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stettinblog · 1 month ago
Top Veranstaltungen in Stettin 2025: Ein Führer für Touristen
Warum Stettin 2025 noch beliebter bei seinen Gästen wird? - Wir regen an zu einem Besuch und stellen die Top-Veranstaltungen 2025 in Stettin vor
Blick auf die Hakenterrasse am Oderufer – Das Schaufenster der Metropole (Foto: neufal 54) Wieviel Gäste jährlich Stettin besuchen ist unbekannt. Das ist nicht verwunderlich: Schließlich ist alleine der Ansturm diesseits der Oder auf die Vororte mit ihren Einkaufsmöglichkeiten und Märkten nicht Teil statistischer Erhebungen und lässt sich auch in Zukunft nur schwer prognostizieren. – Aber: Es…
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bordoring · 1 year ago
Falliscono, anche se con risvolti molto differenti, le due spedizioni pugilistiche italiane in terra inglese, entrambe valide per il titolo Europeo.
Alla Manchester Arena il 28enne di Pagani Vincenzo LA FEMINA ha rimediato una dura lezione dal campione d'Europa dei supergallo, il 26enne Liam DAVIES. L'orgoglioso pugile campano, nonostante una guardia troppo spesso tenuta bassa, ha disputato un combattimento coraggioso in cui non si è tirato indietro pur dovendo soccombere alle leve più lunghe, al ritmo incalzante e al pugno duro dell'avversario.
Emozionante il terzo round il quale ha addirittura offerto un knock down per parte: prima Davies centrava l'italiano con un destro d'incontro che gli faceva appoggiare il guantone destro a terra. Dopo il conteggio, però, nonostante il forcing del campione, La Femina riusciva a stampare sul volto dell'inglese un bel sinistro col risultato di metterlo al tappeto tra l'incredulità del pubblico.
Davies riusciva tuttavia a terminare la ripresa e al quarto tempo rimandava a terra La Femina sul finire del round grazie ad un potente sinistro largo alla mascella. Nella quinta ripresa l'inglese chiudeva i giochi: un secco destro al volto faceva arretrare La Femina pericolosamente sulle corde, dove Davies lo investiva di colpi inducendo l'arbitro a fermare il combattimento.
La Femina, seppur coraggioso, a mio parere ha sbagliato nell'atteggiamento troppo imprudente e spavaldo che ha finito per ignorare i consigli che arrivavano dal proprio angolo di tirare su la guardia. Contro un pugile di valore come Davies fare a meno di questi precetti si è rivelato fatale. Se Vincenzo farà tesoro di questa lezione penso che potrebbe avere altre opportunità.
Dal triste finale anche l'impresa del Giaguaro Matteo Signani, 44 anni, che sul ring della Wolverhampton Hall difendeva la cintura EBU dei Supermedi contro il 32enne locale Tyler DENNY. Chiunque mastichi un pochino di pugilato sapeva che l'impresa non era semplice e infatti il Signani di stasera, seppure indomito come sempre, ha mostrato solamente per pochi tratti il vero volto della propria boxe. Spesso è andato fuori misura non azzeccando i tempi dell'attacco. Inoltre il ritmo imposto al combattimento non è stato il solito. Qualche buon sinistro è riuscito a piazzarlo col passare delle riprese e, probabilmente, se non fosse stato fermato da una brutta ferita apertasi dopo una testata dell'avversario, se la sarebbe potuta giocare.
Tyler Denny, pompato forse oltremisura dalla Boxxer di Ben Shalom e dal pubblico amico, francamente non mi è sembrato un gran pugile. Ha piazzato qualche buon sinistro, qualche buon montante, si muove benino ma nulla più. Gli manca il pugno e anche la correttezza, considerati gli innumerevoli clinch prolungati e le strategiche testate lanciate quasi ad ogni contatto con l'avversario. Quella fatale arrivava sul finale del settimo round. La criticità della ferita scaturita dall'impatto con le teste induceva l'allenatore Meo Gordini a fermare il combattimento prima dell'inizio dell'ottavo tempo.
Ciò premesso, bisogna per l'ennesima volta rimarcare la non adeguatezza dell'arbitro, il belga Wouters, che non ha mai preso provvedimenti per arginare le scorrettezze di Denny e il forse un pò troppo casalingo punto di vista della giuria che, nonostante un sensibile vantaggio per Denny, al momento della sospensione, sui suoi cartellini aveva un netto dominio dell'inglese.
Non sappiamo ancora quale decisione prenderà Matteo Signani e se questo sarà stato l'epilogo della sua carriera. Francamente credo sia un pugile ancora in buona forma e con tanta voglia di sacrificio per questo sport. Vedremo se la testa e soprattutto l'età gli consentiranno un ulteriore capitolo per chiudere la sua storia pugilistica come un campione come il Giaguaro merita. In bocca al lupo!
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gobelluno · 1 year ago
Effetto Spes Arena, 3-0 casalingo per il Belluno Volley
BELLUNO – Seconda gara casalinga e secondo successo: netto, inequivocabile, meritato. Il Belluno Volley difende il fortino e cancella con un colpo di spugna il passivo di Pavia. Al cospetto di una formazione quadrata, come Mirandola, i rinoceronti danno vita a una prova di grande solidità: sono chirurgici nei momenti topici (soprattutto nei primi due parziali, chiusi con uno scarto minimo) e…
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personal-reporter · 2 years ago
Made in Steel 2023
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L’edizione 2023 di Made in Steel, Conference & Exhibition internazionale dedicata alla filiera dell’acciaio, organizzata da siderweb, si terrà dal 9 all’11 maggio in Fieramilano Rho, con una partecipazione che sarà di oltre 300 aziende, con il motto di Generations, re-imagining our world. Gli espositori di Made in Steel rappresenteranno il comparto della siderurgia, dalla produzione all’utilizzo, passando per la trasformazione, la logistica e i servizi, infatti il 25% delle aziende espositrici arriva dall’estero, in netto miglioramento rispetto all’edizione precedente, ma anche all’edizione dei record, quella del 2019. Sono ventuno i Paesi rappresentati, Italia compresa con  Algeria, Belgio, Cina, Egitto, Francia, Germania, Gran Bretagna, India, Monaco, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Repubblica Ceca, Romania, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Spagna, Stati Uniti, Svizzera, Turchia e Ungheria, mentre la superficie espositiva supererà i 15mila metri quadrati, record assoluto per l’evento. Inoltre saranno oltre 60 i buyer, italiani e stranieri, che parteciperanno all’evento, grazie alla collaborazione con l’Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane. Made in Steel non sarà solo una fiera, infatti avrà uno spazio per il business, per le relazioni tra operatori, per cogliere in anticipo le tendenze di mercato e prezzi, oltre che per riflettere sul futuro a breve e medio termine della filiera dell’acciaio nazionale e internazionale. Molto corposa sarà la componente di convegni, coinvolgendo 50 relatori, dall’Italia e dall’Europa, che prenderanno parte ai momenti di approfondimento e analisi durante Made in Steel 2023, oltre all’assemblea pubblica di Federacciai. Il programma quest’anno prevede per la prima volta anche una serie di sette eventi sotto forma di talk, ospitati nella siderweb Arena, al centro dei padiglioni 22 e 24 di Fieramilano Rho. L’edizione 2023 della Conference & Exhibition è stata organizzata con un approccio sostenibile e responsabile, infatti Made in Steel ha avviato l’iter per ottenere la certificazione rilasciata da RINA secondo lo standard ISO 20121, per l’organizzazione sostenibile dell’evento, con riferimento ai principi di gestione, inclusività, integrità e trasparenza suggeriti dalla norma. Verranno inoltra assegnati i Made in Steel Awards 2023, riconoscimenti che dal 2007 una giuria assegna a espositori e allestitori che dimostrano di saper veicolare il proprio messaggio con originalità e chiarezza, di presentare i propri prodotti e servizi in modo efficace e innovativo. Le categorie saranno Best Communication Stand, per la comunicazione più efficace, e  Most Friendly Stand, per l’allestimento più accogliente. Per la prima volta quest’anno sarà assegnata la Honorable Mention for Sustainability all’espositore che avrà saputo mettere al centro dell’allestimento i temi di sostenibilità ed economia circolare. Made in Steel 2023 sarà in parziale concomitanza con Lamiera, dedicata alle macchine per lavorazione e deformazione della lamiera e alle tecnologie ad esse connesse, promossa da Ucimu, che  si svolgerà dal 10 al 13 maggio. Read the full article
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ick25 · 3 years ago
Rockman.EXE, fanservice? Part 3
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Fanservice is defined as something added in a media specifically to please the fans, often sexual in nature, OFTEN, so people forget that there are other forms of fan service, for instance, Rockman’s cute relationship with his Netto-kun!
