#New ideas
disabilityhorizons · 1 year
Now available on Disability Horizons Shop!
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lewyym · 10 days
Remember when in like 2020-ish Metal Gear Rising was cool again and everyone was talking and memeing about it
And how sometimes popular media quotes just become part of regular vernacular?
It's an absolute SHAME we didn't make "The death of a few soldiers is tragic, but nothing to start a major war over" into a saying
"I might be a little paranoid but it's nothing to start a major war over."
"Sure I have some gray hairs but nothing to start a major war over."
"Yeah it was a bit salty but nothing to start a major war over."
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pratchettquotes · 11 months
Ponder rolled his eyes. These things always sounded fine when he worked them out in his head. He'd read some of the old books, and sit and think for ages, and a little theory would put itself together in his head in a row of little shiny blocks, and then when he let it out it'd run straight into the Faculty and one of them, one of them, would always ask some bloody stupid question which he couldn't quite answer at the moment. How could you ever make any progress against minds like that? If some god somewhere had said, "Let there be light," they'd be the ones to say things like, "Why? The darkness has always been good enough for us."
Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent
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socialbutterfly19 · 6 months
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It’s all about me and what’s gonna make me happy
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authorbettyadams · 1 month
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chrlvctius · 11 months
New ideaaa?
how abt a fluff with ale this time AHSJAHHAHAHAHA I know that angst fits ale soo muchh but what abt a fluff fr. I know we see alexia as this tough looking person, always keeps her head up high, the captain, never lets anything bring her down. Then here comes reader who's a ball of sunshine rlly. She's like the type of friend that's always there for everyone, supporting everyone in everything that they do, she's rlly just so optimistic. So basically, they're polar opposites.
Reader is also the empathetic type of person. She feels everything, every single thing. But she also feels like having that ability is a curse because she can literally notice EVERYTHING, like the littlest of things, every micro expression, every change of tone, every time the vibe of the room shifts, and it really brings her to pain.
She's the type of person that can't really hate/dislike someone entirely because she's soo open minded and she sees things from everyone's perspective, understands why someone said, behaved or reacted the way they did even without them having to explain anything to her. Reader's rlly just soo understanding. She's the type of person who believes there's still good in somebody even if that person has done something bad or alot of bad stuff, ykwim.
These two rlly just alot of trauma to unpack. Like, behind that strong personality and that calming and jolly personality, there rlly is something much more deeper to that. What they had to do and had to endure in order to be like that.
SOO ANYWYS, back to the story 😭👊🏻👊🏻
These two really fit each other, like they really really do. They needed each other. They complete each other.
reader was like ale's missing piece in her life, ykwim. Like, her whole life she knew there was something missing, there was this gap. It wasn't rlly full of light and sunshine in ale's life but when reader came, it all changed. She experienced how it was like to feel safe and to feel happy, without worrying about alot of stuff.
Reader saw through ale, she read her so well, like, reader could be a mile away and still can read alexia.
> anywys, i got alot of ideas and I haven't even finished clandestine meetings pt. 2 😭 LORDDD AHSJAHJAHAH anywys, it was nice to let this out;)
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djbunnie · 6 months
Slight reboot for the trio
I'm going to have to give Sam a reboot in her personality and new role. She avoids being pushy about her vegan lifestyle. I don't want Sam to be associated with extremist protesters like the 'Stop Oil' protesters. (they are annoying as hell.) I don't want her to be seen as a 'Pick me' girl. She is respectful and doesn't act superior just because her female peers like pink and traditionally feminine things.
Sam should quit ghost hunting and pursue her own interests. like being a writer/webcomic artist requires extensive research, hours of drawing, etc. Sam has decided to take on this new role and continue to support Danny as his personal nurse and therapist. I believe that she could also assist him in his personal life. Sam could provide cover for Danny when questioned about his whereabouts, and she could also help him with his homework. Sam's notes are clear and easy to understand, which could help Danny cheat on tests. For example, he would hide the notes in his school desk with storage and use his intangibility or invisibility powers to see through his desk and copy the answers. Additionally, when Danny is extremely busy, Sam would complete his homework, but only enough to earn him a C. (If I remember correctly, Danny is not the best student. In order to not raise any suspicions, Sam will only do enough to get him a C grade.) During group projects, Sam would complete Danny's portion and pretend to be him through phone and/or email.
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Sam would be concerned about Danny's health, so she prepares his meals, ensuring he gets all the necessary nutrients.
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Also she needs a new outfit too. I still want her to be goth but more stylish. (like hairstyles # 1 and 3 and Outfits # 1,2,and 4.)
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Tucker's personality would remain the same, and he would continue to hunt ghosts with Danny and is in charge of creating and upgrading ghost-hunting gadgets. He would also collect data on ghost weaknesses, power sets, and other related information.
Danny would stay the same, maybe a little more muscular, but not overly buff. just like Spiderman physique. It wouldn't make sense if Danny stayed scrawny throughout the show, he would have become more fighting fit and In his civilian form, he would still be seen as a scrawny loser to everyone. This way, he wouldn't be out of place.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N: the art does not belong to me!!! that art belongs to @amethystocean-adr)
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itsawritblr · 3 months
When I need inspiration but my Writing Brain comes up with the same old shit.
