no-blind-guides :
“Old Braxy getting a bit senile then?” He chuckled at his mate’s misfortune. “I like that man.” he added with an enthusiastic nod. He’d met Abraxas many times over the years, and each time it was a pleasant encounter. Much better company then the others at parties like those. Then there were all those times Rod had come over during the summer holidays. Their families were fairly close. Especially now. “Gave me a wicked wedding present too,” he chuckled. “And some proper advice too.”
“One night?!” He exclaimed. “No no brother. Its not ‘one night.’ Thats how it always starts. Then its once a month, then every Sunday… Not sure I could stand it.” He shook his head vehemently, pointing his hand to slice the air. “You remember when we first moved in right, they came over all. the. time. Finally they realized that they didn’t like me and we’ve been set at once a year since then.” He grinned wickedly, apparently pleased with himself and resting his feet to cross ankles on the foot rest. “You have no idea how much work I had to put in to get them to hate me.” he added with a joking laugh. “Quite exhausting. Not to mention, then Bellatrix gets all- crrraaazzzyyyy when they’re around.”
He sighed, reading Lucius’ face quite easily. That was perhaps the best thing about being mates with him, he was so easy. Easy to talk to, to hang out with, to let out steam to, even to read.
“Okay.” he paused, thinking it over carefully. “One party.” He smirked, raising his brows. “And only because its you, stupid knobhead.” He shook his head and exhaled heavily. “Just keep them on the opposite side of the room. And if I hear one word about how there are weevils in my lawn, and how Cygnus is a master at taking care of them, and all his stupid advice, so help the Dark Lord I’ll curse his toupee off.” He exclaimed dramatically.
“Well she better occupy Bellatrix with something, Lord knows that woman needs something to do besides driving me mental with all her nagging.”
So it was decided, dinner at the Malfoys… with the entire Black family. “How do you talk me into these things?!” He said with another head shake. “If you stay any longer, I’m afraid you’ll talk me out of all my money, and house and broom too.” He teased.
“I’d imagine you didn’t have to try quite that hard to get Bella’s parents to dislike you.” Lucius smiled at his own words, “And of course, I’m sure you have no part in agitating Bellatrix while her parents are around.” Lucius shook his head.
“I can’t entirely promise that you’ll not talk to them. But I’ll attempt to keep them away. Though I don’t quite know how many people will be coming to the party. I suppose a lot. I’d rather not, but it’s even more of a hassle to deal with a sore colleague not getting invited than a loud crowd in our ballroom.” He looked off to the side as he thought more about the party. He and Narcissa would have to start sending out orders for things so they arrived in enough time.
Lucius looked down tot he key again that sat on the chair next to him, staring at it for a few moments while his mind wandered. “I think I quite like my own house, and I’m all set on money or a broom. Thank you for the offer though.” He shook his head with a smile.
“I don’t know how you deal with the weather here anyway, it’s nearly always raining. The entire land is almost all a swamp. With I’m sure some kind, something that shouldn’t be living on your property. If Inferi had a mind of their own, you’d have an infestation. I’ll say that much.” Lucius put the key back into the box in which it was given to him, covering it up. He also set the invitation Rodolphus had given to him on the box, “I suppose I should get going then. I need to go stop by the office, and perhaps if I get there around lunch there won’t be anyone to stop me with another problem of theirs.”
Brotherhood of Man || Lucius & Rodolphus
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karkaroff-silvertongue :
The Muggle street was still quiet when Igor Apparated there, appearing in the long shadow of one of the houses. Yet he knew that he wasn’t the first of the Death Eaters to arrive and that violence had already begun to slither through the night like an invading lethifold. The ghostly light of the Dark Mark already hung above one of the houses at the other end of the street. Igor eyed it for a moment in silence from behind his mask. He didn’t dwell on the lives lost that the symbol represented. He didn’t allow himself to dwell on anything other than the task at hand, the orders he’d been given. Emotions had no place here and now.
The hem of his cloak swept over the half-melted snow as he stepped away from the house, eyes peeled for his partner for the evening. He was always divided on his opinion of working with other Death Eaters on missions. On one hand, working alone meant that he didn’t have to afford anyone else what little trust he was willing to spare. And he didn’t have to worry about being stuck alongside some of the bloodthirstier of their number, expected to take as much pleasure in the violence and death as they did. On the other hand, with someone else there, he could step back and let them do the work. Deep down he knew that part of it was also the feeling of shared culpability, but he didn’t want to acknowledge that, it came too close to facing everything he’d done since taking the Dark Lord’s brand.
After a minute, he spotted another cloaked figure turning towards him in the darkness. The light of a streetlamp reflected off a silver mask and Lucius Malfoy’s smooth voice greeted him. Igor nodded in return. “Malfoy,” he acknowledged.
He didn’t know Lucius as well as Narcissa, but had never been given much reason to hold anything against him. He was one of the quieter of the Death Eaters, more prudent and reserved in his methods than some of the hotter heads amongst them. Igor had always gotten the impression that the blond wizard was well-matched with his equally towheaded wife, both of them well-spoken, immaculate and poised. If he truly was anything like Narcissa, then he was intelligent, which Igor considered a major virtue in people he had to work with.
“That is sounding good,” he went on, nodding in agreement to Lucius’ assessment of the task ahead. Quick and clean was his preferred approach to attacks. He had no taste for showiness or brutality, not when the Killing Curse was fast and untraceable. Over in an instant, he thought. The walls around his emotions were firmly in place, leaving him feeling cold and empty. And safe.
Raising a gloved hand to the hood of his cloak to make sure that it was securely in place, he stepped forward toward the home they stood in front of. No lights were on inside, other than a gentle glow from one of the upstairs windows. Maybe someone’s reading in bed.
Don’t think of them as people. They’re Muggles, nothing more. They don’t matter. And you don’t have a choice.
