#Nobody can just agree to disagree anymore
alola03 · 4 months
that “fandom is taken so seriously” post is so real like remember when it used to be fun?? Now it's just “you don't like my ship? Here's your ip address” like WHAT??? What are we talking abooouuuttt
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Hello!! I love your work n au sm I’ve been ADDICTED!! 💖💖
Could I possibly request a Kunikida x GN! Reader where the reader is deeply insecure about relationships and unknowingly fits his ideals ? Ie: hard worker, good w/ kids, stuff like that? Like reader is lamenting about how all their friends are in relationships but nobody seems to look at them in that way and Kunikida is like erm actually ☝️☝️
Thanku sm either way I love reading everything you write 😸😸
Ideal partner
Self-Aware! Kunikida Doppo x GN! Reader
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Description: People said, that Kunikida's ideal partner don't Kunikida disagrees.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Reader are insecure.
"It's... Something, Kunikida-san." Atsushi turned the page of Kunikida's notebook. Dazai, who has been looking at the notebook's pages above Atsushi's shoulder, huffed.
"You are quite a hard-worker, Kunikida-kun. Spending the whole night filling that thing."
John Steinbeck, who was carrying crates with supplies, that were collected by The Guild, walked past them. He gave them a side glance.
"Discussing something interesting, detectives?"
"Ideals" Dazai waved his hand. Steinbeck gave them a weird look and start walking again, mumbling 'our new roommates' under his breath.
Lifestyle in Yokohama was changing. However, something didn't change at all. And, something, was brought back to existence.
Like a familiar book of a certain blonde detective.
Kunikida Doppo didn't want to admit it, but, after making peace with being self-aware (and getting attached to you) he feels that something still was missing. Something small, but important.
His book of ideals was missing. Well, technically, the notebook itself still was with him. But it was empty. No ideals were written down.
Kunikida couldn't bare it anymore. So, he spent the whole"night" (or what was supposed to be night in the Real World, according to your phone's watch) writing down his new set of ideals.
It put him in a good mood. And, even after he got scolded by Fukuzawa ("Kunikida, I understand, that you want to work as hard as you can, and get to Guiding Light as fast as possible, but, please, mind the time. Otherwise, it will be a hassle, when we got to the Real World and had to get used to normal day/night cycle."), Kunikida's good mood didn't change.
"Your ideal partner criteria are still here and still something, Kunikida-kun. Are you sure, that you can find such person even in the Real World?" Dazai grinned teasingly. Kunikida rolled his eyes.
"Say whatever you want, Dazai, but my ideal partner do exist. And I will find them."
Dazai shrugged. His grin became even wider.
"We will see."
"Well, I expect something like that, but not to that extent." Dazai mumbled, looking at Kunikida's "Ideal partner" list. Near each sentence was now a little plus symbol drawn.
Kunikida glared at Dazai.
"And what that supposed to mean?!"
Dazai quickly raised both of his hands.
"Nothing bad! Nothing bad! Just... I agree, that Iris Flower is great."
Great? You weren't just great! You were perfect. Kunikida could write a whole essay about how perfect you are.
You were a hardworking person. You do your job to the fullest. You always make sure, that everything is done perfectly.
You were great with children. You know, how to calm them down, what books and games offer them to pass the time. You even could make them do their homework without fussing.
You were kind, generous, smart. You have both inner and outer beauty.
You were perfect!
"... I am not surprised, that you want to have romantic relationship with them. But, I never expected that you would find all of your ideals in them. I did expect you to dismiss or change your ideals, so [Y/N] would fit them."
Dazai chuckled. A rare genuine smile appeared on his face.
"You managed to surprise me. I hope, that you will make [Y/N] happy. Just remember..."
Dazai's expression darkened. "If you break their heart..."
Kunikida glared at Dazai.
"How dare you think, that I will do something like that?! I will cherish them. We will have a loving courtship, before getting married."
Dazai visibly flinched.
"Kunikida-kun... For the love of everyone... Never let others, especially [Y/N], hear the words "loving courtship" ever again."
That evening was one of the calm ones. Everyone were, mostly, minding their own business. Nikolai didn't annoy Fyodor. Dazai didn't annoy Chuuya and Kunikida. You were laying on a couch, mindlessly scrolling through the social media. Suddenly, your gaze catches a post from one of your co-worker, that you were friends with.
"Today is our anniversary! Look, what my sweetheart did for me 💝"
The post contains a photo of a table with home cooked breakfast on it. All dishes were decorated with paper hearts, a small vase with bouquet of flowers was standing in the middle of the table. A card with some lovey-dovey words was visible in the corner of the table.
You scrolled further.
As another nail in your good mood's coffin, the next post was from another one of your friend. That post was about getting into a new relationship.
You fight an urge to sign. Another one. Another one of your friends got in a relationship.
You weren't jealous. But you felt a little bit of hurt. Every time you heard about your friends' dates or partners, you felt, like you were the stereotypical forever single friend.
You went on dates before. But, there was never a second date. Your friends were getting into relationship. They looked happy. They weren't alone.
Meanwhile, you were alone. And, no matter how hard you try, you never managed to find a partner.
Perhaps, you weren't attractive enough to be viewed as someone's romantic partner.
"I am pretty sure, that your ex-partners have done more for your anniversary." Aya's voice sounded right above your ear. You jumped, turning your head towards her. The girl has climbed almost on the top of your armchair, looking at your phone screen above you. Bram's hand carefully grabbed her by the collar, gently picking her up.
"Manners, Princess." softly scolded he. Aya huffed.
"Sorry, Bra-chan, I just got so excited! So, [Y/N]..." Girl looked back at you. "I was right, right? Your ex-partners have done something better for your anniversary, yes?"
You were still blinking, trying to proceed the situation.
(No one noticed a strange mix of determination and jealousy on Kunikida's face)
You should be careful. Because kids were the worst, when they learned about your love life.
You bit your lip.
"Well, no, there were no celebrations for the anniversary..."
And hell got loose. The quiet room became loud. Everyone wants to say something, to complain about your terrible "ex-partners". Aya, still in Bram's hold, shook her first in the air.
"What?! What an awful people! How dare they?! Let me at them, I will teach them some respect!"
"Give me names!" you don't need to look at Teruko, to see her bloodthirsty expression.
Okay, you need to let the cat out of the bag.
You stand up and almost yelled.
"There were no anniversaries! Because I was never in a relationship! I never had a partner"
The room became quiet. Now everyone was staring at you.
Aya tilted her head.
"What? Why? Why you were never in a relationship before?"
You tried not to look in Aya's eyes.
"Why? I don't understand..."
You gulped. You really didn't want to talk about it. Time to change the subject.
"Oh, look at the time! I need to be somewhere else... In my room."
Good job, [Y/N], really smooth.
Bram start whispering something in Aya's ear. Count Stoker looked at you apologetically.
"Wait! I still don't understand! How came someone as amazing as you never had a partner?!" Aya ignored Bram's attempts to hush her, deciding to ask That Question. The girl looked not only curious, but also sad. She really thought, that your non-existent love live was something unfair.
You nervously looked around. You really didn't want to discuss it, especially with kids.
Because, of your nervousness, you didn't see, that Kunikida's face expression was quite similar to Aya's. Less curious, but, still an equally "That's unfair!" expression.
"I guess, there is nothing in me to be loved for..."
"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" you were pretty sure, that you have heard, how windows rattled because of Kunikida's scream.
Before anyone can do something, Kunikida grabbed you by the hand and started to drag you away.
He stopped before your room. Kunikida was still holding your hand. His breathing was heavy.
You broke the silence.
"Kunikida... What..."
His voice was quiet but firm.
"Never... Never say, that there is nothing in you to be loved for."
You looked away.
"Kunikida, there's no need to try to cheer me up. I already made peace with that fact..."
