#Niko omilana oneshot
chunkzdeluluwife · 2 months
𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐭 𝐢𝐭 ⛛𝐀𝐉 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐥⛛
a story where your boyfriend shows you some unexpected affection.
‼️: slight angst
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You were lying in bed, scrolling through TikTok as usual, hugging a pillow while resting on your side. One leg was draped over the pillow, and you held your phone in the other hand. Suddenly, AJ walked into your room and yanked the pillow from between your thighs. Before you could protest with a “Hey!—,” he climbed onto the bed, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. He nestled his head into your chest, replacing the pillow with himself.
“Mm..~” he mumbled quietly into your chest as he snuggled his head closer, wrapping his arms even tighter around your waist and pulling you even closer, not wanting to let go. He was so clingy right now.
“Hey baby, you good?” you asked.
He nodded silently, his head still buried in your chest, nuzzling against it more with a huff, still holding onto you tightly. He really wanted some cuddles right now.
“You just tired?” you asked.
He nodded again against your chest, tightening his hold around your waist even more, pulling you as close as possible, pressing his body flush against yours, and nuzzling his head further into your chest as he mumbled.
“And you say your pet peeve is physical touch. What if the boys saw you like this?” you teased, laughing as you rubbed and kissed his head.
He let out a huff, burying his face deeper into your chest and groaning against it.
“The boys can’t see me like this. If they found out I can be like this with you, they’ll never shut up about it,” he mumbled in an annoyed tone, still clinging to you tightly, not willing to let go.
He continued to nuzzle his head into your chest, enjoying the feeling of your hand rubbing and kissing his head. He let out a small, contented sigh as he started to relax more against you, his hold on your waist slightly loosening as he cuddled further into you.
“Jeez, you’re so needy, baby,” you said, laughing.
“Mm.. Shut up..” he mumbled in an annoyed tone, but he didn’t deny it as he nuzzled further into your chest, enjoying the feeling of being cuddled by you, still hugging you around your waist and clinging to you tightly, wanting to be as close as possible.
You laughed. “Gosh, you never act like this, it’s so funny.”
He huffed again in annoyance, but couldn’t help but pout a little, clearly feeling slightly embarrassed by how clingy and needy he was being right now.
“Shut up, I’m just tired, alright?.. that’s all..” he mumbled again in a stubborn tone, still refusing to lift his head and look at you as he clung onto you tightly.
“Sorry, I’m just saying you’re never this lovey.”
He let out an annoyed huff, “I’m always lovey,” he mumbled against your chest again, pouting even more as he clung to you tightly. “I’m always lovey with you,” he said again, slightly pulling his head up to look at you with an annoyed but cute sulking pout on his face.
“No, you’re not! You always bully me! Even though I’m your girlfriend,” you said, shocked at his response.
He slightly pulled his head away from your chest to look up at you, still pouting a little as he looked at you with a stubborn expression.
“I don’t bully you,” he said in a slightly defensive tone, but he knew deep down that he actually did.
“Yeah, sometimes I think you don’t even love me,” you said, half-jokingly, rubbing his back and looking up at the ceiling.
He sighed a little when you joked about him not loving you. Even if you were joking, it annoyed him.
“Yeah, sure… I’m just here cuddling and clinging to you because I don’t love you,” he said in a sarcastic and stubborn tone, rolling his eyes while still pouting.
“Well, I don’t know, you’re never like this,” you said defensively.
He huffed again, clearly getting annoyed that you doubted his love for you. He lifted his head from your chest completely and looked at you with a bit of an annoyed expression.
“Well, maybe if you weren’t always so damn snarky and sarcastic, I would be lovey with you more often,” he said in an annoyed tone, although his stubborn expression started to soften.
You were shocked by his response. “Oh… sorry,” you said, quietly retracting yourself from his hold.
He sighed as soon as he realized how harsh and rude he sounded, not liking that he made you upset. He cursed himself mentally for being so stubborn and proud.
“No, wait…” he mumbled before gently grabbing your wrist as you tried to pull away, gently pulling you back, trying to get you to look at him again.
“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how snarky and sarcastic I am. And I didn’t realize how that makes you upset,” you said, looking down.
He sighed as he sat up and pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you tightly against him, his head buried into your neck.
“You don’t have to say sorry… I should be the one saying sorry for being rude and snapping at you… I shouldn’t have said all that,” he mumbled against your neck, slightly nuzzling his head against it as he held onto you.
He continued to mumble against your neck, his warm breath ghosting over it as his arms around your waist tightened, pulling you even closer against him.
“You know I do love you, right? I don’t know why I’m like this sometimes… I just don’t know how to express myself and show my feelings without being a jackass sometimes.”
“I understand. I just doubt myself sometimes because I think I’m not that important in your life. So seeing you like that was shocking for me, honestly,” you said as you leaned into his hold, wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his shoulder.
He held you tighter against him as he nuzzled his head against your neck, letting out another deep sigh.
“You’re the most important person in my life. I know I don’t show it often… But you really are. I hate that you doubt yourself and doubt our relationship sometimes… and I hate that I make you doubt it… I’m sorry, baby.”
“I’m sorry for thinking that,” you said, overcome with emotion, as you began to cry into his shoulder.
He quickly wrapped his arms tighter around you, pulling you flush against him as he felt you starting to cry against his shoulder. He started to rub soothing circles on your back.
“Hey, hey, hey… don’t be sorry, don’t cry, please. I hate it when you cry,” he mumbled against your neck as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“I’m sorry,” you said, sniffling.
He sighed quietly, hearing you sniffle against his shoulder as you apologized again. He continued to rub your back gently to soothe you as he buried his face into your neck again.
“Stop apologizing, okay? I hate it when you apologize. I’m the one who made you feel that way, so don’t be sorry. Just… please stop crying,” he mumbled against your neck, feeling bad that he made you cry.
You didn’t know what else to say but that you were sorry, so you just kept quiet.
He sighed again as you went quiet, hating how silent you were. He gently pulled his head away from your neck, placing a gentle kiss on the side of your head before pulling you back a bit so he could look at your face.
“Hey, look at me, please.”
He gave you a soft, sad smile, seeing your teary eyes as he lifted his hand to your cheek, rubbing his thumb against it gently, wiping the tears away from your eyes.
“Please don’t cry. I don’t like it when you cry,” he said in a soft and gentle tone, still using his other hand to rub soothing circles on your back.
“I’ll stop,” you said with a faint smile.
He couldn’t help but smile when he heard you say that. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead, starting to feel relieved that you stopped crying.
“Thank you. I love you,” he mumbled, burying his head back into your neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist tighter, pulling you flush against him.
“I love you too,” you said.
“Promise me something, please,” he said in a soft tone as he continued to rest his head on your shoulder, his arms still around your waist, holding you close against him.
You looked at him curiously. “What?”
“Next time you feel like I don’t care, or that you’re not important, or that I don’t love you… Please talk to me and come to me instead of keeping it to yourself,” he said in a soft, but serious tone, lifting his head so he could look at your face.
“Okay,” you said, quietly nodding.
He let out a sigh as he gave you a small smile. He brought his hand up to place a gentle kiss on your forehead again before speaking.
“I mean it, okay? I want you to talk to me about anything you’re feeling. I don’t want you to keep it all to yourself anymore.”
“I understand,” you said, lying on top of him.
He let out another deep sigh, feeling relieved that you understood what he meant. He let himself fall back down, so now you were both lying down on the bed, with you on top of him. He wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you against him as he closed his eyes, just enjoying the feeling of having you close.
He continued to hold you close, his eyes still closed as he let out a soft sigh, nuzzling his head into your neck. He loved cuddling like this.
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shuuuuush · 1 year
Summary: Niko tries to "cook" for you when you're sick. Did he really though?
Warnings: none
A/N: Had this in my drafts, I had to get it out honestly 😭 sorry if it looks rushed bc it is
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You yawned, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. Yes, you were sick, but you were the chef in the house.
Right before you opened the door to the kitchen, you smelt something cooking, sniffing as you slowly opened the door.
Your eyes widened in shock and you started laughing as you saw the scene in front of you.
Niko cooking?
Clearly, he couldn't hear your laughter because the sound of the grill was loud at what he was cooking.
He was at grill, pouring batter into a frying pan, wondering what he was making. You slowly tip toed over to the taller man.
Peeking over his shoulder, you saw him making what looked like ... pancakes?
Well thats what you assumed it was because they looked a bit, deformed.
You turned your head backwards and started to cough a bit because your throat was getting itchy.
Niko turned his head, jumping back, and his eyes widened as he saw you there.
"Oh my gosh, baby, you scared me." He said, putting a hand to his heart as you stood there suppressing a few giggles at his reaction.
"You're supposed to be in bed, you know?" He put the pan off to the side of the stove so it wouldn't burn and placed his hands on his hips, turning back to you.
"You're sick."
You made a face that said to him, "No, really??"
"Yeah, but clearly, you need help from a professional chef. Your "pancakes" are all deformed. I dont think you can even classify them as pancakes." You stated as a matter of fact, pointing to the plate which laid a few deformed pancakes.
"Don't you worry your little head about no pancakes, those are for me." He chuckles at seeing your brows furrow in confusion but also relief.
"Let's get you upstairs. You need your beauty rest. You're up so early." Niko tried to push you towards the door, but you wouldn't budge.
So he resorted to the one tactic he knew would work.
He swiftly grabbed your legs and back and carried you bridal style. Laughing as he heard your small protests of telling him to put you down.
He ignored them obviously and carried you back to your room and plopped you onto your bed.
"Now, stay here, and I'll bring your breakfast back to you." He turned towards the door but looked back at you and pointed a finger at you. "You better not go back downstairs again." And he closed the door behind him.
You just rolled your eyes at him but started smiling.
It was so heartwarming to see your boyfriend take care of you. Even if he didn't let you cook, which was one of your passions. He loved you, and you could see it in the way he treated you.
'Honestly, I got a good one,' you thought to yourself, making you smile wider to yourself.
And you drifted back off to sleep.
It must've been an hour or more before you felt a hand shake your arm slightly. Opening your eyes, you were met with brown ones that smiled at you. You smiled back and turned to see in front of you, a tray full of food.
"I made you breakfast." Niko smiled, but something about his smile seemed off. Like he was hiding something.
"Really? You made this?" You asked, looking surprised and excited at the same time.
There was an array of food, ranging from soups to pastries and fruit salads. Most of the foods you assumed were to help you get better, which is why there wasn't much sweet food.
"Cooking is my speciality, baby." He winked and put a hand on your shoulder, motioning you to eat up.
The food was surprisingly delicious. You've tried Nikos food once before, and let's just say ... it was interesting.
But the breakfast he made seemed like he became a 5 star chef in just a few hours.
Still in disbelief, you asked him, mouth slightly full. "Did you really make this? This is amazing."
He scratches the back of his neck and looks away, chuckling, "Yeah, well..."
He throws his hands up in honesty, "Ok, I can't lie to you anymore, I got someone to cook that for you. I didn't cook it. Well, I did, but I just helped. It's more like I plated it."
You narrow your eyes towards him but then you shake your head and start laughing.
"So you got like a 5 star chef downstairs?"
"Ehh, well, it's Chunkz."
You make an "o" with your mouth while nodding, it makes sense now, Chunkz is a great chef.
But you honestly appreciated everything that Niko has done for you. You absolutely adored this man.
"Niko, thank you, though. Honestly, I appreciate this so much." You get out of bed and wrap your arms around his neck and engulf him in a hug which he returns.
"I love you." You lean in to kiss him, but he backs away laughing. Waving his pointer finger in your face, in a motion that signs "no"
"Not while you're sick, baby." He places a kiss on your forehead, though, when he sees you frowning. "I'll go get a cloth for your forehead. You're burning up."
He walked towards the door, but not before giving you a smile you loved so much.
You hated being sick, but if you have Niko taking care of you, maybe you didn't hate it as much.
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Taglist: @b4tasquad @p3drii @n1kodl @elora-k @slutforpablogavi @enhacolor @amwife
Mutuals Taglist: @b4tasquad @p3drii @vctrvn-ls @allygatcr @slutforpablogavi @kennysboxergf @n1kodl @amwife
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g-xix · 4 months
🔞Wet Dreamz | Sharky
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Summary: Lazy Sunday morning, waking up within Sharky's arms and realising he's dreaming about you, by the way you can feel him thrusting between your legs. Good thing it's a Sunday morning, and the two of you have plenty of time to live it out with one another...
CWs: Kinda somnophilia, lazy sex, spoon sex, hickeys, lots of boob play, unprotected sex, wet dream, grinding, belly bulge, soft sex
Wordcount: 2k words
Waking up to Sharky rutting his length between your legs wasn't exactly what you'd expected upon waking up - and turning around groggily to see what antics Sharky was trying to pull - his eyes were closed and lips slightly parted. Clearly asleep. It wasn't how you'd expected to wake up for sure, but it would be undeniable to say that the way Sharky's head nudged your clit wasn't building arousal between your legs at the feeling of him repeatedly brushing over that bundle of nerves.
