#Nico Olvia
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mistershr1mp · 10 months ago
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wigglesdtuff · 1 month ago
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we cannot give up on the future of the world
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forged-in-kaoss · 2 months ago
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No matter what happens, don't have hate for this era you were born in. Never forget the strength to be able to smile at any time. If you survive, a lot of fun things will happen!
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sailing-ever-west · 2 months ago
Actually kind of obsessed with how Robin's backstory with her mom actually kind of answers the Nami backstory question of "why didn't Belle-Mere just lie?" Like,, what happened between Robin and Olvia, that's what she was avoiding. A kid too young to understand the situation, not caring about death, just heartbroken to not hear her mom say she's her mom.
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nero-draco · 3 months ago
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"I want to live" to "I'm glad I survived"
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mjrtaurus · 23 days ago
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For me and the three other Dragolvia shippers out there in the world.
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year ago
I know that fandom often clowns on this statement
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from Law (about needing to take down monsters to learn about history), taking it as proof that he's somehow not fighting for freedom or that
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freedom of expression is not something important that has been sanctified ratified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. (Article 19)
But that it is instead some nerdish pastime that no other character in One Piece or the real world is invested in (WG or otherwise) for obvious reasons of power, politics and freedom/repression.
But there are governments and organisations that regularly suppress this kind of expression (in One Piece and the real world--no surprise):
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There are governments and organisations that fear the pursuit of knowledge:
Partial SBS: Volume 86: Pedro led the Nox expedition party who were chased by the government for searching for poneglyphs, thus they became the Nox Pirates. That's a story from about 15 years ago.
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And there are governments and organisations that penalise people by taking their lives
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for seeking out knowledge. 👆👇
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From Clover,
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to Nico Olvia,
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to Rayleigh,
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(Egghead Arc spoilers under the cut)
to Pedro,
to the giants (👇 read right to left),
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to Vegapunk
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the power and desire to learn about history is emphasised and
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(from chapter 396 👆)
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(from chapter 1066 👆)
and also acknowledged as a very dangerous undertaking.
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And even Cora talks to Law about
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the meaning behind the Will of D. not being lost, BUT "living on in the dark shadows of history around the world" (it's not easily seen either).
Like, knowing history and access to history/knowledge is one of the main themes of the manga. And Big Mom is a monster. And the World Government is a repressive monolith. And this guy (guy?) 👇:
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nuking places and people for not toeing the line, or for knowing too much; riddled with antipathy towards holders of the Will of D. and, with Artur's (Library of Ohara) claim (among others) that the ancient immense kingdom was formed by descendants of the D. clan (which is canon)—
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—then wouldn't you too be curious and more than a little pissed off that your curiosity could be the catalyst for persecution and genocide?
That searching for identity, roots...your reason for being, is not allowed? (Sound familiar?)
Like, those scholarly waters are nothing if not shark-infested.
Ultimately the pen (Robin's ability to read the poneglyphs, the scholars' meticulous research) probably will be mightier than the sword, and although bureaucracy can entrap, knowing how to read between the lines, or even to read them, can loosen the ties that bind, and help ensure they are not unfairly cast.
Keep fighting to study history, Law. I too want to know about the Will of D.
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the-frizzle-fry · 3 months ago
People keep saying “this broke me.” Why? It’s happy. Yeah the sad n suicidal Robin was tough. It’s wild how Oda can write something new and make something old so much better. She was only living for the people she lost. Meeting the strawhats made her want to live for herself.
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But if anything this chapter CURED SOME OF MY DEPRESSION.
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Oda basically made us wait as long as Robin did to see Saul again.
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And to top it off these scenes with Robin and Bonney bonding are heart warming. I kinda want Bonney for the rest of the ride. She took her jewelry off cuz she met her dad again. 😭
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I’d like to give Luffy some praise too. He didn’t bust out on a wild adventure beforehand. Luffy wants to thank Saul. He learned it from Makino teaching Ace to thank Shanks.
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Although Nami did have to reel him back. 🤣 He learns slow.
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milf-heaven-ask · 1 year ago
Hey, milfs!
Have you guys been able to uh. See what your kids have been doing as of late !!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Major Spoilers to manga included)
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(soft comeback!)
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bundikabichi · 3 months ago
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portgas-d-rouge · 2 years ago
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dead mom gang
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sleepylion · 1 year ago
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Adults and baby asl brothers(plus 1 deadbeat dad)
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one-idea · 1 year ago
Maybe consuming media where parallel dimensions exist has rotten my brain. (The spider verse, years of comic book, au fanfics) but worlds were little changes change the whole world are just fascinating to me.
I’ve seen stories were Luffy is the one that dies at Marineford. Where Luffy is the older sibling. Where Shanks or someone else arrives in time to save Ace. I’ve seen Kuina lived and takes Zoro’s place on the straw hats. But what I haven’t seen is a reverse straw hat crew.
Let me explain myself.
Shanks isn’t the only Yonko vacationing in the east blue, Whitebeard takes a break there as well. Meeting a young Ace. This Whitebeard knows his time is limited but sees a future for Ace. He can’t take the boy with him but they promise to meet again one day when Ace is a great pirate, a pirate great enough to take Whitebeard place in the world. The rest of the back story (meeting Luffy, Sabo, everything) stays intact and Ace sets out at age 17. (I was going to have him meet Shanks instead of Luffy but Luffy and Shanks’ relationship is important to me and will play a role later)
Where he meets 17 year old Kuina. (She is 1 year older then Zoro, and he was one year younger then Ace so they would be the same age) in this world Zoro is the one who died. He was the only one who believed that she could be the strongest swordsman, he didn’t care about her gender. They promised that one of them would be the strongest swordsman in the world and then he died. Now at 17 she is on a journey to be the world’s best swordswoman.
