#Genshin mika
poko-no-spoko · 1 year
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I bet they did use the blanket later and played a round of Genius Invocation, who knows—
Honestly I’m pretty sure Cyno would be able to spend hours just standing and looking in the sky but—
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Happy end~
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shootingstarrfish · 1 year
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mika the chocobo guy
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icypenguin · 7 months
★~ Genshin mondstadt men cuddle headcanons!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★~ Kaeya: sometimes.. cuddling sessions can be a lot more. we all know he’s a flirty one, right? but anyway your cuddle sessions can’t always be predicted. as the calvary captain is always busy, you don’t know when he’s free. but every time he takes his day off, he would spend it with you! if you guys are lazy then well… the bed turns into your nest. he will tell stories of his every adventure and about his day too while you lay your head on his chest (your personal pillow) and your other hand holding his. he would caress your hand in a circling motion just like he is on your waist. he would whisper sweet things into your ear, perhaps he would nibble it as a suprise that would make you jump. on tiring days, you would make tea for the both of you infront of the fireplace. his head on your lap as you massage his head and shoulders. he would shower you with kisses after and you both will fall asleep.
★~ Diluc: xijhdoihwlks he’s literally a human-sized heater!!! i don’t think he’s much of a cuddly bear type but imagine sitting on his lap late at night when he just got him while drinking dandelion wine, your head on his shoulder and his hand caressing your waist!!!!!!!🤫🤫 ORRR cuddling him from behind while giving him a late night snack! then you would massage his head and shoulders. it will lure him to go to bed and cuddle more. on rainy nights, he would tuck you to bed and in the covers, he would keep you close with him. your head will be under his chin and your legs will get tagled. ofcourse, he wouldn’t forget the night routine of kissies before bed! he would kiss every inch of you body and sometimes it would tickle. in the end, he would kiss hand hands and each of your fingers while making promises of loving you.
★~ Albedo: well.. he is often to be in the mountains but that’s no excuse. if you ever visit him, he would invite you for a hot cocoa (or idk a hot drink) and you both will snuggle outside his lab, huddled in blankets, watching the snow fall from the sky to the ground. he would have his hand around you and your head on your shoulder. he would try to keep you as warm as possible, and that’s by giving cheesypickuplinesthatwouldmakeyoulikeatomato (as long as it works). sometimes, klee joins in and teases both of you. if he’s not in the mountains, you’ll cuddle with him while sightseeing. stargazing is one of his favourite too, you both will lay on the grass while connecting the stars above your head. he always manages to catch a heart pattern everytime you both do it together. he always holds your hand no matter what and he always kiss them as a bid for goodnight.
★~ Venti: cuddling by the windrise treeee! you will sit on the branch while eating an apple with venti as he talks about his day and other things. then you’ll go down and sit under the tree. venti would tell you to lay your head and you would, on his lap. he would play the lyre for you as you slumber off to sleep, then he would play with your hair before falling asleep as well. on late nights, the nights where none of you could sleep, you’ll cuddle on the hand of the anemo archon statue. he would bring apple for a late night snack and you’ll bring fuzzy blankets. there, you both will snuggle upon eachother while telling about your days or even stargazing. he would have his arms around your waist as you lay your head on his shoulder and his lay ontop of yours (basically snuggling or smt like that ehehe). he would crave for your warmth and you both will have a kiss count while dozing off to sleep. he would ofcourse play lullabies for you to sleep.
★~ Bennett (platonic): cuddle night with bennet is always warming. he’ll set up a bonfire where you both would snuggle by it with a thin blanket over your shoulders. he often lay his head on your shoulder or lap. and you would be there caressing his head. i feel like these nights would be a tough one for him. he would likely to tell you about his unlucky luck and how he’s sorry for everything he’s done (poor guy, pls hug him tightly :(. ) i honestly think he crave for warmth and the loving feeling by someone. to be in someone’s arms comfortably. he would trace doodles on your skin and you would do the same. on rainy days, you both will make a tent to shelter at and snuggle with eachother, trying to find the warm feeling. you both will intertwine hand to stay warm. you both will do the best to keep eachother warm. he would hold on to you tight, he’d never want to leave anyone’s hold. he loves affection, that’s all he needed.
