#Nerd Talk
sargasmicgoddess · 10 months
When you complete your PhD, in what ways do you hope to help people?
Also, you’re mind and body are super sexy!
Thank you!
Oh man, do you want the shorter long answer or the full answer to that question? 😂😂🤓
You know, I never thought I'd want to get a PhD, but a variety of things happened last year professionally that pointed me in this direction. I'm extremely fortunate to be able to still work a job I love, with amazingly supportive teams on both the professional and academic side, while doing an in person PhD program. It's been intense, but I LOVE it.
My current position is very fulfilling in that I already get to help people. This additional coursework will help me hone my skills as a scientific researcher and allow me to lead more work/projects/initiatives in areas that I know need more research/evidence to propel the field towards the next level of change.
There's a lot more to this, but I'll just leave it at that. I can go on and on about my work and it's very easy for me to get carried away 😂
Thanks for asking!
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galactic-space · 30 days
God I’m so tempted to make a Saiyan and a Viltrumite Crossbreed oc rn….
Like… a Saiyen with the invincibility of a Viltrumite, and the power of a saiyan.
A child who looks for battles to both prove themselves and others that they are this powerful one
A child that might have to choose a side between sayians or Viltrumites, or be forced down their own path of destruction
An absolute beast of a person, who could only be taken down by gods…
Then again Saiyan genes are recessive if I remember correctly and Viltrumite genes are extremely dominant, so it’s possible the child might be 90% Viltrumite and only 10%Saiyan which means they’d probably still retain a lot of Viltrumite genes, on top of that possibly missing a lot of Saiyan upgrades
But saiyans haft-breeds are also powerful… when mixed with human blood. So who knows how powerful the kid will end up
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suzylind · 5 months
LOOK!!! I'm sorry!! (Actually not sorry at all!!) But mt brain is going to root with Bravern as of today!!
I know nothing about Brave Bang Bravern, yet, but I will god damn make sure I know him "inside" and out once I get to that point!!! I already love the mech, I needed him in my life!!!!!
Now excuse me as I'm going to move over to the corner and die :)
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razelssacredplace · 2 years
So following the pilot of Quantum Leap (2022) I have a few questions on my mind that I don't wholly expect to all be answered in the near future, if at all.
Did Al keep a journal of everything that happened and that Sam succeeded in changing the world for the better?
Does Ziggy have extensive records of everything Sam did?
Why did Magic choose to join the new Quantum Leap program? Is he aware that Sam saved him and Tom? Or is he doing this as a favor to Tom? Does he have a stake in the Becketts at all?
Which of Al's *checks notes* FOUR?! Jesus dude, calm down there jackrabbit. Which of Al's four daughters is helping Dr. Ben Song?
Why is Dr. Ben Song helping her? What is his reason to suddenly jump into the accelerator? We know that Sam jumped the project because his biggest goal at the time was to save Tom. But why did Dr. Song? What is his reason to rush into this, and how does Al's daughter factor into this?
What happened to Sammy Jo? Was she ever made aware that Sam was her biological father? Is she aware that Project Quantum Leap was restarted?
Sam was last seen being able to control his leaps, but now he doesn't have Al, Gooshie, or Ziggy helping him. How does he navigate time anymore, setting things right? Can he do that anymore?
Was Sam caught by the Evil Leapers? Does he still remember that he's Sam Beckett?
Will the show continue with the supernatural events of old? We know in the Quantum Leap universe that Ghosts, Aliens, Guardian Angels, and possibly God and the Devil exist, among any other number of supernatural creatures and extraterrestrials. Will the new Quantum Leap continue that, or ignore it?
Y'all feel free to discuss this with your own questions and thoughts, I am excited for the new Quantum Leap.
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ask-the-cosmic-duo · 7 months
"..... Super Armor, huh? But will it save lives..." Aurora looked down at her own military vest before continuing, "Too strong means too heavy and bulky.. you lack mobility. Infantry will die if it can't get out of the way on time." She leviated a small looking sturdy armor nearby before crushing it easily with magic. "Against explosions and ultra powered magical attacks? How does it help? It needs some kind of exoskeleton... and we dont have the materials nor the tools to create those sadly.. it's only a concept art today in fantasy games. Here, at least."
