#Nezha x Reader
emelinstriker · 6 months
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the two in the first pic got their eyes locked onto you- and mac's just there as bonus
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kissedloveletters · 3 months
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nezha’s kisses are usually short and sweet, enough of a connection to feel his soft warm lips and the love behind it, but short enough to avoid being "overly affectionate" in public. and he would've been far more hesitant to kiss you in public
aside from kissing your lips in public he often kisses your forehead and back of your hand.
whether you aim for kisses or not, he makes it a regular thing to kiss you every morning and every time before bed.
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wukong's kisses are all over the place depending his mood.
he isn't shy of kissing you around anyone - if anything he likes to rub it in peoples faces and how he kissed the most beautiful person in the world.
brotherhood wu kong would've been much more open to kissing you no matter the place or mood. now, although, wu kong is still the same but is better at reading situations so he doesn't kiss you at super awkward/bad moments.
If for some reason he can't kiss you, your hand and cheek are his go to's
whether you aim for kisses or not, wukong gives them anyways - similar to nezha he gives you kisses every morning and every night - and every other time in between.
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brotherhood macaque's kisses are to be soft and almost nonexistent, he's slow to actually complete the kiss. now, his kisses are more frequent and last longer. there's a certain neediness behind them.
despite that when you first kissed - he kinda frooze, he spent years without had any affection of such, nevertheless he loves it.
like wukong, he isnt shy of kissing you around anyone. i don't see him rubbing it in anyone's faces though.
if he can't kiss you for any reason, he'd kiss your neck and fingers.
brotherhood macaque would've been far more hesitant to kiss you in public, mk mq isn't nearly as hesitant. you want a kiss? okay smooch
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luxthestrange · 1 month
LMK Incorrect quotes#111 Caught red-handed-
How PIF found out you and Nezha...were a thing...
PIF*Barged into your room and saw it all*... Were you two kissing?
Nezha: NO!
DB!Y/n: No, we were sloppily making out
Nezha, flustered: Y/NNN!!!
PIF*pointing at Nezha's neck with a grin* Hickies too? C’mon, you know you have a night shift to cover...
Nezha*trying in vain to cover his neck* PIF!!!
DB!Y/n: Oh come on PIF, nothing some makeup can’t fix...you be surprised what he has gotten to cover-
Nezha*has gone three shades redder at this point and covers his face*BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP-
PIF*Looks between the two* I call dibs on naming your firstborn ~
Nezha*Is already dying inside covering his face further into his hands*
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Part 9 of:
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watercurtaincave · 9 months
This is my first time request!! Can you do Nezha dating headcanon please??
𖤓 !! — Invisible Red String Theory. Ne zha / reader
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𖤓 !! — Ne Zha can sometimes be a difficult guy to get along with; for all he is, a protector and a guardian and a friend, and all he can be, it seems that relationships tend to be the hardest for him to upkeep. It's just tends to be his nature to follow orders from the Jade emperor, his nature to take any job he's assign too seriously, his nature to be stand off-ish and cold.
𖤓 !! — It's how he was raised to be, from when he was born as a mortal to when he was reborn from the roots of a lotus flower and became the 'Third Lotus Prince'. Ne Zha hadn't exactly known a kind life, and despite everything he's been through, his first true 'friends' happened to be a ragtag group of Wukong, his successor, and everyone else who fought against the Azure lion. Even then he didn't really know how to interact with them, and furthermore making friends on the brink of the world being destroyed (twice) isn't the greatest situation. It often leads to choice words being said and sarcastic and demeaning undertones in the heat of stress.
𖤓 !! — So Ne Zha was fully ready to be left alone, once again, after the whole drama died down. Yet, when he was invited back to Pigsy's after he didn't show up to the beach day, he was kind of shocked. He half believed it was some sort of joke on him, a 'prank', another teasing gesture from Wukong. But he decided to go anyways, seeing as it would be rude not to show up when it was requested of him.
𖤓 !! — To say that people actually wanted his company was shocking would be an understatement. He was oddly moved by the voiced shouting to greet him, the chaotic nature of the whole gathering, and having people to finally spend his days with. It oddly felt like some sort of clean start. He could just be Ne Zha. Not the Third Lotus Prince, not the Demon Child, not a murderer or a kidnapper, just... Ne Zha.
𖤓 !! — "Hey, what's your name?" Ne Zha would perk up upon hearing the question, not recognizing the voice from anyone he knew. His eyebrows narrowed a little, mostly upon instinct, when he saw a stranger in a party that was meant to be only for close friends. So, either you, a complete stranger to Ne Zha, had crashed the party or you were a friend one someone's. But who would that someone be? The most logical answer would be Mei or MK, they seem like they would have a bunch of friends, and you did seem right around their age. Yet, that seemed too easy of an answer and you could be friends with a complete wild card like Tang or Wukong. The answer kind of mattered, it would give Ne Zha a basis of how you would be like. "Ne Zha." But he would answer anyways despite the uncertainty.
𖤓 !! — Well, he wouldn't know that answer really wouldn't matter much in the long run.
