#Nirmalya kalash
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swiftplasticpallets-blog · 6 months ago
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Nirmalya Kalash: A traditional Kalash used in rituals and festival events to hold offerings, it represents cleanliness.
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thanevarta-blog · 7 years ago
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गणेश विसर्जनादरम्यान थर्माकोल आणि निर्माल्याचं प्रमाण यंदा घटलं गणेश विसर्जनादरम्यान थर्माकोल आणि निर्माल्याचं प्रमाण यंदा बरंच घटल्याचं दिसत आहे.
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parthfibrotech · 2 years ago
Nirmalya Kalash
Use Nirmalya Kalash to throw your waste and keep nature clean. Check Our Product Nirmalya Kalash Manufacturers In Nagpur India By Parth Fibrotech Nagpur,Leading Indoor &Outdoor Gym & Playground Equipments Manufacturers, Suppliers And Exporter In Nagpur India. For Best Quote Call On 7875390909 Or Mail : [email protected] Or Visit : https://www.parthfibrotech.in/frp-nirmalya-kalash
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swiftplasticpallets-blog · 6 months ago
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Nirmalya Kalash: A traditional Kalash used in rituals and festival events to hold offerings, it represents cleanliness.
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swiftplasticpallets-blog · 6 months ago
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Nirmalya Kalash: A traditional Kalash used in rituals and festival events to hold offerings, it represents cleanliness.
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swiftplasticpallets-blog · 7 months ago
निर्माल्य कलश: परंपरा व पर्यावरणाचा समतोल
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धार्मिक विधी, पूजा, आणि साधन��ंमध्ये निर्माल्य म्हणजेच पूजा सामग्रीचे महत्व अतिशय महत्वाचे असते. निर्माल्य म्हणजे पूजा आणि धार्मिक क्रियाकलापांमध्ये वापरलेले फुलं, पानं आणि इतर नैसर्गिक पदार्थ. त्यामुळे, हे पदार्थ पर्यावरणाला हानी न पोहोचवता सुरक्षितपणे व्यवस्थापित करण्यासाठी निर्माल्य कलशाची निर्मिती करण्यात आली आहे. प्रत्येक धार्मिक कार्यक्रमाच्या शेवटी उरलेले निर्माल्य योग्य प्रकारे विसर्जित करणे आपली सामाजिक जबाबदारी आहे.
आधुनिक काळात सण उत्सवांत प्लास्टिकचा हि मोठ्या प्रमाणात वापर होताना आढळून येते. आणि ते प्लास्टिक निर्माल��य च्या माध्यमातून नदी तलाव व इतर जलाशयांत विसर्जित करण्यात येते त्यामुळे पर्यावरणाला मोठा धोका निर्माण होताना आपल्यास दिसून येते. पाण्याची नैसर्गिक शुद्धतेची पातळी खालावताना जाणवत आहे.
पर्यावरणावर होणारे दुष्परिणाम लक्षात घेता, म्हणूनच निर्माल्य कलश एक उत्कृष्ट पर्याय ठरत आहे. पूजेचे निर्माल्य आपण निर्माल्य कलशात दान करून आपण धार्मिक कर्तव्यांचं पालन करतानाच पर्यावरणाचे संरक्षण देखील करतो.
निर्माल्य म्हणजे काय? Nirmalya हा शब्द संस्कृत भाषेतील ‘निर्मल’ या शब्दापासून आलेला आहे, ज्याचा अर्थ शुद्ध किंव्हा पवित्र असा होतो. पूजा किंवा धार्मिक कार्यक्रमानंतर उरलेले फुलं, अक्षता, हळद-कुंकू, अगरबत्ती इत्यादींना निर्माल्य असे म्हणतात. याप्रकारे, हे सर्व पदार्थ निसर्गात विसर्जित करणं ही एक पारंपरिक प्रथा आहे, पण अनियंत्रित पद्धतीने विसर्जन केल्याने पर्यावरणाची हानी होऊ शकते.
निर्माल्य कलशाची गरज! धार्मिक उत्सव आणि पूजांच्या वेळी मोठ्या प्रमाणात निर्माल्य निर्माण होते. हे निर्माल्य नैसर्गिक असले तरी, त्याचे व्यवस्थापन योग्य पद्धतीने न केल्यास ते पर्यावरणास हानी पोहोचवू शकते. पर्यावरणाच्या संरक्षणासाठी निर्माल्याचे योग्य व्यवस्थापन करणे  खूप महत्त्वाचं आहे.
