#Now to attempt that people folder again.
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petrichoremojis · 2 months ago
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IDs in alt.
A 'friends' folder I made by accident while trying to make a people folder.
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noisilyscreechingsong · 7 months ago
Seeing ghosts in Gotham
He’s walking alone. Despite how dark it is, he’s not particularly nervous, not like the couple of people hovering in an alley.
His shift at Batburger went a little long, not that he’s complaining, he needed the money.
Everything is fine. Splendid. Fantastic. A little quiet, enough to pretend it’s a nice stroll home like it was back in Amity. Of course that all kind of goes up in flames when a dark figure drops into a crouch right in front of him. About two arm lengths away is a guy who straightens to a little taller than Danny himself. From the flickering street light across the street he can spot red, crisscross yellow, and a dark cape.
Red Robin.
Danny shakes his head and turns around.
A smaller body is already standing behind him, blocking his path. The little guy with a serious face folds his arms across his chest as if challenging Danny to try to get by him.
He’s had enough tussles with Danielle to know better than to test the kid.
Danny rubs at his eyes with a hand, purposefully keeping the other limp at his side. He turns back around.
“Okay. Fine. What? What do you want?”
“You sent in a folder of information to solve the Boothe case,” Red Robin states confidently like there wasn’t any doubt it was Danny who sent it in.
He frowns. It was sent in anonymously. As in they shouldn’t be able to know it was him. Then again they are detectives in their own right even if they dress weird.
“See? This is why no one helps out the police if they’re gonna get grilled for it later on,” he complains sourly.
“That case is connected to another string of crimes we’ve been investigating. I need to know where you got your information.”
Danny glares at him for a second, actually thinking about telling him, then he remembers how quickly these guys throw people into Arkham.
“Do you not get what anonymous means?”
“What is your source?” He asks, completely ignoring Danny’s concerns.
“What are gonna do? Dangle me over the side of a building to get me to talk like you do with the criminals you guys pick up? Go ahead. See where that gets you,” he shrugs indifferently.
“You’re a runaway.”
Danny’s eyes widen in surprise before narrowing into a warning as he turns to look at the pipsqueak that spoke.
“From your poorly made fake ID and the fact you don’t look close to eighteen, you must be a runaway minor. We could bring you in to the proper authorities if you prove to be… uncooperative.”
Danny sneers in annoyance.
“Seriously?” He turns back to Red Robin. Clearly the older of the two and the one leading this investigation. “This is what I get for trying to help? Blackmail?”
“Robin can be a bit… abrasive. I, on the other hand, can appreciate a different approach.”
Suddenly there’s a couple pieces of paper money in between his fingers. Danny couldn’t see how much it was from this far away, but it didn’t really change how he felt about the whole situation.
“Now bribery? Wow, you guys really got the whole good cop, bad cop thing down, don’t cha?”
“Then what do you want?”
“For you to stop wasting your time,” Danny answers with a snap.
Red Robin pauses.
“Our time,” he repeats calmly.
“Yea. Your time. This is a dead end and you should move on.”
“And why are you a dead end?” Presses Robin.
“Because,” Danny emphasizes with a look over his shoulder, “the guy you’re really looking for, my source as you put it, is dead, okay? So you can’t go ask him questions. I sent in everything that was relevant. Find another lead.”
Red Robin’s expression remains blank as he mentally calculates his next move. Danny hopes he takes his advice and let him go home.
“His name?”
Danny folds his arms over his chest, a pathetic attempt to protect himself. He chews on his lip a minute. To tell him or not to tell him. It’s not really ratting the guy out since he’s, you know, dead. Although there is a large chance Danny’s missing something and it’s all going to lead back to him somehow.
“I didn’t kill him.”
“I never said you did,” the vigilante replies calmly, almost nonchalant.
Danny shifts his weight with nerves. He really wasn’t getting out of this without giving them something, huh?
“Greg,” he grinds out like it’s painful.
Silence for a few moments, then-
“As in Gregory Boothe?”
The victim of this whole conversation? Yes.
Danny’s silence is answer enough and the diverted gaze just solidified their suspicions.
“Gregory Boothe’s body turned up a month ago. Presumably he’d been dead for several weeks before that.”
Red lets that damning information hang in the air like Danny didn’t already know.
“So when did he talk to you? Last week?”
Danny jerks at the off handed joke, actually taking a step back and hitching his shoulders up to his ears. He grimaces at his knee jerk response, but can’t take it back. A glance toward the vigilante shows a calculating stunned expression from what he can see ignoring the mask. He looks away again finding a discarded soda can very interesting.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Demands Robin behind him.
Danny tried to resist the urge to curl even more into himself, but knows he failed without even having to look.
“You’re a medium,” Red Robin states. It’s not even a question.
Danny flinches and shoots the guy a scared glare.
“I am not one of those scam artists,” he hisses firmly.
“No,” Red agrees, “you’re not. You didn’t ask for money or attention.”
Danny stares like it’s his first time seeing him. The lack of aggression or accusations was new and a little disarming. He was genuinely confused as to why the guy wasn’t immediately going to denial or throwing him in Arkham.
“Hell of a city to hide in when you can see ghosts,” Red Robin says in a light tone like he was teasing him. The small tug to his lips just proves it.
Danny’s shoulders practically sag at the playful demeanor. A hand reaches up to rub the back of his neck self-consciously.
“Yea, well… no one was gonna look for me here.”
Which was only half the reason he chose Gotham, but it was still truthful.
“So… Greg?”
“Isn’t here right now.” Danny pauses and snorts at himself. “Please leave a message.”
The vigilante does have a sense of humor because he smirks in response to the joke.
“Is there another way to… make contact? Summoning maybe?”
Danny raises an eyebrow incredulously.
“Summoning is rude,” he says like it’s common sense.
Instead he turns to the nearest reliable ghost in the vicinity.
“Hey, Susan, can you go-“
The vigilantes can’t hear how she interrupts him because she was standing there the whole time and knows exactly what he was going to ask.
“Okay, thanks. Meet at mine.”
The ghost woman nods and flies off to go hunt down dear old Greg and Danny turns to Red Robin. He makes a casual move with his head to say ‘follow me’ and continues walking down the sidewalk past the guy and further into the old, decrepit buildings he’s been squatting in.
They already know he’s a runaway, being homeless shouldn’t come as a shock to them. Even with his two jobs, he can’t afford to rent an apartment. No wonder so many people are in poverty or in the slums.
He ducks into his rundown building, ignoring the rats scurrying away, and hops up the rickety stairs, avoiding the ones that were unstable. It was a nightmare figuring out which steps were faulty. Lots of injuries.
At the top he turns to see Red easily copying his movements up the stairs while Robin balances along the railing like a tight rope. When they reach the top at the same time Danny just stares at them for a moment before shaking his head in exasperation. Darn vigilantes. Why did Danny have to get caught up in this mess?
He turns, walking along the floor closest to the wall before getting to what he’s deemed his room.
It used to be an office from what he can tell. A desk pushed against the far wall and a ripped sofa he’s been using as a bed on the other wall. The floors were the most stable in this room which really won out.
Danny goes to the desk where all his papers are scattered over the surface. An organizational pattern only he understands as he shuffles through the pile he pulls from the cubby above the desk. It holds all the same information he sent into the police, just in its raw form with about twice the amount of useless information. Along with it is a few other ‘cases’ that sounds familiar that he just threw together into a pile. Maybe the genius detectives could decipher what he couldn’t.
“Here,” he says, holding out the stack. Red Robin doesn’t hesitate to take it off his hands.
There’s no chair for the desk anymore so he slides some papers out of the way to hop onto the desk to wait.
The vigilantes look at him and he shakes his head and looks over to the side.
“No, Abby. I’m not wasting their time.”
Red Robin goes back to flipping through papers. Most of them were old business papers he had found in the office and just written on the back. Some were receipts or pamphlets or some other random scrap of paper he could get his hands on.
“Because yours was an accident. There’s nothing for them to solve.”
Robin watched him cautiously as if waiting for Danny to snap or suddenly turn violent. Instead he leans back on his hands in a vulnerable position which screamed ‘I don’t want to hurt anyone’.
“There is a lot more information here than what was submitted to the police,” Red Robin comments neutrally, purposefully ignoring Danny’s exasperated sigh and one-sided conversation.
Danny shrugs in defense, “Didn’t think all of it was relevant.”
The vigilante doesn’t respond.
Robin drifts closer as Danny gives a withering glare to the corner. He examines the mess of papers surrounding the teen in the low lighting.
“Are these all files of victims?”
Danny glances over them with a knowledgeable eye.
“Most.” He twists to point at the top left corner of the cubbies. “Those are accidents though… well, what sounds like accidents.”
“There should be more.”
Danny looks at the boy with a tilted head and raises brow.
“Not everyone sticks around,” he explains simply.
Then something draws his attention away across the room. Surprisingly his eyes don’t glaze over like someone with mental illness, instead they sharpen to see something they can’t. It resembled Constantine or Thomas.
“Greg, these guys wanna talk to you.”
What proceeds is a very awkward interaction with Danny as a middle man between victim and vigilante. Despite the need for a translator, Red Robin does in fact get a lead from the conversation.
“Thank you for your cooperation.”
Danny nods. “Sure, no problem. Just don’t rat me out to the police and I can help with any other case that pops up with a ghost attached.”
“You know we can help with your living situation,” Red Robin offers with a glance around the room.
“What, and put me in foster care? No thanks, I’ll pass.”
“There are other options,” Robin chimes in with nonchalance that implies he doesn’t actually care.
“You don’t pass for eighteen, but if you let me make you a new ID we could say you’re emancipated.”
Danny frowns.
“I’d have to be sixteen to be eligible for emancipation.”
“You could be sixteen.”
No, he really couldn’t. Maybe if you squint your eyes and tilt your head, but Danny is fourteen with all the baby fat and innocent face that comes with it. His license now is a clear fake to anyone who sees it, but in this city no one’s gonna question it to his face. They just raise a brow, look at him, then shrug it off and roll with the lie.
“What do you want?” He demands. All this good will and wanting to help him can’t be free.
“We want to help,” Red says too easily.
Danny stares for a second, eyes narrowed as he tries to block out the multiple voices around him.
Insurance. He wants Danny to owe him so he can keep coming back for more information.
“I just told you I would help. Why are you still trying to get leverage?” He demands with irritation.
“We want to help-“
“You want me in your back pocket.”
Red Robin doesn’t give that a response, his lips pressing together to make a hard line.
Instead of pushing, he surprisingly takes a step back and heads towards the door, papers still in hand. Danny doesn’t argue.
Robin ducks out first, blending into the shadows without even a glance over his shoulder. Red Robin pauses in the doorway.
“Don’t try to skip town,” he states like an order. Like if Danny did in fact try, he would be found and brought back.
It didn’t even cross Danny’s mind.
“Wasn’t planning on it,” he says tiredly, too fed up with the day to defend himself.
Red Robin watches him for a moment before nodding and disappearing out the room.
Danny slumps with a groan, finally sliding off the desk to shuffle to the couch, body flopping face first into the worn cushions.
It’s silent to everyone else but Danny.
“I know.”
“I know, Jack, but I don’t trust them. Even if he is your son.”
Danny never noticed the bug planted by Robin on the underside of the desk.
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vetyr · 11 months ago
hi, i ireally love your work and i don't know if you've answered this before but, what kinds of studies do you do or how did you learn color theory? i wanna get better at rendering and anatomy but im having trouble TT TT
Hi! Long answer alert. Once a chatterbox, always a chatterbox.
When I started actively learning how to draw about 10 1/2 years ago, I exclusively did graphite studies in sketchbooks. Here's a few examples—I mostly stuck to doing line drawings to drill basic shapes/contours and proportions into my brain. The more rendered sketches helped me practice edge control & basic values, and they were REALLY good for learning the actual 3D structure behind what I was drawing.
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I'd use reference images that I grabbed from fitness forums, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and some NSFW places, but you could find adequate ref material from figure drawing sites like Line of Action. LoA has refs for people (you can filter by clothed/unclothed, age, & gender), animals, expressions, hands/feet, and a few other useful things as well. Love them.
Learning how to render digitally was a similar story; it helped a lot that I had a pretty strong foundation for value/anatomy going in. I basically didn't touch color at all for ~2 years (except for a few attempts at bad digital or acrylic paint studies), which may not have been the best idea. I learned color from a lot of trial and error, honestly, and I'm pretty sure this process involved a lot of imitation—there were a number of digital/traditional painters whose styles I really wanted to emulate (notably their edge control, color choices, value distributions, and shape design), so I kiiind of did a mixture of that + my own experimentation.
For example, I really found Benjamin Björklund's style appealing, especially his softened/lost edges & vibrant pops of saturated color, so here's a study I did from some photograph that I'm *pretty* sure was painted with him in mind.
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Learning how to detail was definitely a slow process, and like all the aforementioned things (anatomy/color/edge control/values/etc.) I'm still figuring it out. Focusing on edge control first (that is, deciding on where to place hard/soft edges for emphasizing/de-emphasizing certain areas of the image) is super useful, because you can honestly fool a viewer into thinking there's more detail in a piece than there actually is if you're very economical about where you place your hard edges.
The most important part, to me, is probably just doing this stuff over and over again. You're likely not going to see improvement in a few weeks or even a few months, so don't fret about not getting the exact results you want and just keep studying + making art. I like to think about learning art as a process where you *need* to fail and make crappy art/studies—there's literally no way around it—so you might as well fail right now. See, by making bad art you're actually moving forward—isn't that a fun prospect!!
It's useful to have a folder with art you admire, especially if you can dissect the pieces and understand why you like them so much. You can study those aspects (like, you can redraw or repaint that person's work) and break down whether this is art that you just like to look at, or if it's the kind of art that you want to *make.* There's a LOT of art out there that I love looking at, probably tens of thousands of styles/mediums, but there's a very narrow range that I want to make myself.
I've mentioned it in some ask reply in the past, but I really do think looking at other artist's work is such a cheat code for improving your own skills—the other artist does the work to filter reality/ideas for you, and this sort of allows you to contact the subject matter more directly. I can think of so many examples where an artist I admired exaggerated, like, the way sunlight rested on a face and created that orange fringe around its edge, or the greys/dull blues in a wheat field, or the bright indigo in a cast shadow, or the red along the outside of a person's eye, and it just clicked for me that this was a very available & observable aspect of reality, which had up until that point gone completely unnoticed! If you're really perceptive about the art you look at, it's shocking how much it can teach you about how to see the world (in this particular case I mean this literally, in that the art I looked at fully changed the way I visually processed the world, but of course it has had a strong effect on my worldviews/relationships/beliefs).
Thanks so much for sending in a question (& for reading, if you got this far)! I read every single ask I receive, including the kind words & compliments, which I genuinely always appreciate. Best of luck with learning, my friend :)
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vunblr · 3 months ago
To Mend a Soldier
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+ (Masturbation). Slight angst. Comfort. Fluff.
Summary: Pressed by a worried Sam, Bucky reluctantly agrees to try an alternative -and, if you ask him, weird- therapy program: rent-a-mom. What starts as an obligation soon turns into something far more meaningful than he ever expected.
Word Count: About 20k.
note: Yeah… it’s a long one. This has been sitting in my folder for a while, and I couldn’t figure out where to split it, so here we are. Please don’t hate me! 😅 If you enjoy it, I’d really appreciate it if you could share or leave a comment, it means so much.
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After everything he’d been through -Hydra, Zemo, Thanos, Steve’s departure, and now therapy with Dr. Raynor- Bucky still couldn’t seem to find peace. The nightmares remained, the guilt festered, and every glance he got on the street reminded him of who he used to be, not who he was trying to become. Trusting people felt impossible, and his defenses were built like steel walls.
Sam, however, refused to let him slip further into isolation. Over the past few months, he’d watched him struggle silently, shrugging off every attempt to help him open up. But The Falcon wasn’t one to give up easily.
One evening, while they were returning from a brief mission on a plane, he finally brought it up again.
“You ever thought about alternative therapy?” he asked casually, pressing a cooling bag over his shoulder.
Bucky didn’t even look up from where he was unlacing his boots. “What, like yoga?” His voice was flat and unimpressed. “I don’t bend that way.”
“No, not yoga.” Sam’s tone was patient like he was explaining something to a stubborn child. “It’s something some veterans are trying. Heard about it from a guy at the VA.”
“Right.” Bucky snorted. “Modern mumbo jumbo. What is it? Journaling? Crystals? Hugging trees?”
Sam rolled his eyes. “It’s called rent-a-mom.”
That got Bucky’s attention. His head snapped up, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “Rent-a-what?”
“Rent-a-mom,” Sam repeated, biting back a grin at Bucky’s incredulous expression. “It’s this service where someone -usually a nice, older lady- comes to your place for a couple of hours a week. She cooks, chats, and keeps you company. Some guys use it to feel normal again, you know? A little comfort or emotional support, whatever you need, with no judgment.”
Bucky stared at him for a beat before deadpanning, “So you’re telling me to hire a prostitute.”
Sam threw his hands up in exasperation. “What is wrong with you man? No! That’s not what this is.”
“You sure? Because whatever I need, with no judgment sounds like you’re telling me to hire someone to-”
“Stop!” Sam cut him off, pointing a finger at him. “It’s not like that, okay? She works with vets all the time. You know, people like you who don’t trust anyone and think the world’s out to get them.
Bucky crossed his arms, leaning back in his seat. “Sounds like a scam.”
“It’s not a scam. I know a guy who uses her services. He says it’s the only thing that keeps him grounded some weeks. And it’s not just him. A lot of vets partaking on the program swear by it.”
Bucky grumbled under his breath, something about “modern nonsense” and “people these days.”
Sam sighed, leaning forward. “Look, man, I’m not saying it’s gonna fix all your problems. But what’s the harm in trying? One session. Worst-case scenario, you don’t like it, and you never call her again.”
Bucky shook his head. “I don’t need some stranger poking around in my life.”
“She’s not gonna poke,” Sam insisted. “She’s just there to help. And let’s be real, you could use it. You’ve been holed up in that apartment for weeks. When’s the last time you had a real conversation with someone who wasn’t me or that Raynor bitch?”
Bucky didn’t answer, just tightened his jaw.
“Exactly,” Sam said, leaning back with a smirk. “Plus, you owe me for Redwing. That little stunt you pulled last week? Yeah, I’m still mad about that.”
“Cheap shot,” Bucky muttered, glaring at the floor.
“Call it whatever you want. You’re doing this.”
After a long, heavy pause, Bucky sighed. “Fine. One session. But if this is a waste of my time, I’m blaming you.”
Sam grinned, already pulling out his phone. “You’re gonna thank me when it works. Just wait.”
Bucky sat on the edge of his couch, glaring at his phone like it had personally wronged him. Sam had texted him the woman’s contact information a few hours ago, with an obnoxious winky face at the end. He couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be reassuring or not but either way, it made his skin crawl.
“Just one session,” he muttered, running his hand down his face. Sam’s words echoed in his head: “It’s not what you think, man. She’s just… good at what she does. People trust her.” Trust. Bucky scoffed. That wasn’t something he handed out easily anymore, but after the Redwing incident, Sam wasn’t going to let him live it down unless he followed through. Grimacing, he tapped out a message.
Hi. This is James Barnes. Sam Wilson gave me your contact information. He said you… help people. I’m interested in setting up a session. Let me know if you’re available.
He stared at the screen for a good minute before hitting send. The second the message left his phone, he regretted it.
What the hell am I doing?
His internal spiral was interrupted by a response. That was fast.
Hi, James! Thanks for reaching out. I’d be happy to help. How does Tuesday at 5 PM sound?
He frowned. No small talk? No questions? Just… straight to the point. It wasn’t what he’d expected, but he appreciated it.
Fine, he replied, then immediately felt like a jerk. Then he added a Thanks.
Thursday came too quickly. Bucky paced his apartment, tidying up out of sheer nervous energy. He wasn’t sure what to expect. What was this woman going to do? Make him tea? Lecture him on proper nutrition? Sam had called her a “mom-for-hire,” but the idea still sounded absurd.
At exactly 5 PM, there was a knock at the door. Bucky froze. For a split second, he considered pretending he wasn’t home. But he sighed, ran a hand through his hair, and opened the door, noticing two things:
First, this Mom was not an older lady. Either Sam left out that critical detail, or she was some kind of evil witch who sucked the life force out of her victims to stay young.
Second, she was… nice to look at. He quickly chastised himself for the thought.
“Hi,” she said, in a warm but professional tone, like she’d done this a hundred times before. There was no hesitation in her posture, no uncertainty in her eyes. She shifted the bag on her shoulder and offered a small smile. “You must be James.”
“Bucky.” he corrected gruffly, crossing his arms and leaning slightly against the doorframe. “You’re not what I expected.”
Her smile doesn’t falter. “Let me guess. You were expecting someone older? Maybe with glasses and a knitting basket?”
Bucky raises an eyebrow, not confirming but not denying either.
She lets out a soft laugh. “I get that a lot.”
The silence stretched between them, and then he realized he was just standing there, blocking the doorway like an idiot. He stepped aside, muttering a “Come in.”
She entered the apartment, glancing around the living room as she set her bag down, taking in the stark, utilitarian setup. A couch, a small TV on a stand, and little else. The dining table was non-existent, replaced by a counter with two bar stools. “This is… cozy,” she said diplomatically, gesturing at the space.
Bucky’s lips twitched in a faint smirk. “It works.”
She hummed in response, her gaze falling to the small stack of books on the coffee table. A couple of dog-eared crime novels sat next to a remote. There wasn’t much else to indicate anyone truly lived here. No photos, no clutter, just the bare essentials.
He folded his arms again, hovering near the door as if he wasn’t sure whether to close it or bolt. “Look, I don’t need the whole... whatever it is you do. Sam talked me into this, so don’t feel like you have to stick around for too long.”
She didn’t seem fazed by his awkward brusqueness. Instead, she just nodded and set the bag down on his counter. She began unpacking a few items, ingredients, it looked like.
“So,” she said, turning to him with an easy smile. “What’s on the agenda for today? You tell me what you need, and we’ll go from there.”
What he needed? Hell if he knew.
“Uh…” He shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t… really know how this works.”
“That’s okay,” she reassured, as if this were the most normal thing in the world. “We can start small. How about I make us something warm to eat while we talk?”
Talk. Right. He could handle that. Probably. And the food didn’t sound half bad either.
“Sure,” he said, with a softer tone now. He hesitated before adding, “Thanks.”
She smiled at him again and reached into her bag, pulling out a neatly folded apron. Without hesitation, she slipped it over her summer dress, tying the strings behind her back. The casual way she moved threw him off; she already seemed at ease in his space, which was more than he could say for himself.
“Is there anything you don’t like to eat?” she asked, glancing over her shoulder as she headed toward the kitchen.
Bucky blinked at her like she’d just asked him if he believed in unicorns. “Anything I don’t like?” His eyebrows lifted, clearly baffled by the concept.
“Yes,” she replied with a small laugh, looking back at him as if to say she was serious.
He gave a short huff, leaning against the counter, his lips twitching with faint amusement. “Doll, I grew up in the Depression. You ate what you got and licked the plate clean.”
She froze mid-step, her hands moving to her hips as she turned to face him fully. “Okay, first of all, you don’t ‘doll’ your mother,” she said, her tone firm but with a playful edge. “So let’s make it clear: that won’t be a thing between us.”
His head tilted, his eyes narrowing slightly in mild surprise at her sudden, slightly commanding tone.
“And second,” she continued, crossing her arms as if daring him to argue, “we’re not in the Depression anymore. So, humor me and tell me if there’s anything you don’t like.”
The corner of his mouth twitched, the smallest hint of a smirk appearing as he quirked an eyebrow at her. She wasn’t what he’d expected. Not even close.
“Guess I’ll have to think about it,” he muttered with the faintest trace of amusement.
She rolled her eyes, tying the apron snugly around her waist. “Well, then tell me what you do like, so I can see if I can pull it off with what we’ve got.”
He hesitated, darting away his gaze as if the question required more thought than it should. Finally, he mumbled, “Potatoes?”
Her lips twitched with amusement. “Lucky for you, I brought some with me.” She nodded toward another bag she’d left near the door.
Bucky watched as she moved around his kitchen, opening cabinets and peeking into drawers. It was strange seeing someone else handle his things like they belonged there.
She moved to his fridge next, tugging it open, and froze. For a long moment, she just stared, her head tilting slightly. “Huh.”
Bucky frowned, leaning to the side to see what had caught her attention. “What?”
She stepped back, gesturing inside with a wooden spoon she’d plucked from the counter. “The two plums are fine, but that sad, dried-out lemon is holding on by a thread, and…” Her nose wrinkled as she peered at a container shoved in the back. “I don’t even want to guess what’s in that tupperware.”
He shifted as his arms crossed over his chest. “It’s probably still good.”
“Bucky.” She turned to him, one brow arched and her tone matter-of-fact. “We’re going to have to make a shopping list if these visits are going to continue. Unless you’re planning to survive off potatoes and mystery leftovers?”
His lips twitched again, but he didn’t say anything, just shrugged.
“I’ll take that as agreement,” she said, grabbing the potatoes she’d brought with her and setting them on the counter. “For now, I’ll work some magic with these and whatever’s actually edible in here.”
He smirked faintly, leaning against the counter as he watched her sort through his kitchen again with an air of efficiency like she’d done this a thousand times before.
At some point, she straightened up and caught his gaze. “You didn’t say anything yet,” she said, leaning a little on the counter. “but I assume you have questions about what I do?”
He shifted uncomfortably, scratching the back of his neck as if buying time. “Sam told me something… about cooking and talking,” he muttered hesitantly. Then he glanced away, subtly implying that he didn’t expect much beyond that.
She didn’t rush him, waiting patiently for him to finish. When he fell silent, she let out a soft chuckle and grabbed a cutting board from the counter. “I have a proper job, you know,” she said, glancing over her shoulder at him. “At a bookstore. This…” she continued, gesturing vaguely toward the room, “is just something I’ve been doing for a couple of years now. It started when a lady from the program came into the shop looking for books to read to her son before nap time.” She paused, her lips curving in a small, amused smile. “The thing is, this lady was, well… let’s just say she was quite old to have a little kid. She must have seen the look on my face because she told me about this initiative she was part of.”
Bucky tilted his head, curiosity tugging at his otherwise guarded expression. “And you signed up?”
“Eventually,” she admitted, peeling one of the potatoes with practiced ease. “I kept running into her, and she’d stop by the store to chat about how the reading sessions were going, how much her ‘kid’ enjoyed them.” She made air quotes with her fingers, smirking. “Turned out, her kid was a Vietnam vet. He was struggling with some things, and she was helping him feel more grounded.”
Bucky arched his brows.
“Exactly,” she said, laughing softly. “I thought it was strange at first, too, but the more I learned, the more I realized how much of a difference it can make for some people.” She paused, setting the peeler down and turning to fully face him, with a softer expression now. “There’s something about the kind of comfort a mother gives, something other roles just… don’t quite reach.”
Bucky tilted his head slightly, furrowing his brow.
“You’ve probably seen it,” she continued, “Soldiers in their last moments, calling for their moms. Or when they’re delirious with fever or pain, their minds go back to a time when they felt safe, protected, and cared for. It’s not about the specific person, it’s the feeling. That deep-rooted need to know someone’s there for you, no matter what.”
His jaw tightened, and his gaze dropped to the floor for a moment before flicking back to her. She didn’t miss the shift in his expression, a flicker of recognition, a shadow of memory.
“I’m not saying I’m trying to be anyone’s mother,” she added quickly, offering him a gentle smile to lighten the mood. “But sometimes people just need a little bit of that energy in their life, you know? A chance to feel… safe.”
Bucky’s mouth pressed into a thin line, stiffening briefly before he exhaled, his relaxing his shoulders just a fraction. He didn’t say anything, but the weight of her words lingered in the air between them.
He had to admit it sounded... nice. Having someone to turn to when things got… when you couldn’t breathe. When the world felt too heavy and every corner of your mind was filled with noise you couldn’t escape. But just as that thought settled in, his defenses kicked in, sharp and automatic.
He scoffed, the sound coming out a little too rough, a little too biting. “And then what? You cuddle on the couch, singing a lullaby?”
Her hands stilled, and she turned to look at him, meeting his gaze. There was no annoyance in her expression, no judgment. Just a calmness that made him feel even more off-balance.
“If that’s what you need,” she said simply, “then yes.”
For a moment, he was stunned into silence, caught off guard. There was no sarcasm, no condescension, just a sincerity that felt almost disarming.
His eyes darted away as he shifted his weight, the corners of his mouth twitched in an effort to form a response. But for once, words failed him, leaving only the quiet hum of the kitchen and the soft clatter of her returning to the potatoes.
“There are some info sheets and forms in the bag,” she said, nodding toward her tote. “If you want to read and complete them while I do this.” She gestured as she resumed working on the potatoes.
Bucky hesitated, flicking his gaze between her and the bag. “What’s the payment?” he asked gruffly, trying to keep his voice casual. “In case… in case I might be interested.”
She paused for a beat, then glanced over her shoulder with a small smile. “I don’t charge veterans,” she said simply.
He blinked, clearly taken aback. His lips parted slightly, but no words came out. Finally, he managed, “Sam didn’t… didn’t tell me that.”
“Well,” she said, setting the knife down for a moment and turning fully to face him, “to be fair, Sam told me a little about you.”
At the slight stiffness that crept into his expression, she quickly added, “Just… basic things.” She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m already working with someone who’s… retired now, and I wasn’t sure about having two ‘sons’ in the same department, so to speak.”
She hesitated, studying his face for a moment before continuing. “But when he told me who you were… I didn’t doubt it for a second. You’re a hero, you know?”
He seemed surprised by the statement, his brows knitting together as if trying to make sense of her words. His throat bobbed as he swallowed hard, a faint pink dusting his cheeks. Finally, he grumbled, “Don’t know about that, but thanks.”
She smiled softly, “Don’t thank me, sweetheart. I’m just stating the obvious.” With that, she turned back to the cooking, leaving Bucky standing there, uncomfortably aware of the unexpected swell of gratitude threatening to creep past his defenses.
He then opened the tote bag and pulled out a neatly organized folder. Inside, there were several documents, each clipped together in its own section. He skimmed over the first page, a set of “basic rules” clearly outlined at the top.
His brow furrowed slightly as he read. Boundaries: He would only call her “Mama” or some other variant, never her name, an instruction that immediately made his stomach twist with both unease and an odd sense of reassurance. The point was clear: this wasn’t a friendship or anything else ambiguous. It was meant to define their dynamic firmly.
Further down, he saw a list of do’s and don’ts regarding acceptable forms of touching. The wording was straightforward but gentle, ensuring the rules were understood without feeling restrictive. A clause about privacy caught his attention: Everything discussed during their sessions would remain strictly confidential. Nothing said between them would be disclosed, ever.
He sighed and leaned against the counter, flipping to the next section. The forms included a series of questions: What would you expect from these sessions? What would you prefer not to happen? What are your favorite comforts? Least favorite?
The questions made him uncomfortable. What did he expect? Hell if he knew. What would he even put down for “favorite comforts”? He tapped the pen against the counter, unsure where to start.
When he finally glanced back at her, she was chopping the potatoes with practiced ease. “And what happens after I fill this out?” he asked, trying to sound neutral.
“Once the forms are completed and signed,” she said without turning around, “I’ll be in charge of the dynamic.” She paused, glancing at him over her shoulder with a small smile. “After all, Mama knows best.”
Her tone was light, teasing, but the words landed heavier than she might have realized. Bucky stared at the form again, feeling the faintest flicker of something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Maybe trust. Maybe just exhaustion. Either way, the weight of his pen didn’t feel as heavy anymore.
“You don’t have to sign it right now,” she said, washing her hands and wiping them on a towel. Turning back to him, she added, "Maybe wait and see how this goes first?" then, she walked toward the living room and perched on the edge of the couch patting the spot next to her. “Sit. You can tell me about your week while the potatoes cook… if you want.”
Bucky hesitated for a moment, glancing toward the couch like it might be a trap. Finally, he crossed the room, lowering himself onto the seat beside her. The couch dipped under his weight, and he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he rubbed a hand over his face. The silence hung between them, save for the faint sound of traffic through the window. After a moment, he started to bounce his knee.
She noticed the motion and glanced at him, her gaze drifting lower. That’s when it hit her, the long-sleeved henley and the glove on his hand. The room wasn’t exactly cold. In fact, with the oven going and the potatoes roasting, it was comfortably warm.
Her brows knitted together. “Bucky,” she started carefully, with a light tone, “you know by now that I knew who you were before I knocked on your door, right?”
He turned his head slightly, not quite meeting her eyes but acknowledging her words with a small grunt.
“So… don’t you want to change into something less... suffocating?” She gestured loosely at his shirt. “I mean, it’s hot in here.”
His knee stopped bouncing. He straightened slightly but didn’t respond right away. She could see the tension in his shoulders, the way his jaw worked like he was weighing his next move.
“It’s fine,” he muttered, his voice gruff. He didn’t sound angry, just… uncertain.
“It’s not fine,” she countered gently. “You’ll overheat sitting here like that. Besides, I thought we were working on this whole... trust thing since you know… the mom thing?”
Her words hung in the air, and for a long moment, he didn’t move. Then, with a deep breath, Bucky pushed himself to his feet, heading toward the hallway. He muttered something under his breath that she didn’t catch, but the slight hunch of his shoulders told her he was uncomfortable. Still, he disappeared into the bedroom, and she heard the sound of a drawer opening.
When he returned a few minutes later, he was wearing a soft, dark gray T-shirt. He paused in the doorway, his eyes flicking to her briefly before he sat back down, this time leaning into the couch instead of perching on the edge.
“Better?” he asked, his tone dry but not harsh.
“Much better,” she replied, a smile tugging at her lips.
Bucky didn’t say anything, but his shoulders seemed to relax just a fraction. The oven timer went off in the kitchen, breaking the moment, and she stood, giving him a reassuring pat on the knee as she passed by.
As she checked the food with her back turned to him, she spoke casually, “Sam said you’ve been having a rough time lately.”
Bucky frowned, his lips pressing into a thin line. “Sam talks too much.”
Her lips quirked in a small smile, though she didn’t turn around. “He’s worried about you.”
“He doesn’t need to be,” Bucky muttered.
“Maybe not. But he is. And from what I can tell, he’s the kind of person who acts on that worry.” She glanced over her shoulder at him. “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. I’m not here to pry.”
Bucky’s shoulders tensed slightly, and his jaw tightened. “Then why are you here?” The question came out sharper than he intended, his voice low and clipped, but she didn’t flinch. Instead, she turned off the stove, wiped her hands on a towel, and finally faced him.
“Why am I here?” she echoed with a calm tone. “One, because you texted. And two…” She crossed the room slowly, stopping a few feet from the couch. Her gaze softened, her head tilting slightly. “Sometimes, it helps to have someone around. Someone who’s not a therapist or a friend who knows too much. Just… someone.”
For a moment, he didn’t respond. His expression was unreadable, but she could see the gears turning in his head. She approached the couch and sat down beside him, leaving just enough space to avoid crowding him but close enough to offer her quiet support.
Bucky shifted slightly, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, his fingers laced together tightly. The silence between them stretched, but it didn’t feel heavy. It felt like an invitation for him to speak if he wanted to, no pressure, no expectations.
“I didn’t mean to snap at you,” he said finally, almost in a grumble.
“I know.” Her reply was soft, almost instinctive. “It’s okay.”
His shoulders relaxed just a fraction, and for the first time that evening, he glanced at her directly. There was a hint of something vulnerable in his expression. Hesitation, perhaps.
“It’s just…” he started, his voice trailing off as he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s been a lot lately. I don’t even know where to start.”
“Just where you feel like it, I’ll be here to listen. And if you don’t want to talk, that is fine too, one doesn’t tell everything to their mom, hm?” she assured gently.
The timer beeped from the kitchen again, cutting through the moment. She reached over, giving his forearm a brief, reassuring squeeze before standing. “Let me get that before the potatoes burn.” As she moved toward the kitchen, she glanced back at him with a small smile. “Think about it, Bucky. No rush.”
He watched her retreat, his chest feeling a little lighter, though he couldn’t quite explain why.
When she called from the kitchen, cheerfully announcing that dinner was almost ready, he found himself answering without thinking. “Smells good.”
It wasn’t much, but it was a start.
He pushed himself off the couch with a grunt and crossed the short distance to the kitchen in a few long strides. Without a word, he started opening cabinets and drawers, pulling out a couple of plates and utensils to set up at the counter.
“Oh, such a good boy!” she teased warmly.
He paused, shooting her a look over his shoulder, his expression caught somewhere between surprise and embarrassment. “It’s just the right thing to do,” he muttered gruffly, his ears tinged faintly pink.
She bit back a smile as she pulled the tray of potatoes from the oven, the aroma filling the small kitchen. As she set the tray down, she reached for the fridge and produced a small bowl of creamy dip, placing it on the counter beside the potatoes.
Bucky quirked a brow with evident curiosity.
“What?” she asked playfully. “These aren’t your Depression potatoes. They’ve got a little twist.”
He snorted softly, shaking his head. “A twist, huh?”
“Just a little sour cream, and the spices are courtesy of your kitchen,” she said, ladling the potatoes onto a serving dish with practiced ease. “Trust me, they’ll still taste like home. Just… a little fancier.”