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Anyway, people seem to want more Rockman butt...I mean, interesting art styles from the Rockman.EXE anime, specifically the first season. Maybe this time we will be able to solve the true meaning behind Rockman’s close ups.
Starting off with episode 22, there seems to be some favoritism for Rockman’s entrance at the start of the N-1 Finals. Blues arrives at the battlefield with an aerial shot while Rockman appears with a semi close up from bellow.
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Either this is a recycled pose they used for Netto when he emerged from the floor of the arena, or the animators wanted us to focus more on Rockman for some reason, hmmm...
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Found a butt shot!
Something I really like from this episode is the fighting animation, the way they animate Rockman and Blues when fighting with their swords is really cool. It shows how both Navis are actually build for fighting and have the moves to prove it! This gives intensity to the battle.
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Also, the program advance animation returns in this episode, this time with some shadows.
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Have I mentioned that I love this sequence?
We jump to episode 25 because Rockman literally gets deleted at the end of episode 22 and we spent 2 entire episodes without seeing his booty. T T
First, lets give the fans some shipping material!
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Why does he have to carry him like that?
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Not sure what’s going on here, are those his pecs or his nipples? Because those edges are a little too sharp.
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Butt shot!
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I love the use of shadows in this episode. The art style depicts Rockman as thin but with hints of musculature, we don’t see pecs but we can tell that he is physically fit.
The episode also introduces the Style Change, which gives Rockman a transformation scene, nothing really stands out unless you count the side butt close up near the end.
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That V shape line on his lower back reminds of something... Nah, I’m probably thinking too much, I guess it just looks cool.
Want more shipping material?
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Tell me that, as a girl, you are not jealous of Roll right now! Unless you ship them, I feel NettoXRock have more chemistry, but this is cute too. Rockman blushing also counts as fanservice.
Speaking of fanservice, beach episodes are also a favorite in animes because you get to see the characters wearing all types of swimwear, well, sorry to disappoint you but we don’t get that in this episode unless you’re into Meiru wearing her swimsuit, and if that’s the case, you need help.
No, the beach episodes for this anime only exist for the human characters, mainly the women, but Navis get to keep their pureness for all we get are these adorable images of them wearing beach items like Rockman with googles.
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Why would a Navi need to wear swimming googles? I don’t care, this is too cute!
Episode 26 gives us more Rockman cuteness by showing us he has a weakness, his fear of ghosts!
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Granted, it doesn’t play an important factor in the episode, but seeing Rockman hide in his PET like this puts a smile in my face, it’s cute and funny.
We see Rockman blushing again in episode 27.
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Roll approves that Rockman finds Aki-chan cute... For now.
The fanservice in this beach episode is heavier because we get close ups and pan shots of Mariko-sensei, Saloma and Miyuki, and Madoi in bikinis. The rest of the episode shows them along with the other the female characters ( and the boys) dressed in Aki’s signature outfit. Many say this episode did not air because of Meiru and Yaito dressed as Aki for the entire episode, but I think it was probably because of Netto, Dekao and Tohru crossdressing as her as well, since we get an uncomfortable shot of Dekao imitating Aki’s pose.
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Poor Gutsman, but we get an embarrassed Rockman, worried about his Netop’s future life choices.
Enough of this Aki dress up, the real highlight in this episode is that bulky Rockman is back! And the first thing we get is this strange perspective shot of Rockman being caught by a Spooky virus, who is strong enough to lift Rockman in the air with its tongue? O.O
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Rockman also shows impressive upper body strength.
Gutsman and Iceman are sent to help Rockman, this distracts the virus long enough for Rockman to show us his pecs, I mean, more upper body strength.
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It is also impressive how he holds that position for so long.
Wait, so Rockman is fit because he does sit-ups?
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Implying that Navis need to exercise regularly, this would make sense, but we will have to find out another time.
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paoloxl · 4 years ago
TAV: l'indottrinamento inizia dalla scuola | notav.info
È di ieri la notizia del convegno “Il treno del green deal” organizzato al Castello di Novara a cui hanno partecipato il Presidente della Regione Piemonte Alberto Cirio, l’assessore all’Ambiente Matteo Marnati e a distanza l’assessore ai Trasporti Marco Gabusi.
Il convegno ha battuto parole di ferro principalmente su due punti: la fantomatica direttrice ferroviaria Lisbona-Kiev e la gigantesca bufala che con il Tav Torino-Lione si raggiungerebbe l’abbattimento dell’inquinamento atmosferico prodotto dai gas di scarico che oggi producono i camion che trasportano le merci oltralpe.
Ma il dato più inquietante è quello per cui Cirio sostiene che ci sia la necessità di cominciare dai banchi di scuola per spiegare ai ragazzi l’importanza del viaggio su rotaia e di quanto sia idilliaca la favoletta “il treno inquina meno del camion”. E se in linea di logica generale è certamente un’affermazione corretta, il Presidente Cirio si dimentica volutamente di indicare che per costruire il Tav Torino-Lione le emissioni di Co2 sono estremamente fuori misura. Come indicato benissimo anche dalla Corte dei Conti Europea nella relazione dello scorso giugno, che demolisce le stime di progetto, indicando il��livello delle merci sovrastimato e quello delle emissioni per la costruzione della linea sottostimato, tanto che – sempre la Corte dei Conti Euoropea – indica che ci vorranno almeno 50 anni dal termine della grande opera per rientrare dell’inquinamento prodotto durante la costruzione della linea ferroviaria.