निर्माल्य कलश ही एक सोपी, परंतु प्रभावी उपाययोजना आहे. या कलशांमध्ये निर्माल्य गोळा करून त्याचं विसर्जन योग्य ठिकाणी करता येते . यामुळे नद्या, तलाव आणि इतर जलस्रोतांच्या प्रदूषणाचं प्रमाण कमी होऊन पिण्यायोग्य पाण्याचे आपण संवर्धन करू शकतो. 
निर्माल्य कलशाचे प्रकार “स्विफ्ट टेक्नोप्लास्ट“ सारख्या आधुनिक कंपन्या निर्माल्य कलशाच्या उत्पादनात आघाडीवर आहेत. स्विफ्ट टेक्नोप्लास्ट च्या माध्यमातून हे कलश दोन प्रकारात उपलब्ध आहेत:
Nirmalya Kalash with Plastic Stand: हा प्रकार हलका आणि टिकाऊ आहे. प्लास्टिकचा वापर करून बनवलेला हा कलश स्टँड उपयोगात सोपा आणि दीर्घकालीन टिकाऊपणाचा आहे.याचा पर्यावरणास कोणताही अपाय नाही कारण यात वापरले जाणारे प्लास्टिक हे १०० टक्के पुनर्वापर करण्यायोग्य आहे.
Nirmalya Klash with MS Stand: हा प्रकार अधिक मजबूत आणि दीर्घकालीन टिकाऊपणाचा आहे. माइल्ड स्टीलचा वापर करून बनवलेला हा कलशस्टँड वजनाने जड असला तरी, त्याची टिकाऊपणा आणि स्थिरता उत्तम आहे.
निर्माल्य कलशाचे फायदे
पर्यावरण पूरक: निर्माल्य कलश वापरल्यामुळे निर्माल्याचे योग्य व्यवस्थापन होऊन पर्यावरणाचे संरक्षण होते.
सौंदर्यदृष्ट्या आकर्षक: हे कलश विविध आकार आणि रंगांमध्ये उपलब्ध असल्यामुळे धार्मिक स्थळांच्या सौंदर्यात भर घालतात.
दीर्घायुषी: निर्माल्य कलश उच्च दर्जाच्या प्लास्टिकपासून बनवलेले असल्यामुळे ते दीर्घकाळ टिकतात.
सुरक्षित: प्लास्टिकने बनवलेल्या या कलशांमुळे निर्माल्याचं संकलन सुरक्षित आणि स्वच्छ पद्धतीने करता येते. 
निर्माल्य कलशाचा वापर कसा करावा?
पूजेच्या शेवटी निर्माल्य संकलित करा: प्रत्येक धार्मिक कार्यक्रमाच्या शेवटी उरलेले निर्माल्य हे निर्माल्य कलशमध्ये  ठेवा आणि त्यात निर्माल्य जमा करा.
योग्य विसर्जन: एकदा कलश भरल्यावर, ते योग्य ठिकाणी जसं की, कंपोस्ट पिट, बागेतील खतं, किंवा महापालिकेच्या ठरवलेल्या ठिकाणी विसर्जित करा.
पुनर्वापर: निर्माल्य कलश स्वच्छ करून पुन्हा वापरता येतात, त्यामुळे एकदा घेतलेला कलश दीर्घकाळ चालतो.
कलश हा पर्यावरण पूरक, सुरक्षित आणि सोपा उपाय आहे. धार्मिक पूजेसाठी निर्माण होणाऱ्या निर्माल्याचे व्यवस्थापन करण्यासाठी हा एक उत्तम पर्याय आहे. निर्माल्य कलशाच्या वापरामुळे आपल्याला आपल्या धार्मिक कर्तव्यात कुठलाही अडथळा येत नाही आणि त्याचबरोबर पर्यावरणाचं संरक्षण देखील होते. त्यामुळे, Swift Technoplast सारख्या कंपन्या या अभिनव कल्पनांना प्रत्यक्षात आणून आपल्याला एक उत्कृष्ट पर्याय पुरवत आहेत. त्यामुळे आपल्या धार्मिक विधींमध्ये निर्माल्य कलशाचा वापर करून आपण पर्यावरण पूरक जीवनशैली अंगिकारू शकतो.