Bucky glanced at the bowl again, his lips twitching in faint amusement. “Fancy potatoes,” he murmured, almost to himself.
“Hey,” she countered, setting the dish in the middle of the counter with a flourish. “Even tough guys like you deserve something nice now and then.”
He didn’t respond right away, but as he pulled out a stool at the counter and sat, there was a flicker of something lighter in his eyes. “Guess we’ll see if they live up to the hype.”
She handed him a fork, with a widening smile. “Challenge accepted.”
For the first time that evening, the atmosphere in the room felt less heavy. The clinking of utensils and the scent of roasted potatoes mingled with the faintest hum of unspoken understanding.
“Not bad,” Bucky admitted after his first bite, begrudging but carrying a hint of approval.
“Not bad?” she echoed, raising a brow. “I’ll take that as high praise.”
The corners of his mouth twitched upward, and for a fleeting moment, it almost looked like he might smile.
They made small talk while they ate, keeping the conversation light. She asked about the crime novels on his side table, and he asked -grudgingly- what kind of twist she had planned for the next meal, implying she might want to poison him. Despite himself, Bucky found the interaction strangely… normal. He wasn’t used to normal, but he didn’t hate it.
When they finished, he stood and began gathering the dishes. She protested at first, but he waved her off. “It’s what my Ma would have expected anyway,” he said matter-of-factly.
He’d just started scrubbing the first plate when her phone buzzed on the counter. She glanced at the screen, then at the clock, letting out a soft sigh. “Well, Buck, it seems our two hours are up.”
Bucky froze and his hand gripped the plate under the warm water. Then he nodded once. “I see…”
She leaned against the counter next to him, watching him carefully. “So, um… what do you want to do? Will you read the forms and consider starting this little journey together, or would you rather not see my face again?” She smiled softly. “Which I’d totally understand if that’s the case.”
He didn’t respond immediately, focusing instead on rinsing the plate and setting it on the drying rack. For a moment, the only sound was the rush of water and the faint hum of the fridge. It was as if he was battling with himself, his tension was visible in the way his shoulders hunched and his jaw clenched. Finally, he let out a long breath and turned to face her. His hand raked through his hair.
“I... I want this, I think,” he stated. Then, almost immediately, he added, “I can step out whenever I want, right?”
Her smile softened as she reached for his vibranium hand, her fingers resting lightly against the cool metal. “Yes, Bucky. You can step out whenever you want. No pressure, no expectations. This is for you, on your terms.”
He nodded slightly, his eyes flicking down to where her hand rested on his before shifting back to meet her gaze.
“Just take your time filling out the questionnaire, think the answers carefully” she continued, warmly but matter-of-fact. “and, whenever you’re ready, snap a picture and send it to me. No rush.”
“Okay,” he murmured, almost to himself.
“Also…” She tilted her head. “How many days a week do you want me here?”
Bucky blinked, clearly caught off guard by the question. He shifted slightly, glancing away as if considering his answer. “Uh… two, I guess?”
“Two it is,” she said with a small nod, releasing his hand and grabbing her bag from the counter. “You’re calling the shots, Buck. You just let me know if that changes.”
He didn’t respond right away, but as she slung her bag over her shoulder and made her way toward the door, he called out in a low tone. “Thanks.”
She paused, glancing back at him with a smile. “Anytime.”
As the door closed behind her, Bucky stood there for a moment, staring at the now-empty space she’d left behind.
Almost three minutes after she left, his phone buzzed on the counter, the screen lighting up with a notification. He didn’t have to check to know who it was. Sure enough, the preview of the text confirmed it: Sam. The string of emojis accompanying the message made Bucky’s scowl deepen as he stared at the screen.
“What the hell does that even mean?” he muttered to himself, swiping the phone off the counter and locking it without reading the full message. The last thing he needed was Sam’s smug commentaries right now.
He set the phone down a little harder than necessary and decided to distract himself the only way he knew how: by scrubbing himself clean. Grabbing a towel, he headed to the bathroom, peeling off his T-shirt on the way. The promise of a hot shower sounded like the closest thing to clarity he might find tonight.
But as the water beat down on his skin, his thoughts drifted back to the folder she’d left behind. The questionnaire seemed simple on the surface, but for a man like him, answering those kinds of questions wasn’t easy.
What comforts you?
The question alone made him bristle. Comfort wasn’t something he’d thought about in decades. Comfort was… a luxury, a distraction, a weakness. At least, that’s what they always told him and he still couldn’t shake that feeling.
The thought of filling out that damn paper felt heavier than any mission he’d been assigned. He’d rather face a bullet in his leg than sit down and figure out what he wanted.
He leaned his head against the shower tiles, the warmth of the water doing little to ease the tension coiling in his chest. Maybe he’d give himself a day. Or two. Hell, maybe a week. She’d said no rush, after all.
And if he didn’t send it? Well, it wasn’t like she’d show up uninvited. He could still back out.
He turned off the water with a sharp twist, the sudden silence leaving him alone with his thoughts. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he stepped out, glancing toward the closed door of his bedroom where the folder waited.
It had taken Bucky two weeks to fill out the forms. Two long, painstaking weeks of sitting at his couch, pen in hand, staring at questions that felt more like traps than prompts. He’d forced himself to be thorough, thinking carefully about each subject.
What makes you feel safe? What comforts you? What do you need from me?
How do you want to be called as an endearment?
He’d tried to approach it with an open mind, though the process made him cringe more than once. Admitting what he needed -or even what he was willing to permit- felt like baring himself in a way that left him raw.
But he finished. He signed the papers, scanned them with his phone, and sent the file off with an unceremonious text:
Here. Let me know if it’s fine.
Her reply had been immediate and cheerful: Got it! Looks perfect. See you Tuesday.
When Tuesday came, she arrived at his building, juggling a tote bag filled with what she liked to call her “comfort supplies.” A neighbor leaving the building had held the door open for her, a kind but overly trusting gesture.
Not a very safe thing to do, she thought as she stepped inside. But I’m not going to complain.
She reached his door, knuckles rapping lightly against it. “Bucky? It’s me.”
No answer.
She frowned and knocked again, a little louder this time. “Bucky, you there?”
Still nothing.
She pulled out her phone and sent him a quick message: Hey, I’m here! A moment later, her phone buzzed with the dreaded notification: Message failed to deliver.
Her frown deepened. She tried calling, but the call went straight to voicemail. A sinking feeling settled in her chest as she pressed her ear to the door, listening intently.
Nothing. No footsteps. No muffled noises. Just silence.
She sighed, leaning back against the wall. Maybe something had come up. Maybe he’d changed his mind and didn’t know how to tell her.
She checked her watch. Twenty minutes had passed, and she still hadn’t heard a peep from him. With a reluctant shake of her head, she turned and walked toward the elevator, her footsteps echoing faintly in the quiet hallway.
A couple of hours later, Bucky dragged his feet through the corridor. His nose throbbed painfully, a reminder of the last few days he’d spent dealing -again- with enhanced assholes who seemed to have gotten their hands on some variant of the serum.
The faint metallic scent of dried blood clung to him, mingling with the sweat and grime of too many hours spent in the open. His brows furrowed, eyes heavy-lidded as he scanned the hallway out of habit. That’s when he spotted it, a small bag made of cloth sitting neatly at his doorstep.
He paused, taking a moment to connect the dots through the haze of exhaustion.
He let out a slow, frustrated exhale, running a hand over his face and wincing as the dried cut on his cheek tugged painfully. Of course, this would happen. Of course, he’d mess this up right out of the gate.
Bending down, he picked up the bag, holding it gingerly in his hands like it might scold him. The fabric was soft and patterned with small flowers, something that felt almost absurdly out of place against his bloodstained hands and the concrete walls of the hallway.
He peeked inside, and his chest tightened. A handful of sugar babies’ packages into view, the bright yellow being a jarring contrast to the dull exhaustion weighing him down.
What were your favorite sweets as a child?
The questionnaire echoed in his head, and his stomach twisted. He hadn’t even realized he’d written those down until now.
Straightening up, he glanced down the hallway toward the elevator, tightening his grip on the bag. What kind of impression was this supposed to leave? Forgetting the session entirely, not answering the door, not even leaving a message…
He groaned, leaning back against his door and glaring down at the bag like it held all the answers to his failures.
After a long moment, he nested the bag into the crook of his arm, fumbled with his keys, and let himself into the apartment.
The silence inside was deafening. He placed the bag of candies on the counter and reached for his phone, dead as expected. He plugged it into the charger with a sigh, running a hand through his hair before peeling off his ruined clothes. The bloodstained shirt landed in a heap on the floor as he pulled his knives and gun from their holsters and set them down on the counter next to the flower-patterned bag.
The juxtaposition was almost laughable. The hard edges of his weapons, worn and familiar, sat starkly against the soft, cheerful fabric of the bag.
It didn’t feel right, to see them in the same space.
But he was too tired to care for the moment.
With a heavy sigh, Bucky leaned against the counter, lingering his gaze on the bag of candies. He reached inside and pulled out one of the packages, turning it over in his fingers like it was something fragile. For a moment, he just stood there, as the weight of the past days pressed down on him.
Finally, he tore the wrapper open, popped one caramel into his mouth, and let the sugary sweetness dissolve on his tongue. It wasn’t much. But somehow, it tasted like a small piece of something he’d forgotten he needed.
It was late afternoon when her phone buzzed with a message. She picked it up from the table, brushing across the screen to read it.
Just one word: Sorry.
She stared at the message for a moment, tightening her grip on the device. Well, at least it didn’t seem like he’d changed his mind entirely. That was something.
Are you okay?
The reply didn’t come right away. The minutes stretched, and she found herself glancing at the screen every few moments. Finally, the phone buzzed again, and she read his response:
I don’t know.
Her chest ached at the honesty of those three words. Biting her lip, she typed her reply carefully.
Do you want me to come over?
The dots indicating he was typing blinked, disappeared, and then reappeared. His answer came back after what felt like an eternity.
You don’t have to.
She frowned, her thumbs flew across the keyboard.
That is not what I asked, Bucky.
Another pause. This one was longer. The late afternoon sun painted her walls in streaks of orange and gold, but she barely noticed, since her attention was fixed on the phone in her hands.
Finally, he replied.
Her shoulders relaxed as she exhaled. Without hesitation, she grabbed her bag, slid her phone into her pocket, and headed for the door.
Her gaze widened when she saw Bucky’s face as he opened the door. A nasty cut marred the already purpled skin of his cheek, his nose looked bruised, his lower lip was split, and scrapes littered his flesh arm. His expression and the slump of his shoulders only added to the picture of someone who’d been through a lot.
He must have noticed her stare because the first thing out of his mouth was, “You should see the other guys.”
She clicked her tongue in exasperation, her hand motioning firmly toward him. “Move. Let me in.”
Bucky stepped aside, his expression hovered somewhere between guilt and defiance. She entered without waiting for another invitation, her sharp eyes already scanning the room. “Did you clean the wounds?”
He shrugged nonchalantly as if it weren’t worth mentioning. “I took a shower…”
She pinched the bridge of her nose, letting out a long, deliberate sigh. “That’s not… no. That doesn’t count. Where is your first aid kit?”
He looked at her like she’d grown another head. “Doll, all this is going away in three days, tops. Courtesy of the serum.”
Her gaze snapped to his, sharp enough to freeze hell over. “Where. Is. It. And how did you just call me?”
Bucky’s mouth opened, then shut, and he swallowed audibly. “M-ma,” he mumbled, his eyes darting to the floor like a chastised child.
“That’s what I thought.” She folded her arms, with a tone that brooked no argument. “I assume you have that thing in the bathroom.”
“I told you, it’s not neces-”
That look again. He stopped mid-sentence, his shoulders slumping as he relented. “Yes.”
“Good,” she said briskly, already heading toward the bathroom without waiting for further direction. “Stay put. I’ll handle this.”
Bucky stared after her, his mouth twitching as if he wanted to argue but thought better of it. With a quiet groan, he leaned against the counter, muttering under his breath, “You should really see the other guys…”
But even as he said it, he found himself oddly relieved that she was there.
“Sit on the chair so I can see you better”, her voice came calm but firm from his side as she gestured to the single chair against the wall.
Bucky hesitated for half a second before complying, dragging the chair forward slightly and lowering himself onto it.
She knelt slightly in front of him, brushing her fingers lightly over the bruised and battered skin of his face. “This surely must hurt,” she said softly. “You don’t have to act all rough with me.”
He didn’t answer, clenching his jaw ever so slightly. Not to brush off the pain, not to admit that it hurt. He just stayed silent, with his gaze fixed somewhere beyond her shoulder.
With gentle care, she dabbed at his cheek with a cotton ball soaked in antiseptic. The sharp, chemical smell hit the air immediately, and Bucky flinched, pressing his lips into a thin line.
She paused, knitting her brows in concern. ���What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing,” he muttered, but the tightness in his voice betrayed him.
Her gaze stayed patient but unyielding. “Bucky.”
He exhaled sharply through his nose, his eyes flicking away from hers before returning. “I don’t like the smell,” he admitted, almost in a whisper.
She stilled, hovering her hand in midair. “Why?”
For a moment, he didn’t respond. His gaze grew distant, and his expression went clouded as if he were somewhere else entirely. When he finally spoke, his voice was even quieter, tinged with something raw and broken.
“Spent a lot of years smelling that shit,” he said, with words that carried too much weight. “Couldn’t drink a glass of water without a command. Couldn’t… do anything. And that smell… it was always there. Always.”
Her heart ached at the admission, but she didn’t let it show on her face. Instead, she lowered the cotton ball, letting him see her hands move it out of the way. “Okay,” she said softly. “We’ll rinse the cuts with water instead. No more of this stuff.”
He blinked, his brows furrowing slightly as he looked at her. “You don’t have to-”
“I know I don’t,” she interrupted gently. “But I’m here to help you, honey, not to make things harder.”
He swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing as he nodded. He didn’t say anything else, but the tension in his shoulders eased just a little.
By the time she finished tending to his wounds, Bucky was leaning heavily against the chair, with drooping eyelids. The tension in his frame had loosened ever so slightly, his exhaustion was clear in the way he blinked sluggishly at the floor.
She stood and began gathering the supplies, placing them neatly back into his first aid kit. “I’m going to make you something to eat,” she said firmly, already planning a quick meal to get something nutritious in him.
“Not now,” he murmured, barely lifting his head.
She turned toward him with a frown. “Bucky, you’ve probably gone days without eating anything that isn’t complete garbage. You need-”
“I just…” His words came out with difficulty, like they were being dragged out of him. He rubbed his flesh hand over his face “I just want you close.” his voice was quieter now, almost pleading.
Her expression softened instantly. Nodding, she stepped closer, reaching for his vibranium hand. She wrapped her fingers around the cool metal and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Come on. Let’s sit on the couch.”
She guided him the short distance toward the living room and he followed with slow, dragging steps. Once they reached the couch, she looked at him with patience. “What do you need?”
Bucky hesitated and his throat worked as if he were trying to swallow his pride. His eyes flicked to her, then away again, his mouth opening and closing like he was fighting himself. Finally, he let out a soft, almost defeated sigh.
“I… I want to lean my head on your lap, Mama,” he admitted almost shakily.
She smiled softly, not saying anything that might make him feel more self-conscious. She just nodded and sat at one end of the couch, patting her thighs gently to indicate he should lie down.
Bucky followed, his movements stiff and hesitant as he eased himself onto the couch. He stretched out his long torso, his head tentatively resting on her lap. He stayed tense for a moment, as if bracing for something, though even he wasn’t sure what.
She started running her fingers through his short hair, brushing the strands back in slow, rhythmic motions. “It’s okay,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. “You’re okay.”
The tension in his shoulders began to melt, and his breathing slowed as her fingers worked through his hair with careful, deliberate strokes. He closed his eyes, letting out a quiet sigh as his body finally surrendered to a comfort he hadn’t let himself feel in years.
After two months of visits, she was surprised one day to find an old oak dining table in Bucky’s apartment. It was small but sturdy, with matching chairs tucked neatly under it. The single chair he’d once had was nowhere in sight.
She stepped closer, running her hand along the smooth wood. “This is lovely,” she said, her tone genuinely appreciative.
Bucky stood nearby, with his hands in his pockets, shifting his weight slightly. He glanced at her, then at the table, mumbling, “It was time for me to have one.”
She turned to him with a smile. “Well, it makes the place look more like a home now. You know,” she added thoughtfully, “I have a tablecloth about this size at home that I don’t use. I could bring it next time, if you’d like.”
Bucky hesitated, furrowing his brows slightly as if considering her offer. “About that…” he started, a little unsure.
She waited patiently, giving him time to express what he wanted to say.
“I want to start…” He paused, searching for the right words. “making this place more... like someone is living here.”
“Like a home?” she prompted gently.
“Y-yeah.” He looked down, scratching at the back of his neck. “Besides that hut in Wakanda… it’s been a lifetime since I had a place to… a… a home.”
Her heart ached at his admission, but she didn’t push. Instead, she stepped closer and gently rested her hand on his arm. “That sounds very hard, sweetheart.”
Bucky didn’t deny or confirm her statement, just gave a small, almost imperceptible nod.
“I was wondering…” he began, his voice steadier now. “If next time, we could schedule an earlier time to see each other. And maybe…” He hesitated, glancing at her as if bracing for her reaction. “Maybe you could come with me to help me buy some things?”
Her smile widened, her hand giving his arm a reassuring squeeze. “That sounds great, honey.” Then, she added warmly but firmly, “Just remember, this is your home. You have to choose what you think suits you.”
Her words were a reminder of the boundaries they’d set, of the balance they were working toward. Still, they carried enough warmth to let him know she’d be there for him.
After discussing the table and his plans to make the apartment feel more like a home, she glanced around the space and tilted her head thoughtfully. “You know,” she said lightly, “a good table deserves a little cleanup around it. How about we tidy up a bit?”
Bucky frowned, sweeping his gaze over the room. “It’s not that bad.”
She gave him a pointed look, walking toward a pile of mail and random odds and ends stacked on the counter. “It’s not terrible, but a little organizing wouldn’t hurt. Come on, help me out.”
He followed her reluctantly, muttering something under his breath about bossy moms.
She smirked but didn’t rise to the bait, handing him a small stack of papers. “Sort these, bills, junk, whatever doesn’t need to be here,” she instructed, already reaching for a rag to wipe down the counter.
As they worked, the task settled into an easy rhythm. She asked him about the books he’d been reading, and he surprised her by asking if she had any recommendations. It was small talk, but it felt comfortable and natural like it had been almost since the beginning.
After the living room and kitchen looked noticeably tidier, she wiped her hands on her jeans and glanced toward the hallway leading to his bedroom. Motioning toward the door, she said, “Alright, let’s check out the bedroom next.”
Bucky froze, tightening his shoulders visibly. “Bedroom’s fine,” he said quickly, the edge of reluctance in his voice was unmistakable.
She turned to him, raising an eyebrow. “I’m already on a roll, Buck. Might as well see the whole place.”
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he reluctantly trailed behind her. “It’s not much to look at,” he muttered, more resigned than defiant.
“Then it won’t take long,” she quipped, throwing him a reassuring smile before disappearing through the doorway. Her brows furrowed at the sight before her. The bed was buried under a haphazard pile of boxes, and scattered clothes dotted the floor. The mattress didn’t even have sheets on it, and the faint layer of dust on the headboard told her it hadn’t been used in a while.
She turned to him, crossing her arms. “What’s going on here? Where do these boxes go?”
Bucky shifted awkwardly in the doorway, avoiding her gaze. “They’re fine where they are.”
“Bucky…” Her voice softened, concern creeping into her tone. “Where are you sleeping?”
He clenched his jaw, and after a long pause, he mumbled, “On the floor. In the living room.”
Her eyes widened. “The floor?
He nodded, his gaze fixed somewhere over her shoulder.
She stepped closer, keeping her voice calm but firm. “Why?”
His lips pressed into a thin line before he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “The bed’s too… soft.” He paused, struggling with the words. “It doesn’t feel safe,” he continued, with a low voice. “When I’m on the floor, I can feel the room. Hear things better. I… know what’s going on and can act in case something happens.” His gaze dropped to the pile of boxes on the bed. “And the bed… it’s just not right. Too soft, too confining. It feels like a trap.”
She nodded slowly, her expression a mix of understanding and quiet sadness. “That makes sense,” she said gently. “But, honey, that’s no way to live. I get why you feel that way, but you deserve to rest somewhere that doesn’t hurt your back.”
He gave her a faint shrug, the corner of his mouth pulling downward. “I’ve been doing this for a while. I’m used to it.”
“That doesn’t mean it’s good for you,” she replied, stepping closer and resting a hand lightly on his arm. “How about we start small? Let’s clear off the bed today. No pressure to use it yet, but maybe we can make it feel a little less… wrong. Less like a trap.”
He didn’t answer immediately, his eyes flicking back toward the cluttered bed. She could see the hesitation in his face, the way his fingers flexed at his sides like he was fighting an internal battle.
Finally, he nodded once, almost imperceptibly. “Alright.”
Her lips curved into a gentle smile. “Good. So, where do these boxes go?”
“Closet,” he muttered, stepping forward to help her.
Together, they cleared the bed, tucking the boxes away and folding the stray clothes. She didn’t push or prod, keeping the conversation light as they worked. She mentioned ideas for making the bed more comfortable, maybe firmer pillows or a thinner mattress topper to make it feel less suffocating.
By the time they were done, the room already looked less like a storage space and more like a place where someone could rest.
“There,” she said, dusting her hands off and turning to him. “A step in the right direction.”
Bucky stood at the edge of the bed, staring at it like it was something foreign. “Yeah,” he murmured. “I guess so.”
“You don’t have to use it right away,” she gently. “But when you’re ready, it’ll be here for you.”
He nodded again, loosening his shoulders slightly.
As they returned to the main area, she expected Bucky to suggest starting dinner, but instead, he cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Can we… sit for a bit? On the couch?”
“Of course,” she said with an easy smile, leading the way. She settled into her usual spot at one end, patting her thighs lightly.
Bucky sat and shifted, lying down until his head rested on her lap. When her fingers began threading gently through his hair, he let out a quiet exhale. They stayed like that for a while, the stillness of the apartment punctuated only by the soft rhythm of her fingers against his scalp and the occasional hum of traffic outside.
“Anything you want to talk about?” she asked softly, not wanting to break the moment but leaving the door open for him.
Bucky closed his eyes, his voice low and drowsy. “Not yet. Just this. This is… enough.”
After a while of lying on the couch, Bucky's body had grown heavier against her lap. His breathing became slower, and his voice was groggy when he finally spoke. “Hey… can we go shopping on Saturday instead of Friday?”
Her fingers stilled briefly in his hair before resuming their soothing rhythm. “Saturday?”
“Yeah…” He trailed off, blinking sluggishly up at the ceiling. “I’ve got some stuff to deal with on Friday. Nothing big. Just easier if it’s Saturday.”
She hummed thoughtfully, glancing down at him. “I can’t,” she said gently.
“Why not?” he asked, tilting his head slightly to meet her gaze.
“I have a date.”
The weight in the room shifted immediately and his body stiffened under her touch. “Like… with your other ‘son’?” he asked, the words tumbling out awkwardly before he could stop himself.
She blinked, then laughed softly. “No, Bucky. Like with a man. A real date.”
Her fingers resumed their lazy rhythm through his hair, but she could feel the way his shoulders tensed further, and his jaw clenched. He didn’t respond right away, pressing his lips into a thin line.
Sensing his unease, she chuckled. “Don’t worry. You won’t meet him, and you definitely won’t have to call him Dad.”
Bucky let out a faint huff, something caught between a snort and a sigh, but he didn’t relax. “Didn’t say I was worried,” he muttered, though his tone lacked conviction.
She smiled, brushing her fingers through his hair again with deliberate care. He closed his eyes again, letting her touch ground him as the weight of the day slowly ebbed away.
After a moment of silence, Bucky shifted slightly against her lap. His lips pressed together like he was trying to hold something back, but finally, the question slipped out. “Where… where did you meet this guy?”
Her fingers paused briefly in his hair before resuming their soothing rhythm. “At the bookstore,” she said lightly. “He comes in pretty often. We’ve had a few nice conversations over the past couple of months.”
Bucky frowned, his brows knitting together as he stared at the ceiling. “You’ve gone out with him before?”
She shook her head, smiling softly. “No, this will be the first time.”
He mulled that over, his gaze flickering with something unreadable before he glanced up at her. “So… what do you like about him?”
The question came out gruff, almost begrudging, but there was a flicker of genuine curiosity -or maybe hesitation- in his voice.
Her lips twitched with amusement as she considered the question. “Well,” she began, “he’s polite, for once. Always says hello and takes the time to ask how my day is going.”
Bucky huffed lightly, a soft sound of dismissal.
“And he’s thoughtful,” she continued. “One time, he brought me coffee because he noticed I was swamped with a shipment of books. Didn’t even stay to chat, just handed it to me and said he thought I might need it.”
“Sounds like a Boy Scout,” Bucky muttered, his tone laced with faint skepticism.
She chuckled softly, brushing her fingers lightly over his temple. “Maybe. But I like that he pays attention. He’s kind without expecting anything in return.”
Bucky stayed silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on some invisible point far away. Finally, he murmured, “So, you’re serious about him?”
She tilted her head slightly, studying him. “It’s just one date, Buck,” she said gently. “I’m not planning a wedding.” Her voice carried a reassuring warmth, softening the weight of his question. “I don’t even know if there’s anything there yet.”
“Yeah,” he said after a beat, his tone softer now, though the small frown on his face lingered. “Guess you’ll find out.”
“I guess I will,” she replied. After a pause, she added with a playful glint in her eyes, “But no matter what happens, it won’t change anything between us. You’re stuck with me, remember?”
Bucky’s lips twitched faintly, the ghost of a smile breaking through his lingering tension. “Yeah… I remember.”
Her fingers slid through his hair again with deliberate care, and the corners of his mouth relaxed, even if his eyes remained shadowed. Whatever the storm in his mind, her presence was enough to keep it at bay for now.
“Speaking of dates,” she said, lightly but curious, “you didn’t tell me how your date went with the woman from the grocery store. The one you told me about the last time we saw each other.”
Bucky shifted against her lap, suddenly looking a lot less relaxed. “I… kind of left in the middle of it,” he admitted, uncomfortable.
“Oh, you didn’t,” her eyebrows lifted in mock reproach as she tugged softly at his hair, as a playful reprimand.
He huffed, pressing his lips into a thin line. “She was… noisy,” he started, his voice tinged with frustration as he struggled to explain. “Talked too much, and it wasn’t even about anything interesting. Kept asking questions, but…” He hesitated, searching for the right words. “She didn’t actually care about the answers. Just wanted to fill the silence.”
Her fingers paused briefly, then resumed their soothing rhythm through his hair. “That sounds exhausting,” she said softly, her tone full of understanding. “But that’s not the whole reason, is it?”
Bucky swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he looked away. “She was touchy,” he said finally. “Kept leaning in, grabbing my arm, laughing like… like it was supposed to make me feel good or something.”
“Did it?” she asked gently.
“No.” His response was firm, and his hands flexed at his sides as though the memory left him uneasy. “I wasn’t comfortable with her being so close. I don’t even think she noticed. Or cared.”
She sighed softly, her touch steady as she brushed her fingers through his hair again. “You’ll find someone who gets you. Someone who’ll respect your pace and what you need.”
His lips twitched faintly, like he wanted to smile but wasn’t quite sure how. “What if there’s not?” he muttered, his voice so quiet she almost didn’t catch it.
“There will be,” she reassured him. “You just have to be patient. And picky. Nothing wrong with that.”
For a moment, he was silent, the tension in his body softening just a little under her touch. Then, almost shyly, he murmured, “Thanks… Mama.”
She smiled warmly, leaning back into the couch as her hand continued to comb gently through his hair. “Anytime, honey.”
Time had a way of slipping by, and before he knew it, Bucky found himself sitting across from another date. This one wasn’t noisy or overly touchy, and the small brewery they’d chosen wasn’t bad, either. He nursed a beer in one hand, his vibranium arm hidden beneath the sleeve of his Henley, as the woman across from him laughed at something he’d said, a low, cautious laugh, but a laugh nonetheless.
Her eyes drifted to his wrist, where the dark leather bracelet he always wore peeked out from his sleeve. “I like that,” she said, nodding toward it. “The bracelet. It’s nice.”
He glanced at it, a faint smile tugging at his lips. “Thanks. My mom gave it to me.”
Her expression faltered slightly, the smile on her lips growing a bit stiff. “Oh, that’s… sweet,” she said, tilting her head. “Do you, uh, live with your mom?”
Bucky furrowed his brows, looking at her like she’d just asked if the sky was purple. “No. Why?”
She shifted in her seat, her fingers toying with the edge of her glass. “Well, then you must be very… close to her. Are you the youngest son?”
“No.” His tone was sharper now, though he didn’t mean it to be. “Why?”
The woman hesitated, her fingers tightening slightly around her drink. Finally, she gestured vaguely toward him, her voice dropping as though she were trying to be delicate. “Well… you’ve brought her up a lot. And, no offense, but it’s kind of… weird for a man your age. On a date, I mean.”
Bucky froze, his beer halfway to his lips. For a moment, he said nothing, his blue gaze narrowing slightly as he processed what she’d just said. Then, slowly, he set the bottle down, and his fingers tightened slightly around the glass. A familiar sense of unease churned in his chest, accompanied by the ache of frustration.
“Right,” he said finally with an even voice, though there was a subtle edge to it. “I guess that is weird.”
The woman shifted uncomfortably, her awkward smile faltering completely. “I didn’t mean-”
“No, it’s fine,” he interrupted, leaning back in his chair. His expression was blank, his tone cool, but the tension in his shoulders betrayed him. “Thanks for pointing that out.”
For the rest of the date, the conversation limped along, each attempt at salvaging it falling flat. Bucky found himself withdrawing, offering short, polite responses but little else. The spark of curiosity or connection -if there had ever been one- had fizzled out entirely.
When the check came, he paid for their drinks, refusing her offer to split it with a quiet but firm “Don’t worry about it.”
As they stepped outside, he offered a polite goodbye, but his tone was distant, and he didn’t wait for her to respond before walking off into the night.
He didn’t bring her up that much, did he? The thought came gruffly as he trudged up the stairs to his apartment, but deep down, he already knew the answer. Should’ve just stayed home.
His gaze fell to the leather bracelet again, and he sighed, slowing his footsteps.
‘Mom’ wouldn’t have made me feel like that.
He shook his head as he entered, the faint metallic clink of keys landing in the small ceramic bowl echoed through the quiet space. His lips pressed into a thin line as his gaze lingered on it. The damn bowl she picked because I couldn’t decide. He let out a low, frustrated growl, kicking off his boots near the door and running a hand through his hair.
His nose wrinkled as a faint scent clung to him, cigarettes, from his date. She must have smoked earlier, and now it lingered in his jacket, his shirt, even his hair. His brows furrowed. He didn’t like it. The realization was sharp, irritating, and only added to his foul mood as he stripped off his clothes while walking toward the bathroom.
The shower hissed to life, steam filling the room as he stepped under the hot spray, letting the water cascade over his shoulders. He rested his palms against the tile wall, hanging his head forward, dampening his hair.
The date replayed in his head in vivid detail: her awkward comments, the tight smile when she’d tried to backpedal, the judgment laced in her words. Weird for a man your age. He gritted his teeth, his knuckles whitening against the slick tiles.
She wasn’t wrong, he did bring up Mama more than he realized. But was that a crime? She was one of the few constants in his life that didn’t feel… hollow.
The thought only made the pit in his stomach grow heavier. The way she’d looked at him like he was some awkward, broken man who couldn’t function properly… it stung.
Before he knew it, his thoughts wandered to her instead. Not the woman from the date, but the one helping him put his life back together piece by piece. The one who’d picked out that damn bowl. The one who had sat on his couch, combing her fingers through his hair when he’d been too exhausted to speak.
His breathing hitched slightly as he remembered her touch, soft and unhurried, calming him in a way no one else ever had. He could almost feel the ghost of her fingers brushing through his hair, skimming over his temple with a care he didn’t deserve.
His hand slid down his chest, trailing over the wet planes of his torso, and he exhaled shakily, furrowing his brow. He shouldn’t be thinking about her like this. It was wrong -so wrong- but his body didn’t seem to care.
His grip tightened on himself, and his head thunked lightly against the tile as a groan slipped past his lips. The hot water beat against his back, but it couldn’t drown out the traitorous images flooding his mind. Her smile, the warmth of her voice, the way she’d called him “honey” like it was the most natural thing in the world.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath, his strokes becoming sharper, more desperate as if he could exorcise the feelings clawing their way to the surface. He shouldn’t be doing this, he admonished himself again. Not with Mama. Not the one person who made him feel safe.
And yet, the warmth of her imagined touch, the thought of her fingers tracing the scars on his skin or resting lightly against his jaw, was enough to push him over the edge. His release came with a choked groan, and his forehead pressed harder against the tile as his body shuddered.
For a moment, the only sound was the steady rhythm of the water and his ragged breathing.
And then the guilt hit him.
His hands clenched into fists, as his chest tightened. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” he whispered harshly, his voice cracking under the weight of his self-reproach.
He braced himself against the wall, shaking his head slightly. He felt disgusting, his stomach twisted as shame crept in his mind. She trusted him -cared for him- and this was how he repaid that?
With a low, bitter laugh, he reached for the soap, scrubbing furiously at his skin as if he could wash away the evidence of what he’d just done. But no amount of scrubbing could cleanse the storm of emotions raging inside him.
It was wrong. He was wrong. And yet, deep down, a part of him couldn’t stop wanting.
When Sam hinted that week about needing him for a little thing in Kuala Lumpur, Bucky didn’t hesitate. It didn’t seem like something Wilson could handle solo, and besides, a mission was the perfect way to blow off some steam. Anything to quiet the thoughts that had been clawing at the back of his mind since the date -and especially- since that shower.
He sent a quick text to Mama, keeping it short and simple, their usual code for missions.
Taking a vacation this week. Won’t make Friday.
Her reply came quickly: Take care of yourself. Don’t engage in crazy fun.
Bucky huffed softly, shaking his head as he stared at the screen. Ok, Mom, he typed back, his lips twitching faintly despite himself.
Her response came almost immediately: I mean it, Jamie.
Fuck. His jaw tightened, and he locked the phone without answering. She always had a way of cutting through him, even with a couple of words. He shoved the phone into his pocket and headed to pack, grumbling under his breath.
When Sam picked him up a day later, Bucky was already in mission mode: focused, stoic, and bracing himself for whatever chaos Wilson was about to drag him into. But despite his best efforts to push her words aside, they echoed faintly in his mind.
Take care of yourself.
He’d try. For her.
Things went slightly fine the first day, if you ignored the shooting, falling from a 15-story building into a trash container, and the broken shower in the safehouse. Bucky stood shirtless in front of the cracked bathroom mirror, grimacing as he splashed cold water over his chest and shoulders. The sink barely worked, sputtering like it might give up entirely, and the dingy tiles on the walls didn’t do much to make him feel clean.
“Man, this place is a dump,” Sam said, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.
“Better than the street,” Bucky grunted, grabbing a threadbare towel to dry off.
Sam hummed noncommittally, watching as Bucky fumbled with the faucet. “So, how’s it going with her?”
Bucky froze briefly before answering. “Things are good.”
“Glad you finally listened to me.” Sam’s voice carried just a hint of smugness. “I mean, you’re still a pain in the ass, but at least your mood’s improved a lot these past months.”
Bucky rolled his eyes, tossing the towel over his shoulder. “Yeah, yeah. You want me to thank you or something?”
“Nah,” Sam replied, grinning. “But I’ll take it as a win anyway.”
Bucky muttered something unintelligible under his breath and pushed past him, heading to the small, creaky bed in the corner of the cramped space.
That night, like most nights, sleep evaded him. He lay on his back, staring at the water-stained ceiling of the safehouse, while his mind spun with too many thoughts. Missions were supposed to clear his head, burn off the restlessness that kept him awake. But tonight, even exhaustion didn’t help.
With a frustrated sigh, he sat up and grabbed the disposable phone Sam had handed him earlier. He knew it was a bad idea, knew he should just put it away and try to rest, but his fingers moved on their own, pulling up her profile.
Her social media was usually quiet: cozy book displays from her job, pictures of the plants she was trying to keep alive, and the occasional funny meme. It was soothing, like a peek into a normal life that he could never fully touch.
But tonight, it wasn’t soothing.
His stomach dropped as he stared at the most recent photo, uploaded just a few hours ago. It was a close-up of two hands holding Sharpies, coloring a detailed mandala. One of the hands was hers, he recognized the delicate curve of her fingers, and the faint scar near her thumb. The other one was clearly male, broader and rougher.
The tags hit him like a punch to the gut:
#SoProudOfYou #AlmostAllByYourself
Bucky stared at the screen, and his chest tightened as the meaning sank in his brain.
Her other son.
It had to be him, the other veteran she worked with, the one she’d mentioned months ago. The one responsible for her being “unsure” about taking him in when Sam first approached her.
For a moment, he just sat there, staring at the floor. He could still picture the hands, the caption, the pride in her words. And it twisted in his chest, an uncomfortable, raw feeling he couldn’t shake.
