#Nivi AU 👽
kinderartifact4 ¡ 7 months
A list of my Total Drama AUs because I love them all wholeheartedly, feel free to ask questions about any of them.
Animal Mutant AU 🐾🧬
+this AU was just an excuse to make Noah an owl person
+canon divergence happens shortly after Action/before World Tour
+The mutations are a worldwide phenomenon, it’s happening to everyone and no one knows why
A Bloodsucker and A Mutt🩸🐺
+Alenoco AU
+Show goes on as normal for the most part
+Noah’s a vampire
+Alejandro’s a werewolf
+Cody’s just there
+made this AU for fun
Magic AU ✨
+Magical creatures living amongst humans type thing, but it’s my takes on them
+Like we got merfolk, satyrs, angels, demons, elves, harpies, that kinda thing
+It’s like an assimilated society thing, they’re mostly at peace with each other with some mild species specific discrimination mostly courtesy of humans
+mild feels like an understatement
+everything’s got so much lore
+and of course, we got ✨magic✨
+there is a war that happens later on in the AU, so there’s that too
Assigned Species: Gen 1 Cast, Hosts, Emma & Kitty
Assigned Species: Gen 2 Cast
Assigned Species: Gen 3 Cast
Assigned Species: RR Cast pt.1
Assigned Species: RR Cast pt.2
Assigned Species: Reboot Cast
Monster Apocalypse AU 🏚
+It’s an apocalypse, but not with zombies, these things are smarter than zombies
+People do die, so warning for that I guess
+Almost nobody is having a good time
Duncan’s Group
Emma & Kitty’s Groups
Shawn’s Group
Cody’s Groups
Tyler’s Groups
Gwen’s Group
Fic Snippets
Mike’s Old Group
RR Beginning Groups pt.1
RR Beginning Groups pt.2
Sky & Scarlett’s Groups
Reboot Groups
Drider! Duncan Dunoah AU🕷
+Sort of a high school AU? Most of them go the same school since a lot are kept human for this)
+Just a clingy drider with abandonment issues and his human bf who doesn’t actually understand how he got here
+definitely more of a self indulgent AU
+I don’t remember why I made this AU but now I can’t get rid of it
Godly Patron(?) AU ✨🙏✨
+Some of the cast each has a god that has taken a liking to them
+they’re my take on gods because I like having full creativity, so none of the ones people usually know about are here(like greek or norse gods)
+Alejandro is not having a good time
+Noah has the oldest god
+Alejandro’s got a lot more lore than he was originally going to have
+Made this AU because I wanted Cody to have a proper parental figure, then it kinda turned into this along the way
+Aleheather got that “Doomed Love Trope” vibe going on
Assigned Gods pt.1
Assigned Gods pt.2
Fic Snippet
Wings of Fire AU 🐉
+My favorite book series combined with one of my favorite shows
Assigned Tribes: Gen 1
Alejandro’s Design | José and Carlos’ Designs
Trent’s Design | Bridgette’s Design
Heather’s Design | Cody’s Design
Tyler’s Design | Justin’s Design
Geoff’s Design | Lightning’s Design
Zoey’s Design | Noah’s Design
Owen’s Design | Fic Snippets
Harold’s Design | Gwen’s Design
DJ’s Design | Izzy’s Design
Cameron’s Design | Lindsay’s Design
Katie & Sadie’s Designs | Duncan’s Design
Trollhunter Cody AU🧌🗡
+I just thought it’d be fun
+Cody would be the type of guy to say “crispy” wouldn’t he
The only post I have
Project Cythraul AU💉
+The whole concept is old, like 2019 old, but it has since then been revamped
+The entire WT cast goes missing like halfway through Egypt, with almost no trace other than what’s on the plane and something left in the sand
+They stay missing for 2 or 3 years before one of them finally shows up again with amnesia
+Main premise of the AU is a secret facility that specializes in DNA manipulation
Hidden Magic AU 😶‍🌫️✨
+AU is otherwise known as “A group of immortals build a camp in a magic pocket dimensional forest for some reason and end up with a bunch of kids”
+there are other residents but the amount of children that show up there is concerning
+humans are quite irrelevant here, we don’t see them much
+the lore for most of the characters is a bit dark, but hey
Reassigned Species
Nivi AU 👽
+This AU was an excuse to give Cody a best friend, and that friend is my OC Nivi!
+Nothing really changes, even though she’s in World Tour
+This AU has since evolved into “Alejandro and his gaggle of idiots”, ie. Alejandro, Nivi, Cody, Duncan, and Lexi(OC/Nivi’s girlfriend) all share an apartment. It’s an interesting concept.
+I think of this AU often
+During Island and Action, people don’t really think Nivi exists because “Cody couldn’t possibly have actual friends outside the show!”
+This makes Nivi feel like some kind of cryptid and she loves it.
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kinderartifact4 ¡ 1 month
Some TD AU dialogue snippets. Because it’ll be a while before I have something properly worthwhile to post and I have enough of these to share them.
“Why me?”
“Because I feel significantly less bad about waking you up than I do anybody else.”
“… That’s.. fair, I guess.”
“So can you come pick us up?”
“Yeah, sure, just give me a minute… Where are you guys?”
“No, no you don’t understand! He is a ticking time bomb with no clear time. He could explode at any moment and if you are in his vicinity when he does he will take you with him. I am advising you to stay well away from him. Am I clear?”
“Why is he always the one getting punished for your mistakes?”
“Why is every god we know telling us to stay away from you? What are they so afraid of?”
“Now, can you tell me your name?”
“It’s… N-… No.”
“Ok… what’s the last thing you remember?”
“I don’t know…”
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