#Nurse Satoshi AU
seniichi · 6 years
Hazy Days (III)
Summary: It’s not a date. Kaki will take what he can get anyways. Duo Shigesato and Kakisato for @catsubun/ @beriskara‘s birthday conga.
Note: If you like my work, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi account - Seniichi.
Satoshi is having a great time. He’d gotten lucky and asked Satoshi out, and the boy had lit up, before asking if Shigeru was coming too. So the three of them were walking through the park, Kaki and Shigeru glaring at each other when Satoshi was out of reach.
"Look!” Satoshi tugs on the Policeman’s sleeve, and he obediently looks towards where Satoshi is pointing, Shigeru looking faintly amused. It’s a bunch of carnival games. Kaki smiles at the sight of it. “Let’s go play!” He insists, and the two boys immediately spark with competitive energy.
“That sounds like a great idea Sato-chan,” Shigeru cuts in smoothly. Satoshi blushes happily, and Kaki glares at him. You snooze you lose, Shigeru mouths over Satoshi’s head, grinning smugly. Kaki’s hand settles on Satoshi’s back, and nudges him forward. He raises an eyebrow, and Shigeru glares. He winks, and Satoshi goes on ahead. “Getting kind of cocky there Kaki,” Shigeru murmurs, walking past them both. “I think I see a target game - want to give that a try?”
“Sure!” Satoshi beams, accepting Shigeru’s hand as it’s offered, the boy happily getting swept away. “C’mon Kaki! Shigeru’s a real whiz at target games!” Kaki scowls at the ground, but chases after them both anyways.
Much to his vast annoyance, Shigeru actually was really good at these kinds of games. For every target he managed to get, Shigeru could get a dozen with such graceful ease it was a little horrifying. How did people compete with this kind of bullshit skill? Kaki grumbles under his breath as Shigeru wins again, Satoshi cheering them both on from the sidelines.
Kaki makes it into second place, which is a consolation, but Shigeru still won, which was really annoying. Kaki accepts his tickets, seeing Shigeru do the same and pocket them while asking the vendor a question. Before he can listen further, Satoshi barrels into him, babbling about how cool he’d been, and he was the first person he’d ever seen give Shigeru a run for his money before. Even if Satoshi was lying to spare his feelings, it was certainly a sweet gesture. Shigeru walks over, ruffling Satoshi’s hair and making his cute hat fall off, though he catches it with ease.
“I’m still unsure as to why you two are wearing your uniforms.” Kaki admits at last as they’re walking to the next game. “I’m required to, but I can’t see why either of you are.“
“I don’t know either,” Shigeru muttered, and he had to bite his tongue at the sour tone in his voice. “Satoshi has to wear his uniform during the week because that’s when he’s on duty, but I’m stuck wearing this all of the time.”
“At least you look good in blue,” Satoshi offers both of them. Shigeru dips down to kiss the top of a fluffy crown, and the boy squeaks up at him, cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink. Kaki glares at him for it, and Shigeru smirks.
“Thanks honeybuns,” Shigeru chuckles. Predictably, Satoshi only blushes deeper. Kaki can’t echo the sentiment without seeming slow on the ball, and Shigeru smirks - playfully this time. It doesn’t take long before Satoshi is distracted, and Shigeru leans in, smirking. “C’mon. Up your game Kaki. This game’s no fun if I’m always winning.” He winks, and Kaki regains his senses enough to quickly dart past him, arm settling on Satoshi’s shoulder.
“You look like you’ve found something,” He says, flipping Shigeru off from behind his back. Shigeru gives a strangled noise that sounds almost like a laugh in response, and he continues to smile.
He’d won this one at least. There’s still a few hours, so Kaki has to be on his best behavior. The three of them continue to play, and while Kaki continues to lose to Shigeru, he gives it his best shot anyways. Shigeru is light and nimble, but Kaki has power behind him, and they’re starting to tie, Satoshi excitedly cheering for them with every game won or lost, beaming at them both.