“Alohomora,” he murmured, pointing his wand at the door and hearing the latch click as it unlocked itself. Another wave of his wand and the door swung open silently. Igor stepped to the side and gestured politely to Lucius to enter the house before him. “After you,” he said. He had no intention of being the first one through a door when he wasn’t sure exactly what was on the other side.
Lucius made a face when Igor gestured for him to walk inside first; lucky he was wearing the mask to hide his expression of distaste. He stepped within the home without verbalizing his complaint, glancing around the darkness of the house. The first floor at least, was quiet and seemingly empty. He pointed his wand at the door, and it silently closed itself behind the two Death Eaters.
With a wave of his wand he cast a silent Lumos, filling the entrance way with light. A well lived in home, like any other. Shoes and family pictures littered the entrance way, a table with house keys and other odd bits and pieces. It was always odd to see another’s home like this, and know the fate of the family. It made Lucius think the home was akin to a museum, memorializing the family within, until it was torn down or repopulated.
A noise drew his attention and Lucius flicked his wand again and the light went out. Soft thuds traveled down the hallway, an older teen girl coming from the kitchen. She rubbed at her eyes and sighed as she toted a glass of water. The girl got not a few meter away before she stopped, noticing something in the shadows. She moved backwards with her hand against the wall until she turned on a light switch.
The light filled the hallway and Igor and Lucius were suddenly stood there in the hall with the Muggle girl. She was entirely frightened by the hooded, masked figures, and dropped her glass of water. It went shattering to the floor, shards and water all over the hallway. As the girl shifted to move, Lucius pointed his wand to the girl. A sharp bright green light filled the hall and she could barely let out a screaming before the Kiling curse hit her, the girls body tumbling to the floor, lifeless.
More noises came from upstairs, the sounds of voices and doors opening as other members of the Muggle family came to investigate the sounds. Lucius waved his wand to turn off the hallway light once more, giving the Muggles less of chance to notice him or Igor.
The Dark Mark || Igor & Lucius || Jan 17, 1980
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forever-toujourspur :
The light and gentle touch of Lucius’ hand against hers was comforting in its familiarity; it soothed so many of the worries that plagued and beat at Narcissa that she could almost think that the world would be better for their child. “I know.” Narcissa nodded softly, her hand squeezing his.
This had been what they had both wanted for so long that Narcissa hardly knew what to do or say anymore. She was nervous and happy, jittery and calm all at once and sharing this moment with Lucius - being able to share all of this with him - was something she’d doubted she would ever do. The shadow of her lies still hung over her, but she wouldn’t darken this occasion to bring up the truth. She’d savor this happy moment that brightened the darkness that had woven and entangled itself in their lives.
Leaning her head on Lucius’ shoulder, she hummed softly, a small smile playing on her lips. “We’ll give them a better world than we know. They’ll want for nothing, our little Malfoy.” She was quiet for several moments, thinking of all the could-haves, might-haves. All the times she’d let him down. Finally, she looked up at him, sure to catch his eyes. “I think… that this is the one.” She spoke softly still, as if her words might jinx it and she would lose everything all over again. “And to be able to share it with you…” Narcissa paused, emotion swelling once more that she fought against, her voice thick with it. “I just have no idea how I’ve been so lucky, is all.”
ALready she knew that she was getting ahead of herself. After all, there was no way one could change the world in a short seven months. There might not have been any end in sight, but Narcissa would hold on for dear life to anything that might bring her the light of happiness with the darkness that seemed to perpetually loom over their life.
Lucius smiled when Narcissa’s head rested on his shoulder, a hand going to gently cradle her head. He only held her briefly, hand sliding away when her head was lifted again. He stared back into her eyes, and he could see the reassurance he needed. That they both needed. Their child would be okay. More than okay. Everything was going to go right for them.
Narcissa’s words made his own smile feel strained, her own voice faltering making him want to cry in response. These mixed reactions were so strange, to cry and smile over something that’s been looming over both of them, something his father had been holding over Narcissa’s head for so long. But it was going to turn out alright. For the briefest moment, Lucius considered the argument he’d start with his father if they had a daughter. But he didn’t want to dwell on things like that. Not right now.
Right now should be happy. Pulling himself from his wandering thoughts, Lucius glanced down for a moment, taking one of Narcissa’s hands in his own. “We have to think about names. Before my father gets too set on ‘Abraxas the second’.” Lucius rolled his eyes slightly at the thought. He was certainly not going to name his child that. “Do you, want to name them like you family? After stars?” It felt like something more meaningful than picking from a list of long overused names from the Malfoy’s family history.
“I think that would be nice. I can’t think of any off the top of my head though...” Lucius looked off towards the fireplace in thought. He’d never taken advanced astronomy classes in school, or had much care for the subject at all. “I’m not that good with names though. But I’m sure we’ll fine something that will suit them.”
Welcomed Surprise || Narcissa & Lucius || Dec 5th, 1979
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strange-trix :
Bella smirked at the bemused expression on Lucius’s face. “Well why not, Lucius? How long have we known each other, and you don’t know where I want to go from lunch the second I suggest it? What kind of friend are you!” She giggled and playfully skipped towards the door of the manor. Lucius, ever the gentleman, held the door for her and she curtseyed. “Oh thank you, kind Sir, however would I have opened the door if such a man as you hadn’t come along to rescue me.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm, and she smiled sweetly, offering her arm to him.
She had always loved this restaurant, although it was in such a repulsive location that it hindered her enjoyment of the food if she hadn’t had a considerable amount to drink beforehand, and therefore her willingness to return was somewhat dampened too. The restaurant itself was elegant and refined, with crystal chandeliers which matched the napkin rings, of all things. Bella made a quick mental note to remind Lucius that he was paying.