"Sharks," You mumbled, pushing your hips back to bump his body into consciousness, before reaching behind to find his hand and squeeze that slightly, to try get some sort of reaction.
A little whine left Sharky's lips, his thrusts slowing to a stop, signifying his awakening.
"Baby, you'll never believe, I was just dreaming 'bout you..." His first words came out, husky and lower with his morning voice that made your heart warm at the sexiness of it. The irony of his words didn't fail to make you giggle, responding with a smile.
"Yeah, what were you dreaming about?"
"Well, we'd just gone on honeymoon... And we were in Tokyo - like we said we'd do - and the place was gorgeous... You know, balcony and private pool and we were watching the sunset from our bed - because there were glass windows, and..."
"Let me guess," You started as Sharky began trailing off. "We were fucking?"
"How'd you guess?" Sharky murmured, his sleepiness evident in the yawn his gave.
"Well, you were sorta.... thrusting."
Sharky choked, coughing on his own breath at those words, making you laugh at his own shock at his actions - followed by a frantic flurry of fragmented apologies. 
"Oh baby, it's fine, I was worried initially but... I don't know, I guess we all have those dreams sometimes," You had turned around to console him, pressing a chaste little kiss to Sharky's lips to calm him, though you felt Sharky's erection brush your lower stomach as you leaned in, and Sharky clearly felt it too, as he let out a low groan at the momentary contact. 
His hands found your waist, exposed from your shirt that had ridden up, plaid bottoms an old pair of Sharky's own which you'd opted for instead of your own. The arousal that'd built between your legs was almost begging for some type of stimulation, and the lazy Sunday with no plans booked felt compliant with your plans to have Sharky inside you before breakfast got there. But the cosiness of the bed's thick duvet which covered you, blanketing you in a thick layer of your own heat told you to stay right where you were- rather than shuffling to disrupt the duvet warmth and have sex with Sharks.
"Mhhmff- Sharks- I'm too comfy to do anything..." You whined, further proving your point by curling slightly, into a stretched foetal position. 
"That's fine, Amore," Sharky's deepened voice with the slight accent, gravelly in a way you could tell he was used to try and persuade you. And much to your dismay, you were undeniably seduced.
A short squeal left your lips as Sharky's hand on your hip pushed you- not to shove you - rather to roll you onto your back, hitting the mattress flat and barely getting a moment to come to your senses before Sharky had attached to your neck, his tongue licking a long stripe up from your collarbone to the soft skin below your jaw, pushing harder as he went from muscle to soft spot between your jaw and ear, pressing the lightest kiss right there and whispering something unintelligibly hot into your ear before ducking below.
He'd mapped out your body within the back of his mind, not wasting any time in trying to find that sweet spot, attaching his lips to the undeniable dip above your collarbone and sinking his teeth into the skin, making you let out an initial gasp at the sharpness of his canines, pronged tips leaving little markings against your skin as he pulled back with an almost shy smile, just wanting to see that look of surprise on your face. Though he proceeded to soften the bite by creating a suction within those teethmarks, holding until it just began hurting before pulling away with a pop, admiring the darkening mark that formed within the softness of your flesh, soft sighs of pleasure falling from your lips at the feeling.
You could feel his hand trailing up from your side, too, palms encircling the underside of your breast and pushing it upwards, fingers grasping at the pillowy flesh through the thin material of your tank top. His mouth still gently working against the crook of your neck, embellishing you with a myriad of possessive markings, his fingers explored beneath the neckline of your top - reaching and cupping one boob, pulling it out from the fabric and letting it plop back down - his mouth leaving your neck for just a moment as he licked his thumb, letting the slick digit press against your nipple and circle around that darkened skin whilst his fingers groped the rest, your breathing hitching as you could feel your back unintentionally arching away from the mattress and further begging for his touch. 
His mouth scaled down from neck to chest, paralleling his hands which trailed down to the waistband of the pair of bottoms you wore (one of Sharky's, obviously) his mouth wrapping around one bud, hot tongue circling around the peak against before flicking it up and down, making you feel a heavy aching between your legs whilst a gasp and moan simultaneously left your throat, jerking your body forwards slightly from that feeling Sharky gave you - even whilst he detached from your wet nipple with a pop sound from the released suction.
Reaching behind with a shaky hand, you felt his hard cock through his own matching plaid bottoms, the stimulation from stiff cotton against his sensitive tip making him let out something guttural - between a grunt and a groan as his hand snaked around your waist, pushing his cock against your behind so that he could grind against your behind, providing even more satisfying friction that made his mind whir.
You pushed his bottoms down, freeing his cock whilst shimmying your own off, listening to the low breaths Sharky gave as his hand gently ran up and down his shaft, waiting for you to give him the go.
"Shit I'm so lucky to have you," He groans as he sees your exposed core, making you flush as his hand, sat on your hip, manoeuvred you onto your side, facing the opposite way as though you were getting ready to spoon.
But the feeling of Sharky's tip pushing into your pussy, tip stretching the hole as you parted your legs more, neck rolling backwards as you accommodated the stretch, before letting a contented little sigh fall from your smiling lips at the feeling of fulfilment, having Sharky completely filling you, bottomed out.
There was no need to pause and let you adjust to his size, he already knew how accustomed you were to his length, and he didn't plan on going rough regardless - his hands vicing around your hips with a comfortable pressure, moving your body with his own hips to pull out to the tip before pushing back in with little force, letting you bask in that feeling of the stretch.
You closed your eyes, letting your breathing slow slightly whilst your head fell heavily against the pillow - hands slipping between your thighs and dragging that slight between your legs up to your clit with a middle finger, tapping ever so slightly on the bundle of nerves and sighing at the feeling of satisfaction.
The stretch and the euphoria that came from the double stimulation alongside your clit also - it was like waking up in Summer - pulling the duvet back and spreading your limbs, comfortable from waking up as you realise the sun's warmed the room and it's just as cosy outside the bed as it was within it.
You let yourself lean backwards, Sharky's body curling into yours as his face came close to your shoulder, delicately pressing a kiss over the smooth skin whilst his hand rubbed over your hips, feeling the gentle dip and the peachy softness of your skin, his own hips pulling back before pushing forwards so that to two of you were completely flush. The rush of morning air that enveloped your back as Sharky pulled away and disturbed the blankets almost made you want to just roll him over - push his back down flat with you on top - your chest pressed against his - just lie on him with his length inside you, cuddle and cockwarm instead of doing anything really. 
But the feeling as Sharky's hand dipped past your hips and replaced your hand on your clit - dragging your slick up from your core and circling the sensitive bud - rendered you completely wordless, a high, breathy noise slipping from your throat before you could catch it.
Sharky groaned into your shoulder, his teeth scraping over the place he'd kissed - teeth sinking in and biting your shoulder gently as a small sign of affection, his pronged canines sharp against the softness and giving you that fraction of pain which only made you feel your heartbeat in your heat.
You pushed your own hips back into Sharky's, the light motion causing agitation within the duvet above you - yet you couldn't even care, the feeling of Sharky's length kissing the tip of your cervix drove you wild, and only made you stretch your back out more, Sharky's own hand trailing up to your breasts to grab a handful of your tits, almost using them as a vice to manage his thrusts back and forth.
You could feel a warmth spreading from your fingertips down, and felt your orgasm coming - the fluttering of your pussy around Sharky's cock making him groan and notifying him of your pending orgasm which he mumbled "So close my love, me too-"
And the action of Sharky's hand tracing down your front, down from your tits, down your ribcage - until it sat on your belly - pushing his palm flat against your stomach with just enough pressure that you could feel his cock hitting the inside of your stomach, and so could his hand-
Neither of you could contain yourself - your back arching and thighs shaking as you felt euphoria course through your body, a warm spread of pleasure rushing through every single vein and artery in your being, filling you with lightness and bliss - whilst Sharky filled you with his cock in one last thrust, climaxing inside of you and letting you feel that warm rush that filled your pussy, before he pulled out - letting out a deep sigh of fulfilment.
You turned a half-turn, lying on your back - chest up - staring at the ceiling with limbs splayed in all directions. Like a starfish.
You peeled the duvet back a little further, feeling the golden morning rays that shone through the window gracing over your skin. You felt as though your whole body was glowing, and Sharky pressed a kiss to your shoulder, you could tell he felt the same.
"We should do this more often," You let a deep, fulfilled sigh fall from your lips, lips curled into a smile as Sharky's arm snaked around your shoulders, pulling your naked body close into his own, absolutely loving his first sight in the morning being simply you.
"You think?" Sharky quirked a brow up, running his tongue over his canines with a devious grin. "'Cause I could sure get used to waking up n fucking you first thing-"
"Well, c'mon, maybe not every day," You rolled your eyes, curling into Sharky's chest and letting him roll over so that your body lay atop his, enveloped by his arms which wrapped around your waist tenderly.
"Mhmm I can work with that," Sharky pressed a kiss to your lips, pulling away and mumbling with a blissful smile- "To be honest, being able to wake up next to you is enough of a blessing in itself."
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
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TAGLIST: @clarkeysbog @mekselinaurr @springholland @xxkatxgracexx @certainsaturn @kennysimp101 @lilyyxoii @notalloutofusernames @pinkpomelo
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xxkatxgracexx · 5 months
Niko Omilana ~ £10 Date VS £10,000 Date ~ Beta Squad video.
Niko Omilana but references a date with both Niko and Chunkz orchestrated for entertainment purposes.
Summary: As the only female member of the Beta Squad, you are the chosen date for the £10 Date VS £10,000 Date video on the Beta Squad channel. Obviously the aim of the video is to see whether money or personality matters more on a date, so Chunkz's is being a good date, person and overall caring, but having the low budget of £10, while Niko had a high budget of £10,000 but had to be arrogant and rude. Nobody knows you would die for a real rate with Niko.
Warnings: Planned and Orchestrated Relationships for entertainment, Language, Kissing, Smut/Sexual Themes, Descriptive Smut, Unsafe Sex.
This takes place a few years ago on original Beta Squad. Go watch the video it's mad funny.
It takes ages to get to the smut but it does get there - I wouldn't lie to you bae xx.
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Niko is so fine bro
2nd Person - past tense
"Hi Guys, Welcome to the Beta Squad channel, and today we are going to do a £10 VS £10,000 date challenge, in which two people go on a date with one girl. The aim is to see whether money or personality matter more."
Everyone has been introduced and is going out to find a girl. Once they have discovered this is a no-go, they go back to the Beta House to think.
Aj sat on a bean bag, everyone else on the couch. Out of no-where, (definitely scripted), Chunkz said:
"Guys, the 6th Beta Squad member is upstairs and we didn't even think about her. Why can't she be the date?"
Niko insisted against the idea, "Nah, nah. Wouldn't that be weird?"
Aj looked straight into the camera:
"Well, we're gonna do it anyway, we have a tight budget," He said and laughed.
A knock on your door was heard and Niko, Chunkz and Aj came in. Kenny and Sharky waited outside. Chunkz looked at you, you were sitting in your chair editing when you heard them and turned around:
"Uhm, hello?" You said, acting confused for the sake of the video.
Niko spoke: "We would like you to help us film a Beta video."
"Okay... what do I have to do?"
Aj said: "You have to go on a date..."
You got up, "Yes, well needed."
He continued, "With two of us..."
"What... why?" You said, feigning confusion.
"Content?" Aj said into the camera with a smile on his face.
"Whatever let's go," you laughed.
"After careful consideration, Chunkz has been chosen for the £10 date, and Niko was elected for the £10,000 date," Sharky said into the camera.
"Oh, this is gonna be horror," Chunkz said, half-laughing, half-despairing.
The camera panned towards Niko, his face seemed filled with glee for the £ 10,000 budget but somehow worried.
You internally freaked out in the corner of the room, staring at Niko before burying your face into your phone, acting unbothered.
The next scene showed you entering the Beta House as if for the first time. You knocked on the door and waited for what felt like hours before a smiling Aj appeared before you.
"Welcome! Sorry for the wait beautiful," he winked. "Come in, come in."
He took you through the house and into the backyard, where a piece of cardboard and Chunkz awaited on the floor.
"Oh." The camera panned towards your concerned face.
Chunkz noticed you, "Hey darling, take a seat, my apologies for the current... situation."
He smiled sweetly.
Immediately you thought about how it's weird to be on a date with Chunkz, not only because he was your friend, but because he wasn't really your type and you usually wouldn't go for him.
Despite this, you could see that he was trying his best to make the date a little more enjoyable for you.
Sat on the other side of the cardboard (uncomfortably, due to the grass being a little damp), you watched Aj walk over and offer the both of you some drinks.
