#No it doesn’t
startuxi0 · 2 months
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What if Angel found him, after his punishment?
fuck any of you who let me spend this fucking long on this OH MY GOD
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pagesupinflames · 1 month
the day erik retires is the day i’m taking a gun to my head and i’m so serious about that
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st-hedge · 6 months
Does,,, does your url mean sonic the hedgehog,,,
I mean judging how that checks out with everything that I post, obviously 🤙
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queenofbrooklyn · 1 year
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Well, I've been afraid of changin'
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older too
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the-bi-space-ace · 11 months
literally the worst thing about any and all media is the unnecessary romance plots
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mizuthe-cat · 1 year
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I love big wings
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butchb4it · 3 days
i have the worst attitude on earth but i’m simultaneously the prettiest girl i know so it probably cancels out
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Ok but picture The First Time on the s5 DNA board? Are you seeing the vision???
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shiinjicore · 4 months
You said something terrible and I know you did. But I can’t remember it so I just sit in silence.
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mthevlamister · 11 months
so bug does this thing when she sits on my chest and its when she asks for kisses she headbutts me in the chin/mouth/nose/whatever is closest until i give her kissies . would lark do that inn ouppy form
So this answer has layers
Sparrow does this in puppy form all of the time. With Rebecca, with Lark, with everyone they trust and know. They get a kick out of the affection they’ll get. Absolutely loves how many kisses their friends will give
Lark would rather die than do this. Sometimes he does it with Grant when he’s in need of an ESA.
But Lark eats up when people *know* he wants to do it. His mom and brother will give him unlimited kisses and scratches and pets without the head butting needed, and he just has to look up to get more. Grant catches on and starts head butting him for affection just to get him to do it more often. His tail will wag but he’ll give warning bites on hands and arms. No matter who it is (except for his mother. Mercedes gets to shower him in affection bc he’s a mama’s boy)
So yes but also he would rather die than admit it.
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rosieobuttcheeks · 1 year
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I feel really sick and run down today and woozy and can’t stay awake and just realized i did not drink caffeine this morning
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sillyhubris · 6 months
trying to figure out how to explain myself to old friends like “yeah, sorry, your nincada evolved like, two years ago now? yeah. yeah, I’m shedinja. I can like, introduce you to ninjask, if you want, but uh— I’m not sure they’re the right fit for your party”
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anders-hawke · 7 months
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dickbaggins · 9 months
went to a dispensary for the first time yesterday and it was just fuckin weird idk I mean does it really beat the Old Ways?
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ev1llesb1an · 10 months
fighting over a man? no they’re in love with EACH OTHER obviously 🙄
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mioakem · 1 year
Whenever I watch I see London I always move on after the challenge is over
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