#New j2
sapphyreopal5 · 5 months
This fandom is stupid as hell…. Tinhats think he’s gay for Jared and hellers think he’s gay for Misha but it’s funny cause they are both HALF right…. Just both groups got the guy wrong
Oh boy oh boy, I think I know who you are talking about here Anon. Yes, I agree that if Jensen were to be doing it with any guy it is not anyone from the Supernatural cast seriously. I will admit my best friend and I looked at Justin's page and as I posted here, there are some awful interesting comments Jensen's left on Justin's page over the last few years. Of course, at the time I made my post I was having some weird issues not being able to see Jensen's comments on others' posts for a couplish weeks here. Since it started working again, I figured it out and decided you know what? I'm gonna go look on all Jared's posts yet again and see if Jensen EVER commented anything like the stuff he has on Justin's page.
The answer ladies and gentlemen? He has NOT ONCE made any remarks like he has on Justin's page using the 🔥 emoji, let alone said things like "solid as always" or "had too much fun mixing it up with you" and "let's do it again" on Jared's posts. The website wikihow.com states "The 🔥 means “It's totally lit.” A 🔥 is social media's universal symbol for anything cool, hip, or exciting. If this emoji pops up on your feed, chances are someone thinks you're pretty awesome."
Exhibit A, a couple samples of comments Jensen's left on Jared's page. Such romantic undertones here, right? CLEAR AS DAY (just like my sarcasm here is or should be anyways ha ha).
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Jensen may suck at making Instagram lives but he sure has no problem hitting the like button and COMMENTING on people's posts. Another discovery? He commented on Justin's page more in the last 4ish years than he ever did on Jared's page and they both signed up for Instagram August 2015. This was a depressing discovery but I noticed even in posts where Jared clearly tagged Jensen all he got was a like, MAYBE 1 or 2 comments out of several obvious @ Jensen tags, even if that. Go look at Jared's page, Justin's page and hell even Misha's page and you will not find the same kind of comments on either of their pages that you will on Justin's. Yeah you can't tell me they are remotely the same. That comment on Jared's posts versus these ones on Justin's posts, I am just saying. And then Exhibit B, the comments Jensen's put on Justin's stuff. I'm sorry but the overall message here is "Jensen calm yourself!" Ha ha...
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freakygirlie · 1 year
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new barn scene op!!!! samdean are really just in their own world ignoring everyone else
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emilyrosewinchester · 5 months
I'm trying my absolute hardest not to wake my parents up right now because I am seeing all these new j2 pictures at their latest con!!!
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whoblewboobear · 1 month
Yall finally got me with the j2jace brain worms. I want those twinks inside of each other. I want them both laying in bed fighting off the post nut clarity of the psychosexual implications of them sleeping together now. J2 wanting to talk about it and Jace shoving it deep down bc he JUST started to enjoy j2’s company instead of being jealous or offput by him.
Instead he just shuts j2 up by fucking him until he’s too far gone and the only word he can say is Jace. Real ego boost for the both of them too 💖
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Another year has come and gone, and y’all know what that means, it’s time to look back at some of the j2 moments 2022 has given us. 
We start the year with the boys excited at the opportunity to work together again, with Jensen set to join Jared on the Walker set to direct an episode! When asked about it during Dallascon in February Jared said that he couldn’t wait, and that the most exciting part for him was going to be getting to introduce a lot of the cast and crew to one of the people who helped him grow up and helped him learn how to do what he does, and that he would be showing Jensen off on set. And show him off he did! But let's not get ahead of ourselves...
March and April were packed with j2 goodies from the Walker set!
We got the boys in matching shirts ❤️:
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Some social media husbandness:
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"You can direct me any time" We know, Jared. We know 😏
The cute fun of Jared getting Jensen a different chair back for each day he was there directing:
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When asked what it had been like to work together again the boys were sweet and sentimental answering, that it was like they never stopped.
And Jensen saying about his shorthand with Jared that: "There’s nobody else I can do that with. He and I have that, and we’ll always have that. That’s not something that fades away."