Inoltre sempre il Presidente Cirio e la cricca Sì Tav, omette di buon grado il fatto che esiste già una linea ad alta velocità, mista per passeggeri e merci che, per quest’ultima, è utilizzata ad oggi solo al 20% della sua capacità.
Senza un briciolo di vergogna Cirio è ritornato a parlare della direttrice Lisbona-Kiev, pur essendo più che consapevole che tale direttrice è solo un’idea eterea poiché il Portogallo ha fatto baracche burattini ed è uscito dal progetto Tav già nel 2012 (ben otto anni fa) e l’est europeo fino a Kiev non ha nemmeno preso in considerazione l’idea di una linea ferroviaria ad alta velocità.
Sembra un costante viaggio avanti e indietro nel tempo. Potrebbe essere il 1991 (29 anni fa) quando La Stampa con un articolo firmato da Beppe Minello titolava cubitale “Treni ad Alta Velocità subito o sarà tardi” oppure potremmo tornare a “Binario Morto” quando Luca Rastello e Andrea De Benedetti, nel 2012 (8 anni fa) erano partititi, con un pacco di caffè, in viaggio da Lisbona per dirigersi a Kiev e scoprire che per migliaia di chilometri non solo non si discuteva nemmeno di treni ad alta velocità, bensì non esistevano nemmeno progetti o progettucoli in tal senso.
Oggi, inoltre, provano a giocarsi la carta “Green Deal” e lo fanno mettendo di mezzo gli studenti proprio perché nell’ultimo anno e mezzo, con la nascita del movimento Fridays For Future e degli importanti contenuti sollevati inizialmente da Greta Thunberg e poi abbracciati da milioni di giovani e giovanissimi, il rispetto e la tutela dell’ambiente sono diventati oggetto di grande discussione tra quelle che sono le nostre generazioni del futuro.
Così, sempre ieri, arriva anche Mauro Virano a dire la sua, tutto giulivo esulta dietro alla conquista per il progetto Tav Torino-Lione del “marchio” Green Deal, proprio come fanno i ragazzini davanti ad un’esilarante buona notizia. Peccato che quello che di nuovo questi stanno cercando di vendere alla popolazione e ancor peggio ai giovani, linfa di questo Paese, è ben più grave di inutile fumo, bensì sono visioni vecchie e spregiudicate.
Andare in una scuola e raccontare che il treno inquina meno del camion è una semplificazione estremamente grave se utilizzata per strumentalizzare i giovani. Forse questi barbagianni dovrebbero anche dire che sono trent’anni che parlano di urgenza ogni volta che qualcuno di nuovo conquista la poltrona politica più alta, ma che poi questa urgenza si arena una volta stanziati i fondi alle ditte appaltatrici che, guarda un po’, non solo sono quasi sempre in mano ai soliti grandi gruppi edili, ma in più, diverse volte, alcune delle aziende sono state successivamente stralciate poiché colluse con la ‘ndrangheta.
E nel mentre che questa cricca di vecchi borbottoni continua a battere su idee vetuste, il Pianeta ci dice che abbiamo solo più 11 anni, per prendere una direzione netta verso l’abbattimento dell’inquinamento atmosferico. Insomma non si possono utilizzare retoriche di discorsi puri come quelli portati in piazza dai giovani del Fridays For Future, per vendere la storiella che il Tav non inquina. Soprattutto in un momento come questo con l’emergenza sanitaria che spinge come un moloc di fronte ad una sanità pubblica e territoriale depredata da chi sceglie di stanziare miliardi di euro in una grande opera che metterà a serio rischio la salute, fregandosene totalmente dell’urgenza espressa da chi lavora nel settore medico sanitario, che urla ad una maggiore prevenzione. Come si possono prevenire malattie respiratorie se per 30anni si effettuano lavori inquinanti, si spostano materiali contaminati come lo smarino e lo si fa in più con metodi di controllo definiti “alla chetichella”.
Ma il ritornello di Cirio non si ferma solo alle bubbole anti inquinamento, il fenomeno continua sulla follia del vantaggio per il mondo del lavoro. Peccato che ormai sia chiaro anche ai sassi della Val Clarea, che non esisterà alcun incremento lavorativo reale per nessuno, se non per le mafie del tondino e del cemento. Anche perché – e sono i dati a dirlo – il commercio transfrontaliero è in netto calo da vent’anni, come ben evidenziato sempre dalla Corte dei Conti Europea che definisce sovrastimato il calcolo delle percentuali di merci che necessitano del passaggio oltralpe.
E se per un soggetto come Mauro Virano, che nel 1948 aveva quattro anni e i treni al tempo viaggiavano ad un massimo di 90 km/h e la poesia dell’immaginario poteva anche spingere verso l’idea di un treno supersonico per andare ovunque, visto che nel primo dopoguerra i mezzi erano veramente limitati, i giovani di oggi hanno solamente poco più che una manciata di anni per spingere il mondo politico verso una netta presa di responsabilità per un serio utilizzo delle – ormai poche – risorse che il nostro Paese dispone.
Non lasceremo il partito unico del TAV indottrinare ragazzi e ragazze senza che sia possibile ascoltare una voca contraria. Se pensano di poter fare una tranquilla passerella aziendale nelle scuole possiamo già promettere che le cose andranno ben diversamente e saranno gli alunni in prima persona a ribellarsi a questa teatrino per pretendere un’informazione corretta.
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frauenvomfcb · 5 years ago
Sie liebt Coutinho schon, seit er 15 Jahre ist!
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Sie ist seine Ainê, die eine oder keine!
Philippe Coutinho (27) führt eine Bilderbuch-Ehe: 2007 lernte der neue Bayern-Weltstar seine Ainê (26) kennen. Auf der Party eines Freundes. Nach ein paar Dates fragte sie ihn, ob sie nun zusammen sind. Sie blieben es bis heute!
Seit 2012 ist der Brasilianer mit seiner Jugendliebe verheiratet. Die beiden haben zwei Töchter: Maria (3) und Esmeralda (6 Monate). Die drei Mädels sind der ganze Stolz des Brasilien-Strahlemanns.
Und: Ainê war in den ersten drei Tagen in München immer an seiner Seite!
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Vor seiner Vorstellung saß die Brasilianerin einfach zwischen den Journalisten im Presseraum der Allianz Arena. Ganz ohne Star-Allüren.
Selbst als Bayern zu Verhandlungen nach Barcelona kam, war sie nach Angaben der Bosse dabei. Auch sie ließ sich letztlich überzeugen, signalisierte ihrem Mann irgendwann ihr Wechsel-Okay.
Nach der Pressekonferenz posierte sie mit Philippe auf dem Rasen. Ihr Outfit: fast bodenständig für eine Super-Verdiener-Familie (13 Mio netto pro Jahr) – „nur“ eine 4 000-Euro-Handtasche von Dior (Modell: Obligue).