You piped up, "Do you have any champagne?"
"No," Aj replied.
Chunkz looked like he wanted to die.
It cut to his interview:
"We have a 10-pound budget... and this gyal thinks we got champagne? Mad ting."
"What do you have?" You asked.
Aj hesitated, "Water... I think?"
You smiled awkwardly and accepted anything you could get. The date continued to be an absolute shambles. It was awkward, the budget was not ideal and you walked away with wet legs. However, Chunkz was really trying for you and ended up being really nice, showing you that he too wanted to have a more ideal situation and a better date.
Cameras went off before you left for your dreaded second location.
Chunkz hugged and thanked you, saying, "Don't have too much fun on your date."
He winked and you said your final goodbyes.
Niko's POV - past tense
At this point, we had gathered all of our supplies and were waiting in the restaurant for Y/n to arrive. Tired of waiting in the uncomfortable booth, I sighed and decided to go outside.
As I opened the front door, I was taken by surprise - Y/n appearing right in front of me. I jumped.
She laughed, "Such a gentleman and the date hasn't even started yet?"
She smiled and walked over to George, getting orders on what to do. She went back outside for a walk-in shot and sat down opposite me. As she sat down, she noticed flowers splayed out on the table, spelling her name so incorrectly it made her laugh. You genuinely would've thought a child spelt it.
"That's sweet but it's spelt wrong."
I laughed and then dropped my face dramatically, "No that's right."
She smiled awkwardly for a second before I randomly leaned forward, to "kiss" her as the boys had "advised". I could've sworn for a second her face went red before creasing her eyebrows and looking around.
"Did you just dodge my kiss?" I asked, mock-offended.
"Yes... why would you kiss me thirty seconds into a date?" She laughed awkwardly.
"Are you a lesbian or something?" I said, 'seriously'.
She bursted out laughing before profusely apologising. We got told we were going to have to re-take the whole scene. She spent another ten minutes apologising again and again, which I was grateful for as it stalled the almost-kiss for a little longer.
When it came, our faces were inches apart for a few seconds, and my face was heated, wishing I could've stayed like that for just a second longer. I've never wanted to lean forward and let go as much as I did then.
I pushed through the rest of the date acting arrogant and entitled before we finally finished recording and the camera went off.
Y/n burst out laughing, she looked at me and I swear a blush formed on her cheeks but I figured it was heated from filming so long on this hot set and ignored it.
"Nikolas Omilana," she laughed. I smiled - hearing her say my full name always gave me butterflies, "I never thought you could be such an obnoxious prick."
I joked around, saying: "Could I get that kiss now though?"
I laughed, obviously kidding but wishing she really would do it.
She giggled and reached up onto her toes, grabbing the back of my neck with one hand and my jaw with the other, kissing me softly.
She pulled away laughing, Sharky and Kenny as shocked as I was.
In all honesty, I didn't think she actually would do it, it was just a stupid fantasy. In reality, I had no clue what to say or do if it would happen and still had no clue what to say or do when it did happen.
"I...," I stuttered, utterly speechless, "You know I was joking right?". I lie through my teeth, knowing I wanted that so badly.
"I know," She giggled.
I looked down at her and my heart warmed up. I leaned down and kissed her again more passionately, my hands in her hair and her arms around my neck.
Sharky and Kenny jokingly cheered in the background, laughing and applauding me on my "good work".
I pulled away and smiled at her lovingly.
"I think the date went brilliantly," I laughed.
She smiled, "I can't believe I just kissed someone after a date like that."
"How about I take you on a better one to make up for it?" I prayed she didn't think I was cringe, or maybe she didn't even like me at all like that.
Sharky and Kenny whispered their 'smooth's and 'cold's and she smiled and stuck her tongue out from between her teeth slightly. She hugged me, her head immediately cuddled into my chest.
'God, I could bend her over right now." I randomly thought, immediately feeling creepy and grossed out in my head.
Her breasts were pushed into my chest, my heartbeat got faster and I slowly felt an erection forming until I pushed her away "calmly", I smiled innocently as if I couldn't and hadn't been imagining her in every position under me I could physically think of.
Kenny drove and Sharky took the front seat before I could, forcing me awkwardly in the back with Y/n.
The whole journey I rested my hand on her thigh, hoping she felt the same internal screaming as I did then.
Y/n's POV - past tense
I had zoned out for the rest of the car journey and 45 minutes went by faster than I could imagine. The endless kisses I wanted from him and Niko's hand on my thigh were the only things running through my head.
The car stopped suddenly and I awoke to Niko picking me up out of the seat and closing the door.
I rubbed my eyes slowly, really feeling Niko's hands around me.
I must have fallen asleep again because I woke up in Niko's bed, half-lay half-sat uncomfortably. My neck ached and I was thirsty.
The only sounds I could hear were Chunkz editing something - presumably the video we have just filmed, and Niko's electric toothbrush vibrating from his bathroom.
Niko walked in wearing an NDL hoodie and plain grey joggers.
"Oh, you're awake!" he exclaimed.
I hummed softly and sat up, stretching.
I swung my legs over and got out of his bed. I was about to walk out when I heard Niko say my name.
I turned around, eyebrow raised.
"Would you wanna watch a movie?" he smiled sweetly.
I nodded, yawning.
"I'm gonna get dressed first," I said, still wearing my dress (thankfully my heels had been taken off).
"You can just wear my clothes," he hesitated, then added, "If you want."
I nodded and he gave me his t-shirt and a pair of his boxers. I go into his bathroom to change.
I started being nosy in his bathroom, looking at his shower and in his cupboards. I held his shirt to my nose, inhaling and closing my eyes. I slipped out of my dress and my bra, feeling grateful to have free breasts for a while after having a push-up on all day.
Putting his clothes on, I saw his cologne and sprayed some, basking in his scent.
When I walked into the room Niko was searching for a movie to play, looking half-asleep cuddled up in his bed. I got in beside him, resting my head on his shoulder, not getting too close cuddly just in case he didn't want that.
Clearly I was mistaken because I felt a much larger hand wrap around my waist, pulling me closer before moving it down my lower back and holding me tightly to him.
He played the movie but seemed to be much more interested in looking at me than watching it.
I looked up at him and he smiled sleepily. He almost looked drunk from there and for some reason that made me want to kiss him, so I did.
My heart pounded, butterflies erupted in my stomach and my breath flutters as he pulled me infinitely closer to him.
He deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth and pulling me onto his lap, so I was straddling him. I moaned softly into the kiss, immediately embarrassed. He smiled, wrapping his large hands around my waist and moving them, holding my hips.
He guided me so that I was grinding on him slowly and I felt him twitch underneath me.
He soon got hard, pushing his hips up into mine. He sat up, breaking the kiss only to slip his hoodie and t-shirt over his head.
"Can I take off yours too?" he asked, lust in his eyes.
I nodded and he pulls it up over my head, groaning and the sight. I giggle and go in for another kiss, pushing my bare chest against his and wrapping my hands in his hair.
I slipped my tongue into his mouth, making him groan into the kiss.
"Get up," he said, gently but still showing his dominance over me. I did and he stripped down to his underwear.
I couldn't help but stare at his erection through his boxers. Larger than I had expected, and I had expected it to be large.
He smirked. I lay down on the bed on my back and he leant over me, biting his lip before re-connecting our lips. He held my face in his hands, which seemed overly romantic. I appreciated the intimate gesture.
He kissed down my neck and moved his way up to my jaw, nipping and sucking, creating love-bites all over my skin.
My breathing sped up and he chuckled against my skin.
I slipped out of my underwear and he groaned from above me. He kissed down my chest and stomach. He completely skipped the area I most wanted him, kissing down my inner thighs. He smiled up at me from between my legs before licking up my thigh.
I moaned out his name softly, pleading for him to touch me.
Niko smirked up at me, gazing into my eyes as if they were the stars and he was merely an admirer of my beauty.
"Can I?" he whispered.
"Please," I nodded. He bit his lip and suddenly I felt his middle finger on my clit, rubbing gently and slowly.
I called out, moaning his name. He smiled hearing me whimper, entering a finger inside of me and moving it slowly.
He added another finger, moving faster inside of me but still incredibly gentle, taking care of me.
Just when I told him I was close he pulled him fingers from me, licks them off and leans back over me, kissing me once again in a swift motion.
He pulled away, staring into my eyes.
"You're so beautiful," he smiled, and I felt a warming in my heart.
I leant up and kissed him. I felt emotionally attached to him, a connection so much deeper than sexual chemistry.
I pulled away slowly and we smiled at each other almost politely, so we both started laughing at the irony of smiling at each other so friendly.
Niko cut both of us off, kissing me passionately, leaning down onto me.
The skin-to-skin contact of our bare chests together was intense.
He asked for permission and lined himself up with my entrance, eyes focused on mine at all costs. he slowly entered me, asking every two seconds if everything was okay and if he was doing anything wrong, if I was in pain.
I gave him my approval and he stared to move gently, groaning a little.
"Niko," I moaned out, hearing his own whines made everything ten times more pleasurable.
He moved faster, but still gently, not wanting to hurt me. All you could hear in the room was our moans in harmony like a sensual melody only to be heard by us.
The room smelt of sex and Niko's cologne. I like to imagine he could smell my perfume as intoxicatingly as his fragrance was for me.
He uttered words of praise, constantly reminding me that:
"You're doing so well.", and:
"You feel so good."
I moaned out his name, signaling I was close and he sped up, pressing his finger back to my clit and rubbing me softly.
"I'm coming," he called out.
He groaned and released inside of me before panicking a little.
"I'm so sorry... are you on the pill?"
I nodded and he looked relieved. We hadn't even thought of that beforehand.
I closed my eyes, not minding much but a little annoyed I didn't get to finish, before I felt Niko's breath on my thigh, making me jump a little.
He licked up my inner thigh, cleaning up his own mess and wrapping his hands around each thigh before connecting his tongue with my clit, pulling on it a little with his teeth softly.
He entered his tongue inside me, making me gasp, and he laughed, vibrations circling around my body. He entered two long fingers inside me once again, sucking on my clit slightly.
"I'm gonna come," I warned, and he sped up a little.
I felt myself go over the edge and shake slightly, feeling an orgasm wash over me completely and rest in my core. He helped me ride out my high and stopped once I had completely finished, licking up the remains.
He looked so unbelievably hot doing so that I didn't even mind the overstimulation he was creating.
Once he was happy he came up behind me, holding me in his arms and kissing my head.
I sighed, "I need a shower."
I got up, stumbling a little when I tried to walk.
I turned around hearing him laugh, "Shush."
"I didn't say anything!" He held his hands up in defence.
I rolled my eyes, "You coming?" He nodded and stood up, towering over me.
Niko's POV - past tense
I followed her into the bathroom and turned on the shower for her. I noticed that she turned the heat up substantially.
I got in after her, hugging her waist from behind, and placed chaste kisses on her neck, proud of the bruises I had previously left on the skin. I opened my body wash, squeezed some into my hand and rubbed it into her neck and back. I liked the idea that she would smell like me the next day.
I did her shampoo and she did mine, we giggled together as she stood on her tip-toes, leaning up into my hair in an attempt to wash it. I ended up helping her and she did her conditioner, and we finished up and dressed into clean clothes. I put on boxers and joggers, still far too hot for a t-shirt.
She wore an NDL T-shirt of mine and my boxers. We got back into bed, I lay on my back and she lay on her front with her face cuddled into my chest, her arms around my neck.
15 minutes later, I saw she had drifted off and felt I could finally rest.
I felt myself doze off not much later.
I woke up with a weight on my chest and arms wrapped lazily around my neck. I opened my eyes to see Y/n sleeping peacefully in my arms. I smiled, feeling unmatched love and appreciation for the girl in my arms.
I slid out from underneath her, placing her gently onto my pillow and throwing on a T-shirt and socks.
Heading downstairs, I saw everyone in the kitchen eating breakfast. The clock read 12:32 AM, which was unsurprising, as everyone in the house had just woken up.
I sat down, and everyone muttered their 'mornings' before Aj, the only person in the world with 100% energy all the time turned around to me and said:
"Your gyal was mad loud moaning last night, I swear to god I could not sleep."
Sharky let out a laugh, Chunkz and Kenny looking like they wanted to die. I was utterly speechless just staring at Aj, not really knowing how to reply. He looked at me puzzled.
"Shut her up next time?" he raised an eyebrow.
Chunkz started laughing then, muttering 'How's he gonna do that?' before I started laughing a little too.
A second later Y/n came into the room wearing my clothes. She smelled like she had used my deodorant too.
"Something funny?" She smiled, making her way to the toaster before putting two slices of bread into it. I gave Aj a glare and he ignored my warning look, saying in a high-pitched voice:
"Ohh Niko, please, I'm gonna cum." He laughed.
