#Noel Ortega
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ihkostwrttemberg · 2 months ago
Wie eine gemeinnützige Organisation Fußballspielern hilft, ihr Leben zu verändern
Für die South Los Angeles Legends, eine Fußballmannschaft bestehend aus 11- und 12-jährigen Mädchen, von denen viele in marginalisierten Gemeinschaften aufwuchsen, gab es jede Woche Widrigkeiten. „Wir haben versucht, uns in einem Pay-to-Play-System zurechtzufinden, das unsere Community im Grunde überfordert hat“, sagte LaShon Wooldridge, Teammanagerin und alleinerziehende Mutter ihres…
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felyatepa · 10 months ago
Spoilers for Workin' Boys
So, I've seen people point out the back of the brochure in Workin' Boys having Blinky's Watch Party
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but I looked closer at each text block and did my best to decipher the blurry text (key word being tried) and while I'm not 100% on all of it, here's what I got.
The Barbeque Monologues
The Tony award winning musical serves up a well done tale of one typical American suburb. When folks gather around the grill, they share so much more than a dog and a cold one. Secrets, obsession, dreams and betrayal, these are the entrees at this barbeque.
Blinky's Watch Party
A musical extravaganza through Drowzytown! It will be oh so wonderful to see you again, Bill! Yes, Bill. I'm talking to you. Don't bother showing this to Ted. No one will be able to see it. But I can see you, Bill. I've been watching you, with Nine-Hundred and Ninety Nine Eyes. One short, thanks to your little brat. It's time I paid you back, Bill. What's the expression? "An eye for an eye." Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Mamma Mia!
A terrible show about sad women singing ABBA. A truly miserable experience, I can't stress that enough. This show will make you hate ABBA as well as all musicals. You'll never want to listen to ABBA's two good songs ever again. Beware, friend. Beware. Abandon all hope ye who enter here.
Santa Claus is Going to High School!
Based on the Razzie award winning film by Kenny Ortega, this yuletide musical sees ol' Saint Nick trading in his sleigh and reindeer for a letterman's jacket! When Chris Kringle enrolls in Northville High School, he'll have to rekindle the holiday spirit in bad girl Noel, save Christmas from the cold-hearted Jacqueline Frost, and somehow get to class on time!
sorry if someone's done this already and I just haven't seen it!
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moestadeferias · 20 days ago
O incrível banco de referências de Sabrina Carpenter.
Olá, Vizinhança. 
Você não acha lindo quando um artista sabe colocar partes dele, as que foram construídas por outros artistas, em sua arte? Se existe alguém, hoje, na indústria do entretenimento que sabe usar e abusar de referências, esse alguém é a mais nova queridinha da música pop. Sabrina Carpenter, que já tem uma década na indústria fonográfica, conquistou e reconquistou diversos ouvintes com seu sexto álbum de estúdio, Short N Sweet, que lhe rendeu duas estatuetas no Grammy, de best pop vocal album e best solo pop performance. Juntamente com o estouro do albúm, Sabrina construiu sua imagem para a grande massa de maneira impecável, todo novo conteúdo sobre a loira da vez é cheia de um glamour bem pensado e referências que contam a seus fãs mais e mais de sua personalidade brincalhona e sagaz. O texto de hoje é sobre algumas de suas referências ao mundo do audiovisual. 
I Might Let You Make Me Juno. 
Juno, décima música do Short N Sweet, ganha seu nome graças ao filme de 2007, dirigido por Jason Reitman e protagonizado por Elliot Page e Michael Cera. Se você conhece o filme, mas não a música, já pode imaginar do que Sabrina está falando. Juno também é a deusa da fertilidade na mitologia romana, fato que Sabrina assume não saber enquanto escrevia o álbum. A faixa virou um momento marcante da turnê por sua linha Have you ever tried this one, onde Sabrina corre para o centro do palco e imita uma possição sexual diferente todas as noites.
Já é dia vinte e cinco de dezembro? 
