#Nigeria 2017
pasparal · 1 year
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Façade decoration of a house in Kano, Northern Nigeria. The design in moulded mud plaster includes a sword, a rifle and a dagi or 'endless knot'. 1984. Photographer: Paul Oliver (1927–2017) From the book Dwellings: The House Across the World, 1987.
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gravalicious · 1 year
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Carl Arriens - A trumpeter in Bida, Nigeria (1911)
Source: Sissy Helff - Global Photographies: Memory – History – Archives (2017: 117)
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Seeing the gender violence and sexual crimes towards women in Nigeria, I can see Meghan trying to muscle in on Sophie’s hard work & advocacy for women & survivors of war crimes and war sex crimes…
Meghan’s been shoehorning into Sophie’s platform since November 27, 2017.
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solarpunkbusiness · 6 months
Meet the Nigerian women spearheading solar projects
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32-year-old green energy entrepreneur Yetunde Fadeyi will never forget what inspired her to start a clean energy company in Nigeria.
As a six-year-old, Fadeyi’s best friend, Fatima, was killed by carbon monoxide poisoning in her Lagos home, along with her father and pregnant mother.
“She often came over for sleepovers. But that day she didn’t,” says Fadeyi. “It was the time that they were stealing people’s generators, so they kept [the generator] in an enclosed area and by the time it was morning they were dead.”
After a childhood in Lagos plagued by intermittent electricity, a degree in chemistry and training in solar panel installation, Fadeyi started Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability (REES). The non-profit is dedicated to climate advocacy and providing clean energy to poor communities in rural Nigeria.
Bringing solar energy to Nigeria’s poorest homes
Since its inception in 2017, REES Africa has provided solar energy to over 6,000 people in the poorest parts of Nigeria, funded by grants and philanthropic donations.
It supplies solar microgrids, which generate energy through solar panels and store them in battery banks for distribution. The small grids bring high quality, cheap and constant power to up to 100 homes each, powering light bulbs, radios, sockets and other low energy appliances.
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Fadeyi says that energy companies don’t see any potential for profit in poor and marginalised communities. With around 40 per cent of Nigerians living below the national poverty line, it’s up to companies like Fadeyi’s to fill the gap for now.
Professor Yinka Omoregbe is hoping to bridge this energy gap as CEO of Etin Power, providing energy to offgrid communities using mini solar grids. She brings a wealth of experience to the role as a former national advisor on the reform of Nigeria’s petroleum sector and a former state attorney general.
In its first year, Etin Power provided electricity to over 5,200 people in three neglected coastal communities in Edo State, southern Nigeria. While the results so far are small, Omoregbe’s ambitions are far bigger.
We will have proven that it is possible to profitably give green energy to vulnerable communities.”
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Ten years ago, Solomon Maina's daughter, Debora, was one of 276 schoolgirls kidnapped from their dormitory in the middle of the night by Nigeria's Boko Haram Islamist militants.
Global outrage was swift. A ubiquitous "Bring Back Our Girls" campaign, drawing support from the likes of Michelle Obama and Sylvester Stallone, shined a spotlight on the abductions. Then, in 2016 and 2017, negotiations led to the highly publicised liberation of around 100 of the captives. 
Debora was not one of them.
A decade after that fateful night in April 2014, the world has largely forgotten the plight of the so-called Chibok girls.
But for the victims and their families, the tragedy is ongoing.
"Especially at night, I think about my daughter," Maina, in tears, told Reuters in an interview at his home in Chibok, a Christian enclave in the West African nation's majority Muslim north. "I will never forget her."
Abductees who have returned home have struggled to resume their interrupted lives. Some are raising children fathered by their captors. Others have waited years for funds promised by the government to continue their education.
Those who spent the longest time in captivity have often had the most difficulty reintegrating with civilian life.
Dozens freed only in the past few years are living inside a military-run rehabilitation camp with surrendered Boko Haram fighters they married in the bush, according to the Murtala Muhammed Foundation, a charity that advocates for them. With them are more than 30 children.
"I'm tired of staying in the camp," one Chibok survivor told Reuters, asking not to be identified for fear of reprisals by the military. "I want to go home and stay with my family. There is no place like home."
Three of the surviving women told Reuters that in at least five cases women who arrived at the camp unmarried have been married to surrendered fighters once there. Government officials have officiated over such weddings, in an apparent effort to appease the surrendered fighters, family members say.
Aid groups and relatives say there is no clarity surrounding when - or even if - the women in the camp will be allowed to return home.
"They were brainwashed and their psychological thinking and mindset were changed to favour their abductors," said Dauda Yama whose daughter is inside the camp.
The state official in charge of the rehabilitation project did not respond to a Reuters request for comment.
Still missing
Roughly 90 Chibok girls are still missing. Based on the accounts of former abductees, the Murtala Muhammed Foundation believes a third of those have died in captivity.
"Some died of childbirth, some of starvation or snakebite others in government air strikes" against Boko Haram, said Aisha Muhammed-Oyebode, the foundation's head. A parents association for the Chibok girls also estimates dozens are now dead.
Nigeria's president's office and the interior ministry did not respond to requests for comment on how many of the missing Chibok girls were believed to still be alive.
Early on, as the girls began emerging from captivity in the bush and their fate was still a rallying cause around the world, the government pledged to fund their studies in "any field of their choice."
Some liberated captives are attending universities as far afield as the United States. But some say the assistance never arrived.
Yagana Yamani waited for government funds for six years after escaping her captors. She finally asked her mother, a farmer, to help. Now 25, she is studying public health.
"They didn't fulfil their promise," she said.
The federal government did not respond to requests for comment on the question of whether it failed to provide promised support.
Nigeria's military has been fighting Boko Haram since 2009 in a conflict that killed tens of thousands of people and displaced more than 2 million.
