#North Shaw
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irlnorthshaw · 8 days ago
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they are so best friends in my head
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maggotmargarita · 1 month ago
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had to do this trend🤑🤑
they one up eachother after this
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ladyspartblog · 7 days ago
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Hello, I got back into supa strikas by coincidence… so I wanted to finish this screenshot redraw from 2023 UwU
I miss these dumbasses. I wanna draw of them!!
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supastrikasfan · 1 month ago
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Blorth my beloved.
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ladysavich · 1 month ago
Defender Trio General Headcanons... Defender Trio GENERAL HEADCANON! DEFENDER TRIO GENERAL HEADCANON!!!!
(Please~ :3)
YES! YES YES OF COURSE!!!! All yours @mimpinightmare
Defender trio general headcanons
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North shaw
Real name: Nathan Shaw or Killian Shaw (idk, the supa strikas website is confusing me. Killian sounds better tho)
In his mid-20s
 I can picture him being an only child
 💯does parkour
Dreamed of being a lifeguard when he was younger.
Favourite food: cheese burgers
Least favourite:  chicken and rice (get the reference???) As well as spicy food (he will he stuck on the toilet for god knows how long)
He can't stand seafood even though his mom loves it.
(Often takes his parents to seafood restaurants )
Has stolen El Matador’s hair dryer before and doesn't regret his actions.
After the “On Klaus Inspection” he has used his dirty socks to torture El Matador whenever he is being dramatic.
Uses blok as a shield all the time. I swear a Fricken cannon can go off in front of him and he will duck behind blok. 
His teammates can't understand his surfer slang
Shakes and Klaus have tried to…
Used to collect a huge amount of sea shells when he was younger. (his mom still has those and uses then to make little pictures frames for her pictures of  little North)
Has wanted to do the no bath challenge. Coach shut that idea down immediately
Josef Rybar is his real name
Love this man Brislovian
A little older that north
Also his Teddy is so cutee.
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He definitely has tiny night suits for them including those little stupid hats.
He definitely has a big sister
I forgot he has a brother too. Attak
 I never understood how coach and SS used to communicate with him before Shakes arrived. Because if I am not wrong, Shakes was the first to learn brislovian in the team.
Anyway, he loves cold weather
Favourite food: mashed potatoes and French fries
Least favourite: chicken and rice.
 Afraid of heights
Snores….a lot
I can picture him being
a) a damn swimming god.               
b) he wears those little arm floating thingies when he swims
 Eagle eye
Does anyone know his real name? Cuz I can’t find it
late 20 or early 30s
Very very observant  (are you surprised)
Good cook
Likes hiking and nature.
Def used to carry a little book full of birds and looks for them when he was younger
Boy Scout maybe👀
Will never tell klaus that tho.
He has  2 older sisters but I can also picture him a big brother as well
Favourite food : ham sandwiches and stir fried broccoli 
Least favourite food: oysters 
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We need an episode on that!!!!! Excuse me Moonbug Entertainment?!!!!!! HELLO????
Ughhhh I love his hair
He is apparently one of the oldest members of the teamDef 2nd or 3rd oldest (1st being Rasta of course)
Very close to all the defenders including Gris and Rizo
Helps Griz when he feels sea sick
Mysterious  beautiful and smart man
He needs more screen timeeeee!!!
The trio hcs together
 North and blok come into eagle eyes house uninvited at times
Eagle is basically their babysitter
They hang out a lot at each others house
sBlok has become famous with eagles sisters
Blok gives north piggy back rides and once they forced eagle to have piggy back ride too
North is disgusted over the fact that one of eagles favourite food is broccoli 
North, Blok ,rizo, Griz and Eagle eye best team
Maybe North and the other defenders make sure to be with Eagle whenever they have a match with cosmos. 
Since Shakes el Matador, klaus and even blok himself have been victims of the other teams dirty play so they make sure that Eagle remains safe??
He is also the most observant guy in the whole team.