"Well... racing arcade games are more popular in the imperial capital than FPS games.. same goes for fighting games. We have those tourneys once in a while.. with prize money. We are still far behind in technology than most worlds.. Our Empress doesn't like technology here to move too fast, because she is worried technology will replace magic and flight, and of course mother nature. She worries it will create a dystopian world where corporations benefit."
Aurora looked across the room, at the clock, "looks like I have to make the magic brew for the Empress soon. She's sick.. since the last great battle, and not in a good way." She sighed as she pulls out a old magical cure book...
"I must find the Prince.."
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"Oh, well that's easy! The armor's linked to your nervous system! It moves in sync with you, as if it's a part of your body, and even provides force multipliers to allow for much more impressive feats of strength!" Stella trilled softly.
"The Mjolnir armor was developed to armor the Spartan-IIs, and use many different highly-advanced technologies to function, like miniaturized nuclear fusion technology, a special liquid metal crystal layer within the undersuit that is a key part of the suit's mobility, energy shielding starting with the Mark V, and an additional crystal layer under the metal plating that allows for the integration of a smart AI, also introduced with the Mark V."
"Basically, it's obscenely expensive, but also unbelievably effective when paired with someone that won't kill themselves from the armor overreacting to their smallest movements." She paused. "Yeah, uh, if that alone didn't make it clear, it takes a heavily augmented soldier, like a Spartan, to effectively use a set of Mjolnir armor. But, if you give them that armor, and the proper training, they're nearly unstoppable!"
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"And you want this armor for yourself? You don't have any augmentation, much less anything like that of a Spartan."
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Her ears folded somewhat. "I'm... still figuring that part out." It took her a moment to process what was said next, and she perked up when she did. "Huh? Oh, right. Yeah, she's not far off. I mean, look at America in the human world." She giggled, seemingly having already moved on. "I don't mind tech replacing some things, though. Cars are a blast to drive, despite how dangerous they can be in the wrong hooves. You just gotta make sure you aren't the wrong hooves."
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Sol nodded. "Stellar's really good at racing games, though. Knowing her, she'd dominate any competition she's put in once she's used to the controls and knows what works. It's like she can enter the zone at any time, completely at will. It's weird."
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Stella tilted her head as Aurora talked about her plans, looking curious. "Sick? Sick how? What happened? And, uh... can we help?" She received a look from Sol, likely about to say again that they might not be authorized to help. She ignored it, though.
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brettsgoldstein · 2 years
this is not a full fledged thought but i feel like people nowadays have lost sight of horror movies. like i was talking to my coworker abt the movie burning and i was like “oh yeah its horror” and shes like “but is it scary?” and i was talking to this customer abt the movie nope and i said that i highly recommend it and he goes “oh okay i thought it was a horror movie” and i said “it is” and he said “but i heard its not scary.”
even a while ago when i was talking to my roommate abt the movie jennifers body and i described it as my favorite horror movie and she goes “but its not horror. not really” and that made me so mad
i feel like with recent cinema a lot of people have distilled horror movies to how much they get scared by it and how many ways you can be jumpscared by it. and that can certainly be an element of horror movies but thats not the point. the point of horror and the whole reason i fell in love with it is to tell a story that examines an aspect of society on the basis of instilling fear or being formed from the audience’s fear.
but because people are so consumed by the goriness of horror movies or the amount of jumpscares that can be fulfilled or even how much trauma u can inflict on your viewers (ex: men) they base their ratings on how good a horror movie is on this instead the actual strength of the story.
one of the most chilling horror movies ive seen is the stepford wives (1975). the reason i believe that no one can outdo the doer is because 2004 remake just doesnt understand the core of the original. i havent seen dont worry darling yet (obviously) but i would be surprised if it came close to measuring up to the original.