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swiftplasticpallets-blog · 8 months ago
Discover the Nirmalya Kalash: A Blend of Tradition and Innovation
In many cultural traditions, offerings made during ceremonies hold significant value. Flowers, leaves, and other ritual-related materials are frequently utilized as offerings. However, how to properly and responsibly dispose of these hallowed relics has been a source of anxiety. Enter Swift’s Nirmalya Kalash, an innovative solution that respects tradition while embracing modern eco-friendly practices.
Understanding Nirmalya
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What is a Nirmalya Kalash?
specifically built urn that collects and stores ceremonial contributions. The major goal of this Kalash is to give a dignified approach to handling Nirmalya while also ensuring that it is disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. These containers are crafted to respect cultural sentiments while also addressing environmental concerns.
Why Swift’s Nirmalya Kalash is the Best Choice
When choosing a Kalash, our product stands out for several reasons. Here’s why Swift’s Nirmalya Kalash is the best choice for your sacred offerings:
1 . Elegant Design
We understand the cultural and aesthetic importance of ceremonial items. Our Nirmalya Kalash’s beautiful design accentuates the sacredness of your ceremonial area. It is an amazing addition to your residence or event area because of the craftsmanship, which incorporates current design features while maintaining classic beauty.
2. Durability and Functionality
While being eco-friendly, our Nirmalya Kalash is also designed to be durable and functional. It is sturdy enough to hold a substantial amount of offerings and can be used repeatedly. The design includes features such as a secure lid to prevent spillage and handles for easy transportation.
3. Respect for Tradition
We respect the deep-rooted traditions associated with Nirmalya. Our kalash is designed with cultural sensitivity in mind, ensuring that it aligns with the rituals and practices of your ceremonies. Using our Nirmalya Kalash allows you to maintain the sanctity of your rituals while adopting a sustainable practice.
4. Promoting Sustainable Practices
contributing to a larger movement towards sustainability. Proper disposal of Nirmalya using our Nirmalya Kalash helps in reducing pollution and promoting eco-friendly practices within the community. It’s a small step that makes a big difference in preserving our environment.
5. Community Engagement
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Key Features of Swift’s Nirmalya Kalash
Door for cleaning and segregation of Nirmalya 
Interlocking between Kalash and base stand 
Stand is with steel reinforcement for maximum load-bearing capacity of Kalash   
Space for advertisement slogan, donators name on Kalash 
Message area 2+2 side 
Grouting provision 
Swift’s Product
Nirmalya Kalash With Plastic Stand:
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Our Nirmalya Kalash with a plastic stand is designed for durability and ease of use. The lightweight plastic stand provides a sturdy base, ensuring the Kalash remains stable during use. This product is perfect for those seeking an affordable yet reliable option for their ritual needs. The plastic material is resistant to corrosion and easy to clean.
Nirmalya Kalash With MS Stand:
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Our Nirmalya Kalash with MS Stand offers superior strength and longevity, ideal for frequent use in both rivers and temples. The MS stand is crafted from high-quality steel, providing robust support and stability for the Kalash. This variant is designed to withstand the rigors of daily rituals, ensuring a long-lasting performance. Its sturdy construction and classic look make it a preferred choice for those who value both tradition and durability.
The Swift’s Nirmalya Kalash represents a perfect blend of tradition and innovation, offering a respectful and sustainable solution for the disposal of sacred offerings. Our Kalash is created to fulfill the demands of today’s environmentally concerned users. By using our Kalash, you not only preserve the purity of your ceremonies but also contribute to a cleaner earth.
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swiftplasticpallets-blog · 10 months ago
Nirmalya Kalash: Bridging Tradition and Sustainability for Eco-Friendly Festivals
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In India, religious festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi and Durga Puja are celebrated with great joy and tradition. One important part is immersing idols in water bodies. However, this leads to pollution from the materials used for idols and the waste produced during immersion, known as Nirmalya waste. The effects of Nirmalya waste on the environment have come to light more and more recently. This has led to a number of attempts to identify long-term ways to efficiently handle this trash. One such initiative taken by Swift Technoplast is of manufacturing and supplying Nirmalya Kalash, which is revolutionizing Nirmalya waste management practices.