She leaned, holding her head in her hands as everyone was giggling around her.
Kenny decided to join in, "Yes Niko, right there," he said mockingly before making the most graphic moaning noise possible.
I groaned and walked over to her, holding her waist from behind and leaning down to kiss her head. Aj wooed behind us and I gave him a strange look.
Y/n put together cheese on toast and set it in front of me before grabbing one of her monster cans and walking out. I followed her, plate in hand, furrowing my brow.
I walked in, and she was sitting on the sofa drinking her can.
"Hello?" I said, confused.
"What?" she looked completely innocent, an image of beauty.
"Is this for me... or?"
She nodded as if to say 'obviously'.
"You didn't have to do that," I smiled, seeing how giving she could be, but she passed it off as everyday behaviour. King treatment.
"I know," she said, almost matter-of-factly. It was no big deal for her, but meant everything to me.
I smiled, thanked her and sat down next to her, eating. I wasn't hungry, but ate to show my appreciation for the gift.
Y/n's POV - past tense
30 minutes later me and Niko were watching some random movie he found and cuddling in his bed. All I could think about was what our relationship even was at this point. I really wanted to be with him, call him mine, be loved by him, but I had no clue what he wanted or how he was feeling. if he would just talk to me so I could get the slightest inclination to how he felt.
I was still overthinking when I felt his hand shift on my thigh, startling me - so I jumped.
He chuckled, "Sorry."
I giggled for a second before we sat in silence, aware of each other's presence and skin-to-skin contact driving us crazy. I felt his hand on my jaw, lifting my face to the side. He gazed into my eyes as if he was drawn to them. He kissed me softly and I kissed him back, feeling genuine love for him from the bottom of my heart.
He pulled away slowly and I felt his heart rate fast on my back.
"I love you," he blurts out suddenly, I just looked at him, shocked. My mouth was open slightly and I didn't know what to say or do.
He looked worried, biting his lip, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put pressure on you or anything. You don't have to say it back of course... I'm sorry-"
I cut him off by kissing him. He smiled into the kiss and I pulled away slowly, scared but overjoyed.
"I love you too," I muttered, but I knew he could hear.
I rested my head back on his chest and smiled to myself. I felt a surge of love for him all at once, washing over me like a wave of affection. I breathed in his scent, never feeling happier than I did then.
Okay it's finally done after like 3 weeks - I hope it's worth it.
Loved making this but it was hard work.
Let me know if you enjoyed it <3.
Don't know how many words.
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teewritessmth · 3 months
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My Pretty Boy
(Niko Omilana x f! reader)
Summary : Don't compliment him too much, he's rather shy.
Warnings : None
"How the hell do you look so good?? You're drinking water for fuck's sake..."
Your husband grins at your statement, wiping his lips with the back of his hand and softly kissing your forehead.
"I'm being serious you know, it isn't fair. You're actually so handsome and attractive and pretty-"
"Babe, pretty?"
He questions, flustered by the array of compliments but confused at the use of a particular one.
"Yeah, why not. I mean, have you seen yourself? Your eyes are big and round, your nose is the perfect shape and your skin is so soft-"
You tiptoe and wrap your arms around his neck, leaving soft kisses on his cheeks and pecking his lips.
"But my favourite thing about you are your lips, I could kiss you all day you know?"
Niko looks deep into your eyes as he squeezes your waist lightly, tenderly hugging you and burying his head into your shoulder.
You hum in contentment, swaying in his embrace.
"Niko, Oh my god-"
Your husband picks you up and puts you on the counter, locking you between his arms. He tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ears and caresses your face with his thumb.
You rest your hands on his chest, slowly sliding them upwards to cup his face. You didn't lie, that man was beautiful.
You pull him closer as your lips connect, you can feel him murmering 'I love yous'. God, that man loved sticking to his age old habit.
You smile against his lips, kissing him softly. He frowns as you pull away, a small pout taking place.
"You didn't say I love you back.."
"Well you gotta kiss me again then."
What a amazingly productive afternoon in the Omilana household.
Thank you @ajdefender for forcing me to write this. I love u.
Y'all forgive me this is short.
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vctrvn-ls · 5 months
Treat Me Better
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note: shld I make this a series typa thing? also first time posting not from the app lmao, hopefully this’ll post properly. warnings: swearing, angry sharky (not typical)
wordcount: 1.1k
part 2
part 3
You slammed the door of your apartment with a low and annoyed groan.
You were wet, freezing, hungry and tired.
With shaking hands and a quivering lip you untied your shoelaces, you didn’t know if you were cold or on the verge of a breakdown.
You dragged your feet from the hallway to the living room couch, not even bothering to take off your soaking wet jeans and socks. 
Another groan left your lips, this time it was more genuine and sad. You curled up on the couch, hugging your knees and screwing your eyes shut, remembering how terribly your day went.
After taking your first set of mock exams this morning, you realized how much you don’t know. And despite all your efforts and sleepless nights of studying, you felt like giving up hope to achieve those high grades you so desired. 
You were just about to rethink how you got caught in a storm with your broken bag and torn umbrella, when you felt your phone buzz. 
You took it out of your back pocket. It was cold and damp, with drops of water smeared on the screen. How was it even working?
You looked at your messages seeing “Sharks ❤️” on the screen. Usually you’d smile, but today it was if you had no energy to do so. Before you could reply, your phone lit up and began vibrating. He was calling you.
“Fuck,” you whispered. After a quick practice of your fake happy voice you answered the call.
“Heeeyy,” you tried to sound as bubbly as you could.
“Hey baby, howd the mocks go?”
You stayed silent.
“I saw you haven’t been online since this morning. You alright?”
“Oh, yeah, yeah I was just,” your eyes darted around as you tried to make up an excuse.
“Just what?”  
“Just…needed to get something done and didn’t have the chance to pick my phone up.” 
“You have any plans for the weekends?”
“Studying. My second set of mocks is on Tuesday.”
“Oh, right.” He sounded a little disappointed “Well I hope everything’s alright. If you feel like it, maybe we can go out tomorrow?”
You let out a sigh. It was more of a breathe than a sigh really, but Sharky misunderstood the tone of your breath and took it in as annoyed.
“Or- Well we don’t have to. I was just making a suggestion…haven’t seen you in ages.” 
You frowned without replying.
After a few seconds of silence you finally said “Could you…come over?” You even sat up, shocked by your spontaneous suggestion.
You hummed.
“I-I mean yeah of course I’d love to.”
“It’s late.” You said as if reminding him.
“So? It’s not like I wake up early or I have somewhere to be.”
“Then I’m waiting.” You laid back down.
Half an hour went by and you didn’t even notice. You were so burnt out that you couldn’t even find the motivation to look at least a little presentable for your boyfriend’s arrival. Realization only hit once there was a timid knock on the door.
You cursed under your breathe and got up, walking over to the door, unlocking it.
“You okay, baby?” Was the first thing Sharky said.
“Wha-Do I not look okay?” You got a little irritated by his question.
“N-no I was just asking.”
There was a second of silence. You had a mad look on your face and Sharky could tell something was up.
“Can I maybe come in?” 
You stepped aside with a quiet ‘sorry’.
“You want anything?” You asked.
“Just you.” He smirked as he hung his coat. You rolled your eyes.
“Jeez what’s wrong?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
“Nothings wrong!” You exclaimed, a little louder than you intended to.
He stared with disbelief. He didn’t say a word.
“What?” You leaned forward, feeling stupid under his gaze, which made you even more mad.
“Wha- Okay, is there anything you want to tell me?” He avoided the question that previously got a surprising reaction out of you.
“No?” You replied bitterly.
“Should I go? I don’t really feel welcomed right now.”
“Maybe you should.” You sighed. You didn’t mean that. You really didn’t.
Sharky’s face dropped. He knew he asked the question, but he didn’t think that he would hear what he heard.
“Are you for real?” He raised his eyebrows.
You shrugged.
He scoffed and laughed, looking up and shaking his head “Unbelievable.”
You observed, leaning on the wall with your shoulder and your arms crossed.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. You didn’t know if you could handle a fight right now.
“You are so,” he paused, trying to think of the right words “So… annoying.”
“Look, I know you probably had a hard day yeah? And whatever the fuck happened, happened. But if you ask me to come over you should at least tell me! Why am I always here to support you, yet I still get treated like shit most of the time.”
“Sharky I-”
“No you know what,” he raised his hands up “You have a problem. Like some serious issues.”
Your heart dropped. Never in your life have you ever heard Sharky talk to you or to anyone like this. He was pissed. Something you didn’t know Sharky was capable of.
“How the fuck do you expect me to help you through a hard time when you don’t tell me shit?” He whispered.
“And when do I finally get the feeling of fulfillment that the relationship I’m in isn’t one-sided? Why are you so abnormally cold all the time? I spend so much time, so much effort to make you feel good, to make you feel loved. Will I ever get that? Will I ever experience that feeling from you? From fucking anyone?”
You opened your mouth to say something, but tears filled your eyes and your throat tightened.
“Oh and you’re gonna cry?” He laughed “YOU!?”
You sniffed and quickly wiped your eyes.
“Great. Amazing. Just great. You know what? I will leave. And I’ll leave leave cause I’m tired. Tired of wasting my energy on you.”
“I didn’t know I was such a burden,” you said in a raspy voice “Didn’t know it took that much effort to love me.”
“Yeah. It fucking does.” He grabbed his coat.
“Fuck you.” The sentence came out more like a question, rather than a confident statement.
“Yeah.” He looked at you with the saddest eyes. The most heart wrenching eyes. Eyes that spoke more than his mean words.
“Sharky, I’m sorry.” You said as if your instincts kicked in and your brain suddenly started working.
“Save it. I dont care how sorry you are. Bye. Have a nice life. And good luck tryna find someone who’ll deal with your bullshit the way I did.” He turned around and slammed the door.
You bit your thumb, sliding down against the wall to the floor.
You weren’t crying or sobbing.
In fact you didn’t make a single noise.
You just stayed there.
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l5byrinth · 3 months
“and i love you, it's ruining my life”
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pairing: nikolas omilana x reader
summary: in which niko avoids you for a certain reason, and at some point you can’t take it any longer.
a/n: hii everyone i’m back from the dead like i always am every few months!!! school has been draining, but one night i got this motivation and managed to write this, hope you like it <3 btw i know i should be finishing of the hunger games requests, but there are so little fics on here for the beta squad members and the motivation just got to me when watching a video.
also pleaseeeee start requesting more beta squad, not just niko because there aren’t many fics for these amazing men
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NIKO never knew what it was like to be so infuriated by someone, it caused restless nights. To be so head over heels, that all your thoughts were consumed by only that person. That was until Niko met you. The way you had him wrapped around your finger, without you even noticing or trying, was something he never understood. But it was you, how could he not be?
The famous youtuber also didn’t know what it was like to love someone that wasn’t his. Someone not meant for him.
He had respect for your relationship, of course, he wasn’t one to mingle and make things worse. Especially since your boyfriend was one of the best ones you’ve had. However, the mere thought of you drove him absolutely insane and he wasn’t sure for how much longer he could bear it anymore.
You were happy, though, and he didn’t want to be the reason that would be ruined.
So he avoided you like the plague. Leaving every room you entered, switching the topic whenever you were mentioned, trying to keep his eyes from wandering off to where you were standing. It was killing him, but if it meant keeping you happy, he didn’t mind the torture one tiny bit.
Niko hadn’t told anyone about what he felt for you, he would take it to his grave, that’s for sure. Yet, he was more obvious than he thought he was, since he’s noticed the sympathetic looks his friends gave him whenever you were around. Numerous times. It didn’t matter, it’s not like you were ever going to find out and that’s all that really mattered.
After Niko had arrived back at his apartment, he was surprised to hear not a single sound being made. Knowing Aj, he would always either be gaming and yelling for the whole neighbourhood to hear or edit a video with the volume on to the max.
After checking a few rooms for where his roommate was, he got a call from Aj himself.
“Where are you, you rat?” Niko questioned, not even bothering to greet him. Aj let out a laugh on the other line, “Missing me now, are you? Giraffe.”
Niko rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help the smile forming on his face, “Ha ha, hilarious.”
“Anyway, I’m at Chunkz’ right now.”
And after conversing for a few minutes, discussing everything and nothing, they ended the call. The tall guy let out a loud sigh, as he sat down on the sofa, turning on the tv to watch anything that came up first. However, just when he was about to push the button of the remote, the doorbell rang.
Niko was confused to say the least, but didn’t expect much of it. It was probably one of his friends needing something from him.
When Niko opened the door, however, he wished he didn’t. His heart dropped to his stomach, his breath hitching in his throat. That was the effect you had on him. Your hair was messed up quite a bit, your lips forming a pout as you looked at him. Oh, how he had to restrain all the power in him not to kiss that pout away.
