#Nestor imagine
ilions-end · 1 month
do you think at the start of the trojan war all the greeks who were sons of argonauts (achilles, odysseus, diomedes, machaon, eumelus, both ajaxes, teucer, idomeneus, etc) would bond over it, but then they had to make a rule against mentioning the argonautica at all because nestor was actually there and just did NOT shut up about it when brought up
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nikoisme · 10 months
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grandpa odysseus :DD
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doloneia · 2 months
i will never get over how diomedes watches odysseus book it from the battlefield as he is actively begging him for backup and then the next chance he gets hes like i choose odysseus 🥰 we could make it through blazing fire together and come out unscathed 🥰 like bestie he wont even pick up peepaw from his near-death appointment with you
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juicesgf · 3 months
No Matter What {N.O}
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Warnings: none just fluff
gf reader x bf nestor
“Please don’t be mad at me.” Nestor pleaded through the door
“I could never be mad at you, just come out.” Y/n assured
Nestor let out a sigh before opening the bathroom door and stepping out.
Y/ns eyes widened for a moment seeing the cut he was now wearing.
He saw her expression and immediately spoke up “This is so much better than the security—“
He was cut off by Y/n cupping his face and placing a quick kiss to his lips.
She smiled before pulling away “I’m with you, no matter what.”
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joshuaballsett · 1 month
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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My name is Jacob. I'm the one who brought your ship to this island. Why?
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imagininghim · 1 year
Drunk Dialling
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A/N: I have heard the song Dial Drunk by Noah Kahan so much on Tik Tok lately. Everytime I hear it I picture Ez, so of course I had to make a story about it.
I hope you enjoy!
Like, comment, reblog!
~~ Flashback ~~
"Swear Ez, it's always the same with you!" She screamed at me, continuing to throw her clothes in a suitcase.
"Mi amour, please we can talk about this!" I said taking ahold of her wrist in attempt to stop her from packing.
"No! It's always the same with you! Club this, Angel that! When is it gonna be me?" She said pulling her wrist from my grasp. I stood there speechless, unsure of what to say. With a sigh, she threw the last of her clothes into the suitcase and zipped it up. "That's what I thought, goodbye Ezekiel." And with that, she picked up the suitcase and walked out the door.
I stayed there and watched her walk out, hoping I would wake up from this nightmare.
~~ End of flashback ~~
It was a regular Friday night at the club, we had been throwing another party. I was sitting at the bar alone, sipping on my fourth or fifth beer of the night when Angel approached me.
"When are you gonna stop sulking little bro? It's been a year, it's time to let her go." With a scoff, I picked up my beer and chugged the rest of it. Signalling the prospect to bring me another as Angel let out a sigh.
"I'm not sulking, I'm just not in a party kind of mood." I said simply.
"You're never in the mood for anything anymore. When are you gonna go back to being your old self again?" I scoffed back at him before taking my beer off the bar and making my way through the crowd. Hearing angel call my name, I ignored it and continued out through the door.
When I got outside, I took a seat on top of the stairs before chugging the rest of my beer and throwing away the empty bottle, the sound of glass shattering in the distance. I pulled my phone out of my jeans and began scrolling through my camera roll and looking at all the pictures of her and I.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear the door open and Angel come out.
"You wanna talk about it?" He said, taking the seat beside me on the steps. With a sigh, I slip my phone back into my pocket.
"I miss her." Staring straight ahead, I could feel Angel's eyes on me.
"I know you do, but you can't beat yourself up over it. It's been a year, it's time to move on! Fuck some other bitches and forget her!" I felt anger begin to boil up inside as I stood up and made my down the steps.
"You don't get it!" I snapped. With a sigh, Angel stood up and made his way down the steps and in front of me.
"What don't I get Ez? Huh?!" He snapped back poking at my chest. "It's been a year Ez, she's not coming back! You made your choice, it was her or the club and I know it hurts but you gotta let her fucking go. Ever since she left, all you've been doing is drowning your sorrows in a goddamn bottle instead of moving on!" Anger ran through my veins as I pushed against Angel.
