#Nikolette Anderson
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stallnorheim · 4 months ago
Soffía's POV
So before the snow came this morning, yesterday actually, I was able to take pictures of our new horse! His name is EMS Mono, and he is a Peruvian Paso stallion! In dire need of more Peruvian Paso blood for our breeding program, I decided to take this boy home with me after visiting him at Evergreen Meadows Stables.
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Niko was of course very excited to see him tölt for the first time (she clapped loudly at him, soooo excited!) in the arena, which just shows that he has strooong tölt qualities and genes, so we are looking forward to breed him to one of our mares, so we can have more Aegidienbergers!
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Anyways, this morning we woke up to snow though! It had been a long time coming, since it had been cold for awhile, but with no precipitation (is that even the right word? I don't know, I am norweigan xD) snow wouldn't and couldn't come.
So seeing it this morning was a blessing. The Icelandic's were clearly enjoying it, while the Peruvian Pasos' and some of the others (Dynamix for example) might need blankets very soon if not now.
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Oh, and it was nice to make up with Niko, and be sure of what we are, so we sealed that with a kiss before our lovely winter wonderland ride!
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brokenonyxestate · 1 year ago
Lunging and Groundwork
Today began with some lunging instructed by me, performed by Kismet and Nikolette. Kismet came to us after the old owner couldn't keep him anymore, and as we have bred him we were only happy to take him back. Right now we are schooling him, so he can get a small rider at some point. He is a good boy, but has a lot of energy.
And as you can see on this picture, he might have too much energy - today at least xD He just ran and ran around and around for a while, before Nikolette got him cooled down enough to let him loose.
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Which she did. He started bucking and kicking for a while, and then he was able to trot nicely again. He ran and bucked for quite a while though, as he can't run much in the pasture at the moment, as it's quite slippery from the ice and snow, so he really seemed to need a good galop!
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When he has used the excess energy Nikolette was able to bring him back into the lunge, and give him some more schooling. After that I left Niko to her own devices, and left the indoor arena to go get another horse who needed training.
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This is baby Cisco. He has just been taken from his mother at 7 months old, and brought into one of the too male pastures along with young Captain and the experienced and much older Rico. He seems to really have taken to Captain - who is roughly 1.5 years older than he is. And while Cisco has taken to Captain, Captain has really taken to Rico, whom he leans against if he gets unsure of anything.
When I called all three came running towards me, and I was able to snap this pretty, snowy picture! I am really adoring Cisco's colour against both his new blanket and the snow. He is a lovely boy!
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And so I brought him directly to the arena. Nikolette was walking around with Kismet in short leadrope for a few minutes before she left the arena to Cisco and I.
Pulling off his blanket I did some light groundwork with him. Mostly moving forward and backwards by light pressure. He did a very good job he did!
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Then I let him loose in the arena for a while. He enjoyed stretching his legs a lot, and switched between canter and galop time and time again. He is a lovely little lad, and I snapped a few pretty pictures!
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He seemed slightly spooked though when Calypso entered the arena, and I had to speak softly to him to get him back on the lead, so I could put the blanket on him again and then lead him to the pasture.
He was able to shake of the anxiety fairly quickly though, so I am sure that with training he will end up not reacting to that at all!
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FEATURING: BOE Cisco, BOE Kismet's Keener, Hera Cole, Nikolette Anderson, BOE Enrico & BOE Captain
TAGS: Luna BlueLake
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earith · 5 years ago
Various Artists - Into the Unknown (In 29 Languages) (From "Frozen 2")
Watch the full “Into the Unknown” sequence in 29 languages from Disney’s Frozen 2 featuring the original song written by Academy Award winners Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez.