The two start traveling together where they meet Nojiko, a thief, she’s an okay navigator but not as good as her sister. She speaks fondly of her sister but doesn’t mention her village (or the pirates there) Ace instantly likes her, no it’s not because he gets to trade stories with her about how great Luffy is vs how great Nami is. Kuina enjoyed their stories but her heart hurts a bit at the fact she doesn’t have the same number of stories of her ‘dumb little sibling.’ But strangely Nojiko only tells stories about young Nami.
They keep going and meet a sickly girl named Kaya. She was visiting the shipyard while they were looking to get a new ship. Kuina recognizes Kaya’s brand new butler as Kuro and none of the crew are going to let him take advantage of Kaya. (Ace and Nojiko are over protective siblings and Kaya is the same age/a year younger than their siblings. And Kuina has to much honor plus she just really likes to fight) they save Kaya but the girl realizes that there is no life for her in Syrup village. There are just to many traumatic memories for her there so she joins the crew. Bring with her a brand new ship and a boat load of beri. (She leaves behind most of her fortune to Usopp and Merry, knowing they will take care of it until Usopp is ready to sail.
The crew travels on to a floating restaurant where they meet red leg Zeff and his apprentice Reiju. Her backstory is the same and Sanji, her and Zeff trapped in an island. It isn’t until much later that the crew finds out about her connections to Germa 66 and what happened to her beloved little brother Sanji.
The Baratie arc goes about the same with Kuina getting defeated by Mihawk, and Nojiko stealing the boat and the money.
They track Nojiko down and find out what Arlong did to her village. How he killed her sister to send a message to the village and imprisoned her mother. Using Bell-meré’s Marine knowledge to expand his territory and threatening Nojiko and the villages lives to keep her cooperating. So much about Nojiko makes sense. How she only tells stories about young Nami, why she cared so much about Kaya’s money. As they learn about her trying to buy her village back.
Arlong obviously breaks their deal. How can he keep Bell-meré in line without her daughter and village as leverage.
Needless to say Ace, Kuina, and Reiju burn the place to the ground (Kaya helps as she can but she’s still getting used to fighting)
They sail on with Bell-meré’s blessing.
When they get to the grand line they meet two fools named Mr. Nine and Miss Wednesday. But it’s not what you think. Mr. Nine is Koza. Vivi told him about the danger their country was in and he went in her stead. (At this time he is 17 and she is 13, but when he left he would have been 15 and she 11)
The crew agrees to help him, (Ace is thrilled to have another dude on the team) when they meet a mysterious women with white hair called Miss All Sunday. The encounter is very similar to Robin’s introduction.
They sail on to little Garden. Kaya has a great time meeting the giants (thrilled to tell Usopp about them one day) but also starts to really work on mastering a weapon.
They leave with a slowly sickening Nojiko. They stop at Drum Island to get her help where they meet and eccentric Doctor who helps them. His name? Dr. Hiriluk. He tells them about how he was deathly ill when his son cured him by accidentally giving him a Devil fruit. A Zoan type fruit. Specifically the, reindeer model. Unfortunately his son was killed by Drum’s island king for being a ‘monster’
Needless to say Wapol gets his butt handed to him. Dr. Hitiluk, seeing his country free and his dream fulfilled decided to join up with the crew to live out Chopper’s dream of curing all diseases.
They continue on, freeing Arabasta. With Koza staying behind to help rebuild his country, but he might rejoin 👀. As their sailing away someone makes themselves know. The mysterious white hair woman is on their ship and joining their crew, her name? Nico Olivia.
I’ll cover more of this later. I have so many ideas. But all of this to say. Imagine this crew meeting the straw hat crew. Something crosses their Dimensions into one another and Luffy gets to see Ace, Zoro gets to see and adult Kuina. Nami gets to see Nojiko and hear about their mother’s blessing their life of piracy. Usopp and Kaya meeting when both of them are competent warriors of the sea. Reiju reuniting with Her brother Sanji (I haven’t even told you what happened to Sanji in this world!) Chopper and Hiriluk. Robin and Olivia.
(I did this for Ace and Luffy and Zoro and Kuina but I think Sanji, Robin and Chopper will rip my heart out more)
Let me know what you think.
Master post
Part 1/2
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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immabitqueer · 3 months ago
If you guys won't hate on the parents of One Piece, I will. Where you are weak l am strong. And I don't care if they're beloved or have reasons either. I dont even care if their kids forgive them canonically. Baby, I can hate on One Piece parents you haven't even thought of as valid parental figures.
~OP is only just past Enies Lobby, ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS~
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mjrtaurus · 2 months ago
Love how my brain is sometimes.
On the one hand I have Dragon within his first decade free of the marines, working with Clover at Ohara and getting afflicted with the ancient curse of Doomed First Love with one Nico Olvia, having an oopsie baby that he has to distance himself from to keep her safe. But then the Doomed part of the ancient curse happens. Olvia is murdered, Ohara burns, Robin is alone in the world with a father she barely remembers that’s searching high and low for her.
But then, while he’s convinced himself that he might never love again, he meets this crazy-ass pirate that bullies him incessantly, realizes he’s in Round Two of the Doomed Love curse, goes “well shit, this might as well happen”, has ANOTHER oopsie baby that he has to distance himself from to keep him safe, and the Doomed part of the curse happens so now he’s alone again. Except the love of his life isn’t actually dead this time around, and that means he can’t bring himself to move on. Vulture-coded king that mates for life. We love to see it.
But on the other hand, we have Crocodile being this moron’s first everything and his disaster train wreck brain going “oh damn, good luck with that” before switching off to rainbow tinted static. And he’s just been stuck like that for two decades and counting because again, vulture-coded king that mates for life.
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year ago
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a heavy
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in one piece
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for the beloved
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