"I can't! Why can't you get that?!" I screamed back at him. "It's not that fucking easy, I love her! Not a goddamn day goes by that I don't see her face, I look for her everywhere I go! I didn't even try to stop her." I felt tears begin forming in my eyes, "I jus- I just let her go, I let her walk out." Angel stared at me in silence. "Why did I let her go?"
"Come on, let's go back inside and forget this." I shook my head before walking past him and over to the steps.
"You go on without me." I said taking a seat. "I'll be in later." Without taking another look at Angel, I heard him let out a sigh before making his way up the steps and back into the club.
As the door closed shut, I pulled out my phone and went into my contacts. Hauling up her contact, I hovered my finger over her number, contemplating on making that call.
Letting the alcohol speak for me, I pressed down on the screen before pulling the phone up to my ear and hearing it ring.
ring... ring... ring... "Hey you reached (Y/N), leave a message and I'll call you back!"
"... Uh, hey... It's Ez... I just wanted to say... I miss you." And with that I hung up the phone. I rubbed my hand over my face, wondering if I was making a mistake leaving her a voicemail. Would she even listen to it? Or would she delete it and pretend I never called?
A million thought swirled around my head as I sat on the steps, the feeling of little wet droplets falling on my skin tore me away from my thoughts.
I let out a sigh, standing up and getting ready to head back into the club when I felt a vibration in my pocket.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)" Flashed across my screen. I slid my finger across the screen, answering the call and placing it against my ear.
"Ez... I miss you too..."
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obsessedasusual · 11 months
Specific Skill Set - Nestor Oceteva
Pairing: Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Summary: Nestor tells you about his new employment opportunity.
Warnings: swearing
Note: Hehe… hi👀 Just popping in for my usual ‘dump and disappear again’ trick. Rewatched SOA recently and it… rehashed a lot of feelings😅 So enjoy some Nestor🥰
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“You think it’s a bad idea.” Nestor stated from his spot at the dining table.
You braced yourself against the kitchen bench, taking a break from stacking the dirty dishes to gather your thoughts.
Yes. You did think it was a bad idea. You truthfully thought it was downright stupid.
Nestor sat staring at you, waiting for you to react. Reacting was your strong point. Your face unfortunately lacked the ability to mask your emotions. Sad? People knew. Surprised? People knew. In disbelief over someone’s stupidity? People knew.
So now, as you took in and processed what your partner had just brought up with you, he sat with his eyes locked on your face. Waiting for the tell-tale flick of emotion.
“Nestor,” you turned to face him, “I don’t know if this is a good idea.”
He had already showered, eager to get out of his uniform and into ‘normal clothes’ as he put it.
When he’d got home that night you could tell straight away something was plaguing him. You’d finally got him to divulge all over dinner.
You crossed your arms over your chest before continuing, “You didn’t even like Marcus most of the time, remember?”
His eyes flicked to the ground before lifting back to you, “That’s history, we’re good now.”
When Nestor had told you he’d had a visit from Marcus Alvarez while at work today, you didn’t really know what to think. Then he continued and said Marcus had offered to bring him over to the Mayans, you’d abruptly stood and started clearing dinner.
“Nes, you were good with Miguel too… that - that hasn’t worked out so good.”
“That’s completely different.” He sighed.
“How?! You and Miguel were family, Nestor. And it all went to shit. You and Marcus hardly know each other-“
“This would be a better fit for me.” Nestor interrupted you, desperate for you to see his logic, “This is more my skill set, you can’t argue that.”
“This wouldn’t even be a job, Nestor. What you had with Miguel? It was horrible. I hated it. But it was a job. What you have now? Listen, I know you don’t like it… but for now it helps pay the bills. It’s only temporary.”
“I’m a fucking mall cop.”
You knew how hard it was for Nestor to go from his position of respect to a mall security guard, but when everything had blown up it was exactly what you needed - security. And truth be told, you had come to appreciate that these days you knew your partner was coming home on time and in one piece.
The knots in your stomach when he wouldn’t answer your call had finally disappeared. You ate normal couple meals at a normal time. But you knew Nestor wasn’t happy.
“Why don’t you look further into that security business idea? I think that could be the better route.” You tried to reason.
