#No Order (無秩序)
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anamon-book · 1 year ago
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デレク・ベイリー 灰野敬二/寄り添い合いし 秩序と無秩序の気配かな Drawing close, attuning - the respective signs of order and chaos J-Factory TKCF-77017, Tokuma Japan Communications Design & Cover Drawing = Keiji Haino
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splatoonreblogger · 11 months ago
【Side Order】
【Side Order】
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【Side Order】
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yoga-onion · 2 years ago
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Celtic beliefs in trees (12)
N for Nion (Ash) - February 18th - March 17th
“The World Tree, Tree of Life - Third month of the Celtic tree calendar”
Colour: white; Stars: Sun, Neptune; Gems: turquoise; Gender: female; Elements: air, water; Patrons: Odin, Nemesis, Poseidon, Neptune; Symbols: balance + harmony, cosmic power, positive thinking, power of the sea
Ash is native to northern Europe and the British Isles, grows well on moist limestone soils and is one of the most common trees found in lowland forests. It is a graceful tree with thin, bird's-feather-like leaves and grey bark. The leaflets are usually odd-numbered, and finding a leaf with an even number of leaflets is said to bring good luck, the same as a four-leaf clover.
In the old days, wearing green ash bark as a garter would repel a wizard's curse, and eating ash buds on the night of the summer solstice would nullify a spell of witchcraft. The ash leaves were also believed to bring luck in love and building wealth. Sleeping with a young leaf under your pillow is said to bring psychic dreams.
Ash forms the centre of belief in a number of ancient cultures. In Greek and Norse mythology, the first humans were born from ash trees. Such ash trees were always cherished by the ancient Irish as trees with very magical powers. According to the lore of the ancient Irish olavs ( ollamh, ollam: one of the highest ranks of druids), these trees were cut down in 665 BCE. This would seem to indicate that Christianity uprooted paganism in ancient Ireland. 
For the Celts, the ash tree, symbolising the cosmic order, held the key to the truth of the universe. The Druids referred to the different phases of existence as the 'three rings of existence'. This eternal 'trinity' can be interpreted variously as 'past, present and future', 'body, mind and spirit' or 'chaos, harmony and creation'. Since the rings of existence cannot be unrelated to each other, what happens at one level will spill over to the other two levels. Every action causes a reaction and nothing is complete on its own, the Celts believed. We are part of the elements that make up the cosmic order, and in the endless cycle of life, we can never escape its flow. For the Celts, the ash was such a guardian of the universe.
According to Norse legend, the ash tree is the world tree, the Yggdrasil that occupies the centre of the universe. All events take place around the ash tree. And its roots and branches travel around the world, symbolising the universality that connects the world of God, this world and the underworld.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (11)
NはNion (トリネコ) - 2月18日~3月17日『世界樹、生命の木〜ケルトの木の暦の第3月』
色: 白; 星: 太陽、海王星; 宝石: トルコ石; 性: 女性; 要素: 空気、水; 守護神: オーディン、ネメシス、ポセイドン、ネプチューン; シンボル: バランス+調和、宇宙の力、ポジティブ思考、海の力
トリネコは古代の数多くの文化の中で、信仰の中心を成している。ギリシャ神話や北欧神話では、最初の人類はトネリコの木から生まれたとされている。そんなトネリコの木を古代アイルランド人は非常に不思議な力を持つ木としていつも大切にしていた。古代アイルランドのオラヴ (ドルイドの最高位のひとつ)たちの言い伝えでは、これらの木は紀元前665年に切り倒されたとなっている。これはキリスト教が古代アイルランドの異教を根こそぎにしたことを物語っていると思われる。
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tuktukcafetips · 8 months ago
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1. パレスチナに関心を持ったきっかけ
DAMというパレスチナのhiphop crewが居て、彼らの映画『自由と壁とヒップホップ』でパレスチナを知っていた。今回の虐殺は、現在進行形でイスラエル入植者によるジェノサイドが続いている。この目で確めたわけではないですが、有識者やジャーナリスト、SNS、海外ニュースサイトや本で調べていくと、アメリカとイスラエルの癒着や軍需産業の利得、世界秩序の変化と混乱を感じて、その犠牲が無抵抗、非武装の民間人である事に強い憤りと焦りを感じました。
There was a Palestinian hiphop crew called DAM, and I knew Palestine from their film "SLINGSHOT HIP HOP". This massacre is an ongoing genocide by Israeli settlers. I did not confirm it with my own eyes, but as I researched through experts, journalists, social networking sites, foreign news sites, and books, I felt the collusion between the U.S. and Israel, the profit of the military industry, and the change and confusion of the world order, and I felt strong anger and impatience that the victims were unarmed and unresisting civilians.
2. 「STOP GENOCIDE」の説明、制作エピソード
「STOP GENOCIDE」は1945年、太平洋戦争で琉球諸島が地上戦に遭った場所で、そして現在進行形で石垣や与那国、宮古島などが軍事利用されようとしている事から。
"STOP GENOCIDE" is based on the fact that in 1945, the Ryukyu Islands were the site of ground fighting in the Pacific War, and that Ishigaki, Yonaguni, Miyako and other islands are now being used for military purposes.
It is a protest against a system that benefits only a few powerful people who have no concern for the civilian population who have been forced to live in unstable and unreasonable conditions for a long time, as in Palestine, and it is my own way of raising issues and making atonement for my past indifference.
3. 曲を聞いて��れた人へのメッセージ
I believe that those who have listened are people who are already groping their way through this distorted world and trying to figure out where to go with their troubles. But unfortunately, the majority of the Japanese people are in a state of abandoning democracy themselves, and I hope that this song will be a kick-start to move people through the power of music, not just entertainment or entertainment for consumption.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year ago
ストックホルムオフィス/ クラムfeat.可不 Stockholm Office / Crump feat. Kafu English Translation
im obsessed with this upload for vocacolle summer so i translated it for u guys really quick. nnd upload linked in the title there. it's a little on the heavy side, about being stuck in awful working conditions & the toll that takes.
