitri Pesan: Plis bagi tips kamu bisa sekurus sekarang. Semoga jodohnya didekatkan :3 Dari: Ulul Buat : Nyunyu Pesan: Sebagai satu-satunya yang udah sidang diantara bersembilan, semoga lain-lainnya dilancarkan :D Dari: Ulul Buat : Amel Pesan: Mel, ku beneran deg-degan bahagia nih. Makasih kadonya. Tapi hal yang bikin aku terharu adalah kamu ngajarin cara untuk mengapresiasi kehadiran orang dalam hidupmu. :* Dari: Ulul Buat : Foni Pesan: Pon, lama amat enggak ketemu. Semoga lancar ngapa-ngapainnya, mbak penyanyi :) Dari: Ulul Buat : Nia Pesan: Bocah kok sibuk terus, sehat-sehat bemanfaat. Masih sama-sama usaha jadi sarjana segera, mangat ngLab :* Dari: Ulul Buat : Nabila Pesan: Nab, ku juga belum selesai nih.Jadi ngerasa ada temen banget. Semoga targetanmu tercapai ya. Munguts :) Dari: Ulul Buat : Hemas Pesan: Yaah, sebelum kau penempatan jauh ku akan main ke rumah. wkwk .Semoga lancar,hemz.:* (f.nurulbaiti)
Jogja, June 23,2017. Fri 🍝
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I was tagged by @artsy-jandi. Nicknames: Mo Arroc (by my dad), Ratfink (by my mom), Aryan (by an annoying classmate in high school), and Airhead (by some other annoying classmate, long ago). The only nickname I've ever *accepted* is Mo Arroc.... Last Thing I Googled: I think it was to make sure I was properly using the word "modicum" (and I was) Last TV Show I Watched: I think an episode of American Dad was on when I turned the tv off a moment ago.... I had stopped paying attention. What I’m Wearing Right Now: Orange pj bottoms covered in a white "flying dove" pattern and a tee shirt When I created This Blog: Spring or Summer 2014 The Kind of Stuff I Post: manga/anime, literary analysis of Black Butler, theories about Black Butler, food, things I put on my wish list, art, quotations, and other random things Why I Chose My URL: He's my OC Do I get Asks Regularly: sometimes none and then sometimes a bunch. They tend to come in waves. Lucky Number: I don't know about lucky, but I like 13 and 353.... Cats or Dogs: I like dogs, but I love cats. Hogwarts House: I used to assume Slytherin, but Pottermore.com sorted me into Ravenclaw Favorite Singers: *Some* of my favorites are Peter Murphy, Martin Gore, and Isaac Brock Favorite Characters: From Black Butler, Sebastian and Undertaker. From Noragami, Yato. From Harry Potter... Snape and Dumbledore. Number of Followers: Last I looked it was about 3060 Ten Random Facts About Me. 1. I'll turn 40 in 2017 2. I'm atheist and a progressive Democrat 3. I have a BS in Biology 4. I read about as much non-fiction as I do novels. 5. I've lived in Texas my whole life, and I've only visited another country (Canada) once 6. My fantasy world revolves around my OC and whoever his love interest is atm. Right now he's falling for Sebastian Michaelis. I keep re-envisioning how they meet and how they get to know each other. 7. I'm Facebook friends with the three musicians from Guniw Tools (but not their former dancers) and with NyuNyu from Tafuca. 8. I am willing to try just about any food, but I'm generally not fond of sea cucumber or bitter gourd. I also hate eggs if they have crispy edges (it's a texture thing) 9. Besides my dog, I currently have two hermit crabs and one hummingbird moth pupa 10. I got a perfect score (5/5) on my English Literature AP exam. I wrote my essay on Herman Hesse's "Goldmund and Narcissus". I still remember that choice 21 years later.... His "Glass Bead Game" (AKA "Magister Ludi") has been very influential in how I dissect works like Black Butler. So has a non-fiction work (by another author) titled "Godel, Escher, Bach".... Five Things You’ll Find in My Bag: my wallet, a checkbook, various pens, cough drops (usually), and my ID Five Things You’ll Find In my Bedroom: lots of clothes and costume pieces, my Black Butler volumes, stuffed animals my dog brings with him to bed, blankets, and lots of craft supplies Five Things I Want To Do In Life: Keep writing about literature I love, keep making arts and crafts, find a better job, get out of (and stay out of) debt, and maybe find a nice guy to share life with Five Things I’m Currently into Right Now: Music (always), Black Butler manga (since 2014), daydreaming (always), improving my life in various ways (whenever I can), and arts and crafts (always) Five Things on my To-Do List: get out of debt, develop better habits, lose more weight (healthfully), get a better job, and read a lot more. Five Things People Might Not Know About Me, or Five More Random Facts About Me: 1. My Meyers-Briggs personality is INTJ 2. Some of my favorite authors are Herman Hesse, Aldous Huxley, Mark Z. Danielewski, Douglas Coupland, and John Ajvide Lindqvist. 3. I love playing game apps on my phone. One of my favorites right now is Zombie Castaways. 4. Every year, instead of Easter, I celebrate Zombie Jesus Day with a bunch of friends and acquaintances. 5. I got second place in a Halloween costume contest at work last year (2016) for my (genderbent, since that was easier for me) portrayal of Sebastian Michaelis in demon form.... Quite an accomplishment, since most people there have no idea who that is. Tagging @shinigami-mistress @white-queen-lacus @midnight-in-town @thedarkestcrow and anyone else who would like to do this! (Sorry if I didn't list you)
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Ownership of Pure Illusions in Flip Flappers
In a recently translated interview, Kiyotaka Oshiyama, the director of Studio 3Hz’s Flip Flappers, confirmed that all of the distinct worlds within the show’s dreamlike alternate reality called Pure Illusion were based on the subconscious of different characters, but kept secret which places matched which people.
