dwellerinthelibrary · 5 months
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The papyrus of Nesmin. Why is the deceased wearing a little green hat?
Where: Louvre
When: Late Period, 30th Dynasty
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furordinaricvs · 4 months
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Face of the coffin of the “Belgrade mummy”, ancient Egyptian mummy from the Ptolemaic period, late 4th-early 3rd century BC around 300 years BC, from the collection of the National Museum of Serbia in Belgrade.
The coffin with the mummy was purchased in Luxor, Egypt, by Pavle Riđički in late 19th century, who donated it to the National Museum of Serbia in 1888.
This antropoid (human-like) coffin contains a mummy of Nesmin, ancient Egyptian priest from Akhmim, some 200 kilometers north of Luxor. Name Nesmin means “The one who belongs to god Min”. In 1885 in Luxor a stone stele was found, carved with inscription dedicated to Nesmin and his family, saying thet Nesmin, as all his male ancestors, was a priest in a temple dedicated to Min, god of fertility and harvest. The stele is now kept in Egyptian Museum in Kairo in Egypt.
The coffin is made of the tamarix wood, and it used to be richly decorated with painted motifs in vivid colors and some details in gold. Only traces of the coloration are now preserved. Below the chin is a hole which used to hold a ceremonial beard. Eyes and eyebrows on the face of the coffin were made of blue glass paste, and face was covered with gold. In the stomack area is painted goddess Nut with spread wings, and below are two symetrical figures of god Anubis.
Lower part of the lid also bears and important hieroglyphic inscription, a passage from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, chapter 191 dedicated to the return of the soul into the body. This chapter is rarely find on the coffins, only about 20 coffins with this text are known so far.
Dimensions of the coffin – 182.5 x 52 x 42 cm.
Arms of the Nesmin’s mummy were crossed on the chest, and nails on his hands and toes were covered with gold. Eyes were replaced with non-metalic implants. Within the banages of the mummy were found different amulets made of gold, lapis lazuli semi-precious stone and faiance representing djed pillars, gods Nephtys, Horus, Isis and Maat, Eye of Horus and heart amulet, along with composite necklace comprised of many faiance beads. The mummy also contained papirus scroll of the Book of the Dead.
Cartonage mask and cover of the mummy are preserved only in framents, on which are visible falcon heads painted on the collar, and figures of goddesses Isis, Nephtys and Nut and some minor deities.
Anthropological analysis showed that Nesmin suffered from spine deformities spondylosis and scoliosis. He was around 165 cm tall and was about 50 years old when he died.
The coffin and Nesmin’s mummy are currently kept in Archaeological collection of Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
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egypt-museum · 9 months
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Mummy of Nesmin
Ptolemaic Period, ca. 200-30 BC. Excavated at Akhmim. Now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 86.1.51
This mummy belongs to a man called Nesmin; his name means “The One Who Belongs to (the god) Min.” He was a priest for Min in Akhmim, and from the inscription on his coffin, it is known that his father Djedhor was a priest as well, and that his mother Tadiaset was a musician for Min.
CT scans of his mummy have shown that Nesmin suffered from arthritis and died as a middle-aged man. They also revealed that thirty-one amulets are still within the wrappings. In addition to a wadjet eye on his forehead, he has an amulet representing the god Thoth on each wrist, and two strings with symmetrically arranged amulets on his torso.
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Through the Lens: Providence
Through the Lens: Providence
Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
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A moment of silence for Blueno, who was taken from us too soon.
