#No fks abt them
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lanterns-and-daydreams · 1 year ago
Good morning to everyone in Elfhame except Locke, Dain and Balekin
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pamouche · 1 year ago
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if sand and ray were… works of art
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seadem-on · 1 year ago
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lusalemaart · 1 year ago
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cheswirls · 2 years ago
i started this ml sketch back in 2021 and have successively redone it so many times since and i think..... fingers crossed!!!!!! that i like this version from last night enough to maybe color or do something past sketching at least
#god this was part of the ml set i did back in the fall semester when i did those poni canyon studies#mind you this was also back when evolutions was airing and i was obsessed w ml again#one of those was a ship meme that i did lineless headshots for instead of inserting old art#i only did moon but maybe ill finish lillie so it's “completed” or smth#the other i think were the fullbody refs and maybe one of them was colored neither lined tho#anyway it's all old art so i doubt itll see the light of day but maybe i can retouch n drop a new ml set here#if i post this recent one it won't be alone plus ive been waiting to post abt the fks until i had a set done#god if i get this theoretical intro ml set done i could post sm old art **that i actually still like#im rly adverse to throwing fks into the parents ship tag on their own these days but ive had an old sk#of lillie + the kids for so long that i could use bc the intro set was gonna have /smth/ w both of them#together w either moon or lillie#the problem is i say ill post a bunch of art at once then get impatient n do one by one#or n e v e r finish the full set and nothing gets posted#haha at my pmshi set w the fullbody fk refs ive had done for literal yrs now that will never get posted ever anymore#anyway i rly do love ml so much it's honestly my fav gameverse ship now and i rly need more#content on here made by me so everyone else knows im down bad for them#the fks were never supposed to be a secret per se i am jus rly bad at completing full sets#anyway!!!! point is maybe future incoming ml art on here i am slowly making progress
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dreambot · 6 months ago
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APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN NOW! APPLY TO THE HIT NEW DATING SHOW ! ★ details below!! ★ bc challenge by @dreambot
Riot Adler , 24, an absolute disaster of a superstar entered a contract to do the show bc her pr was trying to cover up the scandals she's always starting for fun lol.
human sims only plz
any gender!
the more backstory the better, i would love this show to have a ton of fkn drama and write out everyones charas a little bit to properly represent them. bonus if they are also celebs!
no deadline in case this gets 2 notes lul
cc encouraged idc abt alpha or maxis match/mix
everyday, swimwear, formal and sleepwear preferred but i can fill in the blanks if needed!
im not responsible if shes an asshole talk to her pr manager not me
just have fun lets fk it up! maybe we can plot some drama 2gether :-) parody of love island and other shows like that so b evil we are here for manufactured drama
@ me @dreambot (duh) or #loversrockbcchallenge
dm or send an ask if i left anything out idk what im doing!
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angelgoeslewd · 5 months ago
man i replayed touchstarved and theres just so much!!!!! i cant get over
why does vere say “not quite monster, not quite human” when sniffing us
and vere’s distaste of leander, calling him a glorified victim complex. of what!!!!!!!
ais and his obsession with his good impressions. wtf is that abt. dude u r a 6ft demon thing why do u care about us so much already.
and wheres his gang?? whos his gang??? who were those ppl he beat up that were obviously another gang. he picked that person on purpose didnt he.
kuras??? wearing his heart on his sleeve apparently????? and then getting burned
also why tf is he curious abt us. and if mc got their hand sewn on by him then yeah obviously he can touch us.
mhin lifting me up makes me want them carnally
also aissssss ajfbskjfsknfks
did not expect that softness from vere!???? he so fkn likes us hes just doing that trope where its like “do i want to fk them or eat them” horny = hungry for this monster
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sunsetsover · 1 month ago
I don't think people say GMMTV is sabotaging FK; the correct word would be neglecting. GMMTV neglects FK, and it is extremely obvious if you pay attention.
