#Newtown Action Alliance
rabbicreditor · 2 years
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How intense that, when I post in memory of the #ParklandShooting 5 years ago today, someone had to remind me of the #NorthernIllinoisUniversity #SchoolShooting 15 years ago today. There have been 929 school shootings since Parkland, according to research by the Newtown Action Alliance. NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE SCHOOL communities have been directly assaulted in these past 5 years, and we have all been traumatized by the violence. If you are looking for a way to get involved, here are some resources I recommend: https://www.everytown.org/solutions/ https://www.bradyunited.org/take-action https://orangeribbonsforjaime.org/ #EndGunViolence https://www.instagram.com/p/CopaJcErAZt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Maxwell Alejandro Frost (born January 17, 1997) is a politician, activist, and musician serving as the Representative from Florida's 10th congressional district. A member of the Democratic Party, he was the national organizing director for March for Our Lives. He is the first person from Generation Z to serve in Congress. He was born to a Puerto Rican woman of Lebanese descent and a Haitian father. His biological mother had several children. He was adopted as an infant; his adoptive mother is a special education teacher who migrated to the US from Cuba on the Freedom Flights, and his adoptive father is a musician from Kansas. He attended Osceola County School for the Arts in Kissimmee, Florida. As of June 2022, he is enrolled as a student at Valencia College. He has been organizing since around 2012 when he was active in Barack Obama's 2012 presidential campaign. He volunteered with the Newtown Action Alliance, an organization created in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. He has identified Occupy Wall Street, the Columbine High School massacre, the killing of Trayvon Martin, and the Orlando nightclub shooting as events that affected his thinking. He worked for Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Margaret Good. He survived an incident of gun violence at a Halloween event in Downtown Orlando in 2016. He was an organizer with the American Civil Liberties Union and worked to support Florida's 2018 Amendment 4 and to pressure Joe Biden to stop supporting the Hyde Amendment in 2019. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CnhH-aqrAMW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jwood718 · 2 years
10 Years On: Sandy Hook
Schools in Newtown, CT are closed today in recognition of the anniversary.
“Every year when the time comes around, it’s just like it kind of hits you again...He just kind of thinks about what could have gone wrong [for him] that day and how it could still happen today because nothing has changed.”  Michayl Wilford on Wilford’s brother and the anniversary of the school killings.
Joan E. Greve writing for The Guardian:
“Wednesday marks 10 years since the tragedy that devastated Sandy Hook, the village community that is part of the larger town of Newtown, and sent shock waves around the world. In the decade since, a reinvigorated movement aimed at ending gun violence has spread across the country...”
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Mark Barden holds up a picture of his son, Daniel, on 4 October 2017 in Newtown, Connecticut. Spencer Platt/Getty Images
“’I will continue to have to adjust to the fact that Daniel’s gone forever for the rest of my life,’ [Mark] Barden said. ‘I don’t think I ever will, nor should I ever have to wrap my head around this, nor should anyone … [That’s] why we do the work we do at Sandy Hook Promise.’
Po Murray founded the gun safety group Newtown Action Alliance after her neighbor was identified as the Sandy Hook shooter, and she believes a ban on military-style assault rifles is critical.  ‘We know first-hand what an assault weapon can do,’ Murray said. ‘Assault weapons are designed to kill as many people [as possible] in a fraction of time.’”
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Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut ends a 15-hour filibuster in 2016 by pointing to a picture of Dylan Hockley, a six-year-old who was killed in the Sandy Hook shooting. C-SPAN
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The long-awaited Sandy Hook Permanent Memorial opened in November, nearly 10 years after the Dec. 14, 2012, school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  John Moore/Getty Images
Tovia Smith for NPR
"’Yeah, we're here,’ [Jennifer Hensel] sighs  ‘I honestly think that's quite a remarkable accomplishment. I feel like I'm living again, which I wasn't for a really long time. And I needed to do that for my children.’
’To the rest of the world, it is definitely like, 'Wow! So much time has passed.' But to me. It's another f------ day that we don't get to have our kids, [Francine] Wheeler says. ‘It's just another day. And we just keep moving forward the best we can.’”
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Jennifer Hensel waits for the school bus with her 8-year-old daughter, Imogen, and her 6-year-old son, Owen, on the first day of school this year. They share hugs, kisses, excitement and still some anxiety 10 years after the shooting.  Tovia Smith/NPR
Jennifer Hensel’s daughter was killed in the school, then her husband killed himself.  
“’As a neuroscientist, he devoted his life after the shooting to a foundation they set up in [their daughter] Avielle's honor to research the neurological underpinnings that make people more and less prone to violence...
‘That's the tragic irony of all this,’ says Hensel. ‘It makes me angry, actually.’
