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Hatchetfield Side BlogShe/Her
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felyatepa · 1 month ago
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Feeling silly, drew Webby
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felyatepa · 4 months ago
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Finally done💗
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felyatepa · 5 months ago
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felyatepa · 5 months ago
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felyatepa · 5 months ago
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an update on my lovely lord door!! no closeup of webby cause i still need to make some lil things for her
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felyatepa · 5 months ago
Solomon Lauter is so underrated. I know we all hate him because he’s horrible to Steph, and he does suck for that, but he’s also such a compelling character, especially for the limited screentime he’s had. I want to know more about his backstory, I want to know the specifics of his deal with the Lords in Black, I want to know WHY he’s so desperate to keep his position as mayor because it seems like it goes deeper than just wanting to stay in power and he doesn’t seem to have any aspirations beyond it—at least so far, he hasn’t expressed interest in, say, running for governor or the senate, which I feel like he would if it was just about power and ambition. I think he needs to keep watch over Hatchetfield specifically (stand sentinel at the gates of hell, as he phrases it in NPMD) and he can’t ever leave his post. Something is keeping him tied there.
The way he immediately, blatantly directs everyone to start pointing fingers at each other in Hatchet Town and it works. The way he doesn’t seem to care about individual people very much, but is still invested in saving the world from Max, to the point where he’s willing to dig up the black book and trust Stephanie with it. The way he’s still unwilling to touch the book himself. The way he KNOWS Max cannot be reasoned with, but is still desperate enough in his final moments that he tries to plead with him and offers to buy him beer of all things. And the way Corey delivers his monologue right after he makes Pete Steph and Grace dig up the book?? The way the Nightmare Time leitmotif comes in on “to survive this night, you’ll have to strike a bargain with the Lords in Black”?? Fucking immaculate. So good, so chilling, I think it might be one of my favorite serious/non-comedic moments in the entire Hatchetfield trilogy.
In conclusion: he’s such a fascinating character and I really hope we get to see more of him at some point in the future.
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felyatepa · 6 months ago
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The Queen in White
The Lord in Black
More than rulers, they are the living Black and White itself, unable to ever fully rid themselves of the other.
Keep reading
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felyatepa · 7 months ago
So, I'm buying the materials to make my own Wiggly because if it goes well I wanna make all the Lords in Black plushies
And the total came to $51 for the total materials and I commented on how it was so close to the $49.95 price, any my friend just sighed and said "Damn, inflation even came for the Eldritch beings."
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felyatepa · 8 months ago
I was desperately trying to think of the name of Workin’ Boys, but all I could think of was Guys and [Radio Static Sounds]
And I knew I was trying to come up with Guys and Dolls, but I knew that wasn’t right, and the closest I got was Guys and Balls
Which feels like a first draft of Workin’ Boys Hidgens came up with before being told it was a tasteless title when he pitched it
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felyatepa · 10 months ago
so playing with your blorbos is ok??? but when i, a lord in black--
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felyatepa · 10 months ago
Same vein as my last post
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these bios are fucking hysterical, Richie's hand is always blocking at least one of them so I'm just gonna transcribe them below.
ZOEY CHAMBERS (Henrietta) is humbled beyond words to be a part of this groundbreaking production. Zoey has been entrancing audiences for years with her portrayal of badass girl-bosses like Sandy from Grease and Fantine from Les Miserables. Zoey would like to thank her brother, Zack, for giving her the acting bug all the way back in third grade! It's ironic that Zack thought he was the actor of the family, but Zoey would go on to completely overshadow him in every way. Suck to suck, doesn't it, Zachary? Zoey would also like to thank her roommate and follow cast member, Hailey! Hailey is perfectly cast in her very small and inconsequential part. The role of Marge is just so uninteresting and one dimensional that it helps mask Hailey's limited range as an actress, as well as other flaws, such as not being pretty enough to pull off an ingénue. Enjoy the show and be sure to check out Zoey's Only Fans for spicy pics, JOIs, and other lewd content!
HAILEY DILMORE (Marge) is so lucky to be part of the best cast in the world! She has no idea how she managed to worm her way into this talented group of ladies! You may recognize Hailey as Pink Lady from Grease or Disciple #3 from Godspell. Hailey would like to thank her fellow cast member, Zoey Chambers. Zoey has been an inspiration, a mentor, and above all, a friend. She's also like to thank her parents and her dog, Walter. Also, she'd like to apologize to the cast once again for blowing up the bathroom every single day during rehearsal. She's so sorry she made it stink so bad that everybody had to cross the street to use the toilet in Bank of America. She really doesn't know what's happening to her bowels. She's going to the doctor after the show closes to get everything sorted out. Enjoy the show!
