#Nibble on Fresh Fruit Instead of Dried Fruit
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Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Again, thank you all for the love that you show me and this story! I absolutely love reading your replies and comments, it is so much fun and so lovely to see how you are all feeling! Anyway... enjoy <3

Chapter 55: Star Fruit
When you woke the next morning, Aemond was nowhere to be found. His side of the bed was empty and cold, sheets drawn back from where he had left them.
But there was little relief from his absence. Your entire body ached, and you felt that you needed more sleep than you had gotten.
As you sat up in bed amongst the soft plush pillows, a familiar, dull ache settled in your core. You looked about the chambers. The table was already full of an array of food for you, ready to eat and having been there for Gods know how long. You had not even heard the maids enter, nor Aemond exit.
Still in the dress you had been wearing for days, you padded over to the table to sit. Meats and eggs that had gone cold, sat stacked on a plate, and beside it a bowl of mixed fruits. A ripe star fruit sat uncut atop the pile. Fresh juice, water and wine sat surrounding the meal, but that was not what had caught your eye.
Beside the towering plate of food, along side fresh bread, sat your book, no longer nestled beneath the pile that was now nowhere to be seen. Instead your book had been placed beside the food for you, to see, and touch, and hold. Neatly placed with careful precision beside the cutlery for you to read at your own leisure as you ate.
Was this an offering of peace?
A crude apology?
You sat and picked at the bread and nibbled on the fruit, not touching the cold meat as you kept your eye on the faded red cover.
Had Aemond placed it there for you?
To take it as an offering of a treaty between the two of you?
An apology for his actions?
Or had one of the maids placed it there for you?
Regardless of your burning questions, you forced yourself to eat. It would not do well to continue becoming weaker, and if you were to help your family as you had promised to do, you would need to hold strong.
As you began to finish your fruit, the maids entered the chambers with a bath in tow, leaving to retrieve buckets of steaming hot water with the assistance of other maids. They must have been ordered to bathe you.
And bathe you, they did.
They stripped you wordlessly and led you to the fire, helping you into the large copper bath to bathe in the hot, soapy water. You were handed a wash cloth and for a moment you had been confused. But as you finally understood, their gaze gently dropping to your waist, you let a tentative hand wash between your thighs, cleaning away the crusted blood and spend that had dried there.
You winced, still sensitive to the touch, flesh raw from his assault.
The two maids washed and brushed your hair, braiding it into a modest braid style, not at all like what you were used to. Just two simple braids at the back of your head, letting it fall down the back.
It reminded you of Aemond’s hair.
You were surprised when they pulled you from the milky water to dress. Slipping a chemise over your head, and presenting you with a gown you had never seen before. It was a warm black, with the most finest of gold threads woven through it into patterns.
Was this from your wardrobe back home?
The sleeves were long and draped almost to the floor, the lining a deep red. The waist fit against you snugly, perfectly tapered to your body, whilst the skirt was sweeping and thick, the bottom hemmed with the red leaves and branches of the Godswood.
It was beautiful. Simple, but not too simple. The finer details pulling it nicely together.
You were surprised that you would even be allowed to wear these colours. You had thought that once you had entered the Keep, any and all black or red possessions would be put to the fire, and instead a wardrobe of hideous green to replace it.
But you were wrong.
After dressing you, the two maids wordlessly left you in the chambers, the door shutting behind them. You assumed they would be back to collect the bath shortly. But as you stood in the room alone, dressed and ready for the day, you felt an urge to leave the chambers you had been confined to.
After all, how much of the Keep had changed?
You were curious.
And the longer you stood in the chambers, the more anxious you became. Surely Aemond would not force himself upon you in front of the court, so the more you avoided your shared chambers, perhaps the safer you would be.
You left the room, sleeves and skirts sweeping behind you as you held your hands together in front of you, just how you had been taught as a child to do. Just as what was expected of a Princess. And you would not give the Greens anymore fuel to create whispers in the court to spite you.
Or your family.
There may be a treaty, but it does not mean that there is not a secret war waging at that very moment.
A war between yourself, and your husband.
The halls were as you remembered, however what little was left of the Targaryen legacy on the walls in form of sculptured sigils, was now replaced with the gaudy Seven Pointed Star. It was hideous and so incredibly distasteful, that you could scarcely believe it. Your lips turned down as you gazed upon the changed Keep.
This was not at all what the Targaryen legacy should be. This was not at all the tradition of your House, nor the showing of pride for it.
How many years of history had been changed? Had Aegon the Conquerors work been for nothing?
The longer you walked, the more angry you became, only fuelling that fire burning steadily inside of you.
Why had you spent so long in your chambers, silent, and decaying?
Wasting away as Aemond no doubt, watched in delight of finally breaking you. Now was not the time to give up. Or give in. Your family needed you. You needed to be strong for yourself. What cruelty lay ahead of you would be dealt with in time. You just needed to keep your head about you.
You walked until you found yourself at the familiar bark of the Godswood, and so as you always had as a child, you sat yourself beneath its branches, tucking your legs beneath you in a way that would be proper, and let your head lean back against the trunk.
The bark pulled at your braids lightly as it caught strands of your hair, and you felt it was a sign that the braids that you wore were not right. As though the Gods did not approve of the plain style, nor the manner in which you wore it, or had it braided.
A tiny, minuscule sign that gave you hope that the Gods were on your side after all. That you would endure this all for a purpose. That soon it would work.
You let yourself sit amongst the branches for some time to think.
How different it had become.
How different you had become.
You were not the same girl you had been a mere few moons ago. You were more scarred than anything you could have imagined. Had endured more loss than you could have preconceived. So many sacrifices you had made, all in the name of love. In the name of family.
And you would do it all again.
For them.
Grief was something that no man could ever reconcile with. That no person could ever truly make amends with. When the Stranger came to call, it would always be too early. Too unexpected. Too untimely.
Even when one expects to lose, the loss will always be a powerful foe.
As you had waited for your Grandsire to finally move from this life, and into the next. Watching him slowly wither, and the life be taken from him with his illness. When he was finally taken, you had not expected it.
But that was the way of it all.
You always expect to have more time.
To be able to prepare yourself, and be ready for it. But you could never be. How could you ever prepare yourself for something like that? To have someone no longer exist in the present with you?
Their presence completely disappearing from your life.
How many years had you watched him get sicker?
How many moons did you have to prepare yourself for the inevitable?
And yet you weren’t. And it still shook you to your very core.
It seemed you would never be ready for such loss.
Not for him.
Not for Visenya.
Or Helaena and her young boy.
You wondered if the people who willingly go into the Strangers arms, waiting, wanting and patient, chosen at their own time; Were they ready?
Did Helaena make her peace with the unknown? With the knowledge that she would be passing? On her terms?
Or was there the fear that you all carry?
This was something that you supposed, no book, nor words, nor reassurance could ever prepare you for. And you had to make your own peace with that.
You sat beneath the tree until the sun had set, and only when the torches were lit to line the walls to assist in those moving through the dark passages, then and only then, did you remove yourself from the ground to return to your shared chambers.
Food was already placed at the table for you, and Aemond was nowhere to be seen. Nor was there food set out for him on the opposite end. And so you ate without him, and readied yourself for bed.
When you lay amongst the soft pillows that evening and stared at the ceiling above you, you had clutched the sheets against you so tightly, that your knuckles had ached in anticipation of your uncle’s return to his chambers. To pull back the sheets in which was your shared bed, and to force himself inside of you.
And yet he did not return.
And so you fell into a restless sleep.
When you woke the next morning, Aemond was still not there, and breakfast sat on the table as it did the day before; Ready for you. So you rose, and sat, and ate, and stared at the book that had not been moved from its place, waiting for you to open it, or hold it.
But you resisted the urge.
The maids came to your room as they had the day before. They brushed your hair and dressed you for the day, and you left the chambers again to sit beneath the Godswood. Looking up through the branches at the leaves, ignoring the gazes of Lords and Ladies of the court, or the servants who walked through the halls.
When you returned to the chambers that evening, when the sun had lowered from its peak, and the moon began to rise, you found food, once again, readied at the table in anticipation of you. But beside the meal this time, was not the book that you had grown up with. Beside the silver cutlery, and the plate of steaming food, there was a parchment.
Its red wax seal had been broken, and thus the letter had been read.
A familiar sigil was pressed into the waxy surface.
A red three headed dragon.
A letter from your family.
Beside the letter was a quill and a glass pot of black ink. A long roll of parchment flanking its side.
You sat at the table in shock, looking at the opened letter, unsure of how to move. Unsure of how to reach forward with your own hands, and grasp the paper between your fingertips without the world around you crumbling.
Your hand stretched across the table to the goblet in front of you that had been filled to the brim with spiced wine. Your favourite of all drinks. You brought the cup to your lips and sipped, letting the warm spices coat your tongue and travel down your throat.
Liquid courage.
And as you pulled the goblet away from your mouth, and ignored the food before you, and gazed at the letter in front of you, you took another shaky sip, before placing the goblet back on the table to replace its space in your hands with the letter.
The paper shook in your grip as you looked down at it, letting a finger brush over the broken wax seal. Two of the heads from the three headed dragon had been separated from the other when it had been torn apart. You supposed that they would be reading your letters that came and went.
You opened it slowly, and had to control yourself from sobbing as you saw the familiar, slanted writing of your father.
It was so bitter sweet.
It was so emotionally tumultuous. It brought you comfort and also reminded you of your solace. It was a double edged sword that had plunged itself through the viscous flesh of your chest, breaking through the brittle bones of your ribs.
‘Dearest Y/n,
Rarely would I write such a letter, however I find that I have become beside myself without your presence here at Dragonstone. The days do drag on without you here, and there was a large storm on the island the second day you were gone.
Perhaps Dragonmont senses your absence?
Jacaerys has insisted upon sending this letter at the earliest time, and wishes to correspond with you more often, if that should please you? Joffrey and Viserys are well, though Joffrey grows taller by each day that passes.
The Queen asks after you, and wishes she could have been there to witness your marriage to her brother, the prick Prince. You should expect letters from her very soon, though I snuck away to send you this one to you before the rest. So write back soon, or I shall fly to the Keep myself.
Aegon the Younger already misses his sister, and asks after you on the daily. Even Caraxes seems to sense our melancholy and calls out into the night, hoping to race you through the skies once more.
How has your Lord Husband, Aemond been?
We hope that the journey back to the Red Keep was not too strenuous upon you, and that the night of your wedding was spent in good spirits and celebration.
Write back promptly.
*If you have no Star Fruit in the Keep, tell me, and I shall make the arrangements to have them sent to you by the barrel.’
A tear fell down your cheek as you read the letter. Though something was off. You read over the letter multiple times.
It was such an unusual tone from Daemon.
So proper and stiff.
But then the more you read it, the more the words stood out to you. His slopes on certain letters were darker and larger, in haste but not standing out if you didn’t know his writing as well as you did.
‘Dearest’, ‘Rarely’, ‘Aegon’, ‘Caraxes’, ‘Aemond’, ‘Red’, ‘Yours’, ‘Star’.
Your heart raced as you looked down at the sloped letters.
It was a message, so small, so unnoticeable to anyone but you.
You noticed.
And you wouldn't have if you hadn't spent so much time as a child watching him write, and learning from him.
You could not stop the broken smile that rose from your lips, nor the tiny sob of happiness that escaped you.
This tiny moment, with its eight letter secret, gave you more than what could have ever been imagined.
It gave you hope.
It gave you comfort.
It made you feel not so alone anymore.
And as you continued to try and fight back the tears, you lifted the paper up to your face to smell. To see if there was any lingering scent from your family. Any hint of the sulphuric smell of Dragonmont.
It smelt simply of parchment.
You let your lips press against the paper, holding it against you as you breathed, before pulling it away from your face to look at again. You used one hand to dig the four prongs of the fork into some meat and vegetables, lifting them to your lips, as the other did not let go of the letter.
You ate in silence, chewing and staring at the slanted writing until almost all of your meal had been devoured, and the spiced wine in your goblet had been drained.
The more that you stared at your fathers letter, the more intrigued you had become at the small, last second, throw away sentence. The comment about the star fruit.
Surely they would have remembered its abundance in the Keep on your last visit?
Was this them giving you a way to communicate distress?
Or were you becoming paranoid? Losing yourself to hope far too quickly?
Your father was not one for last minute thoughts. Daemon was always thinking five steps ahead. And a letter that was sent to you, would not have been done with second thoughts. It would have been thought out and planned to every single dot.
Star fruit was your way out.
If you needed it.
Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
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#aemond targaryen fic#aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen smut#aemond targaryen x y/n#aemond x reader#aemond x fem!reader#aemond x you#aemond x y/n#aemond targaryen x you#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond smut#hotd smut#dark!aemond targaryen x reader#dark!aemond x reader#dark!aemond targaryen#hotd#house of the dragon#hotd fanfic#dark!aemond#dark!fic#fic#series#aemond one eye#aemond the kinslayer#aemond targaryen fanfic#aemond#smoke fire and ash
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btw speaking of periods. here's a couple tips if nobody's told you — and these r just my personal experience of what worked for me, so take with a grain of salt! also just to say it from the jump i hope at least some of this could help a trans woman experiencing periods <3
Caffeine can help with cramps & (some) headaches. Even if it doesn't help you feel more awake or affect you in the typical way for whatever reason, it still helps with the cramps! If you don't like caffeinated beverages, midol or excedrin are both painkiller brands (acetimenophen i believe in both) that have caffeine in the pills as well, so you can take those to help without having to drink coffee or tea etc.
Heating pads or an electric blanket will change your life, but they can be expensive. You can make your own microwaveable heating pad with thick fabric and dried beans for much cheaper, just look up a diy guide to make sure you don't blow up your kitchen in a beancident (tone tag: silly!! very unlikely you can explode your kitchen, but you should still handle it carefully and not microwave it too long). If you don't want to or can't buy a heating pad/hot water bottle/make a heat plush, you can buy those little handwarmer bags at convenience stores (especially in the colder months). They're air activated and not all too expensive and last a while. I would take two or three and put them in a pillowcase and fold it up so i could lay it on my stomach like a heating pad without it directly touching my skin - since that can burn you.
Even if you don't experience bleeding, i would still recommend drinking a lot of water especially if you're like me and can barely get through a 16oz water bottle over two days (i'm working on it shh). It just is really good for you & again, can help with cramps, headaches, fatigue, and tbh even emotional symptoms.
You may not feel like eating anything when ur on ur period and i get it, i really do, but u gotta eat still bc it will make it all so much worse if you're on ur period AND hangry. that said, if you have any food sensitivities i would take extra care to avoid them during ur period bc you don't need to feel bloated and sick from your period And from eating lunch. it's horrid & i would sometimes end up playing myself like this right before a 6-8 hour shift on my feet and talking the whole day (i'm a teacher so i also would have to be explaining things and yknow, teaching without collapsing face first bc stomach ache).
As far as food goes, here's what worked for me: eating the same amount of food i normally do, but instead of 3 big meals and a snack or two (eating every 4 hours or so) i'd take my food amount and spread it out to turn it into a kind of constant nibbling the whole day (so finishing eating something every hour or two). i have stomach issues as-is so this helped prevent nausea and bloating, and also helped my energy stay consistent especially if i mixed it with drinking a lot of water and juice. personally it might be worth it to avoid super heavy/dense foods and invest in easy to make and simpler foods. like, protein bars, fruit strips, fresh fruit (apple slices and peanut butter <3) and veggies (carrots glazed in honey or roasted brussel sprouts are more delicious and easier to make than you think!). also, as much as you can, listen to what your body wants to eat. if ur craving chocolate, eat that. bc it's better to eat and feel good abt what you're eating than either not eating or feeling worse than you already do by forcing urself to eat stuff you don't want.
Last thing about food sorry it's just that eating is so important: If you have a good idea of when you get your period or when the worst symptoms are, try meal prepping the week before. nothing huge and complicated. you can straight up just make like six PB&Js and keep em in the fridge. if you have the energy to cook something you can have as leftovers, awesome! (one of my go to meals was boiling frozen pork & leek dumplings in chicken broth i made from store bought concentrate. took like 15 mins and i could sit by the warm stove and just watch it cook and then pour it in a thermos and then go lay face down somewhere. and it had salt, protein, carbs, veggie, just a great meal. and it being hot helped with cramps plus it was super light on my stomach!!)
Hate to say it but exercise helped so much with making periods manageable. If you can, try taking a 15 min walk each day. at the very least do some stretches within ur ability and comfort to help with general joint pain and keeping your body from feeling "creaky".