While the group aims to topple Nigeria's government to establish a state based on its own interpretation of Islamic law, to many people around the world it is best known for the Chibok kidnapping.
Soon after the raid, then-President Goodluck Jonathan promised that the girls would be brought home. Solomon Maina feels he is alone grappling with his daughter's fate.
Through a freed abductee, he learned that Debora had been injured but survived a bombing raid on Boko Haram. He believes she's still out there, alive.
"Where is she now? Is she in a comfortable place?" he said.
"I think about this all the time."
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Twenty Years of Habitual Lying
Everytime they "reinvent" themselves, we the public are expected to just tolerate The Meghans penchant for lying. The truth is that Meghan and Harry lie about EVERYTHING.
Poll Question: Based on online document searches for archived copies of Evanston's Northwestern University Commencement Programs, what YEAR (over 100 years) generates the MOST online interest?
Terminal Condition
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Truthers whose websites were shuttered in 2017
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Royal Reporters who still can't be bothered to fact check sussex content
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Political Science Department at Northwestern University
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Colombia, Nigeria, Jamaica, South Africa, Australia, Ireland, Great Britain...
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Everyone with a working brain recognizes this as deception: "since I grew up in the states, I didn't grow up with the same understanding of the royal family, while I NOW understand there is a global interest, I didn't really know much about him." Anyone who legitimately studied International Relations would feel embarrassed at the thought of pretending not to know about a global interest in monarchies. Not to mention all the BRF related activities she participated in throughout adolescence and in her career as a working actress in a Commonwealth Country.
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#1 Question for all of MegaLiar's so-called friends: What is your excuse?
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madamlaydebug · 2 months
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On this day in 2021...
Go well … you have fulfilled your purpose 💕https://www.patreon.com/RunokoRashidi
Runoko Rashidi is an anthropologist and historian with a major focus on what he calls the Global African Presence--that is, Africans outside of Africa before and after enslavement. He is the author or editor of twenty-two books, the most recent of which are My Global Journeys in Search of the African Presence, Assata-Garvey and Me: A Global African Journey for Children in 2017 and The Black Image in Antiquityin 2019. His other works include Black Star: The African Presence in Early Europe, published by Books of Africa in London in November 2011 and African Star over Asia: The Black Presence in the East, published by Books of Africa in London in November 2012 and revised and reprinted in April 2013, Uncovering the African Past: The Ivan Van Sertima Papers, published by Books of Africa in 2015. His other works include the African Presence in Early Asia, co-edited by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima. Four of Runoko's works have been published in French.
As a traveler and researcher Dr. Rashidi has visited 124countries. As a lecturer and presenter, he has spoken insixty-sevencountries.
Runoko has worked with and under some of the most distinguished scholars of the past half-century, including Ivan Van Sertima, John Henrik Clarke, Asa G. Hilliard, Edward Scobie, John G. Jackson, Jan Carew and Yosef ben-Jochannan.
In October 1987 Rashidi inaugurated the First All-India Dalit Writer's Conference in Hyderabad, India.
In 1999 he was the major keynote speaker at the International Reunion of the African Family in Latin America in Barlovento, Venezuela.
In 2005 Rashidi was awarded an Honorary Doctorate degree, his first, by the Amen-Ra Theological Seminary in Los Angeles.
In August 2010 he was first keynote speaker at the First Global Black Nationalities Conference in Osogbo, Nigeria.
In December 2010 he was President and first speaker at the Diaspora Forum at the FESMAN Conference in Dakar, Senegal.
In 2018 he was named Traveling Ambassador to the Universal Negro Improvement Association & African Communities League RC 2020.
In 2020 he was named to the Curatorial and Academic boards of the Pan-African Heritage Museum.
He is currently doing major research on the African presence in the museums of the world.
As a tour leader he has taken groups to India, Australia, Fiji, Turkey, Jordan, Brazil, Egypt, Ghana, Togo, Benin, France, Belgium, England, Cote d'Ivoire, Namibia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Peru, Cuba, Luxembourg, Germany, Cameroon, the Netherlands, Spain, Morocco, Senegal, the Gambia,Guinea-Bissau,Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar.
Runoko Rashidi's major mission in life is the uplift of African people, those at home and those abroad.
For more information write to [email protected] or call (323) 803-8663.
His website is www.drrunoko.com
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"Rule of Reason" :: Dwight D. Eisenhower
* * * * *
May 10, 2024
MAY 11, 2024
On October 31, 2020, former Trump White House advisor Steve Bannon—who had left Trump’s administration in 2017—explained to a group of people that, knowing that votes for Biden would accumulate throughout the evening as mail-in ballots were counted, Trump planned simply to declare victory on election night, seizing the presidency and claiming that any results to the contrary were an attempt to steal the election from him. “[A]t 10 or 11 o’clock Trump’s gonna walk in the Oval, tweet out, ‘I’m the winner. Game over. Suck on that,’” Bannon was recorded as saying.
That prediction was pretty much what happened, but Trump did not succeed in seizing the presidency. Next came plans to overturn the election results, and Bannon was also involved in those. Then, famously, on January 5, 2021, he predicted on his podcast that the next day, “all hell is going to break loose.”
Not surprisingly, the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol wanted to talk to Bannon. It subpoenaed him in September 2021 for testimony and documents. When he refused to comply, a jury found him guilty of contempt of Congress in October 2022. A judge sentenced him to four months in jail but allowed him to stay out of jail while he appealed. 
Today a three-judge panel of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld his conviction. He will not be jailed immediately; he can still appeal to a higher court. 
