#No you will litterally never guess which Fandom
percephilous · 4 months
Blue moon moment non rejuvenation content I figured I should show off this guy considering he's fucking awesome
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My favorite fucked up cat son Jherrip. He's very lomg
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gok1bvri72 · 1 year
I adore Len and Rin! I have been trying my hand in x readers lately by making a load of Lyney x Reader so why not make some nostalgic (for me at least) Len x Reader🤔? As cringe as it may sound I've been reading all the fics left over by the fandom of old since I was 10 I'm so obsessed with Len>< So I pretty much have a headcanon for everything under the sun about him! So this mini thing will be a breeze:>
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Len is a very cautious lover.
Used to all the memes and hate he used to regularly get back when the Vocaloid fandom was rampant; he is very hesitant with just about everything he does lest it become yet another meme and another reason to make fun of him.
As you can guess this leads to major anxiety and constantly feeling like he has done something wrong.
Please don't let him feel this way.
This being said, he is great at recognizing panic/anxiety attacks long before they happen.
He has a tendency to memorize what triggers them and avoids those places/topics entirely.
It's almost like he was built to be some form of anxiety relief android. Maybe he has some beta coding for future therapy androids?
Either way despite his physical age and mindset his is incredibly observant and can read a person pretty well.
He has a tendency to make assumptions though.
Brush his hair and don't tell him he needs to whack his ponytail off.
He'll love you.
Maybe he will let you braid it if you ask nicely.
He owns a saluki named Happy. No questions asked.
No he does not co-own her with Rin. Happy is *his* dog and neither him or the dog will accept otherwise.
If his dog approves of you 9 times outta 10 he will too.
He also likes cats, he and Rin are just allergic.
If you're someone like me and covered in cat hair 24/7, he will sneeze around you all the time.
It's cute though.
Len sneezes are adorable.
He is bad at english/kanji class please help him.
That being said he is a math wizard.
If you're like me and suck at math he can help you don't need to worry.
He would probably just do your homework for you if you ask.
Which is why you shouldn't.
Len has a problem with doing things for others so he'll do just about anything (within reason) for you if he loves you enough.
We already know he would die for his sister if I had to guess he would die for you too if you won him over.
He will take his hoodie off for you and let you wear it. He never takes his hoodies off.
Please please protect him.
Him is verr ee wholesome.
Len has some serious self doubt issues (as I mentioned earlier) so remind him that he *is* talented and that his sister isn't any better than he is.
I mentioned earlier he is good at recognising the signs of a panic attack and I think he is just as prepared to handle them as he is good at sensing them.
If you need words of comfort he can provide you with those but if you just want him to hold you while you cry he can do that too.
He actually prefers the latter because he is afraid he may say something wrong.
He has attachment issues and separation anxiety.
To certain extent he has separation anxiety with his sister and dog but it's not as bad as it is with you.
He gets so nervous and scared. He doesn't like being without you.
He is also super attached to you because you aren't mean to him.
That's probably one of the big reasons he loves you so much; you treat him like a person.
Len gets angry when people say he is a little gay twink.
He likes girls too!
He thinks no matter what's in your pants if your beautiful and kind you are beautiful and kind>:[
Please play minecraft and animal crossing with him♡♡♡
He is often littered with band-aids for no reason. He thinks they look cool lol.
Big cuddler!
Winter and autumn are his favourite seasons because he can cuddle with you in bed and wear layers:)
He has *so* many blankets and he shares all of them with you!
Doesn't mind if you fart in the bed. Doesn't run away squealing in disgust like his sister. Literally could not care less it's no different from a sneeze to him. True manliness right there.
Apple cider is his favourite!
He loves the smell so much his room has diffusers everywhere in it and they all have the scent:)
He also has his windows open a lot of the time!
So it smells like that windy-open-window-bedroom *and* apple cider!
If you open his door without expecting it, it's like being hit in the face with essence of bard. (If you get it you get it.)
Hates anything to do with zombies. They trigger panic attacks in him because he knows he would survive because he is an android but he wouldn't know how to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Not knowing what to do in certain situations enduces anixety and panic attacks in him whether it be an on the spot question from a teacher or just thinking about a situation like such his room.
He cries a lot.
I mean he is adorable and it's impossible to not find him cute when he does cry but he has one of those crying faces that makes you just feel so much guilt and a need to protect him.
Smooch his cheeks when he cries, if you do it enough he cries a little less.
Don't make him bottle up his emotions though, but also help him to stop crying because it's not very good for his eye cameras.
His eyes can glow in the dark by the way.
Every android's can.
But his are so pretty! When they glow they are a bright, electric blue that fades into a slightly deeper shade and they are *so*, SO sparkly!!
Make sure to tell him his sparkle eyes are beautiful✨✨
He has a lot of plushies.
He likes Journey to the West and is a Sun Wukong enthusiast!
He really likes Dragon Ball so he wanted to know about the design origins of Goku and you get the picture.
He doesn't quite understand all the symbolism in JTTW but he still enjoys it regardless because MONKEY KING SMASH!!!
Has a lanyard that he really likes and doesn't take off often.
He has a Vocaloid tomogatchi and the little character in it is the same Rin he has had since he first got it back when they were released.
He can't let his sister die on him!
His sister has one with him in it that she takes just as good care of♡
They may argue all the time but they really do love eachother!
Len and Rin are you best friends and Len is the best, most accommodating boyfriend you could ever ask for so please treasure him and his sister you lucky you!
Handle with care U^U
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darkstarofchaos · 8 months
For the character ask game, I'm not sure how many numbers you're willing to do for a single ask, so you can just do as much as you want from this. For Prowl - 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 23, 25
I don't mind a bunch of numbers! Gives me an excuse to ramble, lol. And to rant, because Prowl deserves better.
2: Favorite canon thing about this character?
His willingness to look Optimus in the face and tell him he's being stupid, and to do his own thing to mitigate the stupidity if he has to. Mostly applicable to IDW, but Optimus needs a foil so badly in G1 that I've pretty much transplanted it into G1 Prowl when I write him. Not in its entirety, because G1 Prowl isn't IDW Prowl, but I like that he has his own opinions on tactics and morality and doesn't just go with the Autobot collective. His job is not to be a yes-mech; it's to keep people alive and win battles. If his commander is making stupid decisions, what benefit is there in standing back and letting it happen?
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Making the police car an actual cop was the most boring decision anyone could have made. In stories where the Cybertronians choose their alts, especially, there are so many more interesting things you could say about his character by giving him a pre-war job that's completely unrelated to his Earth alt. For example, I like to think he chose it for tactical reasons: it's a common black and white vehicle, thus perfect as a disguise, and the sirens let him "legally" break Earth traffic laws in an emergency. It's far more interesting if his alt is a result of strategy and reasoning instead of, "I guess I'll take the one that matches my old job description."
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I like that people took the little tidbit about Prowl having trouble with the unexpected that has exclusively appeared in two bios (that I'm aware of) and made it reasonably common. Would be really nice if they treated it seriously instead of making it comic relief, but maybe it does get treated more seriously these days. I don't read a lot of Prowl fic.
Let's talk about why.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
The image compilations of Prowl getting punched. The prick jokes that litter every TF Wiki page for every G1-based Prowl. The fanfics where Prowl is an uncompromising jerk or straight-up hate sink because the author needed a mean Autobot. The conversations and hypotheticals that make Prowl the source of any amoral action the Autobots take. The people who distill him down into Essence of Asshole and strip out every positive or sympathetic quality he has.
"Prowl gets villainized for being sensible" is one of my most hated fanfic tropes. Grab just about any fic where a Decepticon defects or earns the Autobots' sympathy in some way, and Prowl will be the only one who's unhappy with the situation. Which is perfectly reasonable because that is an enemy and he has no reason to trust them, let alone like them. But because we're supposed to sympathize with the Decepticon, that makes Prowl the villain. The other Autobots aren't naive and unreasonably forgiving, Prowl is just a bad person.
And it's not just IDW fics. G1 Prowl didn't get a whole lot of screen time, and thus no chance to develop his own personality, so he gets slapped with the same portrayal. Never mind the fact that when he does show up, he's one of the nicest characters - sure, he gets in on trash talking the Decepticons (though far less than some of the Autobots), but he's always helping out around base, shows concern for others, and pretty much stays out of interpersonal conflict. And yet, in stories based on a cartoon that has Powerglide, Gears, Cliffjumper, and Optimus Prime himself, I am expected to believe Prowl is the Autobots' resident jerk. Not gonna happen.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
As I mentioned earlier, it's kind of quasi-canon that Prowl has trouble dealing with the unexpected. It's never appeared in any actual media, but it does come from official sources, so I wouldn't call it a headcanon. But I do headcanon that he has some pretty severe anxiety in dealing with people because of it. Things like math and physics are reliable; if something doesn't do what you expect it to, it's because you lacked information, and you can remedy that. You can update your calculations based on the results you actually got, or try to find out what you were missing the first time. Given enough data, you can predict just about anything as long as the results are consistent.
People are not consistent. You can make some sweeping generalizations about them based on categories - social groups, behaviors, readily obvious personality traits - but you can never say with certainty that someone will react in a specific way to something. Once you've known them for a while, you start to understand them and can anticipate them with a reasonable degree of accuracy, but that's assuming their behavior is genuine and consistent. If they're messing with you or pretending to be something they aren't, your data is inaccurate, and you can't correct it unless you know it's inaccurate.
People are the only things in the natural world that can deliberately give you false data about what to expect from them. So yes, I think Prowl has social anxiety. And probably some form of people-centric agoraphobia or anthropophobia.
(I also headcanon him as biromantic asexual. It has nothing to do with the above, and actually predates the anxiety headcanon).
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
If I had to pick just one pairing, I guess I would say Jazz/Prowl. Which is ironic, because for a long time, it was one of my least favorite Prowl pairings. Not because it was particularly objectionable; it was just everywhere, and I couldn't see it working. I think of Prowl as the kind of person who needs a steady, reliable partner who will let him have his routines and respect his desire to plan things before doing them, and Jazz's thing is more spontaneity and flexibility. He seemed like one of the worst partners for Prowl, especially with how I developed Prowl's disorders over the years.
In the end, though, that spontaneity is what brought them full circle to a pairing I can support. Because I do think Jazz would be willing to compromise and accommodate for Prowl's needs, and that Prowl could eventually trust that he's not going to suddenly change how he acts around him. It's a rather tenuous case of opposites attract, and requires patience from both parties, but I can see it working now.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
First, an honorable mention goes to my immediate impulse, which was Constructicons/Prowl. I get why people want IDW Prowl to have someone on his side, and I don't think the Constructicons meant any harm. But Prowl was forced into the team through a series of traumatic events, the Constructicons like him for things he hates about himself, and being a part of Devastator seems to have contributed to his psychological decline. It wasn't a good or healthy situation for him, and I feel like the Constructicons having romantic feelings for him actually makes it more uncomfortable for me.
That being said, I'm going to have to go with Optimus/Prowl as my absolute least favorite ship. Optimus is very strongly motivated by morality and will generally take what he perceives to be the most moral action in a given situation. Pair that with someone like Prowl, who is willing to cross lines when he feels he has to, and you already have a relationship on rough ground. The only way things can work between them is either for Optimus to accept Prowl's "moral failings", or for Prowl to change a fundamental part of himself. There is literally no option that doesn't require one of them to compromise their principles or change who they are. And since Optimus isn't the kind of person who will do that, the only hope for a relationship is to "fix" Prowl. And that gets into abusive territory, because Optimus has power over Prowl in both the physical sense and in their professional relationship. He also has social power, because because Prowl is unpopular and Optimus is exactly the kind of person you wouldn't expect to be capable of abuse.
And yes. For the sake of argument, it could be toxic from Prowl's side too. He could try to hurt Optimus by throwing his mistakes in his face, or by blaming him for everything that goes wrong. But Optimus has a great deal of confidence in himself and the support of pretty much everyone, while Prowl is isolated and already isn't proud of things he's done. He is far more vulnerable to abuse than Optimus is, socially and psychologically, and he just doesn't deserve that.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Mmm. I guess I would have to say this one, since it inspired an entire story that I'm still working on. There's actually another one that I like better (which also spawned an in-progress story), but I'd have to do more digging to find the link for that one. Might do it later.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
When I started watching G1, the Autobots were just a conglomerate of near-identical personalities to me. Prowl was just one of the generic background bots who got a few minutes of screentime in one episode and was otherwise relegated to a support role. I was mildly interested by some of the fanfic portrayals I saw, but I definitely preferred the Decepticons, so I didn't read much where he was a main character unless there were Decepticon MCs too. And most of those fics were written by a couple authors whose endings were consistently disappointing, so after I stopped reading their stuff, Prowl just dropped off my radar.
Nowadays, Prowl is my favorite Autobot (well, second favorite after Skyfire). Thanks to IDW, I kind of see him as the Autobot version of Starscream (narratively if not in personality), but he's also a fascinating character in his own right. I love that he doesn't conform to the Autobots as a whole, he's fun to write and analyze, and he was the one good thing I got out of the IDW comics. 10/10 character, deserves better.
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emrys-rusts · 6 months
Obscure Fadom(s) you need to talk about
That song that you have a mental break down to and then kill a man to in the same day
Why are you so cool?
Something in your immediate vicinity that would look so much better if it was bedazzled
Favorite type of tit
Your favorite thing you've ever created (meme, art, writing piece, ect.)
Character you would love to kiss (romantically or platonically)
Person you want to meet so badly, alive or dead
Favorite meme ever (I would ask vine but some people don't even know what vine is)
Food you would currently devour of placed in frontof you
Favorite weather in detail
Hyper specific color appreciation
HII AND YEAH, I LOVE ANSWERING QUESTIONS AND OVERSHARING <3 makes me feel like a special little boy :]
Obscure fandoms I need to talk about:
Okay, so this is a bit difficult to answer, as I have a LOT of interests. I'd say the most obscure ones to most people would be russian classical literature, specificly the brothers karamazov by fyodor dostoevsky! I've read that book when I was 14 and it has never left my soul since. It marks an integral part of me as I continue to grow and find other interests that define me. Overall it'd be classical literature, and adding to that I'd say..sci-fi horror? Is that a genre? I just LOVE expressive gore and psychological torment, and if I apply that to anything fantasy and the 80s (which is also a recent interest-box of mine that includes a bunch if stuff I love) i guess a vibe starts to form..eldritch horrors? I guess?...BUT I think none of that is as obscure as my interest in The Mechanisms at the moment, I am being COMPLETELY sucked in, that and tma are just somehow perfect for me, and very comforting..It's tough at the moment, and they serve as good scapegoats for my anxiety, and offer comfort as well :) HUH so I think I got a bit side-tracked, other than that there is just interest in the history of human culture, including arts, linguistics, and probably the history of medicine (and just how horrificly unsafe the practise used to be). None of these are fandoms but they include a wide range of fandoms for me!
The song I have a mental breakdown to and kill a man for
Currently? I'd say lullaby and homesick by Dr.Carmilla - Exhumed & (Un)plugged.
sweet sweet jonny and carmilla angst...jonny and carmilla parallels my love, I am thinking of you non stop...oh you are so drawable...
I'd also add Lost In The Cosmos Lonely by The Mechanisms!
It tugs at my heartstrings and rips open my veins, and I scream and cry into the vast void of bitter and cold nothingness. I cry everytime. The serene tone is so good and the song resonates with me deeply. I'd even go as far as to say that it is my favorite mechanisms song..
Other than that I'd add three more songs, Trees and Flowers by Strawberry Switchblade, and both Love, Me Normally and Against the Kitchen Floor by Will Wood. They connect to my soul.
Why am I so cool?
Well, I never take a proper coat with me outside especially when it's chilly. Do I have a coat that fits my style? Absolutely. Do I still want everyone to see how many belts I can put on my person? Without a question.