Kinda wanna see an ep on this
Hope you like this!! It took me a while to think about all 4 of them
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superleaguefan · 8 days ago
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tallinsomniacs · 18 days ago
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god the product placement 😭
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sharrrrt · 17 days ago
I wish they kept the comic ending of "Worth his Weight in Goals" in the episode
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Like they deserved that and more ✋️😭
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ulubionyarab · 30 days ago
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Some messy drawing of North (his hand was so ugly that’s why there is a cupcake TwT) btw idk why he looks so pale in this photo😭😭😭
Also it’s an old drawing from 2024 😔
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cybernetic-cosmo · 7 months ago
𝓓𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓱𝓬𝓼
North Shaw
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Do I have to say it again? I'll say it again
Another firm believer of private not secret
It's not that he's ashamed of you or anything, it's actually the complete opposite
I feel as if he'd mention you in interviews a lot, sharing funny stories about all the trouble you two get in. He'd love talking about you but he's just not the type of guy to open up a lot about his private life so he'd definitely withhold some details about your relationship from the public
Speaking of trouble, you guys would probably be like partners in crime
Yk how Spenza is always investigating the other super league teams? I feel like you two would do that together occasionally
Type of guy to troll on roblox with you
He's always dragging you out of your comfort zone and trying to convince you to try new things but he never forces them onto you
I can definitely picture you featuring in his reality TV show that he got in that one episode
On days where you want something calm you guys would probably do something like having a picnic on the beach
Definitely complains about Liquido to you, you guys would be gossip buddies
Always holding your hand, whether you're on a date, at home alone, at Cool Joe's club with the rest of the team or laterally anywhere else, his hand WILL be holding yours
He probably plays boardgames with you and gets super competitive
Loves cuddling and he's probably super warm so it's a bit irritating in the summer but he makes up for basically almost giving you a heatstroke by always taking you to the most thoughtful dates
He probably gets really clingy when he's sick and may or may not have kissed and gotten you sick at least once
He felt bad after but made up for it eventually
Amazing listener, he probably loves hearing your voice
He's extremely loyal
He's probably your hype man, if you don't like someone then he doesn't like them as well and will give them the most disgusting side eye possible every time he sees them
Overall just an amazing boyfriend except for the fact that he probably likes biting you
Not big bites, just small nibbles while cuddling
Probably has photos of you in his phone case and in his locker at Strikaland
That's all I could think of for him, this is unedited and I'm writing at 1am with the flu so I can focus on a Dancing Rasta request so bare with me here. I'm not really a North Shaw girl so it took me a while to think of anything
Hope y'all have a good day, that's everything for now 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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kawazako · 6 days ago
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Old artwork from 2021/2022 Northquido
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irlnorthshaw · 2 months ago
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my new obsession: ninjador
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recreationalfanfics · 3 days ago
Supa Strikas Fandom Here Me Out:
I've had this Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse x Supa Strikas collab stuck in my head since I was 12 years old where Coach gets injured during a game in Malibu and Barbie, since she's had every job, volunteers to help them out as their coach because bless her soul she's that nice and she's been a famous athlete for various sports but Supa Strikas being all: "Woah, we have Barbie as our coach!!" and they all end up wearing Barbie Pink uniforms and they look fantastic in them-
And meanwhile, Raquelle joins Invincible United to spite Barbie and she and Skarra have a diva off by being catty and snarky to each other and end up becoming frenemies but ultimately she joins in their cheating schemes and they all end up losing BUT STILL. Think about it.
Idc if someone writes a script or a fanfic, I just need it to exist-
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carlosoliveiramybeloved · 9 months ago
Some El Matador headcannons cuz this fandom is in deeply need of more writers
- wore a dress and makeup at some point of his life (I can’t get this off of my mind)
- his posts on natter nader grinder or whatever that app is are very similar to kanye west tweets (more Kanye tweets at the end of the post, they aren’t edited tho😭)
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- golden child (this is practically cannon)
- got canceled for getting caught washing his hands with alcohol after shaking hands with a not so “tolerable” looking fan
- uses his celebrity and pretty privilege way too much
- weird fan (or possible hater) gifted a ai picture of him pregnant, behind it there was “is it shakes? Or is it Shaws? I guess we’ll never know.” He was terrified for a whole month and still has nightmares with it, never looked at them the same way again.
- girl dad, you can’t change my mind
- his family thought he was gay and tried to get him a girlfriend
-hates having to kiss babies
Here’s the rest of the Kanye tweets “why didn’t u edit all of them?” TOOK ME AN HOUR TO MAKE ONE. And it looks bad
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tytarax2 · 1 year ago
North Shaw Relationship HCs
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This man...
Do I have to say it?
Yeah, I do
He obviously takes you to the best risky, adventurous dates ever
Well, of course if you like
If you have heart problems or anything like that he'll be careful and will take you to a more calm date
Like hiking
But if you don't suffer of any cardiovascular disease or stress
Skydiving, surf, extreme sports, etc
Another biter here
(I mean, almost all the relationship hcs I've written have the word "bite")
But have you seen the way he looks at steak?
He's like
"Hey prey"
You share a tattoo or two
Also have a pair of these intelligent bracelets that you press when you miss each other
These ones:
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He's an el hopaness romtic
(Marry me if you got the reference)
If not, he's a hopless romantic
A lot of pics together
Cuddling in the sofa while watching movies
As I said, he's a romantic, so he enjoys planning surprises for you
Like weekend getaways or thoughtful gifts
I'll just say, he's just so head over heels for you
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ladysavich · 29 days ago
i have cancer and only matashaw headcanons can save me, please
👩‍⚕️Your doctor has arrived! I am prescribing you a daily dose of El Matashaw for a quick recovery
El Matashaw headcanons—>
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Literally the opposite of each other
El matador = loves lavish brands and designer stuff
North Shaw = loves flower-printed shirts and his skateboard
Perfect for each other💟
They argued over the fact that North loves his skateboard more than his bf.
*the team roaming in a jungle after they lost their way* El matador: oh my god poison ivy!!! North: dude these are daisies El matador: Aahhh!! Poison daisy!!  (Please tell me you get the reference)
Also this is sooo them:
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(please ignore how this looks like dog shit)
They remind me of raqueal and summer from barbie life in the dream house
north: dude let's go surfing. I can teach you! Elmatador: no. My hair will get wet North: Okay?? Then..oh look! Shakes and spenza are playing volleyball. Let join them! El Matador: sand in my hair?! No no!!
El matador would rather get into a cage fight with Ninja than go surfing or swimming…or anything that can get his hair wet
North is well aware of this and now he carries a water gun with him to the beach or rastas house😭
They had a challenge once to see if they could do things in each other's shoes
North was following el matador’s lifestyle and el matador was following North's
They didn't last long…well at least el matador didnt
North was still able to handle it to some extent 
Whenever the go on dates north uses his hand to push the reporter or block the paparazzi camera whenever they interupt their dates.
Lollll I can picture el matador refusing to go to North's house becuase he isn't that clean and has a habit of forgetting to do the laundry. (He is traumatised and can't stand the smell of dirty socks)
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