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cordelium · 2 years ago
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cordelium · 2 years ago
rohan is so cute as frank. and not enough people talk about it!! just wanna hold him and tell him everything will be okay 😭
he is !! anon, you are so right !! 💗 i could talk all day about how pretty rohan is and his boyish good looks, but i could spend just as long talking about how much i love frank and how interesting i find his character so i really wish there were more frank fans out there too (i guess we just have to stick together lol) !! season three is not available for me yet so this is based on s1&2, but my agenda remains the same: protect frank hardy at all costs.
i think what i love most about frank is he is so earnestly genuine. i love how when he first meets callie and chet and isn't sure how to respond to callie's playful scrutiny. i love when he can't take the rosegrave tour seriously. i love how he understands the need to hone his detecting skills through fenton's books, rather than joe's intuitive approach. i love when his voice goes all soft when he realises he was wrong about tom ellroy (and also how it signals the first inkling that he is getting too reliant on the eye). i love how when fenton comes back from finding rupert, his reuniting with frank is so different to his one with joe; he tells frank "it's okay", over and over because frank's reactions are so much more internal than joe's (for the most part).
frank is honestly just very well-written. he's athletic but not a jock. he's studious but not an academic. he's romantic but he isn't particularly flirtatious (i'm not sure it even registers to him that he is handsome, beyond the "clearly biased" opinions of his mom/grandma/aunt). he's level-headed and has a check on his external displays of emotion, but his internal emotional experiences runs very deep. he is rational and measured, but he can also be one-track minded.
i love how there are so many facets of his character but none of them are ever really contradictory, and when they are it just highlights how he is a teenager who is struggling with this huge trauma and sometimes makes irrational decisions because of it. he's a skeptic, he's level-headed, but he's also not had the support he needs in order to grieve his mom properly so all of his skepticism goes out of the window for a chance to see laura again. he's selfish in his grief because even though he knows joe is hurting too, it's difficult to see past his own hurt because (as everyone points out) he was laura's counterpart, and joe is fenton's. the fact that he really is a perfect fit to be gloria's heir but he's so deeply compassionate that he could never be ruthless enough for that sort of business.
where was i going with this? i don't know, but i agree with you, anon. i really want to tell him it'll all be okay. frank really has the weight of the world on his shoulders, and he is struggling so much but it's revealed in much more subtle ways than with joe. in the first season, he's lost his mom, he's in a new place and his dad has left. i think part of him feels like he has to stay grounded and reasonable, for joe and fenton and trudy. i just want him to be supported and happy. in the second season, he's still struggling, and now has to try even harder to keep himself grounded even with unimaginable influences working again him in his very own brain. he's trying so, so hard to remember that it is the eye that manipulating him, he tries so hard to ignore george even when he's starting to see him everywhere. he can feel himself going mad and there's nothing he can do about it.
by the end of season two, before the sleep room, frank feels like he needs to save himself because no one else will. he feels like he needs to save his mom, because no one else wants too.
the show is really about, amongst other things, how grief can effect people. and even more so, it's about grief effecting people in different and unexpected ways. joe clearly channels his grief into solving mysteries and helping people. sure, he's a little bit gung-ho about it but it makes sense for his character -- optimistic and impulsive. frank, on the other hand, who is shown time and time again to be skeptical and level-headed, is the one who becomes irrational and unstable and emotionally volatile. of course the eye has some influence, but i also think frank's more reserved nature is being strained by the grief that he isn't given a chance to deal with and ultimately it makes him desperate and scared.
what i'm trying to say is: frank is so very cute and caring and earnest and i love him very dearly.
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cordelium · 2 years ago
started the hardy boys today😊
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cordelium · 2 years ago
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cordelium · 2 years ago
That scene where Severen gets back up and hisses after getting hit by a ray of sunlight has me in a chokehold.
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cordelium · 2 years ago
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rohan campbell as frank hardy (1x05)
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���� "it's always money, boys" 💸
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cordelium · 2 years ago
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cordelium · 2 years ago
I had a dream where Rohan had chest hair and a manbun and im not sure how to feel..
ahh !! first, congrats on managing to have a dream featuring our special guy 😂💗✨️ !! even if you can't quite interpret it lol,, i've somehow managed to have four separate dreams where rohan has featured, and idk how to feel about any of them lol
hmm the chest hair is an interesting detail, i'm not sure how i feel about that either, because i like that he has pretty fine chest hair in real life so much (it's the secret redhead in him), but the manbun i can believe. he had his long hair era in the mid-2010s, the height of manbun popularity, so i'm sure he was no stranger to a hair tie 🤷‍♀️💗 but dreams tend to be slightly off, even if within the dream all the details make perfect sense.
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cordelium · 2 years ago
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rohan campbell as frank hardy (1x05)
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💸 "it's always money, boys" 💸
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cordelium · 2 years ago
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do you think they explored each other’s bodies while fighting for the confederacy
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cordelium · 2 years ago
horror and erotica are the same thing. flesh and meat and intensity. do you get it.
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cordelium · 2 years ago
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rohan campbell as corey cunningham [X]
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cordelium · 2 years ago
severen is literally the spitting image of bo sinclair what the fuck. what the fuck!
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cordelium · 2 years ago
adding a whole new character to my list of men that i enjoy,
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he’s just an asshole vampire dude with a southern accent but i love him so much
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cordelium · 2 years ago
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Roberto Ferri's Resurrection study
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cordelium · 2 years ago
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live bait <3
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cordelium · 2 years ago
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