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Montagabend erkundete das Paar dann erstmals München: Mit E-Rollern düsten sie über die Maximilianstraße und zum Platzl. Bei Instagram postete sie stolz ein Küsschen-Foto mit Philippe am Opernplatz. Und nachts noch eins aus ihrem Hotel – strahlend im Bayern-Trikot. Die Bayern-Fans feiern ihren neuen Weltstar und die Coutinhos lieben München jetzt schon!
Vor seinem Wechsel nach München kickte Coutinho für den FC Barcelona. Auch da war Ainê immer an seiner Seite
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Von 2013 bis 2018 spielte der Brasilianer für Liverpool. Und Ainê war wie schon bei seiner ersten Europa-Station bei Inter Mailand (2008 bis 2013 inkl. einem halben Jahr Leihe an Espanyol Barcelona) stets mit dabei:
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nactivist · 6 years ago
Klimastreik - 4
In der Arena
Die Arena am 15. März, gerade am Tag des bisher grössten Klimastreiks: sie war ein Witz. Vier ältere Herren, allesamt - obwohl nicht wirklich auf dem aktuellen Stand der Wissenschaft - trotzdem erprobte und rhetorisch begabte Diskutanten gegen fünf unerfahrene Klimastreikende: Momoll, fair.
Wir wollten aus der Situation das beste machen, also habe ich kurzerhand noch via einer bekannten Umwelt-NGO für den Donnerstag ein Rhetorik-Training eingefädelt. Nur leider gaben uns die Arena-Leute so spät Bescheid (am Freitag erst kam die finale Zusammensetzung), wer kommen durfte, dass am Rhetorik-Training letztlich nur Leute waren, die am Freitag nicht diskutierten.
Aus meiner Sicht wurden wir nicht zuletzt deswegen am Freitagabend schon ziemlich aufs Glatteis geführt: Zuerst wurde die Diskussion seelenruhig zu den AKWs gelenkt, um anschliessend noch etwas über die ach so betroffenen Grosis in den Randgebieten zu schwadronieren. Unsere Argumente kamen zu kurz, unsere gut vorbereitete Sprüche kamen nicht zum Einsatz.
Im Zug heim habe ich deshalb als Reaktion noch folgenden Facebook-Beitrag geschrieben und am Folgetag veröffentlich:
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Wir waren am Donnerstagabend kurz davor, die Arena platzen zu lassen. Es kam für viele von uns nicht in Frage, mit Klimaverharmlosern oder gar bekennenden Klimaleugnern in der gleichen Sendung aufzutreten. Weil egal, wie gewieft, wortgewandt und rhetorisch geschickt dieser Quatsch vorgetragen wird: Es bleibt Quatsch. Es repräsentiert nicht die Realität, in der wir uns befinden. Und die Realität ist, wie uns unterdessen mehr als 23'000 Wissenschaftler*innen versichern: Wir befinden uns in einer Krise. Wir haben genug davon, darüber zu reden, wann, wieso oder gar OB wir diese Krise lösen sollen. Wir müssen es machen. Und wir müssen es jetzt machen. Weil es ist enorm dringend. Und deshalb waren wir gestern trotzdem da. Weil wir wollen etwas sagen. Weil wir haben etwas zu sagen: Wir haben Angst. Aber wir haben auch Hoffnung. Denn wir können diese Krise lösen. Aber nur, wenn wir sie als Krise behandeln. Aber leider wurde heute einfach eines ganz deutlich: Wir wollten unsere Diskussion unter ganz anderen Gesichtspunkten führen, als es in dieser Zusammensetzung überhaupt möglich war. Weil unsere Opponenten, und das zeigte sich auch im persönlichen Gespräch am Apéro nach der Sendung: diese älteren Herren sind schlicht nicht auf dem aktuellsten Stand der Wissenschaft. Und dieser hier nur kurz zur Illustration: 1. Wir befinden uns mitten im 6. Massenaussterben. Jeden Tag sterben 200 Arten aus. Die weltweiten Tierbestände haben bereits um zwei Drittel abgenommen. Wir verlieren jetzt gerade unsere natürliche Lebensgrundlage. 2. Im schlimmsten Fall drohen wir bereits beim Überschreiten der 1.5-Grad Grenze einen ‘runaway climate change’ loszutreten - eine sich von selber unkontrolliert weiter erhitzende Erde. Je heisser wir den Planeten machen, umso wahrscheinlicher wird es, dass das Klima kippt. 3. In einem solchen Szenario rechnen wir mit mindestens 4 Grad Erhitzung bis 2100, 2.4 Metern Meeresspiegelanstieg und bis zu 760 Millionen Menschen, die alleine schon wegen den steigenden Ozeanen in die Flucht getrieben werden. 4. Bei 4 Grad Erhitzung rechnen wir ebenfalls damit, dass wir bis zu 60% weniger Ernteerträge haben werden - unter anderem wegen den immer stärkeren und längeren Hitzewellen. Laut Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, dem Leiter eines der angesehensten Klimaforschungsinstitute, könnte in einem solchen Szenario die Tragkapazität der Erde auf nur eine Milliarde Menschen sinken. In anderen Worten: 6 von 7 Menschen würden sterben. Wir wussten das heute Abend. Die älteren Herren nicht. Natürlich kann man darüber diskutieren, ob freiwillige Massnahmen reichen. Oder ob vielleicht doch kleine steuerliche Anreize der richtige Weg sind. Oder ob die rettenden Innovationen dann schon noch zur richtigen Zeit kommen werden. Wenn man das alles nicht weiss. Dabei wollten wir den Politikern und Lobbyisten doch eigentlich Mut machen. Sie scheinen selber nicht zu wissen, was überhaupt möglich wird, wenn wir diese Krise endlich wie eine Krise behandeln: Im Kalten Krieg hat man jeden Haushalt dazu gezwungen, einen Bunkerplatz zu haben. Das war auch nicht gratis. Aber es ging in Ordnung. Schliesslich hatten Bund und Medien tagtäglich unisono verkündet, wie gross die Gefahr von einem Atomkrieg war. Eine Solaranlagen-, Häuserisolations-, oder Wärmepumpe-Pflicht ist völlig möglich. Und solange für 8 Milliarden Franken neue Kampfjets gekauft oder gar für 15 Milliarden Franken neue Autobahnen gebaut werden sollen, soll uns niemand sagen, es wäre nicht genug Geld dafür da. Aber dafür braucht es einen Klimanotstand. Wir wollen, dass die Schweiz ihren Bürgern und Bürgerinnen die Wahrheit sagt. Und dann die Prioritäten neu setzt. Wir haben lange genug zugeschaut, wie ihr vorgebt, etwas zu machen. Euch gehen die Ausreden aus. Und uns geht die Zeit aus. Am nächsten Freitag findet deshalb unsere alternative Klima-Arena statt. Wir werden nur Leute einladen, die den Ernst der Lage begriffen haben. Und dann werden wir darüber reden, wie wir bis 2030 auf Netto Null Emissionen kommen. Weil das müssen wir. Hoffnungsvoll, Der Klimastreik Schweiz. Merci für‘s Teilen! — feeling old at SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen.