Feigning innocence as she took a sip of her champagne, Bella gasped. “Oh now Lucius, whatever gives you the impression that I have been the one terrorising him?” She smiled dryly and finished the glass in her hand. “Why, what has the little sod been saying about me?” Bella lent back in her chair, and snapped at a hostess to bring more champagne, enjoying the look of despair Lucius had taken a moment too long to conceal.
“Bellatrix, I don’t think either you nor Rodolphus is capable of saying anything positive about one another. The better question to ask is what hasn’t he said about you?” The man smirked at his own words as he sat back in his own chair, glancing down towards the menu again, “Really, he’s been fine. Of course, there’s always something, but. It never seems peace finds its way into your home.”
He smiled again at his own quip. He knew poking fun was like playing with fire with Bellatrix, but it amused Lucius too much not to. Especially as children, oh how he’d thought it was so funny to see Bella throw a tantrum if he teased her about something. Old habits die hard, he supposed.
“Your parents didn’t go by when they came for the holidays, did they? I know they stay with Narcissa and I for a few days but did they go visit you and Rodolphus? They didn’t say anything about it. I would hate think they’re under the impression Rodolphus is. Disagreeable. But if they thought that, they wouldn’t be wrong.” He shrugged with his words, taking another drink of champagne.
Lucius glanced to the hostess and she returned with more champagne for Bellatrix, and before the woman asked he held the menu to her, reciting his order. He sat back in his chair after she’d taken the menu, slouching just a bit. “It’s been quiet, relatively, at home. Thank the gods. Though work is still an atrocity. I was supposed to meet with an investor today,” Lucius raised his eyebrows at Bellatrix, then spoke to her in a teasing voice,” But how could I deny dear Bellatrix lunch with me?”
Coercion || Bellatrix and Lucius || January 4th, 1980
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The Dark Mark || Igor & Lucius || Jan 17, 1980
Lucius was beginning to question things he know he shouldn’t. At least he knew to keep his mouth shut, but gods did he detest these..These seemingly random acts of violence. Of course they served a purpose; a statement, a very strong statement at that. The Dark Lord was going to win by any means. Lucius questioned this attack though; all Muggles? Would it serve the Lord to expose the wizarding community, should this prove too much for the Ministry to cover up?
Idly, he wondered what the Muggles might make of it. Almost half a suburb dead, some as if their hearts suddenly stopped, others in a terrible mess of blood and gore. Would the Ministry even be able to cover up such a slaughter? Who knew. Lucius certainly didn’t; though he knew work would certainly be in chaos when he returned.
He could just barely make out trails of smoke that filled the night sky as Death Eaters moved about the area. In the distance he could see a green light, and could only assume it was a Dark Mark cast over a murder. His gaze moved from the sky to the home down the street he was supposed to go to. Though he wasn’t alone. It seemed a bit strange to him. Why did they need partners? Lucius was certainly no school boy in need of a hand to hold. He may somewhat detest these pointless murders, but that didn’t hinder him from pulling them off.
When he slid on his mask, he glanced into the darkness of his peripheral vision. Like wearing odd goggles. The man began his approach towards the home, drawing his wand from his cloak. He’d only made it just through the gate before he’d heard a crack of apparition. Turning, Lucius stopped when another Death Eater approached, unable to tell who they were until they came close enough for him to look at the fine details of their mask.
“Karkaroff. Excellent timing.” Lucius glanced up to the home for a moment, then back to Igor, “I assume this will be quick. We’ll be able to clear out a few houses in less than an hour’s time, with luck. Shall we?”
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Lucius trailed after Walden back into the street, looking up the alley as he stepped out of the pub, then back the other direction of the street. He grabbed his cane with both hands while turning to Macnair, making a face in disgust as the man spoke. Twisting the snake's head on his cane, he unlocked his wand from the walking stick but kept it within the cane. He looked at Walden, as much as he never wanted to lay eyes on the man ever again, and could see the way the man hunched his shoulders defensively with his hands shoved in his pockets.
He gripped the figurehead of his cane until his knuckles were white when Narcissa was spoken of. Gods it made him so disgustingly livid just to hear the man mention her in passing. He took in a deep breath, nose scrunching up at the stale snell of the air in Knockturn Alley. Letting it out in a sharp huff Lucius stared at Macnair silently for a few brief moments.
"If I never had to look at you ever again Macnair, it would be too much. I assume you have some semblance of a brain, so try to use some of your rotted little brain cells to remember this: if you so much as fucking look at my wife ever again, I'll make you very severely regret having been born. It would be okay terrible loss to the Cause should an accident befall you, though I'm sure the Ministry would have quite the field day finding your identnnards coating the walls of whatever little troll cave you call a home."
Lucius narrowed his eyes at Walden, "I hope for your own sake some of those words stick with you. Though, there'd be no one around to miss a sick fuck like you anyway, would there?" He twisted his cane and locked the wand back into place, holding the cane in the middle again. "That's about all I have to say to you." Though he seemed finished with his speech, Lucius lingered for a brief moment. A few seconds passed before once again Lucius used the fangs in the cane's figurehead to grab Walden, this time by the sleeve of his coat. He yanked down, in hopes it would be harder for Walden to draw his wand in time, and swung a fist to punch the man in the jaw.
Polite Reminder || Lucius & Walden || Jan 14th, 1980
#soray about the formatting I had to do this on my phone )-:#p: walden#Polite Reminder#apromisetoeveryone
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strange-trix :
Bellatrix giggled at his defeated response gleefully, and clapped her hands together. “Yes! I said we were, so of course we are! Were you not listening, Lucius? Wake up! It’s nearly noon! Lunchtime!”