Kunikida softly squeeze your hand.
"I mean it... You are really important to me... You fit all of my ideals."
You closed your mouth. Kunikida took his notebook and showed you the list of his ideal partner criteria. Each of them had pluses drawn near. You didn't know what to say. Kunikida's voice was soft.
"When I became self-aware, my notebook was completely empty. There was nothing. Not even one of my ideals were written down. The big part of my life was gone. And then I find a strength to live on. I find you."
You won't cry. You won't cry.
Kunikida's gaze soften.
"I wrote my ideals down again. It was my own decision. And I managed to do it, because you gave me strength."
Kunikida carefully cupped your face.
"My ideals for a partner... I thought, of what I want to see in them. Not about someone particular. You fit all of them by being your own person. [Y/N], My Ideal, you are perfect. You make me feel so happy... What I want to say..."
Kunikida blushed. You felt, like your face was on fire.
"Do you want to go on a date with me?"
You shyly nodded. Suddenly, Kunikida leaned forward and kissed you on a cheek. Still red, he mumbles.
"Great! I... I will... We will go at the end of the week, if it's fine with you."
You nodded again.
"Yes. I will wait for our date."
Kunikida's smile could brighten up the darkest abyss. Unknowingly, to you, your own smile was as bright as his.
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menlove · 2 months
What do you think actually happened between John and Paul that caused John to become so bitter and vindictive towards Paul? If I remember correctly, the prevailing theory of John being rejected by Paul was actually conceived to retroactively 'explain ' John's behavior because otherwise it seems inexplicable why he would turn on so completely on the person who had been arguably his closest friend, if not lover. However, it's evident from Paul's lyrics and interview to Hunter Davies that he is entirely confused and hurt by John's behavior. Like he even complains everyone always looks to him for blame but nobody sees how much he was hurt by John. I'm not trying to take any sides here of course, both John and Paul had their faults and issues which complicated their relationship but genuinely curious to hear what your theory is.
honestly? bpd. like I barely even think of it as a theory, although ofc it is, bc sooooo many people agree that john could have Easily been diagnosed w bpd
like there's a thing called splitting w bpd where you just. like on a Dime you can't stand someone. and this can be very brief (I've split on people and it lasted like an hour) or permanent but it's very common. like you go every quickly from idealization to demonization of a person. or complete apathy (which is my personal kryptonite rip)
not only that but there's quite a few paul quotes where he talks about the fact that john started "slagging him off" as a way to distance himself from paul/the beatles and sort of "prove" to yoko that he was entirely devoted to her. which also makes sense to me as a bpd cunt bc I've unfortunately done that too 😭 and it's not necessarily an act either, it's just like.......... your brain can't make room for the way you feel for a New Person and an Old Person so you start analyzing everything that Old Person did and finding every flaw and magnifying it and blowing it up until you start feeling bitter or angry and suddenly in your mind someone that was once your world is like. some kind of villain out of a storybook.
and this is very very difficult to deal with and he wasn't really........ getting any help or outside people telling him that his view of paul/the beatles was being distorted. yoko was also pretty paranoid & from several sources encouraged his bitterness/paranoia (which isn't a dunk on her- I'm just a firm believer that she was a Complicated Person and villifying OR deifying is just weird and racist). not to Mention the scream therapy stuff, where I'm Pretty sure he himself has even said he was encouraged to pick apart his life and relationships and find Issues.
so you've got someone whose brain is already a goddamn game of mouse trap telling him that if he's not w paul/the beatles anymore he Has to hate him, surrounded by people encouraging that line of thought, and hounded by media asking him about it and pitting him against paul
and with that in mind, I do think it was also a bit exaggerated by the media. it was definitely encouraged, that's for sure. but even if john didn't Hate Paul, that's how it would be portrayed bc it made a more dramatic and interesting story. they'd ask him (and paul) leading questions to get the most material.
I honestly don't find it inexplicable that he'd turn on him without a "reason" so maybe my own mouse trap of a brain is part of why I disagree so much w that dominant narrative of rejection to explain it 😭 bc for me and many other bpd cunts I know it's just. it could Literally be nothing. often it's just a SENSE of rejection that will cause a split. and I'm willing to bet that their growing distance, paul pushing the band harder to work after brian died, paul not really accepting yoko and johnandyoko, the possible dying out of a sexual aspect of their relationship, paul proposing to jane & later getting with/marrying linda, paul Accepting john's ask for a divorce, paul going out and making an album on his own....... well. it's a perfect storm for my fellow bpd bitch to go "well fuck him I never loved him that guy fucking sucks and whatever he does doesn't hurt me anyway bc I don't care At All he's just the absolute worst and I can't stand him"
which of course had to be whiplash for paul. from his pov it was genuinely out of nowhere. but I will say all his comments about it and john needing to put him/the beatles aside for yoko and just..... all his quotes around john's mental health seem to be very VERY aware of all this. he knew john better than anyone & his main confusion seems to be around whether or not john ever actually loved or even liked him. which is an understandable emotional reaction. I think, though, he does show a deep understanding of john when he talks about all of this which makes me soooo :(
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tio-trile · 1 year
can I ask, because I'm a GO book fan too and I decided ages ago I didn't care enough about the show to watch s2 - what made them so OOC? I always felt that their book personalities basically got swapped in S1 but it seems like people are even madder about this. ngl it is kind of inspiring me to write more fic with book canon dark-haired Crowley in it lol
So first of all towards the end I couldn't take much of it anymore due to various reasons, including that somebody was kind enough to spoil the very ending (of them breaking up and that that's the ending of the show) on the 27th, so I didn't even feel like finishing the show, but I pushed myself to and therefore was half-watching it towards the end, so my memory may not be the most accurate but I can't bare to go back and rewatch it.
From the very beginning I hated that it was retconned that they knew each other as angels. The point, the THEME is that they're friends despite being on opposite sides. And it was said that Aziraphale DID remember Crowley as an angel. So did he only become friends with him because he remembered Crowley when they were friends as angels??? I hate how this changed the beautiful beginning of the book and their first meeting, and the THEME. (Oh BTW Aziraphale is also a landlord who takes rent from this poor lady although he doesn't need the money at all??? But that's beside the point)
In ep3 Aziraphale driving the Bentley was pretty cute and at one point A and C had the canon conversation in the book with where you start vs. upbringing so those are fine. But Crowley in Aziraphale's bookshop tossing all of Aziraphale's beloved books around carelessly......Crowley would never.
In ep4 it was said that Aziraphale owns a gun which I thought was very in-character XD. And that Crowley has never fired a gun.
EP6 was where all the shit went down......first of all I was making loud retching noises in my office @ the Gabriel x Beelzebub thing that came out of nowhere......and the plot goes that Gabriel and Beelzebub basically ran off together somewhere, so Metatron was like "the supreme archangel job position is open now and we want YOU, Aziraphale, to fill it. You can even make your friend Crowley an angel again" and Aziraphale accepted??????!?!?!???!?! Aziraphale's entire arc in the books and in season 1 and THE THEME is that they don't agree with their uppers anymore, he and Crowley are on the human's side, and on their own side. And suddenly, Aziraphale believes that working as a higher position in heaven is a good idea? And agreeing that turning Crowley back to an angel is better basically means that he thinks that angels are inherently better than demons, WHICH IS THE IDEA THAT THE BOOK AND SEASON 1 SPENT THE ENTIRE PLOT TO OVERTHROW???? And also I hate hate the idea that Aziraphale and Crowley must be somebody important. THE POINT is that they are nobodies, and that's what makes them great and relatable. They are NOT EVEN MAIN CHARACTERS in the book nor Season 1. In the show, Crowley also disagreed with Aziraphale's idea and they argued about it and then Crowley angrily kissed him (??) and then left and Aziraphale went to Superheaven to take the job ig. OH and Aziraphale said "I forgave you" to Crowley????? WHAT??? I've overlooked every little nitpicky thing I had about their characters in season 1, but these actions are irreversible and inexcusable. I'm done with the TV show. Nothing they do in season 3 can fix this. I'll just pretend this show never existed now.
