#HOWEVER was pissed when i realized i drew him blushing on both sides of his face
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lusalemaart · 1 year ago
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benkeibear · 8 months ago
『 Patching them up 』
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☼ synopsis: you patch them up after a fight
☼ characters: Sakura / Suo / Umemiya
☼ wc: 1.4k
☼ cw: mentions of fights, wounds and blood
☼ notes: this windbreaker brainrot is going strong someone help my dear head || don't forget to sign up for the taglist so you won't miss out!
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ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹Sakura:
✧ Sakura didn't expect you to be sitting there at the Café when they returned after yet another fight and he almost walked right back out through the door, but Umemiya blocked his path, a stern look on his face
✧ You could see that Umemiya urged Sakura to walk towards you, a heavy blush on his cheeks as his face contorted into a scowl
✧ He looked like he'd rather be anywhere else but near you - near anyone right now and you decided to make it easier for him, not teasing him or speaking much
✧ Kotoha knew about your little crush on the man in front of you and decided that you will be helping to patch the guys of Furin up - perhaps you can get a little closer to him this way
✧ Sakura sat down with a huff on the chair in front of you, glaring to the side when his classmates snickered at how nervous you look now
✧ "I-I can do that myself. I'm not a child," he mumbled and wanted to take the bandages from your hand but you held onto his wrist - firm but careful to not hurt him
✧ You gave him a stern look and gently held the ice pack to his swollen eye, your gaze getting stuck on his handsome face which made him grind his teeth
✧ "You got a problem?" He asked pissed off and wanted to jerk away but when your gaze softened he was lost for a moment
✧ With gentle hands you bandaged his still bleeding knuckles, your fingers working so careful that he could only sit there dumbfounded, holding the ice pack to his face
✧ Without any further complaint he let you dress various wounds and clean the cuts but he drew the line at his face, unable to feel your caring gaze on him without getting affected
✧ However, you insisted on using the butterfly bandage on his brow to close the rather nasty cut without it leaving a scar behind and Sakura let you under heavy protest
✧ When you brushed the white hair out of his face, you saw that even the tips of his ears were blushed, his skin warm to the touch and you felt the heat rising up your cheeks as well
✧ Your hand rested on his face longer than necessary and you removed it as the second you realized, jerking away as if his skin just burned you
✧ The man in front of you didn't even dare to complain when you held one of his hands ever so gently while holding the ice pack to his knuckles
✧ It took so long to patch him up but it seems like both of you rather enjoyed the way you took care of him and perhaps he will let you take care of him again next time with a little less protest
✧ If you kiss his hands he might fall off the chair, affection a rather new thing to him but he would willingly bruise his knuckles again just to feel your lips on his skin
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ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹Suo:
✧ Suo was always so kind and his hands were so soft and gentle when holding yours or cupping your cheek, you never thought he could even fight
✧ So when he came back home after helping someone out of trouble you almost dropped the glass you were holding upon setting eyes on him
✧ There was a single cut on his cheek and his knuckles were bruised, some spots even bleeding but he wore his usual smile
✧ Without hesitation you walked over to him and inspected his hands, worry etched on your face but he did his best to reassure you, waving your concerns off
✧ “Oh please, this is nothing but a scratch you don't need to worry” He gently took his hands back from yours, not wanting you to worry about him
✧ His opponent certainly looked worse so what are a couple of bruised knuckles?
✧ You insisted on patching him up however and he sighed heavily, a sad smile on his face when he agreed to it
✧ He hated to burden you like this but it was you who insisted on it and who was he to deny your acts of love and care?
✧ Suo didn't complain a single time, not even when you dropped the bandages multiple times or hesitated to use the rubbing alcohol on his usually soft and delicate hands
✧ His lack of reaction to the more painful aspects of cleaning wounds surprised you but you didn't question it, still apologizing for putting him through this
✧ You didn't want to ask about what happened, your lovers rough side a mystery to you and he was glad you didn't ask
✧ He might be proud of his skills but beating someone up was nothing he'd ever brag about aside from the fact that he never starts a fight unless it's to protect someone
✧ You gently bandaged his hands up and kissed each of them tenderly which made him feel so loved and accepted by you
✧ When you cleaned the small cut on his face he insisted that you won't put a bandaid on it since it's not that deep so you put away the cutest bandaids you were able to find - little star shaped bandaids
✧ Once you were done of taking care of him he thanked you dearly. That you care about him this much fills him with so much gratitude
✧ Safe to say that he pampered you the rest of the evening by cooking your favorite meal and just holding you close
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ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹Umemiya:
✧ You were always the first to get texted that things went well and that he's okay which made you no stranger to taking care of wounds
✧ Being Umemiya’s loving partner meant that you patch up his guys after fights and you did so without a single complaint, proud of them for what they do
✧ But even if it was just Ume who got into a fight, you were the first he went to, a big smile on his bruised face and it made you wonder how he can be so cheerful in this state
✧ His secret trick? He gets to feel your hands on him, gets to bathe in your love and your tender care so there was nothing to frown about
✧ Umemiya adored the serious look on your face when you carefully cleaned all cuts before icing every single bruise
✧ “You need to be more careful, Hajime” you scold him in a soft tone, straddling his lap to patch up his face properly
✧ “I am being careful… but even if they land a punch, I know you're here to kiss it better” he mused, trying to kiss you but you stopped him
✧ You simply shook your head and denied him the kisses “I won't kiss anything better if you're reckless, Haji” you muse but kiss his bruised cheekbone with such care it made his stomach flip
✧ Feeling your lips against his skin, no matter how bruised and battered, made everything hurt less - he even swore that everything healed faster thanks to your kisses
✧ It's a good excuse to get more of them but you play along, wanting to pamper him to your best abilities
✧ When it was time to apply a bandaid you purposely took one for the younger ones, little stars on a blue bandaid now adorning the bridge of his nose
✧ Umemiya looked absolutely adorable like this when he smiled brightly and he knew damn well that no one would make fun of him like that
✧ The last guy who made fun of his cute bandaids wore a hello kitty bandaid on his broken nose for weeks - both a reminder by yours truly
✧ If getting beaten up means having you sit on his lap and tending to every bruise and cut, Umemiya almost liked getting into fights and perhaps he let his opponent land one more punch than necessary to his lip just so you can coo over and lecture him
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tommodirection · 4 years ago
Little Sister
Harry Styles x Tomlinson! Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: swearing, playful mentions of Larry
A/N: Heylo! I hope you enjoy this! I’ve been working on this for about a month now, never being able to finish it, but I decided to sit down and finish it tonight instead of wallowing in self-pity! The Larry mention at the end is meant to be funny and playful, not something to take seriously! Thank you and have a nice day! ❤️💕🥰
When your brother went to audition for the X-Factor in 2010, you expected him to come home after, maybe with a signed record deal, maybe not, but home nonetheless.
Instead, he was put into a boy band with four other boys, and moved out. Your mother was proud, of course as anyone would be, but that also meant her oldest child had left the nest.
That left you, now the oldest in the house, and your four younger sisters. Your mum was handling it the best she could, but with Mark out of the house constantly, it got stressful for her.
You didn’t like Mark that much, sure, he was nice, and he treated your mother alright, he just didn’t seem like a commitment kind of guy to you.
You were adopted shortly after your mum left Louis’s father. Mark was accepting of the fact that she already had two kids, but became a bit offended when she took your side in an argument instead of one of their kids.
You loved all your siblings equally, well, Louis a bit more than the other girls, but you still loved them no matter how their father acted.
When Louis left, you were left to help your mother with the other girls, Mark not being much help. You were often left to help them get ready for school, get ready for bed, and you even had to run errands for your mother.
Since you were only 16, and hadn’t gotten a driver’s license, you had to walk almost everywhere, but you didn’t mind, not when you were helping your mother.
Having a brother who had recently become a famous member of a boy band, also meant you had to watch all the girls at your school drool over him. This also meant that a lot more people were trying to be friendly to you.
Most of the girls at your school loved Louis, probably because they thought they had the best chance with him, not that they had any chance.
However, you preferred Harry. You always had a soft spot for sweet boys with curly hair, but this time felt different. It probably was just a silly little crush, you’d obsess for a few weeks and then get over it.
You were so, so wrong.
You watched your brother and his mates smash their way through the charts for the next two years, becoming the best boy band of the generation.
The whole family was immensely proud of him, even Mark. You were particularly proud of Harry, though the rest of your family didn’t really care.
The small crush hadn’t faded, instead it had grown in the past two years, each time you saw him on a photo your brother sent, or on TV, you flushed and your heart started racing.
He was just perfect. Perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect dimples, perfect smile, perfect lips, perfect everything.
It honestly kind of upset you sometimes.
There you were, the sister of one of his best mates, same age as him too, and yet you had never met him.
That all changed when the band went to Madison Square Garden at the end of the year.
Since you were eighteen and finished with college, you were allowed to go with your mother to go see Louis perform.
As you and your mother approached the stadium, you felt a wave of awe wash over you. Your brother’s face was on the fucking front of Madison Square Garden. He was getting paid to be here.
Where the fuck did you go wrong?
The driver that Louis had hired pulled up in the front, allowing you both to get out along with Liam’s mum, Karen, who was a lovely lady.
You all climbed out of the car onto the busy New York City street, people busling past your trio to file into the large arena.
Your mother grabbed your hand and Karen’s as well, pulling you both into line.
Meanwhile, the boys were sitting in front of the camera, discussing their feelings about the upcoming show. Zayn and Liam were currently in the dressing room, and Niall was finishing his dinner, so Louis and Harry were left to be interviewed.
“You know, this is a big show for us, obviously,” Harry said, trying not to be gesticulative as he spoke, nerves buzzing through his body.
“Yeah, of course it’s big cos it’s MSG, but this is also the only one that all of us have at least one family member in the audience. Liam, Niall, and Zayn have their mums, Harry has his mum and stepdad, and my mum and sister are coming, which is of course rattling, you want them to be proud of you,” Louis said, leaning back on the couch.
Harry paused for a moment, “Wait, which sister?”
“Y/N, she’s finished with school, so mum let her come down, she’s ecstatic,” Louis smiled and Harry nodded, trying to keep a straight face for the camera.
He had never met you, he’s only heard stories from Louis, and seen pictures that his mum always sent him of all the girls.
He thought you were adorable, who wouldn’t? He wouldn’t call it a crush, he hadn’t even met you. However, there was definitely something about you that drew him near you.
Once you had gotten inside, Karen insisted on going to buy something. The concert was starting in a few minutes, so there weren’t many people at the tables, most already in their seats.
She was beaming, looking at all of the stuff with her son’s face on it, your mother bearing a similar smile. Karen spotted the cardboard cutouts of the boys. And her eyes lit up.
She rushed to buy one, your mother chuckling, but you could tell she was contemplating on buying one herself.
The pair began to walk away, the camera crew following them, but you stayed behind, stepping up to the cashier.
Your mother must’ve noticed you weren’t there, as seconds later she was at your side, rubbing your arm lightly.
“Whatcha buying?” She asked, humming as she moved her hand to your upper back.
You felt yourself flush as you ordered the Harry cutout. Your mother was laughing her arse off, clutching her stomach as she doubled over.
You felt embarrassed, but understood her reaction. Karen turned around to see the commotion and saw the cashier handing you the Harry cutout. She gave a light chuckle and waved you both over.
Your mother pretended to wipe a tear from her cheek, smirking at you, “Aw, my baby’s in love!” She teased and you bit your lip.
“Shut up,” you mumbled weakly.
The camera crew saw the interaction, getting the whole thing on tape. As you passed the camera, you gave it a small, awkward smile, stuffing the Harry under your arm.
The show was amazing, you didn’t expect any less.
The boys were energetic, entertaining the audience as they jumped and ran around the stage, clearly enjoying themselves.
You were placed in the front, along with the other mothers and Robin, Harry’s step-father. During Louis’ solos, you and your mother would cheer the loudest, the others doing the same for their respective child.
Each boy came to wave to all of you, grinning as they sang. Louis just made a funny face at you and your mother, almost missing his cue.
The other boys did similar things, running to wave while they were singing, but Harry hadn’t come over yet, something that was clearly disturbing Anne.
During a brief break in between songs, Harry came to sit on the edge of the stage in front of all of you. The fans surrounding you all were screaming, some laughing when he gave a bashful wave.
He brought the microphone to his mouth, interrupting Liam’s monologue.
“That’s my mummy!” He pointed to Anne, making her giggle as he bounced up and down where he sat. “Hi mummy!” He yelled, giving an over enthusiastic wave, the audience loving every second.
A grin spread across your face, watching the interaction warmed your heart. Anne was loving it, she blew Harry a kiss, and he caught it, pressing it to kiss cheek.
“I love you mum,” he said, seriously. The audience and all the boys on stage letting out a sweet ‘aw’.
“I love you, Hazza!” Anne tried to yell above the audience, her voice being drowned out, but Harry understood her perfectly.
He turned his attention to the rest of you, “Hi everyone!” He waved again, his grin still just as wide. His eyes scanned over each of you, and his met yours. “Y/N? You’re Lou’s sister, right?” He asked and you nodded, trying to ignore your mum poking your arm. “Damn!” He yelled and you felt yourself gaping, Louis standing up quickly.
“Excuse me?” He asked, in mock offense.
Harry realized his mistake, “No, no, no! That came out wrong,” he turned to you, “I didn’t mean any disrespect, I just mean that I imagined you being like,” he held up his hand a few feet off the ground, “this tall based on how Lou described you, and that is certainly not the case,” he affirmed and Louis playfully rolled his eyes.
“Sure,” he dragged it out, “I’m sure that’s what you meant,” he joked, and Harry stood, brushing off his bum.
“Anyways! On with the show!”
A few months later, the boys sat huddled around a table in the film director’s conference room.
The film was finally completed, and the boys were invited to watch it and suggest changes. The boys were a bit into the film now, mostly taking the piss out of it and teasing each other.
Then came the footage from Madison Square Garden.
The boys stayed silent the whole time that the mothers were speaking, being quiet for the first time since the film started.
After showing the mothers’ thoughts on them performing at MSG, it cut to the interviews backstage. It was mostly just the boys’ preparation. Harry and Louis’ interview showed up, and the teasing started right up again.
“Louis, did you see the way his face lit up when you mentioned Y/N?” Liam said through laughter, Zayn and Niall laughing with him.
Harry was glaring at the boys, trying to avoid looking at Louis, a furious blush coating his cheeks. Louis was trying to hide his smile, looking at Harry out of the corner of his eye.
Truth was, he didn’t mind at all. Sure, it was a little weird, but he knew Harry, and Louis knew about your little crush on him, your mum had told him about it and had even sent pictures of the Harry cutout, now set up in your room. He would rather you date Harry than some random kid from Doncaster. You and Harry would work well together, he may even dare to say you were perfect for each other. There was only one problem; you hadn’t met.
The boys had finally calmed down and the rest of the film continued. While Liam and Niall were talking about the time they had to be smuggled through a bread van, Louis took his chance. He leaned over, catching Harry’s attention, “Don’t listen to them, if I’m being honest with you, I wouldn’t mind if you dated my sister,” he whispered, Harry immediately getting flustered.
“I, what? I don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re mad,” Harry mumbled and Louis chuckled, patting Harry’s knee.
“It’s alright lad, no need to explain yourself.”
The topic wasn’t brought up again until the movie came out.
Well, it technically hadn’t come out yet. Each boy was allowed to stream it at their home, they were sent digital copies. Louis had invited you over to watch it a week before it officially came out, and of course you had said yes.
You decided to spend the week with him, needing a break from managing the house with your mother. You had felt guilty, seeing as it was now her alone, Mark had left early on in your brother’s departure. Although, Dan, her new fiancé, was there to help out a bit.
You pulled up outside his apartment building, parking and grabbing your bag from the passenger’s seat. You made your way into the apartment, keeping your head down as you knocked on the door.
Louis opened it, throwing his arms open with a large grin on his face. You set your bag down, giggling as you wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him tightly.
“I missed you,” you mumbled into his chest.
“I missed you too,” he said, swaying with you in the doorway for a moment. He pulled away, a shit-eating grin on his face. “I hope you don’t mind, but I invited someone else over too!”
“I don’t mind,” you said, squinting at your brother, why was he being so cheeky about it?
“Great! Alright, come on in! Harry’s on the couch, and before we watch the film, we’re gonna watch interviews!” He ushered you inside, grabbing your bag.
You stopped once you had entered the house, turning back to Louis, “Hold, go back there for a second, did you say Harry’s here?” You asked, quickly panicking.
You were answered by a voice behind you, “Louis, is your guest…” Harry trailed off as you turned around. He gaped for a moment, clearing his throat quickly, “Oh, uhm, hi Y/N, Louis didn’t say you were coming,” his eyes left you to quickly glance at Louis.
“Hi,” you mumbled, biting the inside of your cheek.
It was quiet for a few moments, and Louis interjected, “Ready to watch the interviews?” He asked, not even waiting for an answer as he dragged both of you to the living room.
He sat down on the couch, pulling you and Harry on either side of him. “They sent me a weird version they made that has the interviews first, and the movie immediately after,” he leaned over and picked up a napkin he had set on the table.
On it were two times stamps, one that was pretty early on, and one that was presumably later in the film. He scrolled on the TV for a moment, getting the setting right and pressing start once the DVD was processed.
He began to fast forward through most of the interviews, you were a bit confused when he came to a stop in the middle of the interviews. You were about to say something, but he turned the volume all the way up, pressing play.
“If you had to set up your sister with one of the band, and you could trust them, who would it be?” The interviewer asked, leaning forwards as she spoke.
Liam and Zayn erupted, “None, none of them!” They both chided, clear looks of disgust on their face.
Louis sat contemplating for a moment, both Liam and Zayn looking at him with knowing smiles, “I have an ideal pair in mind, I’m not going to verify who, the lads already know who it is, my sister doesn’t, but I’ve got a plan,” he smirked, nodding enthusiastically.
The Louis next to you looked at his napkin again, fast forwarding it again, this time you were sat for a little bit longer, the tension in the room growing thicker. Both you and Harry had a feeling that he was talking about you guys, but neither of you dared say anything.
He unpaused it again, this time it was the actual film, iit showed you and your mum, along with Karen, it was the MSG footage.
You began panicking, trying to grab the remote from Louis, “Louis, Louis, turn it off, turn it off!” You yelled as you tackled him, reaching for the remote he was holding high.
He ducked to his side, quickly stuffing the remote down his trousers as the film continued playing. He gave you a triumphant smirk, but you narrowed your eyes, “don’t think I won’t look in there,” you threatened, and he shot up, running to the washroom, giggling the whole way.
You let out a grunt of defeat, collapsing on the couch and shrinking in on yourself, hiding your face in your hands. “Oh god, ‘m so so sorry Harry,” you grumbled, sinking further into the couch.
Harry let out a low chuckle, “It’s alright, love. I’ve already seen the movie,” he admitted and you let out an exasperated sigh.
“Shit,” you mumbled.
“Hey, nothing to be embarrassed about,” he assured, you felt him put his hand on your knee, making you flush even further. “In fact, if the roles were reversed, I probably would’ve bought a cutout of you too,” he began rubbing a small circle on your knee.
You removed your hands from your face at his confession, looking at him in confusion, “Wait, really?”
“Of course! When we first got together as a band, you called Louis, and he stepped outside for a minute to talk to you, when he got back, he had the biggest smile on his face. At first we thought that it was a girl he’d been talking to, but then he told us it was his sister, and I just had to know more about the girl who made him smile that big. He began talking about you, and about your other family of course, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how he described you, then he showed me pictures, and you just blew me away, as cheeky as it sounds,” he laughed lightly, your eyes traced his profile, “then I saw you at MSG, and I was even more shocked, you were much more mature than the last picture Louis had showed us. I couldn’t stop thinking about the girl who smiled brighter than sun, the one who loved her family more than anything, the one who could make anyone laugh just by speaking, and I hadn’t even met you! But now I’ve actually met you, and even seeing you wrestled with Louis earlier, it confirmed everything I already thought.” He paused, his eyes opening quickly, “I-Uhm, if you don’t like any of that, you can just ignore all of it.”
You sat in disbelief, joy overwhelming you, “Wait, so you like me?”
“I mean, yeah, if that whole speech wasn’t convincing enough, I can show you my diary,” he offered, and you put a finger to his lips.
“As tempting as that is, I really want to kiss you right now, is that alright?” You asked, scooting closer to him on the couch.
“Yeah, that would be amazing,” he giggled, placing his hand on your cheek as your lips met.
It was awkward at first, you were both angled on the couch, neither position comfortable. You shifted closer, slowly crawling onto his lap, quickly pulling away to make sure it was okay with him. When he gave you a subtle nod, you connected your lips again, his sweet, oddly sugary, plush lips. You ran your fingers through his curls, quickly tangling them. He put his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him as you continued to kiss. It was heavenly, everything you had ever dreamed of. Of course, your paradise had to be interrupted by something.
“Oi Oi!” Louis yelled from the hallway, “I get you like each other and all, but this is my couch, come on lads!” He complained, causing you to hurry off of Harry’s lap, taking a seat beside him. He playfully scoffed, pointing a finger at you, “Now, I’m going to get some food from the kitchen, no snogging while I’m gone!” He demanded as he walked out of the room.
You and Harry giggle to yourself, he turned to you, a playful smile adorning his face, “y’know, now that I’m dating a Tomlinson, maybe the Larries will finally back off,” he joked, earning a chuckle from you.
“Oh darling, you’re forgetting one thing,” you chided, he turned to you, obviously confused. “I’m the biggest Larrie of them all,” you teased.
“Oh shut it!” Both he and Louis yelled.
Permanent Taglist (If you want to be added just let me know!): @notsosmexy @ladytommomomoa @franchesca-791 @alwayshave-faith @bxtchboy69
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jayz4dayz · 4 years ago
5 for Meariri?
Of course! This was a lot of fun to write! 
Prompt: “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
It was hot. Hot and sticky and miserable. Truth be told, Mary wished Kirari would have chosen a less humid location for a getaway. Technically, Mary wasn’t even supposed to be there considering this was a student council event. She wasn’t fond of a single person on the council aside from Ririka, who was the only reason why Mary agreed to go in the first place.
She just couldn’t say no to Ririka who was so excited to go and was happy to invite her to come along. Besides, sharing a hotel room alone with her girlfriend and relaxing without the burden of school work for a few days didn’t sound like a bad idea at first. Anyone would have jumped at the opportunity to go on an all expense paid trip to an exotic tropical island in another country with their significant other after all.
What Mary wasn’t prepared for was the blazing hot sun, humid weather, and having to shop for a new bathing suit and temporary clothes with Ririka because their luggage got mixed up with someone else's at the airport.
What she certainly wasn’t prepared for was the overly flirtatious clerk at the swimsuit shop who was all too eager to help Ririka find a perfect fit. Ririka was oblivious, of course, and didn’t understand that the young man was heavily flirting with her. But Mary knew and it was starting to piss her off the longer his eyes greedily awaited for Ririka to exit the dressing room in a bikini she had picked out.
“I don’t know, it looks a little tight in the bust,” Ririka said shyly from the dressing room.
“Oh yeah? Why don’t you come out? Then I can see if you need a bigger size or maybe take your measurements,” the man grinned, reaching for the handle of the door.
“Um, no. I think the fuck not,” Mary stopped him in his tracks. “I’ll be the judge of that, thank you.”
The man raised a brow at her. “Alright, ma’am. See if your friend needs a bigger size then.”
Friend. The word made Mary bite her tongue for she wanted to say she was much more than Ririka’s friend. It left a bitter taste in Mary’s mouth as she grumbled, walking into the changing room.
Almost instantly, her sour mood shifted the moment she saw her girlfriend shyly holding her arms as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. The bikini was an aquamarine color and fit her body near perfectly. It showed off her well toned stomach and seemed to fit in all the right places. She was stunning as always, only now even more so.
Ririka smiled slightly, blushing when she saw Mary’s wide-eyed expression. “H-how do I look?”
“Hot,” Mary breathed out. “I-I mean you look great!”
“Thank you, love. Do you think it shows off too much of my body though?” Ririka asked, lowering her arms.
To Mary, it didn’t show off enough. Not that she’d ever admit. However, it was revealing enough that she knew people would definitely look twice if they walked past Ririka. It was hard enough for her to keep her own eyes off of Ririka, but perhaps that was only because she was her girlfriend. Besides, Ririka was going to be wearing this bathing suit for one reason and one reason only: to swim. It was either this or a wetsuit, which both Kirari and Mary discouraged her from doing since the ocean water was relatively warm and it would have just been a hassle.
“Would you like a one piece instead?” Mary snickered.
Ririka pouted. “Well, not really. I kind of wanted to get a tan.”
“Babe, you don’t tan. You burn,” Mary scoffed. “And this’ll mean you’ll need to put on extra sunscreen.”
“Hm, maybe you’re right. I’ll just get a one piece,” Ririka agreed, beginning to strip down.
“You could get both,” Mary suggested. “One for the beach and one for the pool at the hotel or for other occasions. That is if it’s in our budget.”
Ririka grinned. “Money’s not an issue, so I think I will! Thank you, dearest.”