I love u please take care of yourself 🤍
#txt#long post#ok2rb if u want#since im never having a period again. might as well share my knowledge whilst i remember it...
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The Stark Legacy (26)
Tony Stark's daughter (OC) x Bucky Barnes epic slowburn
Capacity, part of Book III: Power (see previous or series)
Summary: Tony works with Namor to pay Lil'Sam's debt.
Warnings for canon-level violence (hunt for an enemy). Also, this was originally written way before MCU's version of Namor came to screen, and the character is more like the comics' version. Rated Teen/15+ ONLY, please. WC 2.5k
I do not want to die here. I will not die out here, Tony repeated again, watching Namor emerge onto the tiny island beach with a fresh catch of kelp in hand, and for once, a surprise of actual fish. As a superhuman, Namor understood very little about nutritional requirements for ‘surface-dwellers.’ Protein from fish was a treat that night.
Tony had never gone that long in space. Now on Earth, he felt pummeled towards the ground at all times. His muscles struggled; his lungs grew tired. ‘One step at a time’ became a mantra he repeated over and over. Namor, surprisingly, allowed Tony his time to physically recuperate as long as his mind remained in spitfire condition, which was no easy task while cut off from radio contact on a remote island.
The buoyancy in the water helped. His muscles needed the rest. Tony abhorred eating in front of Namor, the challenge being to lift the weight of the food and repetition of minute motion without any aid from his suit, but the King of Atlantis seemed unimpressed by Iron Man’s shaking hands or slow rehabilitation in normal gravity.
Friday used low-power mode to ignite the pile of wood he’d assembled then minimized his suit for his daily physical therapy, using his own muscles instead of his iron-aid. His initial fear of dying due to dehydration evaporated when Namor summoned clean, fresh water out of nowhere into a stone jug solely for Tony, but the island fruit, kelp, and odd fish diet left much to be craved. However, he was alive. Score one for Tony.
“This mother fish had a good life, and I feel you will appreciate her death so you may live.”
Yes, old lady fish sounds scrumptious. “I do appreciate it—her sacrifice,” he replied instead, “thank you.”
Unlike many other nights, Namor joined Tony by the fire, staring into the flames, the stars obscured by thick clouds. Tony would never get even the simplest signal through that mess.
Every so often, Friday caught a transmission from Banner at HQ, but this pathetically remote, square-mile island couldn’t consistently ping any satellite. If Tony got Friday to boost the signal, he risked lowering his power supply. Namor had made it clear that he should be prepared to leave at any moment if the King received word of Tigershark, and Tony did not want to be stuck deep in the ocean, fighting water-breathers, when his O2 level went critical with little power. Within the last two weeks, there had been three sightings, but the pair had arrived too late.
Tony flipped the fish on the hot stone inside the flame, nibbling on yesterday’s dried kelp.
This was the first time in recent memory that Namor stayed top-side long enough for his hair to dry, curling gently around his ears. Despite the appearance of black locks and black eyes, when dressed with sufficient light on dry land, both were more chestnut, not so different from Tony’s before his hair had gone gray, before he started dying it back darker to stop references to ‘salt and pepper.’ Tony felt close to a panic attack every time someone uttered that phrase.
“I recognize him now,” Namor tossed into the fire. “I know why Tigershark came to Atlantis.”
Tony’s interest peaked though the king decided to extend the drama of reminiscing over a dance of gold and ember. He coaxed the seaman on, “and…”
“Todd Arliss, the sniveling, arrogant, swimmer from your country, regularly swam feats of endurance across unsafe waters. He caused dozens of other, weaker swimmers to attempt the same and fail. For months, areas of the seas were littered with bodies of men, women, and some children who died trying to emulate Arliss, yet he continued. One particular day, during some sort of human warrior show, a boy fell off a ship. That idiot Arliss stopped a professional team from rescuing the boy. He believed his show of strength was worth more than a minute of breath for the boy dying in the water,” Namor scowled while reciting his tale. “I sent a current to stop him. I snapped his spine against the ship and kept the boy afloat until a real rescue team came for them both. I should have drowned that fool.”
Tony remembered that feeling of regret so vividly. “So you made a demon and he haunts you. Been there.”
“You did. You made him, and now you know what—”
He forgot his cover. “Okay, first of all,” Tony blurted, too hungry and tired to hold his tongue, “I didn’t do anything to or for Arliss. That pompous—” He caught himself. “I’ve never met him, but I am partly, indirectly responsible for the technology that was stolen to change him, maybe. And second, he could not have become a water-breathing mutant on his own. We need who he’s working with. That’s the real evil.”
Namor considered Tony’s words without moving.
“Third,” Tony started again more calmly this time, “let’s review what we know.” Which would be a lot easier if I could talk to Banner. This is one of those times where listening would come in handy. If he hadn’t been off-world for so long, he would know the lay of the land better.“Actually, what do we know?”
“Tigershark—Arliss is not intelligent enough to do this alone. If you did not transform him, who did? No being in the ocean would dare give him that power.”
“If I could be on land, civilization land to speak to—” but Tony was stopped by the blazing eyes that met his.
“You will pay your debt, Stark.”
“Yes, but we need info. So bad guy on land needs to be tracked as we do on land. The fish haven’t produced any bubbles of wisdom have they?” Namor bristled, but Tony kept going. “Let me do this my way, and we can both get what we want—” he slapped the cooked fish onto a different rock to cool “—and some fries would be great.”
Honestly, Tony was relieved that things progressed so quickly once he and Friday had access to what Banner and the team knew. He may not have had much time to chit-chat about, say, Sam, but that would have proved a distraction and possibly ruined the advantage of their freshest intel. Banner always had a way with tracking energy signatures; Tony called it ‘romancing the wave.’
Knowing the previous places Tigershark had been in the last weeks, Banner tracked anomalous weather buoy movement around coasts to narrow the mutant’s landfall location. From there, lacking social media or conspiracy theory postings about a shark out of water, he found city sewer plans for runoff pipes, dismissed pipes too small for a man-sized shark to wiggle through, and produced a short-list of convenient spots, such as abandoned warehouses or sparsely populated neighborhoods. Tony had never been so grateful for the well-oiled, well-funded machine that was his team.
Namor loathed hunting on land or spending any significant stretch out of the water. Tony loathed following a scantily-clad water-dude around. The man needed a super swimsuit with a lot more coverage, even climbing out of the tropical waters in between Belem and Sao Luis, Brazil. They didn’t have far inland to go and only four suspicious locations.
Incidentally, the first location was correct, which left the two shocked and off-balance, scrambling when the door to the condemned building flew off its crooked hinges. The rusted metal smacked Tony’s suit in the jaw, making a toe-curling scraping noise all the way up the helmet.
Tony’s visual feed flickered. “Wild guess, we found ‘em.”
The once golden-haired Olympian emerged tall, now crowned by a sharp protruding fin atop his skull, ribbed faintly up the length of his back. The taut, thick grey skin covering his streamlined swimmer physique peeled away at the mouth to reveal three rows of tiny razor teeth. Arliss was disgusting, but while Tony picked apart Tigershark’s mutant puzzle, the man-creature rushed him with two outstretched arms tipped with heavily webbed fingers and thick nails.
A high-pitched scream rang out from the open doorway. Namor bolted inside, leaving Tony with a ravenous monster from the deep lunging toward him.
Arliss’s flat jaw, squared full of extra teeth and a shrunken, useless tongue, chomped at Tony’s face. Tony clamped his Iron hands against each end of his mouth while Slippery Todd latched around his waist.
Tony wondered whether Sam had seen Todd like this and if she’d been scared. Had they threatened her to help them? Hurt her? Perhaps they lied, and Sam had no intention of turning a man into this…thing.
His boot thrusters forced them off the ground a few feet, and without traction from his smooth skin and partial wet suit, Tigershark began to slide. Tony forced his legs into a slingshot arch that slammed the dangling, foreign weight to the ground.
The transformation must have added flexibility to Arliss’s bones. He slithered upright with teeth bared again.
“Namor,” Tony called. “You want a crack at this guy or what?” Tigershark was gone by the time he turned back around. “Shit,” he mumbled. While he tracked the low body temperature of the retreating mutant, his display warned of more than just Namor and his betrothed inside. “Friday, send a heat-seeker and a track-dart for good measure.”
“Yes, Boss.”
Inside, Namor battered his trident against a cage. Two doors in lay the blue-skinned body of a similarly slippery-suited woman. Tony blew the locks between Namor and Dorma until something far stronger blasted him against the opposite wall. Right, Beach Boy doesn’t know how to secure a damn building. Good news though: Friday confirmed nothing was broken.
A lanky, middle-aged man with a fierce widow’s peak in a white lab coat flaunted a comically giant gun, one heavy enough to require both hands and balancing on his hip. The white coat bore a slice across the chest, red at the frayed edges; Namor had gotten a strike in. Rambo waltzed right past the Atlantean king. Sparks zapped across the gun’s wide muzzle. Energy weapon, origin unknown. Friday searched for analysis.
“Welcome, Mr. Stark, “the creepy doctor, assuming from the clothing, drawled in a thick accent. “I’ve been dying to know. How is our Harvard girl?”
Tony cocked an eyebrow, but Iron Man’s face gave nothing away.
“I was pleased to hear that moron of a king not only failed to kill her, but that my gift has borne the fruit of—”
“Your what now?” Tony half-listened, aiming a bullet at a tiny spot clear of the power source and the magazine within. He didn’t want to blow the whole place with a bad shot. “Look if ‘gift’ is a euphemism for,” an Iron arm swung past his crotch, “then you’ll have to book with a different therapist. Freud is available in hell on Tuesday. Please see the assistant.” Tony pointed, firing a small-caliber to disable the triggering system.
The doctor’s gun died, sputtering an electric swan-song before dropping. His target remained unfazed by the loss of his weapon, and less fazed still by Namor bolting out to the sea with Dorma in his arms.
The doctor grabbed his chest wound. “Oh please, Stark. Do you really not know? Are you that out of touch?” The bright white of his smile stood out against dark features.
Tony ignored him, dispatching two magnetic cuffs at Dorcas’s wrists. He recognized the face now, vaguely, from when Agent Hill handed him a file in a room above the Earth. Doctor Lemuel Dorcas, known associate of Harvard professor Simon Marshall. Sam? She really met Tigershark? She really is mixed up in all this.
“I’ll give you a hint,” the doctor continued, “What burns at 3000 degrees Celsius? What could stop a tsunami?”
This guy was the link, the connecting puzzle piece. The glow in Bucky’s arm. Sam has Extremis. Sam is infected with Extremis? No broken bones, no healed fractures.
The toothy grin shifted in thought. “You know, in a way, I have supported young Samantha’s development more than you yourself have. Does that make me a better father?”
Tony grasped Dorcas by the throat, but the doctor wouldn’t stop talking, spitting a few drops of blood with every few words.
“You fathered her, yes, but I gave her a way to leave you behind. I made her what she is now.”
Tony’s helmet popped open. “The hell you are—”
Spit flew red. “I gave her what she needed.”
“You gave her a virus. You made her sick.” Tony shook Dorcas, pulling against the magnetic restraints.
“I saw her potential, and I encouraged it,” Dorcas gurgled a laugh. “We helped her. Sam has friends now.”
“You sick son of a bitch, you put her in danger,” Tony screamed so close to Dorcas’s face he could rupture an eardrum. “Now I’m gonna put you in the ground.” Iron Man’s palm pressed into the doctor’s gut with bruising force. “Slowly. Painfully.” He fired, the ringing of the steel bars behind his target echoing off the walls. Tony released his grip on the man’s throat and let the body drop to the floor like a wet sack of potatoes.
Dorcas slumped, hands high and pulled at unnatural angles by the cuffs. His gurgling stopped, and Iron Man left him there to die.
Tony’s ears rang. A sharp pain stabbed him behind the eyes. His head throbbed. There was no sign of Tigershark aside from a tracker inside a chunk of flesh that appeared to be bitten off. Tony dutifully returned to the beach, but he did not go back into the water.
No one was around.
His mind turned over and over, his idea of his daughter being rewritten by the second. Child? No. Harvard? Not that type of student. His? He wouldn’t have done this. Would he?
The truth stung him deep inside. Tony absolutely had done it. He put toxic metal into his body, told no one he was dying, injected untested trackers under his skin, instigated a genocidal robot that almost wiped out the planet. He had done all of it in the hopes no one else would have to hurt—that was the lie he told himself. The motivations muddled and shifted: because it helps others, because you can, because it’s cool, sounds fun, challenges you, doesn’t challenge you, makes you impressive, saves lives, puts someone out of business, embarrasses someone. Vanity tied with charity in a bow. Philanthropy, indeed.
Tony watched the water with unseeing eyes.
“If I were an observant man, I would think you had an investment in this beyond my threat.” Namor returned from the sea to stand beside him. When Tony didn’t reply, the king relinquished, “go home, Stark. You have paid your debt.” Namor walked back to the surf, diving smoothly beneath the foaming crests.
“No, I haven’t,” Tony whispered to himself. His helmet shot back up over his face. “Friday, we’re going to headquarters.”
“Flight plan established.” The suit and Tony left the beach.
“Show me all files on Samantha Stark.”
“Yes, Boss. What year would you like to start with?”
[Chapter 27: Pigeons]
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
#the stark legacy#tony stark's daughter#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes x oc#bucky barnes fic#slow burn#slow build#epic tale#avengers fanfiction#tony stark fanfiction#marvel fanfiction#mcu fanfiction#comics namor#tony stark angst
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It’s a brand-new year which means industry soothsayers have peered into their crystal balls to bring us their best predictions for the top 2025 food trends. As we’ve traditionally done at the outset of each year, we’ve looked at what the forecasts and projections show and how these overall trends might influence what people choose to consume in the coming months. While locally grown, sustainably produced and nutrient dense foods will always be the hallmark of Down to Earth’s farmers markets, here are some notable trends that are worth exploring to help introduce diversity to your table and keep dishes fresh, fun and interesting.
Super Saucy Who doesn’t relish extra sauciness? According to New York Times food critics, sauces will be a national obsession in 2025, especially those with global flavors. Thanks to the surge in post-pandemic travel that exposed people to a wider range of international cuisines and exotic foods, consumers’ palates have broadened as they seek to recreate the tastes they experienced while vacationing abroad.
Sauces are a great way to insert flavor, moisture, and visual appeal into your meals, and can also enhance foods texture and nutritional value. Try topping plain baked fish or chicken with a spoonful of spicy salsa, roasting cauliflower in a creamy bechamel sauce, or giving extra zing to pasta, eggs, salads, soups and sandwiches with this easy to make kale pesto.
Crunchy is Cool Crunchiness is set to reign supreme as the texture of the year, so we’ll see crunchy elements popping up in all sorts of unexpected edibles. You can’t go wrong with the crunch factor as it makes foods satiating by requiring more chewing and stimulating and engaging your palate. Luckily, you’ll find plenty of crunch-filled foods and seasonings in our farmers markets this winter.
Hardy winter vegetables are the kings of crunch! Cold weather causes plants like carrots, parsnips and cabbage to convert some of their starch into sugar to lower the freezing point of their cells and protect them from frosts, much like a natural antifreeze. This defense mechanism firms up their structure by trapping more water inside resulting in a crisper, crunchier texture. These vegetables also taste sweeter in the winter due to their higher sugar content, which is known as cold sweetening.
Nothing beats the crunch brought to you by Dr. Pickle's briny, tangy, zesty pickles! Choose from sweet gherkins, cornichons, pickle chips and whole pickles in a variety of flavors such as hot & spicy, half or full sour, horseradish, flaming dill and more. Serve crunchy pickles with burgers, brats, hotdogs, charcuterie boards and sandwiches or chop them into deviled eggs, potato and tuna salads for some bright acidic zing.
Roasted winter squash seeds are a perfect vehicle for adding satisfying crunch to an array of sweet and savory dishes. Everyone’s tried pumpkin seeds, but did you know that you can roast the seeds inside any squash from butternut to delicata to acorn? Almost all winter squash are great candidates for seed roasting. Plus, squash seeds are chockful of fiber, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals so why let them go to waste? Instead, turn them into something delicious with this easy tutorial.