Uma de minhas coisas favoritas na carreira de Sabrina são suas músicas de natal, e nem mesmo elas podem correr de suas referências geniosas. Seu EP Fruitcake conta com a faixa Cindy Lou Who, que, segundo as más línguas, seria sobre Camila Cabello. Se o nome Cindy Lou Who não te é familiar, coitada de sua versão criança, o que você costumava assistir no natal?, eu explico: ela é a garotinha que tenta procurar pelo papai noel em O Grinch. A versão de 1999 conta com Jim Carrey e Taylor Momsen nos papéis principais.
Beijar Jenna Ortega é um ótimo trabalho. 
O clipe de Taste, estrelado por Jenna Ortega, outra nova queridinha da indústria, e Rohan Campbell, de quem sou muito fã, traz diversas referências do mundo do audiovisual. Majoritariamente inspirado em A morte lhe cai bem, de 1992, sua história é centrada em Jenna e Sabrina se matando diversas vezes por causa de Rohan. Além de A morte lhe cai bem, podemos apontar referências a Possuída, Kill Bill, Scream 6, o massacre da serra elétrica e outros. A escolha de Jenna, que está sendo a cara da nova era do humor negro, foi nada além de inteligente. O clipe rendeu um grande debate na internet, acerca do beijo que as duas trocam durante a linha I heard you're back together and if that's true, You'll just have to taste me when he's kissin' you e mostrou para muitos a capacidade de Sabrina e sua equipe ao criarem uma história com tantas boas menções. 
Legalmente loiras, e advogadas. 
Em Sue me, lançada em 2018, Sabrina vive seu momento Elle Woods. A faixa fala sobre superar um término e como seu ex namorado pode a processar por estar vivendo bem, se divertindo e sendo gentil. Seu clipe, cheio de tons de rosa e clichês retirados das comédias românticas dos anos 2000, coloca Sabrina no papel de estudante de direito, cantando em uma sala de aula, uma biblioteca e, no final, em um julgamento.  
O guarda roupa. 
Suas referências a acompanham também em forma de peças de roupa. Para a W Magazine, durante as promoções do seu ensaio para Skims, nossa loira favorita revela que busca por fotos de ícones como Jane Birkin, Brigitte Bardot e Dolly Parton para escolher seus próprios looks que, nesta última era, tiveram, e continuam tendo, a cara dos anos 60. Para além do biquíni adorável de Please, Please, Please, da maquiagem estilo bonequinha e do cabelo estilizado como o de uma estrela de Hollywood, temos também os filmes e séries favoritos de Sabrina brilhando em seu guarda roupa. Seu vestido de aniversário no último ano foi inspirado no tão famoso vestido amarelo de Andie Anderson em Como perder um homem em dez dias, seu vestido para o Grammy foi inspirado em A senhora e seus maridos, em dezembro ela foi fotografada usando um vestido inspirado no episódio piloto de The Nanny, não sendo essa a única vez que o seriado de 1993 fez aparição no guarda roupa de Sabrina.
Esses são apenas alguns dos muitos casos onde Carpenter deixou que seus gostos pessoais cruzassem com sua arte. Temos também momentos como no Ally Coalition´s 10th annual talent show, onde Sabrina, usando um conjunto de uma coleção pensada na personagem Charlotte York, de Sex and The City, fez uma aparição surpresa, sua performance no Grammy sendo inspirada por Goldie Hawn, estrela de A morte lhe cai bem, em Seesaw ou as cenas similares as do longa Brilho Eterno de uma Mente sem lembraças no clipe de Skin, protagonizado por Gavin Leatherwood e dirigido por Jason Lester. Sabrina tem a versão deluxe de Short N Sweet com data de lançamento marcada para dia 14 de fevereiro, com músicas muito esperadas pelos fãs, como Busy Woman, e podemos aguardar mais de suas menções ao audiovisual.
Beijos, Mo.
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acclaimedhq · 1 year ago
We've decided that we'll be opening today @ 3pm EST for interactions! In the meantime, why not come join us? We allow you to pick up four roles to begin with, we do interest checks every week (with one activity check a month) to create a relaxed atmosphere for those of us with busy lives and we have so many fun things planned.