Something in my vicinity that would look better if bedazzled
I'd say my wall! My room has an in built second floor where my sister used to sleep before she moved to another one, and whilst the lower floor is littered with artworks and two tolkien maps and all my books, I'd like to decorate the walls up here with some posters of my favorite bands, some character shrines, you know the like :) also the washing machine needs to go
Your favorite type of tit
You evil little shrinklings already know the answer to that one. But..I shall indulge I guess..
*shakily inhales* Drumtit.
*everyone cheers*
My favorite creation
If I was Dr. Carmilla or Frankenstein I'd say a child, but as of now, it must be my two of hearts digital artwork where they kiss in all sorts of ways :) I am genuenly very proud of that one. I have some difficulty loving my art, it's probably a self worth thing haha. I also love my patched jacket, but it stinks by now and I'm scared to wash it
Character I would love to kiss
I'm ace but I do kiss romanticly when I ship them with a character I project onto
Jonny d'Ville (platonicly) (I project a LOT), Drumbot Brian (romanticly), Martin Blackwood (platonicly), jonathan sims (romanticly/platonicly), michael shelly/distortion (platonicly), gerry keay (romanticly), both gunpowder tim and tim stoker (platonicly), any of the mechs really (platonicly), not sure about carmilla yet, but a reluctant hug, pavel karamazov/smerdyakov (platonicly), any of the karamazov brothers (platonicly) I'm gonna stop here but yeah :]
Person I'd want to meet so badly (alive or dead)
Well if it comes to people I look up to then that'd include david tennant, jonny sims and ethan becker. If you read this, no you don't. But yes they inspire me greatly to keep going and do what I love doing. I'm very passionate about stories and story telling, wether delivered, written or visual :)♡
Then there are, of course, my online mutuals (@cryptile and @drdrizzey ) and some of my old discord pals over on the russian literature server! Haven't been there in a long while but a meeting would be nice!
Favorite meme/vine EVER!!
I love so many vines pls I'm having difficulty choosing, but I did make a couple of vine compilations on my youtube account (needs updating btw-)
Other than that..
Food I would currently devour
Jonny and Brian making out, water
Favorite weather (in detail)
When it's warm, not too hot and not too cold, and there is a slight breeze in the air that sometimes gets a bit stronger so that it can sweep up some leaves and branches to make that crackling sound on the asphalt I am walking on, but it's never strong enough to tussle my hair or anything. The sun isnt too bright and you can smell a far away waft of rain. You can enjoy the chill a bit when you pull of your cardigan. Not many people around. And I also love it when the sun is out but it rains slightly. Very damp but in a comfortable way :)
Specific colour appreciation
Warm colours!! Musty, dusty colours that have bits of tone sharpness within but overall present the image of a lived in eastern european apartment from the 19th century. Probably on the scale of yellow I'd say
Thank you for the asks, it was really fun♡
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dvmbgvtz · 5 months
who wants another scythe rant??? am i hearing a yes😍😍 (spoilers for all books includong gleanings, also this is copy and pasted from discord so it might be a little funky)
ok ok thinking about the end of the toll because it’s SUCH A GOOD FUCKING ENDING. also thinking about Volta because I’m never not, anways the Toll first because I’ve read that book twice and it’s SIX HINDRAD AND TWENTY FIVE PAGES. And that’s, like a lot of pages, times two, SO. I think the ending is so so smart because first off, the vault, it ends all the scythes but not like ends, like it ends their jobs and the fact that Faraday still helps well the people die from the plagues is so cool and ALSO a reference to the beginning of the first book which is like my favorite thing ever it’s so smart and UGHHH also the fact that all the tonist bodies got supplanted if that’s how you spell it, AND CURIE CAME BACK. which makes me want to know who else got brought back out of everyone, I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE that the Thinderhead supplanted Volta into one of the bodies because it saw that he didn’t want to be a scythe and liked killing people and then supplanted-Volta was on Rowan and Citra’s planet and met again and it was happy because JESUS CHRIST THIS BOOK IS SO SAD I NEED PARTS OF IT TO BE HAPPY, Also Jeri and Greyson dumb little part “I’m going to miss you” “Me too” “Better go to your ship” “I’m not leaving?” “Me either” THEYRE SO STUPID, NO ONE GETS THEM LIKE ME YOU DONT UNDERSTANDDDD they’re so in love I CANT handle it and oh jdbdjsjbfjf my LORD, like Greyson not understanding the fact that “Oh! I don’t care if Jeri is a girl or boy, oh well it doesn’t matter” and he’s just actually confused about it for like half the book, also also ALSO. the Thunderhead. Because oh my god the way that it talks about Greyson makes me want to scream and cry and THROW UP because it loves him so much and spends so much time and energy and attention making sure Greyson ok, even just in the second book but especially in the Toll, then Greyson shuts it out which is so sad and the Thunderhead was so sad about it, it cried, it rained for so long then it was alone I CANT DO THIS Also in Gleanings with Cirrus when it didn’t understand how to greive because it didn’t have anything to make rain like the Thunderhead did so it dimmed the lights :(( then it was so scared the whole time AUUGHGGNGNHN anyways. But then the Thundehead was so so lonely and it’s so sad because it had never been lonely before and the book was like “The Thunderhead had never been devastated before, but it found out what it meant to be truly inconcosible” obviously not a direct quote but I can’t remember and jsbgjfbfbfh I can’t it’s litterely so tragic and the fact that I’ve cried over this book is dumb but JESUS CHRIST DUDE how does someone just write that?? I’m super excited for the show because I want to see how it’s gonna portray the Thunderhead (even though there isn’t as much of it in the first book but whatever) and UGHFBBG I can’t I quite literally can not, it might be my second favorite character because HFHFHGBG it’s so sad and so well written and the fact that it’s supposed to be this all powerful being and still acts like how it does is so special to me no one gets this book like me YOU DONT UNDERSTAND Hi!
ok so I’m not saying that Greyson SHOUDNT have shut the Thunderhead out, it was reasonable considering that the Thunderhead USED Jeri’s body and basically possessed her (it’s not cloudy) which I don’t think was talked about enough still, or it just isn’t talked about enough in the aoas community in general but there’s barely a fandom so it’s whatever I GUESS. but it was like “Greyson saw the Thunderhead in Jeri’s eyes” WHATST THATS SO COOL AND NO ONE JUST GONNA TALK ABOUT IT?? like the Thunderhead USED JERI AS A BODY, A BODY FOR IT TO DECIDE IF HUMANITY AS A WHOLE WAS WORTH SAVING. it’s so oh my god idek the right word for that scene to be honest, then RIGHTFULLY Jeri was upset about it, I mean she did fucking PASS. OUT. afterwards, imagine you meet some random twink you think is close then this all knowing AI that rules the world but its favorite person is the twink POSSESS YOU, AND JUST USED YOUR BODY TO WATCH THE SUNRISE, and also touch Greyson cheek which is technically the exact moment Cirri was made fun fact!! But then it leaves and you just, collapse then even after she wakes up the book talks about how she freaks out and flips Greyson off of her and, is scared, it scared her, and Jeri is barely scared in the book, even when the place they had been staying with Citra was getting attacked and people had died and were still getting revived, they weren’t panicking or anything, but after the Thunderhead possess them they were scared ☹️
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middleearthpixie · 4 months
Something in the Night ~ Chapter Twenty-Five
Summary: Following the Battle of the Five Armies, a seriously wounded Thorin Oakenshield returns to Erebor to recuperate and eventually ascend the throne as king. With the deaths of Azog the Defiler and his son, Bolg, Thorin no longer has to worry about the bounty the Defiler placed on his head and can instead concentrate on restoring Erebor to its former glory. 
Nina Carren of Esgaroth has one goal—to make Thorin Oakenshield pay for unleashing Smaug the dragon unto her home—where he destroyed the town and killed her family. The Defiler might be gone, but his bounty remains very much in place, and she fully intends to collect on it. 
Finally, the opportunity shows itself for her to do just that, only to have it go horribly awry. Wounded and now at his mercy, neither Nina nor Thorin stopped to think what might happen, should things not go quite according to plan…
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x ofc Nina Carren
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.9k
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @legolasbadass @fizzyxcustard
@xxbyimm @kibleedibleedoo @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being
@knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell
@jotink78 @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc
@msjava1972 @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98
@way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @sazzlep @night-ace @lyl1pad @mistresskayla-blog1
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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Nina squinted in the brilliant sunshine, lifting her hand to shade her eyes as Erebor loomed above them, but Thorin gently steered her to the left of the fortress’ entrance. “So, where are we going?”
He smiled down at her. “There’s something I wish to share with you, mesmel. And trust me, it will make sense when I do.”
“If you say so.”
His hand tightened about hers and perhaps it was but her imagination, but it felt as if his palm grew damp as they navigated the stone steps—some of them with bits crumbled away—that ran up and around Erebor’s façade and along the city’s labradorite western wall. The soft rush of water reached their ears as they climbed, growing louder with each step. 
At the top, the scene before them was equal parts desolate and welcoming. As Erebor had been built into and beneath the Lonely Mountain, rocks and debris littered the somewhat broken flagstone and obsidian walkway to their right. But to their left stretched a field, the grass mostly green with only a few brown scrabbly patches remaining from winter, and beyond that, a wide river rushed softly by. 
In the distance, rose a dark gray stone tower and as she studied it, the fortress beyond it came into view as well, one of stone mottled pale gray into near black that blended with its surroundings so well, it disappeared unless one concentrated upon it. 
“Ravenhill,” he replied, pointing to the gray stone tower. “This is where I confronted Azog for the last time. He’d pursued us—me, Fíli, and Kíli—from one end of Middle-Earth to the other and I’d had enough. I’d tried to end him just outside of Goblin-town, and had failed. This time, I would not fail.”
She gazed first at him, then back at the tower that grew larger with each step. The river wound out of sight, most likely snaking about Ravenhill itself. “Why did he give such stubborn chase?”
“I have no idea. I never knew. My guess, however, is that we’d defeated him and his orc army at Khazad-dûm andin the process, I took his arm. I thought I killed him there, but I was wrong.”
She paused, turning to him once more. “Khazad-dûm?”
“Moria. One of our most sacred of places. They defiled it and we fought to reclaim it. In the process, I found myself with a price upon my head.” A hint of a smile lifted his lips. “Which I believe you are familiar with.”
Heat crept into her cheeks. “Can we just never discuss that again?”
“Nina, without that price, you would not be here now. While I’d rather that not be the reason, it is, and for that, I cannot be entirely ungrateful for it.” He caught her free hand in his and squeezed both gently. “I had no idea at the time, how my life would change when I made my way up here, as determined to end that filth as he was to end me.”
“What happened up here? I was in Dale when the Battle of the Five Armies took place and spent my time battling those who marched through there. All we knew was a great battle had been fought and you had been mortally wounded, or so we thought.”
“So I thought as well. But, Thranduíl had been here, and with him, it seemed half of Mirkwood followed. Elven magic is a wonderful thing when one is mortally wounded.”
“I’ve heard that, but have never seen it myself.”
“Nor had I, until that battle. But, without it, I am not here now and while recovery was long and slow and painful, I did recover and that is the important thing.” He drew in a deep breath, exhaling slowly as he turned to gaze up at the fortress. “Come. There’s more I wish to show you.”
“You don’t have to, you know. I can’t imagine this place holds good memories.”
“You’re not wrong in that the memories are not pleasant ones, but I think it’s something I need to do as much as I need to share it."
“You don’t have to, you know.”
“I know. And I’m fine, mesmel, honest.”
He might claim to be fine, but his face grew paler, which suggested he was anything but fine with it. Still, she did not wish this to devolve into a fight, and so she kept that to herself as they  began walking once more. The stone staircase’s condition worsened as they climbed up it, steps missing huge chunks, crumbling into dust along their edges and sides. The air up there was colder, the wind a bit sharper, and the steps themselves had layers of frost in some spots. The chill bit into Nina, who eased her hand from Thorin’s to wrap her arms about herself. “I didn't know it would be so cold,” she murmured. “I would have worn my heavier wrap. There is nothing springlike about this place at all.”
Without hesitation, Thorin swept his own cloak from his shoulders to drape about hers. “I should have warned you. For that, I apologize.”
Hints of earth and leather and soft musk rose from the cloak to tease her nose as the cloak settled gently about her. “Are you not cold?”
“I’m not, actually. Remember, dwarves are bred for the cold. I’m fine.”
“If you’re sure.”
“I am.” He caught her hand in his once more, linking their fingers, and gave it a gentle squeeze. “And we’re almost there.”
There was where the river widened, flowing behind Ravenhill, where it ended in a high waterfall. It was like being at the edge of the world, and Nina wondered if going over that falls would lead to toppling from Middle Earth itself. 
It was so tranquil now, so peaceful, that if she hadn’t known firsthand a battle had taken place anywhere around Erebor, she never would have believed it. 
But when she looked more closely, the evidence showed itself in the scarred earth all around—craters from war machines, armor and weapons left behind either because their owner retreated or died, broken arrow shafts, broken blades—all served as reminders of what had happened up here.
“Here is where the battle took place,” Thorin murmured, releasing her hand as he moved closer to the water. “The river was frozen over. Or it was until Azog split it with his flail. Have you ever done battle on an ice floe?”
He said this over his shoulder, as she remained where she was, watching him as he moved closer to the water. His shoulders were stiff, his entire body suggested he wasn't at all comfortable with being there.
So why had he brought her there?
“No, I can’t say I have. We were in Dale when the orc army arrived and you saw what damage it did. They turned trolls into war machines in some of the cruelest ways I’ve ever seen, and I’d never even seen a troll until that point.” She turned to the east, where she could make out Dale just beyond the purple peak of the Lonely Mountain. The city had come so far from that day as well, but as she stared, she could hear the battle sounds that erupted when the orcs set upon them. “They rampaged through the city, as if we weren’t already on our knees to begin with, slaughtering everyone and everything in their paths.”
“I can only imagine.”
“Thranduíl and his army were there as well, but there were just too many orcs. I didn't know elves could die until that day.”
Thorin nodded slowly. “They paid a heavy price as well. We all did.”
“And for what?” She shrugged, falling into step alongside him once more. “I never even knew why the war was being fought. I’d never seen an orc before your company passed through, although I’d heard tell of them over the years.”
He turned toward her. “Like you, they pursed me.”
“You were very popular.”
That earned her a wry laugh and he caught her hand in his, giving it a squeeze. “I’d rather not be so popular, if it’s all the same to you.”
“Well, they gave me my first taste of battle, so to speak. One fell through the roof of our house and I brained him with a skillet.”
“He deserved it.”
“You’ll get no argument from me on that.”
His fingers tightened about hers again, but now he turned back to the river, its surface sparkling like the gemstones deep within Erebor under the brilliant sunlight.
“I was so tired of all of it at that point,” he murmured, only barely audible over the rush of water. “We’d been from the Shire, battled trolls before reaching Rivendell, chased by orcs while trying to get to Rivendell, fought with legions of goblins, only to get lost in Mirkwood and imprisoned by the wood elves, before we reached Esgaroth.”
She joined him on the riverbank, slipping her arm through his. “You had to be exhausted by then.”
“We were. Beyond exhausted, even.” He smiled down at her. “And you know what happened after that—we passed through Esgaroth and brought orcs in our wake.”
“I’m very well acquainted with that, but not with what happened here. All we knew was that the army marched your way.”
“I was such a coward,” he replied softly, shaking his head as the breeze picked up to lift his hair away from his face. “Dragon sickness, you know. It caught me and refused to let go of me. My kin had come down from the Iron Hills, only for me to hide in my fortress and refuse to honor my word.”
She’d known this. Everyone in Dale had known, for Thranduíl and Bard had confronted Thorin at Erebor, demanded he honor his word and his promise, only to have him refuse. That was when she’d decided he had to pay for what he’d done to her family, to her friends, to her village. 
“I told you about it, remember?”
“I do, yes.”
“Well, I came out of it and decided not only was I not going to go back on my word, but I was going to rid the world of that filth and be done with all of it. I’d betrayed my people, my kin, and those I’d promised and I had a lot to atone for. That was how I’d begin. So, I took my nephews, and Dwalin and went to confront Azog and his son and put an end to their pursuit for once and for all. And here is where that happened.”