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lemondemonpickuplines · 2 months
Hey girl are you Hyakugojyuuichi 2003? 'Cause Hey you, sit down and listen
Don't be flippant and don't be dismissin'
Think you're a Flash encyclopedia?
Eating, breathing Macromedia?
Think you're cool sayin' "All Your Base"?
Get that Xiao Xiao outta my face
You gotta be kidding me with that crap
Animutation's where it's at
Nine outta ten sociopaths agree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
From the Moch to the Rie to the Pee to the Wee
Just take it from me, MC NC
You won't believe your eyes, you'll go insane
I mean, what's up with that plastic plane?
You're an idiot if you disagree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
If you got the time, go grab a pen
And watch that thing again and again
Try to figure it out, what does it mean?
What's the significance of Mr. Bean?
Does anybody know? Are there any takers?
What's up with all the broken pacemakers?
The world is full of speculation
But nobody cracks this Animutation
Nine outta ten sociopaths agree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
You're an idiot if you disagree
Just take it from MC (Ah!) NC
You won't believe your eyes, you'll go insane (Aaah!)
I mean, what's up with that plastic plane? (Aaah!)
From the Moch to the Rie to the Pee to the Wee (Aaah!)
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi (Aaah!)
(1... 2... 3... Hit it!)
Wakeman is biased, like a household appliance
Hello Kitty and McGruff have an unholy alliance
Science is brutal and it cuts like a knife
Not even Obi-Wan can save the yodel of life
Your name is Bob, you're my heart-throb
I lost my job when I got fired
By a guy named Farchie, he was full of starch
He smelled like an orangutan's old apartment
Found a hobo in my room, what do I do?
He looks dead, he's full of lead
Bleeding red onto my bedspread
And he also seems to be missing his head
Why am I holding this gun and axe?
Do exploding pacemakers cause heart attacks?
Will Mr. Bean ever get his fill
Or will he just keep on telling me to kill?
Hey, don't you gimme that look!
You never had what it took
I took the beef and I beefed it up
You sat and whined while I took the cup
Of gold. You are getting old
When you see my face you better fold
Take this mop and shove it, boy
'Cause it's the only way you'll be employed
I am known as the Beef Bastard
(Everyone knows I'm the ultimate master)
I am known as the Beef Bastard
(Everyone else is a walking disaster)
I am known as the Beef Bastard
(Think you're fast? Well I know I'm faster!) (Ye-ye-ye-ye)
I am known as the Beef Bastard
(Everyone knows I'm the ultimate master) (Ye-ye-ye-ye)
Ma-ma-ma [*laughing*]
Beef Bastard!
Weeeell I'm Shmorky! Eatin' PORKY!
Whitey rap sure sounds dorky!
Got a girl... she's a DOUBLE D!
I slap her on the butt dressed as a bumble bee!
I eat paste all damn day
I was in a Shakespeare play
I sit down on a Lazy Susan
Spin around like TOMMY CRUISIN!
Bong bong bing bing
I get payed to play with my thing!
I zip out zip in zip up BEGIN!
Ambulance, Enron, Pee Wee, Pokémon
Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, THEY CHOOSE YOU!
And I can't think of anymore to say
TV says doughnuts are high in fat, kazoo (キミたちとの であいはぜんぶ)
Found a hobo in my room (ちゃんと おぼえてる)
It's Princess Leia, the yodel of life (きずつけあった こともあったけど)
Give me my sweater back or I'll play the guitar! (それは(え~と)わすれた)
It's Steve's Adventure!
(Go, go, go, go)
(Go, go, go, go)
(Go, go, go, go)
(Go, go, go, go)
One-fifty-one Pokémon on the run
Suzuki-san is a formation of a bun
And a veggie burger with tsukemono
Jay-Jay has flown away with Sonny Bono
To the afterlife to visit Barney Fife
And to see Pero's screenshots of his wife
Named Chris Benoit, wearing a pretty dress
Saying "Watashi wa animutation ga suki desu."
Do the Mario! Isty-bitsy hockey
Lipsnot is not magic like a monkey
Captain Lou body-slams a rubber duckie
Just like in the match of Earth vs. Funky
Lucky Lucky nice to Mew-two
I need tea for two, how about you
Mr. Coldheart, or should I say Professor?
It looks like Lesko got revenge on my dresser
Props to Neil, he's the real deal
His friends all call him Mr. Popiel
He's the computer geek who doesn't shower for a week
His looks are hot, his clothes are CHIC!
He singlehandedly changed the face of the net
He's an online semi-celebrity you won't forget
He stormed onto the scene like a raging thunder
His seizure inducing flag says "Mr. Gahbunga."
Hey kids! Komiyona?
Omiyo mokemon halibudo
Halimatashinta, Pokinumushimi da
Watago get ready to rumble! (1... 2... 3... Hit it!)
Hana-buto-halo-gini (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ma-ma)
Ala-pone-koala-bedi (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ma-ma)
Anamu-dada, ona-dote
Puyawa-dirbu-kowa-fuji (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ma-ma)
Waruma-ina-hada-bidi! (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ma-ma)
Teyo-mata, elino-wen
Fola-coola Colin Mochrie!
TV says doughnuts are high in fat, kazoo (キミたちとの であいはぜんぶ)
Found a hobo in my room (ちゃんと おぼえてる)
It's Princess Leia, the yodel of life (きずつけあった こともあったけど)
Give me my sweater back or I'll play the guitar! (それは(え~と)わすれた)
There you have it, that's the game
One-fifty-one, we can all be the same
I'm sure that it's been appetizing
With all the subliminal advertising
This has been a celebration, Animutation fans across the nation
In formation raise their hands in dedication
To the crazy-flashing-psychopathic-happy-dancing-super-magic-
Power-mega-ultra-kitschy (Hyakugojyuuichi)
Nine outta ten sociopaths agree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
From the Moch to the Rie to the Pee to the Wee
Just take it from me, MC NC
You won't believe your eyes, you'll go insane
I mean, what's up with that plastic plane?
You're an idiot if you disagree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
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bruciemilf · 1 year
A Ratatouille type AU where Bruce takes his tentative first steps into detectivism.
Gotham's so massively drowned out in crime that he's barely making a scratch surface level.
But you know who does know Gotham? Knows every nook and cranny among the narrows? Knows no fear? Stole Batman's tires when no one had the guts to?
Jason fricking Todd.
" Wait, -- no no, that's not when Penguin makes his deliveries anymore. That's when the pigs buy from him and take everything for free. You're gonna wanna bust him tomorrow, genius,"
"Jason," Bruce weights his trust carefully. " If I let you go... Are we in this together?"
Jason snorts, imaginary spit in his hand, shakes Bruce for it. And then runs. Leaving Bruce in a golden street light. Leaves him staring with his shoulders down.
"Oh, brother."
It's a pretty good deal; Jason gives him tips, he gets a comfy, puffy head, fresh food, and surprisingly?
Lots of hugs. Sunshine kisses on his nose and cheek and forehead.
" And how," Alfred rubs his temples around Bruce so much Jason thinks it's a reflex at this point, " Will you explain to the public why Batman carries around a sidekick with a curfew?"
" An unjust curfew."
" Jason will work at the Batcomputer."
" On my batchair, sipping on some bat-hot chocholate, from my bat mug. I mean, -- it's Gotham. We're not going anywhere."
Except. Lex Luthor, as most middle aged men who grew up with too much freedom and too little consequences, never learned what a rejection is.
"...The justice league?"
