#Nina Sublatti
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Hello! Thank you for your work on the eurovision costumes!! I checked the tag for ESC 2015 but couldnt find if you did it, but would you be able to do Nina Sublatti's Warrior (Georgia 2015) live performance costume, as well as La Zarra's Ăvidemment (France 2023) music video costume? I saw her live performance gif but not the music video.
Thank you! â„
I'm surprised myself that I haven't done Warrior so far. Could have sworn I did but maybe I had only planed to do it and never went through with it.
I have indeed not done Zarra's music video so far.
I will add both to my list.
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People who say that this year is the first good performance of Georgia seems to forget about Nina Sublatti...
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George Hand covers Warrior by Nina Sublatti
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Favorite Songs From Each Country! Part 29/37: Georgia!
I think it's become a general consensus that Georgia is not afraid to be themselves, regardless of how well they do. And while their results have been...shocking (that NQ streak should NOT be as long as it is!), they've also dominated Junior Eurovision as well, winning multiple times and sending high-quality entries (like this year!). But in my Eurovision ranking, most of the songs I end up liking end up finishing well! So, usually Eurovision and I agree with Georgia quite a bit.
Favorite Entry: Well, this year and my favorite are super tight with each other, which is great that I mention both of them. So, I'm going to start off with my favorite at the moment, but know it may change at any time. "Warrior" by Nina Sublatti from 2015 is yet again another reason that 2015 is my favorite Eurovision year. Most of the countries that sometimes don't perform as well points wise did...amazing! It was one of those years where you wish you could put all of the songs in the top 10, and Georgia definitely proves to be a great example of the rule. She gave Georgia a very much deserved great result that is only bested by their 2 9th place finishes in 2010 and 2011 (also entries I like, alongside 2013). RANK: 11th in 2015 Grand Final/PERSONAL RANK: 3rd of 40 Countries
Thoughts on 2023 Entry: Well, Tumblr, we have here one of the most ROBBED performances this year! I've seen the consensus on YouTube, a lot of us think that Georgia should have been in the final with "Echo" by Iru. Like, okay...the lyrics aren't...perfect. But what it lacks there it more than makes up for in vocal performance and backing music. Iru sounds amazing and the instrumental sounds literally epic. And it's a crime that she wins Junior Eurovision and then NQ's in the Adult version. It blows me away every time I hear it, and it's heartbreaking that it didn't get the chance it should have gotten. Because trust me, had she had a chance in the Grand Final, juries would have LOVED it imo. RANK: 12th in 2023 Semi-Final 2 (29th Overall)/PERSONAL RANK: 8th of 37 Countries
#eurovision song contest#esc#esc 2023#eurovision#eurovision 2023#esc2015#nina sublatti#warrior#iru khechanovi#echo#Spotify
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Chamgaraga-ga-chamgara⊠Thatâs the voice of Iru singing âEchoâ at Eurovision 2023!đŹđȘđŹïž
Could Georgia be potentially looking for their best Eurovision result ever with this yearâs Iru? Winning mentality from a winner of Junior Eurovision 2011! 11 years ago Iru was a part of a band called Candy that saw winning the contest in Armenia with âCandy Musicâ. Could Iru repeat the success this year, this time going solo?
Itâs not a đđđžđđđ that Georgiaâs music scene is very forward-looking and has delivered loads of bangers over the recent years from the likes of Nina Sublatti, Tornike Kipiani, Eldrine and others! This year, Georgia is going full-in, getting a legend like Giga Kukhianidze involved - a man behind all three of Georgiaâs winning Junior Eurovision songs, including âCandy Musicâ!
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TudjĂĄtok hogyan jutott eszembe az Ăva?
Aznap reggel egy pszicholĂłgustĂłl (eskĂŒ) pont ezt az ĂrĂĄst olvasgattam. Az elengedĂ©sekrĆl, a vĂĄltĂĄsokrĂłl, Ă©s az Ășj Ă©let-kezdetekrĆl szĂłl. Ăs közben vĂ©gig azon merengtem kiket engedtem mĂĄr el ïżœïżœn is, hĂĄnyszor vĂĄltottam, melyek voltak a helyes döntĂ©seim, Ă©s kiktĆl lettem jobban vagy pont rosszabbul. SzĂłval Kazimir Ăgnes betalĂĄlt, Ă©s azt hiszem sokunk rĂĄbĂłlint az ĂrĂĄsĂĄra.