“The river was frozen over, but it didn't remain that way. And,” he peered down at her, “have you ever done battle on ice?”
“I can’t say I have, no.”
He lifted his head to turn his gaze back to the water. “The ice shifts constantly beneath your feet once it’s broken up. And I had to use that to my advantage even as it wore me down.”
“But you did.”
He nodded slowly. “I did, but that was because I had decided to give Azog what he wanted. I’d thought he’d already slaughtered Fíli. I didn't know Kíli had even been wounded, never mind as seriously as he had, and I thought that if Kíli lived, that would be enough. It would have to be enough. I owed far too many people far too great a debt.”
“What did you do?”
Thorin eased free from her grasp. “I let him run me through.”
Her belly kinked sharply. “The scars on your stomach?”
He nodded. “It gave me the time I’d need to throw him off and return the favor, which I did, and sent him to his maker. And until now, I’ve avoided coming here. In fact, I’ve tried not to think about what happened here if at all possible, for doing so only makes the nightmares worse.”
He nodded. “What happened here haunts my sleep from time to time, although,” he offered up a hint of a smile, “they tend to leave me in peace when you are asleep beside me.”
“It’s nice to know I’m good for something.”
His hint of a smile becomes a full blown one as he caught her face in his hands. “It goes far beyond sleeping peacefully, you know. And I suppose that I actually owe that filth thanks, for without him and his bounty, you are not standing here now.”
Her cheeks grew hot. “Thorin, you should only know how I regret ever approaching him about that bounty.”
“You shouldn’t,” he told her softly, his thumbs moving lightly along her cheekbones, “for I am thankful you did. I love you, Nina. And I would not change how it’s come to that for anything.”
Her throat tightened at the soft emotion in his deep voice, at the soft emotion swirling in his blue eyes. “Thorin—”
“And that is why I wanted to bring you here,” he interrupted gently, his hands falling away from her face as he took a step back. “Remember when you asked me about the rune, the one from my father?”
“I do, of course. It was only last evening, after all.”
“Well, I was supposed have this last evening, but Balin took a bit longer than anticipated.” As he spoke, he drew a small teak box to press into her grasp.
The box was heavier than it looked. “Thorin?”
“Open it, mesmel.” 
Her heart sped up as she lifted the lid, which opened without a sound, its hinge perfectly oiled, and as her gaze fell upon the small silver and emerald cube nestled on a bed of rich moss green velvet. “Thorin?”
He smiled. “I know your customs are not ours and mine are not yours, but when a dwarf proposes marriage, he does so by braiding an ornament into his intended’s hair to let everyone else know she is taken. And so, I brought you here, Nina, to ask if you would accept my proposal and allow me to braid this into your hair.”
She swallowed hard, her eyes misting over as she nodded slowly. “I will, yes…”
He smiled as he carefully plucked the cube from the box. It was delicate-looking and exquisite, silver melding with emerald, and inscribed with lettering she couldn’t read, but knew was khuzdul. “I wanted something that matched your eyes,” he said softly, “and found this emerald in the absolute sea of treasure still in Erebor. But, if you don't like it, we can wade out into it and find something else.”
“Bite your tongue, Thorin. This is beautiful and perfect and I love it.” She looked up to meet his gaze. “What does it say?”
“Amrâlimê on one side and nalish on the other. They mean my love and forever. Now,” he traced his fingers along her hair just behind her left ear, “where should I braid this?”
“Is there a specific spot you’re supposed to braid?”
“No. It’s where you wish it to be.”
“Then right there is fine.”
His eyes sparkled like the surface of the river. “Have patience with me, mesmel,” he murmured as he separated the lock in question and began slowly braiding her hair, “for I have never done this before.”
“Really.” His fingers moved with slow precision, the plait in their wake smooth and straight, and when he wove the rune into it, she barely felt the gentle tug on her hair, barely felt the added weight when he stepped back. 
She caught the sleek plait in her hand, cradling the rune woven three-quarters of the way into the braid. The sunlight glinted off the silver, threw flashes of light this way and that as she turned it over. “It’s beautiful, Thorin.”
He leaned in to sweep her lips with a gentle kiss, and as he drew back, he whispered, “I’d rather this place hold a good memory instead of the terrible ones.”
A soft laugh bubbled to her lips, her neck bowing when he brushed his lips along the front of it. “Glad I could help?”
A low laugh danced along her skin, his lips warm and soft and slowly moving down into the hollow of her throat. His hands slipped beneath the hem of her tunic, skimming lightly along the curves of her waist, up toward her breasts. 
As his thumbs swept along the outer curves, Nina pulled back. “Here? In the open?”
Thorin drew back, his eyes smoky sapphire. “No one ever comes here, mesmel, and this would make for the sweetest memory I could have of this forsaken place.”
Nina smiled, heat flaring through her as he swept her tunic over her head and let it fall to the grass behind her. Her teasing response died on her lips, her hands tightening against his back, pulling him toward her. It was a small sacrifice to make.
With the breeze having died down, near the river was no where near as cold as it had been earlier, and the sun’s rays warmed over Nina’s skin as she curled around Thorin, her right leg thrown over his, her arm about his waist, her head resting against his chest. They lay atop her cloak, covered snugly by his and the birds singing softly in the treetops along the far bank, along with the water’s soft rush, were white noise that added to her contented drowsiness. She cared not if anyone happened upon them, as nothing could possibly disturb the peacefulness of lying there entwined with him.
Thorin’s fingers swept lightly along her hair, his heartbeat slowing beneath her ear as he murmured, “Maralmizi, mesmel.”
She smiled, her fingertips sweeping lightly through the soft hair layered across his warm skin. “Maralmizu,” she whispered back. She continued her perusal of him, letting her fingers brush lower still, along his hip. 
Back up.
A low laugh rumbled through him. “We should be heading back.”
“Must we? I like it here.”
“As do I, for the first time in a long time. But,” his fingers went still, “I should like to share our news. And it will grow far too cold to be comfortable before much longer, as spring seems to forget at times that it’s arrived.”
She pulled away to sit up. “People will wonder, you know. And if someone should find out the truth about me… wouldn’t that be disastrous?”
Grass rustled softly and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth as Thorin snaked an arm about her waist and his lips brushed over her right shoulder blade. “We will cross that bridge when we reach it,” he murmured before the tip of his tongue brushed her skin to send a shiver along her spine. 
She fought off a shiver, the sensations he sent rippling through her heady and sweet, and she let her head loll back against him when he kissed along her shoulder. Her eyelids grew heavy, her breath harder to catch with each successive caress. He trailed those teasing kisses along her shoulder, along the curve of her neck, easing her down into the grass once more as his lips met hers.
Nina eased her arms about his neck, her lips parting to allow his tongue to tease hers, her legs parting to allow him to settle between her thighs. The sunlight warmed their skin, the light breeze danced in its wake, and she didn't care one bit if anyone happened upon them now, didn't care if anyone ever found out the truth about her past, about how she came to meet Thorin. None of it mattered when he now moved down along her throat, down into the valley between her breasts. 
His beard scrape sensually against her skin, his lips gentle as they closed about her left nipple to draw into the wet heat of his mouth, Her back bowed at the fire ribboning through her, her hips rocking up to meet him, her inhale quick and sharp as he slid into the dampness of her arousal. The silken glide sent tingles rushing through her, made the gentle ache of desire stronger.
“I love you,” he whispered, lifting his head to regard her with blazing sapphire eyes that held more than a hint of mischief when he flicked the tip of his tongue against the tight bead of her nipple. 
“I love you—oh!” She couldn't hold back her gasp as his fingers slid along her inner thigh and he eased one inside her. She tightened about him, her body humming with each teasing stroke, each delicious swirl. 
Her eyes were so heavy lidded, but she forced them to remain open, to hold his smoldering gaze as he moved lower now, spreading teasing kisses along her belly. Down over her hip. 
His finger slid free and she sank her hands into his hair as his mouth closed over her, his tongue slipping into the delicious ache between her thighs where his fingers had been only moments ago. 
Fire erupted, wound and twisted through her as he teased her, as he swept his tongue along her aching flesh, swirled it about the bead nestled within. Her hips moved of their own, meeting him, her body trembling as he brought her to the edge of sweet madness and held her there, relief so close and yet so far from her.
Her finger twisted in his hair, the knots deep within her core so tight and fragile, she knew they’d shatter at any moment. Heat swept through her, tingling and powerful and threatening to drive her completely insane if he didn't shatter her already.
Then he did.
“Thorin!” Her cry rang out loudly enough to send the birds skyward in a flutter of wings and song as those knots burst and wickedly sweet fire poured into her entire body. She throbbed around him, hips snapping forward to grind against him to increase her pleasure, to draw it out until her mind went blank and white lights danced before her eyes.
Everything inside her turned over, and when he drew away and a moment later, breached her to thrust hard, she melted around him. 
His thrusts came swift and powerful and unrelenting, the sensations almost more than she could bear as he quickly brought her back to the summit, leaving her clinging to him, breathless and pleading for him to shatter her again.
He obliged, his low moan rolling across the meadow, across the river, as he shuddered, arched hard, and came with her, each feeding the other, pleasure feasting on pleasure to surge through them at the same time. 
Peace reigned then, as Thorin sank gently against her, his heart thundering, the reverberations thrumming through her as well. His breath came in hot blasts against her neck, his voice husky as he whispered, “Amrâlimê…”
She smiled, letting her eyes close for a moment as she tried to catch her breath as well. “Thorin…”
“I care not what anyone thinks about how we met,” he whispered after a few minutes, lifting his head to smile down at her. “Because it no longer matters.”
“Perhaps not to you, but—”
He cut her off with a slow, deep kiss that had her toes curling and her blood warming again. And for the moment, it didn't matter. Hopefully it never would, but Nina had the feeling her hope was misplaced.
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blimbo-buddy · 5 months
about the tier list, I'm really curious as to why Jake is as low as he is
You got a big storm comin'
So the thing is, I like Jake. To an extent. It's the canon and common fanon versions of him that I don't care much for
I don't like the idea that he's this great father and great friend who everyone loves. I also have my share of gripes of his appearances. Which is weird, you'd think that I'd be happy that a Kittypet has so many appearances in a book, especially if they're present in multiple books in some form.
But. I feel nothing whenever he shows up or is mentioned. and I have no clue why. But I can try and narrow them down:
I don't like how much he's put onto a pedestal by the fandom
I don't care for the friendships he makes in canon
I don't like his fanon characterization of being the number 1 dad ever
As a matter of fact, I have a wildly different interpretation of him compared to other versions. Below the cut is me going on about my version of how I interpret him. But to reiterate:
Jake being so loved by the fandom and put on a pedestal for being a "Good dad" makes me want him boiled
I feel nothing about him and continue to feel the same way about him in canon
He works better as being a good enough friend, but horrible father
Okay so without further ado:
He was simply another cat indoctrinated into following clan society, he's just doing it with extra steps
His love for the clans soured his reputation greatly in Chelford (i think we all can get an idea of why)
He had the time of his life with TallTail, loving every story he told him of the Clans. To Jake, it was like he was meeting a personal hero (even if he never knew TallTail beforehand)
He was probably chosen by Starclan to act as the perfect puppet for their meddling. So he was visited one night and informed that he could be the sire to the greatest cat that ever lived
Jake longed for a place in the world, a way that he could cement himself into history, no matter if he would become infamous to his hometown. He could finally be something in the world
So when he was given this message from the Clan's afterlife that he would sire a prophecy cat, he went right to finding cats
First, he actually met Nutmeg. She wasn't from Chelford so she never experience The Raids, meaning that she didn't hold malice towards him.
Together, they had Filou, Tommy, and Luna. But when Jake laid his eyes onto the litter, he felt nothing special, no implication that this litter was a success in creating the prophecy cat
I'm not sure if I'd either have Jake cheat on Nutmeg or have Jake and Nutmeg split up for a moment, but either way:
Jake met Quince- who he had known for quite some time in their younger years-. She was hesitant at first with being together with him due to his reputation, but she grew fond of him again
They had a three-kit litter: Socks, Ruby, and Tiny
Jake prayed that this would be the one. But as you could have guessed: It wasn't
Jake swore he could have heard a small voice in the back of his mind - Starclan perhaps?-, to just try one. more. time:
Jake left Quince and went back to Nutmeg and the two had their second and final litter: Princess and Rusty
The moment Jake laid his eyes onto Rusty, he felt a burst of energy into his body that nearly hurt like fire. Rusty was the one
From that day, Jake put every second of his attention onto Rusty, secretly telling him of the Clans in the forest and encouraging his son to be adventurous
For Jake, he finally found his purpose in the world. He now had his prophecy child who would become something far beyond extraordinary. He was Jake: Father of FireStar, the fire that saved the Clans
Here's some other posts that go over how I view him (Which also includes rewrite stuff)
Why FireStar is hated by the Clans
Firekin's familial struggle
Jake repeating the cycle of indoctrination and clan propaganda
Jake's prophecy child mission
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the-cult-of-russo · 2 years
Poetic Tragedy (Part 12)
Pairing: Reader X Billy Russo
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Warnings: Cursing, angst, sadness, substance abuse, mental health issues, mentions of sexual assault. This one’s a little dark and not really in a violent way (okay some of it is lmao). Just more the themes explored, I guess? 
There's a little smut in this one for you guys looool
A/N: I can’t believe I was so inspired that I churned out a 12 part fic lmao. For some reason, I always struggle with writing long fics for Billy. For other fandoms, I can legit get up to an 80 part story. I think it's because I prefer writing OCs rather than reader inserts, but I know last I asked on here before I vanished that the Billy fandom prefers reader stories. 
The longest Billy fic I’ve done was Red, White and Blue which was a collab with @blanchedelioncourt and I think the only reason I managed that was ‘cause she was cheering me on the whole way and it was so fun writing together. That was also an OC story, not a reader one, and I did all Billy’s parts (which was ridiculously fun to do lol) while she did her OCs. I’d love to be super inspired to write a long ass Billy fic like I do with other fandoms. When I was away from this blog I wrote a 75 part Spike x OC story for the Buffy fandom lmaoooo 
One year later
“You’re getting really good at that,” Curtis murmured and you would have seen his encouraging smile but you didn’t look up from your task. Your tongue poked out of your mouth in concentration as you carefully threaded the needle through the skin, watching the wound close before your eyes. You’d stitched that many wounds these past few months that your hands didn't shake when you did it anymore.
“Ow, Jesus!”
Your eyes snapped up to your patient then, dangerously narrowing in warning at him. One hand was settled on his bare chest, the other holding the needle above the wound which was just below the shoulder.
“Do you want this stitched up or not?” you asked with a short tone.
“Curt, I think your little apprentice needs to work on her bedside manner,” he drawled with a smirk.
“Careful, Billy, or I might stitch your mouth up next,” you gave him a saccharine smile and he looked at you like he wasn't sure if you actually meant your words or not. You heard Curtis snort from across the room as you continued with closing the wound, tying it off like Curtis had shown you before cutting the thread. He hadn't even hurt himself on a mission or doing something brave. Instead, he’d hurt himself because he decided it was a good idea to go up a ladder after he’d had a few drinks. 
“What d'you think, Doc? Is it gonna leave a scar?” he asked with a self-deprecating smile since he was already littered with them, his eyes looking over to Curtis. Your eyes narrowed again and you poked him scarily close to his wound and he yelped, looking at you in shock. You never allowed him to talk shit about himself, especially when it came to his scars. Curtis came over, inspecting your patch job and he hummed, smiling at you.
“You’re gonna put me out of a job at this rate,” he smirked, making heat creep into your cheeks at his praise. 