" Yeah, hot shot! I mean, you've been giving us some issues in the popularity department, my friend," He doesn't like the smirk on Lex's smile; As if he owns the whole world and wants to own him, too,
" The people are crazy for Superman punching a nazi, -- I don't like violence in my politics, but agree to disagree, -- Flash running for charity, Wonder Woman visiting some dying kid at the hospital. Everyone likes them. But nobody trusts them. They trust you."
" And it'd look very good for you to have a human on your team. After... That happened."
That includes the suspicious assassination of his political rival. Bruce begins to suspect its not suspicious at all.
" Bingo! See? I know a showbiz kid when I see one. Superman can show you the ropes. Guy's a better liar than me. That's saying something."
Jason's voice is protective and hissing like an angry viper in his ear, " I don't like this, Bruce. Don't take the deal."
But Bruce wanted to meet Superman outside of his city. Wanted to weight the risks. Wanted to see how big the man behind the symbol really is, and If humanity's lifespan is ended at one bad day.
So he accepts. And Superman Is nothing like he expected.
Passionate, angry, and uncomfortably handsome. That's who's got Bruce pinned to a wall, staring with barely surpassed annoyance,
" When I think he can't go lower, he surprises me."
" We're in this together, superm-"
" Oh no no no no. Your position as a citizen was secured the second someone shoved that silver spoon in your mouth. I didn't suffer years under that sentient ballsack so a tax dodging bastard like you can just walk in here, --"
" But I'm no--"
" I know who you are, Wayne. You're a troubled brat who gets what he wants. But I'm not daddy, or mommy, or your seriously scary butler. So if you wanna survive out here, you play by OUR rules. Got. It?"
"...Tell him to shove the biggest piece of kryptonite up his a--"
" We get it."
Superman's brow quirks, "We?"
" Me and my...Mental illness."
"...You're a weirdo, Wayne. I hope you know that much, at least."
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orionchildofhades · 1 year
steddie soulmate au, swapping bodies once in a while after a certain age part 1
and i can wait for you
part 1 | part 2 | Ao3
eddie cannot wait, he has always loved the idea of soulmates, of someone, be it platonic or romantic, meant for him, just as he was meant for them. he loved to know that someone, out there, in the big bad world, would accept him for himself. he clinged to it after his parents disposed of him, after his father went far far away once his mother passed from a disease no one had bother naming for him.
of course he had heard of people without soulmates, or of those who didn't get along like they should, or disagreed too strongly on some matters that they couldn't look at the other.
but eddie refused to believe he would be one of them, because then, the universe would really hate him, wouldn't it? because eddie, at least until Wayne, had no one. nobody by his side. the universe would make it all alright by giving him a soulmate that would love him. he knew it. he had to.
because what else could he do when he had been alone, scared in some shitty apartment where the electricity had been cut out for days, and not a soul had stepped through the doors for just as long. when the cops barged in, carried him out and told him he wouldn't be seeing his dad anymore, when he was left with a man he had never met before and been told this would be his new life.
so Eddie hopped and waited, patient, alone. but he had Wayne to tell him stories. tales about his own soulmate, Patricia. She was german, tall, and lived on the road, driving through Europe in her big truck just like Wayne had done for years through the states. they never met, but both agreed that their life was too much of a mess, too much moving, too much distant, to try and connect. they had their lives, they adored each other but as soulmates goes, there was nothing more than deep, platonic care for one another.
the first time Eddie met Patricia had been wild.he had woken from nightmare with a jerk, finding waynes too smiley face above him, all soft eyes and laugh lines out, and he flinched so hard he fell on the floor. she had apologized, they both had laughed. it was all fine and well. they spent the day cooking after that. Patricia, using Waynes body so differently than her soulmate, had cleaned and complained, reassured the young boy that she loved doing it and seeing what wayne had done with his life, that complaining, for the pair of them, was a way to show that they cared. she introduced him to the lord of the rings for the very first time.
so he waited and hoped until his fifteen birthday, he waited and listened to stories, to Patricia who told him in hushed tones in front of the trailer while hanging the laundry to dry, about soulmates who were not woman and man, about same gender couples, she told him about things he would hear but shouldn't listen to. and he listened to people ar school saying things that went the other way around. about the way the universe sometime made mistake and how gross and terrible it was.
but eddie did not care, he just wanted his soulmate.
the say he turned fifteen, he was buzzing. waiting desperately for it. he might not meet his soulmate now, he was young and couldn't afford to travel, but he could learn to know them, little things about their lives that built the soulmate he was meant to have. and Wayne kept repeating that he shouldn't get his hopes up.
Eddie knew, of course, that soulmates might not swap immediately. his soulmate could be younger, and swapping came at random. once he had not seen Patricia and her soft accent for almost six month before she was there again, and then she spent three days by his side, laughing loudly about how much Wayne would appreciate the time on the rainy roads of southern England.
and he waited and waited some more while he saw peers around him behaving strangely before they announced being the soulmate. there was a girl once who started spatting japanese at a teacher's face when he kept asking about her homework. and Eddie waited.
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justjesse116 · 3 months
Hullo, I'm currently sad as fuck and feel like elaborating on why I feel Dabi does what he does speaking from unfortunately personal experience.
TLDR Dabi is autistic af and his family failed him in even more ways than you can imagine.
First and fore-fucking-most, Dabi is driven by emotions, and if you disagree quite frankly we're not following the same story. So, with that in mind, and I need to keep this all brief lest I write a fucking dissertation on the Todoroki family, let me cook.
Between his 'mood swings', as in he's either emotionally detached or psychotic, his entire plan, which involves being, quite literally, 10 steps ahead of everyone else, and that's being conservative, and his thirst-for-justice attitude, Todoroki Touya is autistic. Which I'm sure endeared him to his own family about as much as it did me to mine.
ANYWAY. At this point, Dabi doesn't care what's 'right' or 'wrong'. He doesn't care what he has to do, or who he has to hurt, in order to feel like he's worth something. And even if he does know on some level what he's doing is 'wrong', he doesn't care anymore. The world has shown him that you do something bad, and if you have enough pull, if you lie enough, you scheme enough, it all goes away, and nobody cares, because at the end of the day people need something to cling to. And if that just so happens to be you, you can do no wrong, it's your golden ticket. Your family will defend you no matter what, so will most of your friends, and even strangers who you've never fucking met before.
They all have this idea of this person in their head who doesn't really exist, but it doesn't matter, because that fake person fits their criteria of what they need to feel okay on a daily basis.
So, what I'm trying to say is, as noble as Dabi's cause seems to be, he's never going to be able to overcome human nature. He claims it's 'Hero Society', but that's just a fancy name for human nature. That's not to say I don't think he should do it, every day of my life I wish I had anything as remotely convincing as blue flames to make people listen to me, but unfortunately in the world WE, THE AUDIENCE, lives in, it's never going to happen this way.
I guess this is just a post about me coming to terms with the fact that life in the real world fucking sucks and I can't do anything as impactful as I'd like it to be like it is in my favorite manga lmao.
I guess circling back to my main point, Todoroki Touya is autistic, and those aspects of his personality are what is driving him, that's making him do what he's doing, because even before I knew who he was, before I knew what he was really doing, I clung to him like a limpet because he acted like I do, seemed to think like I do, and I guessed who and what he was based on our (unfortunately) mutual childhoods and tendencies. And again, I'm not trying to seem like I know everything, I've just been around this miserable rock a few more times than I'd prefer, and I think that if he could, Dabi would agree.
But don't mind me, like I said, we're unfortunately, uncomfortably similar, and it's also just bad timing that I'm having a bad time family wise, so I'm probably projecting more than should be allowed.