He sighed your name, “This is a better fit for me, you know that.”
“I don’t even know what the Mayans do, Nestor! Do you?! I know they ride around on motorbikes, you don’t own a bike! And you’d be starting as a prospect, how do you even make money?” You walked back to him at the table and took his hand, “I know you’re not happy where you are. I want you to be happy, Nestor. But… I don’t want to go back to not knowing if you were coming home again.”
You thought back to all the times Nestor had come home injured, or come home a day or two later than promised. The panic and dread that filled your entire being was something you never wanted to experience again.
Nestor gripped your hand and tugged you to stand between his knees, looking up at you, “I know - I know it was hard for you, me working with Miguel. But this is what I’m good at. I don’t have anything else.” You started to disagree but he jumped in again, “This wouldn’t be like before. I wouldn’t be splitting my time between here and Mexico. I’d be here. I’d be close.”
You sighed and lifted one hand to cup his face gently, brushing your thumb back and forth allowing this moment of peace between you.
You knew Nestor needed this.
But you also knew that you couldn’t sit by in a constant state of anxiety like before.
He could make all the promises in the world but you both knew it didn’t change the fact that he was diving straight back into the war zone.
Nestor may have forgotten about your little talk back when everything hit the fan with Miguel, the promises he’d made when you’d set new boundaries.
No more danger.
You couldn’t control whether he’d go with the Mayans. But you could control your response if he did. You knew, and he’d soon learn, that you would have no choice but to leave if he chose this path.
What’s the value in having boundaries if you didn’t?
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
Galindo!Series - Part Three: Ashes to Ashes - Nestor Oceteva x Reader
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Tagging: @anime-weeb-4-life @danzer8705 @drabbles-mc @alwaysachorusgirl @witches-unruly-heart @est1887 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @thanossexual @lexondeck @weiwei0210 @trublu2u @justreblogginfics @oklahomapeach @keyweegirlie @wnbweasley @skyesthebomb @msjava1972 @fleureeee @jp1019 @thiashazzywriting @fanfic-n-tabulous @ravennaortiz @just-a-throw-away @thekirbishow
Part One: Weakness - Miguel returns to Nestor’s life.
Part Two: Revelations - You reveal the truth to Miguel.
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Nestor’s waiting for you when you step outside the house that Miguel has been living in. He’s leaning against his bike, in a black leather jacket, his arms crossed over his chest. When he lifts his head to meet your gaze, you see the sorrow in him, the grief. He knows what you were coming here to do, you didn’t hide that from him, but it still hurts.
This thing with Miguel was bigger than just the two of you, it’s bigger than Emily and Cristobal. You know that if either you or Nestor had buckled under that threat then Miguel would have had his hooks in the network. If that had happened, he would have used it to courier his drugs, his people, his guns. All the good work you’ve been doing would have died along with the two of you.
“He had an email queued up to go out at 9am.” You tell him as you lean back against the seat of the motorcycle. “I’m sorry Nes, but it had both of our information on it. He was going to send it out anyway. It didn’t matter if we helped him or not.”
Nestor sighs, his palm rubbing over the back of his neck.
“I wish I could say I expected something different.”
There’s silence between the two of you for a minute before you tuck your hands into the pockets of your quilted jacket. It’s taken years for Nestor to realise the depths of Miguel’s manipulation, how every single gesture just another way of securing his loyalty.
“It’s a relief.” Nestor says finally, tilting his head to look at you. “It feels like I can breathe for the first time in years.”
“I thought you’d hate me.” You say quietly, kicking at the gravel of the driveway with the toe of your boot.
“No.” Nestor says, reaching for you. He cradles your face between your hands, his thumbs ghosting over your cheeks as his nose trails along yours. “I’m not brave like you; I’ve never been able to slay my monsters.”
“You face yours instead.” You remind him as you look into his eyes. “It’s what you’ve done your whole life, you face everything head on.”
“Except this.” He tells you, his lips brushing over the corner of your mouth. “I can’t help you with this.”
“I know.” You whisper as you hear Coco’s car pulling up behind yours. “And it’s ok, Coco and I will take care of everything.”