The evening is drawing to a close, and Shigeru is staring at a vendor thoughtfully.
“I’ll be back in a minute - I’m going to cash these in.” Whatever he’s planning, Kaki is grateful, it allows him talk to Satoshi alone.
“I had lots of fun with you guys,” Satoshi beams up at him, and Kaki grins back, warm. “We should do it again sometime.”
“Likewise. But maybe next time, we can do it alone? Just the two of us.” Satoshi thinks about it, and hums.
“Like a date?” He asks curiously. His heart thuds, but before he can go too far, lean in closer to kiss Satoshi’s cheek, the boy’s phone rings. He jerks back, and Satoshi is too distracted to notice, lighting up at the sight of the caller ID. He looks up though, with an apologetic smile.
“I can wait.” But Kaki knows that Satoshi will have forgotten the question before the call was over. Satoshi gives him an absent pat on the face, wandering away to answer the phone with a big smile.
“Man, bad timing,” Shigeru’s voice is dark with humor, the teenager joining Kaki. Kaki glares at Shigeru.
“You set up that call,” He accuses, and Shigeru grins.
“My, you think I’m that much of an evil mastermind? I’m flattered, I really am.” Shigeru’s shit eating grin is truly something to behold. “Next time though, if you’re gonna get him to agree to a date, don’t do it somewhere that I can still hear you.“ He winks, tucking the small bundle into his apron pocket. “But I gotta give it to you, that was pretty fucking smooth.” Kaki glares, but his lips twitch.
Alright, Shigeru wanted to play hardball?
It was on.
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harukadrawsthings · 3 years
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Part 16 of Destiny and Abra’s meeting! If you missed the previous ones they can be seen here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
This Abra is a mysterious one, right? Nurse Joy’s computer search will only be known next Wednesday!
[✨☀️Soul(mate)s of Light Pokémon AU Master Post🌕✨]
Do not repost. Do not modify. Always credit me!
Twitter | Ko-Fi
Destiny © HarukaDrawsThings
Ash, Goh, Pikachu, Abra and Nurse Joy © Nintendo/TPC
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kkst0904 · 3 years
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kfrances · 2 years
Hey! I'm super interested in your story; can you tell me more about it/your OCs? Something about WWII and also demons?
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most of the oc content you see from me revolves around the harvey family!
the storyline follows the loss of their father, satoshi, and all the dominoes that fall afterwards. they move out of their home in hawai'i, the twins graduate, and shigemi (the younger twin) jumps through as many hoops as he can to get enlisted in the marine corps. his twin brother shigeki is always two steps behind him, weary of the world's situation and the danger they're getting themselves into.
at home, their younger siblings do their best to survive the relentless bullying from peers at school, left to fend for themselves while their mother drinks her sorrows away.
there's also candy! she's one of the navy nurses the twins meet on their escapades. she is... very concerned, but also very in love with shigeki. you'll see her a lot from me.
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the demons are a different story.
there was a version of the comic that DID have a good handful of pages release a few years back, but it was completely alien to what it is now. the setup was the same; an unlucky family struggling during the war. the twist was that they each died horrific deaths and reunited in purgatory decades later. this spawned from.. an undertale au. go figure
shigeki had several love interests in that version (two of which are still love interests in the canon storyline now, but it's... not under the same circumstances at all). the two i latched onto the most were ramona and candy, both demons that had escaped from hell. ramona being a delinquent archetype that entangled him in bad situations, candy being a sweetheart that got him out of those bad situations.
because i just can't let go of their old designs, these versions of them still pop up on my art social media now and then.
also, here's the first drawing of the twins, circa 2016. just for fun :)
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sorry for all the text! i love to yammer and it took me a while to figure out how to phrase this response without totally infodumping way too much. it could've been worse :P
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tsuisou-no-despair · 3 years
Higurashi "Role Swap" AU - Part 2: The Takano Clinic
Last time, I introduced the AU and its protagonists. This time, let's talk about our main antagonist and the people surrounding her, as well as the clinic she's an important part of.