Upon hearing ‘night gown’ and ‘slippers’ she glanced down in horror at herself. She was still in her pyjamas. She had answered the door in her pyjamas. Why had she answered the door in the first place. What weird mood was she in today. Bellatrix spun on her feet, and stomped up the stairs, shrieking at the house elf; “Don’t you let him leave, we’re going for lunch!” How humiliating. Even Rodolphus rarely saw her in these pyjamas. They were the comfy ones that she probably should have thrown away years ago, with three holes in the body of the nightdress, and one shoulder strap missing.
She sprinted up to her walk-in wardrobe, grabbed her trademark black dress and corset, pulled on her thigh high heeled boots and laced them up as fast as she could. She flicked her wand and began applying her makeup, while her wand continued to lace her corset. In all of about 5 minutes, she was ready. The room was a mess, but she was ready.
“I’m ready!!!” Bellatrix sang down the stairs in her sickly-sweet voice. She perched on the banister of the staircase, and slid down gleefully.
“Right Lucius, where to now? Where do you fancy going for lunch? We could go to the place that does the good Butterbeer, or is it too early for you to drink Butterbeer, I know you aren’t as wild now that you have Cissy at home with the baby on the way, we could always try that new place..” Bella trailed off as she realised Lucius was staring at a spot on the wall and not listening to a word she was saying. Her face fell.
She cleared her throat loudly, and playfully hit his arm. “Excuse me, Lucius. Lunch?”
Lucius couldn’t help but wince slightly as Bellatrix screamed on her way up the stairs. He glanced down at the house elf in the foyer, who looked back at him with a meek little stare. The man rolled his eyes and moved to lean back against the door frame as he waited for Bella to dress herself. While he waited he mulled over the letters he’d need to write and the plans he’d need to reschedule. Though it was surprisingly quick before Bellatrix was ready.
Watching Bellatrix slide down the banister of the stair Lucius couldn’t help but roll his eyes and shake his head in a good-natured way. When she began to bombard him with questions he looked off, trying to think of a suitable place to eat lunch. As much as she’d probably protest to the notion, Lucius knew Bellatrix was picky when it came to restaurants; of course, it wasn’t like he ate just anything, but at least he thought himself less picky than Bella was.
He flinched slightly when he was smacked, raising an eyebrow at Bellatrix in response, “I’m thinking. You have to give me time to think, Bella. Ideas don’t just apparate from thin air.” After giving it another moment to mull over, he remembered one restaurant Bellatrix had liked she’d made him go to before, “Alright, here, I know. Let’s go then.” Lucius held the front door open for Bella and took her arm as the two walked down the front steps of the home. With a sharp crack the two apparated from the Lestrange estate.
Lucuis glanced up to the sign of the building they walked up to, watching the sign change as the approached. A wizarding restaurant in Muggle London; it shared a door with a Muggle establishment, though it was charmed to sense a wizard coming through. It was a restaurant like any other upscale one, floating chandeliers and enchanted server trays carrying out food to tables, “Two, and a bottle of champagne.” The hostess nodded and was quick to grab menus and show the two to a table.
The bottle was already at the table and poured itself into two glasses as the pair sat down. With a sigh Lucius leaned back in his seat, looking over the menu with a bored stare. “Well then, what have you been doing with yourself Bella, besides terrorizing your husband?” He asked with a grin as he looked up from the menu.
Coercion || Bellatrix and Lucius || January 4th, 1980
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apromisetoeveryone :
It wasn’t surprising in the slightest that Walden found his way to a pub that night. Especially when he didn’t have any work the next day, so there was really no point in him holding back. He was on his third drink now, though his tolerance to the stuff was high enough that he wasn’t more than a little buzzed, scanning the crowd for a potential candidate to slip out back with.
It wasn’t an easy task. If he’d really come looking for sex he would have done better in a different pub. This was one of the sleazier pubs of Knockturn Alley, which was definitely saying something. Most of the patrons here were people who wished to stay out of the public’s eye for one reason or another, so no one was doing much to stand out.
Walden shrugged, not feeling extremely put out. He’d come to drink so he could later return home, fish out one of his potions, and collapse in a haze of drink and hallucinations with no worries about cleaning up come the morning. It was the best thing about his days off, he could get as fucking shit-faced as he wanted. The whispers of his mind could come out and dance before his eyes for a short while, bringing a brief and fleeting feeling of satisfaction.
Or, at least, this was his plan until a rather annoying voice was suddenly by his ear, sounding pompous and disapproving. As Walden turned in his stool to lean lazily against the bar and stare up at the man who had decided to interrupt him, he snorted at the sight of the cane. He had no idea why the man was showing his face around here, this was exactly the sort of place men like Lucius Malfoy actively avoided, turning their noses up at the mere thought. ‘Business’ sounded rather ominous, but the only business he could think that they might have together was of the Death Eater variety, and he doubted very much that the man might tarnish his perfect reputation by wandering around publicly discussing such things. Nevermind the fact that the Dark Lord would have him killed.
“The fuck do you want, Malfoy?” he asked, staring at the man incredulously. Lucius may have never done anything to him, but he was probably the only Malfoy who hadn’t. Walden despised the lot of them. “Must be important if you’re dragging your fluffed-up arse into a shithole like this. Your reputation will go to shit if anyone of those shithead ‘friends’ of yours found out you were here.”
Lucius grabbed the head of the cane with one hand and the middle of it with the other as he bit the inside of his cheek. Just barely did he stop himself from lashing out right away; it wouldn’t serve him well to pick his fight in the middle of the bar. But oh, how much he just wanted to knock Macnair’s head against the bar counter. Having a reputation to uphold was fucking stifling at times.
“Yes, it is important--more than I’m sure your drug addled brain could attempt to comprehend. Well worth the negative publicity’s chance,” he loosened his grip slightly on his cane as he realized how tightly he was holding it. “I’m sure this is something you’d also rather keep away from prying eyes.” Though it was just for his own reputation’s sake, Lucius felt assured Walden wouldn’t want to get badly beaten in a bar he frequented, and never hear the end of it.