“It’s not mentioned in the story who’s world each of the different episodes’ Pure Illusions are, but if people watching were thinking “I wonder if this world is that character’s?” then that’s just what we were aiming for. Of course, as the creators we have some sense of which is which, but we’d prefer to not say it outright. There are various hints mixed into the visuals, so hopefully people will try to puzzle it out themselves.” Oshiyama (tl by @HugBdrill)
I’ve posted my scattered thoughts on this topic before, because exploring characters through symbolism and metaphor in the environment is Flip Flappers’ entire deal, and the show makes it challenging but not difficult to interpret the meaning of Cocona and Papika’s adventures. For the sake of mahou shoujo science, I’ve collected my best guesses as to who’s Pure Illusions were who’s during Flip Flappers’ run. Spoilers for Flip Flappers below if you haven’t seen it yet.
Ep 1 - Cocona
The first journey into Pure Illusion dumps Cocona and Papika into an abandoned version of Cocona’s hometown, buried under an enormous amount of ice and snow. Despite appearing cold and barren on the surface, they discovers that the snow tastes sweet on the inside. It’s an almost embarrassingly direct look into Cocona’s self-imposed isolation, but once Papika inserts herself into her world, the ice starts to break.
Ep 2 - Uexküll
After following Cocona’s flubber-bunny Uexküll into a vacuum cleaner, Cocona and Papika (wearing an Alice In Wonderland dress) grow rabbit ears and tails and develop a fixation with biting hard objects. They venture through a giant vacuum cleaner and are later saved by a very masculine Uexküll. They’re dust bunnies under the influence of Uexküll’s outlook on the world, where a vacuum cleaner is a dangerous threat and Uexküll’s self-image projects himself as some kind of bearded Martian Manhunter.
Ep 3 - Sayuri
The first two Pure Illusions were easy to connect, but the third one is where clues stopped showing up immediately. After getting desynced during the impedance process, Papika is separated from Cocona and thrown into a Mad Max-inspired desert. The girls battle each other with Bruce Lee’s martial arts style before undergoing an incredibly extended and gratuitous magical girl transformation, complete with embarrassing one-liners and dramatic posing. They fight with flashy, bright attacks while random bystanders meaninglessly commentate in the style of action shonen. Although most western viewers notice the Dragonball Z and Mad Max nods, there’s nobody immediately obvious to connect these inspirations to. We learn in the last episode that (a version of) FlipFlap’s scientist Sayuri has collected what can be identified as Mad Max and Sailor Moon posters in her room, which matches her love of anime and cinema that was only vaguely hinted at before.
Ep 4 - None They get sucked into a hole in the sun but we never see the Pure Illusion inside.
Ep 5 - Yayaka
Called the “horror episode” by some people, the Pure Illusion that shows up in this episode borrows well known atmospheric horror elements of movies like The Shining, lightning and rain, jumpscares, clock towers at midnight, and unnaturally moving girls with shapeless faces. However, these leads go nowhere because there’s nobody we know for sure that has any interest in horror. Thankfully, there are even more influences - it also represents a clearly repressed, rule-based society, with extremely overt yuri overtones. The all-girls school (with the exact same layout as their school) also proves to be the most dangerous adventure they have yet. This matches Yayaka pretty well, since she was raised by a literal cult and forced to do missions for them her entire life, but still has not been able to connect meaningfully with her only friend, Cocona. While inside the Pure Illusion she shows obvious embarrassment and brags about her tougher mindset, which would account for the more dangerous and gloomy tone. At the end of the episode when Cocona breaks the loop by ringing the bell at midnight, it coincides with Yayaka starting to break her routine mission parameters with Asclepius, and beginning to open up to her only real friend.
