#Not Safe For Your Work Space
cpressmn · 2 years
i’m about to start gatekeeping interacting with fic authors from a lot of y’all. u need to learn how to behave
“i need more” “pls continue this” “when are you posting the next bit” why don’t you try showing some proper appreciation for what’s already written before you go demanding more!!!
​a lot of time and energy goes into each piece of writing and it is incredibly disappointing for the primary feedback to be “give me more!” if you’re trying to motivate authors to continue, this kind of response has the opposite effect.
you know what is motivating? specific praise.
let me break it down for you.
How To Leave A Comment Without (Unintentionally) Sounding Like A Pri- [GUNSHOT]
point out a few specific things you liked about the fic and why. how it made you feel.
highlight a line or two or three that stuck out to you.
if it’s an incomplete work, express excitement at seeing where they’re going — without a demand for more.
it’s quite simple, and it doesn’t even have to be a long thing. this can be done in a hundred words or less.
and yeah, it takes effort. takes a bit of time. but fandom is about mutual support. it’s about community.
fic authors are not celebrities who don’t even see your attempts to get their attention. there is a real person on the other side of that screen living a real life, and if you want to encourage them in their craft and properly motivate them to write, try treating them like a fucking human being.
authors put in hours to create content (that only ends up not being truly appreciated). i think you can spare a few minutes to leave a detailed, thoughtful comment in turn.
idk just a semi-friendly reminder that authors don’t owe you shit actually
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despazito · 1 year
"straight passing privilege" is about as privileged as being in the closet. Nobody is accepting us for our bisexual identities, it's either dismissed or we fly under the radar and many times people's perceptions of us as heterosexual means they feel wayy too comfortable cozying up and saying some wild things about same sex attraction or trans people in our presence
Like since when is LGBT ppl dressing publicly in a way less likely to be harassed by bigots a betrayal to the community? Should I wear a shirt that says DON'T GET ME WRONG, I LOVE TITS AND DICK to atone for my sins of possibility of being perceived as heterosexual? (I mean.. I would wear that shirt) like hearing family applaud you for "turning out normal and not gay" and having to bite your tongue so you don't turn the 4th of July into the 4th of shit hardly feels like experiencing privilege
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natsuki-bakery · 2 months
⁎˚ ఎ CG! Hiccup Headcanons ໒ ˚⁎
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Helo! If you take requests for How To Train Your Dragon, could I pls request cg Hiccup? Tyty! 🌸🌸
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•Hiccup is always encouraging and positive. He believes in the potential of those he cares for and often uses kind words and gentle nudges to boost your confidence
•No matter how busy he is, Protector Hiccup makes time to listen to your worries, fears, and stories. He never rushes you and provides a comforting presence
•Hiccup uses his inventive mind to come up with creative solutions to any problems that arise. Whether it's making a new tool to help with chores or designing a fun activity, he's always thinking ahead
•Safety First : Having been through many dangerous adventures, Dada Hiccup is very safety-conscious. He teaches ou how to stay safe and is always looking out for potential dangers
•Small Adventures : Hiccup loves sharing his passion for exploration and adventures. He often plans small, safe adventures to keep things exciting and to help build courage and resilience
•Harold is a great storyteller and loves sharing tales of his adventures with Toothless, the other dragons, and the Viking village. His stories are always filled with excitement and life lessons
•Care Giver Hiccup is incredibly empathetic and always strives to understand and feel what others are going through. He provides emotional support and comfort, understanding that sometimes just being there is what matters most
•Whether it's teaching how to ride a dragon or how to forge a tool, Hiccup is a patient and hands-on teacher. He believes in learning by doing and is always there to guide and support through each step
•Papa Haddock knows the importance of celebrating even the smallest achievements. He always makes sure to acknowledge and celebrate progress, no matter how minor it might seem
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If you're in the basic criteria , are DSMP fans, vivziep0p fans , h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl blogs, nsfw/k!nk blogs, anti-agere blogs, or anti Christians/Christianity blogs : just dont interact !
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anto-pops · 22 days
you don't have to post this.
I'm just happy you nodded to how destructive that blog is. I'm glad to see some resistance to that blogs fucking existence.
I'm sorry anto. Parts of me is happy you've slightly moved on from HL just so that hopefully didn't barb you as bad as I'm sure "bitch of the blog" wanted it to.