Transform a bowl of plain yogurt by showering it with Blissful Table’s crunchy, healthy granola. Their granola started with one flavor, the "OG", which quickly grew to over twenty seasonal and special edition blends. All Blissful Table’s granolas are made with a base of rolled oats from River Valley Community Grains in New Jersey and use a three-grain blend including quinoa and crispy brown rice. Each small batch is sweetened with pure maple syrup, local honey or agave and every bag is hand packed with love. It's even an ingredient on their label.
Slowcocoa’s cacao nibs are unlike anything you've ever nibbled on. They’re made from the cacao bean, which is the seed of the cocoa tree fruit. The beans are fermented, dried, and roasted to develop their flavor, then crushed into small pieces. Think of them like unsweetened chocolate chips, with an extra crunch and loaded with antioxidants, magnesium, potassium, iron and fiber. These nibs are yummy enough to nibble on by the handful. Or try a sprinkle atop your favorite smoothie or salad bowl, oatmeal, cereal, ice cream, or even in pastas or baked goods.
Luxx Chocolat’s Luxx’K Pistachio Caramel Krunch Bark with Kadaifi has the crunch built right into its name! Decadent fine category 72% dark chocolate (cacao Venezuela) is filled with their award-winning classic pistachio caramel and studded with organic pistachios and toasted Kadaifi phyllo pastry. All of this deliciousness is perfectly accented with rosemary-infused sea salt.
The Lentil Co. is on a mission to bring extra plant-based crunch to your life in 2025! Their exceptional collection of distinctively crunchy, tasty snacks featuring mung lentils, millet, lotus seeds and other exotic ingredients are delicious as standalone treats or when sprinkled on top of salads, curries, casseroles and soups. Plus, they’re high-fiber, high-protein, vegan, gluten-free and non-GMO to boot.
Protein Primetime Protein is one of the three macronutrients—fat and carbohydrates being the other two—that the body needs in large amounts to function properly. Fueled by the popularity of gym culture, impact of fitness influencers and growing number of Americans on weight-loss medications who need extra protein to maintain muscle mass, high-protein diets are currently all the rage. Protein is also increasingly being consumed by individuals looking to maintain energy levels throughout the day and support their overall health and wellness goals. In addition to its role in muscle growth and repair, protein promotes feelings of fullness, which can help with weight management by reducing overall caloric intake.
When increasing your protein intake, consider the big (health) picture and opt for nutrient-dense, whole foods that deliver a package of diet benefits. Lean cuts of grass-fed meats and pastured poultry are good options, as is fish of all kinds as the fat content in seafood is unsaturated so even high fat fish like tuna and mackerel are healthy choices. Other protein-rich items you can find in the farmers market this winter include pastured eggs, yogurt, Great Joy Family Farm’s handmade tofu, chickpea hummus, The Lentil Co.'s ready-to-cook lentil mixes, and Wave Hill Breads and Orwashers Bakery's whole grain breads. Regarding the latter, you may be surprised to learn that two slices of whole wheat bread contain the same amount of protein as one egg!
Nothing Sour About It Sourdough saw an uptick in popularity during the pandemic, when many chefs and home cooks tended to sourdough starter cultures during quarantine. Sourdough bread is rich in nutrients, easier to digest than white bread, and contains prebiotics which feed the good bacteria in your gut. Since 2020, sourdough has spread beyond bread, so we are set to see sourdough applications in all sorts of recipes in our farmers markets this year including cookies, s’mores, pizza crust and bagels.
Badass Bagels’ sourdough bagels are entirely different from a standard yeast bagel. They’re light, chewy, crunchy, and end with a tang. Badass Bagels begins each batch with a rye flour-based starter that has become very happy and active – so active that it often bubbles, expands and takes over the counter it’s resting on. This special culture allows the bagel dough to be naturally leavened without using commercial yeast. Many people with gluten sensitivities say that they can enjoy these bagels without issue. Or you can enjoy their gluten-free bagels, which are now available to pre-order (ask at the stand).
Wave Hill Breads’ Wild Yeast Sourdough Miche, Sourdough Batard, Sourdough Baguette and Sourdough Boule are made onsite at their artisan micro-bakery. They believe in making delicious, hand-crafted European-style breads and pastries by using a traditional age-old approach that requires a three-day process from mixing to baking in small batches. Wave Hill Breads pride themselves on using locally sourced organic grains which are personally milled at their baking facility to enhance the freshness, flavor and quality of each loaf.
Orwashers Bakery's Chardonnay Miche is a classic French country loaf, reinterpreted with a mix of different sourdough starters that provide a satisfying and complex flavor. Their sourdough bagels are made with a heritage sourdough starter and steamed instead of boiled. The end result is a bagel that is chewier and more complex than your standard NYC bagel.
We hope you enjoyed this preview of the top 2025 food trends predicted to influence Americans’ eating habits over the course of the coming year. While consuming a balanced, sustainable and healthy diet is always advisable, sampling current food fashions within the context of farmers market shopping can be a fun way to refresh your recipes, introduce new ingredients, experiment with unfamiliar foods, explore different cuisines, and keep yourself out of a food rut this winter.
#downtoearthmkts#farmersmarket#farmersmarkets#eatlocal#shoplocal#localfood#buylocal#eatdowntoearth#local food#foodtrends#2025 food trends
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Healthy Munching Snacks: The Ultimate Guide to Delicious and Nutritious On-the-Go Options
In the fast world today, healthy munching snacks are more than just a trend—they're a necessity. Whether you are working, traveling, or simply need something to nibble on, on-the-go snacks are convenient and a healthier alternative to junk food. So, if you are one of those snacking lovers but would like to make better choices, this blog is for you. Let's look into the world of healthy snacks, especially mentioning healthy bhel that has gained great popularity, and how they can seamlessly fit into your daily routine. Why Healthy Munching Snacks Matter The right snack can give you a boost of energy, keep you full between meals, and even support your overall health goals. Many snacks promise convenience but come loaded with sugar, unhealthy fats, and empty calories. Healthy munching snacks are there to help you fuel your body with the right nutrients, even when you're on the move. From fresh fruits to whole-grain options, the options are endless. The bottom line is that it has to be rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats while keeping the added sugars and preservatives found in many processed snack foods at bay. Healthy Bhel:
The Healthy Snack with a Flair of a Popularity of Love for Slightly Satiating Snack. Traditional bhel is made using puffed rice, sev, and a mix of chutneys, making it a calorific treat at times. The healthy bhel, however, focuses on replacing all the high-calorie ingredients with healthy ones. Instead of processed puffed rice, people substitute it with quinoa, roasted chickpeas, or whole grains. Adding chopped tomatoes, onions, and cucumbers gives it a refreshing crunch while lemon squeeze or a sprinkle of spices add flavors without extra calories. This healthy bhel version is perfect for those who want to indulge in light, satisfying snacks that don't feel guilty about. This is ideal for people who have to grab something quickly at work or on their way to or from work. Snacks on the Go for Busy Days It's often difficult to take healthy snacks with you when you are very busy. However, when planned well, on-the-go snacks can be just as convenient as their less healthy counterparts. Here are some quick and easy snack ideas that you can carry with you wherever you go: Nuts and Dried Fruits: A handful of almonds, walnuts, or mixed seeds combined with dried fruits like raisins or cranberries can make for a filling and energizing snack. Snacks rich in healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants are available in nuts and dried fruits. Trail Mix: If you’re looking for a little variety, trail mix is a perfect option. Combine whole grains like oats, dried fruits, nuts, and a sprinkle of dark chocolate or coconut flakes for a snack that will curb your cravings and fuel your day.
Protein Bars: You will love having something portable and filling when you need it. Choose options with less added sugar and high-quality protein sources, such as whey or plant-based proteins, for longer satiety. Conclusion: Healthy munching snacks are the keys to maintaining energy and a healthy lifestyle. Whether it's packing on-the-go snacks for a busy day or finding a tasty and healthy twist on some classic favorites, such as healthy bhel, there's no lack of options to keep your snack game strong. So, next time you want to munch on a snack, try this healthier snack alternative that will sustain your body while keeping you feeling fresh all day. With some smart choices and planning, you could enjoy perfect and nutritious snacks with no added guilt. So, begin your journey to better snacking today!
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The Impact of Diet on Oral Health: Foods to Embrace and Avoid

The Impact of Diet on Oral Health: Foods to Embrace and Avoid
Best Dental Clinic in Ashok Vihar, Delhi, we believe that maintaining oral health goes beyond regular dental check-ups and cleanings. One of the most significant contributors to your dental well-being is your diet. This blog will explore the impact of various foods on oral health, highlighting those you should embrace and those you should avoid.
Understanding the Connection Between Diet and Oral Health
Your mouth is a complicated environment in which germs flourish. When you eat sweet or acidic foods, these bacteria feed on the sugars and produce acids, which erode tooth enamel and cause cavities. In contrast, a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet can improve your dental health by strengthening your teeth and gums.
Foods to Embrace for Better Oral Health
Dairy Products:
Cheese, Yogurt, and Milk: These are excellent sources of calcium and phosphate, which are essential for remineralizing teeth. Cheese can also help neutralize acids in the mouth and stimulate saliva production, which protects against decay
Fruits and Vegetables:
Crunchy options include apples, carrots, and celery, which are not only nutritious but also assist clean teeth when chewing. Their fibrous nature stimulates the gums and increases saliva flow.
Leafy Greens: Vegetables like spinach and kale are abundant in calcium and other vital minerals that promote oral health.
Whole Grains:
Foods like brown rice, quinoa, and whole-grain bread contain essential fiber without the additional sugars found in refined grains. These can help keep blood sugar stable and prevent cravings for sugary snacks.
Nuts and Seeds:
Almond, walnut, and sesame seeds are high in calcium and good lipids. They can help strengthen teeth and provide important nutrients for overall health.
Green Tea:
This beverage contains antioxidants known as catechins, which can help reduce inflammation and fight germs associated with gum disease. Drinking green tea may also reduce the risk of cavities.
Sugar-Free Gum:
Chewing sugar-free gum stimulates saliva production, which helps wash away food particles and neutralizes acids created by bacteria in the mouth.
Foods to Avoid for Optimal Oral Health
Sugary Snacks and Beverages
Candy, pastries, cakes, and sugary drinks are among the most harmful to dental health. They provide a consistent source of sugar for bacteria to feed on, resulting in plaque accumulation and cavities.
Recommendation: Limit your consumption of these things to exceptional occasions rather than everyday nibbles.
Acidic Foods
Citrus fruits (such as lemons and oranges) and vinegar-rich diets can damage tooth enamel over time if ingested in excess. While they have health benefits, it is critical to take them in moderation.
Tip: After eating acidic foods, rinse your mouth with water to help neutralize the effects.
Starchy Foods
Potato chips, white bread, and other refined carbs can get caught between teeth, converting into sugars that feed harmful germs.
Advice: Opt for whole-grain alternatives when possible.
Hard and Chewy Candies
These sweets not only contain a lot of sugar, but they can also physically damage your teeth if you bite down too hard. Chewy candies tend to stay on teeth longer, increasing the risk of decay.
Instead, use dark chocolate, which is less sticky and easier to wash away.
Alcoholic beverages can cause dry mouth by lowering saliva flow, which is necessary for neutralizing acids in the mouth. Chronic dry mouth raises the risk of dental decay.
Moderation is key: If you consume alcohol, stay hydrated with water.
Dried Fruits
Dried fruits, such as raisins and apricots, are sticky and heavy in sugar, while being commonly thought of as nutritious snacks. They can stick to teeth longer than fresh fruits.
Suggestion: Choose fresh fruits instead, or rinse your mouth after eating dried options.
Tips for Maintaining Oral Health Through Diet
Limit Snacking: Frequent snacking exposes your teeth to prolonged acid attacks from bacteria. If you must snack, choose healthier options like fruits or cheese.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help wash away food particles and maintain saliva production.
Practice Good Oral Hygiene: Brush twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and floss regularly to remove plaque buildup caused by food residue.
Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule routine appointments at Kakkar Dental Clinic to catch any dental issues early.
The link between food and oral health is apparent. You may dramatically enhance your dental health by eating nutritious foods and avoiding hazardous ones. At Kakkar Dental Clinic in Ashok Vihar, we encourage our patients to make informed food decisions as part of their comprehensive oral health regimen.
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Nutty Savor: Wholesale Dried Fruits and Nuts Market
In the course of the last decade, customers’ demand for healthy snacks and ingredients has seriously expanded, and this has made the whole dry fruits and nuts market a shining area in marketing.
Wholesale dried fruits and nuts are one of the most profitable products in the market. This article explores the very dynamics of the wholesale dried fruits and nuts market, including the main drivers of growth, current trends, competition, and insights for entrepreneurs planning to go into this business.
This rise in demand for healthy snacks is driven by consumer awareness and the need for healthier options.
Consumers, in particular, tend to be more health-conscious these days and thus want to satisfy their taste buds with smart options instead of eating unhealthy snacks rich in sugars and artificial ingredients.
Dried fruits and nuts are a useful and handy option. They are resourceful, rich in essential nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, at the same time. Consequently, the thirst for healthy snacks has gone steadily up, thus the markets of wholesale moist fruits and dry nuts have reported high growths.
Market Trends and Dynamics
1. Health and Wellness Boom:
More and more, the interest in personal health and wellbeing turns consumers towards nibbles that do not only satiate but also provide beneficiary components. Dried fruits and nuts that are the favorites of youngsters will stimulate the sales while the very nutritious markets among the health-conscious people will drive the growth.
2. Rise of Plant-Based Diets:
Plant-based diets have been gaining in popularity. People are switching to vegetarian diets, which means more and more people are also opting for vegan lifestyles. Dried fruits and nuts are an important constituent of such diets; therefore, it is projected they will stir demand in different demographic circles.
3. Snacking On-The-Go:
It is because that time has shortened, and people started to look for simple and convenient snacks for a go. Nuts and dried fruits with their portability and long shelf life are by far the most convenient snacks and therefore become the number one choice for the consumers looking for a snack option on the go and a healthy alternative.
The Main Participant and Industries Landscape
A large variety of players are in the market for wholesale dry fruits and nuts; these players include the growers, processors ,distributors, and retailers.
The main participants include established food companies as they are the ones that dominate the market but there are also specialized suppliers that concentrate only on dried fruits and seeds. Thus, this competitive takeover offers a number of new players to outline their niche in the growth area and the new demand.
Challenges and Opportunities
Wholesale of the dried fruits and nuts media leads to potentially attractive prospects but, at the same time, is not without its constraints. Challenges such as those of price vary due to weather conditions, running a successful product functionally and fresh and lastly supply chain effectiveness are among the very challenging ones.
Nevertheless, when the approach is strategically formulated, an opportunity is created which is fair for business by the participating countries to succeed in this buoyant market.
In the end, the wholesale dried fruits and nuts market is a promising option for addressing the increasing demand for the healthy snacks every entrepreneur is searching for.
Through knowing market trends, buyer tastes, niche as well as leaders of the sector, the organizations can position themselves appropriately to be amongst top players in this nutty business.
With the number of folks who are willing to opt for healthy snacking options on the rise, the future surely has got no limits for the enterprising ones who are always ready to explore the infinite opportunities of the wholesale dried fruit and nut market.
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Sustainable Snacking: Dried Fruits and Eco-Friendly Packaging
In a world where health-conscious customers are looking for economical and nutritious nibble choices, Bonvie Solidify Dried Snacks develops as a frontrunner within the showcase. Advertising a luscious cluster of freeze-dried natural products in eco-friendly bundling, Bonvie reclassifies the concept of snacking, prioritizing wellbeing, maintainability, and flavor. In this web journal, we dig into the domain of economical snacking, investigating the benefits of dried natural products and the eco-friendly practices employed by Bonvie to make a guilt-free snacking involvement.
The Rise of Sustainable Snacking
With the increasing awareness of environmental issues and the importance of health and wellness, the demand for sustainable snack options has witnessed a significant surge. Consumers are no longer satisfied with conventional snacks laden with artificial ingredients and excessive packaging. Instead, they are gravitating towards wholesome alternatives that not only nourish their bodies but also minimize their ecological footprint.
Dried fruits have emerged as a popular choice among health-conscious individuals seeking convenient and nutritious snacks. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, dried fruits offer a natural burst of energy without the guilt of added sugars or preservatives. Moreover, their long shelf life makes them an ideal option for on-the-go snacking, reducing food waste in the process.
Bonvie Freeze Dried Snacks: Redefining Sustainable Snacking
At the forefront of the sustainable snacking revolution stands Bonvie Freeze Dried Snacks, a company committed to delivering healthy and delicious snacks while prioritizing environmental stewardship. Bonvie's range of freeze-dried fruits, including strawberries, apples, and bananas, are not only irresistibly tasty but also packed with 100% fruit-like nutrients, making them a wholesome choice for consumers of all ages.