"Into the Unknown" performed in: English, Castilian Spanish, PRC Mandarin, Swedish, Hungarian, Danish, Sámi, German, Icelandic, Bulgarian, Mandarin Taiwan, Estonian, Norwegian, Serbian, French, Russian, Italian, Greek, Polish, Korean, Flemish, Vietnamese, Thai, Latin Spanish, Kazakh, Hindi, Japanese, Finnish, Brazilian Portuguese 
Featuring: Idina Menzel, AURORA, Gisela, Weina Hu, Annika Herlitz, Füredi-Nagy Nikolett, Maria Lucia Heiberg Rosenberg, Marianne Pentha, Willemijn Verkaik, Ágústa Eva Erlendsdóttir, Nadezhda Panayotova, Cai Yong Chun, Hanna-Liina Võsa, Lisa Stokke, Jelena Gavrilovic, Charlotte Hervieux, Anna Buturlina, Serena Autieri, Sia Koskina, Katarzyna Łaska, Hye-Na Park, Elke Buyle, Tiêu Châu Như Quỳnh, Wichayanee Pearklin, Carmen Sarahí, Gulsim Myrzabekova, Sunidhi Chauhan, Takako Matsu, Katja Sirkiä, Taryn
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stallnorheim · 8 months ago
This morning Upkeep's first Icelandic Horse baby has been born. She was bought by @rosakajo, even before she was born, Rosa was even the one choosing who to be the sire of BOE Solvei's baby. We were just happy that she gave birth to a baby girl in a lovely colour. We did not know that Raudur (frá Upkeep) carried Silver, but now we don't have to get him tested I guess xD
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Anyways, she was born very early this morning, though not so early that I wasn't in the barn. I have been watching her closely over the last few days, even had a video camera put up in her foaling stall, so I wouldn't miss the birth of Solvei's first baby.
The only one watching the mare more closely than me was Nikolette Anderson, Solvei's owner, who allowed us to breed her mare with our stallion by Rosa's request.
So when I was walking around in the barn, I heard noise from Solvei's stall in the other end of this big barn. I checked the video camera that I had connected to both mine and Nikolette's phones, and saw that Solvei had laid down, and was panting heavily.
While running towards the stall (and this barn was the biggest of all of our barns of course) I speed dialed Niko, and yelled to her:
"SHE IS?!" was Niko's reply, as a lot of noise from the background, probably Niko putting on her boots and stuff, was heard.
"YEAH! Come on, you don't wanna miss this!" I told her, as I reached the stall, then I hung up.
I opened the stall door as slowly and quietly as I could. Solvei was laying on her side panting, but nothing seemed out of the normal. She was clearly pushing, and wasn't that out of breath, so I wasn't worried.
"Hey Sol," I murmured to the mare, as I slowly moved closer as to not spook her.
She lifted her head and looked at me, then let it fall to the ground again, clearly pushing hard! Then Niko showed up. She too was panting, almost more than Solvei, and clearly struggled with not exclaiming anything too loudly to spook the foaling mare.
"Am I too late?" she panted in a whisper to me, and looked towards the mare as she entered the stall too.
"No, no, I think it will be soon though." She nodded to me, and sat down on the stall's shavings. I sat down beside her, letting her stroke the mare's head, as she told her how good she was.
"You are so good, Sol. You got this!" she told the mare, and scratched her forehead.
The mare just panted and pushed real' big this time. A wet, loud noise was heard, and she pushed more. A muzzle peaked out of the bottom of the mare.
"That's it, my girl. A few more pushes!"
"You can do this, Sol!" I cheered her on, but let Niko be the one touching her, even if I really wanted to. This was big for Niko. This was Solvei's very first baby while she had been Niko's.
A few more pushes, and I moved to the back of the mare, touching the fine layer of film over the foal.
"One more push, and she will be out!" I told Niko, still in a whisper though slightly louder.
"Push, girl, push! One more time!" Niko encouraged the mare, and with another wet sound and a plop, the little baby came out.
I let Solvei open the film, and with bathered breaths (both Niko and I), we listened and then heard the baby take it's first breath. It was amazing, and then we could finally breathe again, as the baby whined, as the mother was cleaning her thoroughly.
It was a little girl.
Soon after the baby girl got onto her legs to stand, mama Sol still cleaning her coat from any residue. Seeing the baby stand was possibly one of the most wonderful experiences in my life. Probably of Niko's life too. It will definitely be hard to see her go, but she has been promised to Rosa, and we can't keep every horse we have bred after all ^^'
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A few days later the baby had been named, and had gotten her first halter. Niko had bought it herself with her own money, I couldn't have hindered her, even if I wanted to.