Some of our most wanted right now include: Harry Styles, Chris Evans, Charlie Heaton, Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, Roman Reigns, Travis Kelce, Selena Gomez, Jade Thirlwall, Nick Jonas, Sophie Turner, Jon Moxley, Becky Lynch, Bayley, Charlotte Flair, Patrick Mahomes, Sidney Crosby, Britt Baker, Jenna Ortega, Margot Robbie, John Boyega, Noel Fisher, Cameron Monaghan, Madelaine Petsch, Tom Holland, Sydney Sweeney, Niall Horan, Camila Mendes, Florence Pugh and that's only a few!
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shannoneichorn · 3 months ago
Rights of Use Dream Cast
I got asked this morning about fan casting for Rights of Use, and I wanted to share.
Sarah Anderson, Maggie Rockefeller, Lauren - pick new actors. Give someone a break.
Speaker Andrew Rockefeller - Anson Mount (Pike on Strange New Worlds. Yes, I know it's lazy casting, but he'll do great. Right fatherly protective vibes.)
Senator Charles Stokley - Bernie Sanders but less frail -- Brent Spiner or Michael Dorn? I pictured someone wrinklier... Maybe Carmen Argenziano (while we're dreaming. See note on Cliff Simon.)
Colonel Renee Marshall - Amanda Tapping would be cool, though not at all who I had in mind.
Major Jo Patrick - (Aside from someone on the Cleveland Cocoction staff who would be perfect) Rebecca Romijin (Una on Strange New Worlds) (Tawny Newsome as back up choice, mostly because I'm having trouble giving her an Irish last name.)
Lt. Kyle Fairfeld - Anton Yelchin (Checkov in Star Trek 2009 - Dreaming here. See note on Cliff Simon.)
General Marshall/Kitchell - Richard Dean Anderson
Katorin/Setira - Mary Wiseman (Tilly on Discovery. Sure, she's way too young, so digitally age her up. It's fine. She's got the right energy. She's perfect.)
Cube Head - Jack Quaid (Boimler on Lower Decks/Strange New Worlds)
Benny-J - Eric Bana (Nero in Star Trek 2009)
Green Flame - Cliff Simon (Ba'al on Stargate SG-1--Look, none of this is happening, so there's no harm in picking amazing actors who died too young.)
Neith - younger Tilda Swinton, Emma Corrin (Cassandra in Deadpool and Wolverine)
Doppelganger and Serket - I'm really tempted to say Delia Rose Gooding, because she was such a fantastically menacing character in one of the altered-personality episodes of SNW, but this book is so white on the good guy side, I am not comfortable with POC actors for the bad guys who die in the end.
Amazing actors this book doesn't have roles for, but I'll keep in mind for future fan casts:
Tawny Newsome (Beckett Mariner on Lower Decks/Strange New Worlds)
Melissa Navia (Ortegas on Strange New Worlds)
Bonnie Gorton (computer in Prodigy/filk singer)
Noel Wells (Tendi on Lower Decks)(Actually, she might make a nice Sarah, though I didn't show Sarah quite this excitable.)
Delia Rose Gooding (Uhura on Strange New Worlds - what a phenomenal actor!)
Jordan Ifueko (Okay, this is the author of the amazing fantasy book Raybearer, and I've seen her reels as her characters. You can't tell me she wouldn't be an incredible actress...if she had the time for it.)
Sonequa Martin-Green (Michael Burnham on Discovery)
Babs Olusanmokun (Dr. M'Benga on Strange New Worlds)
Carol Kane (Pelia on Strange New Worlds) (Yes, I'm just going down the cast list and picking actors/characters I didn't get enough of.
Gia Sandhu (T'Pring on Strange New Worlds)
Gary Jones (Walter Harriman in SG-1)
Claudia Black (Vala Mal Doran in SG-1. Look, I've got a lot of women to staff in this series.)