He rubbed his hand over his face, groaning softly. “What the hell is wrong with me?”
It shouldn’t matter. She wasn’t his. She’d never been his, not in that way. He told himself that over and over, but the ache in his chest didn’t care. The idea of her giving someone else that same care, that same warmth, felt like a betrayal, even though he had no right to feel that way.
With a frustrated growl, Bucky tossed the phone onto the nightstand and dropped his head into his hands. For all the chaos of the mission, for all the bullets and explosions and pain, nothing had hit him harder than that damn photo.
And he hated himself for how much it hurt.
The mission wrapped up in a flurry of controlled chaos. The intel had been secured, the enhanced assholes neutralized, and while Sam emerged with only a few scratches, Bucky sported a fresh bruise on his jaw and a deep gash on his forearm, not that he cared.
The flight back was quiet, the hum of the jet’s engines filling the cabin as Bucky sat slumped in one of the seats, staring a blank point in front of him. His vibranium fingers tapped rhythmically against the armrest, the only outward sign of the storm brewing in his head.
Across the aisle, Sam noticed. He always noticed.
At first, he let it be, figuring Bucky’s mood would even out once they hit the ground. But as the hours dragged on, and the Winter Sulker stayed silent, Sam couldn’t help himself.
“You’re quiet,” Sam said, leaning back in his seat.
Bucky didn’t respond, his gaze kept fixed on the clouds outside.
Sam tried again, his tone a little sharper this time. “You gonna sit there brooding the whole way, or are you gonna tell me what’s eating you?”
Still, nothing.
Sam let out a sigh, shaking his head. “Alright, fine. But let me guess: You’re pissed off because someone scratched your arm? Or wait, maybe you’re mad because someone didn’t say ‘thank you sir’ after you saved their life?”
Bucky’s fingers stilled on the armrest, tightening his jaw.
That was all the opening Sam needed. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Look, man, I’m not blind. You’ve been sulking since day one of this mission. You want to talk about it, or do I have to guess some more?”
Bucky’s head snapped toward him, his eyes narrowing. “Just drop it, Wilson.”
“See, now you’ve got me curious,” Sam said, grinning in a way that only made Bucky’s irritation spike. “What’s got the great James Buchanan Barnes in such a mood? Did Mama scold you over text?”
That did it. Bucky shot out of his seat, towering over Sam with a scowl. “I said drop it!” he barked, his voice echoed in the small cabin.
Sam didn’t flinch, didn’t move. He just stared up at Bucky. “So it is about her.”
Bucky froze, clenching his fists at his sides.
“Man, you’ve been walking around like someone kicked your dog,” Sam continued, with a softer tone. “And I don’t know what’s going on, but whatever it is, you’ve got to get it out before it eats you alive.”
Bucky exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair before sitting back down with a heavy thud. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and muttered, “It’s nothing.”
“Doesn’t look like nothing,” Sam pointed out.
“It’s fine,” Bucky snapped tiredly.
Sam watched him for a moment before sighing and leaning back. “Alright. Keep it to yourself if you want. But I’m telling you now, whatever’s got you in this mood, you better work it out before it gets worse.
Bucky didn’t answer, turning his gaze back to the blank point. The rest of the flight passed in tense silence, as the weight of Sam’s words pressed down on him more than he wanted to admit.
He entered his apartment, dragging his feet like every step took more effort than it should. The mission had taken more out of him than he cared to admit, though it wasn’t the physical strain, it was the weight in his chest that seemed to grow heavier every time he returned to this quiet, empty space.
He grabbed his dead phone from the counter and plugged into the charger, barely glancing at the notifications, and made his way to the bed. The mattress was thin, and the pillows hard, as she’d suggested. “A good way to transition from the floor,” she’d said, and damned if she hadn’t been right. He’d hated it at first, but now… now it felt like his.
He dropped onto it without bothering to change, his eyes closing almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. He was so tired. So fucking tired.
That night, the nightmares came back.
And the next night.
And the next.
Several days later, she was pacing her living room, phone in hand, staring at the screen with her thumb hovering over the keyboard. Whatever Bucky was into, it must have been over by now. She was sure of it, or at least, she hoped so. The radio silence was starting to worry her.
He wasn’t one to check in often -God knew that- but after all these months, she’d learned his rhythms. This wasn’t like him, not entirely. Not answering her, staying quiet this long? That wasn’t just distance. That was something else.
Finally, she typed a quick, casual message:
Still at the resort, hun?
His reply came faster than she’d expected, but it was curt.
Her brows furrowed. Oh, okay, she thought, frowning at the screen. Something felt off. She typed again.
Everything alright? Did you have more fun than intended?
The dots in the chat appeared, blinked, and then disappeared.
Okay, she thought, waiting. Then they blinked again. And disappeared.
Bucky, are you hurt? she finally wrote with concern.
This time, the message was read almost instantly, but no reply came.
She sighed, deepening her frown. She knew this pattern all too well. When Bucky didn’t answer, it wasn’t because he didn’t want to, it was because he didn’t know how.
“Alright, Buck,” she muttered to herself, grabbing her bag. “Time for a visit.”
This wasn’t the first time she’d done this, dropping everything to pull him out of whatever dark place he’d retreated to. He’d let her in, little by little, trusting her with parts of himself no one else saw. She’d told herself it was about helping him, being there for him in the way he needed.
But it was more than that.
The truth, the one she kept swallowing down, was that her care for him didn’t fit neatly into the boundaries of their arrangement. It wasn’t maternal, not entirely. It was something more, something deeper. She shoved the thought aside, tightening her grip on her bag. Principles, she reminded herself firmly. Getting involved with him like that would be wrong. He deserved better.
But she couldn’t stop herself from caring.
She grabbed the key off the hook by her door and headed out. Not answering the door wasn’t going to be an option this time.
Not for her.
As expected, her knocks were met with silence. She sighed with resignation and slipped the key into the lock.
The door creaked open, and she wrinkled her nose as the stale, charged air of the apartment hit her. It wasn’t the worst she’d seen it, but it was far from the neat, semi-organized space they’d worked on together. Her gaze swept the room, taking in the scattered clothes on the floor and a small pile of takeout containers on the counter.
At least he’s been eating, she thought, a small relief in the face of the mess.
The faint sound of water running led her to the source: the bathroom. The shower.
She turned her focus back to the living room, her lips pressing into a line as she slid the window open to let in some fresh air. The cool breeze offered a small reprieve from the heaviness of the space.
Spotting a roll of garbage bags near the counter, she grabbed one and started tidying up. The crumpled clothes went into a hamper, the empty takeout boxes into the bag. She wiped at the counter absently, and her mind drifted to the last time he’d gone radio silent like this.
Whatever this is, we’ll get through it, she told herself.
She was so focused on her task, that she didn’t notice when the sound of the shower stopped, or when Bucky emerged from the hallway.
He stood there, quiet and guarded, with a towel slung low around his hips. Droplets of water clung to his skin, rolling down the faint scars on his flesh arm and chest. His stare was intense and unreadable as he watched her move around his apartment as if she belonged there.
“What are you doing here?”
His voice startled her, low and edged with exhaustion. She turned sharply, the garbage bag crinkling in her hands as her eyes met his.
“Oh,” she said, recovering quickly. Her gaze flicked briefly over him before landing firmly on his face. “I knocked. You didn’t answer.” She gestured toward the bag in her hands. “Figured I’d help you out a little.”
Bucky’s lips pressed into a thin line, his eyes narrowing slightly. “I didn’t ask you to.”
“No,” she replied evenly, setting the bag down and crossing her arms. “But I wasn’t about to leave you stewing in here like this.”
His jaw worked as he shifted his weight. “I’m fine.”
She raised an skeptical eyebrow. “Yeah? Because this,” she gestured to the room, “doesn’t exactly scream ‘fine,’ Buck.”
He exhaled sharply, running a hand through his damp hair. “I didn’t ask for a lecture.”
“Good,” she shot back, her tone soft but firm. “Because I’m not giving you one. I’m here because I care about you, and you clearly need someone right now. Whether you want to admit it or not.”
For a moment, he just stared at her, and his guarded expression wavered slightly. Then, with a tired sigh, he stepped further into the room, slumping his shoulders. “You shouldn’t have come.”
“Maybe not,” she admitted with a soft gaze. “But I’m here now. So let me help.”
He didn’t respond, but the fight seemed to drain out of him. His shoulders loosened, and he dropped into a chair near the counter, fixing his gaze somewhere on the floor.
She picked up the garbage bag again, resuming her quiet cleanup. This wasn’t the first time she’d had to coax him out of his own head, and she suspected it wouldn’t be the last. But as she moved around the room, she noticed the faintest crack in his armor, proof that he was letting her in, even if he didn’t have the words to say it yet.
“So… what’s going on?” she asked, as she picked up a wrinkled pair of boxers from one of the chairs.
Bucky’s gaze flicked to the offending garment, then back to her face. He sighed heavily, running a hand through his damp hair. He was tired, tired of pretending, tired of holding back.
“I’m… jealous.” he admitted reluctantly.
She paused, her fingers tightened around the fabric before dropping it into the laundry pile. “Jealous?” she echoed, her brows furrowing. “Of who?”
His jaw tensed, and his gaze darted away before he muttered, “I saw it. The Sharpies picture.”
Her lips parted slightly in understanding. “Oh,” she said softly. “And?”
“And…” He sighed again, the frustration etched into every line of his face. “You never did that with me.”
“Coloring?” she asked, tilting her head. “I didn’t think you’d be into it, babe.”
“Not coloring,” he said sharply, running a hand through his damp hair again. Then his voice softened, but his words carried a heavy weight. “The… the picture.”
“Well,” she started gently, “you’re not exactly a fan of social media. And you always grump when I try to take one of us.”
“It’s not that,” he said, shaking his head. His blue eyes finally met hers, raw and vulnerable in a way that made her chest tighten. “It’s… I forget sometimes that I’m not your only son.”
He leaned back in the chair, running his hand over his face as if to hide the emotions flickering across it. “I don’t like the idea of sharing you,” he admitted, in a low, almost bitter tone.
She swallowed hard. “Well, it happens all the time,” she said cautiously, trying to keep her tone light. “Brothers usually don’t like-”
“He’s not my brother,” Bucky interrupted firmly, snapping his gaze to hers.
The air in the room shifted. His next words came softer, but they hit like a thunderclap.
“And you… you’re not my ma.”
The room seemed to still, the only sound the faint hum of the fridge in the background.
She stared at him, her pulse thrumming in her ears. “Bucky…”
“I hate it,” he said, dropping his hands to his lap as he looked at her with a mix of anger and desperation. “I hate that I look forward to seeing you more than I’ve looked forward to anything in years. I hate that I can’t stand the thought of anyone else getting what I get. And I hate that I don’t know what the hell to do about it.”
Her heart felt like it was being squeezed as she searched for the right words. “Bucky,” she said softly, leaning toward him, “this… this doesn’t have to be something you hate.”
“I know,” he said, his voice was raw and strained. “But I can’t manage my feelings toward you.”
Her breath caught, and her heart twisted painfully as she absorbed the weight of his confession. She leaned back slightly, clenching her hands together in her lap and sighed.
“Bucky,” she started softly, “this bond we’ve built… it’s compromised. It’s not what it’s supposed to be anymore. It wouldn’t be ethical for me to continue mothering you.”
His head snapped up, his blue eyes went wide and glassy with panic. The look on his face made her chest ache. He looked utterly wrecked, his lips parted as if to argue, but no words came at first.
“No,” he finally stammered, his voice shaky and uneven. “No, please. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have- I’ll stop. I’ll never bring it up again, I swear.” His breath hitched, and he shook his head as if trying to find the right words. “Just… don’t leave me, Mama.”
He reached for her hand, firmly but also trembling. His vibranium fingers brushed against her wrist, the cool metal a sharp contrast to the warmth of his touch. “I need you,” he said, his voice breaking.
Her heart shattered at the sheer desperation in his voice, in the way his thumb nervously rubbed over the back of her hand like he was afraid she might disappear if he let go.
With her free hand, she reached up and cupped his stubbled cheek, softly brushing her thumb over a scar near his jawline. His breath hitched again, and his eyes fluttered shut momentarily, as though her touch was calming him.
“This ordeal isn’t right, sweetheart,” she murmured. “It’s not fair to you. Or to me.”
“But-” His hand tightened around hers, his body leaned closer to her as though proximity alone could keep her from slipping away. “I’ll do better. I’ll keep it together. Just… please, don’t go. Don’t give up on me.”
“Bucky,” she whispered, tracing soothing circles on his cheek. “It’s not about giving up on you. It’s about what’s right. What’s healthy.”
“I don’t care about right,” he choked out, his voice trembling. “I just… I can’t lose you too.”
Her hand trembled slightly where it rested against his cheek, but she steadied herself with a deep breath.
“Bucky,” she began softly, tentative but growing steadier as she continued, “I also have feelings for you. I’ve been having them for a while now.”
His breath hitched, his wide eyes searching hers desperately, but before he could speak, she pushed forward.
“I was never going to act on it,” she said firmly. “Because it would mean taking advantage of you.”
His brows furrowed deeply, and he shook his head, rising his voice with frustration and disbelief. “I’m a grown man. You can’t take advantage of me.”
“You know that’s not true,” she countered gently but unyieldingly.“You trust me, Bucky. You let me in, more than anyone else. And that’s why we can’t do this dynamic anymore.”
Her words hit him like a physical blow. His grip on her hand tightened, and his shoulders hunched as his head dipped forward slightly. For a moment, he was silent, breathing heavily as he tried to process her words.
“No,” he murmured, shaking his head, his voice broke as he looked back up at her with unshed tears brightening his eyes. “No… Ma… you can’t just-”
“Bucky,” she said softly, cutting him off with a tenderness that nearly undid him. Her fingers brushed his cheek again, tracing soothing circles as her heart ached at the devastation written across his face. “The contract we made, the boundaries we agreed on, it doesn’t fit us anymore. I can’t keep pretending to be something I’m not.”
His breath hitched, the knot in his throat tightened as he struggled to find words. “But you’re not-” he started, voice trembling.
She shook her head gently, stopping him again. “I’m not your mom, Bucky. You said it yourself.” Her voice wavered just enough to betray the conflict she felt.
His lips parted, but no sound came as he searched her face, desperate for something -anything-that might keep her close.
“That being said…” she murmured after a beat, her thumb still brushing gently against his cheek. Her eyes softened as they searched for his. “We can try… dating. To see how and where this might go, because that’s something completely different.”
His mind blanked for a moment, as her words hit him. Dating?
The word echoed in his head, feeling too big and too small all at once. He blinked, his mouth opening slightly as he struggled to process what she’d just said. His mouth parted slightly, but no words came out, his breath caught somewhere between confusion and longing.
Dating… her?
His heart twisted, caught in the crossfire of disbelief and a yearning he’d buried for so long it felt foreign. She wasn’t pulling back. She wasn’t brushing this off or deflecting like he’d feared. Instead, she was offering something he hadn’t dared to hope for.
Does she mean it?
For so long, he’d kept his feelings locked away, hidden in the shadows of his mind where they couldn’t hurt him -or anyone else-. But now, here she was, standing in front of him, dragging those feelings into the light with words that felt both terrifying and exhilarating.
“…What?” he finally managed, the word slipping out before he could stop it. His voice was rough, strained, tangled somewhere between confusion and desperation.
Her expression didn’t falter, but there was a faint glimmer of vulnerability in her eyes, just enough to make his chest ache. “Dating, Bucky,” she repeated. “Not as your mom. Not as anyone else. Just… as us.”
His throat tightened, and his hands flexed against hers. The knot in his chest twisted painfully, caught between fear and something that felt dangerously close to relief.
Could there even be an us?
“Bucky, you’re doing the staring thing,” she said softly, her voice tinged with amusement, though her eyes remained serious as if willing him to believe her.
The corner of his mouth twitched, a faint huff of air escaped his nose as he ducked his head slightly. “Sorry,” he murmured. “I thought it was just me. You’re… sure about me?
Her thumb brushed gently along his jaw, and a small, reassuring smile tugged at her lips. “I wouldn’t be here saying this if I wasn’t sure, Buck.”
He glanced at her lips, the desire to close the space between them was almost overwhelming, but he hesitated. “You’re not… scared?”
“Of you?” she asked, tilting her head slightly. “Never.” Her smile grew just a bit, as she added, “You’re not as intimidating as you think, you know.”
That earned a faint chuckle, though it was weighed down by the uncertainty still lingering in his chest. “I just… I’m not exactly easy, you know,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’m complicated. Messed up.”
She shook her head, squeezing his hand gently. “Bucky, all these months I’ve been coming here to be with you, you’ve opened up to me in ways I don’t think you’ve done with anyone else. You’ve trusted me with parts of yourself that I know aren’t easy to share.”
Her voice softened, her thumb brushing gently over his knuckles. “I know what I’m dealing with. And I can promise you, you’re not a mess. Not to me.”
His chest tightened at her words. He exhaled slowly, his blue eyes flicking between hers as if searching for any trace of doubt but all he saw was warmth. “Then,” he began, his tone was low but went higher as he steadied himself. “Let’s-let’s go. On a date.”
Her lips twitched, and she glanced down briefly, with a playful glint dancing in her eyes. “Well, to go right now, you should probably put some clothes on first, don’t you think?”
For a moment, he blinked, caught off guard by the shift, until her words sank in. His gaze darted down to the towel wrapped loosely around his hips, and the faintest flush crept up his neck.
“I didn’t mean right now, Ma-” He caught himself, his jaw tightened as he quickly corrected, “Doll.” The word came out gruff, almost embarrassed, as he scratched the back of his neck, his eyes flicking away for a second.
Her brow arched at the slip, but she didn’t comment, though the faint smile tugging at her lips didn’t go unnoticed.
Bucky shifted slightly, rolling his shoulders, and for once, the knowledge that she wanted this too -wanted him- settled something inside him. The usual discomfort of being caught off guard wasn’t there. Instead, he felt a spark of confidence, small but growing.
She leaned back in her chair, deciding to give him the space to take the lead. Considering his old-fashioned upbringing, it felt right to let him set the tone, not just to give him control, but to help him feel steady.
“So,” she said lightly, playful but encouraging, “pick a place and a time, and we’ll see.”
He nodded slowly, flexing his fingers against his knee before leaning back slightly in his seat. The movement shifted the towel around his hips just enough to make her painfully aware of the fact that he was still half-naked.
Her eyes traced the line of his shoulders, and the slight curve of his jaw as he glanced down in thought. Then her wandering gaze dipped against her better judgment, tracing the line of his chest, the faint curve of muscle at his stomach, and the scars she’d never quite let herself linger on before.
When her eyes flicked back up to his face, his sharp blue gaze was already on her, a flicker of amusement sparking in his expression. His lips twitched into a faint smirk, “Okay,” he said, more confident now. “I’ll… figure it out.”
Her cheeks warmed faintly, and she quickly forced a smile, hoping it would cover her flustering. “Take your time, Bucky. Just not too long.”
He tipped his head slightly, and his smirk deepened with an easy confidence in his posture that was now unmistakable. “Don’t worry. I won’t.”
True to his word, her phone buzzed with a message a couple of days later.
Dinner? Friday at 7. That place you mentioned once, Marcellino’s.
She blinked at the screen, parting her lips in surprise. Marcellino’s? The Italian place she’d mentioned months ago, almost offhandedly, as a “bucket list” spot she’d love to visit someday? How had he even remembered?
Her thumbs hovered over the keyboard before she typed back.
Seriously? I’ve been dying to go there. How’d you manage reservations so fast?
On the other side of town, Bucky stared at her message, a faint smirk tugging at his lips as he reclined on his couch. It had been a pain finding a reservation on such short notice; apparently, Marcellino’s had been booked solid for weeks. But hacking into their system had been child’s play, a few keystrokes, some backdoor access, and voilà: table for two, Friday at 7.
She would never know, of course.
He typed back simply.
I’ve got my ways.
Her reply came quickly, punctuated with a laughing emoji.
Mysterious, huh? Alright, Bucky. I’ll see you on Friday.
Bucky exhaled slowly, setting his phone down and leaning back against the couch. A small, quiet sense of satisfaction settled in his chest. It wasn’t just the date, it was the effort, the planning, and the decision to put himself out there in a way he hadn’t in decades.
Friday couldn’t come fast enough.
When the cab pulled up to the curb, she spotted him immediately. He was standing just outside the restaurant, hands tucked into the pockets of his dark suit pants. His posture was relaxed, but his gaze was distracted, fixed on something across the street.
She rarely saw him out of his usual Henleys and jeans, but God help her, he cleaned up well. The suit was perfectly tailored, the dark fabric accentuating his broad shoulders and tapering at his waist. His hair, usually left to its own devices, was slicked back neatly, the sharp lines of his jawline even more striking under the glow of the streetlights.
For a second, she forgot how to breathe.
Bucky, oblivious to her arrival, shifted his weight slightly, his vibranium fingers flexing in his pocket as his flesh hand adjusted his tie. She smiled to herself, taking the opportunity to appreciate him while his guard was down. He was so effortlessly striking, yet she knew he’d put thought into it. He really wanted this to go right.
Finally, she stepped out of the cab, and her heels clicked softly against the pavement. “Hey, handsome,” she called out.
Bucky’s head snapped toward her, his distracted expression melting into something softer. His lips parted slightly, raking his gaze over her from head to toe. “Wow,” he murmured, low and rough. “You look…” He trailed off, his mouth twitching like he couldn’t find the right word.
“Good?” she offered with a smirk, stepping closer.
“Better than good,” he corrected, “Way better.”
Her cheeks warmed under his gaze, but she managed to keep her tone casual. “You’re not looking so bad yourself, Buck. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you do this sort of thing all the time.”
He huffed a small laugh, scratching the back of his neck, though the faint pink dusting his ears didn’t go unnoticed. “Guess I clean up okay.”
“Okay?” she teased, raising an eyebrow. “Try amazing.”
He ducked his head slightly, a rare but genuine smile tugging at his lips. “Thanks,” he muttered, holding out his arm. “You ready?”
She looped her hand through his, letting him lead her toward the entrance. As they stepped inside, she couldn’t help but think this was already shaping up to be the best first date she’d ever had.
The table was in a prime spot near a window overlooking the city lights. Bucky pulled out her chair smoothly, motioning for her to sit confidently, making her heart flutter.
He settled across her with fluid movements. Despite the nerves buzzing in his chest, they were the good kind of nerves, normal ones. The kind that came with wanting to impress someone without feeling like he had to prove his worth.
He already knew her.
That made everything easier. There was no need to rack his brain for icebreakers, no awkward pauses to fill, no second-guessing every little thing he said. Instead, he could focus entirely on her: the soft curve of her smile, the way her eyes sparkled in the candlelight, the way she twisted her hands together on the table when she thought he wasn’t looking.
And, maybe, on seducing her. Not aggressively, but in the easy, intentional way he remembered from a lifetime ago. A brush of his fingers here, a lingering glance there, the kind of thing that built tension without needing words.
If he was rusty, it didn’t show.
She, on the other hand, was a wreck.
Her posture was perfect, her smile warm, but underneath the table, her knees bounced faintly, betraying the swirl of emotions coursing through her. This was -and wasn’t- her Bucky.
The man sitting across from her wasn’t the grumpy, guarded man she’d coaxed out of his shell with patience and care. This Bucky was confident, deliberate. The way his piercing gaze lingered just a second too long, the faint smirk tugging at his lips when he caught her fidgeting, he wasn’t shy about letting her know she had his full attention.
And it was overwhelming. Not in a bad way -it was thrilling- but it left her feeling completely off balance.
She wasn’t in charge anymore.
The realization sent a wave of warmth through her body, leaving her acutely aware of every little detail: the way he leaned forward slightly when she spoke, the way his hand rested on the table, close enough to brush hers if she dared to reach out.
God help her, she thought faintly, swallowing hard. If this was Bucky now, she couldn’t imagine what Sergeant Barnes of the 1940s must have been like. A menace, no doubt. A walking, talking heartbreaker wrapped in charm and good manners.
Her eyes flicked up to meet his again, and he gave her a slow, knowing smile, one that sent her pulse skittering.
She tightened her grip on the edge of her napkin, trying to will herself to relax. This was Bucky. And yet, sitting across from him like this, with the weight of his attention focused entirely on her, it felt like seeing him for the first time all over again.
When the food arrived, Bucky’s face was a masterclass of self-control. His expression remained completely neutral as the waiter arranged the plates with what could only be described as an air of reverence. He nodded politely when the man finished, even offering a quiet “thank you,” though inside he was already questioning his life choices.
Once the waiter walked away, he let his eyes shift to her, raising a brow to see if she was thinking the same thing he was.
Her lips twitched, struggling to suppress a laugh as she glanced down at her plate. The elegant presentation might have fooled someone else, but all she could see was what appeared to be a tiny portion of gnocchi, barely enough to feed a toddler.
Bucky’s plate wasn’t much better: three perfectly arranged sorrentinos, sitting proudly in the center of an artfully swirled sauce. It was the most stylish and inviting minimalist plate he’d ever seen.
He glanced back up at her, his lips twitching as her shoulders shook with silent laughter.
“This…” she started, covering her mouth with her hand to muffle a giggle, “…this is it?”
Bucky huffed, leaning back in his chair as he gave his plate a long, scrutinizing look. “Guess we’re supposed to savor it,” he said dryly.
She bit her lip, trying and failing to stifle another laugh. “It seems they’re encouraging portion control.”
He scowled. “Didn’t know I’d be eating an appetizer disguised as dinner, goddammit.”
“I’m… I’m sorry! I didn’t know… they have such great feedback!” she groaned still chuckling.
“It’s my fault,” he muttered, spearing one of the sorrentinos with his fork and eyeing it as if it had personally insulted him. “For not checking the place out better.”
He couldn’t believe he’d hacked their system for this. He’d spent nearly an hour working around firewalls and reservations, all to secure a table at this supposedly renowned spot. It hadn’t even occurred to him to scout the menu or check the portion sizes.
This wouldn’t have happened to the old me, he thought bitterly, chewing slowly on his second overpriced sorrentino. His jaw tightened as the familiar ache of inadequacy crept into his chest.
She must have noticed the subtle shift in his expression because, without a word, she reached across the table and rested her hand over his.
“Bucky,” she said softly, her voice laced with gentle authority. “Don’t you dare take a ride on the self-deprecation train.”
His eyes flicked up to meet hers with surprise, before relaxing his features.
“This,” she continued, squeezing his hand lightly, “is just an anecdote. Something to laugh about later, hm? It doesn’t mean anything except that we picked a fancy place with tiny portions. That’s it.”
For a moment, he just stared at her, flexing his fingers slightly under hers. Then, reluctantly, his lips twitched into a faint smirk. “An anecdote, huh?”
“Yeah,” she said, smiling now, her thumb brushing lightly over his knuckles. “Something to tell people one day, how you bravely faced off against a plate of minimalist pasta. Now finish your last bite so we can leave and find something less fancy but more substantial,” she stated with amusement.
Bucky poked at the last piece of pasta with his fork, letting out an exaggerated sigh. “Even the breadbasket was sad,” he grumbled, as he signaled for the waiter to bring the bill.
The waiter approached, and with a politely confused expression, he noted their early departure. “Would you like to see the dessert menu, perhaps?” he offered, his tone gracious but hoping to redeem the situation.
“No, thank you,” Bucky replied smoothly, his voice polite but final. He slid his card across the table before she could even think about reaching for her wallet.
“Bucky-” she started, but he cut her off with a quick shake of his head.
“Don’t even try,” he said firmly but light enough to soften the refusal.
She huffed but didn’t argue further, leaning back in her chair as he settled the bill. Once it was taken care of, Bucky stood and offered her his hand, helping her up with ease.
As they made their way toward the exit, he placed a gentle hand on the small of her back, guiding her toward the door he opened for her.
“Such a gentleman,” she teased, as she stepped outside into the cool night air.
“Only for you, doll” he murmured, his lips twitching into the faintest smirk as he shifted slightly to shield her from a passing breeze.
She stepped beside him, automatically taking the inner spot on the sidewalk as he steered her toward it and slipped her hand easily onto his offered arm
“So,” he said after a moment, “Any ideas where we’re finding this substantial food? Or am I winging it?”
She laughed softly, squeezing his arm. “Let’s see what’s nearby. Maybe we’ll find a place with a breadbasket that doesn’t make you sad.”
“That’s a low bar,” he muttered, earning another laugh that made his chest feel lighter than it had all night.
They ended up at a small, no-frills pizza place, tucked into the corner of a quiet street. The neon sign in the window flickered faintly, and the smell of melted cheese and fresh dough hit them the moment they stepped inside.
Sliding onto the high bar stools at a tiny plastic table, they both seemed keenly aware of how out of place they looked. Her dress shimmered faintly under the fluorescent lights, and his perfectly tailored suit drew more than a few curious glances from the other patrons, who were clad in hoodies and jeans.
Bucky sat a little stiffly at first, as he glanced around. The contrast between this place and the upscale restaurant they’d just left wasn’t lost on him, but the casual atmosphere somehow felt more... right. Still, the attention made him uneasy, and he shifted slightly, brushing his vibranium hand on the edge of the table.
But then he looked at her.
She had a slice in her hand, the cheese stretching almost comically as she took a bite. Her shoulders relaxed as she chewed, and then she closed her eyes, and a soft, involuntary moan escaped her lips.
Bucky’s brows lifted slightly, locking his gaze on her as a faint flush crept up his neck. He watched her savor the bite, her fingers tapping lightly on the table to emphasize her approval.
In that moment, every awkward glance from the other patrons, every thought about his appearance or how ridiculous they looked, melted away.
All he could think about was her.
“Good?” he asked, unable to stop staring.
She opened her eyes, blinking like she’d momentarily forgotten where she was. “So good,” she said, curling her lips into a satisfied smile. “I needed this.”
“Glad I could deliver,” he teased, taking a bite of his slice after winking at her.
She shook her head with a small laugh, wiping her fingers on a napkin. “You know… I don’t get it. How did all your last dates go so bad, Bucky?”
He paused mid-bite, chewing slower as the thought crossed his mind. Maybe because I couldn’t stop bringing up my ‘mom’ in conversations like some kind of creep.
“Because they weren’t you.”
The answer came easily, effortlessly, but the way her eyes widened told him she hadn’t expected it.
Her lips parted slightly, caught off guard by the raw sincerity in his voice. For once, she was the one scrambling for words, the usual balance between them tipping in a way that made her pulse quicken. “Bucky…”
He held her gaze. “I mean it.”
She blinked, the teasing light in her eyes dimming as something warmer and softer, replaced it. Slowly, her lips curved into a small, almost shy smile, fiddling her fingers with the edge of her napkin as she tried to gather herself.
“Well,” she murmured playfully, “I guess they didn’t stand a chance, huh?”
“Not even close,” he agreed, a playful smirk tugging at his lips as he leaned back slightly on the barstool. The suit jacket he wore pulled just enough to highlight the sharp lines of his shoulders, and for a brief moment, she found herself really looking at him. The paper napkin in his hand felt absurdly out of place against the polished, confident image he presented, but somehow, it only made him more endearing.
She reached for another slice of pizza as if that would help her steady herself. She didn’t say anything, couldn’t, because what could she possibly say to that? Instead, she glanced down quickly, busying herself with her plate and hoping he didn’t notice the sudden warmth in her cheeks.
When her eyes flicked back up, he was still watching her, a faint smirk tugging at his lips. It wasn’t teasing or overconfident, just… him.
As they finished their meal, the buzz of the restaurant began to fade into the background, leaving just the two of them in their little corner of the world. Bucky leaned back, draining the last of his drink before standing and adjusting his jacket. He offered her his hand, his vibranium fingers catching the soft light. “Come on,” he said in an inviting voice.
“Where?” she asked, slipping her hand into his.
“Just… a walk,” he replied, almost tentative “Unless you’re in a hurry to call it a night.”
“Not at all.” She promptly answered as she rose to meet him.
They wandered down the sidewalk unhurriedly as the night wrapped around them. The streetlights cast long shadows, and their conversation flowed easily, punctuated by the occasional laugh or lingering glance. For a while, neither seemed to notice the passing of time. But then a cool breeze rolled in, and he felt her shiver slightly beside him.
He stopped, pressing his lips into a thin line. “Alright,” he murmured reluctantly, “I’m calling you a cab.”
She blinked, furrowing her brow . “What? Why?”
“You’re cold,” he said simply, his tone firm despite the regret in his eyes.
“I’m fine,” she argued, but the slight tremor in her voice betrayed her words.
“Doll,” he said, shaking his head with a faint smile, “you’re shivering. I’m not letting you walk around all night freezing.”
Her lips curved into a teasing smirk. “You could just lend me your jacket, you know. Like they do in the movies. Then I’d nuzzle into it because it smells like you, the usual cliché.”
He quirked an eyebrow, and his smirk widened into something distinctly playful. “You know, if you want to smell me, you can do it whenever you want.”
Her mouth fell open slightly, her cheeks burning as her witty comeback disappeared from her brain.
He chuckled, clearly pleased with her reaction, but his expression softened as he continued. “You’re shivering,” he repeated. “I’m not about to let you freeze out here.”
She folded her arms, attempting to regain her composure. “I’m really fine.”
“Trust me,” he said, pulling out his phone, “if I gave you my jacket, I’d have to carry you home. You’d drown in it.”
She let out a small huff, quirking her lips into a reluctant smile. “Fine,” she relented. “But only because I don’t want you giving me that sad, guilty look all night.”
“Guilty?” he repeated, quirking an eyebrow as he tapped at his screen.
“Yeah,” she teased, nudging him lightly. “Like you’re already blaming yourself for the weather.”
He chuckled, shaking his head as he finished ordering the cab. “Maybe a little,” he admitted, slipping his phone back into his pocket.
As they waited, he guided her toward the side of the building, resting his hand instinctively on her lower back as he steered her out of the breeze.
“Thanks for tonight, Bucky,” she said softly, leaning slightly into him, guided by the warmth of his hand.
Bucky froze for half a second, as the closeness of her body sent his heart into overdrive. She tilted her head to look up at him, and she smiled, not quite shy but not entirely bold either.
For a moment, he struggled. His old-fashioned nature tugged at him, warning him to hold back, to wait. He wasn’t sure how these things worked anymore, not when it came to her. Did he ask? Did he wait for her to make the first move?
But then her gaze dipped just for a second, to his lips.
Slowly, carefully, he leaned down, giving her time to pull away.
She didn’t, parting her lips ever so slightly, and it was all the reassurance he needed.
Their lips met, and the world seemed to still. The kiss was soft, tentative, but filled with all the emotions he hadn’t known how to put into words. His vibranium hand slid gently up her upper back, steadying her, while his flesh fingers brushed the curve of her jaw.
She leaned into him, resting her hands lightly on the lapels of his suit jacket and the kiss deepened, just enough to send a pleasant warmth humming through them both before they slowly pulled back.
Her eyes fluttered open, and a small smile played at her lips as she whispered, “Took you long enough.”
He huffed out a low laugh as his hand lingered at her back. “Guess I’m a little rusty.”
“Not bad for rusty,” she teased, curling her fingers slightly against his jacket.
He sighed as he raked a hand through his hair. “You’re good for me, you know that?”
Her smile widened, and she nudged him gently. “I try.”
He bit his lip, glancing down briefly before meeting her gaze again. “Even without trying, these past months, they’ve been…” He paused, the words catching in his throat as he searched for the right way to say it.
“Good… in a way I haven’t felt in a long time. Because of you.” He managed to finish the best he could.
Her heart swelled at the raw honesty of his voice. She leaned closer, brushing her hand lightly against his chest. “You’ve done a lot of that yourself, you know,” she said softly. “You’re not giving yourself enough credit.”
“Maybe,” he said, his lips twitching into a faint, almost shy smile. “But you were there. That made all the difference.”
She smiled, her thumb brushing over the lapel of his jacket. “Well, lucky for you, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Good,” he murmured, “Because I’m not letting you.”
They just stood there, the hum of the city fading into the background. The night was cool, but the warmth between them was enough to keep the chill at bay. Finally, he tilted his head. “Ready to go?”
“No,” she pouted softly, looping her arm through his with a playful glint in her eyes.
Bucky hesitated for a fraction of a second, dipping his gaze to her lips again before he acted on impulse. His hand slid around her waist, gently pulling her closer as he leaned in.
This kiss was different, more sure, deliberate. His lips pressed against hers with a tenderness that made her knees feel weak, and she melted into him without hesitation.
When he finally pulled back, he let his lips brush against her cheek, trailing softly upward until they rested near her temple.
“Don’t make it difficult, Ma,” he teased lowly against her skin.
She let out a soft, breathy laugh, as she leaned into him. “Not my fault you’re irresistible, sweetheart.”
His lips curved into a small, lopsided smile against her temple before he sighed softly, resting his hand lightly on her lower back. With an easy motion, he guided her toward the waiting cab at the curb.
When they reached it, he opened the door for her without a word. She stepped in, pausing briefly to glance back at him. Her lips were still curved, and her warm smile made his chest ache in the best way.
“Goodnight, Bucky,” she said softly.