Satoko Takano
Satoko Takano is a flirty, playful woman in her mid-30s who works as a nurse at the Takano Clinic. She's the sister of the clinic's head doctor, Satoshi Takano, who has been absent for approaching a year on "important foreign business". Takano carries herself with a self-importance she deliberately exaggerates for effect, which gets under the nerves of many. She is infamous in town for being a notorious prankster, often stringing along men captivated by her beauty until they humiliate themselves in a trap she's laid. She has a particular fondness for Miyoko Hojo, though the latter is far too proud to accept Takano's help when offered. In June of 1983, Takano is found dead, an event that takes place across all loops.
Takano is the true villain of the story, and her conduct changes dramatically when she's not trying to hide. With the exception of her brother, Miyoko, the Queen Carrier, and (usually) her superiors, Takano is willing to kill anyone without hesitation or remorse. Once the time for pranks is passed, her trap-making art is revealed to be a horrifyingly honed and merciless craft. She's also absurdly competent with a pistol, preferring cruel trick shots and other unnecessary maneuvers. She is devoted to proving her grandfather's research right as a "gift" to her absent brother by showing the world the inescapable proof of Hinamizawa Syndrome - a concept which she has personified, for reasons known only to her, as "Rika".
Satoshi Takano
The presently-absent head of the Takano Clinic and Satoko's older brother. By all accounts, Satoshi was an excellent doctor - quiet, kind, a little bit absent-minded, and with a high amount of empathy for his patients. Around him, Satoko tended to act more childish, often referring to him as her "nii-nii". He viewed the vivisections and murders required for the Institute's work as a necessary evil, but a horrific evil all the same. Before his sudden departure, he seemed noticably stressed, and some even claim that the kindness he had towards the village was completely absent...
Satoshi's kindness made him popular in Hinamizawa among students and adults alike. His best friend was Kyosuke Irie, the teacher at Hinamizawa's "school", and the two of them regularly met to play mahjong along with a local policeman by the name of Akasaka. He saw some of himself in Kei and gifted the latter a baseball bat as a moving-in present. While the rest of the Sonozaki family privately dismissed him as an "outsider", Mion in fact was very fond of him, and would probably take his side over her family if it came to that. The only people in Hinamizawa he didn't like were Tamae and Teppei Hojo; a common theory is that it was no coincidence that he skipped town in the days following Tamae's brutal death.
The Tale of the Takano Family
Years ago, the parents of Satoshi and Satoko Hatake died when the guardrail broke while on vacation. The orphaned siblings were sent to an absolutely harrowing orphanage, where Satoshi did his best to stand up for and protect his little sister. Eventually, the two were adopted by their father's former professor, Hifumi Takano, who teaches them about medicine, parasites, and Hinamizawa Syndrome.
Eventually, Hifumi Takano dies in disgrace. Satoko vows to prove his research right, and Satoshi agrees to help. They find an ally in "Tokyo", who funds their efforts in hopes of potentially getting a usable bioweapon out of it. While Satoko is eager for any avenue in proving her grandfather's research, Satoshi is reluctant to participate in the creation of a WMD, but Tokyo's reluctance to have a woman run the project convinces him to step in. The two obtained honorary JSDF ranks; while Satoshi let his title remain honorary, Satoko leveraged her rank to obtain military-grade firearms, trap-making, and explosives training. With funding from Tokyo and with the Yamainu at their beck and call, the Takanos set up the Takano Clinic in Hinamizawa, and their work began. Satoshi focused on being the doctor the town needed and helping those suffering from Hinamizawa Syndrome, while Satoko dove joyfully into the vivisections and unethical studies the research required.
In 1982, Satoshi disappeared.