Already here on day three she escaped the stall while I was mucking out the stall (which it really needed by the way). Solvei looked worried after her, as she couldn't follow her the wheel barrel was in the way. And because the baby hadn't been lead by her halter yet, or even by a rope in the halter, I decided that letting Solvei out too would be better.
As soon as I did so the mama lead her baby back to the stall, by grabbing the halter with her teeth. It was fun to watch.
Oh, and she has been named Sigyn. Sigyn frá Upkeep.
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stallnorheim · 1 year ago
Hofna frá Upkeep ridden by Nikolette Anderson at Gæðingakeppni doing Pace
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BOE Solvei ridden by Nikolette Anderson at Gæðingakeppni doing Tölt
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stallnorheim · 2 months ago
Soffía's POV
To be honest I said a maximum of 12 icelandics, six from each gender (stallions and mares), but Niko somehow convinced me that I was in the wrong for looking at it like that, since we - honest to God - have a lot of space and a lot of staff on top of that as well!
And opening up my mind to the possibilities of more horses did something to my brain. You remember Drangur, right? The seventh Icelandic stallion I added to my stable, because I saw him, and my brain went 'Me has?!'.
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Soon after Drangur joined the stable a young, 3 year old Icelandic mare affectionally called Hattie (Hátign fra Ísdalur) joined us. She is barely broken in, but has such a nice pace that her new rider Frederic just had to take her for what he called 'a test drive' a few days after she had arrived.
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Other than that one of our Aegidienbergers has grown up! He has been boarded at another stable the last two to three years or so, since back then we didn't have a lot of space, and also I wanted playmates for him who fit him in both size and gender. So he has been at another stable in Norway for a while - 2-3 years or so - and he is now back, and has been slightly broken in!
Honestly, breaking him in was quite easy. He is a good egg with a good head, and Niko got him used to a rider in no time flat! Now he canters nicely in the oval track and on hacks, though he still need some gait work when in the typical dressage arena. We will get to that though!
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Compared to our other Aegidienbergers he is very much Icelandic build, but taller. Which is basically what I always wanted for my Aegidienbergers, so that's great! His sire is EMS Mono, and his dam is soon to be retired mare Hofna frá Upkeep. Being very icelandic build he is very thick to look at in general, and tölts like a dream!
In the picture below you see him, Solo, tölting along Fantasma, while Rossi and Dyno tries to keep up in canter. Damn those long legged Aegidienbergers can really tölt fast!
Oh, and yeah, we still have snow. It's kinda a constant in this area from October to March or so xD
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stallnorheim · 2 months ago
Soffía's POV
I told myself, and I told everyone else that more Icelandics wasn't in Upkeep Tölters' future. Apparently I was wrong, since Niko talked me into driving to Trondheim to go collect another one. So now we have Icelandic stallion number seven who goes by the name of Drangur!
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stallnorheim · 3 months ago
Soffía's POV
So well, Peyton - Niko's daughter - has begun taking a great interest in pace racing! Wanting her to progress further, I actually put her on a pace horse, since Solvei is too old and very much ready for retirement while her offspring is obviously too young.
This pace horse is Muska. She is from Rosa Kajo, and she is actually perfect for Peyton, since she is only 125 cm tall (short lol xD), and very willing to work! The mare is only 3 years old, barely broken in, but has a good temper and is levelheaded enough to be handled by a young, but experienced, rider like Peyton. She also has a special talent for pace, and shows it much more willingly and naturally than she shows any other gait - pace is definitely her go to!
And Peyton is handling the young mare like a true expert, especially considered that she is actually only 8 years old! I am very proud of my girlfriend's daughter <3
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Basil was out training another young pace prospect, Bleikja, who are slightly older than Muska (by under two years or so). She has been broken in about a year ago, but just a month ago she began showing talent for pace, so Basil basically begged me to let her try speed racking. We will see if she is ready, when the next show comes up, because if she is, then I will of course give in.
