#Not to mention the perspective background and proper lighting
disorderedcritters · 16 days
Some food for y'all because I don't think I've done a proper drawing in a little while
So , , here's all the critters having a little sleepover
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(yes I did watermark this to shit. I worked on this for so long lmao)
A few other lighting versions + a rant about making this and my thought process under the cut !!
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So, making this took SO LONG. I'm not very good at posing and this definitely challenged me. Plus I don't think I've ever drawn this many characters in one piece, so it was a good practice. (Also I may or may not be shipping Galaxy and Nebula lmao). Personally I really liked doing Aster's pose, just kind of standing back there menacingly lol. Well, not so menacingly, they're such a cutie. Also I tried to give everyone little hoodies or sweaters, a throwback to that one drawing of Solar in a hoodie (Lunar definitely made everyone wear them btw). The background was pretty hard. I'm not very good at them as I mentioned before, and I'm especially not good at perspective but I gave it a shot this time! I quite enjoyed drawing Solar too, he's definitely my favourite of them all <3 (yes I have favourites). Also Galaxy was meant to have a blanket but it was cut out because it looks weird, so yeah, sorry guys. Also LUNAR IS SO CUTE HERE, she's just, so peaceful!! All of them are meant to be relatively tired, but I really wanted at least one or two to be sleeping (Nebula and Lunar)
And for context this piece takes place in some kind of community room. It's assumed the perspective is from a door / window, which is why the lighting a circle (it's meant to be light from the window of the door, if that makes sense).
I think this would be a nice starting point for the game, but unfortunately for y'all I don't think I will go for it lol.
Speaking of the game I have designed a player character, but y'all won't see them for a bit don't worry
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elliepassmore · 8 months
A Hunger of Thorns review
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4/5 stars Recommended if you like: witchy reads, urban fantasy, magic, quests, LGBTQ characters
This was a hard book for me to rate because there were a lot of really good things about this book. At the same time, there were some things that felt very 'meh' to me.
To start, I really like the industrialization/capitalism-ization of magic in this book. I found it very interesting and true-to-life how magic was initially banned and then regulated into industry so that big corporations could make money off of it in the name of democratization. This background really shapes how each of the characters interacts with magic in this book, and it definately impacts Maude and her family's ways of being. I also think this background works really well and is reflected fantastically in Maude and Odette's relationship, as well as later on with Rufus. It's also very unique and not really something I've seen done before, so I think it was one of the strong points of the book.
That being said, I didn't really have a good grasp on pretty much anything else going on in this world. There are cars and power plants and phones....but there's also farms where girls can go to learn how to be housewives? There's shopping malls but Maude and Odette are lectured on how to be 'proper' girls and I'm honestly kind of confused as to whether any of the women wear pants or not (I think there was a mention of jeans at one point). The point is, this book isn't really grounded in a solid time period or world. I couldn't tell if this was supposed to be a 'way back when' kind of fantasy or an urban fantasy or an 'urban fantasy but make it the 1960s.' It was obviously not set on our earth since the place names are different, but it's in a vaguely-earth world (Anglyon = England, imo). With how strong the magic-industrialization theme is in this book and how thoroughly that impacts things, I just wanted a little more grounding in where and when this story was taking place.
Maude is someone who is constantly making up for the crimes of her mother. Her father was a pro-magic protestor who was killed before she was born and her mother was a pro-magic terrorist (though I'm unclear if she actually was a terrorist or if she just committed major crimes) who was imprisoned and died when Maude was still a child. Thus, Maude mostly tries to stay out of trouble and be a 'good' girl, lest she get branded with the same suspicion as her mother. As a result, she worries a lot about what other people think and can be a major people pleaser, though part of her journey in this book is learning to stand up for herself. This is definitely a magical quest story, but it's also a coming-of-age story, and I appreciated Maude's personal growth.
Odette is...a lot. Maude sees her through a very positive light, but even Maude's rose-colored memories of Odette don't paint a pretty picture. There's obviously some stuff going on there between her and her mother, but that doesn't excuse Odette's behavior (I'm with Rufus on this one). She generally seems like an angry, unkind person, but she does have moments when her fierceness is turned toward good and she stands up for other people, i.e., Maude. In 'present' day, it takes more cajoling to get Odette to come around, and she makes some decisions that I heartily disagreed with and thought were really just downright spiteful.
I honestly felt bad for Maude considering her and Odette's past and present relationship, though they seem to have sorted things out by the end.
I would've liked to see more of Rufus since he seemed like an interesting character and he had good perspective on things. He showed a lot of perseverance and loyalty, as well as an ability to take things in stride, no matter how crazy. He's a good friend to Maude, even when she doesn't realize it. Even when she isn't a good friend.
As mentioned in the book's summary, Odette goes missing and Maude sets out to find her and get to the bottom of her disappearance. This is where the quest comes into play and I found it to be super interesting. A large chunk of magic, as well as family secrets, are at the center of the quest, and I loved the weirdness that came with the powerful magic. There are times when the story verges into eco-horror without going full-on horror, which was a pleasant surprise. I think Maude's role in things (beyond the quest-taker) was interesting too, though I do think she makes some dumb decisions.
This book does have a good mix of twists and predictability to it. There are three major things that happen toward the end of the book that I guessed pretty much from the get-go, as well as something else that I picked up on about midway through when it was mentioned, but there was a lot about Maude's quest and about Odette that I found to be surprising. I think if you're willing to set aside the predictability, there's a lot of great twists in the book.
Overall I found this book to be enjoyable. There were some parts that I think were really fleshed out and then there were some parts that I feel got ignored. The rating for this is somewhere between 4 stars and 4.5 stars for me. I'm definitely curious to see whether any of this or the characters are mentioned/seen in the sequel!
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b-sai-des · 1 year
The Live Energy of The Smile
The Smile 7/11/23 Cleveland Live Show, taken by @ryanj65 on Youtube
I’ve gotten really into Radiohead this past year or so, and as I’ve been going through their discography I’ve also discovered Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood’s side project with Tom Skinner, The Smile. At first I wasn't fully vibing with it. I got the impression that they wanted a very different style with this project’s debut album, A Light for Attracting Attention, but nothing initially captured my attention off the bat, so I didn’t give the album a proper listen. But this changed after I listened to a live performance of one of their then-unreleased new songs, "Bending Hectic." That blew me away – it starts as an incredibly lush, calm, meditative tune with a curiously off-kilter twist in the guitar, and eventually it leads into an unexpected heavy metal climax. It hit me differently, and it made me go back to the studio album and reconsider it. Bending Hectic is the song that made The Smile click for me, and I appreciated the studio album more. The low-key jazziness really clicked, and I really appreciated the album’s emotional and direct songs like “Speech Bubbles” and “Free in the Knowledge,” my favorite from that album. I also really liked Tom Skinner’s drumming, his jazz background really helps contribute to the album having its own identity. 
Studio release of "Bending Hectic"
"Free in the Knowledge" from A Light For Attracting Attention
I still felt that there was something interesting though in the parallels between Radiohead and the Smile. When I read different perspectives about the album, one thing I saw someone talk about was how Nigel Godrich’s production on A Light for Attracting Attention contributed to there being a similar feeling between the two projects. Though I forgot where I saw that exactly, it was likely on Reddit when Bending Hectic got a studio single release. It was produced by a different person, and on this post there was some discussion about the more “live” or “present” sound that was there compared to Godrich’s production style, and this got me interested in what The Smile’s live performances would be like. I really wanted to go to one of their shows during their North American tour this summer, but unfortunately wasn’t able to. I decided recently to watch one of their performance recordings, and I was lucky to find a really high quality video taken by @ryanj65 of their Cleveland performance on July 11. It was through listening to this live performance that I felt how free and playful this band is with their music, and their “garage band” aesthetic really shined.
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Tom Skinner, Jonny Greenwood, and Thom Yorke
Tom Skinner’s drum performance is one of the best things about this project. He brings a free-flowing yet intricate and versatile style that, like I said earlier, shapes the identity of many of the songs here, not to mention the band as a whole. It's a different vibe than the drum work  of Radiohead’s equally talented Philip Selway. Skinner’s jazzy drums lends itself naturally to a more acoustic sound, but what’s interesting is how the band melds that with synthetic sounds. This is something that the studio album does really well too. In Spectrum Culture’s review of “A Light for Attracting Attention,” Aaron Paskin writes that “The jittery poly-rhythms of The King of Limbs are given new life by Skinner’s masterful drumming, and their pairing with tasteful horns and woodwinds and exquisite strings complete the picture sketched by Radiohead’s flawed eighth album. “The Opposite” is a prime example, with swirling vocal distortions and a vicious guitar riff grounded by an irresistibly groovy beat. The track is downright frenetic, but Skinner holds it all together with ease. He plays a similar role on the equally groovy but slicker ‘The Smoke,’…” Skinner complements the rest of the music really well and grounds it perfectly while also being complex and intricate himself. 
Seeing this come together on the stage was something else. “Thin Thing” turns from an intricately woven fast paced track into a roaring, pulsating beast, with the dissonant deep guitar jolting forward dangerously. Their rendition of “A Hairdryer” conveys this energy the most. It starts with a fast keyboard tune, Jonny Greenwood playing the bass guitar with a bow to create a low screeching sound, and Thom shredding while Skinner plays a cycle of energetic drums. Thom sings the echo-y vocals that were background vocals from the studio version. This is an operatic, wild version of this song, feeling chaotic but all the elements combine to create a singular atmosphere before Skinner transitions into the fast drum beat with finesse and the main tune comes in. The vocals from just before were live looped – they now come in as proper background lyrics as Thom sings. The same keyboard arpeggio from the beginning comes back at the end of the song, adding to the kind of floating sensation the song has. There are times where Thom’s singing falters, and in general his singing during live shows for The Smile and Radiohead can be really inconsistent. It was one of my main worries when I was still hoping to actually see them live. That being said, the experimentation and different approaches they take to these live versions is still always very rewarding to listen to. It’s these kinds of alternate variations of their songs that I really like about The Smile, because they fit the core of the song well and exist nicely alongside their studio versions. In cases like this rendition of “A Hairdryer,” their music feels more alive on stage than from the studio.
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We see this energy in the band members too. The show here is cool in how it’s primarily just focused on the music itself and less on the personalities of the performers, but the playful way Thom introduces the new song “Colours Fly” adds a nice bit of stage presence. The song introduces Robert Stillman's excellent saxophone for the second time during the show, and it features Jonny’s guitar squibbling and Thom’s voice twisting. In the middle it starts rising nervously with Thom’s “no no non no no’s” being repeated with reverb with the live looping, creating a hypnotic effect. The drums and bass here are really good, and Jonny using the guitar with a bow again works really well here. While they play “The Same,” he’s jamming out to the synth and pounding syncopated beat and piano. Thom’s bass comes in in the second half, along with more electronic phasing and whirring that gives the song a different kind of momentum compared to the studio version. I like both equally in this case, but it’s cool how they build on the base of the song and play with new elements. That whirring especially is something that I really like about this rendition. Again – even with their synth songs, that playfulness comes through. This album opener comes at the end of the set, which has a different feeling, as if Thom’s sentiments in the lyrics feel like a conclusion and summation compared to an opening plea in the album. 