さあ今宵も倒れない程度の 自棄になったフリをして巻いていこう 綺麗に並べたpartition ここは前時代的なperdition Well now, let's wrap ourselves up in pretending That we haven't been driven to the point of trying not to collapse tonight as well Beautifully arranged partitions Here is an outdated perdition
絡まるネクタイ見覚えあんな どうだ?少しは軽くなれた? 抗う素振りをして僕らは 相応しい罰を自ら探している Do you recognize this tied necktie How about it? Has it gotten a little tighter? Those of us who are showing resistance Are searching for appropriate punishment for ourselves
何度だって毒を飲み込んでは吐いてさ その度喉がカラカラになってんだ 永い 永い 夜が明けないまま アラーム鳴って アルコール香って No matter how many times I drink the poison, I throw it up When that happens, my throat grows dry Dawn doesn't come on this long, long night The alarm is ringing It smells of alcohol
心臓の痛い処を突いて 間違いのない僕らの未来のため 話し合おうぜ 人間の恐ろしいとこ見せてやんのさ 笑え 笑えどうせ明後日には 主の名前すらも忘れてんだ 死ぬ時は一緒にな 今こそその目にものを喰らわせてやれ Piercing the heart where it hurts Without mistake, for our futures Let's talk it over Reveal the terrifying parts of humanity Laugh, laugh no matter what so in two days You forget even the manager's name When we die, don't let it be together Now, let those eyes devour things
今更それが涙だったのかも 別にもう気にならないけれども タバコと混じったその匂いが どうにも肺を痒くするんだ At this point those are probably tears Not that I'm paying it any mind Tobacco mixes in with that scent And makes my lungs terribly itchy
神様なんていないオフィスで僕らは 今日も馬鹿みたいに秩序守って それで息切らすくらいなら 植物にでもなった方がマシでしょう。 Those of us in this godless office Are protected so foolishly by order today, too If that brings us to running out of breath Wouldn't it be better if we turned into plants?
結局、所持金と不幸は無関係? ああ、言うだけならそりゃタダだろうさ! 冷たい水が欲しいんだ でも触れた虹すら夜に滲んで In the end, are money and unhappiness unrelated? Yeah, if you say as much, then that's probably true! I want some cold water But when I touch it, even rainbows are blurred by the night
心臓の痛い処を突いて 間違いのない僕らの未来のため 話し合おうぜ 人間の恐ろしいとこ見せてやんのさ 謳え 謳え居座ってるやつらの 同情なんか買うんじゃねぇよ 死ぬことなんてないぜ 人質なら騒いでなんぼなもんだろう Piercing the heart where it hurts Without mistake, for our futures Let's talk it over Reveal the terrifying parts of humanity Sing, those who stay and sing Can't buy their sympathy There's no such thing as death If you're a hostage, it all comes down to making noise, doesn't it
心臓の痛い処を突いて 間違いのない僕らの未来のため 話し合おうぜ 人間の恐ろしいとこ見せてやんのさ 笑え 笑えどうせ明後日には 主の名前すらも忘れてんだ 死ぬ時は一緒にな 今こそその目にものを喰らわせてやれ Piercing the heart where it hurts Without mistake, for our futures Let's talk it over Reveal the terrifying parts of humanity Laugh, laugh no matter what so in two days You forget even the manager's name When we die, don't let it be together Now, let those eyes devour things
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astk-design · 2 years ago
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オリジナルチェア 001 [Arc-Line chair] 設計_アシタカ建築設計室 製作_タンペレ
繊細な曲面とミニマルな直線フレームにより 凜とした空気を纏ったアームチェア。 普遍的で飽きのこない美しさと、幅広い設えの空間に馴染む 端正で中庸な佇まいを目指した。
線と面、直と曲 この椅子は、二種類の部材によって構成されている。 「全体のフレームを構成する線材」と「座る人の身体に触れる面材」。 広葉樹を用いたシャープなプロポーションの直線材が キリッとした陰影を纏い、曲面は美しいグラデーションを映し出す。全体を直線的でシンプルな部材構成として制作コストを抑えつつ、静的なアウトラインとすることで、対照的に繊細な弧線が際立つ構成としている。
柔と剛 緩やかな弧を描く柔らかい印象の座面。 支える桁をフレームからインセットさせることで存在感を無くし、座面がフレームの秩序から脱して浮いているような軽やかさを持たせた。 背もたれには、断面の大きい部材を用いて曲面を削り出��、フレームにかっちりと嵌合する納まりによって量塊感、重厚さを持たせている。
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A one-seater armchair with a straightforward frame that emphasizes softness. By adopting a linear and simple component structure, we aimed to reduce product cost and create a moderate appearance that fits in with a wide range of interior settings.
The hardwood used for the material has sharp linear proportions throughout, while the contrasting curves of the backrest and seat emphasizes the softness of the seating comfort and the traces of handcraftsmanship. The seat, which gives the impression of floating and light, and the backrest, which is tightly packed and gives the impression of solid wood mass, each element creates a contrast that will never grow boring.
In addition, the tops and backs of the backrests are designed to be aligned when placed in a row to create a beautiful and well-ordered appearance as a group, when used as restaurant counters, in churches, meeting halls, and so on.
・size/ w514, d465, h710 ・seat/ h420 ・material/ frame: white oak (soap finish), seat: leather or solid wood ・weight/ 5.4~5.5kg
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◯受注生産にてご注文も可能です。詳しくはお問い合わせください。 Available to order. Please contact us for details.
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上段:レザーシート 下段:ウッドシート Upper: Leather seat Lower: Wood seat
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複数台並べても 美しくラインが揃う
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左上:フラットな背面と膨らむ座面 右上:円弧状に削り取った背もたれ
All photos taken by O Kato
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ari0921 · 1 year ago
  「イスラエル v ハマス戦争」で裨益するのはロシアと中国である
『シベリアコース』、『エネルギー皇帝』『プーチン』などの著作で知られる。後者は『プーチンの世界 皇帝になった工作員』(新潮社)として邦訳も出ている。
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falseandrealultravival · 1 year ago
How did stupid and weak France become a permanent member of the United Nations?