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goalhofer · 5 months ago
2024 olympics Mexico roster
Matías Grande (Ciudad Mexico)
Bruno Martínez (Ciudad Mexico)
Carlos Rojas (Ciudad Mexico)
Ángela Ruiz (Saltillo)
Alejandra Valencia (Hermosillo)
Ana Vázquez (Ramos Arizpe)
José Doctor (Ciudad Mexico)
Ricardo Ortiz (Ciudad Mexico)
Jesús López (Hermosillo)
Noel Chama (Chipata)
Ever Palma (Zitácuaro)
Uziel Muñoz (Nuevos Casas Grandes)
Edgar Rivera (Ciudad Agua Prieta)
Erick Portillo (Cuauhtémoc)
Diego Del Real (Monterrey)
Alma Cortés (Monterrey)
Citlali Cristian (San Juan De Los Lagos)
Cecilia Tamayo (León De Los Aldama)
Paola Morán (Guadalajara)
Laura Galván (La Sauceda)
Margarita Hernández (Toluca De Lerdo)
Alegna González (Ojinaga)
Ilse Guerrero (Guadalupe)
Alejandra Ortega (Ciudad Mexico)
Luis Garrido (Monterrey)
Miguel Martínez (El Salto)
Marco Verde (Mazatlán)
Fátima Herrera (San Luis Potosí)
Citlalli Ortiz (Mexicali)
Sofía Reinoso (Tlapacoyan)
Karina Alanís (Monterrey)
Beatriz Briones (Tijuana)
Ricardo Peña (La Paz)
Adair Gutierrez (Rincón De Romos)
Erika Rodríguez (Guadalajara)
Marcela Prieto (Aguascalientes)
Luz Gaxiola (Culiacán Rosales)
Yuli Verdugo (La Paz)
Jessica Salazar (Guadalajara)
Victoria Velasco (Monterrey)
Kevin Muñoz (León)
Osmar Olvera (Ciudad Mexico)
Juan Celaya (San Nicolás De Los Garza)
Kevin Berlín (Heroica Veracruz)
Randal Willars (Ciudad Mexico)
Alejandra Estudillo (Ixtacomitán)
Aranza Vázquez (La Paz)
Gabriela Agúndez (La Paz)
Alejandra Orozco (Zapopan)
Federico Fernández (Nopalucan)
Eugenio Garza (Monterrey)
Andrés Azcárraga (Ciudad Mexico)
Carlos Hank III (Ciudad Mexico)
Gibrán Zea (Ciudad Mexico)
Carlos Ortiz (Dallas, Texas)
Abe Ancer (San Antonio, Texas)
Maria López (Ciudad Mexico)
María Fassi (Pachuca)
Natalia Escalera (Ensenada)
Alexa Moreno (Mexicali)
Ahtziri Sandoval (Guadalajara)
Dalia Alcocer (Mérida)
Ana Flores (Saltillo)
Julia Gutierrez (Mérida)
Kimberley Salazar (Xalapa-Enríquez)
Adirem Tejada (Mérida)
Paulina Martínez (Guadalajara)
Prisca Awiti (London, U.K.)