The connections between the pieces in the set overall are interesting. They introduced a new song called “Under Our Pillows,” which transitions well into “We Don’t Know How Tomorrow Brings.” “Under Our Pillows” feels like a sequel to the album track "Thin Thing,” a fast paced song with immense finesse in the guitar and drums. The chorus has similarities too. This feels pained and anguished though. Then it slows to a pause, with just the drums. It starts to rise up, building momentum steadily. Thom’s vocals feel a little like a lullaby. Thom uses live looping on his vocals to overlap with the words he sings, creating an interesting surreal, somewhat drunk-sounding effect as the song slows again and spins slowly to a stop. When “We Don’t Know What Tomorrow Brings” comes next, its own rousing and energetic nature, with its deep synths and cymbals crashing, combined with the previous song creates a satisfying crescendo.
A remaster by @MajorMajorSeven of the Teleharmonic performance that Ryan J captured.
One of the other unreleased songs that they played was “Teleharmonic," which was one of the songs I was looking forward to the most after hearing a previous live version. It starts with a droning synth and acoustic guitar from Thom, very emotional and direct. There’s a sense of catharsis and assured-ness to this piece once the slow (bossa-esque?) drums come in, they have a distinctive sound, it’s a nice groovy vibe as Thom sings. Suddenly, a totally stunning bridge with just rapid cymbals with ambient synth that fuses with the expansive heavy reverb guitar, and then the introduction of a deep, groovy powerful bass line that transitions into the main verse. It’s ethereal. I was surprised because compared to when I heard this song for the first time from another live version, this bass comes in just a little later, but this fits the climb of the bridge more. The saxophone in this version is another improvement. I’m really enjoying how this song is evolving and I’m really looking forward to how it turns out in the studio version for their second album. Overall this song is extremely cathartic and wears its heart on its sleeve. It’s especially clear from their live performances like this one that this project is a group of expert musicians at the top of their game giving us a more low-key and playful experience, with their songs feeling like the polished product of enthusiastic and fun jam sessions.
The intro to their encore shows really well The Smile’s motivation to give a unique auditory experience, giving a lush keyboard and synth soundscape as they begin playing “Open the Floodgates.” The combination of these elements with the piano and guitar in this live performance create a fresh combination of electronic and acoustic that is emblematic of The Smile’s music as a whole.
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Speech Bubbles
The Opposite
A Hairdryer
Waiving a White Flag
Under Our Pillows
We Don’t Know What Tomorrow Brings
Colours Fly
Thin Thing
Teleharmonic (unreleased)
Skirting on the Surface
The Same
Read the Room (unreleased)
The Smoke
You Will Never Work in Television Again
Open The Floodgates
People on Balconies (unreleased)
Bending Hectic
Feeling Pulled Apart By Horses
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iamvoid0 · 2 years
Does Megaman 11 deserve to be the best-selling game in the franchise?
Megaman 11 brought the classic blue bomber back to new heights, and with that, it took the title of best-selling classic Megaman title. Capcom had pre-emptively purchased the domains of Megaman 12, 13, 14, and 15. With the glaring success that Megaman 11 has, there is still a demand for classic Megaman. That raises a question, though, Does Megaman 11 deserve to be the best-selling game in the franchise?
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Short Answer: Yes. But let us dig deeper as we prepare for Capcom's announcement for Megaman 12.
An Evolution of form
Megaman 11 was a return to form for the blue bomber that harkens back to the old school days while modernizing a notorious, mechanically demanding game for audiences of all skill levels. Megaman 11 simultaneously invokes nostalgia while pushing every aspect of its design, audio, gameplay, and art to new heights. It not only separates it from the mega man clones of today but also prevents it from being another hollow Megaman clone.
It is easy to view Megaman 11 through the lens of pure nostalgia, a cash grab, stomping on the cold dead corpse of a long-dead franchise for an easy payday. What is hard is accepting the fact that the team that took Megaman 11 from idea to product outdid themselves.
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Another Dimension
Megaman 11 takes the classic game out of its 2D roots and into a new 3D space; though at times it may look like it's 2.5D, I have a sneaking suspicion that it is a full 3D space that is 2D in the viewport.
The art direction of this game is stellar. I cannot begin to describe just how gorgeous and warm this art feels. Every character and background is just bursting at the seams with personality and life. From Roll, Auto, and Dr Light to the various enemies you encounter, many of which are callbacks to the original Megaman 1, to the new ones that blend so seamlessly into the world of Megaman that you will question if it had always been there. Megaman is expressive, clear, and concise in his actions and animations.
Dynamic lighting effects breathe life into every nook and cranny of this gorgeous hand-drawn environment. The stunning illustrations that wash the backdrops are often reminiscent of old 90s cartoons, although that might be my nostalgia bleeding through.
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Despite that, however, the game continues to be a breath of fresh air. We rarely get such a visually distinct game from a large publisher. It was clear from the get-go that Capcom needed – no, wanted – Megaman 11 to be an evolution, the springboard for the next generation of Megaman.
Lessons from yesterday
Megaman 11 takes a vast array of cues from its predecessors. From its punishing difficulty to its ease of access. The deceptively simplistic level design hides brilliantly crafted sequences that encourage experimentation while also providing a challenge for those willing to take it on.
One of the strengths of Megaman 11 lies in how it carries its legacy while also being distinct and new. The previous two Megaman games, 9 & 10, felt more like the recently uncovered Nintendo Entertainment System games that were lost media than they did a proper sequel for a new generation.
The previous games introduced a shop, which is brought back for the ride in this new entry. The game also comes preloaded with multiple easy-to-hard difficulty challenges.
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The game makes excellent use of the various bosses' gimmicks to give Megaman a new way to interact with the stages. Megaman controls much better than I anticipated. The game was responsive and kept the old-school feeling of Megaman in this new perspective.
I mentioned before that the game could be unforgiving at times, and it is very unforgiving. Several passages throughout the game will give even seasoned Megaman players a challenge.
It is hard to describe how Megaman plays and controls, and it is ultimately something you will have to experience to understand Megaman 11 at its core gameplay.
If it's one other thing Megaman is known for, it is the absolute jaw-dropping, iconic soundtracks of the past. Megaman 11 is no slouch in this department. Every single stage gets a theme song that fits the environment, matches the scenes' intensity, and pairs well with the various bosses.
Marika Suzuki shines as Megaman 11's composer, having attained experience in various games across multiple genres. She clearly understands what made the original soundtrack so appealing, and she carries much of the soundtrack to its logical climax.
The soundtrack is more electronic-based, but Marika Suzuki masterfully makes every single instrument sing a dazzling array of notes and phrases that matches everything surrounding it.
Marika Suzuki's soundtrack was so rendered that it beautifully tied all the extremities of the game into an even more closely knit experience that all provided a sense of cohesion that ultimately elevated the experience of Megaman as a whole.
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Whatever you think about Capcom's business practices, Megaman 11 is truly one for the history books. A fun-filled experience with a visually unique art style and a lavish soundscape that perfectly blends all parts of Megaman into an experience worthy of the franchise.
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The Void Calls, Will you Answer?
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Week 12
This week, I have finished all of my projects, except for the Upside Down People project as the showcase is next month. Overall, I had a great time working on these 3 projects and the experiences that I had with projects will help improve my design thinking later on.
Project 1 - uncanny (Capitol Theatre):
At the start of the course, I was very intimidated and anxious about the scale of the work that we should do and I was just getting started to adjust to a new study environment. I was even more confused when nobody else chose to experiment with the uncanny state, so there wasn't any different perspective or ideas. After the very first draft I did in the Capitol, I realized that the state was not easy to evoke in the theatre space (according to the feedback in class), and I was ready to change my chosen state. However, after researching more about 'uncanny', I started to invest more and more in it and try to include whatever I had in my background for this project. I'm glad I did incorporate my cultural references because it feels like I could share a little bit about where I came from and I'm proud of that. And I have not mentioned in the previous blog and presentation, that the song (with the woman singing) in the soundtrack was actually a lullaby that every child in Vietnam grew up listening to.
Project 2 - Upside Down People:
Project Progress:
This week, we had a chance to watch the first run-through of the show and were able to show our latest design for the opening sequence. Sara really liked our work for both the opening and the Dragon Tree sequence.
She also suggested that we could blend the night to sunrise and sunrise to morning sequence together so there's no black gap in between as they transition from one into the other.
So with that suggestion, Alana and I have extended the color from the previous light pattern (orange) from the arch to the wall then extended the fade in value of the green light to smoothly transition to the morning light.
Watching the first run-through of the show gave me a sense of what it is like in real life production: how to communicate to come up with new ideas and to have different perspectives about the design and effectively solve the problems.
Project 3 - Borderline:
At first, I was hesitant to join this project, however, as it proceeded, I had a really enjoyable time working and learned a lot from it. From this project, I found that I really enjoy filming and editing footage in those visual styles (including the everyday life in my work). I was excited to see my work in the theatre space. From this project, I learned that by incorporating different mediums, a new form of art could be created, and with proper research and intention, great art could be produced.
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QUOTE: "Matta-Clark adamantly resisted the tendency to reduce his building cuts, however spectacular, to an aesthetic that would neutralize the violence they entailed. He conceptualized his use of violence as “discreet violations,” an initial shock that undermined conventions of architecture and property while awakening the spectator to myriad possibilities for spatial intervention and agency: “The first thing one notices is that violence has been done. Then the violence turns to visual order and hopefully, then to a sense of heightened awareness. . . .My hope is that the dynamism of the action can be seen as an alternative vocabulary with which to question the static inert building environment"
comment: I really did enjoy this essay. it appears as though, like many out there, Matta-Clark art work was a summary of his life. I think that his art works personified his beliefs and traumas. I chose this quote because the quote was a surprising expression of perspective. he managed to find beauty in a destructive act which, in my opinion, is really hard to do. though he despises his architectural background, you cant deny that he created a innovative idea to architectural design. Matta-Clark designs are a intriguing use of open space. its like he is providing freedom to a enclosed environment sort to speak.
I can relate to this quote because like the quote mentioned I have a sense of finding a bit of beauty in violence. I'm a fan of martial arts and find the techniques used are a art in itself and if looked at in a different light, there is a charm to the methods used. violence of any kind whether its through words, physical action, or psychological if used in a specific direction can actually be a eye opener. for example, if I were to tell you something that was offensive but true. it would hurt but ultimately would make your more aware and overall a better person for it. a lot of people wouldn't accept this at first but in time when looked back upon you can feel a sense of admiration.
QUESTION: Would you think there are things in life that you can find an appeal to that aren't the most agreed upon opinion? a lot of times the insight of an expression can be looked at as oppressive , demeaning, and otherwise reproachable. do you think that it makes society a better place or not? in todays sensitive age of conformity. how do you feel about Matta-Clark's expressions of violence in his works?
In addition, I find that a lot of us suffer from a lack of understanding and proper communications given our different upbringings. would you think that its intolerable to used violence in expression (not exactly in a physical sense)? how do you see yourself using violence in your art pieces?