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General Gamelin
At the beginning of WW2, France's borders were easily breached by Nazi Germany and it quickly surrendered. The reason for this was that Maurice Gustave Gamelin, who was in charge of border security on the Western Front, was suffering from ``cerebral syphilis'' and could not make sound decisions. The French military is stupid and foolish for giving responsibility to such a general. In the blink of an eye, they surrendered and a Vichy puppet government was established.
Full of pride, De Gaulle fled to England, supported the resistance movement through radio broadcasts, and apparently fought in France under the protection of the British army. At that time, France was on the same level as Belgium, the Netherlands, and Greece, and there was no sign that it would later become a permanent member of the United Nations.
It is only natural that the three countries that virtually defeated Nazi Germany and held the Yalta Conference--the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union--determined the postwar world order. Everything was decided through their thoughts and negotiations. Of the two remaining permanent members, China was chosen first. Looking back, it is surprising that the Soviet Union initially opposed China's admission as a permanent member of the Security Council. France is the last. In this case, it was decided that including at least one European power would be better, regardless of Franklin Roosevelt's rift with de Gaulle. This is regardless of the fact that France is actually a stupid and weak country.
However, as a Japanese person, I find it unreasonable that China and France, who cannot be described as ``victors'' in WW2, have become permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
Rei Morishita
WW2初頭、フランスはナチスドイツに軽々と国境線を破られ、早々と降伏した。その理由は西部戦線の国境警備責任者だったMaurice Gustave Gamelinが「脳梅毒」に冒されていて、正常な判断が出来なかったことにある。こんな将軍に責任を負わせていたフランス軍部はバカで間抜けである。そしてあれよあれよという間に降伏して、ヴィシー傀儡政権が出来た。
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justicerikai · 2 years ago
Charisma House - The Seven Charisma‘s “Mechamecha Charisma“ lyrics translation (english)
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They’re just ordinary guys!
This is a lyrics translation for a new 2D project by EVIL LINE RECORDS, the same company as Hyponosis Mic, with writer Shu Matsubara, who is best known for working on Gintama and Osomatsu-san.
The lyrics for their song “Mechamecha charisma” is found below under the read me. Enjoy!
We’re all so, so charismatic
We’re all so, so charismatic
Don’tcha just wanna have a looksie?
C’mon don’t make that face at us now
Cha~risma~♪ (n-yan-yan-ya)
Everyone shuddered from excitement
Cha~risma~♪ (n-yan-yan-ya)
Everyone’s, everyone’s heads had turned the other way
服従のカリスマ 本橋 依央利だよ
I am Motohashi Iori, the Charisma of Obedience
どんな無理なことも なんでもやってあげるよ
The sky’s the limit, I’ll do anything and everything
だからさ めちゃくちゃ めちゃくちゃ こき使ってよ
Push me around, work hard me to the very bare bone
To the point of being your slave
負荷がさ 負荷がさ もっと負荷が欲しいんだよね
More burdens, more and more burdens, I want all of it
Because I’m a dog for the people!
Self-sacrifice! Contribution! Free service! Woof, woof, wooooof!
自愛のカリスマ テラです
I’m Terra, the Charisma of Self-love
は~ まずいな 綺麗だな
Oh geez, how dreadful, so beautiful
My eyes are glued once again
To the Terra-kun within the mirror
完璧だよ もう抱きついちゃう
All this perfection, making me want to leap into my arms
Hah~ I love, love, LOVE me! Aahn~♡
(Chorus repeat)
秩序のカリスマ 草薙 理解です
I’m the Charisma of Order, Kusanagi Rikai
You there! You’re using your phone way too much!
肩凝って 血流も悪くなるし 依存性あるから すぐにやめなさい
You’ll get stiff shoulders and it’ll worsen your blood flow, on top that it’s addictive, so cease using it at once
って聞いてんのか コラァー!
Wha-, are you even listening, goddamnit!
I speak so kindly yet you foolish sheep dare to ignore me-
赤は止まれ 席は譲れ 正しくない奴は誰?
Stop at red, give up your seat, and who’s incorrect?
Order is ALL GREEN
反発のカリスマ 猿川 慧だ
Charisma of Rebel, Sakurawa Kei
って やだね 誰が自己紹介なんて絶対しねー
Tch, I ain’t gon’ do it, who the hell would ever wanna do some introduction-
Whoever you are I ain’t takin’ any orders
俺は俺を突き通す NOは NOだ!
I got my own beliefs I’m stickin’ to here, NO is NO!
Gah, ain’t this turning into some kinda introduction now
俺の事を知るな ちくしょー!
You don’t get to know shit about me, fucking hell!
Back at it with charging up our Charisma diligently today
ララララ ラララララ~ PON!PON!
Lalalala, lalalala~ PON! PON!
(Repeat of chorus)
Aah~ Uugh~....
内罰のカリスマ 湊 大瀬です
I’m Minato Ohse, Charisma of Internal Punishment
僕みたいな存在する意味もないクソ吉のこと 忘れて下さい
Please just forget about my sorry self of a shitty, unlucky poor existence of a being
いいんです だって死ぬし
It’s okay  Because I’ll die anyway
あ 暗いことばっか言って
Ah, I’ve only got a knack for being morose
すみません すみません
I’m sorry, I’m so sorry
ごめんなさい 死にます
I’m truly sorry, I’ll go die
すみません すみません
I’m sorry, I’m so sorry
ごめんなさい 死にます
I’m truly sorry, I’ll just go die
初めまして 性のカリスマ 天堂 天彦です
Why pleased to meet you, The Charisma of Sex, is I Tendou Amahiko
ハァ 僕たちの(Bleep)聞いてる 皆さんって本当にセクシーですよね
Haah Listen to our (beep) Everyone’s truly sexy here
もう~既に耳が悶えて (B)ァ(B)ァ
Oh lord~ I can already feel my ears tingling  Haah, haah
Looks like things have gotten somewhat hard
(Beep) Sexy~
(Beep) Sexy~
(BleepBleepBleep) エクスタシ~
(Beep, beep, beep) Ecstasy~
(Repeat of chorus)
正邪のカリスマ 伊藤 ふみや
Charisma of Good and Evil, Ito Fumiya
No good? Why? It’s bad? What is?
