#Daedric Lords
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igorlevchenko-blog · 9 months ago
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The insufferable Clavicus Vile and the exasperated Barbas.
Digital painting. Made in Krita. 2024
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Earlier version. Made in 2022.
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miasmareninto · 10 months ago
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better not to inhale//2017
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evissomiros · 7 months ago
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⭐️ Fan Art
( Lord Dagon )
at last, I finished from him 😵💫
his face was a challenge 👺
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y6zs · 1 month ago
song is “pretty boy” by young scrolls check it out its sheogorath related thats why i put it under this xd
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alinemorec · 3 months ago
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Oh, found this old headcanon for hermaeus mora
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basket-of-potatoes · 1 year ago
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Well, we chatted about what Mehrunes Dagon does in his spare time when no one sees him. heh
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raimundcosplay · 10 months ago
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Do you remember that nightmare you had, mortal? Being chased by ravenous beasts in the middle of the night. Your breath short, your heart racing. Running. But never going fast enough. The burning in your legs starting to become unbearable. Stumbling over roots and through the brush. And despite your efforts, they are over you and as the teeth of the werewolf tear your flesh, you wake in cold sweat, heart pounding. Was it really a dream? Or did Vaermina and Hircine haunt your sleep? You will never know, even though your shoulder is still sore from the bites you swear were only in your nightmare.
Caliablackstone as Vaermina and me as Hircine. Photo by Bard.shots
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peony-plum · 4 months ago
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My cranky silly old man 🥰💜
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lunarlightforge · 6 months ago
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Chaos Bringer - this blade is inspired by Daedric blades from Skyrim! I have a smaller one that is included with this blade as a set. The smaller blade is “Rage”. I’ll be posting that one as well. This set is available as well! Send me a dm for info. Thanks everyone!!
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zuutiomi · 1 year ago
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Lady of Whisper
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igorlevchenko-blog · 9 months ago
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Hircine, Daedric Prince of Hunt and Beastly transformations
Once in an epoque he paints the moon Secunda red with blood. Now how does he do that, though (suggestions are welcome)? I can well understand how the moon gets clean afterwards—as most things in Aubris it is accomplished by Scamps. That's right: millions of Scamps—an undulating sea of them—hustling around the moon surface, mop-in-hand.
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miasmareninto · 10 months ago
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plan to redraw them~
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moodcrab · 14 days ago
Looks like we'll be getting jyggy with it...
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Fixing Skyrim's Daedric Quests
Part III Jyggalag
Even on my second or third ever play through of Skyrim NEARLY FIFTEEN YEARS AGO I still fully expected to find a Jyggalag quest hidden somewhere in the world. His absence was something of an anticlimax for many, as The Shivering Isle was the highlight of Oblivion for a lot of players. Jyggalag being missing from the world in the 200 years since his separation from Sheogorath makes little sense, and Jyggalag doesn't do things that aren't perfectly logical. Either he was overlooked by Bethesda, which is sloppy, or there's an implication that the events of Shivering Isle had no real lasting effect other than the odd cheeky remark from Sheogorath hinting at being the CoC, which is underwhelming to say the least.
But, it does give me a completely blank canvas to write this post, as we are going to be completely ignoring the Creation Club addition. Anniversary Addition is not cannon. I would no more consider a mod to be canon than CC, which isn't a fair comparison as the average mod is more lore friendly than the best CC content, which not only broke lore and established canon but, on occasion, broke the plotlines to whole games. Better games. And it did so for the shallow reason of selling Skyrim AGAIN. I repeat, Anniversary Edition is not canon. Expect Scout Armour. That shit is fire.
Who is Jyggalag?
Jyggalag wasn't in Skyrim and was barely in Oblivion, so let's get to know him before we attempt to write a quest that might get into some heavy metaphysics.
Jyggalag is the Daedric Prince of Order in the sense of pure logical and statistical probability, not to be confused with Peryite whose realm is the Natural Order (you get sick, you die), in fact he has more areas of overlap with Jhunal, the Nordic god of mathematics, another unacceptably absent god in Skyrim. Jyggalag is the denial of both determined fate AND free will, everything that is fated and every decision freely made was already accurately and precisely predicted.
Your fate is 3+1
Your free will is 2+2
Either way, you are 4
That's who Jyggalag is. Cold hard numbers. Humourless, colourless, immensely powerful. The implication is that Jyggalag knew that his power would invite betrayal from his fellow Princes but would not deviate despite hating living as Sheogorath, that he knew full well that every Greymarch he'd do for millennia would inevitably be undone, but did them anyway, which must have been hell for him as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" is the definition of insanity. His own nature would have him both foreseeing this AND refusing to alter it, so we can add incredibly patient and relentlessly unyielding to his character breakdown.