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autistichalsin · 6 months
Don't know if this helps but I think a lot of people (esp neurotypical ppl) see multi paragraph responses as hostile or confrontational, bc length = very strong feelings. Ppl (subconsciously) emotionally view them as ranting. I blame the fact most ppl communicate online through social media that favors short, punchy/glib comments. Even multi tweet threads are a bunch of short comments in a row; nobody talks on forums where conversations span weeks anymore. I think that's why I don't see long essay response chains on Tumblr as often as I did pre 2018.
Oh, also, ppl not understanding a lot of non-neurotypical folk's communication where you prefer to make absolutely sure you're both getting across the point you want to make and saying everything you want to say. And since the only way to do that is use words (which are such terribly misunderstood things) you use as many as you need to. And then ppl see multiple paragraphs and instantly get defensive.
I still don't think that means you need to change the way you communicate though. Someone can always ask you to clarify your intent after all. Just thought maybe I could offer insight on that one part you questioned. My best friend is autistic and we actually had to have a long conversation about communication bc I was misinterpreting her verbosity for irritation, so it's something I had to think a lot about. Anyway! The tone indicators can probably help, hopefully.
(Tone: appreciative/thoughtful)
That's a good point too, because it has become less popular (and suspiciously right at the same time TikTok became the preferred socmed site). I remember when multi paragraph responses were just kind of the standard. Like I'm a Fandom Old, I've been around since Livejournal and I was one of the first 10,000 users on AO3 (on my first account).... this is all new etiquette.
TOTALLY agree about the autism thing like. Using a lot of words makes it less likely I'll be misunderstood... until now I guess lol.
I appreciate you very much, thank you for this ask! I won't change how I communicate PER SE, though I am probably not going to be posting disagreeing posts to anyone but moots again for a while because uh... there are definitely people reading my stuff in bad faith who will be waiting for their next chance to twist my words lol
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marvelstars · 10 months
Anakin did not realize Clovis was forcing himself on Padme. He said later that he only saw the two of them “kissing.” He also glared at Padme and said she had “no say in this” when she asked him to stop the fight. Clovis was definitely an unredeemable asshole, but Anakin was not defending Padme’s honor. He was trying to punish her for cheating on him.
Nobody is sympathetic to Clovis; we’re sympathetic to PADME, whose husband didn’t even acknowledge the hardship she was experiencing, and even put her mission (which he knew about) in jeopardy because he couldn’t control himself.
I disagree given I have seen some posts talking about Clovis being some kind of pro-feminist character, I know it´s because many hate Anakin but that´s why I felt the need to make the post about Clovis, I believe he is a boring character in general but I wanted to explore the context of his appareances in Clone Wars.
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How was Anakin trying to punish Padmé exactly?
Punish her by beating the guy who was trying to kiss her agaisn´t her will which actually counts as sexual assault?
by stopping beating Clovis when Padmé asked him?
by leaving her alone and in fact breaking their relationship when she said she wanted to end their marriage?
I guess we just very have different perspectives on what "punishment" means
Anakin admited it was wrong to beat Clovis and I also believe he feel bad more because he stopped her "investigation"even when it was going wrong if she could not stop Clovis from taking advantage of her, she certainly wasn´t in control of the situation when Anakin found them.
I personally believe Clovis deserved no less but well I guess for some fans Anakin must be in the wrong no matter the circunstances and that´s ok, fandom is allowed to be biased, just don´t get on my case when I notice the double standard.
I get you point about the problems on Anakin and Padmé relationship but I disagree with it, in fact that´s why I said I understand many fans for hating Anakin on many things, including his relationship with Padmé and that some fans see this scene as a preview of their confrontation on Mustafar and that´s why some fans glaringly ignore Clovis trying to force himself on Padme but the whole point of the scene between Anakin and Padme on Mustafar is the fact Anakin ISNT LIKE THAT, Anakin was in the middle of a breakdown and full on the darkside on Mustafar, that´s not how he behaves, that´s not himself, that´s him losing himself to the darkside, the whole point Lucas wanted to make on Mustafar was the fact Anakin wasn´t like that, he wasn´t "Anakin" anymore, he was Vader now and that´s why Padme recognizes this and tells him he is going on a path she can´t follow.
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This is also why Anakin feel horrified after beating Clovis, not for defending Padmé but for his violence and that´s also why he agreed to end their marriage recognizing Padmé didn´t feel secure in their relationship anymore and he left her alone, because guess what? he actually cares about his wife, so he listens to her when she says their relationship is over and didn´t even try to argue with her.
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But I guess is easier to paint Anakin as an evil guy on all circunstances. I get it truly but this doesn´t mean I won´t notice when fandom ignores context to suit their biased view on Anakin.
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calling lesbians who aren't okay with "trans men lesbians" radfems is weird as hell when "trans men are just confused lesbians" IS a widespread radfem stance. if you support them whatever but it's disingenuous to act like lesbians who don't want to date trans men are radfems for that
I think policing relationships and gender and such in the queer community is genuinely one of the worst things that's happened to us in the last 20 years.
I think if you're attracted to someone or not then ok? That's it. Period.
Who cares how they identify or the words they use?
Give me a fucking break. Show me the trans man killing lesbians. Trying to get lesbian relationships to be criminalized? To have them removed from the queer community?
You can't. Because it's not trans men doing that. It's TERFs.
"they're invading our spaces!"
Oh like a hypothetical evil cis man would invade a bathroom by pretending to be a woman?
I said radfem-lite lite for a reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We made up a bunch of rules for how the Other person you're attracted to identifies and then moralized it and made DNIs and started calling queer people"-phobic" based on Your own ideas of gender/relationships (good job creating a more inclusive shitty binary with rules btw) and acting like everyone who doesn't agree with Your rules and ideas is some queerphobic enemy is fucking wild.
The whole point of queerness is simply that we aren't allo cishets. That we're different. And it's something we ALL experience so we're supposed to be understanding. That sometimes people WONT have the same concept of gender as you, the same rules and that's okay. We are a community because understand each other on that. We agree and have that solidarity because we ALL experience this from people who believe that binary can NOT allow for trans people or queer relationships.
I will literally Never ever agree with anyone who disagrees any of this. They're no ally of mine or the queer community. You are wildly accepting of your siblings or you have some queerphobia to work on.
Believe whatever the hell you want but to say Specific queer people are "invading" your space is also just fucking ahistorical. For a long time lesbian was the only word even used if you presented as a woman and liked people who presented as women. Did you know that? Who cares if you were a man or woman or trans or a gender?
If you feel like how someone ELSE identifies undermines your own identity then welcome to the Same Exact reason that homophobic and transphobic straights are homophobic and transphobic!!
We make them question gender and relationships in ways that make them uncomfortable. That make them question their own relationship to gender itself. And nobody is supposed to do that. You're supposed to follow the rules. Girls aren't supposed to kiss girls. And nobody is supposed to want to transition.
And so just like we tell them, I will tell you: if there is no harm being done, then there's no foul. Mind your own business instead of worrying about someone else's.
Some lesbians having the same struggle to accept this as allo cishets do, does not mean that they are being attacked and persecuted by trans man lesbians anymore than cishet women are being persecuted by fake trans people.
Can we please be over this now?
We get enough shit from straight people trying to regulate gender, we truly do not need reinvent the same fucking dynamic in our own community.