His disappearance was covered up by the Takano Institute and was never acknowledged (plainly, anyhow) by the town as part of Oyashiro-sama's curse, but Satoko always wondered if there was a connection. Under Satoko's orders, work continued as it had been. With the head of the Takano Institute missing in action, though, Tokyo had the excuse they needed to pull the plug; within three years, the Takano Institute and its research would be no more.
With both her brother and her work taken abruptly from her, Satoko did not take this well. If it was just her brother's disappearance, that would be one thing; she'd continue the work and it'd be there exactly as he left it when he returned. But how dare they try and stop it? It has to be there when her nii-nii comes back! It has to!
...if the research couldn't be how he left it, the next best thing would be to complete it. Her "welcome home" present would be undeniable proof of their grandfather's theory. As the Watanagashi festival of 1983 draws closer, Satoko starts her plan to introduce "Rika" to the world...
The name "Rika" comes from Satoko's personal term for the overall "truth" about Hinamizawa Syndrome and the acceptance of her grandfather's work. It derives from a Takano family term for the "disease's science", or rikan (理患) - a portmanteau/pun on rika (理科), "science (as a field)" and rikan (罹患), "contracting a disease". The term came about when a young Satoko was first learning about medicine, with Hifumi using a bit of wordplay to help a struggling Satoko remember the core of his work. Young Satoko mispronounced it as "rika" and the term stuck, and Satoko's heavy personification of Hifumi's work as "Rika" is a quirk that remains to this day. Since the Furude family were the queen carriers of Hinamizawa Syndrome, Satoko gave "Rika" the last name of Furude upon moving to Hinamizawa, and the name shows up occasionally in documents as a code word for the queen. Since a notable Furude ancestor is also named Rika, there's a nice bit of serendipity at play as well.
And clearly, if an extradimensional entity was to disguise itself as a lost Furude cousin, "Rika Furude" would be the obvious name to go with.
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gundamcalibarney · 3 years
Medarots Roleswap AU thingys
ah yes another Roleswap AU because Why not-
This will go in episodical order, while most things will stay the same, some parts will be changed to fit the AU.
DO bear in mind that these are literally blocks of text sisjajsja.
This will ALSO only cover the Main series, while elements from Spirits will be sprinkled in, i won’t be covering that series in general.
(headcanons below the readmore)
-Most of the Medarots are humans and the Medafighters are medarots, the human cast is aged 15 to 16. Some of the Medarots will mostly be original, so bots like Metabee will be replaced with original medarots.
-Mamoru Tenryou (Metabee) s a boy who doesn’t have a Medarot, he mainly knows about Medarots and robattling in general because of his dad Rokusho Tenryou and his best friend Braylin Amazake (Brass) and her Medarot partner Alloy (Arika).
-The Screws, consisting of Tora Nekomara (Peppercat), Akita Inura (Cyandog), and Keith Kameyari (Totalizer) are both the best in robattling in class as well as the resident bullies, it’s slightly downplayed on Akita’s end because he just wanted friends to hang out with.
-Mamoru finds a Kabuto medal near a river and is like “oh i know what to do 👀.”
-Gordon Agata (Arc-Beetle) is the disgruntled if forgetful store clerk who for some reason has this old KBT type named Red Shell, who he seems to have hard feelings towards. tHEN MAMORU BUSTS IN THERE AND SCREAMS “HEY GORDON YOU GOT A MEDABOT BECAUSE I NEED ONE TO BEAT SOME METAL ASS!”
-Red Shell (Ikki) is mainly based on a European Rhino Beetle and similar to the KBTs he specialises in shooting, though he’s mainly a sniper and not a on-hands fighter. Alloy is the opposite, she keeps Brass’s analysis ability but Alloy is more of a heavy hitter shooter, coming forth with machine guns and more. The Screws’ medarots keep the same abilities.
-When Mamoru robattles against a gang with Red Shell he wipes the floor after he calls the medarot a rust pile. Afterwards it goes into the regular bickering sibling stuff that Metabee and Ikki are known for.
