#No Grout Tiles
vintagehomecollection · 8 months
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The Cottage Book, 1989
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treetrunk737464 · 4 months
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But I’ve been imagining things, even when you haven’t asked me to? I image that I ran away, and met you here, on Earth. A Rose Quartz… and I’m not yours, but I make you so happy anyway! Hah, isn’t that ridiculous? Tell me to stop!
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notbecauseofvictories · 2 months
alas, the horrors have found me again (went on zillow and looked at too-expensive houses that are half-falling apart, thinking I could fix them)
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i think. i need to go for a drive and get myself a tasty beverage
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grimark · 2 days
i have this skirt i've been meaning to dye black so i'm gonna do that now, everyone wish me good results and hopefully i don't end up dyeing anything i don't intend to (the sink, the carpet, my bathroom floor)
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pancakeke · 9 months
man I can never tell if my walls have fucked up stuff in them or if my stud finder is going nuts. both have been true at one point or another.
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scpharys · 7 months
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clnclm · 3 months
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killyridols · 23 days
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red rubber by emmanuel massillon, 2021, acrylic paint, tile grout, liquid rubber & image transfer on canvas, 40 × 40 inches
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spotlightstudios · 2 months
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My work ordered ceramic tiles for a project we were going to be doing as a company bonding thing, but we didn't get Glazed tiles like we needed, so I now have an undetermined amount of matte tiles to do little doodles on!
Day one? Fucked up mushrooms that look like they should be in a fantasy game :]
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Bonus, a wip and a pic of my menace old man who stole my work space when I looked away for -5 seconds.
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garryoakenthusiast · 2 months
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current art project: kitchen window
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gayamulet · 5 months
Art drawling
Its sort of wild how art came to a screeching halt as soon as I got a full time job. And yeah, there's a bunch of corresponding factors- a physically demanding full time job crammed into 4 days, that I'm older and so, working with less energy, sleeping a lot more (seriously wtf), and compartmentalizing time much more. Freestanding time & energy is less and has to be planned out and those times left open for the chance to 'do art' in whatever capacity I can do not equate to 100% output success rates like day job hours. I can go in with a 'fuck yeah, art night!' frame of mind and come out pretty unfulfilled (again, with the awareness that fulfillment is not the goal).
And of course recognizing that many more mundane tasks fulfill a bigger chunk of that makemakemake drive- meal prep, cleaning (ugh), plant care, yard care, mending work clothes, etc. And you know, the more annoying factor. A lot of that creative energy also gets fulfilled by mundane tasks at work- animal care, walking, cleaning (yes that includes complicated dogshit catastrophes), training, behavior data collection & entry. I come out of it of course physically tired because it is hard messy work, but it also just has me choosing/seeking artistic outlets less, and not feeling too bad about it introspectively. Its make-drive going someplace useful, through whatever framework my brain has established as useful, idk.
All this brings me to my actual point of frustration with art-making, that when I have time and there is a bit of planning involved (I have exactly one con art show and local tiny art market to work toward this summer) and I sit down and I casually think about what I'd like, for me, for these events with no pressure and, again, for me, that
I just don't want to make myself anything. That it already exists, that there are endless iterations of whatever visual landscape I'm riffing through at any given time, that it doesn't need physical manifestation, that it no longer serves me creatively, that I don't care. I can dangle a glittery new process (ink, linocut, etc) like a its-about-the-process carrot in front of me, but suddenly I don't like carrots. And it feels, less born of a dead creative drive, and more like...an extension of what I don't want from other people- junk. That I do not want to generate more junk for myself. Does this make sense? I think it sounds more heartless than I mean for it to. Like unless there is very defined intention, then I don't need it? I cannot think of a way to explain it that doesn't sound protestant as fuck. Maybe I've hit some critical mass of art intake overload thanks to the internet, maybe this is just what creativity looks like now. Tho, there's enough of a useful task involved that freelance artwork is still hopping along- much more slowly than before for all the regular reasons listed above- but otherwise its fine. I still get that pleasant little brain buzz.
I get these surges of frustration, that I've fallen off from working toward some ultra-personalized visual landscape goal like I used to, that once I do I'll be perceived as human again, or something. Like this is still some pinnacle of artistic merit, in some mythical corner of my brain. But those surges are much less frequent than they used to be, and fizzle out quickly. And idk. Art isn't going anywhere in my life, but where it comes from and how I'm making and shaping things is changing again. I guess?
*I DO, however, wanna make more cardboard masks. So bad.
**I know I kept this in a pretty strict work vs art vacuum, without acknowledging other uses of time, including other hobbies which of course also accounts for creative/emotional outlet but you know what I'm gonna stop here before you guys figure out I'm actually a robot
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happybird16 · 1 year
What's he listening to?
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lynne-monstr · 5 months
tonight I'm cleaning my kitchen grout with a toothbrush and some vinegar. it's not exactly pleasant work but on the other hand, this is the first time in my life I've lived in a place that's mine enough that I care about the grout getting dirty. all my other places were rentals with old ugly linoleum floors. this place was too, until I ripped it out and replaced it with the coolest tile I've ever seen.
so yeah that's kind of cool.
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charkyzombicorn · 4 months
Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems like Luffy and usopp are dating in about half your aus
Hmmm let's see if I can remember all of them without checking
Hospital au - lawlu & undecided
SotF au - No ship
THAL au - No ship
Yoinked au - No ship
1969 au - zolu & usosan
Marine Dads - No ship x5 lusopp x1
Soul eater - Lusopp
Selkie Usopp au - Lusopp
M&G au - Lusopp
Fruit's Basket - CobyLu & zosopp
Sun's Personality - CobyLu & undecided
Wing au - No ship
MMD au - No ship
Modern au - undecided & usosan
Roger's Ghost - No ship
Halloween au - No ship
GGM au - No ship
TTW au - No ship involving either
Shark au - No ship
LGILAU au - lusopp
15 - No ship - 60%
5 - lusopp - 20%
5 - other - 20%
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plenilune · 4 months
hehehehehe 😈
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