“Goodnight,” he murmured, a little rough around the edges. His gaze lingered on her, flexing his fingers slightly as if reluctant to let go of the door. Finally, he shut it gently, stepping back as the cab pulled away.
For a long moment, he stood there with his hands tucked into his pockets, watching as the car merged into the traffic and disappeared into the city lights. Finally, he turned slowly heading home, the faintest trace of a smile still tugging at his lips. For once, the night didn’t weigh so heavily on him, as he carried the lingering warmth of her smile and the memory of her kiss.
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Dividers by @/strangergraphics
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kotoku · 1 year ago
ꜱᴜɴᴅᴀʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀɪɴᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴ ɪɴᴊᴜʀᴇᴅ! ꜱ/ᴏ
pairings - sunday x injured! reader / aventurine x injured! reader
content - reader is gender-neutral/ angst but with comfort/ fluff in the end
warnings - a bit of angst (?), maybe like two sprinkles..
⋘ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ... ⋙
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Sunday had been filing through his paperwork, eyes skimming over the contents before tucking it into its rightful folder. The ticking of a clock was the only sound that filled the room, besides the noise of papers being shuffled. It was then his mind had begun to wonder, filtering out the ambiance and recalling the last conversation the two of you had shared before leaving for work. 
“It seems that something urgent has come up at work. I’ll be leaving now, Sunday.” You quickly put on your footwear that you normally use for work, making sure that it isn't loose. Sunday stood near the front door and offered you your bag that held your belongings when you got up.
“Alright, stay safe, my dear.” 
And with a quick peck on the lips, you had set off to work, leaving Sunday in the doorway feeling a little lonely. 
With a shake of his head and the shutting of the door, Sunday had made his way to the bedroom to start his own routine.
There was no need for him to feel lonely. As you would be back in his arms later that day. 
He wouldn’t have had to wait that long, as he was notified of your disappearance by your boss. 
Sunday had dropped whatever paperwork he was doing, the papers that were once neatly organized scattered across his desk. When he had got the call from your superior, knots of dread had weaved itself in his stomach and it made him want to puke. 
He left his office in a hurry, not bothering to close the door fully as he sprinted to the place your superior had sent you to. Your superior had said that you had an assignment within the real dreamscape, something about the memetic entities within it that were disrupting the environment. The group that was sent to the area had lost you somewhere deep within it before they were attacked by those monsters. 
The thought of you being by yourself while facing those things made a shiver run up his spine. He knew how capable you were but he didn’t want to risk losing another person again. 
Not after what happened to his sister.
When Sunday got to the real dreamscape, he had met with the group you were sent with before leaving on his own to find you. He tore the entire place apart, searching for any traces of where you could have gone before stumbling upon a trail of freshly spilled blood. Your blood. 
Sunday cursed under his breath, following the trail that led him through door after door. It was then the trail stopped, your beaten up form sitting up against the wall, a pool of blood beneath you from the blood that you were losing. You were on the verge of unconsciousness.
For a moment he felt his heart stop, hands clenching in anger and fear at what had done this to you. But despite the urge to eliminate whoever was responsible, he needed to focus and bring you somewhere safe. 
You hadn’t registered the footsteps that were quickly approaching you, the gentleness of the person who was carrying you and the soft fluttering of wings against your face, nor the warm grip on your hand while you got transported to the infirmary. It was then when you could barely make out a couple of people above you that you were swept away to darkness.
There was a faint noise coming from beside you. It was the sound of the monitors that were hooked up to you, the IV pole sitting nearby with its saline bag half empty. The bright lights that flooded your vision as soon as you woke caused you to wince, slowly shuffling in the medical bed you were set on. 
The pain you felt was almost unbearable. The myriad of bandages on your body and the cast around your leg were proof of where the pain originated. You could barely move around that much with how everything was restricting you, yet you attempted to find a comfortable position. 
However, you felt a lightweight resting on your thigh and a loose grip holding your hand. 
“Sunday..?” You croaked out, peering over at the man who slept peacefully with some of his loose feathers around you. You figured that he must’ve been so stressed that some had popped right off, poor thing. 
Reaching out a hand and carefully swiping away some of his disheveled hair, you saw the bags that had formed under his eyes. How many days has it been? It was clear that he had spent a while there with you, waiting for the moment that you’d awaken, but his tiredness eventually caught up to him. You couldn’t help but shake your head, feeling a little guilty you had caused your lover this much stress. 
Sunday stirring awake snapped you out of your thoughts. He slowly blinked his eyes open and lifted himself away from where he lay as he noticed that you were awake.
“_____..? You’re awake..! Thank Xipe..I almost thought you weren’t going to wake up anytime soon.” Sunday breathed a sigh of relief, the feelings of stress and anxiety that ate away at him disappearing. He carefully cupped your face and pressed his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get there in time, My Love…”
“Sunday… You don’t need to apologize for that. I should be apologizing for my recklessness…” You murmured, feeling the warmth radiating from him. You sunk further into his touch, his thumbs rubbing gentle circles on your cheek. 
“Nonsense, you were only doing your duty.” Sunday firmly stated, nudging you to look him in the eyes. “There is nothing for you to be sorry for.”
Tears began to well in your eyes, not just from the pain but the reassurance that Sunday gave you. You would not have known what to do if either one of you lost the other, so you were eternally grateful that both of you were alive at this moment. 
A brief silence fell between the both of you. It wasn’t uncomfortable but rather comforting, enjoying the presence of each other for a little longer before the nurses would check in on you. 
“If you think about it… You’re kind of like my guardian angel, Sunday.” Sunday chuckled. 
“I guess I am."
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You and Aventurine had an..interesting start to your developing friendship that brought you to where you are now. The both of you had first started working at the IPC in the same department so the frequent appearances of the other never really surprised either one of you. There would be times when you’d guys share small talk, but that never really lasted long as you got swept away to another assignment. 
When you had started rising through the ranks, there was an unspoken rivalry that began to form between you and Aventurine. You never really cared or bothered to feed into this ‘rivalry’, but you had to admit that it was pretty funny seeing Aventurine so fired up if something fortunate happened to you. This led to constant teasing and bickering whenever the two of you encountered each other. It got even worse when you got paired to the same assignment as him. Yet he did know when to take things seriously so you both could get the job done. 
It had been a rather uninteresting day of work for Aventurine, bound to his desk and reviewing important documents that had been submitted to him from his subordinates. Eventually, he had concluded everything and placed them into a cabinet for further inspection later. He just wanted to take a quick walk to stretch out his body after being strapped to his chair for the entire day. 
The scenery outside the spaceship was what you’d expect, yet he never grew bored of it. Sometimes he’d stare out into the vast sea of stars and planets, distracted by the idea of just how small he and his problems were. In a way, it distracted him from the stresses of life.
Aventurine had begun to near the area where people would come in, a group of workers that had recently finished an assignment passing him. He noticed some familiar faces amidst the group and started to wonder when you’d be back to see him. 
It had been 2 weeks since you left for your assignment, giving him a long kiss that left him dazed before departing. Aventurine didn’t lie when he said that he’d miss you as he whined about you leaving for 2 weeks, clinging to you when it was the morning of your departure. Yet he whined a little less when you promised to text him whenever you had a moment of free time.
Speaking of which… The last message you sent to him was a while ago, around 2 days in fact. He never heard anything from you since you bid goodnight to him which made him a little worried. But he knew more than anyone that you were a capable and dependable person, so his worries grew a little less. 
…Yet he could feel a small twinge of dread in his stomach whenever he thought about the time span. 
The opening of the doors leading to the docking area brought him out of his thoughts, glancing over to check what ship had come back. To his surprise, it was you..but in crutches and countless bandages as you awkwardly made your way past the door with someone assisting you. 
Aventurine stared for a couple of seconds, registering your beat-up form before rushing over. “_____!”
You had strained your neck to look towards where the voice came from, seeing a distressed Aventurine catch up with you and your coworker.
“Ah.. Aventurine–,” you started, giving him an awkward smile. “--didn’t think I’d see you so soon. How has work been–”
“What happened to you??” Before you could finish your sentence, Aventurine had taken your coworker’s place, assisting you towards the infirmary. You were trying to explain what happened during your mission and brushed off the injuries, as it was never uncommon to come out with a few scratches and bruises… Aventurine disagreed in a heartbeat.  
“Missions can be dangerous so you must take care of yourself.” Aventurine huffed, getting you checked into the infirmary. 
After you were settled into your room with everything taken care of, Aventurine came back in to stay by your side. You could tell he was upset and concerned for your well-being, sighing as he continued to whine and lecture you about safety. 
“You should’ve given me a call, you know I’d be there in a heartbeat–” 
“Who knows what could’ve happened to you if the circumstances were different–” 
“Whatever happened… Whoever did this to you I’ll–”
He stopped pacing around the room, head snapping towards you when your voice finally got his attention. You sighed softly, looking down at your hands that had medical equipment attached to them. “I’m okay. Everything is fine–” “How can you say that?” 
Aventurine gave you a frown, crossing his arms as he stood at the foot of your bed. “You came out with multiple injuries, hell you could barely walk. How could you say that everything is fine?” His eyes had narrowed, staring down at the tiled floor that reflected back at him.
You stared at him for a bit, thinking of what you could say to him. After all, he was right, you came out bearing a multitude of injuries that would leave a couple of scars. But..you didn’t want him to be so worried for your sake, you couldn’t bear burdening him. The grip you had on the sheets loosened, your head leaning back onto the pillow. 
“I…” A pause. “..I’m sorry, Aventurine. I didn’t want to cause more stress for you but.. I’ll be fine. I promise.” You firmly spoke, watching him look back at you before coming over to sit beside you.
“No I… You don’t need to apologize.” Aventurine sighed, moving to hold your hand. “I was just..scared. I’m sorry for lashing out on you, _____.” His gloved fingers felt warm against your bare skin, thumb gliding over your knuckles. 
You hummed in response, your hand interlocking with Aventurine’s. “I know, Aven.” He gave your intertwined hands a kiss, pressing his forehead against them.
“Geez… You really don’t know how worried I was when I didn’t hear anything from you for two days.” Aventurine whined, head moving to rest on your stomach. You stroked his hair, fingers gliding through his golden strands as he sighed in bliss. 
“...I missed you.” He mumbled, peering up at you like a kid through his lovely eyes. You smiled softly at him. 
“I missed you too, Aven.”
“You won’t believe how work has been without you, though…” “Really? I’m all ears.”
⋘ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! ⋙
note - sorry for the sudden disappearance everyone! 😀 i hope that you guys haven't missed me too much but i'll promise to post stuff soon! thank you guys for your patience and i hope you guys have a safe and wonderful break/week!
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 2 months ago
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Let The Rain Fall | Bucky Barnes x Autistic!Reader | Short Series - Part 1 of 4 - 2.6k
Bucky finds your file and is shocked to learn you're not in the field, despite your excellent test scores. Although Steve advises him to let it go, Bucky sets to work on convincing you instead.
Warnings: nothing yet really. Some reference to Bucky's time as the Winter Solider but it's very brief.
Masterlist | Let the Rain Fall Masterlist | Bucky Barnes
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Bucky dropped another manila folder onto the desk and leant back in his office chair with a sigh. Across the table Steve looked up from his equally towering pile of agent folders and eyed his friend.  
“Tired?” He asked, closing the latest file and placing it carefully with the others he’d already assessed.  
“This is exhausting, there must be a hundred agents here.” Bucky kept his face covered by his hands, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes.  
“There’s sixty, but some of them already have positions.”  
“Of all the automated shit in this century, this, this, is what we have to do by hand?” 
Steve didn’t look up again, “it’s to keep staff information safe after...well...after everything.  
Bucky tensed; he knew what Steve meant by everything. Flashes of that day still came back to him sometimes in his dreams and his nightmares. Moments of clarity in an otherwise hazy memory, explosions, jets falling from the sky and water, fear and freedom. 
“Well, we already found the best candidate, right at the top, her scores and rankings are incredible.” 
Bucky handed Steve the folder, the covering page turned back so he could see the smiling face of the agent in her profile.  
Steve did look up then, “not her, sorry.” He ducked back down, folding the cover back over and attempting to take the folder from Bucky.  
“Why not? She’s a crack shot, scored well in all the reasoning tests and has excellent recommendations from her tutors. She even has a sealed folder from Xavier’s School, but she must have done well to get the college course she wanted.”  
“I know, but she requested desk duty and we’re respecting that. So, not her. She might do some digital recon, if you ask nicely. But she oversees the mission records now.”  
“Steve, she has a sealed envelope, what if it’s a power? How can you leave her on desk duty.” Bucky insisted.  
It was Steve’s turn to sigh, pushing his hand through his blonde hair until it stuck up in tufts. “Remember when you wanted desk duty? Remember how you have a sealed envelope in your folder? I respected you; I respect her. She’s a great Agent, but she’s not going into the field. Drop it.”  
The two men eyed each other for a second before Bucky stood, grabbing his leather jacket from the back of his chair. “I’m going for a walk. I need a break.”  
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Bucky stalked through the Avenger’s compound, allowing the door to the private offices to close with a bang. He’d intended to head towards the gym to work off his frustrations at the incredibly tedious task of picking new agents and the even more frustrating realisation that the only agent he’d shortlisted had voluntarily taken themselves out of the field.  
Before he knew it, he was scanning his pass card and weaving his way through the open plan office that sat opposite the Avenger’s private space. He knew a few people here, mostly from bumping into them on the way into work or at the coffee shop on the ground floor.  
Stopping by one of the assistant’s desks he asked for directions to Mission Records, only to be pointed to a set of small, two people sized, meeting rooms that sat at the edge of the otherwise open space.  
Cautiously he picked through the maze of desks and paused outside of the door. Inside he could hear the faint sound of humming and the swish of papers, after a few seconds there was a dull thud as if something had dropped onto a desk and bounced off quickly. Underlying this was the sound of rain, despite the fact it was a dry day. 
Taking a shaky breath to steady his nerves, Bucky knocked on the door.  
“Who is it?” The voice inside was high and lilting, definitely nervous.  
“Uhm - it’s Sergeant Barnes...” Bucky tried to sound authoritative but, honestly, he hadn’t been in charge of anyone or anything since he was Steve’s second in 1945 and now that he was trying, panic was rising inside of him like a tide.  
From behind the door, he heard another dull thump and the paper noise stopped, but the rain continued. 
“You can come in.”  
Bucky turned the handle slowly, ducking his head and wishing he’d at least taken a lap of the office to think of what he was going to say to you, and then he was inside.  
The small office space was considerably cooler than the main office, with the faint smell of fresh linen fabric softener. It wouldn’t normally be the kind of detail he’d notice, except that he liked it too and knew it wasn’t sold at the small grocery shop on the other side of the compound. You had to go all the way into town for anything other than Tony’s preferred fruit cocktail scent. He was lost in his thoughts when he looked up, and there you were.  
Your folder had boasted of your prowess with a gun, your efficiency with a knife, tenacity during physical training and, although there was a picture of you in your official agent’s uniform, he had not been prepared for meeting you in real life.  
He was, in fact, surprised to recognise you considering the wave of people that seemed to roam around the compound. He’d seen you eating alone on the grass outside, and reading in the atrium when it was raining after hours. It was odd to see you in your own office, you looked so different to the official image of you on file. 
“Good afternoon, Sergeant Barnes.” You said, politely but with that edge of nervousness still bubbling beneath the surface. 
He took you in. Your soft, pale blue cotton shirt over what was clearly a pair of sweatpants, despite the fact they were a dark blue. Although your trousers fit you, the shirt was too large, it didn’t quite fit correctly and the sleeves were so long that your hands were covered up to your knuckles by the cuffs. As his gaze travelled over you, you shifted, pulling your hands inside of the sleeves completely and then tucking your hands under your thighs.  
You looked small, in such a large chair, wider than his own with a comfortable, quilted back and seat, your legs crossed neatly under your desk as if you were sitting on the floor.  
The desk itself was home to an array of trinkets and toys, all lined up along the top edge and around the double screen of your computer. Bucky marvelled at your ability to keep up with such a thing, he found his own laptop screen quite enough brightness. But then your room was darker than his office with Steve and the blaring overhead light.  
You shifted again, looking at him pointedly.  
“Would you like to sit down?” You indicated a round armchair that took up most of the rest of the space and he sat down heavily, aware of his large black boots and wide frame in such a small space.  
“Thanks,” he hesitated. 
Awkwardly, you quickly gave your name, as if he hadn’t read your folder a hundred times.  
You allowed one of your hands to be freed from its confines under your leg, but only to chew the pad of your thumb while you gazed somewhere over Bucky’s left shoulder.  
Bucky’s stomach turned over and he angled his shoulder back self consciously. You snapped your eyes to his and then looked down at your thumb, “sorry,” before snatching one of the toys from your desk and beginning to push the little plastic bubbles in and out.  
“I wanted to talk to you about your scores at the academy.”  
“Oh?” You kept your eyes on the toy.  
“They’re very good.”  
“Yes, I’m very proud of them myself.”  
“And you graduated college?”  
You looked up again, “look I know it took me a little longer than everyone else but I -”  
Bucky held his hands up in surrender, “it wasn’t a comment on how or when, just that you had.”  
“Oh,” you nodded, “okay.”  
Pop, pop, pop.  
“Sorry, did you need something from me? It’s just best if you’re really clear and then I can answer.” You placed the little plastic toy back in its place on the desk.  
“I wanted you to join the Avengers Agents, we have three open spots and I’d like you to take one of them.”  
“No, thank you.” You smiled at him, it was a friendly but firm smile that reached your eyes enough to let him know you were at least flattered, but that this really was a no and for some reason it made him absolutely furious.  
“If you’re worried about the other agents then -” 
“No, it’s not that. I don’t want to.”  
“There’s lots of training and -”  
“No, thank you.”  
“It’s a great -”  
“I said, no.” You snapped and then plastered that smile back on the lower part of your face. “Thank you.”  
You turned to your computer and began typing and Bucky stood feeling smaller than he had in a long time.  
“Can I ask why?”  
Your typing stopped but you didn’t look at him.  
“I already documented that I’d ask you, so if you don’t want to, I  just need a reason.” He waved at the twin stacks of paper in your ‘in’ and ‘out’ trays. “You know what the paperwork is like here.”
“I don't like the uniform, it’s itchy and uncomfortable. Is that good enough?” You cocked your eyebrow at him and then turned, pointedly, back to your work.  
Bucky left with a nod, closing the door quietly behind him and pausing long enough to hear the shift of paper again.  
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Your conversation with Sergeant Barnes had left you rattled, so as soon as he’d walked away you closed your computer down with a sigh and left the office for the day. You’d come in extra early tomorrow to make up for it, it’d be quieter in the morning anyway and you could hopefully get ahead by 10am and then enjoy a quiet coffee and some time curled up reading before the next round of debriefs were submitted.  
The office was empty at 7.30am, the lights still off and the scent of the cleaners all-purpose spray still lingering in the air. You’d only managed to settle in and grab a coffee before there was a sharp knock on the door and a familiar shadow looming through the frosted glass.  
“Come in.”  
Sergeant Barnes opened the door tentatively and peeked around the frosted glass, “morning.” 
He smiled awkwardly, hovering in the doorway with a large black garment bag before you beckoned him in and pointed towards the spare chair.  
“Morning,” you smiled back automatically, but before you could drop it a genuine flash of happiness passed over the Sergeant’s face and your smile moved from forced to genuine too. There weren’t many people who were actually happy to see you around the office, and yet here was Barnes, again, smiling at you.  
“I’m really sorry about yesterday.” He said, seriously, “I didn’t mean to push you, I was just worked up.”  
Whatever you’d been expecting when he’d knocked, it wasn’t this.  
“Oh, well.” You moved in your seat, pulling your hands inside your sleeves again, a navy-blue fleece lined sweater today, since the weather was unseasonably cold, the collar was turned over under your chin where you’d been fiddling with it. “I was short with you too, I can be a bit – sensitive, about – things. So, I’m sorry too.”  
“Then we’re even,” he smiled and settled into his chair more, looking around at your office.  
Suddenly you felt self-conscious, this was your space and it was hard won. You’d filled it with every soft thing that you needed to make it through your days in the office, cute mugs, fidget toys, blankets and even a teddy. While Sergeant Barnes was looking at your bookshelf you tried to move the little bear from his prominent position next to your monitor and into the open draw by your side, but he caught you and grinned instead.  
“Cute bear.”  
You snatched it up and squeezed its soft body between both your hands. “Thank you.”  
There was an awkward silence as the Sergeant seemed to think of what to say next and then he grabbed the garment bag again, as if he’d forgotten it as soon as he’d sat down.  
“Oh, yes, I was talking to Steve about what you said yesterday -” he looked up at your blank face, “Steve Rogers, you know ahh-” he rubbed his cheek as if he could remove the red smudge of embarrassment. 
“I guessed.”  
“Right, of course, I spoke to Steve, and he said that if that was what was holding you back then it was an easy fix and -” he pulled the zipper down on the bag revealing a black-on-black ensemble inside. Fitted combat trousers with pockets and an empty utility belt as well as a black, long-sleeved, shirt and flack vest. “It’s all made of a cotton blend with reinforced, lightweight, Kevlar. If you like it we can look at adding Vibranium for strength. It has a fleece lining, I noticed you had two fleece lined items in here and took a risk, so it should be soft on your skin. What do you think?”  
Bucky beamed at you from across your desk and your stomach twisted into knots, a yawning chasm of silence opening between you the longer you didn’t answer. You knew what you were supposed to say, you knew you were supposed to be excited and say yes and run off to be an Agent.   
“It smells like my fabric softener.” You blurted. 
“Yes, I figured you used the one from the store in town, I hope that wasn’t presumptuous?” 
For a moment you reached out to touch the sleeve, it was soft and it smelt lovely. But -
“Thank you, Sergeant Barnes, I can see you’ve gone to a lot of effort -”  
“But it’s still a no?”  
“It’s still a no.”  
“Okay.” He said, kindly, zipping the garment bag back up. You expected him to leave, taking it with him, but instead he hung it on an empty hook by your door. “I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry, and that you’re welcome to join us anytime. There’s a big budget, especially for talented agents, I’d hate for something like a uniform to hold you back.” 
“Thank you.”  
“There’s a simple recon next week, Steve and I are leading some of the other newly qualified agents and he said you sometimes do recon, there’s a seat open for you if you want, but there’ll be no hard feelings if you don’t come.” 
You weren’t sure if it was the awkwardness or his earnest smile, but you had the urge to hug him. You hadn’t hugged anyone since you’d moved to the compound and you missed the comforting feeling of it, he even smelt lovely and for the briefest moment you imagined him holding you close to him. He had a black cotton shirt on with a dark green and blue flannel over the top. It looked soft, and now your arms felt empty and heavy at your sides, with no one to hold but yourself.It felt strange, too, to be wanted. You’d mostly assumed your colleagues were glad to be rid of you. Instead of embracing him, you stood and offered your hand, allowing him to squeeze your palm before he left, and then spent the next three hours wondering about his request.  
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Part 2 ->
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kiwriteswords · 2 months ago
It's a Match [Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader]
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Masterlist || Ao3||Word Count: 7.6k|| AN: I rescheduled a hinge date to finish writing this (I wish I was joking)...that is the inspo for this. I really enjoyed this one, though!
Tags/Warnings: non-BAU!Reader, suggestive themes, canon-typical themes, implied sexual themes, dating apps, meet cute ? kinda?, Aaron Hotchner's POV, Garcia-the-ever-supportive-friend, The BAU giving Hotch shit, Garcia signing Hotch up for a dating app.
Summary: Aaron Hotchner rarely sought out the opinions of others, but when his co-workers' incessant nagging about getting back out in the dating world continues, he begins to think about it a little more clearly.
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Aaron Hotchner wasn’t fond of his personal life being up for debate. At this point in his life, he rarely found himself seeking the advice of others. He found that relying so heavily on other’s input, only made him feel less confident in his decisions. 
That isn’t to say that his team...his team that means well--he must add, that they…they tend to still give advice without him needing to ask for it.  
In the low hum of the bullpen, Hotch tood with a stern expression, his eyes scanning the case files in a folder he held. Despite the typical chaos of phone calls and keyboard clacks, an undercurrent of a different sort awaited Hotch--a well-meaning, albeit persistent, nudge from his team towards something resembling a personal life.
“Hotch, you seriously need to get out more,” Garcia quipped as she approached him, her fingers dancing across a colorful tablet, laden with what Hotch assumed were not just case notes but potential social engagements. “It’s been ages since Beth and...well, you know.”
Hotch merely nodded, his jaw tightening slightly. He appreciated her concern, a softness blooming in his chest, but the thought of venturing back into the world of dating seemed daunting, a distant terrain.
“You have to admit, Jack’s practically a grown-up now. He’s got his own social calendar,” Prentiss joined in, her voice light, trying to tread carefully around the subject.
Hotch sighed, setting down the file he was holding. “I’m not sure I’m ready,” he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. This admission felt heavy, laden with the unspoken grief of losing Haley and the subsequent dissolution of what little personal life he had managed to rebuild.
Morgan leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed. “Look, man, no one’s saying jump into anything serious. Just...meet people. Have coffee. Laugh a little.” His tone was earnest, edged with concern.
Hotch rubbed the bridge of his nose, feeling the weight of their stares. “I know you all mean well, but—”
“It’s healthy, Hotch!” Garcia interrupted, her voice vibrant, attempting to infuse some light into the somber mood. “And who knows? Maybe there’s someone out there who’s been waiting just for someone like you.”
Despite himself, Hotch’s lips twitched into a reluctant smile. He admired Garcia’s relentless optimism. “Maybe,” he conceded.
The team seemed to collectively hold their breath, waiting for more, but Hotch was not ready to offer anything beyond that concession. He glanced around at each of them, their faces etched with a mix of hope and caution.
“I’ll think about it,” Hotch finally said, a compromise that seemed to satisfy them for the moment. He hoped this was the last of it. 
As the team dispersed back to their tasks, Hotch returned to his office. His hand brushed over a photo of Haley and Jack, the texture of the frame familiar and bittersweet under his fingers. He wasn’t sure if he was truly ready to let someone else into his life, but the warmth from his team’s concern was hard to ignore. Maybe it was time to start thinking about the possibility, even if the thought alone made his heart race with a mix of fear and anticipation.
Hotch didn’t need to be a profiler to know his team would bring this up…again. And again. And you know what? Probably again. 
The evening found the team at a local bar, a rare collective moment of downtime that buzzed with laughter and casual banter. Hotch, though present and occasionally contributing to the conversation, often found his gaze wandering over the crowd, an observer more than a participant.
Garcia leaned in, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she nudged JJ, who was scanning the crowd with a mischievous grin. "Okay, so there's this woman at the bar," Garcia whispered loud enough for the team to hear, "and she looks perfect for Hotch."
Hotch, who had been sipping his scotch quietly, raised an eyebrow, his posture stiffening slightly. "I thought we agreed—"
"Oh, come on, Hotch, it’s just a bit of fun," JJ interjected, her gaze fixed on someone across the room. "No harm in looking, right?"
Morgan chuckled, clapping Hotch on the shoulder. "Let's see if Garcia's matchmaking skills are as good as her tech skills."
Reluctantly, Hotch turned his gaze towards the bar. The woman in question was laughing loudly, a little too boisterously, her movements slightly uncoordinated as she swayed to the music. As if sensing the attention, she looked over, her eyes locking with Hotch’s for a brief, unsettling moment before she raised her glass in a sloppy salute.
Hotch’s lips thinned, his discomfort clear. He turned back to his team, shaking his head. "I don't think—"
Before he could finish, the woman decided to make her way over, her steps uneven, a clear sign of her inebriation. Garcia and JJ exchanged a glance, their initial enthusiasm dimming as they watched the scene unfold.
"Hey there, handsome," the woman slurred as she approached Hotch, her voice loud enough to draw the attention of nearby patrons. "I saw you staring. Buy me a drink?"
Hotch stood, his FBI training kicking in to manage the situation with politeness mixed with firmness. "I believe you’ve had enough for tonight," he said, his voice low and calm.
The woman pouted, leaning closer, her sense of personal space clearly compromised by alcohol. "Oh, come on, don't be such a party pooper."
From the table, Rossi raised an eyebrow, his expression one of concern as he watched Hotch handle the delicate situation. Prentiss covered her mouth, trying to hide her cringe, while Morgan finally stood, ready to intervene.
"Ma'am, I think you need to go back to your friends," Morgan said, steering her gently but firmly by the elbow.
As the woman was guided away, muttering under her breath, Hotch sat back down, rubbing the bridge of his nose. The team was silent for a moment, the previous mirth replaced by a shared awkwardness.
Garcia finally broke the silence, her voice soft. "I’m sorry, Hotch. That was not what we expected."
JJ nodded, adding, "Yeah, we just thought...I don’t know what we thought."
Hotch managed a small smile, appreciating their intentions despite the outcome. "It’s okay. I know you both mean well." His gaze shifted to his glass, his mind not on the failed attempt at matchmaking, but on the quiet realization that perhaps he wasn’t quite as ready as they hoped he’d be to jump back into the dating scene.
The team spent the rest of the evening avoiding any further matchmaking attempts, focusing instead on stories from past cases and plans for the weekend. Hotch listened, occasionally contributing, but mostly he appreciated the laughter and the familiar, comforting presence of his team.
As they left the bar later that evening, Hotch felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder--Rossi’s silent support. "You'll know when it’s time, Aaron," Rossi said quietly, his voice carrying a weight of understanding.
Hotch nodded, the night’s air cool and refreshing as it cleared the remnants of the bar’s claustrophobia. "Thanks, Dave," he said, feeling a little lighter. Despite the evening’s missteps, the bond with his team had never felt stronger. He knew they had his back, in the field and beyond, and that was enough--for now.
But then it happened again and Hotch began to feel cornered by his own team. It was getting a bit ridiculous, if you asked him. 
The dull roar of the jet’s engines served as a backdrop to the team's winding down conversations, each member settling into their seats, weary yet content after a successful case closure. As the aircraft hummed its way through the skies, Derek Morgan turned his attention towards his teammates, a grin spreading across his face as he hatched another of his well-intentioned plans.
“Alright, gentlemen,” Derek began, his voice filled with a conspiratorial warmth, “I say this weekend, we do a guys’ night out. Just us, some good food, maybe a few drinks, and see what kind of trouble we can find.”
Hotch raised an eyebrow, a silent question hanging in the balance as he met Derek’s gaze. He appreciated Derek’s efforts, always aimed at lightening the mood or bringing them together off the clock, but the idea of a night focused on meeting women wasn’t particularly appealing.
Rossi, who had been quietly reading a book, looked up with a smirk. “Speak for yourself, Morgan. I don’t need wingmen,” he said, his voice smooth and confident. “And I doubt Aaron here needs one either. When he’s ready, he’s ready. No pressure needed.”
Derek laughed, turning to Reid, who was absently shuffling some papers. “What about you, pretty boy? You think you got game?”
Reid looked up, blinking behind his glasses. “I-I suppose I could… that is to say, I have read extensively on social dynamics and interpersonal—”
“Spencer, if you have to quote a study, it’s not game,” Hotch interjected, a rare, teasing tone in his voice as he shared a knowing look with Rossi.
Reid’s cheeks tinged pink, but his lips curved into a smile. “Well, I might surprise you,” he countered, the mock offense clear in his tone.
The banter lightened Hotch’s mood, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards as the familiar and comforting dynamic of their team played out around him. It was these moments, simple and unadorned, that reminded him of what mattered most.
Derek clapped his hands together, his smile broadening. “Alright, it’s settled then. We’ll table the wingman idea for now, but we’re still doing guys’ night, agreed?”
“Agreed,” Rossi and Reid chimed in, their voices overlapping.
Hotch nodded, feeling a sense of relief at the postponement of the original plan. “Agreed,” he added, his voice firm yet grateful.
As the conversation drifted to other topics, Hotch leaned back in his seat, his gaze fixed on the dark window, reflecting the soft interior lights of the jet. The thought of venturing back into the world of dating remained daunting, a distant shore he wasn’t quite ready to explore.
It seemed like not-subtle attempt, after not-subtle attempt, Hotch felt like he was getting further and further away from the idea of wanting to meet someone. 
Hotch's reluctance to step back into the dating world was not born of fear, nor was it due to a lack of interest in companionship. Rather, it was the weight of his past--a tapestry woven with profound love and devastating loss--that anchored him. The memories of Haley, vibrant and alive, contrasted sharply with the harrowing night of her death. Then there was Beth, a chapter that had closed gently, but still a loss that added layers to his guarded heart.
As he sat there, his eyes occasionally flickering to the photos of Jack on his desk, Hotch considered the complexities of introducing someone new into their lives. Jack, now a teenager, was his priority, and any disruption that could unsettle the stable life he had fought so hard to provide was a risk Hotch was hesitant to take.
The responsibilities of his role at the BAU further complicated matters. His job was not just a career; it was a calling--one that demanded everything of him, including long hours and the mental toll of delving into the darkest corners of human behavior. How could he find or ask someone to understand that? Hotch's brow furrowed as he considered this. How could he bring someone into this world--his world--where danger was a constant companion and where the balance between life and death was often precariously thin?
Hotch was lost in the meticulous review of case files when the whirlwind known as Penelope Garcia burst into his office, her tablet clutched like a treasure chest of mischief. Her arrival was usually heralded by her exuberant chatter or the bright clash of her eclectic fashion, but today it was her wide grin that signaled she was up to something particularly Garcia-esque.
"Hotch, you are not going to believe what I've done!" she exclaimed, barely containing her excitement as she approached his desk.
Hotch looked up, his expression a blend of wariness and resignation. "Garcia, please tell me you haven't hacked into another government database." He thought this moment itself could take years off his life. 
"No, silly!" She waved off the comment with a flick of her wrist. "Something much better. I've signed you up for a dating app!" She beamed, clearly proud of her handiwork.
Hotch’s eyebrows knitted together in concern. "Garcia, you know how dangerous those can be. I have no business being on a dating app."
"Oh, come on, Hotch! This is how people meet nowadays. It's all very safe, and you can be upfront about what you're looking for through DMs!" Garcia explained, her enthusiasm undimmed.
"DMs?" Hotch frowned, his confusion evident.
"Direct messages, Hotch. Keep up!" She tapped on her tablet, pulling up a profile that Hotch hoped against hope wasn’t his. His hope was in vain.
Garcia turned the tablet toward him, revealing a profile complete with photos of Hotch that looked suspiciously candid and slightly dated. "See? I even picked your best photos. This one's from that beach vacation you took ten years ago. You're shirtless! It's gold, Hotch, pure gold."
Hotch stared at the photo, his mind racing back to a much simpler time. "Garcia, I barely even look like that anymore. Where did you even find this?"
"In the deep recesses of the BAU annual trip photo archive thingy," she quipped, winking. "And everyone needs at least bathing suit photo, Hotch. It's like an unwritten rule of dating apps."
Garcia proceeded to scroll through the profile, pointing out the interests she had listed for him. "Look, I put down that you love long walks on the beach, are an aficionado of fine wines, and have a passion for rare book collecting."
Hotch pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on. "Garcia, I’ve never collected a book in my life, unless case files count."
She shrugged, undeterred. "Details, Hotch, details. It's all about selling the dream."
Despite his frustration, a small smile tugged at the corners of Hotch's mouth. Only Garcia could get away with this level of audacity. She gleefully showed him how to use the app, swiping through various screens before downloading it onto his phone with practiced ease.
As Garcia finally left his office, still bubbling with excitement, Hotch looked down at the app icon on his phone. He couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, this could be a good thing. Shaking his head, he chuckled softly to himself. "Only Garcia," he muttered, his annoyance fading to a fond exasperation.
Left alone with his new digital dating life, Hotch tapped on the app, curiosity overcoming his initial reluctance. As he scrolled through the interface, the absurdity of the situation struck him, and he couldn't help but let out a genuine laugh. Maybe exploring this new world wouldn’t be so bad, especially if it gave him more stories to share with Garcia--just maybe not the ones she was hoping for.
One night soon after, Hotch made it home at a reasonable (well, still very late) time--reasonable for him. He settled into the unusual quiet of his apartment, the absence of Jack's lively presence making the space seem larger and more silent than usual. With a sigh, he resigned himself to a solitary evening--a rare slice of downtime that was both welcome and unnerving.
After a moment of hesitation, curiosity nudged him towards the dating app that Garcia had enthusiastically installed on his phone. He still harbored reservations about the entire concept, but with the night stretching empty before him, the app seemed like a harmless diversion..
Sitting comfortably on his couch, Hotch opened the app and began navigating through it with a tentative curiosity. The light from his phone cast a soft glow in the dim room as he scrolled through profiles, his face a mask of concentration.
Methodically, he started tweaking his profile, softening Garcia's more flamboyant embellishments to reflect his true nature. He made it clear he was a devoted father and that his--undisclosed to the app--job was demanding, requiring anyone interested to understand the stakes of his career. His description was straightforward--seeking a meaningful connection with someone who could appreciate the complexities of his life.
As he swiped through the profiles, Hotch's brow furrowed slightly. Many were immediately unsuitable--too young, too flashy, or just too far from what he felt comfortable with. One profile made him pause, the woman's intense stare and array of self-purchased tactical gear a bit too reminiscent of an unsub profile he'd studied just weeks before.