Az ĂvĂĄĂ©kat a Dorina halĂĄla utĂĄn engedtem el. Annyira kiborĂtott az a tragĂ©dia, hogy akkor azt Ă©reztem belepusztulok az örökös hĂŒlyĂ©skedĂ©sekbe. Egy pillanat alatt megkomolyodtam, Ă©s mĂĄr nem talĂĄltam a helyem a rĂ©giek között se. Ăs akkoriban mindenki elkezdett befelĂ© is fordulni, Ă©s a sajĂĄt Ă©letĂ©re koncentrĂĄlni, ami nem is volt baj... sĆt! Teljesen normĂĄlis az eltĂĄvolodĂĄs. Mindenkinek van hasonlĂł törtĂ©nete.
SzĂłval Ă©n is vĂĄltottam. KĂ©sĆbb a Covid alatt majdnem vissza huppantam, de az akkori terhem Ă©s egy Ășjabb gyĂĄszom, tovĂĄbbra sem adott kedvet hozzĂĄ.
Persze azĂ©rt nĂ©ha vissza-vissza nĂ©ztem. ĂrtĂł bĂŒszke voltam arra hogy legyĆzte a rĂĄkot. Ăs baromi đȘđ»erĆsnek tartottam azĂ©rt mert Ć nem nyĂĄvogott miatta. Nem lett egy Szentesi Ăva. ImĂĄdtam amikor a lĂĄngosozĂł đ hĂr lett a Telexen. Ăs a babĂĄktĂłl elĂĄjultam. Nem hittem a szememnek annyira gyönyörƱ kĂ©pet mutatott, ahogyan szintĂ©n nem akartam hinni a szememnek most, hogy emlĂ©koldala lett.
SzĂłval, a fontosabb dolgairĂłl nem maradtam le!
Kazimir Ăgnes pedig beindĂtott egy nosztalgikus mĂłdot nĂĄlam, majd utĂĄna mĂ©g felnĂ©ztem a YouTube-ra. Egyre kevesebbet vagyok mĂĄr ott is fent. Egy egĂ©sz hĂ©ten talĂĄn 3 ĂłrĂĄt összesen. Az ajĂĄnlĂłk között pedig ott volt Nina Sublatti osztott felvĂ©tele is. Meglepett, hiszen ezt ezer Ă©ve nem lĂĄttam. Valaki ezt nĂ©zte. (Nem tudom ki volt az)
TudjĂĄtok, akik szerettĂ©k az oldalam, a ârĂ©giekâ... valahogy a YouTube feldobja nekem nĂ©ha mit is nĂ©znek. Fogalmam sincsen ez hogyan mƱködik. (Sia pĂ©ldĂĄul mĂ©g mindig nĂĄlam kĂłvĂĄjog) NinĂĄrĂłl pedig persze hogy nekem is az Ăva ugrott be. đŻ Nem lehet elfelejteni.
A következĆ emlĂ©keztetĆ pedig egy Wall-e cĂ©lzĂĄs volt valaki mĂĄstĂłl. Ăs itt mĂĄr azonnal eszembe jutott, rĂĄkerestem, Ă©s sokkolt a hir. UgyanĂșgy ahogyan mindenkit.
Mi legalĂĄbb korrektek voltunk. Az elengedĂ©sek lĂ©teztek, Ă©s a bĂ©kĂ©n hagyĂĄsok. A nyugalom. Ez mĂ©g milliĂĄrdszor jobb volt, mint az olyanok, akik folyton velem Trollkodnak Ă©s rajtam szĂłrakoznak a Facebookon, egy Ăłcska undorĂtĂł reklĂĄmnak hasznĂĄljĂĄk a 7-est. Gerinctelenek, akik valĂłjĂĄban rĂĄm sem nĂ©znek. 5 mĂĄsodperc figyelemre se kĂ©pesek mĂĄr az emberek. A mĂĄsokat hasznĂĄlĂł önzĆsĂ©g, az ostoba TrollkodĂĄs pedig a legaljasabb szinten van mĂĄr. ĂtĂĄlom a netet, eszĂŒkbe sem jut hogy nekem mĂĄs lehet a vĂ©lemïżœïżœnyem valamirĆl, vagy nem vagyok velĂŒk. Egyre gĂĄzabb, Ă©s Ă©rzĂ©ketlenebb tĂ©nyleg a net.
