Jesterly's Translations
51 posts
Tensura is Love, Tensura is Life. That's the only reason why I'm not sleeping, even though I have work early in the morning. ORZ
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
So, just as the title says, I’ve decided to stop translating Tensura from here on out. 
I originally started out when the previous translator, Shurim, stopped their translations due to sniping. Since then, no one else decided to pick this up. Not even the anon sniper. After a month later, I’ve decided to do it myself, since I’m a big fan of Tensura, too.
And now that we’ve been getting translations uploaded much quicker than from  myself, I’ve decided to stop. 
I apologize to those who have supported me this far, and were expecting Ch. 65 from me. But now that we’ve getting uploads more frequently from other translators, I didn’t see the point for me to continue any further.
It was fun. But now I want to thank you all, and bid you adieu. If you have questions or requests, please feel free to send me a message. Despite what some people may believe, I do check my account fairly frequently... ^^;
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
When is chapter 65 being released?
Since the chapters are released every month, I believe either at the end of this month, or the first week of December.
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
You have inspired me Orz and I was thinking of starting to translating Tensei Shitara Dragon no Tamago Datta. Sorry to be a bother but do you have any tips or words of wisdom to help one starting their journey? (I have mediocre skills and the right tools). I appreciate your work and have great respect for your skills.
Hahaha, I’m actually honored you’d ask me for suggestions. I’m not a pro or anything, but I can give you some tips based on my own trials and errors.
1. Set your priority: Do you see translation to be the most important, or cleaning the raw scans, etc? Whichever one it is, finish that particular task first. DO NOT try to do them all at once. You will die in the inside...
2. Pace yourself: Don’t try to work on all the pages at once. I mean you can, but based on how many pages are released per chapter, you might end up staring at your computer screen for a very long, LONG time. Don’t do this. Take breaks, and don’t burn yourself out.
3. Proof-read: After you’re finished with the translations, please proof-read. Sometimes, you can miss out on common grammar and/or spelling mistakes. And boy, is it embarrassing when someone points that out soon after you posted them. It’s good practice anyway, so just do it.
4. Please, for the love of God, DO NOT use fonts like Manga Temple or Comic Sans, as your main font. It just looks awful. Period. I mainly use Wild Words as my font.
And, yeah. That’s all I can think of. I’m pretty sure there’s more, but I’m also trying to improve as I go, too. Good luck to the both of us!
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
Do you clone yourself to translate manga?
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
ch 64?
Tis up.
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
Hey guys, sorry for the late upload. I had a fever, and couldn’t get out of bed for almost a week.
I’m aware that someone else has uploaded chapter 64. However, there were some who asked if I can upload my own version. Well, wish granted! :D
I’ve also noticed some translation errors by anejlek. I mean, not that mine’s any better, but still.
Enjoy everyone! And thank you for your patience. 
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
Hi! Are you still going to do a proper translation for Ch.64? I know anejlek did one, but it's really bad, so I would prefer yours. If not, I might do it myself, but my Japanese is barely passable, sooooo please do? ;)
I got u fam. It should be up by this weekend.
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
Good evening, just wanted to ask when'll chapter 64 be released? and why there're some months that get 2 chapters and some that only get 1? ty
Chapter 64 is already out. But the raw is currently unavailable online. I need them in order for me to start translating. 
I have no clue as to why they decide to release either 1 or 2 chapters per month.
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
Are you dead?
No, I’m very much alive, thanks :)
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
English translation for chapter 63 is now up. Please enjoy :)
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
Thank you so much for working so hard on the translations, youre awesome! I recently caught up to the manga (again thanks to you haha) and was curious how often the RAWs are released? Are they biweekly or monthly? Just wanna know so im not checking every day for updates to my favorite series 😅
The RAWs are released at the end of every month. So if I’m able to get my hands on them in time, expect to see the next chapter’s translations within the first week of October.
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
Thanks for picking up where Shurim left off. You do good underappreciated work.
Thank you!
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
Hey thanks for the hard work,i a fan of this manga; also i wanna know is the manga follow the LN because i read the WN there are a few thinks that chances, what do you think i nedd to read the LN too?
You’re welcome! 
The manga follows more closely to the Light Novel. Think of the Web Novel as the draft, and the Light Novel as the final version. For that reason, there will be some changes made that is not included/edited from the original Web Novel.
That said, however, you don’t have to read the Light Novel to understand what’s going on. It still follows the same story plot and element found in the Web Novel, so if you’ve already read that version, you’re good to go. :)
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
Do you have a discord?
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
Is there a way I can donate money so you can buy more coffee and never sleep lol?
Lol If only, right?
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
How do you manage to do so much in so little time? Atleast let us help out our lord and savior...
Aww, thanks.
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jesterlytranslation · 5 years ago
thank you, as always for the translation!! god there's so much going on rn but my heart is just so full of love asdkfjff rimuru and crew are just so lovely ;; thank you for your hard work!!
You’re welcome!
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