𖤓 !! — Oddly enough, since that day, Ne Zha swears he's seen you more times than he should; Almost like you've always been a background character in his life that only just got brought to light. It was both odd and endearing in an off-put way. As such, he never realized how much you really did hang out with MK, Mei, and the others. Whenever he would come down to help out with small tasks, trying to keep himself busy, he would notice your presence almost instantly (where, beforehand, he was sure he completely ignored it). It was an oddly magnetic presence, of siren-like-quality that lured him in with a wonderful melody. Your soul was a wonderful melody, he could feel it anytime he passed. Yet he could never let himself get distracted by such meaningless things, not when he has bigger things to do.
𖤓 !! — Not when he was sure that relationships between mortals and immortals are forbidden; The Jade Emperor never liked it when immortals mingled with the mortals anyways, hence why he tried to strike down Sun Wukong so many times and banished Gauyin when she went to live amongst them. So he could not have any relationships with mortals either. Not in the way he's been dreaming about, so he must distance himself from your all too alluring personality and smile, your kind ways and how you always seem ready to lend a hand. Siren-like, that's what Ne Zha forced himself to think of you as. You were nothing but a Siren that was created to tempt his will and strength and we was not to loose-
𖤓 !! — "You know, you shouldn't let yourself be chained to old expectations anymore, Ne Zha." Your voice, as smooth as liquid gold and as sweet as cotton candy, flushed into his ears one night during a bomb fire with everyone. He had parted himself from the group to take a breather, seeing as Sun Wukong was simply trying to annoy Macaque and everyone was having their fits of laughter about it. He never expected you to notice he had left, nevertheless for you to follow him like you did. Siren, the thought rang in his head, Siren, siren, siren! But his words would fall short as you stood next to him and hummed a small tune, watching the orange-pink sunset with such a peaceful way. "What do you mean?" Ne Zha would respond to your statement, trying to seem a little off put by it. Maybe, secretly, he was and he was just denying it to himself. He wasn't tied down by chains, he was his own person. "It's why you fail to make relationships with everyone the way that you want to." You would continue, tracing a circle along the rim of your cup. That odd detail caught Ne Zha's attention, "You're afraid that you're going to get attached, that someone will tell the Jade Emperor about your affairs, that you will be stricken down like the rest. But you know you don't have to worry about such things, right?"
𖤓 !! — Who are you? Ne Zha would stare at you with the most bewildered look, mouth slight agape, as he wondered if he was simply too easy to read or if you were some sort of witch. Surely he couldn't be easy to read, and Wukong being able to read him at times didn't count because Wukong was just odd by himself. He's also known Wukong for many years, while he hasn't spoken to you for even .1% of the time he's known Wukong. Yet you were able to read his thoughts like he was some sort of open book. "Are you a witch?" His question came out before he could think upon it; Though, he hoped you didn't notice the way he slightly jerked back and bit his tongue when his mind caught up to his words. He would glance away from you and from the sunset, yet he could hear your finger constantly tracing that circle rimmed cup of yours.
𖤓 !! — He expected you to be offended, to hold some sort of grudge due to his words, yet you only would stifle a bit of laughter before giggling at his words. That caught him off guard, and he didn't realize how your laughter cleared the awkward air around you both, as he glanced up to meet your eyes. "No, Ne Zha, I just.. I've heard about you from MK and Wukong." You would explain, "And I then began to notice all the small things you do to keep a barrier between everyone and yourself. I asked Tang and Wukong about it, and they, well, gave me some sad answers. So I thought, oh I don't know, I could help you?" Ne Zha wasn't sure how to respond to your sentiment, though he could tell you were true about your word. It was by the way you had looked up at him, the way your eyes crinkled ever so slightly in the corner, and your tone of voice. Ne Zha has met many people and you, by far, are one of the most unique.
𖤓 !! — He, also, couldn't help but feel touched at your countless efforts to try and understand him despite all he's done to keep you, and everyone else, at arms length. What kind of person would do that just so they could reach out to someone like Ne Zha?
𖤓 !! — He didn't fully let his guard or his walls down with you that night, but he surely let you a little closer to his heart. A little step closer to being able to fully understand who Ne Zha was as a person. A tiny step closer to being able to call yourself his. And, most importantly, the itty bittiest step forward in helping Ne Zha realize he can make friends now. That he doesn't have to be anyone that he doesn't want to be, that he can choose for himself; That he can be himself. And out of everything you have achieved with the smallest step of reaching out, that was the greatest one of all.
𖤓 !! — Being lovers with Ne Zha would be hard, and it'll take a lot of time, but it's something that's so worth it in the end. For once you get close enough to Ne Zha, though he wouldn't realize it, you would become one of his top priorities. You can call him, even pray to him, at any time on any day and he'll answer, and he'll be there, quicker than he had chased Wukong down once he stole the map. He's there for you through the thick and the thin, and in turn you're there for him equally as much.