Another White House advisor, Peter Navarro, appealed all the way to the Supreme Court to overturn his own conviction for contempt of Congress after he, too, refused to answer a House subpoena for testimony and documents. The Supreme Court denied his appeal, and Navarro reported to prison on March 19, 2024. He has asked a federal judge to let him serve the remainder of his sentence on supervised release, so far without luck. 
Former federal prosecutor and legal analyst Joyce White Vance wrote: “Bannon is effectively out of appeals. He can delay a little bit longer, asking for the full court to review the decision en banc & asking SCOTUS to hear his case on cert, but neither one of those things will happen. Bannon is going to prison.”
Lack of information was at the heart of Bannon and Navarro’s cases; it was also at the heart of the State Department’s report to Congress about whether Israel’s strikes on Gaza have complied with international and U.S. law. National Security Memorandum (NSM)-20, which Biden signed on February 8, 2024, was designed to make sure that there are adequate safeguards and accountability when countries who have access to U.S. weapons use them. The memo required the secretary of state “to obtain certain credible and reliable written assurances from foreign governments receiving defense articles” and transmit that information to Congress. 
Issued today, the report covered seven countries in “active conflict”—Colombia, Iraq, Israel, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, and Ukraine—and explored whether they were using U.S. government-funded defense articles in accordance with international humanitarian law, and whether they were not “arbitrarily” denying, restricting, or otherwise impeding U.S.-backed humanitarian assistance in any areas where the country was using those U.S. defense articles.
The report noted that it’s hard to collect accurate information in a war zone. Often, the information has to come from participants or third parties, and sometimes that information comes only from the country the U.S. is supplying with weapons. It also noted that the human-rights-based Leahy Laws prohibit the U.S. from supplying weapons to a foreign military unit if the departments of state or defense have credible information that the unit has committed a gross violation of human rights, including torture, rape, extrajudicial killing, or enforced disappearance.
The report concluded that Colombia appears to be in compliance. Iraqi security forces have been credibly alleged to be violating international law, but the U.S. does not supply those units. Those it does supply have received U.S. training on compliance with international humanitarian law, and Iraqi leadership is working closely with the U.S. to professionalize. It has not restricted humanitarian aid. 
Kenya has repeatedly violated international human rights law, but it is working to come into compliance and has not misused U.S. weapons. Nigerian forces routinely use excessive force and torture. They are expanding the legal advice in the professionalizing army, and there are no credible reports of U.S. matériel used in ways that are inconsistent with international law. 
Somalia has violated humanitarian law and human rights law, arbitrarily killing and torturing people and committing sexual violence. The U.S. supplies the counterterrorism Danab Brigade of the Somali National Army and works closely with it. The State Department assesses that the brigade has not used U.S. weapons in any violations of humanitarian or human rights law. 
That leaves Israel and Ukraine.
The report begins by noting that in the October 7 attack on Israel, Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists killed an estimated 1,200 individuals, wounded more than 5,400, and took 253 hostages, including U.S. citizens. Hamas, it notes, “does not follow any portion of and consistently violates” international humanitarian law. 
Then it takes on the numbers of Palestinians killed and injured, saying that the Hamas-controlled Gaza Ministry of Health, “which international organizations generally deem credible,” estimates that 34,700 Palestinians have been killed. Another 78,200 have been wounded, “a significant percentage of whom are reported to be women and children.” The Gaza Ministry of Health does not differentiate between Hamas fighters and civilians, but Israel says that about half the 34,700 killed were Hamas fighters. The State Department says that “we do not have the ability to verify this estimate.” It also notes that “[t]he conflict has displaced the vast majority of Palestinians in Gaza and resulted in a severe humanitarian crisis.” 
The State Department notes that the U.S. government has emphasized Israeli compliance with international humanitarian law and that Israel has “institutions and processes charged with upholding” those laws. Israel has been conducting assessments, including criminal investigations, into alleged violations of international humanitarian law. 
The next paragraph, though, says that when asked, Israel shared some information that gave insight into Israel’s procedures and rules, but that information was incomplete. Among other things, “Israel has not shared complete information to verify whether U.S. defense articles covered under NSM-20 were specifically used in actions that have been alleged as violations of [international humanitarian law or international human rights law] in Gaza, or in the West Bank and East Jerusalem during the period of the report.” However, the authors concluded, because “certain Israeli-operated systems are entirely U.S.-origin (e.g., crewed attack aircraft),” they “are likely to have been involved in incidents that raise concerns about Israel’s [international humanitarian law] compliance.”
The report goes on to say that while it is difficult to determine whether specific U.S. weapons have been used improperly, “there have been sufficient reported incidents to raise serious concerns…. Given the nature of the conflict in Gaza, with Hamas seeking to hide behind civilian populations and infrastructure and expose them to Israeli military action, as well as the lack of [U.S. government] personnel on the ground in Gaza, it is difficult to assess or reach conclusive findings on individual incidents. Nevertheless, given Israel’s significant reliance on U.S.-made defense articles, it is reasonable to assess that defense articles covered under NSM-20 have been used by Israeli security forces since October 7 in instances inconsistent with its [international humanitarian law] obligations or with established best practices for mitigating civilian harm.”
The State Department says it is “not aware” of U.S. weaponry being misused. It also said that it “has had deep concerns…about action and inaction by Israel” that hampered humanitarian aid efforts and that, while that aid still is insufficient, “we do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of U.S. humanitarian assistance.” 
The report also assessed that Ukraine had occasionally violated international humanitarian law and international human rights law, torturing those suspected of collaborating with Russia, for example. The Ukraine government has committed to adhere to the rule of law. It has apparently not used U.S. weapons in those violations and has facilitated U.S. humanitarian assistance.
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11 Meaningful Pieces In Catherine’s Jewellery Collection That Belonged To Queen Elizabeth II
By Emily Chan
6 December 2023
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First worn by the Princess of Wales in June at the wedding of Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan and Princess Rajwa Al Saif in Amman, Jordan, the Greville chandelier earrings were seen on Queen Elizabeth II throughout her reign.