What sets Bonvie apart is its unwavering commitment to sustainability, evident in its eco-friendly packaging solutions. Unlike traditional snack packaging, which often contributes to plastic pollution, Bonvie utilizes innovative packaging materials that are biodegradable and recyclable. By minimizing its environmental impact, Bonvie sets a new standard for sustainable snacking practices within the industry.
Healthy, Yummy, and Gluten-Free: The Bonvie Experience
Bonvie Freeze Dried Snacks are not only healthy but also undeniably delicious. Each bite offers a burst of natural flavor, reminiscent of biting into fresh fruit. Whether you're craving the sweet tanginess of strawberries or the crispness of apples, Bonvie has a snack to satisfy every palate.
Moreover, Bonvie snacks are gluten-free and vegan, catering to individuals with dietary restrictions or lifestyle choices. By excluding gluten and animal products from its ingredients, Bonvie ensures that everyone can enjoy its delectable snacks without compromising on taste or nutrition.
No Added Sugar: 100% Real Fruit Goodness
One of the hallmarks of Bonvie Freeze Dried Snacks is its commitment to using only natural ingredients. Unlike many commercial snacks that are loaded with added sugars and artificial sweeteners, Bonvie's products contain no added sugar, preserving the natural sweetness of the fruits. This makes them an ideal choice for those looking to indulge in guilt-free snacking without the worry of hidden sugars or empty calories.
By prioritizing eco-friendly packaging, Bonvie not only reduces plastic waste but also sets an example for other companies to follow. Through innovation and dedication to sustainability, Bonvie proves that it's possible to enjoy delicious snacks without harming the planet.
As consumers become increasingly aware of the impact of their purchasing decisions on the environment, the demand for sustainable snack options continues to grow. Bonvie Freeze Dried Snacks stands at the forefront of this movement, offering a delectable range of eco-friendly snacks that are both nutritious and delicious.
With its emphasis on natural ingredients, gluten-free and vegan options, and innovative packaging solutions, Bonvie sets a new standard for sustainable snacking. By choosing Bonvie, consumers can indulge in healthy and yummy snacks while contributing to a healthier planet for future generations.
In conclusion, sustainable snacking is not just a trend but a conscious lifestyle choice. With Bonvie Freeze Dried Snacks leading the way, consumers can enjoy guilt-free snacking experiences that nourish both body and soul. So, why settle for ordinary snacks when you can join the sustainable snacking revolution with Bonvie?
#dried fruit snacks#freeze dried blueberries#freeze dried fruits#dried fruits#freeze dried mango#healthy dried fruits#dry fruit snacks
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I was asked about what dishes you should never offer to Daedric Princes by a follower who's probably a little too curious for their own good. Here's an interesting question I certainly have not thought of, because I generally try not to invoke the wrath of Daedric Princes! However, if you really want to potentially bring the punishment of Oblivion down upon yourself, please feel free to try the following...
Mehrunes Dagon
Instead of fiery destruction, I propose something...cute. A classic chilled custard tart topped with warm berry compote and some Hammerfell-style rose-and-vanilla pashmak is bound to melt hearts, just not in the way one of his Dremora would.
I love making healthy foods just as much as indulgent dishes, and as the popular adage goes, an apple a day keeps Peryite away! A classic rucola and feta salad with a balsamic and Cyrodiilic olive oil can be made even better with an extra handful of spinach, a sprinkle of fresh pomegranate, halved walnuts, avocado and cucumber slices, and a few diced apple pieces! Simply delectable, and sure to keep scurvy and pestilence at bay.
Molag Bal
What should you not offer the Daedric Prince of domination and creator of vampires? Probably a soft, delicate vegetarian dish. A Breton vegetable quiche with an all-butter crust, goose eggs, sun-dried tomatoes, delicate baby spinach, fresh chanterelle mushrooms, squash, lots of garlic, and a spot of chevre. Mouth-wateringly good, this little beauty makes for an excellent meal at any time of day, and is bound to make Molag Bal sneer.
I'm going to be a little cheeky here and turn something gross and creepy into something delicious that even the fussiest nobles I've served love: garlic butter snails. Namira's followers are known to chow down on live, raw snails, shells and all, but I prefer mine with a garlicky gratin and a sprinkle of cave-aged West Weald parmesan. Oh, and don't forget to eat them with a fancy silver snail fork like a proper diva!
Plots? Destruction? Snakes? Not with this dish! What you see is what you get with a traditional Nord bread-and-butter pudding! It's a great way to use up your leftover bread scraps and stale butter, and is one of Tamriel's most satisfying desserts in my humble opinion. Served with hot custard and dried snowberries, this pudding is the perfect, least deceptive dish I can imagine.
You were spot on with a salad, but let me raise the bar a little. Not just any salad will do, but you'll want all your ingredients to be gently cultivated by hand and farmed, as opposed to wild foraged. Iceberg lettuce and pink pear salad with some crumbled goat cheese and honey hits the spot, but how about topped with some marbled fatty beef? The historic Gweden Farm near Anvil has won countless awards for its pampered cows who are given a daily massage and the best fresh grass and Cyrodiilic grain. Domesticated, happy, and wonderful...unless you're a hunter, that is.
Hermaeus Mora
You'd have to be downright stupid to try a traditional Argonian worm bowl unless you're Saxhleel, and even then, most of them don't want to touch this nasty, wriggling dish. Fresh, live mealworms and kotu gava eggs are drowned in a fermented blood worm sauce, with shredded catapult cabbage and flame-grilled, toxic haj mota flesh. I once commented that it looked a little like Hermaeus Mora himself, before taking a tentative nibble and spending the rest of the day throwing up in the swamp. Please don't try this. It's the dumbest dish in Tamriel, and a pox on whichever Argonian invented it.
No cheese or strawberry torte here! In fact, the least madness-inducing food I can think of is a nice, mild pistachio ice cream profiterole, dipped in sweet milk chocolate and topped with fresh nuts is the perfect Breton summer treat, yet far too boring for the Prince of Madness to bother with. Which leads us to...
I really dislike coming up with bland, mundane dishes for the occasional fussy eater I come across during my travels. Sanguine, Prince of hedonistic pleasures, probably lurks over my shoulder at the average feast I throw, so I admit I was a bit stumped here...until I remembered my Granny Matilda's chicken noodle soup. As basic as soups come, this simple broth is made by boiling leftover chicken carcasses for a night and a day, and served with plain egg noodles. The perfect food for when you're feeling under the weather, or have the palate of a small Nord child.
Altmer cuisine seems like a good way to get Malacath really mad, because it's basically the antithesis of what he stands for. Delicate Quicksilver Lingwe cerviche with a yuzu drizzle and Crystal Hannia caviar, with a light avocado mousse flavoured with apple blossom? A sensory delight, and bound to make any Malacath-respecting Orc gag.
Fried, hand-pulled buckwheat noodles with a spicy Pellitine-style curry sauce is a good way to make this Prince quite cross with you. Not only is it messy to eat, but your furniture will likely suffer bright orange and yellow stains from the turmeric and tomatoes, and your bowels will also be as tangled as the noodles after consuming a fiery Khajiiti curry.
So mundane and boring, you're definitely not bound to have any dreams or nightmares about a bowl of saltrice porridge with comberry preserves and scrib jerky. The staple food of the common Dunmer, it's tasty enough to eat on a daily basis, but hardly the stuff dreams are made of.
This spidery Prince enjoys interfering with us mortals, so it's time to fight back with a dish that'll probably make most other Daedric Princes frown too. Imperial food is famous for its balanced flavours, textures, and fresh ingredients, and a Gold Coat seafood stew is a vibrant dish bursting with the best fresh fish, mussels, lobster, and crabmeat the region has to offer. Mild but but with a tangy punch from the sun-dried tomato based soup and a dash of crisp white wine, this is a dish that both young and old enjoy across Cyrodiil.
Charred jerk wild boar stuffed with timber mammoth cheese and a delicious bloody jus-and-honey sauce is sure to make any Bosmer's mouth water! It's definitely dead, it's definitely cooked, and it's definitely bound to disappoint Meridia. Just a warning- try this for a laugh and you'll never be able to get rid of her beacon.
By Azura, please don't offer this to the Lady of Dawn and Dusk unless you want to irreparably have your race changed! Love and devotion is what this Prince craves, so why not damage yourself with a fiery Dunmeri Vvardenfell fondue, made from scuttle, crab meat, and extremely spicy fire petal blossoms? Enjoyed by the most pain-seeking of Dunmer, my version comes with fried hackle-lo leaf and saltrice-and-wickwheat bread for dipping. It'll have your guts in a twist for days, which is the price to pay for this deliciously hot "cheese" dish. Oh, and did I mention that it's best washed down with a nice cup of Vivec's Gingergreen Chai?
There's absolutely nothing dark about a Redguard sun-jelly, made with fresh fruits from coastal Hammerfell. Coconut, palm fruit, watermelon, and bananas are the stars of the show in this dessert, set in a chilled agar jelly that keeps the heat at bay. The fanciest Redguards love mixing edible gold flakes into the jelly itself, giving it a delightful luster that is sure to put a smile on your face and chase the shadows away.
Clavicus Vile
You're not going to want to strike any bargain to give up a delicious baked chub loon gratin with echatere cheese, over hasselback potatoes and crispy radish chips. This Orcish delicacy is surprisingly so good it's even tickled the fancy of the fussiest eaters in Tamriel! The chub loon meat is juicy and melts in the mouth, and the echatere cheese melted into the cracks of a hasselback potato are wonderful with radish chips for dipping. Admit it, you're drooling aren't you?
#Asks#Daedric Princes#Daedric Lords#TES#the elder scrolls#World building#worldbuilding#long post#text post
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Introducing Ezra to vegetables goes well, too well. # We've created a monster # He won't stop trying to eat random plant life they encounter # Like a loth cat after some tall grass # Erza please those are not edible to humans # He's snatching fruit from the empire # Eating Sabine's dye plants much to her dismay
Growing up on the street hadn’t leant much to Ezra’s diet. While the occasional fruit could be exchanged for an errand ran (or through sleight of hand), vegetables on Lothal were harder to come by, and more-so to steal. Besides, without proper knowledge of how to cook, any vegetables obtained were usually eaten raw. Lothal’s vegetable crop left much to be desired when eaten raw. As such, Ezra reached the age of fifteen without many leafy greens to his meals, having no need or taste for them. That is, until his newfound parental figures learned of his deficit.
It had been in an offhand comment when inquiring after the boy’s usual meals, their captain worried about her charge’s small size for his age. That night, Ezra found vegetables on his plate. More accurately, he found some mashed root vegetable he was sure didn’t grow locally on Lothal, and sections of a gourd, shining with the oil and salt Kanan had baked it in, next to the slices of rehydrated, ration pack meat.
The boy’s deep grimace was met with the offer of trading the meal for a couple of ration bars and gifting Zeb an extra portion that cycle (and the lasat was more than agreeable to the deal), and Ezra’s distrust of the new food was quickly outweighed by his disgust for ration bars. It was a well-baked squash that created the monster.
There was a noticeable difference in the teen after that. He and Kanan trained more often, Ezra’s increased energy needing an outlet during long space travel. He ate more often too, often crunching on some green stalk or another between meals; soon enough, it seemed he was taking in enough vegetables to make up for his years-long deficit, and it was all Kanan and Hera could do to keep their reserves stocked when the former street rat was so good at sneaking snacks.
“At least he’s eating”, they’d say. It wasn’t as if any real trouble had come from their vanishing stores beyond smaller dinners.
Then it became a problem when Ezra started picking market goods he didn’t know, curiosity over compatible and interchangeable food items. Almost poisoning Hera with a stock loaded with greens lead to a conversation about asking a vendor the use of a plant before buying harmful lookalikes to soup ingredients.
Things escalated to eating random things planet-side. As time went on and Ezra’s taste for cellulose and iron grew, he developed a bit of a habit with Sabine about taking nibbles of plants he found on different planets they visited. As most grass on Lothal is inedible but workable, Kanan shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was the slightly feral teen was munch on plush green leaves from different fauna; most of the places they went didn’t have very toxic flora anyway. Until one planet where Ezra, Force help Kanan, took a respectable chomp out of a spiny purple stalk, claimed his tongue went numb, and took another chomp out of the plant while giggling. He didn’t giggle when he vomited a minute later. No one was giggling when it didn’t stop until they were back on the Ghost and Sabine jabbed an antidote hypo into Ezra’s neck. Hera certainly wasn’t giggling when the boy was finally lucid again and on the receiving end on just how not okay that was.
Ezra didn’t nibble random plants after that without asking first, and Kanan kept a healthy stash of crunchy snacks for the kid from them on when they could afford it. When they couldn’t, more than one argument had been caused two weeks into a hyperspace trip by Ezra snatching some of Sabine’s dye plants (rich green dried leaves or deep red roots for boiling the colors from), or ripping off unseemly sections of Zeb’s pet cat-grass.
It became another natural thing among the Ghost crew, make sure Sabine has paint, treat Hera with Meilooruns, make sure Ezra has vegetables. So on and so forth were these upheld the best the crew could even after more additions to the family came. Don’t touch Rex’s helmet without leave, don’t speak too loudly around Ahsoka (Ezra still struggled to not be loud around the Togruta’s sensitive montrals), don’t mess up AP-5’s system. Sometimes Rex and Ahsoka would look at Ezra, smile fondly, and reminisce to him about an old friend of theirs who loved fruit best instead, having grown up on a desert planet where plants of any kind were hard to come by.
Ezra got a partner in crime when they took in Kallus.
The former imperial was lithe and slender for his size, but upon seeing his reaction to the food he was given and hearing what an imperial cafeteria rationed out, no one was surprised that muscle mass was about the only mass he had to speak of. Ezra made a point to try to eat lunches with him—both to make sure Kallus was eating and to be a bit annoying—and slid over portions of his vegetables to the tired, beaten officer.
Between Zeb and Ezra, Kallus filled out to the size a man of 6’5” should’ve comfortably been. The free access to food found Ezra including Kallus in his snacking habits whenever the two had chance, and the two schemed together on how to obtain more fresh provisions for the base often over a container of some chopped veggie. The snack stealing still occurred, but while Kallus was still on thin ice with his status as a turncoat, he could easily figure out the base’s security rotations and pass along the information conversationally, and if Ezra happened to employ such knowledge to slip a small, hardly missed, armful of snacks for them, Zeb said nothing when he’d catch them red-handed later in the day. Kallus is still horrified to learn what all foreign plant munching Ezra had partaken in.
#star wars rebels#ezra bridger#kanan jarrus#hera syndulla#alexsandr kallus#mentioned#garazeb orrelios#sabine wren#captain rex#ahsoka tano
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Phone 📲
Human Touch Part Two
a nathan bateman x f!reader series
Part One
word count: 2.9k
rating: M/E for sexual themes, smut (pls only read if youre 18+)
summary: You send Nathan accidental nudes and that turns into something else...
a/n: thank you so much for the response from part one!! be sure to read that one before this one!! and as always thank you to @punkpascal and @sergeantkane for making this moodboard for me! let me know what yall think!

That morning when you wake up there’s a stack of paper, your phone, and a breakfast tray on the table in your room. You didn’t even hear Kyoko come in. You can only assume Nathan is working, and you don’t want to bother him this early.
You still can’t believe last night was even real. Even when you wake up it takes you a moment to remember where you are.
With a stretch and a sigh, you climb out of bed. You reach for your phone immediately and see a text from Nathan on the home screen. He put his number in your phone and you flush at the mere thought of having a text relationship with him.
The text from him says that he is working, but you’re welcome to come ask him any questions you may have about the thesis. That’s what’s on the table. It’s a heavy stack of paper. The text also tells you that you don’t have to read the entire thing, but enough to see if any of it makes sense.
You’ll read in a moment, first you want to eat some of that breakfast. It’s an assortment of fruit and oatmeal. There’s also some toast and a glass of milk, water, and orange juice. It’s all so good and you’re happy to eat something so fresh.
You also notice nearby is a stack of your clothes from yesterday, they’ve been washed and dried. You get up to pull on your underwear only, you like feeling Nathan’s shirt on your skin.