★~ Razor (platonic): WOLFIEEEE HE WOULD BE RLLY FUZZYYYY ESPECIALLY HIS HAIRRRIJHDOJSNJKDNOJD you would want to cuddle with it all day long! it’s literally like a plushie! he would let you cuddle his hair or even combing it! in the night, you sometimes would have a sleepover with him (with the wolves in the wild wooohooo :D)! you guys (you both and the wolves) will snuggle up like baby wolves. all you could feel are their fur and razor’s fluffy hair! sometimes, you will cradle razor like a baby wolf :3 a fuzzy one. he would snuggle upon you just like he is snuggling with the other wolves! his favourite thing to do is to lay his head on ur tummy and play with your hair. sometimes you both will watch the sunset together by the cliff. he would tell you about his adventure with his wolf family while you both intertwined hands and your head on his shoulder (that’s covered with his hair).
★~ Mika (platonic): he might be a bit busy but he would always spare a time for you. you both love to watch the sunset and well as stargazing together on the cliff after a tiring day. although he would still be pretty shy and not that open, you assure him with affection. he would play with your hair while you trace some doodles on his arms. you would often poke his cheeks as you thought “it’s as squishy as a chewy dango”, and he would be all shy by it. but as a payback, he likes to boop your nose while making a random sound effect. he loves to hold you hand, it’s like his anxiety and worry got washed away and is replaced by happiness. you also like to lay your head on his shoulder as his face would be like a tomato and you always tease him for it. you both love telling how your day went and what you’re looking forward to for the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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pyrten · 1 month
Genshin's GotchaForGaza
is an ongoing, fan-run charity event in which 5/10 USD can get you an art/fic from one of the amazing 80+ volunteers involved— while also donating money to Palestinian help funds.
As mentioned, it's—
5 USD for an SFW work
10 USD for an NSFW work
Should you have ideas/prompts you wish to see come to life, while wanting to support Palestine. Should you have the ability to donate— please don't hesitate! If you can't donate, but still want to help out, please reblog and share 🍉
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3. Fill out the 🔗 DONOR PROMPT FORM (Deadline: 9th June 2024)
4. Allow time for one of our volunteers to work on your prompt!!
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lilac-cat-draws · 1 year
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Mika came home!
I didn’t farm enough materials for him so his build is a WIP
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creadbrumbs · 1 year
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Doodle for good luck! Mika timeeeee~ 🍀🐥🐥🐥
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mr-dark-1amao · 2 months
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This was Mika's routine when he was in Eula's squad (Reconnaissance Company), so having tissues nearby was vital on reconnaissance missions.
Now that role falls to Amber while he is out with Varka's team.
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prettypinkpuddles · 10 months
so good you could cry
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your partner is under you, and is absolutely losing their mind.
you’re riding them so well, making them tear up and choke on their moans as they try to plead with you to not stop, to tell you how good you make them feel.
their toes are curled, thighs unbearably tightened, legs shaking in tiny convulsions as they screwed their eyes shut to not let tears flow out.
it didn’t work
you could feel their orgasm crash into them as you ground your hips into theirs; their eyes opened and their glassy pupils lolled to the back of their head.
you could see them struggling to comprehend just how good you felt over them, they blink and looked up at you with tears in their eyes and a weakened smile spread across their face.
your hands cupped their face as you kissed their tears of pleasure, giving them a sweet grin as you began to continue your torment on them.
their head tilted up as they choked to hold back what seemed to be a scream, gripping the sheets unbelievably tight
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Childe(the first one i thought of), Yanfei, GOROU, Lyney, Tighnari, Amber, Faruzan, GANYU, Keqing(but she’d almost never let you dom her), LAYLA, Kaveh, MIKA, Thoma, Heizou,
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gavalaa · 6 months
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15/? Of my Genshin redesigns, Mika! The rest are on my profile!
Rahhh, all of the 4* mondstat characters are finally done (for now haha.) and Mika is the final one! I kinda redid his design from the ground up and wanted him to look more like a reconnaissance and cartography styled character; and I wanted him to look like he actually is a knight that travels a lot. I had a lot of fun with this one since it was a pretty big departure from the original design.
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lucishell · 11 months
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pookies dot png
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rhenuvee · 1 year
Nighttime Routine with Genshin Men [Mondstadt]
A/N: Welp this series seems pretty popular so I'm continuing this but for night. Check the "How They Greet You In The Morning" imagines from my Genshin masterlist!