Mary maintained her tsundere attitude, rolling her eyes when Ririka briefly pecked her lips. However, she failed to hide her blush or the smirk that made its way onto her face from the sudden affection from her lover.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s just hurry up so we can meet the others at the beach spot,” Mary chuckled.
Ririka’s hand intertwined with Mary’s and she grinned as they walked along the sandy sidewalk. Seeing Ririka smile warmed Mary's heart; she rarely saw her girlfriend smile. She was used to seeing the creepy smile of Ririka’s mask, something Mary was grateful Ririka left behind for this trip.
Mary received several glances from onlookers, which she normally wouldn’t pay any attention to. Until she realized they weren’t staring at the two of them, they were staring at Ririka. She was in her two piece and Mary supposed that and Ririka’s platinum hair drew a bit of attention. She protectively held her girlfriend close to her, scowling at whoever stared at her for too long.
Ririka paid no attention to that or the people who looked at her. She only smiled brighter, thinking Mary was only being extra affectionate to her which she’d gladly accept. She’d never deny it since Mary typically only showed her affection when they were alone or occasionally when they were with friends.
“Clingy today, hm?” Ririka teased.
“Maybe,” Mary grumbled, her cheeks reddening.  
Ririka recognized that tone of voice. Mary was greatly irritated by something. What it was, Ririka couldn’t figure out yet. It was hot outside and she knew how much Mary hated hot weather, but soon they’d be in the cool, soothing water of the ocean. So she didn’t dwell much on the thought.
Once they arrived at the location, they were greeted by Kirari and Sayaka. Kirari immediately handed her sister a bottle of sunscreen, to which Ririka began to complain. The two started to bicker while Sayaka insisted for Ririka to apply sunblock. The conversation bored Mary, so she walked over to an empty area and took her beach towel out of her bag. She laid it across the sand before sitting down, watching sea birds dive into the ocean.
Eventually, Ririka walked over to Mary in defeat, plopping down on the towel. She laid her head in Mary’s lap and pouted, looking up at her.
“Riri, you’re gonna get sunscreen on my jeans!” Mary laughed, brushing a loose strand of hair out of Ririka’s face.
“Kirari put too much on me,” Ririka cringed, trying to rub the whiter areas on her arms that still had sunblock on it. “I don’t burn that badly.”
Mary snorted. “Yeah you do. Even worse than I do.”
“Whatever,” Ririka groaned. “I want to swim eventually. Maybe I’ll see some fish.”
“Nah, chances are you’ll only see Midari trying to drown,” Mary replied. “If you’re lucky, you’ll see Yuriko-senpai drown trying to save her.”
Ririka looked out at the shore, seeing Midari chasing Yuriko with a dead or perhaps horrifyingly still alive sea jelly as the poor girl shrieked and tried to evade her. “Hm... or Yuriko will try to drown Midari herself.”  
“Yeah and Midari would probably let her,” Mary snickered as she too watched Midari torment Yuriko. “Maybe that was her plan all along, the damn masochist.”
“I don’t know,” Ririka sighed in disinterest. “Will you go swimming with me?”
“Later maybe. I don’t wanna get covered in sand if I can avoid it,” Mary responded curtly. "Besides, then I'd have to change out of my jeans which I really don't wanna do."
Ririka grinned, wrapping her arms around the blonde’s waist. “Do you want to just stay like this for a while then?”
“I can get used to this,” Mary smirked in agreement.
And so they did, enjoying the ocean breeze and each other’s presence. For a while at least, until Kirari and Sayaka returned. Mary only glared at them as they approached, hoping they were only coming over to grab something from their bag or that they’d walk right past them.
“We’re playing badminton,” Kirari announced with her signature sly smile, wrapping her arm around Sayaka.
“That’s nice. Have fun, I guess,” Mary raised a brow at them in dismissal.
Sayaka’s face was bright red, regardless of her efforts of trying to remain in her professional Secretary persona. “T-the President is referring to the four of us.”
“Tch, I’m not playing against her. She never plays fair for gambling or sports,” Mary scoffed.
“Your incapability in athletics is no excuse for accusing me of not playing fair, Saotome,” Kirari faked a pout that made Mary’s blood boil.
“We’ll play only if I choose who’s on each side,” Ririka chimed in. “And Mary is very athletic, Rari. Her flexibility is impeccable.”
Mary’s face felt hot as Ririka winked at her, catching on to the double entendre. “T-thanks.”
Kirari pursed her lips. “Very well then. I have no issue with this.”
Ririka grinned and looked at Sayaka who was still practically attached to Kirari by the hip. “Sayaka, are you alright with being my partner for this?”
Mary instantly felt a stab of betrayal and she could tell by Kirari’s sudden shift in expression that the feeling was very much mutual. The younger twin squinted at the blonde, silently voicing her displeasure with this sudden arrangement. Mary shot back a sinister glare with just as much venom.
It was clear neither were expecting Ririka to choose Sayaka. It would have been less surprising had she chosen Kirari, even. Perhaps this was all for Ririka’s entertainment, knowing that Kirari and Mary would rather eat sand than pair up together for anything.
Sayaka gave Kirari a look of panic to which Kirari gave a slight nod, kissing Sayaka’s forehead before releasing her. Sayaka’s expression immediately softened.
Sayaka gave a light smile. “I would be honored to be your partner, Ririka-san.”
Jealousy tugged at Mary’s heart. She despised feeling jealous of Sayaka, someone she knew followed Kirari around like a lost puppy and devoted her life to her. Maybe it was because she knew Ririka shared the same face as Kirari that made her feel like Sayaka was some sort of threat. Mary of all people knew that Ririka and Kirari were two very different people, regardless of their similar features. Yet it still got under her skin.
“Now that it’s settled, I’m going to ask Runa to be the score keeper,” Kirari spoke up; her tone was bitter.
Mary sighed, getting up and dusted off the sand from her legs. She watched as Kirari and Sayaka walked towards the volleyball net which she was sure they were going to use for their game.
Ririka smiled mischievously at her to which Mary responded with the roll of her eyes. “Was it really necessary pairing me up with Kirari?”
“Of course it was,” Ririka nodded. “You said you wanted things to be fair. Had Kirari and I been on the same side, there would be an unfair advantage since the two of us are unstoppable at pretty much every sport. Had I paired us with each other’s significant other, all of us would be distracted. This pairing assures that Kirari won’t try to cheat because you’ll be there to catch it, though I’m not sure how she could cheat in badminton. Regardless, this will be a good way for the two of you to work on your team work skills and maybe help you bond with each other.”
It made sense at least, but the last thing she wanted was to be on the same team as Kirari Momobami. Hell, she would have rather been paired with Sayaka and accepted whatever loss they took if the twins dominated in the game. She couldn’t have cared less about victory or loss seeing as how she didn’t even want to play in the first place.
Being paired with Kirari complicated things. She knew how competitive Kirari was and she did not want to hear Kirari’s constant complaints and reminders of how shitty of a player Mary was if she didn’t put any effort into the game.
So Mary was trapped, and very much frustrated with the whole situation. All she could really do was sigh and grin and bear it for the time being. It was just one game after all. How bad could it be?
Mary severely underestimated just how competitive Kirari was and Ririka for that matter. Her girlfriend was right in saying that she and Kirari would have absolutely had an advantage had Mary been paired with Sayaka. In all honesty, it looked more like the twins were going against each other rather than all four of them.
Mary and Sayaka couldn’t keep up with how fast Ririka and Kirari were. Their speed and accuracy was almost inhuman; Mary and Sayaka more or less gave up and just watched the twins compete. It’s not like they were able to attempt to score anyway; Kirari and Ririka were always quick to beat them to it.
Because of the twins rarely missing a hit, the game stretched on far longer than Mary wanted. Both sides were tied and still needed several more points to win. Even Runa looked like she was growing bored, scrolling on her phone since she knew this game wasn’t going anywhere.
The only good thing about this was that Mary got to watch her lover sweat and see those beautiful muscles go to good work. She looked so beautiful, even like this. Her eyes had a fiery tint to them, glowing from her competitive spirit. It made Mary's core burn with desire.
Ririka was panting heavily by the time Runa called for a break so the twins could catch their breath. Mary and Sayaka were hardly breaking a sweat, not that they had a reason to anyway.
“Sayaka and I haven’t scored a single point, so I don’t understand why you didn’t just ask Ririka to play with you,” Mary commented.
Kirari panted, tying up her hair that had long since fallen out of its braids. “I’m beginning to regret not doing so. You haven’t been very helpful.”
“Because you won’t let me hit the feather thing!” Mary shouted in defense.
“It’s called a shuttlecock, heathen,” Kirari huffed. “And I know you’d likely intentionally miss and allow the other team to score so you can get this game over with.”
“Honestly at this point, yeah,” Mary confirmed. “I just wanna be done with this and spend the rest of the day with my girlfriend.”
“Well I refuse to lose in front of Sayaka,” Kirari muttered. “So you’re sorely mistaken if you believe I’ll concede to defeat so easily.”
Mary sighed. “If I make an effort to help you win, do you think the game will end sooner?”
“Perhaps, but if we lose even after you give your all, you know I won’t let you hear the end of it, don’t you?” Kirari smirked.
“I expect nothing less and I really don’t give a shit,” Mary grumbled.
“Oki! Let’s resume!” Runa shouted in a clearly faked cheerful tone. “But I’m changing things up. The team to score the next point wins!”
“Why the sudden change of rules, Runa?” Sayaka asked.
Runa sighed. “I’m tired of being the scorekeeper and I wanna go swimming, so let’s get this over with.”
That news was music to Mary’s ears. Now that it was just one point she had to worry about, her mood finally turned competitive. She wanted to end this. She wanted to win this not just to keep Kirari off her back, but to impress Ririka as well.
Everyone got into position. It was Ririka’s turn to serve and Mary didn’t keep her eyes off of her. Ririka glanced over at Mary, giving her a quick smile before serving. Kirari was quicker than Mary, hitting the shuttlecock back onto the other side. Mary rolled her eyes and watched as Sayaka hit it next, sending it towards her.
After sending it back and forth several times, things became rather intense as now all four participants kept their eyes glued on the shuttlecock flying through the air. Mary knew Sayaka was expecting her to always send it to Ririka, so she decided to catch the violet-eyed girl off guard.
Thwack. Sayaka and Ririka watched as the shuttlecock glided through the air. Mary watched as if it were in slow motion as Ririka ran to hit it and surprisingly didn’t miss. However, she crashed into Sayaka in the process, falling on top of her. It wouldn’t have been as bad had Ririka not accidentally placed her hands on Sayaka’s breasts, making the entire scenario all the more awkward. Both Mary and Kirari watched with wide eyes, completely ignoring the fact that the shuttlecock had already landed in their zone.
“O-oh my god, I’m so sorry, Sayaka!” Ririka squeaked and instantly lifted her hands, her face turning bright red from embarrassment.
“That’s… that’s…” Sayaka couldn’t even finish her sentence for she also was too embarrassed.
Mary snapped out of her gaze when she heard laughing next to her. She snapped her head towards Kirari who looked all too amused by this.
“Ara, ara, what I would give to be in my dear sister’s position right now,” Kirari grinned cheekily.
"Does that not make you even a little bit mad?" Mary hissed.
Kirari chuckled. "Of course not. I find this to be quite amusing."
"Of course you do," Mary growled.
“Ririka-chan’s team wins!” Runa announced, startling all of them. Apparently they had forgotten she was there. “Game over! Finally.”
“Good,” Mary grumbled, storming off away from them.
She heard somebody call out after her, but she paid no attention to it. What happened was a complete accident, she knew she shouldn’t have felt angry or jealous. The fact that it happened to Sayaka and not her was perhaps what made her the most upset. But she knew she had to let it go. It was a stupid thing to be upset over.
She plopped down onto her beach towel with a huff, glancing towards the crashing waves in the distance. She saw Midari’s arms wrapped around Yuriko’s waist as they allowed the water to rush past their knees. Mary wished that was her with Ririka right about now. Perhaps not in the water, but instead in the comfort and privacy of their hotel room.
“Are you alright? You looked really upset,” a familiar voice said from behind.
Mary slightly turned her head and her face softened upon seeing her girlfriend. “Yeah, I’m alright. I’m just tired.”
Ririka knelt down, her cerulean eyes full of concern. “Are you sure there’s nothing bothering you? You can talk to me, you know.”
‘Yes, the fact that I haven’t had a damn minute alone with you yet today and people left and right have been looking at you in a way only I should be,’ Mary wanted to say.
Mary shook her head. “Like I said, I’m tired. Don't worry about it. Do you still want to go swimming?”
“Of course!” Ririka grinned. “The badminton game really made me hot so I want to go cool off. Are you going to join me?”
“Maybe I’ll dip my toes in,” Mary smiled, hoping to lighten the mood. “But don’t push your luck.”
“Alright, I’ll see you there then,” Ririka said softly, kissing the top of Mary’s head.
Mary watched Ririka walk over to the shore before wading her way into the water. She chuckled when she saw her dive into a wave and move her platinum hair out of her face when she returned to the surface. She looked happy. Seeing that made Mary happy. Though her day hadn’t gone as planned in the slightest, she was at least relieved Ririka was having fun. She rarely got a break like this and genuinely had fun. School work and helping Kirari run their psychotic family was stressful enough on top of maintaining their position as top gamblers. Ririka deserved a chance to breathe and be herself for once.
Mary got up and rolled up her pant legs before walking over to the shore. She noticed that Ririka had swam much deeper into the water, but wasn’t too concerned. She shivered slightly when the cold water touched her feet, but it was refreshing nonetheless. It was hot anyway, so it felt nice.
She stood there for a moment enjoying the breeze and the shifting sand beneath her toes, finally feeling calm. That is until she saw a lifeguard run past her and into the water. She was swimming closer and closer to where Ririka was which caused Mary to panic.
All she could do was anxiously wait and watch as the lifeguard tugged Ririka parallel to where they were until they reached the shore. Mary sprinted to them, still in a panicked state of mind. Ririka held onto the lifeguard’s arm, her face red either from exhaustion or embarrassment… or because the lifeguard was very attractive.
“I-is she okay? Is she hurt? What happened?” The blonde asked frantically.
The lifeguard gave a friendly smile. “Your friend got caught in a rip tide, but she’s alright now.”
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Ririka stuttered in embarrassment.
“Don’t worry about it,” the lifeguard assured her. “Just be careful swimming in this area of the beach. Alright, beautiful?”
That was it. That was the comment that made Mary nearly lose it. It was too much. With all that had already happened, the flirting from the clerk earlier, the looks from people on the street, Ririka falling on Sayaka, and now the attractive lifeguard flirting with Ririka, Mary's jealousy had finally gotten to a point where she was about to snap if she didn't get so much as a minute alone with her girlfriend.
“Thanks for saving my girlfriend, ” Mary said in the nicest tone she could, emphasizing on the word 'girlfriend.'
“Just doing my job,” the lifeguard nodded. “You two have a good day now!”
Mary crossed her arms, trying her hardest to not let her inner emotions show.
“Mary?” Ririka asked with caution. “You okay?”
Mary huffed, looking up at her. “Yes. I’m perfectly fine.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?” Ririka smirked.
Mary’s face turned bright red. “No! I just...yes. A little.”
Ririka knew that was an understatement. She took a step closer to her lover, looking down at her. Mary was pouting and refusing to look at her now. Ririka placed a hand on Mary’s cheek, turning her face to look at her.
“You know I only have eyes for you,” the platinum haired girl whispered seductively.
“I-I know that! I’m not doubting your loyalty or anything! I just don’t like people looking at you the way I do,” Mary admitted, placing her hand over Ririka’s lovingly.
Ririka chuckled. "There's so much irony in this situation."
Mary raised a confused brow. "Huh?"
"You think I don't get jealous whenever someone looks at you with lust in their eyes? There are girls and boys in school including in our friend group who I know would give anything to be in a room alone with you," Ririka explained.
Mary was all too aware of her popularity at Hyakkaou. Heck, every Valentine's Day she received love letters from people she'd never even met. Being a top gambler had its perks, but Mary didn't necessarily consider that to be one. Especially now that she was no longer single and had to reject people instead of just brush them aside.
"Our friend group? Who?" Mary asked with a bewildered expression.
"Ryota," Ririka said softly.
"Okay, Suzui doesn't count. He gets flustered around everyone. Remember how much he blushed when he saw you without your mask for the first time? He's just a bundle of awkwardness," Mary explained with a scoff. "Who else?"
Ririka hesitated. "Yumeko."
Oh. Now that Mary could understand. Yumeko was a touchy person by nature, but she was different around Mary. Perhaps it was because she had feelings for her or maybe it was because she was close to Mary. Whatever the reason, Mary could see why Ririka could be jealous of her.
Mary rubbed her neck awkwardly. "Yeah, okay. I can see that. I've never had feelings for Yumeko though."
"Really?" Ririka asked with wide eyes.
"I care about her and all, but she has a hard time with boundaries. You always respect my boundaries and care about how I feel. Even today, you checked in on me when you felt like something was wrong," Mary blushed.
"And something was," Ririka nodded. "Communicating is important, my love. Without talking to me about these things, our relationship wouldn't be solid. We agreed from the start to be honest with each other about everything, right?"
Mary smiled fondly. "Right."
"So be honest with me now. You haven't gotten what you've wanted all day," Ririka sighed, placing her hands on Mary's hips. "What would you like to do now? What do you want?"
Mary licked her lips and breathed out. "You."  
"I'm all yours," Ririka whispered.
Ririka's eyes sparkled with desire. Her eyes fluttered shut as she pulled Mary close, pressing their two lips together. Mary smiled into the kiss and the world around them fell away. All they could hear was the crashing waves behind them. It was a moment, a single blissful moment that felt like a lifetime. Kissing Ririka always had that affect, like she was the only other person in the world.
The two broke free for air and pressed their foreheads together.
"I want more," Mary panted. "Somewhere alone with you. Do you think we can go to the hotel?"
"Hm, perhaps. Though the rental car is closer, don't you agree?" Ririka smirked.
The heat between Mary's legs grew more prominent now and had this been any other time, she would have obliged. But she wanted absolute privacy with no risks of being intruded.
Mary shook her head. "No, I want to be alone in a room with you. I need you, Riri."
Ririka grinned, briefly kissing Mary's lips once more before holding her hand, gently tugging her to walk away with her.
"Then what are we waiting for?"
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idnek83 · 4 years ago
By Your Side - Chapter 1/3
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham
Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, No Game Spoilers, Coming Out, Other Tags To Be Added
Summary: The epilogue of Aid, in which Soda finally comes out to those around him, and accomplishes a goal he's had ever since that fateful day in the beach house.
Chapter: 1, 2
Read on Ao3
This Chapter: Soda remembers some important moments with his friends while enjoying a morning with the love of his life.
Soda woke to the faint sound of a hamster wheel and squinted at the bright sunlight filtering through the window. He groaned and stretched out his arms while rolling onto his back to take in the beautiful sight behind him. A soft smile found its way to his lips.
Gundham was sleeping soundly, hair messy and face peaceful as he breathed deeply.
Soda couldn’t resist, he rolled to his side and pulled his boyfriend to his chest, just because he could. Gundham grunted, but shifted closer in his sleep. Soda pressed his face into his hair and smiled.
He would never get tired of waking up like this.
It had been eight months since the end of their beach vacation, and so much had changed. It had been a little stressful at times, but, despite that, Soda could definitely say he’d never been happier.
He felt more content and more loved than he ever had before, and he felt free now to just be himself.
Coming out to their friends had been… weird. It wasn’t some big dramatic event the way Soda had pictured it in his head, hell, it wasn’t even an event, more of a series several quick conversations and supportive gestures spread out over a couple weeks.
Hajime was the first to know, obviously, and Nagito had been included in that conversation because it just made sense.
It happened the day after Soda had finally stopped being such a dumbass and actually managed to tell Gundham how he felt. Hajime had raised an eyebrow at him over breakfast, glancing meaningfully between him and Gundham, and Soda responded by asking if he and Nagito wanted to hang out in his cabin later. Nagito had made a remark about how rare it was for Soda to want to spend time with him, but Hajime had cut him off before he could ask for a reason and agreed for the both of them.
Gundham said nothing, but placed a hand on Soda’s knee below the table and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
Later, once the four of them had entered Soda’s cabin, Hajime took Nagito’s hand in his, confirming what Soda had already known. Despite knowing no one in the room would have a problem with it, Soda had still felt embarrassed when he reached out to take Gundham’s hand in his own.
There had been a few moments of silence, before Nagito broke it.
“Ah, so that was what we heard yesterday, Hajime. You’re so perceptive.”
Soda’s face drained of color and Gundham blushed deeply.
“W-what do you-” He looked at Hajime, who was covering his mouth and trying not to laugh. “You heard?”
“Unfortunately.” Hajime tried to look upset, but his laughter won out, and pretty soon he was grinning broadly at Soda. “Happy for you, dude, even if I am gonna need so much therapy to get the sounds of your boning out of my head.”
“Fuck you, man.”
“I don’t think Gundham would appreciate that.”
After the laughter died down, they had spent a good part of the morning just hanging out in Soda’s cabin. Sure, the experience had been mortifying, but not for any of the reasons Soda had previously worried it might be.
No shouting, no violence, and no lost friendships.
Once his embarrassment passed, he just felt happy and relieved. He relaxed into Gundham’s side and made as many jokes at Hajime’s expense as he could while his soul friend did the same to him.
It had been so easy. It had felt so good.
Soda and Gundham were careful to be a little quieter at night for the rest of the trip.
Gundham began to shift in his arms, burying his head into Soda’s chest in an attempt to convince his body to remain asleep.
Soda held him a little tighter and pressed a kiss to his brow, not quite ready to start their morning either.
Sonia was the only other person they had told before the trip ended.
It hadn’t been on purpose, they had agreed to wait until they were home to tell the rest of their friends to avoid creating unnecessary tension on their vacation.
Or maybe Soda just wasn’t ready to be out yet, and Gundham had just gone along with that story so Soda wouldn’t feel pressured.
Either way.
It was a few days after telling Hajime and Nagito, and they had been having tea with Sonia out on the patio of the hotel’s restaurant. Gundham had suggested the three of them start spending time together as a way for Soda and Sonia to build a better relationship, and afternoon tea had quickly become a regular thing for the three of them.
Soda and Sonia really had been getting along better. They only really hung out together in groups, but most of the weird tension between them had been lifted.
That day, the topic had somehow shifted to space, and Soda couldn’t help but mention his dream of building a rocket ship. He was surprised when Sonia had been interested, and elated when she had started prodding him for more information. Before he knew it, he was rambling away about all his different ideas and dreams for the rocket he hoped he could one day build, and was hardly even paying any attention to Sonia and Gundham anymore.
Sonia, however, was paying attention. She had seen the way Gundham’s face softened as he watched Soda speak so openly about his dreams, noticed the way he shifted and slid a little closer to Soda when he ‘secretly’ pressed their knees together below the table. Noticed the way his eyes had drifted to Soda’s lips as he spoke.
She apparently hadn’t planned on saying anything.
But then Soda stopped talking, and Gundham, lost in how much he loved to see Soda happy and excited, had leaned in and gently kissed him. Soda kissed back, just for a second, before they both remembered Sonia was right there. They froze and turned to Sonia, who had gracefully hidden her surprise by sipping her tea and averting her eyes.
She had looked down at her cup for a moment before looking back up to them and smiling.
“I did not realize you two had become a couple.” Her smile widened, and both of the boys relaxed a little. “Congratulations are in order! We should organize a party to officialise your courtship!”
“Ah, Miss Sonia, that’s kinda…” Soda had panicked a little, he really hadn’t been ready for everyone to know yet.
Gundham had just gently placed a hand over one of Soda’s own and smiled at him.
“That is a most gracious thought, dark queen, but my consort and I are trying to be… discreet about our new bond.”
“Oh! I apologize! If that is the case, then I understand. I will be most inconspicuous about this matter, no one will suspect a thing!”
Soda was glad Sonia understood, but he was a little worried about her ability to keep things “inconspicuous”…
To his surprise, though, she had no trouble acting as if she didn’t know they were dating around their other friends, staying true to her word and never giving anyone any reason to suspect they were a couple.
She even covered for them when they had not so subtly shown up late for breakfast one morning, clothes rumpled and faces a little flushed, by asking if they “had managed to recapture the dark beast they had been chasing” before anyone could get any less innocent ideas.
Soda was once again surprised by how easy coming out had been, and how well it had gone.
Once again relieved that he didn’t have to choose between being himself and being happy.
Gundham heaved a sigh against Soda’s chest and groggily drew himself back. Soda leaned in to kiss him.
“Mmm. Good morning, my consort.”
Soda smiled as he moved back to look at his sleepy boyfriend.
“Morning babe.”
They kissed again, only to be interrupted as one of the Devas squeaked loudly, apparently realizing they were both awake and thus demanding to be fed. Soda groaned in protest as Gundham slowly got out of bed to feed his hamsters.
Fuyuhiko had been the next to know they were dating, as well as the last of their classmates that Soda had to tell directly.