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1776 Week.
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play-my-game · 3 months
Exactly a year ago, I started this English version of my card game.
Six cards per day. 2190 cards and now more followers than that, so thanks to all the people that have been following this blog because that's what made me continue after the French version got nuked.
But now that I'm here and as I'm reaching the end of the pile of cards I made, it raises the question of what I should do.
Should I restart from the beginning, with updates for some of the cards (I'm still happy to get a message when I missed a typo or a poorly written sentence, as english isn't my first language) , and adding the new ones along the way? I'm well aware that most of you weren't there a year ago and never scrolled all the way down. More lazy than kinky heh?
Or should I only post the new cards, knowing I won't be able to be even close of doing 6 per day ?
I had more than half the cards already done when I started this blog, and lets be honest, the remaining creative space to avoid duplicates (and yeah, I'm sure there are duplicates in the pile already, or close) is shrinking. There isn't an infinity of kinks, after all... (OK maybe there is, but you get the idea)
So I'd like to know you preference, to help me take a decision.
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Oh, and for those willing to have a look at some alternate and/or censored cards, I got over 150 cards that didn't pass the censorship, so I'll try to find a way to have them available at some point ;)
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countrymusiclover · 4 months
3 - War Follows You
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Part 4
Dr. Redheaded Neighbor
Tag list - send an ask to be added @annieradcliff
Who should Mallory have a friendship with besides Will? Let me know in the comments
“Stay put gang. Go search Maxon.” I held up my hand signaling for the rest of my team to stay back behind me. We were responsible for locating some hidden explosives that were supposed to be shipped out somewhere we weren’t sure of.
Maxon ran forward entering the house through the nearest window. “Easton, we’ve got visual.” One of my team members came over showing me a camera.
Maxon had a camera attached to the top of his vest and we could see everywhere he went. He went from one bedroom to another until he entered a basement showing us a wall lined up with boxes upon boxes of explosives. “He’s got’em. Move in.” I dropped my hand and our team made our way slowly into the house.
My boots banged on the stairs, and I was the last one to come down into the basement. “Easton! There’s foot traffic over here.”
“You think someone else has already came down here?” I asked my friend Antler.
Antler shakes his head no, brushing his fingers on the fresh footsteps hearing some movement behind some of the boxes. “Look at these markings. These are fresh just like our boots will be which means- “
“Someone else is down here.” I finished his train of thought.
I heard a women’s voice make a noise before a few of us draw out our firearms and aimed them in the direction. “Ah!”
“Come out with your hands up!” I called out while Maxon bared his teeth seeing a figure come around the corner.
The figure was a dark-skinned man all covered in different types of robed fabric. “You have no right to be down here. You are trust passing.” He held a woman against his chest with a gun to her head.
“Sir these explosives were stolen from a nearby US army base. They do not belong to you.” Antler explained to the man.
The guy pointed the gun at us, waving it around where I was nervous that it could go off at anytime. “You are the trust passers here. God will make you pay for what you did to my kids.”
“Ma’am, can you tell us what happened to your kids?” I asked her.
She winced beginning to cry before her husband shoved her onto the ground. “A bomb went off – destroyed our house – uh!”
“I will not let you take her from me. We shall be reunited with them in heaven.” The guy drew something out from behind his back, holding up a switch with a big red button and then I noticed the timer on the nearest explosion box.
Maxon started barking his head off bolting up the stairs when I hollered to my team. “Weapons hot. I repeat weapons hot!” I ran as fast as I could letting the rest of my team go up first hearing the ticking getting louder behind me.
I managed to get out of the door watching Maxon leap up into the low flying helicopter that had the rest of my team inside. “Mallory!” Antler called my name holding out a hand for me. I screamed barely grabbing his hand by the time the building blew up.
“No! I - I’m sorry.” I thrashed in the blankets of my bed throwing my arms and legs about. My chest was tightening, and I shot awake when I felt a hand touch my shoulder.
“Mallory – woah- “I heard someone say before I twisted the person’s wrist the opposite way where they winced in pain.
I drew my other hand into a fist trying to figure out who the intruder was and how he got inside my apartment. “Who the hell are you, intruder!”
“It’s me, Mal. Here look.” The guy used his other hand turning on the lamp that sat on my nightstand bringing light into my dark bedroom. I blinked my eyes adjusting to the light finally seeing who it actually was.
He nodded feeling my fingers loosen their grasp on his wrist. “Yeah, it’s me. You’re okay.”
“I’m sorry. I was just sleeping and then – I hurt you.” I reached for his wrist again tracing my thumb over the nails scars that I had dug into his skin.
He moved his wrist from my hand and instead intertwined my hand with his own. “You don’t have to apologize, Mal. Trust me when I say I have the chance of getting hurt much worse at the ED than I do with your nails digging into me.”