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an-organism · 2 months
so on ali’s motivation for [redacted under cut]
going to dragonstone - she’s trying to end the war as bloodlessly as possible for her immediate family while she has any leverage left whatsoever. there is some triaging going on, as she’s reached the point where she doesn’t think there’s anything she can do for aemond - that’s a realization that started to creep in with luke's death, continued through rook’s rest and his ascendance to the regency, and was capped off by what she saw of his treatment of helaena in e8. from her perspective he’s clearly negligent with the lives of his siblings, if not an outright deliberate threat to them, which makes it easier for her to justify writing him off as a lost cause and prioritize the others.
over the course of s2 we’ve seen her exhaust any remaining influence she previously had over aemond, larys, criston, and the rest of the small council, so once the walls start to close in she makes a last-ditch effort with rhaenyra, who’s the one and only person with any real power on either side of the war that she might have an outside shot at dealing with (indicated in part by the surprise church date a few weeks ago). she thinks, probably correctly, that she can at least convince her to spare helaena and jaehaera, but gives a solid effort at pleading for aegon’s life as well, exaggerating his injuries, her own sway over him, and his willingness to bend the knee to downplay him as a threat.
yeah it’s probably too little too late at this point, and obviously we see that rhaenyra won’t commit to sparing aegon (after which alicent straight-up leaves without agreeing to anything else, worth noting), but what does alicent have to lose here? it’s not going to get better if she waits any longer. if rhaenyra wins on her own terms, she’ll at minimum kill aegon, and who’s to say whether she stops at him; otoh if the war drags out, that leaves aemond in power as an escalatingly loose kinslaying cannon who’s doing an even better job at endangering his siblings than rhaenyra is. this way, either rhaenyra agrees to negotiate with her and she gets something out of that, she disagrees but alicent is able to plant the idea in her head and get a better idea of what she wants, or rhaenyra kills her on the spot and none of this is her problem anymore.
for whatever reason people are set on interpreting all this as either alicent being sooo down horrendous over stupid sexy nyra she forgets what side she's on, and/or condal et al just wanting to humiliate her out of spite or something? as opposed to a genuine attempt at exercising some control over the situation she’s in that necessarily involves telling rhaenyra what she wants to hear, which fails because 1) too much has happened already and 2) rhaenyra is in a very different place than she was at their meeting in the sept, what with her new cult and hot lover and subservient cuck husband and all. but what are her other options? nobody else is listening to her.
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gemsofgreece · 3 months
What do you think of this video? It's good criticism i think but i'm asking beyond it's USA pov, what do you think specifically in regard to the "adaptations/americanizations of Greek Mythology" and these combative & arrogant attitudes & tactics towards not just their domestic audience disagreeing on some things from their USA perspective, but towards the people from whose civilization they stole, in order to "fix" it [insert clown face]
It is the exact same principle. Movie making these days is rarely done with passion and love for storytelling. Movies are mass produced to fan-bait audiences - especially late teens and 20somethings whom the movie industry is most dependent on right now. Just like superhero and fantasy movies have become pathetic in their majority, so has the Greek mythology-inspired content, which generally belongs to the same genre. It used to be portrayed more through sword-and-sandal films but not anymore. Now Norse and Greek gods are just some comical superheroes.
Nobody in the filmmaking industry can convince (or would even try to) that they do care about foreign cultures’ mythologies. It is just more content to exploit in order to excuse their lack of creativity and interest in making original characters. So they mass produce movies with well known characters who they don’t give a shit for. All they want is a field to apply all the qualities they need to check in the trending box, so that the "usual suspects" among young American fans will “clock in”.
That’s all there is to it really. Almost no moviemaker or retelling writer truly cares about the mythology or the culture. Not even to truly reshape it and manifest something through this - problematic as it may be - I doubt that even these excuses are any genuine. But this type of stuff sells somewhat (actually less than all these people are always confident it will though, as proven by the box office) and everyone wants a piece from the pie.
In short, entertainment industry nowadays is a few (ironically, often middle aged white) people sitting around a table and wondering: what is another field on which we can produce a dozen movies with no plot and originality and throw in the dog-whistles that will get us the viewers’ money with the minimum amount of effort needed? That is all it takes.
The combative attitude is what keeps them and their small groups of impassioned supporters going. When you hit them with accusations that are objectively true (ie inaccuracy, appropriation, bad plot, lack of talent, unsuitable cast), it’s hard for them to defend themselves against these so the combative attitude (oh you must be a racist, sexist, mythology gatekeeping nationalist etc) is their only way of reacting without admitting their shortcomings.
Having said that, I agree generally with the video and personally yes I didn’t like the remake of Ghostbusters and the new Star Wars but the thing is, at the risk of Bill Murray knocking down my door and humiliating me if he ever sees this, I don’t like the original Ghostbusters and the original Star Wars either. Unpopular I know! (I can still see the superior quality though.) Also I disagree about Black Panther, one of the last good superhero movies in my opinion. But I totally agree about the embarrassment the Rings of Power are and how much lack of self-respect you must have to produce this after Jackson’s Colossal Trilogy. All these are irrelevant to Greek matters but I felt like mentioning them since I watched the video after all.
I also totally agree about Mulan and I am going to talk about this a little here despite it being irrelevant to the blog’s theme. The live-action version of Mulan was supposed to be another addition to the feminist film pool. When I watched this movie, I felt offended. OFFENDED. They changed the plot in order to make Mulan have a “chi” gift by birth, or whatever it was called, which was making humans born with it have some superhuman abilities that were making them great warriors. The point those megamind film creators were obviously trying to make was “oh look a woman is born with the chi so women are equal to men yeah feminism uwu give us our woke money now”. I cannot explain how livid I was when I saw this. You see, in the real world women are not born with a chi and neither are men. Those shitheads tried to promote feminism by writing that at some point in a fantastical China a woman was born with a supernatural gift WHEN IN THE 90s ANIMATED “BACKWARDS” MOVIE Mulan was a regular everyday girl with no supernatural talents that managed to distinguish herself as the best soldier of China through insistence, perseverance, strenuous work, strategic intelligence and a sacrificial spirit for the sake of her family. Qualities that can actually be found and be further developed in real human beings. Do we all realise how regressive the live action movie is??? To me this was the opposite of feminist, despite knowing their intentions were the exact opposite and that is what often makes such movies so pathetic. This is why I often call such and other similar content counter-productive. The woke people being all aggressive and combative in supporting those movies or the modern retellings do not realise how horrible and dangerous they often unknowingly are to all these causes. And by changing gods and mythological characters and making the female ones girlbosses by default and the male ones convicted feloners or something, what exactly do they think they achieve in the long-term??? Will the world's poc's rights be respected or will the femicides decrease if, say, Circe is a wronged girlboss and Odysseus is written as an asshole? They will achieve exactly nothing, the consumers will eventually turn their backs on them anyway sooner or later. They are only earning more and more contempt from the people of these cultures they play with so carelessly. Well done, I guess????
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morlock-holmes · 2 years
@onecornerface linked me to this paper, which I mostly agree quite a lot with, and lays out some thoughts that I've been having lately in a much more coherent, far less fundamentally angry form than I have. Particularly the fact that the American racial culture wars are primarily waged between rival groups of middle-to-upper-class whites and that the distinction between de jure and de facto segregation is actually important and worth focusing on.
I'm trying to think how to put certain thoughts in order, but over the last few years I have been increasingly fixated on the fact that de jure segregation and affirmative action have both been resolutely defeated in the law here in the US.
The defeat of segregation has been the quicker and more complete; I cannot bring to mind any attempt to revive Jim Crow or repeal the Civil Rights act.
Affirmative action, in contrast, has not been completely excised from the US but it seems to be well on the way out.
My followers will know that I like to piss people off by asking for a legislative or court victory for Affirmative Action that happened in the last half century. I think the closest I've gotten was a California ballot measure that didn't pass and maybe, like, one Supreme Court decision that was kind of a mixed bag rather than being entirely restrictive from the early 70s.
Both these situations strike me as incredibly weird, and people hate when I say that, because they sense a kind of dismissiveness lurking behind the assertion that these total legal defeats are weird.
Which frustrates me because it makes them incapable of even admitting that anything happened.
I cannot name any other important culture war issues like this. Roe V. Wade dates to very close to the Civil Rights Act, and American conservatives never once stopped working at overturning it through the courts and legislatures, and, as we know, they finally succeeded.