You cremate Miguel’s body, Coco’s wife Stitches has a hook up at the funeral home that allows you to use the cremator off the books. The whole process takes six hours. Nestor picks you up along with the coffee can full of ashes outside of the funeral home before you begin the trip to Maine.
It takes over forty-eight hours to get to the home you relocated Emily to. You split the driving between you, staying in roadside motels and leaving Miguel’s ashes tucked in the footwell behind the passenger seat.
Emily’s already waiting for you on the porch with Cristobel when you pull the car into the driveway. She raises to her feet, waving with one hand and you see no sign of the woman you met back then. The one who had been so gaunt and wrecked from living under the weight of Miguel’s misdeeds.
You spend the next couple of hours playing with Cristobal in the garden whilst Emily and Nestor talk in the kitchen. They haven’t seen each other since Miguel fired Nestor over his relationship with you, you’ve always wondered what he told Emily about the dismissal.  
It’s Nestor’s turn to drive when you climb back inside the car. He doesn’t turn on the engine, instead he just sits there with his hands on the wheel staring at the house. You can see the Emily and Cristobal through the window, the little boy smiling as he takes a cookie from the plate on the table.
“She says she’s going to scatter him out by the lake.” He tells you. “She’d prefer to flush him, but she thinks it’s important for Cristobal to get closure.”
“She’s not wrong sadly.” You say as you draw your seatbelt across your body. “He deserves a lot worse.”
Nestor sighs, the back of his head coming to rest against the seat.
“He did so much damage...” He says quietly, his gaze comes to rest on the family before you. “I think about that all the time, my complicity in it. I don’t think I’ll ever be free.”
“You’re making up for it now.” You remind him as you study the profile of his face. “The work we’re doing, it counters the balance. We’re putting some good back into the world, helping people.”
“I’m not sure that it’s enough.” Nestor says softly as he thinks about all the shit he’s done over the years. “I’m not sure any of it is.”  
“Then we do it until it is.” You say, taking his hand in yours. “We keep chipping at it a little at a time until it makes a difference.”
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Thy Art is Murder - A Nestor Oceteva/Reader Smut Short.
Just a little thing that popped into my brain, so I had to write it. Enjoy!
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Words - 451
Warnings - Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
He wore his hair down. You should have known right away at witnessing those onyx tendrils cascading around him like a dark halo that he’d seek to play your weaknesses. Every single one of them. Your body is the canvas on which he paints the most vivid of sins, your verbal reactions to them the symphonic accompaniment. If art is pleasure, then he is the truest master of such creation.
The bindings that fashion your wrists, intricate knots and twirls of rope binding you to the bed frame are replicated at each ankle, Nestor tying you so that you are a X upon his bed, the marked spot of where his focus draws, where he begins his creation. What he gives, you seek more, from his tongue and fingers to the soft caress of a feather, or the chilled, sharp kiss of a blade, he strokes you before you’re marked, pleasure prefacing the pain.
He maps out all areas with keen exploration, a tongue under the curve of each breast, fingertips stroking the arches of your feet, lips kissing the round of your knees, until he hears the strain against the ropes, the wordless beg for him to acquaint himself with you more intimately.  
"Little dove," he murmurs. "All you have to do is ask."
“Please, Nestor,” you grit, your body shuddering from the radiating hum of energy he’s slowly and carefully been building. “I need to feel you mouth lower.”
He pauses the decadent, slow trawling lick around your navel, dark eyes focusing on you. He then shifts, placing a kiss upon your hip. “Here?”
The action has you in spasm. “No.”
He smirks, his tongue rolling over the apex of your inner thigh. “Here?”  
He chuckles, his breath misting heat as he nears your folds, the scent of your arousal like summer wine to him, rich, full-bodied and so very sharply sweet. “Tell me where, mi amor.”
“Right on my clit. Please. Please!” you whimper.  
He kisses your folds, your nectar wetting his lips, repeating, watching the way the muscles in your abdomen bounce, before finally, his tongue grants what you so desire. The action sends warm wells of ecstasy tumbling through you, little pricks of pleasure melting down your spine, his tongue soft, circles drawn lazily over your bud. It’s gratification unmatched, but alas, not for nearly as long as you require.  