But then, he swiped to the next profile, and everything stopped. The woman's photos--your photos exuded warmth and sincerity, your smile genuine, reaching your eyes and lighting up your entire face. 
Your description was simple yet profound, speaking of your love for literature, your passion for teaching, and your volunteer work with children. It wasn't just your physical appearance that caught his attention--it was the evident kindness and intelligence that shone through your words.
Hotch's finger hovered over the screen for a moment before he decided to swipe right, feeling a strange surge of hope. The screen flashed, and the word "Match!" appeared. A small, surprised smile touched his lips. It was the first profile he had responded to positively, and the immediate match was unexpected.
For a moment, Hotch stared at the screen, the implications of the match settling in. This was uncharted territory for him, stepping into a world of potential and possibilities. With a deep breath, he opened the messaging feature, contemplating his first words to you. He wanted to convey sincerity and interest, a reflection of the authenticity that had drawn him to your profile in the first place.
As he typed out a simple greeting, careful to be both respectful and engaging, Hotch felt a flicker of something like excitement—or perhaps it was just the thrill of new beginnings. Whatever it was, it felt right, and for the first time in a long time, Aaron Hotchner allowed himself to feel cautiously optimistic about the path unfolding before him.
The digital conversation was new territory for him, each notification a pulse of unfamiliar excitement. When your reply came, it was both thoughtful and warm, sparking a connection that seemed to transcend the mere pixels of his screen.
As the messages exchanged grew more frequent and personal, Hotch admitted, somewhat reluctantly, that he was a novice in the realm of online dating. He explained how his work  shaped his cautious view on things like dating apps, and he confessed that it was his team’s encouragement that led him here.
You responded with understanding, echoing his sentiments about the unusual path that brought you both to this app, yet expressing a selfish gladness that his coworkers had nudged him into this new experience. It was a sentiment Hotch couldn’t help but share, feeling a connection building that was both surprising and delightful.
The conversation naturally flowed, and soon, you suggested shifting from texting to something more personal. "I'm not much for messaging," you wrote, "Would you be up for a video call instead?"
Hotch felt a wave of relief wash over him. Navigating the app was one thing, but speaking to someone, hearing their voice, that was familiar ground. He agreed eagerly, and within moments, he was waiting for the call to connect, his heart rate subtly quickening.
He was glad this didn’t allow for much time to think in between--he’d be afraid he would talk himself out of it. Find a million reasons why he shouldn’t be doing this. 
When your face appeared on his screen, the connection was instantaneous. You were even more captivating in motion, your smile lighting up the digital space between you. Hotch found himself momentarily lost for words, taken aback by how the interaction felt so natural, so right.
"Hi," he started, his voice steadier than he felt. "I hope it’s okay to say this, but you’re even more beautiful than your pictures."
You laughed, a sound that was both melodic and grounding, easing the last of Hotch's nerves. "Thank you, Aaron. You're quite the charmer yourself."
As the conversation unfolded, the chemistry was undeniable. You both shared stories, your laughter mingling through the airwaves, bridging the physical distance with ease. Hotch, typically reserved, found himself opening up about aspects of his life that he seldom discussed outside his closest circles.
You were a professor at a university. A bit younger than him, but did not seem phased by that--especially considering his age, height, along with way too many other physical details, were displayed on his profile. 
Encouraged by the undeniable connection, Hotch took a breath before voicing a thought that had been on his mind since the call began. "I don’t mean to be forward, but I would really like to meet you in person. Would you like to go out for dinner this week?"
Your smile broadened, and it was all the confirmation Hotch needed. "I'd love to, Aaron. That sounds wonderful."
Plans were made for a dinner later that week, the details ironed out with mutual enthusiasm. As the call ended, Hotch sat back, a sense of accomplishment and anticipation settling over him. He hadn’t expected this when he first opened the app, but now, he couldn’t deny the potential that lay ahead.
He placed his phone down, his mind replaying moments from the call, each laugh and shared story a promise of possibilities. 
Hotch’s mind was a tumult of apprehension as he prepared for the evening. Each scenario he imagined was tinged with the occupational hazard of suspecting the worst. Yet, he meticulously chose his attire, settling on a sharp, dark suit that matched his formal, reserved nature. Despite the nerves, a part of him--the part trained to face unknowns head-on--compelled him forward.
He arrived at the restaurant punctually, the ambiance a blend of soft lighting and quiet chatter, ideal for a meaningful first date. Standing at the entrance, he scanned the area for you, his heart rate ticking upward not out of fear, but anticipation.
When he finally saw you, everything else fell away. You were waiting at the table, looking up from your menu with a smile that drew him in completely. As he approached, Hotch felt the last of his doubts dissolve, replaced by an unexpected surge of hope.
"Hi," he greeted, voice steady despite the whirlwind inside. "You look incredible."
You stood to meet him, extending a confident hand that he shook gently. "Thank you, Aaron. You're quite dashing yourself. I’m so glad to meet you in person."
As you both sat, the conversation began to flow naturally between the ordering of drinks and dishes. Hotch found himself genuinely smiling, engaged by your insights and humor. Almost forgetting that this was someone who had been a total stranger to him not long before. 
"So, you're a professor?" he inquired, genuinely interested. He remembered you mentioning it briefly in your first initial conversation. 
"Yes, I teach literature. I like to think of myself as a life-long learner and to be able to share words and pages that shaped so many lives--it’s incredible," you explained, your eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.
"That sounds extremely rewarding," Hotch commented, noting the passion in your voice. "It must be fascinating to see students develop their understanding over a semester."
"It is," you agreed. "And what about you? I know you work for the DOJ, but what does that entail day-to-day?"
Hotch hesitated, weighing how much to share, before deciding on honesty--he couldn’t deny that your presence…your aura made it easy to want to share. "It's challenging. My job can be intense--managing cases, leading a team. But it's fulfilling, knowing we're making a difference."
You nodded thoughtfully, sipping your glass of wine and looking at him over the rim of the glass. "It sounds like you're very dedicated. I admire that."
The conversation shifted seamlessly to lighter topics, and eventually to Jack. "He's staying with a friend tonight," Hotch mentioned. "He's growing up fast, involved in sports, school...it keeps us both busy."
"It sounds like you're a great father," you noted, your tone warm. "Balancing such a demanding job and raising him."
Hotch appreciated the compliment, feeling a flush of pride. "I try my best. Jack is my priority. It’s just us two."
As the dinner progressed, there was a mutual, comfortable--and natural--level of flirting that neither of you shied away from. You leaned in slightly, your interest clear as you spoke, "I must say, Aaron, I was a bit nervous about this date, I’ve never been on a date from an app before…but you've made this evening truly enjoyable."
Hotch mirrored your movement, leaning in, driven by a rare impulse to connect. "I can honestly say the same. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I'm glad I came tonight."
The evening ended with a promise to see each other again, both of you reluctant to part ways after such a promising start. As Hotch walked you to your car, he felt a lightness he hadn't experienced in years.
"Thank you for tonight," he said, standing a bit closer. "I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon."
"I'd like that," you smiled, your confidence and warmth evident even in the dim light of the parking lot.
As you drove away, Hotch remained for a moment, watching the taillights fade into the night. He allowed himself a small, hopeful smile, a sense of anticipation for the future blossoming inside him. Tonight, Aaron Hotchner felt not just the skilled agent, but a man stepping into a new chapter of his life, unexpectedly uplifted by the promise of new beginnings.
As Aaron Hotchner and you grew closer, the budding relationship unveiled a lighter side of Hotch, one that had been subdued for years under the weight of responsibility and duty. The dynamic between you was characterized by a playful banter that coaxed smiles and even laughter from the normally stoic FBI agent.
One crisp evening, as you both enjoyed a casual stroll through a local art festival, you pointed at a particularly abstract painting. "So, Aaron, if you were an art critic, what profound analysis would you offer here?"
Hotch studied the painting, his brow furrowng in mock seriousness. "Well," he began, adopting a thoughtful tone, "I would say that the chaotic swirls represent the tumultuous nature of...let's say, choosing the perfect wine to go with dinner."
You laughed, bumping his shoulder lightly with yours. "That sounds suspiciously like last night’s dilemma. Did this piece just speak to your soul?"
He turned to you, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement. "It might have. Or maybe it’s reminding me that I should stick to my day job."
The conversation flowed effortlessly as you both shared stories and insights. Later, sitting at a small café, Hotch opened up about his work with a rare openness, prompted by your genuine interest and lack of judgment.
"You know, most people get intimidated when I talk about my job," Hotch admitted, stirring his coffee slowly.
"You're not just your job, Aaron," you responded, smiling warmly. "Though, I must admit, it’s a pretty impressive part of who you are. But I’m more interested in the man who can quote Shakespeare and knows his way around an impressive omelet."
Hotch’s smile was genuine, a little wider this time. "Well, I could say the same about a woman who can discuss Renaissance literature and beat me in a game of chess."
As the evening wore on, Hotch found himself sharing more than he usually allowed. The topic of fatherhood--the most important part of his identity, always seemed to weave his way through. And now, having a teenager, a wise teenager, it didn’t take long before Jack picked up on the fact that Hotch was seeing someone. 
"Jack’s been asking about you," he said cautiously, observing your reaction.
"Is that so?" you grinned, clearly pleased. "And what exactly have you told him about me?"
"That his dad is spending time with a very smart, beautiful, and funny woman who might just be a worse cook than I am."
Your laughter filled the space between you, and Hotch felt a warmth that went beyond the ambient glow of the café’s lights. "Challenge accepted. I’ll have you know, my culinary skills are...in development."
The playful back-and-forth continued, with each exchange gently peeling back layers of Hotch's reserved exterior. It was clear to both of you that something significant was taking root--something filled with potential and promise.
As you parted ways that evening, Hotch felt an ease and contentment that was new and invigorating. "I'm looking forward to our next culinary showdown," he teased, his tone light but sincere.
"And I, for one, can’t wait to see what other hidden talents you have, Agent Hotchner," you replied, your voice playful yet affectionate.
Walking back to his car, Hotch allowed himself a rare, contented smile. This new chapter with you was unfolding into something unexpectedly wonderful, showing him that life could indeed be vibrant and full of surprises, even for someone as grounded in reality as SSA Aaron Hotchner.
After an elegant evening at the theater, Aaron Hotchner found himself walking with you to the car under a starlit sky, the air crisp and cool, perfect for the light jackets you both wore. The play had been a profound one, sparking rich conversation between the two of you that continued as you strolled. Your love for classic literature and his lost love for theatre combined. 
Hotch, typically reserved, felt an unusual flutter of anticipation mixed with a warmth that had grown steadily since the night began.
He had thought about this often, but never felt the need to bring it up--in due time, he thought, but tonight…tonight felt like it was due. 
"You know," Hotch began, his voice calm but carrying an undercurrent of emotion, "I can't believe we've been seeing each other for this long, and I haven’t even—"
You turned to face him, a teasing sparkle in your eyes. "Haven’t even what, Aaron?"
He paused, looking into your eyes which were reflecting the soft streetlights. "Kissed you," he admitted, the words feeling more significant as they hung in the air between you.
Your smile widened, and you stepped a little closer, diminishing the space between you. "Is Aaron Hotchner nervous about a kiss?" you asked playfully, tilting your head as you gazed up at him.
The corner of Hotch's mouth lifted in a half-smile, a rare show of his lighter side that you had slowly uncovered. "Maybe," he confessed, his usual confidence tempered with a vulnerability he rarely showed. "But only because it feels important."
"It is," you agreed softly, your hand finding his. "But only because it’s you."
That was all the encouragement Hotch needed. He leaned down, his heart beating a touch faster as his lips met yours in a gentle, searching kiss. It was a kiss that started tentatively but grew more confident as you responded, your hands moving up to lightly grasp his jacket.
The world seemed to quiet around you, the buzz of the city fading into a distant hum. Hotch’s free hand came up to gently cup your cheek, his touch tender yet certain. The kiss deepened, stirring a warmth that spread through his entire body, a feeling of rightness that was both exhilarating and calming.
When you finally parted, both of you were slightly breathless, a flush on your cheeks that matched the one on Hotch’s. You laughed softly, the sound like music to his ears.
"So, was it everything you hoped it would be?" you teased, your eyes dancing with mirth.
Hotch, still holding you close, nodded. "Even more," he said sincerely. "I think using that app might have been one of the best decisions I've ever made."
Your laughter rang out again, joyous and free. "Just for the record, you're the only one I ever made it on a date with," you shared, giving him a playful nudge.
"And you were the only one I ever messaged," Hotch revealed, his usual stoicism warmed by the affection in his voice. "I guess we both got incredibly lucky."
The drive to bring you home was filled with a comfortable silence, punctuated by shared looks and soft smiles. When he stopped at your place, Hotch leaned over to kiss you again, this time with a confidence borne of the shared connection that had only deepened since the first.
"Goodnight," he said, his voice low and filled with a promise of more to come.
"Goodnight, Aaron," you replied, your hand squeezing his for a moment longer before you stepped out,
As Hotch drove away, his mind replayed every moment of the evening, each memory a treasure. He realized, with a clarity that was almost startling, just how much he had come to care for you.
Days later, Hotch sat solemnly at the round table, his usual composed demeanor slightly offset by an underlying layer of disappointment. As the team geared up for an abrupt deployment to handle a pressing case, Hotch couldn't help but think about the dinner plans he had to cancel with you. He had been looking forward to a relaxing evening, a rare chance to step away from the demands of his job and focus on the burgeoning relationship that had become a significant source of joy in his life.
"I'm sorry, I can't make it tonight," Hotch had said over the phone earlier, his voice carrying a weight of regret.
"It's okay, Aaron," you had responded, your tone light and teasing. "I'll just have to spend the evening sending you flirty texts instead. Stay safe, and catch the bad guys, okay?"
Despite your understanding and playful reassurance, the disappointment lingered. As the team discussed logistics and profiles, Hotch's mind wandered momentarily, reflecting on the personal sacrifices that came with his role at the FBI.
Suddenly, Garcia's voice snapped him back to reality. "Hotch, you seem more down about this trip than usual. Anything you want to share with the class?" Her tone was lightly teasing but underscored with genuine concern.
Hotch cleared his throat, shifting slightly in his seat. "It's nothing," he started to dismiss, hoping to steer back to the case details.
But Garcia, ever perceptive, wouldn't let it go that easily. She leaned forward, her eyes narrowing playfully. "No, no, no, this has to be something good. Wait! Did you meet someone on the dating app?"
The room quieted, all eyes suddenly on Hotch. The surprise on his team's faces was palpable, a mix of curiosity and amusement.
Hotch sighed, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he realized there was no dodging Garcia's sharp intuition. "Yes, I met someone."
"And I can tell he's incredibly happy," Garcia added, her voice squealing with excitement, filling the room with her infectious energy.
The team erupted in a mixture of chuckles and supportive remarks. "Hotch on a dating app, now that's something I didn't see coming," Morgan commented with a grin.
Rossi raised an eyebrow, his expression one of mock seriousness. "So, this is serious then?"
"It's...going well," Hotch admitted, allowing himself a small moment of vulnerability in front of his team. "And yes, I'm happy. It's just hard balancing the job with personal life sometimes. I forgot how difficult it is to cancel on someone you--someone you're starting to care a lot about."
The team's demeanor softened, understanding the conflict Hotch felt. Prentiss leaned in, her voice gentle. "We get it, Hotch. But it sounds like she does too. That's a good sign, right?"
Hotch nodded, appreciative of the support. "It is. She's very understanding. Makes it a bit easier."
Garcia beamed, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Oh, I need to know everything. When we get back, you're giving me details, Hotch. Deal?"
Hotch couldn't help but laugh, the sound rare enough to cause a few surprised looks. "Deal, Garcia."
After all, he did feel like he owed Garcia…so much in this moment for if it wasn’t for her, he’d never had met you.
Throughout the duration of a challenging and complex case, Aaron Hotchner found moments of reprieve through the buzz of his phone. Each notification a reminder of the intriguing connection he’d developed with you. 
Your texts, infused with lightness and wit, became small beacons of joy amid the high-pressure environment of his work.
One evening, as he and the team were wrapping up a long day of interviews and evidence analysis, Hotch’s phone vibrated with a new message from you. He glanced around--most of the team was absorbed in their tasks--and allowed himself a moment to read your text.
"Thinking of a proper celebration for when you get back...Maybe we can explore the possibility of moving past just kisses? I have a few ideas I think you’d approve of..."
The message was smooth, playful yet suggestive, and it caught Hotch off guard. He felt a flush of warmth spread through him, a mixture of anticipation and slight disarray, emotions he usually kept neatly compartmentalized.
Sitting back in his chair, Hotch let out a small, almost imperceptible sigh. 
It was rare for him to connect with someone so deeply that thoughts of them could so easily unsettle his usual stoic demeanor. Yet, you did just that, and he found himself not only accepting this new dynamic but eagerly looking forward to what it promised.
He typed a response, his fingers pausing above the keyboard as he considered how best to reply. Finally, he settled on a message that matched your playful tone while still holding onto his inherent reserved nature.
"Exploring new possibilities sounds like an excellent plan. I’ll look forward to your ideas... very much so."
Sending the text, Hotch felt a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. It was an unfamiliar sensation to look forward to personal plans with such anticipation, but it was one he found increasingly appealing.
As he pocketed his phone and returned his focus to the case files spread out before him, Hotch’s thoughts momentarily drifted to what awaited him upon his return. The prospect of deepening his relationship with you brought a sense of excitement he hadn’t felt in a long time.
Even amidst the demanding rhythms of his job, Hotch found himself counting down the days until he could see you again, eager to explore the new dimensions of their relationship. The playful, flirtatious exchanges were more than just brief escapes from his responsibilities; they were reminders of the burgeoning connection that might just redefine his understanding of balance between his dedication to his work and his personal life.
After wrapping up the demanding case, Hotch found himself outside your apartment, his anticipation a palpable presence within him. He had been thinking about this moment throughout the flight back--about you, about the promise of what lay ahead. The door opened to your welcoming smile, and any remaining trace of professional tension melted away as he stepped inside.
For the first time in a long time, he felt like he could leave work at the door. 
The evening unfolded effortlessly, as if every moment were simply meant to be. Dinner was a shared endeavor, filled with laughter and gentle touches that spoke louder than words. As the night deepened, so did the connection between you, pulling you both inevitably toward a more intimate closeness that felt both exhilarating and utterly right.
Later, wrapped in the warmth and softness of your bed, Hotch lay beside you, his arm securely around you, feeling the comforting weight of your head against his chest. The room was quiet, the only sound the gentle breath of two people content in each other's presence. It was a profound intimacy that Hotch had rarely allowed himself to experience, yet with you, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
"You know," Hotch began, his voice soft and thoughtful, "I never imagined that downloading an app would lead me here, to this moment. But I'm incredibly glad it did."
You shifted slightly, turning to face him. In the dim light, he noticed a hint of shyness in your expression--an unusual trait for someone usually so vibrant and confident. "Aaron, I need to tell you something, and I’m a little afraid it might be too soon...or…or how you might react."
He tightened his embrace reassuringly. "Sweetheart, you can tell me anything. You know that, right?"
You nodded, taking a deep breath before speaking. "It's just that...I've never connected with anyone like this before. Not from a dating app, not in real life. Like I feel crazy. And it scares me a little because I think I’m falling in love with you."
Hotch’s heart skipped a beat, not just at your words but at the earnest vulnerability with which you spoke them. For a brief moment, he was speechless, overwhelmed by the depth of his own feelings that mirrored yours.
"I’ve been trying to make sense of it all myself," he confessed, his voice a whisper against your hair. "This isn’t just unusual for me; it’s unprecedented. But hearing you say that...it’s exactly how I feel. I’m falling in love with you, too."
Relief and joy mingled in your eyes, and you moved closer, pressing a kiss to his chest--a simple, sweet gesture that sealed the words just shared. Hotch felt a profound peace settle over him, the kind that came from finding something real and true.
As you both lay there, entwined in the quiet aftermath of shared revelations, the world outside seemed inconsequential. In that room, with the soft glow of the nightlight casting gentle shadows, Aaron Hotchner wasn’t just an FBI agent or a guarded widower; he was a man deeply in love, grateful for every unpredictable twist of fate that had led him to you.
"You know," you whispered, a playful twinkle returning to your voice, "this is going to make a great story someday--how a skeptical FBI agent fell for a girl from a dating app."
Hotch chuckled, the sound rich and content. "It’s a story I look forward to telling again and again," he agreed, pulling you closer. 
As days turned into months, Hotch experienced a transformation in his daily life--a lightness and joy that were new and profoundly delightful. 
Your relationship flourished; the connection deepened with each passing moment you spent together. Jack met you and took an immediate liking to you, his youthful judgment never faltering. The integration of you into his and Jack’s life felt seamless, natural, like pieces of a puzzle that had been waiting to find their place.
You were fiercely independent and career-driven, qualities that resonated deeply with Hotch. The balance between your professional pursuits and personal life mirrored his own, creating a perfect symmetry that allowed both of you to thrive without sacrificing the bond growing between you.
Reflecting on this, Hotch couldn’t help but think back to several months ago when his team, especially Penelope Garcia, had pushed him to step out into the dating world. He was immensely grateful for their encouragement--grateful that Garcia had practically coerced him into using the dating app that brought you together.
Once (and due to his line of work, pretty much always will be) a skeptic of dating apps, he now sung its praise, in a…cautious way. It was praised enough that in a very Rossi-fashion, David Rossi bought stock in the app, Hotch and your love story solidifying the need to. 
Now, seated at his desk in the quiet hum of the FBI offices, Hotch decided to express his love and appreciation in a tangible way. He opened a florist’s website, browsing through the selections to find something that captured the essence of what you meant to him. 
Settling on a bouquet of wildflowers--bright, beautiful, and unpretentiously elegant--he filled out the delivery form to send them to your workplace. The note attached was simple but heartfelt: "For no reason other than I love you. Aaron."
With a contented sigh, Hotch then organized a second floral arrangement, this one for Garcia. He chose vibrant sunflowers and daisies, flowers as bright and cheerful as Garcia herself. The note for her was equally thoughtful: "Penelope, thank you for pushing me onto that (still questionable) app. I am forever grateful. - Hotch."
As he confirmed the orders, his colleague Morgan passed by his desk, noticing the slight smile on Hotch’s usually stoic face. "What's got you looking so happy, Hotch? That doesn't look like case work."
Hotch looked up, the smile still playing on his lips. "Can’t I just take a moment to appreciate the good things, Morgan?"
Morgan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Good things, huh? Does this have anything to do with that special lady I’ve been hearing about?"
"You could say that," Hotch replied, his tone light, an uncommon but genuine warmth evident in his expression. "And I’m also sending Garcia some flowers."
Morgan chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Man, Garcia’s matchmaking really worked out for you, didn’t it? Never thought I'd see the day. She’s never going to let this one down."
"It did," Hotch acknowledged, his thoughts drifting back to you. "And it’s made all the difference."
After Morgan left, Hotch leaned back in his chair, allowing himself a few moments of quiet reflection. He felt a profound sense of gratitude--not just for the love and joy you brought into his life, but for the unexpected journey that led him to you. 
It was a reminder of the unpredictable beauty of life, how sometimes, taking a chance could lead to something extraordinary. 
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Tag List: @zaddyhotch @estragos @todorokishoe24 @looking1016  @khxna @rousethemouse @averyhotchner @reidfile @bernelflo @lover-of-books-and-tea @frickin-bats @sleepysongbirdsings @justyourusualash @person-005 @iyskgd @hiireadstuff @kcch-ns @alexxavicry
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strawberrystepmom · 1 year ago
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pairing: Kenjaku x F!Reader, past Geto Suguru x F!Reader
word count: 3.6k
about: you become kenjaku's captive to ensure that he will not miss his opportunity to fight the strongest after his return from the prison realm. the temptation of being this close to the last remaining earthly fragment of the man you once loved, suguru, proves too much to resist and you give into your desires despite the hole they're bound to leave.
contents: NSFW - MINORS DNI. DARK CONTENT WARNING, MAJOR MANGA SPOILERS FOR CH 236 AND BEYOND | dubcon, manipulation, violence against reader, asphyxiation, kidnapping | reader is a sorcerer and went to school with geto and they had mutual feelings for one another, mentions of religion and references to god, kenjaku retained some of geto's memories and knows reader through them, reader has breasts and descriptions of vaginal anatomy are given, rough piv sex with little prep, reader is referred to as "girl", major character death (off screen).
notes: i've uh....been going through some things lately LMAO tbh i started this awhile back before thanksgiving but have felt weird about posting it and it very nearly stayed in the "between me and god" folder so i held back but today i said fuck it. if you read, thanks and i hope you enjoy!!!
header art is by jenny holzer and divider is by @/cafekitsune ♡
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“The old occupant of this vessel was very fond of you, you know?”
How dare Kenjaku mention Suguru so casually, as if he were a tenant to his own flesh and bone instead of its rightful owner? 
“You know nothing about him,” The words are full of venom, flying from your mouth not unlike the way you spat at the curse user’s face two days prior to now. He chuckled when the fluid hit his cheek, wiping it off without a second thought. “Or me.” 
You felt so guilty for spitting at his face, the face of a man you once believed that you loved, that you wept until you began to dry heave atop the futon mattress in the room that has been designated as yours. It’s the same bed you rest on now, duvet over your knees that are hiked to your chest. It’s a means to protect yourself from any vulnerability but it’s truly no use. If Kenjaku wants to harm you, he will.
He has insisted your accommodations be comfortable since arriving three days ago given you are collateral and not a captive, his own clever wording for the situation, but you’re more than aware that if you were to attempt to escape from the cage that you’d hit the window just as all birds hungry for a taste of freedom do. There are no cuffs, chains, or bars but your freedom is no longer yours. It is a prize to be won pending the defeat of the man standing across from you in the doorway, shoji door open beside him, flowing hair as dark as the midnight sky brushing the backs of his elbows.
For years you wondered what you’d do if faced with Suguru again. Would you strike him, insisting he deserved it for all the hurt left in his wake? Ask him why in a scream so powerful your shoulders would shake with the weight of your fury? Perhaps you’d forgive him, as you’d been taught and encouraged to do your entire life, and those mumbled prayers cast to the God you believe in above you would be true for the first time since they’ve left your treacherous lips. 
“I forgive him, I hope you can, too.” You have begged God aloud and silently since sixteen years old. You have always been devout in your faith despite abandoning most of the tenets that make someone a believer, your lack of devotion not enough to deter you from selfishly asking for absolution for a man who you know deserves none.
God’s answer is clear when faced with the fact that this is not Geto standing in front of you. There is no less mercy a person can be shown than their body being used as a sick prop after their death.
The space where his thoughts and dreams and hopes used to lie is occupied by something far worse than just visions of a world purified through means of violence, a place where people like you could live without the threat of death and sacrifice to keep others safe. Granted, that wasn’t exactly a noble purpose either, but at least it didn’t threaten your life the way that whatever lives inside of his skull does now.
“I know more about both of you than you think.” 
Kenjaku’s words drip with smugness and your stomach flips. The natural responses of your body to a man who looks and sounds just like Suguru make you sick but you cannot focus on fighting them off and keeping yourself protected at the same time, you have to simply make peace with the butterflies in your stomach that feels like something is punching you in the gut over and over again. He dares enter the room and you scoot further up the futon, hitting the wall behind you and leveling a glare in his direction.
Suguru’s body reacts to you, as well, something that Kenjaku planned long ago to use to his advantage. It started with hazy dreams, a face he recognized as yours drifting through them, your thighs and your lips and your skirt. It’s a version of you a little younger, a little warmer - less edgy than you are now. You are sharp and finely tuned to harm while the version of you that lived in Geto’s mind will forever stay soft, a freshly unfurled rose.
“All you’ve done is vandalize him,” you accuse and he shrugs, dressed in a cotton yukata rather than the robes he stole in addition to the body they dressed. It’s easy to imagine another life where this is Suguru and you are you and he’s coming to your shared bedside, kneeling on the ground the same way Kenjaku is now while he invites himself to the only space you currently have as your own.
“You’re a smart girl, don’t play dumb.” Your glance moves from the doorway to him, disgusted by how brave he is getting this close to you. “Perhaps I’m simply using the power this body holds in the way he was too cowardly to attempt.”
Despite your current state of sitting in nothing but a yukata yourself, you are physically strong from spending the last decade of your life as nothing more than a glorified weapon to use in the fight against evil. Even if your Cursed Technique would be unlikely to have any effect on the man, you could be a difficult problem for him if you wanted to be, yet you sit and do nothing but wait and refuse to respond to his words. He chuckles at your stubbornness and reaches across the bed and your body to grab your chin between his thumb and index finger. He shifts your head until you’re staring directly at him and a smile crosses his lips.
You do not fight him off.
“Tell me, sorcerer,” he starts and you swallow, bottom lip quivering. You want to reach out and slap him away, to scream and kick but your body stays still, the only place blood is pooling between your legs and in the heat of your face. “Where are those teeth and claws you were so eager to show me on your first night here?”
He reaches his thumb upward and presses it against your mouth, stopping the shake with a single touch - your body’s natural reaction to a man you are now certain you loved, given it’s the only explanation for your behavior. It’s a form of trust, the muscle memory of a kiss he gave you in your dorm room at the school you once shared. The first night you were spitting and hissing, now you’re so placid.
“Nothing to say for yourself?”
Stubbornly, you shake your head and Kenjaku chuckles again, pulling his thumb away from your lip but maintaining the grip on your chin. You know this is not Suguru, it’s as clear as the stitches across the forehead of the practically empty vessel that further closes in on you. He moves silently until he’s mere inches away from you, his head hovering over your knees that are still pulled against your chest. You watch him with narrowed eyes, tucking against yourself tighter than you ever have as a means of comfort, but it does nothing to stop him from lingering.
“I could just make you speak if I wanted to,” he warns. The power in this situation belongs to him.
“What’s the point of fighting you? You’re going to do whatever you want with me anyway.” You admit, defeated. Whatever fight you had left in you was smothered weeks ago during the attack on Shibuya. Even the release of Gojo is not enough to fill you with hope for the future. It’s pointless to keep fighting when the only outcome is going to be loss.
The shaky sound of your voice makes the curse user move closer to you and you shut your eyes tightly, refusing to look at him lest your body continue with these inexplicable natural responses. Heart pounding against your chest, it’s inexplicably frustrating that it cannot seem to separate what your brain knows is true from what your body wants to believe.
It isn’t him, you scream within the confines of your own mind but it does not prevent your palms from feeling clammy and the squeeze of your inner thighs against each other to provide some relief against the heat in your core.
It isn’t him. It isn’t him. It isn’t him…
Chanting the words internally, you open your eyes and are met with a pair of golden ones staring directly at you. They’re the same that stared at you in a dorm room a decade ago although they’re missing the warmth they had back then, dripping honey sweetness hidden in the irises turned to tar. 
“You’re right, I can.” He nods and dark hair falls over his eyes, catching your eye. Your stomach turns when you spot the stitches across his forehead but your gaze returns to his so quickly you can hardly think about it. “But will it be what I want or is it what this body desires, I wonder?”
This piques your interest and Kenjaku tilts his head to the side inquisitively, dark hair sweeping over your knees and around your body. It feels like a curtain, a veil like the ones you are so used to using to keep people safe and ignorant and outside of your world of sorcery.
“What do you mean?”
A smirk is the response you are granted and he moves closer to you, one of his hands reaching for the duvet you’re using to cover you. Pulling it back gently, your robe covered body coming into view and once again, you make no effort to fight. With this barrier removed, he runs his palm over the outside of your thigh. Muffling your whimper at the touch, you attempt to hide your face in your shoulder but he stops you, still grasping onto your chin and still holding your gaze.
His hand travels from the outside of your thigh to the insides and you gently spread them to allow him access before realizing what he’s searching for. Attempting to cut off his access by closing your legs, he holds your thigh in place and lets his fingers dip lower along the soft skin. You quiver and shake beneath him like a leaf clinging to the branches of a tree in winter, desperate for somewhere to remain, and those fingers inch closer and closer to your core. He stops when he feels the coarse hair covering your mound and dares to dip a single fingertip between your folds, raising his eyebrows when he feels the arousal seeping from you. 
“I knew it,” he whispers so low you wonder if you were even meant to hear it but the way he gazes at you, like that of a man starved, tells you that the words were meant for no one but you.
Your hand shakes as much as the rest of you when you finally lift it from your side, reaching out to him and taking a strand of hair between your fingers. It feels just as you imagined it would, silk between your digits, and a breathy sigh leaves you before you begin to cry. Dropping the small strand, you choose to reach out toward his forehead and use your hand to block the stitches covering it.
You babble the name like it is precious, your lip quivering just as it did before, and the evil man shakes his head, capturing your wrist with the hand he just removed from your chin. He lowers your hand enough that you can see the stitches unobscured.
“Kenjaku, actually.” 
He lowers your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles, amused when you squirm where you sit, practically delirious with lust and confusion. You do not want this, at least that’s what you tell yourself while parting your legs further and panting, chest heaving with every breath.
Wordlessly, he uses his free hand to untie your robe and it falls off of your shoulders, exposing you to him fully before he can blink. This is something he remembers seeing in one of those dreams but you look different than whatever the imagination of a man who was infatuated with you was able to come up with during his loneliest hours. It amuses Kenjaku that he is the one to see you like this, bare and willing. 
Tracing down your belly and lower, he stops between your legs which makes you whimper. You’re so desperate to be touched, to pretend he is someone you’ll never have the opportunity to love as properly as you could have if you’d both lived a different life, that your hips actually arch off of the bed eagerly. It should embarrass you but you are past the point of humiliation, willing to be fucked by evil incarnate just for the sake of a taste of Suguru Geto.
“Pathetic little thing,” he coos and you say nothing in return. You’re well aware of your failings as a sorcerer and a human being as his fingers spread your labia to get a glance at what you have to offer. For a moment, you consider praying for Suguru again; to selfishly beg God to make sense of your own actions but you know that he no longer has mercy for an ill behaved member of his flock. You will simply accept the consequences, whatever they will be.
His thumb brushes your clit and you moan, tipping your head back and toward the ceiling. You wait for the sensation of pleasure to climb through you again but it doesn’t come until you look downward again, eyes fluttering open.
“Eyes on me or you get nothing.”
Too afraid to look away lest it keep you from the only good thing you’ve felt in who knows how long, you keep your eyes glued to Kenjaku’s face while his hand works between your legs, spreading the slick from your cunt toward your clit and back down. If you could just shut your eyes, you could pretend, but they’re open and glued between your legs, watching every feathery stroke of his fingers through your folds.
Kenjaku’s cock hardens against your thigh and for a moment you dare to feel powerful knowing you aren’t the only one surrendering to the most base of your needs. He drops your hand and reaches for the tie of his robe, opening it and giving you the only look you’ve ever been lucky enough to get of Suguru’s bare body.
Scarred, honed, a tool - just like yours. If you weren’t so lost in the moment, the lifetimes you have imagined for years would be playing through your mind.
You gasp and knit your brows together, bucking against the increasing pressure of Kenjaku’s fingers while he brings you back to him and out of your head. Whatever you’re thinking about doesn’t matter when he inserts a finger inside of you, only testing how wet you are with no intention of preparing you for his cock. 
When he’s satisfied with how wet you are, he withdraws his finger and you whine. The sound is the most he has heard from you since the first night and it makes his eyes widen in interest. He shifts until he is standing between your spread knees and the realization that this is really happening hits you at once, your face flaming with desire.
“You’re so impatient.” 
The curse user tuts at you with a roll of his eyes and spreads your legs as wide as they can go to accommodate the width of his body. He’s broad in shoulder and hip and you bite your lower lip when he runs the head of his cock through your folds, following the same pattern of his fingers. You expect the teasing to last longer but it stops abruptly. Before you can take a breath to prepare yourself, his cock is buried to the hilt inside of you, and you gasp with wide eyes, shocked. 
“As good as you imagined?”
Words come to your mind but do not form enough to leave your mouth while he thrusts roughly, your body jerking violently against his. It’s painful, the size of him with little prep in conjunction with how he uses your body as nothing more than a glorified place to take his aggression out, but all of the numbness within you thaws and for the first time since you realized Geto was no longer Geto in Shibuya, you feel. 
It’s hard to name all the emotions you are experiencing because they blur into something barely comprehensible. Pleasure and pain and bone chilling sorrow, the kind that makes tears silently drip down your face while he takes what he wants from you. He doesn’t bother to play with your clit and there is no need to, the joy you’re taking simply from being used by Suguru’s body enough that the knot inside of you is slowly beginning to unravel. 
Skin on skin punctuated by his low grunts and your whines fill the small room and you are so lost, you lift yourself halfway up to meet Kenjaku and consider kissing him. Would it be close enough to kissing Suguru that you could eventually justify it or would it just sully the one good memory you have of him? 
You don’t have long to think about it before you are pushed back down to the bed, one of his hands caging your throat and keeping you pinned to the bed below. A reminder that this is for his pleasure and not yours although you feel yourself coming closer to the edge than you were just moments prior, shutting your eyes tightly. All of the motion inside of you stops, the hard thrusts of his cock ending, and your eyes shoot open.
“Remember what I said. Eyes on me or you get nothing.”