 Mi nem ilyenek voltunk. Ebben legalĂĄbbis. Nem lett a betegĂŒnk az, hogy egymĂĄson szĂłrakozzunk örökkĂ©. Ăs most is bĂĄr az ĂvĂĄt bĂ©kĂ©n hagyhatnĂĄm, Ă©s elhĂșznĂ©k azzal hogy... jĂłl van... đ
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SAMEDI 23 SEPTEMBRE 2023 (Billet 2 / 3)
Si vous saviez combien de temps il faut passer sur Internet pour trouver des vidĂ©os suffisamment intĂ©ressantes, surtout pas trop longues, originales quel quâen soit le thĂšme,  susceptibles dâĂȘtre « publiĂ©es » sur notre Blog !
Câest comme une partie de pĂȘche dont on rentre le plus souvent bredouille. Et puis, petit miracle, on tombe parfois sur une « pĂ©pite »⊠et ce sont uniquement ces pĂ©pites que nous retenons.
Mardi dernier, câĂ©tait une variation sur la « Marche turque » de Mozart, interprĂ©tĂ©e par une pianiste virtuose, Yuja Wang. Combien dâentre vous lâont regardĂ©e ? En tout cas, ceux qui lâont vue, lâont trouvĂ©e extraordinaire de virtuositĂ©Â ! Câest sĂ»r que si vous nous suivez sur votre smartphone, Ă moins dâavoir branchĂ© un casque, les dimensions visuelle et sonore sont considĂ©rablement rabougries. Sur une tablette, câest dĂ©jĂ meilleur. LâidĂ©al Ă©tant de lire notre Blog sur un PC ou un Mac. Mais il faut aussi avoir le temps⊠ou plutĂŽt « prendre » de son temps pour les visionner. Vous pouvez estimer que vous avez autre chose Ă faire Ă ce moment-lĂ .
Ou pas, dâoĂč notre proposition de ce jour, Ă ne manquer sous aucun prĂ©texteâŠ
Cette interprétation de la chanson « Bohemian Rhapsody » de Queen (1975) par des enfants géorgiens, dirigés par Gela Parchukidze, a rencontré un immense succÚs sur la Toile.
La captation a eu lieu en novembre 2017, lors du concours « Georgia's got talent ».
La jeune-femme du jury qui connaĂźt les paroles par cĆur et qui est la premiĂšre Ă se lever est Nina Sublatti, la chanteuse qui a reprĂ©sentĂ© la GĂ©orgie au concours « Eurovision 2015 ». (Câest ce quâil y a de moins intĂ©ressant â NDLR du Blog).
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The last gif recap for every ten entries in this top 250 (#110-101), featuring the second iteration of the LED dress, a malfunctioning smoke machine, and a keyboard which lights up like mine at home.
Since we made it through another 50 songs, here's the state of play:
By Country:
Greece: 12 (+6 since last count)
Israel: 11 (+5)
Italy: 8 (+2)
Sweden, the United Kingdom: 7 (though the UK has added +2 since last count)
Belgium, Finland, Spain: 6 (FIN gained the most, with +4. BEL gained 3, whereas ESP gained 2)
France, Ireland, Portugal: 5 (PRT and IRE both gained 2, whereas FRA gained 1)
Croatia, Germany, Russia, Slovenia, Turkey: 4 (RUS and TUR gained 2; CRO, GER, and SLO gained one. In addition, CRO just had its last entry appear)
Cyprus, Denmark, Hungary, Iceland, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Switzerland, Ukraine: 3 (NED gained 2 here, while everyone else bar MKD and HUN gained 1. SUI had its last entry appear here)
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, Yugoslavia: 2 (ARM gained one entry; AUT and POL had their last entries appear here)
Albania, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia: 1 (MNT and ROU had their only entries appear here)
By Decade:
1950s: 2
1960s: 7 (+1 since last count)
1970s: 18 (+6)
1980s: 25 (+5)
1990s: 24 (+11)
2000s: 32 (+10)
2010s: 42 (+17)
#eurovision#eurovision song contest#esc 250#esc top 250#ani lorak#knez#aliona moon#nina sublatti#loic nottet#pernilla karlsson#hadise#hadise açıkgöz#paula seling#paula seling and ovi#koza mostra#agathonas iakovidis#anouk#anouk teeuwe#recency bias#recency bias everywhere#going into the top 100 we have a lot of Mediterranean madness#this is the opposite of the 180-171 stretch where there was only one 21st century entry#three minutes to eternity
