#Normal hip xray
kilopwholesale · 2 years
Normal hip xray
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The likelihood of inappropriate correction of femoral anteversion was reported to be lower if the thickness of the lesser trochanter is less than 5 mm 3). In addition, the greater and lesser trochanters should be clearly distinguishable, while the greater trochanter may not significantly overlap with the femoral neck the calcar femoris needs to be clearly visible and there should be very little elliptical overlap between the anterior and posterior margins of the head-neck junction. In a standard anteroposterior hip radiograph, the coccyx and symphysis pubis should be in a straight line and positioned in the middle line of the image, both sides of the iliac wings and obturator foramina should be symmetric, while the distance between the superior border of the pubic symphysis and the tip of the coccyx should be between 1 and 3 cm 2) ( Fig. In particular, the tilt and rotation of the pelvis should be known precisely during evaluation of an anteroposterior hip radiograph. In order to evaluate an image, it is critical to confirm that it was properly taken and the patient was in an appropriate position. Lastly, the false-profile view of the hip is obtained with the pelvis rotated 65° relative to the bucky wall stand, with the foot on the affected side parallel to the radiographic cassette ( Fig. In the cross-table lateral view, a lower extremity is internally rotated by 15°-20° in a supine position and then the hip and knee joints on the other side are flexed to prevent interference in radiographic projection a cassette is positioned on the side of the hip at the right angle relative to the incidence angle, thereby projecting toward the groin region at 35°-45° of incidence parallel to the longitudinal axis of the femur ( Fig. In the Löwenstein view, patient is turned onto the affected hip at least 45° with the hip flexion angle of 90° and internal rotation angle of 45° in a supine position and then images of each side are taken vertically from the groin region ( Fig. In the frog-leg lateral view, both sides are shown on one image and the knee joint is flexed 30°-40° in a supine position, while the hip is externally rotated by 45° so that the image is taken toward the middle of the line connecting the upper symphysis pubis and the anterior-superior iliac spine ( Fig. There are multiple imaging techniques for lateral hip radiography, including the frog-leg lateral view, Löwenstein view, and cross-table lateral view. In a supine position, the image is taken toward the middle of the line connecting the upper part of the symphysis pubis and anterior-superior iliac spine (ASIS) either both patellae should be facing forward or lower extremities should be internally rotated by 15°-20° to accommodate femoral anteversion in anteroposterior hip radiographs. Positioning for an anteroposterior hip radiograph. In such cases, accurate anteroposterior images may not be achievable, and the patient should be removed from the table and then both legs should be positioned perpendicularly in a flexion position for radiography. Flexion contracture may increase or decrease image magnification. Thus, either both patellae should be facing forward or lower extremities should be internally rotated by 15°-20° to accommodate femoral anteversion in anteroposterior hip radiographs ( Fig. If anteroposterior hip radiographs are taken in a supine position, one of the most common mistakes is image distortion as the hip is externally rotated 1). An anteroposterior hip radiograph includes images of both sides of the hip on the same film and projects towards the middle of the line connecting the upper symphysis pubis and anterior-superior iliac spine the distance between the X-ray tube and the film should be 1.2 m. In plain radiography (X-ray), anteroposterior and lateral hip radiographs are usually taken.