You whine, and he reprimands you, slapping your sex with the flat of his fingers. “Uh, uh,” he admonishes, moving to suck upon your nipple. “You will not be greedy. Understand?”  
“I do,” you breathe, his mouth meeting the juncture of your neck.
“Good,” he breathes, tongue moving to flick your earlobe. “Masterpieces always take time.”  
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valiantvillain · 1 year
So in the Odyssey we found out Nestor has a daughter called Polycaste who he allows to bathe Telemachus and in some versions of post-Odyssey life the two of them are married, which implies that she is either of age with or younger than Telemachus. Telemachus is as old as how long Odysseus has been gone; 20 years. So Polycaste was either just a baby like Telemachus when their fathers set off to Troy, or (and personally I find this possibility more interesting) Nestor's wife was pregnant with her when he left.
And like, imagine you're Nestor and you're finally returning home after ten years of war and are probably dreading having to tell your wife that one of your sons died at Troy. And you come home and find out you now have a 9-10-year-old daughter who probably doesn't even know who the fuck you are or any emotional connection to the brother she lost. Not to mention that those two brothers who went to war were probably old enough to be fathers themselves so she may very well be an aunt to children fairly close in age to herself. Like can you imagine how awkward and uncomfortable that would have to have been for all parties involved?
And then Telemachus just comes along years later looking for info on his dad and Nestor just decides to play matchmaker.
There isn't really a point to all this. I just felt like rambling about Classics again.
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shelbgrey · 3 months
Dating Alex Romero headcanons
Paring: Alex Romero x Calhoun!Reader
Summary: headcanons about Alex Romero dating Norma Bates' little sister. -SMUT warning!
❤️MasterList ML2 ❤️Dating Moodboard
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You first met Alex when you and norma bought the motel. She had bought it to start over with Norman and you decided to move with her, bring your 10 year old daughter with you. You decided to help with the motel when you weren't working at the hospital in town.
It was strange now looking back. You and Norma were trying not to get cought with Keith Summers dead body, you don't really crack under pressure but you run your mouth in a sarcastic way.
You thought he was handsome dispite his rough and tough exterior. You just kinda silently watched him while he gave Norma the third degree and his deputy Zack Shelby almost flirted with her. It's not weird looking back now, you had this weird feeling about Zack but not Alex. Norma was the opposite.
“look, you better work with me, okay? I'm the last guy you want on your bad side” He told Norma when he was trying to figure out what happened to Keith Summers and Norma was being difficult.
But dispite the attraction you ignored it with sarcasm. “well aren't you just a little rain of sunshine”
You guys kinda started off throwing sarcastic comments at each other to mask the growing attraction you had for each other. But at first you knew you shouldn't get involved with anyone especially since you had your daughter. She was 10 when you moved to White Pine Bay.
Even though he thought Norma was suspicious as hell, he grew a soft spot for you and your daughter. After a few months you two would just a have casual conversation if you ran into each other in town.
The more you interacted the more Norma did with Zack Shelby, which you hated. There was just somthing about that guy that creeped you the hell out. “Look, I know you could give a damn about my family, but keep your deputy away from my sister”
After a while you did have this trust that built up, but you were still fighting the feeling you had for each other. Dylan noticed it first, you and him were close and he considered you more of a mother than Norma. “hell, the only people who don't know that Romero and y/n like each other are Romero and Shelby”
Dylan started messing with you the more you brushed off your feelings. “you gotta little drool there” Dylan teased after Romero left. “oh, shut up”
Alex would never admit it at first, but it made his heart melt at how sweet you were. He never had someone go out of their way to be so kind to him, especially when his house got burned down and he had to live at the motel.
You guys grew closer, you'd stay up and talk for hours and your daughter grew an attachment to him. She was from a previous relationship and she pretty much became friends with Alex immediately. She liked him even before you started dating.
When it came to Zane he got over his house burning down. Sure he was pissed, but he knew he had to be careful when it came to handling the basterd. Then he found out Zane hurt you because you were defending Dylan. Alex saw your brused face and that was the last straw.