-Red Shell is actually given the name Ikki by Mamoru, at first it was an insult but now (after a little respelling) becomes his full time name. Red is a nickname while Red Shell now becomes a bit of a superhero title.
-Mamoru meets this kid named Nari Junmai (Neutranurse) and her medarot Pikarin Nurse (Karin), before anyone asks, no he doesn’t have feelings for her.
-Pikarin Nurse is actually a canon medarot in the games and is said to be modelled after her, and like said canon game-counterpart, her parts set traps while her arm parts nullify Missiles and Napalms.
-He also meets this rich kid named Satoshi Karakuchi (Sumilodon) and his Medarot Excise (Koji), similar to Pikarin Nurse, Excise is a canon Medarot and has appeared in the anime before as a Kilobot.
-This time it’s Mamoru and Excise who have a rivalry, Ikki and Satoshi are actually pretty chill with each other. the two only ever robattle because Mamoru and Excise insist.
-The Tournament goes the same way as it did in canon.
-Mamoru’s crush is actually Oceana, who is a girl looking for her Medarot. Even after she moves away he and Oceana still talk to each other through the phone.
-Also there’s this college grade student named Kan Namishima and his Medarot partner Kabuto Benimaru (Rintarou), Benimaru is a BIG fan of Mamoru and Ikki so he practically dares for a Robattle much to the discomfort of Kan, who wanted to be a gardener.
-okay so time skip to when Space Medarotter X and his partner Hercules (Henry) appear and beat the crap out of Shrimplips and his medarot trio.
-The Major change here is that because i like the Journey to the West bot trio, they get redeemed, though it’s mainly their tinpets. Gokudo,Sagodo, and Hakkado get different medals and are basically Dr. Aki’s bodyguards.
-Actually All of the Medarots used by the Rubber Robos get redeemed in a way, and by that i mean they are given non-rubber robo medals and all of them now work for Dr. Aki.
-Epic reveal moment where Rokusho reveals that he had a Medarot, who was a PRT Type Medarot named Baton, he also reveals that Baton got destroyed during the 10 Days of Darkness. he’s still sad about it.
-The Medaforce thing goes the same way it does in canon.
-So does most of the Tournament.
-And the thing with the Rare Medals, except that Pikarin Nurse beats Alloy by nullifying all of her attacks.
-Then this guy named Walter (Warbandit) and his team of medarots nearly beat Mamoru and his team, which consists of Ikki,Excise,and Belzelga. who is questioning why he’s here.
-The Rubber Robos invade, but this time our protags are backed up by Dr. Aki’s whole squad of Ex-Rubber Robo medarots as well as the actual Spade Medafighter X.
-Bombshell: the Medals aren’t actually man-made, similar to the series, they were a species that used medals as a way to preserve themselves after the inevitable apocalypse, however during the transfer to the medals they had lost All their memories during it.
-Ikki (and to an extent every other medarot) has had vague dreams about his past life, his life as a kid living with his mom, He’s never told Mamoru or anyone else about them.
-Rest of the series goes on as it does in canon.
General headcanons:
-Mamoru becoming a Saikachi is just him getting new clothes, Red Shell/Ikki eventually becomes Scarlet Beetle, a medachanging Medarot who now specialises in close quarter shooting.
-Mamoru at one point said, “if i’d be a super cool and famous Medafighter, i’s name myself Metabee!”
-All of the Medarots original names (Brass,Neutranurse,Peppercat, etc…) are now just aliases used online and as nicknamed albeit shortened or abbreviated.
-Braylin is a journalist like Arika.
-Excise’s reason for not liking (read: being afraid of) Prey Mantis medarots is because of his life before he became a medal.
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seniichi · 6 years
Hazy Days (II)
Summary: I saw Policeman Kaki and I decided that today would be dorks fighting for one (1) oblivious adorable boi. Feat. Pikachu who is done with this already. For @catsubun / @beriskara because she needs cute.
Note: If you like my work, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi account - Seniichi.
