#New year resolution
csuitebitches · 2 years
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2023 Goals for the Year
Personal growth
1. Attending one event (conferences, lectures, something educational) every month
2. Socialising and networking with crowds that help me improve my career prospects
3. Charity work on weekends
4. Reading 3 academic articles a month
1. Finish the online finance course
2. Learning about the business I’m working in, in more detail
3. Complete one short term online course in different fields a month to educate myself even more
1. Continuing the model workouts
2. Continuing my low carb, high protein diet because that’s really working out for me
3. A glass of water every morning
4. Alcohol only twice a month, and no smoking again
1. Stick to my am:pm skincare
2. Get nails done every 20 days
3. Get waxed every month
4. Get LASIK surgery for my eyes
5. Get acne scar laser treatment
1. Meditation regularly
2. Following my spiritual routine
1. Redo my room, build a whole new wardrobe
2. Work on my traditional attire wardrobe with my stylist (I have zero taste in my culture’s traditional clothing and I’m working on that)
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greenplumbboblover · 9 months
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Happy almost new year!
Yesterday I posted that whole "Top 10 Tumblr posts" but while that was fun to see, I figured I'd go through things I felt was a great accomplishment of this year for me. And some new years resolutions ;)
Accomplishments of 2023:
I made a website!
I know it's tiny and that it's not really great (yet) for getting tons of views, but I do want to thank everyone (I actually typed out all the names but tumblr was being stupid and I couldn't post the post then :/) for either giving it a try or using it. Without you, it would've just been a floating idea with no purpose. :) Thank you so much for believing in it!
I created a new sims story!
Gone a bit back to my original Simblr roots and made a story! Chapter 1 had been in my screenshots folder for over 2 years now, but I was just self-conscious about sharing it. I'm glad I actually got to terms that the only way to know if people will like it, is by sharing it. :)
Came back to Tumblr fully again.
Over those 2 years I hadn't really been on Tumblr much. I'd post my mod posts and that was it. Truth be told, I didn't really have much motivation to do TS3 stuff anymore at that time. But I think in the end I forgot how fun it can be :) I know I suck at interacting with people, though my anxiety often gets the best of me, and I'm genuinely sorry about that! I'm hoping to change that next year with some help.
New Year's resolutions:
I know most people probably didn't get through the whole thing because I type a lot, but if you do, hey there :)
Making Simblr.cc feel more personalized
I feel like currently it feels very download-oriented, which I'd like to keep! But that vibe also seems to be around with the more picture - oriented things. So I just want to make part of that feel more Tumblr-ish where it's just your personalized space. :)
Starting to sell stickers (and such)!
I know, kind of clique thing that everyone seems to be doing now and then, but I have seriously been loving to draw a lot. Though, my creative outlet only seems motivated when I do something for someone/something. So I was hoping to not just sell stickers for SImblr.cc as a donation thing, but also to make some of my own. :)
Finishing LISISV
I never intended to make LISISV like those shows that have been around for 20 years and going on. :p I know most of you do, which I love! But I'm not sure if I will be able to, lol.
I was hoping to rewrite the entirety of "Elly" which I did YEARS ago as a wee 14 year old (till I think, like 16?) but that's all basically teenage cringe IMO :p The concept and the characters however I always adored. So who knows!
Figuring out what to do with Interests & Hobbies
I keep promising that I'll finish it "after this mod" and I honestly do open it up, work on it for a little bit but then I start working on a feature and it... just doesn't work with the mod? However, the more I do that, the more 'bland' the mod becomes. So I don't know what do with it anymore 😅 Anyone who knows please help!
Unless you are all okay with remnants of it, which I'm doing currently :)
Making this space mod I have been wanting to do for a while
Not many people know this about me but i'm a huge sci-fi nerd :p And I wondered how hard it would be to make this “colonizing the a planet” space mod in TS3. Though I know that most people probably wouldn't care about that, since TS3 is more about generational things and... not so much about those things. So, who knows.
I guess I just need to sit down with myself and get my shit together, honestly.
Attempting to actually talk to others.
I don't know how people do it... I honestly want to keep tap of everyone I follow but I get so exhausted, if not, my anxiety starts kicking in because "what if I say the wrong things?" It's not just a tumblr thing though, i've been like that since forever, and maybe should just reach out for help for it. I just don't know.
