#New Brain Trio
misteria247 · 20 days
It's Danny that starts the unintentional chain of events. He and the team are on a mission, he's partnered with Timmy. Jimmy and SpongeBob are on the intercoms trying to figure things out. The mission has gone to hell, there's chaos everywhere. And Danny he just takes a look at all of it, mentally trying to figure out how to describe it all. And before he can even think about it his mouth opens up and out pops-
The reaction is instantaneous. The intercoms immediately go silent. Dumbfounded. Wanda and Cosmo are staring at the ghost teen, and Timmy's jaw is open in surprise. Danny remembering that there's a ten year old with him just breaks out into a nervous sweat as the adults finally process it. Immediately SpongeBob let's out a scandalous gasp-
And Wanda's eyes just turn sharp, pink hues boring straight into him in a silent promise to get his ass ASAP. Cosmo's immediately not touching this situation, deciding Wanda's got it. Jimmy on the other hand is pinching the bridge of his nose already tapped out. And Danny and Timmy just having a silent stare down as the boy's shock morphs into impish mischief. At that moment Danny knows this is going to come back and bite him in the ass.
It's only a few weeks later when he gets it. When he hears Timmy's childish voice in frustration yell out-
"Fuck! This is stupid!"
And he just feels the glare of a certain pink fairy. She's not happy and Danny knows he's not going to come back from this unscathed. Later as Timmy's cackling at Danny getting in trouble the older teen just glares at him and says-
"Keep laughing Turner. You'll get what yours eventually mark my words."
Fast forward a few years to Timmy being a teenager with a child Peri. The two brothers are just doing their own thing, Cosmo and Wanda are in the other room talking. A sudden moment and Timmy's running to grab his little brother who's nearly ran into an old clock. Timmy doesn't even think about it, just reacts purely on instinct.
Timmy's already looking over his baby brother not realizing that he just opened Pandora's box. Not till he sees Peri's puzzled expression and his small head tilt before asking in an innocent voice-
"Fuck....? What's that mean?"
Timmy's never felt fear till he hears Peri say fuck. Nor when he heard Cosmo's gasp when he'd stepped into the room with Wanda, both parents concerned about their sons only to walk in on Peri's question. Wanda's eyes go wide before-
Timmy ends up getting into trouble, and ends up having to deal with his little brother say the word fuck randomly on and off while playing for the next few days. Mentally cursing Danny for predicting this situation. When Peri's older and is retold the story, he laughs so hard he nearly cries. All the while Timmy just shakes his head, knowing that Peri was asking for it without knowing.
More years pass, and Peri's now a fairy godparent of a boy named Dev. The boy's......complicated. And Peri has to resist the urge to rip out his purple curls sometimes but he enjoys the boy nevertheless. It's because of this that he let's his guard down. He, Dev and Hazel are rushing to meet up with his parents and older brother and said brother's team. The world's gone to shit, and they're on a time limit. Peri catches sight off a familiar head of brown hair and two small figures hovering nearby and he opens his mouth to shout out to them. To call out to his family who's currently with the ghost, sponge and scientist. When a sudden burst of energy flashes by, forcing Peri to grab Dev and Hazel and let out a yelp. Footsteps and shouts are heard and Peri's a bit frazzled and before he even realizes-
A dead silence as Peri slaps a hand over his mouth. Hazel let's out a gasp and cries out that that's a bad word. While Dev just starts to smirk like a cat with the cream. Timmy who's now kneeling next to them, let's out an exhausted sigh while Jimmy coughs to cover the snicker that threatens to come out, causing Timmy to shoot him a look. SpongeBob immediately let's out a not you too Peri! While Danny just seems to go blank expression wise, deja vu hitting him like a truck. Wanda's at this point done.
Cosmo just let's out an amused but tired noise having gotten used to the fuck ups involving his boys and their mouths. There's a burst of chatting and the solemn promises of retribution for corrupting the youth. All the while Peri looks up to see Timmy and Danny staring at him with looks that say-
'Told you so.'
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pooks · 2 months
okay, about my Straw Hat!Ichiji AU, time to talk about Ichiji's bond and dynamics with the other Straw Hats
Luffy Ichiji is very loyal to his captain. He got a little fond of Luffy already at the Baratie and was impressed that Luffy tried to argue and negotiate with Zeff (something that's considered near impossible) about his debt. Luffy managed to open up Ichiji a little and got a glimpse of his true self.