Once you’ve finished eating, you reach for the papers. You begin to thumb through them and it’s almost impossible to read. Hardly any of it makes sense to you, and you don’t know if you should feel dumb that he thinks you could read it, or dumb that he’s so smart to write something of this scale.
A text alert causes you to jump while you’re deep in this thesis. It’s from your cousin.
‘Where are you?’
‘You’ll never guess! I’m a Nathan Bateman’s!’
You text back and forth for a while. You catch her up on all that’s happened in the last few hours. You stop texting her to take a couple selfies showing her where you are. You playfully take a couple nudes; you lift his shirt and take some aesthetic looking photos of yourself.
You send one of the normal selfies to her. But then joke that you took nudes.
‘You should send them to him!’ she teased back.
You’re about to send her another photo when Nathan texts you and ask how it’s going. But you don’t register it’s from him and before you know if you’ve sent him one of your nudes.
You drop your phone in a panic and burst out the door. You have no idea where he even is, but you bolt down the hall to find him. You remember him pointing out his work area on the tour last night.
You turn the corner quickly and see him sitting quietly at his desk. There are several screens in front of him, and behind that is a wall covered in sticky notes.
He glances up at you, but you can’t tell if he saw it or not. His expression is blank. He seems confused now that you’ve sprinted into his office.
“Something wrong?”
“Please tell me you didn’t look at them.”
A slow smirk appears on his face. He saw it.
“So… who was that meant for if not me?” he scoots back in his chair to look at you better.
“Look, I was sending it to my friend to uh, hype me up. And I accidentally sent it to you.” Your heart is pounding in your chest. From the running, but also the thought of him seeing the photo. Ok yes, he saw you naked yesterday, but not like THIS. “Did you look at it?”
“Of course, I looked,” he shrugs and licks his lips. “And I won’t say anything if you don’t want me to. But I kinda get the feeling you wanna hear my thoughts,” his smirk is plastered to his face.
“Just tell me, you're dying to say something. You have been since you saw me last night,” you blush hard.
“You’re fuckin’ gorgeous and I’d kill to touch your tits,” he states without so much as blinking. “But hey, it’s fine,” another shrug. “We can forget about this. No harm done.” He rolls back up to his screens.
“Wait,” you speak up, and he turns to face you again. You sigh heavily before you speak again, “ok so the picture was for you, sort of. I wanted to send it to you whenever I got the guts to make a move. So, I sent them to my friend to get her opinion, but I sent it to you instead by mistake.”
He sits quietly, his mouth quirks up in a soft smile.
“Is that you making the first move?” he asks referring to the ‘conversation’ last night.
You nod, biting your lip.
“Alright then,” he stands and cracks his neck.
“Right now?”
“Why not? You got somewhere you’d rather be?”
“I suppose now is the time I tell you that I'm, uh…. virgin,” you look down at your feet.
His expression softens and he takes a few steps forward. He puts a warm hand on your neck, just under your jaw and ear, “I’ve got you, okay? We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready, but if you are… I’ll take good care of you. I promise.”
He lowers his hand to your hip, and it all comes spilling out. “I want this. I want you. You’ll just have to show me how.” You blink at him, “you really liked my tits?”
He brushes his thumb along your hip, his skin burns through the fabric of his shirt.
“I wouldn’t waste my breath on it if I didn’t,” he leans closer to you. His body heat warms you in an entirely different way than last night. “Is my room ok?” he whispers. All you can do is nod, but you smile. He does too and grabs your hand.
“I can't believe that one picture of me did all this,” you lean into his shoulder as you walk over to his bedroom.
“Yeah? Well, you have some pretty powerful tits,” he chuckles. “Right in here,” his hand moves to your lower back pointing you towards his room.
“Look,” you start to talk while he sits down on the bed. He’s watching your every move. You know he knows you’re nervous. “I know this is probably going to be meaningless sex to you, but it’s not to me ok?”
“Kitten,” he frowns, “this is not meaningless to me. I told you last night, you’re exactly my fuckin’ type and I’d be a dumbass if I let you go. I mean if you want to leave, Kyoko will show you the door.”
“Oh. Really?”
“Really. I wanna get to know you. Every bit of you.”
“So, we’re starting with sex first,” you bite your lip, and he shrugs.
“What better way to get acquainted?”
“We haven’t even kissed yet…”
“You have to come closer if you want me to touch you, kitten.”
Each step closer to him makes your knees shake. You come to stand in between his spread legs and his hands grab your lower back. He pulls you onto his lap and goes right for your lips. His tongue slips between your lips and you moan. You grind yourself down on him and feel him harden between your legs and you gasp.
“Sure, you’ve never done this before?” he murmurs into your neck. “I got you,” he reminds you.
“Don’t say you won’t bite unless I want you to. Because I do. I do want you to,” you whine a little.
He nibbles under your ear gently and you squeak. He squeezes you tighter and chuckles, his grip is tight.
“We need to get you out of those clothes,” he repeats his phrase from last night. This time it’s even scarier, but more exciting. He tugs on the hem of your shirt asking permission, which you give. He peels off the shirt revealing your bare chest underneath.
You wriggle under his gaze as his eyes rake over your body. You can feel him growing harder still beneath you.
“Please say something,” you whisper.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. I wanna…,” he clears his throat, “can I touch you, baby?”
You nod and his thumbs brush against your nipples first. His touch is soft, he traces all around your breasts with his fingers. Then he palms your breasts and squeezes. He bounces them, feeling the weight in his strong hands.
“Kitten,” he mouths at your neck. “I haven’t seen an actual person in months, and I haven’t touched a woman in well over a year. You’re gonna kill me.”
“In a good way I hope?” you moan a little. “Because you’re killing me.”
“Good?” he asks squeezing a little harder. “Fuck… fucking perfect. You seriously have the best tits I’ve ever seen, baby.”
When he lowers his head to your nipple, that’s when you really cry out. He hums happily and sucks harder. You buck your hips and he only seems to encourage it. He likes you wanting him. And he needs you, you can feel his need.
His beard brushes against your soft flesh and you shudder. He files that away with a quirk of his eyebrow.
“Nathan-“ you whine. “Please.”
“Please what kitten? Use your words baby.”
“Lay me down?” you writhe again in his lap.
“Good girl.” He pats your ass and stands with your legs wrapped around him. He lays you down, then spreads his body on top of yours. He kisses your lips over and over. He thrusts himself onto your thigh and groans into your cheek. “Are you real?” he sighs happily with a soft groan.
“I keep asking myself that,” you laugh.
He chuckles deep in his chest and sits up, pulling off his shirt. You reach for him right away and he shivers under your hands.
“You feel so good,” you tell him, tracing his skin. He’s toned, but still has a softness to him. It’s perfect. And he’s warm, so warm.
He moves down between your legs, giving you another look asking for permission. You hesitate this time, and he waits patiently for you to nod. He doesn’t budge until you do.
His fingers dance along the hem of your panties and he slides them down. He whistles softly when he sees you’re wet and needy for him.
“All that for me, kitten?” he looks up at you. He leans up to kiss your lips and he murmurs against you again. “You ever use that vibrator and think about me? Want me to go get it? Let me make your fantasies real kitten.”
You can only blink at him and you open your mouth trying to speak.
“Baby, I can’t make your dreams come true if you don’t open that pretty mouth,” he chuckles. “Where do you want me? C’mon. It’s just me, no need to be shy.”
“But- you’re you!” you laugh. “Just, please, touch me.” You grab his hand and guide him to touch between your legs. “I want you here.”
“Good girl,” he praises again and kisses your hip. He slips a finger inside with ease and he delights in that. His thumb brushes your clit and when you shiver, he smirks. He knows he’s on the right track with you. “Can I add another?” he asks.
“Please!” you cry, and he obliges. The second finger is a pinch, but a welcome one. His thumb presses harder on your clit and rubs in tight circles.
“Feel good?” he asks though he knows the answer. He can read your body like all the code he works on. You clench around him, and he continues his touch. His fingers curl deep inside and you let out a loud moan. “There it is,” he hums and kisses your thigh. “You’re doing so good, kitten.”
You moan his name when you find your release, and he works you through it. His voice is soft but commanding and full of praises.
“You did so good baby. So, so good. Ready for more?”
“Please,” you buck your hips up. “Can I touch you?”
He climbs off the bed to pull off his shorts, his hard dick springs free. He pumps himself a few times and sits down next to you on the bed.
“Have you ever touched one before?” he asks, there’s no jest in his tone but he really, really is turned on that his dick is going to be the first one you’ve touched. And he wants to hear you say it.
“No,” you reach for him and he puts your hand on him.
“The tip is the most sensitive part,” he breathes, your hand already feeling good. “Fuck, yeah just like that.”
“You’re…big. Are you going to fit?”
He wants to moan, but he holds back. He’s so turned on from your shyness.
“I’ll fit kitten,” he chuckles warmly. “Fuck, squeeze harder-“
You squeeze him and enjoy the warmth and weight of him in your hand. He looks perfect, just like you imagined he would.
“Yes,” you whisper.
“Yes what?” he chokes out a gasp and pushes you off him.
“Yes, I used my vibrator and thought about you.”
“Thought so,” he winks and positions himself between your legs. “You ready for me? I’ll go slow.”
“Wait-“ you stop him before he does anything else. He pauses, he’s about to ask if you want to stop when you gently pull off his glasses. You get a better look at his soft brown eyes, and he seems almost shy when you look at him. He clears this throat. He reaches for your hands; he pins your wrists above your head and kisses you deeply while he pushes inside slowly. You moan together and he checks your face for any pain or apprehension. Your eyes are closed, and your mouth is open, and he hums kissing your cheeks.
“You with me kitten?”
“Push in more,” you gasp, and he chuckles darkly doing as you ask. He shudders, your warmth feels so good to him. He buries his face in your neck and tells you so.
“You have the best pussy,” he grunts as he pushes in all the way.
“You better not just be saying that” you gasp.
“Kitten, are you ever going to believe me when I say I don’t mince words? I mean what I fuckin’ say,” he purrs. He’s straining, he wants to move so badly. “Please, kitten- tell me how you feel. Use those words baby.”
“It’s good, it’s so good. Tight. But, oh shit, please- move.”
“Yes ma’am.”
He lets go of your hands and he starts to move. You grab his head and hold on for dear life while he snaps his hips into yours. You know he’s still holding back and if you told him to, he’d unleash his full power on you.
You wrap your legs around him, and while the feeling of him is new and foreign it feels good. There’s a dull ache, but it’s wonderful. Wonderful because it’s him.
“Nathan,” you moan, “let go. Manhandle me. Fuck me hard.”
He makes a strangled sound between a gasp and a laugh and starts to push into you hard. He holds your body close to his and he sits up, pushing deep into you. His face buries into your tits and he moans, he fucking moans into your skin.
You reach between your bodies to touch yourself, but he shoves your hand away. He rubs you tight until you’re clenching around him. You’re both covered in sweat and breathing heavily when he nears his end.
“Fuck, fuck. Where do you want me to come? Tell me now,” he growls. His thrusts are sloppy, his dick jumps inside you and he squeezes you tight.
“In me,” you moan, and no sooner did the words leave your lips did he spill himself inside of you.
“Holy fucking shit,” he sighs with a soft laugh. He cradles your head and lays you back down. He pulls out with a shudder as he kisses your forehead. “Fuck that was amazing. You were amazing.”
“I feel amazing,” you look up at him. Your body is humming.
“Can I run you a bath?”
“Will you join me?”
“Well, that was the plan…”
You shove his chest playfully. “Your thesis sucks by the way.”
“Ouch!” he puts his hand over his heart.
“I didn’t understand any of it!”
“I didn’t think you would. Really it was just an excuse for you to stay a little longer.”
“Well why didn’t you just say so?” you smile warmly.
“Cuz I’m a dumbass when it comes to women.” He gives you a genuine smile. “And I didn’t want to scare you anymore than you already were last night. I wanted you to want to come to me on your own terms. And I knew that if you didn’t understand the thesis that meant you really are here for me. And not my secrets.”
“So why did you give me the money?”
“Wanted to.”
“What am I going to do with you?” you laugh.
“Hopefully, a lot,” he nips at your chin.
“Nathan!” You shake your head laughing, but inside you feel it. That pull. You’re already falling for him and he is too. “I think I’m going to tell my cousin I’m going to stay-“
“Yes,” you laugh. “Maybe I will.”
“We’ll get your things tomorrow. I want to meet my future cousin-in-law.”
tagging: @pascal-isaac, @wasicskosgirl, @velvetmel0n, @huliabitch, @shadow-assassin-blix, @writefightandflightclub, @aellynera, @softboywriting, @veuliee2, @spider-starry, @mylifeliterally, @millllenniawrites, @ntlmundy, @foxilayde, @writingletterstothefire, @mandoplease, @anetteaneta, @feelmyroarrrr, @artsymaddie, @shakespeareanwannabe, @thevalentinowhitebag, @deanfanatic, @magicsuperheroes, @phoenixhalliwell, @that-one-weird-one, @mariesackler
#nathan bateman#nathan bateman x reader#nathan bateman imagine#nathan bateman x you#mine#my writing#human touch series#part two#AYYYYY
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Sasuke thumps his head on the table, annoyed at the cooing he can hear from upstairs. He straightens up before letting the wet rag fall on the counter, moving to the sink to wash his hands, wincing at Ino’s very loud squeal. He grumbles, before walking around the island, walking to the bottom of the stairs. “Ino, shut the fuck up!” he says calmly in a loud voice, listening to Ino closing the door upstairs and appearing on the top of the stairs with a journal? book? on her arms, with some pictures haphazardly balanced on top.
She walks— sprints down the stairs, sidestepping him and dumping the pile on a table, her nails digging to his arm. “Sasuke, you didn’t tell me you were childhood sweethearts with Hinata!” she exclaims, making him splutter in disbelief, cheeks coloring in bemusement. “What do you mean? I never—” he caught sight of the pictures, before groaning, hiding his face in his palms. He doesn’t remember, and he didn’t expect that Ino will see this. He thought Ino was the better choice to help him with organizing his house, rather than Naruto and Sakura.
“We were not sweethearts. We were just friends,” he enunciates, tone slightly defensive, “and besides, it broke off when the massacre happened.” he added glumly. Ino sighs out in exasperation, with pity? amusement? exhaustion? before flicking him on the forehead, spreading the pictures in a line. His brows raise when he caught some glimpses of Shikamaru’s hair, looking at Ino expectantly. “My mom was genin teammates with their dads. Playdates.”
She huffs forlornly, “You three are hopeless.” He just gives her a shrug, watching over her shoulder as she looks at the pictures one by one. The pile doesn’t have that much pictures, mostly drawings with crayons with scribbled names or half-assed drawings, some with neat lines and proper colors and some mostly empty and scarce. She giggles at one, seeing a wobbly stroke of brown crayon, and small writing in the corner saying : Shika fell asleep again. - Hinata and Sasuke.
He rolls his eyes, failing to hide the smile slipping on his lips as Ino plucks a picture of Mikoto, Hiashi and Shikaku with their three kids in front, ranging around 2-3 years old, wobbly standing and holding unto each other with tight grips. “You were adorable,” she teases, hand hovering over his chubby cheeks and doe onyx eyes, making him scowl, “I was not.”
“You were.” she laughs, “although you look like an cat hissing a fit whenever you’re scowling.” It was a running joke with Team 7, who at this point are used to his glares and scowls, his intimidation tactic failing, instead looking like one of the cats in the Uchiha compound. He nudges her shoulder instead, Ino taking another picture , moving platinum blonde hair away from her face, blue eyes lighting up in mischief. A shy Hinata peeks from behind him, with a dozing Shikamaru sitting on the ground on his other side, leaning on him. He has a wide smile, hand resting on the tiny brown ponytail.
Ino snickers, as he takes another one, seeing the three of them wearing kimonos walking hand-by-hand on the streets, the orange tint of the lanterns reflecting off of their dark hair. There’s another one, with the camera close to their faces, a lavender eye and upturned pink lips on the left corner, with Shikamaru’s hair popping up from the bottom, Sasuke’s eye appearing on the right. “You were such cute kids.” she comments, Sasuke finding it hard to refuse the compliment. Maybe, he isn’t, but Hinata and Shikamaru definitely were— are. He flushes at the realization, averting his eyes and stacking the papers instead.