Ep 6 - Iroha
This is the first time Flip Flappers openly states that the Pure Illusion they entered was in fact someone’s mind, but you can sort of tell right from the start. Even though their upperclassman Iroha’s name was never said until this episode, the first location they fight in is obviously painted and resembles the paintings we just saw her making. A literal portal to Iroha’s traumatic memories of her auntie cements this as Iroha’s Pure Illusion. Also, Iro means color, which is another theme of this episode - switches, fades in and out, and violent clashes of color are everywhere. Flip Flappers in general does these effects all the time, but this is the episode where subtle color shifts are most important.
Ep 7 - Cocona again
Same empty hometown as the first episode, but instead being of filled with snow, it’s lush, bright, and filled with different versions of Papika. As Cocona wanders around trying to find the right Papika, they ask her outright: What is Papika to you? Does it have to be her? Is Papika just a friend? This episode even sneaks in the famous train shot from Evangelion to further drive home its self-reflective nature. In the end, Papika rescues Cocona and reveals that she had been searching for her all along, and Cocona was the one who was lost.
Ep 8 - Bu-chan A futuristic city created by a tiny scientist that is constantly being destroyed and rebuilt. The world exudes an obvious obsession with robots and butts. Tiny scientist bemoans the destruction of his life’s work, and describes the futility of rebuilding when everything will just get razed to the ground next week. Maybe Bu-chan is a bit more bitter towards the girls constantly damaging his brain than he lets on?
Ep 9 - Toto/Yuyu
This one is probably the most of a stretch, since there’s not much to really go on. It’s a featureless world with no walls, just a white floor and white ceiling that strongly resemble what we see of Asclepius’ labs. The only thing inside it beyond empty space is the excessive defense mechanisms around the fragment itself. The only real theme is that it’s confined, and the only unique aspect of it is an ever-present echo, which is especially odd given the lack of walls. Confined and dangerous draw similarities with what’s probably Yayaka’s Pure Illusion, which put together with the echo would fit the naming convention of her coworkers, the Amorphous Children (Yuyu, Toto, Nyunyu). As artificial humans they lack defining characteristics which would explain the lack of, well, anything. At the very least it establishes that they have minds like steel traps.
Ep 10 - None Nobody goes into Pure Illusion in this episode.
Ep 11 - Mimi
We’ve already seen this Pure Illusion in Cocona’s dreams, but it’s a very safe bet that she’s been visiting what remained of Mimi - a reflective pool showing her dual nature, and a boat that sails through every other Pure Illusion. In this episode she breaks holes in the real world to show her omnipotent power and lack of respect for barriers. Later on, Cocona and Papika fight Mimi on bits of land covered by her favorite white clovers, which are extremely relevant because flower language is rad as hell and they paid special attention to it.
Ep 12 - Remix Mimi makes it clear that she was responsible for the recurring themes of the witch claw and red hands that made every Pure Illusion dangerous. She revives every defeated enemy and teleports everyone throughout the previous Pure Illusions at will.
Ep 13 - Salt We see glimpses of it in episode 12, but Salt’s Pure Illusion is the monotone gray, realistic world grounded in modernity that Cocona wakes up in. He’s a dour guy, so it contains none of the fantastical elements of any Pure Illusion and it’s filled with pessimistic versions of everyone else. What a fun guy.
Ep 13 - Cocona and Papika In the last scene, we see Papika take Cocona into a cloud of rainbow butterflies that fly freely between Pure Illusions and lead them to the real world.
I have absolutely no idea what the PI’s in the ED are supposed to mean, or who they refer to. Don’t @ me about them.