When Ichiji points out that despite Gold Roger being a legend, there's very little archived records of his adventures. Ichiji's dream is to write and archive a large book of chronicles of the next Pirate King. Luffy recognizes his literary talent and offers Ichiji to become his archivist.
Through their journey together, Ichiji holds Luffy in high regards and respects him deeply. The events of WCI only solidifies his loyalty and respect for his captain, who came to Whole Cake to save him and Sanji.
Zoro Ironically, Ichiji gets along with Zoro just fine, compared to his little brother. He also thinks that Zoro looks like a marimo, but he leaves that unsaid as Sanji bickers the most with Zoro.
Ichiji finds Zoro refreshing to talk with and Zoro appreciates Ichiji's calm nature, he views Ichiji as a sane counterpart to Sanji. They respect each other as nakama. Ichiji strongly suspect something between Zoro and his little brother, but keeps this to himself as he truly wants to see them get their act together.
Both of them are responsible and protective in their own ways (Zoro, for nakama and ichiji, for his brother). But there is some friction they don't really address. Zoro is aware that Ichiji (and Sanji)'s past is a subject Ichiji never talks about and he has strong suspicions that Ichiji being an "overbearing, protective brother" to Sanji is a sign that he's compensating for something. Ichiji, on the other hand, not only envy Zoro for his strength and dedication to the crew, but also for his strong bond with Sanji.
Ichiji always refers to Zoro as "Roronoa" (as he thinks that calling Zoro by first name is too personal). As for Zoro, he just settles nicknames such as "nerd", "brainiac" or foureyes" (Ichiji never minds while Sanji takes full offense at this).
Nami Ichiji isn't over the moon-attracted and lovestruck by Nami like Sanji, but he admits her beauty and thinks she's just as pretty as she's clever.
His opinion on Nami improves at Arlong Park arc, when he sees Nami's burden and sacrifice for her village. He's reminded of his deal with Judge in the past, enduring six months of agony and pain in exchange for Sanji's freedom (a deal that Judge never honored, similar to Nami's deal with Arlong) and he is fast to understand that Arlong never intended on keeping his word. He also knows that Nami must ask for their help before they can intervene.
While he never mentions any details or names, Ichiji tells Nami a little about the "sacrifice" he made for Sanji and tells her that asking for help when she needs it isn't something to be ashamed for and in fact, he admires her strength and dedication to save a whole village while he only aimed to save a beloved brother.
Nami both like and respect Ichiji as her equal and nakama. She admires Ichiji's skills in writing and calculating and often asks for his opinion when she's drawing her charts. Nami also have a habit to play with Ichiji's long hair (his red hair reminds her of Belle-Mere).
During their adventures...which is basically everyday, Ichiji focuses on securing some treasure and always hands it over to appease Nami to stay on her good side. Nami, who never says no to some exta Berry or treasure, always calls Ichiji her best friend.
Also to note, Ichiji is always invited to Nami and Robin's "girls' nights". Something that makes his little brother seethe everytime (lmao). Ichiji is kinda a permanent honorary guest at their girls' nights and he always returns to his crew with new hairstyles and painted nails.
Usopp Usopp was very intimidated by Ichiji at their first meeting, mostly due to Ichiji being irritated over Sanji taking over his waiter duties at the Baratie (because his little brother started to fawn over Nami) and his usual stoic personality. He changes his mind when Ichiji commits to his proper waiter duties and actually asks the guys (neglected by Sanji) what they'd like to have.
Usopp is very surprised to see Ichiji has joined them, not really aware of his role on the crew. Usopp originally took a little offense of Ichiji writing their chronicles, due to the sniper being a "master storyteller". Ichiji is fast to settle this down by telling that he's only putting their stories in ink and while Usopp is a great storyteller, he also want people to believe them and Usopp, sadly, doesn't have the best track record for credibility.
Ichiji serves as another older brother figure for Usopp, even straight up telling him that it's okay being afraid because courage is born from defying fear, not the absense from it. Usopp is also vaguely aware that Ichiji has self-worth issues that he refuses to speak about.
Chopper Ichiji was the only one who recognized Chopper as a reindeer at their first meeting. Despite this, Chopper was a little wary around Ichiji, even after he joined the Straw Hats. Ichiji respected this and decided to let Chopper befriend him when he was ready.