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Y'all know I'm not gonna forget to mention that Jared gave the cast and crew a whole speech, on Jensen's birthday, telling them about how important Jensen has been in his life! 💕 
March also gave us not one but two public date nights! One to a UFC fight:
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And the second when Jensen took Jared to The Boys EW party!
Before we continue I feel like I'd be remiss to not take a second to mention that April ended on a scare because Jared did have a bad car accident which we found out about through Jensen, who is the person Jared gave permission to reveal the news. So, let's take a second to be thankful for our boy's health and well being🙏
Continuing on to happier things, and the rest of the year....
We got matching husbands at the CW Upfronts:
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So handsome 😍
We love a supportive hubby:
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In Jared’s third appearance on Rosenbaum's podcast he gushed about Jensen saying the most beautiful stuff like:
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About introducing Jensen to the Walker cast and crew:
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Making it clear that he loves and belives in Jensen:
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And these are just snippets, this man gushed about Jensen several times, and for like 5mins and he would have done it for longer if Rosenbaum hadn't stopped him.
During the gold panel of Orlcon Jared was struggling with the heat so Jensen got him a fan for the main panel:
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He's always taking care of his boy 🥰
He also had some lovely things to say about Jared producing his own show post-spn, saying that he doesn’t know many people in their profession personally that is more well equipped than Jared to do that job and he’s doing it now with grace and dignity and talent and success.
During Torcon Jared was all emotional, and he even cried, and at one point somebody in the crowd shouted at Jared to not start crying again so Jensen jumped to his defense saying he could cry if he wanted to.
Because of work Jared was not able to join Jensen at JIB but distance is not gonna stop these two and we still got some lovely moments like how Jared described Jensen: Jensen’s loyal, strong, and kind like a lab. He’s not as boisterous but he’s down for anything and he can do anything. He’s always up to work hard, he’s a loyal friend, a loyal family member. So he’d be like a lab you can count on him, he’s always gonna be there for you. 💕
And Jensen saying that Jared completes him 💞
Which he tries to play off and acts all bashful about yet a minute earlier he was talking about Jared's farts saying how he doesn't miss them and then going “maybe a little bit”. Its been months and I still haven't been able to process this because do you know how much you have to love someone to miss their farts? This is both cute and gross.
September gave us date night!
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There was this soft moment during Kansascon:
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Jensen shared that he has told the story of how he and Jared met on the Big Sky set 🥺
This is not really a hat thing but I'm really proud of them for this so I'm taking a second to include it, they got honored by the former mayor of Lawrence, Kansas! They were presented with a proclamation that Lawrence, Kansas is the official hometown of Sam and Dean Winchester, and they even got license plates with Jared’s saying Lil Bro and Jensen’s saying Baby.
Jared got sick with covid, again, so he was not able to attend Vancon but Jensen was thinking of his boy 😭:
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During Phoenixcon we got a glimpse as to how they handle their currently long distance relationship with the boys answer basically boiling down to them being used to having to be away from loved ones and having to go long stretches without seeing someone they hold so dear but when they are together they are present in the moment.
We end the year with flirting, heart eyes, fondness, the boys making each other laugh and this:
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Btw, this was Jared's reaction to a fan saying that men who choose Ryan Gosling - which Jensen did - tend to be more romantic.
We also got the reminder that Jared and Jensen share underwear😏
And that my friends are some of the j2 moments 2022 gave us!
Much like years prior, I hope this post acts as a little beacon of positivity and a reminder of the love that these two men continue to share. May 2023 gift us with even more wonderful moments💌
Happy New Years! 🥂
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ihatedean · 6 months
not a j2 tinhatter not an rpf shipper but a secret third thing (genuinely believes they kissed and that their dicks touched at least once and all the leaders of the world agreed to erase all evidence of it because they knew that if the tumblr girls had access to that information we would be powerful enough to overthrow them)
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cringecat69 · 9 months
starting the year with number yuri
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obviously. And a happy family.