Soda and Fuyuhiko had been eating lunch together at a cafe, just the two of them, when Gundham texted him. He had sent a photo of himself with the puppies his mother’s dog had given birth to that weekend, and Soda couldn’t help but smile goofily at it.
“The fuck you smiling at?”
Soda just smiled wider and turned his phone to show Fuyuhiko the picture.
Fuyuhiko glanced at it and rolled his eyes. He had been getting pretty sick of watching Soda fawn over Gundham when he thought no one was looking.
“So when’re you gonna stop being such a pussy and ask him out?”
Fuyuhiko smirked and watched as Soda blushed and stuttered, feeling smug until-
“Um… like a couple weeks ago?”
There was a long silence.
“The fuck?”
Fuyuhiko had looked so pissed that Soda had actually considered running.
“And what? You just weren’t gonna fuckin’ tell me?”
“I, uh-”
“Thought you could just keep that shit a secret forever?”
“N-no, I just, um…”
“You what?”
“I was… look dude, I was just kinda scared to tell you, alright?”
Fuyuhiko had sat back in his chair after that, still looking pissed as hell, but there was something else in his expression as well. Eventually he sighed.
“You were… scared? Did you think I was gonna beat you up or some shit?”
“I mean-”
“Fuck you man. Thought we were close, you should know I’d never fucking hurt someone over dumb shit like that…”
Soda had been surprised by how upset Fuyuhiko had sounded. He really had been worried Fuyuhiko would hit him, not because he actually thought he was the kind of guy to get violent over who someone dates, but because his stupid brain wouldn’t let him not worry.
They had a long conversation after that. Soda did his best to explain to Fuyuhiko how his shitty brain worked and that he didn’t actually think he was a bad guy, while Fuyuhiko did his best to pretend like he wasn’t hurt by the fact Soda had been so hesitant to tell him about him and Gundham. By the end of it they were both feeling a little more awkward and a lot more vulnerable than they were used to around each other, but looking back, Soda was glad it had all gone the way it did. It had strengthened their friendship in the long run.
They ended up parting ways once they finished eating, but not before Fuyuhiko ad asked Soda if he wanted to hang out later that night. Soda had told him he couldn’t because he was going to help Gundham with the puppies, and Fuyuhiko had just rolled his eyes.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll be fucking helping him all right. Just make sure you put the dogs in another room, they don’t need to see that shit.” He smirked at Soda’s blushing face and turned to leave with a wave.
Despite the embarrassment, Soda had been relieved that Fuyuhiko was back to being his snarky self. Maybe it hadn’t been the smoothest of way to come out, but overall, it had still gone pretty well.
Later that night, Soda was sure to lock the puppies out of Gundham’s room, just for Fuyuhiko.
Soda watched as Gundham fed the Devas, making sure to give them all a few gentle pets as he did, mumbling away about keeping up their power levels and checking them for any signs of “evil spirits”. As Soda watched, he couldn’t help but let his gaze wander lower.
Gundham rarely wore anything to bed, especially when Soda was over, so his ass was on full display for Soda’s wandering eyes. He chuckled sleepily to himself when he found the still healing bite mark on one of Gundham’s cheeks.
Maybe not the best decision he had ever made, but Gundham had seemed into it, so no harm no foul, right?
When he finally stopped staring at Gundham’s ass and let his eyes wander back up, he noticed he’d been caught. Gundham smiled coyly at him.
“Were you not satisfied by last nights activities, dearest paramour?” Gundham carefully closed the Devas’ cage before turning and slowly climbing back onto the bed. Soda took his time responding, letting his eyes travel up and down the front of Gundham’s body as he straddled his lap.
“Hmm. I’d say it’s less ‘not satisfied’ and more ‘looking for a repeat.’” He smiled as he slowly sat up and brought his hands to Gundham’s hips, before leaning in to kiss him.
It was so easy now. So easy to just let himself be with Gundham, to kiss him whenever he felt like it, to tell him how he felt, tell him what he wanted.
He wished he hadn’t been such a coward on their vacation, wished he had just confessed right away and spared them both a lot of pain.
Wished he had known how easy it could be, how right it would feel.
After Soda told Fuyuhiko about their relationship, they had agreed to stop trying to hide it from their friends. It was slow going at first though, as neither of them were entirely comfortable with public displays of affection.
Soda was pretty sure Chiaki had been the first to notice. They were all at Ibuki’s house drinking, and Soda had been feeling a little jealous while watching Hajime and Nagito cuddle on the couch. He had grabbed Gundham’s hand and tried to act casual about it. If they had been sober, everyone in the room likely would have noticed they way both his and Gundham’s faces suddenly flushed, but, as it was, only Chiaki seemed to notice.
She had looked up from the game she was playing at just the right moment and happened to glance at their intertwined fingers. She had just looked up at Soda’s face, smiled, and returning to her game.
That had been it.
When Chiaki had found Soda looking for snacks in the kitchen later and they started chatting, she referred to Gundham as his boyfriend without even hesitating. Soda had to wonder if maybe Hajime had accidentally told her they were dating before hand. He just couldn’t wrap his mind around how well things were going.
He wasn’t really sure if anyone else had noticed that night.
Ibuki had definitely figured it out the next morning when she found them cuddled up half naked in her guest room, though. Soda’s hungover brain had processed the volume of her voice before the words, and he had just tried to muffle the sound by burying his face into Gundham’s chest.
Then a second later he realized she was yelling “You two better not have fucked in Ibuki’s guest bed!” loud enough for anyone else in the house to hear.
He jumped out of bed and managed to get her to quiet down by assuring her they didn’t fuck.
He didn’t mention that it was only because neither of them had thought to bring lube, or that they had absolutely blown each other in her guest bed, but really, she didn’t need the details, and they still technically didn’t fuck, so it was fine, right?
She had been happy enough with his answer and left the room, closing the door behind her. A few seconds later he got a text from Teruteru asking who exactly he had fucked in Ibuki’s guest bed. He was too tired to deal with him at that exact moment, so he just responded with a hamster emoji before climbing back into bed and snuggling up to a half awake Gundham.
They slept off their hangovers for a few more hours, and when Soda woke up he had a phone filled with texts from Teruteru. In the first message he congratulated Soda and wished him happiness in his relationship. It was actually pretty heartfelt and sappy, but the effect was immediately ruined by the next twelve messages where he asked for details on exactly what they had gotten up to the previous night, then made several animal-based sex jokes.
He had also received a single thumbs-up emoji from Byakuya. Somehow it was equally mortifying.
Soda was embarrassed to learn a few of their other friends had stayed the night as well, and almost certainly heard Ibuki yelling, but no one else said anything.
Hiyoko had definitely tried to say something when she caught Soda and Gundham leaving the guest room together, but Mahiru had been there to shush her before she could get out more than a teasing “Oh?”
Soda hoped the look on his face had told Mahiru exactly how grateful he was to her.
After that, he wasn’t really sure who told who, but it seemed like all their friends were aware they were dating.
And not a single one had and issue with it.
Soda couldn’t believe it. He spent so long worrying about how other people would react, and then they just… accepted it, accepted him, without so much as a disapproving look.
He might have cried about it one night after he realized it, but that wasn’t something he was ever going to admit to.
Coming out had been so easy, so freeing.
If only it had stayed that easy.
He looked down at Gundham as they both caught their breaths. He seemed so content laying on Soda’s chest that he almost didn’t want to move him, but he was heavy and Soda’s legs were falling asleep. Soda carefully rolled onto his side as Gundham let out a sigh.
He was surprise when Gundham just readjusted and cuddled closer instead of getting up. He was usually very strict about waking up early to take care of all his other animals.
Soda wasn’t about to complain though. He loved the mornings where Gundham decided to spend just a little more time in bed, and he was going to cherish it.
He pressed a kiss to Gundham’s slightly sweaty forehead.
He was going to cherish every second they had together.
Next Chapter
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writer-ish · 4 years ago
Hi lovely, 16, 27, 40; Ethan x MC please and thank youuuu <3
cliche tropes + prompts list #16. I need a date for this wedding (couldn’t get this one in, sorry!) #27. Help me I’m being hit on at a bar please be my fake boyfriend for a second #40. “You saved my life.”
Ethan nursed his scotch, contemplating for the fifth time that evening whether or not he should just call it a night. 
He was a firm believer in creating a buffer—a space between work and home where he could decompress, unwind, and leave the stresses of his day at the bottom of a scotch glass. 
Sometimes he had Reggie to vent to. Sometimes he only had his conflicted thoughts and worries and a stiff drink. And sometimes—
He glanced up surreptitiously. 
Sometimes he had other company to occupy him. 
Tonight, however, Dr. Brooke Spiers was currently occupying another part of the bar. No time for a grumpy attending who only badgered her about work. He wondered if she felt stuck now—held captive by the secret that only the two of them shared. Or maybe she was still pissed at him for assigning her to that difficult patient. 
He felt his jaw tense at the thought of Mr. Platt, that insufferable asshole. 
Ethan was big enough to admit when he’d made a mistake—at least, big enough to admit it to himself, if not anyone else—and assigning her to Mr. Platt to be spoken down to, degraded, and treated like crap was not quite the lesson he’d wanted to teach. 
Obviously the prick was a misogynist on top of a general piece of shit, because even though Ethan had found him irritating and borderline rude at first assessment, he hadn’t anticipated the level of crass disrespect she’d have to endure. 
He cringed, inwardly. 
Yeah, that was likely it, he thought. She was avoiding him because she was pissed. 
And he probably deserved it. 
He downed the rest of his scotch in one gulp and then slid the empty glass away from him. 
Reggie noticed from the other side of the bar and raised an eyebrow. 
Ethan understood the unspoken question and hesitated briefly, before giving a single nod. 
Within seconds, a fresh scotch, neat, was placed in front of him.
Ethan sighed. 
He refused to look up at Brooke again, so instead he tried to picture what she was doing. 
He had seen her earlier with the majority of her friends and he knew that now that number had dwindled to only one or two of them. She was probably at the dart board with that first-year surgeon she always hung around with. Or maybe in one of the booths on the other side, talking to the small one who had tricked him about Dr. Toussaint. (He remembered that particular moment with irritation and a twinge of begrudging respect.)
Go home, he thought, annoyed, taking a swig of his drink.
She had work early tomorrow morning—not that he had memorized her schedule—and he knew, much as he didn’t even want to admit it to himself, that the reason why he stayed at that bar had more to do with her presence there, even apart from him, and less to do with his need for a “buffer”. 
Downing the last dregs of his scotch, he decided to collect whatever shreds of dignity he had left and head home once and for all. 
Just as he’d reached for his jacket, he felt someone slide in the seat next to him and link their arm through his. 
Looking over with vexation, his anger quickly turned to surprise when he saw who it was. 
Dr. Brooke Spiers herself, looking up at him with a mixture of hope and desperation. 
“Hi…babe.” She almost choked out the second word, her cheeks infused with a rosy blush, teeth gritted in a painful-looking smile. 
Ethan felt his jaw slacken and his mouth drop open slightly. What in god’s name—? 
“Helpme,” she ground out, teeth still clenched together tightly. 
Alarm bells went off in his head. Help her? What the hell was going on, help her with what—?
“Help me I’m being hit on and I need you to be my fake boyfriend for a sec,” she hissed, looking over her shoulder. 
Ethan followed the direction of her gaze, just in time to see another patron he didn’t recognize approaching them. 
Instinctively, he put his arm around her shoulders and drew her closer to him. Brooke leaned into him, enough so he could catch the sweet scent of her hair as it tickled his nose slightly. 
He ducked his head so that he could talk to her without their friend seeing what he was saying. He felt his lips inadvertently brush her temple as he spoke. 
“How’s this?” he asked quietly. 
He saw her throat work as she swallowed. 
“Uh—good. Really good. Thank you,” she whispered back, tilting her head to look up at him. 
She took in a soft breath, as though she had just realized how close their faces were. All it would take for their lips to touch, would be for him to lean forward just ever-so-slightly— 
“Oh.” A new voice interrupted them and they both looked up, nonplussed. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you—”
“Uh, yeah,” Brooke said, clearing her throat slightly. “This is my, uh—”
“Her boyfriend,” Ethan spoke up, levelling the stranger with a hard look. The guy looked harmless enough, but if Brooke had needed an excuse to get out of conversation with him, then there was probably a good reason as to why. So Ethan wasn’t going to take any chances. 
With a few lingering apologies and a backwards glance, the guy left them alone. 
Brooke let out a deep sigh. “Thank god.” She looked up at him, green eyes twinkling. “You saved my life.”
Ethan cleared his throat. “I, uh, wouldn’t go that far.” He shifted slightly and then realized he still had his arm wrapped tightly around her. “Oh—”
“Oh!” She pulled back and he moved his arm at the same time, clearing his throat again. 
“I—” She tucked her hair behind her ears and gave him a small smile. “Thanks again. Feels so silly, but the guy just would not take a hint and I kind of told him—” Colour rose in her cheeks again. “I mean, I saw you sitting there, and I sort of pointed you out and implied we were together, but he wasn’t backing off, so—” She shrugged. “Thanks for the help.”
“I’m happy to keep you from all manner of assholes,” he said, gruffly. 
She looked up at him in surprise. “Oh, really? Because—” The words “Mr. Platt” flashed in front of his eyes like a neon sign and he knew she saw it, too. 
“Yes,” he stressed. “Really. From now on.” I promise. He hoped his eyes conveyed the words he couldn’t bring himself to say. 
She twisted her lips as she regarded him assessingly. Finally, she nodded. “Sounds like a plan.” She shrugged her purse onto her shoulders and slid off the barstool. “Thanks again.” She gave him a small smile that still dazzled him to the core, as much as wished it didn’t. “See you tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, see you.” He gave her an awkward nod as she left, turning to watch as she met up again with her small friend. As they left, the other intern turned and looked over her shoulder, meeting his eyes for a brief but contemplative glance, before tilting her head to say something to Brooke. Both girls laughed softly as they walked out. 
Thoughts of redheads, difficult patients, and an upcoming conference in Miami swam through his mind, making him feel unsteady even as he turned back around. 
Immediately he saw Reggie standing directly in front of him, arms braced on the bar. His friend looked pointedly at the now-empty entrance and then back at Ethan, dark eyes boring into his very soul. 
“Another one for the road?” he drawled, after a beat. 
Ethan sighed, deeply. He couldn’t hide anything from Reggie. 
“Another one for the road,” he conceded.
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keeptheotherone · 4 years ago
Do You Promise?
Chapter 1 of a new WIP, just for you, my Tumblrers <3
August 1999 the Burrow’s garden Weasleys’ 2nd Annual End of Summer Celebration
Charlie Weasley sat on the fence separating his mother’s vegetable patch from the garden, thinking about the last time he’d sat here, one year ago. Then it had been Bill at his side, not his little sister.
“Knut for your thoughts,” she said, pushing herself up.
“Where’s your boyfriend?”
Ginny raised her brows at the implication of his answer but didn’t tease. “Around.”
“Mmm.” He’d been home for more than twenty-four hours, but he hadn’t seen Potter once. At Christmas, they’d been a package deal, never out of arm’s reach of the other. “I thought he might have had to work.”
Ginny shook her head, pigtails dancing round her shoulders like they had when she was shorter than this fence. “Today and tomorrow, but not tonight. Mum made them promise.”
By “them,” Charlie knew she meant Ron and Harry. But … Mum made them promise? Not Ginny, or even Hermione?
“Well, he’d better show up,” Charlie said, taking a drink of his beer. “He owes me a rematch.”
They had played Quidditch in the orchard last year, he and Ginny and Potter and George and a bunch of kids he hadn’t known. Played past sunset into darkness, until Professor McGonagall ended the pick-up match without a capture of the Snitch.
Ginny muttered something that sounded like “he owes me a hell of a lot more than a rematch,” but Charlie let it slide. Ginny could take care of herself.
He and Bill had made sure of it.
“Shouldn’t you be with your friends?” 
“Thanks, Charlie, that means a lot.” She swiped the bottle from his loose grasp and drank.
Charlie had to remind himself she was of age to keep from overreacting, but even so, his hand twitched reflexively.
Ginny saw it and smirked round the glass, tipping her head back and the bottle up, taking several long swallows just for show.
“Yeah, you can have my beer, Sis. I’ll just get another, no problem.”
She finished with a pop and licked the foam from her upper lip before handing it back. “Thirsty.”
Charlie held the bottle up to the light—there was exactly one swallow left. “Brat.”
Ginny was predictably unfazed, gazing over the crowd starting to assemble round the food tables. “I talked to Angelina. She said Alicia couldn’t make it this year.”
“Who?” Charlie said, right as a picture of a perky brunette, with equally perky … anatomy … popped into his mind. Shit. Alicia wasn’t avoiding the party because of him, was she? The same age as George, she would know most of the people attending tonight. He’d thought they parted on good terms, all things considered….
“I thought you might be watching for Amy.”
“Amy’s coming?” He hadn’t seen Amy Green since he had invited himself back to her room and she politely declined. 
“Fleur wasn’t sure,” Ginny said casually, as if she hadn’t just dangled fairy lights in front of a niffler. “She said she encouraged her to come since she sounded a little down, but Amy didn’t commit. I hope she does, don’t you?”
“Of course. I haven’t seen Amy since the memorial. It would be good to catch up.” Charlie took a subtle deep breath, repeating the mantra he told himself when he occasionally woke with her on his mind. You asked, and Amy said no. It doesn’t matter if she isn’t seeing anyone. She’s still unavailable, Weasley. No benefits, just friends.
“I remember, you know. You think I was too young to understand, but I remember. In Egypt.”
Charlie scoffed. His baby sister celebrated her twelfth birthday the summer his family had visited Bill in Cairo. “Oh, yeah? And what do you think you remember, Gin-Gin?”
“I know Bill was an arse,” she said bluntly.
This reversal of her usual hero worship got Charlie’s attention.
“I know you weren’t. And that you liked her. I know you two went out together, and you’ve both dated other people since … but you’ve never dated each other.”
Charlie sighed. “Ginny….”
“Bill’s married,” she said simply. “It doesn’t matter any more.”
“I never thought I’d say this … but go find something else to do. Even if it’s Harry.”
Charlie did not leave his post on the fence rail, content to get quietly drunk and watch his family enjoy themselves. He had wondered why he’d bothered making the trip in—it made three in a month, when you added the party to Ginny’s and Percy’s birthdays—but now admitted to himself it had been in hopes of seeing Amy. After all, she hadn’t refused him, exactly; she’d refused the timing. 
“I think we both know what will happen if you walk me back to Hogsmeade.”
He raised his brows, leaving the challenging “so?” unspoken.
Amy closed her eyes, then pulled her hand from his. “Not today, Charlie.” She waved her hand at the gates and the castle and the grounds beyond, where the first Remembrance Ceremony had just ended. “Not after this.”
“Oi, sleepyhead!”
Charlie opened his eyes to find an object in eminent danger of colliding with his nose. He snatched it from the air in sheer self-defense, then groaned when he realized he’d just crumbled one of the best biscuits he’d ever had in his life—a biscuit he’d been waiting all year to taste again.
Percy laughed. “Nice catch, Captain.”
“Shut up,” Charlie muttered, trying to transfer the contents of his hand to his mouth without wearing them.
“Full of snappy retorts tonight, I see.”
Charlie eyed his next-youngest brother, his cheery demeanor highly suspicious. “Did you just get laid?”
Percy slung one arm around his shoulders. “I, in the utmost gesture of brotherly solidarity, am foregoing my own numerous opportunities to assist you in yours, however few and far between they may be.”
“You’re pissed.” Alcohol did not make Percy more relaxed; it made him more Percy-ish.
Percy squinted one eye closed and looked towards the gate. “Perhaps,” he conceded. “But not so drunk I can’t recognize a certain beautiful brunette.”
It was Amy. She was wearing—well, Charlie supposed it was technically a dress, but he’d seen similar items under a dress or robes more than once. It was black and flow-y, with red flowers and skinny straps made to make a man think of slipping them off, and just like that Charlie saw the garment puddled at her feet. She was taller than usual in thick sandals, and even from this distance, with the cut of the dress and the way she moved—he could tell she was braless. He raised the bottle to his mouth before remembering it was empty.
“Godric, I wish I had a camera,” Percy said wistfully. “George and Ron are never going to believe this.”
Charlie realized he was making a fool of himself, closed his mouth, and turned, shaking off his brother’s arm. “What’s she doing now?”
“Making a beeline for us.”
Charlie spoke through clenched teeth. “Shut up and get the—”
“Amy! What a pleasure. We’re so glad you could make it.”
Charlie turned to find his brother kissing Amy on both cheeks with minimal difficulty, despite their height difference. His heart skipped a beat. She was taller; he could kiss her easily.
No, not kiss. We’re friends!
Oh, who was he kidding? Unless she flat-out declined, he was sleeping with Amy Green tonight. They could figure out the friendship stuff tomorrow.
“Hey,” she said, pausing just shy of kissing distance (cheek or otherwise).
Her hair was down, as it often was, but she had pulled back the front above her ears, exposing small purple and silver earrings (her house colors) and … a blush?
“I would offer to bring you a handful of biscuits, but something tells me you two aren’t going to be here for long.” Percy smirked. “Take care, Amy. See you tomorrow, Charlie.”
Charlie glanced at Amy to judge her reaction. “I’m sorry. He’s, er—”
“Taking the piss?” She offered the British idiom with a grin.
Charlie returned it. “I was going to say ‘pissed,’ but yeah. That too.”
She laughed.
“I keep telling you, you’re lucky to be an only child.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” she said, brushing her hands over his chest with slow, deliberate strokes that were in direct opposition to her presumed goal of removing crumbs. “Brothers can be useful. I figured even if you turned me down, not all of you would.”
Charlie froze, just for a second, his brain short-circuiting to a night more than a year ago, before Ron had left for Australia. “Well, if she actually says it with words, that’s always a good sign, although if she strips her knickers off, that’s even better.”
Wait a minute … she wasn’t commando under that thing … was she?
It took a few moments for the silence to catch his attention.
“I take it that’s not a no,” Amy said dryly.
“No. It’s not. But—”
Her expression darkened, and she pulled away slightly. 
“The terms haven’t changed.” 
“I didn’t think they had,” she said cooly.
They had been here before, the autumn after Voldemort came back. Grimmauld Place, an unexpected post-meeting raid, high spirits and adrenaline … and the darkened hallway where Amy had turned him down. “I like strings,” she’d said, and walked away.
The staccato drumbeat of the Weird Sisters’ Do the Hippogriff pulled Charlie from the memory.
“Drink?” he asked, indicating his empty bottle in case she hadn’t heard him over the noise.
“Not really.”
He’d already started towards the tables, but her answer drew him up short. “Really, Amy, you could at least buy me dinner first,” he said sarcastically.
She sighed. “Look, Charlie, I don’t want to play the game. It’s why I’m here. Now, am I wasting my time or not?”
For the second time that night he found himself holding on to his temper. He was starting to see how she’d got under Bill’s skin, why he’d had such a hard time letting her go even when Bill had known he didn’t want to pursue a relationship with her.
“So what, you thought you’d just fly in, snap your fingers, and I’d jump?”
“Am I wrong?”
Godric, she was obnoxious. She was also beautiful, confident, and sexy as hell, and Charlie was honest enough to admit he found the balance of power between them as intoxicating as it was infuriating. 
“We could get a room at the Leaky—in magical London—or maybe Hogsmeade?”
“I have a room in the village.”
Damn. When Amy made up her mind, she didn’t mess around.
“All right,” he agreed. “One last thing, though.”
He stepped into her space, close enough to ruffle her skirt with his legs and watch the gooseflesh pebble across her chest and shoulders. He ignored the temptation to follow it down and looked her in the eye. In heels, she was as tall as he, but his wide shoulders and bulky frame dwarfed her. He paused to let her consider this fact, still not touching her, before dropping his voice.
“You will not be in control the entire night.”
Her reaction went straight to his groin—a sharp intake of breath, dilated pupils, a shiver she tried to suppress. Then she smiled, a sly, knowing smile that reached all the way to her eyes and made them sparkle in the fading sunlight.
“Do you promise?”
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toovirgins · 4 years ago
Le Rêve - Part 6
Summary: After an unproductive studio session, George and Ringo leave in a hurry. John later returns to find his glasses and another unwelcome surprise.
Things were different now.
Not entirely—they still had the band, the songwriting partnership, the united front for the media and press. It’s just that now, the tour was completed with determination and efficiency, becoming just another box to check off. Now, Paul relied much more heavily on George’s suggestions, and in a fit of jealousy or competition (Who could be sure? What was the difference?), John did the same. Now, Lennon-McCartney hardly wrote together and never wrote alone, needing George or Ringo to be in the space as a buffer.
When Paul had come back into the room that night, George knew he’d found John. He entered wordlessly, immediately throwing all of his belongings into his trunk, and George didn’t have the heart to ask where he was going. He and Ringo simply stared, too afraid to test the waters that were more tumultuous than they’d ever seen.