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farolli · 2 years
Normal hip xray
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On the left the typical radiographic findings of infection with irregular bone destruction and periosteal reaction.By Sara Nikolić and Gregor Prosen Introduction Sometimes revision of a stable THA is needed because more bone loss would make revision surgery impossible. Particle Disease is relentlessly progressive with loosening, fracture and destruction of bone. Large focal defects may be seen while the prosthesis is still stable. These characteristics help to distinguish small particle disease from infection, which often has more aggressive features, although the distinction is not always possible.Īlthough particle disease is a result of polyethylene wear, you will not always see evident findings of polyethyleen wear in the acetabular cup,īut whenever you see an eccentric position of the femoral head within the cup, look for focal lucencies. The key feature is that it produces no secondary bone response. The condition tends to occur between 1 and 5 years after surgery and is associated with smooth endosteal scalloping. Radiographically these aggressive granulomatous lesions present as focal radiolucencies around the prosthesis. Nowadays it is mostly seen in non-cemented hips as a reaction to small polyethylene wear particles. It is a histiocytic response that occurs as a result of macrophage reaction to any of the components, that are shed of the surface of the components of the arthroplasty. Originally this was called cement disease or aggressive granulomatosus. You have to be familiar with the normal and abnormal changes in the types of prostheses, that are used by your orthopaedic surgeons. The figure on the left sums all the findings in some of the non-cemented prostheses, that can be normal. This fibrous tissue presents as a lucent zone at the interface.Īgain it should be stable and well within a range of 1 -2 mm. In stable non-cemented hip arthroplasties lucent zones at the metal-bone interface do occur, as it usually is a combination of bone ingrowth and fibrous tissue ingrowth, that provides the fixation in most cases. The distal part of the femoral prosthesis is not 'loaded', so there will be no distal stress loading. In an effort to avoid these changes, most modern cementless prosthesis only have fixation proximally, so you usually will not find proximal stress shielding. Stress loading distally may result in cortical thickening and bridging sclerosis at the tip of the prosthesis ( called pedestal). Stress shielding proximally may result in proximal osteoporosis and calcar resorption. The implantation of a bone ingrowth prosthesis results in altered stress distribution to the native bone, especially in the older models with non tapered and fully coated femoral stems. Rare complications include bowel fistulas, encasement of neurovascular structures and bladder wall burn. This defect is filled with bone chips, cement or bone transplant.Ĭement extrusion is usually asymptomatic. When the acetabulum is prepared for placement of the cup a perforation may occur. Most intraoperative fractures occur on the femoral side. The incidence of fractures ranges from 0.1 to 1.0 percent for cemented components and 3 to 18 percent for uncemented components. They are also more common in non-cemented femoral stems, as these have to fit exactly and can cause a fracture during insertion. When the anatomy is abnormal as in hip dysplasia. TI-RADS - Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data Systemĭislocation can occur as a late complication in prostheses that are not well positioned, but it is most common in the immediate postoperative period (incidence 3%).įractures may be seen postoperatively in patients with poor bone stock and long stem revision prostheses or.Esophagus II: Strictures, Acute syndromes, Neoplasms and Vascular impressions.Esophagus I: anatomy, rings, inflammation.Vascular Anomalies of Aorta, Pulmonary and Systemic vessels.Contrast-enhanced MRA of peripheral vessels.Ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy.Coronary Artery Disease-Reporting and Data System.Bi-RADS for Mammography and Ultrasound 2013.Transvaginal Ultrasound for Non-Gynaecological Conditions.Acute Abdomen in Gynaecology - Ultrasound.Appendicitis - Pitfalls in US and CT diagnosis.
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fjordfolk · 8 months
being part of dog health fb groups is great because it really broadens your horizons and gives a lot of context across breeds and teaches a lot of nuance in interpretation
and sometimes it lets you go 'holy heck im not in your breed but if i were i wouldnt touch ur programme w a 10 foot pole and a kite'
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Me: Hey these things are causing issues and getting in the way of my everyday life. Do you know what's wrong?
Every medical professional @ me when my body does the Thing™️:
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kedreeva · 2 years
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We had a wind storm this weekend and these two took offense to the wind making Sounds and injured themselves. Artemis (bottom) bruised one side of her face up, but she's acting fine otherwise so she'll probably be back to normal in a few days.
Stan, on the other hand, bruised his left eye socket and was acting Off with a capital O. He's normally not very active, his legs don't work all that great and he can't catch a deep breath because of his messed up ribs and stuff, but he was lethargic and not eating/drinking normally, so I swapped him into Joslin's appt slot today and took him in.