Kaki is being awful nice, Satoshi thinks as he locks up the Centre for the evening, the other boy trying very hard to hold a conversation with him. Kaki was a new Police-hopeful that had been assigned to Pallet Town, and Satoshi - as he always would - had greeted the newcomer with open arms.
“Thanks for keeping an eye on me,” Satoshi smiles at Kaki, hefting his bag with Pikachu inside, the little mouse giving a tiny squeak, before going back to sleep. “You really didn’t have to,” He says, walking down the street towards the Pokemart.
“Someone should,” Kaki says modestly, scratching a finger against his cheek as they draw nearer. Satoshi gets his keys out, and Kaki blinks. “You work here too?“ He’s curious, but Satoshi doesn’t notice the frown on his face, intent on unlocking the door.
“Mmh? No, but Shigeru does. This is one of the bigger Pokemarts, and he’s left alone most of the time to close up, so I lend him a hand - the Centre doesn’t take nearly as much work, so I generally get done about an hour or two before him.” He misses the look on Kaki’s face, opening the door. “Do... you want to join us? I’m sure Shigeru would really like the help - customers can be a little mean.”
Kaki, meanwhile, is staring at the mess on the floor from spilled product.
“Only a little?” He questions incredulously. “If this was outside, I’d have to arrest someone for vandalism.” Kaki says to Satoshi, disbelieving.
“You could arrest them inside, but the Jenny clan doesn’t usually patrol inside of a building. We’re supposed to have security for that.” A third voice makes Kaki jump, and he meets eyes with a boy just slightly taller than him, a crooked smirk on his face and an attitude that makes Kaki itch to pull his handcuffs out and arrest him. He strides past Kaki and pulls Satoshi into a hug, kissing his cheek in greeting, much to Kaki’s nonverbal but noticeable irritation. “They never do, since the customer can do whatever the hell they want.” Satoshi is beaming, bright cheeked and soft pink flush over his skin at the open affection as he looks up at Shigeru with an adoring smile.
Kaki’s stomach does a flip, and after Shigeru has let Satoshi know what he should be okay with doing, the two are left alone. Shigeru draws up close, fingertip pressing against his chest, cocky smirk firmly in place as he gives Kaki a look.
“Let’s make something clear hon.” Shigeru smiles, and it’s not at all nice. “Don’t think you have any chance with my Satoshi.” He pulls back, pats Kaki on the head, and walks away, cool as one might please, leaving Kaki furiously scowling after him. Satoshi putters back, arms full of cleaning supplies, when he looks between them. Shigeru is undeterred, still smiling warmly at Satoshi, but Kaki doesn’t have the chance to pull his expression into line after that infuriating brat’s words. He sighs, gives them both a look.
“Are you two fighting already?” He complains good-naturedly. Shigeru raises an eyebrow.
“Not that I’m aware of,” Shigeru says with a smile, pulling the objects out of Satoshi’s hands and planting a kiss to the top of a head. “Thanks for finding these for me Sato-chan.” Satoshi turns a pleased pink, and Kaki has to bite a growl from escaping his throat. “I should have the displays cleaned up in about ten minutes, and then all that’s left is... eugh. The food section.” He pulls a face, and Satoshi pats his arm gently.
“I can at least mop up the mess,” He offers. “I’m used to it, I work at the Centre, remember?“ Shigeru shakes his head.
“No, no, you know how it goes. I need to stop being so squeamish. Just fix up the displays, and if you want, you can spend some time with your friend. I’ll finish up here.” Shigeru offers it out, and Kaki manages to unweld his jaw long enough to speak himself.
“I don’t mind staying - there must be something I can do.” Shigeru eyes him, before giving Satoshi a significant look that he feels he missed out on.
“You any good at cleanliness codes?” He gives a slight shake of the head. “You’ll have to be up to date with it before I can let you clean up anything or fix the displays.” He sounds apologetic, but when Satoshi’s head swivels his way to give a reassuring pat to his arm, Shigeru lets himself smirk at Kaki in challenge.