Duilio Carrillo (Guadalajara)
Emiliano Hernández (Cuernavaca)
Mariana Arceo (Guadalajara)
Mayan Oliver (Cuautitlán)
Miguel Carballo (Ciudad Mexico)
Alex López (San Felipe)
Kenia Lechuga (Santiago)
Mariana Aguilar (Ciudad Mexico)
Elena Oetling (Chapala)
Carlos Quezada (Ciudad Mexico)
Edson Ramírez (Ciudad Victoria)
Goretti Zumaya (Salamanca)
Alejandra Zavala (Guadalajara)
Gabriela Rodríguez (Monterrey)
Alan Cleland; Jr. (Boca De Pascuales)
Jorge Iga (San Luis Potosí)
Paulo Strehlke (Cuernavaca)
Gabriel Castaño (Monterrey)
Miguel De Lara (Ciudad Torreón)
Regina Alférez (Ciudad Mexico)
Marla Arellano (Ciudad Mexico)
Itzamary González (Ciudad Mexico)
Luisa Rodríguez (Ciudad Mexico)
Jessica Sobrino (Houston, Texas)
Pamela Toscano (Ciudad Mexico)
Nuria Diosdado (Guadalajara)
Joana Jiménez (Ecatepec De Morelos)
Celia Pulido (Guanajuato)
Martha Gustafson (Toronto, Ontario)
Table tennis
Marcos Madrid (Heroica Puebla De Zaragoza)
Arantxa Cossío (Tototlan)
Carlos Sansores (Chetumal)
Daniela Souza (Tijuana)
Aram Peñaflor (Toluco De Lerdo)
Crisanto Grajales (Xalapa-Enríquez)
Rosa Tapia (Ciudad Mexico)
Lizeth Rueda (Guadalajara)
Janeth Gómez (Guadalajara)
Roman Bravo-Young (Tucson, Arizona)
Austin Gomez (Bloomingdale Township, Illinois)
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acapulcopress · 1 year ago
141 aspirantes a legisladores federales renuncian a sus apoyos económicos
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CIUDAD DE MÉXICO * 5 de marzo, 2024. ) Apro Diputadas y diputados que participarán en la elección consecutiva manifestaron su renuncia voluntaria a apoyos económicos, informó la Cámara Baja en un comunicado. La Mesa Directiva informó que 141 legisladores federales que participarán en la elección consecutiva en el proceso electoral 2023-2024 manifestaron su renuncia voluntaria a los apoyos económicos a que tienen derecho. Estos apoyos consisten en asistencia legislativa, atención ciudadana, casa enlace, transporte y hospedaje y tarjeta Viapass para peaje, y dejarán de contar por ellos por el periodo que comprende del 1 de marzo al 2 de junio. De la cifra total, 45 son de Morena, 47 del PAN, 29 del PRI, 19 del PT y uno del PRD. Estos son los legisladores que expresaron su deseo de renunciar a los apoyos: Morena César Agustín Hernández Pérez, Carol Antonio Altamirano, Reyna Celeste Ascencio Ortega, Ana Elizabeth Ayala Leyva, Manuel de Jesús Baldenebro Arredondo, Rocío Natalí Barrera Puc, Juan Ángel Bautista Bravo, María del Carmen Bautista Pelaéz, Bruno Blancas Mercado, Francisco Javier Borrego Adame, Héctor Armando Cabada Alvidrez, Óscar Cantón Zetina, Olegaria Carrazco Macías, Mario Miguel Carrillo Cubillas, Alejandro Carvajal Hidalgo, Favio Castellanos Polanco, Olga Leticia Chávez Rojas, Armando Contreras Castillo, Armando Corona Arvizu, Roberto Ángel Domínguez Rodríguez, Olga Juliana Elizondo Guerra, Leonel Godoy Rangel, Juanita Guerra Mena, Rosa Hernández Espejo, Arturo Roberto Hernández Tapia, Mónica Herrera Villavicencio, Irma Juan Carlos, Mayra Alicia Mendoza Álvarez, Moisés Ignacio Mier Velazco, Evangelina Moreno Guerra, Julio Cesar Moreno Rivera, Blanca Araceli Narro Panameño, Araceli Ocampo Manzanares, Pedro David Ortega Fonseca, Jaime Humberto Pérez Bernabe, Sonia Rincon Chanona, Carlos Sánchez Barrios, Azael Santiago Chepi, Paola Tenorio Adame, Teresita de Jesús Vargas Meraz, Manuel Vázquez Arellano, Julieta Kristal Vences Valencia, Dulce María Corina Villegas Guarneros, Merary Villegas