Nodding, you keep them open and he begins again, pace rougher than before. You can do nothing but grunt and struggle to breathe, his cock carving out space inside of you that didn’t exist until he entered you. Every kiss of his tip against your insides knocks the breath out of you and finally you cum in a strangled moan, walls quivering around his length. 
His hand inches further up your throat and squeezes experimentally. As expected, you do not fight back and he takes his indulgence with a grin, choking you with varying degrees of pressure and feeling your cunt spasm around him when he surprises you by tightening his grip. 
You like this. You want this.
He leans forward and shifts his weight to his arm and hand, finally spilling inside of you with a deep moan. Warmth fills every inch of you and you wish that you felt as full in your heart as you do in your cunt but a void remains.
Kenjaku’s other hand slides up your body and wraps around your neck, both of his palms resting on either side of your neck and fingers splaying over your throat. It’s dangerous to let him have this much access to any part of you that he could possibly crush but you do not move, tearfully looking up at him and sniffling. He increases his pressure, not enough to harm you, but enough to make you work hard and you realize how easily he could just…end this.
“Please kill me,” you beg while struggling to breathe, realizing what you’ve done now that the afterglow of orgasm can no longer protect you from the cold hard truth. 
You are a betrayer. You slept with the enemy to sate your own selfish desires and death seems almost too kind to beg for, yet you do.
“Kill me.”
Your face turns in shade and your vision is dotted with darkness, a miserable end to a miserable life you consider, but at least it will be over. The pressure of Kenjaku’s hands around your neck continues to increase until you are certain you are taking your last breath, lungs aching until he abruptly stops. He glances down from where he rests above you, half swollen cock softening and letting his cum leak out around the tip of it that is still inside of you and onto the sheets below. 
“I will not give you the satisfaction of death until you give me the satisfaction of watching you fight for it.” 
Removing his hands from around your throat completely, he glances down at the pressure indentions of his fingers with a smile. Your eyes flutter shut, you’ve passed out from lack of air, and he admires the heap he has left you in, reaching for your robe and wiping the remnants of his release and yours on the corner of it.
Nobody is coming to save you, a secret Kenjaku knows that you are not yet aware of. Satoru Gojo is dead, defeated at the hands of Sukuna. The news broke this morning and he was preparing to come to your room to let you know until this little distraction occurred. He had an inkling you were susceptible to Suguru Geto’s charms even from beyond the grave but he had no idea it would be this easy, your slumped form resting on the futon beside him. He pats your head as one would a treasured dog, long and loving strokes that do not stir you, your bare breasts swaying slightly with every breath you take.
The new world is on the horizon and he may keep you around as a plaything for a little longer than he originally intended.
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samm1e13 · 4 days ago
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🎮 tomura shigaraki x fem!reader smau
a strangers/online friends to lovers university au
masterlist / graphic design / you know toga?
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main menu;
level one; graphic design
cw; nothing this chapter, just a little background information to start us off
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lost in a daydream, you fail to notice the body dropping into the seat next to yours. it’s only when there’s a thump on the desk that your eyes snapped to the boy who silently entered your space. you recognize him as tomura, you’ve seen him in this class before but never so close.
“sorry ‘s the only seat available.” a glance around the room indicated he’s telling the truth, and given that class started fifteen minutes ago, you’re not surprised.
“no worries, you’re okay.” you smile and he nods, turning his head towards the front where the professor drones on about the next project. 
you attempt to listen, but your gaze drifts back out the window. you really wish you hadn’t let shigs convince you to play another round of league last night, now you can hardly keep your eyes open and you have forty-five minutes left of this class.
“this will be a two person project. it’s forty percent of your grade and will take about two months. you and your partner will work together to come up with a website idea and design the website together. the website will need to meet certain requirements.” your focus hones in on the professor as they begin to explain the project specifics.
“all of the project information can be found online in the class forum under the ‘design a website’ folder. your partners will be the people sitting next to or closest to you, if you do not have a partner please see me right away and i will see what i can do. best of luck to you all, you may use the rest of class time to discuss with your partners.” as the professor finishes speaking, your gaze finds tomura, who is boredly staring at his computer screen, the project information on display as he tilts his head to you.
“i don’t think i know your name.” he speaks quietly, more so than he usually does, and you think you hear a hint of shame or embarrassment in his tone.
“oh! it’s y/n, and you’re tomura, right?” you play it off as a question, in hopes that it’ll make him feel more comfortable, he simply nods again before returning his gaze to the screen.
it’s silent for a while as he scrolls through the project requirements and you debate messaging shigs to ask if he wants to game later. you decide against it as tomura looks to you again.
“it’s pretty straight forward, like the professor said.” he turns the screen in your direction and you think you see a notification for league of legends but it’s gone too soon. you quickly skim over the words written on the screen before looking up and catching his gaze.
“so we basically have to make a business website or something similar?” you notice the way his fingers twitch as his cheek rests against his hand before he nods.
“yeah basically, it can be commercial or personal, as long as it meets the specs set up by the professor.” his fingers slip beneath his jaw to scratch at the side of his neck, you assume it’s an anxious tick so you move your gaze back to the screen.
“yeah that makes sense, like game developers need to make sure the codes are correct before moving on to the next level.” you see his lips quirk up in a small smile and know you’ve succeeded in making him relax.
“yeah exactly! hey, maybe that could be our topic?” his voice takes a more upbeat tone and it makes you beam.
“you and i are going to get along great!” his throat rumbles with a chuckle at your words and your face flushes when your eyes meet.
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level one; graphic design completed!
one achievement unlocked; new friend!
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tag list; [open]
@nkox, @dumbassbrigade, @va-3, @kodditty, @personally4runa
mutual tags; @shigarakislaughter, @chaoslibra, @sexylexy12
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samm1e13 tumblr 2025 ©️ don’t use, copy, steal or translate my works for any reason.
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preciosapascal · 2 days ago
Never Again
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Summary: Javi fucks you in the copy room at work. i kinda hate this but it's posted now so. Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader Words count: 2k Tags: 18+ smut, that's literally it, PWP, it’s short but y’knowww, A/N: thank you so much for all the love on my previous stories! you can see my masterlist here or it's pinned at the top of my page <3333 as always feedback and reposts are highly appreciated
Javier was sat at his desk that was annoyingly placed directly in front of Steve's, with a cigarette perched between his lips and a ridiculous amount of paperwork in front of him. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Y'good, Jav?" Murphy asks, lighting his own cigarette and sitting in his chair.
Javi hums, glancing up at Steve as he continues thumbing though papers. "Mm. Same shit, different day."
"You're tellin' me." Steve mutters, leaning back in his chair. Steve’s gaze shifts suddenly. "Morning." he greets nodding his head towards someone coming from behind Javi.
Javi raises his head and looks in the same direction, spotting you walking by, a folder in your arms, "Morning Murphy, Peña." you greet them both, smiling. Steve's attention shifts back to his paperwork but Javi's eyes were on you, a smirk tugging at his lips.
"Hey-" He calls after you. Steve already knew he must have a stupid risqué comment to throw your way and rolls his eyes. You smile to yourself before turning to face him, tilting your head and raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, Javier?"
"Off to do something exciting, sweetheart?" he asks, resting his chin in the palm of his hand and shamelessly checking you out. He takes another drag then pinches the cigarette from his lips and places it in the ashtray.
"Sure. If going to the stuffy, tiny ass copy room is your idea of exciting then I'm in for a real treat." you reply, playfully rolling your eyes at him.
Javi tilts his head, the smirk still evident on his lips as a train of cigarette smoke flows from his nostrils, swirling up into the air above. "You'd be surprised what can happen in a copy room."
Steve shakes his head and mutters a comment, something about comparing Javi to a horny teenage boy. You can’t help but smirk at Steve's comment. He’s not wrong.
“I can imagine." you reply, and with that, you turn around and continue on towards the copy room.
Javi's dick twitches in his jeans when he watches you walk away. That fucking split in the back of your pencil skirt making his imagination run wild. He watches until you’re almost out of sight before standing up and tapping Steve’s desk, eyes still fixed on the direction you walked in. “Cover for me.”
“Why? Where you goin'?” Steve asks, momentarily looking up from his work and Javi just taps the side of his nose, before striding to the copy room.
You make it the copy room door, turning the knob and stepping in. The room is tiny, literally only big enough for a copy machine and a chair. As you approach the machine and turn it on, Javi's voice rings out from behind you.
"Needs two people in here to make it exciting." he comments, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest.
You glance up at him for a second and then fiddle with the settings on the machine, putting them to what you need. "That right?"
He chuckles at your bluntness and steps inside the room, closes the copy room door and locks it. He turns, his gaze once again fixed on the split in your skirt, and he moves to snake his arms around your waist, pressing forward until your back is pressed flush against his chest. “Why so cold, hm?”
You tut as his knuckle brushes over the machine and changes a setting so you swat him lightly, making him let out an amused huff of warm air from his nose, right against your ear.
You attempt to ignore the fact that his familiar cologne invades your nostrils and sends your mind reeling. "I told you never again, Javi." you say, putting the setting back, yet you make no effort whatsoever to move or stop him.
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” He murmurs, but there’s no hint of him giving up either. His lips find their familiar spot, at the underside of your jaw, and he places a soft kiss there. You can feel his hard cock pressing against you.
You tilt your head, silently allowing him to continue as you grab a sheet of paper from one of the folders and set it down on the copy glass.
Javi smirks against the sweet smelling skin of your neck when you do that, taking the opportunity to trail kisses down the side and have his hands wander over you.
It frustrates you just how easy it is for the two of you to fall straight back into this. You told yourself - and Javi, never again so many times. It never took much for Javier to coax you into a situation like this, because against your better judgement, you wanted him and dammit he wanted you.
The familiar tension and chemistry between you both has always been undeniable and despite the fact that you have both said “never again" to each other multiple times, it seems to keep happening.
The moment his hands reach down and grasp your thighs, you know you're done for. You turn in his grasp and look up at him. "You have fifteen minutes until that copier stops and I leave this room."
He chuckles at that, pulling away to watch as you press the button to start the machine. Then he gently pushes you so you're leaning forward against it.
“Then I better make these the best fifteen minutes of your life, hm?” He rasps, pulling the hem of your pencil skirt up to expose your bottom half to him.
One hand moves to lightly tap your legs, a silent command to spread them. “Gonna be a good girl and let me do my thing now?” he teases, warm breath tickling your ear.
You let out a breathy laugh, the damp patch growing in your panties with each word. "Mhm."
Javi chuckles as he watches you give in to him as always, your breath hitching as his hand moves down to the damp patch in your panties and he lets out a low hum of approval.
"Never again, huh?" he murmurs, voice rough with lust and a hint of teasing as his fingers run through the wet patch gently.
You can't help but whimper as his touch sends a shiver down your spine, arching your back against him. "Shut up." you grumble, trying to maintain some form of composure, but it's crumbling fast.
Javi begins to unbuckle his belt with a smirk on his face and when it's undone, he runs his hands over he curve of your ass appreciatively. You look at the machine before looking over your shoulder at him and meeting his gaze.
"Might wanna get a move on Peña. Got ten minutes left."
He smirks as he glances back down at your ass then pulls your panties down to your knees, then pulls his jeans down and frees himself just enough. He runs his fingers teasingly through your slit, making your back arch as his other hand pumps himself lazily for a moment.
"Already soaked." he comments, pushing a finger inside and making you gasp. He chuckles softly before removing his finger and pressing his tip at your entrance.
With a swift, thrust of his hips, Javi bottoms out and grabs your hips, setting a quick pace to make the most of the time you have left.
A moan escapes you as his cock repeatedly hits the right spot inside of you over and over again, reminding you why you give in every time. No one fucks you this good, no one ever has and probably never will. He knows you. He knows your body probably better than you do.
"Fuck, Javi..." you whimper when he lifts one of your legs slightly, somehow hitting deeper than before. He's mesmerized by your ass bouncing as your bodies meet.
He leans forward over your back slightly, his lips brushing your ear as he pants softly with each thrust. "What was that about never fucking again? Hmm?” he growls softly, pistoning his hips into yours.
“Fuck…just shut up…y’got seven minutes left to make me come.”
He takes that as a challenge and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you up to lay your back against his chest as he continues pouding into you relentlessly. His hands roam to squeeze your bouncing tits through your blouse, making you bite your lip to mask the noises you desperately need to make and clench around him.
His fingers pinch and tug gently at your now hard nipples through the fabric, sending shockwaves straight to your cunt. He can feel your inner walls tightening around his length, threatening to pull him over the edge.
Javi's hips stutter, his grip on your tits tightening as his forehead rests on your shoulder. He's breathing heavily, his control slipping as you continue to clench around him. "Fuck...fuck...fuck." He growls softly, his voice strained.
You’re teetering on the edge, just needing one last little push and he can tell. One of his hands slide from your chest down to your pussy, rubbing firm circles against your clit.
“Come on, baby.” he rasps, voice low and urgent. The riskiness of it all has you both already almost there, the sounds of skin meeting skin filling the room. In the back of your mind you’re worried the echos will each outside the room but you’re too far gone to care.
He can feel your body tensing, your breath hitching as he hits that perfect spot over and over. The machine beeps, signally there’s only a couple of minutes left. He knows you're close, so he increases the pressure on your clit. "That's it hermosa, come on.” he groans, his voice strained still.
“Shit- oh…I’m-” you begin, yet you’re cut off by your own moan and Javi’s free hand quickly clamps over your mouth as he whispers encouraging words into your ear as your tight spasming walls milk his own release from him. Hot ropes of come fill you as Javi grunts quietly into your neck.
“Jesus.” you whisper as both of your breathing returns to normal with Javi srill buried side you.
He chuckles softly against your skin, his arms still wrapped around you. "Mhm. Jesus indeed."
He pulls out slowly, and you teasingly tense around him causing him to hiss at the sensitivity, making you laugh quietly.
He quickly tucks himself back into his pants, buttoning up just as the copier beeps, signaling that the time is up. "See that? Right on time." He smirks, giving your ass a light slap before stepping back.
You pull your skirt back down over your legs and when you reach down to grab your panties, Javi swipes them first and dangles them from one finger in front of you. When you go to take them, he moves them out of reach with a playful glint in his eye.
“These are mine now.” he says, stuffing them into his pocket with a playful wink.
“You’re disgusting.” you retort, though there’s a hint of a smirk tugging at your lips.
He chuckles, buckling his belt back up. “And you love every second of it.”
He leans back against the copier, crossing his arms with a smug grin. “Now every time you use the copy machine, you'll remember getting fucked stupid by me." he wiggles his eyebrows playfully.
“Oh my god, get out.” you say, tapping his leg to get him to move so you can collect the papers.
He leans over and kisses your cheek before slipping out of the room and leaving you alone with your thoughts and his come slowly dripping down your thighs.
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xhoess · 1 month ago
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Midnight Melodies
Pairing: Hongjoong x Reader
Warnings: Strong languag, Sexual content, Emotional tension, Intimate/romantic scenes, Fluff and angst, Mentions of uncertainty in relationships, Explicit content.
Wc: 10,3 K
If there was one thing everyone at Eden Academy could agree on, it was that Kim Hongjoong was perfect.
Student council president. Straight A’s. Teachers loved him, students respected him, and somehow, he made wearing a uniform look effortless. If someone needed help, Hongjoong was the first to offer. If there was an issue, he fixed it before anyone else even noticed.
You, on the other hand, were a little more… invisible. Not a bad student, not a standout. Just another face in the music club, trying to keep things afloat.
Which is why you were standing outside the student council room, gripping the petition for your club’s funding like a lifeline. This is fine, you told yourself. Just go in, ask him for help, and leave.
Taking a breath, you knocked.
"Come in,” a voice called.
The room was pristine, every file and folder stacked with precise care. And there, at the center of it all, was him.
Hongjoong sat behind his desk, a black pen twirling between his fingers. His eyes lifted when you entered, scanning you in that unreadable way that made people nervous.
“Ah,” he said, setting his pen down. “You’re from the music club, right?”
You nodded, suddenly feeling too aware of yourself. “Yeah. I—uh—wanted to talk about the budget cuts. We’re supposed to compete next month, but without funding, we can’t afford equipment or travel costs.” You placed the petition on his desk. “We got over a hundred signatures. I was hoping you could—”
Hongjoong sighed, rubbing his temples like he already knew where this was going.
"The school board’s been strict this year,” he said. “They want to prioritize ‘academic-focused’ programs.”
Your stomach dropped. “So, what? We just get pushed aside?”
He gave you a look. Not unkind, but unreadable. “I’ll bring it up at the next meeting. But I can’t promise anything.”
You stared at him, frustration bubbling in your chest. “You’re the president. If anyone can convince them, it’s you.”
For the first time, Hongjoong hesitated. His fingers tapped against the desk, his gaze flickering—just for a second—before settling back into his usual cool expression.
“I’ll try.”
The words felt like a deflection. Something was off about his tone, but before you could question it, he stood, effectively ending the conversation.
“Was there anything else?”
You clenched your jaw. “No. Thanks for your time, President Kim.”
Turning on your heel, you left, irritation simmering under your skin.
Why did it feel like he already knew the answer before you even walked in?
The school was quiet, unnervingly so. The usual bustle of students, the sounds of lockers slamming and chatter filling the hallways—gone. Only the steady ticking of the clock seemed to echo in the silence.
You had no intention of staying this late. The last few hours had been a blur of rewriting your club’s proposal, attempting to salvage any chance of getting the funding you desperately needed. But time had slipped away, and now it was far past curfew.
10:42 PM flashed on your phone screen as you stuffed your papers into your bag and slung it over your shoulder. You hurried down the hallway toward the nearest exit, hoping the janitors hadn’t locked the gates yet.
Just as you reached the door, though, a sound stopped you cold.
At first, you thought it was an illusion. Maybe your mind was playing tricks on you, longing for some background noise after so much silence. But then the beat hit again—deep, pulsing, relentless. It wasn’t the usual classical stuff the school played during assemblies, nor was it anything you’d heard during practice with the club. This was… different.
Intrigued and a bit confused, you turned toward the source. The sound was coming from an old classroom at the end of the hallway, one that had long since been abandoned for more modern spaces. The door was slightly ajar, a thin strip of light spilling into the darkness of the hallway.
You hesitated, your heart starting to race. The music sounded raw, emotional—real.
As you quietly approached the door, you peered through the crack, eyes widening at what you saw.
There, sitting at an old desk cluttered with various music equipment, was Kim Hongjoong.
But not the Hongjoong you knew—the student council president who always kept his uniform crisp, his hair perfectly styled, his demeanor immaculate.
No, this Hongjoong was lost in the music, head tilted down as his fingers flew over a laptop’s touchpad. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing lean forearms. His tie was loosened, hanging sloppily around his neck. The usual sharpness in his eyes was softened by the dim glow of the screen, his expression focused, intense.
This wasn’t the perfect student—this was a person completely immersed in his art.
The music swelled, the bass pounding in your chest, and you could feel the energy in the room—a deep, throbbing force that seemed to pulse through the very walls. It was raw and unfiltered, the kind of sound that felt more like a confession than a performance. It wasn’t the kind of music that would be welcomed at Eden Academy’s polished events.
Your breath caught in your throat.
Hongjoong wasn’t just studying. He was creating something—something entirely different, something he had been hiding from everyone.
A sudden, loud beat made you flinch, your foot shifting on the floor with an audible creak.
He heard you.
Hongjoong’s head snapped up, eyes locking with yours in an instant. For a split second, there was only silence—the thrum of the music fading as he froze, his gaze sharp but not quite as controlled as usual.
You both stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, and then the music abruptly stopped, replaced by a tense stillness that filled the room.
“…What are you doing here?” His voice was low, more gravelly than you expected, his usual confident tone softened by something that felt closer to a mix of frustration and surprise.
Your heart was still pounding, but you stepped into the room, a challenge rising in your chest. "I could ask you the same thing."
Hongjoong ran a hand through his hair, clearly rattled. “You shouldn’t be here,” he muttered, standing up and pushing his chair back. “I didn’t mean for anyone to find out.”
You looked at the screen of his laptop, where the remnants of the music project remained, the waveform still visible. "This isn’t school-approved music, is it?"
Hongjoong was quiet for a long moment, his hands resting on the edge of the desk as if he didn’t know whether to shut the laptop or leave it exposed.
Finally, he sighed, rubbing his temples. "No. It’s not."
You tilted your head, stepping closer to him. “Why? Why are you hiding this?"
The edge in his voice softened slightly, but his eyes remained guarded. “Because if they find out, it’s over. This isn’t what they want. I’m supposed to be the model student, the ‘perfect president,’ the one who plays by the rules.” He shook his head, almost as if he was frustrated with himself. “But I’m not. I don’t fit the image they want me to have.”
Your brow furrowed. “You love this, don’t you?”
Hongjoong’s gaze flickered, and for the first time in this conversation, he looked vulnerable. “Yeah,” he said quietly, almost under his breath. “I do.”
He glanced at the desk, avoiding your eyes. You could see the conflict in the way his hands gripped the edge of the table—like he was torn between two worlds.
“You don’t have to hide it, Hongjoong,” you said softly, your voice almost a whisper. “Why don’t you just fight for it? You’re the student council president. You can make a change. You can—”
He cut you off, his voice rough. “It’s not that simple. You don’t understand.”
You took a step closer, and for a moment, the distance between you two felt like miles—emotional miles. You had never seen him like this before, so raw, so... real.
The tension in the room thickened, and your pulse quickened as Hongjoong’s gaze drifted to your lips. You weren’t sure if it was your imagination, but for a brief second, it felt like the world had shifted. Like the perfect, untouchable student president had become... something else entirely.
“Then explain it to me,” you whispered, your voice shaking slightly, a mix of curiosity and something else.
His lips parted, and for a moment, it seemed like he was going to say something—something that might have changed everything. But instead, he swallowed, his jaw tightening.
“Some things… you just can’t explain,” he murmured, his voice barely audible. His hand, almost of its own volition, reached out, brushing against your wrist. The contact was electric.
Your breath caught in your throat as he stepped back, avoiding your eyes. He was pushing you away, but not quite in the way you expected.
“Go home, before someone catches you here,” he said, his tone colder now, but still laced with that underlying tension.
You stood still for a moment, processing everything—the music, his confession, the way his hand had lingered on yours.
Before you could speak, he was already turning back to his laptop, shutting the lid with finality.
You wanted to say something. You wanted to argue, to demand more answers, but instead, you simply nodded, leaving the room with the weight of his secret pressing down on your chest.
Kim Hongjoong wasn’t who you thought he was.
And suddenly, you weren’t sure where this path was taking you anymore.
The days following that night were frustrating, to say the least.
You had seen him—the real Hongjoong, not the perfectly polished student council president. You had heard his music, felt the weight of his emotions in every note. And yet, when you saw him at school, he acted like nothing had happened.
In the hallways, he walked past you without a second glance. In class meetings, he spoke with the same cool authority, as if he hadn’t confessed something deeply personal just a few nights ago.
And it pissed you off.
Because now that you had seen that version of him, you couldn’t unsee it. Now that you had felt that tension crackle in the air between you, you couldn’t pretend it didn’t exist.
So, on Friday night, when you found yourself standing in front of the abandoned classroom again, it wasn’t hesitation you felt. It was determination.
This time, you weren’t going to let him push you away.
You pushed the door open without knocking.
The music was already playing.
And there he was—exactly where you expected him to be.
Hongjoong sat hunched over his laptop, the dim glow of the screen casting a soft light on his face. He was dressed more casually tonight. His blazer was draped over the back of his chair, his white dress shirt slightly wrinkled, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His tie was gone, and the top few buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing a glimpse of collarbone.
He looked comfortable.
He looked like himself.
But when the door clicked shut behind you, he didn’t look up.
“You’re back,” he murmured, fingers adjusting a sound level on his mixer.
“I had questions,” you said, stepping forward. “But you ignored me all day.”
A hint of amusement flickered across his face, but he still didn’t look at you. “I wasn’t ignoring you.”
“Oh, really?” You folded your arms. “So you just happened to walk past me five times today without seeing me?”
Now, he smirked. Smirked.
“Maybe,” he said.
The smugness in his voice made something snap in you.
“Fine,” you said. “If that’s how you want to play it.”
Before he could respond, you marched across the room and closed his laptop.
The music stopped abruptly.
Hongjoong froze, his fingers still hovering over the keyboard. Then, slowly, he looked up at you.
And that was when the tension shifted.
Because now, his eyes weren’t distant. They weren’t indifferent.
They were burning.
“Careful,” he murmured, his voice lower now. “You don’t know what you’re messing with.”
You met his gaze, refusing to back down. “Then explain it to me.”
A heavy silence stretched between you. The only sound in the room was the soft buzz of the equipment and the faint hum of the air conditioning.
Then, Hongjoong did something you didn’t expect.
He sighed, ran a hand through his hair, and then tugged you down into the chair beside him.
You yelped slightly as your knees brushed against his, your shoulder bumping his arm. The proximity sent a sharp jolt of awareness through your body.
Hongjoong leaned in, voice quieter now. “You really want to know?”
You nodded, trying not to focus on how warm he was next to you, how his scent—a mix of cologne, coffee, and something distinctly him—wrapped around you like an unintentional trap.
He reached for his laptop, flipping it back open.
“Then listen.”
The music started again, softer this time, as if he had adjusted it just for you.
You sat there, side by side, listening to the melody pour from the speakers. The beat was slower, deeper—less controlled, more raw. It wasn’t polished like the music you were used to hearing in school competitions.
It was honest.
As the song played, you found yourself leaning closer, drawn into the way Hongjoong’s fingers moved so effortlessly over the controls. The way he adjusted the sound with care, like each note meant something to him.
“You made this?” you asked softly.
He nodded, his expression unreadable. “Yeah.”
“It’s…” You struggled to find the right words. “It feels personal.”
Hongjoong exhaled a quiet laugh. “That’s because it is.”
Your breath caught in your throat.
This wasn’t just music to him. It wasn’t just a hobby. It was something deeper—something he didn’t show to just anyone.
Your eyes flickered to his hands, the way his fingers traced over the laptop’s trackpad. He had artist’s hands—quick, precise, confident. Without thinking, you reached out, letting your fingertips ghost over the back of his hand.
Hongjoong stilled.
The air in the room shifted.
His eyes flickered up to yours, something dark and unreadable swirling behind them. He didn’t pull away, but he didn’t move either.
“You’re not scared of getting caught, are you?” you murmured.
His lips parted slightly. His gaze dipped—to your lips, just for a second—before flickering back up.
“Not scared,” he said. “Just… aware.”
Your fingers were still touching his. Not a full hold, just the faintest brush of contact. But it was enough. Enough to send a pulse of heat through your veins, enough to make the space between you feel smaller than it was.
Something had shifted.
Something had changed.
You weren’t sure who moved first—him or you—but the next thing you knew, you were leaning closer, your breaths mingling in the space between you. The tension was thick, electric, alive.
Then, just as quickly as it happened, Hongjoong pulled back.
The loss of warmth was immediate.
You blinked, slightly dazed. “Hongjoong—”
“You should go,” he murmured, voice quieter now.
He wasn’t pushing you away out of anger.
He was pushing you away because he was scared of something.
You could see it in his eyes—the hesitation, the restraint. Like he had already let you get too close.
Like he knew that if he let you stay, something would happen that he wouldn’t be able to take back.
You swallowed hard, your chest tightening. “Why do you do that?”
His gaze flickered to yours. “Do what?”
“Push people away when they start to care.”
His jaw clenched. He looked like he wanted to answer—but he didn’t. Instead, he exhaled and turned back to his laptop.
“You should go,” he repeated, softer this time.
You hesitated.
Then, slowly, you rose from your seat.
But before you left, you leaned in—just enough for him to hear you—and whispered:
“You can keep pushing, Hongjoong. But I’m not going anywhere.”
Then, without waiting for a response, you walked out.
The moment you stepped out of the classroom that night, you knew this wasn’t over.
Hongjoong could push you away all he wanted, but something had shifted between you two. The tension, the glances, the way his fingers had lingered against yours—it was all leading somewhere.
And you weren’t going to be the one to turn away first.
The next week was different.
Hongjoong still played his role perfectly—the student council president, the model student, the untouchable leader. But you noticed things now.
The way his eyes subtly searched for you in the cafeteria. The way he tensed whenever you walked into a room, like he was hyper-aware of your presence. The way he hesitated before speaking whenever you were near.
He was unraveling.
And you wanted to see just how far he’d let himself go.
Friday night.
You didn’t even hesitate this time.
When you walked into the abandoned classroom, you found Hongjoong exactly where you expected him—but he wasn’t alone.
A small group of students was gathered around him, headphones slung around their necks, deep in conversation about something on his laptop. The energy in the room was different from before—louder, more alive.
You hovered near the door, watching.
Hongjoong was in his element. His hands moved as he spoke, his voice animated as he explained something on the screen. His sleeves were pushed up, his tie once again missing.
This version of him—the one who was passionate, focused, completely unguarded—was dangerously attractive.
And then he saw you.
His voice faltered for just a second. His hands stilled. The others didn’t seem to notice, but you did.
You smirked. Gotcha.
“Yo, we should probably bounce before curfew,” one of the students said, stretching. “You coming, Hongjoong?”
He hesitated. His eyes flickered to you for the briefest second.
Then, he shook his head. “I’ll stay a little longer.”
The others packed up and left, their laughter fading down the hallway. The door clicked shut behind them, leaving the two of you alone.
Hongjoong leaned back in his chair, watching you. “You really don’t know when to quit, do you?”
You shrugged, stepping closer. “Nope.”
A slow smirk tugged at his lips. “You should.”
“Should I?” You tilted your head, your voice quieter now. Daring.
His eyes darkened slightly. He didn’t answer.
Instead, he pressed a button on his laptop, and the music started playing.
Not the kind of polished, rehearsed music the school expected of him.
This was different.
It was slower, deeper—seductive.
A heavy beat thumped through the speakers, vibrating through your skin. The bass was thick, pulsing like a heartbeat. The melody slithered through the air, wrapping around you, pulling you in.
Hongjoong watched you, his fingers tapping against the desk in rhythm with the beat.
You took a step closer. Then another.
And then you did something bold.
You reached out and tugged his headphones off his neck.
He froze.
Your fingers brushed against the skin just below his jaw, and you felt him tense.
The air between you shifted.
The music pounded, drowning out the silence.
Hongjoong’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, his breath unsteady. His eyes flickered from your hand to your lips—just for a second—before he exhaled sharply and turned away.
“Careful,” he murmured, voice rough.
You smirked, tilting your head. “Or what?”
His jaw tightened. He stood up so suddenly that your heart jumped.
And then he was right in front of you.
Closer than he had ever been.
His scent—clean, musky, with the faintest trace of cologne—wrapped around you, and your breath hitched.
“Or you might not like what happens next,” he murmured, his voice low, dangerous, promising.
Your heart pounded.
Your fingers were still wrapped around the headphones, your knuckles barely brushing his chest.
Neither of you moved.
Neither of you backed away.
And then—he did it.
He broke first.
One of his hands lifted, his fingers grazing the side of your face—slow, deliberate.
You inhaled sharply, your lips parting slightly at the unexpected touch. His fingertips were warm against your skin, his touch feather-light, almost hesitant.
But his eyes?
There was nothing hesitant about them.
They were dark. Intense. Focused entirely on you.
“I should stop,” he murmured.
But he didn’t.
Instead, his fingers traced down, barely skimming along your jaw, his touch sending a shiver down your spine.
Your pulse roared.
“You should,” you whispered.
But neither of you moved.
The music thrummed through the air, each beat thick with something unnamed, something dangerous.
Then—his thumb brushed the corner of your mouth.
A barely-there touch. A test. A warning.
Your breath hitched.
His gaze flickered to your lips again.
For a second, you thought he was going to do it.
You thought he was going to close the distance, finally let this fire consume you both.
But then—
A loud knock on the classroom door shattered the moment.
Hongjoong pulled back so fast it was like he had been burned.
The spell broke.
Your chest was heaving.
His hands clenched into fists at his sides.
The knock came again, sharper this time.
Hongjoong exhaled harshly, his jaw tight. “It’s locked,” he called out, his voice slightly hoarse. “Give me a second.”
Your heart was still racing.
Your skin still buzzed where he had touched you.
You met his gaze one last time—a silent conversation neither of you dared to finish.
Then, before he could stop you, you turned on your heel and walked out.
Leaving him breathless in the dim light of the music room, staring after you like he had just made the biggest mistake of his life.
The tension was unbearable.
For days after that night, neither of you spoke about what had happened.
Not about the music. Not about the way his fingers had traced your jaw. Not about the way he had looked at you—like he wanted to do something reckless, something irreversible.
But silence didn’t mean nothing had changed.
Because it had.
It was in the way he watched you now—like he couldn’t help himself. It was in the way his breath hitched when you brushed past him in the hallways, in the way his fingers lingered just a second too long whenever he handed you something.
It was in the way he didn’t push you away anymore.
Friday night.
You weren’t sure if he would be there.
But the moment you stepped into the classroom, you found him—waiting.
Hongjoong was sitting at the desk, head bowed, fingers tapping idly against his laptop. His sleeves were rolled up, his tie discarded, his top buttons undone just enough to make your throat go dry.
The tension in the room was instant.
The door clicked shut behind you.
His fingers stilled.
Slowly, he looked up.
And that was when you knew—tonight would be different.
For a long moment, neither of you spoke.
The only sound in the room was the hum of his laptop, the quiet static of the speakers.
“You keep coming back,” he murmured.
You leaned against the desk beside him. “And you keep letting me.”
His jaw clenched. His hands curled into fists on his lap.
There it was again.
That barely contained tension. That dangerous edge of restraint.
Your heart pounded.
“You don’t get it,” he muttered, voice low. “This isn’t a good idea.”
You tilted your head. “Then why haven’t you told me to leave?”
His breath stilled.
He had no answer.
Because he didn’t want you to.
Something shifted.
You weren’t sure who moved first.
All you knew was that one second, there was distance—and then there wasn’t.
One of his hands lifted—hesitant, searching.
Then his fingers ghosted along your wrist, curling just slightly around your skin. A shiver ran through you at the warmth of his touch, at the deliberate slowness of it.
Hongjoong wasn't rushing.
He was savoring.
Like he knew this was the moment before everything changed.
Your breath hitched.
And then, finally—finally—he broke.
In one smooth motion, he pushed off the desk, closing the last bit of space between you.
You barely had time to react.
One hand slid up to cup the side of your face—gentle but firm. The other settled low on your waist, his fingers pressing into the fabric of your shirt, pulling you against him.
And then—
His lips crashed into yours.
It wasn’t soft.
It wasn’t hesitant.
It was desperate, consuming, weeks of pent-up tension unraveling all at once.
Your fingers curled into his shirt, clinging as he deepened the kiss, his body pressing flush against yours. He exhaled sharply against your lips, his grip tightening as if he was trying to memorize the way you felt.
Like he was afraid to let go.
The kiss was heat, urgency, unspoken emotions spilling over.
When you finally broke apart, you were breathless.
His forehead pressed against yours, his breathing ragged. His fingers were still tangled in your hair, his other hand still resting on your waist.
Instead, you whispered, “Do it again.”
His eyes met yours—dazed, unreadable.
And then, barely above a whisper—
“Tell me to stop.”
You swallowed, heart racing.
But you didn’t.
And just like that—the fire consumed you both.
"not here.." he Whispers.
He led you to the boy's dormitory wing, a place strictly off-limits to female students. The thrill of the forbidden made your steps quicken, your breath coming in short gasps. He opened the door to his room, ushering you inside.
"Hongjoong, are you sure about this?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He smiled, closing the door behind you. "I wouldn't have brought you here if I wasn't. But we need to be quiet, okay? If the professors find out, I'll lose my whole reputation."
You nodded, a thrill of excitement coursing through you. The danger of it all was intoxicating.
He moved closer, his eyes locked onto yours. "You're beautiful, you know that?" he murmured, his fingers gently brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
"Thank you," you whispered back, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks.
He leaned in, his lips softly meeting yours. The kiss was gentle at first, a tender exploration that deepened as you both surrendered to the moment. His tongue traced the seam of your lips, and you parted them, allowing him entrance. His taste was sweet, like the coffee he must have had earlier.
squirm with pleasure. He looked up at you, his eyes filled with a primal hunger. "You like that, don't you?" he asked, his voice a low rumble.
You nodded, your breath coming in short gasps. "Yes," you managed to whisper.
He stood up, his hands moving to your jeans. He unbuttoned them, his fingers brushing against your stomach as he pulled them down. He took his time, his eyes never leaving yours as he revealed your lacy panties. He hooked his fingers into the waistband, pulling them down slowly, his gaze locked onto yours.
licked you slowly, his tongue flat against your clit. You moaned, your hips bucking against his mouth. He chuckled, the vibration sending shivers through you.
He licked and sucked, his tongue exploring every inch of your pussy. He slipped a finger inside you, curling it to hit your G-spot. You cried out, your hands fisting the sheets. He added another finger, pumping them in and out while his tongue continued to work your clit.
You were close, your body tensing as the pleasure built. He sensed it, his fingers and tongue working in tandem to push you over the edge. You came with a cry, your body convulsing as waves of pleasure washed over you.
He crawled back up your body, his cock hard and ready. He kissed you deeply, letting you taste yourself on his lips. "You taste so fucking good," he murmured.
He positioned himself at your entrance, looking into your eyes. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice husky with desire.