His right brow twitches. Oh, so that’s how he wanted to play it.
Since then, Kaki had been a nigh-constant presence in their afternoon visits, stealing Satoshi away after work before Shigeru could get even two words in. He’d also brought himself up to speed on the codes, and since he got off even earlier than both of them thanks to the labor laws, he would help Satoshi close up for the evening at the Centre, doing his best to make up for the lost time.
But no matter what he did, Satoshi seemed glued to Shigeru, their shared history a hurdle for him to overcome, and Shigeru’s familiarity with him had done more to endear Satoshi to him than Kaki could imagine. He’s finishing up a display when he overhears them, and he wanders a little closer.
“Shige-kun, you don’t seem to like Kaki much,” Satoshi is sweeping debris while Shigeru is wiping down each shelf, getting rid of stray chips or broken bits of packaging from where customers had tried to steal stuff.
“Mmh? He’s nice enough, but I think he’s the one who doesn’t like me. I mean, I’ve barely seen you in the last couple of weeks, and I’m starting to miss having my cheerful partner around.” Satoshi’s quiet for a while, and the sound of the broom is all he hears.
“I hadn’t noticed,” Satoshi admits shyly. “I didn’t mean to leave you out of so much Shige-kun.” The other boy laughs softly, and though Kaki can’t see it, he’s sure Shigeru is shaking his head.
“It’s fine Sato-chan, you should be having fun with your friends. But come visit sometime, would you? Eevee is starting to pine for you, and I never made good on that promise to help you learn how to cook that one meal you really liked because of the blackout.” Satoshi’s breath hitches, and Kaki desperately wants to know what that was all about. What blackout? He mechanically moves back to the display, and finally, Satoshi speaks up again.
“Y-yeah. I’d like that.” He hears a soft puttering of feet, and he finishes the display as Satoshi comes around the corner. Satoshi eyes the display, and he immediately checks it for flaws. He can’t see any... “Kaki, I’m going to stay with Shige-kun tonight, so you shouldn’t wait up for me,” he says with a smile. Kaki gives a stiff nod.
“Yeah. Have fun.” Kaki notices how Satoshi’s smile dims, and he realizes belatedly how the tone of his words comes out. Dammit. “Argh... I mean - I just, really like spending time with you,” He blurts out, and that seems to do something, making the smile reappear at full strength.
“I like spending time with you too! But I’ve been ignoring Shige-kun a lot, and that’s a bit unfair to him.” Frankly, Kaki didn’t care what was unfair to Shigeru, but he knows better than to say so to Satoshi’s face. Satoshi’s smile dims slightly again, and he curses internally because he’d done something wrong again. Shigeru comes around the corner, before glancing at both of them. It takes him less than a second of glancing between them to realize the issue, and Shigeru immediately plasters on a smile that looks so effortless that Kaki envies it.
“Is something wrong?” Shigeru asks in that cool tone of his, and Satoshi nods a little. Shigeru hums slightly, before hugging Satoshi with an arm. “If you’d like Sato-chan, you can head home, I’ll take a raincheck on what we were discussing earlier.” He says the words lightly, but Satoshi shakes his vigorously.
“I want to spend time with you.” He insists, before giving Kaki a slightly disappointed look. “I’ll see you around Kaki,” He doesn’t quite tell Kaki to leave, but he knows that tone well enough. He hated seeing Satoshi’s smile turn so dim, and this time it was his fault. He makes his goodbyes, and he can see Shigeru giving him a frown, which only incenses him more.
He doesn’t see Satoshi for a few days after that, the boy obliquely avoiding him to a point that Satoshi had left the center before his usual visits. Shigeru he sees more of, but he doesn’t seem too pleased to see him either, which is a surprise given how smug he’d been at having Satoshi to himself.