Yes she self-submitted it. She does that with all her worst ones. It's for attention - and blatantly visible in her discord servers. Do not take it to heart.
I will post this because if you and I feel similarly about it, there’s bound to be others.
I’ll say it with my whole chest: that entire blog is a joke and an excuse for insecure, mean spirited people to harp on others. I blocked the entire page basically right at the beginning when I started seeing it pop up in my feed, but from what I gathered when my attention was dragged there by the anons in my own inbox, it’s full of people who:
A. Hate the game and all the characters
B. Are jealous of other creators and their success
C. Are too lazy to write their own stories yet have the gall to criticize other writers’ work
The fucking audacity to make a blog like that and defend the blatant bullying with “well we’re allowed to dislike things and have our own opinions” is so unbelievably lazy it’s not even funny. Nevermind the fact that there’s nothing anonymous about half the asks there— I could clearly tell who certain asks were referring to. Maybe the whole thing started with a few harmless polls (which is what I saw at the start) but it’s transformed into something so nasty that to defend it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Fuck that blog and fuck the people who feed into the toxicity.
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a-usernamelol · 2 months
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Once again bringing up that I’m tired of seeing posts strictly for the female fans of the game. So here he is in all his glory, the absolute (bisexual??) icon of the franchise! Doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a guy- or in my MCs case- something else, chances are he’s going to try his hand!
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wispforever · 1 month
hello friend what do u mean by endo i do not know what that is in this context
endo is short for endogenic. in this context, I'm referring to endogenic systems, people who are plural/have a system without trauma. endogenic and traumagenic are usually used as opposites (as far as my experience goes). I am a traumagenic system, meaning I am plural as a result of trauma. If I were an endogenic system, trauma would not play an important/any role in my plurality.
I've noticed that this is a big sore spot in the plural community unfortunately. reads a bit like transmeds gatekeeping being trans by citing body dysphoria as a must-have. doesn't sit right with me obviously. you don't have to hate your body to be trans, and you don't have to have a history of trauma/be currently suffering to be a system. if someone says they're a system, that's what they are. the rest is none of my business.
hope this was helpful <3
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capybonara · 24 days
About a week ago an update on my laptop locked me out of it entirely, and it was saying I couldn't get in without a security key which I would find on my microsoft account. Then turns out they just decided not to give me one. And when my bf and I called their help line they literally told us to not call them 🙃
So the last couple of days we were looking into other places that do data recovery with no luck. And our last option was to get my files off my hard drive but this security lock encrypted everything.
So gotta let go of all the work I have there and do a factory reset.
It sucks 😖
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foxesfantasys · 6 months
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I received a divine vision. Too sleepy to properly draw it tho.
I don’t write Double Troubles Fenton and Phantom specifically as pitch pearl but I also don’t not write them as pitch pearl. For the sake of comedy I am leaning more into romantic this time, but perceive their relationship however you want. It’s more fun that way.
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statementlou · 11 months
louis has tooth caps you can tell because the bottoms of his teeth are lighter than the top the top is more opaque he had them shaved down and then caps on it
I get a lot of anons that give the feel of continuing a conversation I wasn't privy to or that are responding to something I didn't actually say but most of them are very annoying, I much prefer unprovoked thoughts on Louis' dentistry! We know he gets dental work done by a cosmetic dentist to the stars so this or something similar seems possible, yes- just think, between the straightening and the caps his bite marks would no longer match up with the classic larrie dentristry detective files, so sad... I guess when Louis said everything's changed outside but I feel the same inside he didn't mean inside his mouth :/
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What is a revolution?
I've seen so many people think of a revolution as a bloody, violent thing. Taking a better society, wresting power from the hands of the powerful with force. Eliminating societal undesirables as the unspoken bonus goal: the disabled who rely on medical supply lines, the homeless who rely on community and state support initiatives, the children already caught in the crossfire of their parents' ownership and the state's enforcement of it.
I've seen fellow leftists - socialists, anarchists - reject the concept of revolution for that reason, and I'm right there with them... except the word revolution is still meaningful to us.
So... what is a revolution?
Is blood the only fuel, or can we find a clean energy source? Can it be so unlike YA revenge fantasies and instead be a tsunami of overwhelming compassion and community? Can it be gradual, ongoing, not a Rapture nor a cleansing but simply a process day by day? Can it be a living thing, breathing with the collective oxygen and dreams of a whole world?