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Kaeya: Depends which Kaeya you're dealing with (drunk kaeya is another story). Normally, once he climbs in bed you both shift to face each other eye to eye. Sometimes if he's feeling cheeky he likes to tuck you in and fluff your pillows as if you were royalty. While you're nice and comfy, if you want to talk a little more, he is willing to hear you despite being tired from the day. He's a good listener and wants to hear your voice before falling asleep. Only sleeps once he knows you're peacefully sleeping. "Sweet dreams, darling. Don't forget to dream about me~" Please hit him with a pillow.
Diluc: We all know he comes home late af because of his Darknight hero duties. Most of the time when he gets home, it's around midnight. He always tells you to go to sleep without him, but you're still awake because you want to wait for him. He sighs because of your stubbornness, but lets you stand up and take off his jacket for him so he can come to bed. Whispers a soft apology for keeping you up so late, the kisses your forehead once more before closing his eyes and saying, "Goodnight, my love."
Bennett: Random but he seems like the type of person to fall asleep within five minutes of his head hitting the pillow. Also I think he'd sleep camping out a decent amount. He still goes to bed with just as much energy as he had in the morning, talking about where he wants to explore tomorrow. Sometimes he gets sad when his adventure ends up empty-handed. But after you cheer him up and tell him you'll go with him tomorrow, he instantly smiles and is able to rest. "Ah, goodnight (y/n). Let's go to Starsnatch Cliff tomorrow!" Probably falls off the bed/rolls out of the tent at some point.
Razor: He makes sure to have you all comfy before going to sleep. It is probably not comfortable for you to be sleeping/camping in the woods. He insists on staying awake for a bit, just to make sure your surroundings are safe, but you tell him that you prefer going to bed knowing that he's comfy sleeping too. He grunts as a hesitant way of saying "fine" and joins you, putting a piece of cloth overtop of you as a blanket. "Goodnight Lupical."
Venti: ...I don't know why I didn't ask this last time but where does this guy sleep?? Anyway- he likes to end off the day on a good note by telling each other the good things that happened today, what you guys can do tomorrow, how much wine he's had, how much he's annoyed Diluc tonight. You giggle at his antics, knowing that he has had a good day being his normal chaotic self. "Goodnight my lovely (y/n). May the wind bless you with sweet dreams." If you have trouble sleeping, he's more than willing to hum a lullaby for you.
Albedo: You kind of have to pry him away from his final experiments and research for the day. He tells you to go to sleep first without him, but you tell him that he can continue tomorrow. He's not that stubborn so eventually he listens and gets ready for bed with you. I think it's still a little to grasp relationships, so most of the time your conversations before bed are mostly about what you did during the day. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't try. There are times he suggests ideas on things to do together tomorrow, and that's enough for you.
Mika: If I'm being honest I feel like his sleep routine (time) is a little irregular because of his job. Because of that he doesn't want you to feel like you have to conform to his schedule. He knows you don't like going to bed alone, so he accompanies you until you fall asleep, despite having to possibly get up later. If you can't sleep he'd suggest to have a midnight snack with him while talking until you start getting sleepy. Mika makes sure to always say goodnight and that you're nice and tucked in before your eyes close and you drift off into the dream world.
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richurikure · 7 months
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Mika welcoming Eula after a mission!
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pandamito · 9 months
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Genshin Impact - Mika, Noelle & Xingqiu
i love the new event
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slyfoxartist-blog · 3 months
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I never talk about how much I love Mika and it’s a CRIME- HES SO FRICKEN CUTE- MY LITTLE DUCKLING <3333
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cruger2984 · 7 months
Freminet: I'm off to see my 30 closest friends. Mika: Wait, I'll go with you. Freminet: But you'd hate it there. Mika: I can't make you go alone. Freminet: It won't be fun if you aren't having fun. Mika: I'll bring my tent. [Several hours later…] Otter: Hey Freminet, where's your boyfriend? Freminet: He's outside, having fun. Mika: (toasting a sausage in campfire)
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lilac-cat-draws · 1 year
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I wonder how Huffman reacted knowing that his little brother received a vision while working with the Reconnaissance company
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