So much had changed in the year that passed and you barely had any remnants of your old life. You and Billy had taken things slow as you’d both agreed on and he’d been a little more understanding, yet not very happy, when you’d left again. He’d come to visit you at your alley or you’d go there for dinner sometimes and it was nice as you got to know each other better. Eventually, you started staying the night there and as time wore on, you spent less nights out on the streets. And now, a year later, you didn't sleep on the streets at all but you didn't really miss it. It had been a gradual thing that progressed as your relationship with Billy progressed. The more serious you both got, the less time you wanted to be away from him and the cold and desolate streets of New York started to lose their appeal. You were glad you’d taken it slow though as you knew it wouldn't work out the same if you’d just moved in here right away. You’d needed to wean yourself away from your old life and it had worked. Your dislike of violence had Curtis seeking you out to help him in the infirmary. There were even more to the ranks here since last year and he needed all the help he could get. You found you had a natural touch when it came to healing and helping people. You finally had a place and a purpose here that wasn't directly linked to being in a relationship with Billy. 
Once Billy had his shirt back on, he stood up and leaned in to peck your lips. It had taken a bit to get used to such intimate gestures and touches with him, a little beyond what you were used to. But you liked it and with time, it started to feel second nature. Without Curtis needing your assistance anymore that night, Billy laced his hand with yours as he led you out of the infirmary and back into the main area. Your eyes drifted around, taking in the Christmas decorations as a warmth spread in your chest. It would be Christmas the next day. You’d never celebrated it before, not even when you had a home because your parents didn't care enough to give you one. You hadn't celebrated it the year before either as it was just after Billy had been in hospital and it wasn't really on anyone’s mind. But this year, Frank had declared you all would be celebrating it as you all needed some holiday joy. He’d turned up the day before with Billy and a huge ass Christmas tree that you were pretty sure they’d somehow stolen. It was said tree that Billy had been decorating when he’d fallen off the ladder and onto a box of decorations, some of which were glass. The place looked magical all dressed up like this with all the twinkling lights and tinsel. You’d been amused at watching the badass recruits all falling over themselves to joyfully decorate the place. It felt like a very large family and you loved it, never having that feeling before. 
“What do you think?” Billy asked, smiling at you as you took it in. You’d been in the infirmary most of the day so you hadn't seen some of the decorations and hadn't seen the tree that was now done.
“It's beautiful,” you murmured, a wistful smile on your face as you turned to him. Billy had confessed to you that he wasn't a huge fan of Christmas. He, just like you, hadn't had one growing up really and then he’d found Frank and the Castles. The Christmases with them had been something else and after they died, he never wanted to have another Christmas. You had a feeling it had also been hard for Frank. You hadn't been sure why they’d changed their mind this year until Billy told you that he wanted you to experience the magic that he had with the Castles, that you deserved it. And you had a sneaky feeling Frank was thinking something similar to Karen, although she most likely had some experience with the whole Christmas thing.
“I’m glad you like it,” he replied softly, cupping your cheek as your hands bunched into his t-shirt. Your eyes fluttered shut as he kissed you, melting into him the same as you always did. When he pulled away, his dark brown eyes were warm as he gazed at you and his thumb stroked your cheek.
“I love you,” he murmured, rubbing his nose against yours sweetly. You felt the butterflies swarming your stomach as you smiled up at him. No matter how many times he’d said it, you’d never get used to it.
“I love you too,” you smiled, leaning up to give him another kiss.
Things with you and Billy hadn't been plain sailing. You were new to any type of relationship and he was new to one like this and you both still had issues. His head still wasn’t quite right and you didn't think it ever would be after the trauma it had suffered and you had a temper. There had been a few explosive fights with you, when Billy was being unreasonable or overbearing and you couldn't hack it. After being on your own for so long there was no way you’d sit there and take orders. The pair of you could be stubborn but with time, you’d learnt to be better at the relationship. Learned to give and take. You both struggled to admit when you were in the wrong, but knowing how much you could hurt each other usually made you both humble up pretty quickly. You hated when you said something hurtful and you’d see his face fall, hurt flashing behind his eyes, and you knew he felt the same about you. The fights had become less frequent with each passing month and things had settled down nicely. The fights would no longer be drawn out for days as you both refused to back down and only made things worse and instead, whoever was in the wrong would sheepishly approach the other to apologize. And you both weren't assholes about either. You didn't prolong the argument by refusing the apology. Neither of you got any joy when you fought. 
You moved away from Billy, walking over to where your polaroid camera was sitting on the table. It had been an early Christmas present off Micro since he wouldn't be there for Christmas, instead spending it with his family. He’d given it to you two weeks prior when you last saw him, telling you he was too excited to wait closer to Christmas to give it to you. You’d accidentally discovered your love for photography when he’d let you use one of his cameras and he’d told you once that you seemed to be able to capture the beauty in anything, especially in the city you were so fond of. He had a collection of cameras and you’d been fascinated by the polaroid as it printed the picture instantly. There was something special about the fact the picture couldn't be edited or changed, that you had one chance to get the shot you wanted. Because nothing was perfect and capturing that was what you loved best. You’d been overjoyed and moved beyond words by his gift and you’d made good use of it. You swiped it off the table, aiming it at the beautifully decorated tree. You snapped a picture of it, setting it on the table to develop as you took a few more of the recruits decorating and laughing with each other, a cute candid of Frank and Karen snuggling on one of the many beat-up second-hand sofas that were now here. The place had changed so much since you’d first come here. It no longer just felt like a base of operations where a bunch of people were staying, but it felt more like a home. There was even a little recreational area on the first floor too now.
“I like that one,” Billy hummed from over your shoulder, looking down at the one of Frank and Karen in your hand as it fully developed. 
“Should I put it on the wall”? You asked, looking at him curiously. His lips curled into a smirk as he kissed the side of your head. He took the picture from you and you followed him as he went to the wall near the rec area, tacking the picture up with all of the many you’d put up there. Everyone seemed to enjoy that wall and would often come to look at it, sometimes finding one of themselves they hadn't even realized you’d taken. Billy had been a little harder to capture at first. He’d point-blank refused to be photographed because of his face. You’d tried your best in your time with him to reassure him, to show him you loved him no matter if he had scars. You felt that it had helped as slowly over the two weeks that you’d had the camera, he’d started to allow you to take pictures of him. You wanted him to see the beauty that you saw in him too.
Later that night, everyone was hanging out on the lower floor just having a fun and relaxed Christmas eve. A group of you were sitting on or around the sofas as you all played charades and you found it hilarious how competitive Frank and Billy could be and how they’d get annoyed with each other. Billy was the one up and you were sitting on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate in hand, courtesy of Annie who had made everyone one with some whipped cream and marshmallows. Some people had a splash of alcohol in theirs but you’d abstained.
“Movie title,” Frank asserted eagerly as Billy made a gesture. Frank was sitting on the edge of a sofa as Karen smirked at him. You still weren't even sure how to play the game but you found the whole thing amusing. Billy held up two fingers and Frank called out ‘two words’ and Karen snorted loudly into her cup. 
“First word, okay,” Frank muttered after Billy held up one finger. 
“Kill!” Frank barked after Billy made a motion like he was slitting his own throat. He shook his head, giving Frank an annoyed look and he’d only just started. 
“Dead! Murder!” Frank kept shouting out words and you slurped your hot chocolate and tried not to laugh at how eager he was about it all. Billy growled, looking ready to throttle him. He held up two fingers then and from what little you’d learned from watching them play, he’d decided to move on to the second word instead. He gestured to his crotch and you raised a curious brow as Frank looked stumped.
“Cock?! Dick?!” He yelled, Billy shaking his head every time and you almost choked on your drink as Karen started laughing. You couldn't believe how seriously they were taking it. Billy lay his hand over his crotch again before raising his hand, quirking a brow at Frank like it was obvious.
“The fuck is that supposed to be?!” Frank growled, only serving to make you and Karen laugh more and you weren't the only ones as everyone in hearing vicinity was finding it amusing.
“Goddamn it, Frankie! I was Die Hard, you fuckin’ moron!” Billy shouted, a vein in his neck bulging as he gave Frank a scathing look. 
“How was I supposed to guess that with that bullshit?” Frank huffed as he shook his head. 
“It was kind of obvious,” Karen murmured with a cheeky grin. Frank turned to her looking offended.
“You could have helped me,” he griped petulantly and she shot him a smirk.
“I’m not on your team, why would I do that?” she snorted.
“And you call yourself a Bruce Willis fan,” Billy scoffed, still glaring at Frank for letting the team down.
“When did I say that?” Frank asked, squinting at him slightly.
“Didn't have to. Was kinda obvious when you carried a picture of him overseas,” Billy smirked mockingly at him, making Frank gape at him.
“Like hell I did!” he yelled, standing up as he and Billy moved to stand toe to toe with each other, Billy’s eyes lighting up like he loved the prospect of a fight.
“Alright you two, sit your asses down,” Karen grinned, shaking her head as she shoved Billy over to you and Frank back in his seat. Billy was grumbling to himself as he sat with you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You all stayed there for a bit longer watching some others play, it being a lot safer when Billy and Frank weren’t up and with their constant bitching at each other. 
“Should we give Frank and Karen their gift now?” Billy asked quietly from next to you. You looked at him, excitement radiating from every pore in your body. You’d been so excited about this that you’d pestered Billy to let you give it to them early. Seeing you practically wriggling where you sat with eager eyes, he chuckled before standing up, you following suit. 
“Hey, you guys got a minute?” Billy asked, tapping Frank on the shoulder as he interrupted their conversation. Billy moved over to where you were hovering, biting your lip to stop the smile from splitting your face as they walked over.
“What's up?” Karen asked, looking a little worried.
“Me and Y/N wanted to give you your present early,” Billy explained with a smirk, Karen and Frank glanced at each other for a moment before back at the pair of you.
“You sure? We can wait-” Frank started but you cut him right off.
“You’re not waiting! Come on!” you whined impatiently, earning a snort from Billy.
“Gotta come up and get it,” Billy grinned. They followed you both up the stairs, you and Billy sharing shit-eating grins as you got to your floor. But instead of going to the room you shared with Billy, you stopped outside of your old room. When you’d started to stay the night with him, it had been in his room and when you eventually moved in, neither of you really spoke about you having your own room as it felt pointless. Billy gestured with his head for Frank to open the door and he shot Karen a wary look before he pushed it open, walking inside with Karen towing behind him. You felt like you were vibrating you were so excited, you hadn't stopped being excited since Karen had told you the news a month before. It had been your idea and Billy had loved it. 
“Oh my god!” Karen cried out as you and Billy filed in after them. Your old room was now a rainbow-themed nursery, complete with a crib and all the furniture new parents would need and a bunch of stuffed animals. Karen was tearful, one hand over her mouth and the other over her stomach as she soaked it all in and Frank was blinking rapidly as he looked around. He turned to you and Billy then with a meaningful look on his face.
“You didn't have to do this,” he murmured, his voice sounding raw. 
“We wanted to,” you replied softly, giving him a smile.
“You know I’ll always take care of you, Frankie, no matter what it is you need,” Billy’s voice was thick with emotion and you knew this whole thing had been tough for both of them after the loss of Frank’s family. Frank sniffled with a smile, moving to grab Billy in a long hug as they muttered something to each other you couldn't make out. Karen took your hand, tears down her cheeks.
“Thank you, I love it,” she said sincerely, trying to muster up a smile for you. You squeezed her hand as you smiled back with a nod.
“I’m glad you like it,” you replied. She moved to hug Billy then and Frank rested his hand on your shoulder.
“I really appreciate this, we both do,” he muttered firmly, leveling a look at you that told you just how much he meant his words. The four of you hung out a little bit in the new nursery as Karen and Frank really took in everything they had now for the new baby. After a while, you and Billy decided to head to bed and Karen and Frank went back downstairs, not ready to turn in for the night. You were over the moon they liked their gift and you couldn't wait for the baby to be born. You’d never had family or friends to experience this with before and you found the whole thing exciting. 
When you and Billy got to your room, you stripped out of your clothes and changed into your pajamas, which were essentially just a t-shirt of Billy’s and some panties. You climbed into bed with a yawn before Billy, who was only in his boxers, got in beside you. 
“You excited for your first Christmas?” he asked softly, rolling to face you. You copied him, now facing him and smiling when he tucked your hair behind your ear sweetly. 
“I am, I’ve already been enjoying the festivities,” you grinned, making him smile. He leaned over, kissing you softly but it quickly became heated as he rolled on top of you. You felt desire shoot through you like an electric current as he pressed himself against you, moaning into the kiss and getting a moan from him in response. Things on the sexual side had been slow at first with Billy, given your history and lack of experience. It had taken you four months to feel ready to take that leap and he hadn't put any pressure on you. Not even letting his hands wander when you made out like a pair of horny teenagers so he didn't make you think he was pushing you. You were grateful for him to let you take the lead, to let him know when you were ready. And after four months, you had been. You had no idea how to initiate it though since you’d never done anything before and your times with Josh had you lying there like a lifeless doll. And being as blunt as you were and seeing no sense in dancing around it, you’d just told him how you felt. You told him you wanted to take the next step but had no idea what you were doing. He didn't make you feel stupid or embarrassed about it either. He was kind and caring as he guided you through everything as you learned to explore sex with him. Something that had once been negative to you quickly became something positive and you’d even tried some things with him you never thought you’d be into. Trusting him as much as you did, you never felt embarrassed about trying things with him as you learned about yourself in a way you’d never had the chance to before. 
His kiss was bruising and you lost yourself in it. You never knew which Billy you would get in bed, soft and slow or hard and rough, but that was half the fun. It usually depended on his mood and you were happy to go along with whatever because you liked it either way. A fun perk of having your explosive arguments would be the just as explosive make-up sex. He slipped his hand into your panties and started circling your clit with ease, making you gasp and he moaned against your lips. He had you writhing against his hand in no time, panting into the kisses he was showering you with. But then he moved away, tugging the shirt off you impatiently and pulling your panties down. He rid himself of his boxers before lining himself up for you, not feeling up to much foreplay tonight it seemed as he sheathed into you in one fluid motion. Your moans mingled together and he propped himself up with one arm beside your head as the other grabbed your thigh, hitching it up a little. He started thrusting into you, not quite fast but not slow either and you arched up to meet each thrust. The hand on your thigh slid up and then around to your lower back, angling your hips in a way that had a loud moan erupting from you. He kissed you desperately, your bodies entwined together and you felt the pleasure gripping you like a vice. He moved to kneel up then, his hands trailing over your breasts as he palmed them, his thrusts slowing for a moment. It was like the calm before the storm before his hands gripped your hips tightly and he started fucking into you roughly. Your moans got louder and more desperate, your hands coming above your head to the headboard, needing to find purchase on something as your body jostled with the movement. Each thrust felt like it had the air being forced out of your lungs in a needy moan. You felt your pleasure increasing, your body tingling all over as you listened to his groans, watched his face contorted in pleasure with his mouth slightly open and his eyes screwed shut. 
“Billy,” his name tumbled off your lips like a fervent prayer and he let out a dirty moan that almost pushed you right over the edge. He was over you again in a second, his mouth claiming yours roughly as he kept his punishing pace with you. You could barely kiss him back in your delirium, moaning wantonly into his mouth as your back bowed up off the bed. It felt like you exploded into a million tiny fragments as your release washed over you. He moaned sinfully against your lips, thrusting into you a few more times before he came with a harsh and rough groan. 
The pair of you lay there panting for a moment, his forehead resting on yours as you came down from your high. But then he was giving you a dopey smile, kissing your lips tenderly. You hummed softly into the kiss and when he pulled out of you, you felt the loss instantly. He flopped onto his back looking tired and you wasted no time in rolling over, laying your head on his chest. His arms came around you with no hesitation, one of his hands going to your hair as he stroked it softly. 
“I love you,” you mumbled tiredly into his chest. He pressed his lips to your head for a moment, his arms around you tightening.
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he murmured softly, making you smile against him as your eyes fluttered shut.