What if a revolution is all the small things? Asking your disabled neighbor what form of help would be most helpful to them and doing what you can. Making (food-restriction-safe) food for people who can eat it. Sharing resources and building social programs that'll catch the vulnerable as the rot in the state condemns it. Sharing freely and fearlessly and not blaming others for the way they cope with a world that is still often cruel when they aren't hurting anyone else. Taking according to your need and giving according to your ability, including with how you take action to take care of others.
1. involving or causing a complete or dramatic change.
Things never truly change when power is seized and hierarchies redistributed. Every "revolution" of blood and death fails at its fundamental intent.
But what, then, could be more revolutionary than one step at a time, making the world a little brighter? Call me naïve, call me idealistic, but those who cannot even imagine a better future largely can't make one. (If you can't imagine it because of despair though, let us do that work for you, and we'll bring you with us for as long as you'll come.)
What could cause a more complete change than simply changing how each of us treat other people, bit by bit? What could be a more dramatic change than merely building a home and a hearth, brick by brick?
What could make things better more than never stopping trying to make things better? (Not doing everything right all the time, but just pushing to do as much as you can, whatever that means in any given moment, and forgiving yourself your own flaws and mistakes.)
Our revolution is life lived, not checkbox checked. It lives, it breathes, it feels, it laughs, it cries, it grows. Most of all, it seeks out a thousand thousand other small revolutions and builds communities of change.
That is revolution.
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katsigian · 10 months
Would any mutuals be interested in joining a small and very relaxed cp77 and bg3 Discord server? ♡ It's very oc centered - it was designed to share fandom creations and to chat about OC/creative/gaming stuff. Just a nice, small, quiet place where people can hang out. We share OC headcanons and have OC qna, we talk about the games themselves, and we even have a modding section for help with mods and such.
(It's not a public server and we have a small and easy to follow set of rules to keep everything respectful and everyone safe. Bullying and toxicity is not allowed in the slightest, including the toxic stuff that happens outside of the server. It stays out.)
All that to say that I'd like to see more mutuals in there, so that's why I'm asking ♡
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ghost-proofbaby · 3 months
so... i just got off work, and can see i've missed a few things.
gonna spend the rest of my waking hours getting caught up, but just want to say a few things.
one, thank you to all the love and support. publicly and privately. it's seen and appreciated, even if i don't individually respond.
two, i hope going forward, we all carry the lesson learned from what's been happening in the fandom. i wasn't the only one who has received nasty reactions or felt exclusion to any degree, and that's really important to remember. i'm privileged to have any sort of platform to any degree on this hellsite, and i can guarantee you anything that's thrown at an account with reach like my own (no matter if sometimes i misconceive just how far that reach can be, given i didn't expect the response garnered), can be thrown just as easily if not ten times worse at smaller creators/those whose voices are getting lost in it all. i'm also privileged that thus far in my online presence, my queer experience has been entirely different from my actual life, and that's largely due to having my shit figured out, and for being a white cis woman who can wholeheartedly say she identifies as bisexual.
fandom spaces have always experienced these issues. they don't get better unless we speak up, and especially unless we listen.
uplift each other. be kind to each other. life is hard enough without this kind of stuff - if we want to see a better online space to feel safe in, we've gotta make it. there'll always be people like that anon. it's sad and shitty, but it's the human experience. the way to change it? keep the energy i saw today.
it's not just a today thing, and it's not just a "it happened to ghost so it matters" thing. it always happens, and it always matters.
keep. that. energy.