Sánchez y Joaquín Zebadúa Alva. PAN Marco Humberto Aguilar Coronado, Laura Patricia Ahedo Bárcenas, Salvador Alcántar Ortega, Marco Antonio Almendariz Puppo, Daniela Soraya Álvarez Hernández, Ana Teresa Aranda Orozco, Itzel Josefina Balderas Hernández, Ana María Balderas Trejo, Carolina Beauregard Martínez, María Teresa Castell de Oro Palacios, Román Cifuentes Negrete, Erika de los Ángeles Díaz Villalón, Yesenia Galarza Castro, María Josefina Gamboa Torales, Pedro Garza Treviño, Mariana Gómez del Campo Gurza, Carmen Rocío González Alonso, Karla Verónica González Cruz, Diana Estefanía Gutiérrez Valtierra, Genoveva Huerta Villegas, Jorge Ernesto Inzunza Armas, Julia Licet Jiménez Angulo, Berenice Juárez Navarrete, Diana María Teresa Lara Carreón, José Elías Lixa Abimerhi, Noemí Berenice Luna Ayala, Gustavo Macías Zambrano, Esther Mandujano Tinajero, Noel Mata Atilano, Miguel Ángel Monraz Ibarra, Sarai Núñez Cerón, Ali Sayuri Núñez Meneses, María Elena Pérez-Jaén Zermeño, Gabriel Ricardo Quadri de la Torre, Éctor Jaime Ramírez Barba, Sonia Rocha Acosta, Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, Martha Estela Romo Cuéllar, Paulina Rubio Fernández, Ana Laura Sánchez Velázquez, Rodrigo Sánchez Zepeda, Luis Gerardo Serrato Castell, Armando Tejeda Cid, Héctor Saúl Téllez Hernández, Fernando Torres Graciano, Roberto Valenzuela Corral y Margarita Ester Zavala Gómez del Campo. PRI Norma Angélica Aceves García, Yeimi Yazmín Aguilar Cifuentes, María de Jesús Aguirre Maldonado, Pablo Guillermo Angulo Briceño, Karla Ayala Villalobos, Frinné Azuara Yarzábal, Sue Ellen Bernal Bolnik, Jaime Bueno Zertuche, María del Refugio Camarena Jáuregui, Adriana Campos Huirache, Alma Patricia Cardona Ortiz, Eufrosina Cruz Mendoza, Carolina Dávila Ramírez, Juan Francisco Espinoza Eguia, Xavier González Zirión, Marcela Guerra Castillo, Fuensanta Guadalupe Guerrero Esquivel, Johana Montcerrat Hernández Pérez, Ana Lilia Herrera Anzaldo, Jazmín Jaimes Albarrán, Roberto Carlos López García, Tereso Medina Ramírez, Rubén Ignacio Moreira Valdez, Rafael Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, Mariana Erandi Nassar Piñeyro, Lorena Piñón Rivera, María Elena Serrano Maldonado, Maribel Guadalupe Villaseñor Dávila y Cynthia Iliana López Castro. PT Lilia Aguilar Gil, José Alejandro Aguilar López, Mary Carmen Bernal Martínez, Francisco Amadeo Espinosa Ramos, Alfredo Femat Bañuelos, José Gerardo Rodolfo Fernández Noroña, Irma Yordana Garay Loredo, Margarita García García, Jesús Fernando García Hernández, Maribel Martínez Ruiz, Luis Enrique Martínez Ventura, Brígido Ramiro Moreno Hernández, Magdalena del Socorro Núñez Monreal, Jorge Armando Ortiz Rodríguez, Ángel Benjamín Robles Montoya, Ana Karina Rojo Pimentel, María de Jesús Rosete Sánchez, Reginaldo Sandoval Flores y Dionicia Vázquez García. PRD Francisco Javier Huacus Esquivel. ] Síguenos en facebook.com/acapulcopress.news ) Síguenos en facebook.com/angelblanco.press ] Síguenos en ) acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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brilliber · 1 year ago
¿Te imaginas que un hombre disfrazado de Papá Noel entra en tu casa y empieza a disparar e incendiar a tu familia? Eso es lo que le pasó a los Ortega, una familia de California que fue víctima de una venganza sangrienta en la noche del 24 de diciembre de 2008. En este vídeo, te contamos la escalofriante historia de Bruce Pardo, el hombre que se convirtió en el “Santa Claus asesino”.