𖤓 !! — Being lovers with Ne Zha is like being able to see the moments where he falters his 'big guy' persona and you get to see the true Ne Zha. Him and his little curiosities. How he'll stop and stare at a butterfly on a tree you had missed during your walk. How he cares so much about his friends, deep down, that he constantly checks Mei's 'instagram' through your phone to make sure they're okay. How he will sit in front of the stove to ponder how yeast can make bread rise. How he's so scared of losing you that he'll cuddle you against his chest at night, not aware on how tightly his arms (wrapped around your waist and chest) are to make sure you're still there. To see all his childish curiosities he couldn't think when he was a kid due to his 'destiny'; To see the way his face lights up upon trying new food and experiences; To see, well, Ne Zha.
𖤓 !! — Being lovers with Ne Zha is to truly be loved both inside and out, and loving him back just the same. It's timeless and effortless and neither of you would have it any other way.
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𖤓 !! — all writing in this page belongs to @watercurtaincaves, please do not repost on other sites, plagiarize, or steal. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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yourspecialstranger · 3 months
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In celebration of having reached 122 followers, I've decided to finally take a picture of the Jade Emperor's fish. It doesn't have a name yet, so I've just been referring to it as "Lil' Danio" due to its size. Just look at how tiny it is in comparison to my hand!
I hope you like the fish, blossom. The Jade Emperor tends to take it with him to some of his club raves.
Maybe you'll get to see it there, if you ever decide to stop by.
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skyzerkarma · 3 months
Selfish [ɴᴇᴢʜᴀ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
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Requested by: @bellatrix2901
Word count: 3.8k
After a major argument with your lover threatens the stability of your relationship, you seek solace in your gardens while he searches for you to make things right.
It was a foolish thing, really, how quickly the small dispute between you and your lover had escalated. Something so small, a few simple words, had torn your heart into pieces. Something so small had destroyed the entire sanctity of your relationship. The angry, unapologetic expression that had been plastered onto his face burned into your mind as you sat, legs tucked underneath you, in the field of flowers you had seeked for a moment of solace.
You stared at your reflection in the pool of water that faced you- and a pitiful reflection looked back. The tear stains that had dried upon your face were an unwanted reminder of what had occurred, and the nasty words that had been thrown around by the both of you. His ended the argument, as they’d sent you storming off in a childish fit of hurt and anger, but you were well aware that yours enabled it. If only you’d just kept quiet, just waited for a better moment to bring up your concerns and frustrations.
You’d felt neglected for a while now. It was true that you were both immortal, and therefore time wasn’t really a concern for either of you, but it didn’t mean you couldn’t feel lonely when you were unable to see your dearest lover for long periods of time. And that had been a common occurrence recently. And this past time he’d been gone an entire year to fulfill his duties. You understood that he couldn’t spend every waking moment with you, but all you asked was for a visit on the off chance he had a spare moment. Just a check in for both of your sakes.
Your letters went unreturned too- though you’d ignored that for the longest time and continued writing, just less. He may never have mentioned them but it comforted you to send them every once in a while, to let him know how you were doing. So he doesn’t have to worry. And he had the audacity to call you selfish. You scoff just thinking back on it, the flower you’d been fiddling with between your thumb and pointer finger drooped at your mood swing, a tell tale sign that you were letting your emotions go unchecked once again. And that threatened the serenity that surrounded you.
How cruel the world could be giving you powers, as mighty and powerful as they may be, that forced you to be chipper and calm. No anger, no sadness, no jealousy. If you experienced those you caused the world problems. If you felt bad, the mortals were forced to live through the consequences. And then you had to fix it, force yourself to be happy.
And that hadn’t been a problem recently. Aside from a few minor bouts of hurt and frustration, you’d done exceedingly well at keeping your domain in check. Pretty impressive, if you said so yourself. Though most of that could be attributed to you finally falling in love, into a love that was only sung about in fables. A love that was like a fairytale, one that pulled you in and strung you along. And you were thrilled, and the obvious change in your demeanor was encouraging to your handmaidens- who often had to coerce you out of solitude and find solutions to your unpredictable mood swings.
But it didn’t end like all those stories, with an immediate happily ever after, because the two of you were real, and like all real people- immortal or not- you have feelings and opinions. And those differ. Sometimes to the extreme. Just like what had happened this morning, the day after his return, when you finally decided to bring up the subject of how you were feeling and he’d shot it down.
”Hey,” You knocked lightly on the wooden door, that had been propped open ever so slightly, pushing it back gently as to not disturb whatever your lover was currently busing himself with, “Nezha, could we talk for a moment?”
”Hm,” His eyes trail upwards to meet yours, while you inhale sharply to try and forget about the nerves slowly beginning to build, and scratch absentmindedly at your chin, “Sure. What’s troubling you, love?”
You heart flutters at the name, and the sweet, concerned tone of voice that he seems to save just for you. But you refuse to let it distract from what you came here to do. You shuffle to the side so you can lean back onto the wall, sure the support will do you some good as you begin, “It’s just..” he raises an eyebrow, “..Are you sure you can’t spare some more time to visit more often?”