Letting go of the snake’s head on the cane, he used it to reach out and hooked the fangs of it into Walden’s collar before yanking the man towards himself, off the bar stool. Lucius pulled the cane free of his shirt and took a step to the side to avoid Walden toppling into himself, should the man actually fall before he caught himself, “Why don’t we take a walk, hm? I’ll assuredly make it worth your while.”
He would let Walden assume whatever he wanted about what Lucius might be saying. Standing there, he waited to see if Walden would go outside of his own volition; he wasn’t above simply dragging the man, but the less commotion he could cause in the bar, the better for his own sake. If Macnair wanted to make things more difficult on himself, then that’s how it would be.
Polite Reminder || Lucius & Walden || Jan 14th, 1980
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strange-trix :
Pouring herself a fresh mug of tea with a flick of her wand, and turning the page of her book with another, Bellatrix stretched out and chuckled. This book wasn’t half bad, Bella thought to herself. She also mused that she should probably read less books and start going out more, as she had nearly read every book in the house twice, and if she buys any more, Rodolphus is going to have nowhere to sleep. She laughed at the thought of him sleeping on a bed of books, but was snapped out of her daydream by the doorbell. Bella unravelled herself from her blankets, put her book down and trudged off to answer the door.
“Oh Lucius, hi! What a nice surprise! What brings you here?” Bellatrix might have sounded ingenuine, but she really was pleased to see her friend. People don’t often visit her, and she planned to take advantage of this opportunity. “Come in, come in. Tea? I just boiled the kettle. It should still be warm.”
As she busied herself fetching the nice, non-chipped cups for Lucius’ lukewarm tea he hadn’t asked for, she was only half listening to what he was saying. Something about a message from someone. It probably wasn’t all that important, or he would have waited until he had her full attention to tell her, Bellatrix reasoned. When she brought through the tea to the hallway, where Lucius was still standing, her mood changed.
“Lucius are your other plans so important that you can’t spend 5 minutes catching up with your friend?” She pouted like a petulant child, arms folded for good measure. “We used to spend so much time together, catching up, I’d moan about Rodolphus and you’d laugh and pretend you were listening, you’d take me out to lunch…” she trailed off and her eyes lit up as she formed her plan.
“In fact, Lucius, I am hungry, and you owe me.” For what, she wasn’t quite sure. “Take my arm. We’re going to lunch.” She giggled with delight when Lucius protested.
“You do in fact have things to do today Lucius; you have to get lunch with me.”
Lucius hadn’t made it three steps through the front doors before he was being assaulted. He’d been surprised Bellatrix had answered the door instead of a house elf, but when he’d tried to walk around her she’d all but demanded he wait for tea. Shifting his weight from one foot to another, he attempted to explain why he was dropping by before he glanced down at a house elf that popped up next to him to take his coat.
Instead he gave the little creature a letter to give to Rodolphus, seeing as he wasn’t around at the moment. It was quite obvious Bellatrix wasn’t listening to a thing she said, because she was complaining as soon as she came back. “Bella, please, I’m busy today-”
His weak attempt of protest went unheard as his arm was snatched and he was yanked against Bellatrix’s side. “I have things to do today I’m busy-” Once again he was cut off. ‘You do in fact have things to do today Lucius; you have to get lunch with me.’ Lucius restrained himself from deeply sighing in response.
“Well. Alright then, I suppose we’re. Getting lunch...” He’d have to owl his investor later in apology for missing his meeting; he knew he’d be occupied with Bellatrix for quite a while. He glanced over what Bellatrix was wearing, raising an eyebrow, “Are you going to go in your night robes and slippers then? Or change into real clothes?”
Coercion || Bellatrix and Lucius || January 4th, 1980
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lucius malfoy
i refuse to be anything but successful
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Reign Merchandise: http://amzn.to/2aguEAL
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Polite Reminder || Lucius & Walden || Jan 14th, 1980
Lucius couldn’t even begin to think of a word that described his rage right now. It made him shake, he was so angry. He was furious that this had happened, and the cause of it made him even more angry. Walden Macnair that sick son of a bitch. The man came after his wife just for his own twisted amusement. Lucius wanted to murder the man; he wanted Macnair dead. But that was too far; he knew though he’d feel vindicated, it all wouldn’t be worth it.
So he wouldn’t kill Walden. But he certainly wanted to leave the man within an inch of his life. He’d never quite liked Walden, but now he had all the reason to despise the man’s every breath. Lucius could only be thankful that Narcissa and their child were relatively unharmed; she was shaken from it all, but would pull through. He’d fussed over her for hours until he was finally convinced she would be alright alone.
No sooner had he left his wife to rest had he apparated from the manor. Lucius found himself in Knockturn Alley, sneering at anyone who got in his way as he quickly made his way down the streets. He knew it shouldn’t be too hard to find Walden; there were only so many pubs for the man to hide away in.
Quite a while and a number of less than reputable establishments later, Malfoy found himself walking into another dingy pub. Scanning about the dim bar, his eyes fell on exactly who he was looking for-Walden Macnair. Lucius gripped the figurehead of his cane tightly; it took quite a bit of restraint to not hex the man from across the room. Instead, he strode over and stood himself next to Walden, scowling down at the man in his barstool.
“Well, if it isn’t just the man I’m looking for. Macnair-We have some business to discuss, if I’m not mistaken...”
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forever-toujourspur :
Lucius let out a breathy laugh at Narcissa’s comments of his own childhood. He looked down to her hand when her fingers threaded through his own, giving her hand a small squeeze. He wiped at his own eyes with the heel of his palm, nodding to her words. “I hope they can too. All we can do now is…Work to make sure it’s safe for them.”