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cant forget the chaotic new years family photo
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spikesgeliebte · 22 days
What a summer 2024!!!!
Finally Deadpool & Wolverine together on the big screen
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Oasis are back
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Linkin Park announced a new Album with a new singer
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Meanwhile the SPN fandom
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sapphyreopal5 · 5 months
I saw that you pointed out people noticing the romantic undertones of Jensen’s post and I believe you said before that Jensen probably isn’t completely straight and I’ve thought the same thing about justin cause apparently his last ex wife “knows” things about him…… Is it possible there’s something there between Jensen and Justin? Like more than friendship?
Hello Anon, hmmmmm interesting thought. So one of my best friends and I have been talking about this possibility lately. We all know about the J2 stuff with Jared and Jensen and the tinhatters and the hellers and things like that. It's interesting that you ask about Justin and Jensen, Anon. My best friend and I were talking about this some like I mentioned earlier. I'm big on talking about things like synchronicity, divination, sometimes numerology, and other spiritual related topics. I'm passionate about discussing these kinds of things, always was and always will be. I couldn't help but notice the weird "romantic" tone in 1 of the 2 photos Jensen used to announce he is going to be on Tracker or at the very least very friendly. It's funny Jensen called him brother, but the only instance I could find of them hanging out publicly was a photo Clif posted on his Twitter on 12/31/2012 of the 3 of them out and about in Malibu.
I couldn't quite find a source for this ex wife saying that referring to Justin, which I assume you mean may be Chrishell? I am aware that Justin and Chrishell "broke up" via text with Justin informing her he had divorce papers signed, all of which supposedly side-blinding her about it. Justin married his now third wife Sofia only a few months after his divorce with Chrishell was finalized. Her former co-star and on-screen nemesis Christine Quinn apparently "lied" to the media at one point saying she heard Justin and Chrishell were in therapy before filing for divorce, which Justin cited the reason as "irreconcilable differences". Hours later, Chrishell fired back at the media while saying Christine knows nothing about their marriage. Whether she was truly side-blinded or not we will never really know. It's interesting knowing that Chrishell's last 2 men she was with didn't want children but she did, yet now is married to G Flip (who is by the way a woman) as of last May. Awful funny how Chrishell ended up marrying a woman and was also on Days of Our Lives from 2013 to 2015, hmmm... For anyone interested in a said timeline for their relationship, here it is. Point is, it's possible Chrishell said something like this off the books or indirectly as she said a lot of things while devastated about their split.
I decided to look into some things and I could not help but notice today more parallels between Jensen and Justin. I wrote here a few days ago about other parallels between Dean on Supernatural, Russell on Tracker, and even between Jensen and Justin's personal lives. I realized after making that post that both Chrishell and Jensen were on Days of Our Lives at different times; Chrishell married G Flip last May in Las Vegas (and has implied she is "bisexual" but still likes masculine energies). This might explain some things about where Jensen might've REALLY gotten the inspiration for his daughters' names from. This post here that shows Jensen with Clif and Justin was posted on Clif's (now defunct) Twitter "yesterday" with the post being dated January 1, 2013, making it so the photo was originally posted December 31, 2012. Weirdly enough, THIS is the ONLY photo I could find of Jensen and Justin hanging out publicly together like EVER and it's hard to find when or how exactly they met and have yet to find a solid answer.
This Forbes article talks about how Jensen let Justin store his brewing system in his personal shed for at least the better part of a year if not longer. The article stated cut back to 7 years ago, with this article being dated May 2018 which puts things to 2011 or maybe 2012, assuming Jensen was being more general than specific. Did they rub elbows while doing auditions on the show Smallville all those years ago, as someone else speculated on my last post about Jensen and Justin? Interesting, if they're such good friends why have we heard so little of them hanging out and being friends?