idk what exactly prompted this ask bc i made that post like a week ago and from what i can tell it hasn't really got any notes for the past few days and i haven't even been online so maybe this is just something that had been bothering you? idk but. and i don't mean to be rude when i say this! but i must say i don't like the tone of this. i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was accidental, but jsyk this came off as very passive aggressive, like im somehow an idiot for not seeing it. and i will tell you that i have definitely seen people accusing gmmtv of sabotaging fkt and thk, which as i said is silly, but yes some do say that! i've seen it with my own two eyes lmao
like literally today i saw someone on twitter saying exactly this bc the gmmtv twt account posted upcoming events for the next week. now mind you! first is LITERALLY on holiday with his family rn, so how (and more importantly why) do they expect him to have events next week? well when someone mentioned that in the replies, their response was just 'well clearly you don't see it the way i do' which ?? what way is that ?? that he's on holiday?? that he can't be in two places at once??? and other people in the replies were like 'well why can't khaotung have solo events!' and it's like ?? idk maybe bc he's at home gaming, hanging out with his sister and playing his instruments ?? maybe it's bc the two of them are CLEARLY on a break and just bc khaotung is still at home doesn't mean he's not RESTING??
and yes i'm mad about that kind of stuff! it comes off as so selfish and spoilt!! and not to make everything about bts but bts have this exact same issue w some fans to the point where armys literally came up w a name for to refer to these kind of fans: mantis (manager+anti). an explanation of what that means from reddit (bc it's better than i could ever explain it): 'Mantis are antis who essentially hide behind “stanning” so much that they themselves feel like they know the group, and their career, better than the group does. These are the fans constantly trying to "protect" them, beyond normal levels. The type to think they are constantly mistreated/tortured by the company and don't get to make any decisions of their own. Also tend to call out other fans "for not being real fans" if they don't join in on the concern.' like literally i read some of stuff some (emphasis on SOME) fkt fans say and it literally is like. i have played these games before!
and listen i'm not gonna pretend i know much of anything abt that company. i'm new here as it is and i really don't pay attention to any other actors or shows or whatever to compare it to so im deffo not the authority in this regard!
but all that said i 1000% get the impression that there are some fans that kinda... infantilise fkt when it comes to their work. like they have no choice or agency and gmmtv are keeping them locked in a basement somewhere. and i do believe that the majority of them mean well (altho i do think a lot of them want/expect way too much from fkt but i'll get to that), but it's almost as if they forget they're grown men who are more than capable of advocating for themselves. i mean fucking hell, was it not them aggressively advocating for themselves for years that got them put on a show together in the first place? first and khaotung are clearly not people who have difficulty going after what they want, esp when together. i've heard that fkt are notoriously picky about which scripts they accept, which doesn't sound to me like people who are really being neglected by their company. neglected actors don't get the luxury of being picky about jobs. neglected actors are lucky to get any jobs.
(and this goes for events and stuff too, which is a common gripe i've seen. in my opinion - and this is just mine! - people who take their acting as seriously as first and khaotung may not want to take loads of events where they're essentially glorified salesmen. and i mean that with no shade bc make that bag always, but as i see it that's all those events are - extra money in their pockets. i can't see how they would do anything for their career really. and doesn't it just make sense that if they're picky abt their jobs that would also extend into events and stuff too? like? i mean ppl are free to disagree w me on this bc this is just my opinion but yknow. i just think ppl make this into a bigger thing than it is)
and funnily enough i also saw a thread on twt the other day abt how fkt are much bigger internationally than they are in thailand. the shows they've opted to do (again, opted, bc they have a choice) are shows that allegedly don't appeal to a domestic market like most other gmmtv shows do. and so, no matter how you or i might feel abt it, from a business pov it makes sense that they might not be getting the opportunities some other actors might be getting if there simply just isn't demand for it domestically. which sucks, but if that's how it is, that's how it is.
and don't get me wrong i completely get viciously advocating for your faves ok? im an army. for half of bts' career fans were all they had. but sometimes that advocacy becomes a) kinda ridiculously demanding given the context and b) almost condescending. or very condescending sometimes. this goes for bts and fkt both. and while it's all well and good wanting things for them, all i'm saying is let's not forget that they are grown men who are not new to this business. not to mention the fact they have a known track record of advocating for themselves, or the fact that they enough scripts coming their way to be able to be picky, or the fact that already have a new show lined up. first has two even! and a show currently airing! and a cameo that just aired like last week! and another one we know is coming! like my god these are not men who are hurting for work rn.