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Eurovision 2015 - Georgia - Nina Sublatti - Warrior
still a favorite â€
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Eurovision 2010s: 100 - 96
100. Kati Wolf -Â âWhat about my dreamsâ Hungary 2011
Ugh I just remembered the Belgian press laughing their asses off at Hungary thinking they could win with Kati Wolf... đ€ Which um... RUDE? What about how she feels?? What about her liiiiiiiiife? Also, WHY COULDNâT WE HAVE HAD THAT OUTCOME INSTEAD??? NO Ellbeast winner and NO Ellbeast hosting AND NO disaster acoustics, let alone NO indentured servitude because the Crystal Arena never gets built! If Kati wins, EVERYBODY WINS!!!Â
Having said that, lmfao Kati Wolf was indeed never going to win lolol. She was so inept and I adore her for it. đ She is one of the first âuniversally beloved OGAE favourite screws themselves over with a trainwreck liveâ type of contestant and easily the most iconic one, so much that we can speak of a âKati Wolf Awardâ for the biggest OGAE flop every year. So much for their dreams. đÂ
However, independent from the suckage, I also greatly enjoyed "What about my dreamsâ live WHOOPS. I mean, Iâll caveat that the Hungarian version is a lot better. Regardless, both are pretty amazing, alternating between melancholy and self-empowerment, even when coated in a hilariously tacky aesthetic. Love the GIANT blue crystal âringâ (hand-bracelet?) and the blacklighted clothes. đ She CANâT hold back. She CANâT go back. She MUSTÂ be...freeeeeee [of good taste].Â
99. Aliona Moon -Â âO mieâ Moldova 2013
What an Iconic Entry. Of course, Alionaâs status as the ~First Growth Dress Ever~ alone grants her that title and for good reason. Six years after the fact it still holds up as a very impressive visual effect:
However, there is more to discuss than merely a display of excellent fashion. âO mieâ is also notable for being the rare Competent Moldovan entry. đČ Normally this is something I do not care about (and secretly âO mieâ isnât *that* competent cf. Aliona choking / the original English lyrics referencing the Bâaktâun calendar đ), but itâs always hilarious when a country with a negative budget/reputation such as Moldova manages to be both innovative AND have jurors eat out their hand while also spending a minimum of money. Of course the song itself is ALSO a great example of orchestral dramedy, courtesy of -who else- musical genius / perfect deity Pasha Parfeny. đ LEGEND!
98. Francesco Gabbani -Â âOccidentaliâs karmaâ Italy 2017
[2017 review here]
Oh look, itâs 2017âČs Kati Wolf Award Laureate. đ€ I feel kind of bad Francesco flopped though. The one time I support an Italian winner during the preshow and then he DOESNâT win??? ugh. đ
However, that doesnât take away from the Gabbani journey, which I found to be one of ups and downs, but fortunately mostly ups: The song is a mindblowingly clever parody of internet culture and, similar to how Valentina did it with âFacebook Ooh Oh Ohâ, offers critique by simply showcasing everything wrong with internet culture and overendulging in it, in the most annoying fashion. đ. This was further enhanced by culturally appropriating hindu/buddhist imagery and dancing with a life-sized âgorillaâ on the stage.Â
However, all the additions + a subpar live performance by Francesco caused westernerâs karma to quickly catch up with him, as his songâs message flew completely over the head of the general European audience and many rejected him FOR being... a culturally appropriating memelord. Oh Francesco. May your incompetence always find a place in our hearts...x
97. Nina Sublatti -Â âWarriorâ Georgia 2015
Omg, how come Eurovision has SO MANY epic Ninae? Sublatti, Zilli, Zizic, Kraljic,... I DEMAND a reality tv season with all of them!!!