(I know its a lot of questions, just curious)
QCQ #2
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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Hidden Gems by @writcraft
September is indeed a blessed month as some of my favourite fandom folks celebrate their birthdays (and I resent that!! 😂). I completely missed Writcraft’s a few days ago so this is a humble if belated little gift to celebrate them. As I put this together I realized I’ve never made a proper reclist for them, despite having read almost everything from their catalogue at this point. The heresy! So I thought maybe this could be some sort of love letter too, to show how much I appreciate their contributions to the fandom over the years.
I’ve been reading Writ’s fics - both Drarry and rare pairs, hello Harry/Teddy and Snarry my beloved! - since 2012. Not even in my wildest dreams I imagined I’d ever get to interact, let alone be friends with the mind behind one of my all-time favorite reads, the iconic Little Compton Street. This story means so much to me it’s impossible to think of it without getting choked up in my emotions.
For the first time I found myself eager to learn more about queer history through fic, because of the touching and sensitive approach to the theme, which got me as invested in it as I was in the Drarry romance. LCS was also the first fic that made me wish I could see a first kiss scene on the big screen (with Bowie’s Life on Mars in the background of course!); it’s the first fic that made me consider James/Sirius as a romantic ship, the first fic that took me by the hand and guided me into London’s vibrant and seductive landscape and nightlife, not to mention the places of historical significance for the queer community. I have recently reread the equally fabulous How We Were Warriors - a must read for any Snarry fan! - and was hit by the same magical feeling of “wow, I’m so privileged to be able to dive deep into 🏳️‍🌈 history while falling in love with NYC”. And it happened organically, in a way that made me feel nostalgic for a place I’ve only been to once in my life. The power that Writ’s storytelling holds!
But as much as I’d love to, I’m not here to talk about LCS or HWWW, but to shine light on a few of my favorite hidden gems by this talented writer, who’s just as brilliant exploring a range of rare pairs dynamics, especially the intricacies of angsty romance between characters with a complicated past. Writ explores these nuances with so much care and sensitivity. Their writing offers a generous but realistic portrait of adult themes like coming out, loneliness, internalized homophobia and mental health. All fascinating yet difficult subjects to navigate. But every fic of theirs transpires heart and research, carefully crafted to guide us through a singular, poignant emotional ride full of catharsis, self-awareness and hope. I consider many of these essential to my fandom “coming of age” so to speak, as I became an adult reader who gravitates towards adult stories about adult characters put in adult situations. Writcraft offers unique perspectives by combining seriousness, grief and sorrow with a spark of youth, wonder and tenderness.
Without further ado, here are some short-ish treats for your weekly reading list. Drarry and rare pairs (especially Snarry and femslash), let’s rejoice! I’m sure you’ll find something for your tastes in here. Lastly, nobody asked but the banner inspo comes from a moodboard I did a while ago, featuring a butterfly. When I googled its meaning, here’s what came up: Butterflies are beautiful and have mystery, symbolism, and meaning and are a metaphor representing spiritual rebirth, transformation, change, hope, and life. The magnificent, yet short life of the butterfly closely mirrors the process of spiritual transformation and serves to remind us that life is short. Not sure how much of that is true but I found it very poetic and fitting!
Writ, thank you so much for everything you’ve done for the fandom throughout the years - for being such an inspiration for both authors and readers, for providing the BEST clubbing fics and being a rare pair enthusiast, and finally, for being a strong voice for queer representation and legacy of resistance and hope. Every time we talk I am in awe of how open and generous you are, always willing to share knowledge and experiences about these themes. I’m so happy to be getting to know you, and I hope you’ve had a lovely birthday last week! 💜
Dapper (2016, E, 4k) - delicious PWP with a perfect balance between smooth development, playful banter and hot hot hot smut! Love their voices here.
Draco starts wearing Muggle suits and Harry’s definitely losing his mind.
Dancing on His Own (2016, E, 6k) - I feel the urge to rec every single clubbing fic Writ has ever written, it’s such a strong trademark and I love their sexy, freeing and entrancing atmosphere. Get ready to fall in love with London nights as our boys inevitably falling together.
Under the decadent lights of London’s gay bars, Draco and Harry find one another again after years of searching.
Merlin’s Kitchen (2021, E, 12k) - another fantastic and engaging clubbing fic with Writ’s brand of sensual atmosphere, rich and adult and so incredibly compelling. I would stay in this universe forever learning more about this charming and fascinating Harry through Draco’s eyes. Kudos for that ending full of promise!
Merlin’s Kitchen is a shit nightclub but having sex with Harry Potter might improve things.
Dirty Little Secret (2013, E, 22k) - a wonderful and refreshing take on BDSM, it’s such a treat to watch Harry and Draco navigate and discover their kinky side, eager and clumsy and relying to much on the hate/love dynamics that we love. They sound so very young and deliciously flawed here, and I adore how this fic gives them room to grow and brings them back together at the end.
When someone threatens Harry’s life, Kingsley decides to send him to a safe house with only Draco Malfoy for company. As the two men are forced together, memories of the past resurface and secrets are discovered.
Collapse Amongst the Dying Stars (2013, M, 26k) - I’ve only read this fic once and it was enough to leave a lasting impression. There’s something to be said about an author who makes you read tropes you usually avoid (mind the tags!) but I was so deeply immersed and invested I didn’t even care. This devastating yet perfectly executed time travel journey will break your heart with this fascinating Draco development and this beautiful, loving Harry. It’s about the catharsis 😔🤌🏼
After the final battle nothing is quite as Harry expected. Death Eaters remain unaccounted for, Malfoy is in prison and there is something rotten in Azkaban. Banned from assisting the Aurors, Harry keeps himself busy with regular visits to Malfoy and works to bring light to the darkness of 12 Grimmauld Place. Cw: implied rape, character death, unhappy ending.
Rare pairs:
Stone Butch Blues (2018, T, 1k) - if you haven’t read the LCS instalment focused on Will/Minerva (which you absolutely should RIGHT NOW) maybe start here with this brilliant short. An incredible take on gender fluid Will and superb dialogue that left me hooked and so curious to learn more about these two. So much character within 1k, my god, what an impressive short!
Will reminisces with Minerva.
Where Thestrals Fly (2014, T, 3k) - beautiful Snarry short, I love the premise and the unique narrative style, it’s wonderful to see their backstory and attraction slowly unravel with the Thestrals ritual and the post-war scenario as background. Soft, sensual, contemplative. Yum!
Every Beltane, Severus and Harry undertake the ritual of moving Thestrals between the Bel fires. As they grow closer the light in their future steadily overpowers the darkness of their past.
Storm Chasers (2020, E, 4.5k) - I’m so fond of my first Ginny/Tonks fic - this is a lovely, poetic and thrilling get together with compelling characters and organic chemistry. I love the intimate writing, the sexual exploration, the A+ character development. Non-binary Tonks is a joy to read!
It starts, as these things often do, with hummus.
Tonight Let's Get Some (2019, E, 4.5k) - oof I’m so thirsty for this scorching Harry/Charlie, you can taste the sexual tension in your bones and their dynamics are quite organic and casual. Great characterization, sexy clubbing aesthetics + voyeurism/public sex as a special treat, my favorite! A must read for any Charlie slut like me 😌
Harry discovers private karaoke rooms are great for blow jobs, gets a crash course in Muggle music and hopes that One Direction songs are the way to Charlie Weasley’s cock heart.
True Colors (2017, E, 6k) - one of the sweetest Harry/Teddy I’ve ever read, this fic holds a special place in my heart. It is so moving and full of gentleness and hope. I love the tentative dynamics and how they slowly but surely come together after dancing around each other. The way Teddy yearns for Harry is so tender it hits right in the feels and leaves me swooning for their love.
Teddy spent the last year running away from his feelings for Harry. Now it’s time to come home.
No Comparison (2020, E, 7k) - imo the ultimate comfort Snarry, very different from the usual angsty take we see out there. This is both hilarious and sweet with a charming take on the characters, delightful flirting banter and a satisfying get together. I love the refreshing “omg they’re officemates” scenario, plus their chemistry is 👩‍🍳💋
Sharing an office with Severus is driving Harry mad. When he discovers Severus isn’t quite as straight as he first believed, Harry decides there’s only one way to resolve their constant bickering.
Holding Out for A Hero (2015, E, 7.5k) - one of my all-time favourite Harry/Teddy fic, this is a sinfully hot and romantic get together + first time, my favourite combo for this ship. So much tender domesticity and soft mutual pining, plus breathtaking smut and a beautiful, sweet Teddy melting both Harry’s resistance and our hearts. I’ve read this one more times than I can count, delicious!
Even as he says no, Harry’s hands push into Teddy’s hair. Even as he protests, his lips connect with Teddy’s. Before Teddy can offer any reassurance his heart’s thumping wildly in his chest and Harry Potter’s kissing him as if there’s no tomorrow.
The Way We Were (2021, E, 15k) - after LCS this was the fic that made my heart beat faster for Prongsfoot! A poignant “coming of age” story with friends to lovers, queer awakening and LGBT themes in the 70s, only Writ delivers this wistful mix of excitement and devastation. This is complex and nuanced with James and Sirius navigating the complicated feelings of their changing relationship, all with the impending war looming in the background.
At nineteen, James Potter is missing Hogwarts, nursing a broken heart and worrying about his ailing parents. James needs his friends more than ever, but Remus is behaving strangely, Peter is too busy with his new job and Sirius has a secret more terrifying than the whispers of a looming war.
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acid-ixx · 3 years
- spirits of the light [ part one ]
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Synopsis: [ 1k+ words ] You survived harsh words they hurled at you, lived off of cruel conditions, and no means of comfort. Just as they've killed quickly and efficiently, had they discover that you're not a faux imposter. As they had you a second life, and mayhaps a second chance for them, they've been far too late. You ran away the moment they healed you.
TW: gn reader. first-person perspective. mentions of past abuse. fluff. "you don't care" drabble but you survived and escaped. @nicebonescomrade and @gunterdon for both of you 😫 Edit: razor and mc's relationship is purely platonic, as in a parental sense.
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I've yet to return to my homeland, Earth.
The path from Dragonspine to Wolvendom took a toll on me. I've tripped through stones and dead branches, sullying my dirty clothing furthermore. It wasn't fear that determined my passion to run. No, I didn't apprehend myself because of the Archons, or the people- I've simply sprint away, as I should've been dead, likewise.
Maybe it's been months since I've had a proper meal - I couldn't count the colors of the skies flying past my head - merely camouflaging beneath murky, marsh burrows of a desolate forest in Wolvendom. Unfortunately, streaming beads of liquid which the soil, now damp and my torn attire stained with the Earthly mud, seeped has lowered the temperature. I'm left in the mirage of hypertension once more.
Deja vu promptly crawled into my brain. Dragonspine, I recalled. Ah, how I oozed of Gold.
I'm certain it's the first time I've felt free of some sort, the nostalgia of petrichor hitting my nose when I first landed in this game, oblivious and curious. It was all a hoax, my hope dwindled quickly likewise my excitement to gamble with the advantage of being in my favorite game. Discourse certainly carried through my footsteps, as whenever I step foot into claimed territories, they've accused me of fraudulent behavior. Often would they hunt me down.