When Paul had finished packing, he’d looked pointedly at Ringo until the man understood. Ringo pushed himself up out of the armchair and followed him out of the room. He’d returned only minutes later with a sad smile in George’s direction that he assumed was meant to be reassuring, but instead was plain unsettling—a visual marker of the notion that something had changed within the group. Ringo had unpacked his things on Paul’s side, and that was that.
They weren’t allowed to talk about what happened. It was this unspoken rule, but a rule nonetheless—which was rather fine with George at first, anyway. But as time dragged on and the air grew no less hostile, George figured that he would rather talk about it for hours if it meant getting the old dynamic back. He was torn between two opposite poles of the spectrum, a futile effort of trying to please both Lennon and McCartney. There was a bitterness flourishing within him at the recognition of his usefulness only when they didn’t need each other. But objectively speaking, he was given more say, more credit, more songs. He couldn’t complain. Or he shouldn’t complain.
Something about the unspoken rule led George and Ringo not to talk about it with each other, either. George knew Ringo was absolutely dying to; at every uncomfortable or unnatural interaction between John and Paul, George knew a concerned glance from Ringo was coming his way. Ringo needed to talk about things, and George felt right guilty in deliberately ignoring the desire. He was just holding out hope that if no one addressed it in any context, the universe would wash away that it even happened, and the band—their livelihoods—would live on.
The quick succession of knuckles against the side of his head jerked him out of his daydream (nightmare?).
“Hello?” Ringo quipped. “Anyone home?”
George scowled and slumped deeper into his seat. “Barely.”
He and Ringo had been dicking about in the studio for the past half-hour. It was just the two of them—Paul hadn’t shown up, and John, already in a sour mood for the day, had cursed the man under his breath and stalked off. That had been about an hour ago, and when John didn’t return, the remaining boys gave up trying to focus. After a brief quarrel over who dropped the ball on bringing the marbles and playing cards, Ringo suggested a friendly competition over who could butcher “She Loves You” on their respective instruments in a funnier fashion. Which, credit where credit was due, was incredibly entertaining; only minutes before now, George had been rolling on the ground in laughter when Ringo had seemingly pulled a bicycle horn from his arse and honked it in place of the famed McCartney-Harrison “Ooh’s”.
However, as many things do when one has an attention span of about two minutes, the game soon grew tired—the song was only so long—and the pair had resorted to quiet, mindless fiddling on their instruments. In turn, the lapse into silence and thought had led George down his aforementioned neuro-rabbithole.
“Are you all right?” Ringo questioned, lifting an eyebrow in his direction. “Y’just seem a bit… off lately, I dunno.” There was an urge there, a pull. Ringo was nearly leaned forward off his chair.
“Off how?” George mused, entertaining the idea a bit. His tone was light, but his expression was stern. It was clear that they were both acknowledging the Unspoken Thing; it was also clear that it would remain as such.
Ringo bit his lip and shrugged back, evidently noting George’s reservations. “Y’know. Quiet-like. At least, more so than usual.”
George scoffed at the referenced nickname. The Quiet Beatle. As if! Give him a question worth answering, and they’d see who the quiet one was then. Certainly not him. “I’ve just got a lot on me mind,” he muttered, lifting a shoulder.
“You’re more in demand than before,” Ringo pointed out bluntly.
A rub of the temples didn’t do much to soothe the stress in his body. The weight of the emotional and mental burdens he’d carried over the last few weeks was beginning to settle on his shoulders with Ringo’s prodding. A sudden exhaustion clouded over him. “I know.”
“Is that bad?”
George looked at his friend with dull eyes. “Should it be?”
He didn’t need an answer, but it still stung a bit not to get one.
After a long beat of silence, Ringo hastily changed the subject. “Maybe we should call it quits for the day,” he suggested with a half-hearted grin, tapping the bass drum lightly and modestly. It was almost a tick at this point, the drummer seemingly wholly unaware of his actions.
George decided to play along with the shift in energy. “I agree, Ritchie. Feels a bit useless without Their Royal Highnesses around to conduct us,” he added with a roll of the eyes and a giggle.
Ringo hummed in agreement. “Oh, John, oh, Paul, please save us! We can’t even remember what album we’re supposed to be working on!” He cackled at his own joke.
“Help!, isn’t it?” George partly ignored the dramatic flair and turned to flick off the amp. He caught Ringo’s sparkling stare as he reached to unplug his Rickenbacker.
“No, mate. We’ve done that one already. Y’know, the whole ‘film’ bit?”
George blinked. “Right.”
“George Harrison, foremost Beatles expert,” Ringo chided. He glared reproachfully at an imaginary camera. “Don’t do drugs, kids.”
“Piss off!” George tried to glower, overruled by the laughter in his voice. Ringo offered him a hand and pulled him up out of the chair.
“Fancy a smoke?”
George’s lips drew into a wide grin. Based on the context, he knew exactly what kind of smoke he was implying. “Race ya to the car.”
“Mind telling me where everyone ran off to?”
Paul lifted an accusatory gaze in John’s direction as the man entered the room, his brow deeply furrowed in concentration.
“How should I know?” John answered, scanning the room fervently. His eyes hadn’t met Paul’s yet, Paul noted with a twinge of annoyance.
“Was there not a session today?” Paul hinted, irked by the idea that John too may have tried to skip out. Sure, Paul had been late, but at least he’d intended on coming.
John paused for a moment, shooting him a critical glare. “You tell me.”
He didn’t feel like trying to defend himself.
After a long moment of staring expectantly, John realized he wasn’t going to get an answer. He huffed and returned to his search, tipping over a chair to peer underneath it.
Paul rolled his eyes and offered the glasses at arm’s length, clearing his throat to draw the attention. John blushed and hurried over to snatch them up. He quickly stuffed them back into his pocket.
In response to the twinge of curiosity in his gaze, Paul only shrugged. “Left ‘em on the settee over there, you did. Just figured you would return for them sooner or later.”
John grunted in response.
Paul raised an eyebrow as the man began to head for the door. “All right, then. Mind at least telling me where you’re running off to?”
“I just came back for me glasses.”
“Came back?”
“You weren’t there,” John muttered, nearly inaudible. “I left.”
Paul stiffened, viciously reprimanding the sentimental twitch his heart gave to John’s response. “’M just late. Got caught up in traffic, is all.”
It was a silly excuse. John quirked an eyebrow at the boldfaced lie, knowing good and well Cavendish was barely a ten-minute walk. Paul watched him chew his lip for a moment before deciding to let it be.
Paul accepted John’s compliance graciously and returned to tuning his bass. His skin prickled as he felt John’s eyes on him, watching him closely. Tensions were still incredibly high between them, on account of the thing-that-happened-but-“never-happened”—and it was taking a lot of getting used to. The feeling was unsettling; time and again Paul would have to physically restrain himself, ignoring the twitching desire in his hand to touch John or biting back a witty comment that only John would understand. The emotional connection they’d had was gone, or at least dormant, and Paul couldn’t for the life of him figure out what was going through that thick head anymore. It even seemed that Ringo and George had a better guess than him.
It was miserable, really, having to pretend that everything was just dandy. There had been a substantial amount of press upon return from the tour, which was more of an irritation than anything else. There, he could slide into his Paul McCharmly persona, the façade already being somewhat of a character. The lie got quite easy to live when one was already acting. But the media circus was relatively quiet now (as it would ever be), and the hardest part was trying to pretend in front of the three people that knew him better than anyone else alive.
He wasn’t even sure who the pretending was for anymore. It certainly did nothing to quiet his mind or soul.
“What are you working on?” It was a half-arsed effort at conversation, but an effort nonetheless.
“Nothing, yet,” Paul answered, frowning in the direction of his instrument. “I’ve got a bit—real simple, for ‘Wait’. Might add some flare to it, might finish it. Might run it through and absolutely hate it and scrap it. Who knows,” he concluded, almost to himself.
“I think we should talk.” John’s voice, quiet, low.
Paul glanced up at him with a start, desperately trying to mask the surprise on his face. John was looking at him with an odd expression on his face, something Paul couldn’t quite put words to. Only then did he realize that it was the first time the two of them had been alone since the incident.
Heart pounding, he tensed. “When?”
“Now.” The answer was definitive.
“About what?” Paul responded sheepishly.
John’s eyes flashed.
Let’s just forget it ever happened.
Paul felt a sudden wave of stubbornness wash over him, feeling hollow at the abrupt activation of the memory. Of course he couldn’t fucking forget it happened. He couldn’t, and he shouldn’t be expected to. None of them should. Paul noticed the sad, wondering gazes from the other bandmates as well. Sweeping it under the rug had been wholly counterproductive to the entire group (though he didn’t entirely want to test the alternative, either). Best case scenario, the whole thing wouldn’t have happened.
But it did. And life was infinitely worse now because of it.
Paul swallowed hard. This was all John’s fault. Paul could have kept the dream a secret for the rest of his life. A few shameful wanking sessions was probably all it would take to get over it, and while he might look at John a bit differently after, at least John wouldn’t be looking at him differently. About a week of awkwardness would likely ensue, and John would make some offhand comment about how Paul was acting queer, and the two would laugh it off, only one of them knowing how much truth the comment carried. It was John’s fault, because Paul could have figured it out on his own.
“You know what,” John answered coldly.
John wanted to be cold? Paul could do cold. “I really don’t,” he countered with sickeningly false innocence. “What’s got you all worked up, Johnny?”
“Fuck off, Paul, you know what I’m talking about. Don’t try to fuckin’ skirt around it anymore.”
Paul’s heart was hammering in his throat, the blood rushing in his ears. After weeks of drowning in his own head, hearing the words come out of John’s mouth so… dismissively was blindingly infuriating. He had been driving himself mad trying not to talk about it, to think about it, to feel it. He’d shoved the memory down with so much force he’d thought his soul would pop, only to watch it helplessly bubble back to the surface. There was no forgetting it, and there was no addressing it. And now, John was breaking the number one Unspoken Rule of the Unspoken Thing like he never gave a shit about them in the first place.
“Skirting ar-? I’m not skirting around anything. I’m truly blanking, Johnny.” He paused, throat too constricted to swallow the massive lump in it. “Are you sure it’s not something I was supposed to forget?” The comment didn’t have near the effect Paul had hoped.
“Every conversation’s got to turn into a fuckin’ brawl with you, doesn’t it?” John crossed his arms, looking like nothing more than a pissed-off older sibling.
Paul was beside himself. His voice cracked, the words coming out in a near-shriek, but he was so furious that it hardly mattered. “With me? Every conversation is a brawl with me?”
“D’you need to bloody hear it again?” John looked minorly inconvenienced. If he’d had a watch on, he’d be sure to check it right now lazily. His demeanor was utterly vexatious, awakening feelings Paul didn’t even know he had. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this upset with someone.
“You think you get some type of medal, standing up in front of me and acting like none of this matters?” Paul was on his feet now, openly striding towards him. Startled, John stumbled backward a step before smacking his back against the wall. “You want a bleeding award?” Paul raised his tone an octave and fluttered his eyelashes dramatically, a mockery on all levels: “Oh, John, you’re so stony and brave, I bet nothing ever rattles my big, strong man!”
“Fuck you,” John whispered, his eyes begging the conversation to slow down. But Paul was on a roll now, and he’d be damned if he didn’t let out all of the pent-up pain John and John alone had caused over the last few weeks.
“No, fuck you. Do you know how hard it’s been? News flash, John. Not everything is about how you feel. Hard to believe, I know.” John opened his mouth to speak, but Paul cut him off. He was practically on him now, pushing John against the wall as he helplessly cowered under Paul’s alarming tirade.
“Do you know how hard it’s been for me? Trying to figure out if I’m a goddamn queer because of you? And how about the sleepless nights, eh? You’ve had those too, I know it.” A sick sense of pride effloresced in Paul’s chest as John’s eyes shot wide with recognition. “Lying in bed and wondering if you’re not who you thought you were. Wondering what when wrong along the way to make you this way, and what the hell you can do about it now. It’s maddening. And you took my right to get an answer, John.” Paul’s voice broke a bit at the next part. “Talking to you was my only hope at figuring this out and you took it away from me. And now we can’t talk about anything anymore.”
When John started to speak again, Paul lifted a final triumphant hand in his face. “I’m not done. Because let me tell you, Lennon, I don’t care if you need to bawl it out or never think about it again. But don’t stand here and fucking bullshit me like this. I know you.”
John straightened against the wall, eyes flashing with a hatred that almost made Paul’s knees buckle. “You don’t have a bloody clue what’s bullshit. Your whole foundation is bullshit. You’re not pissed at me because you’re upset that our pretty union wasn’t consummated, and thus I robbed you of a chance to explore this bit of newfound sexuality.” John’s tone was mocking, saturated with pretentiousness and exaggeration. “You’re pissed at me because I was just another shag you didn’t get to fully add to your sexual conquests. Grow the fuck up, Paul. You want to talk about knowing each other? I know you. You’re the one who’s bullshitting yourself, not me.”
Attacking John back felt like a safer bet than trying to defend himself. “Like you were there for some miraculous consummation? Some beautiful, heart-wrenching dénouement to a tragic love story? You’re full of it. Don’t come for me like you had some higher ground to speak from. We’re not special, John. We don’t have some kind of cosmic soulmate connection where we can read each other’s minds and desires. You and I, as anything, aren’t going to live happily ever after. Go buy into some other fuckin’ fantasy.”
“You were a mistake,” John spat.
“Mistakes happened,” Paul concluded. “I didn’t.”
John gaped at him as Paul pushed off. His chest was heaving, tight with unrestrained breaths, looking like a cornered animal. Though it was impossible to explain, Paul watched in real time as something shattered in John’s soul. He didn’t know what it was, and it didn’t seem like John knew, either. Paul turned on his heel before he could give the sight any more thought.
“You told me to forget it. So that’s what I’m doing. For good.” Paul stalked back to where his guitar lay on the ground. He began to gather his belongings and pack up for the day. “This conversation is over.”
“So that’s it? You don’t want to talk about it?” John called out to him, planting himself in the doorway as Paul made for the exit.
“Get out of the way, John.”
He held his ground and spoke honestly for the first time in a long, long time. “You’re not gonna talk about it, yeah? That’s fine. Fuckin’ beautiful. I’ll talk about it. I love you.”
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neoneversleeps · 6 years ago
achromatopsia | l.dh
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pairing: lee donghyuck x reader (gender neutral)
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: swearing, making out, mentions of a rare eye condition, anger outburst
You fall in love with the colourful boy who sees the world in shades of grey. 
words: 8.7k
disclaimer: this fanfic in no way intends to romanticize the condition of achromatopsia nor does it intend to make light of anyone who deals with this condition. it’s only intent is to show that even though living with such a condition can be hard, it shouldn’t stop you from living your life like everyone else. also, i do not claim to be an expert on this condition, all my information has been gathered from internet research. 
playlist ☀
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Lee Donghyuck. The cheery youthful boy with the red rosy cheeks and wide smile who lived down the street. The boy who played soccer in the fields of the nearby park, bright blue shorts and pink knees stained with green and brown patches. The boy whose laugh sounded like a burst of color, the sound fading through shades of pink and red and orange and yellow. The colors of happiness. The boy whose caramel colored skin was dotted with freckles and moles.
The boy who embodied the sun. Embodied the hues of pink and lilac when it rose in the morning, the yellow light as it shone through the day and the red glow as it set for the night.
Donghyuck was colors. He lived and breathed in them and the painstaking irony of it all,  was that he’d never get to see them. 
“Achromatopsia is a condition characterized by a partial or total absence of color vision. People with complete achromatopsia cannot perceive any colors; they see only black, white, and shades of grey.”
By now, you could probably recite the entire Wikipedia article by heart from the amount of times you’ve read through it. 
You still remember the day you had first looked it up. It was sophomore year, sometime at the start of semester. The day you had officially met Lee Donghyuck, the annoyingly loud class clown and your recently assigned lab partner. 
You are working on your chemistry experiment alone. Your supposed partner chatting with his friends at the table over, his obnoxiously loud voice ringing throughout the class. You search through the list of things required for your experiment and diligently set everything up. You were used to working alone. While most of your classmates slacked off or goofed around, you actually worked on the assigned projects.
Although you must admit, it was getting increasingly difficult to balance all the various chemicals you had to add to the concoction in front of you while also controlling the temperature of the fire and reading through the instructions. You huffed in frustration, seemingly louder than you had intended, because your aforementioned lab partner was now right by your side. 
“Can I help?” You were surprised that his voice actually sounded genuine and that he had the decency to look a little guilty. Nonetheless, you were pissed. 
“Oh why thank you, how kind. I would most certainly appreciate your help.” you gritted through your teeth, the sarcasm rolling off you in waves. 
He shoots you a sheepish smile but you stare him down, and you swear you see him gulp as he turns towards the ingredients splayed out on the table. 
“Ok. What should I do?" 
Your eyes skimmed over the list of materials before you answered. "Pass me the hydrogen peroxide.” Donghyuck looked a little helpless at that and if you were in a different situation, you might have even found his expression endearing. Now, however, you resist the urge to roll your eyes. “The one with the red label." 
Donghyuck freezes at that, and you see his eyes flit nervously between the two substances in front of him. You were confused at the sight, why couldn’t he just hand it to you? 
You hadn’t failed to notice the way his friends at the other table had gone quiet as well, the whole classroom suddenly falling into an eerie silence. A strange feeling settles in your stomach and with a much quieter voice than before, you repeat your request. 
"Can you… pass me the one with the red label, please?" 
Donghyuck blinks furiously a few times, red painting his neck as he shoots a nervous smile your way. "It’s- I’m colorblind…totally colorblind.” He gulps after he speaks his words and his eyes  search yours for some sort of reaction.
It feels like the whole class is watching the two of you, breaths caught in their throat, much like your own. Your mind is on overdrive. Should you apologize? Should you stay quiet? Ignore it? What were you supposed to do? 
With what feels like a hundred stares burning into your back and your own cheeks heating up so much you thought you might burst into flames, you utter your next words. 
“The one on the left. Can you- can you pass me the one on the left." 
You internally chastise yourself for your small stutter and the fact that your heart still hasn’t stopped it’s incessant pounding.
It’s only until Donghyuck reaches for the red-labeled bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide and hands it over to you with a small smile that you feel your heart’s rhythm slowly return to normal. Time seems to unfreeze at the simple gesture and the chatter throughout the class starts up again as usual.
The lesson continues with the both of you working side by side in relatively comfortable silence. 
It wasn’t until the end of the hour that Donghyuck turns to you, one of the straps of his bag already hanging off his shoulder.
"Thank you." 
You’re momentarily stunned at his words. Why was he thanking you?
"For what?”
“For not apologizing.”
That night as you got home, you spent hours researching complete color blindness, a concept that was previously foreign to you. It was odd to the think that the boy down the street, the boy who had been your classmate throughout you whole childhood, suffered from something you weren’t even aware existed. 
The words you read caused a painful twist in your gut. It didn’t seem right to you that Donghyuck, whom you had always seen as the most colorful boy in town, saw nothing but the world in black and white.
You went to bed that night feeling restless, nothing but the honey coloured eyes of the boy that saw no colours invading your dreams.
Those eyes invaded more than just your dreams, since after that fateful chemistry class, you seemed to bump into Donghyuck at almost every corner. You saw him at the ice cream parlor at the edge of the town, at your local arcade where he hung out with his friends. Sometimes, he waved at you from his garden down the street from your house, as he tended to the flowers with his mother. His bright, wide open smile, so care-free and bold, contrasted your small shy smile, which you always returned.
To this day, you wondered if it was coincidence or fate that drew you two together. In your heart, you liked to believe it was the latter.
One tuesday, at lunch, you had found him sitting alone at a table, his usual loud group of friends nowhere to be seen.
Tentatively you walk in the direction of the sunny boy that sits alone at the usually boisterous table. The two of you hadn’t properly talked since the chemistry class incident, except for the small greetings from the numerous casual encounters you had shared, but still, something inside you pulls you towards him. As you draw closer, you notice an uncharacteristically somber expression on his face. Your heart twists uncomfortably, wanting nothing more than to replace his dark expression with a much brighter one. 
Once you place your tray down on the table however, Donghyuck grins up at you as if snapping out of a daze. “Y/n! What brings you here?” You smile pleasantly back at him as you sit down, although your heart feels heavy as you noticed his smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. 
“I- I saw you were sitting here alone so I thought maybe…” You trail off as you look down at your hands. “You’re cute.” The boy in front of you comments as he leans his chin on the hand that’s propped up by his elbow. The smile never leaves his face. You don’t find it uncomfortable, Donghyuck’s smile might be the most beautiful one you had ever seen,but you can’t help but feel that he’s using it as a mask. 
You roll your eyes playfully at his comment and take a bite out of your sandwich. “Where are your friends? Don’t you normally eat lunch with them?” Donghyuck shrugs at your question.
“They have better things to do like cramming for our next exams.” You narrow your eyes at the boy. “And why aren’t you cramming with them?” Donghyuck lets out a soft chuckle and a playfully cocky expression takes over his face. It’s hard to picture his somber look from before.  “Oh please, I could ace those exams in my sleep.”
You nearly let out a snort and before long there’s a ripple of laughter that leave your mouth due to his words. Donghyuck looks mildly offended. “What’s so funny?” It takes you a few moments to compose yourself before you speak again. “No offense, Donghyuck, but I’ve seen your grades.”
Donghyuck’s jaw drops open as you continue to stifle your laughter through your hand. You can see how his tongue pokes at his cheek in light annoyance. Normally, you’d be afraid you had actually made him mad, but you see he’s fighting back a smile. It isn’t long before the baffled look on his face is replaced by a defiant one. 
“Do you think you’ll do better than me then, puppet?”
The sudden use of a pet name catches you off-guard for just a second, but you remain composed, easily playing along with Donghyuck’s banter. You lean forward on your elbows and cock your head to the side slightly. “Oh, I know I will.”
It takes a total of five seconds for Donghyuck to burst into laughter as he shakes his head at your words. “You’re a lot less shy than you seem. Has anyone ever told you that?” 
A rosy color rises to your cheek at the fond smile Donghyuck sends your way. Color. There’s a faint realization in your mind that Donghyuck isn’t able to see your blush ut you push the thought  away. 
As you speak next,you’re voice is quieter and soft, as if what you’re saying is a secret shared between you two. “Nobody’s ever cared enough to find out.” Donghyuck’s eyes soften at your sad smile and what he says next is just as quiet. 
“Well then I say it’s time to change that.” 
The smile he gives you afterwards is so bright that the sun that shines above you seems to dull in its presence. 
Donghyuck had kept true to his words. You never had many friends in your life, and none of them would you consider as close, but Donghyuck seamlessly becomes your closest friend in only a few months. He weaves himself into your day to day so much you wonder how there was even a time where he wasn’t a constant in your life. Through him, you earn other friends as well. Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun and Mark, Donghyuck’s childhood friends. They easily accept you into their little group and the six of you hang out almost every single day.
You had never spent that much time outside the house. In fact, you spent so much time outside, even your parents had noticed your absence. SOmething that didn’t usually occur since their work life kept them so busy. 
Although you hung out with all of them, there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that most of your time was spent with Donghyuck. The two of you were inseparable. It was a given that wherever you went, Donghyuck went too. 
“Stop pulling on my arm!” You whine as Donghyuck tugs at your appendage, trying to make you fail at the arcade game in front of you, an annoyingly gleeful smile on his face. 
You inevitably lose and the small tune that sounds with the words GAME OVER is accompanied by the melodious laugh of the boy beside you. Donghyuck shrugs at your death glare. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s not my fault you suck at this game.” You try to swat at his head but he dodges your attempt. 
“Not your fau- how am I supposed to win when you keep distracting me?” You huff indignantly and he leans in closer to your face. “A true master does not blame their defeat on distractions, puppet.” His breath fans across your face and your cheeks heat up involuntarily once you realize how close he is. Rolling your eyes at him, you push him back at his shoulder, earning another cackle from the boy. 
“Well, let’s see how good you are, oh so great “master” of games.” Donghyuck winks at you before he gets to work. He grabs the controller and his brows furrow in concentration as he stares at the screen. 
You observe the vibrant neon colours of the game. You know that they’re nothing but dull shades of grey in Donghyuck’s mind, but it’s still hard to imagine even after all this time. 
The character on the screen bounces up and down, dodging the obstacles in its way. However you notice that the next abyss that approaches is filled with lava instead of the usual water and couldn’t be crossed in the small boat the character carries. You act upon instinct and place your hands over Donghyuck’s as you coordinate the maneuver necessary to surpass the lava pit. The small victory song hums out of the machine as the character reaches the finish line right behind it. 
Donghyuck looks down at you, his expression somewhat shy. “I had that, you know.”
“Of course, I was just being overprotective of little mister speedy here.” You say as you gesture at the character gleefully cheering on the screen. There’s a fond look in Donghyuck’s eyes as he stares into yours. You can’t help but notice how close his face is to yours once agai, as your eyes trail down to his lips for just a second. 
“Come on, slowpokes! We’re  already moving to the next floor!” Jaemin’s loud shout from somewhere to your right pulls both of you out of your trance with a jolt. 
“Coming!” Donghyuck shouts in return. He turns to face once Jaemin already runs off. He smiles briefly, plants a quick kiss to your cheek and then grabs your hand to drag you with him. 