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This magazine article shows around January 7, 2013 is when Danneel and Jensen announced. When I was doing research on Justin, I realized something strange while thinking about this earlier today along with Jensen's daughters. He has 1 daughter who was born July 3, 2004 named Isabella Justice Hartley. Jensen has 1 daughter who was born May 30, 2013 named Justice Jay Ackles. According to this tinhatter's post, Jensen's nickname for Jared is Jay. My best friend asked another tinhatter about if Jensen ever calls Jared Jay and said "may be a couple times?" In the con videos I've watched of Jensen referring to Jared he ends up calling Jared well Jared or something else many times over. Jay, I haven't heard him call Jared Jay at least yet.
However, this screenshot here does show Jensen referred to Justin as J in a comment made on Justin's post from October 12, 2021. Is it just a funny coincidence that the one public photo of Jensen and Justin, who has a daughter named Isabella Justice, hanging out TOGETHER and PUBLICLY was about a week before it was announced Danneel and Jensen are expecting their first child together they ended up naming Justice Jay? Did Jensen really just simply like the name Justice after talking to Justin about his daughter's name knowing he and Danneel are expecting? Does "Jay" REALLY refer to Jared or Justin or himself? Hmmm...
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NOW, as for Arrow, well according to this website: "And when it came to Ackles' daughter, they started off choosing her initials and took it from there. “We wanted an AA name and we both liked Arrow,” he explained. Ackles and Harris married in 2010 in Ackles' hometown of Dallas, Texas, after falling in love on the set of the 2007 romantic comedy Ten Inch Hero." Funny, this website is "SheKnows". Is this some strange hint from the seers "she knows" as in Danneel as to why he liked the name Arrow? I say this because I realize Jensen and Justin both played different roles at different times on the show Smallville. Jensen was on it for season 4, Justin from season 6 onward. Jensen played Jason Teague, while Justin played Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow.
Here is this article showing that Jensen by the way will be returning to Tracker more for season 2 and how Justin said Jensen "would be perfect for it", the role of his brother. Hmm.... In the article, you can find the quotes I mentioned below. However, I doubt they were at all surprised when Jensen wanted to join the show. Jensen did like multiple of Justin's posts regarding Tracker, so I'm sure Jensen and him started talking a little bit before he actually joined the show.
The casting of Colter's brother was also a pivotal decision, driven by the need for a strong actor to portray this complex relationship. “And then, when it was time to cast Russell Shaw, I was like, ‘We built this whole thing up. It’s important that we get somebody in there that is just a juggernaut. Somebody that you would believe because he’s gonna go toe-to-toe with Colter, in a good or bad way, and that you also believe is his brother.’ And I just thought Jensen Ackles would be perfect for it," Hartley explained. He was initially unsure about securing such high-profile actors but was thrilled when both showed eagerness to join the project.
In this, Justin also stated:
Hartley also revealed that his This Is Us co-star Jennifer Morrison would be making an appearance in the finale, and confirmed the return of several key characters, much to the delight of fans. “[Sofia] is coming back. Jensen is gonna come back. Melissa is gonna come back. There’s another leak for you. They’re all coming back,” he stated.
When my best friend and I were talking about this, she said "I can't move" because she was in such great shock about this connection. Maybe within 15 minutes of her saying that, she told me she felt an earthquake and that her entire bed moved as she was laying on it. This was actually not even an hour before this article posted, showing Jensen will in fact make more appearances on Season 2 of Tracker. I asked my best how far she is from where this earthquake with a magnitude of 4.1 hit and said about 20 miles. I mentioned before that Russell/Jensen and Colter/Justin on the show hadn't talked in about 20 years. Assuming another Tumblr user's speculations are correct about meeting during auditions for Smallville or close, seems like Jensen and Justin may have met over 20+ years ago or even through some work related event through the CW. I'm sure we'll eventually figure out exactly when they met but I've been noticing the number 20 show up a lot with Jensen and Justin. The numerology meaning for 20 is quite interesting, given what else I've said about the number 11 being bad for Jensen and 12 possibly being good. According to the Google overview of what 20 means in numerology:
The number 20 may also indicate a potential for spiritual growth and the beginning of a spiritual journey. Numerology encourages people to trust in the divine powers and follow the spiritual guidance they receive, leading to personal development and achieving one's soul mission.  Some say that people born on the 20th of any month tend to have a natural inclination towards harmony and cooperation. Others say that these people are often diplomatic and fair-minded, and that the number 20 bestows a strong sense of intuition and sensitivity upon those born on this day.  The number 20 vibration may experience a test of patience and humbleness. It may also symbolize a new beginning or new perspective on life.