白と黒の境 灰色の世界
The border in between black and white, it’s a gray world
善人?悪人?確認は 不可能
A good person? A bad person? It’s impossible to say
個性あふれる 欠陥仲間
They’re a flawed group of friends, all overflowing with personality
頭の数だけ 生まれるストーリー
Stories are born solely from there being as many minds as there are heads
What’s defined as good or bad- it all depends
ここじゃなきゃ こいつら どこにも家無い
If it’s not here, then all of them wouldn’t have a place to call home
君らも 僕らと カリスマブレイク
Now all of us together with all of you, let’s have our Charisma breakthrough
ララララ ラララララ~ PON!PON!
Lalalala, lalalala~ PON! PON!
We’re all so, so charismatic
We’re all so, so charismatic
Don’tcha just wanna have a looksie?
C’mon don’t make that face at us now
We’re all so, so charismatic
We’re all so, so charismatic
Don’tcha just wanna have a looksie?
C’mon don’t make that face at us now
Cha~risma~♪ (n-yan-yan-ya)
Everyone shuddered from excitement
Cha~risma~♪ (n-yan-yan-ya)
Everyone’s, everyone’s heads had turned the other way
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year3classc-14 · 1 year ago
Dark Hero Ennui English Translation
撃ち落としたのは明星(あかほし) 地に堕ちた正義の弔いに - I shot down the brilliant star(Venus) during the funeral for the justice that fell to the ground
あゝタッタッタラタパッパラッパ 歌っている間に全部おしまい - Aattattatara tappaparapa While I’m singing, everything will come to an end.
「すべてをめちゃくちゃにしたいんだ」 君もそれで救われるクチだろ? - “I want to make everything a wretched mess” That’s gonna save you too, right?
大丈夫 私が居場所作るからこれにて―― 【秩序は終焉】 - It’s fine, since I’ll make a place where I belong ―― [The calm(order) is over]
【秩序は終焉】 正義のヒーローが取りこぼしたSOS 皆の視界から消えたんだ - [The calm(order) is over] The hero of justice missed the call of an SOS and vanished from everyone’s field of view
「それはどうやら救われないらしい」 - “It seems like it might be hopeless”
正義のヒーローが取りこぼしたSOS[1] 誰の心にも響かない - The hero of justice missed the call of an SOS and failed to resonate with anyone’s heart
「だから代わりに私が救ってみせるよ」 - “So I’ll step in and save you at any cost!”
いつだって【秩序は正常】 - Just as always [the world is calm(orderly)]
漂白された世界は少しだけ息苦しくて 明日はもっと息苦しいだろう - This bleached world is a bit suffocating and it seems like tomorrow, it will be even more so.
で、今日私は 嫌いなものに嫌いと叩きつけた[2] - Today, I struck at the things I hated saying, “I hate you!”
みんなとお揃いで欲しかったもの もういらないよ - the things I wanted to share with everyone else I don’t need them anymore
「パーン」 - “Boom”
撃ち落としたのは明星(あかほし) 地に堕ちた正義の弔いに - I shot down the brilliant star(Venus) during the funeral for justice that fell to the ground
あゝタッタッタラタパッパラッパ 歌っている間に全部おしまい - Aattattatara tappaparapa While I’m singing, everything will come to an end.
くだらない命乞いも 今更の正論も 銃声に掻き消えた - That worthless pleading for your life and that good reason you gave far too late Both vanished with the sound of a gunshot.
悲しいよね 奇遇だね 私も少し悲しいんだ - It’s sad right? What are the odds? I too am a bit saddened by it.
「すべてをめちゃくちゃにしたいんだ」 君もそれで救われるクチだろ? - “I want to make everything a wretched mess” That’s gonna save you too, right?
塞がれてた眼見開いて 縛られてた手足振り回して - I open my once-covered eyes and swing my bound hands and feet around
「すべてをめちゃくちゃにしたいんだ」 君もそれで救われるクチだろ? - “I want to make everything into a horrible mess” That’s gonna save you too, right?
大丈夫 私が居場所作るからこれにて 【秩序は終焉】 - It’s fine, since I’ll make a place where I belong [The calm(order) is over]
「これにて」 「おしまい」 「ちつじょは」 - “Now.” “The calm(order).” “Ends.”
見てない見てない誰も見てない 狡猾な非道 - You didn’t see, you didn’t see, nobody saw that I’m cunning and wicked
見てるよ見てるよじっと見てるよ いつか報いを受けろ - You’re watching, you’re watching, you’re watching intently You’ll be punished for this someday
消える事の無いドス黒い焔 - These pitch-black flames will never go out.
悲しみ一滴大河に飲まれて 理性(ヒト)が容易く吹き飛ぶ―― - A drop of sadness was swallowed up in the larger river Reason(people) are easily blown away――
――灰も遺さず - ――without even leaving any ashes
----そして【秩序が回復】 - ——and [the calm(order) is back]
透明になった君は 少しだけ不器用だった 明日をもっと生きていたいと願う - You had become transparent, and a bit awkward You asked and begged to be allowed to live tomorrow.
で、今日の君は 昨日までの自分を変えたいんだろう? - Today you… want to change who you were up until yesterday, right?
誰かが無自覚に奪ったもの 奪い返しに行くよ - I’m going to take back that which someone so apathetically stole from me.
撃ち落としたのは明星(あかほし) 朽ち果てた良心 引き換えに - I shot down the brilliant star(Venus) in exchange for my conscience rotting away
あゝタッタッタラタパッパラッパ 踊っている間に全部おしまい - Aattattatara tappaparapa While I’m dancing, everything will come to an end.
「すべてをめちゃくちゃにしたいんだ」 君もそれで救われるクチだろ? - “I want to make everything a wretched mess” That’s gonna save you too, right?
聖人でも義賊でも無い 平凡な悲劇 ありふれた復讐 - You’re not a saint, nor a gentlemanly thief. This is just some unremarkable tragedy, plain-old revenge
「それでもめちゃくちゃにしたいんだ」 君もそれで救われるクチだろ? - “But I want to make this a wretched mess” That’s gonna save you too, right?
棄て置かれたSOS 拾い 束ね 集めて - The abandoned SOS that was sent out I picked up, bundled, and gathered.