Der Beitrag wurde mit 1′500 Likes und fast 1′000 Shares einer unserer am besten performenden Posts.
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town-hall-brazil · 2 years ago
Prefeitos de Louveira, SP
1953 - 1964: Distrito de Louveira (Município de Vinhedo) 1964: Cidade de Louveira 1964: Município de Louveira
1965 - 1968: Odilon Leite Ferraz 1969 - 1972: Nicolau Finamore 1973 - 1976: José Carlos Niero 1977 - 1982: Nicolau Finamore (ARENA) 1983 - 1988: Eleutério Bruno Malerba Filho (PMDB) 1989 - 1992: Benedicto Dos Santos Netto (PFL) 1993 - 1996: Eleutério Bruno Malerba Filho (PSDB) 1997 - 2000: Benedicto Dos Santos Netto (PTB) 2001 - 2004: José Carlos Karmanghia Martins De Toledo (PMDB) 2005 - 2008: Eleutério Bruno Malerba Filho (PSDB) 2009 - 2012: Eleutério Bruno Malerba Filho (PSDB) 2012: Valmir Magalhães (PSDB) 2013 - 2016: Nicolau Finamore Junior (PTB) 2017 - 2020: Nicolau Finamore Junior (PTB) 2021 - 2024: Estanislau Steck (PSD) 2025 - 2028: Paulo Alberto Finamore (MDB)
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sportpeople · 2 years ago
Virtus Francavilla-Fidelis Andria: potere e tristezza del marketing
Virtus Francavilla-Fidelis Andria: potere e tristezza del marketing
Le strade di Virtus Francavilla e Fidelis Andria si incrociano quest’oggi alla NuovArredo Arena di Francavilla Fontana che prima ancora che fossero venduti i cosiddetti “naming rights” tutti conoscevano con il nome di Giovanni Paolo II. Al netto delle opinioni religiose di sorta, tutti conoscevano e conoscono Giovanni Paolo II, è comunque parte del costume della nostra società. Alla stessa…
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weshootmusic · 2 years ago
Dawid Podsiadło - 05/11/2022 - Ergo Arena, Sopot
Dawid Podsiadło – 05/11/2022 – Ergo Arena, Sopot
Dawid Podsiadło, one of the most popular Polish singer of his generation will start his Postproduction tour around Poland this October 30th. During those concerts, fans will be able to listen to the artist’s latest & 4th studio album as much as his classics. October 30, 2022 – Szczecin, Netto ArenaNovember 5, 2022 – Gdańsk / Sopot, Ergo ArenaNovember 7, 2022 – Wrocław, Hala StuleciaNovember 10,…
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muhammaddahab · 2 years ago
Nr. 3 Sun zermalmt Flügel Nr. 6 93-68, um eines der Halbfinale zu gewinnen
Nr. 3 Sun zermalmt Flügel Nr. 6 93-68, um eines der Halbfinale zu gewinnen
Sie war schnell, ruhig und bevor jemand sie kannte, war die Sonne von Connecticut zweistellig aufgegangen. Von dort aus startete die Tabellenspitze im Netto-Ranking. Die an Nummer 3 gesetzte Sun dominierte am Donnerstag in Spiel 1 ihrer Erstrundenserie in der Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut die Nummer 6 der Dallas Wings mit 93-68. The Sun könnte sich mit einem Sieg in Spiel 2 am Sonntag zum…
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the-funtime-autocrat · 6 years ago
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Emílio Garrastazu Médici (Portuguese pronunciation: [eˈmilju ɡɐʁastaˈzu ˈmɛd(ʒi)si]; December 4, 1905 – October 9, 1985) was a Brazilian military leader and politician who was President of Brazil from 1969 to 1974. His authoritarian rule marked the apex of the Brazilian military government.
Médici was born in Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul state. From his father's side, he was the grandson of Italian immigrants who went to Uruguay and then moved to Brazil. On his mother's side he descended from Basques. In the 1920s he entered military school at Porto Alegre and then the Army where he was steadily promoted, becoming general in 1961.
Throughout the 1950s he served as a commander of reserve forces before being appointed chief of staff to Artur da Costa e Silva from 1957 to 1960. After the military coup Médici became Brazil's military attache to the USA from 1964-1966. In 1967 Médici was appointed chief of the National Intelligence Service of Brazil.
In 1969 he became commander of the Third Army and was chosen to become President of Brazil by the Brazilian Military Junta of 1969, succeeding Costa e Silva, who had suffered a stroke. As the President was elected by National Congress, it had to be re-convened for this purpose after being dismissed by Costa de Silva. The legislature, dominated by the pro-military National Renewal Alliance Party (ARENA), elected him by a margin of 313-0, with 56 abstentions. Médici took the oath on October 30, 1969 and served until the end of his term on March 15, 1974.
Médici ruled under a 1967 Constitution which had been amended a few months earlier to be even more repressive than its predecessor. His regime made liberal use of torture and strict press censorship. Import of the men's magazines Playboy, Penthouse and Lui, as well as the West German news magazine Der Spiegel, was banned because they offended "morality and proper behavior".[1]
Nevertheless, Médici was popular, as his term was met with the largest economic growth of any Brazilian President, the Brazilian Miracle unfolded, authored jointly by his liberal ministers ahead of the Ministério do Planejamento and Ministério da Fazenda (planning and finances) Roberto Campos and Delfim Netto, and the country won the 1970 Football World Cup. In 1971 Médici presented the First National Development Plan aimed at increasing the rate of economic growth especially in the remote Northeast and Amazon basin.
During the Brazilian Miracle economy grew rapidly at a rate of 10% per year and inflation was kept relatively low in comparison to the stratospheric levels during the governments before the implementation of the military regime. Large construction projects were undertaken, including the Trans-Amazonian Highway, the Itaipu Dam and Rio–Niterói bridge. 
Brazilian Miracle caused such an impact that even former president Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (2002-2008), notorious labour leader of the Workers Party (PT) and anti "neoliberal" policies, openly exhalted it, for example in the occasion of an interview Lula implied:
"There's a paradox that the left may not have comprehended in Brazil, that Médici, who was the hardest president from the military regime, was possibly also one of the most popular presidents of the Military Regime, and the reason is that in the seventies it was the peak of the Brazilian Miracle. The job market was crazy good, it was crazy good. Workers were at the door of Wolkswagen looking for a job(sic) when a bus of another company would pass by inviting them to go to the other company to have a major income. In my opinion if there was an election and Médici was candidate at that time he would've won easily".[3][4]
Upon leaving the presidency, Médici retired from public life. He declared himself against the political amnesty enacted in August 1979 during the administration of João Figueiredo. Médici was succeeded by General Ernesto Geisel on March 15, 1974.
Médici died of kidney failure on 9 October 1985 at the age of 79 after suffering a stroke. His body was buried in the São João Batista Cemetery in Rio de Janeiro.
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ick25 · 6 years ago
Top 5 worst Megaman Nt Warrior episodes.