That was just barely addressing the issue that plagued your mind. But you figured easing in would be better, and much simpler. Perhaps the rest wouldn’t even need to be addressed, how you felt. Maybe you could just play it off as simple desire to see him more often, nothing more nothing less. But the sigh Nezha lets out at your words already makes it clear that won’t be the case, “I’ve told you before, I already use up any free moment I have to be with you. There’s no more time to spend here than what I already do. Just try to understand.”
”Okay, that’s fine,” It’s not, but who are you to dictate how and when he works? That’s not exactly something you can control, and you gave it a shot. But you’re not going to just give up. So you continue after a single moment of contemplation, “Could you at least respond to my letters? You should have a moment to spare inbetween whatever you’re doing, correct? That would give me some much appreciated peace of mind.”
Perhaps those were a bit more scathing than intended, even you could tell as they poured out of your mouth that they weren’t quite as tender as you’d planned. It was a bit shameful how quick you were prepared to apologize for it too, even after you’d worked yourself up to start advocating for these things. But Nezha spoke before you could even begin to form the words, eyes narrowing further with every word he speaks, the words digging into you like daggers, each word coming out more hostile than the last, “Do I have to keep repeating myself? I don’t have time. Especially not for something as foolish as writing you a letter, just so you can feel a bit better. I don’t even have time to read yours. There are more important things for me to be doing with my time.”
Well, you’d be lying if you said that didn’t hurt to hear. That every letter you sent to him went on collecting dust and was left completely untouched, every letter you’d put time and care into writing. Thinking of little things to send, small details to say. All just ignored. Not to mention how he just called them, and by extension you, a waste of his time in comparison to work. Maybe that was reading a little too far into it, but you weren’t fool enough to refuse to bat an eye at those words, because that slight slip up could mean something more, and you refused to ignore it.
You huff, the simple convictions you’d walked into the room with all but forgotten. No more desire to simply get a letter back. You were hollow with a deep feeling of hurt, one the wrenched into your stomach and twisted it, “I’m so sorry, Your Highness. I didn’t realize you were too busy for my warm regards. Please tell me that next time so I don’t bother you with them. Perhaps it would’ve caused a lot less confusion about this.”
He frowns at both the name you choose to call him, and the way you gesture to both of you with those last words. You’re being a brat right now, looking back on it even you can acknowledge those words had no right to slip from your mouth, and that you’d caused the spiral, but no one’s good at keeping their emotions in check when they’re deeply hurt, when someone strikes them at their core. He had no right to call those letters a waste of time, no less call checking in on you one. To make you feel lesser than work.
He takes a moment, seemingly collecting his thoughts to figure out what exactly he’s supposed to say next. But after a moment, tapping a finger to his temple, he speaks again, “I don’t really know what you’re implying about us with that gesture, but just go out and say it if there’s really a problem.”
You groan, a clear cut feeling of annoyance spreading through you because you had just explained the issue to him. How could he just ignore that? Was he really just going to look the other way when that was the issue, then pretend to care a second later. You really hit the jackpot when it came to lovers, huh, “I already told you. You’re just refusing to listen. I just want to know you’re alive more than once a year! It’s like you don’t even care about our relationship, it’s basically an afterthought to you. Most people actually spend time with their lover at least a few times in a single calendar year. Or they at least write if they’re long distance, or even send a gift every now and then. Or say a passing ‘hello’ when they’re in the area. And you do none of that! At least I’m trying to hold up this relationship.”
You can tell he’s angry now too, upset even, but you never would’ve guessed hurt. His expression morphing into an unpleasant one, the frown on his face twisting into a scowl that marches the sharp glare he’s sending you. It tempts you into backing down, as he’s never looked at you with such contempt before. A bit of apprehension and certainly a fair bit of annoyance, especially when you’d first gotten to know each other, but otherwise he always regarded you with warmth and love. Something that had never seemed to go unnoticed when others were around, but he didn’t have it in him to argue with whoever teased him when it caused you to laugh so warmly. Your laugh which he enjoyed hearing so much.
His next words are like a knife being slide into your chest, with his fingers wrapping around it, stabbing you right through the heart, “If it’s that much of a problem, perhaps we shouldn’t even have been together in the first place. I sacrificed so much to just be with you, since you were so persistent in the first place. I can’t help being busy,” and then he twists, “Why must you be so selfish?”
Perhaps it is your fault, perhaps you were inconsiderate, perhaps you were being a bit selfish to want to take up more of his precious time. But what has he really sacrificed to have this relationship? He was more than okay with visiting you frequently before it blossomed. Maybe something’s changed, something with his work, but even then you’re sure you would have known, been informed, or even just realized. Or maybe you’re the unaware one here, not noticing how their partner is feeling. But either way, the words he says sting. They hurt to hear. Because selfish is the last word you’d let anyone use to describe you after you sacrifice so much for the mortals living beneath you. When you refuse to be weak so they can prosper. It’s certainly made you a bit unstable, but how is that your fault?
You can’t help the tears the well in your eyes, less from sorrow and more from frustration, clenching your fists as you tears yourself off the wall and yell, “Fine! If that’s what you want, we’re over. No more. Why have this relationship if you won’t listen? Or if I’m just something you have to sacrifice more important things for,” You laugh bitterly as you turn around, pushing the door open even if it means you’ve lost the argument. You lost your lover as well, so it doesn’t really matter who wins.