Anyway, Nina Sublatti is a magnificent Athenian owlet who is responsible some of the worst English ever on Eurovision. I mean, yes, weâve definitely seen worse diction (Aram mp3 đ, and Melovin, obv), but these lyrics are legendary in print:
No seriously, legit. The lyrics literally read âSTILL STUCKED IN MY MINDâ. Nina writng all of codswallop by herself and NOBODY bothered pointing out it makes no sense... or perhaps some foolish intern did and were promptly oximated. Either way, đ
Omg and I just remembered that, after screaming those words at Europe for three minutes while pulling owlfaces and getting devoured whole by LOSTâs Smoke Monster, Nina somehow believed she would be the best placing Georgian entrant ever and was FURIOUS she finished in ~only~ 11th place. Delusional queen. <3
96. Farid Mammadov -Â âHold Meâ Azerbaijan 2013
Iâll be honest, for the longest time I didnât want to like Farid. Obviously, "Hold meâ is the usual mass-produced Swedish contraband that gets passed around between Azerbaijan, and Malta (random ESC alliances <3).
HOWEVER, no matter how many reservations I had about the song beforehand, Farid fucking... OWNED? lol. Like, for starters, Iâve spoken about bedroom eyes before and this-
-is actually a very good attempt at them. INSTANTLY WET TYRA BANKS, FIRST CALL OUT, SMYZE. Azerbaijan then followed this up with their now trademark ridiculous eyecatching staging that, as per true Azeri tradition, fits the songâs catch rhythm and ignores its insipid message (<3). GIANT GLASS CONTAINER <3 ROSE PETALS <3 The BEST part though is when the female dancer comes on, wearing a giant, endless spine dress. đSTYLE ICONSđ
All in all, an excellent entry. I am happy it didnât win though, mostly because 2013 is also the year when Azerbaijanâs televote fraud AND fixed jury votes came to light, WHOOPS!!! đ€
#eurovision 2011#Eurovision Song Contest#Hungary#Moldova#Italy#Georgia#azerbaijan#Kati Wolf#What about my dreams?#O Mie#Aliona Moon#Francesco gabbani#Occidentali's Karma#Nina Sublatti#Warrior#Farid Mammadov#Hold me
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Nina Sublatti - Warrior (Georgia) 2015 Eurovision Song Contest
#this song was so underrated!#nina sublatti#warrior#eurovision#eurovision2015#eurovision georgia#this was such a good year!!!#and her performance is stunning#as are those of the other girls in this video#music#this is probably a reblog#and now I'm going to bed!
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One Final ESC 2023 Thought: Favorite Songs From Each Country (participating AND non-participating)!
AAAAA I'M SO SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH FOR A WHILE! I just...never got around to my finale before we get to some fun Junior Eurovision 2023/Eurovision 2024 stuff! So here is my finale: Where I share my favorite songs from each country in Eurovision from 2009 to the present.
So, how is this going to work? I'm going alphabetically because it's easier to do it like that. I'm giving you my top 2 from each country, but not the placements. If you want those, they're on the Eurovision website (I will put the year down though). Now, let's get to it!
Albania: "World" by Lindita (2017)/"Ktheju Tokës" by Jonida Maliqi (2019)
Andorra: "La Teva DecisiĂł (Get A Life)" by Susanne Georgi (2009)
Armenia: "Future Lover" by Brunette (2023)/"Not Alone" by Aram MP3 (2014)
Australia: "Promise" by Voyager (2023)/"Sound Of Silence" by Dami Im (2016)
Austria: "Who The Hell Is Edgar?" by Teya & Salena (2023)/"I Am Yours" by The MakeMakes (2015)
Azerbaijan: "Hold Me" by Farid Mammadov (2013)/"Fade To Black" by Nadir Rustalmi (2022)
Belarus: "Forever" by Alekseev (2018)/"Eyes That Never Lie" by Petr Elfimov (2009)
Belgium: "Rhythm Inside" by LoĂŻc Nottet (2015)/"The Wrong Place" by Hooverphonic (2021)