RUTH FLEMING (Secretary #4) is so fucking stoked for her acting debut! This is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I mean, her. Ruth ran lights for her school's shitty production of The Barbeque Monologues and was also the Assistant Stage Manager for The Wizard of Oz ... it sucked. She got bullied and excluded by the whole cast, even though her job was just as important as theirs! More important, actually! Being in the cast is way better. You don't have to think of an excuse to barge into the dressing rooms. You can just waltz right in! Everybody just takes off their shirts and lets their titties tumble free! It's the most awesome thing I've ever seen... I mean, she's ever seen. Anyways, Ruth doesn't wanna thank anybody because nobody ever did anything for her.
CASSANDRA KING (Eve) is elated to be present with you fellow vessels in these fleeting moments. Everything has transpired exactly as the lights in they sky foretold. Cassie had never been a believer in prophecy or the ethereal spaces between... but she's seen too much to deny the truth now. She no longer fears the visions, or the pain that comes with their descent. Pain is the price of knowledge. Pain is the language that unites the children of Az'zoxish, no matter which star they may hail from. Cassie wants to see what lies at the end of the cold hall. She's ready to see the face of the girl screaming in the dark. How did she find herself aboard? And what is the destination of such a magnificent ship? Is tonight the night Cassie departs? The lights give no answer. And so she waits for deliverance. Cassie would also like to thank her boyfriend, Chris.
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felyatepa · 10 months ago
Spoilers for Workin' Boys
So, I've seen people point out the back of the brochure in Workin' Boys having Blinky's Watch Party
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but I looked closer at each text block and did my best to decipher the blurry text (key word being tried) and while I'm not 100% on all of it, here's what I got.
The Barbeque Monologues
The Tony award winning musical serves up a well done tale of one typical American suburb. When folks gather around the grill, they share so much more than a dog and a cold one. Secrets, obsession, dreams and betrayal, these are the entrees at this barbeque.
Blinky's Watch Party
A musical extravaganza through Drowzytown! It will be oh so wonderful to see you again, Bill! Yes, Bill. I'm talking to you. Don't bother showing this to Ted. No one will be able to see it. But I can see you, Bill. I've been watching you, with Nine-Hundred and Ninety Nine Eyes. One short, thanks to your little brat. It's time I paid you back, Bill. What's the expression? "An eye for an eye." Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Mamma Mia!
A terrible show about sad women singing ABBA. A truly miserable experience, I can't stress that enough. This show will make you hate ABBA as well as all musicals. You'll never want to listen to ABBA's two good songs ever again. Beware, friend. Beware. Abandon all hope ye who enter here.
Santa Claus is Going to High School!
Based on the Razzie award winning film by Kenny Ortega, this yuletide musical sees ol' Saint Nick trading in his sleigh and reindeer for a letterman's jacket! When Chris Kringle enrolls in Northville High School, he'll have to rekindle the holiday spirit in bad girl Noel, save Christmas from the cold-hearted Jacqueline Frost, and somehow get to class on time!
sorry if someone's done this already and I just haven't seen it!
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felyatepa · 11 months ago
So, the Lords in Black present themselves as Highschool kids to the kids in Nerdy Prudes must die to match the kids and make a sense of trust, yeah?
Wiggly's a jock prom king, Blinky's the phone addict (literally me, I lived in a hoodie and leggings for 99% of my teen years), Tinky's a punk, Pokey's the theater kid, and Nibbly could really swing prep or alt honestly-
but that got me thinking about how they probably have different forms based on the summoners and location.
At the CCRP building they're all in business casual, at the Waylon place they look like cultists or ominous spirits so on so forth.
May I contribute:
if summoned at the Lakeside Mall, Wiggly takes his true form. The ultimate power:
A Karen.
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felyatepa · 11 months ago
Do you even have a Hatchetfield OC if you don’t put them through the horrors?
Arthur (Blue OC) belongs to @rojaceartandgaming
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felyatepa · 11 months ago
Also tried to mash them together
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It’s a lot… but honestly it works imo
It’s chaotic and messy, like them
Fell down a rabbit hole
Eyestrain under cut
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Trying to comprehend the incomprehensible
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felyatepa · 11 months ago
Fell down a rabbit hole
Eyestrain under cut
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Trying to comprehend the incomprehensible
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felyatepa · 11 months ago
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Something something “our true forms would melt your minds” and the human nature of trying to know the unknowable
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