Your eyes briefly meet his, for nothing but a final fleeting moment, and your hand wraps around your index finger before you can even process what you’re doing- and the next second the promise ring, the glistening promise ring that reflect the morning rays of the early sun, he’d gotten for you is sitting in Nezha’s palm. It’s a stunning piece of jewelry, handcrafted just for you as a gift. It matches your eyes, and its color is deep and entrancing. He’d never been one for romantics, but gifts such as this one had once been proof of his devotion to you. But there’s no point in keeping it if you’re not his, it’d be nothing but a sentimental piece leaving you to wallow in your sorrows.
You turn around again, stepping out of the room with a final word, the name he hates when you use slipping off your tongue. It’d once been to tease him, but now it was a formality, “I’ll see you around, Your Highness.”
That had been it, the end of it. A nice, blissful break from reality while it had lasted. And a truly joyous part of your eternal life. Yet it had come to end, like it would have eventually, no matter what. Even if you’d continued to be devoted to each other, you’re sure something would happen far off in the future.
Your finger feels foreign without the comforting weight of the ring upon it. Funny how you’d gotten rid of it so you wouldn’t reminiscence, and yet its absence hurt you even more. You’d really adored that ring, even though it was only one among the countless pieces of jewels you’d been gifted over the years. Even mortals offered them to you during a mood swing, which they’d learned was the fastest way to make the flowers bloom again and the birds chirp, since it guilted you out of your mood. Seeing the mortals spend their earnings on you, a simple deity who did not need such trivial things. Nonetheless, they were appreciated and well kept.
But Nezha’s had been special, as it’d been a true gift from someone you knew, someone you’d loved. It was made specifically for you, from someone special to you. You could still remember the day he presented it to you, and the way it’d made your heart all but melt. You rarely took it off afterwards, opting to have it on you at all times so there was never a risk of you losing it. (And you did have an unfortunate track record of such a thing). You polished it often too, and when you’d shown it off to your handmaidens the way they ogled at it and indulged you while you giggled and told them about what happened like a little girl still made you happy thinking back on it.
But what use was thinking about it now? It’d be better to put your energy into maintaining a stable mood so the nature surrounding you doesn’t begin to wilt. And that would only serve as further fuel to the fire of emotions you’re currently juggling. You just have to shove them deep down for now, confronting them makes it worse for everyone. You’ll get numb to it eventually, and then it won’t bother you at all.
So for a few moments you just breathe, in and out. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, eyes shutting as the weight on your shoulders begins to lessen while you calm yourself. The flower in your hand beginning to find its life once again, peeking up again rather than shivering further from your touch. The water stirs slightly; there’s a slight disturbance. A gentle crunching of fallen leaves as the perpetrator of your silence makes their way over. And then there’s a figure sitting beside you, and a single eyelid of yours flutters open to see who it is.
And the face of your now ex-lover is what greets you. It spoils your mood within an instant, and the flower gets crushed by the grip in which you clench it with. A single petal falling into the water below, causing ripples that distort your reflection. Causing imperfections within the perfect picture, cracks among the seams. Nezha doesn’t meet your gaze as you blink at him.
”What are you doing here?” Your eyes narrow, and your mind races to find the answer before he can come up with an excuse. You just ended things between the two of you, and so you were sure you wouldn’t see his face for a long time now. At least until it was necessary. Unless, as unlikely as it is, he came to apologize. But you can’t imagine him sucking up his pride to do that, “I don’t really feel like talking with you right now.”
You start to stand up, trying to make it clear that whatever he wants you will be having none of- but his hand reaches for your wrist faster than you can jump back, and he’s significantly stronger than you physically, so you have to concede and stay after tugging against him a few times. You’re not stupid enough to try more, it’d just waste your energy. His head turns in your direction as he tugs you downwards, keeping your firmly in place as his eyes meet yours, “Whether you like it or not, we’re talking. About us.”
You bit down on your tongue to keep yourself from letting out a snide reply, your nail finding its way to your neck to pick at a patch of dry skin sitting there, “What is there to talk about? We’re done, over. We already had this talk.”
”No,” His refusal causes you to raise an eyebrow, partly because it’s just so blunt and straightforward that you’re not sure how to feel, and partly because the fact he’s stilling welling to talk about your relationship even after such an argument which warms your heart- despite what your brain keeps yelling at you, “We were both emotional, and not in our right minds. We’re going to talk about it now, while we’re calmer and less unstable.”
You finally sigh, the arm of yours not being held in his iron grip reaches upwards so you can lean your face into the palm of your hand. You didn’t expect him to come talk about, especially not so soon after the argument. The thought of talking with him about it after you’d called things off never once crossed your mind during those hours you had sulked, “I’m not going to apologize, if that’s what you’re here for.”
You refuse to give in, to once again be the person to concede after a fight, just like you always have to be. The flowers can wilt if they must. After all, you doubt this conversation will last long enough for the entirety of your domain to die. You’ll indulge your emotions this once, for these few moments. You’ll deal with the mess you’re going to inevitably create afterwards.