Like I said in my last post regarding Justin and Jensen, are they the new J2? Is it possible they have had some romantic ties in the past or do they just like to joke flirt the way Jensen and Jared do? I don't know, you decide...
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sadviko-off · 4 months
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Almond (Hedgehog Waitress) in military uniform
Her old art :3✨
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laf-outloud · 10 months
Someone traded Jared his shirt for the sweater:
until we get the vid its unclear who initiated this process lol. Did Jared see the sweater and really want it and offer his own shirt in exchange??
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LOL! No wonder it doesn't fit right. I can't wait to hear the story about that!
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lilacpaperbird · 11 months
at an all time low (reading a detailed and extensive explanation of how american football works to understand a j2 american football au fic)
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canonicallysoulmates · 10 months
J2 Hawaii Con Main Panel 2023
What was Jensen’s experience voicing the Red Hood? And when will we see him on the big screen?
That was his first big voiceover gig and it was great because then it got him the opportunity to play another character in that world so he loved that experience and he’s continuing to do stuff like that just as Batman instead. And he’s ready and waiting for somebody to give him an opportuniy like that on the big screen. x
What is their favorite food that they ate on scene? And what is their favorite food to eat behind the scenes?
 Jensen says it would be so much easier to name the least favorite. 
Jared says they were literally watching outtakes in the green room before this panel but in the s15 ep with Mrs. Butters the scene where Sam gets cake for his birthday, Jared was training for a marathon and he was hungry all the time so there was like 3-4 leftover cakes and he took every one of them home, and the scene with Dean and Amara in the bakery there was a bunch of real stuff in the case and he was like 'I’m taking that home' about a bunch of different things so he would take food home all the time. 
Jensen asks Jared if there was anything from catering or craft services he would almost eat daily and I love it because before Jared can fully give his answer Jensen is saying the katsu chicken, and because it was Jared’s favorite they all had to have it once a week too. 
Jensen mentions a trail mix craft services had that he would eat so much off, and then one day Maisie went up to him as he was having a handful and asked him if he knew what the raisins, peanuts, and almonds were and he was confused until she told him they’re just obstacles keeping him from the m&ms.
So that was something off camera he would eat almost every day, on camera Dean ate a lot of crap. The worst was the turducken, he was forced to eat so much of it, it got to the point where he would eat- he would take a bite and because it was so in character would take a bite at the beginning of a scene, now they know that’s a rookie mistake, you take a bite at the end of a scene so when they yell cut you can spit it out into the spit bucket and you don’t have to swallow but his dumbass was constantly eating throughout a whole scene so he got really good at taking a bite in the first take and then shadow biting in the second. Jared says Jensen would even do this when the coverage was on him so the cameras would be over his shoulder and yet he'd see Jensen grab the food and eat but he'd just be fake eating. His favorite to eat were the taquitos they were so good but they never got to have them again because they were store-bought and the grocery store that sold them went out of business. x
Next is not a question it's a fan telling them a dad joke x
What is an item on their bucket list?
Jensen doesn’t have a bucket list. Jared has one item and it’s to make Jensen create a bucket list. x
Would Jensen ever consider doing the Masked Singer?
No. He’s only seen a few of those early on and he’s seen promotions of it, and the costumes look very uncomfortable, and the singing has to be prerecorded so you’re just dancing around in a furby outfit. Jared asks him if he would do it? And Jensen replies that not on TV.  x
When the SPN reboot comes around, is Jesus going to be a part of it?
Jensen points towards Jared and says he already is, and then gives him a little pat on the knee and it quickly goes from cute to hilarious because Jared stretches his arms out like on the cross 😂
Jensen doesn’t know but maybe, hopefully, we’ll see. x
What is one of their most memorable times where they tried to impress their wife?