I've learned my lesson the more I scurry these lands.
After all, I had to lie low lest I meet the last pages of my story.
My stomach growled for an ounce of clean water, the shape of Sunsettia's snugly hanging from the branches of its tree seemed like one step further. But I've yet to complain. Besides, it constantly ailed from the bruises and scars, a relentless indication of what they've done- but it was no deal to me, as I've overcome the pain in exchange for another life.
I was fortunate enough to come across this lone boy who claimed to be a wolf; he helped aid my scars and provided his coat, to which I rejected, it's frigid as we ventured deeper into the gaps of his so-called abode. Alas, when my attention was elsewhere, he had removed the piece of article from his body and draped the frankly warm coat on my shoulders.
Razor, I knew of his name from my experience of gameplays. Supposedly raised by wolves, his knowledge came originally from his "lupical". Though conversing with him may seem difficult - his familiarity with languages in Mondstadt is entirely limited - I was easily able to discern which is which. I'm truly indebted to him that he went as far as sympathizing with me, he hid me from the vile treatment I ought to receive once more.
"I'm fine now, Razor. Thanks."
"No. Stay with me. We're finding Lupical, they're waiting."
He guided me through coarse trees and set up this camp before we reach any further, a temporary means of shelter with a fireplace. Hues of orange crackled in the background, illuminating light, too, with Razor tending to minor scars with Wolfhooks he happened to compile.
Although I insisted that he should've precisely left me to scourage for food, whether it'd be boar meat and all the more, he rather had shaken his head with an attentive countenance, patching my skin of any bruise he'd uncover.
"Razor, I'm glad you're doing this but you don't have to..."
"No, no. Lupical would be mad. They'll see the scars." He countered lips thinning to a line upon the sight of noticing a particularly significant tear. If I remember correctly, I've had that as my welcome gift when arriving in Inazuma; a stranger who possessed a knife had slashed me.
Razor sighed, I glimpsed elsewhere, failing to glance at his troubled gaze.
I remained silent with only the soft creaks of branches wavering through cool winds.
Surprisingly, I don't feel any throb anymore in any limb of mine, thankfully because of him.
He was delicate and treated me like glass, though he had his periods of raw strength for which I can't chastise him. Whilst he wrapped my left leg opened with a gash, with the usage of torn fabrics - one time I was able to persuade of him was to use my clothes instead - he'd wrap a tad too hard. I winced and he, too, duplicated my actions.
Razor gulped, stumbling back as he did so, there's a flash of utter shame glinting in his eyes, diverting his head. In my spot, perched on a stump of a tree, I mustered myself and told him it's alright, that it doesn't hurt me at all, fussed for the sudden tenseness of his shoulders.
Honestly, he comes across more like a kicked pup, in shambles because of an insignificant misstep. And through all the treatment I've attained, so far he was the tenderest and humane. Seconds stretched as hours the more I watch him paralyzed in his stead. I decided to approach him first, standing even with a limp to my step. He appeared out of consciousness, although breathing, his orifices muddled and clashed through red coloration and misty thoughts that dwell longer than they should.
But, as I ruffled his fluffy hair- he snapped out of his trembles, leaning into my touch while I continuously parted his tufts of shaggy, ivory hair to examine his crystal expression.
To conceal my coos were difficult, child-like wonder sparkled into his striking, crimson orbs. Glaze hastily dwindled and parted ways, clear like cloudless days or the ocean at bay. Ironic; he, a wolf under the moonlit glow, smoldered like a puppy, pouting if I were to cringe my hands backward.
It carried five more minutes of comfortable silence 'til my hands grew sore. He was pleased, I was too. Indeed, I've never really ought to seek affection, but I reckon Razor deserved some sort of solace.
We've returned and camped for the evening, make-shift leaves as a bed and Razor's coat serving a blanket, and the gossiping moon once again sharing my thoughts. I was truly lucky, an ounce of kindness he'd spare for me.
As I rest upon the comfortable, duly noted, mattress, my spent body disregarded the wolves slowly approaching us. Razor greeted his wolf family, who sniffed my laying form while he played with my hair. I'd forgotten it, nor never heard it, but a slight buzz had me listening to his whispers. Thick fur replaced the warm coat; I've snuggled deeper.
"Rest. Tomorrow, you'll meet Lupical."
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literaticat · 3 years
you're the best. can i ask you why are responses to queries sooo slow? im and MG author and it seems forever to get a response...I would think that coming out of a pandemic editors would be hungry for new material.
I'm going to be as calm as I possibly can be because I know this is probably a sincerely meant question, and you may be new, and you haven't seen the year+ worth of discourse about agents and editors and what is happening in the pandemic within the book industry (and that despite lots of people "coming out of a pandemic", for us, these things are still very much ongoing!). A brief Pandemic Publishing history, from my perspective:
March 2020. We realize that the "pandemic" is officially happening. The Bologna Book Fair is cancelled, travel is cancelled, everyone has to work from home, it's confusing, schools are closed, nobody has child-care. We expect this to last a couple of weeks.
April 2020. It does NOT last "a couple of weeks." Now just for background -- publishing is already an extremely slow process with a lot of lead time - like, we are currently selling/acquiring books for 2023/24 publication. So that means that when all this hit, there were lots of projects in the pipeline already, things that were in various stages of progress and were delayed in Spring/early Summer 2020. They were delayed at that time bc of the combined factors of: the pandemic shutting down everyone's office, not to mention schools, libraries and bookstores, which meant no place to SELL books -- PLUS there are layoffs -- PLUS there are printing/shipping/supply chain issues meaning problematic to make or ship books -- NOT TO MENTION, people getting sick and dying all over NYC, which is where most of US publishing is headquartered.
Early Summer 2020. Shaken, but rallying, all editors and the entirety of publishing are now getting used to working from home. There is a huge learning curve here -- publishing is very much a "face-to-face meetings" and "paper trail" kind of industry and *nothing* about the office life was really set up for remote work. (Most publishers didn't even used to allow DocuSign for contracts, we had to send multiple hard copies all over the country before the pandemic!) -- People learned how to work zoom, and did meetings virtually. They quickly realized that electronic contracts and payments are a blessing.
Now, there are still problems -- like, editors having to work from tiny flats with their children crawling all over them, and designers having to be at the kitchen table instead of, like, a whole studio with the proper lighting and every kind of material available, and contracts people having no files at their fingertips -- but hey, everyone is muddling through.
Of course - bookstores and the like are still closed, and there are still big supply chain issues - and that's a HUGE problem for the actual publication part. But on the agent/editor side, we are all working on future books, so that work simply has to continue, or there won't be any books two years from now!
Summer/Fall 2020. Everyone is absolutely scrambling like mad to do all the work that didn't get done in Spring. There is now a backlog of projects in the pipeline, but OK. Everyone is feeling quite literally traumatized by the things that have gone on, but OK. Some people are still recovering from having gotten sick themselves, or are mourning family lost to the disease. But OK.
This time is as busy as I have ever seen it, for everyone - pretty much a non-stop whirlwind of work. (Both because of the things that didn't get done before AND the fact that nobody can travel or do anything else!) -- There is also, to be honest, a lot of crying. We all desperately need a vacation, and it shows.
Winter 2020/2021. Now mind you -- Aside from that very very rough few months at the beginning, which was just a very confusing time -- books WERE coming out, and WE WERE ALL WORKING, selling, acquiring, creating new books. All of our authors were ALSO working and creating new books. MORE, in fact, because a lot of them were at home for the first time in a long time! But remember -- there's already a backlog, right? So, ALL of these new projects have been slowed/delayed both because of the pandemic, and the backlog of already existing projects, creating a larger backlog of existing projects. At this point we are running on fumes.
Spring/Summer 2021. We are slowly coming out of pandemic pandemonium in personal lives. People are getting vaccinated. It's great. Some people might actually get to go on vacation! Amazing! But it's not actually "normal" yet in publishing-world, because again, there's still that backlog, and everyone is STILL working from home, which is ok, but honestly, still makes things slower for a number of reasons, and look, everyone is just exhausted, okay? It's been a lot.
So anyway that's, in a ginormous nutshell, why you might find that editors and agents are not quite as "hungry" as you might want us to be coming out of a pandemic. IDK. We are just people, my friend.
ETA: I realized that this explainer was JUST pertaining to burnout because of what was happening IN-OFFICE. Combine ALL of this with what was happening in the real world -- like, for example, the horrific brutality against George Floyd and others, and the subsequent intense social justice rallying in Summer 2020 and beyond -- climate disasters, like California being ON FIRE -- a lot of *spicy drama* in the book world -- and A GINORMOUS FLIPPING PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION... yeah omg. I think there could literally be a book about this, but I can't write it or read it tbh.
ETA x 2: (AND I didn't even touch on the fact that a huge problem for everyone I know was A LACK OF ABILITY TO READ during the worst of this! Which as you can imagine is a huge problem for somebody whose job involves READING BOOKS. I mean seriously there were MONTHS where I could not get through a single book, and I know for a fact I'm not alone. I'm JUST getting the ability back and I'm still scared.)
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ratcatcher0325 · 3 years
Nobody’s Fool (Chapter #17)
Oh man! Chapter #17! ALL the fluffy fluff in this one! Eveline gets a new look at Penn from a different perspective. This may be my favorite chapter now, as opposed to Chapter #11. 
Comment below on your favorite chapter so far!!
Previous: Chapter #16
Next: Chapter #18
CW: Adult language, dehumanization, references to abuse
Reblogs > Likes. Thank you!
Chapter #17: Larger than Life
Word Count: 1,467 Read Time: Approx. 11 mins
[Penn's POV]
I opened my eyes to find myself standing on the floor of the bare stage, about a foot or so from the edge. The ground beneath my feet was so shiny and black, that I could actually see myself reflected in a perfect reversal. Slowly, I lifted my head and the air was sucked from my lungs. The room was HUGE! Mind bendingly huge.
I’ve since heard humans express a similar sentiment when visiting impossibly massive monuments like the Grand Canyon: the landscape yawning before you is so much bigger than your brain is able to comprehend that you feel as though you’re staring at a flat background instead of a truly three dimensional space.
I was so overtaken by this sea of seats, the twinkle of the house lights, the vast silence of this empty temple to music, that my legs gave way and I fell back, crashing to the floor. Everyone was amused by this reaction.
Poor, tiny man! I wondered how he’d handle every single one of those seats being filled by a human, screaming his name and cheering for him. Riley was filming the whole reaction on the new camera. We all glanced up at each other, adoring our cutest band member. I knelt down, “Come here, little cowboy…” before wrapping two fingers around his rib cage and lifting him off the ground. I held him before my face. I knew this probably wasn’t the most comfortable position in the world for him to be held in, but I loved it. It was nice to see all of him at once, and, frankly, he just looked so tiny and helpless dangling there from nothing but a little bit of pressure from my two fingers, that I couldn’t help feeling overtaken by his cuteness. I kissed his cheek, chin, neck and chest. He chuckled, squirming happily, his face flushed with color.
