#Nicolas Lietzau
sheyri · 1 month
Fellow Enderal and/or Dreams of the Dying fans
For the last two years I organised a little fan meeting at book fair in Leipzig, Germany. Last year including Nico, this year he couldn't make it, next year he wants to be there again.
The next one will be 27th to 30th March 2025.
If you're interested and able to attend, please let me know!
We met on Saturday so far, but that's also the most crowded day. If most people would prefer another day, that's fine. At least a few of us will be there every day anyway. We speak German and/or English and can translate if necessary, so no worries about language. Also no worries if you're socially awkward or shy or anything. You'll fit right in, we're all completely normal and sane there. And we already have one common interest to talk about.
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mapas-fantasticos · 9 months
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Map of the Queendom of Qyra from the Enderal trilogy series by Nicolas Lietzau (map by Francesca Baerald).
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lehdenlaulu · 2 years
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beck-nightengale · 1 year
Summer Reading/Writing/Arting Tag
Yo, I was tagged by @chennnington over here to do this thing and it does look like fun, so why not!
But I'm also going to be boring since idk who to tag, so anyone is free to fill this thing out if it hits your dashboard. ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ Go knock yourselves out.
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer.
Thanks to Enderal kicking my creative nuts into gear and being recently liberated from certain "game-master" obligations (long, long ass story that'd probably go over most Tumblr folks' heads, anyway), I finally started diving back into a sapphic-flavored dark fantasy book series that I'd been planning since like around 2016 or so. It was mostly born out of some frustrations with the lack of WLW in general, and while I have some WLW elements in my existing works, I wanted to write something that was more overtly WLW with a leading lady who was outgoing about her sexuality than my previous protagonists (who are either repressed as fuck or too dead to hold a relationship that would function) and wouldn't take her four dang novels to finally kiss a girl.
Anyway, Morane Soraya was created from a whole mess of complicated feelings about women in media. I describe her as a combination of Julie D'aubigny and Anne Lister, with a bit of Christina of Sweden (all of who were badass women in history. Look 'em up!). I wrote a lot about the basics of who she is/what she's all about here.
Morane is a good bean:
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Book 1, Bloodtithes, will go into her venturing into a scarcely-visited icy continent to investigate a possible cure or effective treatment to the painful condition she had been forced to live with, which gives her the proficiency she has in Blood Magick (which isn't inherently evil in her world, but very often misunderstood because of its side effects). She's from a mercenary group who all share the same condition and propensity for Blood Magick, so they're interested in this so-called "cure" as well, but not many make it to this country and survive, so Morane is sent alone instead. Along the way, she meets a horned jackal-man named Darius ka Dir, and gets entangled in a plot with a strigoika named Viorica Avanas who has a whole buttload of inner demons of her own (side note: I once played Vio in Skyrim to mess around with Kaidan and they got into some... Situations).
A friend drew Darius and he has a single giant and glorious curl that he is very serious about.
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I've also talked a lot about Jade for my Enderal stuff, who was already based on an existing character, and I've figured out how to work her into Morane's world. She won't factor in until Book 2, Cloverleaf, because she's essentially gonna tear down a wall and break freaking everything.
You know. Like she do.
It's still in the planning stages but I'm feeling pretty good about it.
2) Rec a book!
I just started reading Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau, which I'm enjoying a lot, but haven't read enough yet to form a coherent recommendation on it. I just got the audiobook though so I'm looking forward to that!
Otherwise, House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski is one of my favorite novels of all time and was a major writing inspiration for me. It's creative in how it gets you to feel uneasy while you're reading the book itself, a huge mindfuck, and one of the few novels that actually made me feel a sense of dread while I was reading it.
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If you'd like some seriously bonkers reading material, I'd suggest giving it a looksee.
3) Rec a fic! (outside your character tag)
Iiii don't actually read fanfiction that much, so I'm not sure if I can rec one!
On the flipside, feel free to rec me some Enderal fics (or your own, if you have any). I'll read the shit out of it.
4) Rec music!
I can't recommend Murder by Death to people enough. They're my all-time favorite band, one of the few I've ever made an effort to go see live when they were playing in my city (just before lockdown hit, no less), and deserve more love. I've been listening to them since I discovered them high school and their albums just keep getting better and better.