More. Donghyuck and you had always been more than friends. It was clear from the first time you spoke, where you were left with butterflies in your stomach. It was clear from the way you looked at each other.The way your fingers absentmindedly toyed with his every time you sat at the table and from the way’s Donghyuck would often plant small kisses on your cheeks and to the crown of your head. 
At first, it felt like a crush, something you didn’t want to further in fear of losing the friendship you already had. But one thursday night at 11pm in your favorite diner, you felt your relationship shift. 
You scribble down the  equations, eyes moving from the sheet in front of you to the math notebook you were writing in. Two strawberry flavored milkshakes sit between you and Donghyuck, who currently had his chin propped up on his folded arms, eyes trained on one of the milkshakes. You look over to him or a second before resuming your homework. 
“Shouldn’t you be thinking of completing this assignment too? Its due tomorrow you know.” Donghyuck simply shrugs. You huff and shake your head, but continue writing in your notebook. A few minutes pass where the only sounds are your pen scribbling on the paper and the person behind the counter whistling along with the song that plays from the jukebox. 
“What’s the colour pink like?” 
Donghyuck’s sudden question startles you quite a bit and you place your pen down to look over to him. You follow his line of vision and land on one of the milkshakes that stands before you. It’s silent for a few more minutes as you think of what to say. 
“Pink is like… the feeling of cotton candy. It’s sweet and fluffy. It’s the colour of people blushing, of hushed secrets and hopeful promises. It’s the colour of falling in love. It’s also the colour of youth, of the bubblegum that you pop in your mouth and the colour of strawberry milkshakes you drink at a diner at 11pm on a school night.” You finish with a smile. Donghyuck smiles back and then closes his eyes.  He exhales slowly through his nose. 
“It sounds nice. I think I like the colour pink.” 
There’s an undeniable sadness in his voice despite the soft smile that plays on his lips. In that moment, you desperately want to trade places with the boy on front of you. He deserves to see the world in color just as much as you do, if not more. 
You also realize, that you’ve never really paid that much attention to the fact that Donghyuck was completely colorblind. At times, you would even forget it. Of course, you knew he appreciated the way in which you had never treated him any differently just because of his condition, but you oftentimes forgot how hard it must be. 
Donghyuck, though being open about most things in his life, kept any feelings about his condition under lock and key. In all this time you had never really talked about it. He brushed it off every time it came up in conversation, and you never pushed or prodded any further. 
That night, you swear to yourself that you would do anything in your means to make Donghyuck’s world as colourful as he deserved. And maybe, just maybe, that night you also realize that your crush on Lee Donghyuck was much more than just that. 
Some time after that night at the diner, the two of you were having your biweekly sleepover at his house. His parents were out of town, which meant you had the house to yourself. 
And in the early hours of the morning, after a sinful amount of movies and popcorn, your previous light conversation turned to something much deeper. 
You lay down on your back next to Donghyuck, the clock on his computer reads 3:07 am. The last movie had just ended and the both of you felt rather full from splurging on popcorn and other snacks. 
The last few hours had felt giddy, like the both of you had turned back time for awhile and just rejoiced in your youth. Now however, the room had gone quiet and the only sounds to be heard were your’s and Donghyuck’s shallow breathing. 
You were careful to talk quietly, scared that any louder sound would break through the veil of intimacy that had befallen the room. Donghyuck’s low hum is the only indication that he’s listening. 
There’s a million things you want to ask. A million things you still don’t understand despite all your research. So many questions in your head, but you settle on just one. 
"What is it like?" 
There’s no need for any specifications. Donghyuck knows what you’re asking. 
Your heart picks up in speed as minutes go by without an answer. You’re scared you’ve overstepped your boundaries and suddenly you want to take everything back. What if he’s mad? What if he hates you now? What if- 
"It’s hard to explain.”
Donghyuck steady voice cuts off your frantic thoughts, and you shift slightly closer to him, the both of you staring up at his bedroom ceiling. You wait patiently for him to continue. 
“My parents noticed how shaky my eyes were when I was still a baby. It’s called nystagmus, and it’s a symptom of achromatopsia. I also… had photophobia. Everytime my parents tried to take me out in the sun, I would scream and cry in fear. And the large stuffed animals my family bought me, they scared me to death. To me… they were just formless patches of gray or white. Visual acuity for people with achromatopsia is very…”
“ …low, I know. It gets better with age though, doesn’t it?” You finish Donghyuck’s sentence for him after he trails off. You look over to see that he now has his eyes closed as he nods slowly. 
Your fingers move to intertwine with his, and his hand grips yours tightly as you do. You give a small reassuring squeeze and he continues. 
“It has gotten a lot better…but-” Donghyuck sighs, his voice slowly getting less steady. 
“But sometimes, when I look at you in the sun.. it’s- it gets hard to make out your features and I- I hate it so much because I want to be able to see you. Truly see you and be able to- have this perfect picture of you in my mind but I can’t-. can’t because everything blurs together and I can’t- I can’t-” There’s a choked sob that escapes Donghyuck’s mouth as he talks and you immediately lean up to take his face in your hands. 
Your thumbs rub soothingly across his cheeks, spreading around the streaks of tears that roll down them. Donghyuck’s eyes are still shut and his breaths come out heavy and strained.
“Hey, hey, open your eyes, Hyuck." 
Donghyuck’s forehead draws together as he forces his eyes to stay wired shut and he shakes his head. 
"Donghyuck. Look at me." 
At this, Donghyuck’s eyes finally flutter open. Their red and watery and the fear that swims in them tugs at your heartstrings painfully. You manage to smile regardless. 
“I’m here. You don’t need to have some perfect image of me in your head because the real me is right here. Right by your side. I’ll always be right by your side." 
You wipe off the tears pooling under Donghyuck’s eyes as he looks up at you. 
"You promise?" 
You plant a small kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"I promise." 
You lay back down next to him and before you know it, Donghyuck curls around you, resting his head on your chest. 
Minutes go by as you gently comb through the boy’s hair and slowly, you hear his breath evens out. 
"Thank you… for talking about it. I know it must be hard." 
Your voice is barely above a whisper and it hangs in the air for a few more moments before Donghyuck shakes his head and nuzzles closer into your neck. 
"It was good to finally talk about it, especially with you. I trust you, Y/n. I trust you with every part of me, the good and the bad." 
You kiss the crown of Donghyuck’s head lightly, your hand moving to caress along his arm. 
"I trust you too, Donghyuck, with every part of me." 
You fall asleep that night, the boy you hold most dear safe in your arms,  your legs intertwined and your hearts beating as one.
As the start of senior year came around, you and Donghyuck decided to head to the beach as a way to celebrate your two years of friendship and to destress before the inevitable impending assignments you were to receive.
You had mentioned your plans to Jaemin in passing as the two of you stopped by your local cafe and you distinctly recalled his words at the idea.
“We’ll take my mom’s car, since she won’t be around anyway.”
Jaemin nods his head as you finish your small explanation, his foot tapping idly at the ground as the both of you wait in line. “And this is to celebrate your friendship?”
“Uh yeah. Why?” 
Jaemin rolls his eyes. “Oh come on, Y/n. Everyone in a one mile radius can tell you two are more than friends. You know, I’d really appreciate it if you’d just tell me straight up that you’re dating.” 
“But we’re not dating.” You state as if it’s the most obvious thing in the entire universe. 
Jaemin shakes his head at you. “Whatever you say, Y/n L/n.”
In truth, you’ve always known you were more than just friends. Nothing was ever said, but it remained as kind of an unspoken promise between you two. What’s more, you felt no need for any kind of title. You were content with your late night talks, the fleeting kisses on your cheeks, or hands, or forehead, and the lingering glances. You sigh quietly. Nope, you didn’t need any sort of official titles. None at all. 
“Venti Iced Americano. Ice, no water, with 4 extra espresso shots, please.” Jaemin smiles at the woman behind the counter as he orders his usual. Behind him, you recoil in disgust. 
“I still can’t believe you drink that vile concoction of yours.” Jaemin turns to you, an exaggerated look of offense on his face as he places a hand over his chest. “I’ll have you know, that this particular “concoction” is a delicacy.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes. 
“Whatever you say, Na Jaemin.” 
A few days later, you found yourself in the driver’s seat of your mom’s car on your way to the beach, an overexcited Donghyuck sitting next to you. 
Chocolate by The 1975 blasts through your car’s radio at full volume. Donghyuck belts along the lyrics as best as he can, limbs thrashing around him as he dances to the upbeat rhythm of the song.
“We never gonna quit , no, we never gonna quit it, no!”
You laugh, loud and carefree, as you steal glances at your silly best friend. You nod along to the song and drum your fingers on the steering wheel, enjoying the way Donghyuck harmonizes with the vocalist. 
The warm wind blows through your hair from the open window. The air already smells of sea salt and sand as you’re close to approaching the coast. You glance to your right to see Donghyuck leaning his head out of the window, not unlike an overgrown puppy. 
With one hand on the steering wheel, you use the other to pull him back into his seat. “Stop hanging your head out the window like a dog. Are you crazy? You’ll behead yourself at this rate.” You reprimand despite your laugh. 
Donghyuck rolls his eyes playfully and pulls out a lollipop from your glove department, plopping it into his mouth. “You sound like my mom, puppet.” You don’t appreciate the comment and flip him off with your free hand. 
He gives out a chuckle at your annoyed expression and takes out his lollipop to give you a quick peck on your cheek. You wish away the blush on your cheeks as you stare at the road ahead, both hands tightly gripping the steering wheel.
It takes a little less than ten minutes for you to arrive at the beach, and even less for the two of you to run down to the water, leaving your clothing in the car as you were already wearing swimwear underneath. The sand is scorching beneath your bare feet, and it propels you forward faster, chasing after the boy in front of you. 
“Slow down, Hyuck!” You pant as you run as fast as you can to even keep up with your friend. 
Donghyuck’s laugh carries through the wind. “Catch me if you can, puppet!”
The coldness of the water causes you to shriek as you come in contact with it, Donghyuck already waist deep into the ocean. You brave forward through the waves until you reach him. “Asshole. Couldn’t you wait for me?” You say as you playfully stick your tongue out at him. He shrugs nonchalantly. “Not my fault you’re so slow.” He retorts as he pokes out his own tongue. 
You take the opportunity to splash water at Donghyuck’s face and watch in glee as he wipes the droplets from his face. Your giggle falls short however, at the defiant look in his eyes. 
“Oh, it’s on.” 
Before you know it, water is flying between the two of you at all heights and angles. A full fledged war of water splashes. Your shrieks of laughter are swallowed up by the strong summer breeze as you desperately try to outrun Donghyuck’s attacks. You had quickly come to realize that he had the upper hand in this particular game. 
Your attempts at escape are made futile, however, as you feel a pair of arms wrap around your middle. “Gotcha.” Donghyuck breathes next to your ear and your laughter mingles together. 
You place your arms over his as your laughter dies down and Donghyuck sways you slightly as you watch the rise and fall of the waves. 
Donghyuck’s voice tickles your ear as he cuts through the sound of rushing water. “What’s the colour blue like?”
You close your eyes and lean back into Donghyuck’s chest, letting your body enjoy the warmth he emits. You hum contently. 
“Blue? It’s like the water. Sometimes it’s calm and soothing, a comforting and calming presence that you’d use to paint a nursery. Like that feeling when a mother cradles her newborn baby, and it immediately ceases it’s crying. Other times, it’s strong and emotional. It can feel like plunging into the depth of something unknown. It can also represent sadness, like those tears you cry after having lost someone you love. It’s a beautiful colour, but it’s often related to sadness.”
“Then, what colour would you say represents me?”
You open your eyes and turn around to face Donghyuck at this. 
“All the colours of the sun. The way it paints the clouds in soft hues of pink and purple in the morning. Those represent your days spent in comfy sweaters, with your hair mussed ever so slightly and that small special smile you give me when I brew you a tea. Then there’s the strong yellow of the sun in its prime. That’s for when you smile the brightest, and your laughter is loud,  boisterous, youthful. For those times when you don’t hold back. When you don’t let anyone or anything… hold you back.”
Donghyuck takes your hand in his his as he lifts it up to his lips and plants a small kiss there. The fond look in his eyes makes your breath hitch for just a second before you continue. 
“And then there’s the dark orange that seeps into red right before nightfall. That’s for the times when there’s a dangerous glint in your eyes, the playful fire inside you. But it’s also for your passion. For the hours you’ve spent dedicated to the things you love. Like those nights you’d spent awake just to perfect that one song on the piano that was so damn difficult. You kept at it though. It’s admirable, really. You’re admirable.” 
Donghyuck’s hands come up to your cheeks. “That’s how you see me? Those are the colours that come to mind when you look at me?”
You nod. “Always.” 
Donghyuck leans in slowly and your eyes flutter shut as he finally closes the distance between you. Your first kiss is slow, languid, as your mouths move against each other, water lapping at your waist. 
Donghyuck’s tongue swipes at your lower lip and you easily grant him access, sighing as you further the kiss. Your hands move to link behind his nape as his move down to your lower back, pulling you flush against his bare chest. You kiss for what feels like hours before you’re forced to pull apart for air. Both of you smile at each other like two fools in love. 
That day, just before sunset, you drive back into the town, the taste of salt on your skin and your lips a distinct colour of cherry red. 
The morning that followed after your little trip to the beach, you awoke to multiple buzzes sounding from your doorbell. 
The ringing is incessant and you groan as ignoring it proves to be futile.Once you manage to drag your body out from the warm comfort of your duvet, you cross your room to open the window. The chilly morning air hits your face as you look down to your front door, blinking to adjust your eyes to the bright rays of the sun. You recognize the mop of brown hair immediately. 
“Hyuck?” You call out from your first floor window.
Donghyuck smiles up at you once he spots your figure from below, one hand blocking the harsh sun from reaching his eyes. “Come down! I need to take you somewhere!” 
You duck back into your bedroom and start flitting about to get ready. As you brush your teeth at lightning speed, you wonder what the hell Donghyuck has planned on a sunday morning. The events of yesterday also swim around in your head. Your heart stutters dangerously in your chest as your mind races with different scenarios of what was to come, but you eventually push those thoughts to the back of your mind as you focus on changing out of your pyjamas. 
You bound down the stairs, taking two steps at a time, suddenly eager to know what awaits you. You open the door in a flash and Donghyuck whips his head in your direction, a smile overtaking his face. He leans in quickly to place a kiss on your lips and you feel slightly lightheaded at the easiness with which he does. 
Donghyuck doesn’t waste any time and tugs on your wrist as he starts to drag you off somewhere, leaving you with barely enough time to shut the door. “Hyuck!” You laugh as he nearly breaks out in a sprint. You can tell he’s excited. “Where are we going?” 
Donghyuck turns around for merely a moment, a playful glint in his eyes as he smiles at you. “It’s a surprise.” He sends a small wink your way and you shake your head at his silliness. 
After a few minutes of walking through your neighborhood, you recognize the route you’re taking as the one that leads to your high school. “Hyuck, why are we headed to school? You do know it’s sunday, right?” You ask as you draw closer to the building. 
“You’ll see.” 
You huff in response to his words and he turns to look at you. “Were you always this impatient?” You stick out your tongue in retaliation, which earns you a small laugh from Donghyuck. 
The both of you finally come to a standstill under a willow tree that sits on a small hill just outside the school building. “Do you know where we are?” You raise an eyebrow at Donghyuck’s odd question.
“Um..yeah. We’re at school? I don’t really-”
Your sentence is cut short by Donghyucks groan as he rolls his eyes. He points his finger at one of the schools buildings, to a window that looks into a classroom and tilts your head with his hands so you follow his line of vision. “What’s that classroom over there?”
You still weren’t quite following. “The chemistry..lab? Again, I don’t-” This time you cut yourself off with a gasp. It finally hits you. The memory of sophomore year, the first time you ever spoke to the boy in front of you. 
“Got it now? I figured, for what I’m about to ask…” Donghyuck reaches for something inside his inner jacket pocket. “…it would be best to go back to the place where everything started.” He finishes with a small folded letter now in his hand. 
You stare at the folded paper before you. “Purple, it’s your favourite colour, right?” You nod. “Yeah.” You breathe out with a smile. The thought of Donghyuck probably asking one of your other friends to help pick out the right coloured paper for you warms your heart. 
You take the letter out of his hands, only noticing then how much they were shaking. Donghyuck was nervous. You fold open the piece of paper and read along the one line of text scribbled across it in Donghyuck’s unmistakable handwriting. 
"In my world full of greys, you’re my splash of colours.”
It’s short, sweet and undeniably cheesy, but it makes your eyes water all the same. One of your hands comes up to cover your mouth as you reread the words over and over, trying to permanently etch them into your memory. “Y/n?”
You look up at the mention of your name, and Donghyuck takes notice of the way tears threaten to spill from your eyes. He immediately moves a step closer. 
“Y/n, oh my God, why are you crying? This was supposed to make you happy, not sad.” He says as he wipes off the tears from the corners of your eyes with his thumbs. 
“It does.”,you choke out, “It does make me happy. So happy.” You wrap your arms around the boy in front of you, squeezing him tight as you plant butterfly kisses along his neck, jaw and cheek, all the while listening to the airy giggles that erupt from his mouth. 
You stay like that for awhile, just wrapped in eachothers arms, until finally Donghyuck pulls away. He jerks his head to the side. “Diner? I’ll buy you pancakes as an apology for forcing you out of bed.” 
You hadn’t even noticed the fact that you’d skipped breakfast until the mention of food brings out a growl in your stomach. The both of you laugh at the sound and you nod in acceptance to the offer. You take off towards the diner, hands intertwined and swinging between you two. 
“Hey puppet.”
“Just so we’re clear, you do get that that whole thing back there means we’re official now, right?” 
You lightly punch him in the arms as you roll your eyes. Donghyuck wears a gleeful grin on his face. The grin is wiped off however, when one of your hands grabs him by the jaw and you smash your lips onto his, hard. You turn the kiss into a near make out as you nibble on his lower lip and tilt your head to push into him even further. And just as Donghyuck exhales in bliss, you pull away, his lips still chasing yours. 
You turn and continue to walk as if nothing happened. Donghyuck is left staring after you with a dumbfounded look on his face, as a satisfied smirk plays on yours. 
Not much changed in your relationship after that day, except for the fact that you would now introduce Donghyuck to people as your boyfriend instead of your best friend. Or the fact that most of your movie nights would now also include a make out session. Or the fact that you would nibble along Donghyuck’s ear as you whispered, Renjun gagging in his seat across from you. 
After you had broken the news to your friends, you had learned that they had long since placed bets on when the two of you would finally get together. Jaemin was the only one who had bet you would do it before the end of senior year and had cashed in a total of sixty bucks from your friends, of which you and Donghyuck requested twenty. 
“And why exactly should I hand over any part of my hard earned money?”
“Because, you wouldn’t have any if it weren’t for us.” You state matter of factly, Donghyuck nodding along, one of his arms secure around your waist. Jaemin begrudgingly hands over the twenty dollar bill, a scowl very evident on his face. 
“Thank you for your contribution.” You say, smile on your face sickenly sweet. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Jaemin mutters as he waves you off. You grin triumphantly as you look up at the boy beside you and Donghyuck grins right back as he plants a small kiss on your forehead. 
The next few months of school were stressful for everyone and the constant and seemingly never-ending amount of workload caused a slight strain in your relationship. The many nights of studying and finishing homework had made it harder for the two of you to meet or even talk for a while. 
One early evening, as you sat down to get started on your biology studies, you called up Donghyuck and asked to come over so the two of you could study together. That had seemed to be the only thing which would allow for some time together, even if it was spent with your noses buried in books. Donghyuck had sounded somewhat strained on the phone but he had agreed to your idea regardless. 
You knew Donghyuck had his bad days, but that night was one of the worst. 
You sit in silence on the floor of Donghyuck’s bedroom, the only sound in the room the one of highlighter pens scraping across the surface of your textbooks. For whatever reason, the atmosphere in the small room is tense. It feels like the air buzzes with some sort of energy every time you move, so you try to sit as still as possible. 
Donghyuck lays chest down on his bed, his eyes squinting at the page in front of him in concentration. You feel like you’ve been revising for hours, and honestly, you would like to just take a break and cuddle with your boyfriend, or at the very least be able to hold a conversation with him. 
You exhale a breath, thinking of conversation starters. You were never one for small talk, but you and Hyuck used to be able to talk about anything, and it never felt awkward. Not until now, at least. So,you decide to go the easy route. 
“I’m gonna fail this exam.” , you chuckle lightly, “All this hormonal regulators shit is hard.”
“Oh yeah? Well at least you can actually see the colours to help you memorise them.” 
You’re taken aback at the harshness of his tone. In all the time you’d known each other, he’d always just told you about his frustrations, but never before had he let them out on you. Slowly, you move to get up and sit at the edge of his bed. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” he says, eyes trained on the same page of the biology textbook he’s been staring at for the past five minutes. Hesitantly, you reach out a hand to touch his shoulder, only to take it back in shock as Donghyuck stands up abruptly. “Don’t-”, he breathes in sharply through his nose, “Just don’t.”
“I don’t understa-”
“Exactly!” Donghyuck’s shout cuts off your words. “You don’t understand! I mean, how could you? You weren’t born with some sort of defect. You were born with perfect eyes. And yet you complain about the stupidest shit sometimes. “Oh that shade of green is ugly” “The sunlight is so bright” “All these different colours are confusing”.” Your heart twists painfully in your chest as you watch him mock you. You knew the comments could be hurtful, and you tried with all your might to avoid saying them, but sometimes they just slipped out. You never meant to cause any harm. 
“And then you complain about-” He pauses to let out an exasperated laugh. “You complain about hormones, in a biology book. What is it about you and biology anyway? Your grades are fine.” You want to say something but Donghyuck continues before you get the chance. “Have you ever heard of, oh i don’t know,  thinking before you speak? Because newsflash! Biology- Fuck- Life itself, is a little harder when all you can fucking see, is IN BLACK AND WHITE! But no, your complaints are way more important aren’t they? You know why? Because you’re selfish.”
Selfish.The word feels like a spear to the heart. You stand up and your voice shakes with anger and hurt as you speak, tears already rolling down your cheeks. 
“You wanna know why I’ve been so stressed about biology? Because I need a fucking perfect GPA in that class to get into medical school.” Donghyucks brows draw together in confusion. “Yeah, you heard right. Medical school. You wanna know why? Because I want- because I promised myself that I would do whatever it takes to make you see the world in the same way I do. And yeah, maybe it’s impossible. Maybe I’ll spend my life trying to find some sort of cure and never do. But atleast I tried. I tried.” Your voice cracks ever so lightly at the last word. 
“But never mind that, right? I’m just some selfish idiot who complains too much and never thinks before they speak.” You say as you storm past Donghyuck, but are halted by his hand on your wrist. You turn around to yell at him to let go, only to have your yell stuck in your throat as Donghyuck smashes his lips onto yours. The kiss is filled with emotion, but it lasts only a mere few seconds as Donghyuck pulls away to lay his head on your shoulder. His hands fist the fabric of your t-shirt and his breaths are heavy against your neck. You lift up your hand to rub up and down his back soothingly. 
“I’m sorry. It wasn’t right of me to yell at you like that.” He moves his head to rest against your forehead. “You’re not selfish. In fact, you’re the farthest thing from it. You’re the most selfless person i’ve ever met.” His voice shakes as and he inhales deep through his nose. “You don’t deserve this. I’m so sorry.” 
You shake your head at him, and lean up to kiss the corner of his mouth, by now a comforting gesture between you two. 
“Apology accepted.”
The last few weeks of senior year were still filled with nerve-wracking levels of stress but you took comfort in the fact that the strain between you and Donghyuck had vanished completely. It had felt nice, how everything returned to normal between the two of you. It was like, after the fight, an immense weight had been lifted off your shoulders and you could finally breathe again. 
You braved through your last set of finals and then decided to focus on the one thing you had been looking forward to in the year: prom. Still, the results of your exams plagued your mind with worries. If you didn’t reach the results expected of you, you could kiss the idea of medical school bye bye. 
You were brought out of your spiraling thoughts on prom night as your boyfriend called you over to help pick out an outfit. You were grateful for the distraction,and headed over as fast you could, already finished with your own attire and makeup. 
 Your fingers drum absentmindedly along Donghyuck’s bed covers as you wait for him to finish rummaging through his closet. The sound of rustling fills the air as your mind once again drifts to your exam results, as you desperately try to recall your answer to that one question you’re sure you failed. “Aha!” Donghyuck’s shout calls your attention back to him. “Found ‘em.”
He holds up two dress shirts: one a silky blue and the other a deep shade of velvety red. 
“The blue one is nice but, the red one will look better with your tan skin.” You say as you point at the second shirt Donghyuck holds up in front of his chest as he looks in the mirror. 
“ I do recall you using the colour red to describe me once.” Donghyuck says as he smiles over at you. “So it’s only fitting.” 
