#Nikignik HftH
bones-edition · 1 year
I drew that podcast guy. Yeah, the gay one with the eyes. Which one you ask? Oh, yeah, all of them.
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It's wonderful what you can do when you're procrastinating school work
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Eye Bracket — Round 3
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Jonathan Sims/The Archivist (The Magnus Archives):
I just think it'd be funny if an asexual character won
(im ripping this from the wiki btw) John has prematurely greying hair and looks older than he is. He often looks very tired and is physically unfit, as other characters refer to him as scrawny and he tires easily from physical tasks that others perform with little exertion. he also has lots of scars.
(propaganda, spoilers for The Magnus Archives) He's a wet cat and at one point dated Georgie Barker and does date Martin Blackwood. there is also a whole tag/movement for "hot Jon rights". he may not be like, 10/10 on the attractive scale but his far off gaze has captivated me
Nikignik (Hello From The Hallowoods)
They’re an eldritch being who narrates the entirety of the show. They have a lot of cosmic power, such as the ability to affect the story as it plays about, but typically try to stay out it because they’re a storyteller and aren’t supposed to interfere.
100 eyes on the dark. They see all. They are a sad boi (gender neutral). They are perfect.
a wet cat of an eldritch being who is visiting you in your nightmares :)
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I think it's really funny whenever this happens
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koscheyyy · 2 years
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Playing with the blorbos
(ID- a sketch illustration of Nikignik from @hellofromthehallowoods. Nikignik is an indescribable being with two visible heads sitting atop a long neck that disappears into a large black cloak. One of their faces is a mask of a fox and the other is a mask of a snake. Each mask has large white eyes as well as geometric patterns decorating the face. Along the brow of both masks are a row of additional eyes. They are sitting on a small river bank and are seen to be playing with two stick figure dolls. In one hand they hold onto a doll of Polly, A ginger haired demon. In Nikignik’s other hand he holds a stick figure of Mort, a robot with a glass dome that holds his skull and a mechanical lobster claw hand. A speech bubble beside Nikignik say ‘blah, blah, blah, hallowoods, blah, blah’. END ID)
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ghosteso · 1 year
With Nikignik and Marolmar it’s about the yearning.
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bite-me-didyme · 1 year
This episode of HFTH:
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Me, cackling gleefully:
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hmu when lady ethel’s grave dancing party has a date, nikignik? I wanna rsvp
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klettari · 2 years
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Nikignik, one hundred eyes in the dark
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dragons-socks · 2 years
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i can't believe it... Nikignik got involved in the narrative... he cares about the little people living their little lives on earth... he can't bear the thought of yet another tragedy because he loves them so so much... i'm proud of him <3
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hallowoodspolls · 1 year
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unbroken-teacup · 2 years
i started re listening to hello from the hallowoods because i got behind with the new episodes… i forgot how much i loved mort he’s just like me fr
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he’s just a little guy with a metallic claw arm who wants to protect his family
(don’t mind my frankly terrible drawing that i did in like a minute)
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2024 Preliminaries — Hello From The Hallowoods
No propaganda was submitted.
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camicrow · 1 month
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honestly hfth ties with magnus archives for favourite comfort/horror podcast. I genuinely love this show and its characters so much and feel very grateful for finding it (albeit a bit late)
so far on ep 114…… please no spoilers
fuck lady ethel mallory- aYE who said that
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marvelousmawn · 1 year
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"right now i am a scarf. it's more of an oversized cowl, really, but One Hundred Eyes in the Scarf is a better joke"
BEHOLD! IT IS DONE! and can been be a hood too!
anyway danielle and i are clearly in a competition to have the most "red eyes on black background" clothing
progress post
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koscheyyy · 2 years
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A little take on Nikignik and Marolmar before the Horrors.
(ID- A coloured illustration of Nikignik and Marolmar from Hello From The Hallowoods. They are embraced in a position of laying next to eachother, propped up as to look eachother in the eyes. Nikignik is on the left of the image and is an indescribable humanoid creature with multiple eyes taking up their face along with a shy smile. They are looking up at marolmar with adoration. They have two long ears protruding from their head and a long train of feathers over the top and back of his head, down his neck to form a feathered collar. The feathers continue across his shoulders and down hid back into a long cape. A smattering of Feathers also protrude from their arms and ribs. The feathers are coloured with light pink, purple and mauve with golden eye patterns on each feather. The res of Nikignik’s body is a depiction of a purple galaxy, filled with deep navy, black and blue marks as well as white stars. In Nikignik’s mouth is a long blade of grass and tucked behind his ear is a single cherry blossom.
On the right of the image lays marolmar. His body is propped up by the elbow to lay across Nikignik’s lap. Marolmar’s head is a wooden dear mask made up of brown and red markings as well as moss and mushrooms. Two tree limbs grow from his head like antlers which bloom pink cherry blossoms. Marolmars neck is a wooden tree trunk decorated with mushrooms and mould and sits upon a collar of dried grass and flowers. Tucked within the long grass sits three of Nikignik’s feathers. Across marolmars shoulders is a green robe that looks like carpet moss on a forest floor. The robe is open slightly and reveals a body similar to Nikignik’s, a vast green galaxy of stars and teal nebulas. Marolmars arm pokes out from under the robe to lay next to Nikigniks. His arm is green with swirling teal and black patterns and forms into a cloven hoof by the hand. He is smiling down at nikignik with large dark eyes that contain flecks of starlight in them.
Both of the indescribable beings are bordered by a light orange trim. End ID)
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ghosteso · 11 months
Resharing this playlist of Marolmar x Nikignik again because I want attention/hj
Few disclaimers I’m still on season 1 of Hello From The Hallowoods (episode 21 to be exact) and have not listened Star Crossed Gods as of posting this. Therefore it’s from other playlists I’ve listened to and the reaction of the fandom largely and therefore from Nik’s POV not their relationship as a whole. That’s really all I can. I hope you enjoy my playlist!
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