It wasn't my normal vet again, and I told her that Stan is a hot mess, and she felt him up and told me well his abdominal cavity sounds weird, I said yeah he's got messed up air sacs. She goes well, one of his legs is atrophied more than his other, and I said was it his right one because that's the one that was worse as a baby and doesn't work right, and she goes yeah it was the right one. She goes, it feels like his kidneys are too big, this could be a case of gout, we can xray to look for it. Now, I know it's not gout, but an xray will either enlighten her on the fact that I'm not joking about how messed up this bird is, or it will show her what's actually injured, or both.
So she does the xray and she calls me into the back room and she goes well. it's not gout. his kidneys are actually small and I was feeling his messed up air sac. there's a lot wrong here, but I'm looking at his last xray and there's a lot wrong there, and most of it is the same. he got a little better in some ways and a little worse in other ways, but the issue is that it looks like he jammed his hip joint and injured it a little, possibly from landing wrong.
you know. an injury. like from the ultimate panic of the Wind Making Sounds.
Anyway he got some antibiotics against infection and some pain meds and we'll give him a couple of tube feedings until he's not feeling crappy. For now he's asleep in my room on a roost.
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spacestorms · 11 months
SO... had my final followup with rheumatology. And it went bad again. Of course. Xrays and my cspine MRI both showed degeneration/osteoarthritis in my neck and my foot. So of course I ask Why am I getting osteoarthritis this young. And he goes. Hmm did you play sports? No? Injuries? No? Hmm what about video games or reading books :) Oh yes? Ok then that's it then! No other reason for it! Totally normal to have fucking osteoarthritis at 25 (actually probably much younger because ive had neck pain for who knows how long) with no other known underlying condition to be causing it! Still no explanation for why my fucking hands and ankles and hips hurt so bad tho but of course we're not going to address that because I was clearly wasting his precious time and he was so sick of me actually having questions and not taking his vague words as gospel
He got sooooo obviously annoyed when I pushed back on his 'well I think you definitely don't have any autoimmune disorder' I was like ok why are you so sure? There are disorders that don't show up on blood tests. They're rare and hard to diagnose. Have you considered anything like that. But he said nah it would be super obvious, you don't look like you have anything like that. IF YOU COULD DIAGNOSE THINGS BASED ON LOOKING AT PEOPLE THEY WOULDN'T BE CONSIDERED RARE AND DIFFICULT TO DIAGNOSE... I'm going to kill you
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michiopa · 1 year
Today was the most bat shit insane day at work I truly don't know what was in the air. A non-comprehensive list of patients
-a dog that came in for "swollen anal gland" that was a perianal hernia
-dog with a heart so enlarged it took up a good 3/4ths of his chest on xray. Dog wasn't coughing or displaying any signs and was there for unrelated reasons
-kitten whose lung xrays looked like TV static and whose stomach was so full of air he felt crunchy
-dog who had not only luxated her hip (popped it out of socket) but who had obliterated two vertebrae
-dog who had somehow managed to have a prolapse of the glands on his penis
-puppy who came in for possible bleeding. Turns out she was vomiting blood but had totally normal platlets and clotting times (and no parvo). Her litter mate also came in with a fractured leg.
-a regular vaccine room that had a reaction while checking out in the lobby
-heatstroke dog with a temp of 109 who ??? Somehow walked out of the clinic totally fine once we cooled her off. Dog was gasping for air and pale purple when she came in so the fact that she's totally fine is a fucking miracle
And that wasn't even all of it that is just the weird/stressful shit!