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Muska and Peyton seems like the perfect pair honestly. And Peyton has already learned that winter in Norway is COLD. Like really cold, and that she has to put on both thick jacket and gloves. Even if she insisted on a hoodie at first, in the early days of fall. Silly girl has a lot to learn, and so has Niko. My girlfriend always insists on too little clothes outside, when it's snowing and all, but I know better and always dress warmly, trying to get her to do the same xD
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stallnorheim · 3 months ago
Soffía's POV
Gyllír and Froya has been trying out the newly build oval track! A new arena track for the Icelandics to train tölt and pace (and other gaits as well!), so the horses are ready for the big oval tracks at the big and/or small shows!
It's located quite near the stable buildings, and we are very much looking forward to utilize it as much as possible to be ready for the shows in December.
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Nikolette has also gotten a new horse under her wings. Please welcome Haléggur! A beautiful vindótt stallion (also called Silver Dapple in English), who has a very strong pace, but need to work in his tölt a little, which is what Niko has been doing today.
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And then a wider shot of the new arena, and the adjoining dressage arena, so you can warm up there, if you want and then really work on the gaits in the oval track. It's also a good arena for young horses (the adjoining arena), when the older ones are training on the track, and the young one has the older one pretty near, so they don't get lonely.
We are also planning on constructing a pasture for the yearlings and youngstock just beside the arena and the track!
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stallnorheim · 4 months ago
Nikolette's POV
Well, technically only two foals was born today. The last baby was born yesterday when we were fortunate to not have snow, so this is not three snow pictures in a row sadly d:
Anyways, first baby up (showed by my love Soffía) is the only tobiano and the probably only dun of the total bunch. His name is Fákur frá Upkeep, and he is after Floki fra Ísdalur and Upkeep's own Kolubleik frá Upkeep! He is Grulla Tobiano (Ee aa Dd nT) and a colt.
He is a spunky little fellow, most energetic and not that gentle. He is not a big pack animal, and prefers to be alone, though he has bravery enough for three fluffy foals!
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Next one is Reginn frá Upkeep. He is after Raudur frá Upkeep and Blágrána frá Upkeep. He is a guarantied grey as his dam is a Grey GG mare, and we will be very sad to see that lovely Liver Chestnut (ee AA Gg) coat grey, but well... what is Upkeep Tölter's next generation without a foal that is greying with time?
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And then there is the only girl as of yet. Please welcome Sibba frá Upkeep (owned by me personally) with her mother BOE Solvei (also owned by me). Her sire is Apall frá Upkeep that I was lucky enough to be allowed to use as stud for Solvei's second and last foal.
She is such a little star, but knowing her father I know that she will grow into a grey coat by the time she is an adult, which kinda sucks as she is the spitting image of her mother right now. But we will see, we will surely love her anyway! Oh the joys of using a Grey GG stallion! xD
Being Solvei's baby she is of course mostly calm and collected and very friendly. She is also very outgoing and loves being amongst the other horses and foals.
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And then a single picture - with a pretty rainbow! - of Reginn being annoying, Sibba being annoyed and Fákur being his usual curious self, late to the party as always xD
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stallnorheim · 4 months ago
Nikolette's POV
It's slowly getting colder and colder, that much is clear. We haven't had snow yet, but it's only a matter of time. I love being beside my love, but had to talk to Rossi before going on a hack with her and my daughter.
"Rossi?" I asked, watching him train his horse in the arena. It was clear that it would soon be time for Dynamix to wear a blanket, as his coat wasn't exactly thick enough for the weather yet, and he has only just arrived from a much warmer country.
"Yeah, Niko, what's up?" He rode towards the gate, stopping his grey gelding just in front of me, so we could talk.
"Not to meddle or anything, but maybe you should think about clipping Dynamix and giving him a blanket? It's getting quite cold, and they are talking about snow very soon," I threaded carefully, knowing that I didn't exactly know Rossi that well yet, and had to approach a topic like this with a gentle, caring tone of voice.
"Ah, you are right. I hadn't exactly realized that it had gotten this cold yet," I sighed in relief that he didn't take my words the wrong way, then he added, "By the way... you and Soffía... are you? Together?"
