grayfeather · 15 hours
is this what it was like in 9/11. trying to reason with people whose entire concept of human decency flies out the window when presented with the possibility of causing the smallest amount of harm to a "terrorist", no collateral damage is too large, no civilian too innocent, no connection too murky for people to deserve to die or be permanently crippled. people citing world war two urban warfare statistics to try to make a bad situation seem less worse and not balking at how fascist they sound
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grayfeather · 16 hours
I love how varied and universally weird the circumstances for making lifelong friendships are. Here's this guy I accidentally messaged once and I could not imagine my life without them now. Here's this girl I was so scared of when I met her, I would kill for her and remind her to rest on the regular. Here's this other guy we have so much in common we used to joke we were the same person in different timelines. It took us years to meet in person and I attended his wedding. There are also people who entered my life in absolutely unremarkable ways but changed it forever for the better. It's wonderful how easy it is to find people to love.
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grayfeather · 16 hours
Stress having physical effects is so stupid your body's just like "you've been having a real shit time and I'm about to make it worse" I hope you die I hope we both die
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grayfeather · 2 days
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Had to draw this
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grayfeather · 2 days
'do you think you're superior for not using AI in your work' thank you for asking! yes i do
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grayfeather · 2 days
I love that frisk is in the same situation as Kris but theyre a baby so they don't care like "YAH is fine heart tells me what to do I do it -_- "
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grayfeather · 2 days
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i think about the hoo boy hot dog post every single day of my life
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grayfeather · 3 days
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I’m so tired I can’t even tell if this is funny but my half asleep brain found the idea of it hilarious
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grayfeather · 3 days
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love story of the modern day
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grayfeather · 3 days
being anticapitalist with a strong work ethic is so fucking embarrassing like my managers don't deserve this
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grayfeather · 3 days
best thing you can do with a repressed character is hit them with various hammers and sharp objects until they crack open to reveal beautiful sparkling homosexuality inside. geode guy
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grayfeather · 3 days
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saw a tweet that said that eventually cloud would forget aeriths face and that was my last straw ngl
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grayfeather · 4 days
As much as I want to support ethical farming practices I will be buying the cheapest bag of frozen chicken thighs as much as the next frugal/poor person which is why animal welfare needs to be legislated, not left up to the invisible hand of the free market or some bullshit. Invisible hand of the free market finds itself around a lot of throats.
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grayfeather · 4 days
writing is so fun
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grayfeather · 4 days
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→ Me? Gongaga.
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grayfeather · 4 days
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grayfeather · 4 days
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