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“Cesar Augusto”
Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence, RI, USA
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Pablo Picasso “Seated Woman with a Book”
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Claude Monet “The Basin at Argenteuil”
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Thomas Lawrence “Portrait of Lady Sarah Ingestre”
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Louise Joséphine Sarazin de Belmont “A View of Paris from the Louvre”
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Hubert Robert…
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amntenofre · 5 years
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the twelfth and thirteenth lesson of the Egyptology course "BOOK OF THE AMDUAT, DEITIES AND SCENES: FIRST DIVISION" on "Amente Nofre-membership community" are on-line. Here's a preview (first division of the Amduat, middle register, lower part), from left to right: the sacred barque of Khepry represented in His form of sacred scarab and flanked by two images of Osiris both kneeling and making adorations; the Serpent-God Npn, "the Pointed-one"; Smwy, "He of the plants", holding a serpent-staff; Mdwy, "He of the staff", and Ḏȝwty, "He of the garment", both falcon-headed and holding a serpent-staff. Images from the funerary papyrus of the priest Nesmin, from the "House of Eternity" of King Sethi I (KV17), and from the "House of Eternity" of King Ramses V and King Ramses VI (KV9). Become a patron of "Amente Nofre-membership community" for as little as $3/month or $5/month and you will participate in our online courses in Egyptology (and moreover you will get a complete access to the daily posts of the Ancient Egyptian Religious Calendar), see here: https://www.patreon.com/amentenofre
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444names · 2 years
arabic names BUT excluding "a"
Beckso Beeddi Behbes Beidi Bereed Bezeeb Bhogby Bibhogji Bibriz Bidyus Birzizk Bokrouri Booqi Bouneh Boury Briqub Bucheb Bucher Buchers Buddi Buddin Bully Burif Buthidi Chebsim Cheed Cheelshi Cheen Cheez Cheid Cheini Cherhi Chiud Chouder Chouri Churd Chusi Chussi Couddem Coudi Couri Dehtoon Delim Delsour Dengiesh Dinum Dirhosel Dogji Doson Douddi Dounzi Dourri Dreedi Dufton Dullotb Dulmir Eboub Eibrud Elfin Elfis Elimin Ellib Ellibleb Elloo Elmir Elsel Emeem Eriki Eriti Eseem Fekes Fique Firithi Fituleebri Fiyed Follomil Fooqi Foudily Foune Fowed Fower Fowzi Fowzy Freed Freem Froor Froubil Frouri Froussin Fukki Genudi Ghily Ghoibir Ghoque Ghosem Ghouri Ghourif Ghume Gommek Gourdel Gouri Gulex Gully Gulruz Gummounez Heebeid Heebi Heimi Hemek Herie Heril Heris Heskil Heswesh Hidil Hidir Hiduri Hissir Hogji Hojim Homsur Hooqi Hoosdim Horderi Horidy Horsin Hoseh Hosmim Houdekel Hoursir Housohdi Houthebsi Hullood Husen Husendin Husry Hussi Hussim Hussin Hutty Hüsed Hüsem Hüsen Iduri Ieeri Ifein Ilisi Ineem Irgieseri Ishem Isher Ishil Ishiuddi Ishouri Jeenussif Jehmer Jibeif Jomri Jower Judil Jumbid Jumer Junud Kebreed Kereen Keydoub Kheendi Kheendie Kheid Kheif Kheini Khelly Khessef Khidi Khlif Khogby Khood Khosseendi Khoum Khteeb Khtoor Khushirsid Kokhis Kooque Koorshi Kordi Kotfy Koumsin Kound Kureff Kusindi Kusuh Leelhor Leeny Lobeid Looqi Loureem Lousnyed Lowed Luseem Mcked Mckshi Mcksor Metem Mezie Midruqi Mineh Moheb Moheeb Moheed Moheit Moheri Mohsi Moini Moneh Mookir Mookr Mordi Morif Mosem Mosouri Motheh Mothid Motmi Moubriz Mouddi Moudi Moumer Mouni Mouri Mourji Moury Moussi Mroun Muddi Mufter Muftim Mujum Mulim Mulouri Mundini Munush Munzen Munzuq Mureqi Murid Musemery Musey Mushni Musniq Musoum Musoun Mussi Mussof Musuni Muteh Muttim Neidy Nesmin Nohdi Nooder Nooqi Nooque Nooshi Nouris Nourther Noury Noushid Nugum Nummeem Numsim Nuresheed Nushih Nusid Nusirbis Nusny Nusri Nussidy Omsis Otheh Other Oudiyeh Outeeff Owzih Peref Perim Pirshed Popul Quddi Quedi Quendiddi Quibiel Qureemir Qureen Quruso Qusuk Reelih Reelwi Rejid Ressim Rieef Rifez Ritue Rogby Rusny Russo Rusuleel Seenzul Sehbo Seine Semed Seridi Sfein Sferhi Sfooli Shdin Shebi Shebrem Sheer Sheez Shein Shery Sheyin Shfiqi Shfollob Shfou Shibhyouk Shibiben Shibil Shideh Shidi Shidiq Shidy Shief Shiki Shimr Shinez Shiri Shissi Shmed Shmeh Shmer Shmil Shoin Shojim