The same kind of continual push for legislation and court victories can be observed for every other culture war battle I can think of. If I asked you to name one legislative or court victory for anti-gay activists in the last fifty years you could probably name several off the top of your head, e.g. Prop 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act. If I asked you to name similar victories for pro-gay activists you'd cite Lawrence V. Texas and the Respect For Marriage Act.
Gay rights battles have been fought in the courts and legislature and continue to be fought up to the present day, just like battles over Abortion, drug use, gun rights, etc.
But the same is not true of Segregation or Affirmative Action. For example, current Supreme Court precedent bans the use of official racial quotas in college admissions. Affirmative Action advocates could pass trigger laws requiring such quotas, which would go into effect as soon as they could get friendly court judges to overturn current precedent. The same is true of white supremacists who want to bring back the bad old days.
But they don't.
When I point this out people get very angry and say, "Just because something isn't done by the courts or legislature doesn't mean people don't still do it. Here's an example of some private citizen doing something really egregious! Everybody knows that you don't get results by going to the courts or the legislature anymore! Please ignore all the states that are now banning abortion!"
I disagree. If something is a huge, controversial culture war flashpoint, but only one side has won any legal victories in a half century, that's actually so anomalous that I genuinely cannot come up with a third example after Segregation and Affirmative Action.
I think this is related to a conviction that destroying segregation and affirmative action are held (By different political groups) to be the key to achieving racial harmony.
It may look like segregation was defeated so thoroughly that nobody could possibly advocate for it seriously anymore, but that hasn't led to an end of racial strife. Since racial strife is caused by segregation, if it's still around that means segregation and race hatred must have somehow gone underground. Those feelings must be as strong as they were in the 60s, but now they're hiding and we have to do more and more psychological work to figure out where they're hiding.
And an essentially exactly analogous process happens for affirmative action.
Essentially, on the left the feeling is that if we had actually rooted out race hatred from the white psyche, we'd have racial harmony and equality.
We don't have racial harmony and equality, therefore the white psyche must still be riddled with race hatred, and we need to find it. It must be expressing itself through white chefs that want to cook soul food and tourists trying on kimonos, and we need to treat people who do those things as the racists they are.
On the right, the feeling is that the psychological problem is the ability to conceive of race at all; the way to racial harmony is colorblindness and particularly color-blind policy.
We don't have racial harmony and equality, therefore the affirmative action mindset must be heavily embedded in the left-wing psyche, and we need to find out where it is hiding. People hide it behind innocent-sounding phrases like "diversity" and "inclusion" and we need to run anybody who uses those phrases out of town on a rail.
Our whole approach to race in this country is devolving into increasingly hysterical attempts to force (white) people to have the correct attitudes about race.
Step back for a bit and the fact that we are trying to make it illegal to cause a white person to feel guilt about history has a sort of bizarre, 1,001 Nights fairytale quality about it. Like some fairy story where it is illegal to remind the Emperor that he will die someday.
I think I am coming around to the idea that racial strife in the US is no longer caused primarily by defects in the individual (white) psyche, and that our efforts to keep finding those defects are kind of the same mindset that convinced Soviet leaders that all failures were caused by sabotage.
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Second chapter to Intertwining Threads of Gold, based on a prompt for @time-for-a-grandkid-round-up.
Mirabel becomes the matriarch.
The Madrigals reflect on their plan for the matriarchy and what to do with Mirabel. However, the most unlikely person disagrees.
Comments are always appreciated.
Previous part of ITOG.
Next part of ITOG.
Intertwining Threads of Gold II
Antonio flopped his head onto the table and sighed.
And sighed.
And sighed.
And sighed.
“Yes, Antonio, what is it?” Dolores asked.
“Nobody tells me anything,” he pouted. His sister didn’t look phased. “I got Tío Bruno to tell me because I’m—”
“His favourite. Yes, we all know. He isn’t quiet about his ranking of us.”
Antonio nodded, smiling a little at thought, before frowning again. “He told me that Mirabel was gonna be the next Abuela but I couldn’t say anything to the adults because me, Camilo and Luisa wasn’t suppose to know yet. So I told Mirabel, to say that she’d be good.”
“That was nice of you,” she said.
“That’s what I thought!” Antonio cried, ludicrously. “But she didn’t think so. She hasn’t spoken to me since.”
Now that Dolores thinks about it, she hasn’t heard Mirabel speak to anyone since last night. Mirabel isn’t a petty person though. And though she is quiet, she wouldn’t ignore anyone - she’s too polite.
“It’s been hours since then!” Antonio whined.
“Don’t take it personally, hermanito,” Dolores assured, gently. “She hasn’t spoken to anyone today.”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. My guess is that she’s sick and she’s trying her best to be in denial about it.”
“Can’t you ask her?” The boy questioned. “You know, one old lady to another?”
“I am not old.” Dolores seethed. “And neither’s your cousin— look, stop repeating things you’ve heard Camilo say. Because, as usual, he is completely wrong.”
Antonio huffed, dragging himself from the kitchen to go complain to their parents - who were, presumably, going to be a lot more sympathetic. Passing Isabela on the way, who looked very confused by his mood.
“What’s his problem? His teacher said he couldn’t bring animals to school again?” She joked, pulling over a spare seat.
“Mirabel isn’t talking to anyone.”
“What? Wait, she’s still sulking about the matriarch thing?”
Dolores shook her head. “No, she’s not sulking, she’s processing everything. And she can have all the time she wants.”
Isabela didn’t seem to care, mumbling something about how her sister was definitely overthinking this and being dramatic. Dolores simply rolled her eyes.
“Why are you here?”
“Banned from the kitchen by Mama after Luisa broke my wrist in a fight.”
“What did you do to annoy her this time?”
“Put a variety of highly flammable plants in the stove. Ruined whatever she was cooking.”
Dolores grumbled, “You are so immature.”
There still hadn’t been a word from Mirabel.
Not to anyone. Not even about mundane things. Even if Isabela pretended to care and asked about different types of fabric, Mirabel would just stare vacantly and then go back to whatever she was doing.
It wasn’t a case of her sister just ridiculously overthinking this anymore.
“Are you worried about Mirabel?”
The question from Isabela came from nowhere one evening, as she sat on the counter, drinking her tenth cup of coffee. It took the rest of the Madrigals for surprise.
They would have expected something like that from Luisa - then again, she would have been more aggressive and accusing with her questioning, would straight up blame them if there was any reason to worry about her sister. Isabela, however, never really had the same protective older sister instincts.
“It’s been a whole two weeks since we told her about her becoming the next matriarch,” Isabela continued when nobody answered. “She hasn’t said anything. Like, at all.”
Alma didn’t give it to much consideration, before saying, “We were giving her time to think. But I agree, this is getting ridiculous. We can’t keep everyone waiting. I say we carry on as planned. If we don’t try, we’ll never get anywhere. Once she dips her toes into these waters, she will realise she’s been making a fuss over nothing.”
Several of the adults nodded in agreement, Isabela looked unconvinced as she sipped her coffee.
“So we’re just gonna force her?” She asked.
“We aren’t forcing her, she just needs some encouragement. We all need that from time to time.” Bruno reasoned. “It’s a big change and in hindsight, we probably shouldn’t have told her everything at once. She’s just been a little shaken. This is a great thing for her.”
“My engagement to Mariano was a great thing. Does that mean you’re all going to force me down the aisle and into his bed then?” Isabela retorted without missing a beat. Beside her, Dolores choked on her tea.
All of the adults were quick to argue against that, after the shock had worn off from Isabela being so blunt, of course.
“Of course not, Isabela. We know you don’t want that.” Her father answered.
“Okay, then why is Mirabel so different?” She demanded.
“This isn’t the same situation, Isabela.”