Jared replies that he likes to lead with his worst qualities so he thinks the majority of the first year and a half of his relationship with G was probably all failures because he was like 'listen i'm gonna fart, and not shower, and not take good care of myself but if you can deal with that the rest is actually decent'.
......and they say romance is dead.
Jensen says he’s been trying to impress D since he met her and he doesn't think he's done it yet but he desires to keep trying. x
Are they still interested in re-doing Lonesome Dove together? Or is there some other project they want to star in together?
Jared would love to he thinks it'd be an awesome idea. And actually, the key makeup artist on Walker won an Emmy award for makeup on Lonesome Dove. Hell yes, he’d love to.
Jensen says it would be fun to do something as brothers again whether it’s Lonesome Dove or SPN. x
Was there something they were looking forward to watching or something that surprised them that they watched while they weren't working?
Jensen didn’t watch anything, three kids under the age of ten is consuming. 
Jared watched Top Gun Maverick which was awesome. Beyond that Coco Melon.
Jensen says he's seen so much Bluey, he almost had to go as Bandit for Halloween until his daughter decided she didn't wanna go as Bluey she wanted to go as Black Cat. He does say that D watches Gilded Age and he proxy has watched it and gotten into it but it’s a soap opera. He also watched all of Gen V cause he was curious to see how bad he looked so he watched his scene but ended up watching the whole episode then wanted to see everything so he went back and started from the beginning, and called Kripke to ask how many hit shows one man needs. x
What is something they took for granted while they were on SPN and didn't realize?
Jared's honest answer is he thinks he took for granted the city of Vancouver. He and Jensen did a really good job in the last 2 or 3 years off if they had a late call or night shooting at 6pm they’d sneak off to ski or go for a bike ride or something but often they were just working and he didn't have an excuse G, D and the kids weren’t in Van most of the time they were at home watching them taking them to school and stuff but he doesn’t think he took enough advantage he thinks he kept waiting for life to happen to him instead of realizing it was already happening.
Jensen says the set atmosphere. It really became what it was organically, it naturally established a really fun, welcoming culture on set that as guest stars would go on they would comment on it and say it was the best place to work. And they’d think that’s cool never really thinking it was by design but now they both know how precious that is and understand that in order to achieve that you have to put in a certain kind of work, they were doing that work unknowingly by being themselves and treating everybody as equal. He takes that knowledge now when stepping into other sets and he's very hyper-aware of the culture of those sets and he does everything he can to make it a welcoming, fun, entertaining space to create. x
Do they remember their first concert experience and who was it they went to see?
Jared doesn’t remember which one was first but in San Antonio, he saw En Vogue open for Vanilla Ice. And, his mom took him to the TMNT concert as a Christmas gift.
Jensen’s first concert was with his mom and his aunt, it was when he was 6. The Michael Jackson thriller tour and he was terrified because of the lights and the costumes and the roar of the crowd he had never been in a crowd that big and then he came out and blew the roof of the place. And then first concert on his own was Van Halen. x
How do they prevent burnout?
Jared says they burn out all the time and then they have moments like this with the fans where they remember why they like to stay lit. Jokes aside he thinks they do burnout, he knows he does, not a lot but he gets exhausted and he thinks Sam and Dean did as well he thinks all the characters that they’ve played have then you kind of remember why you keep fighting, why you get back up, you get a little help from your friends and you kind of fake it till you make it and then you're back on track. It gets hard for sure but ideally, the good they've been a part of and the families they’ve built and been invited to be a part of certainly give him energy, and motive him.
Jensen says they also started doing this at an early age where they conditioned themselves to work this hard, the strike and the pandemic were pretty bad for them they don’t know how to turn it off or shut it down because they’ve been doing for so long it’s how they’re wired so it’s like Jared says yeah, they burned out on occasion but also know that this is what fuels them so it's easy to recover and jump back in the pool when they love it and have been doing it this long. And they have people that inspire them and give them energy to keep going through the moments of exhaustion. x
What was their very first acting role in school?