You nodded, your body still trembling from your orgasm. He pushed into you slowly, his cock stretching you as he filled you completely. You gasped, your nails digging into his back.
"You okay?" he asked, concern in his voice.
You nodded, a smile playing at the corners of your lips. "Yeah, I'm good. Just...take it slow."
He nodded, his hips moving in slow, deliberate thrusts. He leaned down, capturing your lips in a deep kiss as he moved in and out of you.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer, urging him to move faster. He obliged, his hips moving in quick, hard thrusts. You moaned with each one, your body eager for more.
He broke the kiss, his eyes locked onto yours. "You like that?" he asked, his voice a low growl.
You nodded, your breath coming in short gasps. "Yes, yes, I do."
He flipped you over, pulling you to your hands and knees. He entered you from behind, his hands gripping your hips. He pounded into you, his cock hitting your G-spot with each thrust. You cried out, your body pushed to the edge once again.
He reached around, his fingers finding your clit. He rubbed it in time with his thrusts, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. You came with a scream, your body convulsing as your orgasm washed over you.
He followed soon after, his body tensing as he came inside you. He collapsed onto the bed, pulling you with him, his body spooning yours.
You lay there, your body sated and exhausted, his arms wrapped around you. You listened to the sound of his heartbeat, slowing as he caught his breath.
"That was...incredible," you murmured, your voice soft and content.
But unfortunately this great moment had to come to an end. After hongjoong made sure you where alright and cleaned up you had to leave.
Oh god you feel so phatetic leaving like this but there is no other options, they will check the dorms every evening
The walk back to your dorm was hell.
Every step felt heavier than the last, the distance between you and Hongjoong’s dorm growing with each footfall, yet the warmth of his touch, the taste of his kiss, lingered like an invisible weight pressing on you. Your pulse still throbbed in your ears, your body still buzzing from the intensity of what had just happened. The world outside seemed so distant, so disconnected from what had just unfolded behind closed doors.
You kept your head down, pretending that nothing had changed, trying to act normal, but you couldn’t escape the new reality that had just been carved into you. What had just happened?
His hands, his mouth, his scent—all of it was still imprinted on your skin, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that this was something much bigger than just a fleeting moment. It was dangerous—you both knew that.
But it had felt so right.
Once you crossed the threshold into your dorm, you felt the weight of the moment descend on you, that strange blend of guilt and excitement that came with sneaking around, with doing something you weren't supposed to. The door clicked shut softly behind you, but the silence that followed felt deafening. You had just done something you never imagined doing, and now, you were left alone with your thoughts.
Your roommate was already asleep, her light snores filling the otherwise quiet room. You sat down on your bed, staring at the ceiling. There was nothing to distract you, no escape from the overwhelming thoughts running through your head. You closed your eyes, and there he was again. Hongjoong, his body against yours, his hands, his lips, his voice murmuring your name.
It wasn’t just the physicality of it.
It was the connection. The chemistry. That undeniable pull that made you feel like you were being drawn into his orbit, over and over again.
But now, the silence that stretched between you two was almost suffocating. No texts, no calls, no awkward glances in the hallway. Had he regretted it? Or was this just part of his plan to keep you at arm’s length? You had no way of knowing.
You hated the uncertainty.
The Next Day
The day passed like a blur.
Classes felt like a distant memory as your thoughts kept drifting back to him, back to that night. But no matter how hard you tried to focus, you couldn’t stop thinking about his hands on your skin, his lips on yours.
You barely looked at him when you saw him between classes. His presence made your heart beat harder, faster, and you didn’t know how to handle it. Every time your eyes met his, you felt that pull again, that fire burning just beneath the surface. But he didn’t approach you, didn’t say a word.
He was avoiding you.
At least, that’s how it felt.
Maybe it was easier for him. Maybe he knew what to do next, while you were left in the haze of the aftermath. What were you supposed to do now?
You hated that you couldn’t read him. You hated how he could make you feel so… so alive, yet leave you completely in the dark about what was really happening between you two.
But the worst part?
The worst part was how much you wanted to see him again.
That Night
The campus was quiet, the lights from the hallway casting long shadows across the floor. The hours ticked by slowly. You couldn’t stand the silence, couldn’t stand the thought of him, of that night, lingering in your mind without any resolution. You needed answers.
So, you decided to go to him.
You slipped out of your dorm, careful not to wake anyone, and made your way through the empty halls, heart pounding in your chest. The music room was your destination. You knew it, like a second home, but tonight it felt different. Everything felt different.
You reached the door and found it slightly ajar, the soft sound of something being typed filling the space beyond. Your breath caught as you pushed the door open a little more. There he was—Hongjoong.
His back was to you, and he was sitting at the desk, headphones on, his fingers dancing across the keyboard. His posture was relaxed, but there was something tense in the air.
You stood there for a moment, just watching him. For all the confidence you had before, now, your body felt uncertain. Your nerves were running wild, and you didn’t know whether you wanted to yell at him for ignoring you or pull him toward you again.
But then he turned, his eyes meeting yours, and just like that, everything else faded away.
He didn’t say anything. He didn’t move. The world seemed to stop for a moment as the two of you locked eyes.
Your heart thudded loudly in your chest. “You’ve been avoiding me.”
He exhaled sharply, removing his headphones slowly, like he was steeling himself for something. “I haven’t.”
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms. “Don’t lie to me, Hongjoong.”
He flinched, his eyes flicking down to his hands for a moment before they came back up to meet yours. The wall he had been hiding behind was crumbling, and you could see the uncertainty in his expression.
He hesitated. “It’s not…” He trailed off, running a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. He took a step toward you, but his voice was quieter this time. “It’s not that simple.”
You took a step closer, not giving him the chance to distance himself. “Then what is it?”
He sighed, his hands resting on the desk behind him, almost like he was holding himself back. “I don’t know what to do with this.”
Your stomach churned at his words. What was that supposed to mean? You weren’t the only one confused, but this wasn’t the time for him to retreat again. Not now.
“I don’t know either,” you whispered. “But running away from it won’t make it go away.”
His breath hitched, his gaze locking onto you with such intensity that it almost knocked the air from your lungs. He was standing so close now, his body tense with restraint. “I can’t just ignore it. I can’t just… forget what happened.”
Your heart pounded in your ears. You had been afraid of the same thing. What if this had been a mistake? What if he regretted it? But when his eyes softened slightly, when he took that step closer—you knew it wasn’t.
You reached out, gently taking his hand in yours. “Then don’t. Don’t forget. Let’s figure this out together.”
His hand tightened around yours, and for a moment, it felt like he was holding onto you for dear life. He pulled you closer until you were standing right in front of him. His breath was warm against your skin, his lips barely brushing your forehead as he spoke.
“Do you even know what you’re asking?” His voice was hoarse, as though the weight of it all was pressing down on him.
You nodded, your fingers brushing his jawline, urging him to look at you. “I know exactly what I’m asking.”
His hands slid up your arms, cupping your face gently as he tilted your head up. “You make this harder than it needs to be,” he muttered, but his lips were already on yours before he could finish the thought.
It was slow at first, hesitant—as if both of you were testing the waters once more. But it didn’t take long for the kiss to deepen, to turn desperate, as the same need, the same fire from the night before reignited between you.
Hongjoong’s hands moved to your waist, pulling you flush against him, the heat of his body overwhelming. His lips moved from yours to your neck, his breath hot against your skin. “I don’t know how to stop this,” he whispered.
“I don’t want you to stop,” you replied.
His hands slid beneath your shirt, his touch sending sparks through your body. Everything about him, everything about this moment felt inevitable—like you had been waiting for it, unknowingly, all along.
And when his lips found yours again, there was no hesitation. No questions. Just the overwhelming need to be close, to be more than just two bodies in a room. To be something real.
The night unfolded again, just like it had before—intense, electric, and full of emotions that you hadn’t known you were capable of feeling. But this time, it was different. There was no fear of the unknown anymore. There was only the certainty of the connection between you two. The understanding that this wasn’t a one-time thing.
And as the hours wore on, you found yourself in the same place again—lost in him.
When it ended, both of you were breathless, tangled in each other, yet something had shifted. There were still questions, still doubts, but for the first time in a long time, you were willing to face them.
The days that followed that night were a whirlwind of confusion and longing, neither of you knowing exactly how to navigate the space you’d created between yourselves. After that kiss, after everything that happened, the silence was the loudest thing in the room.
You saw him in passing, in the hallways, sometimes in classes, but each time you caught his gaze, it felt like there was something unspoken between you two. You wanted to reach out, to say something, but every time your thoughts started to gather into words, they fell apart in your chest. You were stuck in this space, hovering somewhere between wanting to pull away for the sake of your own sanity—and desperately needing to know what Hongjoong was thinking.
But as each day passed, you couldn’t keep pretending that things were normal.
You needed answers.
You needed to hear it from him. Again.
It was another late evening when you decided you couldn’t keep walking around in the fog of uncertainty. Hongjoong’s dorm room door was slightly ajar, and you could hear faint music playing inside—probably a track he was working on. The sight of it was enough to make your heart skip a beat.
You stood outside for a long moment, your breath catching as you tried to gather the courage to knock. You couldn’t avoid it anymore. No more games. No more pretending like everything was fine. You needed to hear it from him, needed to know whether what had happened between you two was real, or if you’d both just gotten caught up in the moment.
With a deep breath, you knocked.
The door creaked open, revealing Hongjoong, looking slightly startled to see you standing there. His hair was disheveled, his eyes still holding the remnants of the exhaustion that came from hours of working. But when he saw you, his expression softened.
“Hey,” he greeted you, his voice low and tentative.
You swallowed, feeling your pulse quicken. “We need to talk,” you said, and it felt like every word you spoke was dripping with the weight of everything that had happened between you two.
Hongjoong hesitated for a moment, glancing behind him toward his desk, but he stepped back, gesturing for you to come inside. You did, your eyes scanning the room quickly, but all you could focus on was him.
You stood in front of him, the silence stretching between you two. The tension felt thicker than ever. Finally, Hongjoong spoke, breaking the quiet. “What’s going on? What do you want to talk about?”
You didn’t want to dance around it anymore. You couldn’t.
“I want to know what we’re doing here, Hongjoong,” you said, your voice shaking slightly, but the words were out before you could second guess them. “After everything... after last night—why are we pretending like nothing happened? Why are you using me?”
His face softened, but you could see the inner conflict in his eyes. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “It’s not that I’m using you... I just—I don’t know how to handle this. I don’t know what to do with how I feel. It’s not that simple, you know?”
You nodded, taking a step closer to him. “I get that. I’m confused, too. But I can’t keep pretending that nothing’s different. That night meant something. I don’t know what exactly, but it wasn’t just some random moment.”
Hongjoong’s expression softened even more, and he took a deep breath. “It wasn’t just some random moment for me either,” he confessed, his voice quiet but firm. “I’ve been trying to figure it out—what this is between us. But I guess I was scared. Scared that if I admitted how I feel, things would get messed up... But I can’t stop thinking about you. And I don’t want to keep pretending like I don’t.”
Your heart pounded in your chest. For the first time, there were no walls between you. No ambiguity, no confusion—just raw honesty.
“Hongjoong…” You felt a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, and you couldn’t hold back anymore. “I don’t want to pretend either.”
His eyes softened as he stepped closer to you, his hand reaching up to gently touch your cheek. “So, you feel the same way?” he asked, his voice low, almost as if he was afraid to hear the answer.
You nodded, feeling your heart race as you looked up at him. “Yeah. I feel the same way.”
A sigh of relief escaped Hongjoong, and before you knew it, he was leaning in, his lips brushing against yours in a slow, tender kiss. This time, it wasn’t filled with the frenzy of desire—it was filled with something softer, something more intimate, as if you were both acknowledging that you had just crossed a threshold.
When he pulled back, he didn’t let go of you. His forehead rested against yours, and there was a gentle smile on his lips. “So... you’re saying this is real? That we’re doing this?”
You laughed softly, the sound a mix of relief and joy. “Yeah, I think we are.”
From that moment on, the change between you two was undeniable. The space you’d once kept between each other had melted away, replaced by an easy, comfortable closeness. Hongjoong wasn’t avoiding you anymore. In fact, he was more present than ever, his attention focused on you every chance he got.
It wasn’t all perfect—nothing ever is. But now that you knew where you both stood, it was easier to navigate the growing feelings between you two. There was no more guessing. There was no more distance. You were together, and the unspoken weight had been lifted.
You spent more time in his dorm after classes, enjoying the quiet moments where you could simply be with each other, no pretenses, no expectations. And every time he touched you, kissed you, or simply smiled at you, your heart swelled with something you couldn’t quite name—but you knew it was something that felt right.
No more doubts. No more hiding. You were both committed to whatever came next.
The First Date
A week later, Hongjoong invited you to a small cafe downtown, away from the prying eyes of the campus. It wasn’t flashy, but it was perfect. Just the two of you, sipping coffee, talking about everything and nothing, laughing freely without the weight of fear or uncertainty hanging over you.
There, in that cozy corner, he reached for your hand across the table, his fingers brushing yours with a softness that made your heart skip.
“This is nice,” Hongjoong said, his voice full of contentment as he looked at you, his eyes filled with affection. “I don’t want to rush anything, but I want to make this work. With you.”
You squeezed his hand, a smile tugging at your lips. “I want that, too.”
And in that moment, you both knew that this—this was just the beginning.
Taglist: @oceanside-view97 @hwa-stars @hoe4yunho @hohongjoong
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idiopath-fic-smile · 4 months ago
i dunno if that counts as a wip, but personally i've been thinking abt the "conversation at the dinner table of enjolras' family" series for years now so i gotta jump on the oppurunity
oh my gosh, sure thing! when i checked my WIP folder, i learned i'd actually already written a second whole installment (and then completely forgotten about it) so i'll post that too, and then my new chunk after it.
first bit is here. throwing this under a cut bc it's not short!
“So,” said Dad as he ladled the first round of Saturday morning pancake batter onto the griddle, “tell us about this boy you’re dating?”
Enjolras consciously steadied his hands, took a sip of green tea to stall, and reminded himself that if the relationship was real, he would have been dying to share everything he knew about the boy in question. With an unpleasant lurch, he realized this was almost nothing. He wasn’t even sure what grade Grantaire was in.
“He’s…great,” said Enjolras, hoping that with any luck, his panic could be read as lovestruck embarrassment.
Mom curled her hands around her coffee cup and leaned in, conspiratorial. “Is he cute?”
Between Friday afternoon and now, Enjolras had dedicated a staggering amount of thought to the situation, but he hadn’t made much forward progress. Any time he tried, his mind tended to get snagged, or caught in loops, or lost on wild tangents like, Did Grantaire really mean it when he said he would be okay kissing for the sake of this pretense? How could he possibly be alright with that? Was he kidding? But it honestly didn’t seem like he was kidding. But how would it even come up?
One of very few conclusions Enjolras had reached: he needed to find a way to lie to his parents as little as possible. The thought of deceiving them on purpose for months already made the pit of his stomach feel heavy.
“Yeah,” he said weakly, “he’s…got cool hair.” This was true, if asinine. “And um, a good smile. A really good smile.” Also true, although Enjolras mostly saw it either accompanied by a lot of sarcasm or directed at other people.
“So.” Dad craned around to face him, spatula in hand. “Good at smiling. What else?”
Really, Enjolras thought, he should have been able to anticipate this. He could’ve drawn up his talking points beforehand, like he had with the detention. Set aside the time to brainstorm something better than ‘cool hair,’ for crying out loud. He wondered what Grantaire himself would’ve thought of this conversation, the face Grantaire would’ve pulled at Enjolras’s ludicrous attempts to sound like a person with a boyfriend.
Come to think of it, he wondered what Grantaire was telling his own parents about the whole affair. Maybe nothing. Probably nothing. Grantaire didn’t strike him as the kind of kid to spend weekends bonding with his family. Besides, given the demographics of the area, it was unlikely that they’d be supportive of Grantaire’s—fake coming out? Real coming out under fake circumstances? Enjolras didn’t even know whether or not Grantaire was gay. On one hand, it was a pretty outrageous thing for a straight guy to do. On the other hand—well. It was a pretty outrageous thing for a closeted gay guy to do, too.
With no conscious input from his brain, Enjolras’s memory rewound itself, yet again, to the sight of Grantaire calling his name yesterday in the cafeteria—eyes flashing under that mop of wild dark hair, back straight, fists clenched at his sides like he was about to take on the whole school in one go and win.
Enjolras had seen him and thought, ‘This is why Nicolas Sparks books work on people. This is why half the songs on the radio are the same insipid story over and over again.’ Novelists and songwriters wasted all those words trying to capture a sensation and tame it into words but really it was just Grantaire—smartass Grantaire who was annoying and disruptive and weirdly moody sometimes, who refused to take anything seriously, who didn’t even like Enjolras—it was just Grantaire striding forward with Enjolras’s name on his lips, fury on his face, throwing away every scrap of popularity to back up a cause he had bitterly ridiculed just days ago, for no reason Enjolras could see.
It was a lot to think about.
God, Enjolras was in so far over his head.
“Are you blushing?” said Mom.
“No,” said Enjolras.
“Frank,” she said, “Frank, he’s blushing.”
Enjolras slumped down in his chair. “He’s—funny,” Enjolras blurted, because any line of inquiry was preferable to this, even admitting out loud that he wasn’t totally immune to Grantaire’s jokes. More than once, Enjolras had walked out of a meeting with a raw spot on the inside of his cheek from an hour of trying not to laugh at his most recent shenanigans. If anything, it was more of a liability than a point in Grantaire’s favor. He never would have been able to bring everything grinding to a halt by just shouting out quotes from Family Guy or whatever passed for humor among most of their peers. He was quick and clever and creative—and he used it to make everything infinitely harder than it needed to be.
He’d been different at lunch, though, Enjolras thought, squinting unseeing at the syrup. Once the initial shock of are these the next two and a half months of my life had started to wear off, one of the first things Enjolras had noticed was how much energy Grantaire put into making the table laugh.
“Sense of humor,” said Dad. “That’s crucial.”
“Yeah,” said Enjolras. “And—a good artist.” This was something he only knew from Jehan, since the contents of Grantaire’s notebooks were apparently top secret to the rest of the world. “A really good artist,” he added. It might’ve been true, at any rate. Enjolras couldn’t picture Grantaire concentrating that hard at anything but maybe he had natural talent. “He can draw anything. And he plays the drums.”
“A musician!” Dad called over his shoulder. “Let us know if he has any gigs coming up.”
“What did you say his name was?” Mom asked.
Enjolras told her. She grimaced around a mouthful of coffee.
“I’ve met his mom,” she said. “She’s in my Jazzercise group. She’s—well, maybe he takes after his dad.”
“Why,” said Enjolras, “did she—” He frowned at his empty plate, but of course there was no way to end that sentence without scraping too close to the truth. Try to make you feel ridiculous for caring about anything? Roll her eyes at you for reacting? Mock and defend your friends in the same breath?
“What?” said Mom.
Mom pursed her lips. “I want to be fair, maybe I caught her on a bad day, but she—struck me as pretty phony. A very Stepford feel. Plus, when I told her I had a teenage son, she laughed and said ‘I’m sorry,’ which—you know how that kind of thing burns me. Like, look, lady, I’ve got a kid I feel great about, who I love spending time with. Don’t project your issues on me.” She took another sip of coffee. “I thought her son was younger. She didn’t really mention him but she had one of those middle school honor roll bumper stickers?”
“Does he have a little brother, maybe?” Dad suggested, flipping pancakes with practiced ease.
Enjolras shrugged.
“How did you meet him?” said Mom.
“He’s—he goes to all the meetings, for the ABC,” said Enjolras, because stressing their shared history of detention felt like an unwise move and anyway this, too, was technically accurate, just in that slippery politician way that Enjolras hated—dropping breadcrumbs and letting the listener fill in the lie for themselves.
“He’s dedicated, then,” said Mom.
Completely dedicated. Not dedicated at all. I have no idea. “Yeah,” he said. “And smart.” Truthful, if misleading. “And—nice.” Maybe truthful? Enjolras seemed to be the only person he went out of his way to annoy, at any rate. “I don’t know,” Enjolras mumbled, which was, he thought wryly, the most honest claim he’d made so far. “I just—I just like him a lot,” he finished, and nothing in the words or how he said them was an act.
That was the problem.
“So,” said Mom brightly, “how was Joly’s party?”
Enjolras chewed his black bean burger and fought the urge to tug up the neck of his T-shirt over the completely obvious bite bruise blooming slightly north of his clavicle. 
He swallowed. “Fine,” said Enjolras. “Good.”
“How are things with Grantaire?” she added and okay, yes, only a fool wouldn't have seen this coming.
Enjolras set down his bun. He couldn’t deal with Mom or Dad thinking he had been pressured in any way. The thought was not only abhorrent, it was completely out of character for Grantaire. Who, regardless of where he actually sat politically, had way more principles than he’d let on.
Enjolras summoned up all the sincerity he could muster. “Great,” he said, thinking of how Grantaire talked to Joly, goofy and kind, without an ounce of condescension. He could feel himself starting to smile. “Really great.” Dad cleared his throat. “You know,” he said. “When you came out to us as asexual, we assumed it meant we could skip over some conversations, but now, uh." Mom and Dad exchanged the slightest of looks.
"It's a spectrum," said Enjolras, face flaming. He hadn't articulated to them where exactly he sat on that spectrum, because for one thing he hadn't known for sure, and for another thing he could think of nothing more painful that tracing the exact topography of his attraction with his parents, for crying out loud.
"Well, there's no harm in knowledge, right?" Dad continued. His voice had the slightest practiced quality to it. Enjolras could imagine him going over his argument out loud before dinner, searching for the best way to make his case. Enjolras found this obscurely comforting. "Plus, you know," said Dad. "Kids talk about these things with each other and there's so much misinformation out there; you might appreciate the chance to be a resource for your friends. About dating or relationships, or the things that happen in a relationship. Is it okay if we go over a few things?”
Enjolras swung his foot under the table and carefully didn't think about Grantaire determinedly giving him a hickey in the kitten-wallpapered bathroom of Joly's basement.
"Great," said Dad, relief rushing into his face. He stood. "If it helps, I have some handouts I can go quick print out."
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ravenverna · 1 month ago
Summary: You have been trying to save the marriage between you and Lizzie, but you have had enough and decided to put an end to it.
Word count: 1447
Note: I just need to get this one out of my system, hehe. Please be good to me; I am just someone who wants to write anything that comes across my mind. Also, English is not my first language. Please bear with meeee!!!
We have tried to fix everything—return to our old selves and forget everything—but we know it won't happen. We made numerous attempts, but none were successful. We even considered couples therapy and a second honeymoon, but her betrayal is so painful that every time I look at her, I am reminded of the way she kissed her.
"Ms. Y/N, Ms. Olsen is here for you. Do you want me to send her in?" My assistant asked at the intercom connected from her desk to mine.
I looked at the frosted window in front of me, where I saw her silhouette; it's her, the woman I have been avoiding for a couple of months now. I can feel that she's agitated because of how she taps her heels on the carpeted floors.
"You don't understand; we are just practicing for a scene. Please believe me, bubba, I would never hurt you, not even in my wildest dreams."
"Ms. Y/N? Should I let her in?" My assistant's question brought me back to reality.
"Yes," I simply responded before clicking the mute button on the intercom.
I looked at the door in front of me; it opened, and there she was, the woman I loved, cared for, and worshiped, and the woman who hurt me.
"Can we talk Y/N? We need to fix this. You have been avoiding me for 3 months now, and I can't bear it anymore. Please, Y/N, let's talk." She started as soon as my assistant closed the door to leave us both alone.
"I'm busy, Lizzie," I said, looking back at the monitor where a slideshow of our wedding is playing. I hurried to close the player and pretend that I was doing something, hoping that she would leave me be.
"Please, let's fix this," she said, standing in front of the table, looking down at me while I still pretended to be busy.
"Can we talk about it when I get home? We already talked about it, Liz; this is a place of business, and I can't let my personal life interfere with business," I said.
"No! We will talk about it now!" she said at the top of her lungs, which made me look at her, shocked at what just happened. This is the first time in our three-year marriage that she shouted.
"Did I get your attention now?" She said it with a shaking voice. She tossed a folder across the table toward me. I glanced at it and saw my attorney's name at the center of the folder.
"Why, why are you giving up on us?" She looked directly at me, her eyes leaving me breathless with the same intensity that had made me fall in love with her over and over again.
"I am giving you space—space where you can do whatever you want in your life, Liz; date whoever you want; be with someone you want." I spoke softly as I moved the folder closer to her.
"So please, just sign the damn divorce papers." I said, looking at the folder, I can't look at her. I was afraid that when I looked at her, I might go numb and just withdraw the petition for divorce. She is my weakness.
"No, you're going to divorce me because of what happened with Aubrey? This is so unfair, Y/N. That's just one time! It's not as if I've cheated on you; we're just practicing." She expressed her frustration by placing one hand on her forehead.
"How many times should I tell you that?" she whispered, looking at me.
"Please, Liz, just sign the papers," I asked her, looking at the folder in front of me.
"No," she turned around and grabbed the doorknob to leave.
"Academy LA"
I began scattering the pictures of Liz and Aubrey that my people had taken at various bars and gatherings. Lizzie slowly turned around and looked at me and the pictures of her and Aubrey on top of the folder. She hurriedly closed the door behind her.
"I wasn't going to tell you this, but you leave me no choice." I said, now looking at her. I have summoned enough courage to look at her. This is the first time I saw her up close; I can see that she hasn't been having a peaceful sleep because of the dark circles under her eyes.
"Divorce is the only solution I can think of to deal with this mess, Liz. You have been going behind my back for the past two years." I said before looking at the photos in front of us "Someone took this photo in Bardot the night before our wedding anniversary last year. It's you and Aubrey sharing a kiss. Now tell me, are you also practicing a scene then?" I asked, trying my best to hold the tears that are building in my eyes.
"Remember the night I was in Paris? I promised to catch the earliest flight and wouldn't mind renting another jet just to get home, to you. I was exhausted that day and had a long week, and all I wanted was to sleep beside you. You're my strength, Liz, and you know that," I said, looking down at the picture and pointing at one of the photos at my desk.
"Academy LA, night of the Emmys, remember this? This is when I called you that night to tell you my plan, you said you wouldn't be home for a week due to the awards and after party. You need to go because you're "branching out your name," remember?" I asked, looking at her.
Liz's face was shocked at the pictures in front of us—shocked that I knew everything she was doing since we got married. I know this is some creepy shit, but can you blame me? I'm her wife.
"Academy LA, both of you arrived together, already tipsy, and started kissing on the dance floor. Is that why you don't want me home? Because you are going to bring your mistress back to our bed and fuck her on the sheet I bought? on the sheet where we sleep?" I pointed to the next photo, where Lizzie's mouth is wide open and Aubrey's head is nestled between her legs.
"Please stop, Y/N, please," Lizzie said, trying to get the photos from the table and starting to rip them out in front of me, crying.
"Those are your copies; I have mine saved in the cloud." I sat back in the swivel chair and gazed at her.
"Please, Liz, sign the papers. Please, I am begging you; sign it," I said, looking at the folder.
"I felt sorry for myself, letting you into my life, letting you see my vulnerabilities, my weakness. I trusted you to protect everything, but all you managed to do was break me apart. You were all I had, and now I feel as though I have no one left." I wiped away the tears from my cheeks as I spoke.
"I promise not to leak any photos of you and Aubrey to the press. I love you so much, and I don't want everyone to know how you cheated on me with your colleague, or even ruin the career you have." I said before opening the folder and signing the papers where my name is indicated. After finishing, I glanced at Liz and handed her my pen, the one she had given me.
Liz looked at me, bawling her eyes out, saying sorry repeatedly. I wanted to rush to her side and hug her. The last thing I want is to see her crying. But I need to be strong; I need to protect myself, now I need to choose myself first before anyone else.
Liz slowly reached for the pen in my hands and signed the papers—the divorce papers that will end our marriage, the marriage I tried to protect, but I can't protect the marriage of two people if one of us is already in love with someone else. Liz is still in love with Aubrey, and I can't deny that; now I'll let them be.
Liz closed the folder and gave me the pen back. "I never thought that the pen I gave you was also the pen we'll use to sign our divorce papers," she said under her breath, wiping the tears from her eyes. "We aren't meant to be, Liz; we just need to accept it. I understand that it will cause pain for both of us, but our love story is not meant to last." I stood up and walked towards her.
"Take care of yourself, okay? Always remember, I will always be your number one fan, Bubba," I said before leaning in to leave one last kiss on her soft lips before I opened the door and left her alone in the room.
hmmm? Thoughts? hihi
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lokideservesahug · 5 months ago
A not so Unexpected Crossover
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Notes: This is a second part to this fic and I'm glad people liked it. :) And I anyone asks, this came out a month and a half ago. Cheers (I haven't written in weeks).
Warnings: None that I can see
Summary: Despite what they may try and claim, next to no one is convinced that tennis superstar Carlos Alcaraz and F1 rookie Y/N Y/L/N aren't dating.
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Ynupdates: Not going to comment on the rumours until anything is confirmed but I have a load of new followers so here is a quick intro to Y/N for those of you that have only just come across her!
Liked by carlitosalcarazz and 1,425 others
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User1: Oh Carlos Alcaraz, I get you now😫
↳ User2: No fr because I too would act up if I knew a woman like THAT
↳User3: You only see it now!?!?!?
↳User1: Sorry😔
User4: When was that radio message omd!?!?
↳User5: I think in Canada before he DNFed...
User6: Carlos in the likes thinking he's sneaky...🤨
↳User7: I thought I was the only one that noticed lmao
↳User8: Let him be. He needs to check in with his gf somehow😔
User9: That radio message, that gorgeous photo of Y/N, Carlos liking. Gosh this is the gift that keeps on giving!
Liked by creator
Following the unfortunate result of the competition of stars and stripes that begins with a U (that you've vowed not to mention for the sake of your boyfriend's mental health), you've been fortunate enough to have spent a lot of time together recently. However, it also means he's had a lot of free time, enough to finally come and watch an F1 race in person.
You see him pre-race, looking truly delectable in that white shirt, Unsurprisingly looking at Fernando's car (you're half convinced you're only dating because of your ties to Fernando). You and the older Spaniard both Qualified P6 and P7 respectably and you're felling pretty happy with the result. You pretend not to notice Carlos' gaze as he looks at you, a few metres behind next to Nando's car. Goodness knows if you started looking you wouldn't be able to stop and you don't need another media frenzy at the moment. You shake your head in an attempt to clear your thoughts and instead focus on your engineer's words. Pretending that your boyfriend isn't a few metres away, looking like he's ogling at you.
Not that anyone cared to notice, but Carlos Alcaraz was perfectly content to follow his girlfriend anywhere. Even if it meant he ended up slightly lost in a sea of people during the grid walk but oh well. And even if no one knew his was following his girlfriend...
Fortunately enough for him, he had watched Formula 1 for long enough to recognise the telltale greeny-blue of the shimmering Aston Martins making up the 3rd row (and his tik tok feed was flooded with edits and videos of you, leading to him making a hefty folder of every one he found).
Despite the fact that the pit lane had opened a minute or so again, you hadn't quite reached your grid spot. Fernando however had. Carlos catches Fernando's eyes and he gives the younger man a nod. They'd met over Summer when the two of you were visiting his family. A short text exchange with Fernando led you to surprising him with meeting one of his childhood heros.
He's cut from his thoughts by the sound of another engine pulling up not far behind him. He turns only to watch you emerge from your car, pulling off your helmet and balaclava. Carlos' jaw drops and he watches as you walk off to the side (looking so incredibly good in his humble opinion).
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You step out of your car, grinning under your helmet. A P2. Not bad in the tractor that you're driving at the moment. You can barely hear yourself as the Fia representative shows you to the scale. You look around and it finally sinks in who you lost to. And gosh, you can be upset at coming second to Charles Leclerc in Imola?
You take your helmet of and pull your balaclava off. You give Charles a pat on the back and a big grin as you both get ready for the post race interviews. He whispers a small "Well done." Before walking off.
You can't help it but your attention is drawn to your team. Not that you'll admit it but your eyes scan the masses in an attempt to search for the faces there (or more particularly, one specific face). You don't have much time to linger though before Oscar is gently urging you to go and fill out your post race duties. You oblige because heck, you'll have a better view of your boyfriend's presumably smiling face on the podium regardless.
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You pull him into your drivers room. "Do you not care if someone sees?" You kiss down Carlos' neck. His words make you pause and pull away to meet his familiar brown eyes. "Carlos Alcaraz Garfia. Please don't tell me that you saw someone see us and didn't think to tell me." He just smirks and shakes his head. You mumble out a small curse and pull his lips to yours. "Gosh you're so infuriating."
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You have a cunning plan. One that might make your boyfriend a bit stressed just for your entertainment but at least it would be amusing. You walk info the bedroom, finding him lying down, scrolling through his phone. He looks up at the cluck if the door and you try your hardest to paint an expression of seriousness. He instantly picks up on your 'mood' and sits up straighter. "Is something wrong mi vida?" Rhe sympathy in your tone almost makes you feel guilty for what you're about to do...
Key word: almost.
You shake your head and let in a false anxious sigh. You let your voice quiver as if yoh were overwhelmed with emotion. "Jane..." You sniffle and Carlos' brows furrow as he steps out of bed to come to your side. He puts his arm around your waist and rubs your shoulder in a comforting gesture. He waits paitently to finish. "Jane said that someone saw us yesterday... and." You drop your head forward as if you qrrr going to cry but instead try to fight back giggles.
Carlos golds you tighter and you can all but her his confused expression. "mi amor, are you ok?" His tone becomes even more concerned and that's that's it takes for you to start giggling. Carlos, however mistakes your shaking figure as sobbing and goes to comfort you even more before he's stopped by a particularly loud laugh. He steps back slightly, leaving you to bend over in laughter. "Wait a minute..."
You try and speak through your laughs. "I'm sorry. I just-" "You scared the life out of me mujer descarada." (cheeky woman). You apologise yet again and just pass your phone wordlessly to him as your laughter finally dies down. He skims the screen for a moment only to lower your phone and meet your eyes with a massive grin. "Are you serious?" You just nod to which Carlos waraps you in a big hug. You Leck give lips slightly as tou pull away and Carlos smirks. You tilt your head at his peculiar behaviour. "I just have to excited which photos I'll post for the occasion." Your eyes widen. "Carlos, no..." You need to be sensible. This time, Carlos laughs and walks away from you. You chase after him with a string of "Carlos, don't you dare." and similar sentiments.
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Carlitosalcarazz: Dos años de relación con esta mujer. A pesar de que a veces me dé un susto de muerte, no la cambiaría por nada del mundo. Te amo, mi amor.
(Two years strong with this woman. Depsite the fact that she may scare me half to death sometimes. I wouldn't change her for the world. I love you my darling.)
Liked by yourusername, Janiksinner, Fernandoalonso and 1,878,097 others
View all 9,654 comments
User1: Told you, I told you
↳User2: Your honour can I milly rock?
User3: "Finally, we all say in celebration."
↳User4: "Finally", U think we might be 2 years too late.
User5: Didn't believe this until the last photo and that really is Carlos!!!
↳User6: Fr. Their constant denying has given me trust issues. 😭
Yourusername: Who knew you were such a sap?
↳Carlitosalcarazz: Meee🥰
↳User7: Oh gosh, simp Carlos. What are we going to do?
↳User8: You're all acting like he wasn't a simp before they even came clean about their relationship lol.
Liked by creator
Fernandoalonso: Well done to the both of you, more happy times to come in the future💪
↳Yourusername: Thank you Nando :)
↳User9: Peepaw agrees ladies and gents so all is alright!
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Yourusername: I've never done this before but here we go. Carlos, the past few years with you have been a blast. Its been the most incredible time of my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of my days with you (even if you do half expose our relationship at Wimbledon...
Liked by: Carlitosalcarazz, Fernandoalonso, Astonmartinf1 and 1,876,986 others
View all 3,457 comments
User1: Y/N... What is that first photo?😭
↳Yourusername: Payback for the main that revealed our relationship 🥰
↳Carlitosalcarazz: Mi vida, I've already apologised 😔
↳Yourusername: 😤 (It gave us an excuse to hardlaunch so it's fine...not that I can stay mad at you for long).
User2: They've been public for 2 minutes and my parents are already fighting😔
↳User3: At least it's in jest. It clearly comes from a place of love... at least I think it does
↳Yourusername: Of course it does!
User4: Ooomf on twitter being right about this was not on my bingo card
↳User6: You could at least try to sound excited 🙄
User5: 😐
User7: This before GTA 6 is wild
↳User8: No one cares about gta. This is much more culturally significant!!!!
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome!
Taglist: @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee @thatgirlmj and of course, a special tag for @yungbludz
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cinnbar-bun · 1 year ago
Popularity- Cross Guild's Day Off 2 (Cross Guild x Reader)
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Summary: In which you work with the three Cross Guild officers and Buggy attempts to prove his popularity through a poll. Of course, it's never as simple as it really should be in Cross Guild.
Rating: SFW/Crack
Word Count: ~3k
Notes: No relationships are defined, so feel free to headcanon whatever you want. I know it says x Reader up there and I wrote it in mind that it's a weird ass polycule but I made sure to leave it ambiguous for your reading pleasure. Made in mind with part 1, but can be read as standalone. Features cameos from Alvida, Galdino, and Daz Bones.