He wished he could have a better answer. He wished he could say their child would be fine, grow up in an ideal world and never have to worry about this war. He wished he could say they could run from this, go into hiding and live a happier life than what they were being put through now. Oh gods, how Lucius wished he had all the answers. He felt powerless, not even being able to promise their child’s safety.
It was too easy to slip back into worrying. Lucius looked back up to Narcissa’s face, another teary eyed smile coming up. He didn’t know what else he could say. He was happy, and excited, and scared all at the same time. This was no time to bring a child into the world. But for all their suffering, a child was the best blessing they could ask for at this time. “It will be so much better. We’ll make sure everything is so much better when they’re born.” He spoke softly as he ran his thumb over the side of his wife’s hand.
“We’ll make it through this. And so will they.” So desperately he wanted to say something more encouraging, something that was more positive. It felt like in this moment, the best he could hope for was for them to ll stay alie through this war, as it seemed never ending.
The light and gentle touch of Lucius’ hand against hers was comforting in its familiarity; it soothed so many of the worries that plagued and beat at Narcissa that she could almost think that the world would be better for their child. “I know.” Narcissa nodded softly, her hand squeezing his.
This had been what they had both wanted for so long that Narcissa hardly knew what to do or say anymore. She was nervous and happy, jittery and calm all at once and sharing this moment with Lucius - being able to share all of this with him - was something she’d doubted she would ever do. The shadow of her lies still hung over her, but she wouldn’t darken this occasion to bring up the truth. She’d savor this happy moment that brightened the darkness that had woven and entangled itself in their lives.
Leaning her head on Lucius’ shoulder, she hummed softly, a small smile playing on her lips. “We’ll give them a better world than we know. They’ll want for nothing, our little Malfoy.” She was quiet for several moments, thinking of all the could-haves, might-haves. All the times she’d let him down. Finally, she looked up at him, sure to catch his eyes. “I think… that this is the one.” She spoke softly still, as if her words might jinx it and she would lose everything all over again. “And to be able to share it with you…” Narcissa paused, emotion swelling once more that she fought against, her voice thick with it. “I just have no idea how I’ve been so lucky, is all.”
Already she knew that she was getting ahead of herself. After all, there was no way one could change the world in a short seven months. There might not have been any end in sight, but Narcissa would hold on for dear life to anything that might bring her the light of happiness with the darkness that seemed to perpetually loom over their life.
With her head resting on his shoulder, Lucius carded a hand through Narcissa’s hair. This moment of peacefulness made him long for the day this was all over. When they didn’t have to keep their guards up, even in the relative safety of their own home. He looked down to Narcissa as she lifted her head, quietly nodding in response.
“At least our parents did one thing right...” he mumbled jokingly as he carded his hand through Narcissa’s hair a second time. It was one of those moments where Lucius was well aware, he could have been married off to so many other women. There weren’t hundreds of choices, but there were still enough pureblooded women that Lucius knew he was so very lucky he was married to Narcissa. He didn’t like to dwell on what his life may have been like had he married someone else, even one of the other Black sisters. Or well. The ‘only’ other Black sister.
The thought he should owl his father crossed his mind, but it felt like a chore to even think about doing that right now. It could wait; he’d waited for quite a while already and a couple more days wouldn’t kill him. He continued with his trail of idle thoughts for a few more moments before looking back to Narcissa. Lucius bit his lip for a brief second before he spoke again, cracking a bit of grin, “Can we buy then a puppy? Or a kitten, whichever. But one that was born on the same day as them-Wouldn’t that be cute?”
Welcomed Surprise || Narcissa & Lucius || Dec 5th, 1979
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no-blind-guides :
He rolled his eyes while Lucius made his point of emphasis, and leaned back in his seat with a sigh. He didn’t much care for his “sister,” that was no secret, not that he knew her well enough to pass valid judgement.
Rod raised a brow at the mention of the inlaws. Interesting… they were still as of yet, to visit both him and Bellatrix for the holidays. In fact, there had been no mention of it when they saw them last. He hid his surprise well enough with a small chuckle and a head shake.
“Aren’t you lucky,” he mocked. He knew Lucius had a bit of trouble with the inlaws, something he too shared.
“Oh I really do say Cygnus,” he mocked, putting on a high pitched voice that surprisingly resembled Druella’s squeak perfectly.
He raised both brows and leaned forward in his seat, pointing at Lucius like a headmaster. “I swear to Merlin, if you invite me to that, so help me I’ll hex you for life!” He exclaimed. It was an invitation that one couldn’t use the simple, “oh terribly sorry, we’ve already made plans” excuse without looking rude or avoiding.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like the Blacks, it was that he didn’t respect them. Cygnus was a pompous old boot, and Druella shouldn’t have ever been allowed to bear children, least that was his opinion.
“If I have to sit through one more evening with the both of them, I’ll kedavra myself.” He muttered.
Their last encounter hadn’t gone well at all. Bellatrix stabbed him with her fork, Cygnus wouldn’t shut up with his annoying questions and Druella’s operatic shrill gave him a migraine.
“Tell ‘em Merry Christmas and give them both the quick boot.” He added with a laugh, adding in a kicking motion with his foot.
“They really aren’t that bad. I mean really; at least Cygnus isn’t as nosy as my own father. I love the man but he’s just, been driving me up a wall lately. It’s like every week there’s another owl about another problem, related to me or not.” Lucius rolled his eyes as he mentioned his own father. That reminded him, he needed to write back.
He let a sigh and frowned at Rodolphus with a raised eyebrow, “Oh, come on. One night is not that bad. Even with how few people I’d invite, what’s the chance of you having a more than five minute conversation with either of them? They’ll practically be breathing down Narcissa’s neck the whole time, I assure you. One night of mild conversation and free drinks is better than hearing complaints about you not going for the next month and a half.”