The next morning, you shuffled down the stairs sleepily with Billy by your side and a wrapped present in your hand. You’d been woken by Frank telling you both to get your asses downstairs. It had resulted in the sibling-like bickering you’d grown to be fond of between Billy and Frank since he’d walked right in and you had only a sheet for your modesty. But Frank had pointed out that Billy had walked in on him and Karen plenty of times. As you got into the main area, you saw a mountain of presents and smiled to yourself, seeing everyone milling around, eating breakfast or just hanging out near the big tree. Billy still had some of his money left over from his Anvil days, although it was slowly dwindling with no income to replace it and he was trying to be more careful with it. But he wanted to make sure every single recruit got a gift from him and Frank to show them they were appreciated. They’d sent Karen off with her investigative experience to figure out what to get everyone. All the presents were wrapped and had tags on and you wondered who the hell had managed that feat, having a feeling it was probably the machine also known as Karen. You spent the morning drinking coffee and nibbling croissants as you watched all of the recruits open their gifts. There was a warmth in your chest that seemed to be settled there, not moving since you’d come downstairs. Karen and Frank came over to where you and Billy were then, two wrapped presents in their hands.
“These are you for,” Karen murmured, handing you one as Frank handed Billy the other. You gave them a shy smile before you started to peel the perfectly wrapped paper and when you were done, you grinned. It was a beautiful dark brown coat with cream fur trim, some embroidered flowers along the bottom of it. It looked like it would fall past your hips. It had a retro vibe about it that you loved and you felt touched as your fingers danced along the fur.
“Thank you guys,” you said softly, beaming up at them. You didn't have a coat, you’d never bothered to get one and you didn't like the idea of Billy buying you one when you knew he was basically funding this place from the only money he had. You’d been using spare coats that were hung in a closet. 
“I thought of you as soon as I saw it,” Karen grinned, looking happy you liked it.
“Holy shit,” Billy breathed from next to you, sounding in awe. You turned to look at him to see a large knife in his hands, all black with a fancy-looking handle. He twirled it expertly before he shot you a dirty smirk and you felt your cheeks burn as you looked away quickly. While you had a distaste for violence, you found out only the week prior that you were pretty fond of Billy wielding a knife in the bedroom. You’d really surprised yourself with that one. 
“I fuckin’ love this,” Billy laughed, a bright smile on his face before he stood and grabbed Frank in a tight hug. Frank clapped him on the back before he moved away, eyeing the knife a little warily and you snorted. Billy then moved to hug Karen and you stood too. You still weren't much of a hugger with anyone other than Billy but you were slowly getting used to it and after the gift they’d just gotten you, you felt like it was a good moment. With Karen busy with Billy, Frank smiled warmly at you, moving over to grab you in a hug. He squeezed you a little before moving away.
“Welcome to the family, Y/N,” he murmured, making your throat feel a little tight. Karen wrapped her arms around you then, her hug a little longer than Franks. 
“Merry Christmas,” she smiled, pulling away. You felt a little overwhelmed and always conscious of your needs and knowing how you were feeling, Billy thanked them once again before moving you to sit once more. 
You and Billy sat there for a little longer, snuggled up together as you just enjoyed watching everyone have a good time. You kept wondering when you should give Billy his gift but he hadn’t mentioned anything yet and you were a little nervous so you just happily cuddled into him for a while. 
“Come on,” Billy murmured after a bit, pulling you up from your seat.
“Where are we going?” you asked, blinking up at him.
“The roof, get your coat,” he flashed you a smile and you grabbed his wrapped present before you grabbed your new coat, smiling to yourself as you put it on. It was so warm and cozy, you loved it. Billy grabbed his own coat, matching you slightly with the small amount of fur on his collar and you watched him as he tugged the hood from his hoodie out of it. He took your hand as he led you up to the roof. You’d both created a little area up here, like a little safe space just for you two. It had a sofa and a small table, some lights too. In the warmer months, you’d even camped up here much like he had set up for you the night before the Irish mob got wiped out and you loved it. The only thing you missed about being out here as you slept was being under the stars. You both walked to the sofa and sat down and you felt anxiety thrumming through you about your gift. You had no idea if he’d like it or not and with his moods, sometimes it was hard to predict how he might react. You wanted to get it out of the way so you handed him his gift first with a hesitant smile. He took it, slowly unwrapping it as your eyes stayed glued on his face for even the smallest of reactions. If things went south, you weren't above grabbing it off him and running back downstairs. Once opened, he was faced with a black velvet scrapbook and he raised a brow at you.
“Open it,” you encouraged, a nervous smile on your face as he did as you asked. There were pages of various pictures of people he cared about. Frank, Karen, Curtis and Micro. Some of the recruits doing drills or just hanging out. There were even a couple of the Castles that Frank had given you when you told him what your present idea had been. Billy swallowed thickly as he turned page after page, taking it all in and getting noticeably emotional whenever he saw one of the Castle’s.
As the pages drew on, he started to be included in the pictures. One’s of him and Frank or him and Curtis or Micro, some of them altogether. Most of them were candid pictures given he didn't like posing for pictures and there was a sweet one of him giving Karen a hug from her birthday that year. The next page was filled with just pictures of him, all of them candid and he had no idea you’d taken and this was the part you were worried about the most. You knew how self-conscious he was, knew his aversion to having pictures taken, so you hoped he wouldn't be upset by it. There were pictures of him training or running drills, some of him cleaning his guns or knives. Various candid shots of him smiling or laughing as he spoke to someone but you managed to just get him in the shot. There was even one of him sleeping, looking peaceful and serene. He didn't look at you as he took it all in, his Adam's apple bobbing as his dark eyes swept over all the pictures of himself. He turned the page and was greeted with the last two pages that were full, you’d left some empty to add to later, and it was full of the pair of you. He only ever allowed you to take pictures of him if he was with you and you had a good number of them. Cheesy shots with a bright grin on your face, ones you’d taken after saying something to purposely make him laugh. There was one of the pair of you lying in bed together looking incredibly rumpled with sleepy smiles on your faces. There were even a few you hadn't taken yourself but Karen had. Some candids of the pair of you she’d decided to take since she knew what your plan had been. And you were grateful for them, you loved them the most. One of you sitting on Billy’s lap on the sofa, the pair of you smiling at each other. One of you laughing together and another of him training you in basic self-defense. There was one of you clinging to him after he’d come back from a job, his hand in your hair with his eyes closed, a relieved smile on his face. There was even one Karen had taken of when Billy had purposely made you walk under some mistletoe with him just two days before and then kissed you.
Billy was uncharacteristically silent as he looked at them all and you toyed with your hands restlessly, unsure if he liked it or was upset with you. 
“Do you like it?” you asked quietly, dread coating your tone as he just sat there staring for what felt like forever.
“I uh…” his voice cracked and he clamped his mouth shut for a moment before taking a steadying breath. You noticed then how shiny his eyes were as he looked right at you. You felt breathless at the sight.
“I love it. I don't even… I never thought I’d like lookin’ at pictures of myself again. But this is… it’s amazing. Micro was right, you really do capture the beauty in anything,” he murmured, his voice wavering a little. He reached out and clutched your hand, your body relaxing infinitely knowing he liked it. It touched you that he was moved so much by it. That it meant so much to him, as much as it meant to you when you put it together.
“It’s not hard to capture beauty in something already so beautiful,” you replied, a loving smile on your face. His eyes softened as he brought your hand to his mouth, placing a kiss on it before he tugged you. You wound up straddling him and his hands slipped inside your coat, settling on your hips. 
“Thank you. It's the best gift I’ve ever gotten,” he said sincerely, squeezing your hips a little. You felt your cheeks heat up a little as you smiled down at him, your hand coming to toy with the short hair at the base of his skull.
“I was worried you wouldn't like it. It meant a lot to me, putting it together. It's special… you're special,” you breathed, gazing down at him. His lips curled into a smile, one of his hands moving to the back of your neck as he pulled you down for a kiss. He seemed to pour his gratitude into the kiss and when you pulled away, you felt lightheaded. 
“Time for your present,” he smirked, but it seemed a little off. Tense somehow. It took you a moment to realize he was nervous too and it was slightly endearing that you hadn't been the only one worried. He pulled something out of his coat pocket before holding it in front of him. It was a small black box and he toyed with it for a moment, eyes darting from you to the box before back at you. He didn't say anything as he cracked it open and revealed a beautiful silver ring. There was a large diamond in the middle and two sapphire stones on either side. You blinked down at the very expensive looking gift for a moment, unsure what to say.
“It doesn't haveta mean anything. It- It could just be a… a pretty ring you wear,” he started, unable to look at you as he shook his head.
“What do you want it to mean?” you asked slowly, unsure where he was going with this and his weird presentation of the ring to you. He took the ring out of the box, setting the box on the sofa beside you, still not looking at you as he stared at it.
“I’d ask you to… to marry me, but uh… I’m a wanted fugitive so I don't see us… don’t see us walking down the aisle anytime soon,” he muttered with a chuckle, seeming unsure of himself. His words stole the breath from your lungs and your heart started beating like a hummingbird's wings in your chest. He looked up at you then, his dark eyes boring right into yours for a moment and suddenly, it seemed like his nerves melted away from him.
“I want it to mean that I love you. That I want forever with you. It means… It means that I-I found all I ever needed right here with you. It means that when I’m with you… the world just… it stops turnin’. Nothin’ else matters when I’m with you. All the bullshit I’ve been through, all the pain and loss and hurt… none of it matters. It means that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter how long that might be and I don’t need no damn papers to make it real,” he implored firmly, his eyes boring into you. You blinked at him for a long moment, brain trying to wrap around that he was essentially asking you to marry him. Your chest ached with the happiness you felt and you felt your eyes start to sting but you tried to push the tears away. You were rendered mute for a moment in your shock and awe and he looked back to the ring looking uncertain of himself. You cleared your throat, sniffling a little as you held your hand out.
“Are you going to put it on then?” you asked wryly, the emotion in your voice betraying how touched you were by his words and gesture. His eyes snapped back to you then looking almost surprised by your reaction.
“You're… you’re sayin’ yes?” he asked hesitantly. Your face broke into a grin and you wiped a stray tear that had escaped that was rolling down your cheek.
“Of course I am, did you really think I’d say no?” you asked with a snort. The smile that split his face was blinding and made you feel like he’d just shoved you off the roof. He took your hand in his, carefully sliding the ring on your finger. 
"I love you," he murmured, smiling at you.
“I love you too,” you grinned, leaning down and kissing him sweetly. He wrapped his arms around you as he kissed you back and suddenly, he’d shifted you and your back hit the sofa with him on top of you. He shot you a devilish smirk and you rolled your eyes good-naturedly.
“It’s too cold for that up here,” you snorted.
“I got ways to warm you up, sweetheart,” he teased with a grin before leaning down and capturing your lips in a searing kiss. 
The weight of the ring felt heavy around your finger but it wasn't a negative feeling, it was comforting. You’d grown up being unloved by the people who were supposed to care the most, spent the rest of your life being forgotten by society and shunned for circumstances beyond your control. All your life you’d been shown you were worthless and not worth loving. That you were damaged and you’d declared yourself as too broken to be fixed, passed the point of saving. And then you’d found Billy. He’d slowly put the pieces of you back together as you healed. You weren't perfect, but he treated you like the Japanese art of fixing broken pottery with gold. You’d forever have imperfections and flaws from the life you’d had before, but he sealed every fracture with love and affection that was changing you into a better version of yourself and you hoped you did the same for him. Alone you were both broken, but together, you were now whole. 
Taglist: (if you’ve been asked to be tagged and aren’t here, it wouldn’t let me tag some people.)
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One gigantic obvious issue with Fandom Wikis is that they're possibly the worst type of Wiki, with a userbase known to be on the younger side of the average and with no encyclopedic standards, but because it's the most well known of the rare lucrative and free Wiki farms*, it has the best SEO.
*quick explanation of what I mean: there are free and non lucrative Wiki farms/hosts/platforms. Like Miraheze for example: you can host a Wiki on there for free. There are also Wiki farms that are lucrative and you have to pay a fee to host a Wiki on, which is how they make money. Fandom is lucrative (read: littered with ads and sponsors in poor taste) and free to host a Wiki on (because the ads are how they make money.)
So no matter what show, creator or blorbo you look up, the Fandom Wiki, aka the least legitimate Wiki about it or them, will be the first result. And the content of the Wiki has a very good chance of being an unsourced rumour written by a child.
You have to be an informed reader. And here is the baseline information:
1. There are lots of kids making and contributing to Fandom Wikis. Just keep that in mind.
2. If there are no references at the end of a sentence or paragraph, then you have no proof that it is true.
Literally the fact that so many Fandom Wikis contain a ton of information without proper references (aka the source of the information) (aka the little number at the end of the sentence that brings you to a list of links in the footer) is proof that they're not legitimate Wikis. Is it a moral failing to have an unserious Wiki? No, absolutely not. It's just that unserious Wikis shouldn't be at the top of Google search results. The only reason your fun little Wiki about blorbos that you never intended to be that deep is placed so high is that Fandom pays good money for it to be.
And let me tell you that when I joined Fandom years ago, I wasn't gonna guess the standard should be to add references, because no one else did it, so I didn't do it either. The information I wrote was factual, I was a serious editor: but my readers couldn't confirm that for sure, because I didn't share the source. Since anyone can create a Wiki, since the Wiki I joined and adopted in 2018 was abandoned, there are no enforced rules to make your Wiki a proper and legit encyclopedia like there are on Wikipedia. Again, that is the case on any Wiki farm: but everyone knows the 11 years olds discovering Wikis only know about Fandom from their Google searches.
But something I'll add just in case: there are many serious Wiki editors who happen to use Fandom, or to be stuck on Fandom. If you're on a Fandom Wiki and the information is clearly sourced, it's perfectly good, fine and respectable.
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d-structive · 2 years
27 and 19 for the soft asks ?
19. most important thing in your life? Hecc, that's a hard one...I don't know. I guess my family it's an atequate answer. I owe them litterally everything. I may be an idiot, but I don't forget this and I never will. 27. which character would you want to be? A character? From whatever fandom?...I don't know. A character it's a fictional being...So I'd probably like to be somebody which is the opposite of what I am. Maybe somebody confident, super skilled and reliable, just for a change? ...I don't really know. I assume this is the kind of question that requires an answer from people who isn't me. Which character do you think I am? XD
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xviruserrorx · 1 year
Title: "Under A Full Moon"
Oh all the beloved characters who got all of 5 minutes of screen time or who got killed off in a heartbeat. In good old me fashion here's a short little thing in which Hayden doesn't die and with Kate goes and find solace in company in one another including with Garth and his little family, set before s15.... And also in good me fashion this is for @flashfictionfridayofficial #219 but it's uh... it's Saturday 😅. But! It's fine it's all good. Enjoy!
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Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt(s): Under The Night Sky
Relationship(s): Hayden Foster & Kate
Character(s): Hayden Foster, Kate the Werewolf
Important Tag(s): Canon Divergence, Hayden Foster Lives, Comfort no hurt, Talking, Crying, No Beta we die like all the characters in Supernatural didn't
Rating: Gen
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply, Mention of Death
Word Count: 1,005
"Hey." Kate laid her hand on her arm. "You won't. It's scary, I know, but it gets easier to live with. I mean look at Garth." Hayden chuckled, sniffling and rubbing at her nose. "You've been a werewolf longer than he has." "Yeah, but he has Bess and Gertie. They're purebloods and they live alright. And you have somewhere and someone to come to when things get rough." Hayden smiled, reaching over, laying her hand over Kate's. "So do you." Or On the night of a full moon, Kate and Hayden prep with the Fitzgerald's for a change and talk about a few things.
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"Got the bag?"
Hayden looked over the truck, Kate coming around the car, loading the back seat with two carry on bags.
She shouldered the large duffle in question. "Yeah." She chucked it in the bed of the truck. A sigh escaped her as she turned around and leaned her weight against the car.
A gust blew, making the fur on the hood of her coat tickled the back of her neck. She shoved her hands in her coat, looking up at the stars littering like specks of dust around the full moon.
