#or ya know maybe im just hysterical and want to be special. guess it could be that too
spacestorms · 11 months
SO... had my final followup with rheumatology. And it went bad again. Of course. Xrays and my cspine MRI both showed degeneration/osteoarthritis in my neck and my foot. So of course I ask Why am I getting osteoarthritis this young. And he goes. Hmm did you play sports? No? Injuries? No? Hmm what about video games or reading books :) Oh yes? Ok then that's it then! No other reason for it! Totally normal to have fucking osteoarthritis at 25 (actually probably much younger because ive had neck pain for who knows how long) with no other known underlying condition to be causing it! Still no explanation for why my fucking hands and ankles and hips hurt so bad tho but of course we're not going to address that because I was clearly wasting his precious time and he was so sick of me actually having questions and not taking his vague words as gospel
He got sooooo obviously annoyed when I pushed back on his 'well I think you definitely don't have any autoimmune disorder' I was like ok why are you so sure? There are disorders that don't show up on blood tests. They're rare and hard to diagnose. Have you considered anything like that. But he said nah it would be super obvious, you don't look like you have anything like that. IF YOU COULD DIAGNOSE THINGS BASED ON LOOKING AT PEOPLE THEY WOULDN'T BE CONSIDERED RARE AND DIFFICULT TO DIAGNOSE... I'm going to kill you
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