Alex beat the shit out of him. “if you ever lay a hand on her again, I will kill you”
When you saw him with a cut up face and busted hand you didn't really know if your doctor instincts kicked in or you just wanted to help him because you liked him.“no, it's fine... Don't worry about it”
“it's bleeding and I could get infected. So quit the big tough sheriff act and let me help you” you said in what Alex and dylan call your 'mom voice'
He couldn't help but admire you as you patched him up. You had never been this close to him before and your touch was so gentle.
He always knew you were beautiful, but seeing you up close like this only confirmed it yet again.
You could feel his eyes on you. It wasn't because he had no where eles to look, it just felt like his eyes were staring into your soul. You never had anyone look at you that way before.
You loved his eyes, you never thought brown eyes could look so cute and beautiful even though they held so much pain. You loved his eye lashes too, they were so dark it almost look like eyeliner, which at first you thought it was. He would later find out he hates it, but you never failed to tell him how handsome he was.
The sexual tension was there, but there was also nothing but this unconditional love he had for her. He couldn't help but smile at her, genuinely and lovingly. Somthing you never seen before.
“did you smile? You actually smiled... for a while now I thought you face was paralyzed” you joked. Like said before the sarcastic comment were nothing new between you two, but this time it seemed different.
“you never fail with that smart mouth, do you?” he smiled as you bandaged his hand up. He let out a small chuckle and shook his head. He looked down then back up at you. “but you never fail to amaze me either...”
You looked up at him superised, you couldn't help but blush. He loved it, it was so sweet and innocent. Nothing he's ever had the pleasure to witness. “I think your beautiful”
“Shut up” you shook your head. No matter how sweet the moment was, you never believed how pretty you were. Alex saw all your imperfections as somthing beautiful.
He cut you off and pressed his lips to yours. It started off soft, holding the side of your face like you were made of glass and kissed you softly.
Everything thing he did was fast and rough, he didn't have control over that most of the time. But he got to choose to be gentle and loving with you.
You didn't keep the secret from your sister very long. “I kissed Alex...”
“oh...” She nodded softly, but then did a double take. “OH! do you like him? Did you sleep with him?”
You told her that you loved him and dispite Norma's differences with Alex she supported you both, hell the two became close friends because of you.
Alex and your daughter absolutely adore each other. When you guys started dating he started treating her like his own. He wanted to have the opportunity to be the dad he never got.
Speaking of his childhood it surprisingly didn't take him long to open up about it to you. He just feels like you can tell you anything without getting judged. He told you about his mother's suicide and how much it affected him and his father being mentally abusive to them both.
He wishes his mom could have met you. He only has one picture of her and it's the two of them when Alex was about five. “I wish she could have met you...”
You didn't even know what to say when he proposed with his mother's wedding ring. It was beautiful expensive ring and one of the only things Alex had left of his mother. “Alex... It was your mother's... I can't take it”
“your the only one I trust with it”
He's definitely terrified that he'll turn into his father. Every time he gets angry or if you guys get into a fight, minor or not he feels awful. He wants to be a better man, husband, and father than his dad was. “I've seen how my father was. And I know I have his blood flowing through me. And knowing just how... cruel. I can be. I can't help but feel like... it'll happen.. one day”
“Just because you share the same blood doesn't mean you'll turn into him. Your a good man” and you'll never think other wise. So what if he has a temper, it doesn't change how you feel about him.
You guys own a german shepherd that failed police dog school because he was too nice. You talked Alex into letting you keep him and he gave in.
Alex named him Cujo and he tunred out to be the dumbest, gentlest giant you have ever met. He has the doppiest smile and probably has half a brain cell. “I wish I could be as Carefree as this mutt” Alex sighed.
Cujo is also a huge cuddler and Alex has to fight him for his spot in bed.
Alex is extremely protective of you. He knows how awful the town is and how dangerous Norman is to be around. The thought of loosing you scares him shirtless.
If He not at the station, he's with you. When Norman started to get worse Alex moved into the house with you because he didn't trust Norman.
Norma and you of course wanted to get Norman in the institution, but Norma didn't have insurance which resulted in you and Alex getting married way earlier than you expected.