She heard the door slam shut and gravel crunch underneath shoes.
"You've been quiet."
She tried for something of a smile, knowing fully well she had been quiet to a point that wasn't in her control. "Guess this werewolf isn't a chatterbox."
Kate leaned on the back of the truck beside her. "I wasn't either at first, if that's any consolation."
Hayden looked at her, watching her fiddle with the bracelet on her wrist, looking so well put together despite the looming brightness in the sky that meant the inevitable.
"You never talk about it," she spoke. "How you got… bitten."
Kate forced a smile. "It's a long story." She shrugged her off.
"Shortened version then."
Kate licked lips, eyes flickering down before she nodded her head. "Okay." She took a deep breath. "Let's see. Freshman in college, I made some friends here and there but nothing too serious. Then… there's these two guys sitting across the way from me that are filming me with a camera that they have no clue how to work." She chuckled at the memory. "So naturally I went over and gave them some tips."
Hayden smiled. "Naturally."
"I think you might know the story from here." Kate shifted in place. "Girl meets guy, they fall in love, guy's best friend has a small crush on the girl but nothing enough that she warrants him any attention." She looked down at her shoes, kicking the gravel as the smile faded from her face. "Only it doesn't end with a battle of two guys fighting over the girl, no, because there's a werewolf. The boyfriend gets bitten, and there's two hunters in town on a case."
Hayden nodded her head, knowing all too well who the two hunters were and what led after.
"The best friend loses it," Kate continued, "gets himself turned into a werewolf out of jealousy and he kills the boyfriend; turning the Girl before she kills him." She cleared her throat. "Not the best story, but not the worst either."
"What did you do?"
"That's the longer story, but I ran, up to a point."
Hayden bounced her leg in place, the urge of what was to come burning under her skin, making her want to rip everything off. She rolled back her shoulder, her stomach twisting in on itself all while Kate stood perfectly still; her only giveaway being the skin around her nails she continued to pick at.
She forced out a breath, eyes burning as she dug her nails into her palms. "I don't think I can." 
Her voice broke as Kate looked at her.
"The turn?" Kate asked.
She shook her head. "No—that too, just…." She sniffed. "I can't run. I can't go back to school. I can't go home," she continued. "I drive by my house sometimes and my mom is all alone. This thing that turned me killed my brother and…" She swallowed, wiping at her face for the tears that fell.
"It's best not to go back," Kate said after a minute. "I know you want to, but It only hurts worse, and if you do go back and try to pretend everything's okay, well…" She shook her head. "They end up paying the price and it only hurts them more and you by having to leave again."
"Sounds like you know all too well."
"There's the rest of the story," Kate said. "I went back. Thought it would keep my family from thinking I had run off or disappeared."
"From mourning," Hayden stated.
"Yeah." She nodded. "Then there was the car accident. My little sister… I couldn't see her die so I turned her."
Hayden didn't say anything.
"I tried to make her like me. Just feed off of animal hearts, no humans, no hurting anybody. I tried to get her to stay off the hunters radars so that they wouldn't pick up on our trail." She yanked harder at one of her nails. "But then she went off the rail. She gave in. She hurt people, turning them, trying to make a pack. Then eventually…"
"A hunter got to her?"
She scoffed. "In a way, yeah."
"I'm sorry."
Kate shook her head. "I should have known better."
"Does anybody know this?" She questioned. "I mean, I'm terrified of that happening to me. What if I lose it? What if I hurt someone? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did."
"Hey." Kate laid her hand on her arm, some contact to comfort. "You won't. It's scary, I know, but it gets easier to live with. I mean look at Garth."
Hayden chuckled, sniffling and rubbing at her nose. "You've been a werewolf longer than he has."
"Yeah, but he has Bess and Gertie. They're purebloods and they live alright. And you have somewhere and someone to come to when things get rough."
Hayden smiled, reaching over, laying her hand over Kate's, returning the affection they both knew they needed. "So do you."
"Yeah… guess some people aren't half so bad, huh?"
She smiled again, tightening her hold.
"Hey girls!"
They turned around as Garth walked out of the house with another bag in hand.
 "You ready?"
Bess walked out the door of the house, Gertie's hand in hers as they walked next to Garth, the same warm smile on all their faces.
Hayden looked towards Kate, waiting for that single nod before she turned back to the family.
"Yeah, we are."
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companionjones · 2 years
Pairing: Eleventh!Doctor x Fem!Reader
Fandom: Doctor Who
Summary: You’re to be executed, and the Doctor has to find a way to save you. Or have you already saved yourself?
Warnings: Blood, injuries, sadness over partner being hurt
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    The Doctor was blinded by his fear, which was awful because he needed to be focused to find one very special thing: you.
    There was a reason the Doctor liked you so much. You were compassionate enough to want to help a princess who was in danger, and you were clever enough to find a way to get her onto a ship and away from the country she was held prisoner in.
    Unfortunately, you had been captured for your deeds, and were sentenced to death. Your execution would be carried out at sunset that day. The Doctor needed to find you.
    He was desperately searching the dungeons when he discovered proof that his worst fear had come to pass: You had been taken to the throne room early. You were likely already dead.
    When the Doctor stormed the main room of the castle--tears were brimming his eyes--he was met with a scene that was completely opposite from what he had been expecting.
    Multiple men were on the floor, either unconscious or dead, and the rest of the guards were pointing their weapons at the King’s head. Or, rather, slightly to the right of the King’s head. There you were, holding a knife to the King’s throat.
    From the state of you, it had not been an easy fight. Scraps and cuts littered all of your exposed skin, and you still had a look on your face that made it obvious that you wanted out.
    The Doctor opened, “I told you boys she wasn’t going without a fight. Granted, I thought that fight would be coming from me, but I guess we’ve all made the mistake of underestimating a woman today.”
    “Any...Any ideas, Doctor?” you struggled to speak due to a red stain on your shirt that was only growing in size.
    The Doctor took a moment to compose himself after spotting your worst injury, “Just a moment, I’m thinking. Not all of us do as well on their feet as apparently you do.” Despite the gravity of the situation, the Doctor wanted to put a smile on your face. His hearts soared when he was successful.
    The King started to say something. Something that showed how completely horrified he was at your behavior while also managing to be condescending at the same time. However, the King had just managed to get his first couple words out when the Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver to cause an explosion as a distraction.
    It worked. Your only roadblock to the Doctor was one of the guards managing to get in your way. But you blocked his sword’s attack with your knife, punched the man in his face, then took the Doctor’s hand. The two of you were out of there.
    Of course, the King sent his men after you, and you and the Doctor ran all the way back to the TARDIS. You were about ready to collapse when the blue door closed behind you, but the Doctor caught your bloody form. “Oh, no. You’re not done yet.” As quickly as he could, he helped you to the infirmary. He lifted you onto one of the metal tables and rushed to fetch the needed medical supplies.
    “This would go over easier if you laid down,” the Doctor softly notified, but you just shook your head. “Let’s just get this this over with.”
    You both cringed as the Doctor spread the fast-healing cream over the stab wound in your side. You gritted your teeth at the sensation and let out a rough exhale.
    You were different from the other companions. The Doctor would never dream of taking you home because of who you were to him. He also knew that if he were to ever somehow succeed in getting you home, you would find a way to travel space and time back to him to make him regret ever even thinking about leaving you. That didn’t mean that he could stand seeing you hurt.
    As he spread the ointment over the rest of your injuries, you leaned your head on the Doctor’s shoulder. When your face had to be done, you leaned against his forehead. As he wiped the cream onto your skin, you wiped the tears from his cheeks. When he was done, you held him to you for a moment, and captured his lips with your own.
    “Thank you,” he breathed when you parted from him.
    You smiled and returned the sentiment. “Thank you.”
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, you should check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you. <3 <3 <3
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
So, I ran into this lovely discussion about the "discourse" between JC and Wangxian after the ending of Donghua and I found this lovely person attempting to explain why "people" started to side with JC and dunked on Wangxian!Donghua??????. Also this will be a bit long.
"JC antis are just an irrelevant minority both here on Tumblr and in general. JC is litterally the 3rd most popular character [after twisting his characters to the point of OCC] of the series after Wangxian and this speaks for itself. The same day the final episode of the donghua was aired, JC was trending WORLDWIDE on Twitter and not Wangxian. Pretty much everyone was taking JC's side against Wangxian because of the way they deeply humiliated him (things didn't remotely go that way in the novel) [But it still ensured JC received the consequence like the novel intended]. If ppl started hating donghua!Wangxian because of that, then I perfectly agree with them"
"Antis love to claim, so lost in their delusions, that the ending of the donghua was the most accurate to the novel but they must've read a different version of the novel because in the book things are completely different [The so-called JC antis knew this very well, they were happy that JC was not woobified and received consequences though, which is still accurate to the novel in term of theme]. If you're guessing who these idiots are, look for the "canon JC tag" and you'll immediately know the clowns to block"
"It was very different from both novel (the original) and Cql, they changed a bunch of stuff, it's impossible to miss. There are very detailed posts about the differences between novel and donghua ending here on Tumblr [Urgh, duh, we knew it before for the last episode, no need for detailed explanations] and how the events of the donghua ruined the moral of the novel [So having consequences for your actions and having a chance for self-reflection are bad now?]. Also, if million ppl rioted complaining about the humiliation JC received (never happened in the novel so wtf are you talking about?), in particular the chinese fandom who knows very well the symbolism of certain behaviors (they consider LWJ's behavior toward JC the ultimate humiliation for a clan leader [and JC deserved it]) that belong to their culture [So because he was a Clan leader, he was free of criticisms and backlashes????], this definitely means something. Btw I'm satisfied by the fandom behavior [Yeah, by shitting on the main pair for defense themselves], we can't change the ending but JC trending that day was definitely a message to the authors." [Like being a bunch of whiny babies?]
"When it comes to the mood of the whole fandom, JC was always the most popular character after Wangxian [Because he got woobified] , but in the specific situation of the Donghua the whole fandom sided with him against Wangxian [uhm, so JC antis were not in the fandom???]. In this moment here on Tumblr there are just a few idiots [lol] using the "canon JC" tag to spread their delusion, but we're talking of the same 4-5 antis and few random other ppl. If one blocks them, the tag is clean."
"I'm not here to discuss opinions about JC's character, especially because I firmly believe one can either love or hate a character but still be objective about a shit treatement said character receive. To me JC is neither a total saint, nor a total monster. He's an extremely fucked up individual like many others in this series and I just tend to appreciate the most morally grey characters compared to 100% good guys or assholes. [But you seems to have problem with morally grey characters received consequences, ex. "humiliation" like JC]. Also I never believed much in the "tsundere JC" portrayal , it's funny to see sometimes [dude, it almost everywhere in this fandom] but in canon I don't exactly see him that way"
"About Wangxian, I've always loved them but the ending of the donghua ruined them for me. [I smelled bullshit in this sentence, just admit you're a JC stan] Donghua authors ruined a bunch of characters tbh. Op wanted infos on the fandom mood about Wangxian and JC after the donghua and I just talked about it. It's not just my opinion, if the whole fandom complained about the donghua epilogue [maybe only the JC Stans complain as I also saw many people didn't give an F about JC's ending and were relatively happy for Wangxian's cottage gore ending] this means that there was actually something big to complain about ["How dare they gave JC . Like, a character (not even the main one) doesn't trend worldwide every day [Wait, WWX also trended on his birthday]. This means that this ending was a general disappointment, Wangxian was supposed to trend that day to celebrate their happy ending but guess what? JC trended because ppl were giving him support. I think this speaks for itself, being a fan of him or not is irrelevant. These are facts"
Yeah, I need helps to unpack this.
HAHHAHA wow. jc stans are deeply deeply DEEPLY divorced from reality ...and the definition of gray morality. Fuck they can't even learn one simple term how are they supposed to understand a whole novel (눈_눈). But love to see all the old favs gathered together :
gray morality
I toTalLy liked WangXian before this >:-/
"if million ppl rioted" 🥴😂...why not a billion? Why not one billion, gajillion, fafillion?! They should go find a story where the mc is another basic, shitty, self absorbed whiner, and just be happy. lol and stop putting out their cringe, unhinged, butthurt ex energy on the internet. oh Wow jc trended 🌝! WangXian is still canon and jc still ends up alone, yk like in the novel. xx ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
ARMY & LA getting ready for Permission to Dance on Stage
As of me writing this there are about 14.5 hours left until the members will walk on stage and hold their first offline concert in two years, a thought that’s insane in every way. Both the length of that break, just a little longer than it were if they would all enlist together, but also when taking into account the reason why that break happened.
Unfortunately neither of us were able to go to LA for any of the four concerts so we’ll join those at home that’ll go back to the old school ways of switching between periscope streams and the fun guessing game of which pixel might be which member. Before the era of HYBE streaming concerts the way they did during the panoramic, this is what we always did. I’ve watched countless concerts like that, shaky 144p quality, sometimes when it came to the Japanese ones it was audio-only (safer with security being much stricter), and yet ARMY was still happy. So, dear panoramic era ARMY, welcome to the old ways. It is as fun as it is chaotic and yet we wouldn’t have it any other way.
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(edit cr. seokuilla on twt)
Over the last two days, but especially yesterday, ARMY have been steadily making their way into LA, or how it was quickly dubbed into Los Borahangeles, by planes and cars, many posting videos as their planes were descending and flying last SoFi Stadium, as well as their captains or flight attendants asking how many of the passengers are going to see BTS and playing a BTS song during/after the landing. I’ve seen ARMYs talk about spotting each other due to their BT21 keychains and other accessories, a great way to signal to those around you that you’re ARMY as well in a way that is less obvious than literally writing BTS on your things or having their picture on you, some even showing pictures of the backs of cars that had things like HONK IF YOU’RE ARMY written on the window. And of course lots and lots of ARMY vanity plates (these are just a few that I found but there are definitely more).
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And of course LA got ready for ARMY and Bangtan as well, SoFi’s twt account sharing this video of the purple-fication happening, as well as their welcome back message on the roof of the stadium which was shown in both English and Korean.
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As well as McDs giving ARMY a photocard dispenser as well as feeding them and some of their locations also turning purple.
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Yesterday the merch stand opened with lines stretching so long, some mentioned waiting times exceeded 6+ hours standing out in the sun. At some point staff came by and handed out cold bottles of water, word on the street speculating it was upon Bangtan’s request but if that’s true, who knows. It would fit their character.
Also, ARMY being ARMY, everyone paid attention not to litter, to be mindful of each other, as well as some coming by and quite literally handing out albums for free, as well as other goodies. I heard stories of ARMY trading photocards, a group of ARMY bringing along a life-size cardboard cutout of Tae to take pictures with to pass the time, and people talking about their partners carrying their merch and being supportive and happy for them as they talked and met up with their ARMY friends. There were so many cute videos and stories of ARMYs who finally got to meet their online friends after years of knowing each other, it’s truly so wholesome and wonderful, Bangtan bringing people together, people sharing kindness and love with each other. Some also posted pictures of their hotel lobbies with welcome ARMY signs or conversations they had with their uber drivers who turned out to also be ARMY or have ARMY kids/partners.
This twt is basically you never walk alone ARMY edition, love it! And while yes, as ARMY we disagree a lot and fight a lot, but at the end of the day we share the same love for the same seven exceptionally talented men and that’s what brings us all together again when it matters. The unity and power of fandom.
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While people were lining up, SoFi was playing Bangtan music, some originally thinking it was BTS rehearsing but at 9 am that made little sense. That didn’t happen until much, much later in the day, ARMY getting to listen to them rehearsing mostly all the songs we’d seen them perform in Seoul weeks ago with the members making little noises and “greetings” toward those gathered outside and getting very loud reactions. Eventually, at the end of their rehearsal, the members actually appeared up on one of the balconies (?) to have a look at ARMY and wave. Adorable. And then, later, Jimin and Hobi both posted pictures they took while standing on stage expressing their excitement for tomorrow, well, today.