A/n: I love these three goofballs so like feel free to request stuff with them or what scenarios you'd like to see them in please???
Read Part 1 here! Read this chapter on my AO3 here!
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“It’s really not fair! It’s not fair at all!” Buggy screamed. Mihawk, Crocodile, and you sighed at whatever it was that seemed to be, well, bugging Buggy. 
“Will you stop your complaining? Some of us are actually trying to do work here,” Crocodile growled while his fingers continued clicking away on the calculator. “(Y/n), go and hand me the reports for-,” 
“Right here, Sir,” you said as you handed him the stack of papers he wanted. Crocodile smirked proudly while his eyes narrowed at Buggy. 
“See, why can’t you be like (Y/n)? They know how to get work done.” 
“Wha-! I get work done! Plenty of work!” 
“Juggling isn’t work.” 
“Is too!” Buggy stomped his foot. 
“Hardly,” Mihawk chimes in. 
“Grrr… you two are just jealous of me! Jealous of how I’m the Star Clown and you two will just be boring, old men!” 
Mihawk and Crocodile glanced at each other knowingly and rolled their eyes. 
“You’re still bothered by the fact you were not important enough to have any good cards in the deck, aren't you?” Mihawk states bluntly, not bothering to be gentle with Buggy’s fragile ego. 
“SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!!!” Buggy shouted, gaining the attention from his subordinates outside the office. 
“Aw… someone’s upset,” Crocodile teased. You huffed at the two stoic ex-warlords and tried to soothe Buggy. 
“Buggy, it’s alright. They’re just silly cards. Look around you, you have so many employees happy to work for you because they really admire you as captain,” you say genuinely while patting his head. Buggy sniffles and nods. 
“You’re right, (Y/n), you’re right,” Buggy agrees. He wipes his eyes and nose with his hand before he bounces back to life, clenching his fists. “That’s very true! All these people love me and would die for me! So those card makers don’t know anything! I’m the most popular one here!” 
“Wait, what…” you wince, while Crocodile and Mihawk groan. 
“Thanks, (Y/n), now he’s gonna do something stupid again,” Crocodile sighed. 
“Buggy, all I’m saying is-” you try to fix your error, but Buggy shakes his head. 
“Nope! You just gave me an amazing idea!” 
“Here we go again,” Mihawk mumbles. 
“W-what’s the idea?” You ask Buggy. 
“Obviously, to really settle the matter, we need to hold a popularity contest!” Buggy proclaims. 
“We really don’t have to. No one cares about this except you,” Crocodile says blandly while he opens the folder you gave him. 
“Haha! You’re just saying that because you know deep down that I will win when it comes to Cross Guild!” Buggy eggs Crocodile on. “They love me here!” 
“I really don’t care-” 
“So, to finally gather once and for all who the most popular is-” 
“God damn it.” 
“I’m going to poll the others!” Buggy announces, grabbing a random clipboard from your desk. 
“Isn’t that rather biased?” Mihawk asked. 
“Biased? What are you talking about?” Buggy raises his brow. “You think Imma lie about this?” 
“Yes,” all of you respond. Buggy lets out an offended gasp and frowns. 
“Well then, what do you suggest, smart guy?” Buggy yells at Mihawk. 
“Having only you go around and then return with results will obviously not be the most accurate. We need to send a third party that won’t lie,” Mihawk explains. 
The three men turn to look at you. 
“Why do I have to do it?” You fold your arms. “I have work to do!” 
“I’ll pay you extra for this week in order to have Buggy shut up,” Crocodile states. 
“Do you think I can be swayed so easily with money?” 
“Yes,” the three men respond. You swipe the clipboard from Buggy. 
“Damn right I am,” you state as you pick up your favorite pen from your desk. 
“Now then, since you’re going to be polling, I expect truthful and honest answers,” Mihawk demands. “No one can lie or cheat this.” 
“Before we do this, none of you are allowed to know who voted for who,” you add. “I’m not having you fire or hunt down some poor employee because they voted for Mihawk or something.” “Well that won’t happen,” Buggy comments. “No one is gonna vote for Mihawk to begin with.” 
Now it’s Mihawk’s turn to be offended. “What do you mean by that, Buggy? Do I need to silence you for good?” 
“Eek! All I’m saying is, you hardly ever step out of the office or interact with anyone!” 
Mihawk stays silent then mumbles, “I interact with others…” 
“Oh really? Name one person you’ve interacted with,” Crocodile demands. 
“You can’t do that, either,” Mihawk counters. 
“That’s just because I don’t give a shit about these people’s names. I still talk to them, though,” Crocodile corrects. 
“Fine, (Y/n)!” Mihawk huffs. 
“They don’t count.” 
“Why don’t they?” Mihawk crosses his arms. 
“Because we all see them every day in this office,” Crocodile chides Mihawk. “Name someone.” 
“Okay, I guess I cannot name anyone,” Mihawk relents. “Not that it matters in the slightest, by the way. This is a silly and pointless little game.” 
“See? No one is gonna vote for you!” Buggy laughs. 
“I guess I should kill you now, Buggy,” Mihawk says as he draws Yoru. 
“Gaaaahhh! No! Please don’t!” Buggy cries, latching onto you for safety. 
“Buggy, please let go,” you sigh. The clown does so shakily and you begin to write on the paper in your clipboard. “Okay… Buggy, Crocodile, Mihawk. There we go. I’ll go around and ask, then. See you guys later.” 
“Before you go,” Crocodile begins. You turn to hear him out while he has a big shit-eating grin on his face. “If you’re going to talk to Mr. 3… knock before you enter.” 
Your eyes practically bulge out of their sockets from what this could mean as you nod and exit the office. 
“Why the hell did you say that?” Buggy questions. Crocodile chuckles, taking a puff from his cigar as he shakes his head. 
“Oh, they’ll see soon enough.” 
“Favorite head of Cross Guild?” An employee scratches his head. His coworker beside him does the same. 
“Wait, uh, they’re not gonna kill us for answering this, are they?” The other one asks. 
“Crap, you’re right. Is this some way to weed us out or something?” 
You shake your head. “No, no, not at all! This is just a… uh… thing they’re testing for some new merchandise,” you lie. 
“Ah,” the two men nod along. “That makes so much sense.” 
“Buggy,” the first man states. 
“Mmm… yeah, Buggy,” the second adds. “He never harps on us like Sir Crocodile.” 
You thank them for the response and tally it to the votes. 
“I guess Buggy was right,” you mumble to yourself, seeing as he currently had seven votes out of the seven people you asked. “Maybe we could send these results in to those cardmakers and get a cut of the merchandising.” 
Just as you’re about to walk away, Alvida strolls into the room. 
“Oh, Alvida! Good morning,” you smile at her. “Can I have a moment of your time?” “(Y/n), dear,” Alvida runs a hand through her hair. “What do you need from the most beautiful woman of the sea?” 
“Well, the higher-ups wanted to run a poll,” you show her the paper. “Please vote for your favorite head of Cross Guild.” 
She studies the paper for a moment and purses her lips. “Hmm… you know what, I vote for you.” 
“What? Just put a tally for you,” Alvida suggests nonchalantly. 
“But, um, I’m not a head of Cross Guild,” you argue. 
“So? You practically are their fourth one. I’m sure they won’t mind. And if they do, they can take it up with me,” Alvida brushes your concerns aside and takes the pen from you. She writes your name down and adds a tally. 
“Can I ask why you want to add me?” 
“Simple, dear.” Alvida chuckles. “You’re not like those brutes upstairs. You get worked to the bone by them yet still retain your own sense of self. Do you know what that is?” 
“No, I don’t think I know what that is-” 
“Passion!” Alvida throws her arms in the air. “You are passionate, clean, stylish, and most of all, you are quiet! If anyone is worthy of my vote and attention- it is you!” 
“Wow, thank you,” you comment, impressed that Alvida actually gave you a nice compliment. 
“Yes, yes, well, what do you think about becoming my assistant instead of working for them?” Alvida winks. 
“Ah sorry, I’m pretty happy where I am right now,” you quickly shut down. Alvida clicks her tongue. 
“Hm… perhaps you’d prefer to be my partner instead? You would be a good match by my side.” 
“Would you look at the time!” You awkwardly laugh. “Bye, Alvida!” 
“Bye, darling. Don’t worry though, we’ll pick this conversation up another time~,” she waves. You sigh in relief as you walk away that she didn’t mace you immediately. Still, there’s work to be done. 
You walk into the staff lounge and greet the other members there, who cheerfully greet you back. 
“Sorry to bother you guys, but if you could just fill out this poll, that would be great. And don’t worry, no one will know of the results, so please be as honest as you can!” 
The clipboard gets passed along by the staff members, who quickly add a tally mark to the poll. In less than a minute, all twenty people in the lounge have responded. 
“Wow, thank you guys. You guys are quick,” you joke, taking back the clipboard. 
“The choice was obvious,” one of the employees answers, and the others nod. You wonder who they voted for when you look at the paper, only to see your name has now over twenty marks attached to it. Your eyes widen and you politely thank the others as you step out of the room. 
It was one thing when Alvida did as she pleased, but now the others were voting for you in droves. You took a deep breath. Crocodile, Mihawk, and Buggy surely wouldn’t kill you for this, would they? After all, Alvida herself said they could bring it up with her. Yeah, that was okay. This was just a silly joke anyways. 
You continue to collect polls, feeling touched yet also nervous when you found that every employee had checked you off as their favorite. It got so bad that you had to use a second page to collect all the tallies that the employees were adding to your name. 
As the number of employees left to ask dwindled, you remembered to get Daz Bones and Galdino’s polls. You figured the choice would be clear for them- Crocodile. After all, they were very loyal to him and even continued their work relationship into Cross Guild. It would also allow for Crocodile to at least get some vote from his current tally at zero. 
You had scoured for them all around the base, but didn’t find any sign of their presence. Just as you were about to give up, you found Daz Bones peacefully sitting, probably waiting for his next assignment. 
“Daz! Can I-” 
“(Y/n), I have no interest,” he cut you off. 
“It’s for Crocodile,” you add, knowing he wouldn’t participate otherwise. Daz nods and then urges you to step closer. You show him the clipboard and he raises a brow. 
“Crocodile really cares about this sort of thing?” 
“It’s mostly because of Buggy,” you explain, and Daz nods, connecting the dots. He quickly tallies a mark to Crocodile’s name. “Thank you, Daz!” 
“You’re welcome,” he gruffly responds. 
“Oh, and do you know where Galdino is?” 
“Why should I know? Perhaps he’s in his room,” Daz shrugs. You should’ve guessed that but wave goodbye and walk to Galdino’s room. You’re about to knock when you remember Crocodile’s ominous warning echoing in your head again. 
“Knock before you enter…” 
You were going to do that anyways, but the weird way Crocodile said it made you grimace. You nervously rapped your knuckles against Galdino’s door. You heard a huff and a lot of grumbling as Galdino swung open the door. 
“What do you w-,” he angrily yells until he gasps when he sees it’s you. “(Y/n)! Ah! Uh! Please excuse me!” 
You briefly notice a large wax statue on the table before Galdino slams the door on your face. You jump when you hear Galdino freaking out and throwing things around his studio. Something metal is grating against the floor as you hear Galdino struggle to move the obviously heavy object. 
“G-Galdino? Is this a bad time?” You call out. 
“No, no, no! It’s fine! Perfectly fine! Hahaha there’s nothing weird going on here!” Galdino answers from inside his room as something crashes to the floor and Galdino swears. 
It’s silent for a moment until Galdino opens the door, leaning against the frame and trying to give you a charming smile while some wax is now splattered against his pants and shirt. 
“So, (Y/n), what brings you to my studio?” He asks while forcing his voice to sound lower, pushing up his glasses. 
“Ah, the heads wanted to take a little poll. Mind answering?” 
“Anything for- I mean-,” Galdino coughs and lowers his voice again. “Anything for you, (Y/n).” 
He takes the clipboard from you and begins to notice the options, quickly marking a tally next to your name. 
“There you go- wait a minute!” He looks horrified as realization sets in that there’s only one tally next to Crocodile- most likely Daz, he thinks. Crocodile would absolutely know right away that Galdino didn’t choose him, and the thought makes Galdino nearly pass out. “I-I need to change my vote!” 
“Sure,” you give the clipboard back to him and Galdino scribbles over the one he gave you to mark one next to Crocodile. 
“Kh... but we’re supposed to be honest…” Galdino mutters. He glances at you, and seeing you patiently waiting and smiling at him makes his heart tighten. 
Gah! Who am I supposed to choose?! My muse or my boss?!
“Are you alright, Galdino?” You asked, making Galdino struggle to form words. Instead, he scribbled over the mark he put next to Crocodile and re-marked a tally next to your name. 
He hands the clipboard back to you and you smile and wave to him. “Thank you, Galdino!” 
“Y-you’re very welcome!” Galdino shouts, unable to control his voice properly around you. You turn around and head back to the office while Galdino lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
He was most likely going to die after this, but seeing your smile was all worth it. He could die happy, even knowing that Crocodile would probably drain him of life later. 
You, however, didn’t notice the longing look Galdino gave you as you open the door to the office. 
“Well, I got all the votes!” 
“Well, who won?” Buggy immediately jumps forward and steals the clipboard from you. He notices that Crocodile and Mihawk hardly have any, with only Crocodile have a mark. “See I wo…” 
His face darkened as he noticed he had only seven votes. 
“What’s the matter, Buggy?” Crocodile smirked. “Can’t handle the fact you lost?” 
“I… wha…” Buggy grips the clipboard roughly, nearly snapping it in half. “How the hell did (Y/n) get all the votes!?” 
Crocodile and Mihawk are caught off guard. 
“Wait, what? (Y/n) won?” Crocodile repeated. 
“I thought I told you to be fair and not cheat!” Mihawk accused you, his golden hawk eyes glaring into yours. 
“I-it wasn’t my fault! Alvida was the one who put my name on the list!” You try to defend yourself. 
“Give me that-” Crocodile snaps as he swipes the poll from Buggy’s hand. Crocodile grunts as he notices page after page marked with tallies from the employees choosing you. He sees Mihawk has none, but that his name has one mark (Daz, of course), and one crossed off (that bastard, Galdino-). Given Crocodile’s attentiveness, he does recognize that yours and Alvida’s handwriting is different, so your story is credible. He huffs and tosses the clipboard, making Mihawk lean over curiously. 
“Not even one vote…” he murmurs. 
Buggy, meanwhile, is distraught, crying on the floor and banging it repeatedly. 
“It’s not fair! Not fair at all! I hate this! I’m the star!” Buggy wails out loud. 
At first, Crocodile did this as a joke to satiate Buggy, but even his own ego is hurt by this new poll. 
“I take it back, you’re getting docked again,” Crocodile threatens, pointing his cigar at you. 
“What?! But I spent all day getting this with the promise of money!” 
“I changed my mind! I wanted a good poll, not whatever the hell this was!” Crocodile yells back. 
“Recount! Recount this!” Buggy shouts. 
“I refuse to lose this competition. Give me an hour, I will win this,” Mihawk says, pushing himself off his couch as he walks out the door to do who knows what. 
The ensuing commotion causes some of the Cross Guild members to peek through the door and watch Buggy screaming in agony at losing while you’re sobbing at the fact you’re losing money due to this dumb poll. 
Alvida rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. 
“Would you guys cut this noise out? It’s driving me mad!” 
“Alvida! This is all your fault!” Buggy yells at Alvida in tears. “I was supposed to win, not (Y/n)!” 
Alvida frowns at Buggy and twirls her mace in her hands. “Are you questioning my decisions?” 
Buggy gulps as he sees the mace casting a shadow over him. 
“N-no, not at all!” He quickly corrects himself, praying Alvida will not maim him to death. 
“That’s what I thought.” 
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lovespotion9 · 2 years ago
Guilty Pleasure
pairing: Wanda Maximoff x little!reader
word count: 4.7k
TW: 18+ | minors, please dni <3 | Ageplay | Mommy kink | Vaginal Fingering (r! receiving) | Strong Language | Vaginal Penetration (r! receiving) | Degradation Kink | Impact Play (slapping) | Oral Sex (w! and r! receiving) | Spanking | Strap-on Use | Light Bondage | Humiliation | Pornography |
a/n: Please do not hesitate to let me know of any warnings I might've missed! Otherwise, I hope you enjoy <3
Wanda's brought you to work with her, and you're so excited. You get to watch your mommy work! She's sat you down at the nearest vacant desk and you're quietly watching her have a serious big-people meeting with the rest of her co-workers, the Mighty Avengers.
"How is my little girl? " Wanda asks, glancing at you and making sure you're all right. You nod at her and try to be good.
"'m okay!," you squeak quietly, shooting her a subtle thumbs up and a shy smile. She laughs at your attempt at maturity and kisses your head, ruffling your hair a little. "Just behave yourself and you can have ice cream when we're finished here, okay?" she says sweetly. "Be a good girl for mommy." You beam at her and nod your head excitedly. "Yes ma'am!," you say with a cheeky grin.
You spend the next while quietly watching the adults talk, eating some candy mommy gave you as a reward for your good behavior. You try to stay out of everyone's way, but your little self has a mind of its own, and it's super interested in what's going on around you.
You get bored after a while, and start to poke around on the computer with some headphones. You've never really been all that good at technology, but you try to use the computer anyways. You click on some random icons until you stumble upon a folder of pictures and videos that have Wanda's name beneath them.
You click on the folder, but a password is required.
You panic. You can't go back to mommy now-- she's still busy talking, and you know better than to bother her when she's having important grown-up conversations.
You try your birthday typed about 3 different ways before the computer accepts your password and lets you into its secret files. You quickly put in the next attempt before the computer can lock you out again.
You're excited now that you have the password, but the folder only has one file in it-- a video.
You click it and it takes you to a website you're not familiar with. A big 'play' button blocks out the majority of the preview, but from what you can see- it's a video of another Mommy and her little sitting on a bed. They're talking quietly, but you can't really hear the words, just their voices. You scroll up and down the video a few times, trying to figure out how the video starts. The Mommy is holding something and you think maybe she has some sort of toy in her hand?
You don't know how to get the video to start, so you just decide to go for it and press the button. The video starts on an angle where you can't see the little's face, but you can see the Mommy.
"Hello, little one," says a sweet voice from behind the camera, "I bet you're excited to make a video with me?" There's a moment of silence, and then the Mommy continues. "Of course you are," she says. She's not speaking loudly, but her voice is soft and sweet, like someone talking to a baby. "You want to make mommy happy, don't you?"
The little nods eagerly. They look a lot like you... around the same age, same hair color, and y/e/c eyes-- but you've never seen the woman holding the toy before. She looks a bit older and taller than your Mommy and she has long dark brown hair and blue eyes.
Suddenly the little is being told to lie down and spread her legs and you notice that they're not wearing a diaper or any panties! Your eyes nervously search the room for Wanda, only to find her engrossed in conversation with the others, her back turned to you and the computer you sit at.
The video starts.
The camera pans to the little, who looks incredibly embarrassed. She's trying to hide her body, her hands clasped over her breasts and between her legs as if she's scared to show her special parts to the camera.
"Oh no, little one," says the Mommy, "you know you have to be good if you want mommy's special toy. You want to make mommy happy, don't you?" The Mommy runs her hand through the little's hair as if to comfort her. "I want you to be a good girl. Can you do that for me, little one?"
The little nods, but she looks nervous.
"Here," says the Mommy, handing the little a paci and some medicine, "you can suck on your paci and have some medicine so you feel better while mommy makes you feel good."
The little hesitates a moment before popping the pacifier in their mouth and swallowing the medicine. "Good girl," says the Mommy, kissing the little's forehead and rubbing her tummy. To your surprise, her hand slowly wanders below the little's waistline, prodding at the wet slit between their legs.
"You're such a good girl for mommy," says the Mommy, "now open up and show me that pretty little cunt."
The little does as she's told, parting her legs and revealing her wet lips and clit to the camera. They're not completely shaved-- she's got a bit of hair, but you've never seen anything like it before. She spreads herself open and the Mommy watches as the little's cunt twitches and gapes, the soft flesh glistening with wetness.
"Look at you, you're such a fucking slut aren't you?" says the Mommy as she starts to slowly finger the little. They moan and their body flinches at the contact.
Your eyes go wide as you watch the dirty scene unfold. Why would Wanda have something like this on her computer? The mommy was being so nasty to the little... did Wanda want to say mean things like that to you? She had only ever been gentle and sweet with you-- even during punishment, she never dared to insult you like the woman in the video does.
"Look at how wet you are," says the Mommy. She pulls her fingers out and spreads the wetness over the little's lips, smearing the slickness into the hair and making it messy.
You check for Wanda again, heart beat slowing a little once you see she's yet to move from her chair at the conference table. You feel a warm sensation beginning to brew in your tummy as you continue to watch the video, trying to listen to what the Mommy and the little are saying as she fingers them.
"Are you going to cum for me?" asks the Mommy. "Show Mommy how wet you are, slut." She speeds up the motions of her fingers and the little's body jolts, their hips starting to twitch as they cum. Her mouth is still wrapped around her paci, so all that escapes her mouth is a muffled high-pitched moan.
There's suddenly a growing heat between your legs that you can't seem to ignore. You squirm a bit in your seat, readjusting your legs to try and alleviate the feeling. You can't help but touch yourself a little while you watch the video-- slipping a tiny hand into your diaper to feel your wet slit. You think about the little and how much fun they're having with the Mommy as you start to play with yourself, your eyes fixed on the screen in front of you.
Your body begins to twitch and your breathing hitches as you feel yourself getting close. It feels so good that you forget where you are, your dumb little brain not thinking to check for Wanda's distraction from what you were doing.
You nearly jump out of your skin when you feel a set of firm, warm hands taking a grip of your shoulders from behind.
"You've wet yourself," she says in that same scary tone. You don't answer-- you can't answer. Your mouth hangs open and you're frozen in fear. She reaches for your hand, gently holding it in her own. "It's okay, sweetheart," she says sweetly, "I think that diaper deserves a little change, don't you?" She turns to the group. "Pardon us, everyone," she says politely as she starts to lead you away, "I need to take my little one to the changing table."
Your eyes are wide with panic as she leads you toward the door. Your brain can't seem to understand what's happening and all you can do is silently follow your Mommy into the changing room.
Once the door shuts behind you, you freeze, unsure what to do or say.
"Go ahead and lay down on the table for Mommy," she says, starting to remove your clothes. You hesitate at first, but do what she says, laying your little body on the cold table, feeling a bit silly as you lay on your back with your legs splayed open in the cold air of the public restroom.
"Silly little girl, getting into Mommy's things" Wanda coos as she removes the blue diaper from your bottom, tossing it aside as she gasps at the scene between your legs.
Your face burns in embarrassment as your Mommy looks at you, examining the way your folds glisten and your slit drips wetness.
Wanda gasps and dramatically draws her painted fingers to her chest in shock. "Mommy's going to have to give you a spanking," she says, smirking, "Did my little girl like what she saw on Mommy's computer? Hm?"
"I'm sorry," you whisper, shamefully looking away from her.
"Oh, silly little girl. It's much too late for all of that." She spreads your legs further apart and leans down, her hot breath sending a chill down your spine. "Do you think you're big enough for Mommy's mouth?"
Your mouth goes dry as you stare at her. You want to answer, you want to tell her that you really don't know, but you can't find your voice.
"Why don't we find out?" she asks, grinning as she leans forward and takes you into her mouth. You gasp, shocked at the sensation of her tongue swirling around your clit, the heat of her mouth. She sucks gently and your eyes flutter shut, moaning quietly.
"You taste so sweet," she says, taking her mouth from you, "such a good girl." She leans in again, the wet heat of her tongue sending you into a daze. Her fingers reach down, rubbing gently at your folds, dipping them in just a bit. You shiver and let out a little whimper, feeling your thighs start to shake.
"Is Mommy gonna make her little girl cum?" Wanda asks innocently, the sound of her voice causing your heart to jump.
"Mhm," you moan, "Yes, Mommy," you moan. She hums and the vibrations cause a jolt of pleasure to go through you. Her fingers press deeper and you can't help but let out a desperate little mewl.
"That's too bad," she says, pulling away, "Mommy's gonna stop, I'm afraid." She stands and moves to look at the door. "I think that's enough fun and games for the night," she says, looking back at you with a grin, "let's get you home, malyshka."
"What? Mommy, no!" you whine, your face red at your outburst.
Her hand comes down on your cheek and your cry out. "No?" she asks, her eyes narrowing, "What has gotten into you, little one?" She chuckles as she starts toward the door, snapping at you to follow.
You sigh, pushing yourself up, getting off the table and following after her. You're not sure what's going on, but you don't think you like it.
You frown as Wanda unlocks the front door to the house, and you hesitate for a moment, wondering what you should do.
"Go ahead and head upstairs, malyshka," she says, pulling the door open and stepping inside.
"Yes, Mommy," you say, doing as she says, though you don't take to the stairs right away. You wait, leaning against the wall in the hallway for a moment instead.
You're not sure what's going to happen, but you can't shake the feeling that you're in serious trouble. You hear the front door slam shut and you flinch. 
"I'm s-sorry!" you cry as Wanda’s hand comes down on your ass yet again. "I didn't mean to!"
"Aw, but malyshka, you don't look sorry." She frowns, "At least your pathetic little pussy doesn't..." She says, running her delicate fingers through your folds and collecting the sticky slick that coats them.
"Mommy," you whine, trying to cover yourself and stop her from touching you down there. You're too scared to talk back to her, not wanting to be punished any further. 
"Such a filthy little girl," she scolds, "look how wet you are for Mommy." She holds up her fingers, collecting your wetness on the tips of them before bringing her hand back between your legs, rubbing your clit in small circles slowly as you moan helplesslyy into the sheets.
She sits between your legs and continues to touch you from behind, dipping two fingers into your waiting hole as her other hand continues to spank you.  "Oh, baby, you’re dripping." she says sweetly as she strokes your clit, her fingers running in soft circles.
You sob into the pillows before you as Wanda has her way with you, legs trembling as your mind subconsciously wanders back to the video you had seen earlier. You're so confused by your feelings. 
Your body starts to react as you approach your peak, your legs start to spread wider, your hips bucking off the mattress to chase her fingers. Your breath is coming out in ragged moans and whines, your brain completely distracted by the sensation between your legs.
"You gonna cum for Mommy? Hm?" Wanda asks as she rubs her fingers harder against your clit. You nod quickly, biting down on your lip to keep yourself quiet.
"Yeah?" she says sweetly as she speeds up the motion of her fingers.
You nod again, head much too fuzzy to realize that she's slowly inching her fingers away from your cunt until it's too late.
You begin to whine and buck your hips as your orgasm is no longer within reach. "M-mommy!" You cry. She looks up from between your legs and flashes you a devious smile as she brings her wet fingers to her lips and sucks your juices off of them. 
"Please," you whine.
"Good girl," she says as she starts to rub again, causing you to gasp and squirm, still feeling on edge after she denied you your orgasm.
"Now get up." She says flatly, removing her hand from your cunt and stepping away from you.  Her warm smile has disappeared and her Sokovian accent comes through much rougher than before.
Wanda's accent only comes out like that when she's really upset with you-- it's a bit scary to hear, but you can’t deny the fact that it makes your little brain feel all warm and gooey inside.
You do as she says, pushing yourself off the bed and sitting up. You see her holding the pink pacifier-- the one she likes to use during punishment, and your eyes go wide with fear.
"Put your hands behind your back and come here," she says, walking towards you.
"Please, Mommy," you say, standing up and doing as she says, putting your hands behind your back and letting her grab you and secure the restraints on.
"Dirty little girl," She mumbles as she turns you around so that you're facing her. 
You do as she says, lowering yourself to the ground in front of her. Your heart is pounding in your chest.
"Did Mommy's little baby like the videos she found?" she asks, grabbing a fistful of your hair and tugging your head back roughly.
"N-no," you say, trying to look down at the floor, not wanting to see the anger on her face.
"No?" she says, "Then why did my little baby get all wet and sticky from watching? Hm?" She lifts your chin with her hand and you look into her eyes. Her face is blank, but her eyes are livid.
"I don't know," you say, not really sure of what else you can say.
"What a naughty, naughty baby," she says, grabbing your face and leaning down so that she's level with you. "You didn't like watching the mommy finger her little?" she asks, raising her eyebrows.
"N-no, I didn't," you say, shaking your head.
"Really? You didn't like when she called them a little slut? Didn't like when she pulled their hair and spit in their mouth, like this?" She does this all while you're staring into her dark green eyes. Your mind is reeling.
"Didn't like when she made her little use their mouth on her, like this?" she asks, grabbing the back of your head and forcing your face into her crotch.
Your nose is stuffed with the thick smell of her cunt as she grinds herself against you, moaning as she does.
"That's right," Wanda groans as she rubs her clit against your face.
You can feel your face flush with warmth as she continues to grind against you, breathing in the thick musk of her cunt, letting her juices soak the bottom half of your face. You attach your lips to her clit and start to suck, causing Wanda to let out a high-pitched moan.
"Just like that, baby," she says as she thrusts her hips into you.
You start to move your mouth to suckle on her cunt, running your tongue in broad strokes to get her wet enough to open for you.
Wanda doesn't let up on the grip she has on your hair, using it to pull you where she wants you to go. Her other hand grabs a fistful of your hair at the nape of your neck, and she starts to guide you.
She pulls your mouth away from her cunt and holds your face still as she moves to sit on the edge of the bed, pushing you to kneel between her legs. She then spreads them again and motions for you to continue before shoving your face back into her cunt. .
"Lick it up, baby," she moans as her hips buck against your mouth. "Dirty slut," she says, pulling your hair.
You start to eat her out like she wants, licking up the juices that run down her thighs. She then grabs your hands and forces them into her cunt, letting out a throaty groan as she does.
You start to finger her, moaning as you do so.
"Yeah, just like that, baby," she says. "Don't you dare stop."
You start to tongue her clit, circling it slowly before sucking on it. Her breathing gets faster and you can feel her start to tense up. You can tell she's close.
"Good girl," she coos, grabbing your face with her hands and holding it against her cunt.
She comes with a deep groan and starts to grind against your mouth as she rides it out. She lets you go when she's finished, and you lick your lips, tasting her as you do.
She looks down at you, mouth held slightly agape as she tries to catch her breath. Then her hands are on you again, shoving you backward and slapping you across the face.
"Lozhis' na krovat', suka" (get on the bed, Bitch) she snarls, holding your chin in her iron grip. You blink several times as the sharp pain on your cheek turns to a dull stinging sensation, but you find your way to the edge of the bed just as she had instructed, nonetheless. 
"Did my little baby like that?" she asks, forcing you to look her in the eye as she shakes you by the chin.
You stare at her in disbelief and her lips curl into a snarl as she slaps you across the face again, this time much harder. Your head is spinning, tears filling your eyes as you blink rapidly.
"Answer me," she barks, "did my little baby like that?"
"N-no, I didn't, Mommy," you whimper. She slaps you again.
"No? What's this, then?" she asks, kicking your legs open once again and motioning to the growing slick between your legs. 
"You know what I think?" she says, leaning down so that her nose is touching yours. "I think you're a fucking liar" She wipes the slick from your inner thighs onto her fingers before she places them against your lips. "Suck," she demands, forcing them past your lips.
You take her fingers in your mouth and suck the thick juices off of them, hollowing out your cheeks as you do.
She pulls them out and spits on your cunt before pushing your legs further apart and spanking your mound harshly. You cry out and bite your lip as you try to stifle any more sound from coming out of you.
"Did I tell you to be quiet?" she asks as she grabs your jaw, pulling it towards her and kissing you roughly before slapping your cheek again.
You let out another sharp cry, sobbing as she grabs you by the hair and yanks your head back.
"No, you didn't, Mommy," you whisper. She releases her grip on you.
She's silent for a minute, seemingly scanning the room for a way to break you before those green eyes of hers light up with an idea. She reaches towards the nightstand and grabs the little bottle of lube that's usually reserved for her toys.
"Since you don't know what you want," she says as she pours a large amount of the lubricant into her hand, rubbing it between her fingers, "then I will show you."
"No," you cry as she approaches you.
You start to thrash against your restraints as she rubs her lubed fingers against your entrance.
"Please!" You cry, looking up at her.
She spanks you again.
"If you keep it up, I'll gag you and have my way with you anyway, you little whore."
She presses her fingers into your entrance and starts to work you open, spreading your pussy with her long fingers as she does. She lets out a throaty moan as she feels you start to get wetter from her fingers.
"See, baby," she says as she continues to stretch you open. "You want this. You love it when Mommy fucks you with her fingers."
"No," you sob.
"No, no, no." She shakes her head before withdrawing her dripping fingers from your cunt. "Looks like somebody's learned a new word today, huh?" 
You shut your eyes as tears run down your cheeks, the sound of Wanda fumbling in her special closet echoing throughout the room.
She pulls the toys she's selected out of the box, examining each one to make sure she has all she needs. You try to close your legs and kick her away, but she's already inching the newly secured strap-on closer and closer to the throbbing space between your legs.
"Come on, baby," she coos as she grabs your hips and forces you back to the edge of the bed. "Mommy's gonna make you feel real good."
She presses the tip of the dildo against your entrance and starts to rub it back and forth, letting it glide against your soaked cunt. You try to wiggle away from her, but she grabs your hips with both hands and slaps her dildo against your mound.
You can feel yourself getting wetter and wetter as she starts to rub herself against you, coating her strap-on in your juices.
"Just like that," she purrs as she leans forward, pulling your arms behind your back again and taking your wrists into her hands. You stare up at her as she guides your hands together, placing a piece of rope around your wrists and securing it to your restraints.
She then sits back and admires her work, bringing her hand down to run her fingers across your nipples. She looks down at you and smirks. "Now, Mommy's gonna make you cum." She starts to rub the dildo against your slit before starting to push into you. "And you're gonna stay nice and quiet, okay?"
"Mhm!" You whine as she inches the fake cock into you, letting out a sharp cry as she does.
"Quiet, baby." She says, slapping your thigh. She then starts to thrust the dildo into you, slowly at first, before increasing her pace. She moves the strap-on in and out of you, pushing it in until her hips are flush with yours before pulling out slowly again.
You moan quietly into her ear as she fucks you. The sound of the bed creaking in unison with the sound of her hips hitting your thighs is so lewd that you can feel your cunt start to throb, desperate for more friction.
"You like this malyshka? Hm?" She whispers in your ear, "You like when Mommy fucks her little girl like the slut she is?" 
You nod and she pulls her hips back, thrusting into you again.
"Say it, baby."
"I like it," you say, trying not to cry out as she begins to fuck you faster, harder.
"That's right," she coos as she kisses your cheek, her fingers rubbing against your clit as she does so.
The sound of the fake cock slamming into you echoes throughout the room and your juices start to drip down your thighs.
"Just a filithy little cockwhore who wants to be fucked senseless, isn't that right, malyshka?" She spits in your face and grabs a fistful of your hair as you cry out.
"M-mhm," you stutter. "I can't think right, Mommy," you whine. "Please, let me cum," you beg as her hand returns to your clit, rubbing small circles around it.
"Aw, that's alright, detka. Dumb little sluts like you don't have to think. That's why you have Mommy, hm?" She pants, keeping the same grueling pace with the strap-on.
"Please," you cry.
"Tell Mommy what you want, slut."
"I wanna cum," you moan, the tears in your eyes threatening to spill out as your orgasm builds in the pit of your stomach.
"Aw, my love, you know only good little girls get to cum." She slaps your cheek, making you cry out. "Are you a good little girl?"
"I-I am!"
"Do good little girls lie to their mommies?" she asks as she continues to rub your clit.
"Then tell me what a good little girl would say, right now." She spanks your thigh.
"I- I liked the video, Mommy" you start, gasping for air as Wanda continues to fuck you.
"Keep going."
"I loved it."
"Keep going, baby," she says, increasing her speed with the dildo.
"I love it when you're mean to me. I want you to call me dirty names." you sob, cheeks burning in embarrassment and shame, the sounds of your juices squelching around Wanda's cock filling the room.
"You're such a good little whore," she moans into your ear, pushing the dildo in as deep as it can go, grinding her hips against you.
"Oh, no, Mommy, I'm gonna--" you cut yourself off with a moan,
"Shhh, me too, malyshka. Cum with Mommy" She groans.
Your head is spinning as Wanda's fingers work your clit and her hips slam into you, you can feel every inch of her cock as it stretches your cunt, filling you to the brim with her length.
"I love you, Mommy," you gasp as your orgasm builds.
"I love you too, baby," she whispers into your ear.
"Mommy--" you cut yourself off with a loud groan, the warm, tingling feeling of your orgasm crashing over you, and you can hear Wanda's voice in the distance as she groans and grinds against you.
She thrusts into you several more times, riding out her orgasm as well.
After a moment, she pulls out and turns you over, removing your restraints. You lie on the bed, unable to move.
"There, there," she says as she lays next to you and pets your hair.
You turn your head towards her and smile. She kisses you on the lips and pets your cheek.
"Let's get you all cleaned up, princess" she smiles, sitting up. "Then maybe we'll watch some more videos, hm?"
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