For Jensen, he did drama class cause he had to pick an art elective and his first big High School production was Cyrano de Bergerac. He played Christian the character that needs Cyrano to speak for him to win over Roxane. But he was maybe a junior or freshman then in his senior year he did West Side Story.
Jared’s first legit role he can recall doing was Mercutio, he doesn't think anybody would sit through it, there was also a play called Candida but he doesn’t really recall the first one. It was all stuff that high schoolers don’t really grasp yet but it got him curious. x
Do they have a passion or a topic that they could confidently teach a one-hour class on?
No. But Jensen does think they could both fill 60min on set etiquette. Not just how to act or the art of filmmaking but what the different departments do and why and the craft that goes into a day on set. x
Do they have any plans for their canceled shows?
Jared says it was obviously not their choice for the shows to not come back and they’re gonna find out what their industry is gonna look like in the next couple of months. He'd love for them to come back but he doesn’t know what the world is gonna look in terms of content like 3yrs from now.
Jensen says the shows weren’t on air for long enough for them to generate a worth for them to be taken and shopped around it’s an unfortunate by-product of the industry, people move pretty fast and when things get shelved or cleared off the table everybody is moving on so it’s hard to resurrect things that there's not a want or need for it to be brought back. That unfortunately the shows didn't have enough time to root themselves and find their legs, and it was really unfortunate timing because both shows were great. But their industry is in such a transition period right now crazy things are happening all over the place. He and Jared were very fortunate to do what they did when they did because SPN survived some rough waters but he doesn't know if the show would have made it through something like this, and Jared takes it one step further and says if last year had been the first season of SPN they'd have gotten axed. x
What's their most memorable photo op?
Jared says they've had some funny requests at times.
Jensen says there was a line they used to have, he doesn't know where it went or when it was removed but he does remember at one point MC looked at him and went 'it's come to this'.
Jared shares a story about a photo op they had with Krista, and she wanted to do a funny mid-action pose like a bodyguard diving and she could have just posed but instead, she did a full-on dive across several times.
Jensen says that a funny thing though that he'll get asked to do rock, paper, scissors a lot and it's not a video just pick one of the three, he's always gonna do scissors because that's what Dean did and it's what he's married to at this point so if you want to beat him do rock, and if you wanna let him win do paper, or just don't do anything, you don't have to it's a picture. x
J2 Main Panel Hawaii Con '23
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klauslovecaroline · 9 months
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Gift for Dean Read more:
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whoblewboobear · 1 month
submitting this as part of the j2jace dynamic. jace loves playing dressup with j2 and cannot be held responsible for what he does afterwards
YES AGHHHH i love this so much, Jess!!!! One day Jace looks over and sees j2 in the most god awful outfit (it's not even that bad, its just very beach bum kinda vibes and Jace cant stand it bc elmville is nowhere near coastal so in his mind J2 looks so fcking weird rn) and just goes "meet me in my room now."
J2 fully tries to run down a list of things Jace could be mad at him about, wonders if jace found his stash of stolen goods. He wasn't seeing Porter without jace being there most days so it couldnt be that.. He finished all the tasks given to him- but when he gets up there and Jace just waves him over to the closet? Then he's giving him his full attention, tutting over him, dressing him up??? Blue is just sooo floored. Like just so damn giddy about it. He does try not to lose it bc Jace is so close; holding up different tops up to his body, spraying him with the cologne he wears all the time, he can even feel jace's breath on his neck as he adorns him with the pearl necklace jace only wears if Porter is taking him somewhere special.
He is of jace so ofc he's starting to get worked up from all the attention. He never gets to feel too good, especially if jace has anything to say about it. By the time he's slipping out of the 5th outfit hes trying to hide how hard he is. Jace sees it, he loves knowing j2 is just as into this as he is. Seeing J2 wound tight, happy and styled to perfection just makes him wanna tear the clothes off a little quicker.
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