Bosnia & Herzegovina: "Korake Ti Znam" by Maya Sar (2012)/"Ljubav Je" by Jalal & Deen/Ana Rucner/Jala (2016)
Bulgaria: "If Love Was A Crime"/"Na Inat" both by Poli Genova (2016 & 2011 respectively)
Croatia: "Guilty Pleasure" by Mia Dimsic (2022)/"Tick Tock" by Albina (2021)
Cyprus: "Alter Ego" by Minus-One (2016)/"El Diablo" by Elena Tsagrinou (2021)
Czechia: "Lights Off" by Domi (2022)/"My Sister's Crown" by Vesna (2023)
Denmark: Ăve Os PĂ„ Hinanden" by Fyr og Flamme (2021)/"Only Teardrops" by Emmelie de Forest (2013)
Estonia: "Goodbye To Yesterday" by Elina Born & Stig RastÀ (2015)/"RÀndajad" by Urban Symphony (2009)
Finland: "Something Better" by Softengine (2014)/"Jezebel" by The Rasmus (2022)
France: "L'enfer et moi" by Amandine Bourgeois (2013)/"Ăvidemment" by La Zarra (2023)
Georgia: "Warrior" by Nina Sublatti (2015)/"Echo" by Iru (2023)
Germany: "Taken By A Stranger" by Lena (2011)/"Ghost" by Jamie-Lee (2016)
Greece: "Die Together" by Amanda Tenfjord (2022)/"Aphrodisiac" by Eleftheria Eleftheriou (2012)
Hungary: "What About My Dreams?" by Kati Wolf (2011)/"Running" by Andra Kallay-Saunders (2014)
Iceland: "Hear Them Calling" by Greta Salome (2016)/"10 Years" by DaĂ°i Freyr (2021)
Ireland: "Playing With Numbers" by Molly Sterling (2015)/"That's Rich" by Brooke (2022)
Israel: "Same Heart" by Mei Finegold (2014)/"Rak Bishvilo" by Moran Mazor (2013)
Italy: "La Mia CittĂ " by Emma (2014)/"ZITTI E BUONI" by MĂ„neskin (2021)
Latvia: "AijÄ" by Sudden Lights (2023)/"Love Injected" by Aminata (2015)
Lithuania: "Stay" by Monika Linkyte (2023)/"Discoteque" by The Roop (2021)
*can't wait to see Luxembourg next year!!!*
Malta: "This Is The Night" by Kurt Calleja (2012)/"Je Me Casse" by Destiny (2021)
Moldova: "O Mie" by Aliona Moon (2013)/"Run Away" by Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira (2010)
Montenegro: "Adio" by Knez (2015)/"Breathe" by Vladana (2022)
Netherlands: "Arcade" by Duncan Laurence (2019) *CONGRATS ON 1B SPOTIFY STREAMS!*/"De Diepte" by S10 (2022)
North Macedonia: "Crno I Belo" by Kaliopi (2012)/"Jas Ja Imam Silata" by Gjoko Taneski (2010)
Norway: "Fairytale" by Alexander Rybak (2009)/"Queen Of Kings" by Alessandra (2023)
Poland: "Flashlight" by Kasia MoĆ (2017)/"River" by Ochman (2022)
Portugal: "Amar Pelos Dois" by Salvador Sobral (2017)/"Vida Minha" by Filipa Sousa (2012)
Romania: "Playing With Fire" by Paula Seling & Ovi (2010)/"Amnesia" by Roxen (2021)
*I would like to look into which artists do NOT support the war before sharing my favorites for Russia*
San Marino: "Adrenalina" by Senhit & Flo Rida (2021)/"Stand By" by Senhit (2011) *yes...same artist 10 years apart*
Serbia: "Samo Mi Se Spava" by Luke Black (2023)/"Goodbye (Shelter)" by Sanja VuÄiÄ ZAA (2016)
Slovakia: "Horehronie" by Kristina Pelakova (2010)/"Don't Close Your Eyes" by Max Jason Mai (2012)
Slovenia: "Carpe Diem" by Joker Out (2023)/"No One" by Maja Keuc (2011)
Spain: "Quedate Conmigo" by Pastora Soler (2012)/"Dancing In The Rain" by Ruth Lorenzo (2014)
Sweden: "Heroes" by MÄns Zelmerlöw (2015)/"Popular" by Eric Saade (2011)
Switzerland: "Tout l'univers"/"RĂ©pondez-moi" both by Gjon's Tears (2021 & 2020 respectively)
Turkey: "We Could Be The Same" by maNga (2010)/"Dum Tek Tek" by Hadise (2009)
Ukraine: "Under The Ladder" by MĂ©lovin (2018)/"Time" by O. Torvald (2017)
United Kingdom: "I Wrote A Song" by Mae Muller (2023)/"Never Give Up On You" by Lucie Jones (2017)
Thank you so much for joining me this year! Looking forward to the new year of Eurovision stuff!
#esc#eurovision song contest#eurovision#esc 2023#eurovision 2023#esc2015#esc2014#esc2016#esc2009#esc2010#esc2021#esc2011#esc2022#esc2012#esc2013#esc2017#esc2018#esc2019#esc2020
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thinking about eurovision since itâs that time of the year
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