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teachingrounds · 2 years
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Choosing Wisely: Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question, brought to you by the American Academy of Pediatrics-Section on Orthopedics and the Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America 1. Don't order a hip ultrasound for developmental hip dysplasia (DHD) on an otherwise normal baby without risk factors. 2. Don't recommend xrays, bracing, or surgery for simple in-toeing on a child <8 years old. 3. Don't order custom orthotics for a child with flat feet unless they are significantly symptomatic. (OTC shoe inserts suffice, if you really think something is needed.) 4. Don't order CT or MRI for most musculoskeletal conditions until history, physical, labs, and plain films have been exhausted. Then let the orthopedist or rehab specialist do it. 5. Don't get follow-up xrays for buckle or torus fractures unless they are still painful, even if the child only got a splint instead of a cast.
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chowowed · 23 days
Venting very hard about doctors, chronic pain, and being ignored.
one of these days i feel like i should just ask on a reddit thread or smthn about my damn chronic pain. every medical test ive had done has come back inconclusive or normal, but there literally cannot be anything normal about a 25 year old who cant stand straight after sitting for a long time, and who ends up in agony every time it rains. if i walk around a fucking store too long i struggle to put the bags in my fucking car. i can't ride in sedans / low vehicles because I struggle to get out of them. some days i dont want to get out of bed because it hurts so much. 90% of the time it only bothers me mildly but the other 10% (right now) has me so frustrated. weight loss didnt help, exercise didnt help, pain killers work for a few days and then stop. i had to strategically organize my classroom so i had a desk near me at all times in case i got unsteady so i wouldn't fall. my left leg refuses to improve at all, and any amount of babying it just makes the right leg inflamed. i run low grade fevers on the worst pain days. Getting sick at all just makes my hips and back scream at a level 9 pain. i know for a fact if i stopped taking my meds again i'd never sleep because of the pain.
"the kid is 9, his legs are just growing. has weak muscles in thighs but will improve as he ages" -> it has never once improved. I've literally been complaining about this pain since i was a child and unable to properly explain it.
"it may be gout based on bloodwork. this medication should help." -> several years ago, not improving the pain. feels like im wasting my money on this medication. also, literally none of the pain is in my feet/ankle/knees. its literally my spine and hips.
"your periods are causing cysts that press down on your nerves. birthcontrol should help stop that, and the pain will resolve." i was 15. im 25. i havent had a period since i was like 19. if this was the case, why isn't it better.
"xray shows labral tear. should heal on its own." -> been years, zero improvement. recommended absolutely nothing for treatment.
"mri came back clean. you may have arthritis, though." -> what the fuck does that mean. i "may?" how can an mri come back and show nothing was wrong but "maybe" it's arthritis. i was literally in pain on the fucking mri table. they immediately referred me to a spinal surgeon.
"xray appears normal! possible slight arthritis in the spine." -> Spinal surgeon was a flop. why the fuck is a (at the time) 23 year old developing arthritis. can you explain why my lumbar looked crooked. why did my mom's spinal surgeon look at a picture of this xray days later and confirm the L2-L3 looked crooked. did you miss the part where i said degenerative spinal diseases run in my family.
"bloodwork came back clean. theres nothing suggesting of arthritis." -> what the fuck!!! other doc just said i might have it!! do i or do i not have it!! if i dont have it why do i have these symptoms!!
"emg shows no sign of nerve damage." -> then can someone please figure out why i'm experiencing nerve pain in my left leg. freezing/burning/water trickling down/pins and needles on thigh/ i cannot feel any touch on the skin above my knee. thats not normal. that cannot be fucking normal. if its really meralgia paresthetica, can someone figure out WHY and WHAT caused it. i was told that would go away, why has it been almost 10 years and not gone away.