Because Jeremy was so familiar with the signs, she says, he knew how to cover them up. Even in retrospect, she says it's hard to connect the dots and to understand what was a symptom of his ongoing grief and exhaustion and what was a sign that he was at risk of suicide.”
Hansel testified in the trial of Alex Jones: “The absurdist lies [Jones] spread that the families were liars and the shooting a hoax meant to spur support for gun control tormented many people like Hensel and fueled relentless harassment by countless Jones acolytes...
She told jurors how conspiracists hid in the bushes around her house, taking pictures they thought would help prove that grieving parents like Hensel and Jeremy were just actors, and that the kids, like her sweet, spitfire Avielle, either never died or never actually existed in the first place.
‘She was such a big presence,’ Hensel testified, sobbing. ‘How do you how do you negate a presence? How do you do that? How do you do that?’"
Full story with audio
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whatmakesyoulove · 8 years
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Drag Queen: Cate Blanchett. Feb 20th, 2017
don't tell me what to do And don't tell me what to say And, please, when I go out with you Don't put me on display 'Cause, you don't own me
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heliocentral · 5 years
hey FUCK brick owens
what on earth could possibly make someone think that making school sweatshirts of sandy hook, columbine, and Virginia tech with GODDAMN BULLETHOLES in them was an appropriate statement???
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freeindependentnews · 3 years
Were not sure how gun control organization Newtown Action Alliance stumbled upon this piece from The Atlantic from February 2020, but it celebrates the authors’ use of “powerful 21-st century linguistic databases” to prove that the phrase “to keep and bear arms” refers to military, not individual, ownership and use.
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greatcateblanchett · 8 years
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qupritsuvwix · 4 years
Gun, gun, gun....
They’re fucking FIREARMS! Pistols, rifles, shotguns.
Assault weapons... irresponsible manufacturers... background checks for ammunition... red-flagging domestic violence offenders and the mentally ill... banning high-capacity magazines...
Okay, people, here we go again. This country, this planet, is covered wall to wall with the products of 150 years of industrial revolution. Firearms have been churned out by the trainload on a daily basis for ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS! If every factory that makes firearms and ammunition in the world shut down today, the existing mountain of firearms and ammunition could still be usable for the next hundred years! There are still stockpiles of landmines and sea mines and cannon balls and shrapnel shells dating back to World War 1. There are bolt action rifles and revolvers still in storage from World War 2. And that is just military. Private individuals in the United States alone, not even counting so-called “assault weapons”, possess millions of hunting rifles, pistols, and shotguns of large caliber. Then there are the .22s. They are everywhere. Single shot, revolvers, tube-fed, box magazine-fed. They sold them in feed and hardware stores. They sold them mail order.
Some joker once guessed there were enough firearms in this country for everyone above the age of five to own three. All the laws you can imagine are not going to stop anything. Any illusion of safety you want to have is a matter of how much you want to lie to yourself. People die every day. It is a failure of various groups and agencies that we really have no idea how many people die in hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and police custody. It is a failure of the media and your local governments when you are not informed that no matter how tragic your loss when a loved one dies in an incident or an accident, this shit happens all over the world all the time. You just don’t give a shit until it happens to you.
The last time I had a firearm in my face, it was a twelve gauge pump shotgun. They are everywhere. If I wished them all out of existence because they scare the shit out of me... there are still forty seven million automobiles and trucks out there... and all it takes is one to run over me or hit the vehicle I am driving.
Firearm deaths are very disturbing, but so is the ignorance and complacency of people who cannot do their jobs and enforce the hundreds of rules and laws that have been in place for decades.
There is always some asshole braying about “common sense gun laws”. If common sense existed at all, violence wouldn’t.
And please don’t forget that Trump and Pence had military aides following them around with “nuclear footballs”. The nuclear weapons are still out there, with North Korea and Iran doing their best to become equal with India and Israel. It’s a young century.
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ppaction · 5 years
The Gun Violence Epidemic Is Getting Worse And We Need To Talk About It
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Gun violence claims 100 lives every day in the United States. No other developed nation experiences gun violence of this magnitude.
More than five years ago, 20 children and six adults were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. Since then, the United States has seen more than 2,000 mass shootings. From an LGBTQ nightclub in Orlando to a church in Charleston, from a concert in Las Vegas to a high school in Parkland — gun violence is an epidemic. For every day that our elected officials fail to address gun violence, another community risks being upended by a massacre.
As a health care provider, Planned Parenthood is committed to the fundamental right of all people to live safe and healthy lives without the fear of violence.
Safety In Schools
Schools are meant to be safe — they are sites of growth and development for young people. But as of 2013, nearly 2,900 children and teens are shot and killed at school every year. In Kentucky, a 15-year-old boy opened fire at Marshall County High School, killing 15-year-olds Bailey Holt and Preston Cope. Only weeks later, another school was disrupted by unimaginable violence. On February 14, in Parkland, Fl., a 19-year-old man opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, killing at least 17 people.