As my lips made contact with his soft skin, I couldn’t help thinking about that kiss in the dressing room. Maybe it was just in my head, but that one felt different somehow… there was this spark that ignited between us. Come to think of it, had he ever kissed me back? I gave him little pecks all the time, no different than Dani, but I couldn’t think of a time he had pressed his lips to my skin until now. I couldn’t be sure. Maybe I was finding meaning where there was only a grateful little pet lost in the tidal wave of his own great big emotions.
I placed him back on his two little feet on the surface of his playing space, now upgraded to a four foot long table with a black pleated skirt around it. Crew members were hastily working to set up the slider, camera and projections while we focused on sound. Travis was the all-star, getting everyone what they needed, communicating to venue staff and sound guys what each musician wanted, helping the crew sync Penn’s unique instrument to their system… he did everything. When I placed the little guy down on the surface of the table, he was delighted to find his instrument sitting in a miniaturized stand which looked just like the other gigantic ones behind him. He also now had a proportional microphone and stand, the head of which was styled to look like an old fashioned radio mic, its chrome gleaming in the light. Riley mentioned that he ‘knew a guy’, which translated in Riley-speak to he got high and built them himself. “You gotta have the proper gear to be a proper leading man!” He’d winked. I could tell Riley had a huge soft spot for Penn. He didn’t keep many people close, but those that he did, he always treated like gold.
As Penn was marveling at his new mic, adjusting the stand to where he was comfortable, Travis approached the table, tapping the little man’s shoulder. “One last thing…. Here. I hope they fit….” Balancing on the very tip of Travis’ finger was a little black case. Penn took it from him and opened it up to find noise reducing ear pieces. Looking like no more than a tiny fleck of something flesh colored to our eyes, Penn picked them up between his fingers and tried them on. They fit perfectly into his ears. “I can’t believe I didn’t think about it till later but… I realized you’ll probably instantly go deaf out here without those.” Penn swallowed, still trying to process the scale of this whole operation, I imagined. “Be careful not to lose em, they’re one of a kind!” Penn hugged Travis’ fingers and thanked him profusely.
“Look at you, you’re a big shot now!” I mused, waiting for him to turn his back on me and flipping the back of his hat up with a finger tip so it slid down in front of his eyes.
“Hey!” He cried out, laughing. “Whatever, let’s just hope I don’t choke on stage tonight….”
I scoffed, “Like that’d even be possible! You can play this shit in your sleep!” Travis called everyone’s attention over the mic, and the sound check began. I hung back, letting them do their thing. Wishing I could be right alongside them.
Then, they began their set. I couldn’t help noticing a quarter of the way through the first song, hearing Penn’s voice ricochet through the building, more and more venue staff and crew stopped what they were doing to peer through the wings and watch, slack jawed, at the tiny man practically eating up the stage. When it got to one of his solos, that prim woman who had condescended to him before, stood with eyebrows raised. I figured that was the biggest outward reaction we were going to get from her. Soon, even the other two bands, a duo and a five piece band, made their way from their dressing rooms to see what all the fuss was about.
The crew finally got the camera synced up to live stream and were rehearsing how to frame the shots and following the little man as he bounced around, dancing and swaying. Even I gasped, when his image first came into focus. There he was, projected on two screens, 100x his normal size. For the first time since I had known him, he looked… human. No longer adorable in his tiny gestures, but an admirable, hardworking artist who was passionate about what he was doing.
I could suddenly see all these little details I’d never been able to observe otherwise: the shape and coloring of his finger nails, the hairs on his arms, the beads of sweat pouring from under his hat and down his cheek, his eyelashes, long, dark and curled. The stubble on his chin… he had stubble! Here I was, standing in the first row of seats, dead center, craning my neck to look at him, high, high above me. Who was the human and who was the pet now? My heart rate spiked.
Watching him like this, I had a sudden realization. He may be tiny, and need people’s help for a lot of things… but, he was undoubtedly a person. I felt my cheeks flush hot when I thought about how much I had babied and cooed at him all this time. He just looked so little and helpless to me! He hardly weighed anything at all, perched inside my hand! But, now, what I saw before me, magnified to help me understand, was a fully grown man, with a sweet smile and lovely eyes, who was unbelievably gifted. I swallowed hard. I couldn’t imagine what it must like to be him, pushed around and talked down to by everyone he’d ever known. Or any pet for that matter. I felt ashamed for not fully understanding that sooner. I wished I could look at him through this lens forever. Seeing him so up close and personal like this, the audience were going to fall in love with him instantly.
They moved on to rehearsing the first song he’d written, and I held my breath watching him. I got to relish in full detail his expert coaxing of the strings, his own pattern, his own melody. He bobbed to the music, sort of leaning over the instrument as his feet tapped along. He pursed his lips and closed his eyes. Then, right before the lyrics began, he seemed to notice that the camera was working. He cast his eyes up to each side of the stage, a huge smile on his face. Then suddenly, as if he knew how it’d make me feel, he whipped directly to the camera, singing straight down the lens.
My heart caught in my throat. It’s like he was staring directly at me. Singing his song only for me. Admiring every little detail as his sparkling, brown eyes held his smile, I couldn’t help feeling heat rise in my body. God. He was handsome…. Like, so fucking handsome. I felt like a teen at her favorite band’s concert, dreaming of the leading man singing only for her. Well here he was, doing exactly that! I bit my lip. Unable to tear my eyes away from his. I was falling into him. I was…. I was attracted to him?? No! No. Maybe?
I looked away, realizing I was gripping the edge of the stage like my life depended on it. I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth trying to regulate my heartbeat. I was being absolutely silly. I loved him, dearly, but as a guardian, a protector, a friend. Not. Not like that. Right?
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sparks-joy-imagines · 3 years
Hi I'm really scared to ask this but um Ramadan is almost over so I was thinking how would nanami react to a Muslim s/o where she wears her scarf and everyone else is confused about it but he like explains how it works and is very supportive of her. like I said I'm scared of how you would react to this.please ignore it if you feel uncomfortable,it won't change my opinion about your work, your work and personality have a special place in my heart and nothing would change that (sorry that was very long)
Hey there luv❤
first of all, please don’t be scared, ‘kay? This is a safe space and all are welcome here; especially if they don’t feel welcome elsewhere.
That being said, I really really hope I got everything right in this and that you can find yourself accepted and welcome with this reader insert. If anything, we love to have you here and please don’t hesitate to ever come to us if you need anything at all – from maybe words of encouragement to maybe another specific request? Either way, thank you for putting your trust in us and being here✨
You are valid. You are loved. You are appreciated – mesu. [ps. this imagine was brought to you by Tsuda Kenjirō whispering sweet nothings into my ear.] Nanami Kento x f!reader
“By the way, (Y/N), why don’t you ever take that scarf of yours off?” Itadori asked, innocently enough.
Your body tensed and you grabbed the handle of the car’s door unconsciously. You had dreaded the mention of your attire ever since you were put in charge of taking care of the first years together with your boyfriend Nanami, given Gojō‘s preoccupation with whatever special grade curse was eager to make their presence known at that moment.
Currently, you were crowded together in Ijichi’s car after a long field trip; Fushiguro, Nobara and Itadori in the back row; Nanami on the wheel while you were riding shotgun.
In short, you were left with no room to escape.
“I...,” you started off, struggling to find the right words. Would they laugh at you? You didn’t take them for a bigoted bunch, but there was always a certain.. lack of understanding in people’s reactions. Even if they wouldn’t laugh, they certainly wouldn’t look at you the same anymore. They never did.
Why would you wear it, if you don’t have to?
Surely, it’s just because you’re self-conscious about your appearance.
 Are you bald underneath it?
Your breath caught in your throat and you struggled to get any sound over your lips. An all too familiar feeling of nausea spread in your stomach, when—
 “Actually, nowadays it is mostly referred to as a hijab.”
Your head shot up, eyes wide open as you took in your boyfriend’s profile, who stoically gazed at the road ahead.
 “To my understanding, women of Muslim belief wear it to show their dedication to their god Allah. It is also said to protect them from the male gaze…”
 “Well, it does look cool when Y/N-sensei wears it,” Nobara muttered under her breath, already well aware that proposing the use of hijab as a mere fashion statement most likely wouldn’t sit right with you.
 “Huh, Allah? That’s such a cool name for a god, even if it’s hard to pr— oi, don’t hit me Fushiguro!” Itadori rubbed his aching shoulder.
 “Your lack of proper pronunciation may insult Y/N-sensei.” Fushiguro simply shrugged.
Not really registering the ruckus on the back seat, you couldn’t help staring at Nanami in disbelief. You had never actually talked about your faith and religious background so far since he never asked and you just assumed that — given Japan’s majority in Buddhist and Shinto belief — he just didn’t care all that much for another religion. Apparently, you had been blatantly wrong in that regard, as Nanami continued his monologue, eyes never straying from the road.
“It doesn’t surprise me that Japan’s education system cut short on that as it seems… Either way, we live in such a fickle and unrelenting world that expressions of faith and belonging can save people from a lot of harm. And Y/N here actually shares her belief with about a quarter of the entire world’s population.”
Nanami stopped the car at a red light and turned to you, a gentle smile on his lips. You felt his hand on yours, pressing it in a calming manner as he turned back to your students.
“In my opinion, faith can prevent a lot of negative emotions and therefore possible cursed energy from forming. So, you could say that Y/N and people like her actively work against more curses coming into existence, even if they are not aware that they’re doing exactly that. And I for once think that’s a wonderful thing.”
“Nanami…,” you finally brought over your lips. Your heart got heavier by the minute, not having expected any of these words. Your faith was something very close to your heart and you hadn’t hoped for any kind of understanding on his part at all. Now, being told that your community actively prevented new curses from being born was a perspective you had never even considered before.
Nanami gifted you a fleeting smile before he turned his attention back to the road.
“If you’re interested in learning more about it all, you better consult Y/N, though. She’s the expert here after all.”
And just like that the tension which had been building up in your chest vanished in thin air. For the rest of the trip back to the school, you had to answer every nagging question Itadori could come up with. At times, even Fushiguro chimed in with in-depth follow-ups and by the time you arrived back on school grounds you had promised Nobara to show her how to put on different styles of your headwear.
When you finally sent your students on their merry way home, you turned to Nanami just to find him gazing at you fondly.
“I’m on your side, Y/N, as long as you allow me to.”
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fencesandfrogs · 4 years
clan culture inspiration fic master post
a collection of fics/series/w/e i've used for inspiration. ordered by how much i used them
Flightless Dove, Poison Ivy acaciapines
read it, it’s good. it's 100% my main fic inspiration, i love it, it's very good.
the light that shines on you solacefruit
huge inspiration for my riverclan. just. massively where i get a lot of ideas. probably a larger source of material than flightless dove, if i'm being honest.
RIVERCLAN leaders have a litany of names. weather caller, storm seer, spirit walker. a new leader being made is a chance to find another for the list. these names are to honor leaders for the role they play in their lives.
(names. leaders. meaning.)
so you can see where i got that from.