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As for other things happening yesterday/today, we found out that Yoongi attended a Clippers game without anyone recognizing him until ARMY actually looked at the official pictures from the game and went off of the description given to them. Then a picture hit the TL of Yoongi along with Anderson Paak which had everyone run around like headless chickens in excitement while trying to find the source, which turned out to be the IG account of a restaurant, I believe. Speaking of which, supposedly Namjoon, Seokjin and Jungkook were seen together at a restaurant which isn’t a verifiable information, since no pictures were taken (Good! Give them their privacy) so take it with a grain of salt, though if true, that’s really cute.
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So, as ARMY that isn’t attending, I truly hope everyone who is there will have the nights of their lives. I’ve experienced Bangtan live and it was truly magical, so have fun, enjoy every minute of it and be smarter than I was and take a ton of pictures and videos to hold on to and look back on forever. For newer ARMY, brace yourself for the wild stories that’ll appear on the TL once soundcheck begins, and by wild I mean thinks like OMG JUNGKOOK HAS NEON GREEN HAIR and alike, which is standard and basically a funny part of the process each and every time. And because ARMY is ARMY, even though the rules say no pictures and videos during soundcheck, someone usually always managed to sneak a picture or two.
I can’t wait for the concerts, the pictures and videos and stories of what they did on stage, and especially for Bangtan and ARMY to finally see each other again, up close and “personal”, loud and clear, no screens, no delayed and distorted audio. They’ll cry, we’ll cry, we’ll party and dance, and for these four days we’ll be united by our shared purple blood once again.
Lastly I want to touch upon a subject I’ve seen floating around especially the closer the concert got, and I’m also fairly certain we’ve gotten an ask about ages ago as well. Read below the cut:
From anon: what do you think about the concerts’ announcement in the middle of the pandemic ?
Judging by the opinions I’ve read, I’ve seen a lot of misplaced anger and blame being thrown at them, as though they are the sole artist responsible for potentially spreading the virus, as though they are literally the only artists in the world performing (even though they were the ones who basically immediately canceled/postponed their tour when the whole thing began early 2020), and as though saving the world from the panoramic is their sole responsibility.
As disclaimer, before anyone accuses me of a skewed perspective because I haven’t lost anyone, yeah, I’ll stop you right there because I did lose someone. I know the pain, so don’t even try.
So, with that in mind, I think people need to get off their high horses and put things into perspective. Especially those who, just a few days ago, were screaming, crying, throwing up at the maknaes and Hobi attending the Harry Styles concert, and celebrating their AMA attendance. You can’t have this cake and eat it too, not how it works. If you want to point fingers, do it with everyone, with the HS concert, with the AMAs, and with every other artist who has been touring/performing for weeks and months now. BTS have tried their hardest to wait as long as possible to make these concerts happen, have given online ones instead despite telling us how draining and hard they were, and finally the chance came for them to perform but people need to come around and cry about it. No one forces you to go if you don’t want to. And believe me, these four concerts won’t be the thing that will decide humanities fate and whether or not the panoramic will end soon or not.
That responsibility doesn’t sit on Bangtan’s shoulders, instead it sits on ours and every other human being on this planet. If everyone in attendance wears their masks, has a negative test or is vaccinated, and if everyone behaves in accordance to the regulations, it’s all good. At the end of the day, 200k people will attend those concerts, yet there are more than 7 billion people on earth, so that 0.003% will not be the deciding factor. And it’s bonkers to blame Bangtan for wanting to perform, to do what they love to do as musicians, while being completely fine with other artists doing it. Either you shame everyone, or no one.
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multisfabulis · 2 years
Through Loss Comes A Second Chance
Word Count: 4433
TW: Mention of suicide
It has been a hot minute since I last wrote anything, especially for the Kagepro fandom. The last fic I wrote was "Love's Descent into Madness", where its last chapter was posted almost two years ago in December. At least I can say I posted this on the tail-end of August!
So I've had this idea floating around in my brain for a few years now. I can't remember exactly what brought this on but I do know I hadn't seen much of anything for Momo and Ene and I wanted to rectify that. I just chose to kill Shintaro off since I feel like that would've been the most likely scenario for how these two would've come together and become friends. I'm becoming yet another pioneer for a dynamic I think the fandom has slept on!
One last thing I want to mention is that this was actually beta'd! I normally don't let others touch my work because I'm kinda a control freak and the very idea of having someone come in and make edits of my work is extremely terrifying but my friend, who is one of the very few people I WOULD trust with this, offered to beat read this and I took them up on it. They ended up doing such a good job, I decided to post it! They deserve credit for this so thank you, rosemaryblues!
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     Weeks had passed since that day. Just how many, Ene wasn’t sure. Honestly, if it weren’t for the clock in the lower right-hand corner of the desktop screen, she wouldn’t have even known a day had gone by. Time stopped mattering to her the moment her reason for living in this world left her behind.
     What point was there in being alive now? The one person that gave her a shred of purpose in life was dead, along with everyone else she knew. What was she supposed to do? Was she to waste away in the confines of his computer until its power supply shut down permanently? Or go back to cyberspace and let the guilt consume her there? She didn’t care either way.
     The room felt like it had been frozen in time since his death. His bed was still unmade from when he’d woken up that morning, the piles of trash forever on the floor he never got around to picking up; even his desk had stayed littered with his beloved soda bottles. Ene hadn’t found the strength to put his files back to how they were originally. She was afraid of touching anything in fear she’d accidentally delete it and destroy what little remained of him. They may all have just been code but they were as real to her as the world on the other side of the screen was.
     She never imagined a day like this would come. A day in which she’d lose everything she’d worked so hard to regain. She felt so lost without him here. Her whole world practically revolved around him, from talking with him throughout all hours of the day to playing pranks on him in the hopes it’d get his full attention. He was her only source of companionship and now he was gone. Maybe she was just doomed to live alone for the rest of her life.
     There was a noise at the door. It was a sound she hadn’t heard in quite a while. Taken aback, she hid automatically behind one of the folders on the desktop screen. There was only one person she knew who would come in here. Her hunch was proven to be correct when a familiar teenage girl walked in.
     It was Momo, his little sister. She looked positively awful, and it wasn’t hard to guess why. Her hair looked like it hadn’t been brushed in days, her clothes as if she had slept in them, her eyes with heavy shadows under them. It was heartbreaking seeing her like this, not at all like the perfect idol Ene usually saw plastered across the various corners of the web. Momo crossed the threshold into his room and closed the door behind her, her gaze fixated to the ground.
     The two of them were acquaintances at best. Ene had first met Momo weeks into her stay here and they’d occasionally talk here and there. It was shocking to see just how alike the siblings’ were to each other. Yet, unlike her brother, she had been doing far better for herself. Balancing the work she did as an idol while also attending school to the best of her ability was more than any 16 year old girl could reasonably handle but she did it all with a bright, cheerful smile.
     But that was before. Her talent agency had put her on a leave of absence once word had reached them, giving her time to mourn and recover from her loss. Ene remembered reading the article about it when it came out and a minuscule seed of relief had bloomed within her. She may have been grieving over him as well but he was Momo's family. She only knew him for a year while Momo grew up with him. There was no telling how badly this was affecting her.
     The siblings’ relationship was…complicated, to say the least. Momo could hardly stand to be in the same room as him and he generally kept to himself just about all the time. However, there was no doubting his love for her. He wasn’t very loud or showy with it but Ene knew him well enough to see his own way of expressing it. She wondered if Momo had any idea of it beneath her disdain for him.
     Ene watched as Momo slowly made her way towards the bed. Her fingers brushed over the sheets before she decided to sit down on the edge. Her head had been bowed the entire time, seeming to have not noticed Ene’s presence. She had to strain her ears to hear what Momo muttered under her breath:
     “What am I doing here?”
     She was taking this hard. Losing a relative was never easy but this was her second time now losing someone close to her. Ene didn’t know much about their family history but she knew the siblings’ father died several years ago while visiting the beach with Momo. Their mother had also ended up in the hospital after nearly overworking herself to death to care for her two children. Such things is why Momo decided to try and bring in an income herself. Oh god, had she been trying to handle this all by herself?
     Momo rose from the bed. She walked towards the nearest bookcase where his books and manga sat. Her hand skimmed over the spines of each one on the shelf closest to her before she plucked a thin, paperback novel out from it. She flipped through the pages, sighed, and put it back in its place, repeating this process with several other books.
     Ene slowly approached the front of the screen, her activity bringing the computer out of its weeks-long sleep. It lit up the room where it was facing and it caught Momo’s attention. She turned to greet her. “Oh, Ene-chan. I forgot you were here.”
     Her voice sounded weak, fragile to the point where she seemed to be only one second away from falling apart. That listless demeanor of hers didn’t suit her at all. It was too familiar to her brother’s and it made Ene worry.
     What was she to say here? She knew Momo wasn’t okay and she had just as much right to be in his room as she did, maybe even more so. Dumbfounded, she decided to ask, “Is there anything I can help you with?”
     “Could you--” her voice cracked, prompting her to clear her throat-- “could you…tell me what he was like?”
     “Huh?" Ene was a little taken aback.
     “What was my brother like? I figured, since you spent more time with him than anyone else did, I might’ve…” she paused, her head turned back to face the bookcase, “gotten to learn about him.”
     So that was it. The siblings’ relationship was complicated on both sides, that much she understood, but was it really that strained? Sure, they argued and fought with each other like most siblings did but was that all they did? If so, then it was no wonder why Momo was asking this of her. In her eyes, a virtual stranger like Ene had seen more of her brother in a year than his own sister had throughout their whole lives together. It was enough for Ene to pity her.
     If telling her about him was what she wished, then Ene would oblige. “Master was…a stubborn man. It was always his way or the highway on most things and it’d take forever for him to see things from my perspective. He also never listened to me, it was in one ear and out the other. Whenever I’d ask him to clean up around here or eat something that wasn’t junk food, he’d either brush it off or get mad at me! Me, someone who was just looking out for him when he couldn’t do it himself!”
     That earned a snort from Momo. “That sounds about right. If even you couldn’t get through to him, no one could.”
     “I felt more like his mother than his servant at times.” She let out a heavy sigh, despite the smile growing across her face. “I know waking him up wasn’t what I signed up for but him sleeping in till noon was unacceptable! That’s why I’d turn the volume up and scare the crap out of him on some mornings!”
     “That’s what that noise was?!” There was more emotion to her voice now. “I just thought he forgot he wasn’t the only one living here…”
     “Yeah, it was so funny watching him jump out of the bed and beg me to turn it off,” she answered through fits of giggles. “And he was never grateful for it! Trying to get a thank you from him was like pulling teeth!”
     Momo burst into laughter after that. It felt good to see her smile again, especially since she looked like a zombie when she crossed through the door. Ene was happy she was able to bring some comfort to her. Sharing the memories she had of him lessened the weight on her shoulders and kept the pain of missing him at bay. It was a nice respite from the heavy toll the past few weeks took on her.
     Then Momo fell quiet. Maybe she thought it was inappropriate to be even a little joyful so soon after his death, or her grief became too much for her to hold back any longer. Whatever the case may be, her shoulders drooped as she went to pick out another book. A few moments of silence passed before she spoke, breaking the lull in their conversation.
     “Ene-chan…do you know why my brother became a shut-in two years ago?”
     The question blindsided her. Of course she knew why he spent every waking hour in this tiny room. His guilt in how he treated Ayano before her suicide was the main contributing factor, though Ene supposed her and Haruka’s deaths didn’t help matters either. It was through her showing up when she did that delayed what might’ve been his inevitable end. There were too many things she couldn’t tell Momo about, if only because there was no easy way of explaining it.
     Their story was too interconnected. It was too full of pain, sorrow, and regret and Ene had no desire to talk about it. She could lie to her but Momo deserved to know the truth. Or something resembling it at least. She settled on the omission of certain facts, ambiguities that would serve their purpose well enough.
     “Master was very…troubled.” She clasped her hands. “A lot went on in his head, things I can’t say I was ever privy to. There were times he’d say or do something that set alarm bells off in me but I’d just brush it aside and try to help him in the best way I knew how.” Yet it wasn’t enough. “I can’t speak as to why he shut himself up in here but I’m sure he must’ve had a good reason to not tell you why.”
     Momo’s body stiffened as she whispered, “I see.”
     Ene could tell she was gutted by her answer. The past two years had to be both hard and frustrating for her as his sister. There was no doubt she loved her brother but his general apathy and their similar personalities had made communication between each other difficult. Momo must’ve been so desperate to help him out in any way she could, she just didn’t know how. Why did he have to leave her alone to clean up his mess? Ene thought bitterly.
     “It’s just like him,” Momo muttered derisively. It was a tone Ene heard him use against her all the time but never from Momo. It was at that point she turned around to face her, holding a thick, heavy-looking book in her hands. She began walking towards her, saying, “It’s just like my brother to not tell me anything. After all, it’s not like he ever cared about me.” Momo’s eyes had tears threatening to spill over at any moment. “He probably thought I would just make things worse.”
     “That’s not it, he---”
     “So then why?!” She suddenly threw the book across the other side of the room. It hit the wall and landed on the floor. “Why did he have to go and do this?! Did-did he ever stop and think about what would happen if he did this?! What about me, what about mom?! It was bad enough losing dad and now he’s gone too? Didn’t he know that…” Her voice cracked as tears rolled down her cheeks. “-that I would’ve helped him? He may have been weird and creepy and gross but…he was still my brother, so I…” Sobs wracked Momo’s body as she hugged herself tight.
     “I can’t claim to know what went through Master’s head when he…” Ene paused. A small flash of sorrow pierced her heart. She swallowed it with a heavy breath. “But what I can tell you is that he may not have wanted to burden you with his problems.”
     Sniffling, Momo wiped away her tears as she asked, “B-burden me?”
     “You already had school and idol work to deal with y'know? So he probably didn’t want you stressing yourself out even more by worrying about him.” Another sadder possibility crossed her mind. “Maybe…maybe he thought you’d be better off without him.”
     “I…” She sniffled again, taking a step forward. “I don’t know what to believe. He just never showed any sign of caring about me and---”
     “He did, I can attest to that.” Ene flitted over to a folder in the upper left-hand corner and peeked into it. “Here, I’ll show you.”
     She threw several files out across the screen, some of which were images and videos he downloaded off the Internet while others were of MP3s he had bought. Whether it was promotional material, clips of her concerts, or songs she released on streaming platforms, he archived everything he could of Momo. This was the one folder Ene had never touched because she knew how important it was to him. She was an only child in her past life, so she was almost envious of the other girl for having an older brother who was so supportive of her.
     Approaching the desk, Momo’s eyes flickered over all the windows popping up and asked, “Are these…of me?”
     “He may not have expressed it but Master loved you very much,” Ene replied, tucking herself into the corner so as to not block anything. “He listened to and shared your music whenever a new song would come out, read every article you were in, and watched clips of your concerts from fans who’d record your performances and post them up on social media.”
     “Why…didn’t he ever mention this?” She pulled the chair away from his desk and sat down in it. “Why did he keep this secret?”
     “I don’t know. But he never stopped supporting you, even when things got…too difficult for him.” She floated as close to the screen as possible, keeping her face hidden from view. “Don’t ever doubt how much he cared about you. Please, for his sake.”
     Rolling up to the desk, Momo took hold of the mouse. She clicked on one of the many windows displayed; a picture of her striking a pose she had done on the cover of a magazine. She closed it and clicked on another; a clip of a recent concert she had done. The corners of her mouth curved up slightly as she watched herself trip and face-plant in front of hundreds of people live on stage. Ene observed this all in rapt silence.
     Fresh tears slid down her face as a pained smile stretched across her face, saying, “God, it’s just like him to keep track of me like a weirdo…”
     This was only a glimpse into what their dynamic was like during the rare times they interacted with each other and she was sure Momo missed those days. She must’ve wanted that sense of normalcy back so she wouldn’t face the reality of his death. Ene knew what that was like all too well.