“Isn’t it?” Isabela snapped. “A young woman - granted Mirabel’s a child - being forced into a huge commitment she doesn’t want. But cares enough for her family that if push comes to shove, she’ll go along with it.” Taking a minute to process their reactions, Isabela mockingly tapped her chin in thought. “Seems like the same situation to me.”
“That is not what is happening,” her mother tried to explain. “Everyone handles things differently, Isabela. Your sister isn’t you.”
“Maybe not. But she’s not said a word for two weeks straight and I’m not a professional, but even I can tell you that’s not healthy. Has she, Dolores?” Isabela prompted her cousin.
Dolores squeaked, not really wanting to get involved, but knowing she couldn’t really avoid it. “She hasn’t. Not even to Antonio. He’s a little upset about it. Oh, and Luisa is all kinds of suspicious. She keeps asking me if I know anything.”
“I mean, we did just spend every day since Casita’s fall trying to convince Mirabel that she’s always been special by herself, but fuck all of that, right?” Isabela questioned, sarcastically. She glanced at each of the adults in turn, landing on Tío Bruno. “Character development sucks, you need to start leaving it out of your rat telenovelas. Or, better idea, completely reverse by stabbing the character in the back, especially if it’s a child—”
Julieta slammed a hand onto the counter, making Dolores wince and everyone else look at her startled. “It’s not our fault, we can’t make her talk!”
Everyone sat in frozen bewilderment at her outburst.
The rage fizzled out quickly and Julieta pressed heralded into Agustín’s side, weeping quietly as he held her close.
“Mirabel will talk to us when she’s ready,” Agustín sighed.
The pair of them were trying, more than Isabela had initially realised. If anyone was going to be concerned about the things Mirabel had said that night, it would be their parents. Of course they’d been the first to notice when Mirabel hadn’t greeted them ‘good morning’ the following day too.
Agustín was trying. By now, he was well aware that Mirabel wouldn’t tell any of them anything. At a push, maybe Luisa. But it would be wrong to exploit Mirabel’s trust in Luisa that way. If she found out - which he doesn’t doubt she wouldn’t, given her intelligence - she certainly wouldn’t ever regain that level of trust in anyone. And, by extension, it wouldn’t be fair to Luisa either.
Julieta was still reeling from Mirabel feeling that she didn’t matter. Even before Casita’s fall, when it was clear otherwise, she hadn’t admitted to that. The healer had spent hours in bed trying to justify it in her head. Maybe Mirabel was just in shock and hadn’t meant it? Maybe Mirabel had just wanted a quick, clever exit? Or were the Madrigals really neglecting her?
Was she failing her daughter?
The rest of the family had spent ages convincing the parents of this idea. How great an opportunity it was. Neither were on-board at first. They knew their daughter better than any of them - though Bruno argued differently.
The silence stretched for a few minutes.
“Isabela, you know—”
It was too late. Isabela barged past the adults, shoving her empty cup into Tía Pepa’s hands and headed for the front door.
The door slammed shut behind her.
“Good morning,” Mirabel announces, quietly, to nobody in particular, from the doorway.
The rest of the family are sat around the table, turning to her in shock. They could only have just started on breakfast, even Camilo still looks to have a full plate before him.
Everyone who was there that night is looking at her very strangely; some cautiously, some hopefully. Antonio and Camilo barely pay her any attention, too distracted by food and their own conversation. Luisa looks like she picks up on the tension, she looks very puzzled at what it’s about though.
“Good morning, Mirabel.” Abuela says. Her expression not giving anything away.
“I have been thinking,” Mirabel started, now a lot more uncomfortable with all the eyes on her and still struggling with the weight of what she was doing. “I spoke hastily before and have behaved poorly these past two weeks, I apologise.” Her knees buckle, she plays it off as a bow before her grandmother. She keeps her eyes on the tiles. “If this inheritance is legally mine and you are all willing, then I would be honoured to do what I can for our family and community.”
She hears a chair scraping back and footsteps getting closer to her. A hand lifts her chin.
Abuela smiles at her, eyes shining. “Oh, nieta. I am so proud of you.” She almost chuckles fondly as she pulls Mirabel back onto her feet. She turns her around to the rest of the table, the ones who are aware are bursting with happiness and pride, and had only been quiet to give Abuela her moment. “We have a new matriarch!”
All the fanfare of that night repeats itself, this time with more confidence and oomph, knowing there will be no more incidents. And of course there are the added voices of those who weren’t here before.
“This is brilliant, hermanita!” Luisa exclaimed, getting up and hugging her before anyone else could. “You’re going to do wonderful things for this family. And the community.”
“You can finally show this town a thing or two!” Bruno whooped.
“I told you it was good news!” Antonio gleamed triumphantly, even if he didn’t fully understand.
Pepa and Félix were trying their best to explain it all to him, while the rest of the family were anything but helpful with their loud celebrations.
Camilo was throwing his own questions at anyone who would listen, but found he was completely ignored in favour of his primita. While Dolores kept her hands over ears, though that was doing little to quiet the noise, nodding along with what the others were saying.
Julieta and Agustín were trying to shoo Luisa aside, for at least a moment, so they could also shower their praise over the girl. And check to make sure she was alright after the last two weeks.
Abuela and Bruno were already pressing on with their plans for the future and what they would do next. There would be the rest of the town to tell and celebrations to be had - which is why they had started getting supplies early.
Isabela didn’t say a word.
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blockcurio · 22 days
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LET'S acknowledge this, bullet-point by bullet-point.
"You want me kicked of the RPC!"
INCORRECT, we know this is not possible. The RPC is extremely broad. For every fandom, there's technically three or more communities for each. It is unrealistic to chase someone out of the RPC, let alone tumblr. When people delete their own blogs, it's of their own violation. We can't hack into your account and delete it for you, Curio. You could stay here forever and we couldn't do squat about it.
THIS blog? Is consequences. Consequences for your actions, specifically the repeated behavior of block evasion and being hostile towards callouts.
2. "Focusing entirely on my flaws and mistakes while ignoring anything that can't be used to demonize me!"
SIR. Do you want us to document every post and rp you participate in? Most of your blogs are just you bitching about people blocking you, asking your followers if they want starters, or replies. We... What do you want us to document? We don't see any apologies or anything that isn't hostile relating to these situations. What, do you want us to throw EVERY person who writes with you under the bus?
3. "Because I think communication is more important than blocking at a drop of a hat."
NO, that wasn't the case. You brush it off in this post, "Pushed too hard for it in the past" CURIO, YOU STILL BLOCK EVADE PEOPLE AS OF THIS YEAR. That was our main issue. When we talked in private, I explained that nobody owes you this.
GUESS what, people are allowed to be selfish to avoid stress and mental strain. You can disagree all you want but I rather someone block me out of the blue than have a panic attack trying to explain to me that they're unfollowing me because they don't jive with my muses anymore, or for any petty reason. Our issue was always how you demonzied people who didn't agree with your mindset.
PEOPLE do not owe you an explanation, especially as most of your victims barely interacted with you, if at all, before blocking you, where you went out of your way to pursue them like a creep. To get the last word in. You are not owed shit, buttercup.
4. "Ignore whatever they say to you and come to your own conclusions..."
CURIO, we haven't gone out of our way to go into askboxes or whatever. We're just here. Existing. As your consequences.
People are in their full right to see your public behavior documented. If you had balls you'd link to this blog to show everyone how "baseless" we are. Why else do you block blogs super fast when they reply with anything other than asskissing? So your followers can't see our URLs. We know this because people did unfollow you over followcurio. So.
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HI, Patch. Hi, Curio spoonfeeding a narrative. We don't want to control the RPC, god knows how much of a mess it is with or without people like you in it.
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WHICH callout was this? The one on the 15 year old made by your groomer friend, or? Because that callout was baseless, like you claim all callouts victims make are.
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