and in my humble opinion, coming to learn about this industry relatively recently, i think ppl expect too much from these actors overall. i think a lot of them - fkt included - work a hell of a fucking lot actually. i think demanding much more is just selfishness. if im honest. like yes it's nice to see them doing events and stuff. but it's not necessary. and i'll be honest! would i like more interviews and magazines and things like that? sure! but like i said if the demand isn't there, neither will the offers be. that's just the reality of what it is! i'm not going to be sending trucks about it lmfao
the bottom line is this: i'm not saying gmmtv do or don't neglect them. i don't have enough information to have a strong enough opinion one way or the other. but from the outside looking in they seem to be doing just fine. they've got work. they've seemingly got money. and like i said, they're grown men. this is their careers. if they have issues with one thing or another, i trust that they will address those issues as they see fit between themselves and their company. until the day that first and/or khaotung themselves express unhappiness or discontentment, i will take them at face value and believe that they're happy w the way things are. bc literally who tf am i to tell them they should be doing anything different?
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scrumptiousstuffs · 5 months ago
as i see, FK doesnt have a lot of fanservice they seem so real and honest about the things they do together i think this is the best thing about them! do you see the same way? or am i just crazy abt them lol
Hello Anon! Welcome to my corner of FK obsession 😂.
To answer your comment - I genuinely do not think our wonderfully, weird co-dependent besties are doing any major fanservice (I mean, they might harped it a little during events/concerts), but their interactions off-screen tells a lot about their relationship.
I can’t put it as eloquently as the talented Sarah @/firstkanaphans (who has ways with words) and it seems she answered some questions/comments already re: FK in the last 24 hrs (so, if you haven’t check it out, please do!). Not surprisingly though, after the wild 24 hrs we have in SomSoms fandom. And who could blame us? - we have Khaotung (plus Joong) looking smoking hot in those suits, followed by FirstKhao sitting on each other lap and now them drunkenly kissing during karaoke?? (Also - this is me bowing to Joong who continues to be our lord and saviour in detailing us FK shenanigans 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️)
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But in a nutshell, I agree with what you (and what most of us think) - the boys just genuinely enjoy each other company plus they have found their safe haven. FK themselves admit in an interview their relationship could only be defined as “First-Khaotung” cause even they are aware to some degree the things they do for each other are not most people will do even in a good friendship scenario 😂….I mean, these 2 have GPS activated? on their IPhone so that they are constantly aware of each other location, spoils each other with expensive gifts, sulks if the other don’t show up to any event (First’s graduation ceremony come to mind! - he was so upset and whining to Ciize when Khao pranked him into thinking that he would not make it to the ceremony. I also recalled him playfully sulking and refusing to say Khaotung’s name during a solo event [and instead use variation of “rice” instead] cause Khaotung was asleep and didn’t tune in to his solo event 😂🙂‍↕️ )
Also, I have always thought between these 2 - First is the more expressive and eloquent speaker. You can tell by the way he effortlessly carry out any host duties or events/interviews (while Khaotung usually stares adoringly to his bestie face 🫣 but he is getting better!). Or how about the way First wrote those beautifully penned out what I can only described as love letters to his bestie (during LOLFanfest 2024). Khaotung, on the other hand, he is the epitome of what I will call “action speaks louder than words.” He quietly helped First throughout Safe House season 4 when the latter broke his arm/wrist, and if I recalled, Khaotung helped First ties his shoes during a photoshoot they did together (with the photographer/staff member actually showing a BTS photo of him doing just that) during the same period. It’s not to say Khaotung can’t expressed himself or function without First, but these 2 just sparkle ✨ more brightly when they are together.
And while Sarah rightfully pointed out that during Khaotung’s bday event last year, he kept looking up to see if First is present yet, I will say the same applies with First - during his bday event this year, a Thai fan who went to the event (@/pannjed) said that First checked the door multiple times throughout the event for his bestie’s presence 👇🏽, and you can see his face just lit up when Khao finally showed up
Sorry, I seem to have gone off tangent, but I adore these two boys. I do not know if their relationship is platonic or not, but whatever it is, they are just so so genuine and loving towards each other (and to their fans) that I wish them the very best in life and their career .
I’m going to finish up by putting up 2 of my fav photos of them, cause it sums them up well:
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Anyway, our boys may not be as busy or active with events lately, but we are bless to see their beautiful relationship in display! 🧡🤍
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xplrvibes · 10 months ago
so the second colby goes under and starts (whether consciously or subconsciously/unintentionally) channeling and focusing in on the spirit world, EVERYTHING starts happening? and he hasn’t even said a word yet.
bang in the morgue, music box goes off indicating someone walking out of the morgue and towards the kitchen, first thing colby says is “take them” … dude i’d be halfway back to melbourne.