“I’m aware. I just feel bad about it.” I replied feeling the bed confuter shift when Maxon leaped up onto the bed and laid down on the other side of me. Will and I were very close, so I never wanted to hurt him in any way and he didn’t want to do anything to upset me.
Will left the bedroom and I heard him flip a switch on in the kitchen. Maxon laid his head in my lap and I slowly ran my fingers through his fur. I also could hear the microwave go on and off and it was a few minutes later he came back with a cup in his hand that he held out for me. “From what I’ve read it says that hot chocolate or coffee helps calm some people down and help your bawl movement too.”
“Will, I appreciate the concern. But I will be perfectly fine without that.” I shake my head no. He meant well but I could see his face shift into full on doctor mode like the drop of a hat. So, I doubt he’d let me decline his help now.
Will sits down at the edge of the bed seeing me pull my knees up close to my chest. “Mallory, this will help I promise. And I’m not leaving until you drink it.” He held out the warm mug again where I took it with a heavy sigh.
I sent him a glare raising the cup to my mouth sipping the liquid. The warm liquid went down my throat and I felt a warm feeling build in my stomach. My shoulders dropped in relief when I laid my back against the pillows behind me. “You’re a pretty good doctor to me, Halstead.”
“Thanks.” He smiled back at me. Silence fell between the three of us in the room, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. His gaze scanned over my face, and he held his gaze with mine pausing before he said another word. “Can I ask what the nightmare was about exactly?”
“Um.” I trailed off tapping my fingers on the red coffee cup.
He drew his question back till I shake my head no. “If it’s too emotional I understand if you don’t want to talk about it.”
“I can talk about it. It’s just – it happened on my first mission out.” I sucked in a breath closing my eyes thinking back on the day it happened. “We were supposed to be retrieving some explosives that were stolen from one of our old bases nearby. It was out in the dessert of Afghanistan. We got information from an informant that they believed the explosives were held up in a hut out in the dunes.”
Will nodded in response. “So, you and Maxon were assigned to locate the explosives for your unit.”
“Yes, and we successfully did find them. Except we didn’t expect that the guy who stole them would be there.” I blinked through some tears sitting the coffee cup down on the nightstand table. “When we found the guy inside the basement, he came around the corner and – he was a little shit for using his wife as a shield. They had lost their kids because another unit before us so they hated us coming in.”
Will touches my knee seeing that my chest was heaving up and down with some tears falling down my face. “You don’t have to tell me anymore if you don’t want to.”
“I’m alright, Will. Um – he didn’t care about her safety, so he threw her on the ground like dirt and pulled out a dedtinator. He pressed it without a second thought and we barely made it out alive.” Maxon made a whimpering noise when I wiped away tears. “Every time I – I close my eyes I see her face. I think how horrible of a life that was for her. And – I couldn’t do anything to stop him.”
Will scooted forward on the bed motioning for Maxon to switch to the other side of the bed. “Woah, woah, hey now. I’m right here.” He wrapped his arms around my shaking body seeing me getting more emotional about the nightmare.
“She’s dead because of me. She’s – I - she’s gone.” I began crying into the fabric of his shirt, clutching my fingers into the fabric.
He rested his chin on top of my head holding me as close to his embrace as possible. “You did everything you could. You hear me, Mallory. You did what you could.” I felt one of his hands raise up and gently ran through my hair attempting to calm me down.
“Will, how did you get into my apartment?” The thought popped into my head once I had stopped sobbing so much.
I lifted my head up slightly from his chest and he kept playing with my hair. “You gave me a key remember.” He chuckled lightly at me.
“Oh right – my bad.” I laid my head back down in his chest and he squeezed me against his warm embrace. We laid in the bed and Maxon laid down at our feet watching over me before I fell back to sleep. “Thank you for being here.”
Will kissed my hair watching me fall asleep before he fell asleep himself. “You’re welcome, Mal.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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loneghostss · 18 days
feeling very sick but having high fever induced thoughts about ex-c0vict eren who’s trying to get his life back on track but gets obsessed with the girl next door (Mikasa). so, in the end, i think i am good!
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alastor-simp · 6 months
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oldfarmhouse · 8 months
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞! 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐬
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jojyl · 1 month
New model Ideas
I'm working on some new stuff, from Frieren and Evangelion, but besides that I'd like to know what things you'd like me to make :3
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misskaboom · 1 month
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elka-tradishkin · 2 months
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Relatives, hello. In general, it seems to me that a good idea has matured in my head. I have sometimes seen something similar to my idea among Russian content, but I cannot know for sure if there is something similar among English content. But still, I want to share with you, why not?
I like to associate myself with someone or something, and I think I'm not the only one. So, I can share this with you, with my, let's say, like-minded people, and at the same time so that you share it with others.
So, the pictures above are arranged in order. If I were:
1) A musical group/performer. (Astera sounds)
2) A place. (The roof of a multi-storey building)
3) Time. (21:21)
4) Animal. (The Frog)
5) Style. (Kid core)
6) A character. (Luz Noceda)
7) A musical instrument. (Kalimba)
8) The disorder. (obsessive-compulsive dreaming syndrome)
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