The dazzling diamond earrings made by Cartier were a wedding gift to Her late Majesty from her parents – the Queen Mother had inherited them from Dame Margaret Helen Greville, a British socialite, in 1918.
Catherine was most recently seen wearing the jewels at a Diplomatic Corps reception at Buckingham Palace.
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On Remembrance Sunday this year, Catherine debuted a pair of diamond and pearl leaf earrings that were previously seen on the Queen during a visit to Nigeria back in 2003.
Some experts believe that the earrings may have been detachable pieces from the brooch featuring the same design.
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Commissioned by King George VI, Queen Elizabeth II’s Festoon necklace features 105 loose diamonds that her father inherited when he ascended the throne.
Featuring three strands, the monarch wore the piece on numerous occasions throughout her life, from attending state banquets to posing for official portraits.
The Princess of Wales paid tribute to Her late Majesty by wearing the piece for the official Coronation photograph when King Charles III officially assumed the throne on 6 May.
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The Princess of Wales wore Queen Elizabeth II’s three-strand pearl necklace – an item Her Majesty was famous for – during a Buckingham Palace lunch for the governors-general of the Commonwealth nations prior to the monarch’s funeral in September 2022.
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The then Princess Elizabeth received this jaw-dropping diamond necklace by Cartier from the Nizam of Hyderabad as a wedding gift in 1947.
Featuring a rose motif, the royal picked the necklace herself, along with a matching floral tiara.
The Princess of Wales first wore the statement piece at a gala for the National Portrait Gallery in 2014, before rewearing it at a Buckingham Palace reception for the Diplomatic Corps in 2019.
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Queen Elizabeth II was first photographed wearing these diamond and pearl earrings during her Silver Jubilee celebrations – marking 25 years on the throne – in 1977.
Catherine has sported the earrings a number of times in the past, including after Prince Louis’ birth in 2018 and while visiting Commonwealth troops ahead of the Queen’s funeral.
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Queen Elizabeth II commissioned royal jeweller Garrard to create this four-strand pearl and diamond choker, using pearls sourced from Japan in the early 1980s.
Princess Diana was loaned the piece for a state banquet in honour of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands in 1982, while the current Princess of Wales has worn the necklace on several occasions, including for Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s 70th wedding anniversary in 2017 and Her Majesty’s funeral in 2022.
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The Princess of Wales debuted Queen Elizabeth II’s emerald and diamond earrings during an evening reception in Jamaica in 2022, along with a matching bracelet.
Both pieces are from Her late Majesty’s emerald tassel suite, which the monarch first wore at a state dinner held for Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates at London’s Claridge’s Hotel in 1989.
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First worn by Queen Elizabeth II during the 1990s, the Princess of Wales has borrowed Her late Majesty’s diamond and pearl leaf brooch a number of times over the years, including on a visit commemorating the Battle of Passchendaele in Belgium in 2017.
Catherine wore the piece in tribute to the monarch while attending her funeral procession at Westminster Hall in September 2022.
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The sapphire and diamond earrings
The Princess of Wales borrowed Queen Elizabeth’s sapphire and diamond earrings for a visit to Edinburgh in 2021.
The sapphire earrings are part of a suite of sapphire and diamond jewellery by Asprey, which Her late Majesty added to her collection during the late 1970s.
The Bahrain pearl drop earrings
Featuring two pearls gifted to Her late Majesty by the Hakim of Bahrain as a wedding present, these diamond and pearl drop earrings were also worn by Princess Diana in the 1980s.
The Princess of Wales was first spotted wearing the earrings at a Remembrance Day service in 2016, before going on to wear them for Trooping the Colour in 2019 and Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral in 2022.
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have-you-heard-of · 2 months
Have You Heard Of?
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“A man who would be intimidated by me is exactly the kind of man I would have no interest in.”
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie b.September 15, 1977
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is an award-winning author and an influential advocate of feminism. She has captivated people worldwide with her powerful storytelling and her outspoken campaign for gender equality. She was born in Enugu, Nigeria, and was raised in an academic environment that surely nurtured her passion for writing. As one of six siblings she grew up in the university town of Nsukka, her Mother was the first female registrar at University of Masuka and her father was Nigeria's first professor of statistics, and later became Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the same university. She attributes her success in part to her parents for, encouraging her self-confidence and being supportive by always showing that they had confidence in her. She began studying medicine and pharmacy at the university school her parents worked at; though, writing seems to have called to her, as she also edited the magazine created by the medical students. She left her medical studies after a year and a half when at nineteen she gained a scholarship to Eastern Connecticut State University in America, where she graduated summa cum laude (with highest honours) with a degree in communication and political science and continued her passion for writing by producing articles for the university journal. She went on to gain her master’s degree in creative writing from Johns Hopkins University, become a Hodder Fellow at Princeton University, earned an MA in African Studies from Yale University, and she was awarded a fellowship by the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University. During this time, she has released numerous novels, including A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions. She holds strong feelings regarding gender equality and is proud of her femininity, taking pleasure in fashion whilst grappling with the knowledge that she will be judged for the way she chooses to dress. Her belief is that you should be happy to be who you are, without being forced into a mould society has decided fits your gender. Refusing to conform to a female academic stereotype, she loves make-up and has been the face of Boots No7 cosmetics. Now married with a daughter, she splits her time between Nigeria, where she teaches writing workshops, and the United States. All in all, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a world-renowned writer, acclaimed academic, fashion icon, beauty queen and a feminist warrior we all should have heard of.
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“If you criticise X in women but do not criticise X in men, then you do not have a problem with X, you have a problem with women.”