“I need you to marry Alex” Norma said one morning. “... I just woke up”
But in the end you didn't ask because Norma told you too or because Norman needed to be in the institution. I think deep down you wanted to, he was the best things that's happened in your shity life besides your daughter.
“I wouldn't ask you if I didn't actually mean it... My sister doesn't have that much control over me” you told him after he hesitated when you popped the question.
He quickly shook his head. “no... It's not that” he pulled out a black velvet box and inside was his mom's wedding ring. He had already planed on asking you, but he didn't know how.
You guys got married at the Cort house then you and your daughter both changed your last names. You finally got to drop the last name Calhoun and the suffering it held.
[this is a headcanon based on the actors nationality] his mother knew Spanish, she thought him a little bit before she died. That's his haratge basically so sometimes he'll cuss in that language or if he starts ranting his English will slowly slip into the language you barely understand.
He also calls you Cariño which is darling. Or he'll just call you baby. You call him things that don't fight his rough and tough cop exterior. Things like sweetheart and Honey.
So obviously he goes by Alex, but there's only two people who can call him Alexander and that's you and his mom. Since his mother is gone your the only person who can call him that. “don't call me that, she's the only one who can call me that”
He hates it when all the other cops at the station stare at you. He knows your beautiful and so dose everyone eles. He had a young deputy for a short period of time and had had the biggest crush on you.
He loves how gentle you are with him, he may love the roughness in the bedroom, but just being gentle and the domestic touches you share is his favorite part of being with you.
He loves it when you just hold his face in your hands and kiss his forehead. That's his favorite type of of kiss, both giving and receiving. He loves the way your touch feels on his face, so gentle, so soothing
He loves the sight of your hands on either side of his face. He'll never make any effort to move your hands off his face.
His life is so awful and rough and to be able to just make a gentle move as forehead kiss makes his heart melt.
He loves the intimate feeling of just staring into each others eyes. He could see how beautiful you were just from looking into your eyes.
Since your a doctor he comes to you if he's hurt, there has been countless times you had to patch him up.
He loves it when you curl up on his lap when he's working in his office, he can't get enough of you running your fingers run through his hair.
Speaking of office, you can go in his office when ever you want because he made a key for you.
You guys are totally opposites both physically and mentally. Emma once said you guys the typical golden retriever and black cat couple, except he's the black cat and your the golden retriever.
This man need physical contact a lot. He's a big cuddler(though he only admit it too you) and just needs you in his arms, it's a comfort and a protection thing.
He loves how gentle you are with him.
If your in bed he'll always have his arms around you. Rather your the little spoon or your on his chest. But sometimes if his day is rough he'd want to be the little spoon. His favorite feeling in the world is your arms around him and your fingers running through his hair.
You joke about that, he can be so mean looking and tough but he's really just a big teddy bear.
“I'm not a teddy bear” he said trying to not to smile. You shook your head and held him tighter. “Yes you are, my big teddy bear”
Being with and the town Sheriff/ex Marine means you have a designated bodyguard, you never felt so safe than you do when your with him.
You wear his leather jacket all the time, it's huge on you but it's warm and smells like him. Since he was in the marines he has dog tags, you wear them sometimes when he's away or when you miss him.
There's a lot of neck and forehead kisses being handed out by this man. He loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and just trail soft kisses down your neck.
Your always resuring him that your always going to be by his side. With that I think he's secretary insecure, he's never really had anyone drool over him before, so your always telling him how handsome he is.
We can't gloss over the nose, It's super cute gester you love doing with him. He thinks It's adorable when you nuzzle your nose against his, he thinks your just so cute all around and hasn't ever been with someone as gent as you.
Sex in his police car or his office.
NSFW headcanons:
If he's had a rough day, he either needs one of two things. A rough fuck or he needs to curl up beside you and rest his head on your chest while you play with his hair.
He's not very vocal during sex. He mostly moan or grunt, but he's never not praising you. If your giving him head or ridding him he's a complete moaning mess though.
Alex loves gripping your hips as you ride him, leaving his impressions on your thighs as you move, chasing your highs.