and, again just for shits and giggles and to drill it into all our brains, be kind to one another. <3
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longagoitwastuesday · 1 month
I finally met Nanami
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#The 'I'm an adult you're a child. I have a duty to prioritise your life over my own' thing#and how he sent Itadori off to some other place for him to deal with the problem of his own and not risk the kid got me#'He's still a child' he tells Ijichi. Because Ijichi clocks him#Ijichi is powerless but he does share this mindset#Shoko too in her way. She made sure Itadori knew he had not killed anyone#Gojo too in his way cares for the kids not to do risky stuff and keeps them safe#They're the four of them very much alike if each in their own way#And Gojo must trust the three of them a lot for him to let them know about Itadori#It's nice to see how Ijichi‚ Nanami and Shoko in this chapter‚ but the four of them in general‚ work together#It may be nothing. I might be overreading#But they seem to get each other and foresee each other's moves and thought progress pretty well. There seems to be a certain intimacy#Nanami and Gojo were super cute together. Nanami is very serious and talks very formally#but it seems him and Gojo have quite a lot of intimacy? Gojo is flippant in how he deals with people but he does say he trusts Nanami#and he got very into his personal space#And he way Nanami talks about and with Gojo and how he reacts also seemed to denote a decent amount of closeness in his way#They sort of reminded me a bit of Break and Reim when Break first introduces Reim#Anyway they were cute. This group of adults is very endearing together and in how they treat the kids. I like that the kids feel like kids#And that the adults regards them as such. Quite refreshing in this kind of genre#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#Jujutsu Kaisen
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dapg-otmebytheballs · 3 months
coming back the next day to my blog terrified of reactions and yea I worry this will get swept under the rug and be made into a non issue
#the problem isn't even dnp at all at this point it's the way fan spaces are so happy to turn a blind eye#bc they know we'll tire out and leave eventually and they'll never have to think about their own behaviour#like y'all have driven people out this way already but we see when it matters and when it doesn't#this isn't about people posting about other stuff or about tour tickets or anything btw v happy for you guys! /gen#more about people who refuse to acknowledge that there's a racism problem in the FANDOM#and congratulate themselves on simply not engaging with poc when they speak up for your own personal comfort#that's the privilege at work again we see when we are just a 'distraction' to you btw#literally the fact that poc fans taking the time and energy and hate and triggers to talk about this instead of abandoning cause#shows that no one's trying to call dnp racist but that doesn't stop from particular remarks and behaviours in the past being racist#i don't think it's a huge ask to acknowledge that the fans around have been trying to get us to shut up and sit down#and been condescending when we didn't#it's not a big ask to acknowledge that your spaces have these microagressions#ik you wouldn't just pass it off as 'keep safe frol discourse' if a buncha people had been homophobic in here#just think a little man no one's saying you can't also enjoy the tour and other stuff while acknowledging racism#again. genuinely happy for everyone who's going to the tour and excited to see more about what they do there#hope this issue also stops being treated like radioactive waste tho
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remusjohnslupin · 4 months
@ the latest anon who sent me a message (the one that starts with: 'To be fair, it isn’t just ‘someone holding beliefs that you happen to disagree with...'): Yeah, we're not doing this, sorry. I already explained that I actively keep real-life issues out of my blog and I explained why. I am not comfortable with people telling me who I should block. I am not comfortable with people trying to guilt me, as you did, to give some sort of a statement about someone I never even interacted with. I don't know this person whose blog you are referencing. I don't know the person who sent the first anonymous message. I don't know you.
This is the end of this conversation. Hope you have a lovely day.
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franeridan · 1 year
the whole one hour and forty minutes of op stampede are worth it even just for that half a second of interaction between mihawk and zoro actually thank you and amen 🙏
#he saves his ass#and then looks at him and smirks......#ahshshshsjdjsh that's his dad!!!! healthy father son rivalry i say!!!!#tbh I don't usually feel like watching op movie much#i..... don't exactly read op for the fights and the movies are usually just fights so#¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯#but sometimes I'm in the specific mood of seeing weird team ups or interactions so i end up watching a bunch of movies one after the other#stampede is............eh#it's okay ig a bit too exaggerated for my tastes but that's just the op movies usual taste#only the movies can make me question how things work in the op universe btw usually I'm down for anything#but then i watch a movie and I'm like “is that really how that is supposed to work...?”#Anyway I'm always up for seeing law being treated as part of the crew#and my zoro stan heart cries when i say this but I'm sorta always up for seeing law act as a sub captain for the crew huhuhu#sorry first mate i swear i would never try to take your spot from you#anyway law picking up robin was sweet law seeking luffy as a safe space was beautiful sabo's........#everything but especially his interactions with smoker were fun#but like the whole movie was really more of just a spot the cameo than anything 😂 it's okay!!!#I'm not lying when i say watching it was worth it even just for zoro and mihawk#that's the small stuff i watch the movies for anyway huhuhu#next one....gold. i don't think i watched that yet either#that's for another day tho now sleep
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