Books and Novels
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Notable Awards and Honors
35 awards, 21 are literary awards, including: Future… Award (Young Person of the Year category), 2008 Global Hope Coalition's Thought Leadership Award, 2018 Action Against Hunger Humanitarian Award, 2018 UN Foundation Global Leadership Award, 2019 Africa Freedom Prize 2020 Business Insider Africa Awards, 'Creative Leader of the Year', 12 April 2022 Influential people lists including: The New Yorker's '20 Under 40', 2010 '100 Most Influential Africans 2013', New African '100 Most Influential People' by Time Magazine, 2015 Fortune Magazine's List of 50 World Leaders, 2017 'World's Most Inspiring People in 2019' by OOOM Magazine Forbes Africa's '100 Icons from Africa', 2021 'Changemakers: 100 Nigerians Leading Transformational Change', 2022
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“Teach her to reject likeability. Her job is not to make herself likeable, her job is to be her full self, a self that is honest and aware of the equal humanity of other people.”
Her childhood home was one formerly occupied by the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe
Beyoncé's song, "Flawless," features excerpts from Adichie's TED Talk.
Adichie thought she had invented purple hibiscus & was shocked to receive a call from her editor telling her they existed in America!
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
More Nigeria shenanigans at Save the Children UK... by u/Cuntributor
More Nigeria shenanigans at Save the Children UK... ....which is apparently a charity that Princess Anne has been Patron of since 2017. From what I can gather, the dumb idiots were invited there by Misan "I Photoshop Shit Badly" Harriman because he's involved with the charity somehow? I don't care to find out, don't give a shit about that dude. Such a shame that charities still involve themselves with these two morons. Also, I cannot read the words "survive but thrive" without gagging. Link to post on X: https://twitter.com/savechildrenuk/status/1791017096664564006​Look at me faux Royalling!!! Look at MEEEEE!!!! post link: https://ift.tt/TFVh35o author: Cuntributor submitted: May 16, 2024 at 05:49PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 6.18
Academy Day (Scientology)
Autistic Pride Day
Clark Kent Day
Clean Your Aquarium Day
Count Your $$ Day
Drone Safety Day
Festival of Invisible Pornography
Finest Hour Speech Day
Foundation Day (Benguet, Philippines)
Go Fishing Day
Hand Cart Day (French Republic)
Horned Poppy Day
Human Rights Day (Azerbaijan)
International Day for Countering Hate Speech
International Declaration of Human Rights Day
International Panic Day
Jack Herer Day
Justice Institution Employees Day (Turkmenistan)
Mela Khir Bhawani (Kashmir, India)
National Black America’s Day of Repentance
National Internet Cat Day
National Jesse Day
National Relationship Day
National Splurge Day
National Wanna Get Away Day
National Wear Blue Day
Neurodiversity Pride Day (Netherlands)
No Headline Day
Police Inspector’s Day (Ukraine)
Queen Mother’s Day (Cambodia)
618 Day
Sustainable Gastronomy Day
Tabasco Day (Mali)
Trouser Day
Veterinary Appreciation Day (a.k.a. Veterinarian Appreciation Day)
Waterloo Day (UK)
Wild Den Dancing Day
World Day Against Incarceration
World Wide Knit in Public Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Insalata Day (Italy)
International Picnic Day
International Sushi Day
National Cheesemaker’s Day
National Cherry Tart Day
Independence & Related Days
Aldrodnia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Bacolod City Charter Day (Philippines)
Constitution Day (Seychelles)
Egypt (a.k.a. Eid el-Galaa, evacuation of foreign troops, 1954)
Flinders (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Jailavera (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Leprechia (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Naga City Charter Day (Philippines)
Onontakeka (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Snagov (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
3rd Tuesday in June
National Accounts Payable Appreciation Day [3rd Tuesday]
National Cherry Tart Day [3rd Tuesday]
Royal Ascot begins (UK) [3rd Tuesday]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 18 (3rd Full Week)
National Water Safety Week (Ireland) [thru 6.25]
Royal Ascot (thru 6.22)
Festivals Beginning June 18, 2024
Marysville Strawberry Festival (Marysville, Washington) [thru 6.23]
RMA Convention (Maui, Hawaii) [thru 6.21]
Taste of Little Italy (San Diego, California) [thru 6.19]
Feast Days
Amandus, Bishop of Bordeaux (Christian; Saint)
Andim Day (Pastafarian)
Bernard Mizeki (Anglican and Episcopal Church)
Chris Van Allsburg (Artology)
Elisabeth of Schönau (Christian; Saint)
Elvis Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Ephraem (Christian; Saint)
Erik Ortvad (Artology)
Festival of Anna (Ancient Rome; Everyday Wicca)
Going Forth of Neith Along the River (Ancient Egypt’ Goddess of War and Hunting)
Gregorio Barbarigo (Christian; Saint)
Gregory of Fragalata (Christian; Saint)
Into Raymi Festival begins (Inca Sun Worship Festival; until 24th)
James Montgomery Flagg (Artology)
John Bellany (Artology)
Joseph-Marie Vien (Artology)
Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus (Christian; Saints)
Leroy (Muppetism)
Marina the Monk (Maronite Church, Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria)
Mark and Marcellian (Christian; Martyrs)
Media Ver XI (Pagan)
National Splurge Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Now Panic Day (Pastafarian)
Osanna Andreasi (Christian; Saint)
Theodoric the Great (Positivist; Saint)
Three Lasting Things of Cormac Mac Art: Grass, Copper and Yew (Celtic Book of Days)
Tiger-Get-By’s Birthday (Shamanism)
Islamic Lunar Holidays
Eid al-Adha, Day 3 [Muslim Feast of Sacrifice] (a.k.a. ... 