大丈夫 私が居場所必ず作るから - It’s fine, since I’ll always make a place where I belong
だから - So
これよりすべての - From now on, everything’s—
【秩序は終了】 - [The calm(order) is over] Translation Notes [1] This line comes directly from Fantastic Garden Addiction, a song released by cosMo back in 2009 [2] Usually I’d chalk this up to me thinking too much, but based on the last note I believe the SOS in this song is referring Capsule for Those Who Wanna Die
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houseloan · 4 months ago
【限貸令】不只打到購屋族,房租也可能跟著漲… 限貸令懶人包,來源、影響、對策一次瞭解!#時事 #金融 #新聞 ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
一、【限貸令是什麼?】 「限貸令」並不是財政部或是中央銀行所頒布的命令,而是早在《銀行法》72–2的規範中就有明文規定:「商業銀行辦理住宅建築及企業建築放款總額,不得超過放款時所收存款總餘額,及金融債券發售額加總的30%。」
二、【限貸令形成的原因以及實行機構】 限貸令簡單來說,就是銀行自主管理貸款資源,不可過度流向不動產貸款。那麼限貸令形成的原因為何?跟哪些部會機構有關?請跟著本文的說���一起來瞭解:
1.限貸令原由 各家銀行紛紛祭出限貸令,主要的原因有2:
(1) 新青安貸款 史上最優惠的新青安房貸,因為低利率、長達5年的寬限期、可分40年償還,月付金大幅降低,促使許多人蜂擁進入房地產市場中。根據央行統計,截至2024年5月為止,5大行庫(台銀、土銀、合庫、華南銀、第一銀)房貸放款金額已達約1162億,其中新青安房貸占比約為41%,已創歷史新高,可見房市因為新青安帶動,確實炒熱一波買氣。
(2)即將踩到30%放款紅線 近幾年來各縣市房地產成交金額漲幅驚人,讓平均申貸的金額跟著增加,導致每一家銀行整體房貸放款金額也大增。根據金管會統計,計有13家銀行的房貸占比已經超過27%,即將逼近《銀行法》所規定的30%上限。為避免觸範銀行法的天條,銀行不得不採取的措施。
2.限貸令實行機構:財政部、金管會、央行、銀行 依目前來說,限貸令相關的實行機構,由上到下會有4個角色分層把關:
三、【限貸令實行後的影響】 限貸令實行後,對於房市立即造成巨大的震撼,影響主要體現在以下幾個方面:
1.影響房屋3大族群 限貸令將會影響首購族、換屋族,以及租屋族等3大族群。詳細說明如以下所列:
2.影響房屋貸款 限貸令對於房屋貸款的影響,主要會呈現在利率、撥款時間與違約等3方面:
3.限貸令的長短期影響 限貸令影響的結果,可以由短期與長期2方面來觀察:
四、【購屋族如何突破限貸令?】 限貸令來勢洶洶,對於房市造成巨大的震撼,但是對於購屋族來說,真的就束手無策了嗎?其實還是有方法可以尋求突破的,你可以試著從以下幾個方法來著手:
➤多問多比較,除了比較各家銀行外,銀行本身的分行也可以多問。 ➤願意購買銀行提供的房貸壽險,或是理財方案,提高過件的機率。 ➤銀行之外,農漁會、信用合作社、壽險公司、郵局,也有承辦房貸,可以詢問比較。 ➤協調屋主以「期約交易」方式,將交屋時間延長盡量避開限貸令。 ➤購買預售屋,在完工後以分戶貸款的方式,盡量延後限貸令影響。
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the-third-other · 1 year ago
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Featuring in random order:
Silla Turca
我喜歡⽤錄⾳作為構圖中的主要對象, 並在上⾯添加⼀些噪⾳, 使⽤不同的儀器。 這些聲⾳片段被稱為 “游牧適應” - 因為他們的靈感來⾃我過去住過的不同地⽅。
I like to use sound recordings as the main object in the composition, and add on top some noise, using different instruments. These sound pieces are called "Nomadic Adaptations" because they are inspired by the different places I have lived. 
Tile Shop Monologue
An experimental music project based on monophonic FM synth sound. With a New-Wave / Post-Punk inspired drum machine and space synth bass influenced by 80’s Techno, blends Ambient and mind-expanding psychedelic sound design. An attempt to incorporate unusual sounds, from ambient to world music, into his punk-rock roots.
旅居日本、英國的皮鞋設計師/藝術家/策展人,同時也是樂團Bass手。在多重身分交互影響之下,開始進行的一項音樂實驗計畫。以 FM 類比合成器、鼓機為創作軸心,搭配現場即興電子樂器演奏,曲風受 80 年代 Techno、New-Wave、Post-Punk 影響,並融入 Ambient 與迷幻聲響設計。企圖在不尋常的音色與節奏裡,找出新的秩序與和諧,巧妙無痕融入編曲之中。
DJ Brainless
A brainless creature that yearns for cosmic destruction
Hitachi Wand
是台���的實驗吉他⼿和創作歌⼿克⾥斯托弗·盧米斯。 在電子輸入與多巴胺碰撞之下, 模擬聲⾳和紋理的 Hitachi Wand 是聽覺感官與知覺的滾動體驗。
Is the experimental wing of Taipei based guitarist and singer-songwriter Christopher Loomis. Colliding electrical input with dopamine inducing analog sounds and textures.
Hitachi Wand is a rolling experience of aural sensory perception. https://soundcloud.com/user-35635961
Mira 是一位藝術和音樂創作者。藉由視覺與鍵盤之間的交錯合作,Mira 的創作探討了自然中的多面性與人類心靈和形體之間的關係。Mira 希望她的作品能提供一個讓觀眾能陷入並探索自我未知潛意識的空間。
Mira-Louise Du Plessis is an artist-musician. Through a combination of visual and keyboard compositions, Mira explores the binary correspondence between opposites in nature as well as the twofold nature of human beings. The core intention is to provide an immersive space open to exploration and a deepening into the unknown depths of our unconscious.
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splatoonreblogger · 11 months ago
More info from the world of order!
Mobility color chips can not only increase your movement while in Octoling & swim forms, but can blow enemies back on contact and fill your special meter just by moving!