“Yeah.” You breathe with a smile, but it falls from your face just as fast as it arrived. It’s not long before your boyfriend stands in front of you, tilting your chin up so you look at him. “What’s wrong, puppet? It’s prom night. You should be excited.” You sigh as you squeeze your eyes shut for a second. “I am! I am excited. It’s just…” 
“Your results?” Donghyuck states more than asks, his voice soft as he sits beside you. You let your head fall onto his shoulder as you exhale. “Yeah..” You feel Donghyuck place a quick peck on the crown of your head and one of his hands trails down your arm to comfort you. “Y/n. You’re the smartest, most amazing, and most dedicated person I know. I don’t think anyone studied harder for these finals than you did. You did great, and your results will be great too. Hell, they’ll probably be the best the school has ever seen. The best the county has ever seen.” You lift your head off his shoulder to chuckle. “Well, I wouldn’t go *that* far.”
“I would.” Donghyuck says as he looks at you, a fond expression on his face. You lean in to kiss him, lips only barely touching his. He deepens the kiss, slowly molding his mouth together with yours as his body pushes you down onto his bed. He moves to hover above you, his arms supporting his weight as his tongue dances with yours. 
“Donghyuck! Y/n! Are you guys ready?” Donghyuck’s mom’s shout causes you to break apart. Donghyuck groans. “Yeah! We’ll be down in a minute!” He goes to lean back down but you plant your hands firmly on his chest to stop him, a laugh bubbling in your throat. “ Easy there, tiger. You.”, you poke your boyfriends tummy, “still need to finish getting dressed.” Donghyuck groans again, but obliges and gets off you in favor of buttoning up his shirt. 
You watch in fondness as he fumbles with the buttons, tongue poking out at the corner of his mouth in concentration. For the first time that night, you truly are excited to go to prom, all thoughts about the future long forgotten in the back of your mind. 
You ended up passing your finals with flying colours, even graduating as the valedictorian of your class. An honour which you did not expect, but had accepted humbly and happily. 
The thing that made you most happy now however, was the fact that you had been accepted into one of the best medical schools in the country with a partial scholarship. And,  the fact that your boyfriend was going to attend university in the same city as you, only a few streets over, as a music major in a prestigious fine arts academy. 
The time came for both you and Donghyuck to leave behind the town of your childhood, and to part ways with your friends and family, promises of holiday visits and choruses of “see you soon’s” as you bid them all goodbye. 
You sit in your car, hands on the steering wheel as you try to calm the nerves bubbling in your stomach. Your high school, diploma sits stored away in one of the many boxes that litter the back of both yours and Donghyuck’s dad’s car, who will accompany you in your drive towards the big city. 
You recall the teary eyed faces of your parents as they wished you farewell and there’s a small hollow ache in your chest. It’s scary, leaving home. But you know that the life that awaits you holds promises of adventures to come, especially when you have the love of your life by your side. 
Said boy swings upon the passenger side door as he hops into the car. He leans over for a quick peck on the lips before he closes the car door behind him. “Ready?” he asks. You watch as he taps something into the GPS navigator, presumably the directions of your new apartment, and your eyes trail over his features. You take in how much he’s grown. How different he is from the chubby cheeked kid who ran through the parks of your town, or the fresh faced sophomore who didn’t care to pay attention in chemistry. 
You think back on your memories together. The days spent at the arcade with your friends, afternoons turned into evenings at your favourite diner, movie nights filled with unhealthy amounts of snacks, the beach where you shared your first kiss. You would miss this old town. You would miss its colours, the ones you had gotten so good at describing all these years. You would miss the familiarity of it all, the safety,  the way it felt like home. 
You know however, as you look at the boy sat beside you, that he was now you’re home, and that wherever you went, you would feel safe as long as he was with you. 
So, with a determined sigh, you turn the key in the ignition and tighten your grip on the steering wheel. 
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occasionally-writing · 5 years ago
You’re Mine
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A/N: Tagging @this-solaris-life​ since you helped me bounce ideas off for this fanfic! I’m really tired but I wanted to finish this before procrastination hit and I would put if off until I forgot about it or moved onto something else XD Anyways, I really hope you like the fanfic and everyone else who reads it, I hope you enjoy it as well!
Summary: After Beam gives a girl his number, despite being with Forth, he learns that his actions have consequences as Forth gives him the cold shoulder and the silent treatment until he realizes what he did wrong. 
Word Count: 1675
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When Beam had said yes to them going out on a date, Forth was possibly the happiest person alive. He had it all planned out! They’d go to eat dinner somewhere and then stop at the mall and look around, observe all the nice Christmas decorations that the mall had put up for the upcoming holiday and maybe even buy a few things if they really wanted to. However, as soon as they were done eating and were walking around the mall, Forth began to notice that they had gotten the attention of some girls who appeared to be all friends. Stepping a bit closer to Beam as he noticed the group of friends nudging one of the girls, Forth let out a sigh as he watched the girl slowly walk up to them, thinking that she was going to try to chat him up. Yet, that wasn’t the case and Forth felt his tension rise as she stopped in front of Beam and giggled nervously, making his boyfriend smile softly at her. 
“H-hi! I’m Lawan and um...I just wanted to say that you’re really cute and I was wondering if it was possible if I could get your number?” She muttered quietly, staring down at their shoes as she held out her phone to Beam. Biting back a threatening growl, Forth stepped closer to Beam and tried to take his hand, but when his attempt was slapped away and Beam shot him a warning look, Forth felt his walls closing up as Beam turned his attention back to Lawan, not even bothering to see the slight pain that blossomed in Forth’s eyes. Taking her phone, Beam chatted her up a bit more before he typed his number in her phone, offering her a smile unlike Forth, who turned his glare from the floor to her, trying to scare her away. Noticing Forth glaring heavily at her, Lawan quickly glanced away and took her phone, shooting Beam a bright smile. “T-thank you! I’ll t-text you later! Bye!”
Watching her run off back to her friend group, Beam snickered as he noticed them all cheer and practically dart away, their giggles still filling the air until he couldn’t see them anymore and he was left alone with Forth. Letting out a sigh, Beam glanced over at Forth but soon felt the smile leave his face as he noticed how far Forth had distanced them and how he wasn’t even looking Beam in the eyes. Arching a brow, Beam tried to touch Forth’s hands but twitched as Forth moved away from him quickly and buried his hands in his jeans, not letting Beam anywhere near them. Blinking at the attitude his boyfriend was displaying, Beam sighed and just to play it off. He knew that Forth got emotional over silly things, so he wouldn’t be mad for long...right? And oh, how he was wrong. Throughout their walk through the mall, Beam tried to get Forth to laugh and look at the things that he pointed out, but his boyfriend barely gave him his attention and when he did, it was short lived before Forth moved on from whatever Beam wanted to show him. Coming up to the shop that he knew Forth liked to look around and make jokes about the adult themed objects they sold, Beam reached out and stopped Forth by the forearm, pointing out the store.
“How about we look in here? I know you like it a lot since you have a dirty humor,” Beam asked, feeling his teasing nature disappear when he felt how tense Forth was under his touch. Letting his boyfriend go, Beam stayed silent as he observed the way Forth stared at the shop before he let out a heavy sigh and strolled in, not even looking at Beam. Rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to figure out if he did something to offend his boyfriend, Beam couldn’t think of what he could’ve done so with a groan, he followed Forth in and just stayed close as Forth glanced around. By the time they were done in the store and Forth paid for a pair of necklaces that really looked nice on him in Beam’s opinion, the two left and began their circle around the mall. Not liking the cold shoulder Forth was giving him, Beam reached out once more and grabbed Forth’s hand, holding onto it tightly as they walked, trying to not feel discouraged when Forth didn’t replicate his touch and only stayed tense as they walked towards the exit of the mall. “Forth? Is something wrong? You’ve been quiet since we started walking around…”
Not even responding to Beam, Forth continued walking out of the mall with Beam trailing close since he still had his hand in his. Finally getting to Beam’s car, Beam let go of Forth and shifted on his feet as he watched his boyfriend quickly get in the car and not give him one spare look. Rubbing at his arm, Beam moved towards the passenger side and got in the car, buckling in as Forth started the car and pulled them out of the parking lot, moving on autopilot as he began to drive them back to Beam’s dorm. Biting his lip as the silence of the car was the most uncomforting thing he had ever experienced, Beam jumped slightly when his phone went off before he answered it and was met with the girl he met in the mall. Saying her name out as he talked, Beam registered the way Forth’s hands tightened on the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were turning white before he finally realized why Forth was giving him the silent treatment. Cursing himself silently, Beam smacked his head against the window and sighed, turning his attention towards Forth as he thought about what to say.
“I’m sorry Lawan...I already have someone special in my life. Yeah...I know I shouldn’t have taken your number...yeah...I’m sorry,” Beam mumbled out, wincing as he was yelled at through the phone before the girl hung up on him, the line going dead as he moved his eyes to her number, moving to delete it right away. Rubbing the back of his neck as he shoved his phone back in his pocket, Beam glanced over at Forth and felt his mood drop as he noticed how truly pissed he really was. Keeping silent as they finally got to the parking lot of the dormitory, Beam waited for Forth to park the car and pull out the keys before he leaped out of the car and met Forth head on as soon as he exited the driver’s side. Practically shoving Forth against the car, Beam clutched the shirt against Forth’s chest and buried his face in his boyfriend’s neck. “I am the worst boyfriend ever...Forth? I’m sorry...I don’t have anything to say about the terrible thing I did...I shouldn’t have done it. Please forgive me…”
Not getting a word from Forth’s lips, Beam groaned from where his face was buried and moved back a little, reaching up so he could cup Forth’s cheeks and rub his thumbs softly under his eyes. Finally getting Forth to make eye contact with him, Beam frowned heavily before he moved closer, pressing their lips together gently. Closing his eyes as Beam initiated the kiss, Forth slowly moved his hands to his boyfriend’s waist and drew him closer, deepening the kiss as he was allowed entrance, their tongues swirling around together before they pulled away, breathing heavily as they kept their foreheads pressed together firmly. Realizing that he stopped giving Beam the cold shoulder, Forth sighed and just stared sadly at him, making Beam’s small smile fall when he saw how glum his boyfriend truly looked. 
“You did it again, Beam. The first time I let it slide when we were driving to that camp and some girl called, asking me out...but this time you didn’t even think about how I would feel about you not saying we were together and taking that girl’s number,” Forth mumbled, moving his gaze from Beam’s sad eyes, not letting their eyes meet again until Beam squeezed his cheeks, forcing him to look at him again. Letting out a sigh as he listened to what Forth said, Beam leaned down and rested his head on Forth’s chest, biting his lip as he tried to think about what he could possibly say to make it better for the both of them. Noticing the way Beam was biting into his lip, Forth pulled his head back up and gently forced his lip out of his teeth with his thumb, rubbing Beam’s lips softly with a small smile rising on his own face. Seeing the smile, Beam let a small one appear on his face as well before he nuzzled his face into Forth’s palm. “I guess I can let it slide again...if you let me remind you who you belong to, Beam.”
Feeling the blush rise on his cheeks at the smirk he was receiving, Beam swallowed the lump in his throat and bit back a moan when Forth leaned in and teasingly nibbled against his neck, pulling him closer by the waist until their hips were pressed together. Sliding his hands up Forth’s forearms, Beam clung to his shoulders before the sound of a car horn broke their heated haze, reminding them where they currently were. Pushing Forth away slightly yet keeping his hands on his chest while he nuzzled their noses together. Grinning brightly at the blush that was still staining his boyfriend’s face, Forth laced their hands together and led Beam towards the dormitory, both of them trying not to pay attention to how tight their pants were as they made their way up to Beam’s dorm, Forth keeping his promise as he and Beam had the whole night together, their passion burning hot as Forth proved to Beam that he was his and nobody’s elses.
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years ago
| day-off | j.jh
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pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader genre: au + idol!yn a/n: again, it’s not proof read. i don’t think i even do that anymore omg hahaha! :D ~j.
“this is.. the building, right?” mark’s eyes trailed the new developed apartment estate, looking back and forth from the hand-drawn map.
doyoung rolled his eyes in frustration, “stop taking the map, mark.” he grabbed the already crumpled paper. the map wasn’t clear; it had been an hour since they arrived at the area, however with the directions drawn out, they couldn’t find the apartment jaehyun recently moved in to.
mark’s guilty conscience started to kick in when everyone surrounding him to look to doyoung; who was now tapping his fingers chronologically onto his waist in impatience. “okay i admit i was in the wrong for losing jaehyun‘s map.. but i clearly remember it, that’s why i drew it!”
“yeah while walking- *coughs*” donghyuck teased.
“well your map probably brought us to the other side of the city! we’ve been walking non-stop!” doyoung took an umbrage to mark’s response. all kinds of profanities jumbled in his head yet he was too tired to even deliver to the young man.
“johnny, tell doyoung he’s exaggerating!” mark whined monotonously. not that he was ignored, it took awhile for the lad awhile to realize johnny was looking elsewhere with headphones on.
a truck honked its horn and as it parked by the building they stood at, then the men lifted the metal door of the compartment. piles of boxes were placed at the front. hunch caused doyoung to walk up to the men. few nods and scratches of the head made the rest of the boys to tilt in question.
immediately taeyong knew what it meant when doyoung gave the raised brow. “we have to carry these up to jaehyun’s place.” he said. “they were sent to a wrong address, but this building is definitely jae’s.”
deep sighs went on for a good minute before they obliged with his orders. they, for sure had no energy to even complain after the unplanned walkathon; thanks to mark’s careless mistake.
whilst they waited for the lift, the out-of-place instrumental echoing the lobby created an awkward air dwelling amongst them. ultimate silence and pure exhaustion were cut short when they arrived at the door. taeyong had his palms onto the unlocked door knob and to their surprise they heard you both bickering and arguing like parrots.
“get off me y/n!” jaehyun’s voice startled the rest of them. a thud was heard. “seriously, you chose him?!”
“who cares if i did?!” you butt back and taeyong pursed his lips, making everyone mirror the same expression. “he’s way more practical!”
at this point, the only thing that went through their minds was the possibility of you.. cheating. it was finally their day-off after the tour and jaehyun was kind enough to offer a sleepover at his place. little did they know that they’d encounter such private matters today; like literally they were right outside his door.
“i think we shouldn’t enter just yet.” taeil suggested as he placed down a box.
“maybe they’ll stop if we messaged one of them.” yuta started to press letters onto the screen. a hand grabbed his phone, telling him to not do it.
“we’ll wait for them to stop.” johnny removed his headphones where your argument with jaehyun was louder than the blasted music in his ears.
mark yet again whined in a whisper, “i don’t wanna eavesdrop though. we can leave the box-”
“see you’re always like this!” jaehyun yelled in a much louder tone. “can you use your brain for once?!”
their heads all shot up at the amount of volume their bud gave.
awkward.. their eyes said it all.
“i am using it! you’re just too blind to even see it!” you let out a groan. the guys heard a multiple stomps your tiny feet ever did. they had never encountered you like this before.
as you both continued the probably endless argument, jungwoo found himself sitting onto the carpeted floor of the hallway. his share of box right beside him. the rest of the followed, all hesitant to even doorbell or bothering to knock when jaehyun started to yell again.
“i don’t have to see your brain! i’ll know your hardwork if you acted!”
“well your hardworking girlfriend’s doing everything for you! you’re the reliant one!”
“reliant?! reliant?! look whose talking! are you even hearing yourself?!”
“shut up! you should hear yourself! if i died, you wouldn’t have someone to depend to!”
“i don’t care if you died!”
the door slammed open, revealing the nine boys with boxes in their hands. taeyong was clearly pissed at the behaviour. “hey jung jaehyun. what you told her is way out of line-”
“hey guys.” you both seated so comfortably onto the giant bean bags, you and jaehyun greeted simultaneously with eyes so innocent and child-like. the tone was completely different compared to what they heard just minutes before. “great i was waiting for those!” your boyfriend stood up to help his friends.
you soon did the same, grabbing the home slippers to let them wear. as you talked, your brothers, a.k.a jaehyun’s friends, were very dumbfounded to the point they all remained quiet. you waved to them several times before you snapped your fingers, jolting them back to reality. “hello? i’m not talking to the air, am i?”
jaehyun sneeked his palms to support your waist, giving you a kiss on the cheek as you headed to the kitchen. “why didn’t you ring the bell?” he asked.
sicheng gulped at a volume before speaking. “we thought you were about to end things with y/n. we didn’t want to interfere.” he walked to the sofa and made themselves home.
“ah, you heard us arguing?” the chuckle jaehyun gave was rather genuine, as if nothing happened. “sorry about that. we were playing super mario bros on nintendo wii.” he took out a dirtied ivory white controller from this hoodie pocket.
oh what the..
“bubs saw it as we unpacked his things. been working for two straight days and we decided to take a break.” you had a glass tupperware and reusable plastic cups in your hands.
“yeah you had no idea how much nostalgia hit me when i saw it.” jaehyun laughed as he gestured you to sit beside him.
“i made lasagna~” you singsonged, passing the utensils around the center table.
the boys dove into the delish meal you prepared for them. as imaginary as it sounded, you could almost feel your shoulders heightening in pride when they complimented on how good it tasted. jaehyun reminded you to make two more batches because he knew his friends— and including himself, are pretty big eaters.
the recent comeback song of your group began to play as the playlist shuffled. they all stopped eating and used their forks as mics to mimic you. it hyped up everyone when your part came; you were the rapper. you gave in and went along with them.
noticing how the food was close to being devoured, you stood up and grabbed the rest to be reheated.
“hey jaehyun, have you ever heard y/n sing before?” johnny asked the blushing boy after he took a glance of your waiting figure at the kitchen.
“nope.” he popped his lips. “hold on, just hums i guess.” he replied.
“good thing i brought this!” donghyuck whispered, rummaging his bag for an item. few sighs of expectation came out from all of them as they knew what he meant.
they sang as if they’ve had countless of beer rounds. the jolly noise was getting louder as your song played. closing the door of the oven, you brought the last batch of your lasagna. taeil told you they wanted you to sing, and with immediate hesistation, you declined.
“why not? i bet you have a beautiful voice.” taeil complimented, and you couldn’t help but blush.
the bridge of the song was about to come when yuta passed the mic to you. in all honesty this part of the whole song was completely out of your range, but you’d be lying if you didn’t attempt this with your group’s main vocalist; rina.
they thought you had a voice of an angel, though you haven’t sung in public since your debut. as you hit belting and prolonging note, the boys cheered and nudged each other, signalling any of them to record your boyfriend.
jaehyun was speechless with his lips parted.
you blushed and hid your face right after it ended, grabbing a pillow nearby and collapsing backwards. “stop cheering!”
“why aren’t you the main vocalist?!”
“i have high hopes that you’ll be having a solo in your group’s next comeback!”
“y/n you’re really good!”
the pillow you were holding against to was removed from your hands. jaehyun smiled with beetroot coloured ears. “can you sing me to sleep later?”
“no.” you butt back, embarrassed that your boyfriend’s asking will be frequent now that he knows you sing well.
jaehyun whined and put his weight onto your small frame, squishing you so you wouldn’t escape. “i’m gonna tickle you.” he warned whilst his hands grabbed you.
“i’m not ticklish.” you defended with a straight face.
“we’ll see about that.” he leaned down where his chin was visible with stubble, attempting to squish his face to yours.
“jung jaehyun! stop! your face is oily!”
“blame it on your lasagna!”
“you eat like how a baby eats!”
“but i’m your baby!”
“yah get a room!” mark yelled, disgusted at the pda you both showed. well it was only jaehyun anyway. you were the victim of a playful act of your boyfriend.
you sat up with face all red from the chin upwards. “this is how i suffer everyday ever since dating your bro.” you told the rest of them.
“jaehyun did say he’s a romantic.” johnny made a teasing expression, earning a fake gag and sour faces from the others.
“and a forward person.” taeyong chuckled with his arms crossed.
“he said he’s very affectionate.” doyoung
yuta hopped in his seat. “he loves skinship too.”
“specifically holding hands.” taeil joined the tease.
jaehyun stuttered. “i- i didn’t mean it in a way yo-you’re all thinking of.” he threw a pillow.
“or did you?” johnny teased.
you looked at your boyfriend whose lips pursed to a flat line. he was so flustered and it was really cute.
“one more word i’ll kick you out of my house.”
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straykidsnerd255 · 5 years ago
Masquerade: Julian x Fem Reader
Game: The Arcana
Pair: Julian x Fem Reader
Song: Angel of Music- Music box version
Genre: Fluff
Julian loved masquerades. He loved going to ones where you have to wear masks. He would constantly bug you into going to one of the masquerades the countess and the count always held. You being the younger sister of Count Lucio, you got the same luxuries that your brother got. Besides, Lucio wouldn’t leave the two of you alone some times. Lucio didn’t like the fact that you were engaged to Julian but he couldn’t stop you. He could see how happy Julian made you and that alone was enough to keep Lucio from wrecking your chances of getting married.
“Are you ready to go love?” Julian called into your room. When he didn’t hear anything he grew worried. As he was about to go and find Lucio, he heard sniffles coming from the room and he dared not leave. He placed his hand in the door and opened it. He noticed how you dressed in a beautiful black and gold mermaid dress. The design at the bottom of the dress only added to your beauty. 
Your mask sat on the desk with your make-up thrown across the surface. Your face was pressed into your hands as you sobbed freely. Julian walked into the room and softly closed the door.  “Julian, what happens when people don’t like me? I may be Lucio’s younger sister, but…” You trailed off and stood from the chair she sat on. Your dress swaying around your ankles. Your hair swinging behind your back as you walked over to him.
Julian wrapped his arms around your waist. “You know Lucio will get angry if someone doesn’t like you. You are his pride and baby sister. Me having proposed to you just before the masquerade, it really pissed him off. If anything, I will protect you and make sure no one says something mean to you. I promise.” Julian whispered, kissing your forehead. He moved his arms and stepped back. He tapped a finger to his chin and admired the dress, shoes, mask, and hair style. “Beautiful as always my dear.” He whispered, making you blush. The flow of the dresses bottom only made you want to twirl around.
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Julian couldn’t help but blush. He was marrying a girl that he had fallen in love with. He held his hand out and smiled. “Shall we?” He asked. You smiled and took his hand. You had fastened your mask to your face and smiled when you saw Julian do the same. You both headed to the dance floor. The song that hit your ears made a soft smile appear on your lips. Lucio remembered your favorite song from when you two were kids. Julian noticed the smile on your face and tightened his grip on your hand.
“Shall we?” He asked, looking over at you. You smiled and nodded your head. The sound of the song growing louder. He took your hand in his once you both had made it into the ballroom. He gently began spinning you around. He hummed along with the music and closed his eyes. You saw a tiny glimmer in the corner of your eye and looked down. The ring that Julian had gotten for you shined exceptionally bright. You brought your hand up to your lips and pressed a kiss to the ring. You didn’t realize that Julian had his eyes open and was watching you the entire time. “I love you Y/n. You know that right?” He said. He bent down and pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek. You closed your eyes and let him linger there.
“I know. I love you too Ilya.” You said using the name Portia always called him. His face lit up and a smile appeared on his face. He twirled you around before pulling you against his chest. All was right with the world for him. He loved being with you. Lucio may threaten him all he wants but, he wouldn’t ever hurt you. He couldn’t even dream of hurting you. A clearing of one’s threat caused the two to pull back and look to their right/left side. Nadia and Lucio stood there with the gentlest of smiles on their faces. Y/n smiled and went to hug her brother. “Lucio!” She said happily.
Julian watched and smiled softly. Nadia walked over to Julian while Lucio and Y/n talked. “She sure is a lucky one.” Nadia said looking over at Julian. He raised an eyebrow. “Why say that? She is practically royal. I am not. I don’t know what she saw in me when she wanted to start dating. I couldn’t help but think that she was going to dump when I told her about my past.” Julian said smiling when he looked up to see Lucio laughing and you laughing along with him before looking over to Julian. A gentle smile appeared on your face and you ran over to him.
“Julian, I accept you marrying my little sister. However, if you break her heart, I will kill you.” Lucio said. Julian gulped but nodded his head. You smiled and wrapped your arms around Julian’s waist and pressed your ear to his heart. Its beats lolled your eyes closed. You smiled and moved closer to his warmth. Julian’s arms wrapped around your smaller figure. “I promise Count Lucio. No harm will come to her. Not on my watch.” He said. Lucio's harsh smile turned to a gentle grin. “That’s all I needed to hear.” He said, smiling at his friend.
After the masquerade had ended, Y/n and Julian were officially married. Nadia was crying, Lucio was trying his best not to cry, but tears slipped down his face watching his little sister walk down the aisle with Julian waiting for her. After the wedding, they had a grand party afterwards. Julian and Y/n sat in the count and countess’s chairs and watched everyone dance and sing. Julian held his hand out towards you and stood up from the seat. “Shall we?” He asked, smiling. You couldn’t help but return the smile. “We shall.” You replied.
He smiled and took you to the ballroom floor. You both stopped next to Lucio and Nadia and smiled. Julian spun you around. The bottom of your wedding dress spilling out and twirling around like a ball gown. Your hair spinning widely behind you. A bright laugh left your throat before Julian pulled you back into his chest. His hand moved to your hair and twirled in on his finger. Tears filled his eyes and he dropped his head onto your bare shoulder.