Al Adha (Bahrain)
Corban Bairam (Sudan)
Eid al Adha (Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, West Bank and Gaza, Yemen)
Eid e-Ghorban
Eid ul-Ad’haa (Maldives)
Feast of Sacrifice (Uzbekistan)
Gurban Bayram (Azerbaijan)
Hari Arafat (Malaysia)
Hari Raya Qurban (Malaysia)
Id el Kabir (Nigeria)
Kurban Bayram (North Cyprus)
Kurban Bayramy (Turkey)
Qurbon Hayit (Uzbekistan)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [36 of 57]
The Adventures of Ellery Queen (Radio Series; 1939)
The Bully (Ub Iwerks Flip the Frog Cartoon; 1932)
Casey Bats Again (Disney Cartoon; 1954)
Dangerous When Wet (Film; 1953)
Dare To Be Stupid, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 1985)
Day & Night (Pixar Cartoon; 2010)
Der Freischütz (or The Marksman), by Carl Maria von Weber (Opera; 1821)
DodgeBall (Film: 2004)
(Everything I Do) I Do It For You, by Bryan Adams (Song; 1991)
Eyes in Outer Space (Disney Cartoon; 1959)
Goodbye Cruel World, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1984)
The House with a Clock in Its Walls, by John Bellairs (Novel; 1973)
Howard Zinn: You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train (Documentary Film; 2004)
Ice Station Zebra, by Alistair MacLean (Novel; 1963)
An Ideal Husband (Film; 1999)
Inside, Outside, by Herman Wouk (History Book; 1985)
Lady and the Lamp (Disney Cartoon; 1979)
Last Action Hero (Film; 1993)
Le Marteau sans Maître, by Pierre Boulez (Chamber Cantata; 1955)
Luca (Animated Film; 2021)
Morning, Noon and Nightclub (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1937)
My Cousin Rachel, by Daphne du Maurier (Novel; 1952)
The Ocean at the End of the Lane, by Neil Gaiman (Novel; 2013)
Odelay, by Beck (Album; 1996)
Once Upon a Forest (Hanna-Barbera Animated Film; 1993)
Origin of Symmetry, by Muse (Album; 2001)
Polar Fright (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1966)
Popeye Meets Hercules (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1948)
The Sparks Brothers (Documentary Film; 2021)
Suppressed Duck (WB LT Cartoon; 1965)
Tarzan (Animated Disney Film; 1999)
Toy Story 3 (Animated Pixar Film; 2010)
The Underground World (Fleischer Cartoon; 1943) [#16]
The Wild Bunch (Film; 1969)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Elisabeth, Ilsa, Marina (Austria)
Asen, Chavdar (Bulgaria)
Elizabeta, Marcel, Ozana, Paul (Croatia)
Milan (Czech Republic)
Leontius (Denmark)
Auli, Aurelia, Auri, Reeli, Reelika, Reili (Estonia)
Tapio (Finland)
Léonce (France)
Elisabeth, Ilsa, Isabella, Marina (Germany)
Erasmos, Leontios (Greece)
Arnold, Levente (Hungary)
Gregorio, Marina, Marinella, Marinetta (Italy)
Alberts, Madis (Latvia)
Arnulfas, Ginbutas, Marina, Vaiva (Lithuania)
Bjarne, Bjørn (Norway)
Efrem, Elżbieta, Gerwazy, Leonia, Marek, Marina, Paula (Poland)
Ipatie, Leontie, Teodul (România)
Vratislav (Slovakia)
Marcelino, Marcos (Spain)
Bjarne, Björn (Sweden)
Leo, Leon (Ukraine)
Effie, Efrain, Eph, Ephraim, Marina, Marnie, Nevaeh (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 170 of 2024; 196 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 25 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 13 (Gui-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 12 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 11 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 20 Blue; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 5 June 2024
Moon: 88%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 1 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Theodoric the Great]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 92 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 29 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Charlemagne (Feudal Civilization) [Month 7 of 13; Positivist]
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
Hello RTA 👋🏻 Had a thought so wanted to share and ask your opinion on it.
Did you notice the increased bleating of GB News, Chris Ship, Richard Palmer, Petronella Wyatt, Daniela Elser & other self proclaimed royal experts demanding Charles and William to take the Harkles back? I feel like they’re starving for dramas & gossips from the inner royal circle & couldn’t get anyone, family nor staffs, to spill any secrets so they’re going mad. This is especially after Charles and Catherine’s diagnosis but that door shut firmly after Catherine’s video.
The repugnant loose lips will happily divulge private details in exchange of good PR for them like what’s happening now if William and Charles supposedly cave in to “public” demands to take the Harkles back in. It’s a win-win for 2 equally disgusting entities. 
But from what I’m seeing online, no matter how much the MSM and tabloids suck up to the Harkles especially the Nigeria vacation, the public isn’t buying what they’re selling. Social media spreads information quicker, more efficiently with higher target reach and the videos of the Harkles + the dissatisfaction of the Nigerians about their visit is quickly becoming more popular than their very carefully curated photos, videos and hundreds of paid for articles. This much drive the Harkles and their mouthpieces crazy.
What do you think? 🙏🏻❤️
I know it seems contrary but I don’t actually pay attention to the royal reporters. I keep an eye on The Times for their Sunday exclusives (because it’s usually Charles or William speaking) and scan the Daily Mail’s website/front page for headlines of the day but I don’t actually read the stories. Because the stories aren’t saying anything new.
And because the stories aren’t saying anything new, the reporters don’t have anything to write so they go back to what sells: the Charles/William/Harry drama. Much like Diana vs Sarah sold in the ‘80s, Diana vs Charles sold in the ‘90s,  and Kate vs Meghan sold 2017 - 2019, Charles vs William vs Harry is selling in the ‘20s. So I don’t pay much attention to what they say because it’s nothing new. You have two people complaining about each other to the press and one person who just wants to be left alone with his three true loves (his wife, his children, and Aston Villa).