Warriors Redux Deconstruction Dullard on ao3 (not linked)
i've split this into two parts, because there's a lot. i'm a fan of this in terms of world building, but i've been select in what i've used from it. deconstruction is linked highly because it had a lot of key details that shaped my opinions on what wouldn't be. a lot of this i would've changed anyway, but i wanted to list WR because it'd be dishonest to act like this wasn't shaping my thoughts.
anyway, a short list of things that were mentioned in WR:D that i'd already decided on or am now using
behaviors. i mean, i've said "flicked her tail" or "flattened his ears" so much it's getting old, but by god if i am not being true to cats movements. i think WR:D is somewhat conservative on use of purring, but i've also been writing about kits, and a lot of purring is involved with kits, so special case, i suppose. but i'm very cautious with my descriptions. i've tried really hard not to use smile, because cats don't smile. that's the one that gets me the most.
water. this is kind of a specific thing. but. in ctd's fading echoes. the lake is a concern not because the cats need water, but because the prey needs water.
queens and toms. now. i have always been irritated by this. and the lack of female leadership. because toms should know they're kept on the graces of the queens. the sisters got it right. but i can't just kick out half the cast, so i'm forced to keep them. i have, however, kept toms out of the nursery. queens are protective around their kits. it's the best i can do to appease my strong desire to literally just kick every male cat out of the clan. in all of my stories, though, i keep track of who's in the nursery with what kits, because those kits are going to bond to every damn mother. it's super annoying that this isn't kept more clear anywhere. i have to do so much math and check so many allegiances every time.
kits. it's basically impossible to convince me to write this the way the hunters do, so even in ctd, we see kits not walking, not opening their eyes, until real kittens would. does this make the early chapters of growing shadows a pain because dovekit does basically nothing but sit and listen? yes. do i care? yes, it is important to me that dovekit does nothing but sit and listen because she's a baby. bb. need protect.
genetics. usually i correct coat colors for POV cats. because it bothers me. see: tortie dovekit/ivykit in CTD, and the fact that i think in jaywing, jayfeather is going to end up amber like brightheart. i need to do some research to double check, but...i think that's what will happen. (please don't ask about hollykit, ivykit, and lionkit. i don't even know who their parents are. how is crowfeather "dark grey, almost black"? what does that mean. how is leafpool even leafpool. i don't understand anything.)
religion. i'm not fundamentally changing how starclan works, because i'm writing the books where magic is confirmed real, but...i've tried to distance the connections with it. and god, so help me, i'm going to make things a proper religion for w&f. there will be religious things like prayer. god.
cultures, folklore, names. this is getting long so i'm lumping this together. basically, i've got some name stuff sorted out. it's not "traditional" naming, because i'm not going WR on this and renaming really important cats (altho the reason WR has my respect for traditional naming is because they're not afraid to rename cats to fit the scheme), but i have some pretty defined rules. and there will be folklore and stories. this is especially important for dovefeather, when she goes to riverclan.
Sharing Tongues Icej
a series. i don't think i've used much of this directly, but it has shaped a lot of my opinions on clans. it's why thunderclan is militaristic and why windclan is so strict.
it's also shaped my thoughts on a lot of parts of clan life. i'm writing this all out of order, so i'll say, a lot of the inspiration that warriors redux had, is shared in this series. i'm not sure if there's overlap in the interst, but it's got simularities.
especially in terms of relationships. i have a bit of a fascination with story telling as a form of culture, if only because in my personal life, story telling, especially verbal story telling, has always been really important. so i think a lot about it.
anyway, these are a good set of fics, and they're ranked so highly because they're kind of a paradigm i've crafted my thoughts around.
Tell me about your Ancestors Drowsy_Salamander
so this was what got me started, even over flightless dove. it got me thinking about the differences clans would have.
i haven't written "funerals. mourning. prayer." yet, although as you might guess from the fact that i have a title, it is on my mind. i think i'll draw heavily on this for that.
one other very specific line in this that i draw on is
When SkyClan was reformed by Firestar at the gorge, it was reformed in ThunderClan’s image.
now i say that specifically because i didn't want that. i wanted leafstar to find her own tradition. a lot of skyclan's destiny deals with her struggling to adapt the warrior code to her clan. so Ancestors continues by talking about tree's influence, and this is what i got from it:
SKYCLAN once held ceremonies at tilt, when the birds were quiet, but now, they hold most ceremonies at low moon, when the spirits are strongest. ...
apprentices are made at low sun, born from a time when they were not always gathered.
and i'm happy with that
Warriors Redux: Ammendment Dullard on ao3, not linked
this is ranked significantly lower than deconstruction because (a) i'm borrowing superificial things at best and (b) i had already come to a lot of these conclusions. still, i'm writing a full list because there are little things i don't think to write whole essays about sometimes. that said, whereas in deconstruction, i could basically say "yes, everything that's said here, i agree with, i'm only tweaking things for personal taste or because of differences in perspective" here it's more like "here are the things i'm using" and the other stuff is just there, but not really anything i want to use
time and date. in one of my generic CTD posts i had a few paragraphs about this. basically, i like the system of time. except for half, because that confuses me. so it's dawn, sunrise, low sun, (sun) tilt, sunhigh, dusk, moonrise, low moon, (moon) tilt, moonhigh, repeat. and kits are aged to apprentices at the beginning or rough midpoint of seasons.
numbers. math. drawing things in the dirt with claws. in short, yes, no, what the...no. just no. cats in my stories can basically count, but they don't really, like, count the way we do? they might say five leaf bares ago, because i am not saying, "the leaf bare before the one with X which was before the one with Y" and that's what a cat is thinking and maybe they have words for this, i don't know, i'm not writing that. four and nine are holy numbers, or the closest cats get. (apprentices are apprenticed at nine moons in the holy sense, because a queen pregnent for a three --- two, but who's counting --- and in the nursery for six. this will never come up in a story unless it's a background note, because it's confusing and hard to explain off the cuff.) i don't have to explain my last point.
names. i have my own rules. i don't intend on changing character names with the exception of the symbolism in jaywing and dovefeather, but i may at some point make some comments on what, based on my rules, i would do. i don't want to change names because it confuses me, but i don't want to say for sure that i won't. definitely not based on WR rules, i have my own form of "traditional naming" for the w&f world.
clan specific notes. you can find it in my writing. there's a lot of influence in it. i don't want to list everything.
come back to you one by one solacefruit
i haven't really used this for anything, i just generally like it. it's definitely given me inspiration for how i use stories, but not any particular thing.
it really is beautiful, though.
alright, that's about it.
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kyogre-blue · 3 years
Young Justice, ep 1x22 to 1x26
S1 complete. 
Shoutout to the entire situation where three of the team were compromised and then just confessed it (I generally like this kind of... subversion?), though like a lot of things, it felt a bit flat because the team is just so lacking in proper relationship building. 
Regarding the entire league getting mind controlled, it’s a bit easier to understand when you realize there’s relatively few of them, but the fact that these kids could handle all of them is just barely passing my raised eyebrow meter. 
So final thoughts (for now): 
Pros: lots of action, storyline is cohesive as a whole, there is some fairly consistent characterization (like Artemis and Mgann), very easy to watch as background noise
Cons: no relationships except very shallow romance, no setup for characters or groups, functionally negligible worldbuilding
It’s honestly a lot more watchable than my original impression from ten years ago. As long as you’re not giving it your full attention, it’s a serviceable action show. 
However, it’s disappointing from the perspective of what it could have been. If you go into this show not knowing comic books, you’re basically going to come out not knowing much anyway because the majority of characters and conflicts are simply not introduced or explained. Things and entire people are just dropped in and then disappear, all without context. You basically will not come away with the impression of an actual world, only some very vague broad strokes. 
The characterization is also rather... the kids wildly overreact every few episodes, and it’s just annoying to watch. They also try to play up the whole “we’re a team and we’re a family” angle, but they completely fail to actually build any of those relationships. In fact, there ARE no relationships except the suddenly there romance with no basis and stuff like one episode declaring that, hey did you know Robin and Wally are bestest buddies? We sure didn’t see that consistently in their behavior. 
(It doesn’t help that new team members are added rather haphazardly, but everyone still rolls the team as an umbrella term for close buddies.)
It’s just... it really lets down even the parts the show does fairly well, like Roy’s storyline. His nature is just info dumped in the blandest and most unimpactful way possible. 
Another big weakness is the... well. The insistence on this Light thing. I don’t know what it is, and I don’t care. I just want them to stop mentioning it. Protip: having every single episode end on how, actually, the villains don’t care about their apparent loss or that this is even all part of their plan really kills interest in what’s going on. We want the heroes to actually succeed in a meaningful way, and the entire point of an episodic show is that each episode is selt-contained (as a general guideline). 
On the whole, it’s not an awful show and it’s definitely watchable, but eh. Could be a lot better. 
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davidmann95 · 4 years
now that it's over, thoughts on Bendis' Superman as a whole?
pretenderoftheeast said: So, thoughts on Bendis' Superman and Action Comics' tenure altogether and separately now that it's over?
Anonymous said: Best and Worst things about Bendis' Superman run
Anonymous said: Now that it is over, what are your thoughts on Bendis' runs on Superman and Action Comics as a whole?
Anonymous said: Retrospective thoughts on Bendis' Superman as a whole now that it's, I guess, done?
Anonymous said: Hey so since Bendis’ Superman stuff seems to be done, what did you think of the run as a whole?
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I decided to hold off a bit on writing on this one, if only so that I could reread the Action Comics side of it since Superman stood out in my memory a lot more. But now I have, and as we’re heading into a bold new era of Superman (and it’s coming in fast - just since I made my Superman in 2021 predictions we’ve gotten Ed Pinsent finally reprinting his legendary bootleg Silver Age Superman, Steve Orlando announcing his Superman analogue book Project Patron, an official shonen Superman redesign for RWBY/Justice League, PKJ’s Super-debut turning out far better than I ever expected, Superman & Lois’s first proper trailer largely taking people pleasantly by surprise, and my learning that there’s a Sylvester Stallone Old Man Superman analogue movie titled Samaritan coming out this summer) we’re ready to take a look back with at least a touch of perspective. I’ll lead with complaints, so everybody who’s been waiting for me to say that Bendis on Superman was Bad, Actually, savor this because it’s as close as you’ll get.
The Bad
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* I hate to say it, but rereading that side of the run there’s no two ways about it: the structure of Action Comics as a whole is a mess. It baffled me from day one that it was the more acclaimed of the two books for so long - I guess people are hardwired at this point to think of ‘street’ stuff as where Bendis is supposed to be - because it was immediately clear that Superman had a well-defined story he wanted to tell, while Action was the usual Bendis off-the-cuff improvisation. It’s barely even a story in the same way, and it’s certainly not the ‘Metropolis crime book’ people took it as: it’s 28 issues of Superman and his supporting cast stuffed a pinball machine with the Red Cloud pinging off of each other as we wait to see who falls in the hole at the bottom, and partway through Leviathan and the Legion of Doom and 90s Superboy are tossed into the mix to keep it going a little longer. On an issue-to-issue basis it’s frequently really good, but the core plot of the book is *maybe* six issues stretched out over two and a half years.