What is Nirmalya Kalash? Nirmalya are sacred leftovers from Hindu offerings. They can be anything from flowers to fruits, and they're offered to deities during worship ceremonies. However, the disposal of Nirmalya poses a significant environmental challenge, particularly during festivals when the volume of offerings surges. Here steps in the Nirmalya Kalash, a simple yet ingenious solution. Instead of discarding Nirmalya directly into water bodies like rivers and lakes, devotees place them in designated Kalash (pots) at collection points. These Kalash serve as repositories for Nirmalya, facilitating its organized collection and subsequent eco-friendly processing.
How Nirmalya Kalash acts as a bridge between tradition and sustainability? 1. Preservation of Tradition: Nirmalya Kalash honors age-old religious practices deeply ingrained in Indian culture. Nirmalya Kalash respects and preserves the traditional offerings made during festivals. By following these rituals, it keeps the connection with the past alive, helping communities maintain their cultural identity and heritage.
2. Adaptation to Modern Challenges: While rooted in tradition, Nirmalya Kalash adapts to contemporary environmental challenges. Recognizing the detrimental impact of traditional Nirmalya disposal methods on water bodies, this practice offers a sustainable alternative. By channeling Nirmalya into designated Kalash for eco-friendly processing, it addresses concerns about water pollution and waste management, showcasing a willingness to adapt tradition to meet present-day needs.
3. Community Participation and Collaboration: Nirmalya Kalash encourages active participation and collaboration within communities. Volunteers, religious organizations, and local authorities come together to set up collection points, manage Nirmalya disposal, and process organic waste. This team effort goes beyond individual convictions and differences to promote a sense of unity and shared responsibility. It strengthens the ties of community and tradition while highlighting the effectiveness of group effort in tackling environmental concerns.
4. Education and Awareness: Nirmalya Kalash raises awareness about environmental issues and encourages sustainable practices. They use outreach programs, educational initiatives, and social media campaign to teach people about responsible waste management and how their actions affect the environment. By connecting traditional rituals with caring for the environment, Nirmalya Kalash helps people make eco-friendly choices.
5. Integration of Indigenous Knowledge: Nirmalya Kalash combines ancient wisdom with modern science to tackle environmental issues. It uses traditional composting and waste management methods passed down through generations. By merging old practices with new technology, it offers a complete approach to sustainability that values and utilizes indigenous knowledge.
Conclusion: Tradition and sustainability may coexist together, as demonstrated by Nirmalya Kalash, a living example. It creates a path towards a sustainable future by adopting the environmental demands while honouring the traditions of the past. Nirmalya Kalash encourages people and communities to enjoy their cultural heritage while actively participating in the preservation of the environment by serving as a link between tradition and sustainability.
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swiftplasticpallets-blog · 11 months ago
Nirmalya Kalash: Eco-Friendly Solution for Nirmalya Disposal
Festivals bring joy and unity which brings out the essence of cultural richness and spiritual fervor. However, the tradition and culture of immersing sacred offerings, Nirmalya, into water bodies during festivities has led to water pollution. Thankfully, a sustainable solution called Nirmalya Kalash has been introduced. This eco-friendly option encourages reverence for nature by offering a way to dispose of Nirmalya without harming the environment and its surrounding. It develops a deeper connection with the natural world and promotes unity in preserving its beauty for future generations.
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In this blog, we will explore the concept of Nirmalya Kalash, understand its importance, and see how it helps protect the environment during festive celebrations.
Understanding Nirmalya Kalash:
During festivals, people use the eco-friendly practice of Nirmalya Kalash to collect Nirmalya. Instead of being thrown directly into water of river, lakes, these Kalash are placed at designated collection points. The collected Nirmalya is then processed or composted in an environmentally friendly way. This approach helps reduce water pollution and promotes responsible waste management.
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Preserves the cleanliness of rivers, temples, and residential/commercial areas.
Manages cleaning arrangements during seasonal festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi and Shivratri, Tajiye etc.
Strengthens the bond between humans and their devotion to God.
Encourages people to follow cleaning guidelines.
The Eco-Friendly Choice for Festivals!
At Swift Technoplast, we understand the importance of preserving our environment while cherishing our cultural traditions. That’s why we’re proud to offer Nirmalya Kalash. This innovative product effortlessly and hassle-free disposes of eco-friendly Nirmalya.