The majority of the general public has never bought what Harry and Meghan are selling. It was always only a small, very outspoken, very loud group of people using a bully pulpit to shape public perception. The longer the Sussexes stay together, the more they push themselves into the public eye, the more they try to project popularity with the aid of their small but mighty supporters, the faster and more easily their dominoes fall and shatter the house of glass they’ve built themselves into.
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Rainbow 6 Siege Twitch +Elite Twitch
@cctreasuretrove @sssvitlanz
Emmanuelle Pichon, codenamed Twitch, is an Attacking Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Pichon grew up in a family of academics in the historic city of  Nancy, France, where the children were encouraged to excel in Math,  Science, and Technology. Early participation in sponsored computer  programming competitions led to her joining the army cadets at sixteen.  Almost immediately her talent was recognized, particularly in robotics.  Her superiors quickly encouraged Pichon to study engineering while  continuing her career in the military with the GIGN.  From the start, Pichon's focus has been on adaptable technology that  aids soldiers in the field. While there is much praise for her  technological achievements, Pichon's tactical prowess and ability to  problem solve quickly and efficiently make her a crucial operational  asset.
In 2015, Pichon was led by Olivier "Lion" Flament on a mission to Nigeria to assist medical personnel fighting the Ebola epidemic. Tragedy ensued, and the decisions Flament made for safety reasons put him at odds with Pichon and Gustave "Doc" Kateb,  who blamed him for the death of several medical personnel on-site  including Kateb's colleague. Later that year, Pichon's unique  combination of talents made her well-suited to join Rainbow.
In 2016, Pichon met Taina "Caveira" Pereira and had some kind of relationship with her, but to what extent remains  currently unknown. While not deployed on missions, Pichon proved  invaluable for Rainbow's R&D Department. She assisted in the  improvement of the team's equipment and was noted to have helped Elena "Mira" Álvarez in the development of Morowa "Clash" Evans' CCE Shield in 2017. In early 2018, Pichon assisted Rainbow's new CBRN Threat Unit with a situation concerning a mysterious mist on the shores of Sussex.  During the operation, Pichon provided Olivier Flament with a new aerial  drone that allowed him to determine the source of the mist plume. In  2019, Pereira went AWOL in Bolivia in order to search for her brother. Pichon and Meghan "Valkyrie" Castellano subsequently collaborated with Ghost Recon to conduct Operation Archangel in order to recover Caveira which proved to be a success.
In June 2020, Pichon and Julien "Rook" Nizan were in Paris, France when two large fires emerged downtown. The GIGN  deployed the pair and several other officers to keep order from the  chaos caused by the fire. Having faced a similar situation during  training under The Program,  Pichon and Nizan suspected the fires had been started in order to  distract from a major bank heist across the city. They tracked and  confronted the robbers who started firing at them. Nizan was shot in the  head but was saved by his helmet. Pichon and Nizan then pursued the  robbers across Paris in a high-speed motorcycle chase and eventually  caught them.
In 2022, Pichon was placed on Rainbow's new humanitarian squad, Wolfguard, under the leadership of Gustave "Doc" Kateb. She and Gilles "Montagne" Touré later traveled to Belgium to recruit Ngoma "Sens" Mutombo into Rainbow. weeks later, Pichon and Doc acted as control for Operation Vector Glare. The pair directed Montagne, Sens, and Olivier "Lion" Flament to rescue of an architect who was being held hostage at a refinery by  local militia. It was believed that this architect held schematics that  would detail how Nighthaven was involved in Masayuki Yahata's assassination. Once the architect was secured, the three operatives rendezvoused with Pichon and the rest of Wolfguard. ✟ Mesh Originally From Ubisoft, Converted to XNALARA By My DeviantART Friend,BlinKJisooXPS and Converted to Sims 4 By Me
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
At least 85 civilians were killed in Kaduna state, north-west Nigeria, in an air strike during a Muslim religious celebration on Sunday, the local emergency management authority said.
The civilians were killed in a "bombing mishap", President Bola Tinubu said without giving a death toll.
State Governor Uba Sani said they were "mistakenly killed" by a military drone "targeting terrorists and bandits".
More than 60 people were admitted to hospital for treatment, officials said.
The defence ministry termed the operation a "needless tragedy" adding that a routine mission against militants "inadvertently affected members of the community".
Nigeria's military has for years been battling armed criminals and militants who has been operating in parts of northern Nigeria, raiding villages and kidnapping residents for ransom.
The airstrike happened when villagers from Tundun Biri gathered for a religious festival on Sunday evening.
The head of the army, Lt Gen Taoreed Lagbaja has apologised to the residents and paid a condolence visit to the village.
He expressed regret about "the unfortunate mishap, describing it as a very disheartening occurrence", the army said.
Gen Lagbaja said that troops were carrying out aerial patrols when they observed a group of people and "wrongly analysed and misinterpreted their pattern of activities" to be similar to that of the bandits, before the drone strike.
President Tinubu has asked for a "thorough and full-fledged investigation into the incident and calls for calm while the authorities look diligently into the mishap" a statement from his office said.
The governor has also called for an investigation.
"The Northwest Zonal Office has received details from the local authorities that 85 dead bodies have so far been buried while search is still ongoing," a statement from the National Emergency Management Agency in the federal capital, Abuja, said.
"It is worthy of note that the casualties ranged from children, women and the elderly," it added.
One man, who witnessed what happened, told the BBC's Hausa service that there were two attacks.
"The aircraft dropped a bomb at the venue, it destroyed and killed our people including women and children," he said.
"The second bomb was dropped on some of us who went to bring dead bodies of the victims of the first blast. We lost about 34 people in my family and we have 66 injured people in the hospital."