Chopper quickly warmed up to Ichiji, after he demonstrated how far he was willing to go for his brother and his nakama. Ichiji tells Chopper that he doesn't have to trust him if he doesn't want to, but to let him earn his trust.
Chopper knows that Ichiji is physically different, due to being genetically modified. They agreed to never leave it between then, as a patient-doctor agreement. They have in common that they technically belong to a certain race, but still different from their peers (Ichiji, for being an advanced human because of Germa and Chopper, who's a reindeer/human Devil Fruit user).
Ichiji is very fond of Chopper and treats him like a cute little brother, although a little wistfully as he remembers his younger brothers at Germa (and secretly laments their lost humanity).
Nico Robin Ichiji, like Zoro, was very suspicious of Robin when she joined. While he acknowledge that she, like Nami, is pretty, he decided to not let it cloud his judgment, in contrast to Sanji who fawned over her. Instead, he remained cold and stoic until Robin proved that she was trustworthy.
He later warmed up to Robin and they shared many common interest, such as ancient knowledge. Ichiji often consults with Robin regarding his work with the Straw Hat Chronicles and asks her to proofread his drafts before he can put it in ink.
This friendship is tested during the Enies Lobby Arc, where Ichiji is constantly reminded of himself when faced with Robin's difficulties. Ichiji sees his own self-worth issues reflect in Robin and decides to save her as well. After the events, he had formed a strong bond with Robin. They hold each other in high regard.
It's implied that Ichiji have a little crush on Robin, but he isn't sure if it's genuine love or just platonic.
Franky Ichiji didn't hold Franky in high regards when they first met, due to the meeting was a result of the Franky Family beating up Usopp and stealing their money for a new ship. He was downright furious, questioning if they had morals or even a conscience for what they did to his friend.
Ichiji remained rather cold towards Franky through the Water 7 and Enies Lobby arcs. They have a smaller confrontation post-Robin's rescue, where Ichiji lays on why he hasn't warmed up to him, like the other Straw Hats has; Ichiji is having flashbacks to Germa (he doesn't tell about Germa, but refers to it without mentioning names) where he suffered non-consentual body modifications and surgeries. Franky being a cyborg gave him mild PTSD flashbacks and he kept his distance because he was afraid that Franky would take offense.
This confrontation causes Ichiji to open up about his "power" (Sparkling Red, but it's unnamed during this time) and he doesn't know how to control it. Ichiji is afraid that it'll go out of control, due to his overwhelming feelings, and accidently hurt someone he cares about. Franky, moved by Ichiji putting his trust in him, promises to help him to figure out how to control his power.
Thereafter, Ichiji regularly meets with Franky who creates support gear that can restrict his power and let him control it. Franky is a little enamorad by Ichiji's smile.
Similar to his situation with Robin, Ichiji harbors very fond feelings towards Franky. But once again, he isn't sure if it's romantic or platonic love.
Brook At their first meeting, Brook mistook Ichiji for a woman due to his androgynous appearences (aka his pretty face and his long, red hair in a braid) and asked to see his panties. Ichiji took this seemingly well, calling Brook a joker...until he delivered a swift kick to Brook's head and calmly said that he was a man, thus no panties. Brook apologizes which Ichiji accepted.
Ichiji was mildly annoyed by Brook, but quickly found that they shared common interests as well. Ichiji enjoys an interllectual conversation and they have creative hobbies (Brook, music. Ichiji; writing). They often drink tea with Robin and are dubbed as the "Classy Trio".
Jinbei Ichiji wasn't sure what to think of Jinbei when they first met, due to the fact that the only fishmen he had met previously was Arlong and his gang. And Ichiji didn't have a too flattering image of fishmen because of their actions. He befriended Jinbei pretty fast, though and thought him as a good ally.
After the WCI events, where Jinbei officially joins the crew, Ichiji expressed his eternal gratitude for the fishman's actions and regards Jinbei as one of his closest friends.
Both of them enjoys a good conversation and Ichiji appreciates every moment of wisdom Jinbei offers.
Straw Hats in general Ichiji loves the Straw Hats as his family, even if he doesn't physically express his emotions like Sanji can. He has a lot of brothers and sisters, and he cherishes every moment with them.