“take them… the girls… they won’t stop” to me its like there are girls in the room and someone wants them taken away from snctb in a protective way? like in an old fashion ‘women are fragile and must be protected from harsh things’ way
“everything is going off!” sam… this happens almost every time colby is under. are you surprised anymore?
“that’s me” 😳 ….just gonna aggressively cross geelong gaol off my list of places to visit
i was just thinking ‘colbys been under a long time’ and then colby said “get him out”
it is actually super creepy the way colby just sirs there like a statue, saying creepy shit, while everyone else freaks out abt knocks and responses lol
and aaallll the activity stops when colby is out?
no one argue with me rn. colby just… yeah man. he’s got direct access to the other side. he can open that door and shut it.
ok that was good :) better than anticipated and im SO PLEASED not a single fan of dipshit moment of the other stuff made even a hint of an appearance.
Ok, so here's the problem -
I STILL haven't had a chance to go back and watch the middle part of this video. 😬
I just got too much going on. I plan on downloading it to watch it on the plane, but until then, I decided to at least weigh in on the Estes Method, since that's the only part of the video I truly remember.
Anyway, I agree with what you said here, but I also have to be controversial and state this for the record: The Estes had the potential to be top tier.
And I say this knowing it sounds like I hated the Estes, which I didn't. It was really good. There were lots of interesting answers that lined up with everything going on, it was creepy, Colby was in his zone...
...but like, all of them talking over one another was driving me up a wall.
It was too much. It was 9 Sam's a'Samming.
I needed silence and calm so I could truly start to decipher some of what was happening. It was just too much.
Anyway, aside from that - Colby is really fucking creepy when he gets into his little conduit mode, huh. The way his body moves, the inflection of his voice, the way his head sometimes moves around? I don't know what all of that is, but it adds to the creepy factor. He is so freaking good at that shit.
And that isn't knocking others who do the Estes Method; there are others who get brilliant results as well. But something about Colby's whole aura and demeanor when he goes under has always felt so charged and different. He's truly putting himself in a trance or something, I don't know.
Also, side note - but can someone make a compilation of all the times shit is going down and snc seek each other out for reassurance, either by touch or just by making sure they are in each other's line of sight? I saw a mini-compiliation on tiktok of Colby reaching for Sam while in the Estes Method (from a different epsiode) and Sam in this episode moving to stand as close to Colby as humanly possibly when shit was going down during this one and it just made me think that they have a habit of doing this shit, huh 🥺.
Anyway, the Estes would've been a 10/10 but I'm deducting 2 points for the annoyance factor with the yammering lol...so 8/10!
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lunabug2004 · 4 months ago
I agree with the last ask. A lot of the bigger or most prolific tumblr accounts that post about FK do not care about First as more than a hanger on to Khaotung and it shows. But you can't control what people like. All you or I or anyone else can do is keep on posting about what we like and focus on that. And occasionally go elsewhere to remind ourselves that tumblr is not the entire fandom and a few people thinking that Khaotung is the one everyone is and should be watching for are not the majority.
I don't know what can be done about the rest, though. Khaotung gets the flashy roles so Khaotung will also continue to get most of the praise. It's just how it works. It's the same in a lot of places.
I completely agree! I just find it unfortunate and I was thinking about it so I decided to post abt it 😅 I will definitely continue to support both of them, both individually and together, this was just me commenting on a pattern I noticed!
I am also aware of the unfortunate reality behind getting more flashy vs more lowkey roles, and the way First always gets characters who hide their emotions and what that means for him as an actor (like you said, less flashy roles). I will just never miss an opportunity to diss the unfair acting industry, whether Thailand or anywhere else!
