#Non proliferation
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man-and-atom · 5 months ago
The Bulletin finally acknowledges two key points :
The decision to use nuclear weapons, like the decision to build nuclear weapons, is a political decision. Neither of them is an automatic process, triggered by some deterministic course of events — there are numerous countries with far greater scientific, technical, and industrial capabilities than North Korea, which have not chosen to build nuclear weapons. And the people who make those political decisions (especially those who choose to start wars) are not machines whose behavior is determined by simple sets of rules with consequences that can easily be modeled.
The concentration on nuclear war as the ultimate catastrophe, and on nuclear disarmament and non–proliferation, has led to a neglect of the danger of war as such, and with it, of conventional disarmament and conciliation. Meanwhile, the Russian invasion of Crimea, in defiance of solemn pledges to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine’s renunciation of nuclear weapons, and the near total–lack of action by the other powers to enforce those pledges and uphold their own, has led directly to the current conflict. At this point, all commitments made by the nuclear weapons states in the name of non–proliferation must seem extremely suspect. That is over and above the way that the USA, in particular, has for decades been in open breach of its obligations under the Non–Proliferation Treaty to assist the Non–Weapons States in the peaceful uses of atomic energy.
What the Bulletin does not say, is that the response of the world must be two–fold. Firstly, measures military and otherwise to support Ukraine against Russian aggression must be greatly increased. Europe is still sending more money to Russia in payment for fossil fuels every month, than to Ukraine as military and economic assistance. And secondly, the commitment to the peaceful uses of atomic energy must be renewed and redoubled. Only atomic hope is powerful enough to help us escape atomic fear.
Thanks to @mgrgfan for the link.
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nucleartestsday · 6 months ago
See how the next generation envisions a world free of nuclear testing.
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Experience the powerful work of CTBTO Youth Group (CYG) members for the Global Art Campaign. These parallel exhibits will be held in Vienna and New York, showcasing the winning submissions that vividly illustrate the contrast between a world with nuclear weapons tests and one without.
Vienna Exhibit
Dates: 29 August – 6 September Location: Rotunda, Vienna International Centre (VIC)
New York Exhibit
Dates: 3 – 6 September Location: Corridor Neck 1B, United Nations Headquarters
The exhibits feature a diverse range of creative expressions, including visual art, music, poetry, and performance. Free admission is available to staff of international organizations, delegates, and those with access to the VIC and UN HQ in New York.
Don't miss this opportunity to see how the next generation envisions a world free of nuclear testing.
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disarmamentawarenessday · 1 year ago
10th Meeting - 1st Session Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems 2024.
Group of Governmental Experts on Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons System Geneva, 4-8 March and 26-30 August 2024
Watch the 10th Meeting - 1st Session Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems 2024!
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lizbethborden · 3 months ago
For some reason I want to do this so. At risk of losing my limited "good Jew" credentials:
1. Jews have historical and genetic ties to the Levant. Pretending we don't is just willful stupidity. Pretending that the Hebrew names for cities in Israel are evil and fake is willful stupidity. Shit's in the damn Bible. People who talk about "indigeneity" re: this issue are trying to utilize a framework that emerged from the study of modern colonized peoples. Meanwhile we have been diasporic and colonized for over 2,000 years and I don't believe that this framework is valuable in this specific instance. So I am simply not going to wade into any part of that, especially bc I have a strong impression that people use the term "indigenous" in purely buzzword fashion on this issue.
2. Jews aren't going anywhere. I'm sorry, but the population of Israel is not going to get up and "go back where they came from," not least because we're talking about multiple generations now that were born in Israel. There is also no "back where they came from" for the Jewish populations of other countries that fled to Israel, much less for the descendants of Holocaust survivors whose homes and property were stolen by gentiles. "Go back to Poland" is hateful, idiotic, and antisemitic. If you wouldn't tell an Italian American dude to "go back to Italy" in the name of US politics you can understand why this is stupid, but with Jews it is a side order of denying our history, which makes it antisemitism.