Also it's not hard for me to find some character-centric songs from them because the topics they write about is very versatile. I tend to think of Lost River for Jade's story, and Ditch Lilly and Rumbrave for Rey's.
5) Share one piece of advice!
Writing women! Because I guess this one needs telling as there are people who still find writing female characters daunting or somehow more difficult than it is to write men. Which, fair, I was the same way. Despite having mostly female protagonists in the novels I'd written, the dudes in my earlier stuff somehow ended up taking the spotlight and stealing most of the development. I really struggled to work through some of my own internalized misogyny and "there are no good female characters in media" mindset, and it took a lot of opening my mind up before it got easier. Now I predominately focus on writing women to be that change I want to see - this includes not killing certain ones off to enhance manpain like I used to, which I learned was called "fridging", lol.
My advice for writing them is to just write them as characters. It sounds simple and stupid, but I'm surprised how much people get wrapped up in the "she must be a strong girlboss" brainrot that they end up with a very flat, boring character that literally no one can relate to, so she still gets outshined by the dudes because the writer tried to overcompensate her badass womanliness without giving her actually compelling character traits.
I feel like one of the main reasons why I absolutely adored Ellen Ripley when I was a kid was because she was written to be a man in the first Alien movie, but they changed the character into a woman without changing the script and it just worked. I didn't know that when I was young, but finding that out just made me appreciate Ripley so much more, because the writers didn't treat her like a "strong female character" but as just a character. I think if writers approached this mindset more, we wouldn't have the "no good female characters in media issue" that doesn't need to be an issue in the first place.
These days I approach character-building by not restricting certain traits by gender, and finding a balance between strengths and weaknesses. Just shut off your critical analysis brain to create a "strong female character" and just write "strong character" instead.
I could word vomit more about my own ladies and how much I love them now than I used to but I feel like this has gone on long enough. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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a-whiff-of-a-dream · 2 years
Thanks again @not-so-blue for tagging, I know its a lil late xD
Tagging: @livingvicariouslee even tho she has been tagged already, but whatever xD
Do you play any instruments? Nope, tried to teach myself how to play the gituar, but boy did this not work out xD
Favorite book characters? Jespar Dal Varek (The first Enderal Book by Nicolas Lietzau)
What's your star sign? Virgooooo
Favorite color schemes? Greens and browns and beiges, but I also love love love all pastels
Naps or long sleep? Long sleeps, if I nap i literally cannot fall asleep at night
What languages do you speak? German and english, even tho I also had french and spanish classes in school
Dreams/aspirations? To be able to write as much as I used to again and get my books published
Long or short hair? Both? I have this thing, where i just cut my hair to a bob once a year (I just did it two days ago again) and then let it grow out for aprox. a year
Tea or coffee? Coffee for sure
Bring a book character to life or go into a fictional world? If I could I would go into my own fictional world
Three ships? Handers (DA2) // Crowley and Aziraphale (Good Omens) // HoF x Alistair (DAO)
First ship ever? I guess it was Katara and Aang?
Last song? Männer sind Schweine - Die Ärzte
Last movie? I guess it was Twilight with my best friend?
Currently reading? So much at the same time, but mainly The Stolen Throne by David Gaider (I wish I would read more again, but im in a slumb)
Currently consuming? A german podcast called Gästeliste Geisterbahn
Currently craving? Another Coffee and the curry i had last friday
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femmefaggot · 6 months
favorite book?
a few months ago we would have. well thats not true. the stormlight archive is kind of boring adolins insane for trying to get so many people to read it.
this is more than you asked for but honorable mentions to dreams of the dying by. looks behind me to see how to spell. nicolas lietzau. and even though neither series is finished by us, realm of the elderlings by robin hobb and the last herald mage by mercedes lackey.
anyway viola changeling is really really good, the foreshadowing happens near immediately and its really rewarding to reread + its the shortest on this little list by miles. i dont even know how to describe it objectively its basically about a bunch of freaks. no but uh. as much as found family gets overused and isnt exactly applicable the feeling of bonding with a group of people so fast being willing to die for them even when they annoy you or are cruel or lash out. the duty you owe to your family and friends. vi is autistic.
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sheyri · 1 year
Got attacked by a wild dreameater today.
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Nah, just kidding. He's been with me for a month now. The coma should happen soon.