Thank you for this, tho! It makes me happy that others see what I do, bc it makes me feel less whiny or crazy 😂
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golbrocklovely · 1 year ago
yeesss frat boy bad boy but also soft boy era just slaps. slaps so fkn hard. and yeah him going to jail, i know thats horrible, but hot.. and it couldve have happened at a better time aesthetically speaking. and the fact he was the only one who got multiple felonies… sizzling
can we talk about the vibe he switches to when he’s not dressing like his aesthetic. the plain black skinny jeans or swim shorts, the soft cap, a hoodie or a plain tshirt, classic vans, cross necklace. he goes from “hot frat boy rock and roll, dont give a fk” to “kind soul mama’s boy would live on the beach if you let him”. Ugh, such a sweetheart.
hold on, fights in the club!?!?!? yeah im with you thats insanely hot. idk why it is but men fightingi know nothing abt this pls fill me, i’m getting popcorn! - aussie anon
the reason why him going to jail was hot was bc it wasn't for a serious, criminal offense. he went for breaking and entering. and for fake ids. like… none of that is deeply unsettling or really surprising, given what his career was at the time lol
if he had went for battery or something a little more scary, then it wouldn't be as attractive, so to speak. bc then it's a concern, a problem, rather than a fun story to tell.
it's always so interesting the way his style switches up. bc he has some random pieces in his wardrobe, even to this day, that are like…. that doesn't fit your overall aesthetic, but i appreciate that you have them. anytime he wears anything pink, my heart just melts.
so for the fighting in the club thing, he's never outwardly admitted what has occurred or why it kinda happens frequently, but he explained very briefly once during a livestream that he is banned from a couple clubs in la and vegas bc of him and brennen almost getting into fights with guys. my bet is that it was mostly brennen's fault, but there have been times now of colby on his own or with other friends almost getting into fights.
but he has never explained why, and it's infuriating. i need to know why it almost happens. like, is the other dude being a dick? is colby starting the fights? what's the M.O here? literally in december it happened to him again! like….. i NEED a story time or something lol
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adambja · 1 year ago
sorry for upsetting you, i just didn't know who u were talking abt and was curious if it was moonlightbaby or someone else
I am not upset lmao I WAS JUST SAYING IT
That's the point I won't say who am I talking about because they don't deserve any attention lmao!
Also if you think I have anything to say about any blogger I don't I just feel indifferent about them all they are such a disappointment for every single person who didn't get results from all their BLA BLA BLA AND THE 3D AND THE 4D and at the end even the people who were rude to me literally came to me and apologized for everything and needed my help and asked for my tapes it happened 5 times now tell me
Who is the godmother of the loa/nondualism/subconscious mind reprogramming communities?
You say it!
Useless bloggers should literally deactivate their accs and fk off forever because of how stupid their sh is! Also yes let them keep wishing for a better life instead of obsessing over me and my tapes and talking about how good it is in private with others and how they don't need it 💀💀 and then people sending me screenshots of convos so yes if you are asking if I am mad or if I was mad!
I wasn't and I am not mad I will never be mad
I feel like indifferent about the situation and I am not sorry some of them got betrayed and to every blogger don't be scared I won't share anything
But if anyone shares anything it's non of my business I am completely excluded from these narratives and these very dramatic situations I am here to help people as a paid service even offering free tapes NON PERSONALIZED AND THAT WORKS FOR EVERYONE!
So yeah
It's all just ugly AF here so dramatic and I don't like it it's not my vibe at all not before not even now
Yes I used the drama for more people to reach me but there was a huge reason behind it which is helping them that's all
But this is so unfair to me as a person I literally deserved every cent I got and every cent I will get from everyone here and that's it
Also if anyone has any bs to say to me say it to my face!
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year ago
hi elle! first of all, i loooove your analyses and i've been checking your blog religiously after ep7 so i can calm down about the shitshow that is raymew...
now that i'm calmer, i have a few thoughts as a film major with a screenwriting obsession: according to one of the most well-known and accepted versions of the three-act narrative structure, we can say that the thatcar.mp3 blowing up was the halfway point of the story (ep6 of 12) where shit starts hitting the fan for real.
and the fallout of it is raymew: the false victory/defeat that usually occurs before we build up the actual climax. which will probably blow up in 11 because this is a thai bl and spill into 12 bc of what first said abt khao's intense scene in 12. and also you can't just have a whole-hour ep as an epilogue, especially in a series as messy (affectionate) as this.
i'm kinda done theorizing plotlines bc raymew fucking blindsided me, i didn't think they would actually go there. but looking at it as a false defeat (for sand and top) and a false victory (for ray and mew) it makes such perfect sense that as upset as i still am, i'm also kinda amazed at how brilliant the writers were for this...
so i have no idea what the actual climax is going to be, or how we'll get there, but i'm pretty confident about a sandray endgame from a narrative standpoint. i don't think that endgame is gonna be particularly healthy or happy, but i think it's gonna be pretty hopeful, if still somewhat ambigious.