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gamerbulten · 1 year ago
Batman ailesi, Urban Legends #10'da kendi Dickens Noel Şarkısı'nı canlandırıyor Nightwing, Batman'da Gotham tarzı bir N...
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juarezesdeporte · 2 years ago
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San Salvador.- Alejandra Ortega se agenció la medalla de oro en los 20 kilómetros con un tiempo de 1:35:43 por arriba de las representantes de Centro Caribe Sports, María Peinado y Maritza Poncio, que detuvieron el crono en 1:35:59 y 1:36:25, respectivamente
La mexicana Valeria Ortuño se ubicó quinta con un tiempo de 1:38:47, en los JCC de San Salvador.
En la rama varonil el mexicano José Doctor se llevó la presea dorada con 1:22:35 sobre el colombiano César Herrera, quien registró 1:22:37. México hizo el 1-3 con el tricolor Noel Chama, que se colgó el bronce com 1:23:09.
En el medio maratón femenil, la mexicana Margarita Hernández se quedó con la medalla de plata con 1:15:10, a 6 centésimas del primer lugar de la venezolana Jocelyn Brea. El bronce fue para la colombiana Angie Orjuela con 1:15:19. Y la tricolor Isabel Oropeza se ubicó cuarta.
Y el mexicano Juan Luis Barrios se subió al podio con el bronce y registró 1:05:13. La prueba fue dominada por Alberto González, de Centro Caribe Sports, con 1:03:50. El colombiano José González se quedó en el segundo lugar con 1:04:23.
Hoy dieron comienzo las pruebas de atletismo, donde México tiene 37 emisarios. Al momento la delegación mexicana ocupa el primer lugar del medallero en los Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe San Salvador 2023.
(Yarek Gayosso-Agencia Reforma)
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atletasudando · 2 years ago
Medalla para el colombiano Herrera en marcha, en los Centroamericanos
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El marchista colombiano César Herrera logró la medalla de plata de los 20 km., al completarse este domingo 2 de julio la jornada inaugural del atletismo en los 24° Juegos Deportivos Centroamericanos y del Caribe, en San Salvador. Herrera marcó 1:22:37 y escoltó al mexicano José Doctor (1:22:35), quedando el bronce para Noel Chama, también mexicano, con 1:23:09. EL otro atleta colombiano, Manuel Soto, fue cuarto con 1:25:28, un puesto por delante dle panameño Yassir Cabrera (1:27:07). Vencedor en esta temporada del Nacional de Colombia y de la Copa Panamericana de Marcha en Managua, Herrera viene de conseguir su mejor registro personal de 1:22:07 en el GP Cantones de La Coruña, en España. Para el equipo mexicano, la de este domingo fue una gran jornada, ya que en damas se impuso su representante Alejandra Ortega con 1:35:43, seguida por las guatemaltecas María Peinado con 135:59 y Maritza Poncio con 1:36:25. La colombiana Laura Chalarca fue 6a. con 1:41:30 y luego llegaron las venezolanas Milángela Rosales con 1:45:49 y Natalia Alfonzo con 1:46:13. Las pruebas de marcha se realizaron en un circuito urbano de la capital salvadoreña y complementaron esta jornada iniciada con el medio maratón, donde sobresalió el triunfo de la venezolana Joselyn Brea en damas. Read the full article
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rebestie4life · 2 years ago
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Ethan Cutkosky & Jenna Ortega random icons
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byteenspirit · 3 years ago
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Salut à tous !
À l’occasion du changement de design de WILD MYSTERY, j’en profite pour vous partager l’ensemble des bannières que j’ai pu faire pour le forum, qui fêtera ses 1 an le 26 décembre ! N’hésitez pas à aller y faire un petit tour, on vient de lancer pour la seconde fois le Grand Prix de Rhode :3
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generaldavila · 3 years ago
Amancio Ortega No sé cómo es en las distancias cortas, que más bien parece un icono económico, pero jamás olvidó su pequeño negocio. Le vi en esa lejanía, como a otro cualquiera, sin el fulgor de los que no se bajan del coche ni del caballo hasta que no les abren las puertas o les dan la mano servil. Él sirve. Sabemos lo que ha hecho. Es más que suficiente. Cuentan que es un señor muy normal, muy…
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kulturado · 4 years ago
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The Story: No, Really, Are We Rome?