“How did I get so lucky as to marry you?” He whispered. Your arms wrapped around him and a smile graced your lips. “It’s me who got lucky. All the men that wanted to marry me, only wanted a chance at the money that I held. Just because I was the count’s little sister. They believed that if they married me, they could get the fortune they wanted. I always turned them down. You were the one that saw me for me. Not because I was rich, or because I was going to inherit what my brother has. You didn’t treat me like I was glass and that if you made a wrong move I would break. You took me on adventures. One after the other. Taught me so much about medicine and helping people.” You whispered, pressing your hands to his cheeks. 
“ All this time, I had told Lucio, I’m never going to get married. No one seems to be looking at me like I want them too. Then you walked into my life. You brought me a new world that I was not. You brought me new friends. Showed me a whole new meaning to life. I didn’t want that to slip away. You were so free. Your smile drew me in and never let me leave. I wanted to be a part of that world. I wanted to be at your side when we went on adventures.” You said. Tears freely gathered at Julian’s eyes. Even your brother was getting teary eyed.
“You showed me the freedom by grabbing my hand and talking me with you on that adventure to your hometown. I had never felt so alive. I can't even express-” Your words were cut short when Julian slammed his lips against yours. His eyes clenched shut and tears slipped down his face. You lifted your hands to his cheeks and returned the kiss. His arms wound around your body and tightened. Everyone clapped and cheered as they watched the two kiss. “Damn. I told myself not to cry.” Julian mumbled, pulling from the kiss and pressing his forehead against yours.  You laughed and kissed him one more time before pulling him onto the dance floor.
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xfandomwritingsx · 6 years ago
Reuniting Part 2 - F!Hawke/Varric
Description: A drink with friends never goes wrong, can it?
Warnings/Labels: Friends to lovers trope. Some sexual mentions. Some drinking. Some fun.
Approx. Word Count: 4,000
A/N: This part ended up taking a different turn than I thought, but I think I like it.
Part One
Hawke had followed the Inquisitor, intending to call out to her and maybe find out where Varric was hiding. She hadn’t seen him since he’d introduced the two on the battlements and honestly, Hawke was getting turned around in Skyhold. Navigating new places wasn’t her strong suit unless it was in Kirkwall. Everything was always so similar there.
She never did actually manage to call out to the Inquisitor though, and instead ended up following her a little creepily by accident. The Inquisitor entered a building and was already walking up the stairs when Hawke entered. There was a scuffling sound upstairs, furniture being violently rearranged.
“You knew where Hawke was all along!” She stopped at the sound of her name, puzzled at what in Thedas was happening up there.
“You’re damned right I did!” Varric’s voice called out angrily. He didn’t yell very often. Hawke could actually count the number of times she’d heard him get angry and yell at someone on her fingers. Curiosity got the better of her and she stood by the stairs, head cocked to aim her ear to listen more.
“You conniving little shit!” The woman spat out through gritted teeth. There was the sound of more scuffling above Hawke’s head and she thought about going up the stairs herself to intervene, but decided against it. Varric could handle himself.
“You kidnapped me! You interrogated me! What did you expect?” Ah, so the pissed off woman must have been the Seeker Hawke had heard so much about. She sounded different than Hawke expected.
“Hey! Enough.” The Inquisitor’s voice rose up, stopping the two from going at it again.
“You’re taking his side?” The Seeker said, astonished.
“I said enough!”
The voices lowered for the most part, making it harder for Hawke to hear what they were saying. Still, she waited. She had been looking for Varric after all and she had found him. Hawke started to wonder how bad the interrogation actually was. In his letters, he went between brushing it off flippantly and over exaggerating, saying how he was held down and tortured and forced to kiss an ogre. She knew the truth lay somewhere in between his stories, but where exactly? Had the Seeker harmed him?
The thought enraged her. That woman better not have put a finger on him. If she had, Hawke would personally make sure she got it right back before she left.
“I was protecting my friend!” Varric’s voice rose again and Hawke felt a warmth in her stomach. Affection? Guilt? She had never asked him to hide her away, never expected him to. And yet he did. He was the one friend she could always count on no matter what. (Except that one time in the fade. But that didn’t count. The fade never counted.) He was more than just a friend. “You know what I think?” She could see his feet at the very top of the stairs, hear his voice a little clearer. “If Hawke had been at the temple, she’d be dead too.” He paused for just a beat. “You people have done enough to her.” The amount of severity, pain, fear in his voice made her ache. She was more than just a friend to him too.
She saw him start to descend the stairs and waited for him. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head as he came down, the other hand on the wooden railing. Only when he got to the bottom did he see her there and stop, surprised at her presence.
She thought about saying something, about offering something more than the soft, half smile on her lips, but nothing would come out. Nothing needed to though. They stood there looking at each other, saying a lot in their silence.
It reminded her of their last night in Kirkwall, standing on the dock, waiting for her to leave. They had stood next to each other, arms brushing against each other’s but not saying a thing. They were never really good at the serious stuff and always leaned towards leaving words unsaid. They both knew what the other was thinking, feeling, what they were meaning to say. There was absolutely no need to speak words.
It was no different standing at the bottom of those stairs with the silent thank you’s and I love you’s and you didn’t have to’s filling the space between them. She wanted to reach out to him, maybe to hug him again, maybe to just take his hand. Instead, she stayed where she was and let the moment extend.
“Want to get a drink?” Varric asked, finally breaking the silence.
“Yeah,” she replied, that half smile breaking out into a full one. “A drink sounds good.”
They spent the first part of the evening catching up and reminiscing on old times over drinks and the tavern food. It all felt comfortable and familiar and yet… there was something different neither of them could quite put their finger on.
Varric thought he was being ridiculous, but after the third time Hawke grabbed his arm while they laughed, after the third time her hand lingered and her thumb ran over his muscle before letting go, he knew he wasn’t imagining it. He couldn’t recall a time she ever did that to him. It’s not like they never touched, but he wouldn’t have ever described their relationship as physically affectionate either. It was more along the lines of claps on the back and holding each other up after battle.
Hawke wasn’t oblivious to it either. She caught herself reaching out to him. It was near impossible not to notice the way her stomach fluttered or her skin buzzed when she did it and she saw his eyes sink a shade darker. She would have taken that look as an unsure and unwelcome look, if he didn’t keep pressing his leg against hers while they sat at the bar. She wasn’t sure if he even realized he did it. It was a subtle thing, happened when he turned to her or when he simply readjusted and widened his legs on the stool. Accidental in nature, but purposeful in the linger.
After the sun had dipped behind the mountains, the tavern started filling up. Varric found himself trying to keep Hawke and himself at the corner end of the bar for as long as he could. Eventually though, the members of the team gathering noticed them there and a small feeling of disappointment floated through him when they gathered around, all wanting to meet his friend.
He made the introductions to Dorian, Sera, and Blackwall easy enough, but found himself paying a little more attention when they got to Bull, ready to warn Hawke away again if she suggested any interest again. There was none however. She was more interested in Dorian’s staff (which sounded much dirtier than it was.)
The six gathered around a table and ordered a round of drinks. It didn’t surprise Varric that she fit right in. Hawke was personable and a little wild and this group of people? Crazy didn’t even begin to describe them most of the time. She blended right in with the rest of them.
It was only when Cassandra came through the door did he notice her tense up. They hadn’t been introduced yet so Hawke didn’t recognize her until she spoke.
“Where is Commander Cullen?” Cassandra asked, looking around the room. Hawke drew her shoulders back, sat up a little straighter. Varric watched her eyes harden and her hand tense around her mug.
“Where do you think?” Varric laughed, attempting to diffuse the situation before it started. Cassandra might have been a tight ass with low social skills, but she didn’t necessarily deserve Hawke whipping spells at her in the middle of the tavern.
“Notice the Inquisitor isn’t here either?” Dorian piped up, waggling his eyebrows. Cassandra rolled her eyes and made a disgusting noise, before exiting quickly.
“Prude?” Hawke speculated as the group laughed. “Or jealous?” Bull barked out a laugh at the thought.
“That woman has zero interest in Cullen. She barely talks to him as a friend let alone a lover,” he told her, still chuckling at the idea.
“And she’s one of the few people here who wouldn’t bang the Inquisitor if given the chance.” Sera’s words ended with a strange cackle of a laugh that was somewhere between infectious and annoying. Hawke decided she liked it. Most of them started nodding their heads, agreeing with the elf.
“You’re telling me you’d all sleep with her?” Hawke waved her hand across the table, baffled by this idea. The inquisitor was much more popular than she first thought.
“If she liked lady bits, I’d have no problem getting up in hers!” Sera cackled and once again, the general consensus from the table was positive.
“If I were to ever be with a woman, I do imagine it would be someone quite like her,” Dorian nodded thoughtfully.
“Or if she had a dick,” Bull teased crudely causing Dorian to scrunch his face and the rest of the table to laugh again.  “If she needed worked out, I wouldn’t go turning her away.” He took a drink and smacked his lips. Varric looked at him with a grin.
“Yes, but you’ll chase after anything that moves if they show interest.” Bull simply grinned back and shrugged. Hawke looked around the table and noticed the warden looked down into his mug, oddly quiet.
“And you, Blackwall?” she prodded. A blush rose up onto the man’s face, peeking out from under his beard.
“She’s uhh,” he stumbled. “She’s a fine woman.” The group scoffed at him.
“Fine woman,” Sera mocked. “You couldn’t keep your eyes off her arse the last time we went out to the Hinterlands!”
“Warden there’s been holding a candle for our leader for quite some time,” Varric leaned over and whispered to her. Hawke found she had to stop herself from leaning into him and immediately blamed the alcohol for the warm rush she got.
“Ah, unrequited love,” she mused. “It’s a bitch, isn’t it?” She meant is as a jest, but when their eyes met, the smiles between them faltered just slightly and the air seemed to get thick. It lasted only a moment, another bout of laughter from the table pulling them apart. He leaned away quickly.
“What about you, Varric?” Dorian asked, again waggling his eyebrows. “Would you take a spin on our dear Inquisitor?” Hawke watched him closely, feeling her stomach twist a little bit. He only chuckled and leaned back in his chair.
“Nope. This is the one time you can put me and the Seeker in the same category.” Dorian raised a single eyebrow at him, not sure if he believed him or not.
“Varric isn’t interested in us humans,” she confirmed. Was that a bite in her tone? She didn’t mean it to sound snappy.
“Why not?” Bull sounded amazed. “Humans can be fun!”  Varric simply sat back and waited for the teasing and prodding. He had no problem being at the end of their jokes for a while.
“You shouldn’t count us out just because we’re tall. That’s just rude.” Dorian scrunched his face again in an exaggerated way, feigning offense.
“Sorry, Sparkles. You still wouldn’t be my type,” Varric teased.
“That’s what they all say.” He threw a wink at Varric and Varric just shook his head, taking another drink.
“All those legs just get in the way,” he told them. “It’s a tangle of flailing limbs that don’t need to be there. And kissing a human? Talk about neck problems!” They all rolled their eyes.
“You’d just have to be creative!” Hawke encouraged, a too-wide smile on her face.
“You’re telling me the idea of a woman’s long legs draped down over your shoulders and back while your face is between them holds no appeal to you?” Dorian questioned.
Varric’s voice got a little caught in his throat so he took another drink to buy him time. He avoided looking at Hawke at all costs. He had never pictured it before, no, but now that Dorian had said it? It was hard not to have the image flash in his mind and for reasons he didn’t want to indulge, the only woman his mind would conjure as a partner was Hawke. Before he realized it, he had chugged his entire mug.
“You’re drawn to powerful people,” Bull interrupted his thoughts and saved him from having to answer Dorian. “You sure you wouldn’t like having a human straddling you? Towering over you? Pulling you up to them?” Varric decided it was a mistake to have finished his ale so quickly.
“Oooh! Oooh!” Sera chimed in. “I bet you he would! Bet he likes being tied down too.” There were snickers from everyone except Bull.
“No,” he drawled. “That’s just a bit too far for a guy like him, but I’m telling you,” he looked pointedly at Varric. “You’d like having a human woman ride you.”
“Hawke!” Sera pointed to the woman who had been oddly quiet the last few minutes. “Climb into his lap!” Both Hawke’s and Varric’s eyes widened while the others at the table clapped, even Blackwall. “Let’s see if he’s telling the truth!”
“Why me?” Hawke held up her hands in confusion.
“You’re the only female human here,” Blackwall pointed out. “And you know him best.”
“I’m telling you,” Varric protested. “I’m not interested in humans.” Something stirred in Hawke. She again blamed the alcohol for the buzzing, the heat, the courage that suddenly coursed through her. She took one more long drink and then slammed the mug down on the table.
“Alright, you know what?” She put her hands down and pushed her chair away before standing up. “I’m tired of you not liking humans. I’m taking offense on behalf of all the women of my race.” There was some hollering from the others as they looked at each other. She smirked at him, a friendly challenge painted on her face.
Varric chewed on the inside of his lip, contemplating his response. His gut told him it was a bad idea. If it had been years ago, if it had been in the comfort of The Hanged Man, if things hadn’t felt so different since she got there, maybe he wouldn’t be hearing warning bells going off in his head. He knew he should make some witty remark and get out of the whole thing, but that playful challenge in her eyes made him not want to back down.
“Alright,” he conceded, pushing aside the concern and giving in to the curiosity of where it would go. He adjusted his chair, moving it away from the table and facing her. “Just don’t get too attached,” he teased. “I don’t need another woman pining for me.”
“Bianca has nothing to worry about,” she assured, walking up to him with a little too much sway in her hips for his liking. The team watched on, their cheering noises dying down so they could watch carefully.
Varric felt his chest tighten as she approached. He kept the smirk on his face and what he hoped to be a cool composure. He tried to relax, to lean back in his chair and challenge her right back. It’s not like he’d never noticed Hawke was attractive, but she’d never looked at him like that or walked up to him like that or straddled him like she was about to. And Maker help him, it was doing things to him.
When she got close enough, she put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself and slid one of her legs along his hip, through the hole under the armrest. After planting that foot on the ground, she shifted her weight to slide her other leg over him. He kept eye contact with her as she bent her knees and sat on his lap. Why, why, did she do it so slowly? And why, why in Thedas, was she biting her lip when she did it?
She settled down on his legs, not nearly as heavy as he expected, and gave him a coy smile. He tilted his head, watching her intently and trying not to focus on the feeling of her on him. He didn’t want to admit that it was a feeling he could get used to. Before he could stop himself, his hands were on her thighs, palms flat against her muscled legs and sliding up to her hips. He watched her breath hitch and it only encouraged him. He gave a pull on her hips, sliding her ass on his legs and bringing her even closer. That confident look in her eyes faded for just a moment.
“You’re telling me,” Dorian started, threatening to break whatever tension was happening between Hawke and Varric. “A human couldn’t get a fire going in you like that?” Varric refused to break his gaze with the woman sitting on him.
“You have to imagine someone you’d fancy!” Sera clarified quickly, as if it was some kind of loophole he’d use.
“Oh, I am,” he answered honestly and quietly. The team heard him, but the way he said it, Hawke knew the words were just for her. Her eyes flitted down to his lips and he had damn butterflies like a young girl.
“Is it just a stretched-out dwarf?” Sera snickered.
“Now there’s an image,” Blackwall scoffed.
There was a brief exchange between the four still at the table that neither Varric nor Hawke bothered to listen to. There was a heat in her gaze and she had the boldness to roll her hips ever so slightly while the guys were distracted, testing his reaction. He tried not to show it, but he knew she felt it; the way his shoulders tensed and his jaw tightened. He desperately willed his bottom half to stay still. Not wanting to let her keep the upper hand on him, he took the chance and slid his hands around her hips and rested them on her ass. His smirk widened when she squirmed on him.
There was a loud bit of hearty laughter from beside them and Varric thought about removing his hands, but decided against it. Let them see.
“Nothing, Varric?” Hawke asked. “What if she grabbed you like this?” Her slender fingers tangled themselves in the collar of his jacket and pulled. He wasn’t sure if she pulled him to her or her to him, but the end result was the same. Her face dipped down towards his and her breasts pressed against him. “Not enticing at all?”
“What do you think, Hawke?” His voice was low, husky. He punctuated it with a small roll of his own hips, a move he nearly regretted when she pushed back and he could feel himself hardening underneath her. So far everything that happened could easily be laughed off in the morning, two friends messing around, but if she felt that? That would be harder to ignore tomorrow.
She hummed above him before finally looking away and leaning back, creating a small amount of distance between them. It didn’t do anything to quell the heat he was feeling, the way his skin was hot under his clothes or the way he wished they were alone.
“What’s the verdict?” She directed her question to the group. “Think Varric could like a human?”
“I think he’s no fun if he doesn’t,” Sera said.
“If that doesn’t do it for him, nothing will.” Dorian finished his drink and reached behind him for his staff, ready to call it a night.
“Doesn’t really matter in the end, does it?” Blackwall mused. “No one’s going to compete with that crossbow of his.” Hawke laughed at that and instinctively looked around to see where Bianca was. She was tucked away safely under the table, right where he’d left her.
“Well that certainly confirmed it,” Bull joined in. “Varric is not definitely not interested in humans.” Both of them looked at the Qunari, masking curious and confused looks. Bull threw them a wink and a suggestive face neither of them quite understood.
“I think now is a good time for me to retire for the evening.” Dorian stood from seat and stretched his arms into the air.
“Me too,” Blackwall agreed. “Anymore ale and I’m not sure I’ll wake up tomorrow.” Despite his words, he quickly finished the rest of his mug before pushing it away. Sera started talking again, calling them pussies for going to bed so early and blabbering on.
Varric didn’t quite hear her. His mind was too focused on the way that Hawke’s hands had loosened on his collar, one of them gently flattening high on his shoulder, her fingers grazing along his neck and one sliding down onto his chest. He worried about her being able to feel his heart pounding hard against his breastbone, but when the tips of her fingers ran through his chest hair, he was more much worried about her feeling that twitch in his cock.
“What do you think, Varric?” Hawke’s voice rang in his ears and he looked up to her. “Ready to go back to your room?” There was an innuendo in there and he wasn’t sure if she meant to add it or not. There was a sparkle in her eyes though and he realized it was the first time he’d seen it since she arrived. Where had it been all day? Everything in him went heavy and deflated.
That sparkle, that spark, the damn light in her eyes used to be there all the time, even when things got bad. It had glimmered behind the tears when her family died. He had seen it underneath the fear during the battle with the Arishok. It pained him to think it’d gone away over the last few years and he made himself another silent promise that he’d do whatever he could to make sure it came back.
“Whatever you want,” he muttered, still a little lost in his own thoughts. She shifted back, in turn pressing her ass into his hands and on a pure reaction, he squeezed. She smiled, chuckled a little bit, and patted his shoulder.
“I’m going to use the bathroom, finish that drink, and then you’re going to lead me back to your chambers because I will never find my way back there myself.” Varric threw his head back and had to laugh.
“And to think you’re the one who used to lead us around Kirkwall?” She gave him a playful shove at his teasing. All the tension dissolved as they fell back into their easy best friends relationship.
“Kirkwall was easier than here!” She defended. “It’s all open with so many twists and turns and rooms! You leave me to my own devices and I’ll probably end up in that creepy kid’s room.”
“I’m not sure who would be more confused, you or Cole.”
The flashed smiles at each other before Hawke began to remove herself from Varric’s lap. She stood up and instantly he tried not to miss the pressure of her on his legs. He shifted his hands back to her hips to help steady her as she disentangled her legs from the chair. She had to lean forward to move one leg back to the ground in front of him and when she did, her breasts were inches from his face and he involuntarily held his breath until she pulled away, steady on her own feet.
“I’ll be back,” she announced before turning to walk towards the back of the tavern. Varric had a hard time keeping his eyes off her ass.
“You may not be interested in humans in general,” Bull said lowly, pulling Varric’s eyes away from her. He practically forgot anyone else was there. “But maybe one in particular would do the trick.”
“What are you going on about?” Varric threw Bull his signature “full of shit” smile and gave a small roll of his eyes. Bull simply nodded towards Hawke.
“Bianca isn’t the only woman in your life.” He didn’t phrase is as a question that could be argued with and when Varric opened his mouth to refute, Bull leaned over and winked. “Ben-Hassrath, remember?”
Varric closed his mouth, not feeling like debating his own feelings with the Qunari. And to be honest, he wasn’t even sure what he was feeling himself. All he knew is that when Hawke reappeared, all he could picture was having her back in his lap.
“Well, shit.”
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Dubstep’s for Pussies (Cable x Female Reader): Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Writing Masterlist
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Warnings: female reader, alcohol consumption, bed sharing (do things get raunchy? who knows? no really, this fic is now doing its own thing and dragging me along), definitely turning into a bit of a slow burn, (involuntary?) cuddling (they didn’t mean for it to happen), lonely Cable, will be NSFW at some point in the future so 18+ y/o readers please
Word Count: 1539
A/N: First I just wanna say thank you to everyone who left a comment on the first chapter, that was super validating and motivating. So here's the 2nd chapter, I hope y'all like it as much as the first! Sorry I honestly meant for this fic to be a smutty one shot but I guess it's turning into a bit of a slow burn, but I swear, they WILL fuck at some point!!! I am putting a read more thing on this, if it wont work for you please leave a comment and i’ll get rid of it, the tumblr app is being a bitch
Tag list (if anyone wants to be tagged in future chapters, please let me know!): @fantasticwizardnerd @cxsmicbrownies @roni-westbrook @the-wayward-unicorn @luisadevitt @booklover2929 @whovianayesha @thehuntress26 @peculiar-monstar @crazy-pleasures-and-crazy-habits @saint-caravaggio @pianomad @akihecko @cyborgjules @vivelafuckingpluto @angeli-fucking-cat @ladydovahkiin180 @the-undateable @theromaniansoldier @nonamesland​ @seabasschinstanappreciation​ @mightiestheroes​ @sexy-ass-sub @freakinglizzy​
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You spent the next two days in your room, only sneaking out at night to grab food from the kitchen. The main team had gone off on the mission, but the kids and some of the teachers still remained, and you wanted to avoid them as much as possible. Luckily your room was the furthest from them.
On the third day you were bored. Usually you'd go hang out with your sister, or train with Negasonic, or force Nathan to watch some show with you, but the team was going to be gone for another two days, and you were slowly driving yourself insane.
Alcohol and Parks and Rec had worked for the first two days, but you ran out of alcohol, and thoughts about your fight with Nathan were slowly creeping in. You'd already raided Wade's and Colossus' rooms for their stashes of alcohol, everyone else either didn't drink, or were too young to drink. The only room left was Cable's.
You stood outside Nathan's room, chewing your lip. You knew he was going to be mad when he found out that you stole his alcohol, but at the same time you felt like he deserved it. You tried the handle, and surprisingly it wasn't locked.
You'd snuck into his room before, mainly to help Wade set up booby traps, but now you had time to actually look around his room.
It was simple enough, a large room, with hardwood floors, a well kept bathroom, a fairly big closet, a stool next to a table littered with weapons and spare parts, and one king sized bed pushed up into a corner near a window. The curtains were drawn so that in the morning the sunlight would stream in directly onto the bed. You figured he'd be a one pillow, thin blanket type of person, but he had at least four pillows, and a surprisingly thick comforter.
You raided the mini fridge near the table, scoffing at the six pack of beer. Of course he liked beer, you thought to yourself, luckily you found an unopened bottle of some foreign vodka in the back, much more your style.
You sat at the table, riffling through the various weapons. Nathan had taken most of his assembled weapons on the mission, what was left were mostly useless parts of different weapons, and other equipment that Cable used to contract his futuristic guns; you still didn't completely understand how he did it, but it was fascinating nonetheless. However you spotted a familiar looking modified handgun, the one he used to blast your speakers to bits.
Bottle in one hand, gun in the other, you moved away and aimed at the table. Maybe it was time for some payback. You stood there for longer than you'd like to admit, before lowering the gun. You could piss him off in ways that wouldn't get you in trouble with the rest of the team. You'd already stolen his alcohol, you were twirling one of his guns around your finger, and now you were eyeing his bed.
Without a moment's hesitation you jumped onto the bed, giggling as you bounced a little. You rolled around, messing up the neatly tucked in sheets. Weariness began to set in, you'd been up the past two days, barely able to get more than a half hour's worth of restless sleep, but Cable's bed was beginning to feel incredibly comfortable, not to mention the fact that it vaguely smelled like him.
You subconsciously started to curl up around one of the pillows, the bottle discarded somewhere on the bed, but his gun was still in your palm. Your eyes were beginning to droop when you finally realized what you were doing.
You groaned to yourself, feeling conflicted. On one hand you didn't want him to know you'd fallen asleep in his bed, especially when you were still angry; on the other hand, the team wasn't due back for at least another two days, so he'd probably never know. Besides, one of the few times you'd actually gotten some proper sleep recently was when you were showing him Game of Thrones and accidentally fell asleep on his shoulder, his bed seemed like the next best thing, so you weren't about to pass up some good sleep.
You slowly drifted off to sleep, back pressed against the wall, with a pillow in your arms, and your face buried in another.