He loves missionary, keeping eye contact while he fucks you. He loves how you dig your nails into his back and wrap your legs around his waist to bring him impossibly closer.
Like I said before he's a boob guy. He'll bury his face into your boobs as he pounds into you. He loves it when you start moaning and tugging at his hair, He honestly can’t get enough.
He's in control, no matter if your on top or bottom. He loves the feeling he's the only one who can make you feel this way and have completely control over you.
Even though he's the dominant person in bed he wants to know you have equal control too, if you don't like how rough or fast he's going he'll stop and check on you and makes sure your okay. All he cares about is your pleasure.
“You want it harder, baby?” He'll complied with her request, thrusting deeper and faster, causing the bed to shake with your movements. He let out a low groan as he felt your nails dig into his back.
You and him both know your limits if anything because too much all you have to do is tap his thigh or use a safe word and he'll stop immediately.
“And I want you to promise me that if you really start to feel discomfort, you'll use your safe word...”
Alex's breathing always gets heavier when he's trying to not lose control evn when you tease him and grind your hips against him. “I'm trying really hard not to lose control right now and you teasing me isn't helping...”
“What if I want you to lose control?” you whispered.
He knew that if he lost control right now there was no going back and he wouldn't be able to stop. “If I lose control, I'm not gonna be gentle....”
“I don't want you to be gentle” you admitted. After a while and months of being together he won't stress out as much. Your sex life is built on nothing but trust. You know he'd never hurt you and he knows your limits and knows you'll stop him if it becomes too much.
He can get pretty dirty and possessive when it comes to cum. He's done for and lossing control after he comes down your throat.
He's very skilled with his tounge, he loves eating you out. your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
“Mmm, you taste so damn sweet” He moans as he continues to pleasure you, his tongue teasing your clit. His hands move to your hips, holding onto them tightly as he devours you.
Bondage all the way, you once stole a pair a handcuff from his office and asked him to use them on you. Even though it gets pretty rough with him, he's afraid to hurt you.
But once he saw the effect it had on you, he grew to love it. He loved the fact that you were so willing to let him handcuff you.
But he also knows how much though things can hurt, so before things go further he always makes sure your okay with the cuffs. “How's the feel? Not too tight?”
He loves having you bent over his desk while he fucks you from behind. The sounds of you moaning his name and the mixture of his desk scraping against the floor drives him crazy.
there's alot of office sex with him, they're mostly quickies which aren't his favorite but he's never apposed to it.
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
Even though your sex life is pretty rough and sometimes dirty, he'll never degrade you. He refuses to call you anything like slut, or any names that are in that cadigory. He'll call you brat though.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
Dispite him being mostly rough in bed and pushes you to the point of screaming, he'll be so soft and gentle in the end. “you did so good for my baby, I wasn’t too rough was I?”
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pastanest · 4 months
my old wattpad got outed in the the brain leak episode man I’m SICK
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juicesgf · 3 months
All they wanted. {N.O}
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warnings: none!
friend reader x nestor
I watched as one of the girls behind the bar flirted with Nestor, the way he played into it and seemed to be flirting back.
I looked away closing my eyes for a moment before standing from my seat and heading outside, sliding down the clubhouse’s wall.
I hated the way I fell for him, the way my eyes always searched for him during party’s or when I knew he was around. I hated how badly I wanted him knowing he could never see me the same way.
I was pulled from my thoughts when someone sat down beside me. I looked over seeing him, the same guy I was thinking of.
“Are you alright?” He questioned his eyes scanning over my face.
“Mhm.” I hummed looking away from him and up at the sky “The sky’s so pretty isn’t it?”
Nestor kept his eyes on Y/n as he agreed, though he wasn’t talking about the sky. He was talking about her. She was the only thing he found pretty, the only thing he wanted. But she could never feel that way about him so he had to pretend he didn’t like her, pretend he wasn’t in love with her.
All he wanted was her.
All she wanted was him.
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joshuaballsett · 11 months
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thegirlwhowritesfics · 6 months
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Chapter Twenty-Seven is now live!
this is a long chapter and has a lot of violence, please read authors notes and take care of yourselves!
AO3 Wattpad
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