* I’ve gone into this some before, but structure-wise Unity Saga also has problems: Phantom Planet rules but either it needed to be cut or the back half needed to be a year all its own in order to accommodate the scale of what it’s attempting. It’s got an interstellar civil war leading into the formation of the United Planets, family drama, Rogol Zaar’s whole deal, and Jon’s coming of age, and I’d say only that last one is really properly served. Even Jon forming the United Planets, while contextually somewhat justified in terms of 1. The situation being so far gone he’s the only one who’d even think in those terms, 2. Things being bad enough that these assorted galactic powers would be willing to try it, and 3. Him having the S on his chest to sell it, isn’t at all built up to within the run itself.
* Rogol Zaar sucks. He’s made up of nothing but interesting ideas - he’s an ersatz warrior ‘superman’ of a bygone age of empires up against the new model, he’s the sins of Krypton as a conservative superpower come home to roost, he’s while not outright said to be definitely Superman’s tragic half-brother and the culmination of everything this run does with Jor-El - but none of them manifest on the page, he’s just a big punchy dude with a dumb design who screams about how you should take him seriously because he’s totally the one who blew up Krypton. Even a killer redesign by Ryan Sook for Legion of Superheroes can’t fix that. There are lots of bad villains with good ideas who are redeemed with time and further effort, but I can’t imagine Zaar getting that TLC to become a fraction of whatever Bendis envisioned him as.
* The second year of Action Comics, after establishing itself in its first as one of the most consistently gorgeous books on the stands, leads with Szymon Kudranski’s weak output and then concludes with John Romita Jr. turning in some career-worst work. The latter is particularly egregious because for that first year Bendis writes a really collected, gentle Superman so him getting pushed into being more aggressive should have an impact, but Romita draws such a craggy rough-looking Superman in the first place that it mutes any sort of shock value.
The Good
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* Superman got his real clothes back after 7 truly ridiculous years.
* Bendis fundamentally gets Clark’s voice in a way unlike almost any other writer - even all-around better writers of the character almost never approach how spot-on he is with having Superman speak and act exactly how Superman should.
* Supporting cast front and center! He writes a dynamite Lois, Perry, and Jimmy (even if many of Lois’s more out-there decisions in the run don’t end up retroactively justified the way you’d hope), Ma and Pa are more fun than they’ve been in decades in their brief appearances, he manages to turn having Jor-El in the mix into a positive, and the Daily Planet as a whole has an incredibly distinctive vibe to it like never before that I hope is taken as a baseline going forward.
* The non-Rogol Zaar baddies? All ruled. Invisible Mafia and Red Cloud are both brilliant ideas executed solidly if overextended. Zod as Kryptonian Vegeta, Mongul as a generational perpetual bastard engine primed to be incapable of self-reflection, and Ultraman as “what if Irredeemable but he’d never been a good guy and also he was a Jersey mobster” are the best versions of those characters by numberless light-eons. Lex is on-point in his sparse appearances. Xanadoth as a mystical cosmic monster older than time who still talks like a Bendis character is however unintentionally a hoot. The alt-universe Parasite is a more intimidating Doomsday than Doomsday ever was. And Synmar as an alien culture’s attempt at creating their own Superman and messing up the formula when they make him a soldier can and should be a legitimate major ongoing villain coming out of this run.
* Pretty much all the art other than what I mentioned already. Fabok does a good job bookending The Man of Steel and Ivan Reis does the work of his career anchoring Superman (special props to Reis as well for drawing the first ever non-Steve Rude interesting-looking take on Metropolis), and meanwhile you’ve got Jim Lee, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, Doc Shaner, Steve Rude, Kevin Maguire, Adam Hughes, Patrick Gleason, Yanick Paquette, Ryan Sook, Brandon Peterson, and David Lafuente doing their own parts.
* Closely related to the art, all the little flourishes with the powers. Super-speed having a consistent visual with the background coloring changing, Clark internally putting numbers to the degrees of force behind his punches and what situations which numbers are appropriate for, ‘skidding to a halt’ mid-flight before crashing through a window, the shonen-ass major throwdowns as portrayed by Reis, how his super-hearing is handled as a prevalent element. Lots of clever bits that added flavor to what he does.
* While Unity Saga has problems, the whole of what Bendis does in Superman as a means of forward momentum for Clark and his world is excellent. The sort of three-act structure of: 
** Clark is led to question his place in things over the course of a few adventures
** Involvement in the larger cosmos and the impact it has had through and on his family makes him realize the answer to his questions is that he needs to step up in a bigger way because there’s no benevolent larger universe to welcome Earth with open arms, nor a cosmic precedent for everything turning out for the best without some help
** As a consequence of the lessons learned by this change in the status quo Clark is inspired to make his own personal change in revealing his identity (with Mythological basically being an epilogue showcasing a ‘standard’ standalone Superman adventure while simultaneously highlighting his new status quo and how it fits in as a summing-up of Bendis’s take)
…does a great job of shepherding through ideas that lend a lot of forward momentum to Superman of the kind he hasn’t seen in a long time. Not perfect, but far lesser stories with far lesser ambitions have made huge impacts, so I’d certainly hope at least some of this sticks around even if, say, regardless of any retcons to the main line there are always going to be stories with Clark as a disguise and Jon as a kid. Oh, speaking of whom,
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Ahem. Probably a less confrontational way of putting that.
Do I think there was more gas in the tank for Jon as a kid? Totally, making him likeable and viable was the one really good thing the Rebirth era accomplished for Superman and I expect we’ll continue seeing more of it in the future one way or another. But whether or not him being aged up was Bendis’s decision, or working with marching orders to set up the eventually-(kinda-)discarded 5G, the coming of age narrative here is fire. He keeps the essential Clark Kent kindness and bit of Lois Lane cheekiness that reminds you he’s still their kid, which is a combination Bendis is basically precision-crafted to write, but his trials by fire give him a background entirely unlike the by-the-numbers “and here’s how Superman’s great kid grew up to be a great superhero too” narrative you’d expect while still arriving at that endpoint. If superheroes live and die by metaphors then Jon in here is what it means to grow up written as large as possible: leaving home for the first time (and seeming to shoot up overnight!), getting into the muck of how the real world works, being beaten down by authority wearing faces you’ve been taught to trust, scrambling to get through with the whole world against you, and in the end getting through by learning to rely on your own strength while keeping your soul intact and your head held high, and even managing to speak some truth to power. It gives him a well-defined life story with room to go back to and explore the intricacies of each leg of for decades to come in a way Superman hasn’t had since the original Crisis - someone someday is going to write a The Life & Times Of The Son Of Superman miniseries and it’s going to be one of the greats - and negates any question that he’s earned his stature as the heir apparent.
* Coming out of this, Superman’s world is fascinating. He’s out but rather than giving up his day-to-day life he’s openly spending part of his life as CLARK KENT: SUPER-REPORTER and part of his job on the cape-and-tights side of things is now KAL-EL: SUPER-SPACE-DIPLOMAT, Lois Lane coruns a foundation helping people whose personal continuities have been fucked over by Crisis shenanigans, Jimmy Olsen owns the Daily Planet but is still doing Jimmy Olsen stuff because that’s how he gets his kicks, and Jon Kent is going to college in the future. I’m not anywhere near naïve enough to think that’s how things are going to be forever, or shortsighted enough to think there’s no value left in the traditional setups, but god I hope these developments stick around for a long, long time to come and potentially become the new ‘normal’ as far as the ongoing shared universe stuff goes, because it all feels like the right and promising next steps to take for the lives of these characters. However it got here, for all the pluses and minuses along the way even if I maintain the former very much outweighed the latter as a reading experience, Bendis has a lot to be proud of if that’s the legacy he leaves on these titles.
* The recap pages at the desks!
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polar-stars · 3 years
☕️ + megumi and hojo?
(Give me a ☕️ + a character/ship and I’ll ramble off whatever thoughts and opinion I have about it)
Oho, interesting! Thanks for the ask!
Megumi Tadokoro
Megumi is a character I love and adore. She has given me no choice in that matter, lol. I cannot possibly dislike a character who portrays such a huge amount of real, genuine kindness. Adding to that, she's incredibly easy to relate to (I know that I am not the only one who does).
In my opinion Megumi has had some of the very best moments in all of Shokugeki, especially in it's earlier parts. The Shokugeki against Shinomiya in Trainings Camp is still my favorite battle in the whole manga after all. Her performance in the Autumn Election Premlins was also really satisfying and sweet to see. (Monkfish Preperation Scene Supremacy)
Tsukuda really did great on making Megumi a character that I really want to see succeed.....But that is where the problem comes in.
The problem is that Tsukuda struggles with the Show, Don't Tell-Rule from Central Arc onwards.
Pre-Central, Megumi's character development was solid in my opinion. It was believable and not too fast-paced. But once focus was shifted to Azami-Drama, Megumi and other characters had to take a little step back from the action. And Megumi's character arc started to stagnate.
Through Training Arc. Autumn Elections and Stagiares, Megumi had visibly gained some more confidence in herself and her stage fright problem from the beginning of the series was ceasing. However there was something missing: pay-off. Her character arc lacks proper pay-off.
You see, throughout all of Central Arc Megumi has not won any single fight on-screen. She was given one victory against Shigemichi Kumai but not even second of that fight was actually shown to the reader. But when it's time for a more detailed fight against Momo, she looses.
In her fight against Momo, the judges do find the time to point out tho that Megumi might hasn't been able to beat Momo however there is quote unquote ✨potential✨.
Thing is that the "potential"-thing has been getting old at that point. It felt very reminiscent to Megumi's fight against Ryo back in the Autumn Elections. Ryo was able to win, however it was made clear through multiple dialogue-lines that Megumi did give him a good fight, defying the expectations the audience had from her. So basically that fight was like: Yes, she lost now. But she is on the right path. There is a lot of potential.
The issue is that time has progressed ever since the AE and it was about time for us, the readers, to see that potential unfold.
But we never got that.
We get a lot, a lot of talking about Megumi's potential throughout Central Arc but never an actual showcase of it. And it does not get much better with BLUE Arc either (I mean, what do you expect from that trainwreck of an arc anyway?)
First off, despite all of her potential and her participation in the Regiment de Cuisine & the retaking of Totsuki as a whole Megumi somehow ends up with the lowest seat in the Neo-Elite 10??? And I'm just: Why??? Why is she the only explicitly ranked below Eizan & Nene (who got a massive downgrade) with everyone else far ahead? (Tho the Neo-Elite 10 Ranking as a whole is one confusing mess and I should probably stop trying to bring sense into it if I do not want to go insane, lol.)
The infamous Hot Spring Fight against a Noir is where we finally see Megumi shine a little on-screen (at least in the manga). And well....I enjoyed seeing that but...
It is still not the proper pay-off she deserves, I'm sorry. Because ultimately that Noir-Guy is some random One-Off we never saw again. And that's a problem.
This character had no time establishing himself to us. We barely know him.
To put it into perspective: Satoshi Isshiki beating Julio Shiratsu in the RdC did not feel like a very impressive thing. Because we have only come to know Julio in that one fight and had absolutely no judgement on how powerful he may be (not to mention, that he was mostly placed in a very ridiculous light). It would have been a lot more impressive to the reader had Satoshi won his later fight against Eishi Tsukasa, because Eishi is a character who we have spent a lot more time with and who has repeatedly been portrayed as absurdly skillful and an actual threat.