A soft call of your name left his lips, as if he was terrified it was just a hallucination. “Niko,” Your voice was stern, yet there was some kind of sadness to it. And without saying another word, you entered the apartment as if you owned the place.
When you walked past him, your scent wafted into his nostrils and he took it in. He closed his eyes, not wanting to lose control and confess the second he turned around and looked at you again. Niko closed the door, taking his sweet time going to you. You were pacing back and forth in the living space of the apartment, your eyebrows furrowed and face filled with worry.
“What’s wrong?” Niko questioned, earning a rather unbelievable scoff from you. When you stopped pacing and moved closer to him, Niko took back a step, making you even more frustrated than you were before. “You’re asking me what’s wrong? I should ask you!” You couldn’t comprehend why the closest friend you had ever had, wasn’t present in your life anymore. The minute your feet took a step closer to him, he backed away once more, “Look! What’s this? Why are you avoiding me?”
You were absolutely fuming to put it lightly. What was he doing?
His gaze fell down to the floor, because if he would look at you right now, he knew he would ruin things even more. “I don’t get it, Niko…” Your voice was dripping with desperation, but you couldn’t care less at the minute, only interested in whatever was going between the two of you.
Another step closer, but this time he didn’t budge, his eyes stuck to the ground. But when you said his name so sweetly, who could blame him when he averted his gaze to meet yours. The question that left your lips, made the guilt sink inside of him, “What did I do wrong?”
However he didn’t cave in. He couldn’t and he wouldn’t, no matter how tempting the thought of you being his seemed right now.
“Niko, please. Talk to me!”
Silence, once again.
“I can’t talk, please don’t make me.” His whisper was barely audible, but still loud enough for you to hear. “Why not, huh? Are you just going to ignore me like you have done for the past couple of-“
“I have to! I never wanted for this to happen.”
The tone in his voice took you by surprise, your eyes searching his for a more clear answer, “What are you talking about?”
“You think I wanted for all of this to happen? Of course not!” He started, and he regretted everything he said after, “I couldn’t help it. Couldn’t help to feel at home with you, couldn’t help but feel as if you are the only one in this universe.”
His gaze was burning into yours, “I couldn’t help but fall in love with you.”
Something fluttered unwantedly in your chest, followed by your breath hitching in your throat. Niko’s in love with you?
“You… what?”
“I fell for you, hard and painfully so. I’m sorry, okay? It happened one way or another and now you’re the one consuming my thoughts and dreams. I care for you and love you so deeply, it hurts me to stay away from you. But I did what’s best and will continue doing so.” He rambled, never noticing how you were still hung up on the first sentence he uttered.
But when you met his gaze once more, and saw the spark in his eyes when he looked at you, you wondered how you could’ve been so blind. “Now, please, leave before I do something both of us will regret.” Niko warned firmly.
You were stood there absolutely speechless, but came back to earth quickly, when you realised your boyfriend was waiting for you outside.
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speedybeta · 7 months
Being the sixth member of Beta squad
PART 2 , MASTERLIST 𖦹ׂ 𓈒 / ⋆ ۪
A/n This was inspired by another post I saw so if it sounds like I'm copying I'm not I just got inspired by them. The reader is female in this. Also sorry if this doesn't sound accurate I tried my best. There's nothing romantic in this I view this as a platonic post but you could view it however you want. Sorry if this is cringe
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Let's say you joined beta squad when it first started. Maybe you know Sharky for a long time and we're introduced to the others then instantly clicked
At first you were hesitant when you were invited to join. But you made the decision to join, which changed your life forever
They weren't friends they were family to you
They'd always look out for you like you were their little sister
You had a bond with each and one of them. You would hang out off camera and talk to them whenever
So much teasing
If you're the youngest they'd sometimes joke about it regarding the age
If you're shorter than AJ you both get teased and made fun of
If you're taller, my gosh AJ would be an absolute joke of the group for being shorter than you
They are all overprotective and view you as a little sister. They want you to be safe and want what's best for you
Maybe they had a little crush on you before..
Being close friends with Nella, Darkest and Filly. You all are good friends
You and Chunkz are the duo who cooks with each other.
You, Kenny, and Sharky being the duo in the jungle video that makes the video 10x entertaining
Niko and you are absolutely hilarious together and people fear you both for your pranks and the type of content you both make
You and Aj being the ones who get teased the most
But you and AJ sometimes have a violation battle over the stupidest things
Your Kenny's number one support. You'd work out with him and keep him company during his training and encourage him
Chunkz and you are super loud and chaotic. But he sometimes brings you around to his family dinners and lets you hang out with his family
Sharky's sisters love you. I imagined you doing Shakira's makeup on stream before
Also feel like AJ is more comfortable with you and will sometimes hug you (like in the mukbang video where he was hugging Chunkz when Sharky was laughing at him almost drowning )
They'd never do anything without you
They would never admit it but they're your biggest supporters and would give you their honest opinions about decisions you make
They definitely would try to be annoying commenting rude things on your Instagram posts
Them being rude to you as a joke but fans take it seriously and make dramatic edits about it. (Just like the AJ edits but 10x dramatic)
When you all lived together you would always cook for them so they wouldn't always order take out everyday
They loved your cooking and sometimes show up to your house uninvited just for you to cook for them
Unless you're a bad cook, I could imagine you attempting to cook but end up burning the food. Which leads to them making fun of you for it and it becomes a huge joke
You and Harry pinaro having the worst relationship ever to the point where people actually think you two hate each other
You two don't get along (I love/hate Harry)
In the weakest link videos I feel like you'd get the hardest questions since everyone knows you have the most intelligence out of all of them
Sometimes when a person collaborates with the channel and they end up flirting and the boys would either tease or get weirded out
I feel like they'd tease depending on the person
If it was stormzy, KSI, or anyone else they'd definitely get weirded out by it
If it was Trent they'd tease you about it till the day you die. They'd bring it up in almost every sports related conversation or video.
You being the mom of the group and making sure everyone is okay. You'd text them everyday to make sure they're doing fine
Since you're a fan favorite and have good video ideas, they like to hear your opinion in videos since you're actually smart and your videos get a lot of views.
Chunkz gets jealous over the fact your Smarter than him
Unless your dumb
you win come dine with me and Niko gets absolutely so upset that you won over him. He accused you of cheating and supposedly hiring someone to cook the meals you made
Them calling you for advice before dates and advice about girls in general. They come to you when they need help with any life situations since they know they could trust you
(Niko definitely would ask u advice if his girlfriend ever got mad at him)
Speaking of his girlfriend, you two are best friends.
if you ever got in a relationship they'd do a full integration on them
They want what's best for you. They have to know what type of person you're dating and need to know if they're treating you right. It's their job to make sure their friend is happy and in a healthy relationship. Especially if you're like a sister to them
If you're ever feeling down they do anything to try to make you laugh or brighten up your mood
Imagine filming the box video with amp
You leaving the box after AJ left since you landed on leave the box. But you genuinely felt like Niko had a better chance at winning since he won the first one
But if one of the amp members flirts with you they'd get weirded out and annoyed because everyone knows how amp is (love amp though especially Chris & agent)
I don't say they would be jealous, they just feel like they should protect you from getting your heart broken
Or maybe they do get jealous (up to you to decide)
In the cooking video for amp channel let's say you and Duke teamed up (sorry filly)
Duke is Duke so obviously he flirted with you trying to get your number and use his cringe "rizz" on you
But before the video, you, Chris, and Davis had a conversation. You gave them advice, out of all the amp members they connected with you the most
But the amp cook off was chaotic especially with you
You actually tried for half the challenge before giving up and just having fun. It was better to just entertain the viewers instead of actually trying to win
You decided to annoy everyone by moving their stuff
I imagine you, aj, fanum, and Niko get in an argument and start throwing flour each other
you and Duke losing which leads to you threatening the person who switched out everyone's cakes
you and Niko both manage the beta squad Instagram and tiktok since you know all the popular trends
Even though everyone is behind Instagram and tiktok, you are mostly the one posting on it, and the one who replies to comments
Niko and you are both know for being menaces and immature. Especially when you two are filming together, you both make the most craziest pranks. Your friendship with him is so adorable and wholesome. You both always joke around and add on to each other's jokes to make it more funny. Always having laugh attacks with him.
You and Chunkz are literally the duo who randomly burst into a song together. You two both send songs to each other and both show a huge interest in music. I like to imagine you and Chunkz going on a drive or just hanging out to sing to music. You two also know a lot of people and are the ones who know a lot of celebrities. You two are the ones who message famous people to Collab with the Beta squad.
You and AJ love hating on each other, even though he'll leave positive messages on your Instagram to be funny, he bashes you and insults you at the same time. It's a bit confusing at times to tell if you're completing each other or insulting. But you two never get offended and know when to stop.
Man, you and Kenny have such a bond. You were his biggest supporter during his Boxing matches and Practices. If you love to work out or get exercise, you both go to the gym together or you'll go on diets with him so he won't be alone. He always goes to you for advice on girls. You two laugh at the random things and can't take anything serious. You and him always are always whispering things to each other during filming.
Sharky and you are known to laugh so hard where you can't even breathe. You two laugh in serious situations and always look at each other before bursting out laughing. He likes to drag you outside for a walk and just listen to music with each other. Similar to Chunkz, he sends you songs that he thinks you'll like.
overall the boys are grateful for you and everything you've done for them. You're like family to them. They all love you. They are family, not just a friend group to you. They love you and always will.
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Note: Uhm so I'm working on a Niko agnst fic so please give me ideas for it because I'm kinda concerned on if it isn't good enough
I hope this is good!! I tried my best 😭 I had fun writing this since I wish for a friend group like them and always imagined what it would be like to be in the beta squad. I might make a part two but idk yet 💚 I kinda rushed the ending and put random things down. Lmk if I should add something or you have any suggestions or headcanons I should make
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amwife · 1 year
Niko Omilana
this is late, shit and short 😭
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It was around 1PM when you arrived at the Beta Squad shoot, being a guest for the 'Would I Lie To You?' series. As soon as you walk in you can see Aj nudge Niko, who just turns around to smack his arm lightly.
"Hey Aj," you said as you walked over, and he waved back, "what's up Niko."
You sat down in the chair next to him, seeing him quickly readjust himself into a less comfortable position.
"Yeah, hey Y/n." He said, a voice crack making him clear his throat at the end of his sentence.
"Yeah, hey Y/n." Aj said sitting behind the two of you, in a mockingly high voice, making you turn around to smack his arm.
"Okay! We are ready to get going now." Chunkz said walking over to you three.
--- After the shoot
"I refuse to believe I lost that." Aj said, salty that he fell for Sharkys lies.
"It was pretty unfair to put me on the same side as a rat." Niko said, swatting away Ajs hands when they came to smack his head.
"You're a wanker Niko." The use of wanker made Sharky and Kenny burst out laughing.
You were all sitting on the couch in the room they usually use for mafia, Sharky and Kenny having their own conversation despite tuning in sometimes, and Chunkz on his phone.
"Hey Y/n are you gonna stay here tonight? It's pretty late." Chunkz said, looking up from his phone.
"Uh yeah if it's cool with you guys." You replied.
"You could stay in Nikos room I'm sure he wouldn't mind that since hes practically in-." The last bit being muffled from Nikos hand covering Ajs mouth.
"Yeah that's fine with me." Niko said with a nervous laugh, and staring down at Aj to warn him.
"Okay well I'm going to bed. Goodnight." Chunkz said as he stood up and left, Aj calling goodnight out to him.
Not long after, it was just you, Niko, and Aj left in the room, when Niko stood up.
"Y/n I'm going to bed now, do you wanna come?"
"Someone's trying to get some tonight." Aj said as he laughed at you slightly blushing, causing Niko to throw a pillow at him.
Niko stood up, grabbing your wrist to pull you along with him.
"He cleaned his room for you!" Aj yelled out as the two of you reached the staircase, causing you to laugh.
"Laughing at me? Wow." Niko said as you both walked into his room, with him closing the door behind you.
"You're easy to laugh at Niko."
"Yeah because that's better." He said laughing.
"Can I have some clothes? I don't wanna sleep in this." You said gesturing down to the clothes you had shot in.
"Yeah sure." He grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and a NDL merch hoodie, handing it to you while being painfully obvious about not touching your hand.
"You make it obvious Niko." You said as you changed right there, since he was trying not to look at you anyways.
"Huh? What're you on about?" He said, turning towards you.
"We aren't in high school. You can just ask me out if you like me you know?"
"What? Hah! I don't know what you're on about." He said as he pointed his abnormally long finger at you with a nervous smile.
"You know I could still hear when Aj said you were inlove with me?"
"Mhm. Hilarious theory Y/n. But you still sound crazy."
"This is the longest you've made eye contact with me all day you know."