Crossing his arms, he slouched back in his seat a bit, “Besides, who am I supposed to entertain myself with if you aren’t there? Some Ministry nobody? I’d rather choke to death.” Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic. But Rodolphus said shit like that all the time, hell he was doing it right now. Lucius had a right to be over the top too.
“I’m sure Narcissa would be more than happy to entertain your wife for the time too. Then you wouldn’t even have to talk to her. I don’t see any glaring downsides to this yet. I need a more convincing argument, Rodolphus. “
Brotherhood of Man || Lucius & Rodolphus
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no-blind-guides :
Rod frowned while he watched the expressions pass across Lucius’ face. “I think I understand what’s happening here.” He said knowingly, with a raised brow, sitting back in his seat. He disappointment turned into an amused smirk.
“You see now,” he pointed to his friend with a finger gun, “this is why we’re friends Lu.” He chuckled. “You don’t have to accept it if you don’t want to. C’mon Lucius, you know I out of everyone know how you feel.. You want a chance to earn it for yourself, not just having it handed into your lap.” He nodded his head in approval.
“It’s a real catch because this is exactly the reason why I wanted to give it to you in the first place!” He laughed. “ Much too noble, my friend,” he added with a teasing head shake, feigning disappointment. “Too noble, for your own damn good.” he rolled his eyes playfully at the “golden boy,” giving him another point with his finger.
He sighed with growing annoyance, rubbing his temples. “I would feel grateful, thats how I would feel.” he replied flatly, knowing that this was probably a losing battle.
“Well for obvious reasons I wasn’t about to go around telling people,” he answered cheekily, not caring if it came off as rude, it was just Malfoy after all. “I don’t even know what the “project” is,” he used air quotes. It’d been his growing suspicion that this was just a ploy to con him out of his share of her wealth. All the while she apparently had no issues running through his family’s fortune. A nest egg, security incase things go sour.. whatever the reason, it was a snipe to his pride.
“Oh believe me, I knooooowwww..” He groaned. It seemed almost comical that he would ever complain about a lack of clucking ladies taking tea in the parlour every Thursday morning. Though maybe if Bellatrix had something to do, she wouldn’t be such an intolerable bitch all the time. Maybe she’d finally realize how good she had it? How good of a husband she has compared inevitably to that of the other ladies? They would all swap stories and gossip as women often do and she’d be made to see just how exasperating she’s become. How patient and kind I’ve been. His mind wandered and imagined her approaching him with tear filled eyes:
“I’m sorry,” she’d say, getting down on her knees and undoing his belt. And he’d let her pull it out, handing it to him as he pushed her against his desk, and he’d lift her dress up roughly to reveal silky white skin to be violently whipped at his pleasure. His hands would grab tufts of her hair and slam her face to the side, pressing it into the wood. But he would be accepting of her apology, and the wailing would finally stop and she’d reward him for all the grief she’s put him through.
He had to pull his thoughts away and returned to the moment. “And how’s the belladonna doing?” He asked, almost mockingly, the old nickname for Narcissa emerging once again. It was a sort of insult, underhanded and implied only to people that knew him.
Lucius chanced another look to the key he’d been given. He didn’t know what else to say without getting further negative remarks from Rodolphus. At least the man had believed him. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel deserving; he didn’t fucking want it. He felt so tangled up in this mess, so deep into a hole already. It would be such a struggle to crawl back out. He didn’t want to think about the mess he may have to clean up should something go wrong. Lucius looked away from the gift once again, crossing his arms and staring into the fireplace.
He looked up through his lashes as Rodolphus continued to complain about his wife, raising his eyebrows. He didn’t quite feel like taking sides in this argument, because surely in a way both of them were in a right. Bellatrix was forced into a marriage she despised, and Rodolphus was getting no where trying to get along with her. Not that he tried that hard but; to each his own.
Tilting his head back, Lucius narrowed his eyes a bit at his wife’s nickname, frowning ever so slightly, “Narcissa is doing fine.” he spoke her name in a more matter-of-fact way. He understood Rodolphus meant nothing truly harmful by the nickname, but he knew Narcissa was of course not fond of it. Lucius used to think it was more funny, but he also was completely opposed to the idea of marrying Narcissa. Now he knew better, and knew Narcissa better.
“She’s been keeping busy as of late, planning for her parents to visit our home for the holidays. I believe they’re staying for about a week, or so.” Lucius didn’t look entirely thrilled to be mentioning his mother and father in law. Truthfully he did like them, they were both kind enough people. He knew Narcissa’s father was still not entirely convinced about him but. Well at least the man didn’t hound them like his own father did. The man also wanted them to have a child, but didn’t nose into their business as much as his own father did. “We may also have some kind of party. Somethign small though, since her parents will be around. No need to over crowd the house just for the looks.”
Brotherhood of Man || Lucius & Rodolphus
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forever-toujourspur :
This is great.
The words, softly spoken, assuaged her nerves and she could feel the tension and anxiety in her shoulders slowly unravelling and loosening. He was fine with it; he wasn’t worrying, wasn’t angry. She let herself go in his arms, her shoulders falling as her muscles relaxed. She could hear his heart beating against his chest, a steady rhythm that never failed to calm her, feeling safe and secure.
His hands ran gently over her back, quelling her quiet, happy sobs. She clung to him desperately, fearing that if she let go she would fall to the floor in a puddle of tears. Her hands fisted in the fabric of his shirt, even as she pulled back slightly to smile up at him. “I’m such a mess,” she laughed, pausing as she saw the tears gathering in the corner of Lucius’ eyes. “The two of us…” she laughed again as she wiped away her own tears with the heel of her hand.
It was easy to forget like this that there was a war that raged just outside their walls, that sometimes, the gates of their home allowed the greatest of Dark Wizards through them, tainted with the darkness that tumbled and rolled off him in waves. For all they pretended at purity, they were tainted, the two of them.