EN video
【Side Order】
It appears each floor in the Spire of Order has a different objective, such as destroying all enemy-spawning portals, securing areas, guiding a ball to the goal, and moving a tower forward.
Make sure to factor in your skills, the rewards, and the difficulty before you choose!
【Side Order】
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A note for the part-timers! Bonerattle Arena, the final map for Salmon Run, arrives with Fresh Season 2024!
A place of exile that’s been modified into an arena, Salmonids battle day and night here to see who’s strongest.
They’re equally eager to fight anyone after their eggs.
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A Grizzco industries rep has asked us to relay the following:
“Due to recent financial windfalls, additional slopsuits, gear, banners, decorations, stickers and more will soon be made available for purchase by Salmon Run employees. Keep it up.”
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yyh4ever · 3 years ago
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Photo: @jupiterprincesshouou
Persons Concerned
Build the greatest force in the Demon World!
Even before the rise of Yomi, Mukuro was building a great force that divided the Demon World into two with Raizen. However, few people knew her true appearance. Eventually, Hiei's presence brings her a change of heart.
【Opposing Forces】 (hostile)
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Mukuro prefers the current chaotic state of the Demon World. Yomi seeks order in the Demon World. The two are like oil and water.
Although they were opposing forces, after Raizen's death, she took actions such as offering flowers to his grave.
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Hiei (trust)
She bared her soul entirely to Hiei, even her abominable past. It was a behavior that would be unthinkable before.
【77 aides】
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Kirin and Shigure
Apart from the lower ranks, Mukuro has a carefully selected entourage of 77 aides. Shigure was also the swordsmanship master of Hiei.
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Chikou (affection (?))
He is a slave trader in the Demon World, and a parent who raised Mukuro. It is not known whether they are blood related or not. She held an intense grudge and a faint affection for him.
Special Note - The True Appearance
Mukuro's words "it'd be difficult to move if my true appearance were known", may have been more like an excuse.
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Raised as the daughter of a slave trader, Mukuro was a beautiful looking girl. She is Chikou's favorite and lives hellish days facing his twisted display of affection, but on her 7th birthday, she burns her own body to gain freedom at the cost of half her body. However, her father's existence also restrained her life afterwards. The days of confusion, mixed with feelings of resentment and longing for Chikou, will give her immeasurable power.
Source: Yu Yu Hakusho Official Characters Book Reikai Shinshiroku. Spirit World Record Part 2 - Mukuro. p.121, 2005. Credits to @jupiterprincesshouou for the photos.
This photo from Mukuro's Personal History was taken a while ago. I found interesting the notes they wrote about Chikou's paternity and Mukuro's affinity with Raizen. So, I wanted to add it to this post.
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Source: Yu Yu Hakusho Official Characters Book Reikai Shinshiroku. Spirit World Record Part 2 - Mukuro - Personal History. p.122, 2005.
↓ "Is Chikou her real father, or was she bought from somewhere? Children can't choose their parents..." (volume 19, tankoubon, p.96)
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↑ "Many scars are carved into her body and mind every day. She lived her life thinking only of breaking free as soon as possible." (volume 19, tankoubon, p.96)
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↑ "Raizen persisted in an awkward way of life, and even though he and Mukuro were on opposite sides, deep down, they had something in common?" (volume 18, tankoubon, p.135. Mukuro asks Yusuke to put the flowers in front of Raizen's grave)
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↑ "Whenever Mukuro harbors any intent to kill Chikou, imprinted memories are automatically recalled. They were actually not real, but fabricated memories." (volume 19, tankoubon, p.97)
Please, also check Togashi's comments about Mukuro:
● Main Character Setting Comment - Mukuro (2005)
● Jump Ryu! Volume 21, 2016 (Yoshihiro Togashi)
魔界の最大 勢力を築く!
【対抗勢力】 敵対
【部下】 信頼
【父親】 愛情(?)
「正体を知られると動き辛い」 という言葉も、言い訳に近いものだったのかもしれない。 (14-152)
奴隷商人の娘として育てられた軀は、美しい容姿を持った少女だった。痴皇の寵愛をうけ、屈折した愛情表現による地獄のような毎日を送るが、7歳の誕生日に自らの体を焼く事で半身を代償に自由を得る。しかし父 親の存在は、その後の彼女の人生も縛り付けた。痴皇に対する恨みと思慕の念が入り交じる混迷の日々は、彼女に計り知れない力を与える事となる。
● 本当の父親なのか、それとも何処かから買われてきなのか。子供は親を選ぶ事はできない ... 。(15-176)
● いくつもの傷痕を身体と心に刻み込まれる毎日。一瞬でも早く抜け出す事だけを考えて生きていた。(15-176)
● 不器用な生き方を貫いた雷禅とは、敵対しながらも、奥底では通じるものもあったのだろうか? (15-035)
● 軀が痴皇に殺意を抱くと、自動的に刷り込みの記憶がよみがえる。実際にはありもしない絵空事だった。(15-178)
出典 幽遊白書 公式キャラクターズブック霊界紳士録。霊界調書 その2軀P.121-122
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pikahlua · 3 years ago
MHA Chapter 334 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 未来に託し 彼女はーー みらいにたくし かのじょはーー mirai ni takushi kanojo wa-- "She entrusts to the future--"
2 No.334 置き土産 ナンバー334 おきみやげ No.334 okimiyage No.334 Parting Gift
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1 逃すな‼︎撃ち落とせ‼︎ にがすな‼︎うちおとせ‼︎ nigasuna!! uchiotose!! "Don't let him escape! Shoot him down!!"
2 愛しい脳無から奪った翼の”個性”! いとしいのうむからうばったつばさの”こせい”! itoshii noumu kara ubatta tsubasa no "kosei"! "The wings quirk taken from my beloved noumu!"
3 この翼に[…]パワーを[…]合わせ[…]撒ける[…] このつばさに[…]パワーを[…]あわせ[…]まける[…] kono tsubasa ni [...] PAWAA wo [...] awase [...] makeru [...] "These wings [...] power [...] meet/match [...] sprinkle [...]"