Cable stomped his was up to his room, the mission was successful, they'd actually finished a day earlier than planned, but Wade had been pissing him off the entire time, taking jabs at him about Y/N, and Cable was ready to retreat to the sanctuary of his own room. However, when he got to his room, he was greeted by a surprising sight. There you were, curled up in the corner, the sun streaming in gave you a warm, peaceful glow as it lit up your curls.
Cable paused at the foot of the bed, unsure what to do. He debated waking you up, but he knew sleep was rare and precious for you. He froze as you made a sound and shifted, your legs kicking his comforter off to reveal that you were only wearing a tank top and a pair of boyshort panties that hugged your ass like a second skin. He averted his gaze, cursing himself for lingering. His eyes flicked over to your hands, one lay over a bottle of vodka Colossus had given him, and the other curled around his small handgun-turned-blaster.
"Jesus Christ," he mumbled to himself, gently prying the weapon from your fingers; he didn't want you accidentally shooting something, or worse, yourself. In the end, he decided to shower first, hopefully by the time he was done, you'd be awake.
Unfortunately for him, you weren't. He came back out to see the same sight greeting him. Cable groaned to himself, he hadn't slept for the past four days during the mission, either because he was busy being shot at or because his thoughts lingered on your last fight. However, even though he felt guilty for what he said, he wasn't about to let you take over his bed like that; Cable figured that as long as he kept to his side, and you stayed curled up in the corner, neither of you would have a problem.
He turned down the AC and crawled into bed, trying to leave a respectable amount of space between the two of you. Reaching over you, he drew the thick, dark curtains shut, plunging the whole room into night-like darkness, before pulling the covers over the both of you.
"Good night," he wasn't sure why he said it to your sleeping form, but perhaps he was feeling a little lonely after all this time, and it was nice having someone to share his bed with, even if you probably hated his guts.
Something was dragging you to the surface of consciousness, and despite your struggle to remain asleep, you slowly blinked your way out of your near blissful sleep. You began to notice something heavy and warm wrapped around you; when did your comforters get this heavy, you thought to yourself. Looking around the dark room, you remembered that you were in Nathan's room.
Suddenly, the covers groaned and squeezed around you, making you yelp, initially with shock, then with horror as you realized someone else was in bed with you. Nathan grumbled something under his breath, pulling you flush against him as he clamped his large, calloused right hand over your mouth.
"Shhh, go back to sleep," he said in a deep, sleep riddled voice, making you blush as a spike of heat ran through your body. He was barely conscious, and failed to properly register what was happening.
You tried to wriggle your way out, but his grip was like a python's, slowly getting tighter. He finally forced a thick, muscular thigh between your legs, stopping your efforts to slide down the bed. With a final frustrated huff, you went limp in his arms.
"Good girl," he murmured, his hand slipping from your mouth as he fell back asleep.
How long had you been sleeping, you wondered, did they get back early from the mission or had you slept for two straight days? You could barely even remember the last time you got a full eight hours of sleep.
You tried forcing yourself back to sleep, since Nathan wouldn't let you go, but now you were too high strung to rest again. Not to mention the fact that Nathan was half naked, and his whole body was pressed up against your back so that you could practically feel each individual muscle move every time he breathed. The thigh between your legs wasn't helping either, he had it pressed up against the apex of your thighs, and your panties weren't doing shit to dull the feeling.
So you tried lay as still as possible in his arms, for nearly an hour, until his metal arm finally loosened around your waist and you managed to slowly inch your way out without waking him this time. You rushed to the door, your heart thumping against your rib cage, as if you were a thief in the night. You glanced back, almost guiltily, at his sleeping form one last time before quietly shutting the door behind you.
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emptywithout · 7 years ago
The Way You Breathe (part 2)
Words: 2433
Warnings: none
The Hotel Thing - Part 2 - (six years later)
Of course, then there was the hotel thing. (Did I mention it was Sam’s 17 ½th  birthday? One does not usually celebrate half birthdays, but, you know, this day was special.)
Sam had been sitting on the floor (yes, he was reading again) when Dean and their dad came bursting through the door. Sam had practically jumped onto the couch, he was so startled by the door banging against the wall. (For some reason that always made him flinch. And actually, made his heart beat loudly in his chest, but he never shared that with anyone.) Dean had his dad on one shoulder and carried a shotgun in the other hand. A large duffle was slung over his other shoulder as well. Dad was drunk again. Very drunk. Sam lifted a finger and pointed at his brother.
“Did he – “
“No Sam, I drove. Not to worry, ok? I made sure we both got back safe. Seriously. No worries.” Dean flashed him a brilliant smile and Sam shivered.  Dean set his father down gently on the bed closest to the door and took off his shoes for him. John rolled over and groaned.
“He’ll be out for a while,” said Dean, sighing and shaking his head. “Just a tad too much whiskey tonight.”
“Yeah, just a tad,” said Sam, sarcastically. He looked up at Dean and shivered again. Sam didn’t notice. Dean did.
“You ok there, Sammy?” Dean started unpacking his bag and safely storing the guns and knives they had used on the hunt.  (It should probably be noted that Sam didn’t ever hunt with John and Dean. This pissed off John, to the point where he belittled Sam at every opportunity. Dean, however, wasn’t bothered in the slightest. He’d rather Sam stay out of it. That way, Sam was safe.) Dean took off his own boots and jacket and placed them on the chair by the window.
Sam just looked at Dean, somehow distracted. He remembered Dean had asked him a question and he nodded his head yes. But Sam suddenly felt weirdly dizzy and wobbled a bit on the couch. Dean frowned and put down his armful of ammunition. He went and sat next to Sam, his knee brushing up against Sam’s. Sam flinched. Dean pretended not to notice.
“Really? Are you cold? Not feeling well? What’s up?” Dean raised his eyebrows, concern etched into his eyes. He reached his hand out to Sam, tucking his hair behind his ear. It was a casual move, really. Dean probably wanted to check for a fever or something. (Plus he just wanted that touch assurance thing, ya know?) Sam swallowed, blushing.
Sam squinted, suddenly a bit confused. His brain was sending him mixed signals. “No, I’m fine, really. Was just startled, is all. The door, it just - yeah, I’m cool.” But he turned away from Dean, unable to look him in the eye. He picked his book up and looked for the place where he’d stopped reading.
“Yeah, ok then, “said Dean skeptically. He did not believe his brother, but let it go. For now. He got back up to finish putting away the weapons.
Sam actually hadn’t been able to look his brother in the eye for months. (Years, really. But ever since about six months ago, he just stared feeling…weird around him.) It was a shift he wasn’t able to explain. He was entranced by everything Dean did. And that smile? Sam likened it to sunshine on a cloudy day. He basked in the presence of his brother. Dean just made everything…better. It was hard to describe. (“and weird as hell,” thought Sam)
But what he really couldn’t look away from? Dean’s eyes. So green. Something deep and painful and beautiful resided within those eyes. And Sam couldn’t stop looking. His eyes just sort of – pulled him in.
It was weird. He just – wanted to be in Dean’s presence. He just felt…better when Dean was around. He smiled more, He breathed better – it didn’t make any sense. But Sam couldn’t help it. It was if a wave carried him along and he was powerless to resist it.
Dean finished putting away the weapons, and sat down next to Sam, putting his hand on his knee, staring at him. Sam tried to concentrate on his book. But Dean was right there. Sitting very close. He could practically feel Dean’s warm breath on his neck. Sam looked up from his book and found himself looking directly into Dean’s eyes. It was almost hypnotic. He felt a buzzing in his ears that started low and just grew in both sound and tone, and his body just went numb. The eyes drew him in, and Sam instinctively leaned forward, licking his lips.
“Hey!” Dean leaned back, putting his hand on Sam’s shoulder, stopping his forward movement. He laughed quietly. His voice was gentle, soft. He still looked right into the eyes of his brother and breathed, “whatcha doing there, Sammy?”
Sam blinked. He suddenly realized what he had done and covered his mouth with his hand. The buzzing in his ears stopped. He started breathing quickly. His face turned red and he leapt off the couch, running to the bathroom, tripping over the side table as he did. (He’d definitely have a bruise on his calf tomorrow.)
“Shit Dean, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” he said, slamming the door behind him. (“What the hell was that?” Sam thought.)
“Dammit,” Dean said to himself as he watched his little brother tear himself off the couch and dash for the bathroom. He rubbed his hand down his face, shaking his head. He looked behind him and saw his dad completely passed out on the bed. He looked back at the bathroom door, listening to his brother sobbing behind it. Dean shook his head and stood up. It was time. Something had to be done.
Dean walked across the room and knocked on the bathroom door.
“Hey Sammy, you ok in there?”
“No! Go away, Dean leave me alone.” Dean could hear Sam crying, though.
“Sammy, it’s ok, just…seriously, just come here.” He kept his voice calm.
“I don’t. Want you. To hate me.” He choked out the words slowly between sobs..
Dean closed his eyes tightly. He hung his head, shaking it slightly. He hated hearing this from his brother. “Sam, I’m not going to hate you. Please?”
“You’re gonna think I’m a freak. You are. You’re gonna hate me!” Sam’s was sobbing now, barely getting out the words.
Dean’s lips drew into a tight line. “No Sammy. No way in hell. Listen. I…look, dad’s passed out, he won’t even hear us, come on. Let’s just talk. You’re worrying me here, ok. Just let me help.”
There was a pause while Dean let Sam think it over. He waited. About a minute later, the sobbing had died down and Dean heard the click of a lock. Sam opened the door a crack and saw Dean standing right there, waiting patiently. So he stepped out of the bathroom slowly, wiping his eyes. They were red and puffy. Sam sniffled as he looked down at the carpet. Dean tried to put his arm around Sam, but Sam pulled away, turning his back.
“Dean, I can’t. I…I don’t know what’s wrong with me. You don’t even know. I just…I just can’t have you touching me, ok? I’m…I’m not supposed to…I mean I can’t…” but Dean interrupted him.
“Sammy.” Dean took a deep breath, rubbing his hand along the back of his own neck. There were several more seconds of silence before Dean spoke again. He wiped his hand on his pants, trying to get rid of the nervous dampness. He hadn’t wanted it to come out this way. Dean stammered, searching for the right words. “I…Sammy, I…dammit, I feel it too, ok?
“What?” Sam slowly turned around. Dean had that horrible, amazing, beautiful smile again. Dean shrugged his shoulders. “Let me guess. Buzzing in your ears? Heart racing whenever I’m around? I dunno what it is either Sam, ok? It’s just…it’s just there. It doesn’t mean anything, ok? I’m sure we can figure this out.” He reached out tentatively and gently squeezed Sam’s shoulder. Sam let him.
“Dean, you – you feel it too?” Dean just nodded. He didn’t look away.
“I do. But don’t feel bad about it. It’s not wrong, and I don’t hate you.”
“Dean, I…I think I tried to kiss you.” Sam said, embarrassed.
Dean laughed. “Yeah ok, that was a little weird. But it’s ok, really. It really is. I get it. I do, Sam. You couldn’t help it. And, uh…it took a lot of will power for me to stop you. So yeah, weird. But…” he shrugged.
“Dean, what’s going on?” Sam whispered. He started to tremble.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“Dean, I…I’m sorry, I should have told you earlier. It’s been…”
“Since your birthday, right?”
“What?” Sam was shocked.  Dean had pinpointed it exactly. “I mean, yeah, I think. But actually, Dean, this is…I mean, I was –“
“Eleven. I remember that day, too. That’s when it started, right? But all this…this is new. Since you turned seventeen. Right?”
Sam nodded, wiping his nose on his sleeve. He couldn’t believe he was having this conversation.
“It’s like…like a pull, right? Is that what you feel? Kinda like magnets?”
Sam was both relieved and concerned. He squinted slightly and looked closely at Dean’s face, trying to read his emotions. He saw nervousness and…well, he saw complete acceptance. He saw love.
“Yeah – Dean, it’s just – yes! I never thought of it like that, but yeah. The closer you are, the closer I feel the pull.”
Dean nodded again. “Yep. Same here.”
“Ok, well…” He still was nervous. “Dean, what’s wrong with me? With us?”
“Shut up Sammy, there’s nothing wrong with us. I don’t know what it is either. But we’ve been fine, we’ll be fine. We’ll figure it out, ok? We always do. We don’t have to do anything about it. Just go with it, ok? You know I’d never hurt you.”
Sam just nodded.
“Ok then. There it is, it’s out there, in the open. And you’re safe, ok?” He turned to look at their dad again. “Ain’t no way he’ll find out, though.  Promise.”
Sam just nodded, still in shock at the whole conversation.
“Do you think maybe it’s a spell?” asked Sam.
“So I – I mean we – have been under a spell for what…five years now?”
Dean shrugged. “Guess so. Might not be able to break it now.”
“Oh.” Sam wasn’t even sure how to respond to that.
“Nothing we can do about it right now, though, ok? So we’ll look into it, maybe call Bobby the next time he isn’t around,” he pointed his thumb in John’s direction. “So right now? Now let’s just watch tv, or something, ok? Chill out? Now we know, and we can start to take action. Ok? You good with that, Sam?” Sam let out a deep breath and nodded. He let Dean take his hand and lead him to the couch. He sat down while Dean opened up the mini fridge and took out their dad’s whiskey.
“Dean, that’s dad’s! He’s gonna be pissed!”
Dean rolled his eyes. “I won’t tell dad if you won’t.”
“Won’t he notice…?”
Dean furrowed his brows, looking over at his snoring father. “Nah, he’ll just think he drank it himself. Let’s drink out of the bottle, ok? We can share.” Dean’s smile was amazing.
Dean handed Sam the bottle and watched him wrap his lips around the rim. Sam took a deep swallow and shivered a bit as it went down. “Gah! That’s awful!”
Dean laughed. “You get used to it.” He took the bottle from Sam, their fingers brushing.
“Dean.” Sam’s voice was shaky. Dean could tell he was nervous.
Dean sighed and took another swig. “I don’t know why Sammy. It’s just a weird…pull, I don’t know…It just is. Ok? Anything we do or don’t do is…” he waved his hand in the air, “whatever…ok? It just…is.”
“Ok Dean.” Sam trusted his brother more than anything.
Dean held out the bottle again and Sam took it. They sat on opposite ends of the couch, not touching. Just sitting, trying not to look at each other. (it was actually pretty amusing if you were an outside observer, but to both boys it was fairly intense.)
Dean changed the channel and they passed the bottle back and forth, occasionally taking another swig. Sam winced and shuddered every time he took a swallow, and every time Dean laughed at him. “You’ll get the hang of it eventually, little bro…” and he ruffled Sam’s hair, returning his hand to his own lap. Sam seemed more relaxed now, and he settled further into the couch, tucking his feet up under him and leaning closer to his brother.
They had settled on a marathon of The Three Stooges, passing the bottle to each other every once in a while. They laughed at the shenanigans but they didn’t talk to each other. They glanced at each other a few times, but every time, redness crept up Sam’s cheeks. Dean didn’t want to embarrass the kid, so he did his best to not look at him after that.
It had been almost a whole episode when Sam realized Dean hadn’t passed him the bottle since the first commercial. Sam took a shaky breath and looked over at his brother. Dean’s eyes were closed and he was breathing steadily. He had passed out. Sam smiled, taking the empty bottle out of his hands and putting it in the garbage can. He picked up his brother’s feet, and turned him so he was lying on the couch. (He wasn’t quite strong enough to lift him just yet, and he didn’t want to wake him.)
“This is all kinds of messed up,” he thought to himself.
Sam pulled the top blanket off of the second bed and threw it over his brother. “Night, Dean.” He smiled, and placed a hand to Dean’s cheek. Then he went over to the bed and crawled under the sheet and throw blanket that still remained. He glanced at his father, who was now snoring loudly, still on top of the bed, still in his street clothes, still completely passed out. He looked over at his older brother one more time, just watching him breathe.  After several minutes, he pulled the blankets up around him and slowly drifted off to sleep.
And boy, did he dream.
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miraimisu · 8 years ago
Hii can I request number 42 from the prompt list? Love your writing! : )
Well, to be honest, I didn’t really know what to do with this one, which made me take so long to finish it. It was a bit of a handful to work with, and I’m not really convinced? But all’s good what ends good, right? ♥ And thank you so much for the kudos, I’m so blessed!
“That man’s ego, dude.” spoke Kaminari, who stood right beside an observing Uraraka. “I can see it growing the more hits he lands on poor Mineta. “Man, the nerve of that guy.”
Uraraka spared sideways glance at Kaminari, who seemed to be stiffling in some laughter from seeing Mineta run for his life. It was a pretty hilarious display indeed, but his words had sparked something inside Uraraka.
“It’s not like he is so egocentric.” spoke she, flinching as Bakugou hit the little guy square in his head. “I’d say he is working on it.”
“Working on it?”
Kaminari turned to look at Uraraka in awe. What had gotten into her? She had always been on Bakugou’s back to make him realize how much of a dick he was towards everyone, mostly Deku. Besides, she was always saying those weird things that clearly showed she knew Bakugou more than she appeared to. Was this another one of her wise assumptions?
“Look at him.” ordered she, and Kaminari complied easily to her command. The brunette frowned. “I want you to try to remember what old Bakugou would have done against an opponent like Mineta.”
And the blonde easily saw the old him. Younger Bakugou was a brash, rude guy with no consideration for others’ lives– well, not like that had changed much, but this Bakugou was a slightly softer version of the same person. He was not going easy on Mineta, but he sure wasn’t fixing to have him killed on the spot, like he would have done before.
Uraraka leant on the railing that separated the training field from the spectator’s side. “He doesn’t wanna win, like he was obsessed with before– he just wants to fight, as in training. He has respect for who he’s fighting with.”
Kaminari eyed her warily. Her face was constricted in a rather uncharacteristic grimace of concentration. Her eyes were fixated on Bakugou’s rampaging form, who was dodging Mineta’s spheres with ease. They twinkled with passion and interest, a glint so mesmerazing that he could only wonder what had changed.
“You know,” started he, looking from Uraraka to Bakugou. “you two are full or surprises, sometimes.”
Uraraka blinked at her classmate and laughed sheepishly. “Well, I just like to think he’s more than a pair of hands. He sure is a handful, though.”
As in cue, Bakugou landed another mortal blow on Mineta at the rythm of his characteristic death penalties. Kaminari sighed. “Roger that.” his frown just got deeper despite the lighthearted conversation. “But what made you feel so sure about him? I mean, I know that he is a bit of all bark but no bite, and that he’s pretty decent to Kirishima–”
A big explosion made the teenagers grasp the bars tighter, unfazed, and their hair moved along to the ripple. “–but I would have never had so much hope on an egocentric bastard like him.” continued he after the embers had died down. “It’s not like he had given many signs of social improvement these months.”
“Well, you may not notice!” exclaimed Uraraka, a faint blush adorning her cheeks. She had no real reason to be defending Bakugou, but in the same was as she always tried to sympathise with him, she had the urge to jump to defend him and she had no clue as to why, really. “But just look at him again. Mineta is still alive!”
Kaminari stared at the limping form of Mineta and sighed. “At this rate, he might not be.”
“It’s not about Mineta.” retorted Uraraka, pointing at how Bakugou was taking his time to think about strategy, and how to avoid the sphere barier that Mineta had built. There were some splooches of blood near the teen and she couldn’t believe that Kaminari didn’t see the situation as she did. “The fact that he’s being so meticulous shows that he wants to fight, not necessarily win.”
There was a light silence between the spectators as the fighters shared some words among them.
“… just as he did with you, right?”
Uraraka’s head spun to his and her neck almost snapped in shock. Her mind straight ran all the way to their fight at the Sports Festival and inmediately understood a few things. Kaminari still seemed to wanna prove his point. “He didn’t dismiss you either. He actually defended you.”
This prompted her to cross her arms and fully face him, a curious trimmed eyebrow arched in curiosity. “Care to elaborate?”
Kaminari leaned back from the railing to fully face her, too– the nuclear fight was reaching its climax on the background. He was about to say something when, suddenly, a chill got the best of him and successfully shut his mouth.
“It’s not my right to say. I wouldn’t do justice to his words, honestly.” now, with that kind of phrasing he sure sounded more ominous than necessary. He only let out a little hum, then leaned back on the railing. “Just know that he defended you back then, and I’m sure he still would.”
Uraraka was left a bit in the cold with such anticlimatic words. However, the point still prevailed. “Well, then he has grown as I said, huh.”
Both watched Bakugou start spitting on Mineta’s family thombstone– Mineta was having tons of fun biting the dust. “Yeah… I guess you are right.”
Then, the blonde turned to the pair of watchers, starting a tantrum at the glimpse and startling both of them. He sure had energy for his emotional rampage. “Hey you two! What the hell you doin’ there!”
Kaminari instantly grabbed the towel he had brought with him and jumped to the field, making his way to Bakugou with a troubled smile. “Dude, you sure beat the shit out of Mineta…”
The boy in question only moaned behind them, and it was impossible to know who Bakugou’s next words were referred to. “Shut it!” yet his next ones were hissed at Uraraka. “Oi, and what are you doing standing there like a moron?”
She only let her cheek land on her right hand, smiling– some things would never change. “Just watching the kids play.”
He was quick to step nearer her and look up with a piercing glare only she could dismiss as non-menacing. “WHO THE FUCK YOU CALLING A KID, URARAKA!”
She giggled as he was strained and taken away from anything easily flamable. Uraraka jumped to the field as well with a towel in hand, approaching the boys. “Kaminari, wanna go give Mineta a hand?”
“Sure thing!” as Uraraka gave Bakugou the towel for him to dry off the sweat, Kaminari happily padded to Mineta, and easily swung him on his shoulder. “C'mon, lil’ buddy – you could use some good healing!”
As the purple dressed boy was taken away, Bakugou cleaned some sweat off his forehead. “‘The hell is wrong with that guy?”
She shrugged. “Kaminari’s happy-go-lucky charm, let him be.” her eyelashes fluttered at him when there were no injuries on his skin. “You sure did a number on Mineta.”
Bakugou gritted his teeth. “Shut it. What a loss of fucking time.” and she chuckled, because of course he’d be pissed at an easy win and all he wanted now was to tear her chords off her throat, because that laugh was annoying and made his heart do things.
Things he… couldn’t bear. He stared down at her as she looked up the sky, probably to ignore the awkward silence that had fell on them. Bakugou only brushed some mild injuries with the towel. “I still don’t know why I didn’t fight you instead of that pisshead.”
Uraraka openly giggled at his impatience and held out her bandaged hand to prove her point, all before Bakugou set himself on fire– he couldn’t stand people laughing at him. “I don’t think it’d be fair for me to fight a powerhouse like you with these buddies in this condition.
He put the dirty towel on her shoulder – to which she flinched, since no one liked to be treated as a hanger – and took her wrists. Bakugou analysed them warily, looking at them in absolute hatred– they had robbed him of a good fight. Her covered skin tingled in delight with his touch. Gentle touch because worsening the condition of her little hands would delay his desired fight– and also, because it was her and he would always be a bit of a softie with her in privacy.
“We could have sparred without using quirks.” he threw them off afterwards, all traces of gentleness gone and all switched with renewed determination, his ignited orbs burning in hers, and licking the flames of her chocolate irises. “You still owe me a rematch, bubblehead.”
Uraraka was torn between slapping him for being impatient or squealing at his endearing impatience. He was so double edged that she was left smiling, wondering what made her feel so attracted to him in the first place. Still, there were leftovers of his touch that made her heart flutter– it always fluttered in his presence. “You want some martial ass-kicking, don’t you?”
He grabbed her wrists again, his fingers subtly rubbing her injured hands– it all to prove his point. She sighed at his wicked smirk. Yeah, those little things were what showed that he was more than an ego nebula floating around her, more than the shell of a shallow man.
“I don’t know if these guys here can actually punch.” one of his hands teasingly grabbed her waist while the other held one of her hands up– it all to intimidate her, and drew her close, prompting a healthy blush from her. His voice was a bit loud, clear, deep, and slightly mocking and subtly concerned all in one brash package. “But I know you can do some badass throws and tackles, ain’t that right?”
Uraraka’s blush only spread when glancing at his bloodlust, hellfire eyes, and withdrew from his arms with an effortless wiggle. Her arms crossed and her head turned a bit to hide the redness of her eyes. Bakugou seemed a bit heated too. “Wait ‘till I recover and I’ll show you, Bakugou.”
She darted out of his presence with him trailing behind like a fly attracted to a dim, faint and flickering light. “Oi, you’re taking my damn towel!”
The mentioned towel was thrown to his face from the exit of the hallway, and he smirked at the faint smell of her orange shampoo, then basked in its familiarity, wrapping around him like a shield. Everytime they touched, everytime he held her minimally close, that damn perfume would come chasing at him and knock his senses off for a while.
Yeah, he was a good winner, damn stubborn, extremely hot-headed and short-tempered. But when it came to Uraraka… man, wasn’t he a sucker.
Because he fell like he did all things in life: fell hard, intensely, passionately, and fast, and was intoxicated hook, line and sinker.
Too much for an egocentric man like him– he became much more when she was around.
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