*He is also, in my opinion, an aspect of Lorkhan, his mind to be specific, but as this is just a theory I shall leave this to one side for this quest, but if you're interested I have a blog about it that I'll link in the comments.*
Setting the Scene
In case you haven't read the rest of my "Fixing Skyrim" series, the game is now set only 64 years after Oblivion, not the vanilla 200+ years. So it hasn't been that long since Jyggalag was freed and it's somewhat more believable that he hasn't gathered a significant following on Tamriel yet. Also, Silus Visuius, the Imperial who runs the Mythic Dawn museum in Dawnstar, is no longer a man having a mid life crisis who got really into family history, he is the child of actual Mythic Dawn cultists who was indoctrinated and traumatized during childhood. This will be relevant later.
Quest: Restoring Order
After attaining a reasonably high level, if you happen to be walking around one of the following locations; The Library at the College of Winterhold, The Dwemmer Museum at Markarth or the class rooms of The Bard's College, you will find an area unlocked that wasn't previously there. If you wander inside you will find a library, and amongst its stacked corridors, a priestly, unassuming looking man in plain grey robes, sat at a table with an empty chair, presumably for you. Why these locations? Well they have a thematic link to logic and knowledge, but also they are areas you are unlikely to return to once completing their associated quests, which will probably be completed at a lower level, so the quest is somewhat hidden.
The man, you discover, is Dyus of Mytheria, the Chamberlain of Jyggalag. You sit and he explains who he is and the situation with Jyggalag, that he has recently been liberated and requires a new Mytheria, his Realm of Oblivion. It just so happens that a pocket realm of oblivion has recently been "vacated", Gaia Alatar, aka Mankar Camoran's Paradise. Well, "recently" if you're immortal, of course. The pocket realm has been rapidly dissolving into the endless sea of Oblivion, but has not fully collapsed yet, and there is still one from its glory days that lives. He directs you to Silus at the Mythic Dawn Museum.
Silus, who insists his museum is purely in the interests of history, is upset that everyone finds it to be in bad taste, so he's pretty eager to show you around. It's not difficult to get him to overshare, but you'll need a high speech level to get him to spill the beans on his fucked up family history, but he was indeed the child of Mythic Dawn Cultists and was the youngest member as a child. If you gain his trust he will show you a secret artifact that is usually off limits to the public because he had to do some dangerous and very illegal things to acquire them: The Bands of the Chosen, an item the CoC used when he destroyed Paradise, but lost them inside. There are two approaches to enlisting him. Using the information you learn from him and what is available in his museum/house, you can either convince him to that you are also a Mythic Dawn remnant so he will trust you, or threaten him with information that he is a secret Dagon worshiper.
You take him and the Bands of the Chosen to Dyus, who explains that as a devotee of Dagon and follower of Cameron, Silus's soul is still technically destined to go to Paradise when he dies. You have the choice of killing Silus and using a unique soul trap spell to piggy back his soul to what remains of Paradise, or, as he is now begging for his life, spare him and let him open a portal using his Mythic Dawn magics (which is how he got the Bands in the first place). Either way it only works if you wear the bands. Dyus will also give you a conjure Knight of Order spell.
You enter Gaia Alatar, which will be a bizarre half world, with bits of Ayleid like architecture floating around a black sea. You must fight your way past a unique enemy, the tortured souls of the Mythic Dawn, to a throne. Once there you must conjure and kill a Knight of Order, and place its crystal heart on the throne. The destroyed and chaotic world will transform around you into a white crystalline solid state, and Jyggalag himself will finally arrive. He will explain that the Knights and their hearts are his own creation, and therefore worked as "chaotic creatia" (an aspect of a Daedric Prince that can be used to mold a Plane of Oblivion in their image. The Plane is small now, but will soon thrive and overtake the infinite seas of Oblivion. He rewards you by transforming the Bands of the Chosen into white crystal gauntlets called The Hands of Order, which gives the wearer a chance of doing non elemental "crystal" damage when striking, a shard of crystal shall strike the opponent. This works even with hand to hand.
And that's it. Don't worry about Silus, I had no intentions of using him in my Dagon fix. I'll be honest I'm a little disappointed with how this one turned out, I've been coming back to work on it for a while and just wanted to get it posted. I did attempt to write actual dialogue for Dyus, Silus and Jyggalag but it wasn't great, so here it is and I hope you like it.
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thescrolls-haveforetold · 2 years ago
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lady of infinite energiez
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coyote-ralyn · 1 year ago
Day 17: Hunt. Hircine.
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raimundcosplay · 4 months ago
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Just in time for spooky time. Hircine is back. Lurking in the darkest parts of the Woods, stalking their prey is the hunter. Mostly hidden from mortal eyes, his children prowl the fringes of civilisation and praise his name with every kill, be it Venison, Man or Mer. Seldom the great Stag goes out of his way to hunt a lowly Mortal but unfortunately you got his attention....
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