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milton-chamberlain · 3 years
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Inspired by the image of Jespar in Nicolas' new novel:D
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niseamstories · 4 years
I recently had the opportunity to chat with the amazing Hark from AngelArts! It's probably the longest and most personal interview I've ever done. Excuse the crappy camera and lighting quality.
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bookcoversonly · 3 years
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Title: Dreams of the Dying | Author: Nicolas Lietzau | Publisher: - (2020)
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lehdenlaulu · 4 years
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Look what finally arrived despite Brexit messing things up! What an impressive brick of a book, I can't wait to dive back into Vyn and find out what Jespar has been up to. 😊
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jajko493 · 5 years
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Reading Dreams of the Dying do be like that, part 3.
This time, featuring the author, Nicolas Lietzau, himself. The stuff he writes is seriously good, with the mix of dreams, adventure, as well as a nice portion of horror and existential dread.
Do give it a read over here:
His Patreon! (Here you’ll find .pdfs and stuff)
Dreams of the Dying on Wattpad!
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a-whiff-of-a-dream · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @not-so-blue <3 :)
Tagging: @kurasumi @wastinglifejustcause
Only if you want to, no pressure 😊 please feel free to let me know if you prefer to not be tagged :)
Currently Reading: I always read more than one and i bet i miss some, but: The Stolen Throne by David Gaider (The first dragon age novel) // Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau (First Enderal novel) // The last wish by Andrej Sapkowski (Some Pre Stories for the Witcher) // I think i am mostly interested in high fantasy novels that let me go deeper in some of my fave Game Worlds xD
Last Song: Both new songs by Fall Out Boy - Love from the other Side // Heartbreak Feels so good (theyre both so freaking good!!)
Last Movie: I dont really watch Movies, so I dont know, but I restarted Steven Universe again recently :)
Currently working on: Thumbnails and the organisation for the surprise birthday party for my mothers 50th birthday on saturday (why is this so much)
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Blog Tour (Book Review): Dreams of the Dying (Enderal #1) - Nicolas Lietzau
Blog Tour (Book Review): Dreams of the Dying (Enderal #1) – Nicolas Lietzau
Hello! A little later than planned, butI’m delighted to be reviewing ‘Dreams of the Dying’ by Nicolas Lietzau as part of the blog tour organised by Storytellers on Tour. This is the first book in the Enderal series, and is a book that has been on my TBR for far too long and I’m glad that I took the plunge. I hope that you will check out the book and the author, and enjoy the rest of the tour…
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vanithesquid · 5 years
After twenty thousand years of waiting the Song of the Libra, the Song of the Vatyrs, and the Song of the Aged Man, finally winter has come to France with the Song of the Winter Sky – la Ballade des Cieux d’Argent. Lyrics below, with English back-translation for convenience as always.
Hissant leurs bannières Cent hommes s'en furent en guerre Pour répondre à l'appel de leur pays Deux jeunes amants Tout en se séparant Pensaient se trouver bientôt réunis
Il lui dit: "Mon amante, attends-moi Aie confiance et garde bien la foi Quand la lune de cuivre brillera Je serai de retour dans tes bras."
Il s'en fut sans point se retourner Son amante ne pouvant que pleurer Elle jura: "Je garderai la foi, Et bientôt mon amant reviendra."
