#Noin fanart
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tasoiano · 1 year ago
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Zechs and Noin | ノイン ゼクス ⚜️🥀
The couple of my heart and my fav Gundam characters 🌟
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jaahasjaahas · 2 years ago
Oon sit aika uus tämmöselle postaamiselle, kun itellä on semmonen varmaan ihan suht terveelinen pelko digitaalisesta jalanjäljestä, mutta aattelin nyt kuitenkin julkasta tän mun viimeisimmän töherryksen jos joku siitä jotakin iloa sais
Luin siis tuntemattoman tässä muutama viikko takaperin ja siitä asti oon ollu täysin obsessoitunut ja tää on vähän sen tuotos. Mä tiedän että se on verisynti etten tälleen suomalaisena oo koskaan nähny ees niitä elokuvia ennen tätä, mut antakaa anteeksi mä oon vähän tämmönen sivistymätön.
Tää voi olla mun rauhanuhri :)
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tosta kohdasta isnpiroituneena mulla tuli niin semmon selvä mielikuva (varsinkin lehdon malliposeerauksesta) että päätin sit piirtää sen. Nauttikaa siis..
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(Tässä vielä ilman värejä)
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yurimultiship · 1 year ago
I was looking for a beautiful Gundam Wing fanart I remembered of Dorothy curling her finger around Relena's hair and was able to find it back!
And while searching on pixiv, I found an unexpected ship with this Dorothy/Noin yuri comic! It's fun to be surprised with fanworks of ships you wouldn't have expected to find.
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church-of-lemons · 2 years ago
[ART] Gundam Wing Couples (Wufei x Sally, Zechs x Noin)
@darksharinganz does it again! And again…. 🎉🎉🎉
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thisweekingundamwing · 6 months ago
This Week in Gundam Wing 25-31 August 2024
Here’s the roundup for August 25th - August 31st, 2024!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make this next week!
~Mod Hel
Tainted Sleep https://janaverse.tumblr.com/post/760346843437760512/tainted-sleep-it-was-inevitable-heero-supposed
Sims Universe, Heero Yuy, drabble, NSFW
it was inevitable, heero supposed, that he would have a sexual dream that night.
Arts/Crafts/Photo Manips:
Old Manga Magazine cover, official art
GW Pilots ad D&D characters, fanart
WuFei Chang, fanart
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Noin, gifset
Zechs Merquise, gifset
More Zechs and some trivia.
Trowa(Triton) Barton(Bloom), gifset
Duo Maxwell, Hilde Schbeiker, gifset
Fandom Discourse:
Wing rocks.
Prompt List!
I’ma do it y’all... just wait for it. Marvel Crossover idea with WinterHawk in Heavyarms and Deathscythe.
Sally & WuFei
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompts for Friday, September 6th: https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/760328389280317440/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday
In need of prompts!
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/730188053636841472/updated-events-calendar
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
GW Holiday Gift Exchange 2024
Sign-ups OPEN: https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/760398363123384320/hey-gundam-wingers-the-gundam-wing-holiday-gift
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kholran · 1 year ago
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged by @lucientelrunya Thank you friend!
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
Oh gosh it's been so long since I was a teenager. And there have been so many. It's less that I don't care and more that just, the obsession has faded and I don't actively ship them any more. Most of my old ships, I do still like, and under the right circumstances, I might be able to spark an interest again. Let's see, some things I was really into as a teenager...Buffy/Angel...Kunzite/Zoicite (Sailor Moon)...Zechs/Noin (Gundam Wing)...probably more, but those are the ones that stick out as being like super-ships for me.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Mulder/Scully. I shipped them before I even knew what shipping was.
3. Your first fanfic was about which couple?
That I wrote? And actually published somewhere? ExR Les Mis fic.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
Not really but it was probably something from Sailor Moon.
5. Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Nah, ship and let ship.
6. Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
I have had them before and I have them now. In the interest of not hating on things I know other people like, I won't name them.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
I read a Gong Shangjue/Gong Yuanzhi drabble while I was scrolling on tumblr yesterday. It's not really one of my current ships but it was a good little drabble!
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
RiSang my beloved!
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
I've been thinking about this question since I read through @lucientelrunya's answers, because I KNOW I had one but now I can't for the life of me remember what it was. Like these two people were so perfect for each other and it didn't happen and I remember being livid about it, but I guess I've since blocked it from my memory.
Also, not really "not getting together" but I'm mad that John Grey/Percy Wainright didn't get BACK together in Outlander. :|
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Nothing I can think of off the top of my head.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
I guess some of my ships from The Fandom Which Must Not Be Named would fit. Author sucks, but I do still like the characters/ship.
12. What is your favorite crack ship?
Changheng/Dongfang Xunfeng (LBFAD). Don't ask. I think I'm the only one here. It came to me in a dream once and now I kind of ship it.
13. What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Uhhhh...I'd say probably Zechs/Noin from Gundam Wing. I read a LOT of GW fanfic back in the day. Like. A Lot. Like everything that existed on ff.n with that pairing. Because we didn't have AO3 back then. Weilan (Guardian) is probably a close second.
14. What do most of your ships usually have in common?
ANGST. Seriously I'm not sure what it is but I have had a ton of immortal/mortal ships, which will, in most cases, inevitably end in tears.
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship?
Lack of communication. The number of times I've actually yelled at my screen because of relationship drama that could have easily been avoided by having one simple conversation is...too high to count.
I tag: @merinnan @amidalogicdive @hils79 aand whoever else wants to play.
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nanjokei · 2 years ago
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fascinated by these tags that i got on my juli bday fanart, the way this person seemingly killed off dez in their mind completely
also... noin getting called a good boy (indirectly at least), hit a nerve.... i dont think that guy can ever be a "good" anything. rotten to the core
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aultaine · 3 years ago
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Noin and Zechs
© 2020 aa
| Links in bio |
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gwlemonyshenanigans · 3 years ago
Lemony Shenanigans 2022 Banner
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Everyone have a look at the amazing banner for this year’s event, made by the super talented @keiko1183 !
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bridgebunnie · 2 years ago
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Some of my favorite Gundam AU Girls fromt he AUs I've watched so far!
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alphaikaros · 3 years ago
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Zechs and Noin
Full image:
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avaantares · 3 years ago
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After six months of keeping this under wraps, I can finally share it! This piece was my contribution to @gundamzine's East of the Sun, West of the Moon -- a two-volume Gundam W zine with the theme of fairy tales and mythology. It was released into the wild yesterday!
I don't think I need to explain the symbolism, but it's worth noting that the concept's first incarnation was actually a mythological-pantheon AU fic that I had to shelve because I had several writing projects with close submission deadlines. Maybe I'll finish it some day...
The medium is Copic marker on 10" x 14" Bristol board. I did have to do some digital touch-ups after an overhead light was shaken loose when I had some roof decking replaced, and of course it fell on my art table and damaged the paper (what are the odds??). Despite the damage, the original will probably end up on my wall because I'm pleased with how it came out. (Also there is just precious little art of my OTP out there, so I have to hang up my own.)
Fun fact that reveals just how much of a nerd I am: The swirly bits at the upper corners are based on their Cinq Kingdom lapel designs. 😁
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church-of-lemons · 2 years ago
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Last call for our Annual Church of Lemons Event! Feb 14-Mar 1!
Pledge your smutty OTP fanworks!
Check out our carrd for more info: churchoflemons.com
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lemontrash · 4 years ago
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more of the images i created for the Gundam Wing Art Party discord September prompt. :)
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animethingsandstuff · 5 years ago
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2019まとめ by むうたろ
Posted with permission. Please do not remove credits.
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alphaikaros · 4 years ago
Sally Po and Chang Wufei
Lucrezia Noin and Zechs Merquise
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