3. The majority of Jews all over the world believe that we, as a people, are the people of Israel. "Israel" is a collective noun for Jewry and has been for thousands of years. Even Jews who do not believe the state of Israel should exist typically do acknowledge that our culture and history originate there. These beliefs do not come from some "manifest destiny" type thinking. They are historical facts. They're digging ancient stele with Protohebrew on them out of the ground every day in Israel. If you deny any of these legitimate, established historical facts regarding the history of the Jews in Israel, you are an antisemite. Period. This is why many Jewish people consider "antizionists" to just be flat out antisemites, given the rampant misinformation and denial regarding Jewish history in the Levant. This is also why there is broad distrust of "antizionists" as the general antizionist standard is that Jews shouldn't even think of themselves as related to Israel historically.
If you're about to ask me some question or send me some gotcha related to Palestine, please examine that urge and ask yourself why your assumption is that these statements are incompatible with a belief in Palestinian human rights. Ask yourself why the Italian American dude saying his ancestors are from Forli gets a pass from you and you don't make him disavow Mussolini to prove he's not a fascist, but a Jew says their ancestors built Jerusalem and you're suddenly telling them their responsibility is to disavow the atrocities of the IDF to prove they're not a Zionist. Thanks.
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redpenship · 11 months ago
tails is a maoist. perhaps even one with third worldist characteristics
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bulldog-butch · 2 months ago
my tumblr cancelable opinion: (as a trans masc) so many trans mascs on tumblr are afraid to call themselves men because they don’t want to admit that they can be oppressors. especially if they are white
Gonna have to suck on this one like a lozenge
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protoslacker · 6 months ago
The world quietly becomes more dangerous as the post Cold War great power promises fail, and it’s not getting harder to build a nuke. A post-Budapest proliferation world could be terrifying, especially as it is pushed into political chaos by Russia, the Middle East, and most of all, Climate Change. It is exactly the world everyone has wanted to prevent since the Trinity test. The old cold warriors aren’t supplying Ukraine out of the kindness of their hearts, but out of the cold calculus of the deal with the Devil we all made in New Mexico.
Quinn Norton at Emptywheel. Ukraine, Russia, and the Long Shadow of Nuclear Proliferation
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thetruearchmagos · 9 months ago
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Right, got some reading to do in my spare time!
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byeaf · 2 years ago
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If you aren't familiarized yet about FFT, it basically calls out the hushing about fossil fuels in existing environmental treaties worldwide. It calls out for the final stop on the fossil fuel industry, that has silenced science and stopped climate positive initiatives (public transit, electric sovereignty)
Read and endorse:
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nucleartestsday · 6 months ago
Putting an end to nuclear explosions.
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Nuclear testing harms the environment and economic development, and has devastating effects on the lives and health of people. It is a relic of another age that has no place in the 21st century.
29 August is International Day aganst nuclear tests.
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disarmamentawarenessday · 1 year ago
9th Meeting - 1st Session Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems 2024.
Group of Governmental Experts on Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons System Geneva, 4-8 March and 26-30 August 2024
Watch the 9th Meeting - 1st Session Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems 2024!
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filosofablogger · 2 years ago
78 Years Ago - 6 August 1945
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mala--draws · 4 days ago
i think folks need to take things less personally, and when they do, get less defensive and more introspective/curious about Why that person doesnt want em to touch em. it might not be about you, that person may be touch adverse or feeling overstimulated or any plethora of reasons. equally, it might be about you and you don't get to decide whether you follow that. you do get to decide how u react and whether u take it as an attack or something to consider.
You should be able to say “don’t touch me” to anyone ever in any context and not have it be considered in the realm of surprising or insulting imho if we ever needed to normalize something it’s this
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blueoaknx · 15 days ago
Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes
Mitochondria, essential for cellular energy metabolism, play a crucial role in bioenergetics and metabolic homeostasis. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated as a key pathophysiological factor in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), contributing to insulin resistance, metabolic inflexibility, and beta-cell dysfunction. This review explores the intricate mechanisms underlying mitochondrial impairments in T2DM, including defective oxidative phosphorylation, disrupted mitochondrial dynamics, impaired mitophagy, and excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, with a focus on potential therapeutic interventions targeting mitochondrial pathways.
Mechanistic Insights into Mitochondrial Dysfunction in T2DM
1. Defective Oxidative Phosphorylation and ATP Synthesis
Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) occurs through the electron transport chain (ETC), comprising Complexes I-IV and ATP synthase (Complex V). In T2DM, evidence suggests a downregulation of mitochondrial ETC activity, particularly in Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) and Complex III (cytochrome bc1 complex), leading to reduced ATP synthesis. This dysfunction is often linked to compromised NADH oxidation and inefficient proton gradient formation, resulting in cellular energy deficits and impaired insulin-stimulated glucose uptake.