4 誰かに… だれか���… dareka ni... "Someone..."
5 誰かに「新秩序」を与えなくては‼︎ だれかに「ニューオーダー」をあたえなくては‼︎ dareka ni 「NYUU OODAA」 wo ataenakute wa!! "I have to give New Order to someone!!"
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1 俺が消えて無くなる‼︎ おれがきえてなくなる‼︎ ore ga kiete nakunaru!! "I'm going to disappear into nothing!!"
2 昔 日本から来た留学生に救われた むかし にほんからきたりゅうがくせいにすくわれた mukashi nihon kara kita ryuugakusei ni sukuwareta "A long time ago, I was saved by an exchange student from Japan."
3 私は触角ーー8本だ! わたしはしょっかくーー8ぽんだ! watashi wa shokkaku---8pon da! "I have 8 antennae!"
4 またーーー…‼︎ mata--...!! "Again--...!!"
5 結局どこまでもーーー けっきょくどこまでもーーー kekkyoku doko made mo--- "In the end it doesn't matter where--"
6 おまえが "You" (Note: I'd probably translate this contextually as: "You show up everywhere.") 
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1 ぐっ! gu! "Gh!"
2 くそぅ! kusou! "Damnit!"
3 くそ… kuso... "Shit..."
4 おまえら死体は必ず親族の元へ返してやる! おまえらしたいはかならずしんぞくのもとへかえしてやる! omaera shitai wa kanarazu shinzoku no moto he kaeshite yaru! "I'll be sure to return your corpses to your families!"
5-6 スター…スター SUTAA... SUTAA "Star... Star."
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1 超えてたよ こえてたよ koeteta yo "You surpassed him."
2 おまえはずっと omae wa zutto "You were always"
3 最高の さいこうの saikou no "the ultimate"
4 ヒーローだったよ! HIIROO datta yo! "hero!"
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1 テレビやってね〜〜なぁ〜〜 TEREBI yatte ne~ naa~ "Turn on the TV~ Hey~"
2 局員も避難してるからな きょくいんもひなんしてるからな kyokuin mo hinan shiteru kara na "The staff are also evacuating."
3 水と電気はまだ生きてる みずとでんきはまだいきてる mizu to denki wa mada ikiteru "The water and electricity are still live."
4 流通は死んでるが最低限の基盤は[…] りゅうつうはしんでるがさいていげんのきばんは[…] ryuutsuu wa shinderu ga saiteigen no kiban wa [...] "Distribution is dead but there's the basics [...]"
5 折角 刑務所を出られてよう せっかく けいむしょをでられてよう sekkaku keimusho wo derarete you "Let's take a break after getting out of jail."
6 都会で暴れるなんざ馬鹿のやることよ とかいであばれるなんざバカのやることよ tokai de abareru nanza BAKA no yaru koto yo "What a dumb thing to do, rampaging in the city."
7 強盗殺人犯 カシ・カツコ ごうとうさつじんはん カシ・カツコ goutou satsujinhan KASHI KASHIKO Robber and murderer: Kashiko Kashi
8 賢者は田舎でセカンドライフさ! けんじゃはいなかでセカンドライフさ! kenja wa inaka de SEKANDO RAIFU sa! "A wise man gets a second life in the country side!" (Note: This could be a reference to the Ame ni mo makezu poem.)
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1 ゔ u "Ugh"
2 あぁ…っ aa... "Aagh"
3 ヒーロー⁉︎じゃねぇよな⁉︎ HIIROO!? ja nee yo na!? "A hero!? Or not!?"
4 まだ… mada... "There's still..."
5 可能性はある‼︎ かのうせいはある‼︎ kanousei wa aru!! "A chance!!"
6 ”個性”に付与したのは恐らく ”こせい”にふよしたのはおそらく "kosei" ni fuyoshita no wa osoraku "What was conferred to the quirk probably"
7 ”個性”の同居を許さないルール‼︎ ”こせい”のどうきょをゆるさないルール‼︎ "kosei" no doukyo wo yurusanai RUURU!! "was a rule not allowing quirks to exist together"
8 ならば‼︎ naraba!! "In that case!!"
9 第三者の”個性”を奪い! だいさんしゃの”こせい”をうばい! daisansha no "kosei" wo ubai! "Steal the quirk of a third party!"
10 ”無個性”にした上で ”むこせい”にしたうえで "mukosei" ni shita ue de "And after making them quirkless..."
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1 「新秩序」を与えれば 「ニューオーダー」をあたえれば 「NYUU OODAA」wo ataereba "If I give away New Order"
2 保管可能 ほかんかのう hokan kanou "There's a chance I can store it" (Note: Literally this just says "chance to store".)
3 馬ァ鹿 バァカ baAka "Idiot"
4 「他の”個性”と反発する‼︎」 「ほかの”こせい”とはんぱつする‼︎」 「hoka no "kosei" to hanpatsu suru!!」 "'Repels other quirks!!'"
5 おまえがたぁくさん”個性”持ってたおかげで おまえがたぁくさん”こせい”もってたおかげで omae ga taakusan "kosei" motteta okage de "Thanks to all the many quirks you were holding"
6 「新秩序」も反発されまくって消える 「わたし」もはんぱつされまくってきえる 「watashi」 mo hanptasu saremakutte kieru "I, New Order, am also repelled and will disappear."
7 殺し切れなかったのは残念だけど… ころしきれなかったのはざんねんだけど… "It's too bad that I couldn't kill you [AFO/Shigaraki] but..."
8 よく覚えておきな名無しの権兵衛 よく覚えておきなジョン・ドウ "I will remember you well, John Doe." (Note: I think she’s thanking Katsuko the criminal for his sacrifice, calling him “John Doe” because she doesn’t know his real name.)
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1 人が人を助ける限り ひとがひとをたすけるかぎり hito ga hito wo tasukeru kagiri "So long as people help people"
2 英雄の意志を継いだ誰かが えいゆうのいしをついだだれかが eiyuu no ishi wo tsuida dareka ga "someone who inherits the will of heroes"
3 必ずおまえを かならずおまえを kanarazu omae wo "will be sure to"
4 打ち滅ぼす うちほろぼす uchihorobosu "destroy you"
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1 もういい… mou ii... "Enough..."