Kaki is doing another patrol when at last he sees Satoshi, the boy carrying groceries up the hill to his home. Satoshi trips, and it’s instinct that makes him immediately lunge and catch Satoshi before he or his things fall to the ground. Pikachu, perched on Satoshi’s shoulder, is a lost cause, falling off of his human with a squeak.
Satoshi looks grateful for all of two seconds, before realizing who it is and his smile turns into a scowl. The boy yanks himself away, and Kaki gives him an apologetic look. Pikachu gives a quiet ‘chaaa of hello, but doesn’t do anything to help him fix the mess he’d made.
“Satoshi - I’m sorry,” He stutters over his words, and if anything, that seems to make the boy angrier at him.
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to,” The boy says stiffly. “Shigeru at least apologized for being a jerk about wanting to keep me to himself,” Satoshi’s head is held high, and Kaki realizes that he’s staring at Satoshi in disbelief, which he snaps out of, though it doesn’t do anything but irritate the cute boy. “You should be apologizing to Shigeru for how you treated him. He’s my friend too, and the way you two are acting is just stupid.” He turns on his heel and stomps off cutely, skirt fluttering in the wind. Pikachu rubs against his leg briefly, before chasing after his human. Kaki heaves a sigh, and an amused voice drifts up to him from behind.
“Well, that’s you told, hm?” Shigeru sounds amused, the teenager carrying his own groceries in hand. “Don’t mind Sato-chan. Give him another week and I’m sure he’ll forgive you without the need to apologize to me. He doesn’t hold grudges very long.” The boy doesn’t seem to care about getting an apology at all, and Kaki eyes him suspiciously. “What?” Shigeru doesn’t look pleased at the scrutiny, and hefts his bag up higher.
“What’s your angle?” He says suspiciously, and Shigeru sighs, rolling his eyes.
“I want to date Sato-chan. I’d have thought that was obvious. Thanks to the stunt you pulled, He’s just barely talking to me again, and that’s annoying. I’ve been trying to get Satoshi to go out with me for months, and then you show up.” Shigeru shakes his head, annoyed. “He’s very cute, but the lovable idiot is dense as a rock.” Kaki can’t help the snort that leaves his throat, because that sounds exactly like Satoshi. “All that aside - I’m sorry.” Kaki jerks back, surprised. “And don’t think I’m doing this because Sato-chan told me to. I’m not good at handling threats to what I consider mine. And you are most definitely a threat. I can’t say I’m not going to still be a pain in your ass, but I won’t be quite so mean in the future. Just don’t expect me to make it easy for you to woo Sato-chan.” The boy hefts his groceries higher up on his hip, and he smirks. “Who knows, maybe having a rival for his affection will be fun. Just don’t expect to win, loser.”
Kaki’s lips pull into a faint scowl, but there is something there, a hint of amusement on his face. “Now you’re the one dreaming too big,” Kaki says with a huff. “I’ll win Satoshi back before you can even dream of it.” Shigeru’s lips curl into a proper smile, and he chuckles.
“That’s the spirit.” Shigeru says the words in open amusement. “Later loser. I’ll let Sato-chan know you apologized in your own bastardly way,” He laughs. “That’ll put us on even footing, but don’t expect mercy from me after this - Sato-chan is mine.” The teenager saunters off, and Kaki gives a half-hearted scowl, before grinning himself.
At least things wouldn’t be boring.
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harukadrawsthings · 3 years
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Part 17 of Destiny and Abra’s meeting! If you missed the previous ones they can be seen here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
It’s confirmed that nobody’s claiming this Abra... and that she wants to return to her habitat! Not exactly what Destiny expected... Now what? Stay tuned for the final part of the comic this Saturday!
[✨☀️Soul(mate)s of Light Pokémon AU Master Post🌕✨]
Do not repost. Do not modify. Always credit me!
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Destiny © HarukaDrawsThings
Ash, Goh, Pikachu, Abra and Nurse Joy © Nintendo/TPC
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kkst0904 · 4 years
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kakisatober 11&12 💖💀
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kkst0904 · 4 years
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