See what I mean? As much as I loved seeing Megumi being an absolute badass in that Hot Spring Saga...It was not the satisfying pay-off I want for her.
The few victories she gets are always against random One-Offs while her fights against the more important characters are always a loss for her. Case in point: BLUE. She gets anOTHER off-screened match against some Noir in Chinese clothes, whose name I won't bother looking up if he even has one, where all characters talk about how talented she is but once it's time for her to go up against big bad bitch Asahi she looses. And that sucks.
Not to forget the fact that Megumi always gets strung along to every big event but we never get much justification for her participation (other than the obvious Meta-Reason that she's a main character).
Think about it, her and Takumi got extremely lucky in Train Arc by having Rindou giving them a free pass just for the lulz, while everyone else got expelled. Then a good number of messy chapters later, Megumi and Takumi get invited into BLUE without even a shred of reasoning behind it. Why them? How random is it to invite the 1st, 7th and 10th seat but no one else? Meanwhile when BLUE Arc was first mentioned in the manga they told Jouichiro that it's actually extremely rare for a student in that age to get into this tournament. And Jouichiro was a 3rd year back then, what are those three 2nd Years doing there??
The anime at least addressed that by having Totsuki's students fight for the participation (I appreciated that, if only the episode that covers it wasn't so lazily done)
I'd have much less of an issue with that if they actually gave Megumi something to work with in that arc. But really in RDC and even more so in BLUE, she's mostly just there I feel. She barely really impacts the story meaningfully in both of these arcs, I feel.
And it's one big shame.
As I said, I love Megumi and Tsukuda set her up as someone who I wanted to see succeed and defy expectations. Her journey up till Central Arc was a lot of fun and very compelling but then it just...came to a halt. And her arc never got any real, proper closure I feel. She was instead pushed more and more into the background and she just did not deserve that, man.
Never forget that she is one of the mains after all and she should have been treated as one.
damn I did not think this would get this long ahhdhdf
Miyoko Hojo
When realising that Miyoko's speciality is Chinese cooking, I was super excited for her! I really love Chinese food and I've been waiting for it to be covered in Shokugeki up till that point.
I like Miyoko quite a lot, she's definitely one of my faves from the...well, I don't think "secondary" cuts it...the tertiary cast. Unfortunately we've got to see so painfully little of her.
I like that Megumi, in the most Megumi-ways, made her learn a lesson like "Feminism =/= You can not possibly get along with a man. Ever.", but it was also interesting to see acknowledgement of the inequality of men and women within the culinary business through Miyoko.
Miyoko's friendship with Megumi is something I adore and I would have very much liked more of it please. I enjoy the thought of Miyoko, this tough, unapproachable woman, having her face soften whenever this pure, little angel approaches her. Also 100% sure Miyoko would drop-kick whoever gives Megumi a funny look.
I also would have liked to see Miyoko interact more with Kuga, because I imagine it could have been a lot of fun. From the one, tiny interaction they've had I feel that Terunori actually respects Miyoko quite a bit. Which I think is interesting, because Terunori otherwise seems to enjoy bitching at people.
Honestly? If you ask me??? Miyoko should have been in the Regiment de Cuisine.
I'll never get over how she's shown in the audience, alongside Nao, smiling when the rebels are about to snatch victory. Like ahdhFJG, excuse me Ma'am what business do you have just watching??? You can not tell me that from what we've seen about Miyoko that she would not be up to kick Azami's ass out of Totsuki. I generally think it's stupid for the Rebels to go up against the Elites in a number even to them.
Azami. Explicitly told you guys. That you can bring more than that.
You were up against the Elite 10 Council.
(and Nao as well tbh)
(The Regiment de Cusine could have been a lot better to buy for me if the Rebels had shown up with more participants tbh but that's a different subject)
Anyways, as I said I wish we could have seen a lot more of Miyoko. But it just wasn't meant ot be :( I mean, when characters like Alice and Akira get pushed to the side, what chances does the tertiary cast have?
I'm at least glad that she is sort-off shown being the new president of the Chinese RS in Les Dessert 1? I like that for her.
But yes, ultimately...another criminally underused character. I look forward to write her being a cool mom in my fanfic tho.
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betweentheracks · 4 years
can you tell us what your credentials are and what sort of studies/coursework did you have to take up to get to your position? and, if not too personal, what your day to day work life might look life in and out awards seasons or other big ticket events your clients might need styled for?
This is long and rambling, I do apologize. 
Regarding coursework and education routes into becoming a pro stylist, the thing is that there isn’t necessarily a need for a specific type of education. You could literally drop school and strive for success by the grit of your teeth and iron will alone if you really want and still could gain great acclaim. It isn’t exactly common but it does happen if you strike upon fortunate circumstances and garner experience wherever possible to form the base of your portfolio and profile which will later shape your reputation. 
As it is, most studios and clients do tend to give more consideration to those that come from an academic qualifications and learning. While experience if the foreground on which all stylists (and any other set of industry workers) tread, having the support and security of studying styles and fashion and marketing and all manner of related blather gives a sense of merit and provides opportunities for your to be selected for a job despite a lack of reputation or experience. The best stylists fall from both trees and the worst do as well; there is no guaranteed recipe for success in this field as fashion itself is too fluid in expression to be quantified. 
As for what I did; I had hands in both pots and have the educational background that assures I know what I am doing in terms of textual/technical understanding as well as experience from moments of pure luck compounded by my audacious efforts. I have a Bachelor’s compromised of fashion merchandising, fashion retailing, marketing, and visual arts. I took side courses at a fashion technical institute with a more tailored program that catered to the fundamentals of fit, body (and measurements) assessment, design and trends, media styling, and fashion industry principles. Additionally I did half a semester of social skills in a business. From there I went on to snatch up an internship and spent a bit more than a year being a shadow of the stylists for the company I work for before grasping a golden chance to become notable and step beyond that restricted role. I also have the certifications of AICI CIC and AICI CIP with hopes to one day finally snag the coveted AICI CIM (respectively; certified image consultant, certified image professional, certified image master).
I had friends that have worked in and out of this end of the industry and knew from the jump that I wanted to pad my portfolio with the safety net provided by academia and use it to bridge the gaps in my experience early on. I figured if I had the knowledge of how to deal with the business side of things as well as the styling side then I was a bit more valuable and, worst case, could go be a consultant or advisor for retailers or big wig company heads. As it is, the only reason I have any clout to my name at all is due to my internship - it paved over all the potholes in the road I was on and has been very favorable, but not everyone is as fortunate as I have been and this is not an easy path to undertake and forge into a career with any real sense of stability or security. Freelance stylists have a completely different struggle despite the majority coming from similar backgrounds as myself. 
Now, onto the daily scope and specs of wardrobe styling ~
Please take into consideration that I am an admitted workaholic/perfectionist/overachiever within the boundaries of my work. I’m quite lazy in almost every other sense of living and make existing seem like a wreck and I’m the one driving the struggle-bus that caused it, but for the job I have I am a supremely different breed (though still a lunatic). So yeah, I do a lot more than most would in my position and it is actually something that my company head both loves and hates and is rumored to be writing a clause for all employees regarding allowable working methodology due to the sheer amount of paperwork I alone generate. I am the hazard of our company, but I am also an asset. 
Anyway, I start most of my days with a lot of reading through emails that range from client comments and commands to vendors looking to use my company or clientele to bolster their credibility, to brands extending offers of product usage for marketing and campaigning reasons, and a variety of back and forths between me and the PAs or clerks of photographers, other studios, and fashion houses. Next comes hours of phone calls and reviewing schedules to ensure there is no intersections between client-oriented event slots. For one photoshoot I typically spend 3-4 weeks on the semantics of lighting quality and set features and then the rest of the time is dedicated to wardrobe and piecing out however many styles are called for, and then usually adding in at least 2 extras just for good measure. There's so many meetings my butt goes numb and touching base with the other members of my glam teams to reaffirm that we are all working on tandem and on the same page as far as vision goes. I sometimes have a turn in taking care of a new trainee or intern that is wandering our workplace like a fawn on clumsy legs and have questionable instincts.
When it comes to pulling apparel to make up sets, I have been known to be in the rack rooms and show rooms and fashion archives for over 7 hours a day. Our archivists know me as personally as I know my assistants and friends from how often I am in there territory and have to rely on their hardwork and favor. I spend days doing this until I have what I need and then dedicate every bit of my attention designing and creating looks which is another 5+ hours of one day, over the course of many. I have had days where I have been at work for 16 or 17 hours before I realize it, which is why I am such a thorn in my boss’ ass and often told to take a day off or get sent home midway through the morning - my hours alone could have business bureaus raising their eyebrows at the legality of my working hours. (This is cranked to max when shows and events are in the schedule; Awards Season is a nightmare and tours are the bastard offspring of Hell actually. The amount of hours put in are truly horrific). 
Also worth mentioning for the sake of perspective is that my job is as expansive as my clients allow; if they request me for one of their various activities in the public eye or in media, if available, I am obligated to prioritize their needs above the projects that my company has assigned to me as per our contract and am expected to either find a replacement or delegate to my assistant and apprentice when possible. The opposite is also true: if my clients have a light workload or are on break from their careers, I am typically doing the busy work of in-studio tasks or tracking rising trends and other features of the fashion forecast. I also host a multitude of temporary contracts with all manner of clientele from brand ambassadors to photographers to celebrities to commercial shoots & services. These jobs come upon official requests made through the company and then negotiated into the terms of how short the working schedule will be, what work I will be undertaking, and an assessment of skills vs revenue to maintain a balance of my time as a professional being properly valued within the sad decline of styling budgets before it will be officially taken on in my name. For these I tend to make better use of my status and hand off most of the project unless I am specifically needed. I make appearances as necessary but am mostly an advisor rather than the producer, instead focusing on my exclusive clients all while staying keyed in so that the work isn't below standard. This is all a badly kept secret of my company and myself - the clients do typically know and accept this is how I handle things in general and are aware that they are paying for an absent role of by way of my name/credentials unless they specify otherwise. There have been times when a side job like this has more prestige than all the years of my experiences combined could generate which ostensibly is treated with much more care and most of my other work pauses in deference to this. 
Being a stylist, especially a wardrobe AND fashion stylist, is just so much I don't think I could fully capture the scale of it for a proper index of what we do. 
In short, I don't have routine days. I have days that are at the beck and call of a workload that changes at the drop of a pin or the half digit uptick that dictates the emergence of a new trend or the downwind of when a trend skews into becoming mainstream. I can be paced out and looking at a light day at my desk and suddenly be crammed into a pitch meeting or called out to a set. I've also spent many days lounging on the sofa in a client's dressing room playing on my phone and cracking jokes with the glam team as we wait for our client to return between performance takes. And then there are days when I only go into work for our weekly meeting and review before heading back home. It's constant and consuming and sometimes I can't catch my breath before I'm shoved into the show room under a daunting time crunch because an entire ensemble has been misplaced or ruined. Just a matter of days before I was felled by COVID-19 I was having a nap during a photoshoot which I had already fulfilled my purpose and had no further need to participate in.
The reality is that I spend the majority of my time carving out a balance of my work life not superseding my time dedicated to being with my son and making sure he knows no matter what, he is above my hectic career always.
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