Quand se lève la lune cuivrée Par-dessur vents et forêts Son âme court vers la colline Où son tombeau vide est dressé Et elle l'attend malgré tout Mûe par l'amour qu'elle lui voue Mais jamais elle ne devine Sa main caressant sa joue
Sous des cieux de cuivre et d'argent Deux âmes séparées par le fil du temps
Les jours devinrent mois Lune après lune passa Mais du front ne vint aucune nouvelle d'eux Au bout d'une année La paix fut célébrée Et cent tombeaux vides creusés sous les cieux
Mais jamais elle ne douta de lui Dans le froid elle marcha chaque nuit Par les bois la colline elle gravit A l'endroit où son coeur fut promis
Et toujours, au retour de l'hiver Lune cuivrée illuminant les terres Son amant, son âme reprenant vie Revenait pour retrouver sa mie
Quand se lève la lune cuivrée Par-dessur vents et forêts Son âme court vers la colline Où son tombeau vide est dressé Et elle l'attend malgré tout Mûe par l'amour qu'elle lui voue Mais jamais elle ne devine Sa main caressant sa joue
Sous des cieux de cuivre et d'argent Deux âmes séparées par le fil du temps
Les années passant Ses cheveux se firent blancs De par la ville, la guerre fut oubliée Aux détours des rues Les gens la dirent perdue Prisonnière des ombres de son passé
Mais leurs mots ne lui importaient point Et sa foi ne faiblissait en rien Car un soir, qu'il soit proche ou lointain Son amant la tiendrait par la main
Chaque hiver jusqu'à son dernier jour Chaque nuit elle l'attendit toujours Cheveux blancs et visage si serein Sous la lune, sa vie vint à sa fin
Quand se lève la lune cuivrée Par-dessur vents et forêts Son âme court vers la colline Où son tombeau vide est dressé Et elle l'attend malgré tout Mûe par l'amour qu'elle lui voue La lune cuivrée l'illumine Et le fil du temps se dénoue
Et son corps devient poussière Et son esprit prend les airs Elle retrouve son bel amant Où il n'est plus ni deuil ni guerre Leurs deux âmes s'envolent au vent Par les forêts et les champs Vers l'horizon scintillant Où la lune cuivrée les attend
Sous des cieux de cuivre et d'argent Deux âmes séparées par le fil du temps
Sous des cieux de cuivre et d'argent Deux âmes enlacées par le fil du temps
Raising their banners A hundred men went off to war To answer their country's call Two young lovers Even as they parted Thought themselves soon to be reunited
He told her: "Beloved, wait for me Trust in us and keep faith When the copper moon shines I will be back within your arms."
He left without a single look back His beloved could do naught but cry She swore: "I shall keep faith, And soon, my beloved will return."
When the copper moon rises O'er the winds and forests His soul runs towards the hill Where his empty grave stands And she waits for him despite it all Out of the love she bears him Yet never does she notice His hand caressing her cheek
Under skies of copper and silver Two souls separated by the thread of time
Days became months Moon after moon passed by But no word of them came from the battlefield By a year's time Peace was celebrated And a hundred empty tombs were dug under the skies
Yet never did she doubt him In the cold, she walked every night Through the woods, she climbed the hill Where she once promised her heart
And always, upon winter's return Copper moon illuminating the land Her beloved, his soul returned to life Came back to find his love
When the copper moon rises O'er the winds and forests His soul runs towards the hill Where his empty grave stands And she waits for him despite it all Out of the love she bears him Yet never does she notice His hand caressing her cheek
Under skies of copper and silver Two souls separated by the thread of time
[Instrumental bridge]
As the years passed Her hair turned white And through the town, the war was forgotten Around street corners The people called her lost Prisoner of the shadows of her past
But their words mattered naught to her And nor did her faith diminish For one night, be it sooner or later Her beloved would hold her hand
Each winter until her last day Each night she still waited for him White of hair and face so serene Under the moon, her life came to its end
When the copper moon rises O'er the winds and forests His soul runs towards the hill Where his empty grave stands And she waits for him despite it all Out of the love she bears him The copper moon illuminates her And the thread of time untangles
And her body turns to dust And her soul takes to the skies She finds her beautiful beloved once more Where there is neither grief nor war Their two souls fly, carried by the wind Through the forests and the fields Towards the gleaming horizon Where the copper moon awaits them
Under skies of copper and silver Two souls separated by the thread of time
Under skies of copper and silver Two souls embraced by the thread of time
Translation notes:
Red moons are called copper moons in French, hence the change. To accommodate said change, I moved mentions of winter to the verses, and instead used the more poetic French image for them, which are silver skies. Hence, skies of copper and silver.
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jhara-ivez · 5 years
tagged by @nuka-zombie and @essythewolf  :D
tag 9 people you’d like to know better:  @iamaweretoad, @the-r3d-painter, @the-upper-shelf, @podcastenthusiast, @chennington, @senzanm and @meglesdalmimi and if you, dear reader, want to do it - please go ahead~
favorite color: the color of the sky
top 3 ships: Jhara x Jespar and Jhara x Dijaam and all other Enderal & Nehrim ships that are not mine, Fenris x Hawke, Sherlock Holmes x John Watson (in a non-sexual way)
lipstick or chapstick:  No.   N.O. !!! Nononononono! Never! Nope!
last song: Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! at the disco
last movie: Jennifer's Body
currently reading: Dreams of the dying by Nicolas Lietzau :D:D:D:D:D
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