It's like a light switched in his head to make him realise he was looking at you, causing him to look down quite quickly and you to laugh at him.
"If you're here to reject me I'd prefer you didn't sleep with me tonight." He said as he turned away, pulling off the hoodie he had on.
"Why would I reject you after all that?"
"I don't know. Why wouldn't you?" He said as he sat down on the end of his bed.
You sat down next to him, laying your head on his shoulder.
"That was an awfully sad question." You whispered to him.
"You made me nervous so I just said it." He whispered back.
"Sorry Niko."
"Don't be."
"Oh, sorry."
"You're an idiot."
"And you're inlove with me." You said as you looked at him, smiling.
"Sadly." He said as he faced you.
"But it's okay since I'm inlove with you too." You said as you finally pushed your lips onto his. His hands wrapped around the sides of your hips to pull you from the side of him to on his lap.
You both pulled away, the kiss making his nerves disappear as he wrapped his arms around your lower torso, pulling you down on top of him as he lay down.
"Your heart is beating fast." You whispered as you lay your head on his chest.
"Shutup and go to sleep."
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chunkzdeluluwife · 1 month
𝙏𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪- 𝙉𝙞𝙠𝙤 𝙊𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙖
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Niko comes to your house beaten up.
Warnings: kissing‼️
Niko Omilana was once your closest friend and secret crush. But everything changed after a heated argument six months ago, and you haven’t spoken since. Now, it’s 2 a.m. on a stormy night when you hear a hesitant knock on your apartment door. With some reluctance, you open it to find Niko standing there, drenched and battered, his face marked by bruises. “I’m sorry,” he mumbles, “Can I stay here tonight?” It turns out his injuries came from a prank gone wrong for his YouTube channel, NDL, where he tangled with the wrong person.
You stood in the doorway, surprised and conflicted about what to do.
“What the hell happened?”
Niko looked sheepish as he chuckled and scratched the back of his head. “I got jumped by some dude for one of my pranks…”
Even with the bruises on his face, you still found him handsome.
“Niko, why do you even put yourself in these situations?” you said, grabbing his hand and bringing him inside.
“It’s for content and views,” he replied casually as you gently pulled him in. He shook his head, sending a few droplets of water onto you.
You led him to the couch. “Wait here,” you said as you left to get first aid.
Niko nodded and took a seat on the couch, looking around the room quietly, waiting for you to return.
After a few minutes, you returned with a first aid kit in your hands and walked over. You knelt down on the floor in front of him, taking a closer look at his wounded face.
You applied some medicine to his wounds and bandaged up his hands.
Niko sat still while you tended to his injuries, wincing slightly as the medicine stung but otherwise remaining quiet. He watched you silently as you worked.
As you finished and started putting things back into the first aid kit, you sighed and asked, “Niko, why are you here out of all places?”
He shrugged sheepishly and replied, “Well, I needed somewhere to sleep, and you were the only one I knew who would open the door for me at 2 in the morning…”
“We had a fight six months ago, and I haven’t seen you since.”
“I know… Trust me, I know.” Niko exhaled, running a bruised hand through his messy hair. “But look, I didn’t come here just to crash. I wanted to talk.”
Niko moved a bit closer on the couch, now facing you directly. His gaze was intense as he continued, “I didn’t like the way things ended between us. It’s been eating at me ever since that day.”
“Well, if you’re still dating that girl, then I don’t think I can be around you,” you said, recalling the reason why Niko and you stopped talking.
Niko’s expression faltered for a moment, realizing the reason behind your words. He let out a breath and shook his head. “No… I’m not dating Olivia anymore. We broke up last month.”
“Did she slap you like she did me?” you asked, getting frustrated as you picked up the first aid kit to put it away.
Niko winced at the memory, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “That… That wasn’t her at her best.” He leaned back against the couch, his eyes trained on you. “She was… jealous, to say the least. I was spending a lot of time with you, which made her feel threatened, I guess. She thought we were… something more.”
You glanced at Niko with a sad expression. “You’re still defending her, aren’t you?”
Niko’s shoulders slumped, and his expression grew solemn. “I’m not defending her actions,” he said gently. “What she did was wrong. But… she was struggling with her own insecurities, and she took it out on you because she saw you as competition.”
“That’s literally defending her, Niko,” you sighed, rubbing your hands over your face. “We’re back where we were that same night. Niko, I don’t think you should be here.”
Niko’s gaze softened, and there was a hint of desperation in his eyes. “I get it, YN. I really do. But please… hear me out. I came here because I realized something since that day.”
He leaned in closer, his expression earnest. “I realized how much I messed up. Losing you… it changed everything for me. I was an idiot for not standing up for you that day, for not defending you like I should have.”
He reached out and gently touched your arm, his touch sending a pang through your heart. “I miss you, YN. And I know I don’t deserve a second chance, but I’m asking for one anyway.”
His eyes pleaded with you, filled with a mixture of regret and hope. “Please, just give me a chance to make things right. To show you that I understand now. I really want you back in my life.”
You engulfed yourself in Niko’s arms. “Don’t you realize that’s all I wanted you to say this whole time?”
The tension between you seemed to dissolve as you clung to him, your words sinking in. Niko wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly against him. He buried his face into your shoulder, his chest rising and falling deeply.
“You don’t know how badly I needed to hear this…” he murmured against your hair, his voice thick with emotion. He pulled back just enough to look into your eyes. “I was such an idiot. I don’t deserve you, you know that?”
You chuckled at his words. “You know, I think Olivia was right about one thing.”
Niko raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his eyes. “And what’s that?”
“She was always jealous of me because she thought we were something more…”
Niko’s expression softened, and a hint of guilt flashed across his face. He tightened his arms around you, drawing you closer. “Well, she wasn’t completely wrong, was she?”
“I don’t know, was she?”
He chuckled, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips. “No, she wasn’t.” His gaze darkened slightly as he looked into your eyes, his knuckles gently tracing along your jawline. “I guess what we had was always more than just friendship, wasn’t it?”
“I guess so,” you smiled.
He chuckled softly, his smile matching yours. But then his expression turned mischievous, and he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your skin. “You know… there’s a question I’ve been dying to ask you.”
His tone was light, but his eyes betrayed a hint of nervousness. He continued to toy with the hair on the nape of your neck, the gentle touch sending shivers down your spine.
“Yes?” you chuckled.
His smile widened as he drew even closer, his lips ghosting your ear. “Can I kiss you right now?”
You moved your hands to cup his face and nodded.
Niko’s eyes darkened with desire as he closed the remaining distance between you. His mouth met yours in a tender kiss, his lips soft and gentle. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tighter as he deepened the kiss, his fingers weaving into your hair.
For a moment, the world melted away, and all that mattered was the two of you. He pressed you against him, his breath hot and heavy, and his tongue tangled with yours as he continued to kiss you passionately.
Finally, he pulled away slightly but stayed close enough for his breath to brush against your lips. His eyes were dark with desire, and his voice was low and gravelly. “I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.”
“Me too,” you smiled.
Niko returned your smile, his eyes sparkling with affection. He leaned in and planted a series of soft kisses along your jawline, his hands gently caressing your skin. “Why did we wait so long?”
“Maybe because you’re an idiot,” you said, laughing as you moved to cuddle on the couch.
Niko feigned an offended look, placing a hand over his heart. “Hey! I’m not an idiot, I’m just…” he paused, thinking. “Well, I’m usually an idiot.” He then conceded, laughing and pulling you even closer as you both settled onto the couch together.
You grabbed the blanket that was resting on the top of the couch and put it over both of you. “I’m glad you finally confessed to being one,” you joked.
Niko rolled his eyes playfully, wrapping an arm tightly around you. “Oh, shut up, you love it.” He poked your sides gently, teasing you with a smirk. “You love me, idiot and all.”
“Maybe just a little bit,” you said, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
Niko’s smirk widened into a smile as he felt your lips on his cheek. He pulled you closer against his chest, his arm around you like an anchor. “Just a little bit, huh?” His laughter rumbled gently, his heart full as he gazed down at you, fondness in his eyes. “You’re never going to let me forget that I’m an idiot, are you?”
“Nope, never, my love.”
Niko chuckled, the term “my love” making his heart skip a beat. He nuzzled his face into your hair, his breath warm against your skin. “I guess I’ll have to accept it then,” he said softly. “I’m your idiot, and only yours.”
“Mhmm, and so it will stay—no more Olivias or anything, alright?” you joked.
Niko shuddered at the mention of Olivia, his grip on you tightening. He grimaced slightly but then nodded vehemently. “No more Olivias, I promise.” He paused for a moment, his expression turning sincere. “And no more fights, no more stupid decisions. Only you and me from now on, yeah?”
Niko smiled, a sense of reassurance and contentment washing over him. He pulled you even closer against him, his hand on the small of your back. “Good,” he said firmly. “I don’t want to lose you again. You’re stuck with me now, whether you like it or not.”
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shuuuuush · 1 year
I NEED YOU [Sharky]
Summary: 24-hour challenge without Y/N. Simple right? Not for Sharky.
Warnings: none
A/N: This was actually going to be the can I kiss you yet fic, but then I had the other idea, and now here we are 😭 if u want, consider this the alternative for that fic.
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"I hate this already."
Sharky groaned as he was supposed to make a video for his channel. The beta squad members give him a 24 hour challenge to complete and if he completes it, they give him £200.
But what he didn't know was that they all agreed to give him the same challenge. 24 hours without you.
When they told him about the challenge, the look on his face said it all. The boys knew he would lose this challenge and they would gain £200. Their evil smirks convinced Sharky that he would probably lose the money. But he would try anyway.
"Seriously? You do realise this is physically impossible. I contact her on a daily basis." Sharky admitted, after they told him about the challenge.
"Exactly! Meaning easy money for us. Or extra money for you if you do manage to complete it. But we all know you won't." Niko laughed as he had a clear evil plan ahead.
Determined to prove them wrong as he can't lose at his own video, he agreed to the challenge. AJ started explaining the rules to him.
"Ok Sharks, this challenge means no Y/N at ALL for 24 hours. No texts, calls, visiting her, hugs, kisses, all that crap etc. You have to survive 24 hours, got it?" As Aj explained it Sharky was already on his phone trying to text you one last time before it started but then Chunkz snatched his phone out of his hand.
"Nope, no phones, Sharky." Chunkz did his famous laugh, and he could tell they were all having fun with this.
"Wait, so does Y/N know about this challenge?" Sharky asked, and when he saw all their faces, he knew the answer before they replied, causing an eye roll from the Somali.
"Nope." The four all laughed, finding it funny how they'll be able to see their friend in misery for 24 hours.
Sharky sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "You're gonna make me lose my relationship, you know?"
The beta squad boys had taken turns to stay with Sharky and watch him to make sure he doesn't contact you in any way. Or try and escape to visit you.
The first hour, Sharky was fine. "Living life" according to his own words, technically this wasn't the normal amount of time he survives without seeing you.
Walking around the house, munching, playing football with Kenny (even if Kenny wasn't the best at football) as he was the first one over watching him. Doing anything to get his mind off the challenge and make it like a normal day.
Forwarding to the 3rd hour, Niko now was in charge over Sharky and decided to make things a bit more fun compared to the normal routine.
He messed around with Sharky, pretending to call your number to make plans to hang out with everyone but Sharky. Almost grabbing the phone from Niko, he suddenly remembered the challenge and retracted his hand. Laughing in victory Niko teased Sharky as he told him,
"Ohh almost lost the challenge there Sharks!"
"Shut up."
Slightly slouching over in defeat and stomping annoyed back to his room. Maybe a couple of winks will help pass the time, he thought. Not on Niko's watch. He made sure that sleeping was no option to pass time as it was sort of "breaking the rules."
Even though Aj wasn't meant to be helping over to watch Sharky at this hour, since Niko was still in charge, he helped Niko prank Sharky to see if he would lose the challenge. They put a voice recording of your voice from a previous video in one of the rooms.
Aj snickered as he press play on the recorder, hearing your voice throughout the rooms, Sharky stood up. It sounded like you were talking to someone and he almost left his room as quick as possible until he caught Niko and Aj laughing behind the camera.
Rolling his eyes, he said, "I see what you guys were trying to do, you were trying to trick me into going to find her huh? Yeah no."
Seeing as though their plan didn't work, they decided to show Sharky what it was anyway to cure his curiosity. And they went into one of the rooms, and it had the voice recorder with a picture of you on it. That picture was framed and taken from Sharkys desk.
As he looked at your picture, Sharky scratched the back of his neck. Yeah, this challenge is starting to get harder.
Chunkz was watching him now. It had been 5 hours into the challenge currently, and for Sharky, 5 hours is painstakingly long.
They were both in the sitting room, on separate couches though. Taking the camera and focusing it on himself, he spoke quietly so as not to let Chunkz hear him.