1. Nirmalya Kalash with Plastic Stand: SIP-NDK-750
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Our Nirmalya Kalash with Plastic Stand is the ideal choice for those seeking convenience without compromising durability. Crafted with 100% Virgin Material Food Grade Polyethylene Material with UV Stabilization, this Injection Moulded ensures easy handling and stability during the collection of Nirmalya. Its robust construction guarantees that it will withstand the demands of festival traditions, providing you with a reliable solution for years to come.
Key Features
Make Type: Injection Moulded
Size: Dia 1200mm x Height 1450 mm (with stand)
Available Colors: Orange
2. Nirmalya Kalash with MS Stand: SIP-NDK-750
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For those looking for a more rugged option, our Nirmalya Kalash with MS stand is the perfect fit. Stand manufactured with sturdy mild steel, It can withstand even the most rigorous festival rituals, ensuring that your Nirmalya collection process remains uninterrupted.
Key Features
Make Type: Injection Moulded
Size: Dia 1200 mm x Height 1200 mm
Available Colors: Orange
Why Choose Swift’s Nirmalya Kalash?
1. Premium Quality: Swift’s Nirmalya Kalash is crafted with the highest quality 100% Virgin Material Food Grade Polyethylene Material with UV Stabilization. 
2. Eco-Friendly Solution: You actively contribute to the preservation of our environment. 3. Sturdy Design: Both our Plastic Stand and MS Stand variants are thoughtfully designed to provide you with ease of use and stability during the collection of Nirmalya.
Contribute to the environment and preserve your cultural traditions by choosing Swift’s Nirmalya Kalash. Join the sustainable festive movement, adopt eco-friendly practices, and help create a cleaner and greener future for generations to come..
To learn more about our product range and to place an order, visit our website or contact our team of experts today.
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swiftplasticpallets-blog · 1 year ago
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आपल्या परिसरातील नदी, तलाव व विसर्जन घाटांवर "निर्माल्य कुंभ कलश" बसवण्यासाठी पुढाकार घ्या. 🌿
✅ Order today and get Up To 25%* OFF. . Our Nirmalya Kalash provides a responsible and respectful way to dispose of floral waste and garlands, preserving both traditions and the environment. . ��� Swift Technoplast Private Limited 🌐 www.swiftind.co.in ☎ +91 88889 05559 📨 [email protected] . #SwiftTechnoplast #NirmalyaKalash #StepTowardsNature #GreenFarewell #FestivalSeason #EnvironmentalResponsibility #CleanWater #CleanEnvironment #Madeinindia #Ecofriendly #mum_ganpati #ganeshotsav #ganeshchaturthi #Saveenvironment #Savewater #Waterpollution #Mumbai #Pune #Maharashtra
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swiftplasticpallets-blog · 2 years ago
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As the festival season is coming near, we at Swift Technoplast are requesting you to donate Nirmalya Kalash at Visarjan Ghat and drop the Holy Nirmalya in #NirmalyaKalash, taking a step towards nature. . ✅ Order today and get a special discount*. . 🏨 Swift Technoplast Private Limited 🌐 www.swiftind.co.in ☎ +91 88889 05559 📨 [email protected] . #DonateNirmalyaKalash #StepTowardsNature #SwiftTechnoplast #FestivalSeason #CleanWater #CleanEnvironment #Madeinindia #ecofriendly #mum_ganpati #ganeshotsav #ganeshchaturthi #Saveenvironment #Savewater #Waterpollution
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swiftplasticpallets-blog · 2 years ago
Nirmalya Kalash: Eco-Friendly Solution for Nirmalya Disposal
Festivals hold immense cultural and religious significance, bringing people together in celebration and devotion. However, the practice of disposing of Nirmalya (sacred offerings) in rivers and lakes during festivals has led to water pollution and environmental degradation. In recent years, a sustainable alternative called Nirmalya Kalash has emerged, offering an eco-friendly approach to Nirmalya disposal.
In this blog, we will explore the concept of Nirmalya Kalash, understand its importance, and see how it helps protect the environment during festive celebrations.
Understanding Nirmalya Kalash:
Nirmalya Kalash is an eco-friendly practice used to collect Nirmalya During festivals. Instead of being thrown directly into water of river, lakes, these Kalash are placed at designated collection points. The collected Nirmalya is then processed or composted in an environmentally friendly way. This approach helps reduce water pollution and promotes responsible waste management.