“I don’t expect you to,” Your eyes widen at those words, your gaze finally meeting his own, looking into his own eyes that swirl with a mix of determination and guilt. Something you thought him to be incapable of feeling, “Because it was my fault. And I can’t apologize enough for it. I really don’t want to lose you. You’re one of the best things that happened to me, even if I don’t act like it sometimes.”
You bite your lip as the words leave his mouth, feeling tears once again well up in your eyes as all the anger in your heart dissipates with a few simple phrases. He was one of the best things to happen to you too. You were so much happier with him in your life, and if you didn’t have to lose him, you couldn’t find it in you to argue anymore. No more energy left to be stubborn because of a simple apology. It didn’t matter if he had to be away for long periods of time, right? As long as he was still with you. You could deal with some heartache, a bit of a sacrifice.
You give in faster than even you could have anticipated, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your chin on his shoulder, while one of his own arms wraps around your torso to pull you closer, and the other whips away the tears beginning to stream down your face. Not solely out of sorrow, but not completely from joy. His smile is soft as he runs his thumb over your cheek, “I really am busier nowadays, but I promise I’ll start responding to your letters. And I do read them, even if I was embarrassed to admit it then. I’ll try to not worry you too much, love.”
You bury your face in the crook of his neck, hearing him laugh lightly at the action. Your face feels warm once again. And your heart begins to beat faster, beginning to find a rhythm as it settles at that quickened pace, “Does this mean we’re back together?”
”I’d like that, if you’ll have me,” You nod the moment the words tumble out of his lips, no longer having the heavy weight in your heart that held you down. There was nothing else that’d make you happier than being with him once again. A few hours was torture enough. And if he was going to respond to your letters, there was no point in continuing to be stubborn. It was better for you, and him, like this. When you were together.
His hand leaves your face, traveling down to remove one of your hands that’s wrapped tightly around his face. The action causes you to lift your head, eyebrows pinching as you try to figure out what he’s doing, until you feel a cool metal slide across your index finger. The promise ring once again back where it should be, the comforting weight of it back once again. A smile dances on your lips once you realize, only widening further as he intertwines his fingers with your own and leans down to press a gentle, tender kiss to your lips.
It lasts for a fleeting moment, yet you’re sure it felt like an eternity. Your faces hover closely together, a mere few centimeters in between you two. And as he leans in once again, the gap between the two of you beginning to close, he utters a few words that make your heart beat like it never has before. The flowers surrounding the two of you sprouting up once again, like the beginning of spring had happened all over again.
”I love you.”
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sunshine-scented · 2 years
Helloo again, I wanted to thank you for making my last request, i loved it <33 I don't know if it's still accepting requests, if not it's ok you can just ignore it ^^, but if so, I could make a hcs of wukong, macaque and nezha with your wife s/o dragon (again sorry kk i love dragons) pregnant? I imagine dragons are like rabbits and have lots of children, how would they react if your wife wanted more children after she had already given birth to her first child? having nsfw along, sorry if it's too much can just ignore ;w;
Sora!!!! I love these dragon requests so much oh my gosh I'm obsessed!!! (Also, thanks for adding Nezha, now I can finally brainrot about him hehehehehe~)
❀ Dragon Family ❀
: Dragon s/o wants more babies!! Give the big scary dragon her babies!!!!!
: Sun Wukong, Macaque, Nezha x fem!reader
: Fluff and a generous amount of Smut :))
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Sun Wukong
• would absolutely agree with you, a hundred percent
• he has so many monkey friends so he's used to taking care of multiple things
• and if it makes his wife happy??? It's already an immediate yes from him
• like, you didn't even have to try to convince him
• he's already planning the names of the babies as you speak
• excited to see more children run around the mountain
• suddenly, he's not so lonely anymore
• sobbing
Wukong carefully set you down on the bed, his lips catching yours in a heated kiss as you wrap your arms on his neck. He trails his hands on your waist and softly starts to grind against you.
You tugged on his hair making him groan and bite your lip as he lets go to stare into your eyes "My beautiful wife" he takes one of your hands and places a chaste kiss on your knuckles "My oh so precious wife"
You giggled at his affectionate behavior making him smile, he leaned in towards your ear biting against your skin, gently pulling it with his teeth making you shiver and moan out his name.
"I'm gonna pump you up with my children yeah? Gonna make you look so full of me, and only me~♡"
Six eared Macaque
• he's a little hesitant to agree with you
• he's not used to taking care of something so...fragile
• and yet you want more??
• that's what he tells himself, yet that look on your face as you ask him over and over again made him double take
• the sight of you kneeling down before him, your hands hugging his waist as you look up at him with those pretty eyes of yours
• heavens, save this poor man
• eventually, he agrees to your requests
• with a small price of all your time tonight~
"Ahn~ Macaque.." you whined as he pinned your hands over your head, his tongue licking your neck and biting your delicate skin against his fangs, a low chuckle was heard from him.