I just feel as of late that people put great effort into commenting on my things and I'm barely there for them. Yet, just know that I am there, that I do think of you, i'm just deleting my sentences over and over again and just giving up. I'm genuinely sorry about that.
Hopefully your year will be nice and may your wishes come true :
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rand0mwisd0m · 9 months
Just disappear.
Then go to war against the man in the mirror and don't come back till you win.
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Week two of creating.
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rohanscornernz · 5 months
Do Hobbies Help??!!??
Having a hobby offers numerous benefits that contribute to overall well-being and quality of life. Here are some of the positives of having a hobby: Stress Relief: Engaging in a hobby provides a healthy outlet for stress and tension. It allows you to unwind and shift your focus away from daily worries and responsibilities, promoting relaxation and a sense of calm. Personal Fulfillment: Pursuing…
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greenstudies · 2 years
2023 goals
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Last year I set many goals from which I have acheived some and forgot the rest. Last year has been a difficult one but it was also a year of growth and positive change for me.
This year I have only one goal but I am truly determined to achieve it.
By the end of 2023 I want to be healthier, both physically and mentally.
I’ve never had strong health and so life has been a struggle sometimes (especially during a literal pandemic) but this time I am truly determined to put all of my focus and power into becoming healthier and happier person. I want the change to be big enough for others to notice. I want to be able to truly enjoy life and all the things that were given to me.
Hopefully we’ll meet again under this post in a year and I’ll let you know I have succeeded.
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lexerific · 9 months
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My New Years Resolutions is off to a Rocky start
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3xistentialg1rl · 10 months
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lindseybyrd · 10 months
The new year is coming up and I’m committed to expanding my reading list this year in as far as my library can support it.
Any books that stand out to anyone as Must Reads?
I’m usually an adult fantasy reader but I am open to all genres including nonfiction.
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unirav · 9 months
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Embark on a Proactive Journey this New Year! 🚀✨
Click the link for transformational insights: https://unirav.com/beating-procrastination/
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candysweetposts · 2 years
365 days challenge (a year retrospective)
The original post with all the themes
It's finally the year! I think this year a lot went, so let's talk about it.
2022 started fine. I had a lot of energy and ideas and even if I didn't make much progress. I was happy that I had the time to draw every day since, in the past, it might've taken me a week to draw a single piece. I got to draw stuff that I wanted to for so long, like anime fanarts, song covers, and some others. I even got the chance to experiment with different art styles (if you can call like that). But I couldn't keep it going at the same rate every month. There are months when I draw very little (November) and I hate it.
As the months went going I felt exhausted, physically, mentally, and emotionally. And it wasn't all because of this thing that I was doing every day but It contributed in some way since I was always stressed about what should I draw today or tomorrow or the next day. And some might tell me "See, you should've known that. Now you feel like shit and it's your own fault" and you are right. I should've known better but sometimes we do things despite the risks. And I bet this would've ended as I wanted if it wasn't for all the shit I have to put through IRL. As you know, I live in hell (not literally, but you get it). But I was happy every time I posted something. I felt like I accomplished something that day and that feeling was enough for me.
Yesterday I wanted to write a rant about how bad I feel about my drawings and how I hate the way I draw and how I wanted to cut my hands, but I've realized that that was wrong thinking. I don't want to stop drawing, I want to evolve. I want to draw so well that my old self would start to cry just at the glance. This is an exaggeration but I least I dream big.
So, the resolution for the next year is not to draw a lot but to draw better, better than this year at least.
This is the end of this challenge and even if I failed most of it, I'm happy that at least I tried.
See you next year!
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21stcenturyartist10 · 2 years
officially reached that point in December where i have accepted that it’s okay, I’ll get my shit back together and start fresh from next year. 
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uniquesherin · 2 years
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ainyan · 2 years
My New Year resolution is to write a scene well enough that if I were to send it to an artist as a basis for a commission, they would be able to reproduce it visually.
It's an impossible resolution, but by the gods, I will try!
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Week one of creating
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theearthforce · 2 years
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This is an item in my New Year plan. Is it in yours too? Photo credit: Image by Jan Alexander from Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/photos/ascension-celestial-planet-heaven-1568162/)
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