He tugs on Ino’s shirt, making the woman stand, before relenting to his request, going up the stairs. “Fine, fine, I’ll get going with organizing it.” He smirks, “I’ll let you shift through them later, just finish them first.” She perks up, before darting up, the enthusiastic “Yes!” echoing. He doesn’t get why Ino is excited about it, after all, she was also Shikamaru and Hinata’s bestfriend, she should’ve seen their childhood photos. “I never saw yours, or ones with the three of you. They didn’t even tell me you were childhood sweethearts!” she answers his spoken out loud thought, he glowers grumpily at the sweethearts mentioned, before pocketing his hands.
He wanders back to the kitchen, taking the discarded rag and wiping the marble counter, moving down to the bottom cabinets. He lets himself hum and get lost in his thoughts, efficiently barreling through his old essentials, throwing away the long used cleaning supplies. He dusts his pants off, swiping at the dust and cobwebs clinging on his arms, before washing his hands carefully. He runs a wet hand through his hair, the black strands staying out of his face as he dries his hands off.
The rest of the house is already clean and organized, including the Itachi’s old bedroom which was surprisingly in good condition, the awards and clothes well kept and free of dust. His old bedroom was easy to discard of the old stuff toys and smaller clothing, changing the muted blue bedding for dark grey, softer ones, and refilling his closet with clothes that do fit him, with his now better color scheme. He absently places the new tea cups on the counter before placing the kettle over open flame, taking the bags of groceries to the fridge while waiting.
He places the tin of cookies beside the cups, as he fills the fridge with fresh cartons of milk, alongside the newly bought perishable goods. He washes the vegetables, plucking a cherry tomato and eating it while placing the fruits in the basket. He pours hot water as the tea bag bobs on the surface, opening the cookie tin to get a shortbread, nibbling on it as he listens to the fumbling from upstairs, heard from the kitchen. He stays quiet as Ino budges the door open loudly, stomping down the stairs, the wood creaking loud as she appears in the doorway, papers flying in her wake.
She looks at him with a determinedly grim expression, offering a smile— that looks more like a grimace, before waving two scrolls in her hand. His mismatched eyes narrow in instinct, the gold sheen on the white paper and the chakra presence of his parents intact on the delicate sheet. “What is that supposed to be—?” he asks hesitantly, not liking the information about to be told. “I don’t know, you tell me. I just found them in a box named Sasuke, with a seal on it.”
A box with my name on it? he thinks incredulously, mouth opening to ask before he shuts it closed, taking the offered scrolls instead. His brows knitted together in concentration as Ino takes the full cup of tea, taking a chocolate cookie daintily. He channels his chakra through the frisky seal, before it opens, his parent’s chakra hitting him full-force. He unfurls the top with bated breath, meticulously written words with precise and sure strokes of ink in beautiful handwriting— his mother’s appear on the sheer reflective white paper. It’s a marriage contract, he realizes, as his eyes follow the words written, the stark black ink blurring against the blinding white.
Marriage contract. With the Hyuugas. Ensuring the bond, and making peace. No more fights. His Sharingan whirl in horror, even if he is inwardly pleased, a pink blush appearing on his cheeks. He blinks, each time dragging on longer, before he reads the last part, seeing the Hyuuga Hinata written in Hiashi Hyuuga’s writing, blocky straight letters against Fugaku’s neatly scribbled one. The date is stamped with the Hyuuga and Uchiha stamp, as he releases a tense breath, shaking fingers following the chakra infused signature of his father.
He stays there staring at his mother’s writing, the cursive handwriting and the loops making him reminiscent of his own, ‘pretty’ handwriting. He exhales through clenched teeth, before pushing it aside, Ino taking it from his hands. He focuses on the other one, blowing the hair out of his face while his chakra unlocks the seal. Ino lets out a surprised ‘ah’ of understanding, munching quietly while she mouths some words, her chakra simmering under her skin. “So it is a marriage contract,” she murmurs wistfully, rolling it to a scroll, “I had my suspicions.”
“I assume you already seen one of these?” he asks, while his eyes start to skim through a different handwriting, tilting his head on the swiftly written words, the ends of some letters dragging lazily. He inhales deeply in realization, Ino letting out some sort of squeak, her eyes widening. “That’s Yoshino Nara’s writing.” He winces, before pulling the curled bottom of the scroll, patting it flat on the counter as he catches on his name on the bottom. Again. With Shikamaru’s name on the side.
Ino whistles in a low voice, amusedly looking at the scrolls side-by-side. “You have a lot on your plate, Uchiha.” He groans, pinching his nose in annoyance before whining pitifully, “Why me.” Ino smirks. “Stop being dramatic, I’m sure your parents wouldn’t contract Itachi with a kid your age. And it seemed like you were being prepared as a heir for emergency situations.” He levels her with a flat stare, “Well, it worked out, because I somehow became the clan head.” he answers with his dry humor.
“Stop with your deprecating shit Uchiha, and find out a way with these.” she points to the scrolls, while he leans on the counter, resting his head on his palms. His elbow digs on the hard surface, but he pays it no mind, biting his lip. “Are these still true? I mean, isn’t Hinata and Shikamaru engaged right now?” he hisses, remembering the two lovebirds recently declaring it. He turns a hopeless glance at Ino, “Can I turn this down? Since my parents aren’t technically here to make it true?”
“Sasuke, you could ask Shikaku-san and Hiashi-san about it.” Ino admits, “Although I’m not sure how this will work considering it’s a chakra-focused marriage contract.” He blows a shaky breath out, before dropping his head on his arms. He mumbles, the sound muffled on his arms, while Ino leans closer to hear the muted, quiet voice. “I don’t want to ruin their marriage.”
“You aren’t ruining it, Sasuke, you didn’t even know,” she insists, frowning at the tiredly spoken admission. “Maybe they can consider you?” she tries to lighten it, only receiving hunched shoulders and Sasuke burying his face further in his folded arms. The state of the Uchiha is depressing, the male still deep in his after-war depression, even if others are already moving on. Not that Ino can blame him, the people around him constantly crushing him down with whispers and insults behind his back, some of them failing to hide their disdain.
She sighs, rubbing at her childhood friend’s arm, listening to Sasuke calming down his breathing, his chakra tense and tight like a string. She became Sasuke’s confidant, after his time in the cells, trusting her enough to let her look through his memories. She soothes him, until his chakra coils uncurls into light flickering. Sasuke rubs at his eyes in exhaustion, temples pounding and his eyes aching. She doesn’t open her mouth, instead helping Sasuke clean up the used cups and tin, wiping off the crumbs and droplets of tea on the counter, before taking the scrolls and placing it on the table.
She arranges the pictures and drawings, placing the scrolls on the side, making sure to not let it roll off. “You know, you’re allowed to be loved, Sasuke.” she smiles, as Sasuke’s eyes dart to her in a glance, “You’re not unlovable, you just grew up unloved.” Dark mismatched eyes cloud over as she pats his shoulder, “I’m here, your team’s always here. You’re not alone. Not anymore.” she presses her cheek on his, “You’re like my little brother now.”
Sasuke huffs a amused breath, “I don’t fit in the little, in your description.” he says, but hugs her nonetheless, letting himself be vulnerable for once. “You’re always gonna be like a little brother, you don’t have the bones to be an older one.” Sasuke turned misty eyes to her, “I guess not.”
“You’ve always have been. Now, I’m gonna go and let you settle in. Just send me a hawk, Chiya if possible, when you want or need help, okay?” she says, while she tightens the laces on her shoes, the door ajar. He nods, “I’ll think about it. Thank you, Ino.” She flashes him a smirk, making him grunt in amusement, as she flips her hair over her shoulder. “Ta-ta.”
The door slams shut, as the tea cups dry off on the rack, while he returns them in their proper places, eye trailing over to the scroll on his way to the stairs. He stops by the table, thumb grazing the seals while he sits down, letting his cheek sit atop his hand. His eyes reads the words again, repeating it over and over his head, dazed. He takes two empty sheets of paper, taking a brush and an ink pot before settling down on the chair.
He writes with clear lines, signing the letter with a flourish. He seals the scrolls with his chakra, stamping an Uchiha crest on the outside before summoning two hawks, tying it securely in their claws. Ishi and Aya stays on his shoulders, rubbing their wings on his duck butt of a hair affectionately before flying out the opened window, flapping of wings disappearing into the night. Hopefully, they receive his invitation, and talk about the contract.
No, Shikaku did not die. And yes, Sasuke does have two intact arms. Bless me, I wrote this at 10 pm, and finished in 2 hours. I need sleep. I think I forgot to emphasize that Sasuke has a Rinnegan-
#uchiha sasuke#sasuke uchiha#shikamaru nara#nara shikamaru#hinata hyuga#hyuga hinata#sasushina#hinasasu#shikasasu#sasushika#shikahina#hinashika#sasushikahina#sasuhinashika#shikahinasasu#shikasasuhina#hinashikasasu#hinasasushika#ino yamanaka#nara#uchiha#hyuga#marriage contract#hawk summons#poor sasuke#they were childhood sweethearts#'friends' - sasuke#stop lying to yourself#honestly#ino is such a good friend
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A Very Creole Christmas
Joyeux Noel, Y’all.
After thinking about doing a Hazbin History segment over the holidays, I finally decided to jump on in. As New Year’s approaches and many around the world celebrate Christmas, I thought it would be fun to write on holiday traditions unique to the American South and some customs specific to Louisiana. Nothing says winter holidays quite like garlands of native pine and... magnolias? Stockings full of... oranges? The taste of ... oysters? I grew up in Memphis and my family has deep roots throughout the South so a lot of these customs I have personally experienced.
This post is also not super planned out or edited. It’s a lightly researched thought dump. This is also not an exhaustive list. If I left something out, it is not intentional.
Holiday Customs of the Southern United States:
Tropical fruit may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you imagine Christmas time in America. But in the South, it is a very old custom dating back to the earliest days of coastal colonial communities. In colonial times, fresh citrus was an extremely rare and expensive delicacy. In early winter, ships loaded with citrus and other delicacies from Florida and the West Indies would begin arriving in port cities along the Southern coast. Nothing showed off New World wealth and connections in the colonial South like displays of fresh fruits and garlands of dried citrus. Fresh fruit became the ultimate luxury gift. The prickly pineapple in particular has legendary status in the city of Charleston and is sometimes associated with Southern hospitality. Placing oranges in stockings or giving gifts of gourmet fruit remain popular in many parts of the South today. Growing up, I often received at least one orange in my stocking for good luck and no scent says ‘holidays’ to me quite like the mix of orange and warm cinnamon. As an adult, I receive gourmet fruits at least once during the winter holiday season. Dried citrus is also popular in holiday potpourri and can still be seen in some contemporary holiday garlands.
This delicious nut grows prolifically throughout the South. Pecans are harvested between September and December and pecan based treats are a staple of any fall or winter gathering. The exact origins of many pecan based treats remain a mystery but folklore suggests that French settlers in Louisiana first created the iconic pecan pie as well as pralines. Bowls of candied pecans are a common sight at holiday parties or winter get togethers and they have a habit of turning up in winter salads too.
A very fragrant, native plant synonymous with the South. It is also an evergreen. The use of pine for swags, wreath, and general decor has spread throughout the United States but the use of Magnolia in holiday decor remains mostly a Southern tradition. I was in Charleston and Savanna in December 2019 and saw a lot of Magnolia wreaths on houses. I don’t remember seeing it as much in my hometown of Memphis. It seems to be more common in coastal cities. The practice could also be on the decline due to the standardization of greenery sold at big box chain stores.
Oysters are both extremely popular and extremely plentiful in the south. They are a staple of coastal cuisine and are popular on special occasions further inland. Oysters are a pretty common sight at holiday parties. Almost every holiday party I remember growing up featured raw oysters on the half shell during cocktails. It also frequently appears in various holiday stews and even in holiday stuffing. Some people are ardent believers in the superiority of oyster stuffing at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think I have to agree on this one. Oyster stuffing is delicious.
Rèveillon: A New Orleans tradition
Louisiana is unique in that it has French Catholic colonial roots, not Anglo-Protestant colonial roots. Much of early Louisiana celebrated Christmas as a predominantly religious holiday, reserving much of their more secular festivities for New Years. Over time, many New Years festivities would migrate to Christmas. One notable custom to come out of New Orleans was the practice of Rèveillon which was a late night feast to wake up the senses after the traditional Midnight Mass. Observant Catholics would attend holiday services on Christmas Eve and then indulge in decadent late night get togethers that lasted until dawn. French Creoles at the time were known for late night entertaining on special occasions. These meals could get unbelievably extravagant and naturally depended on quite a number servants, often slaves, to pull off. Servants and/or slaves would prepare the meal while the family was at church and clean up after the festivities were over. The practice gradually died because of the labor required, the incursion of ‘American” holiday culture, and a gradual shift towards a party culture focused on cocktails and nibbles instead of lavish multi-course meals. By the early 20th century only the most traditional families were still holding Rèveillon dinners and the practice went dormant for many decades in 20th century. Today, a modern updated form of Rèveillon is making a comeback in the New Orleans restaurant scene. To increase holiday dining and tourism, some New Orleans restaurants are now offering multi-course celebratory dinners in the spirit of Rèveillon. French speaking Creoles of the past would likely find at least some familiarity in the menus of restaurant Rèveillon feasts.
Bonfires on the Mississippi:
The mighty Mississippi dominates life and culture in the Delta from New Orleans to Memphis. In parts of the lower Mississippi, giant earthen levees attempt to contain one of the world’s largest rivers. Along these levees between New Orleans and Baton Rouge, a curious tradition emerged. Every year on Christmas Eve, the levees burst into flames as locals in St. Johns and St. James parish forgo electric twinkle lights for colossal burning pyres. I have not seen the Christmas bonfires myself but boy oh boy is it on my bucket list. It’s not exactly clear how this annual tradition started. Bonfires were part of ancient Celtic customs long before the arrival of Christianity and the tradition of celebratory fires was still a widely practiced custom when settlers began arriving in the New World. Perhaps settlers from Alsace brought the tradition to Louisiana. It is also possible that French missionaries started the custom of lighting bonfires. Another origin I have heard is that the fires were meant to help travelers navigate winter-time fog on their way to Christmas mass. However it started, it is now an integral part of Christmas festivities along the lower Mississippi. Previously people just gathered scrap wood. Now people build elaborate scrap wood sculptures in the shape of boats, plantation homes, pick up trucks, etc to light ablaze on Christmas Eve. The festival exploded in popularity after WW2 when subdivisions began reaching into these formerly rural areas, bringing in an influx of young families.
Well, that’s all I’m gonna write about tonight. Anything more and this will start looking like the beginnings of a hearty essay. Hope everyone is having a great holiday!
#hazbin histories#hazbin hotel#helluva boss#hazbin theory#hazbin alastor#hazbin fandom#alastor#radio demon
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Can I have a request for Law with an S/O who picks up all the extra work around the sub on top of helping with captain duties when Law is busy without complaint, to the point if no one keeps an eye on her she will forget to take care of herself and over work herself into exhaustion and gets sick pretty often because of it, but Law can’t be mad cause she’s doing all that work to help him and the crew and they all love her too much. Please and thank you!! 😄💕
Coming right up :)
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1,194
Busy Bee
Law rubbed his eyes as the sweet scent of coffee danced past his nose. He practically tumbled out of his seat to get to the freshly brewed liquid gold. He strolled over to the coffee machine and reached to grab his favorite mug, only to find it missing.
“Don’t worry, Captain,” (Name) smiled at him as she handed him his favorite mug, “I already made it for you. Just how you like it.”
Law took the cup and grunted a ‘thank you’ before he greedily slurped up the sweet, sweet, coffee. After giving himself a few seconds to reboot, he set down his mug and wrapped his arms around (Name) ’s waist. He tucked his head on her neck and murmured, “Thank you so much.”
(Name) smiled and patted his cheek, “I’ve been seeing you for a while, so I should know your morning needs pretty well, Captain.”
“You know,” Law purred, his breath hot against her neck, “There is something else I need this morning.”
He felt surprised and flustered by not receiving the cute and shy giggle he was hoping for. Instead, he got swatted on the head with a newspaper.
“Down boy” (Name) chuckled, “We’re busy today.” She handed him the morning newspaper. She kissed his cheek and disappeared past him, into the sub.
Law sighed a bit and smiled into his mug, thinking about her. He couldn’t help but fall into a bit of daydream about her for a few minutes while Law finished his cup of coffee. When he finished, Law left his favorite mug on the countertop. Law rubbed the last of the sleep from his eyes and turned tail into his laboratory.
Meanwhile, (Name) was busing herself, helping Bepo groom his fur. She scrubbed shampoo into his coat.