(also on that note: i kinda love that jojo et al. are using the fixed pair concept to move the narrative along without spending a lot of time establishing the ships in the series (as angry as i am about the lack of sandray scenes lately...). we know that forcebook (topmew) and firstkhao (sandray) are likely ending up together, so they can introduce as much mess as they can into the story without fucking them up for good. i think it's a pretty genius way of subverting but also honoring the genre tropes we've come to know and love.
anyway, i'm done now klsdmgk keep up the brilliant work!!!
Hi Fen! That is so sweet of you! Honestly made my day. I’m trying to stay hopeful, mostly because so many people in the fandom seem to be in a very hopeless state right now over SandRay, but I still firmly believe it can work out between them. The way forward is rocky, but there is a way forward nonetheless.
I know Thai BLs have a tendency to let shit hit the fan in Ep11 and then clean it up in Ep12, and while I also fully expect that to be the case here, I hope that doesn’t mean they’ll rush through the resolution. I mean I would take an hour-long episode of SandRay: Adventures in Chiang Mai, but realistically I don’t think we’ll see much future stuff.
I’m thinking the climax for each couple will be much more personal—as in, within the pairs themselves rather than outside of them. So for SandRay this could be Ray’s addiction and commitment issues, etc. (It could have to do with Sand’s ex, but I think the bulk of that conflict will pass before Ep12). For TopMew, this could be about trust, with Top possibly making some grand gesture to win Mew back over, or Top demonstrating his love for Mew by saving Mew from himself (similar to next ep?)? For BostonNick, it could be Boston realizing his feelings for Nick and trying to win him back over, only to realize that Nick helped Mew get the sex tapes from Gap? Or that Nick really has moved on. Idk, I’m just brainstorming at this point, because yeah, after RayMew happened, I genuinely have no idea what to expect.
Side note, but I have a hunch Khao’s best scene in Ep12 is some sort of a mental breakdown? Maybe something similar to what we saw in Ep4. It’s got to be highly emotional to compete with the funeral scene in MLC. Maybe it’s Ray confronting his mother’s death again, but this time it’s Sand who pulls him out of his despair? Who knows.
Interesting point about how Jojo is using the established pairs…I really hope it is the case that FK and FB’s pairings make it out alive and all of this RayMew stuff is just for dramatics and will soon pass. That is the one negative to watching shows as they air (aside from the grueling wait between eps): I wish I knew how the couples will turn out so I don’t get my hopes up for nothing.
Also, because I know this is a hard time for all of us, I wanna say that my DMs and Ask box are always open! If we’re going to suffer, at least we can all do it together lol. <3
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videostak · 2 years ago
UGHAGUOhkdjsa my moms going to out to a bar rn with my cousin and probably wont be back til like 11 or 12 and will probably be very drunk :/ really annoying cause she asked my sister if she should go my sister said no cause she works tomorrow and she shouldnt be somewhere where she can drink cause its not a safe environment then my mom just acted annoyed then 30 mins later said she is gonna go w/ my cousin .. rly annoyed and hope ill be able to go tomorrow and get up in time.. i mean if i cant get up at 5 then i can just go to the yard sale and other swap meet.. dont kno abt the estate sale cause thats actually a v far drive in the opposite direction so idk if im gonna wanna go there but i guess ill see.. also since that and the yard sale sstart the same time idk if theyll be anything good by the time i go to them. idk ill see tho cause like my mom doing something late at night to fk things up as usual should be no surprise. genuinley so annoying i rly wish she werent an alcoholic and talk to as like little kids and try to do stuff like that to go behind our backs to drink. i have to shave tonight and shower tho so once they leave i can atleast do that in the meantime.. rly annoyed cause its already 9 and they havent left yet and she was saying theyd be there for 2 hrs which usually the time she gives is way less than it actually ends up being.. i hardly got any sleep last night tooo
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madthetruemad · 2 months ago
I’m back from my loooooong resort retreat, not outside my country but def still good experience. And I saw this sexy man on the train billboard, it was an ad for Versace’s Eros energy but I nearly fell between the platform and the train from drooling to hard. Anyways,
I just read your reply on my survival guide and I would definitely die 💀💀💀. I FKNING FORGOR MOZE EXISTED😭😭. Ig he’s a spy for a good reason. Like fk, I forgot about him so horribly.