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leopold-wolf · 1 year
I'd there a Sentai fight that's better than DekaMaster taking out 100 dudes in 2 minutes?
Probably not lol. But my personal favorite has always been In space yellow and pink fighting psycho pink. Also in Megaranger Mega Silver powers always only lasted for like 2 minutes or so so he always had to make quick work of enemies.
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Okay, so @bewitchingbimbo I know you are all WoW and team Sylvanas is hot af.. but can we talk about LILITH and how fucking hot they made her (let alone the voice actress they chose for her in D4?!) 🥵🥵🥵
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thenameisjem · 1 year
Mika on Ocean hued clam on level 20 with physical goblet hits 16k :|
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esonetwork · 2 years
The Earth Station One Podcast - Sabrina The Teenage Witch At 60
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/the-earth-station-one-podcast-sabrina-the-teenage-witch-at-60/
The Earth Station One Podcast - Sabrina The Teenage Witch At 60
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As the Countdown to Halloween concludes, we ask how does a witch remain a relevant teenager for six decades? Must be magic. Mike, Mike, and Mark McCray are joined by Archie Comics writer and artist Bill Golliher and discuss the reasons folks have been spellbound from her first appearance in Archie Madhouse to her Chilling Adventures on Netflix. Plus, Bill tries to ward off the evil of the Geek Seat. All this, along with Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take, Ashley’s Box Office Report, Michelle’s Iconic Rock Moments, and Shout Outs!
We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at [email protected] and subscribe and rate the show on Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, wherever fine podcasts are found, and now we can be found on our own YouTube Channel.
Table of Contents 0:00:00 Show Open / Interview & Geek Seat w/ Archie Comics Writer and Artist Bill Golliher 0:36:22 Ashley’s Box Office Buzz 0:39:49 Sabrina The Teenage Witch at 60 1:44:21 Iconic Rock Moment 1:47:22 A Geek Girls Take 1:49:06 Show Close
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youthofpandas · 15 days
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What’s up with how the dunmeshi fandom just lies about this kind of stuff all the time. It is easily confirmable information that it was a monthly series, something incredibly common in the industry.
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A not weekly magazine schedule is literally common !! Especially in the seinen shoujo and josei demographics, sometimes monthly, sometimes biweekly, sometimes every two months, sometimes seasonal! Please stop lying about how Dunmeshi was some special unique creation that defies all standards of manga just to hype it up because it is so clear that every single one of these comparisons is centered around Weekly Shonen Jump (and understand that SJ has many magazines under its brand that are monthly or semimonthly). Not everything is WSJ and it needs to stop being the only point of reference in conversations like this 🤧
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 months
Okay people have been talking about this but I wanna talk about it too because my heart is in a vice grip over it
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The fact that Lucifer looks so vacant when the angels’ spears are on him. He looks so…dead and accepting. Like he doesn’t care what they do to him.
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But then when the spears suddenly turn to Charlie…
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He is horrified. He is so so scared of losing her, of anything bad or even lethal happening to her. He looks like he’s looking upon his worst nightmare seeing heaven threaten his little girl
(In other words, eat it Lute, he does care.)
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xaivao · 22 days
I’m just thinking, older parents usually threaten you by saying they’ll wash your mouth with soap if you swear, does that technically mean, if a person who only speaks in sign language washes their hands after they swear, they’ve already washed their mouth?
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razelssacredplace · 2 years
Quantum Leap (2022) has no reason to have a pilot like that. Was it the greatest thing to grace TV? Absolutely fucking not. But was it good and awesome? Yeah I like to think so.
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bbchargerifts · 9 months
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Its very nice to have two different projects to work on at once!
It always seemed like a bad idea but in reality its really helping me to focus and stay motivated when working on @bbchargegame!
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eggdrawsthings · 23 days
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listen u can't tell me Tech saw Echo return w a droid arm and didn't try to give his brother a new one loaded with a bunch of ridiculous tools and stuff
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