The Writer: Cullen Murphy
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pridaxus-worldbuilding · 3 years ago
Madame Regent Jasmine Ota née Ito-Ortega
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Madame Regent, also known as Jasmine Ota was born in the year 985, to the illustrious Ortega and Ito families of Idealps. Both sides of her family had a very noble lineage, both coming into extreme wealth slightly before the Depression. From birth it was obvious that she would marry a high noble but which was not known yet. When she was 4 the newly widowed Duke of Algorme wished to restore his family to nobility and thus it was decided that she would marry his only child with the Princess Helena. The next few years for her father in law were quite fortunate with his ascension to Prime Minister he came into contact with a great bit of wealth. This fortune was generously paid back to the Ortega and Ito families and so did political favors. Jasmine’s younger sister was also engaged with a wealthy prince in return for the endorsement of the Otas. In 1002 she finally married her fiancé Prince Thomas, the projected Duke of Algorme, both members of the couple were 17.
An official marriage at 17 was relatively young even for noble couples, however the Prime Minister worried about his son’s possible liaisons and as an attempt to ground him the wedding was sped up. In the following year the couple had a son, Noel. Thomas, who preferred to go by the nickname Toma, and Jasmine had a rocky relationship. He preferred hunting and gambling, both of which Jasmine attempted to show interest in but was shunned by her young husband. The birth of Noel worried the Queen who despite having two older children had no grandchildren. Noel was the hope of the Ota clan in returning back to being excepted by the royals, even becoming royal.
Jasmine found fond companionship in her father in law who doted on her and her children. They would bond over political conversations, and in turn her made her a more political person, which would mold the next chapter of her life. Almost immediately after Noel’s birth Jasmine was pregnant yet again. In the third month of her pregnancy her husband was killed in a hunting accident. Although the Duke and his son had a complicated relationship he was profoundly impacted at the death of his only child and died in grief only 2 months after, leaving a 19 year old Jasmine alone. She gave birth again to a healthy baby in 6 months after the death of her husband, who was named Charles Marie Chrysanthos but would be later know as Caterina May.
When her second child was born she wrote the the Prince Crisanto of Glimmerier engaging their children, which was made official in the following weeks. The year 1005 was the height of power for the Ota family under Jasmine who served as regent for her son, when the Queen passed away, and the new Queen consort made clear she wouldnt have children. Both of her children would inherit two thrones and a vast amount of wealth. Towards the end of 1005, Princess Raine was born, and in 1006 it was decided that Raine would inherit the throne of Glimmerier instead of her niece, the fiancé of Jasmine’s youngest child. Nine years later in 1015 another setback to Ota ascension came in the form of Princess Nayeli, who was heiress apparent until the birth of her cousin Alistaire. In 1022 the King died leaving his 4 year old son King, his regent being his Grandfather, the Dowager Consort. When the Dowager died, the Houses decided that Jasmine would be the best choice for regent, giving her the title Madame la Regent, or simply Madame Regent. As regent she promoted external peace between Idealps and other nations, increasing the rates of immigration greatly. She also benefitted the Ota, Ito, and Ortega families with grand marriages and honors. When the king turned 15 she retired and allowed him control over the government. In that time she saw the marriage of her daughter and the birth of her grandson. She never strayed from politics even after her retirement, arranging potential matches for her grandchildren. During the invasions she was one of the strongest advocates for helping Glimmerier, and was responsible for giving several Glimmerierieans refuge during the invasions. Currently at 83 she spends her days trying to relax with her dogs and frequently visits her grandchildren/
All of the art above was completed by her daughter who became an accomplished artists frequently painting her mother and members of the royal family of Glimmerier.
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