He enjoys to tease them a little, especially the younger ones. Ichiji comes with a lot of witty and sarcastic remarks. He isn't afraid to speak his mind and is very honest with his nakama (with the exception of his Germa past). His stoic expressions along with reflective glasses gives the straw hats the "unreadable expression" impression from him and Ichiji uses this to his advantage, playing pranks on them...until he smiles and reveals that everything was just a "sensible deception". (aka, he trolled them XD)
The Straw Hats really loves Ichiji as much as they love Sanji. He's a valued crew member, one of their strongest fighters and a mature older brother figure for the younger ones. They all know that Ichiji has self-worth issues and dehumanizes himself quite often, but then the just double down on the love and friendship.
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strawglicks · 3 months
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trio ive been brainrotting about
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herobrine-avm · 1 year
Soldier, Poet, King
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cakesmelons · 1 year
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Nightmare is tired of only being liked for his manly boobs
....he's much more that just those boobs.. :)
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toonymoon-doodles · 5 months
I relapsed, can't escape the lego
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I went insane so I drew the traffic light trio and lunartides. I think this is my brain rot??? I understand the feeling now- there's no escape- I need more LMK in my life.
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xero013 · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's Day 🚇⚡
(Thank you for 100+ followers! (*´ω`*) )
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aropride · 19 days
dont get me started on shame by mitski
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emeraldart · 9 months
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Local losers found cuddling at 3 AM!11!1 Not clickbait!11!1
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amethyst-halo · 2 months
head in hands
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loopsisloops · 2 years
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sealrock · 8 months
me: hector is part of a small percentage of garleans that have psionic powers to compensate for their inability to manipulate aether, but it weakens greatly with age and causes immense mental strain
also me: *falls into a deep rabbit hole of paranormal pseudoscience and marvel/dc comic power scaling wackiness in an attempt to explain why and how that is in the ffxiv universe, but suspension of disbelief is thrown out the window*
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sillypilledkitty · 1 year
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*and they’re all voiced by Tom Kenny
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ok4ru · 1 year
I had a dream about the Missing link second trailer coming out and it was Brain coming out of something like a lifeboat and Hastune Miku was there? It could had been another characters but the hair looked like her so??😭
Also that Nomura posted new art containing just Kairi and Riku on the side of it and nobody in the middle. Riku was in dreameater form but it was kh3 Riku and had some sorta purple collar on him also that one of his eyes which mitch match like Yozora going the way. Also looked like Kairi and Riku were off to find Sora together with determine smiles on there face.
Everybody was going crazy about it and also a new ps 7 came out?? The other ones not out yet so that confused me a little...
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firestorm09890 · 7 months
lengthy kingdom hearts animatics that live in my head now up to 5
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erythristicbones · 1 year
i don't feel like copying what i wrote, so take some screenshots of me having brainworms for the JDK villains again. primarily spurred by me going "hey wouldn't Nisha and Artemis and Apollo make cool rockstars instead"
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#i really need to hurry up and finish organizing my writing blog so i can start posting these there instead#anyways i feel like this finally nails EXACTLY the kind of vibes that i wanted for the Acolytes and Solanace#and tbh.....even if i cant find a way to work JDK's original curse themed plot with these ideas#i feel like it would absolutely be worth changing the stories/motivations for the POV trio to fit this new set of ideas#kinda adds a lot more to the villains as a whole#and also sets it apart from a lot of my other stories that revolve around 'essentially a cult' as an opposing force#if i decide to be the most self indulgent that i possibly could be#i might even consider the idea of making it a story ABOUT Solanace and the acolytes in the POV sense#theyd still obviously be villains but the protags of the story instead of the antags#at which point jonas/lydia/hayes would have to be majorly reworked to then fit into the antagonist roles#could also theoretically work with the idea of jonas AND nisha being POVs#so the reader would be getting insight to the good guys and the villains at the same time#JDK(which STILL needs a better placeholder title) really is a story that ive had to majorly change multiple times#most of my stories i have the general idea + genre settled before anything else#but this one is more character driven#i have two groups of OCs ive thought about in depth and i just havent been able to build the story around them in the right way yet#i think once i can Actually get my brain focused long enough to draw#i wanna doodle more rockstar inspired designs/themes for nisha/artie/apollo#see if the idea continues to tickle the brainworms in such a great way + then have time to make polished refs b4 artfight#bc i really love my overdramatic artsy villains okay. i think they deserve to be extra as fuck ya know?#who doesnt love a villain whose primary goal is to put on a show and THEN to do the evil things?
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