The Significance of Nirmalya Kalash:
Water Conservation: Nirmalya Kalash helps keep rivers, lakes, and water resources clean and balanced by keeping the Nirmalya away from them. This practice recognizes the significance of water conservation and the protection of aquatic ecosystems.
Environmental Sustainability: Nirmalya Kalash combines festival traditions with sustainable practices. It promotes responsible disposal of Nirmalya, minimizing environmental impact and supporting a greener future.
Community Participation: The practice of Nirmalya Kalash encourages people to come together and take part in keeping their environment clean and healthy during festivals. It promotes community engagement and raises awareness about the importance of maintaining a clean environment. By using Nirmalya Kalash, you can celebrate with devotion while also preserving the harmony of our environment.
Benefits of Nirmalya Kalash:
Preserves the cleanliness of rivers, temples, and residential/commercial areas.
Manages cleaning arrangements during seasonal festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi and Shivratri.
Strengthens the bond between humans and their devotion to God.
Encourages people to follow cleaning guidelines.
Discover Swift's Nirmalya Kalash: The Eco-Friendly Choice for Festivals!
At Swift Technoplast, we understand the importance of preserving our environment while cherishing our cultural traditions. That's why we're proud to offer Nirmalya Kalash. These innovative Kalash are designed to make eco-friendly Nirmalya disposal effortless and hassle-free.
1. Nirmalya Kalash with Plastic Stand: SIP-NDK-750
Our Nirmalya Kalash with Plastic Stand is the ideal choice for those seeking convenience without compromising durability. Crafted with 100% Virgin Material Food Grade Polyethylene Material with UV Stabilization, this Injection Moulded Nirmalya kalash ensures easy handling and stability during the collection of Nirmalya. Its robust construction guarantees that it will withstand the demands of festival traditions, providing you with a reliable solution for years to come.
Key Features
Make Type: Injection Moulded
Size: Dia 1200mm x Height 1450 mm (with stand)
Available Colors: Orange
2. Nirmalya Kalash with MS Stand: SIP-NDK-750
For those looking for a more rugged option, our Nirmalya Kalash with MS stand is the perfect fit. Stand manufactured with sturdy mild steel, It can withstand even the most rigorous festival rituals, ensuring that your Nirmalya collection process remains uninterrupted.
Key Features
Make Type: Injection Moulded
Size: Dia 1200 mm x Height 1200 mm
Available Colors: Orange
Why Choose Swift's Nirmalya Kalash?
1. Premium Quality: Our Nirmalya Kalash is crafted with the highest quality 100% Virgin Material Food Grade Polyethylene Material with UV Stabilization. 
2. Eco-Friendly Solution: By using Swift's Nirmalya Kalash, you actively contribute to the preservation of our environment.
3. Sturdy Design: Both our Plastic Stand and MS Stand variants are thoughtfully designed to provide you with ease of use and stability during the collection of Nirmalya.
Contribute to the environment and preserve your cultural traditions by choosing Swift's Nirmalya Kalash. Join the sustainable festive movement, adopt eco-friendly practices, and help create a cleaner and greener future for generations to come..
To learn more about our Nirmalya Kalash and to place an order, visit our website or contact our team of experts today.
(Contact: +91 8888 905 559 / +91 8888 870 873)
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swiftplasticpallets-blog · 5 years ago
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Hello everyone, Let us all get together and save our environment from the pollution by using our “Nirmalya Kalash” for disposal of the Holy Nirmalya in a proper way. Our “Nirmalya Kalash” will not only save our city from being polluted but will also provide aesthetics and a neat sophisticated way to dispose the Nirmalya.  Our “Nirmalya Kalash” is of high quality and at a reasonable price quote as well! Please go through our product catalog: https://swiftind.co.in/nirmalya-kalash/ #swifttechnoplast #swiftind #plasticmanufacturer #nirmalyakalash #ecofriendly #instagramawareness #tuesdaymotivation #tuesdaythoughts #saveenvironment  #waterpollution #wasteinwater #covidsafetygaurd #coronasafety #covidresolutions #covıd https://www.instagram.com/p/CETZbk6JWkI/?igshid=1kxi5s056hagw
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