2 人間生き延びた方が勝ちだ にんげんいきのびたほうがかちだ ningen ikinobita hou ga kachi da "The human who survives is the victor."
3 失せろ死人め うせろしにんめ usero shinin-me "Disappear, you damn dead person!"
4-5 英雄の… 誰か えいゆうの… だれか… eiyuu no... dare ka... "Someone...a hero..."
6 緑谷 みどりや Midoriya... "Midoriya..."
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1 次の日 つぎのひ tsugi no hi "The next day"
2 […]か雄英に[…]てから[…]日後 […]かゆうえいに[…]てから[…]ひご [...]ka yuuei ni [...] te kara [...] hi go "[...] at UA [...] after [...] day after"
3 猶予ォ⁉︎ ゆうよォ⁉︎ yuuyoO!? "Delayed!?"
4 ああ aa "Yes"
5 本来なら死柄木は明日にも万全の身体となるハズだった ほんらいならしがらきはあしたにもばんぜんのからだとなるハズだった honrai nara Shigaraki wa ashita ni mo banzen no karada to naru HAZU datta "Originally, Shigaraki was certain to get his perfect body as soon as tomorrow."
6 少なくとも一週間死柄木は動けない すくなくともいっしゅうかんしがらきはうごけない sukunaku to mo isshuukan Shigaraki wa ugokenai "Shigaraki can't move for at least week."
7 スターアンドストライプが遺してくれた スターアンドストライプがのこしてくれた SUTAA ANDO SUTORAIPU ga nokoshite kureta "Star and Stripe left this [gift] behind for us."
8 最後の猶予だ さいごのゆうよだ saigo no yuuyo da "It's the final postponement."
9 この時間[…]有効に使[…] このじかん[…]ゆうこうにつか[…] kono jikan [...] yuukou ni tsuka [...] "WIth this time [...] use effectively [...]" (Note: Basically, it seems they're taking this one week as their last chance to prepare to fight Shigaraki (maybe they still expect Shigaraki to obtain his perfect body).) 
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1-2 死柄木とAFOを しがらきと オール・フォー・ワンを倒す Shigaraki to OORU FOO WAN wo taosu "We will defeat Shigarai and All For One" (Note: The sentence lacks pronouns, so I'm guessing about the context here.)
3 紡がれた希望少年たちは再び起つ つむがれたきぼうしょうねんたちはふたたびたつ tsumugareta kibou shounen-tachi wa futatabi tatsu Spun hope: the boys get up again
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yoga-onion · 3 years ago
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Sumerian Mythology - The earliest deities of ancient Mesopotamia (53)
“Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld” – Enkidu's Memoirs of the Underworld [original translation] - the story sor far
Enkidu gave no heed to his lord's admonitions.<omission>The wailing of the netherworld seized him. Then my lord, the son of Ninsun, weeping over Enkidu, his servant, went all alone to Ekur, the temple of Enlil:
“Father Enlil, look, my drum fell into the nether world, My drumstick fell into the netherworld;The netherworld seized Enkidu, whom I sent to bring them up.”
“Namtar did not seize him, Fever did not seize him; The netherworld seized him. Nergal's unsparing deputy did not seize him; The netherworld seized him. He did not fall on the battlefield. The netherworld seized him.”
Father Enlil did not intercede for him in the matter.
He went... to Ur:
Father Ea did intercede for him in the matter. He said to Utu:
 “O, Utu... , Without delay, open a hole... in the earth, So that the spirit of Enkidu can come out from the netherworld, So that he can tell the ways of the netherworld to his brother.”
Utu listened to Ea, he had just opened a hole in the earth, when the spirit of Enkidu, like a wind-puff, came out from the netherworld. They embraced and kissed each other. They exchanged counsel, sighing at each other.... “Tell me, my friend, tell me, my friend, Tell me the order of the netherworld which you have seen.”
“I will not tell you, I will not tell you; (But) if I tell you the order of the netherworld which I have seen, Sit you down (and) weep!”
“I will sit down and weep.”
“My body ..., which you touched as your heart rejoiced, Vermin devour as it were old clothes. My body ..., which you touched as your heart rejoiced, is filled with dust.” He cried “Woe!” and threw himself in the dust; Gilgamesh cried “Woe!” and threw himself in the dust.
“Have you seen ...?”
“I have seen.”
“I have seen: …weeps over (it).
I have seen: …eats bread.”
“I have seen: drinks water.”
“Have you seen...?”
“I have seen: his heart rejoices.”
“Have you seen…?...?”
“I have seen: Like that of a good scribe is his arm bared.…he enters the palace.”
“Have you seen...?”
“I have seen: Like a beautiful standard”
{twenty-six lines destroyed}
“Have you seen him who fell down from the mast?”
“I have seen: Scarcely the pegs are pulled out.”
“Have you seen him who died a sudden death...?”
“I have seen: He lies upon the night couch and drinks pure water.”
“Have you seen him who was killed in battle?”
“I have seen: His father and his mother raise up his head, And his wife weeps over him.”
“Have you seen him whose corpse was cast out upon the steppe?”
“I have seen: His spirit finds no rest in the nether world.”
“Have you seen him whose spirit has no one to tend (it)?”
“I have seen: He eats dregs of the pot, crumbs of bread, discards in the street.”
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『ギルガメシュ、エンキドゥ、そして冥界』〜エンキドゥの冥界見聞録 [原文訳] – これまでのお話
父エアは、この件で彼を取り次いでくれた。彼はウトゥに言った:「ウトゥよ... ,遅滞なく、大地に...穴を開けよ。エンキドゥの魂が冥界から出てくるように。彼が同胞に冥界の道を教えられるように」
エンキドゥの魂が風のようになって冥界から出てきた。二人は抱き合ってキスをした。二人は語り合い、お互いにため息をついた.... 「教えてくれ、友よ、教えてくれ、友よ。あなたが見た冥界の秩序を教えてくれ。」
"私は見た:彼は夜の寝台に横たわり 清らかな水を飲む"
"私は見た:父と母は彼の頭を持ち上げ、 彼の妻は彼のために泣いていた"
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