"Ok so far, I'll be honest I've done well but I can't take it anymore. 5 hours is too long."
He looked back to make sure Chunkz wasn't listening, he had headphones on and was scrolling through his phone. Sharky was slightly thankful Chunkz really couldn't care less about the challenge as much as Niko and Aj.
"I'm gonna try and sneak out now, hopefully I'll be able to do this." He winked at the camera and slowly got up giving it back to the camera man and walking towards Chunkz as an idea formed in his head.
"Hey man, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." Sharky told him, trying to not to look too suspicious.
"Yeah ok, just don't spend the whole video in there." Chunkz replied, waving him off but not taking his eyes off his screen.
Now was Sharkys chance, obviously he couldn't take the camera with him and his phone was still with Chunkz. So he was on his own now.
Going to the bathroom and closing the door, he climbed up the window of the bathroom and out the side of the house. Good thing he brought his car keys because he was about to his car that was parked on the side of the road.
Getting into his car, he thought about the challenge. Losing 200 pounds because he couldn't be away from you for 24 hours? Yeah, he was about to fail that challenge anyway. He needed you right now.
Starting the car and heading down to your house, he was desperate to be in your arms. 5 damn hours he had to suffer without you, he couldn't take it any longer.
Knocking at your door, he took a deep breath. Hopefully, you were at home right now. Hearing the jingling of keys unlocking the door, his worries ceased when he saw your face as you opened the door. He ran up to embrace you in a hug, and he sighed in relief and contentment.
You were confused but hugged him back, slowly closing the door while you were there.
"Sharky, why didn't you answer any of my texts? I was gonna head to your house to see if you wanted to get something to eat together." You asked, still hugging him as you layed your head on his shoulder.
"I was doing a stupid challenge the boys made me do. But it's over now, I'm here with you." He mumbled, closing his eyes as he felt comfortable in your embrace.
Letting go, but still holding his hands, you asked, "What was the challenge about?"
"24 hours without you."
You almost laughed. Of course, they would make Sharky do a challenge like this. You knew they thought that he would fail it, too.
"Well, did you make it?"
"I made it only 5 hours in." Hearing your laughter, he pouted, "Hey! 5 hours is long damn time Y/N."
"And what was the forfeit?" You asked, shaking your head with a small chuckle. You were glad he loved you so much that he didn't want to be away from you for so long.
"£200." He said, annoyed, looking away as he knew that the account money would definitely be gone. "Now, can I kiss you? It's been too long."
"5 hours is not that long but su-"
He didn't care about your answer because he was going to kiss you regardless, and the second he did, you melted into it.
Suddenly, you both heard a knock on the door, and you pulled away, heading towards the door to open it. And you were met with four familiar faces.
"Sharky!" Niko yelled, "You lost the challenge you schmuck, can't even stay away for a day, huh?"
You laughed at Nikos' reaction, and Sharky just placed his hands on his hips and shook his head. The rest of the boys teased Sharky for failing so quickly, but of course, they had to say hello to you and tell you about what a loser Sharky is and how he failed that challenge so badly. (They were joking, but still)
"Alright, alright, that's enough. Get on out of here." Sharky rushed towards the door, got the £200 out of his pocket, and threw it at the lot. They laughed in victory as he just shut the door.
You also laughed and went up to hold him in your arms again.
"You know we could have used that £200 pound for something Sharky, I wouldn't have minded."
He pulled out of your embrace and held your face with both of his hands, looking directly into your eyes,
"I don't need £200. I need you."
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Taglist: @b4tasquad, @p3drii , @n1kodl, @elora-k, @slutforpablogavi, @enhacolor
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g-xix · 5 months
🔞Tinder Vid | King Kenny
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Summary: in which Y/n goes to a Sidemen Tinder shoot and finds herself face to face with her ex, Kenny, for the first time in a long time, yet there's no awkward break-up tension - no - instead, just sexual tension... CW's: lingerie, restraints, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, creampie Wordcount: 2.7k
"Hi, I'm Y/n, I'm twenty-six and I'm from Essex."
Ethan cheered as you walked onto the set and stated your London roots, making you giggle before Harry stepped up and said a poem that had your hand slapped over your mouth, eyes wide as the other boys screamed and turned their backs to deep what he just said.
That wasn't going to make it into the video.
A swipe left took Harry to the reject side, as the rest of the boys slowly stepped up and began saying their Tinder video lines which were either met with a swipe right of agreement, or swipe left of OH MY GOD NO!
Stephen was the second last to be swiped right, jumping past with a witty comment which made the boys crack up, before you looked back to the line and met eyes with your ex once more.
He looked good, one year on from the breakup. His black NASA sweater fit nicely, with the sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms, cargos also matching nicely with his white durag and trainers. He raised his head to make eye contact, looking up and down at your form and taking his lower lip between his teeth as a grin lit up on his face.
One year on and you could still tell what he looked like when he got flustered.
"Y/n," He started. You missed the way he said your name. It felt different, and it felt as though it made embers in your heart glow once more at the memory of just a year ago when you were together. You nodded your head in response, urging him to continue as you watched his smile turn into a familiar smirk as he followed up with the most outlandish line nobody could've expected. "Swipe right, unless you want to have hard n rough sex, tonight, ten o'clock at my place."
Well that wasn't what you were expecting.
And clearly none of the other boys were expecting it either, as their jaws dropped open, JJ's hands finding the back of his head as he let out an OH. MY. GOD
It seemed as though your reaction surprised them more though, as you slowly swiped LEFT with your own taunting smirk on your face.
Even Kon was shocked from behind the camera, pressing his hand to his lips as Kenny shrugged and walked to the rejected left side, cocky grin on his face nonetheless. The boys were in a state, not even knowing how to react anymore, because they knew damn well that the both of you were too stubbornly prideful to not back down from a promised commitment. Even if that was the commitment promised.
As you tried to leave the set after a a few quick admin procedures, Kenny and yourself crossed paths once again. His hand found your side almost too easily, slotting between the dip of your hip like second nature, relighting sparks in your stomach like he always would when he touched you.
"You ready for tonight?" He whispered, lips brushing against the top of your head as he spoke, smirk prevalent in his voice as his hand trailed from your hip up your waist.
"Are you sure you are?" You responded, pulling away to look up into his eyes with a cocky grin of your own which lit an almost dangerous glint in his eye.
"Oh you're so cute thinking you have any control."
"You're cute to think that I won't this time."
"I guess we'll see," His hand slowly rolled over your stomach, pulling away and leaving goosebumps where he'd touched.
"S'pose we will." You pushed his chest lightly to push him to get back to the video. You could see the other boys whispering and watching the two of you with great interest- clearly sensing some sexual tension between yourself and Kenny.
As you pulled your mic off and handed it back to Kon, you were just about to leave when Kenny called-
"Hey Y/n!"
You turned back around to face Kenny as the room fell silent to hear what was last.
"Don't forget to wear that set you know I like!"
Of course he'd try embarrass you and get the last word. The silence was broken by a few gasps of shock, and Ethan slapping his palm over his mouth which mirrored a perfect o shape.
"Yeah, as long as you don't forget to change out of your briefs before I get there."
You snickered as he opened and closed his mouth again, stumped like a goldfish as you got the last word and walked out victorious, JJ's shocked laugh following you out, along with Pinero's she's had you there.
Knock knock knock.
You'd considered not wearing the set you knew he was referencing when he tried to embarrass you, but that Victoria Secret's red could never get old.
Clearly Kenny still hadn't fixed the door, as it still let out its infamous creak as he opened it, leaning against the door frame with arms crossed and a smirk on his face. He still wore the same cargos and durag, though his sweater had been discarded, and he instead just wore a white tee which his crossed arms filled out perfectly - muscles tightening the white material and making you already feel things, without having even entered his apartment yet.
Kenny shut the door behind you before his back was slammed into the door before he could even fully turn around- letting out a gasp as your hand wrapped around the neck of his shirt, pulling him down so that his face was level with yours, your breath fanning across his lips and giving him that nostalgic shiver across his spine as he felt your lips press onto his all so familiarly, the same cocoa lip butter coating your lips and his as you kissed as though you had never broken up at all. He lost himself in the way your lips felt against his, so soft and soothing as they moved, intoxicating him with the cocoa taste and feeling of your hands moving against his sides up to his head, finding purchase around the back of his head and pulling him closer if it were even possible.
Fighting his almost overpowering yearning for you, Kenny managed to pull away after a moment, pushing you back so that it was your back that was against the wall instead. And it was then your turn to let out a surprised gasp as you felt the impact of the wall, before Kenny's body closed the gap, pushing flush against yours and sweetening the blow by cupping your face within his hands and raising your jaw to meet his lips, changing the pace and dominating the kiss as he took your bottom lip between his teeth, biting just enough to make you gasp. And he only exploited your open mouth, pushing his tongue into your mouth and ravaging it, roughening the kiss as his hands started running down from your cheeks down to your body.
You pulled back to give yourself a moment to breathe, grinning cockily as Kenny almost looked dazed as he pulled away, eyes fluttering open as though he had woken up from his biggest dreams. "Don't enjoy it too much, I haven't even taken my clothes off yet."
"Please, don't kill my boner by taking off ANY of your clothes-"
"Wow, one whole year and still can't get hard without pills-"
"One whole year and- are you still on the pill?"
"Wanna find out?"
You let out a squeal as saying that was all it took for Kenny to throw you over his shoulder with his infamous bursting laugh, marching the two of you to the bedroom and throwing you onto the bed, climbing on top of you to reconnect your lips.
His hands inched down your body slowly, finding the sash-belt of your trench coat and pulling it apart through the kiss, looking down and separating as his jaw fell slack, eyes widening slightly as he looked down at your bare skin under the trench, clad in the set which he'd referenced- and which now regretted requesting- as he could feel the tent in his boxers tightening at a concerning rate.
Taking advantage of his pause, you expertly flipped him so that he was beneath you instead, his back landing on the mattress as he let out a huff from the impact. Your core was flush against his clothed crotch, and you grinded down- just giving the slightest bit of friction, though it was clearly enough for Kenny, as he rolled his head back and let out a groan at the feeling.
Your finger's made light work of his belt, pulling it off with ease so that you could pull down his cargos and boxers and stroke his length beneath, thumb tracing over his head and collecting the precum which you licked clean from your thumb, watching as Kenny's face contorted at the sight. Kenny was groaning at how nasty yet gorgeous you looked on top of him, needing his release there and then, when his eyes caught sight of the discarded belt and an idea popped into his head.
"Be a dear and hold your hands out,"
Holding your hands out as requested, Kenny slipped the leather around your wrists, tightening and doing the buckle, forming a pair of makeshift handcuffs around your wrists. The leather dug into your skin and locked your wrists together, but you still managed to smirk and make a snarky comment:
"You've gone soft, Ken'," You spoke which made him give you a funny look. "You would've used that belt for much filthier things, just a year ago… guess you're just not able to go as hard anymore-"
He roughly cut off your rambles by rolling you over, your face planting into the mattress with your ass up in the air as your hands were restrained behind your back, leaving you unable to support your front. A gasp came from your throat as Kenny's hand met your cheek harshly, almost definitely leaving a red hand-mark against your arse before you felt his tip trace down your folds, nudging your clit, and making your breathing turn heavier, eyes rolling backwards at the feeling.
There was a short silence where neither of you moved or said anything.
"Are you gonna beg for it, or have you forgotten how this goes?" Kenny taunted, stupid grin evident in his voice which made you roll your eyes even if he couldn't see it.
"No," You responded almost instinctually, grin against your face as you only said it jokingly. You felt Kenny pull away though, and that did panic you a bit, as you whined and rushed- "Joking Ken', I don't mean it, of course I want you."
"That doesn't sound like begging to me…"
"Just fuck me…" He make no move to do anything. "…Please."
His hands moved back to your hips, cock pushing against your aching core before he pushed slowly, making you gasp as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, Kenny slowly pushing in until his hips were flush against yours, bottomed out inside of you. He allowed you a grace period- a moment to adjust to his size- before pulling back not quite as slowly as the first time- and slamming his hips against yours. You let out an ungodly moan from the roughness of his thrust, his cock hitting a spot which only he could, that had your head spinning from the adrenaline flooding through your veins at the nostalgic pleasure you'd so craved ever since the breakup.
As another loud moan left your throat, you remembered the threats you'd heard last year- just moments after the two of you had similar, rough and loud sex, when three prompt knocks brought Kenny to the door- face to face with the landlord who warned him that one more noise complaint would have him evicted.
Apparently the neighbours weren't interested in knowing Kenny's name.
Your face was smudged into the mattress and duvet sheets already, but you bit down onto the duvet before letting out another groan as Kenny thrusted into you, the roughness sending spots into your vision as your whole body jerked from the movement- though your moan was muffled by the duvet in your mouth.