So change of plans, if I were y/n I would :
1. Do the poisoning incident except make it look like the Sanctus medicus were after him and I just saved him by drinking it in his place. Doing this would let me incriminate one of Jing yuan’s side chicks so 2 birds, 1 stone.
2. Stop the maids from looking down on me by giving em the good ol’ attitude. I remember working as I waitress part time and these dumb customers would be complaining about every single dish and I would be running everywhere to meet their demands. So it gave me the idea on how to be thing bigger bitch. Literally say I don’t like it to every single food during dinner time and make them run all over the palace. If they don’t threaten to cut their tongue off or say something like
“You have quite the gall talking back to me. Where I’m from, we don’t tolerate audacious maids, do you know what we do? We cut the uncouth tongues of those who dare speak against their masters. If you know what I mean, then *scram*”
Like go queen, I support
4. Make Jing yuan jealous. Has to be after amnesia plan so we avoid the chance of him getting killing me from annoyance. I say the best male candidate would be boothil cuz he’s not 100% loyal to the emperor and owes us a favor. Butt, I would use the favor from boothil as a back up in case I need to get the fck out and run. And I totally fcked up on going insane plan but it was a last resort 😭😭
5. Moze is a really huuuuge issue actually, becuz you never know where he is. And I can’t think of a way to get him off my back .Would learn abt the political situation of the empire to see if I can align with anyone that hates the emperor. Idk if I’m onto smth with this or I’m speedrunning getting killed.
6. I still rlly like the idea of using our other lives to learn abt some information because Sunday is literally the biggest clutch ever. (I luv u sunshine boy). And he also has some beef with Jing yuan so I would find a way to meet with him to learn more. Should be top priority after amnesia plan is success.
7. Cuddle up to Jing yuan if he ever gets all clingy or lovey dovey after amnesia plan. Like laugh along to whatever, call him by his name, or kiss him on the cheek or smth. This is the best possible time to make him jealous. Hehe. 😉
8. I want to put him in a difficult spot when I have an “amnesia” so I would ask all sorts of bs questions a lover should know. One is “do u have any allergies?” Cuz a real bf/gf should know or “did I have any favorite flowers” again these or some stuff lovers do together so he has to make up one on the spot. “What’s my favorite food is a good one” because even if he gets the question right somehow, I can be like “really? I used to like that? It disgusts me so much now, perhaps that’s because of my accident…”
Literally give y/n an Oscar and she dropped this 👑, oh wait. You also dropped this too 👑.
I’ve been a lil absent from hsr lately cus I’ve been watching squid game season 2, not sure if u watch k dramas. And I find that this style of time loops is a 10/10 idea and I wanna recommend the manhwa ‘the villainess reverses the hourglass’ it has a big brain main character and I think it would rlly help with the fic. I hope u enjoy reading my long asks, if it’s annoying pls tell so I can the fck shut up. And u can call me ‘Mei’ or ‘caristiona’.
Have a slay vacation and I hope u have no awkward family meet ups with that judgey aunties. Happy new year wonderful hooman <3
LMAO I hope you're alright!!! Must of been one hell of a sexy man if you almost fell!!
Ngl, I also almost forgot about moze 😔 and I'm supposed to be the writer here 💀 how I remembered he existed? I'm not entirely sure...
XD poison and making the maids really WORK!! Now that's something, if the maids didn't hate y/n they certainly will after all that lmao
And frfr, if you want to make jing yuan jealous, then it'll definitely be after having amnesia 💀 the man will probably cut y/n down if she tried to do that without the whole amnesia thing backing her up...
Also, moze may be an issue now, but maybe meeting Feixiao can... better y/n's circumstances 🫣 and fr, learning about Sunday is a must!!
LOL I can definitely see y/n being a little troll when it comes to the amnesia bit. If she can gain that confidence and reel in her acting skills, then she can definitely throw yuan for a loop!!
Also, I love Squid Games!!! I've only watched season 1 so far, but I do plan on watching season 2 soon!!
And dw!! I love reading your asks <3 thanks a lot for sending them, Mei 💞
And i hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation too! Happy new year!!
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