-qb magical girl reporter @queuebae
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okay, guys, this is what we’ve got for the fan fdub so far. i think we’re good on audio editors, script writers, and general editors. two people said editing, and since it’s non-specific i’m assuming that means they’re fine with both. we’ll see. someone also volunteered to be a manager and to document stuff and honestly i’m very disorganized so thank you kind stranger. not sure how documentation is going to work but i’m sure they know what they’re doing
i’ve tallied up the character voice volunteers and so far, we have cocona, papika, yayaka, uxekull, dr. salt, dr. hidaka, sayuri, mimi, granny, and bu-chan with pretty much guaranteed voice actors. that doesn’t mean you can’t still sign up for them, but anyway.
i’ve done a tally of the characters we still need
recurring characters:
toto yuyu nyunyu iroha/art-senpai discount kkk leader(s) wisteria/kinky witch lady (eh she comes in twice so i guess she counts?) discount kkk’s robots(?) (i’m not too sure how often they come in)
one-time show characters:
those strange little creatures from episode 3 the manly men from episode 3 qrE3TInqs discount tiny rick young!salt young!mimi older!papika younger!cocona younger!papika dr. salt’s father
if you want to do voice acting, you’re allowed to call dibs on a character. doesn’t mean you’re going to get it if other people want it, too, but you can still call dibs. of course, you can voice multiple characters and some people have already signed up and said any character of x qualifications is fine, but i’m not sure if four people can cover all these other minor characters. that’s probably about as much work as getting a major character, though i wouldn’t know.
no qualifications or prior experience; these are open sign ups!! as long as you’re in the fandom and seen some of the show bang you’re cool. or like who knows i won’t know if you’ve seen it or not. you could just randomly join on board as someone who hasn’t even seen the show.
anyway, i think it would be good to impose a deadline on the sign ups. so, uh, deadline will be this saturday, january 21st, 2017, midnight EST. after that, i guess we’ll see.
whoosh here is the link for sign ups. if you can’t access it, just leave your preferred credited name, desired job(s), preferred voice role (optional if not voice acting), and time zone in an ask or a message or a reply, and i’ll add you!!
#flip flappers#flip flappers fan fdub#long post#you also don't have to follow me to join in#though so far i'm giving the updates and stuff#it does have a tag#oo we should use it when time comes around to hear the voice samples n stuff
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Flip Flappers episode 3, A.K.A. the objectively best episode, has been rewatched. I noticed that Papika was described as one half of the “Direct Drive”, and while I believe this concept is uh, never mentioned ever again, it’s fairly obvious that Cocona is the other half. Perhaps this “Direct Drive” refers to Cocona and Papika’s ability to enter the deeper layers of Pure Illusion? It would seem that two people are required based on Pure Illusion needing matched Impedance to enter but the deeper layers specifically also have the switching mechanic, which further supports the idea that two people are necessary. Yayaka and the Amorphous Twins describe entering the deeper layers as dangerous but Cocona and Papika themselves emerge unharmed from the ordeal, so perhaps it’s something that Yayaka and the Amorphous Twins can’t actually do on their own without like, dying or something. And then we eventually get to Nyunyu again who just makes speculation so much more difficult...
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Hello, Lasem!
Akhirnya ke Lasem lagi. Akhirnya ke pondok lagi. Akhirnya ketemu temen esema. Akhirnya ketemu Buk Dur lagi. Duh, gembeng amat si Nai. Gini doang mewek. Huks.
Dua hari disini banyak menuai pujian nyunyu dan bikin dikit bangga. Bangga sama Allah karena do'a minta berat badan turun dikabulin secepat ini. Ha-ha.
“Kak Naily sekarang kurusan.” “Mbak Ima kok kurus diet apa?” “Dek, sampean kok kuru leh saiki?” “Iiiih Naily kurussss. Tipsnya doooong. Curang iiih.”
Dan Nai cuman jawab sambil nyengir. “Banyak mikir, nanti pasti kurus. Hahaha.”
Masih sama. Mie ayam Mbak Dur, es campur pojok, warnet cak ghofir, bakso isaku niki, sarapan Mbak Wati, es degan, pentol Pak To, hamberger depan swalayan Pantes, bubur blowok, lontong tuyuhan deket masjid. (Btw, kenangannya kok banyakan makanan gini ya :3). Iya sih, dulu pulang sekolah suka mampir taman sek buat makan. Ya itu yang bikin uang saku kurus dan badan lemu. Tobat, Nai. Tobat.
Bedanya, dulu seragaman. Sekarang baju bebas dan lebih elegan.
Menyusuri setiap jalan di Kota Lasem seperti melelehkan beku-beku rindu yang sempat mengeras pada dingin masa lalu. Ha-ha.
Suatu hari, kuakan membuktikan bahwa kota yang penuh kerinduan dan kenangan tak hanya Jogja dan sekitarnya. atau Bandung dan sekitarnya. Bahwa Lasem juga. Juga penuh cinta.
Future husband kayaknya nanti wajib dibawa kesini. Mau Nai ajakin bernostalgia masa-masa labil. Wkwk.
Kudu ngguyu padahal garing. Ha-ha.
Babay, Lasem! Tetap menjadi kota yang berkah dan memberkahi.
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