A woman who saw the aftermath of the bombing told the BBC that bodies were strewn all over the place.
"Some women died holding their babies, some of the babies survived while others died along with their mothers," she said.
The Nigerian military has in the past been accused of causing civilian casualties while battling militia gangs, known locally as bandits, in the north-west of the country. The government has labelled the gangs "terrorists".
More than 300 people have been killed since 2017 in accidental strikes by the Nigerian military, a report by SB Morgen, a research firm, said.
In 2021, at least 20 fishermen were killed accidentally in a Nigerian fighter jet strike on a jihadist camp in north-east Nigeria.
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Just because you don’t hear about something, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
Because tragically, too often, boys and men suffer in darkness.
There is perhaps no better example of this than the horrific actions of Boko Haram, and the countless boys and men they have taken, without trace, and to very little outrage.
For it is not just the education of women and girls that the group are implacably against, Boko Haram are against all Western education, for all people, including men and boys.
For years they demonstrated this through enacting unspeakable war crimes onto innocent Nigerian men and boys, often releasing women and girls, and for years they were ignored by a disinterested world.
Boys disappeared. Men were killed. Nobody said anything.
And certainly nobody especially important.
Then things changed in April 2014, when nearly 300 Nigerian girls were taken, and the world woke up to what was going on.
Celebrities marched the red carpets, political leaders spoke up, Michelle Obama fought for justice, god damn, we had China and America working together for once.
#bringbackourgirls rang out, as it should, and the much awaited outrage and long overdue horror finally took flight.
Most of the girls were saved, and the world went about its business as usual…
The following three years saw not 300 boys taken, or 500… but 10,000, and as before, silence reined supreme.
So who will speak for these forgotten boys?
Who will bring back all Nigeria’s children?
Study: https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/20829/4320
Patterns in Making Victims’ Gender Visible or Invisible in News Media Reporting of Boko Haram’s Massacres and Kidnappings
Boko Haram, a terrorist group based in Nigeria, has systematically conducted gender- based mass kidnappings and killings throughout its history, and these gendered crimes have included both male and female victims. This research examined newspaper articles on Boko Haram’s gendered crimes reported from July 2013 to February 2021, with a focus on the relative visibility of the gender of the victims. The genders of male and female abductees were clearly identified; however, the gender of male massacre victims was relatively invisible irrespective of whether they were men or boys. A failure to report the gendered nature of the massacres may contribute to lower awareness and, thus, reduced security resourcing needed to address such severe human rights violations.
The name Boko Haram can be loosely translated as “Western education is sin” (Sergie & Johnson, 2014, para. 4). The group has strongly advocated radical social and educational reforms throughout Nigeria (Bello, 2021), aiming at eliminating all Western influences and replacing Western education and standards with “undiluted” Islamic laws and procedures that are identical to Sharia. Boko Haram might have deemed offensive any consideration of improving women’s empowerment through education instead of seeing it as a key issue of human rights and development. Thus, in April 2014, the group gained international notice and notoriety for the kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls and the subsequent #BringBackOurGirls campaign promoted by the then First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama. The crime garnered international outrage and support to seek the return of the girls, of which at the time of publishing, 90 were still missing (Lewis, 2023). Boko Haram also used female kidnapping and suicide bombers as part of its strategy to increase its media coverage (Zenn & Pearson, 2014).
The gendered nature of Boko Haram’s tactics was used before and after the Chibok kidnapping. Boko Haram has committed gender-selective kidnappings and executions against adults and children throughout much of its history. This insurgent group is believed to have kidnapped up to an estimated 10,000 boys and men to be forcibly conscripted or enslaved (Hinshaw & Parkinson, 2016; Topol, 2017) and kidnapped hundreds of women and girls for pressured conversions to Islam, to marry Boko Haram combatants, to be used for sexual and domestic enslavement, or to be used for tactical strategy (Amnesty International, 2015; Omilusi, 2015; Zenn & Pearson, 2014). While Boko Haram has also engaged in bombings where the killing has been more indiscriminate or done based on religion or engagement in secular education, a significant portion of the abductions and killings were gender based.
Academic literature to date has addressed Boko Haram’s gendered crimes with an almost exclusive focus on women, girls, and children. Barkindo, Gudaku, and Wesley (2013) report on Boko Haram’s violence against Christian women and girls, defining gender-based violence as that conducted by males or male institutions against women and girls, thus definitionally excluding recognition of boys and men as victims. Pereira (2018) and Zenn and Pearson (2014) directed their attention to female victims of Boko Haram’s violence and briefly mentioned that insurgent violence is also directed toward men and boys. Pogoson and Saleh (2019) focused on female vulnerability to violence in Nigeria and argued that Nigeria’s security forces needed to prioritize the protection of women from violence. When discussing Boko Haram’s and al Shabaab’s1 tactics, Matfess (2020) omitted any mention of men and boy victims and compared the violence toward women with violence against civilians, thus comparing female gender identity with noncombatant identities. A report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (2015) on Boko Haram mostly excluded recognizing men and boys as victims of this gender-based violence while also acknowledging in other parts that men and boys were specifically targeted to be murdered or kidnapped. Likewise, Boukhars (2020) identified Boko Haram’s gendered crimes as being solely about the kidnappings of women and girls. In an edited book titled Boko Haram and International Law (Iyi & Strydom, 2018), a section containing three chapters focused on the welfare of girls and women in the conflict while the entire book mentioned the word “boys” a total of three times in reference to incidents of their victimization. The Boko Haram academic gendered victim discourse and analysis relates almost exclusively to females and tends to exclude males. To date, there appears little attention and acknowledgment of the civilian male victims in the literature or discourse.
"Male privilege" is when nobody noticed or cares that you're dead or missing.
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