"What's wrong? Isn't this what you asked of me, Darling~?" His suave voice made your knees weak as he picked you up and placed you on the kitchen table, squeezing your thighs and capturing your lips in a sloppy, messy kiss.
He groans at your warmth and how willing you are to give all of your being to him, sends shivers down his spine as he pulls out and stares into your half lidded eyes. He smirked and slapped your thigh, erupting a moan from you
"Shh, quiet now. Our little baby is sleeping, we wouldn't want to wake them up from their precious nap now would we~"
• sorry that's my bad
• anyways, he's similar to Macaque
• he has both the map of the samadhi fire and the jade emperor to protect, both of which isn't an easy job to do as it is
• but you're just so irresistible ♡
• and a huge tease
• surely, you would gladly take responsibility of the absolute mess you made him to be, no?
You started to grind you hips onto his lap, making cute little sounds right beside his ear as you felt him take a breath to try and calm himself down, he's just so adorable
He suddenly grabbed your waist in a tight hold making you gasp as he took the opportunity to shove his tongue inside your mouth in a sloppy wet kiss, you hummed his pleasure as you start to trail your hands onto his chest.
You tugged and pulled on his hair near his scalp making his breath hitch as he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your mouths "You're playing a dangerous game, (Name)" he breathlessly whispered to you with a furrowed brow.
Yet you licked your lips and started you caress his thigh and leaned in closer to him "I know, I just want to know if you're strong enough to play with me~" you mocked a baby voice on him as he finally snapped, grabbing a fistfull of your hair and pulled your head facing upwards making you moan as he started biting onto your exposed neck.
"Lucky for you, I love a good challenge~"
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No I don't have favoritism, what are you even going on about silly
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baxndaid · 30 days
*gently opens door, looks around and gentle places this note on the floor before closing door*
Nezha romance headcanons...?
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x reader ❤️🪷🍓
— general romance headcannons
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he’s only ever rough/man handles you if he’s super worried and you’ve done something stupid
he doesn’t mean to be stern or mean, he just doesn’t want you to get hurt
whenever he’s caught you doing something risky he’ll always grab your face and check for any injuries before kissing you on the forehead a little too hastily
he’ll be mad but only for a bit, he can never stay mad at you, but he would like it if you at least tried to make rational choices
contrary to popular belief, nezha doesn’t mind PDA
just dont do it too much, he'll get too embarrassed
ALSO contrary to popular belief, nezha can get super duper romantic and sappy, just tell him you love him and hes jello in your arms atp
roses, daisies, lotus', whatever damn flower you want, he'll get for you even if you didnt ask for them
most days when he comes back from guarding whatever sacred object he was tasked to protect, he comes home to you, another sacred object he needs to protect - and lord knows he comes baring gifts
he knows his work gets in the way of quality time with you and him so he tries to make up to you by giving you small yet thoughtful gifts from the far away place hes visited whilst on the job
and he defo collapses onto you the second he sees you cozy on the sofa
play with his hair as he mumbles about whatever and whoever pissed him off today (it was wukong. its always wukong)
kiss the top of his head PLEEEAASEEE itll knock him tf out
his favourite place to be is lying down on your chest after a long day at work and unwinding with his favourite person in the entire world
hes not going to let you go unless he needs to go and tend to his duties again, so make sure you bring snacks for yourself <3
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Fellow members of the LMK Community/Tumblr users, I’d like you to be aware of an individual.
They seem to consistently use the name Mariin, and have, not once, but twice now attempted to find a friend of mine and attack them.
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They have sent death threats into my friend’s inbox via anon, and have admitted to it. If you know this person or have seen them before, please be cautious.
Also, I’d like to note that this person did all of this because my friend refused to answer a request on his writing blog, and because of the bullshit “Nezha is 12 rumors”. They came after my friend like this for petty bullshit in a truly vile and cowardly way.
Below the cut I’ve attached screenshots of both them admitting to sending the messages and the messages themselves.
TW for under the cut: Death Threats and mentions of SA/R@pe.
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emelinstriker · 4 months
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Special Stranger Nezha's 2nd outfit!
It's more purple than pink while his usual outfit is more on the red side. His purple cap is also saying 'Special Stranger' in Chinese since it's a custom cap he got for himself. Just to have another option to not damage the cap the Reader gave him. He still got the '(Y/N)'s Special Stranger' cap, don't worry.
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annaberunoyume · 4 months
Nezha's Waltz (Nezha x Reader snippet)
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Imagine Nezha watching you during a Heavenly banquet, from afar...Then, putting on a serious face, he comes to clear his throat to ask you to dance.
“Your Highness...”
You glance downwards bashfully and smile. He leads you into a gallant, graceful, but subtle waltz.
He looks at you with these unlikely soft eyes...As if he just smelled a sweet lotus...
Sun Wukong has been tied up and gagged by the Monk Tang, somewhere. ;-)
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luxthestrange · 1 year
LMK Incorrect quotes#42 Rock
Wukong, holding a rock: Y/n just gave this to me and said "I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock..."
Nezha: If you don't marry them, I will...