“I’m sorry for making you do this, (Name).” Bepo whimpered while shyly trying to cover himself up.
She laughed and continued washing the bear. “You’re not making me do anything, sweetie” (Name) chided gently, “I don’t mind helping you out at all. Besides, when you use the shampoo I pick out, you smell like lavenders.”
Bepo mumbled another apology before letting himself relax as (Name) massaged shampoo into the fur on his and behind his ears.
Two or three times a month (Name) insisted on giving Bepo a proper bath and used her more expensive soaps, shampoos, and other “potions” as the men called it. She even took the opportunity to file down his claws so he wouldn’t scratch up things around the Heart Pirates Submarine.
(Name) grinned as she began drying off the bear with a few large towels. Bepo fidgeted and grunted as she began drying of his face and ears. “See, don’t you feel better now?” (Name) asked while she dried him off.
“I really do. Thanks, (Name),” Bepo smiled, “Now, maybe the captain won’t complain so much.”
(Name) smirked and tossed a fresh towel at the bear. “It’s laundry day today. So your jumpsuit isn’t ready yet, but you can cover up with a towel if you want.”
Bepo thanked her again and snatched up the towel, before (Name) left to complete her next self-administered task.
The pirate spent the day in the sub tiding up and finishing laundry. Most women pirates would gag at the idea of taking care of these men by herself, but (Name) honestly didn’t mind. She wouldn’t spend so much time taking care of her friends if she wasn’t trapped in a tiny submarine deep in the ocean. (Name) would rather die than be stuck in Law’s sub with an unwashed bear and a handful of layabout men.
(Name) walked back into the kitchen and brewed a fresh batch of coffee. She picked out another mug and filled the cup with coffee. She sweetened with a little bit of milk and sugar. (Name) also picked out some strawberries for Law. There was no doubt that the stubborn captain hadn’t eaten anything since the morning. She knocked on the door to his lab and peaked open the door.
Law looked over his shoulder and smiled a bit when he saw (Name). He set down his tools and walked over to her. “What’s going on?” He held open the door.
“I brought you a snack, and some more coffee” (Name) smiled and set the mug as well as the plate on a table.
The doctor looked down at her, lovingly, “Thank you, dearest.” He took the cup and took a sip of the coffee. Law sighed with relief as the caffeine began to do it’s magic in his system, “Damn, your the best.”
“I’m so glad. I brought you strawberries too. A good doctor needs to eat well,” (Name) offered him a strawberry.
Lazily Law opened his mouth and let (Name) feed him the strawberry. “Thank you,” he mumbled with a mouth full of fruit, “You’re the best.”
She giggled a bit, “You know what? You’re right, I am. What would guys do without me?” (Name) leaned in and pecked Law on the lips.
He smiled for a moment but then squinted at (Name). “You’ve been working too hard again, haven’t you, honey?”
She snorted and waved her hand Law. “Of course, I haven’t. I just want to make sure everyone is well taken care of,” (Name) tried to blow him off, “You’re just being a worry wort again, love.”
Law snatched her wrist and stared at her intensely. “(Name), did you eat breakfast this morning?”
She smiled sheepishly, “Well, I…, I had coffee this morning.”
“What about lunch?”
(Name) only smiled up at him a little bit before he sighed softly. Law planted a kiss on her forehead and hugged her close. “You’re a dumbass,” Law muttered, “You can’t pretend with me, (Name).” Law lifted his woman into his arms and carried out of his lab. She wrapped her arms around him as Law took her towards the kitchen.
“Penguin! Satchi!” Law barked, “Get in here!”
The two zipped towards Law’s side eager to be of service to their beloved captain.
“You two have been lazing around way too much,” Law smirked, “(Name) has been taking care of all of us for far too long. So it’s our turn.”
He sat (Name) down at the table and went to get her some water. With Law in charge, the men were quick to make dinner for (Name), and they even ended up cleaning the kitchen for her too. Law smiled down at her, and he smiled, “So my busy bee, how do you feel getting taken care of?”
She grinned and blew a kiss at Law, “Pretty damn good actually.”
When (Name) finished the food, and the boys had cleaned up the kitchen, Law was quick to heerd her off to bed. Law changed into his pajama pants and flopped in bed. “So, (Name), are you going to stop overworking yourself for us assholes?” Law asked, pulling her close to him.
She shook her head ‘no’ and he smirked at her. Suddenly he rolled on top of her and pressed a passionate kiss on her lips.
Law nibbled on her lip and purred, “Do I need to teach you a lesson, honey?”
#law#straw hats#trafalgar law#one piece#one piece x reader#one piece one shot#law one shot#law x reader#one piece law#anime#anime x reader#anime one shot
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An Instant’s Beauty: A Moment’s Eternity
I cannot sleep deep in the night; I rise and sit to play my lute. Thin curtains mirror the moon bright; Clear breezes tug my lapels mute. A lonely swan shrieks over the plain; Hovering birds cry in north wood. What do I see pacing in vain? My heart is grieved in solitude. [1]
Warm morning sunlight streamed in through the lightwell, painting the dimly lit room in a dreamy pastel gold, quite like that of a faded photograph. The balmy Penang air was steeped in the fresh, earthy petrichor of a recent shower, blanketed with a sense of Saturday languidness. A gentle breeze, pleasantly cool against my skin fleeted through the wide-open windows, carrying with it the alluringly sweet scent of frangipanis.
I flipped the century-old poetry book, its yellowed leaves a beautiful contrast against the teal-blue covers. White silk cords stitched together the pages in a butterfly binding whilst faded black ink encased in vermillion frames marked each leaf, punctuated only occasionally by an ink wash painting of landscapes or plants and animals. Reflexion. I placed the book back down on the table and picked up the brush. Dipping the tip in freshly grounded black ink, I started copying the text.
I remember a sense of meditative calm seeping into the room against the backdrop of gently rustling palm leaves and running water. The way my hands traced the familiar characters with controlled ease and precision. The movements of the brush long since deeply ingrained into muscle memory from years of practice. Stroke after flowing stroke danced gracefully across the beige xuan paper, each carefully crafted character a painting of woven words. It strikes me now, as I pen my memory onto paper in Bute Park, how similar writing is to calligraphy. Even though it bears a certain form, each writer brings with them their own flair as they string together the words and weave them into a tapestry of thoughts.
A ripple in the tranquil air.
The soft fluttering of paper-thin wings. A shimmer of blue at the corner of my eye.
Propping my brush against the holder, I looked up to see a beautiful blue butterfly flitting in through the window bars. It hovered by the inkstone momentarily before finally coming to a rest on the wooden brush rack next to it, the erratic beating of its wings slowing to a stop. Brilliant hues of cobalt and azure scales glistened as it sat there peacefully basking in the warm tropical sun. Watching the butterfly, I couldn’t help but wonder if the old folklore A-Poh[2] told me was true – that butterflies were the souls of deceased ancestors visiting the living. Wouldn’t that be nice if it was real. Then I’d be able to tell A-Gong[3] all about getting into university; about how part of me was glad that I got accepted but also about how another part of me didn’t want to go since I’d be leaving home for three years straight. What if everything changed whilst I was away? The places I’ve known since childhood…the familiar faces I’ve grown up with…If only the butterfly really was A-Gong. He’d be able to give me some advice.
A tantalising aroma of freshly steamed glutinous rice dumplings wafted through the air, successfully drawing me out of my musings just as the clock struck noon.
“Jia-bui-lo!” [4]
Scurrying feet on creaking floorboards could be heard all over the house as my siblings and parents made a beeline for the dining hall. I looked away from the butterfly and smiled at A-Poh who was standing in the kitchen doorway. She beckoned me over with a toothless grin, her eyes crinkling into two half-moons as she motioned at the large bowl full of steaming glutinous rice dumplings in her hand. Getting up from the Luohan bed[5] where I sat cross-legged, I joined them at the dining table where Di-Di[6] and Mei-Mei[7] were already sat with their chopsticks at the ready, excited grins plastered across their hungry, eager faces.
I take a seat next to A-Poh, and, picking up my chopsticks, took a bite out of the dumpling in my bowl, its familiar flavours instantly crashing over my taste buds like waves washing up against its shores. A groan escaped my lips as I relished each mouth-watering bite. The savoury note of succulent pork belly marinated in soy sauce and five spice; umami-rich dried shitake mushrooms with its juicy and chewy quality; firm-textured salted duck egg yolk that gives the dumpling a briny aroma whilst its bright orange-red hue creates a pleasant splash of colour against its otherwise brown and black counterparts; the refreshing sweetness of the water chestnuts, a crunchy nuttiness amidst the softness; soft, sticky golden brown glutinous rice encompassing it all, delectably infused with the subtle fragrance of its bamboo leaf wrappings and rich flavours of its fillings from the hours of steaming…ah…these tenderly wrapped packages of love though plain in appearance were worth more to me than gold.
I was still half way through my first dumpling when another newly unwrapped one plopped into my bowl. Quickly swallowing my food, I tried protesting only to be shushed with another mouthful of rice being forced into my open mouth and a fond pat on the cheek. I shook my head in resignation whilst my siblings sent me cheeky looks before sneakily scooting closer to our parents. There was no stopping A-Poh now that she was on the rampage and those little troublemakers were smart enough to know to stay out of arms reach of her stuffing chopsticks. The rascals. Di-Di even has the audacity to stick his tongue out at me which was obviously returned with an eye roll.
Little did I know then that these habitual banter, familiar aromas, and accustomed faces would be what I would miss most after leaving. Everything was as it should be; and everyone was where they belonged. In that instance, surrounded by dust particles glimmering in the golden tropical sunlight, it was as if a spell had been cast that would make today go on eternally. For a moment, I let myself believe in the enchantment; that tomorrow will never come and the flight ticket to London was nothing but a forgotten fantasy…
Bzz. Bzzzzzz.
I instinctively reach for my phone to turn off the alarm that pierces the heavy veils of sleep. However, when I open my eyes, I’m met with an unfamiliar white ceiling instead of the usual worn wooden beams. For a moment, I lie there, disorientated before realization sinks in. Cardiff. I am in my flat in Cardiff and the weight I felt on my stomach wasn’t Hua-Hua[8] but rather, my laptop which was still perched on its spot from yesterday’s all-nighter. I must’ve dozed off at some point.
Slowly sitting up, I gaze around the silent room. Its bleak white walls; books and worksheets sprawled messily across the covers; steely early morning sunlight filtering through the narrow window into the dingy room; folders organized in a nice pile on the desk...My wandering gaze comes to a grinding stop when it lands on the calendar next to the neat stack of folders.
February 7th.
I sigh. Looks like I’ll be celebrating both my birthday and Chinese New Year alone this year…
The frigid February air is still bitterly cold despite being swaddled from head to toe in layers upon layers of coats and scarves. Miserably, I trudge onwards along the banks of the River Taff. Razor sharp winds slice at my cheeks leaving behind searing scars. As the last remaining trickle of warmth leave my body, my mind shuts down and I plod along the cobblestone streets mechanically, limbs and face numb from the biting cold.
A lukewarm breeze flutters by, stirring my slumbering senses. Bit by bit, warmth seeps back into my frozen limbs and my foggy mind clears as if waking up from a trance. Glancing around, I spot the words Marchnad Caerdydd [9] and realise I’ve arrived at the market. I shake off the remaining frost induced spell and venture into the quiet maze of stalls, trolley in hand.
The smell of freshly baked bread and pastries wafts through the crisp air, tinged with a breath of floral sweetness. A range of raw meat laid out in clear glass cases bathed in neon pink lights line the murky grey brick walls. Whiffs of coffee beans tickle my nose whenever a dull-eyed person shuffles soullessly pass me in the near vacant market. Stall owners sit spiritlessly at their stalls staring lazily into space. It was almost like walking into a ghost town.
A splash of colour.
Turning around, I see a stall filled to the brim with a rainbow array of fruits and vegetables. A refreshing sight in the seemingly deserted marketplace. The sudden craving for something sweet results in me buying a bag of strawberries before wandering on.
As I nibble away happily on the strawberries browsing through the stalls up in the gallery, I was suddenly struck by a sense of déjà vu. Bit by bit, the scene before me starts to change. The glaring daylight fades away into the tranquil darkness of night and the dusty marketplace roof is now a sky full of twinkling stars. A magnificent full moon shines softly against the vast velvety void, casting a gentle glow on everything below. Towering, lush palm trees replace murky grey brick walls and the cobblestone floor is transformed into a well-travelled dirt road. A lively buzz fills the now soothingly warm tropical air as a familiar sight begins to emerge in the distance. For there, at the very end of the road, stood Penang’s bustling night market, glowing and glittering like a chest of magical gems in the blanket of darkness.
Brightly lit stalls sheltered by rainbow umbrellas formed a colourful labyrinth, drawing people young and old towards those warm lights like moths to a flame. The sound of street vendors hollering out their wares permeated the air, mingling with the cheerful haggling. Weaving in and out of the throng, I hurried over to the food stalls section. Bellowing clouds of smoke imbued with the irresistible aroma of Asian street food rose into the night air and my mouth began to salivate.
As memories melt into ink and reconstruct themselves as words on the page, I am suddenly reminded of Lauren Elkin’s essay on being a flaneur.[10] Wandering through the streets of a city, uncovering its secrets and crafting it into a tale for the shelves. Having read Virginia Woolf’s Street Hunting, it’s fascinating to see not only the difference between Penang and London but also her contrasting writing style.[11]
A familiar smell wafted down the street. I snapped out of my trance and made a beeline towards a stall tucked away in the corner. An old couple stood amongst bamboo steamer baskets selling staple dim-sum[12] delicacies. Noticing my arrival, the old woman hurried up to me and enveloped me into a bone-shattering hug.
“Nai-Nai![13] Can’t – breathe –”
She lets go of me with a laugh, grabbed my hand and quickly led me inside. As she busied herself fawning over me, Ye-Ye[14] quietly filled up a bowl and placed it in front of me with a kindly smile. I looked into the bowl to find it full of crystal shrimp dumplings[15], my favourite dim-sum dish.
I picked up a piece of dumpling with my chopsticks and take a tentative bite, my mouth immediately exploding with flavour. The saltiness of grounded shrimp marinated with soy sauce and sesame oil contrasting exquisitely against the unique juicy sweetness of fresh prawn; a thin yet sturdy glass-like wrapper encapsulates it all with delicate pleats, creating a tasteful balance between the plainness of the dough and the richness of its fillings. Ah…heaven in a bite-size bundle.
Ye-Ye and Nai-Nai smiled fondly as they watched me wolf down the shrimp dumplings with the same unrestrained gusto I’ve had for the past nineteen years. We reminisced about the past, laughing at funny memories whilst savouring the simple dim-sum dishes, and I couldn’t help but noticed how time had flown. Just yesterday I was barely tall enough to reach their knees; today, I stood half a head taller.
“How long?”
“Three years.”
Minutes pass, neither of us uttered a word. Then, Ye-Ye gently ruffled my hair, the same way he’s been doing since I was two, only this time, the smile on his face seemed tinged with a hint of melancholy.
“Silly child.”
My nose soured at the affectionate nickname and I quickly tilted my head back to stop tears from falling. The stars seemed strangely lonely that night.
“Still such a cry-baby.”
“Am not!”
Hastily blinking away the tears, I got up and enveloped Nai-Nai in a tight hug.
“Take care.”
I nodded, not trusting my voice. After a few pats, we broke apart and I turned to head home.
“We’ll save some shrimp dumplings for when you come home!”
I dared not look back so I raised my hand and waved farewell instead. Until next time.
Strolling down the five-foot way, I paused in front of a pair of ventilated timber doors. Mythical creatures of Chinese folklore embellished each panel. The dragon floating reverently amongst wispy clouds, each delicately carved scale shimmering with contained power. Opposite it, perched nobly on golden branches, was its gentler feathered counterpart – the phoenix, its wings spread wide, ready to take flight. Under the moonshine, it was as if those gilded bodies were suddenly brought to life. Their once dull sheen now aglow in brilliant shades of scarlet, orange and gold, almost as if they would burst into flames at any moment, just like in the myths of old, and be reborn from the ashes.
As I gazed at the exquisite carvings, entranced, an old memory resurfaces. Same door, same carvings, but a very different time. I was a lot shorter for one, and I wasn’t alone. The large calloused hand that held mine was wrinkled and dry like the pages of an old book. Where a finger was supposed to be was stump, the only remains of a work accident in his youth.