(Only the first two seasons, not counting Axess)
I’ve been reviewing the original versions of the episodes from Megaman Nt Warrior AKA the Rockman.EXE anime. My reviews are just for fun because I love to talk about the things a like, but even my favorite anime isn’t without its flaws, so I want to talk about the worst episodes from the first two seasons of Rockman.EXE and why I think they are bad.
5. Episode 13, “Burning Hot Net Battle.”
Ah yeah, the episode were Netto almost dies from over exposure. This episode is about Rockman and Fireman’s tournament battle, where Hinoken cheats by infecting the dome’s computers with viruses to power up Fireman. 
The episode actually had good animation, the battle was well executed and interesting, but the real problem was in the writing. By focusing more on the battle, there was little effort put into the rest of the story, as in, having the story make sense. They ignore the fact that they are supposed to be in a tournament where millions of people are watching the battle. We know Hinoken and Fireman are dirty cheaters and they need to use tricks in order to defeat Rockman who was kicking their ass in the beginning of the episode, but here is the thing, NOBODY IN THE TOURNAMENT REALIZED HE WAS CHEATING WHEN IT WAS OBVIOUS!
True, very few people know the identity of the WWW members, but it was so obvious that Fireman was taking advantage of the situation to power up. Everyone just thought it was some random virus infecting the solar energy computer AND the environmental shutters causing the dome to turn into a giant sauna. 
Another problem was what the tournament did in that situation, NOTHING! They had no reason to have the match continue, if the people inside were in danger the tournament would’ve been held responsible for not doing anything about it, specially if the heat is worse in the battle arena where one of the competitors, who is a minor, loses consciousness. I get it, this was to make the episode more exciting, but it doesn’t feel like it when the world around them is incompetent, it just feels unrealistic and makes children believe that adults don’t know any better. Having Rockman almost deleted by someone cheating in front of millions of people who didn’t notice that is infuriating.
4. Episode 39, “Pretty Pretty Princess.”
This episode introduces Princess Pride from Creamland. The princess disguises herself as a boy named Poipu so she can go sightseeing in Japan without having her bodyguards catch her. 
The entire episode had a low budget animation with a lot of still images and slow action scenes compared to other episodes of the season. The writing wasn’t very good either; the first half of the episode has Poipu and Netto running away from her bodyguards, the amusement park scene has Netto and his friends helping her escape without asking any questions, which feels rush and absurd.
The worst part of the episode is near the end. Yes, I’m talking about the scene where Pride and Netto finally have their Net Battle at some weird location that had a giant crank game in the background that actually works. Even though I spend an entire paragraph talking about how that giant crank game didn’t make any sense, that is not my only problem with this part. The problem is the poor execution of the battles, one of the reasons I watch the show is because I want to see Rockman fight the bad guys. Since the action in the animation was lacking, the battle wasn’t satisfying.
The fight between Rockman and Knightman was pretty decent, but once Shadowman appeared, it all went downhill. First Shadowman gets Netto out of the way by using the crank machine, and then immobilizes Rockman very easily with his giant shuriken. Not only that, but instead of fighting Knightman, Shadowman summons some Ninjy viruses to attack him. This was part of three weird episodes were Shadowman returns to try to delete Rockman, and occasionally someone new he befriends, but has someone or something else to do the job for him. Why? When Shadowman first appeared in episode 33 we see that he is an actual threat, a very dangerous Navi that if it wasn’t for the rare Battle Chips Netto sent to Rockman, who knows what might’ve happen, but the way they defeat Shadowman in this episode was very easy, he just runs away after they delete the virus with “Team work.” They could’ve done a better job with the idea of a ninja hired to eliminate the hero and failing at the end, but instead they just make Shadowman look like a coward who can’t fight.
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3. Episode 52, “Secret of the house of Ayanokouji.”
Though this episode had some funny parts, it was a huge waste of time. This was never aired outside of Japan, probably because it was just filler, it got boring after a while and we don’t get to see Rockman or any action scene until the end. 
The plot was that all of the PETs were stolen by a crazy automatic vacuum cleaner, and Netto and friends chase it around Yaito’s mansion while avoiding all of the ridiculous traps that have been set there for generations. It has always been a running gag that Yaito is stupidly rich to the point that she can buy almost every crazy thing in existence to help the group in their adventures, but this episode focuses on that and nothing else, they take a simple gag and make an entire episode around it.
Yaito is not the most likable character of the show and we certainly don’t care about her family’s history suddenly having a love hate relationship with the Ijuuin family. All that comes from this episode is the introduction to one of Yaito’s maids that looks a like a child but is probably an adult since that is a classic anime trope, and she isn’t even important, she was just the butt of a bad joke that is never mentioned again in future seasons. 
Rockman only gets a few lines and a short encounter with a security program and that’s it, the action in this part was non-existing, he just knocks the program out after avoiding his attacks. Even after this, Rockman’s scene didn’t even matter because the silly maid immediately activates the mother of all stupid gags, destroying any hope I had for this episode. 
2. Episode 48, “The cybernetic monster.”
This episode is the first appearance of the Gospel beast, a cybernetic monster that has been consuming Navis all over the world in order to grow and eventually destroy the cyberworld; but it has the worst pacing I have ever seen in an anime! Nearly 15 minutes of pointless filler before the plot kicks in. If it wasn’t for the first scene where Airman is absorbed by Gospel, and the title card, I would’ve thought that the episode was about Higure and Masa competing for Mariko-sensei’s affection. Their attempts have absolutely nothing to do with the plot and not only does it happen once, but twice. Thankfully, their second attempt was edited out of the american dub.
Not only the pacing, but the animation was terrible as well, it was so bad that it made some scenes confusing, you couldn’t really tell what happened or why it happened, and the action was slow and boring.
Introducing the Gospel Beast is a big deal, and they could’ve written something better instead of wasting so much time.
Some “honorable” mentions.
Episode 41, “The good dog Rush.”
This episode was very silly, Navis turning into cats was really weird to watch in the dub, but in Japanese, it is actually funny and cute. Excluding the parts with Rush and his new ability to materialize in the real world, seeing Rockman and his friends with their original voices saying Nya all the time wasn’t that bad. I guess we are just so use to hearing Iceman with an old man voice and Rockman as a surfer dude/teen hero that the cat puns feel embarrassing and out of place. Even though I hate Rush, I can’t include this episode just because of that, it actually made me laugh in some parts.
Episode 16, “Miracle Net Navis.”
I want to point out that this episode might have a slow animation and a lot of design mistakes- like the consistent one where they color Bombman’s eyes purple- but that doesn’t automatically make it a bad episode. This is an example of how using a slow pacing or animation can make an episode work. The episode introduces Bombman and Stoneman AKA the independent Net Navis, they claim to be invincible and they demonstrate this in their tag battle against Gutsman and Woodman. The pacing in the battle was nothing special, but that contributes to the main idea. Having Bombman and Stoneman barely move in the battle not only saves money in animation, but it also demonstrates how Woodman and Gutsman’s attacks are slow and weak against them since they couldn’t move their opponents only to have the very next episode increase the speed when it was Rockman and Sharkman’s turn to fight. The superior animation of episode 17 shows that Rockman and Sharkman are stronger than Woodman and Gutsman because they actually force the independent Navis to move during their battle, creating a good contrast between the two episodes.