Parents should never have to fear that their children will lose their lives to senseless gun violence. That’s why young people and people of color are have mobilized the nation around gun violence prevention, and many organizations have been leading gun violence prevention research, education, and community organizing. We must also give credit to the young Black activists who have been fighting to end gun violence for years.
To elected officials who’ve neglected to use their legislative power to sensibly respond to these massacres, we ask: When is enough, enough? Policymakers should take notice and listen to their constituents.
Guns and Violence Against Women
Ending intimate partner violence, which disproportionately affects women, is a matter of basic rights and equality for families. One in threewomen have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner, and when women are 21 times more likely to be killed with guns in the U.S than any other developed nation, it’s imperative that we closely examine this link. Fifty-two women are shot to death by intimate partners in an average month, and women who are abused are five times more likely to be killed when their abuser owns a firearm.
Having a history of domestic violence is also a disturbing trend among perpetrators of recent mass shootings. We saw this in Sutherland Springs, where a man who had previously been court-martialed and convicted of domestic violence was able to kill 26 people with a gun. We also saw this in Orlando, where a man who had been physically abusive to his former wife used a gun to kill 49 people. We cannot let this dangerous pattern continue.
Gun Violence Against Marginalized Communities
The rate of gun violence has already reached unprecedented numbers in the United States, but it’s communities of color who bear the brunt of the epidemic. As Everytown for Gun Safety notes, too many of our lawmakers prioritize the gun lobby’s dangerous agenda — including policies like “Stand Your Ground” that lead to increased violence against people of color and make it more likely their deaths will be deemed justifiable in court. Black men are nearly 10 times as likely to be killed with a gun as White men, and Black women are three times as likely to be killed with a gun as White women. Additionally, our broken criminal justice system subjects people of color to systemic gun violence at the hands of law enforcement. Solutions to gun violence must take into account the effects of racism, law enforcement, and mass incarceration on communities of color.
People with disabilities face gun violence at the hands of law enforcement as well. One-third to half of all people killed by law enforcement have a disability, according to the Ruderman Family Foundation, a disability advocacy organization. No person should have to fear they or their loved ones may die at the hands of those entrusted to protect and serve them.
Gun violence also disproportionately affects transgender communities. In fact, 2017 was one of the deadliest years for transgender people — especially trans women of color. 28 trans people were killed by violent means, with more than half being victims of gun violence. Among those killed with guns were Mesha Caldwell, Chyna Gibson, and Chay Reed. The transphobia in our communities is the root of these tragedies, and we must address it alongside commonsense gun policies.
Break The Cycle, Fight Back
We cannot lose hope that real change is possible. From Black Lives Matter, which gained momentum after a man was acquitted for fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, to the teens in Chicago who kicked off the Wear Orange campaign when their friend, 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton, was fatally shot only one week after performing in former President Obama’s second inauguration — activists have been vocal about our right to feel safe in our homes and communities. It is long overdue but, every day, the call for serious action to address the gun violence causing deaths in every corner of our country grows louder.
That’s why we’re calling on Congress and elected officials across the country to combat this public health crisis. Here are several organizations that need your support:
March for Our Lives
Everytown for Gun Safety
Moms Demand Action
Live Free Campaign
Sandy Hook Promise
Advance Peace
Violence Policy Center
Community Justice Reform Coalition
Newtown Action Alliance
Brady Campaign
Million Hoodies
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
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canneswashing · 2 years
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Quest for Dyslexia - Samsung / Bronze
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RealVoiceOf Pride - Felgtb / Bronze
UnRecommended Algorithm - FNAC / Bronze
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Berlin's heart stands still - BVG / Bronze
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The Neo Gymnastics - Adidas / Bronze
Together this Ramadan - Tesco / Bronze
Not Coming Home - Newtown Action Alliance / Bronze
SOS Migrants - France Terre d'Asile / Bronze
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democracyin-news · 2 years
Weary and doubting, gun safety activists try to trust the Senate
Weary and doubting, gun safety activists try to trust the Senate
And whatever can get through the 50-50 Senate as midterm campaign season picks up is almost bound to fall short for the powerful network of gun safety advocates who have seen Congress mainly flail on the issue. That includes Po Murray, leader of the Newtown Action Alliance, who since Sandy Hook has shown up to hundreds of the same kind of act-now events that Murphy and Blumenthal attended. Sen.…