     “Is it weird to miss him if I didn’t know him that well?” Momo asked as she wiped away her tears with her arm. “Sometimes I wonder…if I just reached out to him, if I said something to him, would he still be here?”
     “You couldn’t have known.” Ene wished she could pass through the screen at that moment. “It’s no use thinking about what you could’ve done differently.”
     “But if I had just tried harder, if I had just pushed him to tell me…” She hung her head as she stifled a sob. “What kind of sister am I?! He supported me all this time and yet I couldn’t do the same for him! It’s my fault, it’s---”
     “Momo!” She hadn’t meant to shout but it was the first thing that leapt into her head. The other girl snapped to attention. “It’s not your fault. If anything, it’s mine because I’m the one he talked the most with, he spent time with. If I hadn’t pulled that stupid prank, if I had just come back sooner, he’d…”
     It was then she noticed it. It started off with one or two droplets before the dam burst and she was suddenly crying. She dropped to her knees, covering her face with her hands as her chest constricted in agonizing pain. He wasn’t coming back, she knew that. But did she really? No longer would he be upset at her for playing her practical jokes on him, pleading with her to not post his embarrassing pictures online. He was gone and it was all her fault.
     She couldn’t save anyone. Not Haruka, not Shintaro, not even her own damn self when it mattered the most. They were all dead and nothing was ever going to change that fact. What was she to do now? The only person left that seemed to care for her was gone because she wasn’t able to get through to him. The sin of his death weighed down on her like a rock as she sank further and further into---
     “Ene-chan!” Momo’s voice broke her out of her downward spiral. Ene looked up to see her face super close to the screen. “It wasn’t your fault! It’s like you said, we couldn’t have known so please…” She lowered her head, tears falling onto the desk. “Please don’t blame yourself for what happened. I…I forgive you!”
     Momo, someone who had all the right in the world to blame her for her brother’s suicide, forgave her? She wasn’t one to say things without meaning them so she had to be for real…right?
     Wiping her face with her sleeve, she said, “I don’t know what I did to deserve such a thing but…thank you.” Then she smiled as the realization hit her. “I bet Master would’ve loved having two girls cry over him like the creep he was.”
     “Oh god…” There was some semblance of a laugh in her voice at the joke. “He would, wouldn’t he?”
     They spent the next few minutes in near silence. Ene gave Momo some privacy to recompose herself but couldn’t help glancing her way every so often. She had a feeling she’d be okay after this. Even if it took time still, there would come a day where the guilt of living would subside and she’d be happy again. Ene believed that was what Shintaro would’ve wanted for her to.
     “Hey, Ene-chan?” Momo called out. “What are you planning to do now that my brother’s gone?”
     That was the million dollar question, wasn’t it? She didn’t dare tell Momo about what she thought of doing before she had entered the room. It wouldn’t be right worrying her over such depressing things. She did, however, know she did NOT want to go back to cyberspace again. She already spent one year in that goddamn lonely place.
     “I don’t know,” Ene replied, looking down at her hands to avoid Momo’s gaze. “I haven’t really thought about it.”
     “Maybe…” A pause, then an exhale. “Maybe this is the chance for you to live your own life from now on.” This made Ene lift her head. “I mean, you spent a lot of time with my brother, right? So I was thinking this might be a good opportunity for you to do that since you don’t have anyone to look out for anymore.”
     She had a point. It wasn’t like her days with Shintaro weren’t some of the most fun and happiest she had since becoming Ene. Many of the skills she learned were for the purposes of fucking with him so she didn’t know how useful they’d be outside that periphery. Not to mention the lack of a physical body limited her options as well.
     “I was also thinking…” Momo’s voice broke through her reverie. “Well, I know it’s selfish of me to ask this but…would you be okay with staying here for a little while longer? With me, maybe?” Ene was taken aback by her proposition. Then the other girl grew flustered, clarifying, “Only if you want to, though! I didn’t wanna make it seem like I was kicking you out or anything, that’s why I was asking and it’s fine if you don’t, I just---”
     “Yes! I’ll--” she cut in before Momo lost her mind-- “I’ll stay.”
     A moment passed for her answer to sink in and she said with a smile, “Thank you, Ene-chan. I think if we stick together, we can help each other out so…let’s become good friends, okay?”
     For the first time since that day, she felt hopeful for the future.
     After traversing through what seemed like rows upon rows of graves, they finally arrived at their destination. It had taken them a while to figure out where it could have been, not helped by Momo’s terrible sense of direction. It was when they were deep inside the cemetery Ene was able to read the familiar characters inscribed on the stone monument to realize they had found it. So there, standing just before them, laid the final resting place of Shintaro Kisaragi.
     Months had passed since his death and the two girls were still adjusting to a life without him in it. However, the burden that had been weighing heavily on them since then had lessened somewhat. The pain was easier to manage now. Ene was taking steps to venture outside of his PC with every new day while Momo had gone back to work better than ever before. Most of all, their relationship had blossomed beautifully to the point where they considered each other to be best friends.
     Today was special. They both felt emotionally secure enough to come here, which was saying a lot after those initial few weeks. They wanted to let him know, wherever he was, how they were doing and what their plans for the future were. The most important thing they wished to convey, though, was that he needn’t worry over them. They had each other to lean on now so they were going to be okay. They were going to live out their lives and meet him again when it was their time to go, he just had to be patient until then.
     Momo placed her phone, which held Ene, down beside the grave. Then she set the two incense sticks in the holder, lit them up, and clapped her hands together. Ene did the same, closing her eyes as they paid their respects. Luckily, they brought enough supplies with them for the next two graves they were planning to visit after they finished their business at Shintaro’s. It was only fair for Momo to meet Haruka and Ayano as well.
     She told her about them a month or so ago. There were some details she left out, mainly regarding her actual connection to Shintaro and his ties with their former friend group, but everything else was the complete and utter truth. There may come a day where she’d reveal everything, but this was fine for now.
     Once they were done, Momo proceeded to tell him about everything she had been up to lately. The staff assigned to her had been understanding of the way her loss affected her and her fans sent lots of love to her during her hiatus. It’s because of their kindness that it made her want to try even harder to repay all of them for all the support they’d given her throughout her absence. She was still having a hard time in school but she was proud to admit her test scores had improved somewhat, going from single digits to doubles. Of course there was also mention of her and Ene having grown closer, which she imagined Shintaro was despairing over.
     “I also wanted to say that--” Momo’s expression turned serious-- “even though we never really talked, we just argued all the time…I never hated you. I know I said I did a lot but I never meant it.” She took a deep breath in, then out as she calmed herself. “At the end of the day, you’re still my brother and…I love you.”
     Then it was Ene’s turn. She followed the same routine as Momo’s, albeit with some careful wording so as to not throw suspicion onto herself. She still messed with his files here and there and she kept the cheek he got aggravated with on a daily basis. Nothing between them had to change that much after his death. However, there was one thing she wanted to say, without any jokes or backhanded remarks.
     “In all seriousness, I know I teased you a lot back then but I hope you know that that was my way of showing how I cared about you.” Her eyes wandered down to the bottom of the grave. “The year I spent with you was some of the most fun I ever had. It had its ups and downs but I don’t regret meeting you, not one bit.” Then she looked up with a firm resolve and hoped that what she said next would reach him. “Thank you for being my best friend.”
     With that, they bid farewell to him. It was never easy moving on but Ene already did it once, and she’d do it again. She had no idea what the future had in store for her and Momo. What she did know was that they would face it together, with their heads held high and his memory in their hearts.
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graysongraysoff · 2 years
Title: All In, Palms Out (AO3) Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen Relationship: Satoru Gojo & Megumi Fushiguro  Warnings: Post-Hidden Inventory Arc, Hidden Inventory Arc Spoilers, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Family Feels, References to Feral Kittens Words: 1,419
Satoru had once fallen down a YouTube rabbit hole that led him to the video diary of a shelter volunteer documenting the rescue of a litter of feral kittens. The kittens had started out defensive and afraid, hissing and swatting at any attempt at contact. It took days before the little guys began to feel comfortable and curious enough to let their guards down, and even once they had sometimes one or two of them would backslide, and the volunteer would have to start over building their trust again. Still, one look at their little kitten faces once they finally realized they were with someone who wasn’t going to hurt them and you knew all those days of patience had been worth it. And, if you were Satoru, maybe you cried a little about it.
Megumi Fushiguro reminded Satoru of one of those feral kittens.
Satoru Gojo returns from his first long mission since taking guardianship of the Fushiguro kids.
“Guess who’s back?” Satoru called into the little Tokyo apartment the Fushiguros lived in as he shouldered his way inside.
“Gojo!” Tsumiki Fushiguro leaped off the couch where she’d been watching cartoons and ran to Satoru, who scooped her up into his arms.
“Tsumiki!” he greeted her, hoisting her up against his shoulder and squeezing her tightly in a hug. “I missed you, dude!”
Tsumiki giggled, wrapping her arms around her teenage guardian’s neck. “I missed you, too, dude.”
“So, how’d it go?” he asked her. “First time I’ve gone away for a whole week since I got here; can you do it? Do you think the two of you can live without me?”
It was a joke, if a bit of a sad one; the Fushiguro kids, currently ages five and six, had already been taking care of themselves before Satoru entered the picture, having been left by their parents over a year ago.
Tsumiki laughed. “It was fine,” she said.
“Where’s Megumi?” Satoru asked, raising his voice so Tsumiki’s younger brother would be able to hear him from where he was most likely shut up in his room. “I bet he didn’t miss me at all.”
Tsumiki didn’t laugh at that. Satoru shifted her in his arms so he could look at her face.
“What?” he asked, noticing her downcast expression.
“Megumi’s been… kind of mad,” she explained. “He didn’t think you were coming back. I know you said you would, but. Our mom and dad said they would, too, so. He thought you were just doing what they did.”
Satoru’s heart gave a painful lurch in his chest. Toji Fushiguro hadn’t been a model parent by any stretch of the imagination—honestly the kids were probably better off on their own—but that didn’t make it any less true that this time Satoru was the reason Megumi’s father would never make good on any promise to return.
“I told him you weren’t lying!” Tsumiki was quick to add, and Satoru gave her another reassuring squeeze.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” he said. He set Tsumiki back down on her feet and ruffled her hair a little. “But it’s okay. I get why he’d think that. I’ll go talk to him, okay?”
“He might be kind of mean,” Tsumiki warned him.
“What else is new?” he sighed, smiling when Tsumiki smiled.
He dropped his bag on the couch, which was where he slept when he stayed at the Fushiguros’, and then he lifted Tsumiki with one arm and dropped her onto the couch beside it.
“Be right back,” he told her.
He walked the short distance to Megumi’s bedroom door and took a deep breath before knocking.
“Megumiii,” he called in a low sing-song. “Your favorite guy is back. Aren’t you gonna come out and say hi?”
Megumi, predictably, did not answer.
“Megumiii,” he called again in an even lower sing-song. “Can I come in and say hi?”
Still nothing.
“Okay, since you’re not saying anything I have no choice as your guardian but to come in and make sure you’re still alive,” Satoru said. “Opening the door in three, two...”
When he opened Megumi’s bedroom door, the kid was sitting on his bed in the corner of the room with his knees pulled up to his chest. Satoru didn’t want to make light of his feelings, but he couldn’t help a little smile.
Satoru had once fallen down a YouTube rabbit hole that led him to the video diary of a shelter volunteer documenting the rescue of a litter of feral kittens. The kittens had started out defensive and afraid, hissing and swatting at any attempt at contact. It took days before the little guys began to feel comfortable and curious enough to let their guards down, and even once they had sometimes one or two of them would backslide, and the volunteer would have to start over building their trust again. Still, one look at their little kitten faces once they finally realized they were with someone who wasn’t going to hurt them and you knew all those days of patience had been worth it. And, if you were Satoru, maybe you cried a little about it.
Megumi Fushiguro reminded Satoru of one of those feral kittens, so he started the patient work of rebuilding his trust. 
“Hey, Megumi,” he said.
Megumi tightened his arms around his knees. Satoru noticed that his Nintendo DS, which he’d let Megumi borrow, was open on the bed next to him. He entered the room and sat down beside it.
“Were you playing Pokémon?” he asked.
Megumi shrugged.
“Gotten to the Elite Four yet?”
Megumi shook his head. “I suck at Pokémon,” he muttered.
“Everyone sucks at Pokémon when they’re five,” Satoru assured him. “Well, except for me, but I was born good at everything. You just need to practice, that’s all. Learn how to build a good team.”
“I don’t want to,” Megumi pouted.
Satoru huffed a laugh. “Well, it’s just a game. You don’t have to.”
Megumi glared.
“Are you mad at me?” Satoru asked him.
“I’m always mad at you,” Megumi grumbled, at which Satoru barked a laugh.
“True,” he conceded, eyes glittering behind his sunglasses. “At least you’re self-aware. But I just got back! You haven’t seen me in a whole week; how can you be mad at me already?”
Megumi seemed hesitant to say, averting his dark eyes.
“Did you think I wasn’t coming back?” Satoru asked.
Megumi didn’t answer for another few seconds. Then, grudgingly, he nodded.
“That’s okay,” Satoru said. “People haven’t always been straight with you about that kind of stuff, have they?”
Another pause, then Megumi shook his head.
“So how are you supposed to know when someone’s telling the truth?” Satoru asked.
“You can’t,” Megumi said bitterly.
“Correct!” Satoru said, earning a confused species of glare. “You can’t. And I can’t promise you I won’t ever tell you something that’s not true, so I’m not gonna promise you that. But here’s what I can promise: I will never bullshit you. Do you get the difference?”
Megumi furrowed his brow, thinking.
“The difference is,” Satoru continued, “that I will never tell you something I know is a lie. Okay? I promise.”
“Liar,” Megumi said, almost before Satoru had finished speaking.
“Now, come on,” Satoru said, planting his hands on his hips. “That’s hardly fair. I said I’d be back in a week, and I—”
“You said you were born good at everything,” Megumi said. “But you weren’t good at cooking until Tsumiki helped you.”
Satoru blinked. Then he burst out laughing.
“Okay, then, wise guy,” he said, curling an arm around Megumi’s shoulders and pulling him into his chest. “I will never tell you something I know is a lie unless it’s funny.”
“Let me go!” Megumi yelped, trying without success to free himself from Satoru’s grasp. “It wasn’t even funny!”
“It wasn’t, huh?” Satoru said, his eyes glinting with mischief. “That’s so weird, I could’ve sworn I heard someone laughing.” With the hand he wasn’t using to hold the boy in place, he began to tickle him.
“Stop!” Megumi crowed, lurching away from Satoru, but Satoru had heard what he needed to hear: a single, breathless little giggle.
“Seriously, you don’t hear that?” Satoru asked, continuing to tickle Megumi until the kid was shaking with laughter, hugging himself tightly around the stomach as tears of mirth gathered in the corners of his eyes.
“Sta–ha–hop!” Megumi pleaded between laughs, and this time Satori obliged, blowing a single parting raspberry into the kid’s neck before letting him go.
“Gross,” Megumi groaned, but to Satoru’s delight he was smiling.
“I know you are, but what am I?” Satoru shot back, sticking out his tongue. Then he softened his expression. “But seriously. Do you get what I’m trying to say? I mean it, you know.”
Megumi nodded, picking up the DS and crawling back to the corner of his bed.
“I know,” he said.
“So we’re cool?” Satoru asked. “Or at least. Back to the normal level of you being mad at me, I guess?”
Megumi nodded again, smirking.
“Yeah,” he said. “Back to normal.”
“Good," Satoru grinned. “Great. Okay, that’s all I wanted to say. I’ll leave you alone, now. Come get me if you want help with that game, though.”
He was pulling Megumi’s door shut behind him when he heard his little feral kitten boy whisper, so quietly he almost didn’t catch it:
“Welcome home.”
For @antique-romantic​ ❤
Spicy Sorbet reminds me of baby Megumi Fushiguro and there's nothing you can do about it.
Title is from "Eight" by Sleeping At Last if you feel like getting in your feels about Gojo today.
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