I tugged at the hand and A-Gong glanced down, a gentle smile on his weather-beaten face. Seeing the question in my doe-like eyes, he laughed. “These?” he asked as he lifted me up with one arm whilst running his other hand over the carvings which glittered under the setting sun. “These are spirit guardians sent by the Jade Emperor to watch over our household.”
“Family,” he chuckled and tweaked my nose. I giggled, playfully reaching out my stubby fingers to grab his beard. Still laughing, he pushed open the heavy, half-a-century-old doors and we entered the house.
Standing in the living room, the sounds of mirth slowly faded into silence and evening sunlight was replaced with the darkness of night. Without bothering to turn on the light, I walked over to the Luohan-bed and struck a match, lighting the wooden lantern. A pool of golden light was casted around the table where a flight ticket to London sat, my passport placed neatly beside it.
I sighed.
Sinking down into the cushions, I glanced at the clock. Five hours. Then it’s goodbye for a very, very long time. I gazed absentmindedly around the familiar room as my mind takes a trip down memory lane: mornings sprawled across the brightly coloured majolica tile floor trying to trace its intricate patterns; Evenings spent watching A-Poh wielding her embroidery needle with decades of practiced ease; A-Gong playing the erhu[16] on peaceful nights…ah yes, the erhu. Closing my eyes, I could almost hear it. The bamboo bow strung with horsetail hair traversing between two silk strings as A-Gong’s fingers dance deftly along its slender neck producing a vast array of tunes: one moment tender and sombre, the next sonorous and joyful.
I opened my eyes and found myself gazing into the forest-green orbs of a young calico sat patiently on my lap. Snuffing out the lantern, I laid down and wrapped my arms around Hua-Hua as she snuggled against my chest.
An intoxicating sweetness tickled my nose.
I glanced over at the potted plants to find the tan-huas[17] blossoming. Head propped against the pillow; I watched as the tightly rolled petals bloom in slow motion. Its fiery red tendrils unfurling elegantly to reveal a profusion of feathery white petals, much like a swan ruffling its wings, about to take flight. In the darkness of night, its snowy petals seemed to glow from within, as if made of moonbeams. With moonlight streaming in from the lightwell above, even the floating dust particles were transformed into shimmering stardust dancing in the quiet night air.
Yet, as enchanting as it was, I couldn’t help but remember that it would all come to an end very soon. By dawn, before the sun’s first kiss, its lustrous petals would be shrivelled up and a withered carmine carcass would be all that remains of its snowy beauty from the night before; its lingering exotic fragrance a ghost of its twilight arrival. There’s an old saying A-Gong used to describe the tan-huas blooming: an instant of beauty but a moment of eternity. Even though beautiful things don’t last forever, they live on eternally, etched into our deepest memories. Just like the tan-huas, my time left on this quaint little island was coming to an end. By dawn tomorrow, I too would be gone; and though I’d be leaving this cozy old house I called home, I’d take with me its memories, just as the scent and beauty of the tan-hua lingers on forever in the memory of all who witnessed it.
Listening to the rustling palm leaves and soothing gurgle of running water, tension oozed out of my body as my muscles relaxed. The tranquillity of night imbued with the intoxicating sweetness of tan-huas calmed my racing thoughts and my eyelids started to droop. Just before being lulled to sleep by Hua-Hua’s soft purring, I caught sight of a glimmer of azure amongst the radiant white blooms. The fluttering of delicate wings; quiet footsteps; something warm being tucked around me; and the familiar scent of incense from eleven years ago accompanied me as I drifted off to sleep.
[1] Ji Ruan, ‘Reflexions’ in 300 Gems of Classical Chinese Poetry, trans. by Yuanchong Xu (China: Peking University Press) pp. 88-89
[2] ‘A-Poh’ means ‘grandmother’ in Hainanese
[3] ‘A-Gong’ means ‘grandfather’ in Hainanese
[4] ‘Jia bui lo!’ means ‘time to eat’ in Hainanese (one of the Chinese dialects).
[5] ‘Luohan bed’ is a traditional Chinese furniture equivalent to the modern sofa-bed. It is made of wood, often containing a low wooden tea table set in the center.
[6] ‘Di-Di’ means ‘younger brother’ in Chinese
[7] ‘Mei-Mei’ means ‘younger sister’ in Chinese
[8] ‘Hua-Hua’ means ‘flower’ or ‘patterned’ in Mandarin which is a reference to the calico cat’s tri-coloured coat as well as the fact that calicos are called ‘Yin-Hua-Bu-Mao’. The naming is also a pun and an allusion the association it has with the memories her grandfather and his favourite flowers – the tan-huas.
[9] ‘Marchnad Caerdydd’ means ‘Cardiff Market’ in Welsh.
[10] Lauren Elkin, ‘A tribute to female flaneurs: the women who reclaimed our city streets’, in Flaneuse: Woman Walk the City, (London: Chatto & Windus, 2016)
[11] Virginia Woolf, 'Street Haunting', in Selected Essays (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), pp. 177 - 187
[12] ‘Dim-sum’ is a style of Chinese cuisine that’s prepared in small bite-sized portions served in small steamer baskets or on a small plate. It is also a metaphor in this story for a Chinese saying: 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全 meaning ‘small as it is, the sparrow has all the vital organs’. Just like dim-sum, the narrator’s happiness comes from a seemingly insignificant object such as a bowl of shrimp dumplings.
[13] ‘Nai-Nai’ means ‘paternal grandmother’ but can also be used as a general reference to or a friendlier and more affectionate way of addressing an old woman which is often used to show the closeness of the relationship.
[14] ‘Ye-Ye’ means ‘paternal grandfather but can also be used as a general reference to or a friendlier and more affectionate way of addressing an old man which is often used to show the closeness of the relationship.
[15] ‘Crystal shrimp dumplings’ also known as ‘Har-gao’ are a staple dim-sum dish made of prawn semi-translucent wraps kneaded from flour. In Chinese culture, dumplings are normally associated with togetherness and reunions since the wrapping of dumplings is a group activity that is usually done with family which helps emphasizes on the sense of belonging within the narrative.
[16] ‘Erhu’ is a traditional Chinese two-stringed fiddle.
[17] ‘Tan-hua’ also known as Epiphyllum Oxypetalum is a species of cactus found in South America and Southeast Asia that blooms rarely and only at night. In the Chinese culture’s language of flowers, the tan-hua means ‘an instant of beauty, a moment of eternity’, meaning beautiful things don’t last forever but they last forever in our memories.
Author's Notes:
Back with Part 3 of the short story slash prose pieces from uni series (this part was also written in second year lol) The story is back to the present, picking up a year after that rocky start in Part 1 and A-Yun is now in her second year of uni reminiscing about the time leading up to her departure for the UK. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading Part 3~
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
Since exams are over and graded and I've officially graduated, I can finally post my work online without having to worry about Turnitin picking it up as plagiarism because apparently you aren't allowed to plagiarise yourself according to university which is absolutely ridiculous but I'm not the one making the rules here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, please don't reupload my works without permission.
#ninbayphua 墨彦#prose#short story#constructive critisms are always welcomed#please don't repost without permission
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Fear of the Water - Ch. 7

Annie + Finnick Origin Story set during/after 70th Hunger Games
It’s almost impossible to sleep. Not that I normally sleep well anyway. Still.
I have one of those dreams that’s only two minutes long but actually lasts for an hour or two in real life. Finnick’s in it. He doesn’t do anything. Doesn’t even look at me. He’s just there. And it’s nice in the dream but it’s sad when I wake up.
I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do now. Keep moving? Stay put? I unpack my things and lay them out again. I get one deep sip of water cause I have to be careful about saving it until I find a source (maybe that’s what I’ll do today) and I eat one slice of dried apple. And then I notice the dirt and the blood under my fingernails and my hands start shaking.
My mother, she butchered me . . .
Shut my eyes. Don’t want to see the blood, see the boy exploding, feel hot drops of blood splatter against my face. Take deep breaths through my mouth to keep from gagging.
It’s a long time before I feel okay again. I’m just opening my eyes when a cannon goes off. I clamp my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming.
I count the bricks in my little cave to calm down again but I keep losing my place and have to start over.
I don’t think I’ll finish counting before the sun goes down. I’ll have to wait to look for food and water tomorrow.
My patron last night bought me and Cashmere as a set; I think it’s easier to deal with when there’s another victor with you. Misery loves company, as they say. But it’s also fucking awkward. Plus, it’s ridiculously expensive to buy a night with one victor, so buying two on the same night practically never happens.
We stay in the lady’s apartment long enough to see our tributes onscreen and make sure they’re still alive before making our way back toward the training center. Shine, Cash, and Piers are sorting out supplies and making a plan of attack. Annie is nibbling at some dried fruit.
We stop off at a coffee place on the way.
“That lady was disgusting,” Cashmere says as we wait for our orders. She pulls two blackberry-flavored cigarettes and some matches out of a pocket I didn’t know she had and lights them.
“Mm,” I hum in acknowledgement. She really was gross but I don’t waste my time thinking about her and what she wanted. I never do. When it’s over, it’s over, and there’s no point in reflecting on the experience.
Cashmere hands me one of the cigarettes. “Thanks,” I say. We smoke silently for a little while, watching all the Capitol citizens walk by. Girls giggle when they see me; men wink at Cashmere. It’s nothing new. “Who’s your favorite to win?”
She taps the excess ash from her cigarette on the ground. “I like my girl’s chances. But that pretty one from District Nine is one to watch. You?”
I shrug. “Don’t know.”
This is what conversations are like the day after you see a patron together. You’re too embarrassed about everything we did to look each other in the eye but we can’t ignore each other without being crushed by the silence. Plus, we have to look fun and flirty for the people that walk by.
My awful attempt at small talk is interrupted when a female tribute gets stuck under falling bricks from a decrepit building nearby. Her lower leg breaks with a loud snap as a particularly jagged stone lands on her shin. She barely has a chance to scream before a larger rock rolls onto her stomach and starts to crush her. It takes about a minute for her to die.
“That’s thirteen gone,” Cashmere says absently. “Eleven to go.”
The Avoxes are the only ones in the common area when I get back to the training center. They’re cleaning puke up off the rug; I assume it’s Broadsea’s.
“Did I miss anything important?” I ask, nodding at the television. There’s nothing interesting going on right now, so Caesar Flickerman is interviewing a Gamemaker named Seneca Crane about the inspiration behind the arena’s design.
It’s more elaborate than usual this year: it looks like an abandoned city that nature has reclaimed. It rains perpetually, and no place is completely dry. There are a handful of high dams, but in heavy rain they overflow somewhat. There’s nowhere to swim, so Annie and Piers don’t have any advantage there.
Somes points at the chalkboard; Girl 10 has been crossed off the list. Greer makes a few gestures to let me know that both Annie and Piers are still alive.
I sit down on the shower floor like I always do and lean my head back against the wall.
My arena was a heavy forest dotted with swamps.
There was this endless chorus of crickets and cicadas – it never stopped. Not to mention all the other damn bugs that would fly right into my eye or buzz around in my ear. All the bugs bit, but some of them carried diseases. Tributes bitten by the disease-bugs got sick and a few of them died.
There were these mutts in some of the swamps – gators, I think they’re called – that would come out of the water at night and attack. One of them killed Tethys, my district partner. It took her foot first. I couldn’t get to her in time to stop the bleeding or distract the mutt before it circled back for her. It took a while for the gator to kill her, but I doubt she could feel anything except the cold, dry sensation of losing blood.
Most of the water was unsafe to drink, and a good amount of the tributes died from dehydration or infections they got from drinking the bad water. The Careers and I were sure to boil our water to kill any germs. We didn’t have to worry about whether or not someone would see our fire – no one in their right mind would attack the Career pack.
And then one day at breakfast this enormous parachute came floating down from the sky and landed in front of me. A trident.
I knew in that moment that I would survive. I could use spears and knives as well as anybody, but I grew up with a trident in my hand. I knew I had lots of sponsors – they sent medicine when I was injured, fresh bread when I was hungry, even a sliver of soap to wash myself off – but this told me just how many there really were. But a trident?! Weapons of any kind were unheard of, but this?
It took two days for my allies to turn on me. They didn’t consider me much of a threat at first, since I was only fourteen and no one under sixteen, no matter how skilled or sponsored, had ever won. I defeated them allies fairly easily; I’d been expecting an attack and I knew what their fighting styles were. It only took another two days to find the remaining tributes and kill them.
I had it easy compared to some of the others. Most of the others, actually. I considered myself lucky for the first few days after I won. Thank God I didn’t have to deal with some of the shit the others had to. It evened out in the end, more or less.
Caesar Flickerman is talking as I exit the bathroom. Something menial. “Is she counting?”
“It looks like it,” Claudius Templesmith replies. “But I’m not sure why.”
I start rifling through the clothes in my closet.
“She’s most likely in shock,” Caesar says. “It happens from time to time.”
I don’t really pay attention – why should I? – until I catch a glimpse of Annie Cresta from the corner of my eye. It’s only for a millisecond; the feed switches to more entertaining footage of the boy from District 6 climbing to the top of a massive barebones building at least eight stories high.
“Shit,” I hiss under my breath.
Tributes go into shock pretty regularly; someone cracks up at least once every other year. I’m not surprised that it happened. But it bothers me that it happened to Annie. She was a bit weird to begin with, so I shouldn’t be shocked, but it’s still unpleasant.
Piers probably should have killed her at the bloodbath – or at the very least, let the boy from 3 finish the job. The Games have barely started and I’m already so tired; I don’t know if I have it in me to watch Annie get herself killed in some awful way.
I avoid Mags for most of the day because I just don’t want to face her right now.
I eat dinner with Blight and Gloss at a popular restaurant, which we pretty much shut down for the night because so many of my adoring fans would otherwise flood the place. They cluster outside instead; Peacekeepers have to come in to keep them all in line. I’d really rather eat alone in my room but the president likes for his victors to be seen enjoying all the pleasures that the Capitol has to offer. And I hate to admit it but the food is actually good.
Blight brings the new kid with him. Timothy Something-or-other of District 6, victor of the 69th Hunger Games. I feel obligated to make a lot of sex jokes because it’s 69 and I’m the Finnick Odair.
Timothy doesn’t talk very much, nor does he make much eye contact. Blight and Gloss start filling him in on things he doesn’t ask about – the annoying victors, the protocols for being out in public, the politicians and socialites who get handsy when they drink.
“Brutus sucks, Gaius sucks,” Blight says as he pours us each a fresh glass of wine. “They’re both from Two. Actually most of those guys are awful.”
“Broadsea and Eefa fucking suck,” I add.
“And Leetha. Leetha is the goddamn worst,” Gloss says, shaking his head.
Timothy’s voice is scratchy. “Which one is she?”
“The redheaded lady from District Five,” I answer. “Thinks she’s the smartest person in the world. Don’t ever have a conversation alone with her. You’ll try to pull your ears off.”
Timothy swallows hard. He looks twitchy and hungry and tired. Bet he’s already addicted to something – alcohol maybe, or more likely morphling, since that’s the drug of choice for his fellow victors from 6.
The rest of dinner passes without anybody saying anything interesting. I trudge back to the training center and pray Mags has gone to bed already. I just don’t want to see her.
No such luck. She’s sitting on the couch facing the television when I come in. She smiles. “I haven’t seen you all day.”
“Yeah, I’ve been busy,” I mutter. She pats the seat beside her, silently asking me to sit with her. But I don’t want to I stand by the couch with my arms crossed over my chest and my eyes pointed straight ahead.
Then she asks the question I’ve been dreading all afternoon. “Have you seen Annie?”
We watch the Games in silence for a long time. There’s nothing going on this late; most of the tributes have gone to sleep. But I keep watching.
“What do you think?” Mags finally asks.
“I don’t think anything.” I try not to be snappy but it still comes out with some aggression. She must know I don’t want to talk about this. “I’m going to bed.” I give her a kiss on the cheek as I leave to show her that I’m not really mad at her. But she knows that already.
“Good night, Finnick.”
“Good night, Mags.”
I don’t have any dreams tonight.
#finnick x annie#finnick odair#finnick imagine#Annie Cresta#annie#catching fire#The Hunger Games#fanfic#fanfiction#archive of our own#ao3#story#mockingjay#katniss everdeen#haymitch abernathy#peeta#imagine#fandom#fangirl#fluff#cute#forbidden romance#secret romance#relationship#fear of the water#lover is childlike#ballad of Songbirds and Snakes#lucy gray baird#coriolanus snow#sejanus
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