2. Elevated Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Oxidative Stress
Mitochondria are a primary source of ROS, predominantly generated at Complex I and Complex III during electron leakage. In T2DM, excess substrate influx due to hyperglycemia leads to mitochondrial overactivation, driving excessive ROS production. Elevated ROS induces oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), lipids, and proteins, disrupting mitochondrial integrity and function. Oxidative stress further impairs insulin signaling by activating stress-responsive kinases such as c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and IκB kinase (IKK), contributing to systemic insulin resistance.
3. Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Transcriptional Dysregulation
Mitochondrial biogenesis is regulated by the transcriptional coactivator Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1α), which modulates downstream transcription factors such as Nuclear Respiratory Factors (NRF-1/NRF-2) and Mitochondrial Transcription Factor A (TFAM). In T2DM, PGC-1α expression is downregulated, impairing mitochondrial biogenesis and reducing mitochondrial density, leading to decreased oxidative capacity in metabolically active tissues like skeletal muscle and liver.
4. Disrupted Mitochondrial Dynamics and Mitophagy
Mitochondrial quality control is maintained through dynamic fission and fusion processes. Fission, mediated by Dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1), is necessary for mitochondrial fragmentation and mitophagy, while fusion, regulated by Mitofusin 1/2 (Mfn1/2) and Optic Atrophy 1 (OPA1), maintains mitochondrial integrity. In T2DM, an imbalance favoring excessive fission leads to mitochondrial fragmentation, impairing energy metabolism and exacerbating insulin resistance. Moreover, defective mitophagy, regulated by PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) and Parkin, results in the accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria, further aggravating metabolic dysfunction.
Implications of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in T2DM Pathophysiology
1. Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance
Skeletal muscle accounts for ~80% of postprandial glucose uptake, relying on mitochondrial ATP production for insulin-mediated glucose transport. Impaired mitochondrial function in muscle cells reduces oxidative phosphorylation efficiency, promoting a shift towards glycolysis and lipid accumulation, ultimately leading to insulin resistance.
2. Pancreatic Beta-Cell Dysfunction
Mitochondrial ATP production is essential for insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells. ATP-sensitive potassium channels (K_ATP) regulate glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS), with ATP/ADP ratios dictating channel closure and depolarization-induced insulin exocytosis. In T2DM, mitochondrial dysfunction leads to inadequate ATP generation, impairing GSIS and reducing insulin secretion capacity. Additionally, oxidative stress-induced beta-cell apoptosis contributes to progressive loss of beta-cell mass.
3. Hepatic Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Lipid Dysregulation
Mitochondrial dysfunction in hepatocytes contributes to hepatic insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Impaired fatty acid oxidation due to dysfunctional mitochondria leads to lipid accumulation, exacerbating hepatic insulin resistance and systemic metabolic dysregulation.
Therapeutic Strategies Targeting Mitochondrial Dysfunction
1. Exercise-Induced Mitochondrial Adaptation
Physical activity upregulates PGC-1α expression, enhancing mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative metabolism. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and endurance exercise improve mitochondrial efficiency and reduce oxidative stress, mitigating insulin resistance in T2DM patients.
2. Pharmacological Modulation of Mitochondrial Function
Metformin: Enhances mitochondrial complex I activity, reducing hepatic gluconeogenesis and oxidative stress.
Thiazolidinediones (TZDs): Activate PPAR-γ, promoting mitochondrial biogenesis and improving insulin sensitivity.
Mitochondria-targeted Antioxidants: Agents like MitoQ, SkQ1, and SS-31 reduce mitochondrial ROS, preventing oxidative damage and preserving mitochondrial function.
3. Nutritional and Metabolic Interventions
Ketogenic and Low-Carb Diets: Enhance mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation, reducing lipid accumulation and improving metabolic flexibility.
Intermittent Fasting: Induces mitochondrial biogenesis and autophagy, improving metabolic homeostasis.
Nutraceuticals: Coenzyme Q10, resveratrol, and nicotinamide riboside (NR) enhance mitochondrial function and energy metabolism.