"I guess, you could say that. We aren't official as such only exclusive, but I know that I love her," I confessed, a hand over my heart, feeling it beating hard at the thought of Soffía.
"Ah, gotcha! Just wanted to... understand you and the other staff better," he scratched his neck kinda awkwardly, and patted Dynamix' neck.
"Yeah..." I replied, smiling just as awkwardly before adding, "Well, I'll go on a hack soon. I'll see you later?"
"Sure!" He waved at me, before continuing his training.
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Going on the hack with my love and my daughter was nice. Normally I am not the one to ride Kolubleik, it's mostly Peyton, my daughter, who rides her, but I wanted to do a ladies' ride, so onto Kolubleik's back I went.
Soffía and I paced silently in front for a while, not one word was spoken. It was nice to just enjoy the nature around us and the horses beneath us, but I wanted to ask Soffía something.
I didn't get time for that before Peyton passed us in a fast canter on her/our private horse Solvei.
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"See you at the top!" Peyton laughed as she passed us.
I slowed Kolubleik down into a tölt, and Soffía did the same with Hofna. Tölting for a while, feeling completely safe with Peyton disappearing in the distance, as she knew the way home by heart, I then began speaking.
"Soffía?" I said, barely over a whisper, but realized she couldn't hear me, so I spoke a little louder: "Soffía?"
"What is it, Niko?" she replied, turning her head towards me with a smile, which made me blush deeply.
"It's just... what are we?" I spoke the words slowly and carefully, trying to rule out every misunderstanding.
"What we are?" She looked puzzled for a second, and then laughed nervously, "We are... what you want us to be?" It sounded more like a question than an answer.
"And if I want us to be partners? In a romantic manner I mean?" I asked, chewing at my bottom lip.
She reached over, touching my cheek.
"Then is that what we are?" I struggled a little, asking again.
"That's what I want, and if that's what you want too, then that's what we are," she smiled sweetly at me, stroking my cheek, as we both brought our horses into a halt.
"It's what I want," I replied with a big smile, and she leaned over to kiss my lips. This was definitely a good day, even if we got snow tomorrow.
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stallnorheim · 7 months ago
Frederic's POV
Is love in the air at Upkeep Tölters? Or are Niko and Soffía just happy to get to sit down on something that's not a horse after a long day of riding? Follow me to learn more - Frederic over n' out!
someone yells in the background FREDERIC I'LL KILL YOU!
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stallnorheim · 8 months ago
Apall frá Upkeep Ridden by Froya Einarsdottir Gæðingakeppni - Tölt Upkeep Tölters
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ELFI Hrafn Ridden by Froya Einarsdottir Gæðingakeppni - Tölt Upkeep Tölters
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Raudur frá Upkeep Ridden by Soffía Hagen Gæðingakeppni - Pace Upkeep Tölters
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Gyllír frá Upkeep Ridden by Froya Einarsdottir Gæðingakeppni - Pace Upkeep Tölters
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Flóki fra Ísdalur Ridden by Frederic Hanson Gæðingakeppni - Trot Upkeep Tölters
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stallnorheim · 8 months ago
2024 Stallion Showcase
Rauður frá Upkeep #4346
Chestnut Icelandic Horse Stallion Shown by Soffía Hagen Representing Upkeep Tölters Gaited Conformation ~ Gæðingakeppni
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Flóki fra Ísdalur #4378
Grey Tobiano Icelandic Horse Stallion Shown by Frederic Hanson Representing Upkeep Tölters Gaited Conformation ~ Gæðingakeppni
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stallnorheim · 8 months ago
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stallnorheim · 11 months ago
Been raining all day but with no indoor arena we had to make do with the outside! Our Icelandics has nothing against the rain, but the two Pasos doesn't like it apparently xD
Nikolette and I (Soffía Hagen in this small story) took turns switching horses and teaching each other today. These two are Gråravn's Turning Table (Peruvian Paso Chestnut Roan boy) and Gråravn's Epando (Grey Paso Fino boy) btw., by @Rune Aksnes.
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