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dermontag · 3 years
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Gegner sehen "grotesken Scherz" US-Waffenschmiede bietet Gewehr für Kinder an 19.02.2022, 16:59 Uhr Der US-Waffenhersteller WEE2 Tactical bringt ein halbautomatisches Gewehr speziell für Kinder auf den Markt. Es funktioniere wie das "von Mama und Papa", heißt es. Gegner verurteilen den Vorgang und werfen der Industrie vor, für Gewinne zu allem bereit zu sein. Der US-Waffenhersteller WEE2 Tactical hat ein speziell für Kinder entwickeltes halbautomatisches Gewehr auf den Markt gebracht. Das JR-15 werde "Erwachsenen helfen, Kinder sicher an den Schießsport heranzuführen", heißt es in Werbetexten des Unternehmens. Das Gewehr "sieht aus, fühlt sich an und funktioniert genauso wie das Gewehr von Mama und Papa". Das JR-15 ist deutlich kleiner und leichter als das Standardmodell AR-15 und kostet 389 Dollar. Für Jungen bewirbt das Unternehmen es mit einem Piratenschädel mit Irokesenschnitt. Mädchen soll ein Schädel mit blonden Strähnen und einem rosa Schnuller im Mund ansprechen. Das Erwachsenenmodell AR-15 ist die zivile Version einer Militärwaffe und wurde in den USA bereits mehrfach bei Massenmorden eingesetzt, darunter auch Amokläufe in Schulen. In vier von zehn US-Haushalten gibt es eine Waffe Aktivisten gegen Waffengewalt verurteilten die Werbekampagne für das Kindergewehr auf das Schärfste. "Auf den ersten Blick wirkt dies wie ein grotesker Scherz. Auf den zweiten Blick ist es einfach nur grotesk", sagte Josh Sugarmann vom Violence Policy Center. Die Newtown Action Alliance, eine Gruppe, die sich ebenfalls für eine Beschränkung von Schusswaffen einsetzt, warf der Waffenindustrie vor, "zu allem bereit zu sein, um weiterhin Gewinne zu erzielen". Schusswaffen sind in den USA weit verbreitet. Nach Angaben des Pew Research Center leben rund 40 Prozent der Erwachsenen in einem Haushalt mit mindestens einer Waffe. Im Jahr 2020 wurden landesweit fast 23 Millionen Schusswaffen verkauft. Jährlich sterben in den USA zehntausende Menschen durch Waffengewalt, die im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie noch zugenommen hat. Trotz dieser Zahlen und der Tatsache, dass eine Mehrheit der US-Bürger eine Verschärfung der Waffengesetze befürwortet, sind wiederholte Versuche der Einschränkung von Waffenbesitz gescheitert. Die Lobby der Waffenindustrie, insbesondere die Organisation National Rifle Association, hat enormen Einfluss.
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tworking711 · 3 years
Asian Americans are buying guns in the wake of recent attacks, but community leaders say that's not the way to prevent hate crimes
Some Asian Americans are buying guns for the first time as attacks fuel fear across the nation, but advocates say firearms are not the solution. "I know firsthand that guns don't make us safe," said Po Murray, the chairwoman of Newtown Action Alliance, a national grassroots gun violence prevention group formed after the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting."It is a common myth that a good guy with a gun will keep us safe from a bad guy with a gun," Murray added.Murray and other Asian American activists across the country are concerned that people seeking a sense of security are opting to buy guns. Meanwhile, a new group wants to help Asians learn how to handle and shoot handguns if they so choose. The increased interest in carrying guns and the debate over whether firearms will help prevent violence comes as the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community continues being harassed, threatened and violently assaulted.เกมคาสิโน
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whatmakesyoulove · 8 years
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cleardeersong · 3 years
Asian Americans are buying guns in the wake of recent attacks, but community leaders say that's not the way to prevent hate crimes
(CNN)Some Asian Americans are buying guns for the first time as attacks fuel fear across the nation, but advocates say firearms are not the solution."I know firsthand that guns don't make us safe," said Po Murray, the chairwoman of Newtown Action Alliance, a national grassroots gun violence prevention group formed after the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting."It is a common myth that a good guy with a gun will keep us safe from a bad guy with a gun," Murray added.Murray and other Asian American activists across the country are concerned that people seeking a sense of security are opting to buy guns. Meanwhile, a new group wants to help Asians learn how to handle and shoot handguns if they so choose.  สล็อตฟรีสปิน
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garudabluffs · 3 years
'Get on it Joe!' How a coalition for strengthening gun violence prevention pushed Biden to act
“It didn’t happen magically,” said Po Murray, chairwoman of Newtown Action Alliance, a volunteer group formed after the 2012 school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. “There’s been a lot of work with off-the-record conversations with the White House as well as very public pressure from the Time Is Now Coalition. We’re just thrilled that he took the first step.”
+ "During the pandemic, the nation saw record gun sales and more people applying for firearms permits. Gun-related deaths and injuries also increased.
In 2021, 11,555 people have died from gun-related incidents, about half from homicides and half from suicides, according to the Gun Violence Archive. Also, 8,991 people were injured by a gun."
READ MORE https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Get-on-it-Joe-how-a-strengthening-gun-16090259.php
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