4. Emerging Gene and Cellular Therapies
Gene Therapy: Targeted upregulation of PGC-1α and TFAM to restore mitochondrial function.
Mitochondrial Transplantation: Direct transfer of healthy mitochondria to replace dysfunctional ones, an emerging frontier in metabolic disease management.
Mitochondrial dysfunction is a central determinant in the pathogenesis of T2DM, affecting insulin signaling, glucose metabolism, and lipid homeostasis. Targeting mitochondrial pathways through exercise, pharmacological agents, dietary modifications, and emerging gene therapies offers promising avenues for improving metabolic health in T2DM. 
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mousumikhatun · 2 months ago
International Disarmament And Non-Proliferation Awareness Day: Significant Role
What Is Disarmament And Non-proliferation
According to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), disarmament involves eliminating all Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and reducing armed forces and conventional weapons in a balanced way.
This approach aims to ensure that all parties maintain their security while promoting stability with lower military forces. Non-proliferation focuses on limiting the production and spread of nuclear and chemical weapons, preventing them from falling into the hands of non-state actors and rogue states.
Why Is Disarmament And Non-Proliferation Awareness Day Important?
This observance holds immense significance in the realm of international relations and security. With the proliferation of nuclear weapons posing a grave threat to humanity, raising awareness about disarmament initiatives is crucial for fostering dialogue, cooperation, and collective action towards a safer world.
Significance Of International Day For Disarmament And Non-proliferation Awareness
The International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness reminds us of the ongoing threat posed by weapons of mass destruction.
It serves as a platform for global action and promotes international cooperation on disarmament and non-proliferation efforts.
By raising awareness and promoting dialogue, this day helps build a safer world for everyone.
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jilyandbambi · 2 years ago
As a History nerd, I really fucking enjoyed it too. The Manhattan Project is, objectively, one of the most incredible stories to come out of 20th century history, and involves some of the most fascinating, larger than life figures. I'm just impressed at how Nolan was able to fit it all into a cohesive narrative.
I don't really have much to add to OP's post. Just, Oppenheimer was great and told a really complicated story about a complicated man in a complicated time in a way that was honest and nuanced, without sugar coating the moral impact (in my opinion, as someone who has studied the time period and knows the whole historical nitty-gritty re: Oppenheimer & the Manhattan Project)
I really liked Oppenheimer. I know it's not for everyone, but as someone who is interested in STEM and STEM history, especially pertaining to physics, this movie pushed all of the right buttons for me. I think it did a good job at showing just how flawed and utterly human many of these mythologized historical figures were in real life, and how the Manhattan Project was riddled with internal and external political factors from even before its conception.
I also appreciated just how utterly fucking powerful and eldritch they made the bomb. Obviously a significant portion of the movie is dedicated to the creation of the bomb, but it's often sort of a looming figure in the background. It's the increasing number of marbles in the jar, it's the steady theoretical and experimental progress, it's the dropping of dates for those who know the historical timeline of events. And when it's finally revealed, it's Fucking Terrifying. You pretty much never see the full mushroom cloud in frame; it's always a small portion of it or the flash of light shining on our characters. And the sinking feeling you get when the screen is lit up and you just know, you're anticipating that deafening blast from the shockwave because sound travels slower than light. And you feel guilty in a way because you have the privilege of knowing what's coming, while in your mind you know the victims of such devices had no idea before they were either vaporized on the spot or severly traumatized. It conveys so well the perspective of the scientists on the project, that you've challenged god and, although maybe not surpassing it, made something equally as terrifying.
Character-wise, I don't really have much to say. I do like that the latter third of the movie slowed down a lot to focus on the accusations made against Oppenheimer, which helped to flesh out a range of characters who were sort of just set pieces to Oppenheimer himself before the interviews. And despite my previous statement about breaking down the idolization of historical figures, I was indeed excited like a Marvel fan whenever one of my physics blorbos showed up on screen. "Holy shit it's Niels Bohr!!" "omg Edward Lorentz my scrunkly wunkly!!!" "ITS BONGO GUY OMG BONGO GUY I KNOW HIM" like yeah a lot of them turned out to be Not Great People in their personal lives but I can acknowledge that while also geeking out at their recognition in mainstream media.
All in all, very good movie. I intend to watch it with my mom when I get the chance.
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