She let herself fold into him, the planes of her body pressing neatly into his own. Even after all the time spent away, he was familiar to her. It was easy for her to breath him in and pretend that he’d never been away. It was different now, she told herself resolutely. They were going to be a family. This was peaceful, what her life was supposed to have been.
“Mm, we’re going to have a little one running about,” she said quietly, a content smile still stuck to her face. “Can you imagine a little Malfoy?” Narcissa looked up at her husband, “it’s hard.” She laughed, shaking her head slightly. “All I keep thinking of is you as a child, pouting and stamping.” She pecked a kiss on his cheek as an apology, moving her hand to entwine her fingers with his. “I… hope that they can be born into a better world than this.”
Lucius let out a breathy laugh at Narcissa’s comments of his own childhood. He looked down to her hand when her fingers threaded through his own, giving her hand a small squeeze. He wiped at his own eyes with the heel of his palm, nodding to her words. “I hope they can too. All we can do now is...Work to make sure it’s safe for them.”
He wished he could have a better answer. He wished he could say their child would be fine, grow up in an ideal world and never have to worry about this war. He wished he could say they could run from this, go into hiding and live a happier life than what they were being put through now. Oh gods, how Lucius wished he had all the answers. He felt powerless, not even being able to promise their child’s safety.
It was too easy to slip back into worrying. Lucius looked back up to Narcissa’s face, another teary eyed smile coming up. He didn’t know what else he could say. He was happy, and excited, and scared all at the same time. This was no time to bring a child into the world. But for all their suffering, a child was the best blessing they could ask for at this time. “It will be so much better. We’ll make sure everything is so much better when they’re born.” He spoke softly as he ran his thumb over the side of his wife’s hand.
“We’ll make it through this. And so will they.” So desperately he wanted to say something more encouraging, something that was more positive. It felt like in this moment, the best he could hope for was for them to ll stay alie through this war, as it seemed never ending.
Welcomed Surprise || Narcissa & Lucius || Dec 5th, 1979
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no-blind-guides :
“You don’t like it.” His face fell as he watched Lucius closely, holding the key gently as though it was about to explode. He didn’t understand his friend’s reaction. He thought Lucius wanted more responsibility, to be respected and appreciated. How could anyone not want the Dark Lord’s favour?
It was hard to hide his own emotion as it played across his face, the disappointment and confusion. He turned to frown at the fireplace. “You know Lucius,” he began, preparing for an infamous lecture. “There is more than one spot beside Him. If you want it, it could be yours.”
Out of everyone he knew, Rodolphus couldn’t think of anyone better, anyone that he would rather share this power and prestige with then Malfoy. He sighed, turning back to look at him, resting his elbow on the mantle and leaning casually against it. He looked like he belonged in the 1920’s, a hand poking into the little pocket of his waistcoat.
“Listen, you know I respect you. We’re practically family.” He began. “There’s been some talk…” There was always talk, after all who loved to gossip more than a bunch of rich, bored aristocrats?
“People have been saying you’re not very committed…” he pulled away from the mantle. “All I’m saying is watch yourself, that’s all.” He said gently. It wasn’t intended to be a threat, just a warning. He really did care for the man, as much as was possible for someone like him. Besides it would be convenient to have a partner in crime as close as Lucius was to him.
He smirked at Lucius’ comments, though couldn’t help but be rubbed slightly the wrong way. Everyone always passed judgement, at least anyone who had the guts to actually talk about the power couple, risking backlash from Bella.
“It has nothing to do with us being alike,” he said defensively. “It has to do with her being a cunt.” He muttered, crossing his arms. Marriage was hard. Being married to Bellatrix was just about impossible.
Rod wasn’t exactly peaches and roses either, not that he could see any of that. “I’m a bloody dream. If I could marry myself I’d be in fucking heaven. The bitch doesn’t know she has it as good as she does.” He added.
As if on cue some screaming could be heard again, muffled by the separation of floors. He glanced down at his watch. “Ah, must be evening tea.” He explained dryly, as though that was explained everything, feeling like he owed Lucius an explanation.
“I mean all she does is complain and wail and spend MY money…. you know when we married her dowery. She put it all towards some stupid bloody project account that I can’t touch. Didn’t get a cent.” He explained. It was quite the conspiracy.
Lucius let out a silent sigh as Rodolphus showed his own disappointment. He didn’t want Rodolphus to think he was ungrateful, but really he just. He didn’t want more responsibilities right now. Everything was already blowing around him in a whirlwind. It was all too much already. Could he even handle something like this?
The man looked away with a blank expression, looking the one of the windows as Rodolphus mentioned the gossip going around. Of course people said things like that. Everyone wanted to be on top, and whoever they could drag down, they would. He just wished that the rumors weren’t true.
“It’s not that I’m not grateful Rodolphus. I just.” Lucius let out a small sigh before glancing to his friend and away again, “I don’t feel like I deserve something this good right now.” Hopefully his words were taken well. He disliked lying to Rodolphus, but...Well he knew where the man’s loyalties lie.
Lucius glanced up towards the cieling when he heard screaming and turned to frown at Rodolphus. He didn’t know why, but he felt a bit frustrated about how Rodolphus spoke of Bellatrix. Maybe because he was also friends with her in his youth. Or maybe because he and Narcissa were doing so well, and Rodolphus. Well he didn’t try much.
Shaking his head Lucius crossed his arms, “Well how would you feel if you were in her position? I’m sure you’d be even worse. You’d make a terrible housewife, Rodolphus.” The man smirked at his own joke, “I haven’t heard about this project though. But that does sound like something Bellatrix would do, you know. I mean it’s not quite like she entertains many guests...” He didn’t really want to be rude, but it was true, Bella did’t have a plethora of friends.
Brotherhood of Man || Lucius & Rodolphus
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