Like at what fucking point do these "clean" reports become a fucking red flag? At what point does someone say "hey, wait, what the fuck. that shouldnt happen" I dont fucking want pain meds!!! i dont want to be sick!! I want answers!!! i just want answers!!! i'm happy to try other means of pain management!! i should not be this creaky, stiff, achey, exhausted, and in pain for a 25 year old. i cant even walk around the goddamn grocery store for twenty minutes. what the ever loving fuck man.
what i do want is my handicap placard back. the dmv wouldnt renew it because my doctor didnt use an official letterhead :'(
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stupidmarkzone · 29 days
yea it’s totally normal to have really sore hips after *checks notes* taking my dog for a walk around the lake don’t contact me about my xray results or anything i like speculating on hate wrong with me while im waddling down supermarket aisles at 28 years old complaining of hip problems
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james-preble · 2 months
im extremely mad at the stupid sportsmed guy who was like erm yeah i moved your kneecap around and it hurt where i thought it would and then ur xray and mri came back normal. u have runner knee.
he "diagnosed" me like 2 momths ago but like isnt runners knee sharp pain in your knee / behind your kneecap??? like sir. bro. dude. ive been experiencing aching in my legs and knees and feet for like 3+ years and then messed up my back somehow so i have lower back pain now plus my hips have started being achey for the past like 6mos. also over the past year my hand joints and hip joints and neck and shoulders have gone from never popping to painfully popping on a daily basis doing normal things. also i have issues sleeping and frequent stomachaches but idfk if thats related. I DONT THINK THIS IS RUNNERS KNEE. unless it is and im stupid and hes right yk because hes a medical professional and im js a stupid teenager who looked at google. also i cant start physical therapy like he says i should for another two months because im across rhe country. like genuinely what the fuck
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mybrainisalibrary · 1 year
I am SO FRUSTRATED with the medical system ignoring me as a woman. Ranting under the cut, but basically I would appreciate any prayers for a possible cyst.
At 18, after years of normal light cramps, one morning I suddenly got the worst of my life - like curled up on my bed seeing stars, took 3 ibuprofen at once to make a dent in the pain. Period after that was normal but I went to the gyn with my mom who HAD ENDOMETRIOSIS. And this doctor lady listened to my problem, to my mom about her history, then looked dismissed us with "your periods have been fine since? I wouldn't worry. I can prescribe you birth control if you want." It was enough that I didn't even look for a gyn during college with an experience that bad.
Then fall 2020 I noticed I was getting this horrible cramp on my right side sometimes towards the end of my periods. I found a new gyn. It was the same thing as the first time - "oh it doesn't sound bad, you can take more than 6 ibuprofen a day if needed. Do you want birth control?"
A year later when it persisted I found a new doctor- primary care but certified to do some gyn stuff. She at least was the first to even do a full exam- but then it was "well I don't notice anything wrong. The pain is localized? It's probably mittelschmerz" DESPITE the fact that I told her I'd had mittelschmerz before and this felt different.
November last year, the cramp in my right hip was bad and this time it persisted for a week and woke me out of a sound sleep. I went back to the last doctor and she told me it was mittelschmerz again. When I was able to press her on it, describing how the pain radiated through my hip, she scheduled an xray. The xray found nothing, and she sent a note referring me to an orthopedic hip doctor if pain persisted. It did persist, but not as strongly and I was so discouraged I haven't pursued it in months. But this past week it's been SO BAD. Like I take 3 ibuprofen before sleeping and still get woken up by the ache 5 hours later. So I made an appointment with the orthopedic and I'm just really hoping they can take me seriously- even just to rule out my hip none as the issue.
I just - this isn't isolated, I'm one of MILLIONS of women who aren't taken seriously and I'm so frustrated and ANGRY.
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ofc after my xrays came back normal + my blood test results for ra came back fine i have a flareup in my right hip and a low grade fever
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tvslashers · 2 years
surprising no one, the hip xrays came back normal despite horrible lower back and right hip pain that has only been getting worse. and i will probably get some other test and they wont find anything. etc etc etc
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chowtrolls · 2 years
Went to the fuckin chiropractor like monday and my leg has hurt more than ever, which has made me feel kinda fake?? He said my hip was twisted inward a significant amount but he seemed so nonchalant about it, said i looked fine otherwise. So why this bitch still hurtin :’(
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sereniv · 3 years
aaaannnd of COURSE my results come back normal
they always come back normal
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