Kenny could hear the small whimpers and hushed moans you let out, trying not to be loud in memory of the strict landlord and complaining neighbours - but it had been too long without hearing those angelic moans you'd give - and Kenny wasn't going to let courtesy of the neighbours get in the way of hearing them again.
A gasp was ripped from you as Kenny's hand attached to the back of your head - wrapping your hair around his hand and using it to pull your head back and away from the duvet - pounding back into you with a thrust that made a raw moan fall from your throat, the arch from your ass all the way to your neck permitting Kenny's cock to hit a new place inside you which had your thighs shaking from the feeling.
"C'mon, you can be as loud as you want," Kenny muttered, finding a pace to fuck you, one hand on your hips being used to move you back and forth simultaneously whilst he thrusted into you, making him kiss the tip of your cervix and damn near cry with how good he felt inside of you.
Your body lurched with practically every rough thrust Kenny gave, rocking your body from not only the force, but also the way that each time he found your g-spot, you could feel a burning in the depths of your stomach which you knew was a building orgasm. And Kenny wasn't far away either - he'd missed the relationship of course - but the feeling of your tight walls around his cock, those sweet moans that each thrust elicited from you, all the talk and bite which always ended with a hard fuck: that was something he'd never be able to replicate with anyone else.
Kenny's thumb followed the slickness off your pussy down to your clit, his lubricated finger tracing tight circles over your sensitive bud and causing your whole body to jolt, the pre-orgasm euphoria building and making every atom of your body excite.
"Holy shit, I'm gonna-"
You weren't even able to finish your sentence before your arms gave out beneath you, your body collapsing against the duveted bed whilst you felt Kenny's thrusts take you to cloud nine, that euphoric brightness washing over your body like a sacrilegious purification. And Kenny kept that bliss channelling through your body as he fucked between your walls, pace staggering as he too felt his own orgasm washing through him, filling you with his cum as you cried out at that delicious feeling of his cock twitching inside you as he deposited everything - a few slowed thrusts carrying him through his orgasm as well as fucking his cum back into you… Even is after he pulled out, white still dripped from your pussy, that beautiful creampie that he'd given you a sight he savoured.
"God I missed you," Kenny breathed, his eyes unable to detach from your pretty you looked with his cum dripping from your hole.
"That's really cute and all but can you get the belt off?"
That snapped Kenny into action, realising that your face and upper body was practically crumpled into the mattress, unable to move since your hands were handcuffed behind your back because of that belt.
As soon as Kenny got the restraints off, letting you flip yourself over onto your back - you wrapped your arms around the back of Kenny's neck, pulling him down to meet your lips in a prolonged chaste kiss - all the sexual tension gone - finally letting that domestic sweetness wash over you at how nice it was to have Kenny back again.
He pulled away after a moment, breaking the kiss but not leaving, just resting his forehead against your own.
"Fuck, Ken', I've missed you too," You sighed in a fulfilled way, your whole heart feeling filled with Kenny.
"Well then if we both miss each other… Why aren't we together?"
"Do you want to get back?"
"If you do…"
"I can't believe we're agreeing to get back together straight after fucking."
"Well then let me take you out - what are you doing tomorrow night?"
"Well, now you're doing something - I'll pick you up at seven."
You couldn't even wipe the grin off of your face at that, instead choosing to wrap your arms back around his neck to give him another big kiss which he of course couldn't refuse either.
I wrote this a lil while ago, idk if you can tell from the way the smut's written(??) either way, haven't done smth for the beta squad girlies in a while so hope that's good!! Wish luck for me, today's Eng Lit GCSE 😭🙏
TAGLIST: @clarkeysbog, @mekselinaurr, @springholland, @xxkatxgracexx, @certainsaturn, @kennysimp101, @ajcs150, @martini4lyfe, @danric03, @zandrax Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
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stxrblxss · 1 year
first kiss ~ niko omilana
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Author’s note: this prob isn’t that good because this is my first ever blurb. so im sorry if it’s bad.. enjoy hehe :3
Warnings: none
You and niko have been dating for about a month and still haven’t had your first kiss. You two were taking things slow, but the more you two became physical the more you wanted to kiss him, but you were scared that he didn’t feel the same way. you and niko were currently cuddled up on the couch watching a random show, you then look up at him and see he's already staring, "what're staring at weirdo" you say giggling and he chuckles. "you. you're so beautiful, like how did I get so lucky?!" niko says while staring into your eyes, he then puts his hand on your cheek rubbing it lightly with his thumb. "can i kiss you?" he's very hesitant and nervous when he asks, your lips hover inches from each other for a few seconds before you nod giving him consent. its just a soft press, but it lights your entire body on fire. your hands link behind his neck slowly pulling away from the kiss but still wanting to be close, you two softly smile at eachother not speaking and just enjoying the moment. "god I've always wanted to do that" niko says before kissing you again.
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teewritessmth · 7 months
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(Niko Omilana x f! reader)
Summary : How can helping a dear friend ever go wrong?.......Right?
Warnings : smut, friends to lovers
If you weren't oblivious, it would seem crystal clear that something about your best friend definitely turned you on.
Was it his gorgeous smile? Maybe.
Was it how his eyes never seem to leave yours when you two make small talk? Perhaps.
Was it how his body completely enveloped yours as he pounded you on the soft mattress of his new bed? ......yeah.
"I still don't know why out of all the people in your contact list, I was the one you called to place this huge mattress down". You groan a little, playfully punching Niko's arm.
"Why not? haven't met you in a bit anyways. Good time to catch up y/n, don't be so mean". He pouts a little before ruffling your hair.
"Alright, Alright. I'm helping see-"
You reach out to tuck the covers of the mattress, unknowingly hiking your shirt up and giving Niko a good 'show' of your bare waist.
"Yeah you're definitely helping.......".
Niko scratches the back of his neck and tries to brush away these thoughts, when suddenly your phone rings on the nightstand.
"Oh excuse me for a bit".
You take your phone and head towards the living room to receive the call. Niko busies himself in placing the other ends of the cover and sets all his pillows down.
He let's out a chuckle looking at all the silly pillows you got him throughout the years that he still keeps on his bed. That man's life might as well revolve around yours.
"Sorry Nik, boss called. Apparently one of my coworkers can't figure out how to open a fuckin- what the hell are you doing?"
You look up from your phone to see a smiling Niko laying down on his bed starfish style.
"Had to check the bed yk"
"This? This is your way of checking the bed?" You ask him, your arms crossed over your chest.
He grins like a schoolboy and looks up at the ceiling.
A wicked idea runs through your head.
"Y/n wha- ".
You land on top of him with a thud.
The longing for his warmth was too much for you to handle. A sleepy Niko, laying down on a perfectly made bed, lights dimmed to perfection...and his warm, open, embrace.
So you did what anyone would do.
You jumped on top of him.
You jumped on top of your best friend.
You jumped on top of Niko Omilana.
Before you could register the embarrassment, Niko starts laughing.
"Did I make it look that good?"
"Well the bed looked cozy..."
You bury your face in his chest to hide your flushed cheeks and Niko could swear he was dying by your cuteness by the passing second.
"You're something else really".
Niko exhales slowly, letting one of his hands rest on the small of your back, the other gently hoisting your face up to meet his eyes.
He could only hope that he wasn't reading the situation wrong.
Suddenly, with newfound confidence, you run your hand timidly through his soft, curly, locks. Lightly running your fingertips along the ridges of his ear, you cup his jaw.
Niko closes the gap between you two.
You close your eyes. You stop thinking. You really don't need to. It's happening, happening right now.
His loft lips meet yours with such urgency that you stifle back a gasp. Niko flips you to his position, never breaking the kiss.
He let's his hands slowly caress your body, his face turning a cute shade of pink upon seeing your disheveled state and your plumpy lips all too sore from that intense make out session.
The headboard of his bed thuds against the wall periodically.
Clothes had gone flying to the corner of the room. Now all that mattered to him was the woman who laid down before him, bare, beautiful, intoxicating.
Broken chants of his name leave your lips.
Niko's head nested in the side of your neck, alternating between sucking dark hickeys and small licks, soothing the skin. His cock buried in you. With every thrust he could feel you trembling underneath him, your hips moving to meet his.
He increases his pace, smirking when you tightly grab his biceps to keep yourself sturdy. Your lips find his exchanging 'I love yous' and sweet words between kisses.
You clench around him tightly as you feel your orgasm approaching as Niko leaves kisses on your shoulders.
Your legs wrap around his torso pushing him deeper inside you, your back arching at the sensation.
You reach your high wrapped around him as he spills inside you.
Niko kisses your forehead as you scoot closer to him to lie down on his chest. Passionate exchanges of love between you two. He wraps his arms around your body, holding you to him.
Niko let's his eyes fall shut, thankful for the turn of events.
Thank god Kenny didn't pick the call when Niko wanted help for fitting his mattress.
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vctrvn-ls · 3 months
Treat Me Better part III
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part 1
part 2
“Girl, you’ll be fine. It’s Kenny’s Birthday, all attention is on him. Sharky won’t even notice you.” Nella bumped into your hips with hers.
“I just- ugh.”
“I don’t want it to be like that. This whole thing,” you waved your hands around “Is so stupid.”
“What thing?” Nella raised an eyebrow.
“The feelings and the vibes I’ve been getting over the past week after that awkward call that you gave me the confidence to make.”
“You’ll talk it out. Not today though. Don’t make a scene, I’m begging you.”
“I would nev-”
“Sshhhh, we’re here.”
You cautiously stepped into the brightly lit party venue, following Nella. 
You didn’t even have enough time to close the door when the familiar sight of Sharky triggered a rush of conflicting emotions within you instantly. 
“God,” you whispered to yourself.
You took a sharp breathe.
You hadn’t properly spoken since your heated argument a couple of weeks ago, and the tension between you was still palpable even from across the room.
As you tentatively made your way through the crowd, you caught a closer sight of Sharky. He was talking animatedly with Kenny, AJ and Chunkz. His gaze met yours, briefly, his expression unreadable. 
You could feel a knot forming in your stomach as you and Nella approached them, knowing that this encounter could potentially turn sour.
“Kenny!” Nella spread her arms out to greet the birthday boy.
“Hey girls,” Kenny giggled.
“This is from both of us,” Nella handed Kenny a big paper white bag “Open it later.” 
You smiled awkwardly and nodded.
Kenny hugged you “Thank you guys.”
Nella quickly joined the conversation with the boys while you stood there, pretending to listen.
"Hey," you said to Sharky in a moment when everyone else was focused on Chunkz’ story, trying to sound casual, but your voice betrayed a hint of nervousness.
He turned towards you, his eyes dark and guarded. "What do you want?" he snapped.
You felt a surge of frustration rising within you.
"I just wanted to say hello. Can't we at least be civil to each other for the sake of our friends?" You replied, trying to keep your tone level.
Sharky scoffed, his tone dripping with bitterness. 
"Civil? Is that all you think this is about? You have no idea how much you hurt me, and now you just waltz in here like nothing happened."
The words stung, and you could feel your own anger simmering beneath the surface. 
Thank god the music was loud enough to cover your conversation while the others continued discussing whatever they were discussing.
"I hurt you? What about the way you called me sick in the head multiple times!?" You shot back, voice rising with each word.
The argument escalated quickly, your voices raising above the background noise of the party. 
Finally your friends noticed. Kenny and Chunkz gave you wary looks, sensing the clear tension between you, while Nella had a ‘seriously?’ expression on her face.
“Hey guys, why don’t you show me where the drinks and food are.” Nella swiftly grabbed AJ and Kenny by the elbows and Chunkz followed.
 As accusations flew back and forth, it became apparent that this encounter was spiraling into yet another explosive confrontation that now others around were starting to notice.
Sharky felt the unwanted gazes.
“Fuck,” he hastily grabbed your arm, practically dragging you into an empty hookah room.
He aggressively sat down and pulled you with him.
“Listen here, stop being so fucking selfish and let me and the others enjoy the party.”
“Selfish!?” You exclaimed.
“Oh my god,” he laughed sarcastically “Stop being so fucking dramatic and speak properly.”
You felt your face warm up in embarrassment.
“All I did was say hi,” you mumbled “you’re the one who started.”
“Yeah just fucking don’t talk to me. I really want to forget you. I really do.”
“You don’t mean that…”
“No? Why? Cause I’ve always been so nice to you? Let me guess, next words are ‘this ain’t the real you Sharky’” he mimicked your voice in an annoying high pitched tone.
Your eyebrows knitted “Sharky-”
“Don’t do that.” He pointed, referring to your innocent gaze “Don’t bother me. Don’t even come near me. Ever.” He got up and left, slamming the door.
A second later you began to quietly cry in the dark room.
There was only one thing left to do tonight…
Get absolutely wasted.
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mekselinaurr · 8 months
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