Episode 8, “Fireman’s revenge.”
Meiru’s character in this season wasn’t the best, especially in this episode where she was very unlikable. Fireman seeks Rockman for revenge and creates a series of high temperature incidents around the city to get his attention, but this only results in Meiru having her hair ruined which led to Netto laughing at her. Netto laughing at her wan’t nice, but Meiru is the one who went too far by deleting his homework just because of that, something that can cost him school.  Roll also has a fight with Rockman but doesn’t do anything bad to him in return.
Fireman appears to give Roll a letter so she can deliver it to Rockman, but after reading it out of curiosity, she finds out that Fireman was responsible for ruining Meiru’s hair. She tells Meiru about this and they decide to take Netto’s place to get revenge on both of them.
Meiru’s pride in this episode made her unlikable and she never even apologizes to Netto afterwards, in fact, Netto doesn’t apologize either, they just end the episode arguing again because Netto doesn’t want to admit that he was worried about her and Meiru gets mad at this.
Just because a character is unlikable in an episode, doesn’t make it a bad one, Roll and Rockman’s relationship saves it. Roll understands that Rockman got hurt because of her being somewhere she wasn’t suppose to be, so she decides to do something about it, by defeating Fireman in a very unconventional and funny way.
1. Episode 19, “Horror! The Devil Chip!”
From the very beginning this episode felt out of place. It is suppose to start from where the previous episode ended but it felt like a big chunk of the story was taken out leaving us with a lot of questions.
The last episode was “World Three secret operation” where Mahajarama disguises himself as Higure-san and gives Meiru a rare chip called the Super Great White Angel chip. The Chip turns out to be some kind of hacking device that allows Count Elect to gain control over Roll who then changes her into an evil Elec-woman looking queen. The episode ended with the evil Roll about to attack Rockman with a sword, but in this episode the sword disappears and Rockman is like a mile away from Roll just staring at her. Even the background is different, changing from a blue and green area to a purple and black one. I believe a different person directed this episode with the animation being a downgrade from the previous one. 
The art style was unpleasant in some scenes and had to be replaced with better looking ones for the american dub and the DVD releases.
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The worst offender of this episode is the writing. Just like in episode 13, the tournament proved to incompetent. Midorikawa, who never shuts up, had no clue why Roll suddenly changed and sided with the opposing team, but she doesn’t even question this and acts like it was something normal! It has been established that Midorikawa can see and or hear the teams, but she ignores that Meiru and Netto have been trying to pull out a chip and log out Roll with no luck. This could’ve raised a lot of red flags, since it looks like something is wrong with Meiru’s PET, it was clear that this was out of the operator’s control, so a competent tournament would have stop the battle to investigate and prevent another lawsuit! 
Another fail is when the “Loser squad” discover that Mahajarama was impersonating Higure to plant the corrupted chip, and had proof of it, but chose not to tell the judges of the tournament for some stupid reason, because once again, children have to take matters into their own hands.
And finally, the conclusion to this plot. Higure, after being accidentally woken up by Dekao and Tohru, casually walks into the arena and talks to Meiru and Netto. He tells them about the Devil chip and whispers how to get it out, BY LITERALLY JUST USING ANOTHER CHIP!  And that is not even a surprising reveal because back in episode 14 we clearly saw that Netto’s PET ejected a chip after sending in a third one, in fact, a chip can easily be push by another one and ejected later on. That solution was so stupid that it ruins the entire episode, and that’s why I think this is the worst episode of the first season of Rockman.EXE/ Megaman NT Warrior.
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ksw66 · 3 years ago
KSW 66 NA ŻYWO 15.01.2022
KSW 66 NA ŻYWO 15.01.2022 r. KARTA WALK Narkun o pas, powrót Materli! Gdzie i kiedy oglądać galę? Gdzie kupić bilety? Wyniki na żywo, online. Gala KSW 66 odbędzie się w sobotę (15.01.2022) w Netto Arenie w Szczecinie. Jaki powrót zanotuje Michał Materla? Kto wygra walki o pasy - Marian Ziółkowski czy Borys Mańkowski oraz Tomasz Narkun czy Ibragim Czużigajew. Kto wygrał poszczególne pojedynki? Wyniki wszystkich walk.
NA ŻYWO ::: https://bestones.icu/ksw66/
NA ŻYWO ::: https://bestones.icu/ksw66/
KSW 66. Karta walk
   61,2 kg/135 lb: Patryk Surdyn (5-2, 1 KO, 2 Sub) vs David Martinik (5-3, 2 KO, 2 Sub)    77,1 kg/170 lb: Kacper Koziorzębski (7-4, 4 KO) vs Hubert Szymajda (9-4, 1 KO, 5 Sub)    70,3 kg/155 lb: Gracjan Szadziński (8-4, 6 KO) - Francesco Moricca (9-5-1, 2 KO)    70,3 kg/155 lb: Łukasz Rajewski (11-6 1NC, 5 KO, 2 Sub) vs Donovan Desmae (14-8, 7 KO, 3 Sub)    93 kg/205 lb: Wojciech Janusz (10-7, 3 KO, 4 Sub) - Damian Skarżyński ()    70,3 kg/155 lb: Sebastian Rajewski (11-6, 4 KO) vs Niklas Baeckstroem (11-3 1NC, 4 KO, 4 Sub)    77,1 kg/170 lb: Krystian Kaszubowski (9-2, 2 KO, 1 Sub) - Robert Maciejowski ()    83,9 kg/185 lb: Michał Materla (30-8, 10 KO, 13 Sub) - Jason Radcliffe (17-8, 11 KO, 4 Sub)    93 kg/205 lb: Tomasz Narkun (18-4, 3 KO, 14 Sub) - Ibragim Czużigajew (15-5, 8 KO, 2 Sub) - walka o pas mistrzowski KSW w kategorii półciężkiej    70,3 kg/155 lb: Marian Ziółkowski (23-8-1 1NC, 6 KO, 13 Sub) vs Borys Mańkowski (22-8-1, 3 KO, 8 Sub) - walka o pas mistrzowski KSW w kategorii lekkiej
KSW 66. Kiedy i gdzie odbędzie się gala? Gdzie kupić bilety?
   Gala KSW 66 odbędzie się w Netto Arenie w Szczecinie. Ta niezwykle interesująca impreza mieszanych sztuk walki zaplanowana jest na 15.01.2022 roku. Początek o godzinie 19:00. Bilety na galę można kupić przez system eBilet.pl.
Data gali: 15.01.2022 (sobota) Wydarzenie: KSW 66 Miejsce: Netto Arena w Szczecinie Transmisja: Viaplay [b]Godzina: 19:00
KSW 66. Gdzie oglądać i za ile?
Galę można oglądać w Viaplay. Koszt to 35 złotych za abonament dostępu do platformy.