Shooqus Shosedi Shosein Shoshdeh Shoso Shour Shouthi Shoutter Shreeb Shrous Shsisrou Shtem Shugh Shumsib Shuson Shwed Sideh Simid Simidd Sindi Sobosn Softi Sohdy Soheil Sohellub Sohri Solim Solloudel Somsid Soneh Soodi Soodin Soolil Sooqi Souddi Souddiq Soune Subil Suftik Sukhuri Suleery Sulein Sulem Sulkey Sullic Sully Sumis Sundeh Sundi Surdi Sured Surim Suruz Swehiz Swest Teeteem Teezi Thebsi Thyoun Toodhi Tooqi Touni Toureengir Trosdil Trour Ummir Useidir Uzmim Woolly Yohdi Youbi Youbriti Youddi Youdi Youkry Youneh Youni Youreer Youri Youry Yumed Yundin Yunzebir Yuseil Yusen Zeely Zelem Zelghri Zelme Zelnood Zengis Zimomri Zogji Zousli Zuhsin Zukhsidi Zulei Zulruk Zurid
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mysdrymmumbles · 3 years
Waiting on Suspicious Nesmin to show up so I can finish my achievement and turn in this quest
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oddthingsiveseen · 5 years
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[OTIS PHOTOS] Been a day of monsters. Hung out with the cursed Nesmin mummy in Providence, RI, and then hit glowing balls at a Monster Mini-Golf in Seekonk, MA.
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skcbeograd · 5 years
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predavanje; predavač: istoričar Nenad Marković, doktorand na Češkom institutu za egiptologiju Karlovog univerziteta u Pragu Beogradska mumija (sveštenik po imenu Nesmin), čije se telo čuva u Narodnom muzeju u Beogradu,...
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the-met-art · 7 years
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Coffin of Nesmin via Egyptian Art
Medium: Plastered, painted, and gilded wood
Funds from various donors, 1886 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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joseandrestabarnia · 6 years
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Situla. Esta situla en forma de pera tiene un mango unido a dos anillos soldados en el recipiente. La base está decorada con una flor de loto abierta, que está separada de la decoración en el cuerpo del recipiente por dos líneas de texto. Esta decoración se compone de dos viñetas yuxtapuestas separadas por una inscripción vertical y bordeadas en la parte superior por una banda de estrellas. Por un lado, Nesmin, el dueño de la situla, se muestra elegantemente vestido de pie frente a un altar y adorando a Osiris, Isis, Nephthys y Horus. En el centro de la otra viñeta, una diosa (identificada como la diosa del cielo Nut) se representa en un árbol. En sus manos están los jarrones 'Heset', de la que se vierte el agua que da la vida por Nesmin, que se arrodilla a la derecha, y para el ba-bird, que se sitúa en una percha en la parte izquierda. Dos stands cargados con ofrendas se muestran debajo de las ramas del árbol.
Ubicación actual KMKG - MRAH [07/003] BRUSELAS Numero de inventario E.6260 Citas PERÍODO PTOLEMÁTICO Sitio arqueológico DESCONOCIDO Categoría SITULA Material BRONCE Técnica FUNDICIÓN; SOLDADO; GRABADO Altura 35 cm
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amntenofre · 6 years
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the fifth lesson of the Egyptology course "BOOK OF THE AMDUAT, DEITIES AND SCENES: FIRST DIVISION" on "Amente Nofre-membership community" is on-line. Here's a free preview: the Goddesses of the twelve Hours of the Night of the AmDuat, "the Goddesses Who guide the great God (Ra)" (nṯrwt sšm(y)wt nṯr ˁȝ); image from the funerary papyrus of the priest Nesmin, "God’s Father and Prophet of Amon-Ra, King of the Gods", ca. 300-275 BCE (now in the Royal Collection Trust). Click here to read the full post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/book-of-amduat-v-24067549 Become a patron of "Amente Nofre-membership community" for as little as $3/month or $5/month and you will participate in our online courses in Egyptology (and moreover you will get a complete access to the daily posts of the Ancient Egyptian Religious Calendar).
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joseandrestabarnia · 6 years
Momia de Nesmin, que residió en Akhmim, donde sirvió como sacerdote del dios de la fertilidad Min y Khonsu, un dios de la luna y la curación
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