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lint-beetle4 · 1 month
Tied Up In Knots For You (NezhaxReader Smut)
A wonderful request from a wonderful friend who drew a glorious picture, so here's a bondage scenario
When you ask him about kinks, you're fairly surprised that he's quite vanilla
Granted, he doesn't have much experience in general, giving that he's too busy about work to think about himself
You wanted to propose with something a bit on the lighter side, nothing too violent or too experimental
So, you shows him pictures of shibari that you've seen and...he's actually pretty interested
So, you two go shopping, find some pretty cotton ropes that Nezha liked the texture of
With rope and the shibari kit ready, Nezha was prepared to be tied up, but then you show up with a floral pattener lingerie in your hands
Without more than a single word, Nezha emerged clad in his lingerie, ropes tying around his arms first
You had everything prepared for your lotus prince. In a rare moment of vulnerability, Nezha was more open to being tied up than you expected. He looked as heavenly as ever as the lingerie wrapped around his body, showing all the bits of skin you'd love to sink your teeth into.
However, this was time for the prince. You can have your fun later when he's ready to be at your will.
"I'm to be suspended?" Nezha asked with rope already covering his arms, knots and patterns dressing his elegant body. "This is...interesting."
His breath hitched as your hands softly guided him to the suspender where he was lifted slowly as to not agitate the mechanism greatly. You stroked Nezha's legs as they trembled against your touch. With a kiss to his soft thighs, you wrapped the rope around him, watching his body obediently stretches to your command. His back arched as his hands and arms are tied together. Below, you saw a mark of his excitement as Nezha's face flushed more than the ripe peaches in the garden.
Nezha nearly whimpered at your touch as your hands not so discretely brush over sensitive skin. As you make more patterns with the rope in your hands, you nip at his shoulder, his chest, his neck, anywhere the rope doesn't touch. Nezha panted, moans and whimpers still held back in his throat. It was nearly comical seeing the great general so weak before you.
"Darling," Nezha whimpered so sweetly to you. "I need more."
You'd give him more, you promised to distressed prince. It was just so satisfying seeing him so tied up for you. He truly looked gorgeous with he was so vulnerable towards you.
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yourspecialstranger · 4 months
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Funny story that happened: I just came to the beach to relax, and instead I ended up saving two swimmers' lives. And the lifeguards offered me a job because of how quickly I did it with little to no effort. So now I work as a part-time lifeguard whenever I'm around the beach.
I hope to see you here sometime as well, blossom! Who knows, maybe I'll get to give you CPR.
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weezarddd · 5 months
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im kinda bored so i wanna give yall my personal Nezha headcanons (involving romance)
🪷 is an angry pissbaby and LOVES going on extremely long rants about his day, and appreciates it when you comfort him and/or encourage him in his tea spilling
🪷 he doesn’t dislike PDA, but gets adorably embarrassed and irritated when you or others point out his blushing
🪷 enjoys talking about or showing you his work, willing to take HOURS explaining the nuance of whatever the fuck he does (also enjoys going on long tangents about his interests, such as operas)
🪷 is much more productive when you’re watching him work or just sitting there with him, because he wants to impress you
🪷 is at first extremely flustered and surprised by your first few instances of flirting, but will later surprise you by attempting to match your confidence
🪷 is naturally competitive in general, he WILL constantly try to be better than you at showing affection, doing chores, and making the other blush.
🪷 as he gets used to the relationship, he becomes naturally more playful and flirty with you! (he still remains a flustered and angry little bitch when you’re the one doing it)
🪷 he secretly loves it when you humor him and play along with his competitions
can yall tell im lonely orrrrrr
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crypticjackal13 · 1 year
Could you do an easily flustered Nezha x Flirtatious/Suggestive reader? Reader can be Gender Neutral or male, your choice.
Flustered!Nezha x Flirty!GN!Reader Romantic Headcanons!
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ah yes. stoic, organized, uptight Prince Nezha........who has the BIGGEST weak spot for you.
he's very patient when it comes to your antics!! he doesn't mind if you follow him around while he's working or anything, or if you'd like to stay and chat with him in his gardens during his rare bits of free time.
the problem arises when you decide to flirt with him.
at first, you're very cautious about it--because really, how much are you able to get away with?
your kisses linger a little more, you're the one to link elbows with him first when the two of you are walking, and oh boy you give him a lot of compliments!!
(compliments and praise are the way to his heart tbh)
"your hair is soft today", "oh, your form was spot on when you were training earlier!", "that was a good idea, good job!"
he's already overheating.
poor boy never knows what to say to those comments!! just kinda blushes a bit more and refuses to make eye contact
then, when you've gotten more comfortable with him, you begin to be more bold.
"your hands are so cold. let me warm them up", "can I have another kiss?", "my handsome prince"
Nezha.exe has stopped working
a few too many comments and he'll start kissing you to shut you up otherwise he's gonna set himself on fire by accident
we love him :))
SIDE NOTE: if anyone comments or dms me about this possibly being out of line because it's Nezha, PLEASE KNOW my intention was not to offend anyone and I am writing about the LMK version of him--who is much more adult! I AM NOT writing him as a child(AND NEVER WILL)!! thank you :)
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