Gali KSW nie będzie już za pośrednictwem PPV. Teraz wyłączne prawa ma platforma streamingowa Viaplay i tylko tam będzie można oglądać zmagania organizacji KSW.
Ponadto wszystkich Czytelników zapraszamy do śledzenia tekstowej relacji na żywo z gali KSW 66 w naszym serwisie - www.dziennikbaltycki.pl. KSW 66. Kto wystąpi?
Organizacja KSW po ponad 7 latach wraca do Szczecina. Już 15 stycznia na gali KSW 66 kibice zobaczą pojedynek mistrzowski w kategorii lekkiej pomiędzy Marianem Ziółkowskim (23-8-1 1NC, 6 KO, 13 Sub) a Borysem Mańkowskim (22-8-1, 3 KO, 8 Sub). Ponadto w Netto Arenie do okrągłej klatki wejdzie również cała plejada reprezentantów lokalnego klubu Berserkers Team na czele z mistrzem kategorii półciężkiej, Tomaszem Narkunem (18-4, 3 KO, 14 Sub) oraz powracającym do KSW, Michałem Materlą (30-8, 10 KO, 13 Sub). W Szczecinie pojawią się również Tomasz Romanowski i Rafał Moks.
Marian Ziółkowski od końca 2020 roku zasiada na tronie kategorii lekkiej KSW. 31-latek z Warszawy na gali KSW 57 spotkał się w klatce z Romanem Szymańskim i po pięknym pojedynku znokautował rywala kopnięciem na tułów. W kwietniu bieżącego roku „Golden Boy" stanął do pierwszej obrony tytułu, kiedy to skrzyżował rękawice z Maciejem Kazieczką. Ziółkowski już w drugiej odsłonie najpierw mocno zranił rywala, a następnie poddał go duszeniem zza pleców.
Borys Mańkowski po latach spędzonych w kategorii półśredniej, której w maju 2014 roku został mistrzem, zdecydował się na powrót do dywizji lekkiej i znów stanie przed szansą zdobycia pasa. „Diabeł Tasmański" w ostatnich trzech starciach był bezbłędny i odprawiał kolejno Vaso Bakocevicia, Marcina Wrzoska i Artura Sowińskiego. Jeszcze jako mistrz wagi lekkiej poznaniak trzykrotnie obronił tytuł. 32-latek z Czerwonego Smoka ma na koncie również 9 bonusów za walki, poddania i najlepsze występy na galach KSW.
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richardmaxtech · 3 years ago
Samsung abre espaço na nova Loja das Casas Bahia na Marginal
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Um novo conceito em experiência do cliente no varejo físico será inaugurado em São Paulo. A unidade das Casas Bahia Marginal Tietê, projetada pelo arquiteto Julio Takano da Kawahara &Takano Retailing – empresa especializada em soluções para o varejo –, abre as portas em 19 de novembro e a Samsung Brasil, parceira do projeto, é parte fundamental dessa proposta, que deve atrair e encantar diferentes perfis de consumidores. Com a instalação de quase 230 m² de telas LED distribuídos nas áreas da loja, a Samsung é a principal responsável pela comunicação digital do espaço, que conta com 8 mil m² de área total, com 7 mil m² dedicados às vendas. A experiência diferenciada da comunicação digital com alta tecnologia da Samsung já começa na chegada dos consumidores à loja, com três túneis de LED instalados na entrada principal e no estacionamento. Outro grande destaque é o painel de LED com aproximadamente 46m² (17m de comprimento x 2,7m de altura), um dos maiores no varejo brasileiro, que exibirá as principais campanhas vigentes da marca, ações promocionais e outros conteúdos especiais. A Arena Game, que conta com painéis de LED curvos, também reforça o conceito inovador da Samsung, estabelecendo ainda mais a marca como uma das maiores referências em telas no Brasil e no mundo. “Para a Samsung, esta inauguração mostra a força da nossa parceria com as Casas Bahia, um dos maiores varejistas do Brasil. Além da experimentação dos produtos em si, o Espaço Samsung ajuda a deixar clara a nossa expertise única em telas de LED, que são equipamentos capazes de atender as necessidades de todo tipo de negócio”, diz Kauê Melo, diretor da divisão de B2B e monitores da Samsung Brasil. “Nosso intuito é mostrar ao consumidor a importância de iniciativas como essa, que visam a retomada das atividades presenciais nas lojas físicas, trazendo uma experiência mais imersiva para os clientes”, afirma João Netto, diretor de trade marketing da área de dispositivos móveis da Samsung Brasil. Por dentro do Espaço Samsung Idealizada como uma loja de experiências, a unidade oferecerá os mais diversos tipos de produtos para casa, de móveis e acessórios a eletroeletrônicos e eletrodomésticos. O Espaço Samsung, alocado no primeiro andar, será o maior da loja, com 156 m². Será dividido em diferentes categorias para um melhor trânsito e experiência dos visitantes: - Connected Living, que trará o conceito de casa conectada a partir do ecossistema SmartThings para lavadoras, refrigeradores e aparelhos de ar-condicionado, entre outros produtos; - Lifestyle, que exibirá e demonstrará o funcionamento dos itens da linha, como os televisores The Frame; - Área dedicada aos modelos de televisores Neo QLED, QLED e Crystal UHD, com informações específicas e demonstrações de cada uma das principais linhas de TVs da Samsung. - Gamer, composto pela linha de televisores Neo QLED, a família de monitores Odyssey e uma tela curva de grandes proporções, recursos focados em um público cada vez mais exigente e ligado no universo dos jogos eletrônicos; - The Premiere, com demonstrações das possibilidades do sistema de projeção da Samsung; - Sincronia Sonora, que demonstrará o recurso inovador que permite que a TV e a Soundbar da Samsung emanem som simultaneamente. Já o espaço dedicado aos dispositivos móveis, como smartphones, tablets, notebooks além da linha de wearables, tem 41m² e também está localizado no primeiro piso, com os pilares alinhados ao conceito da megaloja. Entre as ativações previstas estão: - Demonstrações dos recursos Connect Living com painel LED e imersão virtual de experiência na casa conectada a partir dos smartphones da Samsung; - Tablets com imagens para colorir, numa interação que promete fazer sucesso com o público infantil. - Espaço Instagramável exclusivo, com foco na câmera dos modelos de Smartphones da marca. Para dar as boas-vindas aos clientes que visitarem os espaços, a Samsung preparou uma série de ações promocionais em diferentes linhas de produtos, válidas do dia 19 ao dia 28 de novembro*. Confira: - Ao comprar uma unidade da TV The Frame de 43”, 50”, 55” ou 65”, o cliente ganha um desconto especial diretamente na loja. - Os clientes que optarem por comprar uma Smart TV dos modelos Q70A ou Q80A também vão ganhar uma Soundbar T555, que eleva a experiência sensorial na hora de assistir a filmes, séries, jogos e muito mais. - Já quem adquirir os televisores nos modelos QN85A, QN90A, Q800T ou QN800A, levará gratuitamente uma unidade da Soundbar Q600A. Read the full article
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